The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 17, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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till: lll'IIOOl TOO AY.
tllMtStft vt CMUCtlH MtCM
IUIC MAS 10 iMt font
A It 4tt4 M in M
AwimIm. m It tt ttt ktt m
Mm I nra It lk
IHilf Uttt !'" I Mt
It I llntH hU h It tt4 Jir( rsnii t.l
h fullr nw,llri-l Ihat Hi li S vf Hi i !.f
dr of tittlt, bins I (I. .! tii
Mm vf In t "i 'in Im liiun tit
lvtur It tr-! if wW I in t,
IHllKf Wllftt llf l l,tli Mtllt'tlW
Wtll U It ft U'HI (T.lll
f..trr, wild h will ilntw Mm m funis
llil Intti Hmir In nil tlm
twi if Hip ttrnt ! jMrlil v tvttmtiit
fi Miiiint iil -vit Hiiv. I Iik rmt
Mlml w lu lm ililiiiKiiihi-l iiuiM-lf .j-
ln ItUllllst lif lil lillH'li'tit, llif ftililft
rlid fUlli Whit Iml In hi tllotlliitit ImV,
lln linli'tii with hi Nit il l. .iiii.l with
)'ntm. Ilin tJtietist 1 1 1 l'n, ltd
rlifHiwr Humi Iiis liittrie.1 limttir, in nil
In liitien Isi'tt h unnliil im Inris',
I whatever iliiinio llifv now tiviivi
no inn' ili'iiii I lii'lr I'iMirnu1.
K(Uilly tm. Mm iiuutvr wlm pH'm'iftr
fully to Iho Miilis Ilin iiinii wlm Innves
oliliMiiiy mill ioiili'iiiit fur truth n ln
IihI'Im It ; In1 wlm rtfk liU 1 1 IV to save nil
other, or ilovcti'H it imri'iM'rvi'ill v In tlin
pHKhif imiiiliiiiit: nun wlm run lsur ittul
etiilurn. nii'l Hiiiithrr w ho run ilum mcl
do. nil II !. ill turn, Ili'l'm'S It) tlliMH Will)
A I in in t ilii'in, hihI lit) an' iliiliu
fjiiihlii'il by i lu fMiinti I'li'tiii'iit ('(iura;i
Wlmliivi-r lii'tlii1 virtni'or tlm vice; wluit
iivit iIii'cihimi' ini:ii'il in; lmtcver the
motive which y;ovcru tin1 lif tin nun
him I'ver Ih'i ii itui'lo it lii'M, oven In
thuuKlit. unless in hiiiiio wny h Iiiih nliown
troiiKtli mul bravery. Cowardice nml
wnikiii'H. iiiNilliiiiiiniiy mill four, ftro t
)omi1 in tlii'lr very essence tu nil lieri
lain, nml no merit h, however irciit. cm
form it cniiiiMctiii link bet with them.
Tho mistake, however, which 'ms long
licti minle. ntnl which wonro only lie
ginning In correct, in that conriiK'" ttluno
curi inula' it hero. To noun extent wo
Intvo Klven iiji thin notion. Our jin-m'tit
heroes are no lunger einmi1mln or rob
bers or illleliHtn, however eolirilXenUH
such men tuny Imvo been. We Imve
come to ii'lrint that Honiething cIhc limit
be united to bruvery to ereato lieroinm.
And what Im that Honiething el He? la it
not Homo nobld tmriiime cutwido of wdf
and itit interoKtH. Tlio glad und willing
itcrillco for Monictliing higher tliun
plonnnro or ititereht, comfort or nam1,
nnitod to tho conrago which wortm nil
tneim totniitatiotm mid jierMiHtn In tho
truth and r i l? Jit, an far im it U Meen, npito
of nil obHtucleH that 1h tho truo heroiMtn
wliich wo are vaguely m-oking and bo
ginning to Hinro:iato.
