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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1893)
THE AMERICAN. MOW Ml rtMR ?". ttiti Wttat II Wtt tttkt . 1 hr tt. t Uf n l.,t l-'. It lht . ( )w Ii lti I'm' rw '" Stltttt .t .', t- l .lt.1. V'ri' 1 (if Vnt rtl h.(f .! t. It . Mt .li -I t -t ' h If '4 tt M rl (.. ft Hit t"v. V () l ,-t,.ai.ti . I.t V n. .i.t tt-.t; t I It til l I I I- t t 111. l I tt le.l !.. 4 r U ' )tm"t ! rt ! ! Mi i.wlt.t tif lit' llCIt h.MM- Wtlt:tl tll Witt "I l fUlltlUl tvM I k- tl Ihlk ttete Ilia tisittfili iomo I tttt ti. it limite, ant "S, ash. ' tt.ittlt, Mih, h ill.ttt e wtoi till w u M 1 wftr ot he '." the pits. 'iter interrupted. "I tif tea weren't mm the place l ell," ul the mgktrt hsiply "No, ash, " "How tl.i you know l.ttfty wtt there?'' "A Men' don toln me." "Hilt, your honor, I'm sure I aaw Oil aisn," the proseeut T ci li-il. "NiS unit; Itil l.ttfty, Knii n' didn't look Inter do chicken house wharl wn-." Oh, lt!" Mill I he Judge, So yon were there after all. Well, While, probably J'n run tell u what you Were doing there." White scratched his hfiiil nml said: "I doan' strictly reetimemcr how hit happened, jedge; hut somcltody knocked me down nml toted me In nml locked the donh." TME CHATHAM LIAR. A Woiitlerful Mti, Hut He Hail In rrotr III pmireM, "Deiirl dearl" exclnlmeil Ueortfe II, Peifrnm to ft covey of riillroml lilrdu, "how ninny llur there lire in thin world any how. Kvery niunll mid lrre town him lis ntur llur, nnl my old town li ii tl one. My old town wun Chut tin in, Man., There watt, when I wan a boy, an old fellow by the nitmo of George Handera, who worn without an effort the ullver star of chiunplon longr illntanee liar for the town nml neighboring vicinity, TIiIh fellow hud been, aeeordlnjr ti hlinelf, lont fifty time In (rreat oceiiu wrecks. Ilo had wandered milled and atarvln up and down cimnllml Islanil and had been reeued in a mott providential manner. Shark and whnlea had vainly har bored (lcxljfii iij;aint hi life and in Tarlably lie had led them a boiitlewi ohan. In ilolnff all thl he had iiIno atabllNhed IiIh alar reputation. Mint day (leorjro ramn Into the town (inif gng after htm an imimnn coiIIInIi, Ha atopped at all tho hotiNea, he wm ho well known, and, calling out tho ln habitant, pointed with pride to tho Hah and aald: 'Now if I had told you people I had caught a flh of that alo jou wouldn't have believed It. Uenrgo kneV hi reputation well and ha knew thattoffaln tho actual credit for h la catoh that ho would have to work for it It alwaya tickled mo to think that thobl?ffet liar in town ahould catch the blggeNt fish and then be compelled to draff it all around town to prove it Inillenlltiii nf Short l.lftt. The losa of tho masticating teeth before tho thirtieth year mean a shortening of tho life of tho Individ tial of from two to five yeara, To know tho extent to which many of these teeth are lost, even before the fifteenth year, one has only to turn to the recently published reports of tho examination of tho teeth of children In tho school and orphan home of London and elsewhere. If aomo effective measures are not adopted for combating the ravages of dental decay It looks very much as though another half century would find tho poorer classes of English people practically edentulous before the twentieth year, kvauinvr fttr int neati The coronach, or mourning for tho dead, la stilt heard in some parts of Scotland as well as of Ireland. It Is a weird chant, cries of lamentation be in g mingled with remonstrances ad dressed to the departed for leaving his friends and relatives. Tn some remote ountry districts of both Scotland and Ireland professional "keeners" that it, old women employed to sing praises of the dead are still to be found, though their services are by no means 0 often called Into requisition as they were half a century ago. There Was a and of Revelry. To Justly describe