THE: AMERICAN, i - d. r lit pott pt the Law Cnmmitlf f itl to the Moutp, in it limn nmtMi la nr. A ' I MrU, l I fc HIMI take- ttt .ta-t KikMi la Ik ! -ffwiiii Him i !' Mil Ha t(k l.Mit , Man h PI.TIrimtiH'f Uwjm lo whom the tumm ivfiin ) t)i tnHr i'f tM lttiitit i'f ui I'fTicwi Iim tasti, wtmiitmoiialy l lnf of linHHii hitient. Tlitiwtjr 4iit utt whlrh U)t tllnVtinl m with r fi ric to the iH-ii-itiUn f affair at thi Lincoln insane av-yltnrv JnlK IVminl lf)t Hint I her Km n.nlitiiu to show that In that en- the likl rpcuiveat any until of tlie r (lint was irnlmj fsmbl tint ) I'ti-iililiHl to l guilty tn the utaui'iie of such rvlili'i'i. Tim I'tluT tlielllls-NI of the iollllllilotl lu ll, however, that Hip txtnnl rotil'l i t have lati Ignorant, mill If imt in ivlliisinii liml liii grossly hiuli((''iit Rttt tlerellct in their ibity ami were therefore culpa Mil. Ho fur a the pell limine evidence vm concerned the three were a unit in declarittK or ttiijioaeliiiietit, Tim 1'otlllllll toe's resolution, aOCOIII- pnnytn tlm rcxirt, was n follows: HcSolVCll, 1'llHt article of llllICUcillllClll be prrimriil mid presented ti the supreme Court of this M nto for malfeasance In (iltice Multilist tin' follow Intf persons, limll: John CAUen, secretary of state; (icore ll.llust Ittlis, attorney general; A. It. Humphrey, commissioner of public hunls and build 1iik, nml J, K. Hill, ex-sCate treasurer. The house was called to order at 9 o'clock. Hurry of Ureeley culled up hU motion to immediately consider the com mittee,' resolution to prepare articles of Impeachment. Keekloy was on his feet and ho wanted to oiler a substitute but after a general wrangle the house took s recess until 1 l0 o'clock. The regular order after recess was the ffenoral appropriation bill, but it wan laid aside and the impeachment proceed ings taken up again. A resolution was adopted, instructing the cominitUie to continue the takinx of evidence aainHt Other ofiicials and cx-ofliciuls whoso names do not appear in the recommen dation of impeachment. A tnesstife was rent the senate, informing that body that impeachment proceedings were pending in the house, and requesting the members to name a time for a joint iession to consider the matter. The en ate sent an answer saying it would meet the lower house in joint convention at 4 o'clock. Accordingly at that hour the Minute marched In but nothing fur ther was done than to agree uiioii an other meeting and the joint noshIou then adjourned. Public oiiinion is nearly tmanimous in the belief that the senate will concur in the house resolutions that impeachment proceedings lie instituted. Mnf Ili.fimt tbo Kill. LlNCOMf, March PI. It U announced bore the railroads have succeeded in ef fecting a plan to defeat the maximum rate bill. The plan is to Adjourn the enate sine die before the bill can lie reached. They claim 17 votes for ad journment. It is possible the scheme may work, Another rumor of a sensational char acter is that Htate Treasurer Hill's name does not appear on his bond. J ust what effect this omiNsion may have on the validity of the bond is uncertain, some lawyers holding that it invalidates it, while others claim it does not alfect the bond. Head IXiil foillolftn, Ltnoiun, March 31, Two passenger trains on the Hurlington met in head end collision at Oermantown W) miles west of here, through the medium of an pen iwitch. The engines were domol- tshed and the mail and baggage cars ladiy damaged, frank Hwaln, a fire man, suffered a broken leg and cuts about the head and Thomas Marshall, mail clerk, suffered injuries the extent of which cannot lie learned. Only one passenger, a travelinginan from Lincoln was Injured, The loss to the company will lie heavy. A wrecking train from Lincoln was sunt to the scene. I'liwrinrl; Will Not lntrrrit. Nkw Yoiik, March HI. Oenoral Mas ter Workman T. V. l'owderly, of the Knights of Lalsir, left the city Thurs day evening and returned to his home in Hcranton, Homo of the members of tlio Manufacturers' association said that Mr, l'owderly had no jurisdiction in the present lock-out and that he had in filiated that lie did not intend to inter fere in any way in the. matter. Hiiilllimri IIhii(ii'I. Cl'RVKf.AMi, March