The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 24, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Ul.f-t H I !( '' t't ,'" .!. '
ii. .t H !UiViil "' i ir-if
Am i .- i t!t ii ( ( M. (I" n'lj j
tittl';t t ! Mlu mull I ti D
s irr Mut mi Inii'ijtv KHhil l U
that Hm' t In ;rt M umiiv Hmm
l.lllttKNtW iti.)ii'ij ikitii, tor
tli fi Oitt if U )iv hi jtuliHc
in t j !. tn
Tti main ';ni tf IliU ct'iiW
if!iM lit utli li'tl v tli'"
IdmiUh rhtitvli, l fiil In 1'itntf them
tnl.i tmtnl mul ilimm. mi Mnf
nni!i!f- mul Ittvliifiitu, '
ImlUI HnUnh cImIiii tlnlr ruin.
Ilimii', in I'Ktilettt wllli fljiM,
nt h tcli lnr ihtuvli lit, lit winin a
tviry ollu r ri ll(,'l"ii iteiioinlitalion iti
tliU Imiil, n I'MaUIMt m inniiy wIhniU
tut cnn at hi-rown I'JiK-n', mul
lut thorn lu sny nmniHT ln i1ihi ,
ihiw mi'kn llio lint ruction of tin ptihltc
hoIhmU, t'oiitlut'toil tot nt iivi-nt on ft
non-ntrturliu) IhwI mul iIimiikihU h
llHtl'llf lllll publilS M'hlNll fllllllll lt'l-
MirtloHU to tlio nuiiilKr of children
Mluca but 111 tlu-tr miocliinl wIhmiIh
jilalnly HHak I fhry with to nutko
l'Mentaiit eontrllMUi to Inrjjo ilo
grtv, directly or IndlTctly to miHlaln
tin' I r vcturlitn hcIkhiU.
There la utimiHtitknliU evidence Unit
n concerted movement bun liecn atnrtcd
throughout tviry xn tlim of thin conn
try where upulilii! Nchoot nyHloiu exists,
it In tin) war-cry of Homo iitfiiltiHt nil
education except what I curried on
under her own control mul direction.
Tim llrwt chiirtfo nrndu by Homo
Mpiinut tho pulilio ncIiooIh wim tlial
they were Mt'ctnrliin hocHiiHu tho llllilo
wilt UMcd dully In them. Homo docn
not let her children become oonvormuit
with tho Hlblu. Full well she known
tho reuHou why. 1Ih'Iii(T Hiiwieeded In
bun lulling tho Hiblo from moNt of the
public hcIkhiU, hlie nowturiot round iind
make tho chiirtro tluit tlomu pulilio
hoIiooIh a iv Irrellgloim mul ungodly,
ami Homo, evercrufty and hypocritical
IoHk thcHD L'lmreh mi ably by pharl
iiialo plea of virtuo and fair dealing,
Abut today you find many lVotcHlaut
clergymen and otliet'H who Hwlng with
nomo on thin qiientlon in dpi to of thn
fact lliut the coimtltutloiH of nearly all
at to HtatfH forbid any NeetarlntilHin In
tho ubllo hijIiooIh. Hvery lutidllgeiit
petwm iiiunt reallzi) that It Ih linpiMHl
tiloio tench religion In a public hcIioo!
lopoe to every ivIlglmtM denomination
mtwl and creed on a purely non-nectar-dan
IihnIh tho method ami bidieln of
auvnrnt religion denomination
of tho pri'tieiit day aro mo ntimeroim ami
varied, m to utterly jirolilldt the
teaching of religion In tho public
no boo I without coullieling to a certain
degree, tnoro or leiiM, with the religion
logman a held and believed by them.