Tho iirizetightor may bo bold and In
tropld in giving and receiving blown;
but, except to a fow llko hitimelf, ho ban
coanod to bo n ticro, for his iuri'wes are
low and solflnh. Tho suicide may have
the courage to throw away his lifo, but
he hits not that heroic cotirago which
lives on. enduring, hoping and working,
In unite of all tho adverse circumstances
of his lot, Tho great conquerors of tho
world who httve plunged their nations
Into cruel wars for tho sako of their own
glory und aggrandizement wero pre-eminently
tho lierocM of n past age, but w
aro gradually learning that tho true hero
of his country Is tho man who seeks her (
best welfare, who defends her rights and
consult her Interents, and who for this
great purpose is ready to take praise or
blamo. to govern or to forbear, to livoor
todio, Our own Washington and Lin
coln wero men of Ihi sliiuip, and wo are
Justly proud to havo them bead tho list
of our country's heroes,
Not, however, only in publlo life and
under tho gazo of tho inultiliido do wo
find the true hero, In tho homi'and in
the schoolroom, in tho office and flic
workshop, in tho crowded street and
open field, liu may bo discovered by
those who can appreciaio what heroism
really Is, Whoever lias a high and
worthy purpose at heart, whether of
truth or duty or love, and also has tho
strength and courage to work, to sacri
fice and to suiter, if need n; for its sake,
Is worthy of tho name,
One ipiietly denies himself pleasure or
comfc , or eusu for tho aged parent or
child, Another gives up cher
ins because they would Interfere
i claims of a dependent family.
tho displeasure of friends and
mioner than forsake his principles;
another employs all his power in defense
of the weak and against the oppressor.
Our hero must be strong and brave, but
ho must also bo magnauimou and uti
nelllHh, riot count ing the cost, In his great
desire to further his noble purpose,
Hitch men and women aro always
among us, but In tho retirement of pri
vate lifo they are inevitably known but
to ft fow, Those few, however, should
esteem It their privilege and duty to
honor such true heroism, and to extend
Its indueuce. Especially should the
young bo taught to recognize and revere
It, It should be an Important part of
the education of every child to form
within til in a true and worthy concep
tion of heroism, and to enable him to
recognize It wherever It exists,
Too often his only Idea of It Is found
n the leusatloual romance, or in (lie ex
ample! around hlui of men who, for
praise or glory or gain, will do daring
ileeds and manifest it physical bravery
often at a fearful cost to their fellow
Men. Iet lis give hlui it ,er ideal and
afford him a higher xaniplo. l'liiladel
phla Lodger.
Illiln't Know It All.
Hoy 1 seen a card on y'r winder wid
"Hoy Wanted" writ on It, (lot one yet?
MerchantI havo not found one to
eultme. Have you had any experience
in our business'
Ikiy No. not much, but 1 'poso you'll
bo around yourself some o' th' time.
Good News.
Dlllliiiilt to IIIIiikiiIIi.
Uilklns Is your friend an Knglish au
thor? Wllkins No; he's only a dyspeptic.
New York Weekly.
i tM Vr It ! Ian titl
' Ht . ilt lnl t itini
f -M lw tn M U Ht tfrt, h1
h.H.iTtit M I in' In I.msI,
ltn V Bril. f V , ttriiiri
HI ! ! Ibnp f fHtt i
Intinerlit Mun W hm ftUniH
!itfl Watilit ! ttiHi,r
l .-m VeM Im.lll I liny t,
wttKt 1i ty f" ,,,r I -1')'
111 IM,
Mtttnt l I'ontM.
A popttUr isplsln f wss tnr
thstt timisllv miiii th imfi-sv -,f
hr lmtmi., sii l tKvorittttit'y liH'lil
ii1h t ltti ii slip en hiiie v Hi"tuini
nnrlnM Hie word, T'uptsm iltt lmv
I tilt i(itn to , lit if iliir"thi,pny
m f Hilt tintViM'n nn Ins IhIihH.'
I'lifi'itunstilv, I y tlm inlplsieineiit iif
thi CullUnH nflertlio "iwi.,tlii'Ciiliytidi.
Hull Wetvti'ld Hll "CftpUtll WiU.'ll Imv
lug Knlu lo m lii Wife, ili'ili" Hie piny
ers if tln rotttfivKiitii'ii nil his Ix lmlf,"
tVrnliill M iiiriiH'.
til I nrr l.
Tin tlu.v wit a win in one, niti) tln gi
tleiiiiiii frotu Keiitiieky was c uning up
from the spring ill the I , m t of Hie hill
w ith n hm K t in bin luiiiil.
"All. coluliel," iliiiiireil nil Ohio W
or sitting mi the mrch, "liave you si'ine
thing to drink in Hint pail'"
" Hi, liu," riHiniled the colonel, "It's
water." hetroit I'lin Pre.
An Egyptian scythe dug up on the
banks of the Nile in Ihhii und said to be
as old as Mimes is exhibited in a London
muNi'iim. The shaft of the instrument
Is of wood, set with n row of lino flint
saws, which are securely cemented in a
A New York business iniin says; "Tho
keystone of the succes of the business
man is in ciaking other men work for
him. That is the greatest quality. It
Is tin mean liecnlMpliNhuielit o get men
who will ecru their salary."
Many animals ni'Ver take exercise for
its own sake, The muscular system of
animals is kept in the most perfect con
dition, however, by their search for food.
