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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1893)
THE AMERICAN. C3 Drtmninrl Action rf n In r UKttttg Committee. llotv tlliU Mlnn. Attempt Hff lrt Ht.l ft tfc (Vomalltr W til It". Ida rt. Pr.I'Ml, Minn, Mnfc If, -Action tn M4rvn ttfnn lv th inointvr Inn i( Uif went lt il. livi-r tt John J, Ilhixles, rmit-l nmn(tMr of tlm Mien nU ltl a (stem, sll Urn txk Mint Mtper Ufcen from Mm on TneUv Mr. Rhodes Kiviujt bin.l tn lo,OiM,tht he mmM tint ileMtvjr the doentttenU BherilT (1mt sts.rte.1 out t. recover the books it tlii" oottl ooinMne, The Joint legislative emninlttee h. ntlciplxt trouble and the sereant-st unit of the mute hail sworn tn a lml f iloxen derm tic-. lh shir Iff. When Sheriff Otatitiel anis-ared he en eountore.1 Senator Umnellv. who re marked to tlio ilitrifT, that if he secured the lx ks it wnntd be ovpr tlm dead bodies of ineinlr of the legislative committee and its otllcera. Mr. C'iiip''l then withdrew and retMirted the hUuh Mon. At U o'clock they found Jndjje Etfan o" tho district court or Itainsey oonntv, and secured from him an order to tho serjeant-at-arms of the senate nd his assistants to appear In court on Saturday morning and show causa why they should not. be tmiiiHiieit ror con tempt of court, for refusing to give up the books in their possession. H'lU lienors thu Court. When they hoard of this action the members of the legislative committee laid the serjeant-at-arms would lie in itructed to )av no attention to the or der of Judge Egan. and that the investi- i cation would proceed, until the books bad been thoroughly examined and their contents aivulged to the public GOOl) NKWH FUll UK I TI, KIH. Preparation to Open liierokas Strip About to n(ln. Washinoton. March "17. Active preparations are about to m 1egun by Secretary Hoke Smith for opening the Cherokee Strip, under the provisions of the Indian appropria:ion act ratifying the agreement with the Cherokee. The ceded tract contains H,Ui,Wi acres, for which the government agrees to pay t8,Mift,7:i(l, of which amount, the sum of aU5,7M is to lie paid at once, and tho remainder, fS.iioO, 000, in five enual an nual installments, beginning March 4. 18U0, the deferred payments to bear 4 per cent annual interest. It, however, Indians so desire h v may realize at once on the sale of toeir lands, as authority is given them to issue ft loan for the full amount, pledging the principal an Interest due from the gov ernment. The preliminaries to I ob served prior to opening the outlet to settlement by proclamation of the presi dent will consume considerable time, Several allotments are to be made to In. dians who were bonafide residents of the trip prior to November, lHiil.and en gaged in farming, arid the strip is to lie I 1 opened to settlement under the provis ( I Ions of the act to organize Oklahoma territory. These allotments are to lie confirmed ly the secretary of the interior before the strip can 1st opened, and a list of them published for the protection f settlers. Hules and orders regulating the occu pation and settlement, must lie pre sented and published 20 days before the Issuance of the president's proclama tion, Settlers are required to pay $v.tu per acre for land east of 97J parallel and 4',.r0 for lands taken between the 971 and tho (Wi parallel, with 4 per cent Interost from date of entry, to date of final payment. The act provides for special reservations Itt and lit), and also for such other reservations as the presi int may determine, M ill Not I'lKtit Nomination., Wahmnoton, March 17, Senator Mnrphy of New York, was nskod if tho report was true that ho would attempt to prevent the confirmation of Presi dent Cleveland's New York appoint ments, "There is no truth in It whatever," re plied the senator. "How about the confirmation of Roliert E, Maxwell and Edward li, Wbi neyr "Tho New York senators will do nothing to delay their