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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1893)
THE AMERICAN. o V ! i ! 1t tWt tUHt ft, l Wnl t HM t ' 1 mh. r ' 4 lh t ' : . Wl t T-U tja eU Ut.l 1 l. .Ill ' b) ; tb Mat.. , Ui I'J l it I ,H -t, In M.H'li r. p-i vl nM tb pt., Mth ll1llti tntitnta U t.wv I i'Vi.k tent M.!.' hall, .-4t-.l ) " Mutdeal t " KUIiU'y w4 Ti tit rv fv t r n ? ami l fl II' A Meat, Frv ad A""" M- In tv,ftU Arrival at U..m ltUI Ic. she miiH-l t '' !.! e l hn'M'iH' trl-r by I'n Uh lit IVweil ,, the ImmaMeaWatlon, iiotellw tv.l 4iH nl.ln, 11m rt!i r ni t the btiilillit laid wltheteitnmry MMoiiliMnmny, NnihH-t'(l by timed Master Kmmiel I. liavl.Wnett.l other grand l.lhMMm.vr. IbiiltiiHbe cen monies the Iwml dls- fMHirmnt a number of national airs, ami tnUw .'V. m ' "'" follow: Thl l tli lJ winiiT Uno if'orm'r stoiit', tor i hu h ,lur fnltrlo o our Amci lowit intllutlonn iho jtuhltu whool In th pornop lono. Him.ii tJioro will tun thin wy imm aimh iiihi Autttrrtliaand from tho Wantluof f m.ft im-it of cilvcru givrnnnnw, wnno Mr thiiti hUtory, on their Joui noy to tho world' inir. uv coi umy wiu ntuffi piled in bright conftmlon nt Chicago, but our wholo land, will lw a inont liiH-iiHtlng upretaelo to vih-hi? foreigner!. As they go llirougn m broad domains they will wonder not no much at our mnglc oitlen, our blooming . . i orchard, our fertllo farinn, h at tho alght of a free jwopie, governing mem- jtojvoa, working out tho prooieiiiH aim avoiding tho dangers inai conironi them with nucli Hktii an uiey can com- matid. . And a tlmy hhu, wny vnw etrango anomaly oi niniory, uim hoiu domwracy orcariu uiai givescvmienee of Hrictulty, why upon thin "'" continent Ihero exlats nch a govern- tnent or the peopio, ny mo pcopio mm for Ujo iK-ople, no mor aiiequaw hoiu- Won am bo given to tnoir inquiry man to point them to llio nysiom oi our puo- ItoaxjhoiiU, by which lRuaranUMHl our national InU-lllgcnco. Ji is hum Mysiom of public MchoolH, reprewjiitod by thcHO walk now rilng around you, that im tho oorticr lono of that govornmont that hi now Iroe and,, by tho favor 'H . yt ..1 -i.lll 1... I Aimignty uou, aiway. win uo .iApplaiiMO.J Tho public mcJiooI 1m tho corner atuna our government. I have recently wnn dorcd through our hImUt republic of Mexico, ana mm a rcpum.o in namo only. It 1 a mllltiiay dmiKitlam In reality, lt cannot bo a real republic loccauHO of the Ignorancj of the miww.M. They arc stoejxjd In darkness. It Is w.ii uie lonn oi g.wernmen in mio United States that entitles us to wear tho namo of republic, but It Is tho fact that tair ioopl aro capable and wine ..onoiign to govern iDcmsoiveM. It is mo corner-sionc oi pomics. i no ..a i. llll mi - I I 4t. A rt ,t i. mt iJ mlwlniv luil I litsi w 1 1 h Itlif 1 i mi a i. it It hi tho rlghtklnd of politics. Illghtly sjsod tho word moans an Intelligent In tcrent and participation In public af fairs. The politician's ought to Im tho siroudcst calling among um. Kvery -Awwrlcun ought to glory In being a polltlclan. And If in tho unfolding arid s BTcmthof tho days that are tooomlt Jhall bo that the fHilltlclan shall havo Hbo,.lce of honor among all vtbo place of honor among all tho i fcHslons, to what shall this Ihi duo but to tho diffused Intelligence brought about by tho public schools? And I hope