KectarlaiilNin mimt be avoided if the
public Heboid iiyMtctii I to bo prcwerved
In Its Inb'grlly and It i cH-tenilally the
luty of every true American to Heothat
thi Integrity Khali not bo deKtro,v'd by
any rt'cleKiatttical Interference Human
Catholic, or I'roleMtant.
no theory that the entire work of
oduonllon I tho exidtixive function of
tbo Hoimtn C'atholie eliurch i a e
KjiteriCeof the old mediaeval papal dog
ma that t he Homan church I the prime,
mjproiiuj and all embiaelng Hiiurce of
authority, that the olllce of the Mate
are KiilNirdlnato to and dependent upon
tlie tiupreme will of the church ami
'that all function, civil and Koclal nniM
bo'adnilnlhtered under her direction
and control. It doe not require great
logical liihljht to ee that atich a theory
annot bo niuintitlned In thi grand
American republic, for the proper d In
chargo of tho function of American
itU' riHhIp them miiHt Imi an American
-education, therefore It I an Imperative
-aneonHlty that tho atatu nhould pruvldn
for the education of It children. Tho
public Nchool KVtem fimter tho general
Intelligence, pronioU-a public order and
-contribute to the (liability of our citi
zenship and In a great many way It
help tho general, moral and Roclal
. inttircKt of the country and It material
Tho authorities of tho Homan Catho
llo church claim that they hou!d be
-exempt from paying any taxe levied
for tho support of public wheel on tho
ground that they have to pay for the
support of their own parochial school,
'That may seem all very well, but the
atato docs not compel them to eHtiibllnh
tand maintain parochial schools, that I
a matter entirely of their own doing
and choosing, but tho state does olTer
'them a public school system combined
with an education vastly ausrfor to
Uhat-uf their panxdiial schixd, and in
'return, ahe naturally demand that
'they pay their share toward tho suji
port of them, tho same a tho other
various religion denomination are
compelled to. When will Homo got
rid of tho notion that she abovu all
jthiera la a privileged religion.
Notwithstanding thidiliko on her
mart to contribute toward the public
chool fund, Homo ha the presumption
.to calmly demand a projMirtlon of thi
-same fund to supjxirt her sectarian
schools on the pica that the public
chools are closed t the children of her
religion on account of the godlessnes
of them.
The approptiation of money to the
support of distinctively Roman Catho
.-t tt
- I I )
, i;, i.,n t ii-i
1 it til if '
i .. tl l. HI U '
(1 I I
, l mW i II. l t'v. .'..! t nt.- - j
,m fctt.t i 111' I '. I I f I
i,' t M ftl Ull.iV ft ) M"" ! "
ft (.iU..ii Ui. M(. t.t. )' M lie't
n ll.e ()M 1 it Mi tlniit, I !(. ij I.
IUpli'1 i'i t'k-i' inli.-inl . ln.U wil'i
llll HI. J lIlSHIl ''"'ill ! Op'M the
wh.Oi- pi'', ibl te ft i.'ll..ll of
tlo titfhtnol ti.!iu.bit nt repiv. t
ed III the di lumueHMi'tt Iiti l lti the
'Ktlieito, Home fur a b-ngthy -f !!
hn lo ft great tnl eniitrolliHl the
Hlltlen of the m veinl IIm uml eotine
ipiently by mean of audi control, ha
Iwen able lo lib h enormous aiims from
the various tii'smo le for lh suptort
of her N'hoolnBiul inxlltutions, Kltfures
authentic layond the shadow of a iloubt
show that In the spai-e of Kcvcnten
years, li'.l to h0 Inclusive, Home
managed to si-cinv from tho city of
New York alone the vast sum ofl-,-Olil.TI.'i.