the most brilliant of all brilliant events, the Columbian ball In Vicksburg, one's pen should be dipped In liquid gold and rainbow tint. The gvyly decked ballroom, the oft strains of maslo, the kaleldoacoplo blending of color In velvet, silk, satin ad ffanre, the gleam of jewels, the fairy flitting forms, the courtly cav aliers, all combined to make a scene tike unto the night when "Helglum's oapitat had gathered then her beauty nd her chivalry." Of Alt tort aa4 Condition. English papers report phenomenal marriage which took place at South Shields. The bridegroom was six feet two inches tall; the bride three feet two and one-half inches. The three witnesses were a man without arms who signed the marriage contract with pen the stock of which he held be tween his teeth, a woman who weighed 850 pounds and a man seven feet sl inches tall. rield-Crlokett. In Lisbon male field -crickets are sold fn miniature cages by bird fanciers at the rate of a penny apiece. They are kept in stock by hundreds together in open tea chests, lined for the first three or four inches from the top with slips of tin, and are fed upon lettucea. The natives like to have a "grlllo" chirping in the room, and make it pet a r aim wwin, 1 ! M Mtt Ifrtl Wat H.4 Intl. Itrttlw I tt t." t. that t Ituii' Ut.k fitil!fmtl f li,t- oiil n. hul Ih I, n t ittf h iMtr 'tii t t!t UI' '! : " M,te lliw . It. 4' - I1 !(.' t li!i.l l t ; I" n M.t iiiirmmt f t.inHUt Ho n ..f mm I H M 1 I one f .tm, J i ttet-k''t t f' l"l''l t ft1 ) til (t I 1 I .. flit it t . ..i to If I iim With l.ittt tit I i,r t.f Mo t'Uti l" H' i td 4 -OH Mir llil llo thtl !( t-otllit (. ji.,t Mii I'ott Itn t il l i utvl.-.t h I tit til Mo- lll tdte 1 1 At ti e en ii"l In the It nl III f-Ot.tltOt ! dill Itolllf, l ItlV 14. IV f.ij the loi il lin t tlie fcet rt l i Imi to li ii' it lol litltr him lu'itov I hi t iil ott imlil the Hii ty uliihie ket'er hmilti'il Dint the limn iioiI In tt'ttioiotlrrilt'il w tlh I hece fine, the fettleMll hlllif rrlet tote liltfht frttm I'otllntiit t the tiiinl hour mul III the ooul itttulllloii, mid the home hufinrf Ihi-ii uit Into the I'otin'j itm e ami llo' niciu londitl In itnunt, the livery ll'le heeper tiirnetl to hi puMtetiirer mill remmketl ith re wdly: "l,tntU here, mtllre! If you don't quit thlti Itlml o' tiiitlut'it pretty " there'll tte ulnrflti' down to your htiune Home ilitv. wml lr)fiii you won't hnnr word of ll!" 8titiiithluif nhoiit thin nditioulilon the grim pU'liiremitieueH of II per Imp i-nufted it toitlnli Into the limn' mind, ml he left olT hi trip to I'ortUnd for mime time. A FEW WORDS ON ETIQUETTE, Tit Liberty nf a llilr antl the Man lirrt of llnr IIiikiIi. A hoKtt'M need not hold herelf re (tpiinsililo fur the liliintt or dKlikltiM'a of her (fiiettt. Nhe evinle thl by iiviililiny Iritroiliictloim, but ahe doea afford her circle the most cliiiniilii(f op portiinitlc for i'Ntiililisliiii(T and iiinin ta I ii I ii pleaHiiut aHHocliitlon. Well bred pt'roii know how to continue an acquaintance tliiicnually commenced proviiled there I a mutual liking. When Introduction take place at other than formal reception, the man i In troduced or prcaeritcd to the woman unit- hn I young and he old or di tiiigiiiNhcd, when lie 1 I n I roil iicmi or presented to him, 'l'hn charm of aotdal liberty ia the freedom to retain a frienil atich a are wholly sympathetic to ii acconllng to our Indlviilual Htjunl aril and tiiNtc. It la bad form not to lift tho hat when paNtting women In hotel hall or when entering hotel parlora or waiting room where there are women; a an acceptance of thank for ashUtiince or any eourteay t hat a stranger may offer; nlo In response to aalutatlon made to those with whom a man la walking or In whoso company ho la; or at any place or time at which cuntoiu make till easy mark of gen tleman ines and civility appropriate. To raise the hat when paaslng wherever tho dead are being carried oat