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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
i i i 111 i i i r THE AMERICAN. 3 v n hixttl ltii.- .4 U,t i to) inUl ftH ll lt. A . l tai i4 1 t'MttnU' tttiti'1 -) .r. t4 s tf J t. iuhiih rttn: ptl r,ltf , h.l ! rnjr n,K Uh.Uo M IsarieV, t mm, ife, fit' . Tns Thr vh U mMi j (h.UHpiT ttsftt II fci't J lt AM, rtr-t Hp, W M. Hun. W urn tiMtt. Ilul IW 111 ilingm wtlrif tul w rlt-iit. lhl w Miej ftrremlljr Wltenil, no Ktn cmiM ! ixinlnt U Unlay ithml feline that tlirsw hi Biel brr thesifbl i( lii-r, jmumMjf jmrw tin) Hit, IkiI M (f J)rf irWtt hi Ulir csmlil nr nthcr Hi matt rmliolte flm, And i "Thr Ammoi n' ptat. MU "fiw "iHHh," ntl"1h lits-Hy ut thf I'tv," when ltinnn t'athnHes uro gmuletl, ly lliene ttiaiMeiiltiij In tuitu, tolnfllet jwrxmrnl i,liMHi,nt MMn tllll flKll tlllllltiiecl ItHlltUVrw of their women mill their minister. ThU In nl frei r.i-eh, mr HMty f tho jmM, hut. lirM uliuuh r ih1 1111, mid llcvntlmisnewof tin rti, which would nulls' tolerate,! for a tiny, If it weiv put In exercise rijraiiist nny other re ligions tasty In the, land. Were "THE Amkhh'as" to any of IndivldtiiiU, by mime, what It hiijh of ten millions o iwojilo w) a Inhly, IU editor would find himself behind tin) burs of the jk-iiI-tentlury, In short order, for criminal libel, unless it could prove Its ohnrjjres of murder, HHsnssinntion, treason, mid licentiousness, which it now Haunts In the face of nn entire jM-ople. That In a peculiarity of our lawn. If '-The American" were to print an article that would Injure this llnaneial credit of a junk dealer, it would have to answer for it in the courts, but in the lawless libertinism of its Orange hute, it may traduce the honour and virtue of an entire people to brand their wo men with dishonour, and the ministers, of their religion with licentiousness, and cast the cloud of probable illegiti macy upon every last one of them, and nothing can be done about it, except the people thus dishonoured shall un wisely seek to avenge themselves. If any one outside makes indignant pro test, he is at once denounced as a "Jesuit In disguise," or as "a tool of the Roman Catholic hierarchy." The next three questions we do not care to print in The Mnamiqw. It is only necessary to say that so far as our knowledge and belief run, Peter Dons nor any other accredited Iloman Cath olic writer urges all or any Iloman Catholic priest to ask unholy and ob scene questions In the confessional. Roman Catholic priests are, of course, Instructed to deal plainly and In the most direct manner with sinful men and women when need arises. But If they are to be faulted for this, if the books which instruct them how to deal with such cases are o tie denounced as obscene, then must we give up our Bibles also, for they too sieak with terrific plainness of speech as to the fleshly sins that destroy both body and soul. Moreover infidels do declare that the Bible is obscene; and it Is not an unheard of thing for prurient youth to search out those parts of It that they can debase to their own damnation, just as the disciples of "Thk Amkki CAN" do with the Rev. J. O. White's version of Peter Dens. Thore Is not the slightest doubt In the world but that a wicked priest may use Peter Dons, and the Bible also, to his own damnation, if he will, and to the damna tion also of somo weak or wicked mem bers of his flock. But that peril is not absent from the lives of Protestant ministers, nor from the lives of the brightest lights of tho Orange lodge, as recent revelations from Dublin Cas tle and Belfast can provo. Why do not you (Bishop Scannell) or somo of four associates accept the challenge of tho Rev. J. O. White? Answer. Bishop Hcannell doubtless remembers the pregnant maxim: "You cannot touch pitch and not bo defiled." Can you prove what ho says about . your confessionals, and your theologies to bo raise,' We call the editor of Thk Amekkjan a thief, a forger, an adulterer, a mur derer, and then summon him to provo his lnnocenco on pain of being pro nounced