With them exercise is nat ural, and there
fore perfect of its kind.
1, The coiiMlliMloim of ptliii'fH are mil
mjierlor, but suhoiUiimlu i ccciiMliiHlleiil
1. Tim laws of the eiiiS'rors naiinot dis
solve tlm t'lTli'dlimt lriil er ciiiinoii laws.
'A. H In mil lawful for an umiieror to exael
uiyililiig optioMinl in tlm uiOKtoll! rules,
4. H Is not lawful for klniis to uhuiii the
lilllKS thai lieliaiK U) pl Ii'hlM,
!i. Mm custom uf anyoaii can tliwitrt the
-llll lllJ'l Of tllll MIll'M.
0. Ii t no I'l'xUliuii'e be otTereil to I lie
iisistollc (I'linonl priTcpu, but let them lie
4filijllferoiiNly fiillllleil,
7, 'J'lut yoke IiiiIxihimI by the holy we In to
Ihi Isirne, though It uppeur InUilerulile ami
H, 'J'hu Pen I Iff can neither be Jismeil nor
Imiuii'I liy the siiciihir power.
V. 'J'liat tho Pun tiff was culled (iisl ly the
pious Prince (Joimtiuitlae, und Hint im K"d he
t'liiinot be Judged iin mini.
10, 'J'liut as kihI he Is far aliovu tlei reach
uf all liuioari luiv and judgment,
Jl, 'J'liat all laws conlraiy to the caiioiis
mil decree of the Koiimii prelatn am of no
I'J That nil of the ordinance of Hie pope
,iie Dull' lliil liily lo lie ols yed,
;i, We oii:,lil, tint even lo speak to one
wlioin lli jms! Iiiisex-comiiiiinlcaled,
;i, PiIi'hIn ate fiaiii'in and r, even
if pl Illl'I'S,
1. 'i, Tint civil law U derived from man, hut
he ceclfsluxllciil or cumin law In di rlved
directly from od, hy which Hie pontiff ciin,
In coiiiiectlon with his in-idaies, miike con
..I II ill Ions for the whuln chlinlliia world, In
natlris spli'llinil, ciuii'i riiliiK the salvation
I mhiN, and the I f hi, iiovi'inment of Hie
hun hl and If iinci iiiiy Judne and IImiom!
'fall Hie li'inpoi nl Koods of all clirlNtliins,
PI, A heretic, lioldlntf or ti-iu'lilng falHe
Iik Irlll" coiii'i l'lilii! Hie sneriimelils, It ex
'omiiiiiiilcali'd nml ili Kradi'd, mid liiindi d
ivcr lo Hie keciilur court,
I", Heciilai' pi lei'cx iiiiwIIIIiik tit wear to
M'fi'lid the chui'ch iiiili,sl Ih i'i I lex lice ex
oiiiiniiiilriiiril, und He y are bilu innlrr un
I', 'flic KoihIn of lierelli'M are lo lie cue
Unruled und lipplled lo Hie I'huri'h,
i'.K AdviM'iiles or imlarlcii, favorlnu liere-ti-M,
or their defenders, or iih'adliiif for Hieni
ii law suits, or wrltlim docuiiieniN fur lliem,
.un liifiimoiiN and miHpemli-d from olllee,
in, The weiihir pnwcis, whether S'i'iiia
lent or lemponiiy, inn bound to nwi iip that
hey will entiirmlmile, iiccoidleu In llndr
power, all hi ri'tlcscoiidi'miied ly theeliuichi
ml a temporal Ion) nut puriilnu his bind of
'e'relli'H, In en-coiiimuiili'itted.
t, 'J'Iionh s)kii"I Willi the cross fur tlm
'Xlermlnatlon of lierellen, rejoice In the
iiilvlli'Kii itriinied lo the cruHiidcr fur Hie
lielp of the holy hind.
'ii, 'I'hey are alwolvcd from all iilillKiitlon
who lire In auywUe hound to hi'ielle,
Z;i. Whoever die hiittle hkhIiibI lim un
hellevliiK, merlls the klnudom of heaven.
