The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 24, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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.1 l I" MtnviM't
R,vmi 4IMJ.H W.j Uk
IM klll l '
. tmt tit t
),, 1 , I'
'- II MI Mf
M.I t ml
W ll Kll HitiM Wii-I
ir i" An i nnii n
fIKf IV Mill 1 H I I N1
OM aiinth r nf UtU Imuo will lm
fmiml an rl U'U Iwra lln h nf "t V. j t
P. l'.,M hi,lt, i'tt awint nf Javk nf
hivhok, KKrnwiliMlintl of iHirlanl liit.
JrTH K, ll would ovm, ha at laul
boon dnnn Altornoy David Van
F.tW'n. Aftr mnotal ynars' litigation
todlhlwr him ho ha finally ootuo nut
vUloilouK. Altninoy with whom w
havo Mkoii, kIvo him i-rodlt for Utnir
a man of abilitv. ioiii.i !wid nf tnoro
iIihii tho avoraifo amount nf loifiil at-
Ckiitain lau-tlis In Albla, la., aro
vory muoh distut lHHl ovor tho ortfaiil-
Ration nf ft branch of tho A. I'. A. In
tholr town, and aro wantlnif a lot of
j;ood Jirlnti'
HiK iiiul VHiuiiiitrt i lino in
. . . i . t
ilonounolnjf it. Hut tho
.,tii'j,,tia nf
.... 1, . . , . i.. ...1
ami onoo inr an iuf .
looutoil In Iholr town wltli Iho linn
lnU'ntlon of Htaylnif thom, notwltli-
atanillnir thu throata of tht'ao nortaln
nurttoa that thov will bo wlnoil out of
exlNtcnco iw tlio "know-nothlntfii" worn
I j-,
. i
ii taH .iinorioim fimt,. notwli.hHiiui.llmr
n .t i i ...i..i.. ... ii t,,.i
' v "
ail VllOIr IIOIIIUIH 1." HI" I'llllllHIJ, l;llivv
. i.i .... i i . .
mo aovora. m unuuiuiin,,,, ,
Honmn uuiioiiciHtii-minn an inu
th i iinl .ft II 4 11
iiuxirman union, v. v. u , v.,iu im
(laloH, Malla, t'uUioUo Kiilifhtu of
AniorUm, etc. arn fully annctl, and
that tlio vunt nimihcr of irloHtM and
monk arn i-nadv at a tnoiuont'a notion
in l..nv.. fli.i otoUlni. for tho blvouao.
tho vbantlniruf matins for the rovollio
" I
.. v x , .i ii.tvii'ii piiiJiiiiwn inv iiii. ii.i
Vtl t!l.l lllinm Uflll Iji l1lutil.l l.llO flflWI .... "
wi - -
lor inn Btiaao ami urn nmary w.w,
iXVPI''ant for tho bolt with Its
box of bullotH. I
Home. Fobruarv l.Scrmte Hum-1
mUatmnMgunda iiiilo vwdo iiiforinandnwha Abrnham Llnooln, who was
eoTttuaio lutlo jknimmo. '
Tho abovo Is an exaot cony of a tole
gram roceivod by Archbishop Irnland
at Sioux City. In,, to which itlaoo It
was rciwatod . from Ht. I'aul, Minn.
Translatod it roads aa follows: "You
write to Rampolla of tho propaganda
tho only way to irot information. All
courage, very good (or tho IniHt.)"
As it now stands, this tologram Is I
very niuoh of an onliiina. Is It a cypher
tnloLrramV Or does it refer to tho
illff,.r.ini'.i now i'lntlnir hot woo n Arch-
Hshops Ireland and CorrlKan? lVr- 1)hi It not In!! that they shall pro
iiiiim if. win o, um -omowbat of a pound, If possible, worse questions to
. . , ,. ,,
reveiauon w ut rnnnr. inu nam-
pol la quoted In tho telogrmu Is socro-
tary at tl.o Vatican. Archbishop
Corrlgan would confer a great favor
on the readers of THE AMF.UICAN If he
would kindly throw somo light on this,
to sav tho east, very mysUirlous Udo-
7 ram.
