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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1893)
THE AMERICAN. tt t l v. II U tt fln'l t-f . Hit l I W 1 1 h i IV'.t ) V i-m 4t i If I ti -tin, 1 tin s .' H j j tuttv .,!' I if .! , ttt. I.., It Hi. I I r 1 1 1 1 1 I !!. f ' l I t I . tl. ,li., , l tit. . M llvti ( I I !). m l Wr t t r I itrt ni. at tt sir f I.' I i I Vll tlutt lt I I '' ! I't tl.nt I ft I ruUls.'iis m1 tit tin V - I I'l'iet n . ('( Ort I'l.-llli i'I I I' t -I Will fiii t 1 1 . . H i- mm ;.,$.! Ilnl the i utt. l tl HIV I t hit,. I's it'll l.i I M.e , fin .r st .ill if il tt I Instil III I 1 t Vtt i llllll. "I Lretkl I llttittt,. It Hm litis! M, ! i i'inil.', mi i i'-.. r i f uiM Unfit, ha h'i ril" 1 tlijilxtst uii' tilHe ti tlilH h of tl'1 I'.-dll liill tl XlilHll, rill-'l Hill N Mtlt!l, "I'll" lirinkii, itn, innaler Lot in ruiir Kin " "Vi.iiinS ,,hu," nr i.M rrt.iii. mth a ."Mif miifi r. "vim r- iiinj.. p ihThI lit hit1 iHlr."ti mul limy iv II llm unlets jmi think .ru r, lmt I ktiovx llHt 1 llHVl' tittlit. It 11 I Willi HtlM I for tlu safety of my k1ii. I n!in1l thtrv tv (flv urli-r ti tack, fur tht'r I tiol a inoiiii'iit In ! lust." IfV ntvor-litinlv rsvo lliat onler, rd1 during II monition, tin fotf ImvMut sn.l di-iily I'liMinil iiwhv, vn is-tvi-iMsl at alxitit 'ki y.'ii-.lnfrniu tii iliirK'kHHiriiiii-l wliii h our llii t wmiM inrvitnlily linvi prriKlitsl. r'nrlutiiiti'ly llm wlmln miiil run iinitiitiil tho iiiovfiiu'iit of our v A. lnl all I'liinp'r w an ovrr. 'Jto joutiolHi'ir lout notiini' in tlmiik liift tho rnitiiin for hiH wino ri'imnif, urn' ti r liinadliiTi-iico to tlio tlutit's of his w Mt ion. Youth's t'oinjiiinion. An FliTlrlo Flfvulrd Komi In F.hkIhiii!. No luisKiviun" nii'tl njijily to tlm cuw of tho ni'w railway at Liverpool. In sizt and iower, us well as in the ingenuity ol itB details, it HurpiiHsest lie best AinericaL models. It extends aloii the quays ol tho (rreat lino of (looks on the Mersey fol nearly seven miles. Its carriages are ol full size, not arranged like a tram car. but like the ordinary passenger car ol the United States, each being in twt compartments and capaple of seating 5i persons. Denenth each car is an electric motor of from 100 to 70 horsepower, an3 tho speed will to as high as :t() miles at L-ar. Tho power to work tho trains, ami with them tho accessories of signals and light, is the same, and generated from s single point on tho system. The whole runs upon an "overhead railroad" or con tinuous bridge of iron. That is not, how ever, of the essence of an electric railway, though tho lightness of electric rolling gear makes such an arrangement cheap and suitablo for tho purpose. Loudon Spectator. An KukIImIi lloy'n KnowlnilK"f Literal ur. Every one who is not a schoolmaster it awaro that a young Englishman knows almost nothing of tho literature of hif own land, and what little ho does know he dislikes, because ho has had at school to translate it into Latin. It is most hu miliating to hear an American youth discourse upon this matter while oui own sons sit mum and glum. Efforts have been made of late to find out whal our boys do read for their own pleasure, and the result of these inquiries seems to be that they read tho accounts of prize fights. One headmaster tries to prove that this is derived from tho influence oi Homer, but it is much more likely that it comes from a perusal of tho sporting newspapers and the general devotion to athletics. From whatever cause it arises, it is certainly true that while tliero is no deficiency of good poetry and good fic tion among us tho rising generation cares for neither. London Illustrated News. P.nluiifl IliinkliiK Outer. Threadneedlo street is a corruption ol Thridenal street, meaning tho third street from "Chepesyde" to tho great thoroughfare from London bridge to "Bushop (Into" (consisting of New Fyshc strealo and JJushop Oato st reate, Anglo Saxon, thridda, third). Another etymol ogy is Thrig-noedlo (three needle street), from tho three needles which the Nee dle Makers' company bore in their arms. It begins at the Mansion house, and therefore the Dank of England stands in it. Tho directors of tho Bank of Eng land were called "Tho Old Lady In Threadneedle Street" by William Cob bett, because, like Mrs. Partington, they tried with their broom to keep back tho Atlantic waves of national progress. After giving the foregoing, Brewer note tho following extract from Dickens' "Dr. Marigold:" "A silver curl pajier that I myself took off the shining locks of the ever beautiful old lady of Threadneedle atreet" (a bank note). Brooklyn Eagle. A Little A Wntmlndfld. It is told of a prominent clergyman that when writing his sermon for last Sunday he became so engrossed in hit subject that he made it much longei than usual. When delivering the ser mon, he noticed that the congregation was becoming somewhat wearied. Ue was anxious to close, but could see no possible place to stop until through, lit became so nervous that when he stepped into t'je chancel to pronounce the bene diction he said the grace he is accustom d to say at table. Tho effect was elec trical, and the congregation was well awakened. Indianapolis Journal. Klectrlo Current In DentUtry. Much is expected of tho use of elec tricity to deaden sensibility in teeth that are to be filled or extracted. As to ex traction, it is announced that already the use of an electric current delivered through electrodes containing cotton saturated with cocaine or ether has pro duced complete local ann'sthesia, so that teeth havJ been extracted without piiin. Hartford Couraut. A Family Wig. A man in Bridgeport wears a wig that was worn also by his father, grandfather and great-grandfather in their turn. It's a regular family hair-loom. Philadel phia Ledger. li. .. t ..nt ll Jl, ft, if. it.