guilty. But justice requires that tho man who makes tho charges bo required to provo them, not that tho person Impeached shall prove his inno cence. The Rev, J. O. White has no sufllclent way by which ho can prove the general corruption of tho confes sional. His quotations from Roman works on Moral Thooloiry do not war rant his conclusions if ho were to charge any particular priest or bishop by name, with what ho charges the priesthood in general, he would have to prove it In a court of justice, or pass behind the bars of a penitentiary. Until ho does give proof different from any thing ho has yet offered, of the general corruption of tho Roman Catholic con fesslonal, every honorable man, chris tian or pagan, should brand him as a reckless, cowardly slanderer of woman' hood, and a defamer of christian minis tors whoso honour should bo held sacred next to that of womanhood. Tho Rev. J. O. White Is u cowardly slanderer of womanhood, and The American is his willing and interested coadjutor. Tho vilo literature that they scatter broadcast cannot fall to deprave tho hearts of the young of both !M,i t., !. t 11 " U 11 f ifttlutf IU f, ftktft IkxiI m-l !., , itiiU M h H t'- t" tl. mv oti'; firwlU4 H't i4 IK ItftuXftht n4 hf nr),l W iwr iwls If twl li p"' t)i tWtiMir) rdr-r 4 IV V. . fif itlMitMiU'tf thr wfMimts otTt a M tttl, let It K thl. that h nmgM ml Ul dl hifr imWle duty In thi p(Ht 4 hm rjl lit dellvrmUiy Him, h nnt HtHleljf, "l MWMthiM" M would tlnj khiMild do i." Wrrvtwr 'tgj ml nor kU m Milled at tn their itut wM ivd honmir, nnd tirt Rontiiii CUidW pi lt idj K found with manly honour ittli ent to enter lm!lfmnt pntst j;liit thi at tempt,tl dUhonour, Uinu of th rhrUi Unity profenwd in common with him, we would deiplm the rhun h ihrtVtHtuld U' so tvtvft of iih-ii of man luvxl, and noltllity of ehrlxtlnti honour. We have iliselmrgi-tl the duty of man hood mid ehrisilan utillgntlon, with a conscience void of cowardly, or pivj lldleed offense.'" Th Burlington's 4:45 P. M. Train for Chicago arrives in that city at ."1:25 a.m., car ries magnificent sleeping, reclining chair and dining cars, and Is the llnest and most comfortable train between Omaha and the World's Fair city. The Burlington's daily service to Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis Is equally satisfactory. Ticket Office, 11124 Farnam Sj. The service offered by the Burling ton's 4:50 p. m. train for Denver is a perfect combination of fast time, mag nificent equipment and smooth track. The next time you go west, take the "four-fifty." It'll land you in Denver at 7 a. m., sharp on time. Ticket Olllco, 1324 Farnam St. CANON LAW. 1. Tho constitutions of princes are net luporlor, but nubordlnulo to mcIuhIunIIouI .'onstltutloim. 2. Tho laws of tho emperors cannot (lis )lvu tho ecclesiastical or million laws. il. It is not lawful for an omperor to exact mytlilriK opposed to tlio apostolic rules. 4. It is not lawful for kings to usurp the Jilrig tin belong to priests. 5. No custom of anyono can thwart the ttututei of tho pop(!. fl. Let no roslstanco bo offered to tho apostolic (canon) precepts, but lot thorn tw xulutlforously fullillod. 7. Tho yoke lmposod by the holy see is to be borno, UioukIi It ttppour lnlolorablu and liuupportablo. 8. The Pontiff can neither be loosed nor bound by the soculur powor. 9. That tho 1'ontl ff was culled Ood by the pious Prince Constuntlne, and that as god tie I'unnot be Judged as man. 10. That as god he is far above tho roach uf all human luw and Judgmout. 11. That all laws contrary to the canons tiid decroes of the Uoiuuu prolutos are of no orco. 13. That all of tho ordinances of the pope are unlicKltallnnly to bu obeyed, 13. We ought not oven to speak to one whom the popo lias rx-commuulcatotf. 14. I'llest are fathers and tnastors, even of princes. IS. Tho civil luw is derived from man, but he ecclesiastical or canon law Is derived directly from Ood, by which the pontiff can, lu connection with bis prelates, make con stitutions for tho whole christian world, In matter spiritual, concerning the salvation it souls, and the right government of the diurchj and If necessary Judge and dispose it all tho temporal goods of all christians. 