The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 31, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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11 y
t ta
,.! t..aaatl M4
1 I t t
?1t44 a-4 -a-4 Ha Wr4'ta.
I tat! - '
t ! tt tew - ' aV Me eAtleMhte
A4 fM
A ! M a, atari! !, tM 4)4 nt
IN It. M-t lat t.-4 awtllaal It.
W It tie RitVf
th tVa4t Itiat fata,
A fwt, X tttvaf.l Mle fe
K h nf )Hitl U-r In Hiihtl i
jt irrl fi l ht lu Hy ft hlth
there l lli1 ,-v.atit ttv-nrtnl ill liikfi'l t
tin? I that wlm h t Ja-U ti Ui btl
UlluT than to thtmlii1, That la tit
rtrt of 1 Krr( r if l.tHRfrlli
iHaitVf r tUiMM f Walt Whitman; Iliat
I why WliiitH rnl lU litwMitiij, why
a thouMti'l roitt t-f hr. IMiiu rlSi'al
xvorVa ar pA l.tnMf 8vinliurtn; hy
Will Ctirlelnti t'litaelU Thomas Ituilt-y
Ahlrich; w hy Jnim Whitctimb Kilty's
jnkmus aell a fl na titty r nt tn tho
shelves, waile tlimoitf Ainltvw IatiKaiiil
Auittitt !hnii mail) year lifter year
hxiUinil nt i ki Ii oilier from tin nuiio rel
ative pi notion mi thn Mint? nlu'lvtn.
Tho 'viiii-nl literary rritlo liny mrcr
nt Will Cm leton, he may ii-k Maw lit
James Whitootnli Kiley's voiwo, lie limy
t'U you llmt Kujtciu) r'ielil in only a news
paper HH't, lmt iIih the pnlillo listen to
tho nil knowing critic ami huy the works
of the long ngo ImriiHl poets whom ho
chooses to cull immortal? Ask tho book
sellers; auk the ptililiHliers. To defy tho
reader's easy conception of a thought iu a
poem may be to have your name included
in the intense literary set, but it will not
sell your poems. Edward VV. Dok in
Ladies' Home Journal.
Curing mi Innnnn rtlenU
A patient entered the consulting room
walking backward, under the delusion
that his head had got a twist round and
that his face was turned the wrong way.
Instead of laughing at him as I expected,
the doctor entered into the case with the
greatest gravity, tapping his patient's
head all over, looking into his throat
and ears and sympathizing with him.
The patient was at once won over and
placed the utmost confidence in the doc
tor's assurance that a complete cure
would be effected in a few days, volun
tarily exercising the greatest care in
carrying out the medical directions,
which consisted in elaborate nothings to
keep the patient occupied.
A day or two afterward the doctor
met him with feigned surprise and con
gratulated him. "On what?" asked the
pationt. "Judge for yourself," replied
the doctor, handing him a mirror. The
man surveyed his corrugated count
nance intently for a few seconds, when
with the dawn of conviction there stole
a grin into his stern features. Thanking
the doctor, he skipped out of the room
In a frenzy of delight. London Tit-Bits.
An Ingenious Bomoii.
The e', ouses which are resorted to by
European tradesmen to make American
tourists pay higher prices than any one
else pays are often more curious than In'
genious, An American who ! iA a fine
pair of boots made by a, London cobbler
was astonished at tho price which was
"Throe guineas for a pair of calf boots!
It is preposterous," said tho American.
"Indood. sir," said tho cobbler, "if
you'd a-knowod thocalf that was in that
feather! It was a blooded hanimal, I as
Hire you, sir, and bred on tho hestate of
tie Duke of Bucking'am."
Tho customer paid the charge at once.
-Youth's Companion.
A Itmnnrknbla Hlver In Spain.
There is in Spain a river culled tho
Unto, which has very extraordinary
jlialiUeK. Its waters, which are as yel
low as a topaz, harden the sand and pot-
tlfy it in a most surprising manner. If
i. stone falls into the river and rests upon
jsnothnr, thoy both bocomo perfectly
Uiitod and conglutinate'' in a year. It
irithers all tho plants on its banks, as
veil as the roots of troes, which it dyes
tyf the sumo huo as its waters. No Ash
Hve in its stream. New York Eveuing
The fliilclil of King.
The lato King Louis of Bavaria saved
MmHolf from dopoHition by a timely
death, being found drownod in the Ilsh
uond of ono of his puluccs. Ho had no
doubt boon insano for many years, and
bis crazy expenditure cost his subjects
o much money that, rinding the state
nearly bankrupt, they resolved to dis
place him, and tho knowledge of this no
doubt drove him to self destruction,
Bt. Lonis Olobo-Democrat.
' A Chnno to Trove III I.o.
Suitor (to her father) Sir, I love the
Tery ground your daughter treads on.
Father (grimly) Well, young man,
you ain't the first party that's had an at
tachment forit. Howsomever, if you love
it well enough to come and help pay up
the mortgage on it, like Jacob did, you
can marry Sarah. Exchange.
Now that tho French have distin
ffuished themselves in building canals,
ome Parisian engineers propose to span
the English ok fl with a bridge 84
miles long.
From the safety of their operation in
blood letting tho leech has been used for
more than 8,000 years, and in many cases
doctors could hardly dispense with their
An action may be so clothed as to
change its proper effect on people. With
most of us a sugar coated vice seems pref
arable to a peilpor coated virtue.
One of the most distinguished suicides
In tYm nnntif rv wa Hi a linn .Tnhik flavla
speaker of the house of representatives
from 1840 to 1847.
Some think that Cajlyle, while living
the life of a student, was all the whHe
dying to be something much more active.
Mil k(l4 k Hl trh
" A tatr ! -tH Mufttt is g nl
lwf H ll WW lkt
I -. V' W4 I fclt .-Mr,"" rtsti".
41U (wtnlii "I aHytlt
la a r.fl tufnt A lin
It .4ita ,r U s)Tt wil-,
llw twnlt't WM H.l m
smat vf th Hirr4 a g
all tK.miiht 1Ht tht tniwnl dlll tt
UiFf at i ti a tn Wiinttvl, n.l
bi.l"t ! U vm frmn th
ilf . Th UMt th fU,sl ll
yti MI.'W n tiUpliftw anl t
apwI hi !' ti I ii-tiinl fr Mt
f4livn T1i hl ! w r dumfound
sl at I ho H.n of th l r lb
ib'tiMy tit fwrl, mil it wm J ml m
im M nt Ilmt l wm Hintu thmi a Hit h
fr ihn wntr.
riiilly Hi ivfiro pinu lt at him.
inotvly ihk kitixht lmt ff. Tlu n niu
ciip huMh'd lum iivvsy. Altr he
gim itoiiiflkkly ck l Ihn Joiui M
low about It, ntid h Mid It would I
pour policy for him to diiirm hi fnm
Uy by U(Hiiiiing a murderer, and llmt it
wonldlw jut diRiiriutriii for him to
eiinuir in a it titjlit . Another thing, U
would do tlmt wiiiter good to Im t.itiuiit
a Ii'mnou, and mi hii return he would
have him arreted nmt wnt to prixon for
a year or so. That mini knew how to
kevp his temper, nud I giion, after all, he
took tho right view of tho matter." iSt.