In future years that from outtheso malls now growing About um there shall grt mora thanono politician who shall bo an honor not only tothiscomrnunlty, to his alma tttuhr and to the stuta, but to the nation and to the world. Thero la but one crime ln Amorlcan ikiIHWw, and that Is Ignorance. You cannot voto Intelligence In blocks of live, Your ward boss and pot bouse poll- ilelan and corrupt aldermen is only possible because of Ignorance among the people. The sins of this soplo itrlse, I think, not to much from faults of the heart aa from faults of the head. Tho great American heart Is now as it always has been, in the right place It Is the corner stone of patriotism. There have been, to be sure, evidences of patriotism, or what goes by that name, among the vassals and serfs of tlesnota. But as wo ca the fawninir " oftha doiruixin the hand of bim who tie! him patriotism as to dignify by tthitt name tho loyalty that is bought by - . m . m anrffkl Jirltxts or coercea nv lore, uv patriotism we understand an intelligent understanding and appreciation of the vaWrf our irovernment and a devoU-d desecration thereto. To such an cmo- t'L intelligence is lndlsnensablo. From out these halls shall march our moblest defenders of tho flag. It la the corner stone of religion. It "wa once inscrtned on Uie banners oi inscribed on tho banners 4hehurch that ignorance Is the mother of devotion. They got that motto from the devil, I presume, I know of no one more capable of inventing it. Ignor anoe is the mother only of despotism, of slavery, of usurpation, of infidelity, t ,.w.., . u .ui;n, .4 at i. t.sita,- m itK.i hl tint i t-t ilh e I'h I 0. .. ,-V-nx h i-l !'(, ait ' if t, . ,t.t '' !.: i IH'i nil' b,a 1. -, i M.a I . t .1 -.n (. tf tout ,M t'tf !tt i tU l t,!,. f ImI, tl.t k t'l ' t. ' Tl rU.nti mt.l, Hi. l i .. KUn " j A lot Wl'- Uit iK"l fhnU li !') Hi H' lull hi in. it if iin ' ."- IK...... Itf MH tvUtflllH U ' IHf '. Ul' ltit tf nil ii!i.M ittiittl U tgimi' It I Hn irin-r imii it ilciiin-MM'j', Tlttw ! "'' 'l "'tl"!"!? ' It'!'" i I iiih nol Hit' til In nUnn h hw, bill in iu UMiltti'tlon of ?' tiiii. iii llll ntmilll t iimlil,V Hlllttt ll lllt'lll- U rn. It U not l r i lljf vIih tlini, It l lint nmontf vnu inch, it in not in i lily clilit r of oiin ti or im'n, lul U i krt i,o Mt..rl'rm (AppUumt.) It iiirU. h no (WTriviHNt ovi-r then' wlml Ulml nf rliillituB ImiV wt nrn. IVVW-Iit lht nn,,r ,n,iy Br it, miowr n.y r0i, , in llu- iniul. nof who IiIh ilmUlv , , t mvi f I1S J0 . on nor ,u)W UU(,h mni,y ),e jl14H. Kv,,,.y .ouK llju,n ,lf ti)ftt m,tivu ,l,.miK-Huy iih-b f01. jtint cxm-tly what ho how hlnmolf ,0 ,w wortl, Ami Iiim lnnwt U'liinl t() my ,1Htn,t who Iihh not iho training in t,.,n(H.,m.y ttit ciin x got only In , . u . hlU M, (w n nmis flt t) )m, h m,,M,j,,.r f tl in govornmont. i a,,i,1uhc.. Jt (g tlu, c,.m,r t,mo of tho world's , . . , . ,0 cM .,,. aUt,n l u.UocenHlon to the verv ItirireHt llk, UU wellfor twtorub upagalnHt ,)((it ll)HlljH 1)M.0i Rro H,tmn tng nu)n, t))H1 dtizens of America, wo 0 mm 0 ,w ,,1UziMm of tlia wor(i Thwe ar0 n0 . forolgnei-s. Soon ll p . aucfuliv ,n Ue conUMt ()f ComMierco at our rollin.t,ttn exnoMltion. Tho creat ivunk Dues of railroad Mtrctchlng cant , , th , i(Ulth. ra maklnir (H 0je .H!01,le TJl0 (rn.Rt oodan Hteam wh()H(, H1)(,(1( nvjf, mKh