'It, Wu do not enleein Hume homli'ldes, to
whom It may huve liappi'iied In He ir i nl fur
h'lr moiher cliun li ikoiIiimI, inn ex eoin
iiilliilciiled, lo kill Nome of lliem,
'i'i, That t'lilhollc Prlnees are hound, both
iy civil and ciinou law, not to reeelve or
olerale herell N, nml min h lnore are not to
S'linll, thetr rlleK, or oilier exerclwi of Ihelr
ellnlini, or rallier, Ihelr falHe nccI, lint are
iiimt Noli'inihy hound ever) wIihik, lo repel
Hid expel lliem
'ift, The following temporal ptinlidiiiiei,iN
urn lo Ihi enforced en lierel lel InI Infamy,
ind the eoiier)iieiil dlMiiiillllcalloiiN for nil
dvllacls. 2nd- Inli'dliilitllly. a well iwilve
is puislni Mluil l, they can iii'IUht miike
v i 1 1 nor liiherll what Is left lo lliem liy
ahem), llrd - boN ef paiernal jiower over
I'hlldren, 41 Ii- 1oi.h of dowry, and other
iirlvlli'K 'Niiranted In women, filh I'oiiIIm'ii
, Inn of all ciHidit, (llh That iiknhIn und
,lave and oilier are free from all, evi n
worn elillnui Iiiiin dun to tle lr lord or an
olhir. 7th-Capltul corioral punishment,
rH4'lally ili'iilli, and pi'ipi'lual bnprlHoii
ineiil, 27. Tlm canon law fnrhlds all t ilrruilon
i!s. That mclropolliuiiN and li.nlnip are lo
i x-i'ommunlcaUi him who Kianu lllierty of
2il. No oath In to he ki'pt lowanU In'ii'llc
li Iiii'I'n, IoiiIh or ill hi' ix.
IKI. Heretic am lo he deprived of nil ehll
and patnatial i IkIiIn.
Ill, The pope eaa iiliiolvn from nil ouIIin,
,'t;. Kvery hUhop 1 ordinary Juilun In it
I'liune of ieny. 'I'he reiwou In lii-enine the
illll . f ln t. !
K . I t4 lS. I hj i f-. . I .
i I . . I K u.. I
i ,Rlll. l,-t,4it ft1 H llilT.-U
et4i'i 4 i-o 4 tf it. ii.
I I'ltti.v i . ,m- i. it,i i t-
wl l It tl iltlt lfvlrf IU
.t iHMIMtaKV t !' ! M.
HK IH.IW ,Hil.iH-it Ix
HW ,f
i in r1"1' ""'I 1 1 ..-. K
ftitnit lak.n lltri i c-ilftin i.o
I,, t . ii ,'.rl to- h i
t-t HI ! .. 1,1 llV ht
titt..ii I ,.f ., 1 1.- tt, Htm il.t Kid
Mtl'N- tttr ki't f Itr ftiMMlil,' lt tw
il. Th Oil' iiHm tl ef 1 nm. it In- tl
t t smttitlt t i, t n Sti-t ,1M-
nmmt that It"- Mil i i..e e.l alt '
"IhI -tnlM ll. nl--,' It,' eil, f ritwt,ll,' im1
.) Im il Is font of Ki I' InoIIi l
i.h ,f i.i Ii t nl lllx 11 1 . lin t Ki lht
it Mt'. nil t ti. h I llil "tit
i. i l,i' II r nr. Mint li.H.t tw l ot
mil ! ll.
' I, - .i mIiii!I uf t ln llnty li-'Misn
i louvli, ln ihittili nml nl llist. ffrm llilii
in. if In Hie I ml if ex life. I will !' fill tif ul
unit utH illi m tinlo M ! i t. Hie lioljr !
I.illi" Unniiili i Iiiih h, nml mil ihi.-I liiil lnnt,
I he ie i.f lltieie. Hint til mii'ii iii h. rninill
1. illy nml lim full v i In liii I hit I will itlve
im hiU lit', eiiiim-m ul .kt un i (fc'nlnl the
lntllli ul liiiije-iy Mini .l .'ii. I In I I will
it m r I. mm ni, !) ii ml mi v I -, ij i,i . In lliilr In
.my or dli:t nee, Intiki' he the I'liiinelt
nil le Ii il l.l lne by t heli.M l e,s or l y Im li
w li't lii or lelli r! Ill-nlliiil I ulllUe I In 111
nny nnl"titiii e lii ii iiiimiii:, ih fi inlliis" nml
lix nieilntl I In' Itiitnitli iiiiiii') Hint I lie li't'iilla
uf I'i o r, Willi all my inluM and einleiisor. mi
tar im the rluhli und ii h llei'N of my unlit
111 allow II, ami will defend them nnliiM
all their liolnir nml slate, nml I Mill illi-ecl
nml defend, w Ith itue fnrtn und honor, the
li'tJlileN und iniiii'loH of the npiMolli' hee, In
Hie lerriloili N, eliiircln n, iniiiutslei li .1 mid
..ilier In nelleeN eomtnll led to ley Keeplns;
ml I will cordially eo-opeinle wllli I In in
mil treat them w ith honor Ju Ihelr comlii!!,
hilling nml rettirnliiif, nml Hint I will resl.-t
into IiIikhI nil iM iwiim whntmiever who xlinll
allempl miythliiK adaliiht tliem. That I will,
liy every way ami by every inenim strive to
liieHi rve, iiuitmeiil und inlvauce the rlKhls
mors, prlvllei'H, the innhoiity of the Holy
ilnlill liKImp, our hil'i) the pope nml Ills he
e niiiil linnil nui'i'i'mniiin; li i ii I thai, lit
nlever time anything hlnill lie decided to
li I r prejudice, which Is mil of my power to
limler, un w ii ii i oh Khali know that nny
cepN or ifii'iiMiu'i'M have heen taken In the
matter, I will tniilic.ll known to the same,
mil' lord or 1 1 Im miiivcnmoi'm, or Nome other per
son liy whose ineeim It may he IiiihikIiI to
Ihelr kliowleile, 'J'luil. I w III keep and carry
it and caiiHe iilheiN to keep aid carry out
e rule of the holy falher. tltn decree.
