The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 07, 1893, Page 3, Image 3
THE AMERICAN 3 MAKIMJ I.KjtlJIl Mil A KlMil? Irv si Hit CMIM Ftwl tMa ft4aw4 a ti iv un nih r u.t.N tw htl a tem Mk Ommh Jam lVrr n KI la rr 'sit! m tan TMkl HflUA diawmr," thai f Mkin Itqi4 Mr tamMi toty th totmtw 1 1 irtkU r tht "hi li af'1lim wnnrtii an4 th M (4 tMM 10 tfMwtr ft! Colli Muttfc mrf lh ml liimt rhHntr) A ewrlti of th mlry." It It Mt by rtwnttata that Mir gas tnnjr I Hn(lfxl IT tha itaaanrc MiJ tnajr t obiln.l wi.l rMi of tfTiMil ttrMftb ta WHhaUnl lbs ffwil lrNiir Iti th itMit thai Inajr I hUpfUt car bcmle Mi g m Iim Iwn found to l lb cbMtxMt ana rhot utas, ami vrhtU It has two known for y JtHtr that tt Ciiit J I tiqniflMl It Iim (toiifrallr liw-n o prepared only In small quantities) fur ti'nlilio nm Th hm of cotnprpwsM air as a motive towpr hiu ptrwntwl many diftlcultloa, ths principal on Mng IU balkinwM; hsnr Urg mwIi must b nwd In onliT to got aufllctotit mnonnt of motive power, and it Is hard to tnaks these strong enough and at the wune time light In weight Aa a motive power it is used at a prea ure of from 000 to 800 pounds. Hut if Professor Dewar has discovertMl an eco nomical and ready way of liquefying it, it will tend to solve a problem In carry ing a motive (rawer in storage bulk that Will bo of groat benefit to tho students in this line. In the talk with tho represent ative of The Pall Mull Budget, ho says: "Well, I don't think there's very much to say, because I've told all I have to toll about the matter in my two lectures, but 1 do believe there's a great deal more to be learned about tho subject. You aee, at present we've got those gases down to 210 degrees below zero, and tho lowost possible temperature is 274 degrees bo low. If wa could got some 80 degrees lowor down, we might liquefy hydrogen. Hydrogen has nover been liquefied in a free state yet, "Now, it's a strange thing that air can be mado into a liomogonoons fluid, You would think, as oxygen can be liquefk at 183 degrees and nitrogen not until 11)3 dogreos, that as you mado the air collier and colder tho oxygen would bo come liquid first and then the nitrogen, 1 saw that prediction mado in a stand' ard work only the other day, Now, 1 dare say, you will ask why the oxygen don't come down first, Stepping quickly back to the desk Pro fessor Dewar took up a pencil and begun to draw with rapid strokes on the back of a letter. The diagram when it was finished looked more like the law of di miuiahing returns turned np on one side than anything else that I am acquainted with. While he drew he rapidly ex plained bow the influence of atmospheric pressure on the different volumes of ni trogen and oxygen In air makes them boil almost exactly at the fume tempera ture. Aa he made each point he frowned a little, drawing np the wrinkles between his eyes, "Now, that, in the old thoo' logical days, would nave been taken as a providential dispensution, The strange thing is unit when liquid air evaporates again they are nnder tho sumo pressure, and the nitrogen goes oil first, as you would expect, 'Ozone can be liquefied by acting on the vapor given off from liquid oxygon by electricity, it is a splendid dark blue color, almost as (lurk as indigo. Ozone has not the same molecule as oxygen, and the electricity breaks up three twos Into two threes, That is the secret of it Tho queer thing about liquid ozone is that when It goes back into gaa again it explodes, You wouldn t think it, but It is stronger than dynamite as an explo ive. It's simply because the ozone goes back Into the molecular form of oxygen so fast. The force that comes from the electricity