Louis Ulolio-DeiiiiK'rat.
Monkr) Tlmt Knjuy Juki.
In a large cage in the l'hiladelphin
too were kept nt ono time about ''() mon
keys. Among them were two big, wise
looking aiH'8 with gray lieards and hair,
and with the mien of stoics. They had
very long, straight tails, and a habit of
Bitting high up from the ground and al
lowing their tails to hang at full length.
In the same cage were three or four brown
cebus monkeys, who were much devoted
to exerciso and fun.
While the big monkeys would cling to
the side of the cage or sit on a perch
some 10 or 12 foct from the ground one
of the little brown monkeys would
Btealthily creep up to one of them and
suddenly grasp the end of the long tail
and swing with all its might. Of course
the "big un could not lift his tail be
cause of the weight of the little monkey
clinging to it. lie could only climb down
the side of the cage with his burden un
til he could reach the floor.
During this operation the brown mon
key kept swinging until his own tail
touched the floor, at which Instant he
would release his hold and spring to the
top of the cage, followed by the outraged
monkey amid the screams of the others.
By the time he had reached a point
where be could attack his little tor
mentor, who would show some signs of
esistance and cause him to pause for a
moment, anothor brown monkey would
seize his long tail and take a swing. It.
8. Oarner In New Review.
The Lwyr Hes the Deed. ,
A young lawyer in the-'citwhad as a
client sone time ago -negro charged
with assault and battery, and the ac
cused now owes his liberty to the fine
work done in his bohalf ijy his counsel,
who put Jp the plea of Insanity as his
defense and was sustained by the jury.
It was a hard fight. The fee was a good
ono, but the negro had no cash. In lieu
thereof he deeded a building lot In tho
suburbs to his lawyer, who accepted the
deod, duly signed and delivered, and
locked it away in his safo.
A short time ago he bethought hini
that with the help of a building and loan
association ho might put a house on that
lot and increase its vulue, so he offered
tho property for a loun to one of the
home building and loan associations.
His application was duly received, but
when ho went around to hear the result
tho secretary told him that the commit
tee had rejoctod the application.
The astonished lawyer asked the rea
son; the lot was good, the loan small
and title good, for he had examined into
that part of it. The secretary said that
tho committee differed with the lawyer
as to tho title, because while they them
selves were not lawyers they failed to
too how a negro who had been released
by a jury on a plea of insanity could
givo a good titlo to property. The young
lawyer still has tho deed. Macon Tele
graph, A NtipumlltloiM A dram:
Eleanora Dune is absurdly supersti
tious and in tho most unexpected ways.
A stuge carpenter at tho Fifth Avenue
theater relates this incident. Just be
fore an evening performance he com
pleted some bit of work and tlirew him
self down to rest for a moment upon one
of tho stago properties, a couch made of
oan boxes and covered with a buffalo
Immediately all of Duso's support flew
at him, chattering in wild excitement
and unintelligible Italian. Finally tho
stago manager spied him and pounced
upon him.
"You must get off from that," he
aid. "If Bignora Duso saw you, she
wouldn't let tho curtain go up. She
thinks it's a bad omen to have any one
except herself rest upon that seat."
New York Times.
An Epitaph.
A tombstone in a country churchyard
bears the inscription, "She was so pleas
ant." After all, could it have been more
fully or better said? The stranger as well
as the Intimate knows that the dead
woman was one who brought cheer with
her wherever she camo and brightened
the joyless day with her sunny presence.
One may not sigh if fume, riches, attain
ments are missed if "so pleasant" is said
of us by and by. New York Times.
Like Light Taper.
A servant girl was once given some
macaroni by her mistress to prepare for
: Jj)e n,',e'
noticing the girls surprise
the lady asked!
"Didn't you cook macaroni at your
last place?"
"Cook It? We used them things to
light the fire with)" Exchange.
waft... ! M
V ttli 4 H
t . 1v fit
, I ..i ft.., f tK "
. tttma-a 4 tm l ! ..
H rl . l .( ! H
,4 i . a.n 1 I l t-
II IH.MIH I, .4., fillip .r I ...! I
r Itkethl t ut
g5U 3 toanotl
-i V r m lit
MyT TJ , ..... r..
litklllM. Alltkl
Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos
and Organs.
Needle. Oil. Humillen for till Ulteli of Hew.
Inir MiieliltifN, Our own Meelutiili I ttrl-
rliim. Will repair liny Hewln Miieliinii,
614 8onth SutMnth Bt-,
A. li. DKANK.
General Agents for
Bank 0 Vault Work.
1116 Farnam St, Omaha
Attorney -at -Law.
loo waenington Bt.,
suits 1:110-1:11:1,
llnim h. iriuinrtil urul (1rillii.t.liin bilHt'
tidMH. Title exnmlrmd. Kital4 tiiHriaui'd
Hpci'lid itl.Knil ton to biixl lien of non-ruwl-dent.
Ofllce, IIS Nortli Kltli
HiimIiIi'IK'ii, IMil Yntes
Tch'liliniK! 7.
hi rent.
Tidi'iilioiio IHI.
My Only Place of Bualneen Is the Old
Stand, 113 N. Sixteenth Street.
For fine livery
Llxlil HhukIi"", Hiidilln llorw CurrliiKcx,
(!itiin, Klc, urn
zzBoarding a Specialty,:
7th nd 8t, Murjr't Ave.
Tnlaphan 440
207 North 17th St., - OMAHA, NEB
Work culli'd fr arid dellvnrnd.
Suits Made to Order.
Oiiiimiili'i'K a perKV n i .n nil ciinon. Clotli
Iiik cleaned, dyed mill rnniiMli'lrd,
2107 CtimlnK St.
Stationery. Boohs and News,
I'erlodli'iilN, Miiitiizltiea, Not lima, Kino VnrkH
l.'ullery, lllirnra, Tolmccoa, and Hmoker'a Hun
drlea. lOverylhlliK Urat cIiihh,
Friends Patronnge Solicited.
For Prices.
Tel. 1038. 109 8. IOh street,
Notice of Administration of Estate.
