The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 31, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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if t (, t "I I'"'
il.m tif !' 1 "
w-tlet.c W slif.wM H
f !! . 1 1 Mi, t'-f U 1U I1 f
MM t VV ftWjf, wti' iiH'H.jr 1
tnmX f m rM In I
.t.dt rvsdit 'v tnt-M'lit
k, r ttcnti-n vs '" '
trrr fv!itr net ! r 1h"M
it t, or sn .. ?" rw
l,ni!tM hi feeler en I WW! Bp
n,l tMerd Mist I l W!''"W
tjwrHoi wUH U'rfe rlif--rrd Hon,
,. he st !. ty HiMtf Ms
war t,.t wie, snstlinir n.l show in
TmMinstetr ! th nir of
lde t the time. The do t, tn th
Hwtlon Hi one and Minted toward
ih Hon, jrwwllmf mi.l herUngr st
very Jump. The Hon turned Ms nl
tention Hi one from m and ttmlel
on run for the d.jr, hut the tr
equal Irt the twwlon, and to my aston
ishment mad f r a larjr pin tree
om twenty vards away, with tb
lion In otna pursuit. On reachltijf the
tree tliedc-jr disappeared as If ''.V tnatflo
In iw Hint had probably been duff
by some prospector In the early days
and used dwnHlnff hoi0.
A I th fwrthw fn f this n
uprttlKo hn.l Vwcn minlo throngrh th
Bolht lavn, nwprlnsf lh pur' of ft
toviplp or ft flrppl ip. Tho nprnUa
belnjf vory flftt through It tho dw miwU
bis pbobp. Th Hon, fUr giving ft
Couple of unearthly yell", lunk away
In tho brush, and I cn niwnre you
that 1 had no dolr to follow htm to
00 whi-ro h had gono."
Most of
Tlmm auppumtipil With Thalr
limit On,
In Whltaker'a Almnnnek for 180S
there Is ft abort and sucelnct aeeount
f the hinirs of Ireliind, dining from
the Milesian conquest In 1300 It. 0.
There Is apparently no record of tho
fate of the first two klnjw they were
nrobnbly translated. Hut from the
year 1285 II. C. to tha Christian era out
of 100 klnjrs fifteen died of malignant
dlstenw or plaifua and tho rest were
lther litlled in battle or died other
violent deaths.
From the Christian era to tha reign
of Henry II. of England the record Is
not more promising. There were ap
parently seventy-eight klngsj of tlieso
thirteen died natural deaths, that la to
ay that they presumably did not live
long enough to enable them to share
tha fate of their predecessors and suc
MiKors; one was drowned In ft fogj
one had thirty sons, in Itself enough
to cause death', one was choked by ft
fish bone; three were killed by "thun
derbolts," but OB the three reigned
successively It la not unreasonable to
suppose that the thunderbolts" were
but "rocks," "hefted" by the hands of
spirants to tho throne; .the remaining
flfty-nlne succumbed to the inevitable
assassination or death la the battle'
field. Happy Ireland!
Another Four Hundred.
It is generally thought that tho
saying, that the only people In New
York worth knowing can be numbered
by 400, was originated by Ward Mo
Alllster. but It can be found In tho
bible, Acts v, 30, which speaks of
Thuudfta boasting himself to be some
body, to whom a number of men,
about 400, joined themselves, who
were scattered and brought to naught.
Tha verse referred to reads as follows:
"For before these days rose up Then
das, boasting himself to be somebody,
to whom a number of men, about 400,
joined themselves; who were slain, and
all, as many as obeyed him, were seat-
I tered and brought to naught." An
I other verso worth mentioning In this
I n.inj.nllnn la fr.nil 1 ftlltmlld. 2'J.2:
mi. ,,,: v.. m ... -. - --
"And every one that was in distress,
and every one that was in debt, and
4rTry one that was discontented, gath
ered themselves unto him, and ho be
came ft captain over them, and thert
vers with him about 400 men."
V - A Miscalculation.