; , . . ;
THE celebration of WashlngUin's
birthday was a very creditable affair,
The gentlemen who had tho arrange-
menu In charge may well feel proud of
the outcome of tho celebration after
having to ConUmd against the greatest
kind of odds. The parade In the after-
noon was a success, not In nolnt of nutn-
bor but In point of determination on
the part of the Jr. O. U. A. M and tho
P. O. 8. of A. councils that tho annl-
versaryof the birth of the ''father of
his country" should be enlivened by
the tread of . raarchlmr patriots, by
stirring music and by the waving
starry banner borne through tho pub-
lie streets, if they alono turned out.
Of the programme rendered in tho
evening no favorable comment would
be too strong, lion. A. 8. Churchill
acted as chairman. You always extMct
tw- It,.n John M Thin-Minn auv
something worth listening to, and you
are never dlsapiiolnU'd. Ills ofTort
Wednesday evening was simply the cap-
stone of all former efforts. What Is
true ol Mr. Thurston Is also true of
Hon.. John L. Webster, who delivered
an address upon "Washington." Judge
C. II. Scott was unablo to be present
owing to sickness. The addresses of
the other speakers, Messrs. Crelghton,
Winters and Norton were ably do-
llverod and well received. The
violin solo by Miss Manila Allen, and
the recitation by little MUs Annle
Lowry were pleasant features of the
evening's programme, Miss Allen re
celvlng thundering applause which
never ceased until she appeared and
rendered a second selection. Tho
Omaha Quartette brought down the
house every time. It was repeatedly
called upon to respond to an encore.
It i
n illliit IKnf iv'
S I I t: i. I ! .
,, f , ), h I..
P A 1 II M 1 (. V (H tin il
e,'al..-n 1 ' i'"' ,! ' it-g
O.e . t n i4 ' r I V I
i ll,, t ttt..1., .1 Wm..'U,I iH.liln
'.' nl ' ''
! H ! tt . Ol, tlt Ml. lilt" I
,4 ) A I l ) "lt.
(atiMSe iwit.rae tlttit faaio a
tWItl lo ik fr ... ;f, ami tmUno
tltt ini Hii nt.i H. William
in ili'lnt Ut li'l l''"nw ''
ititit litli nniii lil In- atliM,
Im UIii r liH aimin 'ttii'i flu llin
II liMn In n imr nit )" Mlt!ili In
TlIK AMllttvA imlliilijf nl III" lltltll
ml liai ilnm di aiisiMHiii? Ii 1 !
UliMlttal i liavi- l Hi" 'a""" '
hvi k i imriiihitnn '" n nr iir-
iwtlntm llial any i-liM, IIIh, arvli
tllnn, i-arOhial ir mllil tli-tilti
mni,,i mcr ttn ulitnatuiit, mt io
It I m Jay lt"t" I''U'
L,,,,n m to di'tiv aitylMnu rlmt'tfiil
njfKlitl hint ir tin1 vbiitrh.
Moiv IIikii into jar ayo wo nxkinl
IIIhIioii Ht'Httnr I. In an lollor In
TlIK AMKHU'AN anil aonl liini (Hipy
inmlttinlnf l ho linittliioa In n rofc'lnhToil
loitvr iho follow Injr iuontloii:
1 ),im not iho H minii C ill'iilic cluiicli
liohl Hint iirmii tniirrioil otitnlilii Iho
liilliiononof miid t'hiu t'h lliomi iniirru tl
I iy uiinlaVora of ntlior iliMi iiiiiiint Ioun
iiiul hv civil olilt'or a it k not ai.i.y
M Alt l iki r
Don ii not holil thitt tlio wlvimof am.
I mill) no niHrnou hiu ( (inci iiinks, iuki
ihoir chililmn iiA!TAri'K,J
yon not ImlWivu iiml loiifli (lint
Hi., twtnu riuii imwiit' in ii iwi i v it ifiitn h i
" i -
1 . i,., i i.,i,)i iiml nil uili.t illii
Jfl ll'lt HV ,'ll .in.v .... ...
wlti((ru tll)nu)inK n,li(iio ,.
(IiuiiiiimI, iiiul Hint thoy K lo lioll?
u tl Iol (, tlltt y,,ur t,lntrch in
Hmklr.g to uVtroy tlio n'l)loi(incy of tint
pulilio nnlio:l ayaliiiii
Whim wilt tliooiliotof I'lti VII, in
hiukI in 1S0H, nuilinlml, tuul tlio cloirno
llHillHt lliu juiiity Ol I II 11 WIV!I 01 ITol-
li'Miiint cioi'izvniiMi. uiihiiivhm tnon, ntoor
it ami iiiHeimiiioH, ami tlio Uitimticy
. ..1. Ml I.... I I ... 1 ... ....