Htat or Nr.wuHKA, I
IIoiikIiih Counly, f ""
In tlie county court of IloiiKlua county
In tlie mutter of the cxlHte of (leoi-Kn
Uleaaon, deeeuaed :
Nancy Oleaaon, Iliilaey (Jleaaon and all
other peramia IntereaU'd In aiild tnattiT are
herehy not Hied that on t he 201 h (lay of
March, IHiti, John U. (Jowln tiled a iM'tlllon
In aald county court aliening anionic other
tliinn t.liul tJeorife tlleiiaon died on the ilnl
day of May. lH'.il, leiivlini no luat will and
tealauient, and poneaNed of real and per
aoiml CHlnle valued at MKi.Ki, and that the
ahove named coiiatllutii the peraoim Itilar
eaU'd in the ealutn of aalil docciiHcd, and
praylliK for ndiiilnlHlratlon thereof.
Vou are herehy notllled that If you fall to
appear at aald court on the lath day of
April, mi;i, at (I o'clock a. in. and conteat
aald lH'l ll lmi, I lie com t will appoint John
f, .!..! ... ....... ...I..... ..I...l,l..
i,n,,, in niiiii1 niiitiiui.i M,im,
admlnlHtrator,and pnaeed to a aett lenient of
aald eatate,
Wltneas my liiind and odlclal aeal thla 21at
day of March, IWH.
Ihkai,. .1. W. KI.I.KK.
S-24-4 Ciiunty JiiiIko.
lt A ,1 , ,4 ntp4 t !. tw l
t 11 rlt etit 1k4 .,iiw4 I
M"imI i t tnt1h
f .t In . .. . ., (i
It mKl h Wr H.MII' uM
t '!. . IX A. 1 ttif.m IH lll l.l
) ut Ikv ilhflll;ttt( II i.llV II.
t Ik .l. n Iwh ! h i (
III ..l Ml t4 It 41 Wt l. f.. tM. I
H-.i. l l t-rU l lHhi tli
i'h All III lMl f,4 lirni,( Mhl
Hit !) , 'i4 ll rHitilt UwIm f
e iw ,f-r.
i h All i Will I Ml f MI Iii Ihr
tl. l IH nl.l. Illii l i llirroll A. hfi,
Mi ht tlie lii- kiiv i lllei lr
tin' run- U i-l I. IkI lli
n un .l.'iil , iilit min i Iw Ivlmill urn
HI U l t i llf ..inn i liiir
ii tin iikiin- et li ijf ill mtnnn ii.t
I in
Mi 1 1n- ii.iinlt( (unit mill It Bum
II, li. t Itl Ik,
111 liotliit'K lllilll ill if lit lull ll l itl t
ini l!,.,i, iiri.nim i. mill th fault i'" I f'H
llitililay. i "ml 1 1 KmlliHi. ilinniirt'1. ami
ill (.mil i -am lilrli lime hi linly ihkm it
mi lla li iilul iliij Hint II aliKfillvit mi I In rill-
m ili'l i,i ii liny,
mIi A fii r i i'bm, a iiiiiilmi ur a ilemiii ter
hiiu i.i-.i il lliellli.c Cur alilrli ll In M l. II etui
lint U'i'hIIiiI iii lllilll innlhili In tiled Hini
iIih Ki n d liy li ate nt lliei'iiiiti, mill nurli no
lire to llie i'iHille iliiiy Mn lie I'imil limy
oiiler Hi llie lllee lelive la (llM ll In lllellie
hull Ion.
Uili. HiiKilieKK Ki t for a i i rlnln (hue, run
nut te ll imi-fei'ieil to auuilier dny iirliiiur.
iinlrm (lie tiaiikfi r order In innileal llm hour
llie Hunter la eel for lieiirlnK. ''e' under
Utile in,
tnili. Kie li dny ut fliim a. m. tlir lumlni'Hanf
the hour will lie culled.
Illh. The unit lera will lie heard In llie or
oer In wl.lrli they are entered on therulaiider
iinlew nil purl lea prem-nt and InlnreKledeoii
m ni to a Ulilereiit iirniiiKi'iimiil, or In ruci oi
ui'Kent nei'HNlly.
121 h. The 1 rln 1 of eanea will eoinmetiea at
1IIMM oVIiH'k. a. in., and t'onllnun ti n 111 11:110
o'clock p- ni., Willi a rni'oaa from I2:(0 a. in.,
until l;'Jt) p, in. Knell rime la nil It led to lie
culled at the lime act or within ten minuted
thereafter! either to lie proceeded with, or a
further order to Imi iiiiuIii. l or thla purpoHii
no parly will lie required Ut wall loniier than
ten mliiolcn for 1 lie oppoHlle party or other
IiuhI iichm, except fur ui Kenl. reiiNOim The trial
of a rami will I"' aiiNteiided at miy time for
thlKpiirpoNe. In pnae the court Hilda that any
rule liereln will work an iinforeeen liui'dahlp,
lliMgaturl reaervea the rl lit. to KUNpeiid llie
rulrfiir the apeclal ciimii.
Sheriff's Sale
Uy virtue of an order of aule laaued out. of
the HlHtrlct Court, of HoiiiIiim county, No
hriiaka, and to inedlrorted, I will, on the, 4th
day of April. A. II. IMUl. nt III o'clock a.
in. of aald iliiv. at the KAHT frontdoor of the
County Court llouae, In the c.ll v of Dmaha,
IIoiikIiih county. Neliraaka, aril at public
auction the property deacrlhed In aald order
Of aule aa followa, to-wlt:
The undivided I hrce-oluhlH eKI of tlin fol
lowing deacrllied real eatate, to-wlt! Coiu
mencliitf at a point In t he aoulli line of lot
one ill, aectloii fourti'en (14), towiiahlp fifteen
(Ifil north of ranifii thirteen (lit), eaal of the
nIxIIi nil In iirliiclpul meridian, alx hundred
and ninety-three HUH) feeteual, of (lie aoulli
weat corner of aald lot one (ll; llienre euat on
aald aouth Hue one hundred and alx anil
II2-IiOiki,W.'I feet; thence north parallel with
the went line of aald lot one ill, four linn
dr'.il ii n (I weven nud M-IUI (4U7.B5) feet! the lira
N.iat (imi hundred and alx and trMO" (liW.ltfl
Ti'i't! thenre amitli four hundreil ami arven
and M.lHK4li7,ft ii Teeti tlieiice eiial aiiout one
hundred and Hfly-nlne (l.'itl) fretMilheaoiilU, corner of wild lot one (Ijl thence nol lli
one (Irurre mill thirty (; mtnuiea weai,.
following the meiimler Hue or (lie MlaHoiirl
Itlverof Hie United Hlatea ifovernment aur
vev of Ik'hI, four hundred and alxty-alx and
H-l Hl If) feed llienre weat parallel with
he aim i no or an f ol one ill three Hun
dred and alxl vand f7-H (m.S7i feet! thence
aoul li four hiinilrrd iiml alxty-alx and t wo
thlrila Hini",) feet to the plaec of lieKliinlntf,
contiiliilnK three i;ii acrea more or lean, to-
irelher with all urrretlouM to aul'l III nil. an in
Houifliia coiinly. alato or INelirnakai aulil
iniiiirrly to liu aold to aiitlafy Jcfrcraon VV.