-l ..-! I . a ' I ' l. I r i.-.tA.IMt.n li!. fit . - ' 1 1 t i I. Mti M I . w - . - . ill 't 1 s - i i I . 1 i I. ' I 1 l.i I l. it .t hit h Hit . I .. .. 1 I Hi . I I l .. I . : i I I . . t'.. t . .. nl . . I .141 - .In V ; I I i-fc I.I. i .. t Ml I . I .i i i t. i linn il lii ! l.i U' )( , l-iil wt II . ,.U. . It ii t. l l.i Ui i ii Mi l Mi I' I' n i-f It' ll ill j-hp ,il UlO I.tli-Mi I III f-tVsllM rt t.tii.1 1 1 v ii. ti I wn4 IN lnl ut III f nf jim(..i I 'in Ii- K.iii, ! it i tn Ml? Tlml M il.Hii' Hi Njl-liMlle," till. I he Iti'l't up I i l H h.iti I. lili Ii w nl linwl iiniii li -1 lv ilii p m r "Tit tm Mi n-i.i tiit tu i li.irje. mitt I (mil rtiiplinl lev piil.iU mid hml jnt dniwii my mIht wln ii I mw li iiiiHu d.iwn timn lite one of lite Urk''-! He'll I etet mw, "ur Inn were Uilli gi'ing at full Umil, nnd hi was lieti'liil dini lly for ine. He liiiiiii liiil hi blow lirst, and I iiiftiui'tiM'ly threw up my limul nikI lowered my heiid. The sillier struck my hand, which fell lielplely by my side The limn (lew punt me, mid 1 turned my horse to one side mid rmlii far enough Bwitv to ex.iinine my wound. No blood eseaiieil, neither did I feel any pain until the wound was divKwsl a half hour later The reaction set in, and the Wrongest opiates were used for days to give me ie lief from pain." SI. Louis Republic. The Thumb. Thumbs have Ihvii appreciated ever since the world began. Tho ancients used to call the thumb the other hand Barbarous kings u.ied to swear and make compacts by their thumbs. In Rome it was a sign of favor to wring and kiss the thumb, and of disfavor or disgrace to lift them up or turn them outward. A man who was hurt in his thumbs was excused from serving in the Roman wars. Some of tho scoundrelly citizens used to cut off their thumbs, so as to remain homo and get rich. Teachers used to punish their pupils by biting their thumbs. The thumb is a great and influential member. I can look at tho thumb of a young woman and describe her figure. I can toll whether she is thin and bony, or plump and round; whether her joints are largo and ill shapeu, or smull and perfectly proportioned. By examining a man's thumb I can tell what ought to be his vocation. New York Tribune. IU Kong I I.Ike Hie r'ilhiK of a Saw. Of tho Acadian owl, ono of tho rarest of New England birds, Audubon says: "This little owl is known in Massachu setts by tho name of tho 'saw whet,' the sound of its love notes bearing a great resemblance to tho noiso produced by filing tho teeth of a large saw. These notes, when coining, as they frequently do, from the interior of a deep forest, produce a very peculiar effect on the traveler, who, not being aware of their real nature, expects as ho advances on his ron to to moet with shelter under a sawmill at no great distance. Until I shot tho bird in tho act I had myself been more than once deceived in this manner." Tim Rent leu Mini. Of all tiresome tilings a restless man is tho worst. A restless woman cannot bo gin to come up to a restless man. She gets physically tired out after awhilo and must sit down. But a man ho can go on and on forever. In cafes, railroad trains, theaters in fact, wherever men do congregate there also is tho restless man, driving every ono distracted with his ceaseless tramp ing. IIo goes up, and ho goes down, but he is never wei;ry. New York Herald. II In Ki'itunl l or llliiinHf. Tho comfortable, well clad citizen was going along Woodward avenuo homo the other evening when a big, burly tramp stopped him and asked for a dime. The citizen looked him over and asked: "Do yon Jiavo no more regard for yourself than to beg on tho streets?" "That's just it, boss," was the reply. "It's because I have regurd for myself that I do. There's too many dogs in the back yards." Detroit Froo Press. In I'olllli-i It U 'Tull." From the Hopeful Young Man to the Pastor As I stand in the broad avenue of life I find so many closed doors I know not which one to open. How can I tell which will lead me to success? From the Practical Pastor to the Young Man Thore's only one, and you'll find it labclod "Push." Exchange. Having and Spending. "I saved up $3.08 last year." said Wal lis proudly. "And I suppose yen spent it on pres ents for your papa and mamma?" asked the visitor. r "Yes," said Wallis. "That is. all but $3 of it."