Home never hesitates lo put
her hand into the MM'kets of our puli
lio treasuries. .Surely It Is high time
for all loyal and t rue Americana to now
say halt, and to see that Homo oliey
the command,
In August Wi, Dr. McGIytin, at that
time under the curse (?) of excommuni
cation, but who lately, it Is to be re
gretted, has ho far forgotten hi man
hood a to Is'como once more enslaved
under the thraldom of Homan Catholi
cism, wrote the following:
"The hope is not concealed that
when the so-called 'Cat hollo vote' shall
become larger, then politicians may be
induced to appropriate from tho state
legislature or local government all the
funds necessary for tho support of those
seliools. The extraordinary zcrI mani
fested for the lilting up of these si c
tarlan schools and institutions is first
of all prompted by Jealousy and hatred
of our public school and Institution,
and by the desire to make employment
for and glvo comfortable homes to tho
monks and nuns who make so-called
education and charity their regular
business, for which a verv common ex
perience shows us that they have but
little qual mention beyond their pro
fessional stump and garb, It 1 not
risking much to say that If there wero
no public school there would' lie very
few parochial school, and tho Catholic
children, for all the church of Home
would do for them, would grow up In
brutish Ignorance of letter,"
Tim above word coming from the
source that they did aro tho more
The history of Home show iw that
her object instead of imparting educa
tion to the musics ha been to withhold
It. Look at Spain, Italy and Ireland,
where for so long, most of the educa
. . . .'. I I-. !
tional facilities wero under the control
of Koimi'ilsm, and you will And that
the Ignorance of the masse isalwolute.
ly awful, Home knows full well that
in order to keep an Iron banded control
over her subject she must close the
door of knowledge and education to
them, because the main element of her
so-called religion 1 founded on super
stition attendant on Ignorance,
Mgr. Satolll, papal delegate to tills
country, or as lie should be more cor
rectly styied, pupal ambassador to the
United Stales for the pope, ha inner
and will never relingulsli hi claim to a
temporal sovereignty, Issued last De
cember an address on the public school
quest Ion, but It was so ambiguously
worded that to tue uniiistrucled It
aounded very fair ami plausible and to
all outward appearance countenanced
to a certain degree the public school,
but read between tho line and a very
dilTerent meaning I diseernublo. It
wa simply an address issued with the
object of throwing dust In the eyes of
the cltlen of thi country, Hecent
events In the political arena of the
various slates show that Home i using
her baneful lulluetice to control the
state legislature in order that she may
obtain tho enactment of new law that
alio will make it ermlslblo for the
various states to apply the school fund
In the manner that she now seek for,
and thereby cause the downfall of the
present public school system, one of the
grandest of our national Institution.
liishop Hcannell, of the dliaiese of
Otnuha, in his Lenten pastoral make
a covert attack on the public school,
claiming "purely secular education not
safe," That may bo so, but rellyhm
must bo kept entirely out, of tho public
school. To the Sunday school con'
nccted with the churches of the various
religious denominations and the home
circle can the teaching of religion be
very sufely and properly confided.
Citizen of America! Shall the pub
lic school system tie demolished at the
Instigation of Home? Shall Protes
tant's money lie used for the aupport of
Homan Catholic school and Institu
tions? for surely such will tie tho re
sult if the public schools of this country
are to be controlled by ecclesiastical
domination. C. F. 1'. F,
Ifavejour old shoe made a good
a new, bv shoemakers that have
I learned their trade. We have them at
103 South 15th Street.
' 1
t ol AmiHii
If . ? I il t . v., I. 1 1 !. .
I l.t n t I i .f 1 . .1 .i t( l,
.fi- i t r " i . l, . I h -.
I I f. lt ,r t .-h ' t w
, H l- i yl.ts, 'Ht,H
t I , : I -. It
1 Oor f i noul
i liiui' et hi d litti iim )i( in ii
e the MiU. r IhImI l. r
HI Uf tlie !ij,ia n niiiituiiU I nn
t i imi i i il a Nil i tub l ep tii nu
Telal amount i ls mil d .
1'nial aiiiiti'iit nnhil l.l'iii.