Ol iiiini oiuiuri'ii, nut-nil mi in ug ui nu
bltnlinsr forco and clinulr
J)u f mm mm Rm,
oonfuiw to tl.oin that they Imvu
i,(,rimt rtileil mirlotiH oriiiimV
Do thay not allow thorn to ro tholr
way, aftnt lilvlna; tluiiti huhoIiiUoii,
without lnfuniiliij; n iollcoiiiuii of tlio
Indolitlty of Iho Hoouinlrid?
AlO tlOt UU) JliHlllllI today OXIlnliy
"'"J" I,,VB "'n the
u.i.l (i 11 mi, Ilia i.f 11,1 fr. .tr ..n litiltll .1
wioh Inn' inr 1 ininV
ny whHlprowiM ofreaHonliijf doyou
Hrrve a, t,e conolunlon that r Hunan
Cut hollo who has ootninlttml thu uiomI
atrocious crliiion.fttid lmn boon haniriid.
ironi sttaltflitlo the boHotn of Christ,
murdorod by a Hunan Ciithollo. cTius
to hull ami stilTors utiHpuaknblu agony
whllw tlmo enduron?
I nut I'ctor Don's thooloiry n stand
ard work In tlio H'iman church?
Is It not tlio most obiuonu hook evor
What excolls it In niiHtlnoss?
Doas It not uri(u all prion! to pro
pound to fi)niuli'H In thu confoNslonal
certain unholy and obscimo itinstlons
In order to wrlnir from unmarried !
mains that they have yielded their
marrleu women In the 001110111011111?
J)(J not th ur,(HU ((,ow t1(!H0 n
Why do not you. or some of your
associates, accept tho challenge of
Kev. J. ii. White?
n you prove what he snys, about
T"urooniosioiiaisiiu your vnoioKu,ii,
Although wo received tho return
card from tho postoflleo notifying its
that Illshop Scannell had received that
letter, wo have not as yet received a
lgl word denying or attlrmlng oven
"'io ' thoso ftuestlons. Probably Kev
Williams will do for us what Illshop
Soannell would not-probably ho will
answer those questions. If he will wo
shall ask him to go a little further and
wah away some of the vile accusations
of the Iloman prclatos and editors
against tho public schools; to explain
what XIII meant when ho said
"when the laws of tho church and the
'ws of tho state conflict, tho laws of
the church are to bo unhesitatingly
oln-yod;" why lloman Catholics are
arming all over tho unlon-we having
JUHt been informed that fifty stands of
"" have been received by the lloman
K'hurch at Columbus, Nebraska-and
tcltf ttnU JfJljtOltS amiciation M(lt
"i'lflf rmv
If tho lloman Catholic church and
its members do not hold, practlooand
teach tho doctrines contained in tho
above questions then, indeed, there is
no use for such an organization as tho
A. P. A.; then, indeed, the publication
of such a paper as TlIK American Is
wrong; then, Indeed, have Koman
Catholics been unjustly asrailed in this
country. Yet, on the other hand, If
those are the doctrines of the lloman
church; If lloman Catholics art "Ho-
man Catholics first and citizens after
ward;" if they believe that "when the
church ninnled armed men to enlltit as
crusaders the young men of the church
shouldered the musket and sabre and
obeyed the orders of the church;" that
"when the church wanted to get rid of
the Saracens tho faithful aroso
masse and exterminated them; and that
If U..
, .(1 l '(. tH t ' Im1
. l.'l I . I I 1 . If,
(i 1!
pt i Mi.