oi'illnnnccN, illsM'iiKiilloim, lesei vnianis. pin
vlhlinis, npoHiollc mnndaO's mid const It u
HoiiNof the Holy I'ather HextiiH. of happy
memory, as to vInKIiik the threNholds of the
upoHtles at certain pri'Mcrllied t lmi'N, nccord
biK to the tenor of that which I have Just
read llimiiuh. That I will seek out nml
oppose, persecute and IlKht (omul eotialu
pusec'iit imiin et ImpiiKiial ilium) aualiiNt
heretic MchUmatlc who iiiiihii our lord,
the pope of Koine, and his before mentioned
succeNHors, and this 1 will do with every
poNNlhle effort."
(H I trn ii t ti r ) then sent to the pope
i elect f if the lietrolt
diocese, from henceforward will he faithful
and obedient to HI, Peter the Apostle and to
the Holy Human church, "nd to our lord, the
holy pope of Home, and to Ii Im succeNMirs,
cauonlcally entering, 1 will neither advise,
consent nor do iinythbiK that they may lose
life or member, or that llmlr peiwmN may he
Nclzed, or hands In any wl ie laid upon them,
or any Injurler offered to them, under any
pretense whaliuM'Ver. The counsel with
which they shall Intrust me by ihemselveii,
their niesiieiiiiers or Idlers, I will not know
1iKly reveal lo any, to ihelr prejudice, I
will help them lo defend and ki epthe Uomnii
papacy und the royalties of Hi Pe'vr against
nil men, 'I I legate of the nposlolli! sec,
Kolng and coming, I will hnmirahly I real and
help In his necessities, The rights, honors,
privileges and authority of the Holy Human
church of our lord, Hie pope, and his afore,
said successors, I will endeavor to preserv
defend, Increase nml iclx ance, I will not lie
In any counsel, act Ion or treaty, In which
shall be plotted agnlnsl, our said lord ami
human church, anything lo tin hurt or ir -Judlec
of (heir persons, rights, honor, stale
or power, and. If I shall know any such
thing lo lie treated or agitated hy any what
soever, 1 will hinder II to my utmost, and as
soon ns I ran, I will signify It to our said
lord, The iiidliiance and maudales of the
pope, I will ol. serve with all my might ami
cause to be observed hy oilier,"
"lb icilcs, schismatics ami rebels lo our
said lord or his successors, I will lo my ut
most persecute and oppose."
"Ileretlcos, schlsmnllcos et rehelle cldcui
llomluo nostril vel siiccessoi Ihus predict Is pre
posse S'lseiiinr et oppiignabo,"
"I will come to a council when I am called,
I will visit the threshold of the uposllc
every three year and give an account of our
lord of all my pastoral olllee and of the
things belonging to my diocese to the dis
cipline of my clergy and people, I will In
like manner humbly receive and diligently
execute the apostolic commnuds. If I am
detained by a lawful Impediment, I will per
form the iifori'suld ly a member of my
chapter or a pi lest of my dlis ese, fully In
striicted III all things ubove mentioned The
possessions belonging lo my Indie, I will
neither R"l nor other wise mlcnum wlllnsit
consulting ih" Human pontiff, So help me
(luil and these holy gospels of Und,"
Sent to the llomisii .Milliliter.