fmUiV Ul1 u,ilUlH 0,.o bringing othor m Uom t()()ur MjMl Themj runwiiy8 and itl,BniJth aro tl0 j,, tlto ... ltH,nv nlftt ,. weavlnir tho L,llol)) wi,0 world Intoono web. You cm got th(J w,)()lo F(j)Uttt(m 0( tho . , , ., ..., fll, mli, Sfllinr(i. From ti10 w, 0f jUI1kr Hill monument , k ,h d . (m had tho volcy. could addrens them. Tho t,.!,-.,,!, brlmrlnif tho brain of tho lt, uiI0ihcri Wo read 0f tho bom- birdIntf ()f Alexandria boforo ever a gm huH mn flpwl. w rcfld ln 0UP morntlff mwrn iha ,IK)ch of ciadMtono n pitrllmn(.nt m,vorhl hour Mon ho ,,.,, ,t. ir-lllfhti.r.l Hoon lt shall t tho Iu.,)ubllo o America, but tho r(.,,ubllc of munklnd. And what , t h ,,, , c.0UnctB ... ,,.. tlintl? vVhat r.!o but that wh,.,h haH mmWeA ltl Uie mttMx f intli1(.nco. whimo children have , bKnilfht In thJ i,, riMtm? " ' I And In iAntiiiulfkM T ttfftnUl nLrnfnrwip. I " sw ' ui v some folks that I want to cxcommunl cato this afternoon. I will not hurt tho bull any, and ho can have It back when I get done. Laughter. I say this: Kvery lierson that shall ralso hand or uho pen or voice publicly, or shall conlvo or plot secretly to over l"ru" ' " "1" Jfn.-lot " bo anathe timl! U-ng and con lnucd applau throw this fair fabric of our public ema- auHo.j At tho conclusion of the address of Mr. Crane, while the applause was yet continuing, tho audience broke out Into singing, "My Country 'tis of Thee.' After this had U-vn sung Mr. Crane stepped forward and said: "I am not only a Mason; I am a Methodist. Therefore I believe In oo- casionaiiy varying the solemn order oi ct rcmonh a by the promptings of the I spirit. I now projstso three cheers for the old public school." The cheers were given lustily and tho "tiger" was loud and prolonged Tho grand lod go officers assisting in tho ceremonies were: Samuel P. Davidson of Tccumsch, grand master; James P, A. Iilack of Hloomlngton, deputy grand master; Charles K. Coutant of Omaha as grand senior warden; Henry II. Wilson of Lincoln, grand junior warden; George K. Whitman of Oxford as grand treas urer; William 11. IJowen of Omaha, I Jl .. t . !.... fPt. T ... I frIlu nry, ivuv. u.,.. j. winusey "f All Saints' church, Omaha, grand chaplain; Chamoion 8. Chase of Omaha as grand bible-bearer; John T. Mercer a I tf Imu a (V fti n A m a tuVi a 1 T?n ir Vnu t Ir " ....... o the Flrwt Melhodlat church O maha, grand orator; Henry Brown of umana, grana senior aeacon; uenry r,. Palmerof Omaha, Junior deacon; Louis 8. Kent of Omaha, grand senior stew r(1; IIenry Clark of Omaha, grand Jul(' "toward; Jacob King of Papll llon Hr,ind tiler, EDLINQ BROS., 308 North 16th Street. Hatters and Gents Furnishers. Men's Shoes, gloves, etc. A "dollar's worth for a dollar' Camole Juniper is reliable for females mm, . ihi 1 1 1'.'i' i i tn' fv ItttrH ! t-i tK 1SI tlolt, i'nrj.l.ltt ! Itft.f li.HHoti 1,4 l.. 1) lit HHK ll t In !, r t!it St i ut Iw. a' lti1!jr t i'.e lt t!te IH tt tl tlbtaitt ll k!g il 'M.nHt Mil, ,tr mil..! it. the i lh Hh l as U-.iig tbe (iw and i. r the tMsiii?d I'liiin-h and Nm't!i(( thf Uiet ivHIe ff M ft!ltt i Tl hl'l tudtt' Yon know htm; Im has a rac') ' Ifc'iMtrniMH' and an lit' in it nt fund of n rUtltn. Thetter fUil.i .f p tHrUo! and the n ji- tlit'j' biilihitl by thi rhtiti h coiiind nf their livt n. What tnsk.n a falholii' so m itflUve l nyon n-ler b