The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 17, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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j j, miss, lnio Dm
Ian St root.
lrcn;itiin: to Kcihue His
Immense Stock Rciul
This Notice.
Wo tti-U U irt'l tin1 ntttittiHii
f tlie l ln " of tlu f 1 1 v In llio
fmi tUftt l y liV li'ilmf Uto coin
iii mouth wo will 1 outnjM llril
to jjno U nlut olt Itnlf of llit
room lliut mo liitM fi'imi'ily o
Mjtiol, Hit'l fr t luit toiiin wt
tirt pinc I'1 11 t our Mock.
To l0 iil'Io lo ninki (ho 1i ltlt'-
I illll WO W it-ll fo Vl IlltVO JilitOtil
our (col( lit price hit-h, if tui
Mill tut vi tc it rail, you will
find to your iol nutup'.
Nolo I h' follow ina prion:
Klopittt Tftm mi' lint nl ."0c
11.00, IJ.0O, ami $7.00; former
prices, t..0, $:?.00, $ri.00, $,s,(Mi
ami u to llfi.OO cut to the
above price..
If you wish to iitrchnne n line
Imt at a price which you oim uf
fonl, now is your opportunity
Couio aiol visit this (JREAT
J. J. UL1SS,
l.)10 DolltflllH St,
I'. S. Kemeinhcr wo nro not
going t change our location.
ilitn-lli'M Cm. off I'mni tlm Church -Tlicy
Ilnvu no UIkIiI n - Null-Itonilxh I'll Izt'tnt of
llin l'nltt'18tiit' Muni Hut r mi I'rlvl-li'UCH-AII
I'liplfitx Alimtlvptl I'rom
Thi'lr Alli'Kliinrii to tlm t'tiltt'il
Ntitti-a Oovitriiini'iit,.
KiK-yolloul Ix'tU'r of liln hull Mima Ijoo
XII t, by dlvlno jirovlticiioo jmjo.
2b thr Ji units, I'ulr lurch , l'rimutr, A rrh-
bialwfm, and olhir Onlimtru in l'twt
and Communion with the Ai(mtolie fre
of A ml 'in 'world:
For the tttmporal rulgn of tlio future
Kipca, In the land discovered by ChrU
th'r Cohmibwt, known ft tlio United
8tUMi of Amttrleti.
Vcnorahlu llrethrcn: Grwtlnff and
th VposUillo Ilutiedlctlon, Leo, bishop
ami servant nf the aorvHtitsof God; be It
rorunnbttrnd by powUtrlty that ho who is
omniootent In heavunund on earth, hath
confldifd Hlschurch, which In ono Holy
Catholln, mid Apostolical, mul out of
which them Is no Milvittlon, to one man
upon earth, I'ntcr, prince and
apoat.lcn, audio tlm bishop of I tome,
hi auecessors, with full power to role
ver It.
This pontiff alone hath born constitut
ed head over all nations and kingdoms,
and Invested with power to destroy, to
tieparate, to aeulter, and subvert, to
plant, build up, link together by mutual
charity, in order to preserve the fuithfui
In the spirit of unity, and to surrender
them whole and entire to their Saviour,
In ord r to fulfill the duties Imposed
tin lift by the divine iroodncss, we labor
)nceMritt,v to maintain the unity of the
Human Catholic religion which (iod
hath visited with heavy conflicts to the
ttid, that II U own may be tried, and for
our correction; but the numls-rs and
powemof the wicked have so far pre
vailed, that no portion of the earth has
trtacapod their attempts to propagate
their Infectious ami detested dogmas
lielnft aupporU'd, amonu; otliers, by that
lave to every species of crime.
The American republic under Protes
tant rulers Is with the worst enemies of
the church where security Is offered;
this republic having seized upon the
lands discovered by Christopher Colum
bus, a Catholic, and usurped the author
ity and jurisdiction of the supreme
head of the church, the United Htates
la filled with obscure heretics.
The Catholics have been oppressed,
and the preuchers of iniquity estab
lished. The sacrifice of the mass, prayers,
lasting; abstinence, celibacy and all
thorites of Catholicity have been lu
mored by Protestants.