"I, .now In (he pieseme of
Almighty Hod, the blessed Virgin Muiy, the
blessed M Ichael Hie Archangel, the hh'SNcd
St.. John the baptist, the Holy A pi wiles HI,
Peter and HI. Paul and the Saints und the
Sai led Host of lleuven, uml lo you, my lord,
I do declare from my heart, without mental
reservation that the poHi I Christ's vlcur
geiieriil and Is the Hue und ony head of Hie
universal chinch throughout the earth, und
that, by virtue of the keys of binding and
loosing given lo his holiness hy Jesus I hrlst
he lias power to depose heretical kings,
princes, stales, commotiweallh ami govern
ment.!, all belt g Illegal without his sui'liil
conllrmatlon, and thai fhey may safely he
destroyed. Therefore, lo the utmost of my
power, I will defend this doctrine ami his
liolllcess' right and customs against nil
usurper of tlm I'roiestiint niithoiliy what
siM'ver, especially against the now pretended
authority ami i hni h la Kngluml and all
aillierents, In regard that they be iisuipal
and herelleiil, opiHislug the sucred mot her.
the church of Home,
"I do denounce nml disown nny hlleylance
as due to any Protestant king, prince or
stale or obedience lo any of Ihelr Infeilor
otl'cers. I do furl Iter declare the dis'trlne of
Hie church of iMiglnuil, of the t'alvlulsi.
Huguenots und other I'roiei.taiits, to he
iliimniible und those to Ihi damned who will
mil forsake the same.
I .,, (uiil, t 4.. Ie till Imllli. if iM
I US . ;. HI $ ! fc,.UI !
tl, . 1 ( U - M 1 l I ,t ,il t . ! .1 t 1 J.I
' S .l, I 1,1 t 1 t J-! tl" t,.v.4t 41,1 ft, ,
t " si-. I.t it-,.., l IM-,1 ).nl,,M
. .. i e, si lit ! inv I t.' t" l e-n.
" rts ( ti, ntlh-t'l I tu!
Is t l,t, it l.-i. i.atl. . tnt
I., n ii nl r IH'.ss 4i hmiiiiisi
i t !, iijtiW I" knllt int. tl
li iittui In in wi-sl knil filtsii til I..
i n iimiw l s in K.Hml n.t. - t i.4
l.i diHle it i.. 11 i.t In.t tt-l , tf
j tei mwi i Mn.fttsn.oft iti I I m In
I ft ftlt Wt.1. It ftj.all W ..,l ,'
J in . ti i Hl unlit im" 1 1 h f
l-i. ti ti ts ml l.wil nil .fc.ii
j l! ,. ,. t, . !' t t
tllisMil littili . I Iim .1 Si Hem ht
I t- ti I Sin ftl'.-Ml til f".'l lit , lit s l.-ll ell
I l ul In l.i ft let t,, St.. I il.i s i 'i
si t'.e ll an elf at ml I. Litem II, l tf
Hi a it ti l.t w urn s I. t ei nl Out hi inns to k t
til I nslli
' 1 1 ii .ilii, w In tn.f I lust' ilil niii hni jr
n I t ; it Ss. i nini ill of I In- I it. lis! 1st,
Won. Itie -tt..f fntllnr Willi I, V tiilisi'
11,1 ,1 In tin' 'iiii.i t.f ti. ti-it
In It .(I nml s ! I iie ' li si t l,,t nv.i-1 Ittivi In
l I llllllll.ll il'H III I In 1 t'slisi. "
t MltlMF OAtM Or tMt til ftOltl
I now In tin1 pis fti'iico of
AIihIbIiIv toitl. Hie l.lfswsl Irillii Msiv, Hie
lili sst'd Mli'loul Ihti nn linngel. Hit' bli'i'i
SI .liilill I lie HttplM, III!' hut V ttwislles SI,
I'elel uml SI. I'ttlll l ftit Hli'siiltits Ithd siteleil
lii'sl of linn in. nml In tun my slinst l f ulliir,
I he superior gi'ltll III of lliestslelv of ,ll slls,
fintiiiled by Suliit Iminliis. I ul it it In Die
tsmilllcalloii of Paul Ihe Tlilnl. liml eoii
tlniiei) tu the present, do. by Hie wointi of Ihe
Virgin. Ihe matrix of liml, nml the toil of
Jesus t li 1 1-1 , itiil ii it nml swear thai Its
holiness, the pnM Is rtilNI's t lee gcienl ,
Slid Is the true nml only heml of tin' I'lilho
lle or universal ehun'li throughout the
earth: mul Hint, liy virtue of the keys of
Minting uml loosing given lo his holliiesf
by my Snvlor, .testis Christ, he lull h siwer lo
depose heretical kings, princes, slnles. com
ti i in n in 1 1 li h. ami governments, nil being
I ! u it I wlthoul his saereil con II in ml Ion, uml
they may lie safely destroyed. Therefore, to
the utmost of my power, I will dcfcml this
don l ine nml his holiness' right uml custom
iiualnst all usurpers of the heretical or
Priileslanl nulhorliy whatsoever, espcelnlly
1 he I. ul I ii ' in ti church of (lermiiny, llollnud.
