The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 10, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Wr i. .in "Jul)" .'-, i d'tii'k n'i.1 1 . 1st
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IW wni.M a 'ti ut is!.t tt n
tmiiH f run. t . Tr i'IiI'I not
gilP !l lult,V nl p'SJ !r " "I
On- nl l tt .
mint (.! ilon tr a aint tottva.1
on, ThiH r Imik ttm'k fur ijMw f
thought, hmU to th iv ti for lit
tnUttfi'ti" Mwn'Utvs ih-ot'P nil M
im for nnv glot l.m fututv.
Ono tin hII tluM'nilowun'tiUnf Invctt
Won without hivin!liijr. Tho utWr,
without Mulomi'iiti, hit all tho Inven
tion tho )ilhit of lnUHij;onH.
Ono wwil n t" law, "hnt toiu
of thi'tr flilMtvn fhoulil nln iwr
tlu'in, hut h irBii)f man who U not of
thuir hnthrrn." Tho olhor jwitwil a
"jury" law "that no fowlgnor hIiouIiI
ri'lgn over thorn and tlioy would ol-y
no law but of their own I'lmotintf." ,
Them mk)iIoh, tho ono tho uVhooiiiI
ant of the rod niivn peculiarly thrimJi
cut. The other tho white man Ih power
fully fo'iirdVn.
What eniweil theoo two peopIi-H? A
nmttor of education. "As a man think
fth o is he." Tho red man wornlilpped
electricity, hecamo liko it, liiipulnlvo,
dcHtnictlvc; tho whlto inan wornhlpped
the revolution, became llko It, thought
ful, progressive. Kducatlon inukon the
man. A cae In point In presented in
old Ireland:
"Moores Hook" saya: "Amonj; the
chiefs who agreed at thin tlmo to pont
pontj their niutmil ft'iidn and act In con
cert HuaiiiMt the common enemy wuh
O'Brien of Thomond and MacCarthy of
DeHinoud, hereditary rulora of North
nnd South Muiintcr and chiefs respec
tively of tho two rival trllion tho Dal
canHloiiH and Koi,runlan."
Hy St.. Patrick baiilHhlng tho "or
jmntu" from Ireland uioaiiH he nottled
for tho time their dispute, which wan:
HVnVi win atuitc umljrhich wit rjYtvt u
behm'n "Kitrtridtji" and the "frrou.
ffoii?' Tlio green llajf was tho ancient
emblem of electricity. Those ancient
conflicts were only Konoroun rivalries
(Britain meant tho r(ic(om of yrad
' "(,(('on, l!alcdonla meant tho rrrotufton,
und Ireland mouutcrrfrici'f helrlooins
of their ancestry or Inventions of thorn
Helves und associated peoples) but want
of Intellliifcnci), In subsequent tlmo mis
reading or misinterpret lug the rooord,
Instilled discord where concord was
"Homo to Uosudd" would imply that
'ltoinn" was an ancient name for 1 ho
tUtrurtimt of gruvltution, especially as
today Homo occupies that position, a
bur to all lniurovoments, and was the
means of abolishing the use of elec
tricity in Ireland, and the revolution,
ir Protestantism, everywhere else at
leant she tried to? and is still trying.
Wo have utfiiln brought harmony,
tntohnnlcnlly, iM'twecn these forces in
their successful use In these (Jul tod
Htiites, Why should "Konio" oomo
Jiore with her fiat of "No Progress?"
Itanlsh the use of thu wheel the, niijn of
(he nvoluthn) In mechanics, tomorrow,
and nine-tenths of the population In all
tho lurge cities would starve In ton
days, those oiue-tcnlhii living i the mew-
tire of the vnlite of thi'ne ivipeon ineuti of
prwtienl l'rotetu ntinni,
"iol hath made of ono blood all na
tion of men to dwell on ail the face of
On the high lands of Lebanon In the
temple of Haa'.hoe (Atl. (ir.) there Is a
hewn stone placed In position weighing
over KXH) tons. By what power was It
placed there? By tho aid of steam? or
electricity? or some vein powirf Can
our new civilization answer this ques
tlon of that old civilization.