v i. i
I SI dll i I II'- i lii tii H M.t M
M'l tf j'il ii II ifcliiit'i n Hi
I' A i " h.i .l l t. It )
) j t
Wlsi M. IM M lut
l.lllliiplt 'til Iiml lii'iitttil' ,t. ..,. M
M.tliitit an.t lti Il n,t U) il. Sh.l MI
I I,, Ul W i i, !).. it i lulu Ini! liliilmil
)M (,, f mil, lliu iniiiiU and iim-
Il IH1 nt its lulu, 11 1 IV i. IIIW
iiii iiosn lm tH lnil t lifx Iho
H nilo In I bo t'ailinlan A I. A i n n
mi I hsnvihsa ploilj?! d. Iw Imlh In
ii,v, li milinbl and ili ft inl Iho I'm
I H.tAiit ii Hiituti, Iho imnftlliilliin nf lln
1'nlt. d HUH- ami lln I'mti tnl ml. I
I llil fiaiiilinl uf all giam! nallnns:
and IIhm' pliMgi-, laki n by nillllnii nf
niln-r fni-mi'ii, will I1 a n litlmmly,
and a (aHhfull)' Vo-pl as ei-o Ibo nallis
nf tho Imiiiili r of Ibl list tun In l"n,
ii worn Ihnwinf Ibo dofotiiloi" nf this
giivorntiieiit In 112 and a wore Huhh
nf Iho piv-orvor nf Ihls tinlnn In I'l,
ri-garilloa nf tlio iiilMiinivptlnti nr inl
rt imp utations nf any man - Im ho
priest nr layman 1st ho l'mivstant, or
a Josult In tho garb nf a IYntotnl
Hiiv. Williams says;
Tiik Aukiih an, week after week,
ulilllie I lie miiiit attroeioii falihooila
uDoul the Hotnnti Catholic church, In
this land and city. It hierarchy aro
a band nf traitor and amii'Hins; Its
prloKilinod are a crowd nr drunkard
and fornicator!!; it nun are a body of
terrorized prostitute; it men are a
vbi organization, controlled by the
priesthood, who are secretly armed and
drilling in preparation for denlmying
the republic and the I'rotestant re
ligion by force of arm, it '.vnnion
are, most of them, debased and cor
rupted In Iho confessional, by a b.iso
priesthood. And so on, and so on.
1'rosldout Lincoln and President (iar
Held, were, both of them, assassinated,
if not by tho order, at last with the
connivance nf the Hotnan hierarchy!
l!y order of tbl siimo wtckod hie
rarchy, General Meade was forbidden
to pursue Lee across the Potomac,
after the battle of Gettysburg.
Wo have not put it quite so strong as
It Is put in tho abovo. wo do not be
lieve all the nuns aro prostitutes. He
have vot mid tiny vm: We do nof be
lieve tho hierarchy Is composed cu
tiriiy of drunkards or tiHwishlns; wo have
wn Haiti it was; wo do bollovo its men
aro controlled by tho priesthood ire
ore wu'd theij were; in have Hitid Lincoln
was aHHiisslnated by Human Catholics
consutnlnatlng a Jesuit scheme we re
affirm it, and ask llov. Williams or any
other christian to prove to the contrary.
We hare wtson to believe CJarlleld was a
victim of lloman hato--i have aid as,
much. We have wrrcr mentioned Gen.
Meado a correspondent did and do
not know anything about the circum
stance alluded to by Hov. Williams.
Space would forbid a more extended
notice of what was said In tho Pariah
McKurnair If there wero necessity for
more being said, but there is not, so we
shall await Hov. Williams' answer to
tho abovo questions.
TlIK men selected by President
Cleveland for positions In his cabinet
are thoso in whom tho public has con
fidence, and If thoso chosen to fill
other positions aro of as high a grade
of politicians no fault can reasonably bo
found by tho people. Tho selection of
Judge Walter Q. Gresham as secretary
of statu may not please rock ribbed
democrats, but It certainly does a large
majority of tho jxsoplo. Tho same may
be true as regards the feeling of tho
party In this state towards our dis
tinguished fellow citizen J. Skirling
Morton who has been chosen as the
successor of Undo Jerry Husk, but he,
too has tho confidence of tho masses.
Aside from tho question of excellence,
tho president-elect did a graceful act
in going south of Mason and Dixon s
line for at least two members uf his
cabinet. Tho old feeling of sectional
bitterness should lie eradicated. This
is onu way to do it. Wo, whose fathers
fought for tho preservation of this
union should rejoice that it Is one and
Indivisible, and hail with delight any
new move that makes the hearts of tho
sons of tho veterans of the southern
confederacy boat In unison with ourowrt.
ON the first page will be found a cut
representing Constantino and a few of
his victims. This man is looked upm,
by Romanists, as a great and good man
a lloman Catholic yet ho was guilty
of all that cut charges him with. It Is
used simply as an illustration of the
christian (?) character of Romanism,
and is taken from the 'JVuth Stdcr.
Frkquent calls for Chlnlquy's
"Fifty Years In tho Church of Homo,"
In connection with subscrlpthflis to
TlIK AMKBIAAN induces us to offer The
AMERICAN and "Fifty Years in the
Church of Home" for M.OO, or The
American and "The Assassination of
Lincoln" for W.Ml. This applies ONLY
to subscribers who pay their subscrlp
tlon to or beyond Janua-y 1, 1(4.