I obli gatory, ' LIFE OF AN EDITOR. A a Oriental llltf'l lla I'urmlUn. nf an Ksrlhty A recent Issue of an Kat Indian paper contained the following note: j "A achoolbny In (.ocrnhuya was i asked to describe an editor of a paper. I Ilo did so in this way.' "An editor Is I tho luckiest man In tho world.' Ho can go to a circus every afternoon and every evening without paying a cent He can go also to tho courthouse, tho places of execution, and the races. I "He has free tickets to all theatres, ' receives presents at his office, and gels his car boned, too. He goes also to I'rigen, Mailing, or Lawang (places of amusement!, Ho does not do this often, however. In one paper he can I ; deny everything that was said In tho I I. 1 I I At. - ' I previous one, ami tie ioea so, as a rule. "When other people are already in bed, the editor Is still up. He stays up late to seo what happens. When I grow big, I shall become an editor, Then I can stay up, loo." lie lienletl thm ( harga, The attorney had a very Ignorant witness on the stand, and, a Is usual with that class, he insisted on telling his story over and over again. At last the attorney grew tired. "If you please," he said, with some feeling, "you will not repeat that story gain. I have heard it In toto several times." "Hnh?" asked the witness, in sur prise. "I say I have heard the story in toto and I don't want to hear it again." "I guess not," said t'je witness, "I never was In toto in my life and I don't even know where it is." Sallort rar llrltlal Coaplaa. A gentleman who has recently re turned from Kurope tells of an old superstition In rogue among the more Ignorant classes of seamen. They are of the opinion that the presence of young coeple on their bridal tour board ship portends violent storm. The Canadian, an Inman steamer, had young couple alMtard, and sure enough the ship was caught In hurricane. A number of sailors were Intent on throwing them overboard and only the courage of the captain, who opposed the mutineers with revolver In each hand, saved the lives of those who were enjoying tho first weeks of their honeymoon. Artificial Stnna Flll.rt. One of tho most Interesting points In connection with the new waterworks of Worms, Germany, is the fact that artificial porou stones are used for fil tering tho water. Tests showed that the number of bacteria in the water after filtration Is about one twentieth of that before filtration. 8tcam pipes are so arranged that the stones can be sterilized whenever It la necessary . A UHHIM JMttHNv V ii ! !!! Wo a a t it a tiia tir i , t,i Mt it ,. A i n Vtf'U .,,,! in ti it n ti't t-i It In It t t, iii(f lll I'k'lll I Utitl ll I , rt t' ' is I I I-'I , Wilh Mine I i , .,Mnti t,i.t t.ii Mo tUtttri't t in S-. no in i Mii Mu- ini "( f I f t i i, t I i. i i.. ii- in fl i -I ttU till!, ) ilU I' .Ot lirt pl' l Mo ll i . I . ii i t M.i ti t'- i h lti lit in ? t oi l, ti l.t ti Mo j-i'l hit ' t h t I in I ',. i f It" ii.j" M.i- noil I. tit t i it h hi ill M!l U II Mul attt i.' Hiii rtH it ,i ri ait.t'd ntltt l .iiUhttti til ' Ml. i tttie I !. tin tltiit tt no- I ; n n M.HJ Itttf mini iit of a fnn' I ml 1 wintUI .ttl If. .Intuit the net I half ; 'minute l.oh of lit tre til Ml tnn lttott M.e nti'lii it e " I Hul we Hot fill," rtpHed Itlttliilltl, I eat-!!! Illtfl V. 1 lltil I haie ih li upon (hit ) ih , In Inkemy life " At lite same tnoinent the man tn'nii to wilirirle oh tut no that the rope. tlaueer nearly lust hi Imlance. He, howeviT, am in eimped himself, tlropptiil hi balancing pole and grablied the lunn an firmly with hi hand that the latter wn unnttle In move, Then, emit Inning hi w alk, al though In a state of great trepidation, he arrlvetl safely at the end of the rojie, and, allowing hi living burden to slide from hi shoulder, he admin istered a box on both ear with such force that the would tie suicide fell down uncoriHi'lou. Since Unit terrible journey lllomlin ha curried