N. A. List.
Kitting the Bishop's Ring,
"Seaklng of tho celebration of the
festival ol the Holy INaino In the f Httio
lie cathedral in this city, a careful re
porter says that two thousand wee
present and "nearly ull these visited
the archbishop In the sacrlstry of tiio
cathedral, kissed his ring nnd wished
htm a hnppv new year. 'Kissed the
ring!' Think how medieval that Is,
nd how repugniuitsuch fuiistve humil
iation must le to such of them as have
junbihed any rcnutiilcun principles. Im
agine visitors kissing President Karri-
.ton s ?ve glasses or PrvshltMil C levt
Un.l'. II
The above Is from the hih)innknt.
The lnlieiub:nt makes great preten
tions to bi a leader in the way of In
telligence, education and civlli.ution.
There is very little Intelligence In the
above extract. Hither that or there is a
great deal of knavery In it. "Kissed
tho archbishop's ring." Why not? Tho
Eulscopal ring is a very different thing
from "President Harrison's eye glasses
or President Cleveland's cane" or tho
editor of tho lmhitendinl' pen. At his
consecration, tho ring is blessed and U
placed on tho bishop's finger, as the
symbol of fidelity so that adorned with
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I tin If ini.'i'.i ! ami Ho ) in i
f.U ti hi tt,i i. ilnti.' n thing im
lH"tl!'fc' It I l tl lif "tll IlKfl. Mfll tlil
luinw l.t tin) talking tit
mil, I tint tlie IliH hhOi d alum-.
V,i tVifin.i ,V. .Vi-r '.
The t Vil'iii'f ,Viw iiiform the New
Yoik fif' ..ifitinlmt "th ro 1 an to
dulgi nee iittoieelil with klslng the
Hinhnp' ring! Then-form when Catho
lics kin-id to kl the bishop's ring,
they do so partly out of rvi-t for his
exalted nfthv, partly to opiv their
alleglanco to him, as their spiritual
father, and largely to obtain the In
dulgence Ui lie gained hy kissing tho
ling!" Will the CuffcnnV AVirs tell us
In what tho indulgence consists? If
kissing tho bishop's ring obtains a thou
sand years redemption from tho fear of
purgatory, what amount of Indulgence
ought to bo granted to tho one who
kisses tho omj's foot? Surely we have
tho heathen at our doors! Humanism
Is heathenism In its ugliest form!
.Imi'iwiitt opd'.if.
Appeal to the Liberals ot the World.
Tho undersigned, in tho name of his
friends, appeals to the liberals of tho
world for help.
The disgustful muiionctter and the
holv bunco-steerers and acrobats of
popery have grown In our poor country
to such an extent, that they have de
veloped themselves Into u regular
plague. Since centuries, all Italy has
been covered with tho shroud of ec
clesiastical domination, which keeps
tho minds In darkness nnd wants to
carry us duck into me nigni, uio more
the world progresses. Thousands und
thousands of Idlers drain tiubllc charity
In our country and get tho money which
could be used for institutions bemillulng
tho people. Tho huts of the poor decay,
but tho churches prosper nnd new ones
are built. Tho poor mun hungers, but
piously gives his last cent, with which
he could buy bread, to tho beggar monk,
who, well-fed, pockets tho gift and
sucks the life-blood out of tho people.
Faith In future llfu has robbed them of
an earthly existence. Tho fat-bellled
(hid sellers and black-coated Bible par
rots have, 'In our beautiful country,
Italy, thrown tho people into abject
slavery by vaccinating them with tho
clerical virus for centuries, and by
throttling free thought In Its very In
elplctiey. Catholic religion cripples
the minds, like Chinese Iron shoes
cripple tho feet. The Catholic re
ligion condemns science, labor, lovo
and family, and wants to control the
hearts of men hy the glorification of
laziness and celibacy, by stlr'ing up
hatred and persecution. Here, more
than anywhere else, It wants to rob
people through Its priests; It wants to
re-establish all that Is mysterious, cyn
ical and aliomlnuble, by adopting, seem
ingly, tho latest and most radical Ideas.