HI. The annual bar.fjuet of the Tippecanoe club, one of the leading political organizations of northern Ohio, was held in this city, There was a large attendance of Jtepuo licans, and great entliiiiaim was occas ioned when Oovernor McKinley en tered the biiniiot room, I ll Hollar l.iil"liiii. l'VV.uw, Col., March HI. The boiler of Mccarty's saw mill, six miles from Jtye, in the southwest corner of this county, blew up Wednesday, The en gineer, Charles I-angreauie, was blown you feet and killed, J, M. Hardin was b'ldly and Louis Murphy slightly in jured. The mill is a total wreck. Ha tul llnat f'apalxiMl. Lkavknwohtii, March .ji.-Ily the fapsizing, near Fort Leavenworth, of one of Virgil Dresser's sand lioats, Theo dore Fletcher was drowned and Dresser and John Hill were rescued with groat dilllciilty a mile Ixtlow where the boat went down. CohI Minna nn Urn, Halifax, March 81. A big fire is raging at Ujldgeport in the Cape IJroton coal mines, All the surface plant has lifton destroyed. The initios are owned by the Whitney syndicate. liimliln Mu nil' r. Covinotox, Ky., March 81. Frank Lang, aged 2'i. a gns fitter, cut his wife's throat Thursday afternoon and then cut his own. He had not been living with jiis wifo for six months. I t li li I I Hllll I t t- '. I , ti ,i 1! I. I ! MlltA t II "f .' ; l. - i(-l lit b a " 'H b"ii . I .!., I t i - Jl II 1 li lS f It I Inai jr. I t ti l liiHHtf, lilt It tlilimtli t t til")im 'hi H II ! i t I'm it . In ! a ' ' IHn lMi ftlSH," 1i i t ifc. ''lit I' t baa lnt ! Ik-"! bi-tp1tl It t tfc" J. i!li'iJ ii lli n, b -niiiit, that A H Hull. 41 t""nttll Itirt fm ul I hi Hootf ba t"Mi riiii(( i f.f t'tft A J'nl , lh A all's h In. rs ttl ViIiih. I niu it li!lt w!ihvs, 'iti h rnii.l ! iinH. )iil mw. It W i-atm'l Hist iiuulbi lni. Ml iVi.ii i.f ti,n f.iK. .S-r It t- ditiiblHf I. h.w. nr, Itist tli crbt nf ttiis nfthniti tltuH.'i ! afT.i ti'l, It l Known tint t I-"! tV f tli Wi Mlili twnt Ar tiebl tit KsnA tHty. Tliet t in iti'litiaMn iirculiitsnii ill huttmrs r". At thn ttiiix hi' put out lli fiiiffi4 itr tin had tin tinsin isl tnmbuf, and t a tu t a ti'iensjr i't..H'iit tin r BHirt-l In, In a di'i'ttf st i nit, to pr t l t his irvdtt, as t tun lillorv of dupli rated WAr,lu'ii twppt, It w simply t Klgmitti' ivitidli from atsrt t Isit. Sut I. hi rUlins In- put up the money thus ritlmxl na margins for whtxky pur I'lml. Where this hinky la, m lint yet la-en discovered, but Mutton says tt is distribute! over half a doxeii different siliils. ((eiiiwmi Wnnhoiie ns'eipta ar oat agnitiat all of it, but who the holders nre Is Another inwtiiin. These rei-elpts cover an Interest of ffom fi to IU per barn l, and button anys his marginal in terest amounts in the aggregate to fKMi, IHKI, which he still maintains is mom than suflictctit to tmi't all of his obliga tions. A Unit noon Thursday it was learned that the Cincinnati banks have been caught for nearly as large an amount as those of Louisville, and that the amount of fraudulent receipts out will reach the total of fJMt.uutl. ItKAIlY Mill Vt'Alt. Trouble lint wean Mini-taw Faction Nura to OciMir. ANTi.tna, I. T., March 01. Hoth fac tions of Choctaws are lnassing their forcos and a battle seems to bo only a question of a few hours. At 8 o'clock Thursday night 100 militiamen gathered at Ooodland and were getting every thing in readiness to attack Locke. Governor Jones is en route and will reach l'ans, Tex., at 10 a. m. Friday. Locke is In a strongly fortified camp three miles northeast of here beyond the Laimitia river. Fears are entertained that some non-citizens may be killed. United Htates Commissioner Gibbous teli'grutihed the situation to Indian Agent IJennett, at Muskogee, informing him that if he wanted to prevent blood nhed he must act at once, He also tele graphed the interior department the status of affairs. There is a faint hotio that they may intercede und stop the trouble. A HI NIT CIMNI. Kranra t'liil'i-lfulii A not liar Mlnlnlarliil I haiitfs. Paiiih, March 81. -The government was defeated by A narrow margin in the chamber of deputies, and another cabi net crisis is thn result. Ily a vote of 247 to 24i the chamber decided to retain the liquor law amendment