-Harper's Bazar. The man who, after studying a hun dred women, thought ho knew the sex thoroughly, admitted, on intimate ac quaint uuco with the ope hundred and first, that he was densely ignorant of the nature of any one of them. The living alumni of the University of Michigan ar said to nnmbcr twice as many as the living alumni of any other educational institution in this country. Harvard is reported to bo next, with Yale a good third. It is said that when dressed in the European gowns a Japaneso wife pre cedes her husband in entering a room, while in tho eastern dress she must fol low him. Richter was fond of pets and at one titno kept a great spider in a paper box, carefully feeding and tending tho crea ture for many months. The Japanese say, "A man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, and the next drink takes the man," .-.... ..! ., ll It l-lflk' t M,1 1.. I. , 1 I1 I -I.V III. Irli It'. ; 1,. I. I II.. I ..!. 1. .0. I . .-, . ... r fc.-.i ifc. ... i..l i . .1 1 . .lilt. , I 1 f- !..! I . l I -.1 IM MI I. I I till ll-t SI :. ). t. a . ..i.u I ! t In 1 : II l.lfMII. "..n.t,U, . .. I ...nil P4.VV1.NUIH IIAMt or omaiia, m m:m vx u y noi 1 MOON hrnum sttDEFOSITS A U.tnk liko h t i.t I t lo.itunl without ch.irtto to PoKiltorn. ciKO.W. LANCASTKIUro. IttftfcMU, A(1IM WHEELER & WILSON MEWINQ MACIINEH. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. SOl.L ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. NYt'illi'i. (Ill, Sipiilli-s tor nil WIiiiIh of Hew Inn MitWilni'N. Our own Mrt'liiinli' In II rut -t'litsN. Will repair liny Si-wlnx Mm-hlmi. riLiPNom tel. 614 8mith SiiUtenth Bt-, Omaha. A. I.. HKANK. .1. W. lioNNKMi A. L. DEANE & CO. Ceneral Agents for HALL- SAFES AHP LOCKS. Bank 0 Vault Work. 1116 Farnam St., Omaha. JOHN RICHARD O'CONNOR, Attorney -at -Law. 100 Washington 8t (IIK'AOO, - 1I.MNOIH. suitk i:iio-i;ii:, DoeH a Ki'Mcrnl liiw and ('ollection IiiinI iiuhs. 'I'l t.l.'M exiiiiilned. ICstatnH tmiiiuuixl Hpeclul allentloti to IiiihIiichm of noti-rnHl-(IcntM. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Ofllre, 115 Nottli lllth Hi met. Teleplioim Wl. KeHlilence, tm Yules Htn -el.. Toleplioni) 7. My Only Place of Business Is the Old Stand, 113 N. Sixteenth Street. For fine livery Ilitlil Huifiili'H, Sudd lii lloi'Ht's. (.'iirrlinii'H, ('(lUpt'H, Klc, Hfl) ED. BAUMLEY, iBoarding a Specialty.: 7th nd St, Mary'i Ave. Tslophone 440 GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, TF.I.KIMIONE IW4. 207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB Work railed for and delivered. HEK- JSWSLRY. Watcks anil Patriotic Emtlcms. 507 NORTH 16TH STREET HISSEM & TEETER Northeast Cor. 10th and Dodge 8t., FOR AM, KINDS Or Foreign and Domestio Fruits, Nati. Oonfeotioai. Olgitn and Tobtooo, Tolephons I7M. M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Order. (iiiarantne a pnriii.i. ni .n Hllrnsea. Cloth ln cleaned, dyitd and remodeled. 2107 Cumins; St., OMAHA W. T. WHITE, IDS NORTH IOTH ST. Stationery. Books and News, I'nrlodleHls, MHKiizlnes. Notions, Kino t'nekot Ciillory. ClKiirs, Tolmeroa, and Hinoker'a Sun dries. Everything II rut oIhhh. Friends Patronage Solicited. SEALS write ' For Prices. Ed. F. PICKERINC, Tel. 1938. 103 S. I6h street, OMAHA. lilank Receipt Hooks and liliink Note Hooks lit the AMERICAN rURLISIIING CO.. 412-414 Sheely Hlock. COUNTY COURT HULKS.! ! MAIU M II II M. HUH 1 1 . i utt nil l l M . . . il l i m h l t . 1. 1 IH , Vi-I .!... I. A I.' I HlliMl I -I I II III !l II ! il-.t . i-l III I I M r M lit I 4 H l 111 Im utt II. Ii n "I t I ! nl i 1. . I 1 1, I. I l . ill I.II..II.I . t l. .1 I I I. .villi I I," It I. . I 1.1 41 I." ' ill ll-i 1. , ii i I Hi. 1 (I !l I I I" l H i I IM ii .! I .. . In 1. 1. Ii U .in m 1-- -I -1 ill r, I I iil vnlii t.l -.iil n h-. t.. it i. , i, ,i i 1 1., i i. ii Ii Ml ill . I I.. i In nl I-. it 1. 1 ii (It Ii t.i it Lit- Fi'l . ml 11 -I-..1I 1 1 t - -I l.i I ;M , t. -il 'it. All .,.. mil In Ml t.n 1 1 ill In ili . ili t lit Itli It Hit n At nit tlit' I All ili il I. ill It nn I l.k- ilttltl. iltft' litmlt atlti-t Win It ill- t m UtMliitt. ft lnt ttt Ittl t tin ll.r ..utt uliitll trt'li I ntlitmtM' Istitiili i - III III W I tl III!' ll.lllt t ill 1 1n- l lmllti l hi Ii liny III i ih.,1.1 hit t 1 tl H In till Hit' IiiiiI tittiK limit lll ! fn.Hi ' hi In Id in m 1 lit" ti.nttilM( limit- lll In-tlt lult tl tmll I ttiiiltittitv ili iiiiitn i. ml ili fniill t nwnttt I tt ilml tiny, r.'ml i Tit iiinllnim. ilt'iiiiii n it. ami .Ii (mill i'hmhi villi Ii Iimt' tri' limply ihkm i mi ll ri'tiiilnr ilny Mini Irmiiifrt ti'il mi IIhm iiI-iinli-r In llil tiny, Mh Afii-r a i'nni', a ititillmi or a ili'iniiiri'r him imRM-tl Hit' llliii' fur wlilrlt II Ik w i ll I'nn tinl In' fiillt'il iit iinlll a nun Inn U tl Lit anil tti it U it ill liy Ifaii' of Ilii' rmul. and niii'li im tiro In i hit iiiiitt.Mi' iiiity aa llti- rmirt may iitdrr at I In1 lltiii' li'BVP In iilvfii tit tlli-thf Hml Inn. (Mil. ItllMlll-W. Ml flir a 111 llllll tlllll', 1HI1- lint tut t ni in. fi-ri nl to aniillitT duy ur limir, imlrhH iliti Inihhfrr nnlrr In imidi'iil lint liuur llm nnilli r In m l fm- lii'urliiK. rfrii unilrr Hull' 10. loth. Kiifli day iil:(m u. in., I In- IniHliifwiiif llit' limir will tm I'lillt'd. Illli. Tlio iiiiitli'iN will hi' lifiiid In ihiMir iht In'li lln-y art- I'lilt'ifd on llit'i'iiliindiir iiiilrsH all