confirmation. On the contrary they will aid in having them confirmed," I'rolinlilr Cniimi h Long Oolmt,. Washinoton, March 17. The senate commit tee on contested elections will, at 1U first meeting, take up the case t the senators appointed by the governors of the states of Wyoming, Montana and Washington. Henators-elect. Mantle of Montnim and Hockwitu of Wyoming had their credentials presented to the senate some days ago, but Mr, Allen of Washington lias not arrived. None of the gentlemen have mm sworn in, and the indications are that the report of the committee will engender a long donate. Will Simiii MncoiiiM Oporiitlrn. Wahh.-noton, March 17. Authority has been given by President Cleveland to Secretary Gresham to exchange with Minister Urip certificates of ratification Of the extradition treaty between the United Stales and Sweden recently rati fied by the senate. The exchange will take place in a few flays and the presi dent's proclamation declaring the treaty In forco will at once follow. , ' Aocpptcd Katliri'a KxhIkdiiIIoii, Washinoton, March 17. The secre tary of the interior has accepted the resignation of (Jreen B. Uaum, as com missioner of pensions, and has designa ted Deputy Commissioner Andrew Davidson, to take charge of that ollice, nntil the appointment of General Raum's successor, Arli I.Ike Cliolcrn, Takis, March 17. A choleraic disease has been prevalent in the Orient tor a week. Jn t cases it has been fatal. It . M .- t .1 . i t . t '. 'if-.', i . ... ... r i'.- i f -n i. . I i ! - t t1 w. vt t Uif uti Km tti. t, i.t t't '- l'l W I'V l line MiMt'lm (f lii I w .it C l i m it V t i.vi1tt tk t r t. '! tiitl (! Htitct bi. 1 i l--Hf.t in 1 lt Ml H iW m UtVtti ith An AUtMt Irt.ot Itt th rHtd -f , bfW f iHtdsn d.-' bint a Nw In tli ! in fen.v'Mnn bun d., Mtrildsn si itcn I'ltitrtmt Mr, H 9 lt by lb tlthwt S'll i Ifktitil liiin, brn II tt. Vm IV lt.rfiin, r-'v tsrr f stitte, hil hhi'ttditn llwifti Ui" ytxi,'')!' (wt bt.l u th ttnc and l went U h (r. Ni.-it btn hb-Ml tut Imld on ltMtr and Jnniwl n lh prtr! frm ( Itocirpn and lsgwn U litUiiiig litm in the fne. Thiw who first arrtvivl separated the tx lligeronts, and Sheridan and HoggtMt were forced apart, Hl.xvl was stn-aui-tng from the fa of each, and gaping cuts and swelling bruise showed plainly Where heavy rights and left bad Ishmi sent home, lloih parii.s were furiott. and the intervention of a l.n men was invesary to prevent a remuuptiou of hostilities. I.i'CUInlUn Ihiliiu. Lincoln, Neb,, March )7. The hi devoU-d Itself tit routine work, disposing of a munlier of conuuittee reports. An attempt was mado to adjourn over St, Patrick's day but it wat defeated. Resolutions wore introduced provid ing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the matter of Representa tive Kyner's insulting remarks to one of the female employes of the house. In the senate the committee on rail roads reported the maximum rate bill with the recommendation that it bo made a secial for Tuesday, March 21. but action on the matter was deferred. The bill providing for salaried clerks of the district courts of Lancaster and Douglas counties and making a reduc tion in the court costs of those counties of about i!0 per cent, caused considerable discussion as did also the bill requiring wholesale liquor dealors to take out Lcenses. Tln'lr Mv In tlm Klninn. Richmond, Va,, March 1 7. A special toTho Times from Charlotte, N. C, says: D. P. Dixon of this city, has just re ceived word of tho fatal burning of his wife and two children of his son, Thomas. Dixon, at Rutlierfordton, N. " While Mrs. Dixon was sitting by a t' with her youngest child, the .ilid caught the cover of the table ana acci dentally turned over the lamp, which exploded and threw burning oil over the mother and children. The house and contents were burned. The re mains of the victims will be brought to Charlotte for interment. During the progress of the fire Alex Mclntyre, a