bill as part of the budget, although the ministry has expressed itself as firmly opposed to the amendment. After a somewhat lengthy consultation in a committee room the ministers proceeded to the Flyse and tendered their resignation to 1'rosidctit Carnot. The president had a long in terview with tlio members of the cabi net and urged them to reconsider their determination, His Argument wero in vain, however, and the minister insist ed that their resignation must be ac cepted. I'liolcr In Itiiaaln. Bt. rKTtfitHiii'Kd, March 81, Cholera has made its appearance again in tills city and it is known that fatal cases are of daily occurrence, although the authorities have not resumed their noliev of last year of making a regular dally announcement of the new case and deaths. Very disquieting minors have tsien received from the interior or ltussia and the ministry of the interior is taking action which indicate that the government must posses special infor mation of the gravest character. The government is also causing to lie formed limitary commission which will look after the health of the people at the point to 1st reached through the rail- way svsiem oi ivussiii. (IsllliiK ItKsily for Mis M.Ir, Outmhii!, ). T March .11. Heveral pedal allotting agent who have been At I'onca for some time have tstori or dered to the l'awneo reservation to hnrrv no the work of allotting there so the strip opening will not 1st delayed. The ( herokees who are to receive auoi- ments have all made their selections, The boomers have become alarmed at the largo number of Texas cattle being unloaded at I'onca dally, ostensibly lor Osage county, and demand that a squad of cavalry no stationini mere io prevent the cattlemen from shipping over on the strip and getting possession as they did limtysar, lililn't I aitura l'ala. Ct.RVKt.ANK, March fll. The report that Paige had been captured in Ilrazil by Captain C. K. Henry turn out to le incorrect, instead of securing Paige the detective succeeded in arresting II, A. IJottsford of this city, who is wanted for the embezzlement of f 20,000 from the linn of Woods, Jenks & Co. Botts ford fled from Cleveland about a year Ago, llaia Hull. Piiii.AiiKf.riUA, March HI. The open ing game of the inter-collegiate base ball season was played bore Isitween the team of Yale and the University of Pennsylvania, and the former met de feat by a score of 1 1 to 6, CiiATTANoiifiA, Tenn., March 8), The Chattanooga team again defeated the Chicago club, the Bcore being 4 to 1, in a hotly contested game. I'll-n ril tlis Npi"i'eh, Maiuiio, March HI. The cabinet council dratted the speech from the throne, to be read at the opening of the new cortes, 'I lm Han In Marin at I'm to III no. Havana, March ill. The Columbus caravel ban' a Maria has reached Porto Hico. MIIV'IV IT K'l!i: ! HI iV I Qiifm'ttini tM thr lUnlKjj lt Aiititrtlt. MHKT TUMM ll' 111 I th I Ulrtl Atatikt ! 'illaisl ArrOaral ! 'lallas llait ail las I niiMlMHal Slal.a - Va aala tntlftat ! ViMvitni, Mstii Si. The raws And raiilhtr i-Asaaj ,.f t!n I'lilled Mtatoa AiultttuMal Hi tltu iiielet the tra'sly to Atbitrst Uif iwtiit im-a ibmculiiiw, I IWm ll III tal isitllititea, Wla slllltlll tuaiMialy twtlt t tin' riltltxl Htetis and Also tnsile public by liiiiiintalon fi the ItmiMi i.f ptliAiiieiil in Urn liHi. They POlllpttseil Altlgltblf 14 TIlhllMPA of printed instter, Wing Alnt njually divided III ImlH. I talma nf Ilia I'nllrrl Slalra. The siiniiimi y nf the claims innd f r the Cnitixl States is, Hist prior and lip to the time nf Hie cession of Alaska to the United htates, Huasi Assorted Atnl exercised ah exibisive right tot lie seal flsherliHi III the waters nf Holing sea. Also Asserted and exercised throughout that the right to prevent, by the em ployment, when necessary, of reasonable lone, an Invasion of such exclusive rights. ItaoiiKiilfiiil lif llrsal llrllsln. That (Ireat lirttiiin, not having At Any time resisted or objected to such asser tions of exclusive rights, or the exercise of such power, it is to lie deemed as hav ing recognlzisl and asserted the same. That all the right of Russia in respect to the seal fisheries In Heriug eit east of the water Isiutularv, established by the treaty