his Minion? Hume htH' It tu blgtiti), Ittit jour In tuition iiisy Sud another anwer to It, r i' r.i . If his fallh the cimvU" tloil of ivawtll h WOtlld Im serenely till sensitive. If his allegiance to Ilonmn lm weit tho glorloim rtult of a in-vIvI tied and a renewed spirit he would wel come the topic. If his religion were of the heart, the soul, I he mind, ho would vearn to liiii'rt'M his new life on his Uwt fellow-men and his cordiality would Ihi tdirlstian warmth. Wo find none of these manifestations of a ro liirlon which partakes of tho soul and quickens tho Impulses of our natures, In Humanism. It I a religion In namo, an inexorable form In fact, a mental and moral servitude to Us adherent, and a design for governmental control In ambition. Tho influence of tho pope's user i hod iower overshadows the representatives of the government's authority and tho Catholic creed makes htm even irreater than they In their own siH'clnl capacity. A carnal aubstl tute for Jesus Christ; n self-constituted law-giver, ho blasphemes the power of God in assuming (by the confessional) that lie Is unable to treat directly with the individual souLfor tho remission of Sins. Human Catholicism does not re quire repentance and regeneration of the soul lis an evidence of faith. Hardened men pour forth at the con fessional, the room adjoining Is filled with untouched hearts who havo mo- chanlcally presented themselves to have their sins forgiven. Tho priest Is tho intermediate who hm wiped away in a businesslike manner the whole lot of transgressions of profane hearts and careless hearts. Afterward thoy quit not their profanity nor aro serious as regards religion. We recognize no In termediate in tho matter of prayer. JesuHof Nazareth is ready to hear di rect tho prayer of tho penitent soul, and Ills infinite balm Is ready to soothe our spirit. I remark not on the form of any religious sect so long as religion is there and its organization Is ror re llgioua purposes only, but when a church alms to bring about an eventual union of church and state, and tho di version of tho public school funds for sectarian uses, and utilizes tho namo of religion to cloak a covert ambition for the control of tho government, then that sect is righteously ojien to tho criticism of all patriots and Americans. Tho American people do not realize tholr danger from tho designs of Hu manism. They are case-loving and pcoce-loving and they hate to foment the damnable, vindicative jealousy of which the Irish Catholics aro capable, by the precipitation of A religious issue. Then, politics aro manifestly unable to handle tho question, except ln tho ex tremlty of a crisis serious enough to destroy present party lines and confine tho two distinct forces against each other. In such an event thero Is no doubt to bo entertained (except by tho oesslmist) but that all Protestants would lw found equal to the require menU of the moment. PilOTKBTANT. Read and Take Action! If you buy meat it will lie to your Interest to give us a call. Our prices aro the lowest, because we buy for cash and 'ill for cash. Never havo anything but tho very finest meats In the market on nana, wo sunn w nleased to have you ffive us a trial. Tho C. O. D. market. C, F. Bkkhhkkt, 1921 Leayenwort Street, Bemember the place and give us call. . 