Hi'ilford the niiiii of aevenly-llnee and 47-U)
dolliira it,"H,i linluiiirnl, with Interi'Ht
thereon from I'eluiii.ry lat, 1m. 3 to aiitlafy
Jinnea II. Wheeler the aiim of one liundied,
elichty and H.i-M"! dollnra (ilHU.nv Juduuieiit.
wli h Inlereat thereon at rule of (en dm per
cent, per annum from Kehriuiry I, frVii to
aullHlv I' I rt ,uiionai iiiiiik oi umiiuii, inr
Mil iii of nine hundred, aeventy-lwo and ftll-liiii
dollura (!i'i:!.rini .luilnmeiit,. with Inlereat
thereon lit rule of eluhl. ml per cent, per
annum rrom I eiu uary I, iu:; to auiiary
.loaeph 1 1. Ilertlie Mil in of Ihlrleeu hundred
lilliety-i wo li nil iii-iw uoiiara in i.',eii ,U"K"
i. nut, with Inlereat I hereon lit rule of eluhl.
(Hi per rent, per ai'iium rrom I eliruiiry I,
I"',!'!; loaullafy the aiim of foriy-twu and
'i Hat Wl.Vl ilnlliira coaia, with liilrir-l
thereon from the lal day of f'chriiury. A. Ii.
aW, toKether Wl'h arrrutnil coala arronllliK
loa liidKuient rendered hy Hie lllatrlctrniirt
of aald IioiikIh" coiinly, at lla lehruarv
term, A. I), Wi, In a ceiiulii union then
iiml there pending, wherein Mint .Natlonul
Hank of (liniilm iiml .foxeph ll. Iler were
pliiliitlll'xaud Aliiiilniiii It. Houer, Alice M,
holier and olheia were ilrfi'ii'liinta
(iiiialiu, Nehraaka. Mmrh 'lu, IH!i:t,
Hherld'of lloiiKlaa ( bounty, Nehraak.
A. f. Troup, attorney,
SherifT's Kale,
Ilv virt ue of an order of aule laaui d out of
the'Dlatrlet court of llouulaa coiiiily. Neh,,
iiml In me dlrerud, I will on the &lh Haver
A mil. A. I). Ia',i:i. at 10 o'cha'k a.m. of aiild
day. nt. the KAHT front door of the county
uoiirl. houfe, In the city of Oiniihu, IIoiikIum
county, Nelnii.kii, aril ut. nulillr tiurllou the
properly iieacrined in niiiii oruer or aaie ua
followa, lo-wll:
l,ot ten iiii In hlock C'i. In liwluht and
f.yinau'a udilltlon to Ihe city of limuhii ua
aiirveved, platted and recorded, all In liouu
lua coiinly, atute of Nclirusliu, aiild proiei'ly
to he aoliHo aatlxfy I' ruiirU W, Weaaella the
niiim of alx hundred, elKhty-aeven and f.'i-IKi
ifilaT.Wh with Inlereat He. reon at rate of ti'ii
(I'M 'r cent ivr anniini from May !Mh, law.
and tweiity-llveaiid 4.I-Hi dollura if'.'.Vfhcoata
with Inlereat thereon from Hie Wl h day of
May, A. I. lalti. toKel her Willi accruing coata
iicciudlnu to a Judgment rendered hy llie dla
Irlrt court of aald lloiiKlaa county, at Ita May
term, A H. invi. In a ceiiulii action then nud
there pendliiK, wherein r'ram'la W, Weaaella
waa plaintiff and May A. I iilon, Marc, 0.
I: pliiii and olhera were defendiiula,
Omaha, Nehtaaka. Munii ,:.
HherltTof IiouiiIiih County, Neliraaka.
Trancla VV, Weaaella, attorney. ,'l-24-
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of aale laaued out of
the IMatrlct Court of DoiiKlua County, Ne
liraaka, and to me directed. I will on the 3fith
day of April A. I). Wi:i at Id o'clock A.
nf aald day, at the KAHT front diair of Hit
County ( ourl. llouae, In the City of Omaha,
IIoukIiih County, Neliraaka. aell nt iiuhllc
aurl Ion the property (learrllicd In aiilif order
of aaie aa followa. to-wlt ;
The eaal thirty-two iXl) feet of lot twelve
(12), lilia'k aeven (i, I'airlrk'a Heeotid addi
tion to ihe city o Omaha, all In liouKlua
county, at ale of Nehrnaku. aald property to
la' aold to aatlafy H, A. Ooldauillh the aiim of
twelve hundred, one and W-ino dollura
(Ul.ail.M), with Inlereat thereon at rate of
elifht (Ni per i ent per annum from May Oth
W.ri; to aatlafy Kamiiei I'ruyn theaimi of nine
hundred, tlfty-aeven and .'ih-ii dollar
(Sti.rt.fttll, with InU'reat thereon at rale of
elltlit (N) per cent per nullum from May IMh.
Ki; to autlafy the aiim of I went y-llllie and
,'t-ill dollura i'.1i;iai roatM. with Inlereat
thereon from the Mill day of May, A. II.
Itv.r', fi(et her with accruliiK coala ai'cordlun
to a judgment rendered hy the dlatrlct court
of aald HiiiiKlua county at Ita May tern., A.
1. HI. In a certain action then and there
pendlnir, wherein K. A. Ooldamlth waa plalu
l.l IT ami l.ariiiiin I', I'riiyn. Curtla V. Unrdner
and othera were defendauta.
imaha. Neliraaka. Mnrrh 3.1,
.1-21-5 Hherlff of Houirlaa Coiinly, Neliraaka.
Lake, Hamilton & Maxwell, altorneya.