purl Im prt'srul and liili'ii'Htiid imii, iti'iil. In a dllltiiiil iiiTuiiKi'ini'iil. or I" ''i""' uiKi'iil, nt'i'i'Ntilly. THUI, OK CANKS TO-UAV. Illli. Tin1 t.rlal of niNi'ii will ciimini'iiri' nl lll:lill ii'i'liK-k, Ii. in., mid 't nit I n iii until ti.i'i o'i'liK'k p. in,, with ti rrri'NH finin r.'iim ii, in., until I p. tti. Kuril ciim' In i-nlllli'il Id lit nilli'il lit Ilii' I linn hcI, or wlllilu It'll in In ii t tin Mifri.Hfti'r: I'lllu-r to Im priM'tn-drd Willi, or u fuiihrr iirili'i- to Im iniuli'. I'"nr IIiIn iiii-minii mi imrly will lit' rrtti!i-i'i! to Willi Iiiiik1'!' l lniu It'll inlniitrN fur thn iippiiNllii piirlynr nllii r hiiNint'NN. I'xi'i'iil for inurnt ri'iiwitiN Tin' I rlul I I f il ni hi. will lin hiispi'iuli'd nl liny linn' for Hi In put piiKt'. In I'liw thr court lino I Im I any rule In ri'ln will work an unfon-MTii IiiiiiIhIiIp, tin' court ri'wrvt-N the rlulil. to aiiMpi'iid tint rule for the Npcclul chnii. Sheriff1 Sale lly s I rl ill' of im oilier of Hit It' IhhuciI out, of I ln' IllNtiicI, Court of HomtliiN county. Ne liriiKkil, mid lo iiiedli't-ctt'd, I will, on the 4th day of April, A. I. ni:i. hi. Hi o'clock it. in. of wild tin v. at, the KAHT front door of the County Court. Hoimc, In tlm city of I Mnnhii. liuiiirliiH county, NeluiiNka, Nell lit pulillc auction llm property deNcillieil In niiIiI order Of Mllll" UN followN, to-wll : Tint iindlvlded tliree-elirhlN ( l of llm fol lowing ili-Ncrllied real 1'nlnle, to-wll: Com-nii-iii-liiir nl u IMiliit, In tlm miuth Him of lot one II), nccI Ioii fourteen llll, towliNlilp llfteen (15) nort h of raiiKii Ihlrteen l CI). eiiNl, of the ilxlh lllth) principal meridian, nI IiiiihIii-iI and ninety-three HilCI) feet eiml, of tint ndiiIIi wi'Ht corner of hii 1(1 lot onn (In llienci" eimt, on Nit )l Noiilh lliie one hundred mid nIx miiiI W-KKKIMili:!) feet; lliein-ii norlli nitriillel with tlm wi'Nt line of niiIiI lot one (I), four hun dred and Ni'ven mid 55-11X1 (Hl7..Vi) feet; Ihence etiNt mm hundred and nIk mid (U-imi (KW.IU) feel ; thence noil I Ii four hundred and M-vi-n and fift-llKl f4D7.ft.1t fcetl t Iioiich niiat alioiil, oim hundred and llfty-iilim (I.V.i) feel, to I he aim I h eiiNt corner of wild lot, one (I); Ihencn north one decree and thirty (.Kl) inlnut.eN wnal, followliiK tlm inl ander line of the MlNNourl Itlverof the Cnlted Htatea itoveinnieiil, wur vcy of In'ii'i. four hundred and slxly-alx and H-llKl iHW.iini feel ; Ihencn wiml iiiiriillel Willi the Nouth line of Nitld lot. mm if) llnee hun dred mid Nlxlyund W-MiO (Jim.ri") feet! thence south four hundred and nlxly-Nl and two thlrdN (HKIM reel, lo llm place of licirlriiilnu, conliilnlnu threti (III iicri'N more or Icnn, lo li'l her with all nri-ii-l Iiiiih to niiIiI laud, nil In lioiutlas county, slain of Nchriihku; an hi liroiierty lo hn wild to Niitlxfy .lell'ci-Hon VV. Ileilfonl t he Niiiu of Ni'veniy-three and -li-inii dollniN i7:i -17) .ludifiiiciit, with lnlerei.1 thereon from I'eliruury lit. In t; to Mitiufy .liinu'N II. Wheeler tlm Ntini of one hiimhed, eluhlyaiid HVimi dollniN iflNd.tln ,udimeMt. with IntereNt Ihereoli lit ruin of ten 1IU1 per ceni. per annum from I'eliruury I, 'Xl; lo HiillNfv I'li-Kt Niillomil Hunk of Ouuihit. Hie niiiu of nine hundred. Ncvcniy-I wo Mini .'iO-mi dollniN JudKuienl, with Iniirci thereon Hi rule of eliihl (Si pel' cent, per minimi from I'ehriniiy I. I HI i : to mu t lufy .loNCph l. Her the nuui of Ihlrteen hundred lilnely-lwo and Ml-ll dollura (fl.HW Im Jildit tnelit.' with InlercNl thereon nl, rule of elxhl, () per cent, per annum from I'ehruaiy I. iwrji lo Nullify tlm niiiii of forty-twu and li-lim tfVi I!) (lolliirN conIn, wild Inlei-i'Nt Ihereou from the ImI day of I'ehriiiiry. A. I. I s'.fj, toKi'lher wl'h itccruiiiK conIn accordliiK 10 a .liiilinnrril rendered hy llm l'li rlcl court of mu Irl IiouuIiin counly. at II m l ehriiarv term, A. II. IMr!, In it certain action then 11 nd there pendinir, wherein I lil Nallouul Hank of Oimihit and .loNCph H, Her were iilalntlirNiiml Ahrnham It. Souer, Allen M, Holier and othet-N were defendiiulN. Omaha, NehriiHkn. March and, Is'.M. UKOIMJK A, IIKNNKTT, Hlio r l fT of I ioiikIiin County, NeliritNkit. A. ('. Troup, ai Minify. :i-!l-ft Notice of Incorporation. Article of Incorporation lnive been (lli-d wild Hie county clerk, HoiiifhiN counly, Ne linihku, mid In compliance with law, notice In xlven iin followa: Niiine: Columhlt Miinufiir! urlnK ( ttini pany. The prluclpa) place of dolntf IiiinIiicnn nIiiiII he Omaha, Neh. The Keneral nature of thn IhinIihinn to tin traiiNitcled nIiiiII Iw Hid 11 1 h 11 ii fm ' 1 1 1 rt' ami Niile of metal ihiIInIi (piil.c, lliiild and hrlck), conduct. 