4-7-4t Tho Cabinet Hellablo Gasoline Stove Is Warranted for Three Years. It the Most Perfect gasoline stove mado( W. P. STOETZEL, 714 S. 10th, is agent for the west. IJ. II. Osterhoudt will do you good Carriage Painting and Repairing, Take your work to him. 18th and Cass Streets. Wants the Ladles to Organize. Alitor of The American: I have lust finished reading your last paper nnd am insnlrcd by iU justice and truth to wrlto to you my great appro elation of iU sentiment. There is one thing I would like to see, and that Is a Ladles Protective club ln every city, aye, in every hamlet in our great re public, for in a body we could bettor know how to train the children that are so soon to occupy positions of trust, to go to our legislatures and to congress. Will you not make somo such suggestion in the columns of your great benefactor. A Header op The American a at I All Dental work at reasonable prices and warranted. Dr. Withers, 16 & Douglas SU. SHOES si II M V Hit W nil nM . la 1 1 . !1 l I. !. A I I tte fcm,M I l.. t f, Itu.t.rit f4 S2.00. KtMitlki m IM tr. w ! .t t .ll .t HI tlil ! ,,- ..f ,!. m l a, M ,IIM I IIV I IIH WE WANT Vt Tt.f. sl If M Ul rU - H,l i..n mltf MUNDrtlO CtNtS ittiH tt rtflf d.ttlut fi'ft mf lntt-i un , W.N. Whitney, t03 SOUTH 15TH ST.. , ltNk. I'lKlltrtll THE CITY. Mr. Geo. (itHtld's home was filled with merry js-oplo last Wednesday evenlnir. Anrllftth. who celebrated in a royal manner his birthday. Hev. Hotlgetts will tirencli a sermon Kunilav evenlntr In the Mouth Tenth street, 'M. K. ehui-ch, iism "The Public Hi-hisils," tht.t should lie listened to by every American In tho south part of I lie city. Mr. and Mrs. James ll. Kirk, 1451 Pheliis street desire to return their thanks to tho neighbors and friends for tho k ndnoss and assistance rendered them during tho Into fatal illness of their Infant child. Hov. Crainblett will deliver a sermon upon "Tho Public Schools" In the Christian church, Twentieth and Cap itol avenue, Sunday evoning, April 1). The Jr. O. U. A. M. have boon re quested to be present In a body. Mr. John LafTerty, of Sioux City, will bo married at Hundley Chapel church in St. Joe. Mo.. Sunday. April ft, 181)3, to Miss Flora E. Hlnos. At Homo in Sioux City after tho 15th. Ills many friends ln this city will wish him hap- incss and prosperity. C. S. Fitch felt so jubilant over the resu t of tho lato e ectlon that no car ried tho stars and stripes down tho mid dle of N street, South Omaha, Wednes day morn nir. lie was leorea ny pass ers-by but carried the old Hag and planted it on top or ins onico. no is time-keener for tho 0. II. Hammond Packing Co. North Omaha, Attention. Most ladles propose to have a good form. Most men second the proposal To secure this end a corset is the needful thing. Wo havo just received a large lot made to our order; a long waist, splon did shape, elegantly trimmed, good material, in every way most desirable and well worth 75c. To introduce them we offer thorn this week at tho absurd set. Wo also carry tho celebrated Warner corseU always ln stock. BALDWIN'S, 1315 N. 24th Street, Between Seward & Clarke. work or building to do should give us a mil. Wo n-uaranteo trood work at reasonable prices. Shop, 2'ZZi Leaven worth Street. Telephone. Hto. DILLENUECK & CO. Females use Camole Juniper. We will sell Heifer's best knives, forks and snoons durlnjr April (or Knives fl.GO per set Forks and Table Spoons. 