of March ," )M7. Isitween that nation and the United States, and all the power and authority posseswd and as sorted by Russia, to protect said rights, passed unimpaired to the United Hlatcs under that treaty. Tlio KiikIIsIi Sldn of It. The case of Ireat Hritain as set forth by Mr Charles Tupper, the Hritish agent, was that llering sea, as to which the question arises, is an open sea in which all nations of the world have a right to navigate and fish, and that the rights of navigation and fishing cannot be taken away or restricted by the mere declaration or claim of any ono or more nations; they are natural right and ex ist in their full extent, unless specifical ly mudilled, controlled or limited by treuty, Knaalsn Claims KnsUtnl. After reviewing the condition that existed in IWl, when Russia attempted to exclude foreign vessels from llering sea. and the failure which attended thin effort, the acquisition of Alaska by the United Htates is considered. In VWH. under changed conditions of territorial ownership, and in view of certain new circumstances which had arisen, in con sequence of the growth of the industry of pelagic sealing in non-territorial waters, the United Htates reverted in the first instance, to certain claims based upon those of the Riusian ukase of JSiM, which the United Htate to gether with (ireat Hritain, had success fully contested at the time of their pro mulgation; but in the course of the dis cussion which have arisen, these excep tional claims to the control of non-terri-tcial waters were dropjiod, and in their place variou unprecedented and In definite claims have been put forward, which appear to be based upon an al leged property in fur seal as such, f lot It Want llnliiMvea. l3oth parties file claims for damages, the United Htate for losses to it reve nue and on account of the Alaska Com mercial company, because of the reduced number of skin taken, owing to tlio diminution of the herd bv the pelagic minllng of Hritish vessel, and (Ireat Ilritaiu on account of losse to the own ers of vessel seized by the United Btate, HAir koii l:oNlHK,HlK lliortd Hainarlc of I'resliiant Ciavelnml A limit A piolntiMnla. Wahiiinotom, March 81. Mr. Cleve land ha given out ome bad new for congressmen and their favorite constit uents, if report 1 true, A member of the house is authority for the statement that the president will not allow con- ?ressioual delegations to apportion the sderal ollices in their respective states, The congressman who is authority for the report that the slates would not taud in their entirety, asked Mr. Cleve land what he proposed to do with refer ence to these prepared slates, "I will smash them," is the answer at tributed to the president. A strong pressure is being brought to bear on Mr, Cleveland to have him se lect a commissioner of pensions from a itate east of the Allegheny, Mr. Cleve land has given no sign as to his selection, if he has made any, but he ha inti mated that the new commissioner will be a young man of known ability not too closely allied to practical politics. lllli uaalliK Ilia (Joiiiinlttaa llsport. Washington, March HI. The day's session of the senate was devoted almost wholly to the debate on the question of the admission of the senators appointed by the govurnors of the states of Mon tana, Wyoming and Washington after the legislatures of those states had ad journed without making regular elec tion, Mr. Mitchell (Rep,, or.) spoke in defense of the minority teport. Al though the question is one purely of constitutional and statutory construction there is much interest manifested in its il.iiuritoniitiiiii. but Mr. Mitchell con fessed in the close of his speech that the dye was cast and that the majority report would be adopted. Sst Aaldn Ilia O pilar. Wawiinoton, Miirch 81. Mr. Justice Jackson has isiued an order setting aside the order of Justice Lamar, re straining the consummation of the pro ceedings by which the Houston and Texas Railway company was to lie taken out of the receivers hands and turned over to the purchasers. A i i . ri t Di e li I a (!niiflrnit.'l. Washington. March ill. Tlio uonate ha confirmed the follow. ug nomina tion: Thomas F. Hayard to Isi ambassa dor extraordinary ami plenipotentiary to (Ireat U-itaiiii deorgo J. Denis of California to Ijo attorney of the United Htates lor the southern district of ChiIi-forniu ti i . I 1 : Ml t ' - ' I I t an M I i , 1 .!.,' i I St. Ill I I i ...1 .