Girls should avoid conversational
risks, A couple of maidens, who had
beem entertaining an ultra-elegant gen
tleman of an older set than their own,
' to tnelr Immense satisfaction, said. In
tielr simple exultation, after he had
withdrawn to the hall, and, as they
supposed, left the house, "I thought
he'd never go, didn't you?" A remark
in which tho young man, who had not
yet departed, failed to detect the com
mitment Perhaps, too. he saw ft
hanco to Impart ft useful lesson, for
lie promptly returned to tho drawing
room and exclaimed, "Please don't say
, Odoriferous.
Oolnff through a picture gallery
lately, with an acquaintance, Addle
Ledya-d B'errla, the Illustrator, cams
4o an example of the realistic scnooi,
revolting subject, treated with great
andor. One of the surrounding group,
a they approached, murmured ecstatic
ally; "How strong!" Mrs. Ferris swept
ma comprehensive glance at the
canvas. Bhe turned to her companion,
with her dainty handkerchief raised to
hornoso: "Stronar!" she repeated; "J
should say it wast Come away."
Fruit and Hailth.
Lemons, grapes and tomatoes aro
moot valuable from a medicinal point
f view, and If tho uses of such fruits
.nd their Juices were persevered in
there is every reason to believe that
not only cancer, but many other
diseases of a similar nature with which
tho skill of the surgeon and physician
are unable to cope, might be actually
I eurad. or so much alleviated as
scarcely to shorten life.
twt fiArt tat
er- ' "- W' pl W
t (Kc !it t ot (M wr 0,l
it a ' '"' lrr t
1 a Krp tn Oliiiff -.f'r, H1 Vlr
la June, v . '..m I Mnir.hrt
It tt-f n j..h . . i.
f,.f forl-t i I tie h m.m Wrl,
HH.I -t in! tlm t Om tT
flatto. tt- pii ntH'tf atliitl'y
for t.ilmrr imii 'rrw an tn
ill, tnn( n:(.t with all U.Wt r
l.tah nf M.h a iwmtrr lawyer l(
wlii- h 'iV lil hW
Ihal JaH WldH, w,h
.Mn. tho t)n of whUh aa
I?, and a ttli h thi-n and thra
rhmffl lh tiiiiidi-r and li-ad or
omr oilirr di-fhnt Hn ltni In
M Imn.l, and lid willfully divlmrya
ltd ahool oft, t". Kt"t and npon
lha aald ahwp, thi property of J"ob
tturVn. and lh load or tha other dla
trttttha tuilmtnn did atrlkii, l'in
Iralo and wound tho aald aliivp, ranw
ln It to Unjir and fall, and that anid
rald Wlatt did 't npon tha aald
ahwp, and with a aharp and dmijror
mia tnatrnnii'nt wound, rut and mal
treat tt, that It died, AU thia aooord
ln to the teMlntony of one William
Orwnlfftf, an pye-wllnuaa, aud affttlnut
the pont'K and d Knl'y B,,,t w
Went Vli(ftnlii. I.lvily trot the (fnmd
Jury to find a true bill, but the aa
never ame to trial, Irirally. dacob
and David Avliitt are aim wminr in
dlctment for murder. Tho only caaa
of the murder of n sheep ou record.
How tho Ynunf Surveyor Huoams !
rni'liitntxil by a Sontiuit.
A man met with a sextant the other
day, going on a surveying expedition,
says a writer. , ,
"Where are you going?" I askod.
"Just a piece out to tun some Hnoa."
"Fine instrument."
"Yes; but It lost me my Bret love."
"How so?"
"Well, I was taking a Bight on ft
hillside, on which was ft blackberry
patch. Just as I got tho bearing on
my point of observation, one of tho
moat beautiful girls, I ever laid eyes
on white frock, jaunty bonnet, all
except the wings oamo within range."
"I turned pale around my heart, lost
my bearings, and became totally en
grossed In the contemplation of her
"What else?"
"She stooped, not to conquer, but to
pluck a blackberry. She turned her
face toward me unconsciously, curved
her Hps, and if a volcano had suddenly
yawned its jaws I would not havo
bnen so astounded. Hhe dropped ft
blackberry, apparently as big as a
young pig, Into that ruddy cavorn(you
'see that I forgot I was looking through
B sextant), and then I wished that I
was dead
"That was the end of love's young
dream with me, aud I have remained
A bachelor ever since.
Ab!nt-Mlndedni of a I'hrilolan Who
Bought a Hon.