only one man, hi true and faithful servant, ou every occasion, AQE OF ORANOE TREES. (Iriive nt Hie ltlli'lnn Fruit Tree ran I'd I iiiiinl In 1 1 sly. An exchange remark that there lias been much diacuashtn uniting American horticulturist the last few years con cerning the extreme age that orange tree will bear well and produce good fruit. Some maintain that an orange tree, no mutter how much care Is put upon it, will slowly withcrand die after it has reached half a century of growt h. Others have argued that about seventy-five years Is the limit of usefulness of a well-ciireil-for orange tree. Hevcral American horticulturists who have been traveling along tho Med iterranean sea have recently found trees over I7D years old that are still producing fruit of excellent uulit.y. On flu Island of ICIlia, where Napoleon was banished, there Is an orange grovo of over 700 Nt. Michael orange trees that were planted by an Italian in 1781, ifnd It produced lust year over l.NOti boxes of fruit, hut ft produced four times that iiuntlty twenty five years ago. There are several small orange orchards in Southern Italy that are over eighty years old and are still , productive of large quantities of fruit, "i On tho Island of V11. nines I'yU- I man, the famous American horticul turist, found i m orange tree that there I can bo no doubt Is H't years old, and ' that yielded several boxes of fruit last year. It Is even alleged that In tho Azores there are orange arid lemon trees over !W0 years old that still bear fruit, but there is no good authority for the allegation. , THE WIND DI04 POTATOES. A Tltlrt' Acre 1'nlfh nf Mitrihl Kip- I'fil I t at fell Swtt(ii. Charles H. Ituddock of Chicag i, New Orleans, Memphis and Carina, Oil., came In to chat tho other day, ami told one story that will bear printing;. Our exchange editor had Just re marked that he wished to hi-it von ho could shako this part of the world and land in Noutlicrn California, where a man could "live happy until ho died rich." "Why," said Huddock, "the wind dig potatoes In (Southern California!" "Hitmpty Ihimpty! What?" the ex change man remarked, disappointment shadowing his face. "Honestly," continued Ituddock. "One man had thirty acres of pota toes, and there came a gala that uncov ered every potato, and all ho had to do next day was to go out and pick them np," And then, as If ha wanted to get away from the subject, tho Chlcagoan Teunesseean Ioulsianian Callfornlan went on to talk about his first love, cypress, A f'rofitliinal Olnwt-lluntar. In the dark ages professors of exor cism were Important and highly re spected persons In tho community, but omehow or other they fell nlf disre pute and were finally abolished aa Im postors. It Is satisfactory to find, however, that at the present time, when so many people complain that they can find nothing to do, this time honored profession has been revived and at least one gentleman finds it ofllciently profitable to pay for the printing of circulars commendatory of his business. It is addressed to "land lords, house agents and those whom it may concern," and states that the ex orcist "will bo pleased to Investigate and report noon any reputed haunted house, ascertaining tho cause of and putting a stop to all seemingly un ac countable shrieks, cries, groans and spirit-rappings at tho shortest notice," This Ss hard on ghosts. She Wantad All I'artlnolar.. The Maine steamboat engineer was polite and attentive. It may bo that he was flattered by the fact thHt a laly V) impressive In her manner should have come to him for Information. At any rate, he told her all about it, Just where tho stearn went Into the cylinder, where It escaped, and how it was that tho piston rod attached to the crank turned the wheels that propelled tho little vessel through the waves. Mia n r.l l.i tin till wrnnncd UD in ! tho information, and when he had fin- ! Uhcd she turned a beaming face upon j him and said: "Now, what ! the ob- I Ject of the boiler?" IN Ai, AWN A, tit Hit It t.rll la mt H it t al 1 lti t I mhtttMt. l ii lritfe ho (a one beettmisa i. I I I t nd ,-l lite t ti..n ,. Mie ii.m.l-1 lihi h t.tte nj,.H.n til nt Alatken at If h e ft liHe t-. 