makes it explode without mooting with any outside body, It's i tremendous explosive. "We have discovered that liquid oxy gen acts as a lens. It Is so transparent to heat, so to speak, that even at HM degrees below zero yon can focus heat ou it from one side and light a pleco of papor by It on tho other. You know that's just what happens in the earth. The sun's heat gets focussed on to the earth through the lens formed by the vucuum of space, which is so cold that It ntisn t any temporature at all absolute ly zero." Professor Dewar gave a lecture on "Liquid Air" at the Royal Institution In the presence of tho Prince of Wales, tho Duke of York, Lord Salisbury and other notable porsons, He showed that by tho withdrawal of heat the air Is converted Into a liquid with total loss of chemical properties, incapublo of supporting com bustion, or of entering into combination even with phosphorus and sodium, while certain physical projiortlos remain, Tho ofiti version of oxygen into ozone was also described, and tho retention by oxygon peculiar optical properties at the st temperature was demonstrated le very tlimsu and well defined bands s spectrum, in ordinary conditions rfen shows no unreasonable thermal orption, tmt at low tomperaisire its ti. rinul absorptive power liocomos mani fest. Thwarting an K.nmny. Sardanapalus. the luxurious oriental monarch, finding himself hard pressed by his enemies, gathered his guards, his wives, concubines and children together, with all his reiiNures, and set fire to the building, thus thwarting the iioie his foes entertained of taking him alive. St Louis Globe- Democrat. May lie Wnrsa. "What Is more awful to contemplate," said a lecturer, glaring about him, "than the reletitluss power of the maelstrom?" And a henpeckod looking man in the rear of tha building softly replied, "Fe inaloHtroin." Kxchango. A knuto an t a 4( I-1 an lMtnm nUl snrpttaa Hy t tHf utM-im tn te Ml IMia tm data ar-v, Tfca Mt, aTl t a j witifhfctii tsttfttf m tt at k ttlot fcljM II SIM tfe4tm ff i, rrirhtifr4 h Wit. Im tWr m a fUtve ttC a4 aat itit Ml tt trtr Wis trt, m thai M Wrlr Mila4 t4ni fM la Km trap I W HMaf4 t- efcaka lHMtf rW, a! wswvarlaf lilt fwt h fsM-tng Ktm a full itxa faf falo wWf. TV n4f niM Hlla m mark nr tll as the taa(r, m4 tktr Kkf4 at ajrki rtWf h aacott.M W fwra lh wMck m la tha doatk th 4f , IwsMh, TIM hru vMi)llr waa fHtl4 by the st and H kanWt'i au')4if mUin an4 mttk ttlnt f an4'tblf,-l,lliirtnly HtttUat. t Ha MmI alrking TvHIm. A rur1ns imola of est.(iln turtlM It pra ltt. In the Vt ludlwi. It fottalsta in atuc hlnjt a rtnar and a line to Die tall of a epocti of ttckir flh known as the tviuota. The live fish Is then thrown OVPiUmrd and Ininostlatoly ttiaVm fur the ftrst turtle he ran spy, to whit h lis attat liM himself iry firmly by means of a tucking apiwratus arrangnd at the ton of his Item). One attaehwl to the tur tle, so firm is his grip that the fisherman on drawing tho line bring home both turtlfl and the ticker. Exchange. A f'rvalnr From lata fir. Aristotle lnlleved that some creatures were capable of supporting life even though confined to the devouring ele ment, lie says: "In Cyprus, when the manufacturers of chalcitis (lime) burn it many days in the fire, a winged crea ture something larger than a great fly it seen emerging from tho stone and leap ing and walking about in the fire. These creatures perish Immediately upon being removed from tho furnuce." St. Louis Republic, OuimI Authority for "Itmig-litcn." "Boughten" lias the authority of ago, example and well-cnnsidored use by Cole Hugo, Hontuey and others, still more weighty aut hority is found in astory told to us by Uoscoe Conkling, who wus pres ent at a fawhionable hotel In I'hiludol phia thirty years ago, when a lady naked for tea. Tho reply was, "Will you havo fassnrras tea or boughten tea" New York Hun. CANON LAW. 1. The coIIMl II ill loim of ii Itici-m are tint suiiiTlnr. tiut nuliorUlniilu to eec'Iclutli.'ul ;oiHlltiitloiiM. 