The pojw in politics! What business
has the pope in politics, and what have
politics to do with the pope? In spite
of all the sinuosities of schiKilastlc and
theological logic, wo aro utterly unablo
to comprehend tho tvtisoa dVfre -of
ecclesiastical interference in politics,
A Child' Aiutnra Collar. Call st this ottlee
and dom'.rlUe prnHirty.
II Yum Wr,i.t,l Sr it W.l T'
, - . - ...
!!' !( Ill, liit-'i)
1 1 I H Ml Mil 1 lut i I. t .
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I'm! ((! . Iinkt i II i"i I !! In tit I
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'(Itijl In'"'
H l il-
. n Ii
ti. mm 1 1 ! a t. i
I ml,, r M. k t-i.
-vliia t,i tutu.'
it ;
ft i
ll - S.
Bil l,
Up !iM and il rul lit full It 1
!! t. inn v a 'ioli nf lfi' rvM
of !). ! Mr; ii( hi Uith, lij ti-4liii
al Till AmmiIi n nl Jainisi) .", I '1
Il I a trim a pi. turv rut a i'
iIihhiI i if bst llil ibimealili' liaml dm
for luinmhitv
Now Hit prt. nl, Mm kin, lail l
n'i.I, itliap Falhir Nuo.nt, nf
!.. Molin , will lako up Die gauntlet,
a wo lay ltilin al hi ti- l. nr Is ho
sinilt.i r tnliM-ralilo illiiv onward. b I
afraid In dlwomii tho liurtt nf hi
Ihonlhiry. Thoro l m liiU'lllgonl
piiofl but who know that lie lis a
dirty Job on hi hand when bo tile to
Hpnliigiso fnr Iho ahnxt-ooinliig nf hi
fiioiitl and religion, for all know
lhat Ihls nyst' in l a stus ndous fraud, for the solo nunsiso nf
gratifying tin ir lust, getting and re
taining power, living a life nf luxury
at tho expi'iiso nf tho poor, doludod,
Ignorant fool who womhlp at their
shrines. Kvery lying, snul-ilontroylng,
hell-ilesorvlng scoundrel In tho priest-ho-sl
knows that this system nf fraud
was "conceived In sin and Ixirn in In
iquity." Yet these lewd, mahogany
faced hypocrites have the assumption
and presumption to toll men that the
pure, uiuleliled religion, as taught by
the humble Nazaivne, Is the foundation
of their creed, when tin- very "H.sik"
they profess to teach from, condemns
In all priest-ridden countries, It was
death at onetime to own or read tho
Jlible. It would bu so here now if they
had the power. They tolerate the use
of this book among their victims of mis
placed confidence only because circum
stances compel them to do so.
Now, let Priest Nugent come to tho
front and deny this if ho can. In tho
meantime, I will give him a few points
to' consider on theological lines.
Ho and the bulanco of his tribe claim
that Peter is tho rock upon which their
church is built. I say that their visible
head, tho jopo, Is as deep a dyed llur
and scoundrel as Is their invisible head,
thu devil. I will prove it.
This old scoundrel, I'opo Leo, i be
fore he became a priest, was a Mason,
and had taken tho obligation of such.
Now ho comes out and vilifies this
Order that lias done more good for ha
manlty in one year than his system has
done in all the years of Its existence.
Did tho Masonic Boclety in any clime
ever Inaugurate a crusade against wo
ptan's virtue, or murder orphans? Show
pie a- thick-nocked, mahogany-faced
jirlosi that has not bunt or broken tho
seventh commandment and I will show
you a white black-bird. Show mo an
Instance where Catholicism has ever
helped humanity, except to be guilty of
every crime prohibited by tho deca
logue. Compare tho teachings of Ma
sonry and see how they compare with
tho teachings of Catholicism. Masonry
teaches men to revere God, and to bo
better fathers, brothers, and husbands
Catholicism teaches men to lie damned
scoundrels and liars.
Their head, this lying specimen of
hades sots tho example by first taking
Masonic obligations and then lying
about it.
Now to tho theology of tho HIblo.
The Saviour in Ills teachings uses
similarities and analogies. In fact,
neatJy all Ills teachings aro by parables.