'tt.s , tt HHt rliiMt Hg Hi.a hi I. 'Alti H..t ift.f r. it . I the fill , nl i f it H-'T Wl'.fc Mte hull m ..It M.f e . . t l leu'. tttty !, Iitltvil Ml Wtft't't S4itl lit, Mtun t i . inniir of mf fi- fttielltii fit.i m , h -k .,f appiiet l,.(i. t I to r an-the tii-nt eotitf ift ttt'e I tisie erer on I he area's i the nt l t litittv I. k't. Ill,' ,.i,e .t,.ii fii. jftl ah .ttl llin i p. t tie I- ii l i. t. m ith a pir of Atitfih n wade leather tt stl or tth.if mtii It toil id pue a an l.nMtno ould on Ihe slreel of I'oit. Inn,! with his pal ka (eostl, IioihI and txtot mi I W tiki wm in fur ii Iti eit'luie the fur t'ltttl made of reindeer, seal, aipilrrel, inlnkkUlu, el.' , but ninal of the jtarty are provlile I with them The h kkN are itsiia ly atl.i. hed hi the coat, and are thrown back in warm weather, leaving the head e pttned, i The winter hunts are made of rein deer and other warm skins, with the fur on, but are not warm In wet wenther. The hair of the reindeer I as soft as bearer, and a coat of It material will keep out the cold more effectually than ten times It weight In i woolens. BPOUTINQ LIKE WHALE. A UK l iiimnl-r liniimt-ttil In a f'tilllitnn 11 a iiinitr limit, The two new Cunard Atlantlu liners will be nearly as long a the (I rent I Knstern, Aproproa of this subject, Mr. William fuiiard, the head of the com pany that bear his name, referred the. other day to the pioneering period of transatlantic steaming, when the sys tem was n ssarily in a more tentative stage, and related an anecdote of tho ingenuity of one of the ship's carpen ters In those early days, One of tho bouts came into collision and her bow was smashed in. A bulk head was put In at the nearest landing place to keep tho water out of tho ' l.l Tl,.... tl.n l,!.. ,...1 7 7. 1 , 1 1 . " coimei'Mii- wim me. tiaiiiaeii poruon of the vessel, a capacious chimney, and Mr. Cunard asked what on earth that was for. "Oh, that's for her to blow," was the reply "Sure enough," added tho relator of this story, "experience showed that ho was right, for directly they got to sea : and the waves washed through tho j damaged bows, air and water spurted I from the chimney juntas from a spout- ing whale, and probably they would : not have got safe through their voyage but for tho carpenter's foresight" HE OOT OUT. I lot a !Mitaai!huatt Uniig Unwittingly llelaaaed a f'rltoriar. A Judge of a Massachusetts superior court has a habit when making a charge to tho jury of allowing his voice to drop so that his words can with diflloulty bo caught. While sen tencing a prisoner at Lawrence, ho fell Into the habit, and a man In tho court room shouted; "Hpeak louder, your honor! Hpeak up!" "Hend that man out, Mr. Officer!" said the Judge; and a friend of tho individual, knowing tho penalty which might be inflicted upon him for such a contemptuous proceed ing, advised him to get out of town at once. Ho tho man hurried out, and tho case went on. "Call the next case," said the judge, when ho had fin ished with tin prisoner In whoso case tho Interruption hud occurred. "Ter ence O'Flynn!'' called tho clerk; but no O'Flynn arose. Tho crier called him, but there was no answer, and the offi cers of tho court began to look about. It was discovered that Prisoner O'Flynn had disappeared that morning and his absence could not bo accounted for until some one said; "May it please the court, Terence O'Flynn was the man you just sent out, I IN I I Trait of the Nairiapr liny, The newspaper Iwiy is fond of work -that Is to say, ho loves to sit and see it accumulate. Ho loves to contem plate work in the abstract Its details are less interesting to him. Tho sound of the call twill