The poHi, who sees his nefarious
trade In danger, tries to gulvanl.o tho
half dead body of the church Into life
again by putting himself at tho head of
tho socialistic movement, thus trying
to ii'sb the9 worklngmeu for his schemes,
Thu dark power of popery would lead
us, under the guidance of the priest
hood, Into social revolution, nnd would
lead 0 lulu still greater ecclesiastical
tyranny did wo lint allow them to do so.
But Instead of this wo want cuce.
Tho masses want sisial justice. Wo
want to seo science and Uhorty tho only
altars, upon which to sacrifice -the two
great lights symbolizing all which Is
beautiful and true.
But tho priests have a strong hold
upon the vivid Imaginations of the
Italians. They have put tho "sin" Into
them, to use It for their own purposes,
By this, jsipcry was -born on Italian
soil by swindle, nursed by Ignorance,
brought up hy avarice, and It is kept
above water bv laziness and fraud.
Now, as Italy Is united, tho papists,
in league with France, want to break
up this unity, und put us buck Into hor
barlty and tyranny of tho papal regime.
In caso of war there aro young, ablc-
bodlod men In Italian churches, who,
In the garb of priests, kneeling before
the altar and drinking the "blood" of
their (Sod, pray for tho defeat of their
countrymen, hoping that Italy may bo
again divided by France, which would
restore the temporal power of the Mipe.
Just now, popery renews Its efforts
it tries to make Intolerance a great
principle, It asks that Insult to eoplc,
who think differently from It Is; made
the corner-stone, of Its dogmas. Tho
priests are thieves, who ask people
whom they Intend to rob, to blowout
tho lights, In order to give them a bet
tcrchunce. Under theseclrcumstunces
It is ncccssuiy that wo bring light to
the jieople In the form of a periodical,
which shall expose these rogues and
their dogmatic tools. By this only cun
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TliH..t-l (I IIK l, J.,ii l til ) tin'
; t i,l (on ti ll.f .i'iii.lti ' and !i' I .
m think i M. r tuaiUea tt.i hi hi-i-.
fiit Mf) iv dn iloit'e. and
the ii f T i i. ,.. ap ting t, tin- iat-lii-arti
Im li. In aid it In the hsiiie nt
,!,, n limbli n n nm, III tmr ti iig;!e,
Nnaiieia'dy and hy witting our n
This will i cable ns, In time to fmm
tho s 1 h-a'e I tome. The inniiieiit
Is favorable, tMauo there I at present
a great national movement on f m it to
repeal the guaranty law. Awaiting an
early n ply, I am resin-el fully,
Via lii:l. Bimmo, Napoli.
- --
The Cabinet 1 (el table dasollne Stove
Is W'arrantou for Throe Years, It Is
tho Most Perfect gasoline stove made.
W. V. STOFT.K.L, 714 S. IilU.,
is agent for tho west.
Ymi should all remember that C F.
Shaw & (X, 51H 8. HUh St., has al
ways on hand, Vegetable, in sciocn;
also a lull line of Staple Orooci!s.
Do nut forget us when down town.
. i
Kut DybaH'scUilclousCrenui Candles.
1.'IH Douglas St.
S. U. Patten, don'.Nt com W Boo
building, telephone r)'l
(io to D) hall's fur line ciiudies, lolN
Douglas St.
Kut l)j hall's Delicious Cream Can
die', 1518 Douglas street.
The Best Train for Chicago
Is the Burlington's No. 2, leaving
Omaha at 4: 1." p. m., dally, Magnificent
sleeping cars. Comfortable chair cars.
Perfect dining cars,
Tho Burlington also offers unequalled
double dally service to Denver, St
Louis and Kansas City.
Ticket oIHoo, 122.'l Furtium Street,
John Kuitd, Kir) North 1 (tth St., lias
a full line of Ladles' and (tent's Gold
Friends, Take Notice,
Sharp needles, (i papers, Tic. Pins and
carpet tucks, per paper 1c. Cotton and
Linen threads, lc, Uc, lie, und 4c, Men's
gloves and mittens, worth "fa-, forJIHo.;
Ladles' nnd children hose, fie, 7c, J()e,
to arm. Men's and boy's suspenders, fie,
7o, l,ro, 2ic and Hoc. Closing out under
wenr at cost. Our prices are lower
than can be found in the city. Mull
orders promptly lilted.