2. The lawn of the eriierorK ciiiinot din silvo the eccleslUNilmil or cuiuioii lawn. 3. It Is not lawful for nn emperor to exact uiylliliiK optioned to tlie iiHmlollc rulen, 4. It Is not, lawful for klriKM to umiiiii the IiIukh that Im'Ioihj to tirliwU, 8. No custom of atiyono can thwart tlm tlutiltet of the popoM, 0, U t no ri'Hliitaiicu lie olTcrnil to tlm apostolic (canon) precepts, but let tlicni lie nalutlferoiiMly fulllllod. 7, The yoke Imposed by the holy see Is to Is? borne, though It appear intolerable and Insupportable. s. j :no ronuir can nvitner be uxmva nor bound by the secular power. 9. That tho Pout! IT was called Ood by the pious Prince Constantino, and that as oi ho cannot bo Ju(lcil as man, 10. That as god tie Is far above the reach of all human law and Judgment. 11. That all laws contrary to tho canons and decrees of the Itomuu prelates uru of no orce, IS. That all of tlm ordinances of the pope lire uiibesltutlfigly lo ho obeyed. J.I. We ought not even to speak to one Whom Mm pope has cx-coinmtitilcutod. 14. ITIosUi uru fathers and masters, even of princes, 1.1. The civil law Is derived from man, but ho ecclesiastical or canon Jaw Is derived directly from Ood, by which the pontiff can, In connection with his prelates, make con stitutions for the whole christian world, in mutters spiritual, concerning the salvation if souls, and the right government of the liurcli; and If necessary Judge and dlsptsie if all the temporal good of all christians, ID. A heretic, holding or touching falsa loctrlno concerning the saitruments, Is ex lommunlcated and degraded, and handed jver to the secular court. 17. Hectilar princes unwilling to swear to defend the church against heretics are ex- ommunlcated, and they are lulu under an ..iterdlct. IK The goods of heretics are to tie con fiscated and applied to the church. It). Advocates or notaries, favoring hern- tics, or their defenders, or pleading for them In law suits, or writing documents for them. are Infamous and suspended from oltlce. 20. The sncular powers, whether perma nent or temporary, are hound to swear that they will exterminate, according to their power, all heretics condemned by t lm church and a temporal lord not purging his land of heretics, Is ex-commuulcated. Zl, Those signed with the cross for the extermination of heretics, rejoice In the privilege grunted lo the crusaders for the help of the holy land. 23, They are absolved from all obligations who are In anywise bound to heretics. 2,1, Whoever dins I" battle against the un believing, merits th kingdom of heaven. 24, We do not esteem those homicides, to whom It may have happened In their seal fur their niolher church ngalnst tho ex-coin- inuiilciiled. to kill some of them, US. That Catholic Princes are bound, both y cIvH ar.d canon law, not to receive or oleruto heretics, and much more are not to jcrrnlt their rites, or other exercise of their 'I'llglon, or rather, their false sect, but are nimt solemnly hound everywhere, to repel Hid expel them, 2fl. The following temporal punishment are to bo enforced on heretics! 1st- Infamy, snd the consequent disijuallflcullnus fur all ml acts. Iinl -liiti'hiiilillliy. n well active as passive (that is. they can neither make Mil imr Inherit what Is left to them by oilier). 