2 & 2..W Tea SiMKins 1 and $1.25 per set. A. It. UUMKItMAIt. 13th and Douglas. .. ETRIENDS The best place to get Kmblem Goods Is at Halls. WI7 N. Sixteenth street. You get "a dollar's worth for a dollar." To the Ladies and Friends. Wo wish to call your attention to tho foot that vou can buy GROCERIES as c.heao and fully as trood of us as down town. t.!omo in arid see us or senu us . . 5" . . .... word and wo will call at tho house. ItACKf,EY St DUKES, Cor. 20th and I,oavenworth Well assoi ted solid gold, filled and silver watches at John Kudu s 05 North 10th St. Tht uuriingion a ;fo r. m. i rm ir .. . . . n -a- OLI... arrlvos ln that city at 3:25 a. m.f car- rles magninceni sioeping, reeuiunu n . . i i , ,.nll.Hl. chalr and dining cars, and is tho finest and most comfortable train between .v.- ,i ixr.i,i' VuSr. nt Omaha and the World s i air city. Tho Burlington's daily service to Denver, .Kansas City and St. Louis is equally satisfactory. .i TIj.1t At Offleo 1324 Farnam St. 1 U-ketumco, rarnam at. ' 1 For fine watch repairing go to John Iludd. 805 K. ltttU. Camole Junior is what you want. Tho friends who have any carpenter -a See Dr. Withers about your teeth. 4 th floor Brown Block. . Take your repairing to ine uruva- mond Carriage Co., lHth and Harney StS. Opp. the County Jail. i .a .- .k I,-. lu.ii,.. itauim i , w, mo un maiiuM.vv-i- i a i . a l . t CIO .nnslifi nnor OOT "Mi.rlh 17h alrnct. Hu"'w,,u""'" v Give UH a Cllll. tf The sorvleo offered by the Burling ton's 4'50 t). m, train for Denver is a wo o i."v F . JXfl ieCfc uuiliuillltuiuil VI lanu wmu '""S ,.!m.. ond m..lri triu-lr iwu cvju, The next tlmo you go west, takethe '!ftv." It'll land vou ln Denver .h..nnnllm ui, i a. iu., v Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. r !' a. LOBECK m ii i ixt r WHO! t HAI. I Builders' Hardwaro, Culleru AND TOOL9 thy us Ovcr rorf luck. 1404 Douglas St, Telephone 1 am the only Dentist! I WILL MAKE a full set of tooth for $5, nut! guar, antcouiit. Teeth filled iu the Hkst professional manner for GO cents and up. Gold crowns and bridgework a specialty. DR. WITHERS, Foi'kth Fi-ook Brown Block, Tklkphone 1775. 16th and Douglas St. g'CUT THIS AD. OUT AND URING IT THE POPULAR CLOTHING JULIUS FURTH, Propr. 109 South 16th Street, OMAHA. NEB. 'TWEEN DOUGLAS AND DODCE 8T8. JU Mall Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Catalogue. OUperiOf WOrK. THE U. S. QUEEN, Tho Friends' Favorite Cigar Price Five Cents. For sale by the following dealers: Hlssem St Teeter, N. E. corner 10th and Dodge streets. Christ Haman, 51Z H. Kith street. Henry Anderson, N. W. corner 10th and Leavenworth streets, This cigar Is worthy of a trial, ti SOLID GOLD A. P. A. Pins, plated, 40c; aolld gold, 1,40. P. O. S. of A., $1.25. Jr. O. U. A. M., 75 cento. Loyal Orange, $1.50. BELL STOWS J EWELHY DEPT. Dodge and 15th. American Bakery, 1818 St. Mary's Avenue, Wagon Delivery. Camolo Juniper Is reliable for females, Sheriff's Sale. Tender and by virtue of an exncutlon I aunii hv li'ninli E. Moori'n. ('lerk of tho !! tlit. !nirt. aarlt lilll mill for IlDUUlllS coiinl v. NtilirsMkii, upon a JudKrnimt riindemd hy (iimiiivu Aniliirson. a Just. (Hi Of I Im I'i'lirfl In and for nll !)iinty, on Um 201 h luv of Noveriioer, Ikhs. In ftvor of Itlclmrd V,. Josepli, arid iiffnlnst Oluirles b. Illnwr and AU.vurulxr I.ll vlniTOIIH. tlltrt fll'M tl (J. lj, Blswr Co,, trttnenpf.or which jiiiiKiiinni on tlm 12Ui day of Knbrunry. l"w, am i;:ui luy or reorunry, i' Mild (loi'kfU'U 111 till) lmi lllnd and doi keU In the l strl(!t - . rt . ,d ,..