-It li ' t ' I .', - , - t H. I ii i. ; . 4 1 1 ! ; i :. .. - i, i .! j i.' t . t Mi. y ft ) i, , t t ..! Ai.ini l":M.St filill I l-'i ' l III t M 111. Hi ottl I! a 1 li: 1 .. t ml' I .-.i'i I . I "i i I ii j t rt .tt .i mi ii i iit' tanii.. i i I I i t ! ! Iii-.ui i'i a'it i iii ha ItllSj Il.r It 1,'ujl H;ln, vt pi il l I il III itiMe I 1 b il ill1 t III'' I ! I n jit.init tin' i ii i'i i ( linn im Isiit s la, ln t i f II." I I ticlill' I'I -I ftottn 111 tltt)""-! I li eistoo tt i t 1 1 Ihil il tt l On Il-il t'ltlti' III A I'I t'lfll lotHtW Mrll t I la In I I'll' I'rtipl t't Hie pled 'Inili'ivt I H'l(t ti . Ilu Itf Inn It SlIlltCKlill l-l ima I tlm I blltlitl m turn lug iiM-d i f - 1 wrh a t'U'il ii?ifilily IS"'I aiKHdilitf b Hie Uuiil 111 n in risjulii iiii lit of Hie d iV l I nc Jis.ter.biy liiniuliie lit ilii iie i.f tlna govetii' Itlelil Imble to lie t t tmiiulil bv I oui I of itanwii rtvnliKii. Iimwine Its h.i, v rerilly iu) ili d nod dilei led by the ii V"V of II I 'll letl stiite, W lm til this'l v la Hilly olio slid Hot rVell thn ioell iif Alillui' liUllilii rof sill Ii UiVnVS mid lln thief ndiiittilsttutive sivi r wielib d l y a Hem who in theory Is it nine "inHim r without i'ecutive f unit ions." Yes, liimuino all tin tbitius und then reiib" Hint they are no "Mikado" like Inven tion of inmic I'jsra, no nightmare of Homo roiisttiiitioiuil theorist with a dis ordered brain, but prosaic, solid fuel Ail unvarnished picturn of the political Kgypt of to-iliiy.-' KiiulMud in F.gypl." Slept I III) -ai vi-ll li-ara. Irving' "Rip Van Winkle" is Is'lieved to have Its foundation in the wonderful Story which Pliny relates cm nlng the extraordinary experience of a shepherd named Fqiliueliiiles. The scene is laid in Crete, the time summer, and Fpiinenide a boy of some 15 years. During the very warmest part of the day he found that omn of the sheep were missing and at about the same time heard prolonged bloating from tint almost inaccessible portion of a neighboring mountain, I to grasped his crook and started off in the direction of the sounds. The path was a Very diflicult ono to travel over, the day hot, so that long beforo ho reached the stray sheep ho was so overcome with fa tigue that ho lay down in a dry place in a cool cavern to sleep, 1 lo slept, so Pliny gravely inform us, 57 years, At last when ho had finally managed to shako off the terrible lethargy that had held him spellbound for more than half a century, ho returned to the herd only to find a brother younger than himself a tottering, gray haired grand father. That "ill wind" proverb is very appropriate in thl case, for wo find tho Eplmcnfdes' enforced slumbers had en dowed him with miraculous power. Ho became a grott cpio poet and Gnostic philosopher and even defied deat h itself for nearly three centuries, not dying ontil ufter ho had celebrated hi two hundred and eighty-fifth birthday. St Loui Republic, Thnrktirny' Influann Over Main. O. A. Hala recall a meeting in ul youth with tho white haired Thackeray and tho strong impression mado upon liim by tho novtlist' kindness, "I have not forgotten, I hope," he says, "one word of the wise and gentle counsel which Thackeray give me that night, and how he bade me 'buckle my belt tight, 'hang out my sign' und ask him to come and take a chop with mo. Some of his forecasts of what I might do if I tried proved to bo almost of the nature of prophecy, and if 1 may borrow an im age from ono of tho craft which I prac ticed in my youth I may say that my heart and mind were to mo a he talked even of the nature of a plate of copper, and that, with tho acutestof needles and the strongest of aquafortis, he etched and bit in on that plate a rule of work and study and conduct from which I have been enabled these many year past very rarely to deviate, A ! Hint Sliippsil lliinawajr, I hail a dog named Chris, One day papa and mamma went out riding, and the dog went with them. A they went around a comer three mile from homo, tho