18. A heretic, holding or touching false loctrlne concerning the sacrament, is cx oiiimuiilcated and degraded, and handed ver to the soculur court. 17. Becular prince unwilling to swour to defend the church against heretics are ex ommunlcautd, and thoy are lulu under an ..itordlct. IK Tho gods of heretics are to tie con lls'utd and applied to the church. 10, AdvocaU-.s or notaries, favoring here tics, or tholr defenders, or pleading for them In law suits, or writing documents for them, uru infamous and suspended from oftlix). V). The secular powers, whether perma wnt or temporary, are bound to swear that Ihey will exterminate, according to their power, all heretics condemned hy thochurch; and a f tmporul lord not purging his land of heretics, is ex-communicated. 21. Those signed with the cross for the .termination of heretics, rejoice In tho nrlvllego granted to tho crusaders for the help of the holy land, 22. They are absolved from all obligations who are In anywise bound to heretics, 23. Whoever dies 1 buttle sgaliist the un believing, merit tho kingdom of heaven, 24, We do not esteem those homicides, to whom It may have happened In tlielrul for their mother church agulnst the ex-com- miinlcuU'd. to kill soma of them. 11, That Catholic Princes are bound, both ly cIvH ar.d canon luw, not to rncclvo or jjleratfl heretics, and much more uro not lo strmlt their rlU's. or oihsr exorcise of their 'idlglon, or rather, their false sect, but lire uost solemnly botyid everywhere, to repel md expel them. 20. The following temporal punishments are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, and tho consequent disqualification for all civil acts. 2nd- Intestability, as well active as passive (that Is, they can neither make III nor Inherit what is left to them by others). ilrd-LosMof paternal power over clilldr!n. 4th-I,oss of dowry, mid other privileges granted to women, ftlh ('onllrs'u lion of all goods. (Itli That vassals and xlavcs and others lire free from all, even v.vurn obligations due to their lord or an other. 7tli Capital corporal punishment, cxpeclully death, and perpetual Imprison ment. 27. Tho canon law forbids all ttlcrutlnn 2S. That metropolitan anil h.nhojM lire lo cx-communlc,uto lilm who gi ants liberty of .ainselenee. 21. No oath Is to be kept towards heretic princes, lords or ot hers. 30. Heretics uro lo bo deprived of all civil and paternal rights. 31. The pope can ubsolvo from all oaths. 3i Every bishop is ordinary Judge In u cause of heresy. Tho reason is because tho t 1., . .-! ... , to IT . it i -4 1 ,- . 4 , - 1- ,.! v .1. , ' IN, 1., , ..,l V't ,H. 1 I II t.,,,..t. I 1,., lt -w U ll,,'!'! 1 HJI I, H l ( 1 I.., 4 -( I", H,. IK, .1 1 , l t ith ii.w us ) mhiw4 m . www 4 !.,', M ! ifc lWwi 1sb4h1 !., !., t w ,t .! .1' It.. . Iit M.a( 1 kk. I, ) 11 If I rtrnj t t ' ! llfM kHttvKtty i4 a smiwH. . 4 Wh, ihf tli ttt iMi liiw4 4 1W ii.mic mr rt Iv I llltiil j SB) Ttiil . il ,4 Tw til iW Is M trt-t xtlHtfllf f H.wwfl, 4 rr t4 i.,n,l, llst I tv a.-t4 n4 kit -tl ,h,m tl. l !! mlt initi WwwM la f. s (, ls.i i, itl -r.4v cf re, ) l l it. n,l stH,l l l.J,.v alt l-r Ht nl II M-nr, H't ! I . Hjf t! ( ,-d hf all. CAMDINAL'k OAtM. , -- -m-iiIiI el lliw lliiljr l't"l i htMvH, lt prxmlae smt r llisl, Ih 1h (ln.i I.i llie S.l t,f m) life, I mill Iw tsllliful il . Mi ni iiiiin Si IS t, r. Ui Imly tw tulle liiimnn rliiin h. Sii't eur hhmI Imly b'til. Oh' nis ,if Kiintii, mihI liii sittii'iuMir, I'HtMiii-li-Hlly suit lawfully elei lxt: llml I will tv Hit sih Iit, imiim iiI or nnnlnnhcv iifslii! Ilw isililltlciil inHjeoly nml r-i.ii ilmi I will in n r know lu:ty slid miu-4'illy, in iln ir In iuy vr illngrai'e, inuke n,nlli' Hie ioiiik lis tunc li il to me by IheiuM i h or by tin t n ;i ior b lli t-; nlsolliiit I will give Ibem it 1 1 y ns'.Miiti, e In h'tnllilng, ill fenilliig Mint rf 'ivi ring the ltoiiiitii pupiii') iiiul the ivimlla of I rti-r. with