3rd -Iokh of paternal power over lilldren, 4th Loss of dowry, uud other privileges grunted to women, ftlh-t'oiiflsca-tlon of all good. litli-Tlmt vussuls and slaves and other are free from all, even sworn obligations duo to their lord or an other. ?lh t'lipltnl corporal puulHliment, I'Sioclully death, and perpetual Imprison ment, Zl, The canon lair forbids all t deration 2s, That melropolltans uud l,.nliois lire to 'X-vommunlcatfl him who gruel liberty of unselencc. .1. No oath Is to be kept towards heretli! princes, lords or others. ') Heretics are to be ileprlved uf all civil and paternal rights. 1:1. Tho pope can ulmolvo from all oaths. Ili Every bishop is ordinary Judge In a huso of heresy. The reason Is bec uiim) thu - " " "'' ' " " I " iwm m4 t'Oi t. ..4 (' a. 'U4 If tl. fiti' I tW,. l I I !.( l. I, n4 ta v H U a nlMtnl ttMi.'t.-f in. . My ll l4ti)wl.t, i tai hr . r i anh u M-itiiMM in a 'WW t Iwtvt) U ta r rnxt.twxy elK. atlMuti 4HOlf tWt, llirl trMda lill lfc I, ulf ami. i, aiHttufot atikliti! M It I f t t4 T lli ntl anil HtMwM if a ii'4lf i a4 WttFM ih iiH ilNM ikr h it lli ainaiolle m- In I liil. tt. M. Tfcl III si. Il if Tn Ht iKi- l ai4 aulllilt)r f ltoirl, M frf anl imh. Ixkiiil iht Ih t. iil r and Ml ia i"iiim ll, alwt th tHhrf mt.ill.' t-aacl Hunts twwH la tif nt it Iptlatth al irrwitia if m liilnilk il lll rtf, anil agalnat it liUit, alt ef lil. h t thl inwti iln n II tftira. aMit nuM ti r 11 nip KoJ I'jr all, CARDINAL' OATH, .i sMllnnl uf th IMr Itoman I.- i htitvli, lie iomiiI ami swear Ibst, (mm Ibis tltiiSM lb nut of my Itfis I will I fnlll.fut slut utHMtii'iii antu St, li le r, th holy aisis tiille lloiimn I'liiiri h, ami our iiiimI holy lord, tin pop of Home, and tils siiceesMirs, canon Icslly snd Isnfully i'I.n Ii .I: ilmt I mil glvn tin advice, ninsi'iil nr asttiiiHc ikhIiisI tlm IKititlflral majesty Hint pi loiii that I will in'ter kliuallily Slid sdvlM-illy, In their III ,ury or ll"rHci', muku puotic the eimnclU htrusted to liie by llienwlve, or by lues- n'tigers or letters) alwithut I will give them liny usslslumti In M'tiilnlng, defending slid ri" tiverlng the Human papacy and llietvgullit of I ru r, with si) my tulght mid endeavor, mi fur us the rights and prlvllexes of my order will allow It, and will defend them against nil their honor and state, and 1 will direct mil defend, with due form and honor, the legates and nuncios uf the apostolic sec, In he territories, churches, munaslerles mill el her lu'tiellces committed to my keeping) .'lid I will cordially co-operate with them iml treutthem wllh honor la their coining, abiding and returning, and that I will icsIhI unto blood all xthoiis wluttwievcr who shall ittcmpt anything against tJiem. That I will, ,y cveiy way and by every means strive to pii-scrvo, augment and advancn the rights mors, privileges, the utrthurlly of the Holy ilium bishop, our lord the pope and his In .o ineiitioneil stiiTi'snors; and tluit, tit alevcr time anything shall be decided to nelr prejudice, which Is out of my power to iluilcr. as si Mm us 1 shall know Hint any ceps or measure have been taken In tin iiutler, 1 will make It, known to the sunn uir lord or his successor, or some oilier per on by whoso munis it may be brought to heir knowledge. That 1 will keep and carry ut and cause others to tcep aid cany out e rules of the holy father, Hm decrees. ordinances, dlcusatlnus, reservations, pro visions, apostolic mandates and constltu (Ions of the Holy rather Hextii. of happy memory, as to visiting tho thresholds of the apostles at certain prescribed times, accord lug to the tenor of that which I have Just read Uirough. 