carriage tipjwd over and threw them out, and then the carriage righted itself, tho line dragging under the carriage, Tho dog. who was under the carriage, pulled tho lines with his teeth and tried to ston the horso from running and could not. Then he ran to the horse's head and kq.t jumping, nipping him In tho nosit, so he stopped running and walked. Kverv time ho tried to run the dog kept on In that way for two mile nutil a tioliccman stopped him. Kver after, so long as ho lived, whenever tho horse would start up suddenly, Chris would go right to tho horse heao. Cor, Now York Recorder. Tim Himlli of Murk Antony. Mark Antony gave tho world for a wo. man' love, but found himself so poorly compensated by the exchange that in desperation at tho approach of octaviua, and being Informed that Cleopatra was endeavoring to mako terms for herself by surrendering him, ho stabbed himself with bis dagger. I'.etng revived, lie re cei veil the message sent by Cleopatra that Bhn desired to seo him, ho wa carried to her Place of refuge. Cleopatra and her maids raised him by rope to the window of tho tower where the fallen queen found her last home. He was lifted in and died in her arm. ht. Louis uiooo Democrat. Imllrnllva, . "That's a very lovely baby of your, Lawson, I wonder what ho will uovel on Into?" "Well, if wo can judge of tho future by the present, I think ho will bo a town crier when he grows up, Harper u& ar. Whitt Ha Mr nn. Hkagg-Doe your wife ever lose her t-'iniur? Jltagg Not that I ever knew of. De troit Fr.'O Press III THK I.ATKHT iVriVctly lhiuilrw, Hut h S?un to a Pay. LA I) HIS CAMOLE JUNIPER linn Taken .he IMacc of Pills, Kte. If juti li it-it KliUi, )nl istl Ivia on l'Mt! V, .It MI'I It Tst Ho oltti r tUAH AN1 C lN fVUliy HOttlH, pHice 2.oo a norrL . H l I I ,V I ill I l't IHUIhIh, o o HtM I' II Ht II S CAMULI JUMIPtM CO. CAMOLE The Best Train for Chicago I tho Hiirlington'a No. 2, leaving Omaha at l:l."i p. in., daily, Magnificent sleeping cars. Comfortable chair cars. IVrfeet dlnlnif cars, Tho Hurllngton also oilers unequalled iiiblo daily service to Denver, St Louis and Kansas City, Ticket olllcc, 1131 r'artiam street. Sight it Priceless. Do not, allow yourself to be filled with glasses by people who know nothing of refraction. 1 use it com plete teat ciiso, and my work Is done Hcicnl ideally. I'.ves leMeil nml litteil free of chiuge. JOHN HUDD, tf :W M. HIM; St. HOI FOR TEXASI 50,000 ACRES ' mU.urn Texas ' land sold since last Soptemlier. Now Is tho titno to buy. Next excursion Thursday, April utn. T, mi..- milcUi'st, time, liest accom modation and through connection. For particulars seo or iiuurcss, V. A. V.lsMV.N, tf l.ri 1 1 Capitol Avo, -v - One beautiful Carotin Panel given with every dozen Cabinet at Hughe Hutidbei'K'n Hliidlo, 205 North Iflth street If CHRIST. HAM AN. WatchmaKcr and Jeweler, Fink Watch Ukpaiiuno a SPicciAm 612 Mouth 1 Htrcct. HISSEM & TEETER Northaaat Cor. tilth and Dotlf Ht., roii a i.i. kisiis or Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Not, Oiinfdctlfini. Clears sod ToUooo, 'fVleiiholU' I714. TO THE WORLDS FAIR -TASK TUB- GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE From LINCOLN, OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUrrB, lo.iin.ii.lii-r thin I. Inn hn li Ili-nol for lilt trains at- Kfiylewood (suliurh (if (Ihlcaso), lose lo (lie World s ' sir unte. CHAS. KtNNf OV, lien'l N.-W. I, Almuha, Neb. Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TKI.KI'IIONK MU. Moving and Light Express Work Trunk entJ Psrcel DelUary. Household liisids Clicked. Stored andHhlpiied ( illicit, 4t North liilh Ht,, at. Weher's Htus' Store, llraiich Otllce, N, K, Cor. nh and l.uke Hlreels. Telephone C'i7.'i. IMIICKS UI-,AS(lNAIlI.r .