Is music to his ears. It never annoys him In the least. There are several authenticated Instances on record where he has been known to answer the bell. His forte Is the running of errands those not con nected with the business of the office for himself and friends. He likes to assist the elevator man and make him self generally useful outalde of his usual duties. The dull routine of offlee work is too limited sphere of action for his versatility. In fact, the news paper office boy is something per se. The S in all at t Tat. Quality rather than quantity was the principle upon which Washington bride planned her trousseau. The marriage which could only be classed under the head of runaways was un doubtedly the subject of much deep thought beforehand, inasmuch as ttc accessories of toilet to be carried upoa the eventful trip were reduced to the minimum. The wedding took place in the summer, and the conventional traveling-bag waa replaced by a whltt, aco parasol. This was carriod furled, the flimsy white flounce serving as a receptacle for tho trousseau a pair of curling tongs and a tooth-brush. (,lm I tad Knoirlndga. A woman in tho Western part of New York state wants to have her pastor dismissed on the ground that he rides a bicycle and studied medicine In his earlier years, which suggests thestory nt iha wnrniin whn wrote ihn following note to tho teacher: "Picas don't teche my Mary Jano any flaiology. I don't want her to know about her ' Innarda." Alftn on AMtm. a t4 Sti'1 t4 M It vii l i taM in i tist tin "Mot tf iwii.t Ihe t.i ntl I ire. H 1il'k, ' iHtne M, Ihry i mt --..nli-. I the ititfHti.Mi n tahi.h I-t, (low tvhaiti 1 lit t I v., 1 1, 1 If i on t til a iiil. '..Htnt tutd rmine the ft of a tmby a an lt old y.m will tw lltt the t Ik- h It n ace tsi end with lit i tin .ti ho imtkii.l.. I i the lttti I eve lit tin li itt hlth I he i I hi ii will it. er ti t If Ihe t hlld t a tittle Mi tk, In i .i itoiikiiie Ihe thtd W hell tt fr nt k I t tte S Itinlt If II It of Mi. i.ilii tht-V Hill make the .1 m n whuli Mie els pi Ike, t 1 1-- .1. it I ' V in n t itlte I i lite and l'.!et ilixlii. ,t li,tl.'ll.' ahae of Ihelr U 1li te I tv t haiiiT lug the direction In ln. h Ihe halt grow Tn all the I v itttly; " 'Mekkletii. w hat you unit eiitinl te. All the I'titHitg Iron and laot- In the world are powcrles agsliikt Ihe decree of nature, Moreover, It would tie fmtllkh for ymi t.i make in h a rhange even though It were pimsihle. Nature it a good arlt, and If her hlcit are folhtwed the result la always gmtd. A little training here or there may I mi benfllciat, but the general plan of tin- titre should tte followed and not op posed. He thankful, messieurs, that you have heard, and tin not try to straight heard wh i wish to make them curly, and those with curly beartls who wish to have them straight. It is possible to curl straight hair, ami also to straighten curly hair, but the effect I temporary and more or les injurious.'" LEADS TO DIVORCE. Ml Nellie K.inl Tltlrt jr-l'otir Yttara nf Wt-tlilcil llll... Snoring In a hiblt that is prolific of possibilities. It i the cau e for a (11- vorec suit now pending', and will no doubt, completely disrupt the marital relations that h ive peacefully existed for thirty-four years. Whim Mrs. Amanda tirlntr was a i blooming maiden, her present husband, John II. Oring, won her for a bride. Little did the blushing maiden at tho 'altar dream of the future musical ten dencies of her lover's nose. The pair lived happily together for years. When first Mr. (Iring's nose be- gan to disturb the serenity of tho night with Its sonorous outbreaks does not appear; lint in her petition for a di vorce, which was filed by Mrs. Orlng lately, she allege that Oring makes such terrih'o noises at night that alio is unable to sleep. Inquiry developed tho fact that tho noises consisted of snoring. This will give to tho judges a nice matter to p mder over. Is