Ono of tho most absent-minded men
in New York is an eminent surgeon.
He is a great lover of horses, and will
abandon anything but a patient to take
drive up tho road. One of his most
peculiar characteristics Is his Inability
to pass an auction-room without buy
ing something. Happening ono day
to drive by a stable where an auction
sale was going on, he saw a raw-boned
animal under the hammer. "Whats
bid?" ho asked of ft bystander,
who replied: "Nothing; no
body wants the brute at any
price." At the next call from the auc
tioneer he bid rw, and the norse was
knocked down to him. He drove ou,
and the Incident passed out of his mind.
Ho forgot all about the purchase,
but the animal was sent to his stablo
and the groom took him In charge.
About two months afterward his
favorite horse fell lame and he com
plained that he had nothing to drive.
"Why not give the now norse a trial"
asked the groom. "What new horse?"
be sold. "I havo no new
horao." Tho groom replied: "Iho
ono you bought two months
ago, sir. He hasn't had a bridle on
slnoe he came to the stable." 1 he sur
geon could not recollect having bought
the animal, but he concluded to gtvo
him a trial. It proved satisfactory in
every way, and for eight years that
horse has been the old gentleman sdo
The Fopa's Contribution.
Tho pope has sent to Chicago not
only the two maps from the llorgla
museum (that of Uiego IUblera, A. D.
1R39, and the earlier one bearing
Alexander VPs dividing line), but
also phototypes of the brief of Nich
olas V, from the Vatican regesta,
addressed in 1448 to two Icelandic
bishops, and urging tho despatch of
missionaries to Greenland; also of tho
printed letters of Christopher Colum
bus to the Treasurer Kaffaele Sanchez,
giving an aeeount of tho discovery of
America, of which only two or three
copies now exist; transcripts of tho
first papal bulls Issued to countries In
America; some manuscript notices of
the family of Columbus, and other
It In Irefrno.
"Won't you sit down In this ehalr,
Willie?" aald the kind lady who lived
next door to the little fellow who had
come to nay her a call. "If It's all tha
same to you, ma'am," aald the little
visitor, a shadow of pain creeping over
his Innocent young face, "I'd prefer to
sit in a chair with a soft cushion. I
; k i
hid pa's collar button yesterday morn
ing and he found it out."
WT -.- ' -
m if tr' a M4 '
! wmi4
Id !v f t !Wt ' '
a ! la l'nfH-t ' ft.
llr.(( twi-n i,'piw -f a iM-M .aint la m .n. Ht ia 1 ni..!
1l(if. i !.- . I i. lnoin im
nf , lin' tH. i. inla4
mm ',f 0o WKt!-! pMa rata, wtf
otia f kt. h at O. tm. of ld,.t.
Kad bA 4xit ,Kt f 'a!
fMiUlmmi'iil Into nmmmr and K,.r
tbta aepnUar, a.-f-wti
nf tha tnrWtd ritwa In t?sat -.iatrj
ia mu'xuin'd at art mpn-wwd
ti bavo lived aome thmand of yera
tif,tT tout, and b n tel
f,r ! Mn i.Oi't yr in the eat
ermpt'y at IWnl H.
They werr a eidentaily dtaoorred by
fellah tmnbandman la by the
ground on allien be w w.hWIp fall
tnf In and di lonlug an t nno ub
tprianean e ie. In whWh they pra
found. Thia rave tenanted by n
tobl lefflou of eat, all aedulomily m
bahned and awaddled In etoth eere
mentn. A aoeond eonatfrntnent weighed nine
tona. There wa a brink competition
w hen the eargo wa aold by atietlon.
Head brought aa niueh aa ahUMnirs
ppnec each; IhkIv without head 5 ahll-
Unfa 6 ponee, wnue me ouik avemsreu
S 17a. 6d. per ton.
A toons Msn Who li rrnm
tha Hlglit Momant.
Grsea at
An elderly man of sedate and aldo-
whlskered appearance sat down vio
lently on tho sidewalk near the corner
of (State and Madison streets, I inengo,
to tho serious damage of an Irreproach
able suit of black and a shiny silk hat.