11 Keneral luanii fiicturiiiK Inixlnt'NN and iraiiNact all IiunIui'nr connncled thernwlih, 'I'he amount, of llm luithorl.ed rupltal atock of IIiIn cut Hit at Ion nIiiiII he live tliouniiml dollarN (.'i.KKD, divided Into NluircN of 01m hundred dollars each, of which two tlioiiNiind eluht hundred dollarN Nhall Is' aiiliM'rlhed ami paid ill) In full hy tin-Mi Incorporalorii. Tlm reldue of aahl aiithorlj'd CHpltal Ntn-k may Im NiihwrllH-d niicIi time or tlmea hn may tat determined hy the NtiN-kholdiTN, Hut all NUs:k Niiliwrllied nhall Ihi paid 1111 In full at tlm time of auh Ncrlptlon. This corporation Nhall com nieiice I 'eliriniry C A D. IWl, and I in termi nation Nhall be February W. A. I. IIUs. The liliilicHt, amount of Indebtedni'KN or liability to which thla corporation may at any time Niihject Itnelf Khali not fceed 01m Ihlrd of Ha NiiliMcrlla'd capital Ntock. Ili-nrv C. I'raer nIiiiII be prenldent, M. II. Hedlleld Nhall hn vlce-prei.ldent, and Ivyl O'HynK Nhall I.h ecritary and treiiNiirer. and loKi'tbcr they Nhall c.ouNl,ltut tlm hoard of directors until tint annual meellnx of the NttH'kliolilerH In A. II. IMa). Omaha, Kehriiary ti, A. I), im. IIK.MtV V. I'HA.KU. MK.I.VIN II. KKIU'I KI.Il, IVYL O'lT.YNO, !l-;i-4 IncorporalorN. Notice to Creditors. Htatk or Nkiiiiahka, I ,,. lloiiKlns Counly, f In the County Court, of OmiKlitN County, Nebraska, February. 4. A. I), IMH. In the Matter of tlm etntc of Olann K. Olson. deceiiNeil: TheCredltorN of said 1'Nlatn and all oilier persoiiN liitcrcHled In Nitld matter will take notice thai the creditors of Nitld etati' will appear before this court on Ilia '1 7 1 1 day of March. Iniki, on the J'th day of May. 1n.i:, and on I he 41 h day of Aiiuusl, NW, at liio'cliM'k A. M.. each day, for the purpose of present lull thelrcliilinN for exam I mil Ion. ail.lusl ment and allowance. Him months are allowed for the creditors to present llielrcliilins, ami out) yearfor (he administrator tosettle said es tate, from the 4th day of February. Is'.M. Th Is not Ice will la-published In Tiik Amkhii'an for four weeks successively, prior lo the 27 Hi day of March, Isui. All claims not Hied on or before the 4th day of Annus!, lal. will be forever barred from conslderat Ion In the llnal settlemenl of sahl eat ate. Witness my hand ami ofhYlal seal this 4lli day of February, Is'ill. .1. W. Kl.t.KK. skai..1 Il-:i 4 County Jutlne. hi., tw t lf llll. l- t. .11' t. 1. . vt t . t '-. i . I iil-ii ...... i s, M ,., I'll...' il'.li I. .1 t .1! - t t ,1 V . ll l-. t I.. -.. I fc t It . i ..'.I a l II.. I V I .'. I A - t ,1th. I . It. I II-..I i. it . Ii'l . I I .1. l.-'. In.lit lll.. . 41 l l-.;., ... . Il-! . lit 'I- I ' .1 ... - . ,. ,. II," .1 I. , I l. t a,. ! .1 i.. i. ' I Im. tl Ittl. 1 I i .t it . ii t 'i I , t.t. t.. it t 1 1 .... 1 1 1 . t ti.i . 1 tn M I. in I ' I t- . ' It. I I t Ml-. I.I I 1 1 in a I 1 I i..n In tl.t il t . t It..,,,,!.. 1..,,,t it ,.-l l.i. -I 111 t.. t . l. ti. .ll.l II tt,. ..., S. N.,.1 H i O i .-IM, . t I (.tit. t 111. i l tl,,i , 11, I h Ihiu.1i. .1 . 41.. I S I ft' .l .ll ,1 . - I I . 'It' .t... t It.. I .tlSt ltl ,-t t"tll 1 -lilt n I St. IHII. tl,.,., ft,,liil.l I'll, wtf I. 1' 1 i.,t, t..t, I 1. in. .It t ni"l V 1, title 1 1 Suit. ,tt 1., ,. tbt. I1I(.111 .1 Mllt t : 1,1 St.. I t lti it,.ut .itA ltl, It.ti 11 .t tl,. t, ivtl Si tnt tt Sllll il l I Hilt (M ft Ml It I.I ft.. Im lt,.t,llt lltll. I ll I. SNtl l nil t ., ,,. 11 lili ,li,al . '.Mi ' it . ..! tiilli ititi it l 1 l.i iist Iiivm tl.t imlt dst t.l N. (i It tuts t A l I'1 I.hiiImi itli . itiiU. ni.1. si iiit.lltiw InS tietgtiuM I. lull ft i 1-t I in- I t(v , t, I .ittttl tit fcstil lli.ttil bis 1 mint 1 . nl il i .li 'mis 1 it 1 111 Il Ism' in s 1 1 1 iiilii Si III itt Mil It tttlll lllltl' )S tlllUlK tUlll't.ln I lie Nsilimsl llsnk of I'ltlll. I'Hii Ni'W ittli wits itsltilitt still ,1'ihtt Mull 1I1III .limit's I K1I1 y slid nlli, i . 11 ili-fi ttilsnls oi.mlm. Neltiasl,a. I t-btiiHi "(til Is-ti J ,1 i.H'lii.l A III NM' I I . Shet lit of I ii.iii' Is I niiiii y. Nt bt Siinlnli'is, Mi I nllsinl nttil I Mi key. allnim s Nhprtfl'i Sitlp. lly vlllite tif all unlet of sale Issued mil of Hie Ihsltli'l (llllll tif I h 1 1 1 l I it s Cintlilv, Ne In ask n. ami In me illiei ti-il, I will on I be :.'nli day of M null. A . l Isa.l. 11 1 lit n'elis k. a. 111 1 if so til il it v n I Hit' I- 11st ftniil it. mu of tin. Counly ( unit House, In the Clly of Onutliii, IHiiimIiis Count , Nebi itska. sell al public auction the ptnpi'iiy ilesci lls-il In suld tmlei of sale as follows. Iii-wll ' l.ols sit 1II1 ami I u i-'i In block one ill, In Html It F tcliiimie I'lace, an itililltbin In the clly of South Omaha, all In liouiilas I'uiiuly, stale of Nebraska ; 1 lie sa hi lot sit itb to be sold to satisfy Hat hi M, Sluarl Hie sum of four hundred, eliihly sin ami 'ti- Inn ilollitts itMstO vf" , with Interest lliereon from September '."Jinl. tsaii; iht'Nitlil lot iwo 1 '.'I 10 be sold to satisfy Norman A. huliii the sum of one It 11111I it'll , i-ltlit y-iiii" ami im-pai dollais iflsl mil. with lult'tesl thereon from Heplem ber r.'ml. A. 1 1. tHml; losnlUfy lliivbl M. Htiiarl the sum of three hundred, Iwo ami IMI Iiki diilhiis,' ili;i, with lull-rest tbeieon from Seplember 2!ml, ls(ni; and In satisfy from llm pi I'i'il" of sale of bulb lots as above tlcsrrllicil, the sum of eluhly-sU and IU-I1I1I dollais CfKI -Ilii I'osls, with Inleresl tberi'ou from llm i".iu tiny of Heptetnlier iwm, lo((elher with acciulnn costs 11c corillm; to a .luduim-nt remlered by Hie district i'i 111 rl. of said lloimllis counly, at Us Hepli'iiiher li'i-in. A. I). iHim, In a ceiialu ar llnii then and