Deiiiuark, Sweden nml Norway, and the now
pre I ended mil horl I les und churches of Kng
IiiiiiI und Hcolhind. nml branches of the
Name now established In Ireland, mul on the
continent of Amerlcii and elsewhere, nml nil
adherents In regard that they be usurped
mid herlleal, opposing Ihe sacred mother
church of Home,
I do now renounce and disown any alleg
iance as dun Oi any heret ical king, prince or
stale, named I 'rot est mil, or Liberals or
obedience to any of their laws, muglNlriiles
or officers.
I do further declare that 1 lie doctrine of
the churches of Mnglmid and Hcolhiud, of
the Calvlnlsts, Huguenots and oilier of the
name of Protestant or Liberals, to be dam
nable, and they themselves to lie damned
Who will not forsake the same.
I do furl her declare that 1 will help, assist
and advise all or any of his holiness' agents,
In any place wherever I shall he, In Switz
erland, (lermany, Holland, Heiimark,
Hweden, Norway, Knglnml, Ireland, or Amer
ica, or In any oilier kingdom or territory, I
shall come to, and do my utmost l-o extir
pate the heretical Protestant er Liberal
doct rine, and to destroy all their pretended
power, regal or otherwise,
1 do further promise and declare that, not
withstanding I am dispensed with to assume
any religion heretical for tho propagation
of the mother church's Interest, to keep
secret and private all her agents' councils
from time to time, as they entrust me, and
tint to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by
word, writing or circumstances whatever,
hut to execute all that shall he proposed,
given In charge, or discovered unto me, hy
you my ghostly falher, or any of this sacred
I do further promise and declare thai I will
have no opinion or will of my own or any
mental reservation whatsoever, even as a
corpse orciidaver fpcrlmle ac cudavon, but
will unhesitatingly obey each und every
command that I may r Ive from my super
tors In the militia of Ihe pope and of Jesus
That f will go lo any part of the world
whithersoever I may he sent, to the froen
regions of t he uorl h, t he hiiru lug sands of Ihe
desert of Africa, or the plngle of India, to
the centers of elvUIallon of Europe, or lo
the wild Ii o II n I n of the barbarous savages of
America, without murmuring or repining,
and will he submissive In all things whatso
ever, comiuiiulcateil to me.
I do furthermore promise mul declare liml
I will, when opportunity presents, make uml
wage relent les war, secretly or openly,
against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals
list am directed to do, lo extirpate them
from the face of the whole earth, and that I
will spam neither age, sex or rendition, ami
that I will hang, bum, waste, boll, liny,
strangle ami bury alive these Infamous
heretics! rip up I he stomachs and womb of
their women and crush (heir Infants' heads
against the walls In order lo aiinlhllale Ihelr
execrable race, Thai when Hie same ciiiinot
Imi done openly, I Will secretly use the pels
omiiiscup, Hie strangulating cord, the steel
of the polnard, or the leaden bullet, regard
less of the honor, rank, dignity or authority
of the person or persons, whatever may he
their condition la life, either public or priv
ate, a I at any lime may be directed no lo
do by any agent of (he pope or superior
of Hut brotherhood of the holy falher. of Ihe
society of Jesus.
In conllrmallon of which I hereby dedicate
my life, my soul and all coporenl powers, mid
with this dagger which I now receive, I will
subscribe my name, written In my blood, In
testimony (hereof ; and should I prove false
or weaken III my dele rmhiiiilou, may my
brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of
the pope cutoff my hands and my feel. a ml my
throat, from ear to ear, my belly opened and
sulphur burned therein, with all Ihi' punish
ment that can be Indicted upon me on earth
and my soul he tortured by demon tu an
eleriuil hell forever.
All of which I do swear by
the blessed trinity, and blessed sacrnmenl
which I urn now lo receive, lo M rforin. and
on my earl lo keep Inviolably i and do cull
all the heavenly und glorious host of heaven
to witness these my real Intention to keep
this, my oulh.
In testimony hereof, I lake this most holy
and blessed sacrament of tlm i-uchurlsi,
and wll lies the same further, with my tin me
written with the point of this davger, dipped
In in own blood, and seal In the face of
this holy convent
(Ho recelv the wafer from the
superior and writes bis name with the
point of his tbi(.'(fer, dipped in bis own
bliss!, taken from over lint heart. 1
It Is n duty you owe yourself to get
I he best value for your money. I'.con
omi.ti In your footwear by purchasing
where yon will get it dollar worth for
it dolbit. . N. "WJIITNKY,
10.1 S mth l,',tl, Street,
I Mo, IMS anil 1210 F.iin.nn Sired.