The United States has been filled
with bookscontalriing the most fliitfrant
fiireiles, of which the Protestant vcr
ioni( the Hlblo Is chief. And not con
tent with adopting its false and Impious
doctrines, proselyting ha been resorted
to, to turn the Catholics from the ono
true church. The whole Roman Cath
olic hierarchy and prlesthisxl of the
wrM have been deprived of theit liv
ings tijr the heretics of America.
Courts have b"en setup and rendered
devlaions in ecclesiastical causes, and
the people forbidden to acknowledge
the authority of the Roman church, or
to olsty Its ordinances and canonical de
cisions. Naturalization oaths have been de
manded In order that the subjects of the
true church might be made to subscribe
to the United States constitution, with
Its Impious laws and nefarlouk teachings
mtn Hu It tH h i :
tl . 1, K.l !! U.ll
in li m ho
"nilll liAlii I. It
: . i I In On
.!. i'i-Mi I ' " T' 'I l S' i Mi(,
1 h I nil . i ''!. "C i'd I i K t
) it ,, i , i i l -! 1 ii-.U sii.t II. U In
W 11 l.i H'f i.')n. Slid 'l (ilj
pvii a!l iiKitnlimi, ai (' ttt
!.., .1 (,t II,, .l I i t Ittf 1'llil. d Sll.
! unmi.ii-
We lied, ei.i'KH.'t, l!sl itnpU Ij and
ei (in'' t.i tm i d liisl p I enl Uoi
a!iil Itie li -Hi l"H nf Himii.i Its Ik-en
i, .it'll'"', it I'l itif I'imIi inl di lUitg
In ,, t'nli, it sui' i nf Ann'ih a
,m. me linn run
nli aim il lit dsn' li i imi e lit (he ni m of
jtutliee, ami arn et'llt'i d lit lake aeUoil
Kfe'siliit a liu'lnli llml lirt r ji eli'd III"
k n hi nd of alt i lr i it'll mid Kittle
gut I'tltltniO
In ill tile. I heii fun", of the divine ail
lliot'lly li)' hlrlie hate Ihm'II plitei'd
on this mipii ine thlitite ttf Jimtlee, nil
ottien so stiwrlnf In our eitiiihllliy, we
do, In llie plctitltiiil" of aswlie Hiw, r,
tlet litre tluil all hrrelles and tin' en
omirager il heresy, lognl her w il h all
adheti'ilts, hitte Ineiirred the seliteliee
of ixeouinninleiitlon, ami they are here
hv out off from the unity of the Ixuly of
Jesus Cli i lM..
Moreover, we proclaim the people of
the United States of America to have
forfeited all rlhl In rule said republic,
and also dominion, dignity ami priv
ileges apiei'tiiinllig to It. We likewise
declare that all subjects of every rank
and condition In the United States, and
every Individual who has t.iikeii any
oath of allegiance to the United States
In any way whatever, may he absolved
from said oath as also from all duty,
lldellty or obedience on or about, the ,1lh
of September, l.K'l, when the Catholic
congress shall convene at Chicago,
Illinois, its wo shall exonerate them
from all engagements, and on or about
the feast of Ignatius Ityola, In the year
of our Lord, JHIHI, It will he the duty of
the faithful to exterminate all heretics
found within the jurisdiction of the
United States of America.
As the circulation of this bull, by
sending to all places, would become a
matter of dllllculty, It Is commanded
that copies of It be taken and signed by
Jesuit notaries, subscribed by a bishop,
and sealed with the seal of our court,
they will then have the same power
and efficacy as these presents hero.
Given at St. Peters, Rome, on the
25th of September, 1W1, the fifteenth
year of Our Pontificate.
LKOXlIt, Pope.
Call for a Meeting of Catholic During
the World' Fair.
CfltCAno, Dee. 24. A call for a con
gress of the Catholics of the United
States to bo held during the World's
fair was Issued this evening, It Is
signed ty Archbishop Feehan and
William.!. Onahan, chairman and sec
retary resNctlvely of the committee on
organ Izatloti. The congress will Isj
composed of delegates from the differ
ent dioceses and vlcarltesof the United
States as follows: For each diocese
and vlcarlte, ten delegates at large and
five additional delegate for every 25,(H)0
of ('uUiollc population In such diocese
and vlcarlte, and proportionately for
fractions of 25,IMM), The delegates are
to t i appointed by a bishop or the act
ing ecclesiastical subt ler of the dioeese,
or vlcarlte. In addition to the fore
going every Catholic) university, college
ami seminary for young men shall bo
entitled to send delegates at large and
one additional delegate for every one
hundred students. The subjects to bo
considered by the congress are: The
stsdal question as outlined by Pope Ino
XIII., In his encyclical on the subject
of Catholic education and the question
of the indendonoeof the holy see.