Allnff, t!mniin tat National liana,
OllltH HIMItt nili.ixltii
0 ai tt'i. .ii 1 1 tut.., i isii.i
I'M l, . 11 I - I -! I I .
mm4wiI l-.t. ..,' tk
tt:l lk 1. . . -1-. I I I OI
, n.f x I, .i.t , Arw'i i I- at t
,. , I..I, m ,1 "! ,! . Ii i
il.ii t1 IK. I i.iiii l i.iil It un. ie im if
.1 ! t !. ilil lOlt tt ll 11 l
.til ii Mrliiil i t.i l. 1.4
, ! .all It. 1 1 N. 4 la) ! !' .4
.. .(,,.. 1,1 ,l
!,. i4) y l,lf i' i l M ! i I Ii
tan la l I it Isi-m it 'i
tit M a i i a.i 1 nl fill !,. r. In
I- . .i lt it ii.l aa a.t. !.. t
IM tilt t ih.Ii Ivwkta iimi'ii
lt.V xii i, ii .1 .Uli. and iii'
aiil tw 11 i.i la- atil t aiuf Mmi C
., ai, . t ii tl i.i,i, pU'ima. I,, i.
liu tiw t tilee litietln"l Unit lili It iltila
' imi, , atll, lnl, i. itii rw l tmr
el m ii ' t t. t awtiwm Itnaa 1 1 l
Ulaly ll la.J
1 1 l lv Hint .nll ili ti ilnl
lirein, ,' m ,t ait .1 ati mn
H.M anil 1 i linllata luilyimiil,
hli lei. ii . Hh'I. hM at tale nl i ll.l n I
n et pet aeniitH tnnn I t-lai M. Il.
V all'(l llie .illli nt tillltly ! M.
ai il ,,.H,4 ,l?a! .ll l.l ll III liHTI IIil l
Willi a.itiuiiii iii aiiirttlina l.i a In. in
he el n iiiliiiil lit ,le iliill I mill ol
.aid rV'imln I iiiim B liilmiit li liu
A l pif, m a I'l'iimn arliiMi liu n ai"l On i"
IxliillliU In 11 In Mnl I tlin 11
V in. tin a 11 it oilu-ie a im- pi a tel ill a lei Vlh hai I
i, em III nml nl hi t i le il ti iiihtula,
Olmihil. Si lililakN, MrtH ll I'lh. a"l
I Mi. I
ani tnl Mnalel I iiniml-i.,,t 1
II I', ThniMHa, allniiii y
tiH'iii. rl nl . IhniiH Ily. el at
S I" 5 !!. No
1 il
1 Itl
Slnnrts Sal,
Ily vlHue of ailiildrl of ante lauui d mil nf
the itUllli l riillll nf llilllulila iiillllly. Ne-
luiiaka, ami to I Iiivried. I a III mi llie .'.iih
lay tit April. A ll. Il. at HI url.a k a, M.
n t mill dny, ill Ihe I . Va t front ihair nf the
i'iiiiiiIv coiiii Iiiiiim. tu Ihe clly of O11111I111.
llilllulila collllly. Nehiaakll. aell III poliltc
inn Hon Ihe properly ilcaerllMd III aald order
of "ille Ua followa. In wit :
The lion h llfiy-lltn (ff feel of Ihe euat one
hiiinlli il ami aeventv-ellllil (fia) feet nf lot
liuinlier fnrly-elKht itai ,11 H. K lloiter'a plat
of Okiihoiua. lla aurveyed. phftleil ami re
conteil hy . K. Kmiera. n followat llrulnnlim
at the iiortheiial eorncr of aald lot forly
eluht 1IN1, riiiiiitnii thenre weal one hundred
ami aevenly eluhl IliN) fret, thence hi itl 1 1
llfly-llve i.'Ai feel, tlirnre eaal one hundred
and Ncvenly-f lilht Hi! feet to I'lrteenlh
atreet, thenre north oil I'lfteentli alreel
llfly-llve (fifii feet to Ihe plare of liruliiiiliiii;
aiilil properly to laiaold aiiliject to a rerluln
mortuaue Hen of one Amelia A. W. Ilolhrook
for Sl.'i'lh and Inlereal, 11 ml to aatlafy the
(late Clly I, and company the aiim or three
hundred ami ninety-nine dollura 1. Hnt.cMit with
Inlereal thereon at the rale or ten (111) per
cent ier iiiiuum rrom nepiemner zi, tain, ami
iiiaiiilurv .liimea t'liiitnorv. Thomaa Colloiiv.
JauieaC. Itreiinun mid Mr la Heleroe Hieauui of
nine hum rei ami llflv do lira lf,i.ill.lll Willi
Intereat thereon at Ihn rattt of aeven (7) per
cent per annum from Heptemher 21. IMH.
until paid, and aluy-rlnlil and IKI-IKI dollura
roal.a, wild InU'reat tdereon from the Zlat day
of Hepleniher, A. I), IMHI, together With ac-
cruliiu coata accon Inn to a tuitxment ren
dered hy Hut dlatrlct court of aald lloitulaa
county, at lla Heptemher term A. !. IMtd, In
a ceil al n action thru and there penilltitf,
wherein Tlin Kate City Land Company waa
Illinium ami t nai lea 11. iioeiimn, nut 11.
IliHdime 11ml olhera were defendauta.
oiniilia, Neliraaka, Mnrrh IKI, lawi,
;i-2l-5 Hherlffof I loiiKlaa County, Neliraaka,
Win, M. (JiirtlH. attorney.
Kherff 's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of aaln taaited out of
Ihe lllatrlr.t court of Doimlaa county, Ne
hrnaku, nud to me. directed,! will, oh tlin
day of April. A. I, lattij, at Ido'elock a. m.
of aald day, ut the KAHT front door of Hie
county court houae, In the clly of Omaha,
liuimliia county, Nehraakit, aell at pulillr
niict on t he iirotierly deacrilied In aald order
of aalu aa followa. towlt:
l,ot liuinlier twenty i;:n) in mock liuinlier
three ilh. In llrninuii I'liire un addition to the
city of Omalia, aa aurveyed, plat ted and re
corded, all In I'otiKlaa county, at ale of Ne
hrnaku. aiild properly to lie aold to aatlary
the Ouiahii Natlonul Hank the aiim of aeven
hundred, alxty-alx and !U UKl dollara (7il.i
Judiiment, with InMireat therion at ratn of
eluhtiHl iMirreiil. irr rniniim from flnpiiMlf
Huh. iwr.!, and twenl.y-aeven and KUDU tlul
lara (fi 7 .M) coal a, with Intereat thereon from
Ihe Will day of Hrntember A, J) IMM, until
pnld, together with BiaTulntf coata arrord
liiLt Ut a .ludument reiulered hy tho dla
trlrt court of aald liimxliia county, nt lla
Heptemher term. A. 0. IK. In a certain action
then and there IiimmMiik. wherein theOmutia
Niitloual lliiuk wn4j;iliiilir. nml Oeorvte II,
MuiiKrnve, Mary A. Muaitravo and olhera
were defendanla.
Omaha, Neluuaka. I'uhruary !iH, ladll.