colored man, bravely entered the burn ing house and brought the mot her out, at the same time tmshinir a third child before him, thereby saving its life. Mrs. Dixon lived until 1 o'clock next morn ing, but did not regain consciousness. NnrtliKrn I'selflo Affitlr. New Yohk, March 17. Tho stock of the Northern Pacific railway was in great demand on the stock exchange Thursday, As high as i.S!2 was paid for tho loan of it. A special meeting of stockholders April HO, to vote on the sale of $7,0Mi,0C0 nar valno of the St. Paul and Northern Pacific stock, owned by the company for the purpose of paying olT its floating debt, the stock was wanted for use at the meeting. Tho special committee headed by Henry Clows which investigated the affairs of the Nort hern Pacific is opposing tho sale of the St. Paul and Northern Pacific stock and is said to be tetermiued to depose Henry Villard from tho management of the Northern Pacific. Hrti-r llnlil for Arann. ' CiitfAoo, March 17. The coroner's Jury inquiring into the responsibility of the Garden City Molding company's fire on North May street, Wednesday morn ing, and the death of two persons by a falling wall of that building, brought in a verdict finding that Lillie Chartler came to her death by injuries resulting from the collapse of the wall, and hold ing Stephen J. Carter, tho tnincinal owner, to tho grand Jury on Isdief that j Carter set lire to the building. Carter was seriously injured at the fire and there are doubts of his recovery, Ann Arlmr Slrlkn (inttlnif Snrlon Toi.i'bo, Mai cli )7. The strikers on the Ann Arbor road having refused to accept the terms of tho settlement agreed to by the railroad officials ami Btato Railroad Commissioner Kirby. a crisis is lcokod for when tho Ann Arbdr road will attempt to exchange business with other roads. Chief Arthur make the statement that engineers on con necting lines will refuse to handle Ann Arlsir freight, and that if any of them are discharged n general strike will be ordered. NMlmon Tl ilut l'lolvftl, Portland, Ore., March 17. The sal mon dinners' trust has boon dissolved. The immediate cause is the withdrawal of tho packing house of Hapxood & Winter from the combine. The nresent state of affairs is the most deplorable mat nas ever deration tno pacKers on the Columbia river. It means a loss of nearly ilOO,(MI(). Kjililfinlr nf Mla, Oakland, Cal., March 17. The Til lage of Isabel, five miles east of this city, is suffering from a measles epidemic, many cases proving fatal. Tho doctors report over oOO cases in tho village and in the immediate vicinity. There have been 17 deaths in the past two weeks. Want ll' A ppiirtlininnt Hl Add. Indianapouk, March 17. A confer ence of Republican politicians was held here, and it was decided to institute suit to set aside the legislative apportionment act passed by the recent legislature. Holiliril a llnnk Cullitotor. Chicago, March 17. II. G. Pox, a collector for the First National bank. Whs hold np and robbed of $l,2('0, on one f the stairways of the courthomte at I ton Thurway. J ii m i ii iv vi: ' i KH.t II 111 111 I il ,1 ArxattnU liijtHtn1 t the Newik, inr Rot u uu ji nu vt tit QM Im M lit l(rl Ik Itlit -ntt I It. tt lit knlaitwa (tl ttar 1rrm O.tirt Mll lll. ft. FmMiM, Mite, h IT. The temt AUiuwts lis arrival fruit Hvd Iter trts Hitiidniu, bringing adtteni front the latter plsitt tip l.t Man h s Tln-v art a fdltwi AnevtatlnHtal llmlntril. If lb friend of annetfttton were (dated tin the reeeipl of thmiew btuiiu'M bv the steautkliip tliiua and Honolulu on the VHHh and ?rd of February, they were vrreoiidingly depressed when the Pelgic put Inlo Honolulu ttnevpert edly March 'J and It was found that the treaty, consummated by Svretary Foa ter and the Hawaiian cHituiuiwioiiers had not reached a vote tn the United States senate. With the exception of Minister Stevens and a few other Amer icans, no one had exiMH'ted a treaty to be arranged so