2,'l(i4 Cuming Street,
. -
Take jour repairing to The Drum
111 -nil Carriage Co., iHih and Harney
Sts. Opp. the County .lull.
American Bakery, IHS St. Mary's
avenue. Wagon delivery.
. . - -
308 North 10th Street.
Hatters and Gents Furnishers. Men's
SIkmis, gloves, etc. A "dollar's worth
for u dollar."
John llndil, im North Kith Si., has
a full Hue of Lidlcs and Gent s Gold
FOB SALK-A Second Hand Slngo
Sewing Machine (Osclllutlng) 110.(14)
4:i:ii) Luke St., Clifton Hill,
Take Notice!!!
Tho Holidays nro over and tho very
busy duys aro gone, now to business.
From this date John Hudd, .'10,1 North
Iflth Street will give HPKClAf. attention
to tho repairing of Wutohos, Clocks
and Jewelry, If you have anything In
tho ulsiyo Hues It wilt pay you to take
It to htm. All work guaranteed,
Money to hum at Dimii Savings
Bank. 1604 Farnum St.
Always on Hand.
For Candles and California Fruits,
call on Win. Catlln, ll.'i South loth St.
Cigars and Tobaccos a specialty.
Money to loan at Dime HHvings
Bunk, 1504 r amain St.
Northern! Cor. lOlh nnd Dougln. St.,
riill AM. KINIM Of-
Foreigri and Domestio Fruits,
Muti. 0(inlctl(int. Clgnri and Tolmoco,
Ti'li'pliinK' l"W
Practical Horseshoer.
IlnrMi'ii fiilliil fur iiml ri'lunii'il fire
of I'lmrKi!.
Bhop 9007 nd lonq M ami St.
'ANTKI --Ily yoiinif nmn. poxltlon iih
' liook.UffiMr or iffiifrnl (illlcf work.
Mfiik (icnniin mill
lioiii'iiiiuu. ti'Hi or
rf ft ri-A ilil ti-mh- .1.11
thiHoiticcf. 2-;i-a
i 1 ... 1 .;-. 1
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I,,.,,, I . I,l,l I I.I kl' ,, I l, II
III, m h,r lu,,,,,I,. t,,l M l,, n.l l ,,
,.,lUt ,in' lv,fi mil, lul, t
l,,tf..ll ff.,l ll4Vl lt. 11. 1,1 ntlff
if. I If I NnIIoiihI limit, 1, 1 i, ,!, II,,-
t iliii f iI,,,iihiiiI tlini' Ittimli il miit Hum if-
t.l ilnllnf ti IHitll Hull'. Mi ni Hill, IilU ti-l
lltrliHll f-,t tflillimv ll, Ik".1; I.l lot V
mil nf ll,e iiimiU ,if Mil- ulr uf Hie sll
.noli i,i' ll, Ii, I 1 i,f ti,l (,'! ill' isnv
,li iIIm'iI. mill nil, 1 the aniutm Hull ft I In'
, lull,, nt Mm l.jie 1 1, l,i A l it., , J
ShiiiiiiI N II, II Hiiil 1 1"' I I ll Nnilminl lul
ft I iiimlm. mIrivii f siiiin'tnli',1. I lie fiillnm Inn
Hiniiioiu s Horn Id n. mnl In f , iniiilil-
ele III il,MSitM' ili'l I veil tinin mile hetvln
trnv lilfil. ini'ii siii'M immneii im nmini'ii
jini-rsls liillie uHllifaethin of Itinw'll. I'tstl
, I'liiniiniiv. Hip mini of nWlv-lliree snil
ii-I(iiIiiih :tn Jiiilioiii'lit Wild IntereHl
llieri'nn fnim t Vtirnitty Nl, tf!; Hint Alim
tin id Idni'tilM-trv Hie mini ufelitlil liiimlri'tl
(iitly-sU wnil 41 Hi I tM I u I
Mil Intereal llieniin fnim leliiiisiy sl,
s"'Jl liKiill-fv frniii lliii iirm'i'eiln of 1 he sale
of nil iniM-rly tilsive niwlilfi, the Htininf
iniieiy nini .u-iki iiniiiirs if.i;vn eimis.