I lull d III of ii ii IpU I dit ,
Anj of our tiltinl who ! lit-vr e
liinibl nut l ar the whnle ot ttiat bur
ib ii ii iiiiet. i to wnd In any
amount they fuel able to gle. Willi
will ! the tlrst to retluev that sum
f riamlt, Takt Notitu,
sharp needle, il pNsrs, a. I'lna and
cars t tacks, sr i-r e. Cotton and
I.lneii threads, Ic, 2e, 'M and 4e. Men's
(loves and mittens, worth eV, for
Indies' and ehlldrens hose, .V, "c, liKs,
to Tie, Men's and Isiy'ssiis-ndc m, ."to,
"e, I'm', li" and .'l."e. Closing out under
wear at cost t)ur price are lower
than can ls found in Die city. Mull
onlera promptly tilled.
H4 Cuming Stivet.
H.inmi r A Co., the hut maniifiiclur
ci h, are now local ed in their new
i inn I el over X rt t 17th Mtreit.
liivc us a rail. If
One bountiful Ciirnna I'iinel given
witii every do.en Cabinets nt Jlnghes
Si Sanillioig'.s si udio, l'ii.'i North ltiiii
si reel,, - t f
. -
Smoke Ciitlln'a Host V. C. II., li
ce n t a
The Cabinet Hollablo Oiwollno Stove
Is Warranted for Three Yeurs. It is
tho Most I'erfect gasoline stove made.
W. F. STOKTZHL, 711 S. 10th,
W agent for the west.
Oh! how thai corn hurts. (Jo to W.
N. Whitney's, Kill South 15th Street,
and for 25 eent learn how to get rid
of it. A sure cure or money refunded.
Yon should all remember that C. F.
Shaw & Co., 618 S. Kith St., hn al
ways on hand, Vegetable, In kchkmi;
also a full line of Staple (ifocii!-iH.
Do not forgi t us when down town.
Wanted A Horse. j
I n exchange for a buggy (.Jail at .11 l.'l
Leavenworth Street.
Hat DybuHWellciousCrcam Caudles.
1518 Douglas St.
S. H. Patten, dm'M 'tHim S lleo
building, telephone V.I
- -
The Best Train for Chicago
I the llurlington's No. 2, leaving
Omaha at 4:4.") p. in., dally, Magnificent
sleeping car, Comfortable chair car.
Perfect dining cars,
The Ilurl lngton also offers unequalled
double dally service to Denver, St
Louis and Kansas City.
Ticket olllce, 122.1 Farnam Street,
A. P. A. Pies, plated, 40e; solid
gold, fl 40.
P. O, S. of A l.r..
Jr. O, U. A. M,, 7.cenl.
Loyui Orange, l.(l.
H K L L STo H K J K W K L H Y D K I 'T.
Diaige and loth.
Take jour repairing to The pnnn
uimikI Carriage Co., 18th and Harney
St. Opp. the County Juit.
Americans Take Notice.
American Ilakery, 1HI8 St. Mary's
avenue, Wagon delivery.
308 North 10th Street.
Hatters and (lent Furnishers. Men's
Shoos, glove, etc, A "dollar's worth
for a dollar."
, . ,
(lo to Dybitll' for tine CHndic, 1618
Do..glasSt. i
. . ,
Win, Ciitlln for good cigar, 1 15
South 14th tdreet.
Linen Stationery,
Every attorney should call on TK
412-13-14 Sbeely bloek, and order a
supply of fine Ilond Glazed Linen Sta
tionery. It 1 tho finest thing In the
market, and doe not cost more than
ordinary linen paper, Telephone Oil,
and wo will call and show you asumplo
Blank Receipt Hook and itlunk
Note Hooks at the
412-414 Sheely Dlock.
It I a duty you owe jonrseif to get
thu best value for your money. Econ
omize in your footwear by purchasing
where you will get a dollar worth for
adollai. W. N. WHITNEY,
103 South 16th Street.
11. II. Ostcrhoudt will do you good
Carriage Painting and Repairing.
Take your work to him.
18th and Cass Street.