a man re sponsible for snoring? is there any way in which a nose can be mu..led so as to take tho sharp edges off tho dis tracting noise? If Mr. Orlng is not responsible for tho outburst of his nasal organ, can his wife get a separa tion? These are knotty points and of great Interest to tho world at large. If snorers are responsible for their snoring, the public who use sleeping cars may yet find reparation for dreaui' less nights in Pullmans. A baen t-M Inded. A man In flonth Hiram, Mo., sat bo fore tho open fire tho other day twirl ing a hundred dollar bill In his hands. The queer part of this story is, by tho way, that a neighbor, afraid to trust himsclf,had handed overthell'iO to the twlrler for safekeeping. What did tho latter do but right In the faco arid eyes of the owner; while talking busi ly, toss tho money Into the fire. For tunately tho bill was only scorched, but our Hiram friend has corne to tho conclusion that an absent-minded man is not a very good safe deposit com pany. (jnaar Crowt In ew Z aland, Hlr John Lubbock tells of a particu lar crow In New Zealand where tho male and female differ wldelv as to tho structure of their bills. The male bird has a bill, stout and strong, adapted to cutting and digging Into the tree, but he Is deficient In that horny- pointed tmgue which would permit him to pierce tho grub and draw It out. The hen bird has, however, an elon- gated an 1 straight bill, "and when the cock has durr down to the burrow tho hen .rmert her long bill and draws out the grub, which they divide bo tween thern. Rather too fravloo. A party of young ladles visit the observatory to have a peep through the monster telescope at the new . m et The astronomer conducts thotn to the Instrument, and the ladloa look through In turns, "Oh, Laura, isn't it charming, heav enly, enchanting, wonderful?" and so on ad libitum. After a while the sly astronomer ob serves "Now, ladles, I will remove the cover and place the instrument in po elors may carry their frayed and bro ttion, if you will allow me." ken garments, and for a small cost have them put Into good order, ThU A Matter of Ktaeotlon. move seems to be rather unkind to the When Turgot was minister, some marriageable girls, for such facilities one enthusiastically advocated a cer- will doubtless tend to confirm many tain method of raising money for the eligible men in their state of bachelor government. Turgot disposed of the hood, but It Is unquestionably a boon subject shortly and rigorously. Ills to the unfortunates who have to do Judgment waa known to be good, and their own mending, or give away their little more was heard of the tax in clothes. question after he wrote on tho morial: "It would be aafer to execute the author than the project." Oriental Rua-a. ' It has always been a popular belief fjat tho manufacture of rugs In the orient was carried on by men almost exclusively, but It Is said that women Jo most of tho work. In Adc"k.uA other occupation Is pursued tent, tho whole province is tirely supported by tha lab women. This Is "women with a vengeance! A TH At, H fi,ti4 Mm i ! t a pel V.tUr. ni"!!!! hi p. k t haa l.tltv tiik'lkitl a tiwpenlr.t ''IS w to, h W ,t ff the It nie Me are aetrr luMti.i. .1 w Mh rau U i.i h , - n Uo Iky. ttktd f.r i iaek lit toil ' V i in it r it, mil of aitv amd " ' Ml i r.tlf.l' t.tti .1 1'tkled In Miik tit titn,.f ti ' We altmit t.ttv out iti AY f.kttint Jiik,i lieie ltts. win that f i' nt I It,. ti.k r )tiii.iii d ttiitgiit(f d.itin Ihe t,)t lU Mm f e haie a de il v f f holding i when emik liif "e never est rtfir " " And tiy fohllnif lheM tt Ire loop, aa ymi see t,t doing now, It ntake a hn tly arrangement ftr holding a small mirror " "Haven't the slightest use for sueha thing " "While by adjusting another small mirror In this position and another at thl angle, a you will notice, and placing it In a kitchen window, for ex ample, it ha the curlon effect of