As he rose slowly to his feet, picked
ii n Ms demoralized hat and looked
about him. his face purple witli wrath
his lips firmly compressed, the veins In
his nock swollen, his features working
as if In an epileptic fit, and his fingers
opening and closing as though moved
by an uncontrollable Impulse to clutch
something or somebody, a young man
who was hurrying along slipped and
fell at the same place on the sidewalk
where the gray-haired and sedate old
party had come to grief.
"lilankety-blank tho dad-blngex!,
bllly-be-dad-busted slippery old coal
covers to stagnation and back agalnl"
he vociferated, picking himself up.
"Young man," exclaimed tho elderly
victim, grasping him fervently by tho
hand, "1 thank youl You have saved
my llfel" '
' The Hot Water Itcmadf.
Are you a busy, worried woman, who
comes home at night with temples
throbbing and every muscle aching
from fatigue? If so, you often say to
yourself: "I am dead tired, and I
haven t the ambition to dress or 'even
comb my hair for the evening." Then
vou louniro about and go to boa aoout
9 o'clock with your head still aehtngH'is dupes be marks, and with a ruthless
and your limbs just as tired as when
you came In. The next time you feel
that way, Just slip ore tne warns oi
your gown, nrusn your nair up onw
the top of your head and bathe tho
back of your neck with hot water.
When the pain Is a little relieved, wash
your face with the same reviver, and'
by the time that Is done you will feel
like brushing your hair and fixing up
a bit, or we are very much mistaken.
Tho hot water cure is quite as qKIqw
clous taTen externally as Internally.
We Haw Modjoakit by Chance. .
It was purely by chance that Amer
ica ever saw Helena Modjeska on the
stage. Her doctor advised a sea voy
age for her health, and It was decided
that tho family should visit the cen
tennial. They did ao, and In 1877
went to California, where lloz.enta
wished to found a Polish Catholic com
munity. The effort failed, despite
Mme. Modjnska'a hard work, she cook
ing, scrubbing, milking cows and
making butter; and, I5oenta's money
being gone, they said: "What are we
to do?" But one rcsourco remained
Helena's acting. Hut she could not
speak English! Oh, welll she must
learn. And she did. Six months from
the day of her resolution she played
"Adrlenne Ijocouvreur" in San Fran
cisco and triumphed. An energetic
impressario saw her, brought her East
and her position was assured.
Th Sedan C'lmlr.
The sedan chair is named after Se
dan, the town where It was first used.
The earliest mention of It In England
occurs In 1581. Early In the following
century the duke of Buckingham
caused much Indignation by its use in
London. People were exasperated at
that nobleman employing his fellow
men to take the place of horses to
carry htm. rrince naries Drougnt
from Spain, in 1023, three curiously
wrought sedans, two of which he gave
to the duke of Buckingham A few
weeks after their Introduction Mas
lnger produced his play. "The Bond
man," and in it he thus adverts to the
For tholr pomp and care being borne
In triumph on mon's shoulders.
The reference is doubtless to Bucking
ham's sedan, which was borne like t
Romeo, Dog.
"Eomeo, ' the dog which made
famous reputation In connection with
the Johnstown flood, died the other
day. The animal waa noticed exten
sively by the newspapers for his work
aa a rescuer In the disaster, particular
ly for saving the life of Mrs. Kress,
the wife of his master, bhe was
washed off a roof on which the mem
bers of the family were afloat, and
would certainly have drowned had not
the dog swam to her aid, and seizing
her skirt in his teeth, regained the
raft after a desperate struggle. For
some time past the dog has been blicd
and he had been cared for as tenderly
aa though he were human.
I Mttt
iS (Mitt 4
la ,H.'.l, I ' t
Id lis t In ,lf-
I '"I
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II M. 1 i lV
owl Ti .(..
.t If f
Il.ll . !" 1 1 II
l,'l lll, ,
W.N. Whitney,
103 SOUTH 13TH ST..
i tpiMtt S,iftlin'
Romant Sipare That Flagl
Fun Tna Amkhii'AK.
An ortalniu anltivm. rtp.llealed
to I lie
union liy s mliller of tap late rulndlliin.
Kotunn! uparp that Ahci
Touch not a single star;
It hii lirolicliil Dip
I'll Htiiliil liv H In ar.