there prndlmt. wherein Havhl M, Hi 1111 11 was plalntlll and (h-oikc W, llervi-y was ilefemlant . Oinaba, Nebraska. February Elrd. Im'i;i. (.KOKOi; A. IIKNNKTT. Hln't'1 If tif liouulas County. Nebraska. W illiams and W illiams, attorneys. "-4-.'i Sheriff's Sale. lly v II I ue of an order of sa le Issued out of thn dlst rlcl court of Houulas county. Ne braska, and lo nic dlrceli'il. I will, on the 'Hut day of March, A. I IWI.1. at Kl o'clock 11 m. of said liny, a I Hie KAhT frontdoor of the counly c-iiuii house, In the city of Oniiiha. IioiiuIiih counly, Nebraska, sell at public it 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 Dm properly described In said order of sale iin fullims, to-wll : The north one-lui If (N 'Jl of lol three CI), In block live id), In Knuiil.'s third (-lid) adilll Ion to Hie clly of Omaha, iin surveyed, platted ami Recorded In I mucins counly. slate of Nebraska, snhl properl y to be sold lo satisfy Omaha HavliiKs Hunk llm niiiii of one thous and, 01111 hundred. I'lubl ami 411-HHI dollars 11, His 4111, wit h Inleresl, I hereou at rale of elllit (Hi per cent, per 11 11m 111 from Heiilember llMh. IKirj, ami I wenty-threti and Wl-lhii dollars (Sa.iilli conIs wit h Inleresl. (hereon from the Hull lilty of Hepltimbei', A. II. H!l;i, toifflber with acciuliin cosIh aci-CidluK to 11 IiiiIk-liii-nt rendered by I he district, court, of said iiouulas county, 11 1 Hn Heptumber tm-iii, A. II. Ik'.W, in a certain net ton then and there pend Iiik wherein Omaha Siivlrms Hank was iilalnllir and John HolTmau and llarbara llolfmiin went di-fi-lidiinls. Omaha, Nebraska, February 151 h, IWM. IIKOKUK A. IIKNNKTT, Hlierlff of IiouuIiin County, Nebraska, Francis W. WcnscIIn, attorney. 2-17-5 Sheriff's Knle. lly virtue of an order of Hiiht Issued out, of (lie district court of liiiiiilas county, Ne braska.and to me directed, I will, on ilie 41I1 day of April, A. I. Inm, at Id o'clock a. m of said day. at llm KAHT front door of the county court house. In llm clly of Omaha, IiouuIiin county, Nebraska, sell at public auction the properly described In suld order of sale as follows, to-wll : Kot I weniy-t wo ciji, In hlock number four 1I1, In I'lirllaml I'lace, an addition to llm city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all In I lunulas county, Mate of Nebraska, said pronerl v lo be sold to sal Isfy Hie Ouuihit National Hank Hie sum of seven hundred, sixty-seven and Is-IKi dollars i7U7.Si ,udK meiit, with Interest, lliereon at rat" of elifhl ini per cent ier annum from September Itnh, I so : ; lo sal Isfy ,1. A. Fuller and Company Hie sum of Iwo 'hundred, llfly-nlnn ami W-IW dollars i!.V,i,.'.(il ludionenl, with Interest I here on at ten (Mu per cent, per annum from .liinn Mlh, Is'.il. loKi'iher wllh live and 75 I'm dollars 115.751 costs thireon; lo satisfy I lie niiiii of lxl v-oiii- and S.1-I1H1 dollars ifll Kli cosls, with lute rest (hereon from Hie hub day of Sep (ember, A. H. lH',r, louelher wllh accruing: costs accordliiK to a (iidinnrnl rendered by the IHslrlcl Court of limiKlus County, at Its Heplcrnberlcrm, A, l. In a certain aclloii then and therii N'iidliiK, wherein (he Omaha National Hank was plaintiff and Frederick T. Smith, Anna M, Smith and others were defendants, Omaha, Nebraska, February SSih. Isll. OKOllliK A. IIKNNKTT. HberlfTof IliniKlas Counly, Nebraska, Lake, Hamilton ft Ma 11 well, allornevs. ;i-;i-5 Sheriff's Sale, lly virt ue of an order of sain Issued out of tint district Court of liiiuulas County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will, on the :!sib day of March, A. il Nd, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at Hut KAHT front d'Htr of thn County Court House, In thn City of Omaha, lloiiKlas County. Nebraska, sell at public auciion the itroHriy ui-writs'ii in said 1 of sale as follows, to-wll : lit tlin e CD In blis-k six (Hi In Lvinitn I'lace. an addition to llm city of Omaha, as sur veyed, platted ami recorded In limiKlas county, slate of Nebraska, said proH'Ny lo be sod to sat Isfy Charles W, Lyman the sum of four hundred, thirteen aiiif 25-MO dollars iWI-l.i5), with lnleret thereon at rat of eliHit isi per cent M-r anniini from February 1st, IMtrJ, and twenty-iliri-e ami IM-imi dollars ttUM) cosls, with luu-ri'st thereon from thn 1st day of February, A. J. totietber with ai'cruInK costs accordliiK to a ludK ment rendi reil by tlm district court of said HoiiKbot county, at lot February term, A D. In a certain iu-tlon then and there is'iidlnif, wherein Charles W. Lyman was plaintiff and Amelia Ttmlliraard and Hans The IlKaard were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. February Slrd, lam. 2-24-ft OKOIUJK A, HKNNKiT. Sheriff of I louKlas County. Nebraaka. Ilreckc iirlilxe, HreckenrlilKn and Crofoot, attori eys. Kherff s Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of thn District court of Douillas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, 01, till! 4lli day of April. A. I. I ski. at Iiio'cIih-k H. m. of said day, at the i'AHT front door of Hit county court house, In the city of Omaha. DoiiKlas county, Nehraska, sell at puullc auction the pros-ny tlescrllMici In said order of sale as follows, towll : Lot number I wenly 131) In block numltfr (hren CD, In IS'iiman I'lace an addition to Hie clly of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re corded, all In Doutllas counly, slate of Ne hraska. said proM-rty lo he sold to satisfy the Omaha National Hank the sum of seven hundred, slxty-sl and 2t Hm dollars 1I71M an JilduMni-lit. with Interest thereon at rale of eluht 1S1 s'r cent M'r annum from September llllll. Istrj. and twenty-seven and M-lim 1I0I lars if !".. Ml) costs, wit fi Interest, Ihereou from the Hah day of Hi-ptcinlier A, 1 1., Is'.C until paid, toilet her wtth iiccrulnit costs acemd Init lo a ludifmcnt rendered by I he dis trict, court of said Dniiu'liis county. 