A. P. A.
cun Protective Awwiolplloii meets every sec
ond ami fourth VVedneMliiy of each month In
I.O. O. K. hall. 1'lattMiiioulh. Neb. VlnitlnK
members are welcome. 1'. llrown, rk-c.
)ttr t '.A
A ! I .t n t
I in 4 Ml Mi ft tMHt in'.! a itii?
hit It ijiu li.ih tn. t ,.,. .1i ii
Vi t i nl I i'd ,-t'i h nil..
it, r,i lull a n-'jio t t.ip
tug In iap r im in h .1 t t ii t -nf
Lil ll to A 1 b-ii, -i 1 1 ii
n iten soul ) jj a ItftMl Av aid
) Hill !!! ft to ililmf tti pl.tlfv.l
iii. 1
hf M wi lliti lol In tet Ji i i
'W oi-inv hftle i Mm k wit) tU
lak In the Aitietlett piibihtng nMl
puny at H f toe ft abie, utl per nh tn
Oii If iliiwn, t ffterj .1 HlDtltll the-e-after
tin niHiix utibscriplmn will Jon
take at ffH per fti ar lor an f ftenlns pa
pi r. OimhUilwn balsinH' innnihly.
AH money suli-erlVit shall t" re
tained until ft Millieliiiit ailioilnl ha
been nliei ilieil to inure the puhlica
I t,ii of a daily. In n the an.otint
necessary to carry on the btilues of
piibli-lilng a IlAit.r Amkhh an I not
raised ly August 11, iMt.'t, all money
nibscribiMl, les 10 cent on each sub
scription ti) pity for postage, receipt,
envelope, and clerk lure will be re
funded to subscriber.
Men who have from $100 to $10,000
Cillinnl find ft belter place lo invest
their money than In a Daily Amkiu
t'AN. It will be a great a succos as
tho weekly ha been and the weekly
has paid two dollar whero any other
pnolicatioti ha paid out!.
If you want to get in on the ground
II oor (ill out and return this blanl: ac
companied with tho cash.
il s
t r
s z
b Q
41 O
5 S
o 2
O w
i a
B li
es M
cij o
o. .mi
Cd a
Z J3
5 "Z
3 t
If j on cannot spare enough to pur
chase one or more share of stock,
subscribe for the paper on above
conditions at the following rates:
,1 mom ha $2.50
0 mouths $4.50
1 year $8.00
The weekly Inw given entire satis
faction mul our pledge to make the
daily, 'f it should be started, a goml in
proportion i suflicieiit guarantee ti,
i hose who invest to asure them that
their funds will be properly and judi
ciously handled.
This Is in your hand now. If you
want a dally you know how to get it.
If you do ii it, hold onto your moiiev.
We do not care which way it goes.
Remember, we do not start on promi-es
lite cinh mad be in nithi.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrt lie of an order of sale IhkiiimI out of
llin IHkIiItI I oiii I of liouu'las County, Ne
liniHkii. null U mi' illrivlcil. I will, on tlie iNth
(lay of Miirrh, A, It., In'.m. at 10 o'cliMik A.
M. of salil iliiy, HI, the EAST front door of the
County Court lloiiwi. in the City of Omaha.
I n hi kI uh County, NeliniHka, sell tit iiulillc
unci Ion the property ilewi Ilieil In said order
of sale us follows, lo-wlt :
Lot tliree f.i In lilis'k six (Hi In Lyman I'liici'.
an aildltlon lo the city of Omaliii, mh Hiir
veyed. pliittnO mul recordml In Domdas
coioity, slnte of NeliritHka. said property lo
lie so il InHiillMfy ChiirleH W. I. y man llm hiiiii
of four hundred, thlrO'eii and ZVlim dollars
lli; with lnleret. thereon at rate of eluht
isi per cent, per annum from I'eliruary Ih,
Ih'i'i. and twenty-three and lill-lnn dollars
(tZHU) coftls, with Interest I hereon from tlie
1st day of I'eliruary, A. II. isitt, together
with liccruliiK i'iikIh accordliiK to a Judg
ment rendered by the district, court, of said
I lunulas county, at Its Kehruary lenn, A. II.