For lnslance,IIo uses the parable of tho
soweV, Matt, XIII, 3:7. Dim-b this make
Him a farmer? In John XV, 0, He says
"I am a vino." Does this make Him a
vegetable stalk? John X; 17, "I am
tho door of tho sheep." Dchib this make
Him a wooden door made out of dead
boards? Christ throughout tho IJiblo
is represented as a "Hock." According
to priestly argument Ho must bo a
marble statue.
Undoubtedly Ho Is a '"Hook" as Dan-
lol says, such a "Hock" as will in tho
Hear future shatter tholr hellish sys
tem to pieces.
Tho word mountain, as used in Scrip
ture, means a system such as a nation,
IHioplo, government. A rock Is a hard,
gritty substance. This rock (Jesus) Is
tho basis of a system, the ono system
which all other systems have patterned
This Scriptural "Hock" (Jesus) said
to Peter, "lain tho (lint Hock. You
are Peter the small jHibblo rock. Upon
this flint Hock I will build my church,
or system. And tho systems of earth
(Mountains) shall not prevail against
it, yet finally I will overshadow thorn
all."-Danlol II.
Yet tho priests have been feeding tho
body of this "Hock" to their poor dupes
Since 1535, something over .'100 years,
and they say that He is still alive.
If a beef that is slaughtered, sold for
food and eaten as such, I should assert
was still alive and standing on his
hoofs, the most natural conclusion
would bo that I was either a liar or a
crazy fool.
" This is in substance tho position of
tho priests.
If they aro lying, they should be
dealt with because they aro iraposters,
deceiving the public. (Their dupes.) If
.. t:
'" fiii
n t !iii i,
i: il.. i ;. , 4 t tk r
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I I. I
in ll'
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T,. .,k Mttt. l .1 ti.
', lt k ' I i 1 ji. t- fi
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It V " J. nl i,if s.,t Mt,n D. ui
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Imr lni i .... i O,
Im l a lt k i"r i
itt,r I m
lili. i
That Itmk a I tii..t 1 IVr ; 4
l1lio Mirplixnl MUhio tt m 1
Ih-ii NXXXI.V. St
The Mnlto Itf-ad MitM lf Iho On! Ill f
- I'MI Will si
A iiHiH-r 8tmi h lhat l ll-n ih nit
Him l,n!l not, I IVtei,
2; 4,
Tho Htnno lhat Mitels the Imago
Pniaey) bm amo a gr st mountain (a
M'tlglnii syslmii) an, I filled Iho whnlo
larth." ! Pervaded nil s,s-loty,)Dn.
U; 35.
Tho Hi hie In mny liisUtuv locals
It subject by a moiaphnr.
The synibnlNm nf tho Honk wo call
your attention In, Hy rending Psalm
111, ynu w ill sen iheso fully Illustrated,
fnr Instance, ' Mountains refers Ui
kingdom of this world.
"Kurlh" The sis-lal frabrlc, society
"Sea" Tho lawless element nf so
ciety anarchist, scum, priests, etc.
'Heavens' Religious Influence
Pure and undefiled those who visit
the widows and orphan on lines of
"Sword" Is truth. "The Hible,"
the teachings ol which is destined to
cast off tho scales of ignorance from the
priest's dupes, when this is done priest
raft will have boon relegated lo in
famy and destruction. For tho soul
that sinneth, It shall die. Tho wages
of win is death.
Uocic Island Methodist.
The Immigration Question.
CHICAGO 111., February 17th, lH!i;i.
John C. Thompson, Editor The
American: The only way to touch the
American people of today is through
their pocket. Thil 'Immigration ques
tion is fast becoming a financial one, so
our Americans are already tuklng
notice of this great evil, unrestricted
Immigration. Tho report of the post-
office department for tho year 18112
shows that (i(),0)O,OOO were sent to
foreign countries through postal notes
and money orders. This represents
about one-fifth of the whole amount
sent abroad in small sums. For this
amount of money exported tho United
States gets no return, save a horde of
undesirable immigrants. Take this
amount of money annually shipped
abroad and place it in circulation in the
United States, and much of the money
stringency will bo avoided and more
prosperous times result. An evil we
have to contend with Is tho vast
amount of unskilled and some skilled
labor we have received of late. In tho
Pennsylvania coal and coko regions
there are thousands of Huns and slaves
who have entirely supplanted tho
American miner. In other sections wo
havo tin m hers of Italians who have
taken tho places of laborers whom they
havo driven out by their cheapness
Open production will not hurt an In
dustry or a country as much as under
consumption. The Hun and Italian
laborers do not live liko Americans.