en- 'abling Ihe observer, aeated at one aide of the window anil entirely nut of sight ti are distinctly through any window that may tie opposite ami to note what I going mi IiisJile, and all I auk for thl most UKcfut ami compre hensive invention I seventy-five cents, which Is only about one-half'' "I'll take It" PREMIUMS WELL PAID FOR. Cuattiittitr Genttritlljr 1'njr T limit it the Note for Wht fluty (let. "These are trade inciters or sweeten ers," said the proprietor of a wholesalo ilrughouse,a he opened a box contain- '"a h'i" (fos of what appeared to bo a"1'1 watches. "These gold filled watches are given as a bonus to dealer to handle certain goods. One of theso watches is given with every thousand of cigars that he buys and five-cent cigars at that. A dealer can cover himself with jewelry, fill his house with pictures, have a piano anil nn or gan, a delivery wagon and it carriage without paying a cent, The sale of baking powder Is promoted by giving clocks to dealers who buy a certain amount, anu wonueriui to relate, a fine lamp, retailing nt S7.50. is given to tho dealer who will buy .50 worth of a kind of chewing gum. Delivery wagons go with pu retinites of soap and baking powder, and road carts are given away with it number of articles. Nets of bed room furniture are given, with a good sioil deal In cigars; pic tures with bottled whisky and olier things. Here's an aluminum wu'ch with it steel chain and tho watch will keep time, too that Is given to any lucky ,la,,r wh" wl" ,M,y SM v"'rlh ot cough drops. Olllco desks arc also given with cigars; so, also, is a ticket to the world's fair and return. Simi lar schemes go' with coffee and fancy groceries. Who pays for It? Oh, the customer, I suppose, but he never knows It." Aftar II I in, Too. A child story comes from the lively little town of Harrison, Ohio, A bad small boy there crawled under the bed when his mother wariied to i unlsh hi in, She couldn't get him out, and she left him there until his father re turned that evening from the city. When the father eamo and wa told about the case he started to t't'awl under the he ) to bring forth h's diso bedient son, but was almost paralysed when the ill. Liu fellow asked: "Hollo, is she after you, too?" Vcrlplitr! .tiilliorli y fur t rlvarlUInf, A rever-nd gentleman, who has charge of the advertising of a promi nent religious weekly, was recently asked what scriptural authority he could find for his occupation. "Oh," he replied, that is easy enough. Ad vertising not only has script ural an- thorlty, but is of very respectable an 'I'lK.V well, If you will look In Numbers, xxlv, H, you will find Halaam saying, 'Come, now, and I w" advertise,' ftnd Hon says In Ruth, lv ' 'An'1 1 thought to advertise.' Advertising Is no modern thing. -. ro w amnion rvi sasfw wi mnm$ A quill pen maker says that no pen will do as fine writing as tho crow quill. It requires the assistance of a microscope to make a proper pen out .if such a f,ull1, but when made It Is of wonderful delicacy, The microscopic writing told of In books of literary jurlosltles was all done with a crow quill. The steel pen of the present hare very fine points, but somehow a finer point can be given to a quill than has ever been put on a steel pen, and for delicacy nothing can equal it. Afalmt the Olrlt. The Women's educational and Indus trial union of Itoston has established mending bureaus where unlucky bach- A. nt Qitlll 1'ent, A quill pen maker aays that no pen will do as fine writing as the crow I auill. It reaulros tho assistance of a microscope to make a proper pen out of such a quill, but when made It Is of wonderful delicacy. Tho microscopic writing told of in books of literary 'urlositles was all done with a crow quill. The steel pens of tho present have very fine points, but somehow a ncr point can bo given to a quill ii has ever been put on a steel pen, for delicacy nothing can equal it ttrniNOiNa