1 hat I will seek out and appose, persecute and fight (omul conalu perseciiturum et linpiignaturum) against here) lea schismatics who oppose our lord tho pope of Home, and his before mentioned successors, and this I will do with every possible effort." (Hlgnature) then sent to the pope I8H0" OATH, i, t elect of the Oetroit dlm-ese, from henceforward will be fallhful and otiedloiit to Ht. I'etur the A pottle and to the Holy Human church, "nd lo our lord, the holy pope of Home, and to his successors, canonlcttlly entering, 1 will neither udvlsi consent nor do anything that they may lose life or member, or that their persons may he seize.u, or hands in any wise laid upon them or any Injurler offered to them, under any pretense whatsoever. Tho counsel with which they shall Intrust me by themselves, their messengers or letters, I will not know Ingly reveal to any, to their prejudice. , Will help them to defend and keep thu Itoman papacy and the royalties of Ht Peter against all men. T legate of the apostollo see. going and coming. 1 will honorably treat and help In his necessities. The rights, honors, privileges and authority of the Holy Human cnurcii or our lord, the pope, and his afore said successors, I will endeavor to preserv defend, Increase urid advance, 1 will not bi In any counsel, action or treaty, In which shall be plotted against our said lord and Human church, any thing to the hurt or pre Judleo of their persons, ffghf, honor, state or power, and, If I shall know any such tiling to be treated or ugltated by uny what soever, win iiinuer it to my utmost, and as mm as I can, I will signify It to our said lord, Thn ordinance and mandates of the pope, l will observe with alt my tulght and cause to be observed by others," llerutlcs, schismatic and rebels to our aid lord or his successors, I will to my ut most persecute and oppose," "Hcretlcos, achlsmutlcox et robello eldern I touilno nost ro vel successor) bus predict l pf0 posse pcrseijiiur et oppugtiubo." "I will come to a council when I am called, will visit the threshold of the apostles every three year and give an account of our lord of all my pastoral ofllca d of the Milngs belonging to my diocese to tho dis cipline of my clergy and people, I will In like manner humbly receive and diligently execute the apostolic command. If f am detained by a lawful Impediment, I will per t ,i . . , ........ . . lorin urn uiori'sHiu ny a rnemner nr i.,v chapter ore priest of my dhs-ese, fully in- si.rucu-o in mi unrigs hiovo mentioned The pussessinns neiungliig to my table, I will neither sell nor other wise hIIcioiki wltluMit ciinsiililuii the Kouiim puntlir. Ho help inu ini ifi.-mu iiiiw sonin'ISOI lUII. , f tsignufitrel, HentlotliW HoiiiImIi Malinger, PSHtST'S OATH, I, now In the presence of Almighty OimI, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, thn bleswd Ht. John the llapllst, the Holy Apostles Ml. Peter and Ht. Paul and the Hulnfs and the Hacred Host of Heaven, and to you, iuy turd, I du declare from my heart, without mental reservation that tho poMi Is Christ's vlcnr- generul and Is the true and ony head of Itie universal cliurcli throughout the eurth, ntwl that, by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ he hits power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealth and govern ment i, all bclr Illegal without his sacred onllrmutloti, and that they muy sufcly be destroyed. Therefore, tu the HI mint of iny power, I will defend this doctrine snd tils Iml 1 1 res.. ' rights uud customs sgalnst all unit pern of tlm Protestant authoilly what soever, especially against the now tirctciiilcd authority and clinch In England and till adherents, In regard that they be usiirpal and heretical, opposing the sue red mother, the church of Home. I do denounce arid disown any allegiance us (run to any I'rileslant king, prince or stale or olx'dlenco to any uf their Inferior oll.ceis. 1 do further declare the dis'trlne uf in church of England, nf the Culvlnlsts, lliigueuois and oilier I'rotcstiiut, to be (luiiinnble mid those to he damned who will nut forsake the same. . ! I ln tht I III hft AwiH ' ' ' I l l l II I i t k k,lll-a' ala ! I l l ,l ,J . , f I, , k,. 