koeedilv. It fact, it was known that certain of tho commissioners had arranged their business affairs here with a view to Mug aWnt at leat six months, nnd t lie fact that so important a measure had lieen prepared within n few duvs, led to the belief that, the leo pie of the United States appreciated the nutation here, ami were ilesirous or ap plying the remedial agencies to the dilll culties under which tint p ovisional gov trninont has been laboring. .IllliUunt KojhIIkI. The disappointment of tho American party on tho islands was a source of much gratification to the Royalists, and it was not late in the day before the as lertion was boldly made that the treaty would never pass the senate, that annex ation was an impossibility, and that the new congress would carry out the policy of opposition to the acquiring of foreign territory, ami wouiu recognize mo autonomy of Hawaii, at least to the ex tent of agreeing to the accession of Kainlani, iieir apparent, supported pos sibly by an American protectorate. Tho published letter of Secretary Poster to United States Minister Stevens from their point of view sustained the adher ents of monarctiial rule in the belief that the course of Stevens end Captain Wiltze of the cruiser liostoa was not Countenanced by tho Washington gov ernment, About thm Illapnanl of Pnblln I.nndi, Asked as to tho significance "of the elauso of the treaty relating to the spec. ial laws for the disposal of public lauds -...1 1.1 ..1. -.1 J J: 1 - . i I - . miu which ;iuua is uiattppiniiMng in lis terms to certfJn of the provisional government, Mr. Htevens said any dis appointment thereby must ariso from a misunderstanding of the matter, Tho Idea conveyed by the clause In nuestion Is the same as that which leu public turveyors in tne united mates to oppose the granting of arid lands which may yet turn out to be the most important of our pnblio domain, "You may rest as lured." said Mr. Stevens, "that the United States does not intend to deprive the Hawalians of their rights to these lands, but in the drawing np of this treaty it was necessary to remove all objection that might be raised at home by those who have studied tho law on the situation. Of course no question is raised as to the ability of the provisional government to dispose of tneso lauds with justice and fairness." The l.nltiir (Jiiilon, Regarding tho labor question, which is one of the most important problems which will reipiire solution under an nexation, Minister Stevens said there was no provision in the treaty for get ting rid of tho Chinese and Japanese laborer now here, nor for prohibition of future Japanese immigration, The better class of labor, both Japanese and Portuguese, can be obtained without re torting to tho contract system, the em ployer dealing directly with the em ployed. Tins is tho view taken by Minister Jones of the finance depart ment, who differs from Minister Stev ins, in that ho believes that the sugar Industry must not 1st curtailed and that cheap foreign lalsir is a necessity. Mr Baldwin, the largest employer of labor on the island and who has about 2,500 bands at Maui, is not opposed to annex ation, wiule Mr. Spaulding. an exten- ,ive piMIlU,r of j,, , fllV0r,g it. . ' .., .. . .. Hun I to Work l'i 1'nptilnr Hniil Imnn t. 8o far as k,nown no threat of violence or resorts to arm have been made, but It has been proposed that representations ibould 1st made to the English govern ment in view of apparent antipathy to action by the United States. The chief object of these meetings, however, ap pears to have tlmt'of an elfoit to work up a popular demand for suffrage and rep resentation in whatever government might bo organized if the islands were annexed. A correspondent was nresent at the meeting at which the Hawaiian Civil Rights league was formally organized, The niA ting was culled at the house of Jonh Colbuin, the late minister of the Interior under Lilioukal ni Seventeen persons, all proposed members of the league, were the only ones present, mount on III W'mr to llawnil. Chicaoo, March If.