Willi Inlen-sl tliennii fiiini Hie Inl liny of
I'lilirino-y, A. II, ISHJ, leiifHier with neerilltiil
i-iisIn iiceni-illiiit In 11 Jiiilifiiii'iil renilfri'il liy
tlie iluiilfl coiiil efKiilii IioiikIiis enmity nl
Its IV liiiiiity tern, A. II. Isiti, in neermln
11, '11,111 I lien 11 ml there hihI!iik, wherein
(iniiiliii Mm Imoff Coiiipiiiiv whs iiliilnllir, and
Slilni'V S111I1I1, K11111111 Hmi It Ii mill others wern
HiiiiiIiii. NelirusUii, l-'eliriiury I'lh, lw;l.
tiKdUlil,; A. itKNN K'I'T.
HherllTof liiuitfliiK Coiiiiiy, Nelrnlii.
MflMi' I'eiley, iillui iii'Vi
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of 1111 nrtler of snln Issued out of
the IHhII'IcI i'oiii'I of lioiitfliis county. Neb.,
mill to inn illrei'teil, I will on the 141 li (In V of
Miiri'li, A, II, l-n:i. ill lOo'iMis-k it. 111. of suhl
iluy, lit the KAS T fronl ilisir of the eoiinly
court house. In theelly of Omiiha, HoiikIiis
1-011 lit y. Nehrnskit. sell lit iiiihlli' iiiii'tlon the
iii'iipi'i'ty ileM'rllied In suhl order of suit! us
follows, lu-wli:
l.ols nine teen 1III1 und twenty-two (22) In
Ivoiini.ii's iiddll Ion to I Im rlly of Uiiiuhu, In
IioiikIhh I'oiuily. Hi 11 1 e of Neliruskii : suhl
iioii'i ly In he sold suhei'l. loace rluln tiiorl
Kimii for three thousand two hundred mid
llfly ilolliirsil.'rill.(IC)lii fii vocof Hie l.oinbiird
liivi'Nliiient roiiipiiny, dliled Miireh I'lh,
Imss, mill 10 nullify Hie Invehtors I'litnniiny
the sum of two hundred eleven Mid IVI lull
dolliiis I.Mili Jnil.'iiii'iil Willi Interest,
llii'ii nil ill 1 lite of ltn Ull per rent., per minimi
from Muy IHh, Isirjj tosnllsfy Hose A. Htnlth,
cxeeiitrlx, I he sum .if live hundred sevenly
(iiiii mill TO-HNi dollars 1S.ITI 70) with Inlerwt
till, linn til rule of ten ( fill pet'i'flit per luilllllil
from Muy IHh, Isti'j) lo MinUfy Hie sum of
twenly-eluhl nnd lis llnl dolluis (t.'s.lisi costs.
Willi Interest. Ihereoii from the III h dny of
Muy, A. H, IslW, toKiitlinr with iiiTrulniteosIs
iii'i'iii iIIiik lo 11 Jiiilitnii'iit re nili'ii fl by Hie ills
It let i'oiii'I of suld ii Mm Iiih eon uly, ul lis Muy
leiiii, A. II, I In a 1 i-1 it 1 11 iii'lliiii llicii mid
there pendlnif, wlieielu Tlie Investors Cuin
pmiy whs pi 11 1 11 1 1 IT. 11111I Klifii K, I.oiik mill
otlii'is were ilefelidiinls.
Oiiiiilm, Nebraska, I'ebiuiiry Hlh. ls(i:i,
Hherltf of IioiikIhs County, Mebruska,
I), II Kttlen, iiil.onicy, 2-IH-A
Sheriff 's Sale.
I'mler mill by virtue of 101 Rxerutloii
Issued by I'm 11 k K. Moores clcik of
till, (IImIi let c ill i-l of IIoiikIiis riillnly, Nr
biuskii, 11 !' ajiuboiii'lit of Iheroiinly court
In mi for suld rouiily renderi'd 011 Hie IHIh dny
of Heplemlier, Inhi, In fuvor of thu Oiuuliu
Nulloniil bank and hkhIiisI, William K, llu
Iiiiiii 11 ml It, Hli'vens 11 nil Son, 11 Irans
I'llptof whlrh 1 1 1 I u 1 lie it t whs, on thu I Hi h day
of Hi'lileinber, Isiil.diily filed mid iliH'keled In
thu lilslrli'l i'oiii'I w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mill fur Mild nullity.