N. W. Corner i''lll nth uml Dodgo Streets,
Four (4' Por Cr-nt Intoront on Book Account).
Flvo (5i Por Cont on Six Month Cortiflcatos.
Foreign Drafts and Mnnoy Orders at Lowest Rates.
Hank open from II a. in. to ih.'lli p. in. Mondays from II a. in. to H p. m.
The Place to Buy
The Best Quality of Meat at the Lowest
Prices is at
Geo. Wilson's Meat Market.
2815 Leavenworth Street.
Oysters, Fish and Game
W. W. l,OWK.
CHOICE CIOARS. : .- : : :
The Old Reliable-The Best Store in Omaha
to Trade at--Everything Sold on Honor.
l.h'Kanl .assortment of book-i uses lo elose.
riinitlnu In liilen 7..t", I'.i.M, IH", Ib'i'iO mid
upward, nil hnrualu's. Also side hoards,
best make, nl (I l.;','i and upward. rnfas, tied
IoiiiuO'S, etc., all lo be closed out at low
prlees. J'oldliiK beds at n burioilii, llou't
full to examine. I.lirife assort meiit of baby
uml dull biiUKle.. Mirrors, plelures. etc., In
liri'Ht variet y, all rhenp, New assort incut of
eenler tables, sewimi tables, from S.V up.
Klli'tfiinl assort menl of hlnh chairs at bottom
'"llKNNr'.TT'M .IKWM.HV Kld'Allt IH'
I'A 1(1 M r.VI'.- This Is a wonder. We are
prepared lo eneeiilii Ihe most dlllli'uli work
In wati'hes, cloi'lis and Jewelry. If nny of
our friends ham a watch, cloek or any kind
of Jewelry they ciiiinot net repaired In miv
shop In limalui. hrlUK It to us. He will ttuar
anlee to tlx It, and tin It rluhl. and at low
price. All kinds of Jewelry sold at Henuett's
1 1 I mi I ii r prices, rocket cutlery In this ile
pariiiienl folly warranted. Try us.
in iiknnkTth notion nri'AUTMK.vr.
-We ham lowls ,1c and upwards, fiispeud
ers l.'s', a hai'iialu: mlHMis ami ttloves at low
prices. ?.' per pair ami up.
Mr.NT (.rent bai'salnsln spice ciibluets for
the kitchen at 4s cents. WaslilHiards, a bllf
drive, I.' cents. Market baskets, i cents
each. I'apcr pulls, in cents each.
IIKNNI'.IT'M III TTKK. W" still lend III
the pure milch'. 1 heap and knhI at the
A i hr.iclft. Rock Sprlnss
i renon, onio
Wainu Block
lil'I'tCK: X. W. for. hllh and Howard. Telephone liW.
VAUIl: .litli Street and ropplelou Ave. Teleplume 1.
S E. cor. 16th & Farnam
prices named. Is rents and upwards. VK
1IANIH-K NO Ol,i;o.
I'AliTMKNT. - We defy competition. When
you want unylliluK In the line Hive us a cull
before hiiyluK.
M KNT. - I'apcr. Ik- for i'i si 1st envelopes. ;ic
for i'i I slates, 4c and upwards. All Kisiil and
eipially chimp.
Heavy one-third pint tumblers .V chcIi.
Ilest crystal ulass .l-lsittle castor only i'i',
4-plei e ulass breakfast set 11V. Hand decor
Hled cilspudnres 'AV each. The best of W. tl,
at prices Unit will tell Ihelr own story. Ilhiss
water sets, conslslliiK of n tumblers, one-half
mil, pitcher and tray at Its-. 7.V, fl.ut nml
I. IS each. These sets lire harualns. A few
ll-plcee, toilet set left will close ul fl s. H
llii'tn. them In tin' city
at Lamps of all kinds and nt prices
that will Interest.
are the only cut price druiftfMs In the city
In the dnui line Hi ahoiil. one-half the usual
price. Prescriptions, patents and all kinds
of dr ius Hi cut prices.
You will liml rare liarualns In our candy
department, our hardware depnrtment, our
lea. coffee unit siilen depart intuit, our Kns'ery
depart meiit, ami on our second II sir.
I nine In Hlnl sen llennett.
Wood, Coke,
33rf 03L 003KINQ PURPOSES.