11 1 Its HeptemlsT lent). A. I. ri. In a certain aclloti then and there pendlmt. wherein the Omaha National Hunk was plalnlllt, ami (ieoi'i.'e 11. Mnsurave, Mary A. .Miissritve ami others were di'fi'ildalils. Omaha, Nebraska. Februarv "N Is'.tl UKolitiK A IIKNNKTT. Slierltfof Dounliis County. N.-h. Lake, llitmlllon ,V Maxwell, attorneys. .l-;i-5 It I t MOM AH Allot y 1 14I Ntil Sltt4l MtlH liitlMMH His t . 1. t ...I I I I 0 I .... t 1. i.4i ,1 .si. . . -1 . I I . . t ,, .. I.... .,. '.I III.. M I I I I M V ,( I .., ' . S . , . I , t I, , . .1.. . t. .1 I . , I ' ... It . ! , M.t , I , . l ! ", l I .'1st t tt . I . s!'l ill Hill-. I.- .'t l- Kl t ... .1 It , t ..... . t I t ,.l .. . I Of It" " S t . Sills i, ... i ' ..l It, ,... I. tt t ... 1 -t j s. t, II . t 1 1 9 .1. . t i'm it III s - I . . t . v.l. S I . 1 S - I . .1 j n. ,...,.., t, .it-. 1 M l " Is 1 i-i II.- ' l, (!. Hi . .Ill' ,1,,' .11 l ( :,l. Hl I . I i.t ts.. . . .. .1 I '1 lit". it. t I ,.t" .i . t i.l ttk .! , .. St. .111,, it. I . It t t II-, si. Is. I,. IS I...I.-H S. - I 1 s i. .. ..s ,,ti. t. I ( ,1 1. .t ,e. . - . - t. .( " -I ( i. in 1- 1. -... I i.i 1. 1 1 1 M 11 1 1 ', ll,...,.,,llll !,... I ,.(.. t- !. ! i-il. I l ti'"! I II". I'l il . t t in. I 1 r .' ; i. i,,.:',,.i i.t -.ili t,i. t. si ili lu.i, .1 1,1,1 1 ...... , 1- 1 , 1 t. w I Ml.fiitm ti lili. ; ( 1 1 is ' j I ,. ft to ... H . ..It .1. 1. I( 1 .1.1 I Ii. . -I, It,, sin. 1 ,i Mi ,,tti,tt.. Slut ,lt nn.l ' . 1-11 ,l.,ll,,i s, ',, .Ib.,,., hi 1 tin n ,m si 1 s it- nl 1 U I.l s t lllt IM t Sllll. 11,1 ttlltll I t lit ItSt t 1st IS'1' I.. i 1 1 t tbi sum nl Mint tii tttnl ni i-ti ii.-iiii. r-",ii 1 ,ist 1. 1 1. in t. mi tbi t llli niittntiti , tti-isitslittft lit m tm nt 1,1. I I,,, ,i, in. in. 1 I i, ml i, I S i.t 1 1. ... I , I ,.,,il t R II I I III tint l.-tttl, A II 1st'. Hi . I It. illl HI tlllll I III' II ti. I till HI m inline wbinirt M'tty r tismt. I Mu It, tiMitii null 111 int.. Miti il it I tit Iff s sttil Mli tisi'l Ismtn My atul Millets wt r.. ilefetiilsttls HiiiiiIiii, Ni bisski,, Mal. ltWth. !( K I' I'Aitl . Sssinl M lister t titiitiilssliiiier II I . 1 litimas, ttltiitttt-y iisiin. 1 1 n , i I is illy el al :i lu-Ji Ills . ... I "" i 111 Notice lo Noit-RtfSKlrnt Detemlant. (iill.e of 1 1, Van Fi len. attorney, nstm HIS V V. I. It'' Omaha. Nt h. Not Ire In W IIII11111 I. I't aboily, iiiiii lesldent. di fi iiilintl : In distilrt riiutl, HoukIiis counly, Nn blitsl,!!. Joseph IV MiitinliiK. plalnlilT, vs. William . I, Ctiuin-I lib William L, I'eabtHly, llefembttils; To William L. I'eabotly, mui-resldeiit dn feiiilanl : You me hereby iiiitllb'tl Hint on Hie 1X1 It day of January, sti;i, suld Joseph I'. MnunliiK llled his pel It Inn In suld elitlllcd action III s-ild coin I iiualiist, 1 1 1 tu 111 .1. Council anil W illiam I. I'cahoily Iheoblecl and prayer of which are loiiulet and 11 111 II t in the I II In of tue east half of lot live i.'n In lulllln anil Sinllhs lo Hie clly of Omaha. Ill Douglas county. Nebraska, In said Joseph I'. M 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U fire fioiii any real or pri'leuileil claim you. Hie said W illiam .1 Connell and Wllllain L. I'rabotly and Nitrcessors, or ell her may have or cliilm lo have, and for an order of Iii,iiiicI Ion to Issue from said court, enlolulnu ami rrslraluliiK you ami each of you and your altorneys, intents and repre sentatives, and eil In-! , f nun iliilnix or eaosliiK or 1 11 - it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u; lo be dune, any Intel ferencn wllh said plalnlllt's possession of said prop el ty and each ami every purl Inn and parrel I hereof, by writ, or 01 her proresN of any roui'l or ot nerwlse. ami al, the llnal In'iil'lltK of said action said order of Injunction bn made pet'iiet mil, and for such other and fit el In-r relief as lo said court may seem Just and etullablii, wllh costs. 1 111 11 11' 11 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to answer suld prill Ion on or before Monday, llm Nth day of May, Isliii, .IosKI'H I', MANMNU. J-:il-4 lly I). Van Kttkn, Ills Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. lly virtue of an older of sale Issued out of the dlslilrl, court, of Hoimlas county, Ne braska, and to mu il 1 1 on oil. I will, on tlm 4!h day of April, A. D. IN',i;t, at, HI o'clock a. m. of said day, at llm KAHT front door of tie v County courthouse, In Hut clly of Omaha, IiiiiikIiis counly, Nebraska, Nell al, public Mini ion Hie properl y rlescrilied In said order of sale as follows, to-wll : l.nls liillnliri' six lit) lllid seven (7), III block six 1111, III lloyd's addition to llm city of Omaha, as surveyed. platted and recorded. all In Dimnlas county, stall' of Nebraska, said properly ot he sold lo satisfy Minerva C.Cor--li l t, iidiiilnlstiiitrlx of the estate of William W. Cot-let t, dereased, the niiiii of 1-IkIiL liiiinlied. slxty-l wo and llll-imi dollars ihii':.