1,u tm st. I t.i 4lt ll .m I, il,, I""' "in il..ii . M..rti. (,...,. t i.t( it, ) tt.01, ,, llin .M t tf I isib.ih M I f limi l.i aMiimr xf t ni t- ti, 1.. 1 1.. !,, S i. n.iHsii ,w f I'.. )tn-.ll i.f l,r hili, f , ,uilil WiM I,iniif,n 4 iiki Itif si in i ..,. It K t riilll He, ami ! l.i .el. ,1,.,, (f , ItotiiKcllf , .f amL ltlli.( 1 i lO'ttniaUnrf hla I. IhI .i lM HI l Wht) ll tisll I HKlHt IM ) I Ixttf t dlMtllPO-tl HMId hi I'JF , w l i..,al i, it n , h4 M.t,,,,, Allef l,l. N , . , il,t,.r 1 1 iha l.M, TitHiir snil )). d S. tamoiil Mei I am lamM,i , t.its ( id iI.uiii en h. poll In Iim t Imli.lslill, Slot it.l t all on all lli Hi sillily ih iilotlom II. ml i f Hi an a wlini-M hi y Hph ItiH M!o l.i kM i Ih I I. f esiti ' In looey alo lrof t Usk this hiil Holy ami blfwd Sni'iAinenl nt th I le tiailst, and altiiis th ssieii tntilnr alth ley isnise. I'tatnl tisiiil, In III ih-wiiii ef toy liuly tibii snd nit it, pihis alin tv,ll hi in In ley uiilliisllon In Hie prlii.ilo.Bl," I St HI Ml OStM or tHI Jieuiis. I , now In th presence uf Almighty Uud. Hi blessed Virgin Mary, Urn bli'swd Mletmet the arelisngel, the tdessi'd St Joliii lh llnptlsi, ih holy aiMHitle HI, I'eter and Ht, t'sul and th tints and ssered host uf heaven, and lo yon my ghostly father, the superior general of the society uf Jesus, founded by Hiilnt tgnntiis, l.ovola In the pohtlllcntlon nf Paul the Third, and con tinued to the present, du, by Hie womb uf the virgin, the matrix uf Uud. and the Mil nf Jesus Christ, dee I ii re and swear Hint Ms holiness, the pope, Is Christ' vlce-gereut. and I the true and only head of the Catho lic or universal church throughout tint eartht and that by virtue uf the keys of binding and lousing given In his hiillness by ley Havlor, Jesus Christ, lie hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, stall's, com monwealths, and governments, all being Illegal without his sacred conllrmitllun, and they muy be safely desf ruyed. Therefore, to the til most nf my power, I will defend this doctrine and his holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Prnteslunt authority whatsoever, especially the biilheriin church of tlermany, Holland Denmark, Hwcden and Norway, and the now pretended uuthnrltle and churches uf Eng land and Knit bind, and branches of the same now established In Ireland, and ou the cnnllnentiif America and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard that they be usurped and liertlcal, opposing the sacred mot In church uf Hume, I do nuw renounce and disown any ulleg lance as due to any heretical king, prince or state, named I'rutestant or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, muglsl rules or olllcers, I do further declare that the dis'lrlnii of the churches uf England ond Hcotlaiid, nf the Culvlnlsts, Huguenots and other of the name of Protestant or Liberals, fci be (lam liable, and they themselves Ut be damned who will not forsake the same, I do furl her declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any uf his holiness' agents, In any place wherever I shall be, In Hwlts- erlurid, Germany, Holland, Denmark Hwnden, Norway, England, treland, or Amer ica, or In any other kingdom or territory, I shall come to, and do