I have levied upon the followlnu ilesrrlbed
rmtl eniuie us Hit' propurly of Hie suhl within
If.mi'il be fendiiiit. Win. It. Ilomiiu, lo-wlt:
I , ols I wi nl v-iinc I ami t wenty-! wo itl In
Villi's mid Herds sub-dl vImIoii of lot,
seven 11 In ItoKi'is inldllloii lo tlie elty of
( ' 1 r it li 11, DotiKlusi oiiiily.Ni'bi'iiskii. And I will
on Hie Mill day of MhivIi, Ihiw, ut Ido'elork
II, in. til, 1 lin KAHT f 11 ml door of
llir roiinly court, house, In Ihnclly of Oniiihit,
lioiiuliis coiiuly, ,NeiruskH, sell said rent
estulii at public miction, lo Hie blithest,
bidder for rash, or so much of ll, 11s may be
necesHiiiy lo satisfy hiiIiI enerul Ion, llni
11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 due 1 lii'i'i'iui hi'lmt two hundred
llfty-llvii iiml .Mi-urn ilolliirsifJ.'iA.Aiii.liidKiiieiit,
four mid ft-loo dollms iTt.U.'n cosls of suit, with
liiteri'Si. 011 siilil amouiits ul It'll 1 0 1 per cent,
mr milium fiom thu linn day of Heplemlier,
A. ll, ISHI, until paid. mid also Hie fiollier sum
Of elKhl ami In-Hunts, liinlollai's the costs of In
cM'iiwi on said .I'lilxiiiciit, and I.I111 ucci iiIiik
(imaha, Nebraska. I'diruury II. is'.n
Sheriff of IioiikIiis Coiiniy, Nebraska,
M 1 111 1 ui 111 ti'iy . Im ill mi A Hall, allornry,
Notice to Creditors,
Htats ok Nkiiiuska, I
IiiiiikIii-, 1 oiiitiy. f '
In thu ( Dimly coiiit, of lioiiuliis cotinly,
Neliruskii, Jiiniiiuy 'jrtlh, A, Ii. lsn;i.
In Hie mailer of thu eslulii of Alexander
Olii i'H, (li'ci'iiHi'il :
The Ciedllors of said 1'nliilo anil all othiT
persons Interested In suld mutter will lukn
mil leti H111I thu Creditors of subl I'Mulc will
appear before Ibis court on the -Hill day of
March, Km. tlx- i'MU dny of Muy. imi.i,
anil 1111 tltc .",ih iluy of , Inly, isini, at In o'cliH'k
A. M,, each d uy, for t he purpime of preseiit lUK
llielr claims for examliiallou, adjustment,
mid iillowiincii, Mix moiillis me iillofed for
Hut ci'i'dlloiN to presi'iil tlielr idalms and one
year for Hut iidmlnlatrulrlx to setllii said
esliitii. from 1I111
::inli day of .lainiar
y, is!i;i,
'i'hls mil let, will hi
PuIiIInIu'iI In I II K
CAM for four weeks sot wilvely, prior to the
ziHii nay ot niarcii, is',1,1. an ciiiiiiih not. men
on or be f, iir Hie 'nili day of July, istia, will
be forever barred from consideration In the
Dual sell liMiicnl of suld cutuln.
Witness my h 0 11 it and olllclal seal this 2.'ith
day ol January, sii;i,
ISKAI,. ,1 iv, r.i.i.r.u,
li-lo .
County .luilU"
Notice to Creditor!.
llnliallf. lull Illy. I
In tlin I'liiiniy fiiini of KuiikI m coiiiiiy,
Uii. I'fliruiirv UI. A. ll. InIiM.