- Ex-Congressman Blount spent tho day in this city and left on tne Northwestern railway for San Francisco. He refused to talk of his plans, but information was gathered that he is to leave Francisco on the cutter Rush as soon as ho arrives at San Francisco. To ( oiiiImI li.ili.rit. ST. pKTKKKiifiMj, March 17. Owing to the spieail of cholera in certain dis trict in Russia, a congress of sanitary otlicials has been summoned to tueet and arrange for protective measures against the disease. In the province of Polida, which adjoins Calcia, and has considerable trade with Austria and Germany, the number of cases of chol era in the last fortnight of February according to the olliclal report was iiO'i, of which Cl were fatal. Wo in mi NiillViifD In Itlirblgnn. Lanbino, Mich., March 17. A bill ex tending the right of suffrage to women In municipal elections was defeated by the lower house of the Michigan legisla- ture uy a vote or i;n to Itu. t tntli .-. I In It lNi ltt t f !). i i .1 i v ji n. i I i f (He t t-r a tv ii ci .i 1 1 1 1 , a d t tl f I Hit.. , i, J ft'.t't Nl . It lii I !(. . K.l- , Ivn i ! 1 .i t,iv Ui (. IIiiih 1 f .l.i . . i. Vw . tfc ttU i tin it I.Mr liAiii ii,; n I i-j Mf - X a lt r ka, 1 1..' ) i'ii un . ti! I tLia )sAtlint It- - f -T t Mi : ai! ihtts i!.w f f i... i v i!i ttututi ) !loi I t it J !li, bitit in. And i fl lh i t i t,. lltie i"tm, l.i i botit i laUi.lbh i ) Im.t i-titiif a t'til tow, f. id il . .i t l. Ivimti to Uir f.tit- Wem etTt),btt w.jV ,f b(, Ki Mis M M K. lWtl-., fire t-f Ibe tt and In d"l of lititos1 l It j;, un l.-.t li st e!,..iil l h Iplbe nnith WeWt titUt tsi'ik nittn al Itie iltsinstie ttitiiniltti'e and ltiti ti.. Mr. Wallaih. Mr.Jmie let it n ln Iliivtti t, slid tn ally did aoiue tity (..! ttoil, pi. be ing bn l.i, h w. iv ii. l riiuiiMi. Ibtoh, but had Ifc'liie i M liibbttn e to the fvwl tlitltit. 1 he tfntH y He limde He still to the rb r (rvtieil of the south, Hint Hroti'iif tliitl vtdmtl cn s t.f d; m, It H as tmr diaiirt In Kite the litis of sit k t bll dri'tl lit tii-fdrd tiioro di In ate fmsl tlmll their pi'r tuotbi r timid titln rttine have procured. Wetisiil lorrsi'lvetuiwt tmirh ing letters, 'ihns was the first effort nt rtfiiustriii'tinu itlteinpted end citrriisl through siu'1'ew.tullv. We tried to fob low Hi iint at ApMiiimltu and to I worthy tif the last wolds of Lincoln. Mrs. Si. P.. Sherwood in l.ippinctitt's, 1 11 Orliiliml l our lliimlrril. It is generally thought that tho saying that 1 he only people in New York worth knowing can be numbered by 400 was originated by Ward McAllister, but it can 1st found in the liible. Acts v. lit), which speaks of Theudas boasting him self to 1st somebody, to whom a number of men, about 400, joined themselves, who were scattered and brought to naught. The verse referred to reads as follows, "For before these day roso up Theudas, boasting himself to be some body, to whom a number of men, about 400, joined themselves, who wcro slain, and all, as many ns obeyed him, wero scattered nnd brought to nought." Another verso worth mentioning in this connection is from I Samuel xxii, 8, "And every ono that was in distress, and every ono that was in debt, and every ona that was discontontiil, gathered themselves unto him. and ho became a a captain over them, and there wero with him about 400 men." Keystone. The Abbreviation of Znnloiflcuk Tho tendency among English people to clip long words into short ones, or even into monosyllables, is notorious. Thus "cabriolet" has become cab, "omnibus" bus and so on. Hut tho change of "zoo logical" into zoo is, to any ono who knows tho origin of tho word, the most exas jKirating of all, and yet we now meet with "zoo" in well written journals, and I see tho word is being advertised as the title of a book. There is another