my utmost to extlr pate the heretical Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, not withstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical fur the propagation of the mother church's Interest, to keep secret and private all her agent' councils from lime to lime, a they entrust me, and not Ut divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever, hut Ut execute all thut shall be proposed, given In charge, or discovered nolo me, by you my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent, I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even a corpse or cadaver (period" oc cadaver), but will unliesltailiigly oliey each and every command that I may receive from my super Inr In Ihe militia of the pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever J may be sent, lo the frown regions of the north, the burning sandsuf the desert of Africa, or the plngle of India, to the center of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunt of the barbarous savage of America, without murmuring or repining, and will he submissive In all thing whatso ever, communicated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, agalnstall heretics, Protestants sod Liberal as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of thn whole earth, and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and that I will hang, hum, waste, boll, flay, strangle and bury alive these Infamous heretic; rip up Uie stomachs and Wombs of their women and crush their Infants' heads Sgalnst thn walls In order to annihilate their execrable race, That when the same cannot tie done openly, I will secretly jse the puis- onouscup, the strangulating cord, the Nteel of thn polnard, or the leaden bullet, regard less of tho honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or vrson, whatever may he their condition In life, cither public or priv ate, as I at any limn may tie directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father, of the society of Jesus. In conflrmatlon of which I hereby dedicate my life, my tool and all coporeal power, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, written In my blood, In testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldier of the mllltla of the pop" cut off my hands and my feet , snd rny throat, from ear to ar, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all thn punish ment that can be Inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons In an eternal hell forever. All of which I, do wear by thn blessed trinity, and blessed sacrament which I am now to recelvn, to perform, and on my part Ut keep inviolably ; u,n do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real Intent luiia to keep this, my oath, In testimony hereof, nko this must holy and blessed soctament of the eticharlst, and wltues thn sume further, with my name written wllh the point of this dagger, dipped In iny own blood, and seal In the face of this holy convent lf receives tho wafer from the superior and writes tils nuin't wild the loint of bis dagger, UipH'd in bis own ilood, tukun from over the heart, 1 Al)VKHTIEMf,NTH inserted in Til If Amkiiican are sure to tiring a profitable: return to tlm advertiser, Aiuerlcuns, wutch the ooluiiius (if this pitS'rl j I CIIAS. SH1VER1CK & CO., 1206, 1208 ami READ CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED. PRICE 31.2S. THE McCAGUE SAVINGS BANK, N. W, Corner Fifteenth uud Dodg-t) Streets. Four (4' Per Cont Intoroat on Book Account, Flv '5i Par Cent o n Ix Month Cortlflcatosj. Foreign Drafts and Money Orders at Lowest Rates. Hunk open from u, m, to p. m, Monday from 9 a, m, to K p, m. The Place to Buy Tho Best Quality of Meat at the Lowest Prices is at Geo. Wilson's Meat Market. 