They huddle together In rooms in such
numbers as to actually poison tho air
so as to make it unfit to breathe.
If an American makes $11 per woek
he places just that amount of money in
circulation. If an Italian or Hungarian
makes $14 per week, ho places about $0
In circulation and the other $8 aro sent
to Italy or Hungary, Should Ameri
can moneys bo excluded from Europe
tho standing armies would bo much
smaller than now as tho European
countries could not stand the drain, as
their subjects aro taxed the last limit
now. Your correspondent has always
lived In largo cities, as Now York
Philadelphia, Washington and Chicago,
He has been used to looking on more or
less filth and squallor all his life. Rut
tako a walk - down Clark street In
Chicago, go over tho 12th street via
duct, hold your nose, and gaze at thu
Italian colony beneath, and thon ask
yourself, "Shall we restrict Immigra
tion?" Not ono American in a thou
sand of the population can lie found In
these "badlands of Chicago," and IMJ
percent, of our criminal population is
found therein. In Chicago at the
present tlmo there are three men for
every two positions, and the low
foreigners hold thoso positions. The
Americans and tho bettor class of
foreigners cannot compote with this
cheap, low-lived labor. Year after
year our language is being slaughtered
by the inroads of forelgnlsm. Tho
popular language of Chicago today
sounds more like dlmo novel language
than pure English. In Lincoln park wo
havo statues of Dutch, French, Ger
man, Swedish and Polish celebrities
In perfusion. Tho statues of Lincoln
and Grant must feel lonely, they
being tho only representatives of
Shall wo restrict Immigration, or
shall we change our language to suit
thoso few foreigners who do not love
tho English language. In New Mexico
and Arizona, Spanish is spoken. In
Minnesota and Washington, Scandina
vian is used, and in Wisconsin and
Illinois, German will be tho language.
. 1 1 lt - lH rf It ii it
j V m'l ! I p ( i.
IH tVv I Inn l U: .-itlii hil
txini nn Ilk lh, ll.i ,m th
Ik il lNifJ, n
anj V nnr; !llt t n. i atv
In l.t'rfft) ; i llnitli M a In
IVani, li!i"Hi t il l r piNwtil
tt... H. ni",s i'f th'r
Mr oif n ! lt.f ti wiawtt
- . II, . -, . I .
ai'ix ai hi iii i n,(t t iiiitifi inn
I .itiwn.ii. The Client!! m IumiI
(.f (He -it. I),., iniii in aMt h
lrtndntt American and AmorhnKm,
If lln K himU aw op U llt slandaiit
wilt bav nr cltlfPit up t lb
nisndaiil, bill If Ihoy UiriimeiiliM-ri ionl
In German, Hpatilult w hoaiiditiav Ian
InfUieneo, i will t a nation nf Gcr
man-Amor ioana, Spnlh'Amorloan,
Koanilia.Vmereanand It.o IshiI know
not what, l.iMxn.N Paiik.
In eoirdniH with a motion niado
and carried al a regular mm'tlng of
Council No. S4 nf Iho American Pro
tective Association, of St. Jnmph, Mo,,
a committiv wa appointed to draft
apprnprlato nisnlutlons In regard U
the death nf our friend, K. S. Raymond,
the committoi' submltU'd the following
which was unanimously adopted:
li kiiic ah. tin- Muster nf loininii iliisilntrs
In Ills wImi provtdeiiep lias seen III lo remove
ftinii our iiiliUt our tielnveil frleml snil
lire! her K. S Riiymiiinl. mid.
Wlii-n-ftH, I'rli'iiil liny tiimiil lias ever been
found faithful In his d Ischium' of nil the
duties nf a loyal Amorlesn citizen; therefore
he It
Itesolved, That wo plaee upon his itrnvo an
appropriate lloral olTerlnu ns a token of the
esteem In which he was held by the iiiemliers
of this eouiii'll. and lie it further
Itesolved, That those rosoltitlolis he spread
on our minutes and a copy presented to the
family of the deceased, n ml a copy furnished
Tin: Omaha Amf.iucan for publication.
In sorrow,
Denunciatory Resolutions.