This dispatch, coming as it doe at
this time seems to prove conclusively
the authenticity of the foregoing ency
clical, 1
The American TyUr, the hading
Masonic paper of the United States, in
commenting on the above encyclical,
It Is not necessary to here question
how this encyclical letter has come into
Protestant possession. In this day of
shrewd Intelligence, such an edict could
not be kept hid. From the cruel
teachings of ages, and the maehlnaUons
of Jesuitism, the world outside the pale
of Catholicism has learned guile and
caution. Read this over carefully and
then ask whether we have sounded the
note of alarm needlessly, Today the
Romish power In America Iscrystall.ed
with an armed body of over 7W,0(H)
men. Protestantism Is disintegrated,
The possibilities of this command of
Pope Loo are safely within the bounds
of reason. It has taken place before,
under a like edict, and can again.
Rome Is the same yesterday, today and
forever. Read carefully and ponder
well those of you who cry "peace,
peace,'' when there Is no pcaee. The
owcr of the opo today In America is
incalculable and can be put into as
lively activity as it was on St. Uarthol
omew's eve in France.
Of course flat unblushing denial on
the part of the Catholic-American
bishops will he given, as to the authen-
. c.mvl II, ut t !'
lls.Iltj t IU. 'o
tnt I. . I i.n t. v
I. t. . ! . '
It, il t.l IliU In,;!, Imt IliftlU irti lit O.ti I
i,l' itis i .ili.tti, l I t, h ft ll tnsl
1st ,!"ln It nit, ) , i 1 1, .( si,, fs! ,in
am llin d. 1 !. (fl i ti,i t efttii H,
dm IIh t'tiiih .tl, , M. ttatii, of M
J,,llitt thlitlU In iMlnll, H lM.tsj ,
Si.i , n,i t a it. i i nii i,' it.i f.iHns jug
lti us'', MihiM Islii tt litis tt by
t, l.ut IS I.I t ffl'ttt ll lt(i
' In it Itie i lien li h. uli d Si itn d
tin tl lit l ti'inl S llu.,,i. t,e t.itO'i;
lin tl of the t Inn, It I,,hiI,, f, , Ihe
Itne tel ami .i' ii and ils ) , ,t I lie unlet
td Ihe rditrttt In tt Urn elnm h
ttntili iltit ifilli'lnf lln Mstsii lis Ihii
tsOlitol uw itin ami l r
III listed litem The rhiilvh ItiSV It a
In I nil ett ) o:t lit ili teltd In I lltfliU In
I lit einiitlt V, and I h tm mil' J mtitg lie n
will His ) Hie i ti n li t;lit tttnl I n It ' lii
anus lo HlHtMiSAU TIM; I N I Mil a
nl' 1 in: t til tit II "
llinini v. s a i illi'ilon, .'iv Oil U
filial' The I'ttlhnlle t'hioi'h t'htlms
Hlisnhite liifallihtlltv and to rr has and
renmif elf, What It has ilone Isdore it
can Mini will do atfitln. I hut leniiMeil
thai Ihe iillei iitr objeet of ItnitiaiiUm is
Ihe Hioil ili nli iiel lull nf all It elullns In
Is' Its enemies, and all herelles tthittwH
ever are so ehlied.
Catholics all over America are armed
and drilled for Instant action What
shall the harvest Is'?
Irish and German Priests on the Verge
of Having a Fight.
IlKltiiKN PolNT, N. J., Feb. II. The
differences between Father Kllleen and
Bishop WlggeroverSt. Tlmmas tdiurch
have Is'eti reopened with Intu-eased in
tensity, and once more Mgr. Hatolli
will bo appealed to settle the row.
This light, which was Is'gnn by the
tdergy has now been taken up by the
laity. If the dispute does not come to
an end soon It is thought one of the
fiercest rai;e wars ever known in these
parts will Is; raging In Buy on no. The
Irish Catholics consider Father K 11
leen's cause theirs, and Germans are
zealously defending Bishop Wlgger
and Father Aline:
Father Kllleen's friends say that tne
lette r of Bishop Winger is an attempt
to bluff Mgr. Hatolli. They assert that
he refused to otsfy one summons to ap
pear before the delegate und that his
present attitude Is revolutionary.