nil my mlclit ami eiidi iivur, so far us Hie rights mill privileges of lay order will ulliiw It, mnl will defend tbein itguliiht all their honor timl stale, nml I will ill net ilul di fi'inl, with line form and hniiiii', the li'Cales and niiuclm of the apostolic we, In 'be territories, I'lnm'lii's, ininiaslerli'S mid ullier Is'iiellci's ctimmltted In my k-eplii'.'; Mid I will I'onllally co-operate with llirni and treat them with honor lu their eomlui;. ablillng nml returning, mid that I will resist unto bliHiil nil ih'I-soiis wliattioi'ver who shall .illeiiipt anything against tJiem, That 1 will, by every way and by every Means strive to (iii'si'i ve,. augment and iidvancii the rights mors, privileges, the authority of the Holy nan bishop, our lord the pope and his be o mentioned siici'essors; mid that, at .mover time anything shall be decided ,to lii'lr prejudice, which Is out. of my power to iimlcr, us soon as 1 sliall know that tiny cops or measures have been taken lu the natter, 1 will make It known lo tho same, air lord or bis hiKvcssors, or somo oilier pcr- on by whoso inouim It may bo brought to heir knowledge. That 1 will keep and carry .lit aid causo others to keep aid carry out c rules of tho holy father, the due reus. ordinances, dlsiensatlons, rosvi-vatluiis. pro visions, apostolic mandates and constitu tions of tins Holy Kallicr Hextus, of happy memory, as to visiting the thresholds of tho apostles at certain prescribed times, accord ing to tho tenor of that which I have Just read through. That I will seek out and oppose, persecute and light (oiniil conaiu pcrsecuturuni et lmpiignoturum) against heretics schismatics who oppose our lord, tho pope of Home, and his before mentioned successors, and this I will do with every possible effort." (Hlgnature) then sent lo tho popo. BISHOP'S OATH. ., . . , , elect of tho Detroit diocese, frrtm henceforward will be faithful and obedient to Ht. Peter the Apostle and to the Holy Koman church, nd to our lord, the holy popo of Home, and to his successors, cunonlcully entering, I will neither udvlso, consent nor do anything that they may lose life or member, or that their persons may be sel.od, or bunds in any wise laid upon them, or any Injuries offered to them, under any pretense whatsoever. The counsel with which they shall Intrust me by themselves, their messengers or letters, I will not know ingly reveal to any, to their prejudice, 1 will help them to defend and keep the Koman papacy and tho royalties of Ht Peter ugulnst all men. T3 legate of tho apostolic see, going and coming. 1 will honorably trout and help In bis necessities. The rights, honors, privileges and authority of the Holy Komun church of our lord, the pope, and his afore said successors, 1 will endeavor to preserve, defend, Increase and advance, 1 will nut bo lu any counsel, action or treaty, in which shall be plotted agulnst our suid lord and Roman church, anything to the hurt or pre judice of tholr persons, rights, honor, state or power, and, If 1 shall know any such thing to be treated or agitated hy uny whut soever, t will hinder It to my utmost, and as soon as I can, I will signify It to our suid lord. Tho ordinance and mandates of the pope, I will observe with all my might and cause to be observed by others," "Heretics, schismatics and rebels to our said lord or bis successors, I will to my ut most persecute and oppose," "lleretlcos, schlsmatlcos ft relicllcs eldem DomUio nost ro vel successorlbus predlctls pro posse pcrsi uar et oppugnubo." "I will come to a council when I am called, I will visit the threshold of thu apostles every three years and give an account of our lord of nil my pastoral olllce and of the Milngs belonging to my dlis'e",! to tint dis cipline of my clergy and people. 