-, i ,,hv liivlcd I ,,,, l.u f,.l nw Iitf iHtlllN Hllll II'IICIIIITIIM .. ..I It... ut.i Alioillilli.F l.llvlll ,,,, K.-wft: botaoimdi, twm, and thrm (fl th(1 of 0,mum, th ,.ut,y of Dohk- I il). lit IIIIM'K A', iiwi ui n, r.i. imisiii x " us. s..d ';" day, at tlm EAMT front door fili wiunty court liuusn, In tlm city of uiiiaiia, i,111Uo poumv. Nidiraska. milt said rf estaw at pui.lieauetioii i toih '''';; - mumssury td satiMfy said exnnution. tun i m rtif im il I, iinn i. ii r i m iniua iun u u iiw i niiu Hflmi dolluriH5.0 Jndsment, four dollars (.()) costs or mm won inuiresi. rrotn um anin jjy N()VJ,,nrH) MHH Krl(, hUo ttlH fl,rUlr ....... ..... u ..,.! l.l(ll ill illura !, costs of lnitroasn on said judg-mont and the ai i ruinuciisMi ui r.H.ii. iiffinriM. niuirasKii. nur i nrj. irr.T. (JKOlblK A.HKNNETT. Hherlffof IloiiKlas County, Nelirasks. John T. Cutli'irs. attorney. -( Notice of Sale. In the mat ter of the estate of Charles A f 'l.urori. lli..,laill.d ; Notice Is herehy (tlvon. that In pursiianee of an ordur of W. V. Walton, onn of Urn I, ,,! ,,t 4 Ilk fllutrll't r,--NhPa.k,i. made on the Hist day of Man h.isi. for the sah. of the real estaw .,. KAHT ,orf th Court Hons.., In the (J t v of otiiiilia, iioiiioas i;oiiniy. on tho IMth day of April, ISM, at 10 n.e.lis-a a, ,,,,1,11,, v,.niln to the hlifhest hlililer on il.. ..ti..u,inii !..... fftat full niiifkiin t til h trnld In i'hhi w t i n ninety W) any rrmn I ,li r,f aiLli.. li. followlniT di.wrlls.ll real -.rV;,. lo-wll: That uart of lot twelve (121 In Marker's Allotment, an addition to the destrrllied as follows: CoininenidiKf at a isilnt forty-thrne (4.11 rnnt nasi, or tmi soui n. . ... ... .... .u...i.,.. .,,, .I,,,.,,.. west corner of said lot twelve (lai, thence pHMt forty (4H feet, thence north one hundred I mill forty II4UI reet thence west forty 140) feet, thence south onn. liuriureii anu. rorry lUOl feet to the place of Oeglnning. nam sine Uo n.inai iskaKL fliAN K. Administrator of ino estauj oi t in ries . - Ciiar,,n. deceased. . -i- I. C. llachclor, attorney for Israel 1? rank. i' 1.1 & LINN, lt hi ) AMI lil.TAtl.- 279. OMA HA. NEB who Extracts Teeth ji for 2Be. NO PAIN. DENTIST. WITH YOU. HOUSE Reasonable Prices. J. 8. KOUCH, Carpenter and Builder. Manufacturer and Idpalrerof Sash, Screens, Doors and Windows and Furniture. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, 1617 Davenport Street, OMAHA. Shop: Notice of Petition for Final Settlement. Htats or Nkmiuhka, I IioiiKlas County, In tin, rou rily court of Ilouidas county, Nebraska. In tlm imitUT of tlm I'ntiitfl of Rudolph Q. Koeh, dereased : Kllulii th I', Koch, (instil Koch, Itiidolpti K.M'h, Kri'd Kiwh, Martha Hisdi, Julius Kis'h, Otto Koch, Karl Kisdi, and all other persons lnliTimli'd In said matter am hitrehy nolllli'd that on tint iMili day of Ki lininry, wi;i. Kllxaheth l. Kis h filed a petition fn said county court, praylntr that her final administration account filed herein may hit settled and allowed: that