A petition addressed to Mgr, Hatolli
was circulated here today among the
Irish Catholics. It asks that Father
Kgan bo reinstated In Bayorine.
F-ach and every member of the II, A.
P, M. Is requested to 1st present at the
regular meeting on Thursday evening,
February 2,'id, at 7:'H) o'clock sharp, for
business of lmftortance. By order of
the master. M. L. Zook, Sec'y.
The Cabinet Reliable Gasoline Stove
is Warranted for Throe Years. It Is
the Most perfect gasoline stove made.
W. F. STOFTZKL, 711 S. Pith,
U agent for the west.
Oh! how that corn hurls. Goto W,
S. Whitney's, 10!l South 1 5th Street,
and for 25 sent learn how to get rid
of It,
A sure cure or money refunded.
Vott should all re.iieititter that C. V.
Shaw A Co., MH S. loth St , has sl-waj-s
on hand, Vegetable, in settcm;
also a full line of Staple Groe,ef's,
Bo not forget ns when down town,
Wanted A Horse,
In exchange for a buggy Call at III 13
Iioavenv ortb Street, Dyball'sdelbdousOeam Candles,
l-.ts ri,.,,1u fcit
l.ija Douglas St.
u 1 l..ii. ,t..l-t uu..r its n,,.,
h. It. I Htten, din'.'lt 'IHJIC m l
ouiioiriK, 14'ieptioni;
The Best Train for Chicago
Is the Burlington's N'o. 2, leaving
Omaha at 4:45 p. m,, dally, Magnificent
sleeping cars. Comfortable chair cars.
' .. .
The Hiirlinirltri a I so offers uneotial ed
iii t ii i . ,.
double daily service Ul Denver, St
Louis and Kansas City.
Ticket office, 1223 Farnarn Htrttet,
. i , ,r-. ,,
Tskeyour repairing to Tim Brum-
m nd Carrisge C., JHih and Ilariiey
... ., ,i , . , ii '
MS. Opp. tne COUnty J Sll.
, t i
Americans Take Notice.
Amarinun Ttls...n, lltlU Ui Vf u
American Bakery, ltJ St, Marys
avenue. Wagon delivery,
Always on Hand.
For Candles and California Fruits,
call on Wm. Catlin, 115 South 14th St.
Cigars and Tobaccos a specialty,
308 North 16th Street.
Hattttrs and Gents Furnishers. Men's
Shtsts, gloves, etc. A "dollar s worth
for a dollar,"
Take Notice!!!
Tin. Itnlldavii are over anil the vi.rv
inc uoiKiays are oer ami tm, very
busy days are gone, now to business, 1
From this date John Rildd, ,'105 North
loth Street will give HI'Kt.'lAf attention
tti the reiiairlng ttf Watches, CI(K:ks 1
, , tr 1 ill I '
and Jewelry. If you have anything In
the above linen it will pay you to take
it to him. All work guaranteed, '
- "
,., . .. ..
Go to Dy hall's for fine candies, I5IH ,
DntrlasSI. i
learnetl their trad. We have them at
103 South 15th Street.
. M I ll, atr httfit, tits tfMHltfril
ftnttilt btttMittjt lit kMl'Sth (I n V,
pil li' pli til ,t III lif sit 1. 1 ..LI
I , I, U Slid ntillsllf llt lift sll lh-.i
i llld O't'i,' t tt i Itntt lif til m liitiid.
Iti! I I t Hi) 'I liillj t i(lil itlft .
pi Hi tn e lii ti W m and pmitf wtli
IcisMiiIti - f vlhiti of tot m
iliitntli mi l ltttiiditi( emMl'jf nt I
il niiil l! Im gtMMtili't d
I . M I 'li. initttt slid Sll Ksr
I sell .iiid,
I) I! ill d i nii g iml
I'silUge Piilnlitig sitd Itipsiflltg,
sl,f tnnl t "ill o In Ml.