1 will lu like manner humbly receive and diligently execute the apostolic commands. If 1 am detained by u lawful Impediment,, I will per form the aforesaid by a member of my chapter or a priest of my diocese, fully In structed lu all things above mentioned Tim possessions belonging to my table, 1 will neither sell nor other wlsi alienate without consulting the Kinnmi poiillir. ho help Ine Uod and these holy gospels of (iod," t (Signature), Hent to the Itomlsh Manager. (RUST'S OATH. "I, , now In the presence of Almighty UimI, tho blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, tho blessed Ht. John tho lluptlst, the Holy Asistlr s Ht. Peter and Ht. Puul und the Saints and the Hucrcd Host of Heaven, und to you, my lord, I do declare from my heart, without mental reservation that the xiio Is Christ's vicar general und is the true and ony head of Hie universal church throughout the earth, and that, by virtue of tho keys of binding und listing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ he has power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths und govern ment.!, all belr. illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to tho utmost of my power, 1 will defend this doctrine and his liolllcess' rights and customs ugulnst all usurpers of tho Protestant uuthoi lty whut sis'ver, especially ugulnst tho now pretended authority mid church In Knglmid and ull adherents, In regard that they be usurpal und heretical, opposing tho sacred mother, thu church of Itouie. "1 do denounce and disown liny ullcglaur as (hie to uny Protestant king, prince or slate or obedience to any of their Inferior officers. 1 do further declare the doctrine of tlio church of England, of the Calvlnlsts, Huguenots and other Protest an is, to be damnablo mid those to bo damned who will not forsake thcame. I ', -. .1- , 1.. : ,wil 1 " l I . I- w , , , l U I , I ' . A i . in-, ,i ,l . - . - , ft i .i 4' . , v, jv ,...J I l , lnnk, l .,.,. 1 kl, .Ml,14fi I IS ik,.tt 1 H.fMIVi4, ,,. i i but JS tf ., ,!l V !.'. I 4 I t"1i ! ! .! ,! , i.i,.,t t, fcs, 4 a4 it' il l,4 fef,k ,S(ltM I, ft lli, Vlt11 Ik 1-4 Im4 il 1 n, !) , !,iln" ll, 1 1 1111 , ,4 ,lhK,.l,H, tli,l.I IH 1,1 r .,). t) !,(. li l,l a a,4 '' Ifi ,1 ! llis ,re, 4 WKlrt 1 f .t. I ,-l xti-M siJ Ml,i ,l i. ,!. I, ,... 1-J ! 4,4 Ttix-if iM Vrw4 .. Nisi lit. t m ft's.Mt , mrl l t. S t fsll .S l tl.h.lsl't, t.S ,1 I l nil ,.e i,i,lr ,il i,.rt.m lt,l t ll.nn l, lltiMat k n si Inti ,IHH,t 1,'Vi- r I III M lll. ' bt,ilhf wlicnsif I !, llil eHi . f Unit bloaai lrfhH l.f I h I IK I. !!, Si 4 lll,. OiH l,.,i ,it1t.l Willi l. f , i li.. lisnil. In Um ,r,i if i lit' l',l nil IW it,i lm lilm la N'r milfimllitti ,i ili 1isiKihmI 11 tKTitiMt oatti or ih( Jiawiia I , now In llie pv in' f Alii.llilV Uisl. lh MiMHt Vlrtn Msiv. I lie lilessi . Mlclmi't the r lisme I. Hie llee,l SI J oli n Ihfi ItsplKt. the Imly sisll.. M IVIer sail t. I'hiiI suit the sltil slid sscreil ImmI of liiwu n, ml i,i you my glmsilv f uller, the riih-i lot K ner si of Hie MS'lely of .Iisiiis, fiiuiiileit liy Snlnl luiistus. Uiiols In the pout Itlcst Inn of Psul (be Thlnl. nml eon llnueil tn Ihe pri'wiil, ibv by Ilie wiiinbuf Hie virgin, the uialiln of Hntl. Mini the Mnl of Jesus Christ, declare nml swear Hint I Is liollliess, llio po', Isl'lirlsfs vlco gen-iil, ml U Hie true mid only head of the Catho lic or universal chinch throughout the earth i nml Unit by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to Ids hiiliiiesr by my Savior. Jesus Christ, he hath power lo dewise heretical kings, princes, si iites, cum Inoiiwetilths, and governments, nil being Illegal without his sacred continuation, and they limy be safely destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my Hiwer, 1 will defend this doctrine and his holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatsoever, especially the Lutheran church of (lermany. Holland. Heninark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authorities and churches of Eng land and Hcollund. and brunches of the same now established In Ireland, mid on t he continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard that they be usurped and hertlcal, opposing the sacred mother church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown uny alleg iance us dun to any heretical king, prince or stale, named Protestunt or Liberals or obedience to uny of their luws, magistrates orolllcers. 