(..I.TIICNKV, l'laiio Moving s Hpeclally, Manuver.'j FOR SALE , 300,000 ACRES f the lii-Hl. fiirinlntl lauds In Whailoii and MalaKordacutiuiy, Teasj W.'ni to liomi s-r acrei leu years' lime, 7 per cent. Interest, I. on cash per acre, K.iich llrst and second years, third, fourth und Mb yeurs Inlereat, only, l or purtb ularscall or write, ' ' C. O. WAI.I.ANIiKU. ;i-4-J JiiSI ( iiiiiIiiK SI reel , Notice of Final Settlement. Wta'is or N r.aitAHK a, ' liouKlaslouiity. In tin- County court of IioiikIiis county, Nebraska, In the mutter of the entalii of Curl A, SaiiiUledl, deceased: I, aura HamUledl. Nels V. Mandsleilf , and all other is-rsona Interesli-d In said matter are Iierehy untitled Unit, on the 2lih day of S.arch, IsliJ, Maria K. H-nidaledt llli d a pelllloti In said counly court, pniylnil thul her lliiul admlnUt ration account tiled herein he u'ltled mill allowed: that, proofs of heir ships lie taken und decrees rendered thereon: liml allowance h- tiiiide for children under acvcri and fourteen years of auc respectively, Hint a decree (list rlliulliiK and ii-IkiiIiik lliii residue of said i-stule be enlered: Hint thill, such other and furl her orders und priweed lns muy lie hud In the premlsi-a us may lie reiiilred liv Hie ulatules in such caws made und iirovhd-d. to the end Hint said enlute and all IIiIiiks pi iialnlnii llierclo may Ih llnully settled and determined, and the said Maria K. Sundxtedt ill'harKi-d. Von nre heivhy liolllli'd that If you fall to iijipi'iir liefore mild court on I In- 1 "I li day of .Nliiy, s',i;l, ul In o'clock a. in., and conical mii I1 iietlttoti. the ciiurl may itraiil the priiyer of said pel It Ion and make such other und further orders, allowances and decreea ua to I lila court muy sci in proM-r, to the end Hint all niittlers pi-rtaliilnn to said ealale may be llnully sellled und determined, and the said Mu rl 11 SauiUli-dl dlM'hiiiued. Wllneas my liiind and otUclal seal this U day of March, IK a W.A..I J. w. y.u.m. ;i-;il-l County .luilire. m mm mm. VAI I WAKlT A tAPM fa IN THE WtST; r pt II, Ilia lll-W FCH CMOO. ROCK lELnni7 tm rnnnv, n. -m f cALLKD tub WESTERM SETTLES: t.U ftU nbntit ft nml will t ctit FHl- m- A'ldtfSM JuHS NHtTt KS. t.t. k-t i-l l'.-.r A t. fe, i tikeftrt, Kk 1st! 4 Vltte Heiir.vJ, Cht'H". lit. iiiiiununui.tituatiuutk.vvv DISCOVKKY. O O JUNIPER. C. H. FOB BY, MANTrWCmiKIt OK TRUNKS. AND TRAVELING OAQ3. REPAIRING DONE. 1400 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB, Notice of Final Settlement. Htatk ok Nuiiiuska. I IiimikIiis iiiiiiily. ( In I In' ca in it I ,a eiieil of HoiikIiis I'liunly, Nelititxkn. In Hie miitler of Hie eslnte of Miirniii'i't MiiIMkuii, ileei'iiseil : A Urn Sullivan, Annii Tliiniipsoii, TIioiiiils I1'. MiiIMkuii, mill all oilier peiwms Inleiesti'il In riiilil mutler are lii iehy liolllleil tliut en the Call iluy of Nuveinlier, Isirj, 'I'lioinus I'. MiiIUkuii lllnl n liel.llliili In mii tit i'liunly eoiirl. iiruyliiK Unit Ills lluitl uilmlii Isliiitlon iic'i-iiuiit. Illeil herein tin set tled unit iillowwl; lliul. iironts of heli'shlps tie Mi ken luiil lieei-ees rendered I hereon Min i iillowiou'es he miide for child reti under seven und foiii'tccn yeiirsof line ri-spivtlvelyi I 1ml I, i decree illsH'Unjf Iiik li nil iishIkiiIii Hid residue of siild eslnte he entered : and Clint hiii-I niher und furl her orders und piocm-d-Inus tuny he hud In the premises us luliy lie reijillrelf hy the stiitules In silcli enses iiiudii und iirovlded, to the end ihul.NUld esl.ule und ill I thlnus iierlulnlnii then-lo mity lie llnully settled und di-terinliied, and the siild 'I'humua I-'. Miilllifioi dlschurKi'd. Veil urn Iierehy nolltled Hint If you full lo Hliieur liefore said court on tliezlih day of Iiiy, ISiiil, HI, III o'clock , in. und rimlest, said pelllliin, the court muy liiiuil the prayer of said iietltliui and inalin sucli other and' further orders, allowances and decrees, us to t his court muy seem proper, to the einl that, all mailers iiertulnliia to auld I'sliiln muy lie llnully Hell li d and determined, and tlie hiiI il 'I'homiis V. Mullluun dlschiuwd. Witness my hand and olllclal seal imps ir day of March, Ihii;i, J. W. I' I, I.Kit. 