2815 Leavenworth Street. Oyotero, Fioh and Game AT THE LOWEST MARKET PMCE8. Buy for CASH AND SAVE MONEY. W, W, IOWK, Pharmacy vm ABSOLUTELY I'UJtE DliUOS, i'KESCKH'TIONS a Si'Ecmltv, TOILET ARTICLES, I'EUFUMES, CHOICE CIGARS. : : ; : : W. R. BENNETT CO. The Old Reliable-The to Trade atEverything Sold on Honor. t.V IP,.KTT' Kf'KKflTt HK fiKI'T, Klexsnt assortment of liisikwascs Oi rUm. rsiiKlns In prlew Wi-Xt, W-i 'It SW" snd upward, all ImrKuln's. Also sldn tsiards, Is'st makH, HSi'i! and upward. Sofas, Ud lomisi's, !'., all to I'him-n out at low prices, roMInf lieils at a liarsaln, Don't fall to f nsmliie, f.srioi assortment of 1sliV and doll Iiiikk'". Mirror, plctnrns, uw., In d re at variety, all eliesp, Nuw assortment of eeiiU'r tallies. s4'Win lames, troin s.' up. KlleKunt assort iioml of MkIi clialr at oof lorn prlees r (.I...U,P.MU 114.11,1 III I, K'tl, III I.L' lir,.ir.ii f a v.Tt r.iit ivp.i sin it." 'A II I NT, -This Is a wonder W ar irepared to h-hwiiKi tlie most rtlltlciilt. work u wHt'lies. elis'ks and Jewelry, if any of our friends liave a waO'li, dis k or any kind of Jnwelry lliey cannot arct repaired In suv sliop In (uiialia, lirlns It to us. W will guar snii-e ii lu II, and tin It rlKlit, and at a low firlen, All kinds of Jewelry wild at llenneit's popular priees, ris'sci eunery in mis i- pailiiienl fully warranted, I ry us, ll mmumtii .-siiii I'r.i'nii i ir-.T i , VV liavn lowls fs' and upwards, SuS'nd- ers IV', a lismalni milieu and slovrs at low prices. is'r pair and up. Ii.;nKT.' WIXIiK.NWAHr, firl'AHT-MK.NT-- lret liarsslns In splee calilncts for the klO'lienut 4s cei, l, VVsslilsiards, a lilK ilrlve, I; cenls. Market lis.seis, cents mai li 1'tf ht palls, 'in cent each. IlKNN K IT'S Ht TTHJ - VV still lead In tlm pure srtlcle, ( heap and Kood St the W. R. BENNETT CO., 1502 TO 1512 CAPITOL AVENUE A.. HALE. HALD & RICE. wiiiu.Ksjii.K sail nr.TAii, iiKsi.rna is Aih'ni Rock prlrtK COAL Trsnon, nto Block wairtu Wf 8tLL THC Bir VAttieiES OF OOFT l I K V.: S W. for. Ptih and Ituward. Telephone ITl. JT A TT n A HI' 3nih Street ami ropplelon AY". I eleplione 1..;. '--v---- Furniture. Carpets. Draperies. 1210 Famam Street, (OMAHA. rumtHKlK Y, MO WIS, Ms40a S E, cor, 16th & Famam OMAHA. Best Store in Omaha nrlces n slued. I rent and upward. II A Mil, K, no iiS.YHt. bV.SSVTT Tltt!MK A Mil V4MSK f)B-iVAItTMKNT.-VVs defy compullt Ion, Wlmn you want anyllilnv In tli lln slvti us a call peforii Iiuyms, fiKM.NKTT'H KTATIONKMV IlKI'AltT M t.ST.- t'spr, for Zft slneUi( envelois', in; fur Vr, stnow, if mill upward, All food and e(ully etieup. ur.sxvrrn mockkhy ir.iAUTKMT Heavy om"-llilrd pint tumliler wli, tll crystal tila -lsUI castor (inlr Z7 -pii' Kiss lireasfast set Ss!, Hand ilecor ali'd fiispaiUiiwa each, Tlm best of W, i, at price. I list will tell thxlrown story. (l wM-r Mds. consisting of S tuuilders, oru"-tialf sal, plt4 lier and tray at fs 7V. Il.u. and II I ci, Tlii'W'l arn liiirKiiln. A fw ft-piece toilet sets left will I'l'ms at II IM. Sr lliem, Nutlilns ran touch them In th city si r'i ,hiiiis of all kind and st prices that will Interest, Hr.VNMTM littCO iKPAHTMKMT.Wii are the only cut, price driiiirl-ts In tli city WIIKKH VOi; f AN tiKT KVKKVTIIIMU in the 'I nut line at sixlit one-half thn usual price. Prescription, psleuis and all kind of drus t cut prices, Von will Snd tsre harKaln In our randy department, our hardwara department, our lea. coftii" and snlci ilepurliiieiii, our grocery depart meiit, and on our wcind II sir. I nine in and uw Itennei t. OEO. D. HICE. Wood, Coke, Kindling 03AL fOH 0001 PUHP08ES. r