In tin' iiiiillfi' of Mm i'hIiiIii of Hfiininl
III nut
Tin' I'tfilltiiM of hiiIiI i-Hliilii iiml all other
Iii'I'hiiiih Inii'ii'iiii'il in kiiiu mm if r win iiiuii
nut lei' I hut tin1 cri'illtoi'ii of miiIiI I'nIiiIii will
liiitii'iil' liffoif IIiIm ciitirt, on thi' JUlh (lay
of Mn irli. ixli.i. on thu 2',ilh iluy of Mnv
Nli:i, iiml 1111 thu InI (1 11 v of AiitfiiHt, IMa nt. II,
o'flofk 11, in,, imii'Ii iluy, for tlin iii')OM' of
iiifHf nt lni thf Ir flit I iiih for i' x inn I mil Ion. uil
JiiMtnifiil mill iilluwiiiifi'. Mix iiiontliH urn
iillowi'il for thf rrfilllorM to pri'm'iil Ihflr
fliilniN anil oil" yiMir for tlin rxi 1't.rlx
to Hill If hiiIiI flnif. from tin' i-l iluy of
I t-t 1 1 11 it r y . IMi.i, '')i In mil iff will I if iiililllifil
In Thk A mkmican for four wni'kii Hiifi,flvi,y
prior lo tin1 WO 1 dny of Miiri'li, Ihii;i. All
claim not lilfil on or lifforn I lie M, iluy of
A iik UNt . tH'.iil. will In-foif vnr Imrri'il froiii fon
Nlilfriitlon In 1 In- llmil Hfillf infill, of wilil
WIIih'ih my I111111I iiml oltlfliil whI IIiIm InI
rtii v of I V liiiiiiiy, IHtn. . .
'i-ln-4 County Jmlui.
Weak Men S
Cur In IB daya. Nevr Kturn. I will
mini! WHlfli f'KKE to my fiillow-auffnmra
pntN.'rlptlou to I'lilarirR nmnll weak nriptn. A
aura ourn for Emlaalona, Loat Manhood,
Marroua Debility, Varloooela, eto. Ad
arm wuh Htnmp
A. WELLINGTON, Buffalo, N. T.
BiilldGrs' Hordwiiro
THY US 0Cr ro ilCK.
1104 Douglas St. Trlrphonc 279, OMAHA. NEB
The Place to Buy
Tho Best Quality of Moat at tho Lowest
Prices is at
Geo. Wilson's Meat Market.
2815 Leavenworth Street.
Oysters, Fish and Game
Full Set TEETH $5.00.
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist.
16th and Douglas Streets, Brown Block, 4th Floor,
m tr per iir- ir cUTTiir out ah a oijihe. jtA j -A1 u&
50 Years in tlie Cliurcli of Rome
Priest, Woman and the Confessional, .
PRICE, et.oo.
"PAPAL LICENSE," four-imne loallot,
boiiiK (lie "Hiicyclicnl letter" of llm poje; price, $4.00 per 1,000;
$2.00 per 500; 00 eenla for 100. Sent on receipt of price.
"(Jotivent Life Exposed" Mrs. Hlultery 75e.
"SecrctH of UoiniHli TrieHlu ExpoHed" 'lOc.
"Why PricHtH Dmi't Wed; or, Kul.Htilution for Marriage," 7fc
"Woman and Horns'for ladieH only, by Mrn. Sluttery 25c.
"Devil's Prayer Hook" inch only, ly Ilv, Slattery 25c. ,
"Dccils of DitrknoHH," irico $1.25.
"lloino" for men only price 50c, , , , t r
"AHHartAiniilion of Abralmm Lincoln," price $2.50.
Agents for Anti-Papal Publications. ,
Wo oflVr fur nhIh tlm following luioki, wliliih niv Htrlctly antl-Uuinan
C!utlioll(!, anil cannot, fall to Int'inwt nvory trim A,iin)rloan:
Sent, Potao Paid, on Rooolpt of Prlne Bolow.