'Twim Wanhlnstoira jwti IihiiiI
Tlmt rlel It o'erlhe free;
Ami hy tlmt ttntt I'll stand,
lln It on lain) or sea.
That glorious old flag!
Triumphant it must be
And wkvp In future years,
An emblem of the free.
Then to the rescue all,
Who love that banner bright:
H Is our country's shield
For which wb arm to tight
That galaxy of stars.
On Held of axure blue,
And those resplendent stripes
Of union firm and true,
llorno high on eagles' wings.
Triumphant through tho world
With freedom's God our aid,
Hhall ever be unfurled.
As long as oceans roll,
Or cluud-cap'd mountains stand,
True freedom's flag shall wave,
Safe, beautiful and grand.
Then perish those who think
Our union e'er to sever,
Come join, In ringing cheers:
Ourcounrry's flag f ore vor.
The Jesuit.
In Home a tyrant, and In Spain a thing
That wears a mask and bears a poisonous
In India astrangler, In France a knavo,
In Ireland a bigot and a slave:
In our republic a designing tool
And traitor warring with the public school
And whether In Greece, Hindustan or Hpaln,
Ills record hears tho progeny of Cain.
In tho black arts u chleftan and 4 king,
Moving en rapport with a sudden spring:
And In the game of Infamy and sin,
He steals a march long ore his foes begin:
Wherein his conscience glorifies tho deed,
No means are left untiled by which to take
The last lone Peter's pence, for .resus' sake.
In a most marvelous and crafty way,
He Hatters, fawns, and pounces on his prey
If at his hands a kindly deed Is done,
0, then beware of some dark plot begun!
the robes of light ho dons, and serves his
In garments filched, and suited to his need!
Hid from the light In some dark, musty aisle,
Ho learns to feign, to meddle and beguile:
And in his skill avoids no toll nor care,
As link on link ho weaves his wily snare,
Hplns his dark weh. and most adroitly flies
On poor confiding bats and helpless piles.
The vilest of all arts and blackest of all lies.
His breath Is like some dire and dread slmoni,
Korover blasting with a curse and doom:
VVhate'cr he touches, drops beneath the spell
Of some dark, haunting shade, cruel and
fell- '
Whor'cro he Journeys, wheresoever tolls,
There virtue weeps and Innocence recoils,
And the fair cup of life doth overflow
With desolation, Infamy and woe.
And thus ho stands a stljma and a blot.
With deeds confined to no especial spot
Where carnage, suoerstltloti, death and
Despoil an age or devastate a clime,
There hath he wandered, and on every shore
laced his leprous hand, and left a plague
spot and a sore.
-Mrs. Eliza IMttslnger
You should all remember that C. F,
Shaw & Co., 518 8. Kith St., has al
ways on hand, Vegetable, In season
also a full line of Staple OroceiUs
Do not forget os when down town.
Wank Receipt Books and Blank
Note Books at the
412-414 Slieoiy Block.
Soo Dr. Withers about
4th floor Urown Block.
II. II. Ostei houdt will do you good
Carrisge Painting and Repairing.
Take your work to him.
18th and Cass Streets.
Go to Dyball's for fine candies, 1518
Douglas St,
308 North 16th Street.
Hatters and Gents Furnishers. Men's
Shoes, gloves, etc. A "dollar's worth
for a dollar."
The Cabinet Roliablo Gasoline Stove
Is Warranted for Three Years. It Is
the Most Perfect gasoline stove made.
W. F. STOETZEL, 714 S. 10th,
Is agent for tho west.
The friends who have any carpenter
work or building to do should give us a
mil. We iruaranlee trood work at
reasonable prices. Shop, 2223 Leaven'
worth street. Telephone. 14.'I5.
All Dental work at reasonable prices
and warranted.
Douglas Sts.
Dr. Withers, 16 &
(ilo mfc'-Ha til a
W HO! h.M. I
Builders' Hardware Cutloru
1404 DoiiRlas St. Tciophono
109 South 16th Street, OMAHA. NEB.
Mail Orders solicited and .Satisfaction Guaranteed. .Send for Catalogue.
Superior Work. Reasonable Prices.
Every Egg Warranted.
Tho Friends' Favorite Cigar Price
Five Cents.