proofs of heirships he taken and thereon; that allowances hn madn for children iindcrsnvitri and fourteen years of respectively; that a decren dlsfrlhiitliiK arid assliailriK tint ri'slduiiof said nstatit hit I'IiKtciI; and that such other and further orders and proceed- Iiiks may hit had In the premises as may lie rciiilrcd hy the statu! In such cases made on 1ST t arid provided, to the end that said estate and all thltiKs pertaining thereto may lie II nail j settled and determined, and the said ad- v mlrilstratrlx dlscharKitd: also n petition filed March 1st, praying thai the hornitsUiad be set aside to tint widow, Vou are hereby notified that If you fall to appear at said court on the Will day of May, ls(i:i, at 10 o'clock a, m, and contest said petitions, the court may grant the prayer of said petitions and make such other ami further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this court may proper, to the end that all pertaining to said estate may be finally settled an J de termined, the homestead set aside to tint widow herein, and the said Kll.als.tli I', Koch discharged. Witness my hand and ofllclal seal this day of March, WM, J, W, KMiKIt, Isr.AI,. 4-7-4 County Judge, Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To Thomas I'. Caffrey, Caffrey (wife of Thomas l, CalTrey) first real name unknown, and J. O. dortclyoii: You will t ake notice that on the 6th day of April, ISIKI, Oust llamel, as plaintiff, filed his petition In the district Court of liouglas County, Nebraska, against Thomas I', Caffrey and CalTrey (wife jf Thomas P. Caffrey) first real name unknown and J. O. Cortolyou, the object, and prayer of which Is to fore close a certain mortgage executed and delivered hy said defendant Thomas 1', Caff rey on theSlst day of July, Ism, upon tho following described real estate, to-wft: Lot nine (in In Oak Hill, an addition to the City of Omaha, liouglas County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, tosecure the payment of his certain promisor not of the same date as said mortgage, for the sum of four hundred and flffydollarsltlAO.llin payable three Cli years after data, with In terest at eight (Si per cent, per annum, pay able unnuiilly from date until paid, the whole of the amounts secured by said mort gage to become due and payable In default of any Interest thereon at Uie time when the same should become due and that by reason of the lion-pnymeiit of the Interest on July 21, 1m(I2, the whole amount secured by said mortgage became due and payable, and that there Is now due the plalntltT on said note and mortgage the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars (fM.Vi.(HM with Interest from the 21st day of July, Isid, according to the tenor and it If eel of said note, for which sum with Interest the plaintiff prays for a decree, that the defendants Ihi required to pay the same, anil in in, in iieniiiii, thereof I lie said de- i feridants hit forever barred and bo foreclosed of all their rights, leln and equity of redemp- tlon or other Interest In said real estate and , iiiiit ine same no sold to satisfy uiu amounts , round due. You are reiiiilred to answer said uetltlon on or before May 1(1, Islia. Dated Aprils, 1HWI. OUHTtlAMRb. By his attorney, t. C. bachelor, looil and 1004 New York Life Mulldlng. Tel. 7f. 4-7-4 I Y.