I sir.!. In a certain iiellon then unit theru
pi'iiillni. wherein ChiirleH W, Lyuian wim
plalutltr and Amelia ThcllKaard and Hans
Thellifaard were defondaiits.
Omaha. Nehraska. I'eliruary 2!lrd, ISKI.
J-84-6 (iKOIUili; A. KK.NNK IT.
Hherlff of DoiniliiH Ciiiinty, Neliraska.
tlrockenrldKo, llreckunrldKe and ('rofoot,
at tort eys,
Sheriff's Sate,
Hy v I it no of an order rifsalii Issued out of
iiiii insirict, i ourt ror iioiikiiim i ninny, ne
hraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2sth
(lav (.f IMarch. A. il., IMtm. at 10 o'clock A. M.
of sulci day, nt the KAST front door of the
County Court Mouse, In the City of Omaha,
liiiiilthis County, Neliraska. sell at, politic
auction the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wll :
The undivided otiM-hiilf of lot number two
CJl, three (III, four 4, live (Si. six (Hi. m-ven (7i,
eldhtiSl, nllieitli. ten (UH, eleven (Mi, twelve
thirteen (III), fourteen (14i. lifteen il.'n.
seventeen il"i, eighteen (IS), nineteen (llii,
twenryOi). twenty-one Cil), tweutry-two (2i,
Iwenty-lhree (ill, twenty-four (24i ami
twenty-live !fll. tn block one (I) of Hhrlver
I'laee. an addition to the city of Omaha,
IIoiikIhs county, state of Nebraska, said
property lo be sold tosatlsfy the Iron Na
tional flunk of I'lii! Inborn, New York, the
hiiiii of three thousand live hundred eleven
and Mi-IK I dollars iKt.5ll.5il) with Interest
thereon at rate of nine (In per cent, per mi
lium from September blth, IMU; to satisfy
Anderson Foundry and Machinery Com
pany the sum of three hundred slxly-elnlit
and m-HXi dollars ut.lim, with Interest
thereon at, rate of seven (7) per cent, per
an n u ui from liecember liith, Is'.il i to satisfy
sixty-two and Xl-inn dollars (W.IM cimls, with
Interest thereon from the lilt li day of Sep
tember, A. 11. IS',12, together with accruing
costs accord line lo a Judgment rendered by
the District court of said I lunulas county,
at Its Heplcuilier term, A. II. Isli:i, In a certain
Hi'tlon then and there pendlni:. wherein
The Iron National Hank of I'latts
biirz. New York, was plaintiff, and John
Mulvlhlll. James K. Kiley and others were
Omaha. Nebraska. February Kird, IS'in.
2-24- (iKOIdiK A. MKNNKTT.
Hherlff of I anurias County. Nebraska.
Saunders, McFarland and Dickey, attorneys.
I ! t I
inin'iii to I T t t. i
wnot i hi r ami Hi;rii.
Builders' HnrdwnrG, CuIIbfu
HO-1 Douglas St. Telephone 279. OMAHA. NEB
The Place to Buy
Tho Best Quality of Meat at tho Lowest
Prices is at
Geo. Wilson's Meat Market.
2815 Leavenworth Street.
Oysters, Fish and Game
Full Set TEETH $5.00.gS
ZPIZLX-ONra- 50a ctp.
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist.
16th and Douglas Streets, Brown Block, 4th floor." "
per vtr tir ttr ir cut tii r out'as a guide. a1 -a
109 South 16th Street, OMAHA. NEB.
M.iii Order nolicilil mul Sntinfaction (Jtiiinintccil.
Superior Work:
N. W. Corner Flftoonth and Dodjfo Stn-ctH.
Four 4 Per Cent Interest on Book Accounts.
Five Si Per Cent on Six Month Certificates.
Foreign Drafts and Money Orders at Lowest Kates.