Hherlffof I louuliia County, Nell,
fitke, Hamilton A; Maxwell, altorneya, il-il-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of aaie laaued out. of
the dlatrlct court, of lioimlaa county, Ne
lirualiii. and to me directed, 1 will, on tlie 41 fi
day of April, A. It IMHI, ut Id o'clock a.
m. of aald day, nt Ihe KAHT front door of the.
County court houae, In the clly of Omaha.
Ihiujlliia county. Neluuaka, aell at pulillr
Hin t Ion Hie properly doaerlhed In aald order
of aaie 11 a followa, (Ji-wlt I
l,ola liuinlier alx (til and aeven (7l, In Murk
alx ill), In lloyd'a addition to the clly of
Oiiiuhu. at aurveyed. plat ted and recorded, all
III IioiikIuh county, alale of Nehrnaku, aald
properly ol he aold to autlafy Minerva CCor
lelt. iidmliilatralrlx of the eatate of Wlllliim
W, ( 111 til I . drreaaed. the aunt of rlKliI
hundred, alxly-lwo and IU-nU dollara ipuYiM)
Jiiilument. wlih Intereat thereon at rate of
elKhl " per rent, per annum from Kehriinry
Nt, a!i:!. nml I went y-eliHit and 7n-ii dollara
i;n,iin coata. with ItiM'reat thereon from the
latdiiv of I'eliruarv. A. II, w, buret Iter with
nerruf'iir coala arcordlna to a Judiriiifiit
rendereil hy the itiat rirt court or aatii noiiir
lua coiinly. nt Ita I'ehruary term, A. I. IW,
In a cen'iilii nrllon Him imd there iwndlnir,
wherein Minerva C, ( orlett. iidiuliiiatriilrlx
nt llie ealule of Will lum W, Collet I,, dereaaed.
wna plal'itltr, ami Mary .1. Ili iiily, Thaddeua
H, ciin kaon ami otnera were uerrmiaiiia.
Omaha, Nehruaka. March I,
Hherlffof llottirlaa County, Neh
HreckeurldKe, HreckenrulKe A ( rofnot, Ml
tjirneya. M-il-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrl ue of an order of aaie laaued out of
the Dlatrlct Court of Douirlaa county, Ne
hruaka. nud tome directed. I will. on the ti
dav of Atirll, A. I'.. aii:i, nt Id o'cha'k a
m, of aiild dny. lit Hie KAHT front diair of Ihn
County Court llouae, In the city of Oiniilia,
IioiikIiiM county, Nehrnaku, aell at putillc
iiiicilon Ihe property deacrilied In aald order
ol aule aa followa, to-wlt !
Kola thirty-live CI,) nml thlrty-alx (,'ICi) In
hlock alx 'Hi, In IhIkkn I'lace, addition to Ihe
city of Omulia, fiouulna couuly, alate of
Neliraaka, aald properly to la aold to aatlaf
II, 'in v I'lckerlnu the aiim of two Ihoiiaam
nine hundred, fourteen and IK-IKi dollara
i4t;.!ill with Intereat thereon from Hep
ti mber I'u Ii. W,'l, and forty-alx and aa.lnn
dollara i(l Haj eolat wllh Intereat thereon
from tlie I'.uhday of Hepb-mlMir, A. D. KC.
totti-thrr with arcrulua cimla nccordliiK ton
judirment rendered hy the dlatrlct court of
aald Douirlaa count y, nt lla Hrpiemhcr term,
A. D. lalri. In a certain nclloti then and
there pending, wliereln Henry I'lckerlli
wna ptalntltt. 11 ml Ahlnllier II. Atwood urn
ol hern were ilefendanla.
Omaha, Nehraakn, March 1, I m-i. j
3-24-tl Hherlffof Douirlaa county, Neliraaka.
f It. I Hi tile, attorney.
Sheriff 's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of aule laaued out of
. . . M L . ... .
me uiairici. couri. or iiouauta rniiiny, iimi
raaku. and to me directed. I will on lliei th
dnviof Anrll. A. ll. tadll. nt III o'rha'k a.m.
of anlil day, at the KAHT front il.airoftlie
coiinly court houae, In the city of Omaha,
Douirlaa county, Netiraakn. ai-ll at puiilli'
aurtlon theproM-rty deaiTllaid III aald tirdel
l.f milit iim rnfliiWM. In-wlt :
The aouth half iH't) of lot nine (t), liha-k
four Hi. In A. H. I'atrlrk'a addition to the clly
of Omaha, nil In Douirlaa county, alate of
Neliraaka. aald properly to tie aold to aatlafy
H, A. Ooldamlth the aunt of llfleen hundred,
thirty-four nnilKVlim dollur il.( :U.a.'n with
Intureat thereon ai rale or eiirnt tai m-r ceni,
per annum from May nth, Wii, and twenty
aeven and :ta-U) dollura ('.'7;iHI diet a, wild
Intereat thereon rrom the Ulli day or .nay
A. D. lata until paid, toirclhcr wild acrrtiliiK
coala arronliiiK 10 a juuirmeni renuerru uy
the dlatrlct court or aahl lioiiKlaa coimiy
at Ita May li-rtii. A. D. Wi2, In a certain
action then and there petullntt wherein H. A
Ooldauillh waa iilaliitlrr and Oeorite I, Dun
I111111. llrlle II. Dunham and olhera were do-
Omalia, Neliraaka. Mnrrh 21. WX
J-24-5 Hherlff of I am ulna County, Neliraaka,
Lake, llainilton maxwell, auorneya.
ltl Niiie.
i.t .l ...t ,t .f.l. -fcl I lvi
I. t,- .1" tl .-, 1
A If
a..i, t
1. I til ftl'l
a r .
f 4 I II, It. ,t--l,i t
III 1 -ilt V,l.kft tit .l.1
. t 1 a a t. .-ii - a
4tta It M. iw-a it.-.-..-
. . lv ..
1 . 1 1 nt 1
tl a. a-,-t
1 f i.
I 1 IhhIh 4 !
4 lt-.l
t an. I f t' ....l i
I t.l.t If -..
ti a t- 11.. l
, t rt- , ..l t at tt. 1 .. UlHh let tt.
( Mi.lia . I 1 In- la h 11 i -ata 4,
t t,,.i i,..,l. lla ! .. iM it aail llj.m Iw vl? t
tt. in i In a4 I- tit It .intini.