I silt and (' Slt ii,
- -
Llotot bltlioort .
l-itery atlnine) slt'iolil ittll on TliK
A V Ml M" AM Pi Itl.lmilVI CtiMIMNV
4I2I.1II Sheily hhsk, and tinier a
supply of lino ll.nii) ( iliwil l.luell M'
lionet')'. 1 1 Is I he finest thing in the
market, and ths-s not cost inure Ihnn
ordinal')' lltn-n pit't'. Telephnlie t'l I,
and we w ill eall and show you n "ample
I Hun k lleeeipt II inks itlnl Blank
Note Hooks at the
412-111 Slieely Block.
It Is a duty you owe yourself to get
the best value for your money. F.eon
omle In j'tmr footwear by pmclm-dug
where you will get a dollars worth for
a dollm. W. N. WIIITNF.V,
10:i South 15lh Street.
Friends, Take Notice,
Sharp needles, 0 papers, 5c. Pins and
carpet lacks, 'r pii'f lc. Cotton and
Lim n threads, lc, 2o, ,'k.', and 4c, Men's
gloves and mittens, worth 5c, for .'Ilk:.;
Ladies' ami childrcns hose, fa;, 7c, 10c,
to ;i5c. Men's and Isty's suspenders, 5c,
7c, 15c, 25c and 35c, Closing out under
wear at cost. Our prices are lower
than can ta found in the city. Mail
orders promptly filled.
2.'to4 (Jumlng Street.
riiysician & Medical L'krrrician
chonic and Nf nvoua disiasib
lllieniiiiil Ism of ten years slanilliiK lias tasto
liosltlvely eitreil, NeuiMliriii, St Vitus Itiinre,
Sil(nil lrlliitloi treated wild like ri-mills,
Private Diseases of Male & Female.
Offlcai 3(0 Sltaaly Blk, 19th and Howard,
Telejiliomt 13, OMAHA, NKH,
Sheriff Sale.
Ily wlrt no of hii order of sitle Issued out of
the district court of I'ouvliis eoioily. Nfli
ritskii, slid to me dlrcco.d. I will on lint Mill
dity of Mitri'li, A. I, nl IHo'clis'k a. m.
of sitld diiy, si tlm KAST front disr of the
eoiifiiy court hoiist-. In tlm city ;f Oooiloi.
Hi no; Ins I'oiiiily, Neliniskn, wll t pulillc
sui'iloii tlie iiroperiy di'M'i'lhed In said order
of wile us follows, t.i-wlt ;
TlmsAiitli ori"-llilrd is 4) of lot tmuilieri'd
teveii;i, thirteen dJfmnd foiirleen tllilii
hhs'k ten ')' (it HiiriM'ooi riitee itddif loo to
tin- city of Oimtliit, sccordltiK to Ihe recorded
ttlitl I hereof, ill In IioiikIiis connty, siiileof
litaska; said iironerl v lo Isi sold sullied,
io u cerium moriKHiri' in tin; sum ot six
thoumtnd dollitrs w.Wfh tttnl lo satisfy first
,i.,. i..,u.u...u t.l .1... ..i.. . ..i.i
south oin-thid i tof lots thirteen (eii nd
I'lliril'I'll lltl IIIIOVII HfM-rilS'll, I IIM lIlnliliH
Morliiitre ( oni,iiny tin- sunt of four hundred
and fortv dolliirilf'i jndviiient wild Itt-
M-re-i ' Hereon rrom i eiiriiHty 1st, Isibj to
SHllsfy (list out of the mile ofthesiiid south
one-lhlrd Is'siof lot fwelwiUt hIiovh des-crlls-d.