1 do further declare that Urn doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of thet'alvlnlHts, Huguenots and others of tho name of Protestant or Liberals, to bo dam nable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the sumo, 1 do further declare that I will help, assist and advise ull or any of his holiness' iigonts, In any place wherever 1 shall bo, In Hwlu- crlund, Germany, Holland, Homnurk, Hwedon, Norway, England, Ireland, or Amer ica, or In any other kingdom or territory, I shall como to, and do my utmost to extir pate the heretical Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all tholr protended powers, regal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, not withstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for tho propagation of the mother church's Interest, to keep secret and private all her agon la' councils from time to time, as they entrust mo, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever, hut to execute all that shall be proposed, given In charge, or discovered unto me, by you my ghostly father, or any of tills sacred convent. I do f urthor promise und docluro that 1 will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perlndo ae cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my super iors In tho mllltla of tho popo and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of tho world whithersoever I may bo sent, to the frown regions of the north, tho burning sands of the desert of Africa, or tho pluglos of India, to the centers of civilization of Kuropo, or to the wild haunts of tho barbarous savage of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive In all things whatso ever, communicated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare thut I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against, ull heretics, Protestants and Liberals us I am directed to do, to extirpate them from tlio face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither uge, sex or condition, and that I will hung, burn, waste, boll, flay, struagle and bury alive these Infamous heretics; rip up tun stomachs und wombs of their women and crush their Infants' heads ugulnst tlio wulls In order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the sumo cannot be dona openly, I will secretly use the pols- onoiiscup, tho strangulating cord, the steel of tho Milliard, or the louden bullet, regurd less of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons, whatever may lie their condition in life, eit her public or prlv ate, as I at any time muy be directed solo do by uny ugent of tho pope or superior of the brotherhood of tho holy father, of tho sis'letyof Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedfeut my life, my soul and all coporeul powers, und with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, written In my bliHid, In testimony thereof ; and should I provo fulso or weuken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the mllltla of the pope cut off my bunds and my feet.und my throat from our to ear, my belly opened und sulphur burned therein, with all the punish nient that can lie Inflicted upon moon earth and my soul lm tortured by demons In an eternal hell forever. All of which I do swear by the blessed trinity, and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably! ails' do cull nil the heavenly und glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this, my oath. In testimony hereof, I tuke this most holy und blessed sacrament of tho eucharlst, und witness the sumo further, with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped in my own blisid, and seal In the face of this holy convent, I He receives the wafer from tho superior und writes bis name with the point of bis dagger, dipped in hts own blood, taken from ovor the heart. ADVERT1SKMKNTS inserted in Tllb' AMKKICAN are sure to bringa profitable return to the advertiser. Americans, watch the columns of this pajcr ; CI1AS. SI11VER1CK & CO., 7f I?