();i) J nil K hi i-ri t,. with iuMiresl. lliereon at nit-ti of eluht. (S) air lU'iit, per annum from February 1st, n, ami iw iily-elnhli and 'OI' th.llari ii!H.7ll) cosls. with liiti-it-ul, tlmi'i'iin from tlm 1st day of Tuln-fiary. O. 1st. oiilh"i with accrulfK cost , cordliiK to it Jitd-mnol rendered by th t. utrlct. it.urt of said Dduu! las county, at. lln Imbruary term, A. l. Isui, In 11 iu.mii In sr tlun Hu n nd there pi-mllim, whtuein Minerva (!. Corlnt, admliiistralriit of Ihr cslate of William W.Corlett. deceased, was plal'illir, and Mary .1. Ileatty, Thaddeus H, ( bu ll son ami others were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. March I, Is'.M, OKOItOK A. IIKNNKTT. Hbri lll'of DoiuHiis County. Neb. llreck"lirldKc, llreckimrldxe tl Crofoot, at torneys. )l-.'l-5 Notice to Creditors. Htatk or Nmihaska, i lioiiidiisCouuiy. ( In llm county court, of Dmiubis county, Nrliriiska, Feliiunry I, A. I. Ih',i;i. In llm matter of llm estalii of (,'hester W, ( 'owles, lb used : The 'reditorsof said and all other persons Interested in said mat ter will take Holler Hint the creditors of said estulit will appear before I bis court on tint 27ih day of March, Isd.i; 011 heZ7lh day of May, ls!i:i. and on tint 41 h day of AiiKust, Is'.M, al. HI o'clock a. m.. each day, for llm purpose of tiri-scnilnu their claims for exam I tuition, ad justment, ami allowance, six months am allowed fur llm credllors lo present, their claims and one year for llm executrix to set tin said t stale from the 4lh day of February, I mu. i This notice will be pub lished In Tor. A mkiiica x for four weekssiic ccsslvely, prior lo the i!7lli day of March, s',i:. All claims not filed on or before llm 4th day of AiikusI, Isii;i, will be forever barred from consideration In the llnal settlement of said est ale, Witness my hand and oftlclal seal this 41 Ii day of February, lain, I'ssai.I .1. W. KLLKK. ;i ;i-4 County.liidifii. Legal Notice. Notice Is hereby (liven thai by virtue of a certain bill of sale dated April 2d. IsW. and duly recorded In llm oltlce of the clerk of Dunlins county. Nebraska, on llie'ilrd day of January, Is".!, and execiiti-d by C V. Was serman to A C. Frost ami held by said FrtHt to M'ctirn llm payment of llm sum of Still, 10. and 11 is in which" there Is now due tits sum of HI I .'15. and tint further sum of fan mi exH'lises of kerpliiK Hut properly descrlls'd In said bill of sale. Drfaiilt lutvlriK Isien made In the payment of said sums, and no suitor other pris-enllnK at. law bavins' lasrn Ins.llutrd lo recover said debt or any part, thereof, I will sell the properly deserllasd In said hill of sale which Is now In my possession towll : One colt, t years old, hay wllh star In forehead, onit whll.i fiHtt; linn Silydtir ph an ion. At the same time and place I will also sell one diamond stud and one diamond rlntr. which went piedt(tid as additional security for tint payment of said original sum of S.UI.11O. Said sale will la kit plactt on the 24 th day of March, law. at thn hour of it p. 111., at I soft Sherman avenue, In Omiilir. DoiiKlas counly, Nebraska. A. C, Fit 1ST, ll il 4 lly Irvin L. McCloud. his attorney. Pledgee's Sale. Notice Is hereby iflven that thn onder alicnt'd will, on the 1st day of April, ISfU, al 10 o'chs'k a. 111. of said tlay, at. tlm main entrance to thoHhecly llhs'k, corner IMh ft Howard Sis., In the clly of Omaha, offer for sale and sell tit the hltthest bidder for cash, three promlsory notes, as follows: Omt of 150.(10 dated Hi ptemb.-r .'it b, IN',C. iflven by 3. II ( lillson In Kil. L. Ilratlhury. and by said Kd. L. Ilritdbury endorsed In blank, without rts'ourse. One of HMum. wllh 5!Uin endorsed, dated Novemls'r Isth, sn. nlvrn by It. O. Wallace to K. I i. Ouiisoles. and one oflbWOO dated HepleuilHT Itith, IMC, xlven by II. C. DuiM'.y to The Inter-Htate HtiK'k Kxchaniot Co, and endorsed In blank, as follows: ("Inter-Stale Htis'k KxchatiU" Co., K. II. Clark, Secretary.") Ml assumed, transferred and delivered by one J. N. Ilarlrauft lotbe lindiTslKiied its collateral security for the payincnt of said J. N. Harlriiuft's mites In Hie sum of 1 14.7U. oneof f I J() and one of HI 50. dated NovemlM'r lit h, Is'.y. tl 1111 respectively liecemlsT l.'th, Wi and January IHi, lstci, lit favor of the iimlersiuned. bearimc 1(1 per cent . Interest after due; which notes have lonK si nre mat 11 red ami are st 111 unpaid. Dated March 1Mb. IslU. a l(i-:i C. DK I.OHKHTS. At It ltftlttltllttl1ttl 1,'lllir.llllOllllllllI.IMllTIJM''. J t.fC YOU WANT A FARM ? Y CO IN THE WEST. - CMicAao, rock islano & pftc.ric n. m. I called the WESTERN SETTLER: ".n. ..11 1 4 1 ,1 i.j ' .ml 'LLP' M-irun (l lif's'tit, iv ami in v "v - r 1. e- AtlJt Jl I'V I