.J mia 4 aatiantt t" 4t ft ft'l tli i-iiTt
I . t . ! Iilmn It- ti I'll b f ! a l .
iM t l t la lltaail t. a la t,r i
r 1 11 .f
ii s
tiitikt. tantciaa i-irnitt ai4 titii
.iala rut.! )t"t In thr ttn 4 t4 ai. ,t
fiy., iil hfltia tt Mni .t trlaii-lia ilatM
)!t lt t and l tin- I 1 ,. 1- ,4 ai
la. In.,. t Un- t,,inalf ilia tll4 ti li-l
t li .., i t I '! ! It Mni. -tt nun
in in- i.,l t a la lt,i 1 nt twl.a l.,Mia
i.iiiitt att,t ktatanf Vinta-ta t.i ail tit
i in I l. l.tin.ii. la.t it tn,
.. la. 1 It lMit l l.a It itl t
ItiHIt Un lit.; Iiiltdii'iti at t i" a1111.1l
ami 1 uhl i Iii i, a a fntit lnimlit.l "lf
:H!. l. l I 1. .111 ill. Lit. flllll ,ll.ll4
full ate ,v-. 1-4 Helil rai i, I ,a i, funl
t.lli.iln.t lilll l.,l Ii' ,.t. lit, .pk ..)
t tit "ii II III l.lia Ii fullt liiliiillt il tl anil
,(.;.'. Intlailif ,i In l.,a V ti nt I,
IVH itm ini 1. 11 it.n liu ami 1 ai Itr l '1 in
Pink ai 1 1 11,1.1 ltl i,t.
li t 11 in. In l l.a I, funl I, tie, lit i.u , .lit
,li. 1 ., it, , 1 1 lit l.. a fitllt litllelll.t
.1.11 i,it .in. ', 1 ten 11 ,i In I m a funl
linn. Ih iI ki 1 1 1 mni ini'ii; lut .1 11 : In tin. li
fmii liiiiiilit.l t in, lv it.nij . I. 11 dm In
hlta it flllll lltllitlleil m VI tilt.itlt il.lf tnl it
l.iitili.i in Ihn Ii It mi t itltit 1 lahl
il1.'. Iiilt. Imit 'C II t e ,11. alt mi nml 1 1 it 1 In lit
Lie: li III' Llmiliell II, tu' iVli, ill ll Hie M It'll
tilled nee hull 1.1 liinii l In ihe fitllnaint
ilea, I Ita-ll II III I -tlllll ullilitli l III 111 III 1. 1, IHtl
i f In all' iililnil 1 till, lllilll. I'll 1 lui,
I 1 nit I 11 1 ,'!i a ml t anil v fmii' 'I lit Lha'k
tnill I111111I111I I aelil V eltilil It i; i. elin . 1 1,
ItMiiIi three in, li 11 tni, elet ell 1 1 1 ntnl Hill -In
n 1 I ii In Iilit. it four I111111I111I lh, 1 1 y il tni
Lit a niii- ill, Ittnrh, (mil iC, live iftt,
nit tin. at t en iii. eluhl 11 1 nine lie mill tell il'u
In I1I11 i, I. nil' liilli.lieil HilHV'tili" illl'l tola
llilie i ll, four III, alx till, aen n fiilirleeB
(Hi 11111I t ai-nl v-lhree lie III lilia'k four hull
died thlrly-lwn ittii; lot nineteen illll In
lil. H-k four li 11 ml 1 t il Ihlny-elithl 4.ia.; " iia
eleten 1 Hi 11 ml 1 aelve 1 1 Ii In hlock four hnn
dred Ihlrly-iilne l4n; Iota ten 1II11, Ihllieen
I I II 1 1 1 1 liilllleell 1 1 4 1 ill hliak four lilllnlled
(.illy Ian ill.'i; Inla nun ill nud two I'll In
hlnrk four hundred fntiy-lhreo; lot tint
Illll In lilia'k four dumlied (ml y-nliie illini
Iota aeven i7 elulit tai, nine ii iii'ul tenlliniii
hlork dnir liiimlieil 11(1 y il.iiiii lot lhn (III In
lilia-k fi ill r ti 11 ml it-it llfty-on"i4fill! lot eleven
(Hiiu i lock four hundreil lifly-alx i4.'li; Iota
alx nil, aeven t7 1, ten lluianil "thltteen (III) la
hlock four hitiidii'd alxty-oiie i4lli lolaltvts
1 r 1 nml alx nil In hlock four humlieil alxly-twa
HH'Ii I Iota one ill, t an 11, three ill), four ill and
live ifti, In hlork four hundred alxty-Hirrit
ilitli; Iota one (I), two Cil ami tlvei(ti In hlock
four hundred alxty-tlvn MH'e; lota alx lit)
aeven i7) nml elulit iHi In hlock four hunered,
alxty-alx (imii; lota four Hi, II ve ifn nml alt ill)
III hlork fmii liiinilred aeveiily-four(47-(ii Iota
ten illll. llfleen (Ifil, alxleen Illll and eliihleen
lIHl In hlork four humlreil aeveuly-tlvn 14.M1
lot rllllil INI In hlork four hundred clrhty-alx
Haili; lota three (il), alx (III and aeven (71 In
hlork four hundred eluhl y-aeven (4h7)i Iota
aeven ("1 nml elirhtlNiln hlia-k four hundred
ellihty-elirht Hani- iota one III, two (VI, thren
Cli, four Hi. live (5), alx HI) and aeven i7) In
hlork rour hundred iilnety-llveH'.i.'n-, lot four
14) In hlork fourhiimlred iilnrly-al v HIM), and
apply Ihe proceeda of the aaie of the name to
the payinentof anlil debt, and that the aald
Andiew II. Mont atipeared and tiled Ida
anawernnd died heforti Hie terminal Ion of
aiild mill, and 011 l-'ehruury II1I1, Hti;i, aald
cauae waa revived In the niune of JnlinC,
More ailmliilatrntor. Vou nre therefnri)
not llled that unleaa you allow aulllrlent rimae
airuliiat aald reviver on or Inborn tha iiutd
day of April, INHil, aahl cuuae will aland an
Oniiiha, Nehruaka. March 17. W.
il-17-4 lKNA QUICK.
HherlfTs Sale.
Ilv virt ue of an order of aaln laaued out of
Ihn dlatrlct court of Douirlaa county, Ne
hrnaku. and to me directed. I will on tlin "Mil
(lay of April, A. D, IWKI, nt ID o'clock a.
111, or aald day. at tint ,aht rronidooror tlie
oun v court nouae. in inecuv or iimnnn.