Council Bluffs, la., Feb. it, i3
Wiikiikas, It appears from newspaper re--
ports that tho Rev. J. (J. White, u worthy,
law-abldliiK citizen of Stanford, 111., a man
of sterling worth, a minister of thu itospel
and a truo patriot, lias been deprived of the
rlKht. of free speech and otherwise mal
treated by certain lawless persons of Wau-
kocKiin, 111., which persons wero allowed tO'
l unrestrained by the mayor of mid city,
who refused or failed to protect J. 0, White
In his rights, thereby depriving him of the
rlxlits of free speech In that city, contrary
to the fundamental principle of our Ameri
can Institutions) therefore be it
Resolved, Ily the members of the American
Protective Association of Council ill nils, la.,
First, That w hereby unanimously extend
to Rev. J. O, White our sympathy for the
Insults heaped upon him and our ciicourattc
meet and support in hi truo and oirriest'
endeavors to en I lull ten the American people
of the peril that overshadows I lien;, and
Second. Halt. Resolved. That Ui o ' - . ,
Waukeeuan, III., In fill I Inn or refilling to uo
all the means at his command to (Irotect the
said J, O. While, hit acted the I part of a
coward, a traitor, and has sliowjn himself
unfit to hold any oltlco in tlio it) ft or too
American people, and ha merited and
should receive the uniiialllled condlcmnatloo'
of all true American citizen. Ho I l further
Resolved, That these resolution pub
lished In TllK Amkhica.v, of Omaha, und" tv
eopy of same be sent to the Rev. J. 0. White
and to the mayor of WaukccKan, III, Hixned,
Serenaded The American.
The Seventh Ward Military band,,
which has tho reputation of being tho
best band in the city, came to the build
ing in which The American is printed
Wednesday afternoon and rendered two
beautiful selections, one by "Sousa" and
tho other by "Sherman," The Seventh
ward hand has made wonderful pro
gress under. Prof. Stelnhauser, and ha
won the confidence of the public as no
other band ever did in Qmahn. It i
composed of tho following gentlemen,
every ono of whom is an artist: ,
Director, F. M. Stelnhauser; presi
dent and manager, J. C. Green, drum
major, Dalton Rlslcy; cornets, G. II.
Green, Uert Kreyer, Ed. Ylngllng, G.
Walker; clarlonettos, John L. Clark,
Ed. Ilavllcek, Chits. Havllcek, J. C,
Callahan, J. II.; piccolo, C. E.
Thomas; altos, J. Knight, Al. Engs
trorn, Fred Kreyer; tenors, Chas. W.
Shreckenghast, S. Nelson, J. Peterson;
trombones, S. Warrick, J. Allls; bari
tone, F. Taggart; tubas, Charles M.
Richards, J. II. Wilson; snare drum.
II, Peterson; bass drum, F, O. Hoyd.
The A. P. A. has been rebuked by
Gov, Stone, of Missouri. , Mr, Stono
now has his innings, the A. P. A. will
have thelr's In the future.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
Olllee of P. Van Ellen, attorney, room flltl
N. Y. I-lfe. Omaha, Neb,
Notice to William L, I'eabody, non-reldent
In district court, DoiikIiin county, Ne
braska, Joseph '. MannliiK, plaintiff, vs.
William .1. Untitle) and William L. j'eabody,
To William t. I'eabody, non-resident de
fendant: Vou are hereby notified that oh the IHth
day of .limitary, Jsti;i, mtU Joseph f, Manning
tiled his petition In said entitled action In
said court axalnst William J, Council and
William I. I'eabody, the object and prayer of
Which are tnniilet and confirm the title of
tne east half of lot live lf) In (Jrlllln and
Smith's addition to the city of Omaha, In
Douglas county, Nebraska, In said ,lmopli P,
Manning free from any real or pretended
claim you. the said William J. Council and
William I.. I'eabody and succuNsors, or
eh tier may have or claim to have, ami for an
order of Injunction to Issue from mild court
enjoining and restraining you and each of
you and your attorney, agents and repre
sentatlvcM, and either, from doing or causing
or permitting to lie done, any iiterfcroiioii
with said pliilntllT'a iiosshnsIiiii of said prop
erty and each and every portion and parcel
thereof, by writ, or oilier proooHs of any
court or otherwise, and at tlio Ileal hearing
of said action said order of Injunction Im
made perpetual, and for such other and
further relief us to said court may seem just
and equitable, wllheosts,
you an- required to answer itld petition
on or before Monday, the Hth diiv of Mav.
2-1U- Hy I). Van Ettcn, Ills Attorney.