Win, f.yle Ihekey&l'o.. the sum of
one hundred eihly-four and S"-it dollurs
iflslsViJudKmeni with Interest thereon from
l ehriniry ll, sit,jj sUo W, J, f.ewls Ihe sum
of slmy-oiie itnd Wi-VU dollum ifiKHii Jndrf-
). !" "miiiot mil, ok snd Ume
, oniitiy the sum of flfty-lli'i, tind "S-l'Kdol-
ii i won inu-rcst. inereon rrom M'tirunry
oirs i , ,Di iiiiiKment won interest thereon
from et,ruurv 1st. I sir: tilso Ssmuel N. Ilell
tin- sum of five hundred forty-lln- mid .Vi-iii
dollars .,i.' ,iuiiment with interent
I 'rout l elirmiry 1st, Is1; lo sttt.lsfy
t. ( ir.t .N'ittlomtl Idnik of Omaha the sum
I of three lie, i, -mi, three hundred nnd Ihlriy-
niurdolliirsifttinxti Judgment with Interest
, t,mm ff,m, Xiruiiry 1st, JsMSj to sstUfy
outof the lirneeeds of tlm sain of I lie nnlil
south one-lhlrd (s s, of lot twelve tlimUavi)
desi'rlls-d, and after the satisfaction of the
claims of Wm, l.yln Olekey A Co., W. ,1,
Lewis, Omaha ( oal. Coke and l.lme Company,
Samuel N, (li and the Klrst National Hunk
of Omaha, adove eioimeraK-d, tint following
aiiioiinis as m third lien. Mini In ease unsulll
clent iins'i-eds are derived from sales, herein
lirovlilfii, lliensueh halance li iii,lled Ms
l"'"',H", "ld"S.ltlsflll tlotl Of lluswdl, Pratt
A l.'onioany. I lie sum of tilneiv-threi, und
I "-l" dollars ii: 0i JitdKment with Interest
thereon front I ehruary 1st, istrl; Hti'l Adri-
dam KosettlM-rry the sum of e IV lit hundred
forly-sltt and 41-I'm dollars ftsts 4,li tidmenl
Wild I nil. rest thereon from t'eliriiam Lt.
I IS',1: losMllsftr from tint lins eeds of ilienale
i of all tirois'tiy mIiovb sn lted, the sum of
,,in..iy and ;- dollars i'.mt"
T.,u '"'etest thereon from td 1st day of
' I't'druary, A. I), if.rt, txeider wild Hccrulmr
costs to a Judgment rendered dy
"", district court of said HoukIms county at
"s l edruary tern-, A. It. s'., In h certain
action then and them ncudln. wherein
""'"I'M Mori Kne I :omiiHn y was iilaltit I ft, and
mlim.r ,uith. Kmrna Smlih anil others went
Omaha, Nebraska, February fid,
Sderltfof ftouxlas County, NehrsskM,
Mel Lie A I'e.ley, attorneys, 2-0-ft
Notice of Administration of Estate.
Htatk or N it ask a, i
I I'otlKlas County, ( '
Iii the Con my court of OomkIm ctunty,
In Ihe mailer of tint ttstHtt) lit Mary
Satulernon llav. deeeasi'd:
..1'1TT. '"TV"? '""'''"'d in said
inalter sre deredv notified that, on the
day of January, sw, .lames II, llay tiled a
Is llllon in said Count v court allevlutf auioni
other IhltiKs that Mary Sanderson Itay died
on th tilt day of Novemher. Isjri. leaving no
wl" M"d tirstauient, and ismsi-ssed of
r,.H, ,.H((lNt VH1IW, Ht ) ii, and that the
aimvn named coniltut tlm persons inO-r-
praylmt for Mdmlnlstratlon thereof.
ZZ ' A"'!" VtnArWi'
stis-Hr Hi sa'.d Court, on the Zlxt day of
.March. i-:t. at in ochs'k s. Mini contest,
P' H ' tint court wi!! aisilnt James
n, Kay. or s.'im oiin r suit'adin is rson ad-
'i uli, v""' 1 "' mtti",'"l "
Witness my dand and ofllclal seal tdls itlst
day of January. Ism
ISKAI.-I 3-17-4 J. W. F.M.Kit.
county J udne.
Practical Horseshoer.
ATirACTio ouAKtwo.
Horses railed for nnd returned free
of eharne.
Tel. mm.
Shop M07 and aoog Miami St.
t o I 'HI i h
,t it I skills, tin I t M ti I
WlOtl 4 i: A Mi Ll TAII. -
Bulldnrs' Hardware. Cullery
1404 Douglas St. Telephone 279, OMAHA, NEB
Dodge and Fifteenth Streets,
Wo will cut juices on our Footwear that will benefit everyone
mf AX I
$2.00 and $2.r0 u pair, all go on this sale at $1.68. Don't miss
this Sale and come early as the sizes are somewhat broken.
All our mens shoes that have sold for $4.00 and $5.00 go at
Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT of Shoes is full of Bar
gains, and for this sale we will give with every pair of Children's
Shoes a Harmonica. Bring the Children and (it them out with
the Rest Shoes at lowest prices.