'skai1 il-ill 4 County Jinle. Sheriffs Sale. Ily vlrt u of an order of sale Issued on t. of the IMst.rlet, Court, of HoukIu County, N liruska, and lo me dlrecii-d, I will on tlm i'll.h day of April, A, H. ISiiil. ul. 10 o'clis'k A. M. of said day. ul, the KAHT front, door of the County Cou rt House, IhiImi City of imulm, lloiiKliis Counly. Niihraaka, sell at, liuhlli! auct ion the property descrlls-d In aalif order of sale its follows, to-will l,ot thirty-two, In hlis-k onn til, In HrlKKs I'lace, addition to Hie city of Omaha. IioiikIiis ciiiinly, stalo of Nebraska, said property to lm sold to satisfy Tlm Million Stale llitukluu Ciimpauy the sum of clmlitceti hundred, llfl.y-t.wo and SK-iidollitrl,sf4.HS with Interiisl, thereon from Heplemlier I'llh, sii2, ami forty-nine and Sil-PCl dollars f.s;n costs, with fiili'rest thereon from the Will day of HenU'hilicr, A. II. Isttt, Oaiet.bcr with accrulnit cisils uccordliiK to a ludiiment rendered hy the f list rlct, court of said I'oukIuw county, at lis Heptemher term, A, il, IsW, III a certulii action then and there is'iidlnK, wherein tlie llallou Hlale llaiiklnK Comiiiuiy was plalntltf, and Hannah J. I'(i and olliera were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, March Zlrd, tsta OKOKOIC A. HKNNKTf, -a4'5 Hherlffof lioiitdaa County, Nebraska. K, It. fiutlle, al.lorney. Nofice to Creditors. Htatk or N suit ass a, j IioiikIiis Counly. I " . In the county court of IioiikIiis counly, Nebraska, March 4lli, A II, ISWI, In Hie mailer of the estate of MiitliewC, 'I'lu. ci-edlOirs of said estate and all other persons Interested In said matter will lake notice Hint tlie creditors of said estate will appear Is fore Ibis I'ourt, on the day of May, ISM, on Hie Hb day of July, lH and on the m h day of Heno-mlsir, Jsfi;i. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for Hie pnrissxt of presenilis their claims for toiamliial.lon, adiuslmeiil and allowance,, HU tiiontlis are allowed for Hie creditors to present their claims, and one year for Hie administrator In aellle said elale, from the 4th day of March, IstH, This milieu will be published in Tlir, AmkiiM'AN for four wecksaiiccewilvcly prlor lo Hi" da of May. All claims not filed on or before the Willi day (if Heptemher. sti,l, will lie forever barred from consideration In the final aeltlemenlof aithl ..M 1. 1,, WIlricHS my hand ami oltlclul seal this till day of March, law, .1. W. Kl.l.f.ll. ISKAI,.) il-17-4 County JiuUe Notice to Creditors. Stats or Nr.iuiAssA, t ImuKlas Counly. I , In I In- Counly Court, of 1'ouulas Coillity Nebraska, March 41 h. A. II, IsWI. In the mill li r of Hi" ealale of Mien Iim inn n : The creditors of said ealale and all other persons Interested In aald malli-r will lake notice that Hie cn-dlliirs of said ealale will niiiH-ur before Ibis courl on the I'uh day of May. IslCI. on tlie I'.illi day of July s',i;i, and on Hie I'.ilhduy of Si-plemlier, Isli.i. ul Hi o'eds'k a. m. each day. for Hie purpime of presenilnn their claims for enaniliuil Ion. aduslmeul and allowance. Hl monllis are allowed for Hie creditors to prcai-ut tln-lr claims and onn year for the ailinlnlst rator lo sett le aald a iute, from the 41 li day of March, s!i;i. This notice will be published In Tlie Ammhcan for four weeks siicceaalvely prior lo Hie IHlh day of May, Istct, All cfiilnis not. Hied oil or ls-fore (be l',u h day of Hcptcmls'r, s',i;i, will lie forever burred from consideration In tlm Hnnl wltleiiienlor said ealale, Wit nei my hand and ultlclal seal this 4lh day of March, IstU. IskacI ;i-li-4 J. W. Kl.t.FK. County Juilite, Notice to Creditors. Stats or Nsiiiiasha, I t Hiniiilasrouiity. ( ' In Hie Counly Court of UnilKlus County, Nehraakn. March. fJ, A. H. si;i. In Hie Main-r of the estatii of den, W. The Creditors of said palate noil all other persons Interested In said matter will lake notice that the creditors of said ealale will appear before this court on the Will day of May. Isiet, on the 11 li day of July. I!i:i. ami on the Jill h day of Sepleiiilier. Will, at lllo'clis'k A M each (lav. for the purpose of presenl lnK ihelrclaliiis fin- s unit mil Ii oi. adjust iiient and Mlluwaiicit. Hl moiilhsure allowed for Hie creditors U present their claims, and one year for the administrator In sell In said es tate, from the 2;nd day of March. I w;i. This nol Ici-wl II la published In TlIK Amkhii ASJ for four weeks successively, prior lo the 2th day of May. Iiw. All claims not Hied on or before the 2mh day of Si ptember, Isn't, will be forever bari-i-il front consideration In the Dual set Hi Ill of said estate. W llness my Ii i ii t ami olllclal seal tins .nu day of March, lsnu. J. W. KM.EU. County Juilgo. Iskal.1 a-;n 4