()6, i:0S and IJIO Farnam Street, 0-OMAHA READ CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED. PRICE THE MeCAGUE N. W. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Streets. Four (4) Per Cent Interest on Book Accounts. Flvo (B) Per Cent on 8lx Month Certificates. Foreign Drafts and Monoy Hank open from II a. in. to ,'I:,H) p, m. Mondays The Place to Buy The Best Quality of Prices is at Geo. Wilson's Meat Market. 2815 Leavenworth Street. Oysters, Fioh and Game AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Buy for CASH AND SAVE MONEY. W. W. LOWE. ABSOLUTELY PURE DRUGS, PRESCRIPTIONS a Spkcialty, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, CHOICE CIGARS. : : : : : W. R. BENNETT CO. The Old Reliable-The Best Store in (Dmaha to Trade at-Everything Sold on Honor. IN II KN SETT'S rTKNITt'KE KEI'T. Kleiiunt usHortment of Issik-rUBes to elosc. raiiKlnn In prlen I7.;ti, W.7S, III.4K. Ilft-Ml hik! upward, all liarualn's. Also side boards best make, utlll i'iuml upward. Hofus. s-rt loiiiiKi'M, ete ull to l) closed out at low prleen, I'oldlim beds at a liarxaln. Don t full Mi examine, l.arun assortment of buby und doll biiKKb. Mirrors, pletiires, etc.. In icrcut vurlety, ull cheap. New nssortmeiil of center tallies, sfwlna tubles, from S.iC up. Kllemint assortment of Midi chairs ul bottom '"l tK N N KTT'H .IK.WEMtV HKI'AIK DE-J'AKT.MKNT.-Thl Is u wonder. Wo are liremtrcd Ml cxcciiMi the most illfflcnlt work In watches, elis-ks and Jewelry. If uny of our friends huve u wulch, clock or uny kind of jewelry they cannot ttel repaired H unv shop In Omaha. rln It to ns. We will Kilur unlee to tlx It. und tlx It rlltht, and at a low price. All kinds of Jewelry sold at. Ileiinelt . poiiiilar prices. Pocket cutlery In this Ue partment f nil v warranted. T'T us. IN H EN N KTT'H NOTION DEI' A It TMENT. V httvn towls V und upwards. Hiims-jh-ers I.V. u barnulir, mittens und (dove, at low prices. Me per pair and tip. ....,. II EN N KTT'H WOODEN WAHE DEI'AIIT M ENT.-Oreat hamulus In spice e uhlneta for the kitchen at 4s cents. Washboards, a hl drive, 11 cents. Market baskets, J cents each. I'Mix-r palls. 3n cents each. It EN N E IT'H llt'TT E It. We still lcuil In thu pure, article, t heap and (tissl at the W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502 TO 1512 CAPITOL AVENUE JL. IIALB. HALD WIIOI.r.SAI.K ANI Aihraola- Rock ring COAL Tronon, onto Walnu Block WE BULL THE 83r VARIEIE3 OP OEEK'E: H. W. Cor. Pith and Howard. Telepliono lif Y AMD; 3oth Street and Poppleton Ave. leleplione I-. furn ture. Carpets. Draperies. 31.25. SAVINGS BANK, Orders at Lowest Rates. from 0 a. in. to N p, m. Meat at the Lowest TIIEODOitE V. LEWIH, Mahaom S E. cor. 16th & Farnam, OMAHA. prices named, 1H cent and upwards, WB HENNETT'H TIllJNK AND VAMHE tiE-PAUTMENT.-We defy competition, When yon want nnythliiK In the line glvu us a call before buyliiK. HENNETT'H HTATIONEUY DEI'AIIT ME NT.- I'ais'r, !k- for i sheets; envelnns. He, f,,r i'r. slates. 4c and upwards. All K'sid and eiimlly cheap. HENNETT'H (HOt'KKKY I ir,r A It I .,1 r.,, i , Heavy one-third pint tumblers lu- each, liest crystal irluss a-lsittle castor only 27i: 4-ulece xlasn break fast set BV. Hand decor aled cuspudores 2.V each. The bent of W. O. at prices that will tell their own sM.ry. Oluss water sets, emislstlim of tumblers, omi-hulf ual. pitcher und tray ut o,V, 7.V-, ll.irt aud II IS cacti. These sets are burKutns. A few fl-plece toilet seU left will close ut 11. Hee them. NothliiK run Miuch them In the city at fci.flO. I.amiis of all kinds und at prices ' ''it V. N N KTT ' h"'i It t ' O DEPARTMENT. We MIS'fortEvV'uVTMINT; In the driw line at about oiie-hiilf the usual price. Prescriptions, patents and all kind of druKs at cut prices. Vou will find rare barirulns In our candy department, our hardware department, our lea, coffee and spice department, our uns-ery department, ami on our seond II sir. Come In and see Itennett. OEO. D. XIICE. & RICE, HBTAII, UKAt.KIM 1! Wood, Coke, Kindling SOFT 03AL FOR 000INa PURPOSES.