The Bell Department Store Co.,
The Place to Buy
The Best Quality of Meat at the Lowest
Prices is at
Geo. Wilson's Meat Market.
2815 Leavenworth Street.
Oysters, Fish and Game
Full Set TEETH $5.00.
I'KiiPFjr fit aavuvvrKU').
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist.
16th and Dougas Streets, Brown Block, 4th Floor.
tw iw ttr ikr trr cHTTiir out ah a ouiok.
Notice to Creditors.
Statu or Nkhimhka.
tiimaiiiH rmiiily, (
lit tin. Cniiiily Court, (if ItiiuirlHii Connl
Ni.tiritk. Kt-lirtiury ltd, A. I. WM.
In tin- IIIHlllT of llllt t-HlUltl nt CliHilrn
F. Prlim-lili'r, ilii'i-um'il:
Tint i-ri-illtiiiii of milil i-Htiilii titid till ollii-r
pfrwiim liiliTinti'il In milil tnittli r will tiiki'
m.llrii I hill tlm rri'illtorn of Willi i'mIiiIi' will
MitiM'iir lii'fom lliln cotirl on tlm iiUMt ility of
Mhm-Ii, on (li 'I'M Ii tlitvof Mity, iiikI
on lltii 41 Ii diiy of Anifimt,, W.a, hi. Id o'l-lm-k
ft. in. ciirlt dity, for IIhi nirii. of inrni'iilliiK
I In' I r rhilniH for I'Hiiiiiltiiitliin. uiljiiHtiiii'iit.
Hllll IlllllH lllll'l'. Hl tiiontliM nr.. iilluwi'il for
tlllt Cfl'lllllllH III lirt'M-Ilt llirlr I'lllllllK it nil oim
yi'itr fur tlm Hdiiilnlmntlor In Willi' wild i-h
lain, from llt4lli diiy of I'ldiruiiiy. Iwi.l. Thin
tintli'M will Imi pulillslii d In Tiik Amkiih an
for four wi-i-kii mn'ctw-ilvidy prior Id I hit Sin It
iliivnf Munii, "'.. All rliiinm not lili'd on
orlii.forn tlm 4th diiy of Aiikiihi. Wi:i, win
In- fon-vrr liitrn-d from i-oiinldiTiitlon In tint
Hn nl M'ttli'int'iit of mild ftHU-.
Wlttii'M my liand anil itlllidal will tliln 4l,h
day of Ketiruary. 1h!i;i.
laEAi.,1 2-17-4 J. W. F.LI.EH,
County JudK,
1I OUa. that have
that have
sold for
1406 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB.
Notice to Creditors.
HTATRftr Nkhhanka, I
lloiittlim County, f '
In tin. Coiiniy Court, of DuukIm County,
N'1'lirankH, .1 miliary. W, A. l. !M.
In tlm Mullfr of tins t'HtitUt of An mi
Tlm I'ri'illlora of mild I'slatit utid all ollti-r
(ti'iin. In mild mitltJ.r will lako
ttotli Unit thu iTudltora ol mild i-Htiilti will
Hiiii-ar la-fun! Mil i-oui'l, on tlii) and day of
Mil n li. wm, on tin. swili Oay of May, WW,
and on tin. Suit day of July. Wi;,at, lOoVloi'k
A. M.. i'iii-li day. for tlm iiii'iiini of iin-Ni'tit.-Iiik
tlii-lr i'IiiIiiih fur ! xa m I mil Ion. adJiiHtmiuit
and iillowaiiri-, HU monlliN ant allowi-d for
tlm i-ri'dllora tit trii.iit tliclridalniH, and onii
yi-arfor tlm adnilnlHlrator town In aald i-h-tiili.,
from tlm iwili day of .laniiary. IHWI.
TlilNttiit If-i-will la- IiiiIiIIhIii'iI In'I'HK Amkhican
for four wi-i'ka atiitiit-aHlvidy, prior to tint Kit It
day of Marrli. imt.l. All clalma not, Hli-d on
orln-furi- tlm anh day of July, WW, will Ijtt from ronaldnrallon In tl.i' llmtl
wllli-mi-nt of aald fatati).
WIliii-xH tny hand and ofllclal iwul till )th
day of January, lHict,
J. W. F.t.I.EH.
(HKAt.,1 2-J-4 County Jud(e.