Douirliia rounty, Nehraakn, aell at pulillr
auction the property dcarrlhcd In aald order
of anli), aa followa. to-wlts ,
A niece of irround commenidimt nt thit
aouthweat comer of the aoulheaat iiiurir
mn nt aertiou MiiMy-two ttww. wn, tittwr
ahli alxteen 1 1', Ini, rnuK" tlilrteen (It. ft),
titenre euat on tun auction line aix niiiiureii,
nlnely-oiie and eluht-tenilia (IK1I.H1 feet,
thence north 0 deiireea, 8,1 mlniitJ-a, euat. alx
hundred, elKhty-alx and elirdt U-ntda ((
feet, Ui the aouth-weal, corner of hloofi
twenty-two (381, OtiinhH Helirhla propol
nddllfon for iilacn of he iitiliuo thence norfh
Hli ili-irreea, 11,1 mliiiilra, eaal one hundred nml
forty II4JII fetd, ttience north It (leu reea. 2.1
111 In 11 f t-M. eaal, eluhly and nlnr-lenllia
reel, wi the aouth riirnt-or-wny or inn rre
un in I , Klkhorn nud ,Vllaaourl Valley rullrond:
Ihenrn north f.H lleirreea, 7 mlinilra, weat
uloiur aald rlKht-of-way Hue two hundred
llllll-IIM-ll null lllit-ill II mili'l iei-,,1 l.lll-lien
aouth II di-irri-aa, 25 111 1 nil lea. weat one hun
dred ninety-one and aeven-teiii,hallli,7l feel.
HieiH'i- nortli Wl lleirreea, in mirioiea, euat
II f I v ifVo feel, to uliire of heirliiulmr. In llie
county of Douirlaa and atuN of Nehraakn;
aald proticrty to lie aold to aatlafy the drat.
.tint nun nana, or minimi, the mini or rour
II11111-11111I, nine hundred, aeveiily-alx and M-
i i In lira 4. rii ai . Willi inlereal llieienn 11 1,
rule of Win (H11 percent per milium from Muy
Illll. la',).'; toa-itlafy Hllddeu nud Jny Vnrutali
1 oiiiliuiiv ihe aiim or one iniuiin ii, i weiny-
rinii nml 7,1-IKi ilnlliira lil ll.v.'ii. with intereat
thereon from Muy !Hh, lanaj to autlafy Hie
aumof Iweuty-alx um fa-pxi dollura vv;:i
coala, wild Inlereat thereon from the Kill dny
of May, A. D. law, toirelhcr with nccruliiK
coala 'accord 1 11 K to a jiidKinent rendered hy
Hie oiairlct court or auiu liouKlua couniy,
at, Ita May term, A. D. !.!, In a cerlaln m--Hon
then nud there pi ndllur, wherein Klrat
N in l mi 11 1 Hank, of Ouiuhu, wna plaintiff, and
Oiniihu I'alnt, Color ami Vnrnlad Compuny,
Amer run Miinurariurliur ( omiiuny mid an-
ol her were defeiidnnla.
Onialin, Neliraaka, Mnrrh Z.lrd, taffl.
Hherlffof louirlaa County, Nehruaka,
latinc K. Couirdoii, allorm y, il-i!4-4
Hhcrtff's Hale,
Hv vlrltie of an older of aaln laaued out of
the dlalrlet court of Douirlaa county, Ne
liraaka, and to m direcieii, 1 will, on the 4tn
(lay of April, A. D. K'l. at III n'rlm k a.
m, 01 aitlfl (lay, ill llie r.sri iroui uoor ' nut
count y court houae, In Hie clly of Ouiuhu,
Douirliia county, Neliraaka, aell nt pulillr
aurilon the property deaerila-d In aald order
of aule aa followa, to-wlt)
l,ot t weniy-i wo ('Hi, In liha-k iiumher four
Hi, In I'orilaud flare, nu uddllion to Hie city
of Oinltha. na aurveyed, plalli-d nml recorded,
all In liuiinliia county, alale of Neluuaka,
aald properly to Ihi aold toaallafy HieOniadat
National Hank tin, aum of aeven hundred,
alxly-aeveii and la-iuo dollura H',i,7.1ai JihIi
Inelil, wllh Inlereal thereon nt Mil of elirht
ihi a-r cent H-r annum from Heptemla-r Ifuli,
l'.ci ; o autlafy J, A, Fuller and Con. puny the
urn of two liiimlird, ttfty-nlne nud At-IMI
dollara iJi.ilM juilKiiieiit wild InW-reat there
nii at ten (IU) 'r cent, per annum from Join
tell, ladl, toireilier wild live nml 7.VKU dollnra
it'i.7.'ii 1' Ihereiin; to autlafy Hie aum of
alxty-one nml a-ii dollura iii,kii ciwta, with
Ilit4-real thereon from the Hull day of Hep.
temla-r, A. D, toKi-lder with arcruliiK
coata arrordliiK to a (iiilxiiii-iit rendered hy
tlin Dlalrlrt Court of Douirlaa Coiinly, nt Ita
HeptemlM-rterm, A. D. IW. In aceriiiln m-tlon
lin n and there a niliur. wherein the Omaha
National Hank waa plaintiff and Kreilerlrk
T. Hmlth, Anna M Hmllh and otlu-ra were
Omaha, Nehrnaku, I'ehruary 2uh. fain.
Hherlffof DouKlaa Couniy, Nehruaka.
Luke, lliiinllton A Maxwell, atuirneya. 4-a-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of aaie laaued nut of
the Dlalrlrt Court of Doiiirltta County, Ne
hrnaku, anil to me dlrerled. I will on the 'i'ittl
day of April. A. D. law. nt lit o'cha-k n. m.
of aald day, nt the KAHT front door of the
Couuly Court llouae. In the City of Omaha,
Ikiuirliia County, Nehraakn. aell nt. putilh:
auction the property deacrllaHl In aald order
of aule ua followa, to-wlt:
Ixit forty Mm In H, K. Hnirer'a Okulioma an
nitdillon to the city of Omnhit. aa aurveyed.
plutti'd and recorded, all In Douirlaa couniy.
alale of Nehrnaku, aald proH-rly to lat aold
tu aatlafy Julia Thiuniia the auiu of two
thouaamf one hundred and live dollara
i'.UiiVHI) wllh Intereat thereon at rate of ten
dm M-r cent, per annum from Heptemher 21st.
Ili. and tifl v-elKhl. and la-IIXl dollara I1V1.IH)
coala with Intereat tliereiin from t Initial, day
of Heptemher, A. D. ati, loitettier with acrrti
Inir runt a arrordliiK to a ludirnieiit rendered
hythe Dlatrlct court of fouilaa rounty. at
lla Heptemher terin. A D. laid, In a certain
action then and there pendlna. wherein
John D, Thomaa waa plaintiff nml John 1.
Thomaa and olhera were defendaiita.
Omaha. Nehraakn. March Si, laiii.
.1-54-H Hherlffof IHiuvlua county, Neliraaka.
Hradlev tc lK l.ainatii-, atlorm-ya.
( '
I U i