For sale by tho following dealers:
Hissem & Teeter, N. E. corner 10th
and Dodge streets.
Christ llaman, biz s. inin sireeo.
Henry Anderson, N. W. corner 10th
and Leavenworth streets.
This cigar Is worthy of a trial, ti
A. r. A. Pins, plated, 40c; solid
gold, 11.40.
P. O. S. of A., $1.2.").
Jr. O. U. A. M., 75 cents.
Loyal Orange, ?1. SO.
Dodge and 15th.
For lino wateh repairing go to John
Kudd, 305 N. 10th.
Cumolo Juniper la what you want.
Americans, Take Notice.
Spring Is coming and we are pro
pared for It. W'i havo our lino com
plete and will offer a big bargain In
Negligee Overall I rt from '25c up; Hal
brlggan Underwear from .'15c: up; White
Laundrled Shirts from "5o up, Our
beautiful lino of hats from 5o up. Will
offer an all solid loathor shoo from $1.25
up. In socks, suspenders, neckwear,
umbrellas, etc., etc., we are strictly In
It. Don't forget tho nlnco.
205 N 10th St.
Oh! how that corn hurts. Oo to W.
N. Whitney's, 10.' South 15th Street,
and for 25 cent lonrn how to get rid
of it. A sure cure or money refunded.
Females uso Camolo Juniper.
North Omaha, Attention.
Most ladles propose to have a good
form. Most men second the proposal.
To secure this end a corset Is the
needful thing.
Wo bava lust received a largo lot
made to our order; a long waist, splen
did shape, elegantly trimmed, good
material, In every way most desirable,
and well worth 75c. To Introduce thorn
we offer them this week at tho absurd
price of 47o, Ask to see the II. U. Cor
set. Wo also carry the coieorateu
Warner corsets always In stock.
1315 N. 24th Street,
Between Seward & Clarke.
American Bakery, 1818 St. Mary's
Avenue, Wagon Delivery.
S. R. Patten, dent'it
m Hoe
building, telephone 5'.t
Camol e Juniper Is reliable for f crnales.
Take your repairing to The Drum
mond Carriage Co., isth and Harney
Sts. Opp. the County Jail,
Uamser & Co., the hat manufactur
ers, nra now located In their now
nu.'irt.ers over 207 Ni.Tth 17th street.
Give us a call. 4 tf
Camole Juniper is reliable for females
AM' lilTAH.
Physician & Medical Electrician-
OHEHR OH STOUT I'KOI'M? will be re
lieved of many apparent diseases If properly
treated for the disease of oheslty.
Private Disoases of Male & Female.
Offlcst 310 Sheely Blk, 19th and Howard,
Telephone 130S. OMAHA, NEfl,
Big Money I
Can he made by
fttivasslnu for the
itrs Amkkmun, a
'.National, Weekly. I'alrlolle Newspaper.
I Address, ('VHlfS II. Hay, 21 i'ope's HulldliiK,
1 Ht, Louis, Mo,
" A.. (Viiirii-ll HIiiITm. Meetltnr
o. n, of
In their
over 4l!l llroadwav. every
at 8 o'clock.
Undertaker tyEmbalmer
Formerly with M. O, Manl.l
319 South 10th St., OMAHA.
LADY FRIENDS male weakness will
reeelvesaiiiiile Isixe of anew I'estllle rem
edy by m-mIIiik ten cents In stamps to T. II.
IV by se
KKVri, M. I)., Knowlton, Iowa.
Office! Room 410 N. Y. Wfe llulldlim.
OIJIch Hours: 10 to VI a, in. I 8 to 9 p. m.
Office Telephone, lilts.
Heslilence: IHW ratintn-rs pi. llmGnn upn
Residence Telephone, 4M.
TJZTIIJIT 3333,00.,
207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB
VJork called for and delivered,
FQS fine livery
Mht KuKRies, Haddle Horses, Carrlaijos,
Coupes, Ktc,, see
zzrBoarding a Specialty,
7th snd Bt, Mary'i Av.
Tolephons 410
Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos
and Organs.
Needles. Oil, Supplies for all kinds of Hew
ing Machine. Our own Mechanic Is first
class. Will repair any Hewing Machine,
rLpov !.
614 Sooth Sixteenth St.,