J.0-A.2TCJ 02T Z3T..T:.
Hunk (ipfii fiiim 0 H. In. to il:.'l p. tn. Moniliiyii f nun W It. in. to H p, in.
joii-sr na.ijij,
Watches and Patriotic Emblems,
Sheriff ' Sale.
Hy virtuo (if an onliT nt naln Ihhiii'(I out, of
thn DlHlrlrt, I'oiirl of HiiiikIiim County, N
liraHkn. mul to inn illii'rti'ii. I will on llm .'Nth
day of Miirrh, A. D. IM, at, Id o'l'lofk, a.
in. of Nitlil day. at tlm KiimI, front, door of tlm
County Courl HoiiKii. In Hi" City of Onialia,
IIoiikIhn County, Niilirimkii, wll al, pulilli!
niirt Ion the iirniicrty (li'Mi'rlliiid In mild oidiT
of Male an followH. to-wll,:
l.oln hIx (til hiiiI two (2i In lilork out' (I), In
ftiutli KxrliiniK" I'Iimmi. an iiiiilll Ion to tlm
rlty of Coiith Onialia. all In Douulan i-ouiity.
Kliili' of Ni-liniMkii; I I"' hiiIiI lot hIx (III to lin
sold toKiillKfy llavlil M. Wliliirt tin- Kiini of
four liuiiilrii(l, I'lulily-Mlx mul 2i-l'f dollius
i4m(1.;i with Inliiri'Ht tlu-t n from H-pt n i In-r
IMiiU IH'Hi; llii'Miilil lot two !2i lo lin wild lo
mitlufy Nonniin A. Ktihn tin1 hiiiii of oim
liuniirid. I'ljility-oim anil mi-KKi dollarH
(IM.H0I. with liiti-ri-Ht thiiriion from rli-itiin-Imr
22iul. A. D. IMIKI: to HiilUfy Ilavld M.
Ht.un.rt lin- mini of thrnf liiiiidruil. t wo and
litHiKldolliirH iSny.iHI), with Inti'rcMt. Ilii'ii'on
from rifptiimhiT timl. 1IM and ! HHtlafy
fiom llm proM-dx of null' of Imth loin hh
aliove diiwrllii'd. tlm hiiiii of flclity-Nlx and
Itl-lim dollari iMl-tVH roNls, with InU'ri'Mt
thiirnon from 1 lie 22ml duy'of Hin.cnit)iT
IWm, tOlfl'thlT Willi lll-ITIlitUt COstH ai
iiordltin to a juiliniu'iit ri-ndiTcd by tlm
dlMtrli't court of said Doiiirlas county, at Its
ScpU'iiilHT term. A. D. Iwki, In a ci'i talii ai'
tlon then anil tlicw pending wlifn-ln David
M. Kt uiirt wan plaint III and Guonw VV. Ilcrvcy
wim dcfiiiidiiiit.
Oiiiahu. Ni'lirimka. IVIiruary 2:ird. Ism.
Sheriff of Douiflas County. NnliniNka.
Williams and Williams, attorneys. !!-24-5
7406 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB.
Reasonable Prices.
OlhYe, in North Kith
HI reel,,
Telephone Wl.
IliiHlileni'c. I.MU Vatem
Ti'lephoim 7,
My Only Ploca of Businas ! th Old
Stand, 113 N. Sixtaenth Street.
Attorney -at -Law.
100 Washington St.,
huitk i:ii(i-i;n:i.
Does a ireneral Law and (tolleitllon husl-'H exumliii'd. Eliil-es iniiniiif ed
iilli'iilliin to huNluess of non-ri'sl-
Northeait Cor. 10th and Dodga St.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Nuta, Confections, Cigari ami Tobacoo,
Telephoim 17H4.
Suits Made to Order.
(luarnnlees a pene. .. nt .n all oases, Cloth
InK I'leaned, dyed and remodeled.
2107 Cuming St., OMAHA.