IVof. Otiry'N fioi'trliin of Ih" .Ii'iiilli."
iWi piiKfli. tTiiiiHliiifil from Mm Kriuirli
of 1'iinl IIitI; n nook or woinu'riin
powi'r. I'lipi-r IKK-; floi h II Ml
llr. Hlrouir'" " ur ( 'oiuil ry," .Kl
rulKm'ii'Vhy 1'rli'ntH Hhoulil Wi'd,". ... t
Kiiltoirii-I'lKlit, Willi Itoiiii'.". ...... ..... a I"
r'nllonVWiixlillurton In thf l.liliof Itomii' I IKI
KuIKiii'n "Himrifi-oii ur Ally." I W
jir. liiirfhfHlf r'n "KoiiiuiiIhiii mul tlm
nlilli! Hf IiooIm."..' IS"
( J 11 1 itt-MH' Kommilnii mul Ihn llfformii-
lloli', piipi'f.VH'irlolli ;', '". ;) 00
I.iiiihIiikh' "UoiiiiiiiIhiii mul thf Hfpulillf
iiuiifr .Vif; floth ' J
MImh Cumifk'H " I'hf Nun of Kcniiuiri', '. . 1 HI
MIhm CiiHiii'h'M -Urn limlilf thnChurfliof
Uoinf." I 'Vl
Mls Killlh O'Ooriimn'ii "Convi'iil. I.lff
tlnvi'lliil." J
Mfirliim' "Wllll'iin. I'rlni'i'ofllrmitff .. I i
lliirnum'ii "UoiiiiiiiIhiii hn ll. In," . 9 (l"
I, linlmiy'H "11011111 lii Cmiiidii."
Miirriiy'n"lliii'lc I'oihi." '
Miiiriiy'H'i'nlrlntlf Hlnitlmj Hook , &
HoKarTu l'lM-ry Ir. Wim ninl Ih." i i
I low Itiiti'm "I I iHlnry of Itoiiimilmn.' il mi
llfi'fhi'r'H "I'lipul roimiilrnry Kkii(I".. U M
Iir. lllMlop'i"Thi'Two IliioylonH," 'i m
All of llic iiliovu books will lie ncnt lo uny inldrcHH on receipt
of price, CASH must accompany ii i o order in all cuhch. Al
ilrcHH all orderrt to tlie
American Publishing Company,.
412 Sheely Block, OMAHA, NEB.
1406 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB.
Aiiiiiron'i"Nf.w KiikIiiikI In riimxnr."...,
MInh Murln Moiik'n "A wful IHhc louriin,"
t W
OIllllHlllllll H "I'lipitl llOlflllllH,
Or. Hf. ymiiiir ii "Wl
lull In Moilfrn Houimi-
OliulxloiifVHpfff hi'K hy I'opn ,i,ii XIII itt
Wyllf'M "lllMlnry of thn Wulilf iihi-h," . . . , 7,'i
(.fyilnn'M "Hnfrfl, IiihIthi'I Ioiih of thu
.IfMllltlt," Wl
lii'Vili'ii's "Aiirlciilur or Mfcrnl, (loiifi'n-
mIoii to li I'rlfHt," , , ... 2!1
Hf rlinui'r'M ".li'Hiill, MonilH," as
.IfiikliiH' ".ludiruN of l''ulih," , 41 1
Miiylilf'H " K mi 1 11 11 1 Mm In Knur Clin,pl,fr" lift
' H, nun 11 Outff Ii Ihiii of Cliilfl Inn lloo
trim'." 1!1
I II I If 'h'IIoihi-'m AiMiiiill on I'ulillf Hf IiiiiiIh' 1,1
Hlii'rmiin'11 "UoiiiiiiiIhiii Our IVrll," 10
"'I'lin Miusiifru of Ht, limlliolniMi'W."..., (l
Dr. Miiu'Iii'm "I'iiIiIIi! HfhnoU VfrHiu
I'lirofhlul HcIiooIh." in
Or. Mi'iiil i "I'iiIiIIi! HfhooU vermis I'u-
riH'liliil HcIiooIh," (f
Or. Ilri'uit'i "I'iiIiIIi Hi'IiooIm vithiih I'ii-
rofhlul HfhoolH," t!
KiiMk'n "Miu'lilriu Turni'il InnIiIh Out,,"... 2ft
H111 Icillih's "Itommi A niifiimlii,," (l
Ow'h'h Itoiiii. Kiiiii anil Kuln," 1(1