variation, which comes imply from bad pronuciation, as when a cockney holiday maker tells you he has been to the "slogical." If "zoolog ical" i to nndergo a shortening, like that which has Ixifallon "omnibus" and "cab riolot," let it at least become eo, Thi would be correct a far a it went ond would not bo so excruciating as the de ti stablo zoo. Cor. Notes and Queries. Huylng a ftitre Hook, A good story was told on Ram Mc Coiialm at a certain book store tho other day. During tho holiday rush ho went out to buy a book for his little girl. Ho wont from ono book store to another and aid, "I want a nico holiday edition of 'The Prodigal Son," No one seemed to have the book. When Sam went homo, ho did not say anything to his wifo, at the book was intended as a surprise Christmas present. Tho next day ho de termined to go in further quest of tho book. Put it was not to be found. The fun of It is Sam wanted "The Pilgrim's Progress," and somehow ho got names mixed, Ho said tho thing flashed across hi mind in a dream two nights before Christmas, and he then got tho book that he wanted. Cincinnati Enquirer. ICflloary of "( lilornlirnni." A combination to which tho name of chlorobrom has been given a solution containing H0 grains of chloralamldo and a similar amount of potassium bromide, in an ounce of menstruum has come into considerable favor, according, to omo of tho foreign journals, as an effi cacious preventive of seasickness 4f short voyages. Tho passenger is recom mended to take a podophyllin pill for one or two nights before tho date of sail ing, and when on board to remain for a timo, before rough water is reached, in a horizontal position with eyes shut, and to take no food on short trips. I'owilnrril I'ooila. Many artificial baby foods aro manu factured and sold in concentrated form. For example, products advertised as "ubstitute for mother's milk" are mudo from cow's milk, to which is added a sufficient quantity of sugar to corre spond with the constituents of mother's milk. Tho water is removed from the mixture in vacuo, leaving a fino white powder, which is put np in packages. finely powdered wheat flour and other nutritious vegetable elements aro added In more elaborate preparations. Sun Francisco Examiner. I'oor llustnea In H Tlirntrr. When Charles Yale was experiencing wretched business (luring one week in tho south, a brother manager asked if the people wero treating him right. . "It's frightful," replied Mr. Yale, "Last night was the worst I ever heard of. I never imagined it could bo so bail. All records for small receipts were mashed." "How is it tonightr "Fifteen dollars less than laet night." New York Evening Sun. Aa fetu, Mr. Younghusbnnd Darling, you have been weeping. What is it, my sweetest lovo? Mrs. Yonnghusband Horso radish! Exchange. I THK LATKST ttlSCOVKKY. iViitHtly Harming Hut is Surt to a Ihy. LADIUS CAMOLE JUNIPER Has Ttikrn the VUxcc tif Pilb, lite. II )u sit' it it i titr, )nn inn iv v on I'AMolt; H'MI'IM 1 in te iitlo r UUAIISNtm UN VMV Motur, PRICE 2.00 A nOTTLW i-M t I I V fill 1 )tt 1114 l-t-4. M I . It HUt IM lit C AMOK JUNIPt CO. CAMOLE WHO IS Til HUM TIIKI5K IN A 1,1, OK- SHOGPOA -who iiah not hi:ai;i)ok nous not know of The Shoe Department THE BELL To bring this Deparl.rniint more prominently before the public we have de elded to make one of the most stupendous KIlOK HALMS ever held in the CITY Ol'1 OMAHA, for SATURDAY and MONDAY, Doiit miss this Knle if you need KIloKH for a year to come. BARGAIN No. I. All of our Men's nnd Ladles Four and Five Dollar Hhoes go In this KxIciislv'H Halo fot BARCAIN No. 2. All of our MF.N'H and LADIF.H' Two-Twenty-Flvo nnd Two- (fl 70 Fifty HIIOKS go at J)Ii0 BARGAIN No. 3. This will bo tho biggest surprise of tho season: any H1IOK In (M 1Q our Htoro that has sold for from Ono Twenly-tlvo to Two Dollars tj)li 10 a pair all go In this sale at $1.18, this Includes a good many novelties in high cut and Oxfords, for Mon, Ladies and Children odds and ends that we wish to close to make room for our large spring tiUxk. Come early and secure souio of these Iiargalns. ' THE BELL DEPARTMENT STORE CO,, Moody, Ackermann & Williams, Proprietors. N. E. Cor. Dodge and Fifteenth Sts. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fink Watch Kkimikinu a Hi'KciAm tVl .South 1 Street. N. J. CAKKIKHK, M. I). Physician k Medical l.krtririan CRONIC AND NtftVOUS DISIABIB A 8PICI ALT V. Illii'iiniiil Um of ten vein s m nml I nif lnm liceii liimltlvi ly I'lireil, NeiiriilKlii, HI Vltim Hiinee, lilmtl I lit ill ton I rentt-ii Willi use ri'Mill WOMKN eft CHILDREN, Private Diseases of Male A Female. I'llOMI'T ATTKNTIiiK TO CALLS Offlcsi 310 Shsftly Blk, 13th and Howard, Telephone OMAHA, NKII. JOHN RUDD JEWELER. Watches, lllanioii'ls. .tcwelry, Hllverweal mill I'lorkn. f imtke it Niei'liill y In overliiiiillnK mid clemiliiir ( lirono)iriipli Kepeiilerv mid nil pnulcs of WiiU'lieH Mini Clock... Jewelry repulrliiK uml inuiiiifiicl urlnx, etc. JOHN Ft U C3 D . 305 N. Sixteenth St., OMAHA, NEB. M. O. MAUL, fucri'Kwir In iMi'ti l ft M1111I. Undertaker and Embalrner 1117 I'arniini Street. Tklki-monk :::,. OMAHA, NED. jeweLRY. Watches anil Patriotic Emblems. 507 NORTH 16TH STREET O t O G JUNIPER. -AT- $2.88 C.H. FOPBY, MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS. AND TRAVELING BAGS, REPAIRING DONE. 1406 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB. Noflce to Creditors. NTVIS Or NKMl.tsk . IiiiiikIii" C'mh.i y ( III Hie coioilv .'mil (,f l"illln (oiiiity. NehriiNkit, Ii 4' Ii A l, Ii 'I, In the liiulli l of li e ctnle i.f MiillicwC. Wilbur: 'liiii eri'illlor of ii lii int. loci fill oilier perwiiiD iiilcrevteil in cicl i.r will tiike notice lluit tlm crcilltori .if i oil f.lnif wilt iippi'iir befnrii llil" court en ii B itt tiny of Mny, ts;i;i, on Hie )tli cjy ..r July M, mid nil llieliillli iluyof Heju i t . r l'H. in I" o'clock 11. 111, iMicli diiy, for tin- i iri(ii .f pnwnlliiK He ir cliilinit for e,iiiiimt Umf iMl.liiHtiiii iit unit iillowiince, Six in.. 1 tun f allowi'il for the creilllors to pre ni thcli clitlinN, mill one yi ur for the lolmli.i Irnxir to will.' miiIiI inIiiIi', from the 4 1 1 i :ty lit Murcli, I H! .i Tlilx not Ice will lie pulili .ln d In Till'. Amcmii N for four wcekaNiiccml v. iv prior to the MU liny of May, I '.,(. All cliiliim not llli il on or ficforii the jiilli liny of Hcpleiulier, l'.iil. will In. forever harreii from conlii rnl ion In the llmtl na l lli oo itl of .lihl entiile. Wlini NH my limiil mill olllcliil will tliU 4th day "f Miin fi, li.Hl. ,1. W. Kbl.KIC. (sKAL.I ;i-l"-4 County Jui(e Notice to Creditors. Htatr or Nkhuaska, I IioiikIiik ( oiinty, ( In the County Court, of IioiikIus County Ni-hrni.ka, Murcli tlh. A, It, l'i.l. In the mutter of the entiile of Kllen t.ormun: Tl reilllorn of ulil cNliile mill all other IHThoiiii liileri'Hleil In hh Id miitlcr will take not Ice t hut the crcilllom of niiIi! eHliile will ii I i ii r hefori. HiIh conn (in the I'M Ii ility of M.iy, l-'M, on Hie I'M 1 1 ilay of .Inly KM. uml on the I'.'lh day of Si plemher. I'.i:i, lit III o'clock H. in each iluy. for the purpose of proctitlnK their i'IuIiiih for enamlnut Ion, ml Jusi nicnl ami ullowiiiice. Six monllia are ulloweil for the creillloiH to pii ent their eliilms mill oil" year fur the uilinlnUI rator to ilte mi III e late, from the 4 1 It ilay of March, I ... Thl llllllrc Will lH pllhlUhl'll In Tiik Amkkm an fur four weekx niicceitslvely prior lo Ihe I'ltli ilay uf May. Intl. All claims nut tiled on or 1h fnre I he I'llh day of Scplemher, li'.M. will he forever Imrrcd from coiixidcl lit loll 111 the (Inal M.-l I Icment nf .nald e-late. Witness my hand Slid olliclal ''ill thin till day of March. I -o t. kal. :i-i;-4 .1. W. Kl.t.F.K. County .IiiiIkc. H. HORDLIT & CO., Staple and Fancy Groceries, 1611 L.hv.nwoktm Sr. t.,We invite our kkiknds to call and 8co us.