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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1893)
THE A E.RICAN, " N Kit A I j I ILL OT Hit MS ,. l l Mi I. . . ra , ! I i' l 1 i,a in at. l a ! tavl Iihi in! i M it tl. .i -a 1 "i - ' ' t '-'',,'' s 1. : . . . . c . .1 1 x Pi!n:t.c Un if liriiici. Deter, N. It., Ifttan Atyluro Hurnrd to thr tittmiml, mm ioi r mi mm tr t.l M ImI I lnaaiM l I ! Mittvtt - tl. V,m, N. II , Vh W 1h rihty ltMtw luin, ftHir inil" frmn her. m rmrwrJ r I tHl ttir livns 1 loM, Vht Vthnis W Ulism Oivy IniuW lit Hi ' lt k ton titto (li" Inwuis Myluin. h fiMinl Mi tin cumin t from Un vll ly A. Itfttm iut, W'xnan, mi4 i:n tlw nUrtrt. WUlmiB DHct41. kwimr, with In family, llml in II ImiMitig, sml l at bnk lb locks n ihic forty four cells said Irttsl to p't tli intnstos out, then h fot out hw wife nil two children, tirither of whom er dtvwxM. t l" forty-right inmate, only four wm1. They re: William Twomhly, H Sn-dot-son, William ltavejr nd Frank lon hon. The lattr walked two inilw in s bhndiiiK wiow toritt with only hit hirt on to William HurWs koiise.whers he wm taken cure of. That 1.11 of Kurnt-d. nOBEHT DIOXK of Salmon Falls, N. II MAKY FOt'NTAIN of Great Falls. FHAXK Xl'TTKUof Rochester. Wll.MA.M t'HKSl.KY of Durham. MH.S. KOIIKKTS of (ircat Falls; and an S-year-old child. LKSTKU .IOXKS of Farmiimton. WILLIAM TWOMHIiY of Harrington. OWKX MAl.LKYof (ireat Fulls. MICH A Kit CASKY of Dover. FUAXK KOWK of Great, Falls. CHARI.KS LIHHY of limit Falls. FRANK PAGE of Rochester. WILLIAM FILLKS of Great Fall. FHAXK Sl'RKiGIXS of Dover. 11ARKY KIM HALL of Dove. JULIA KKILof Dover. MRS. MARY LAVIX of Salmons Falls. MRS. MARY M'CLINTOCK ot Dover. MAGGIK WHITK of Great Falls. ANN CARR of RollitiKsforil. MARY MUTTKRof Rochester. MARY MALOXEY of Dover. LEX I A KLLIS of Rochester. MARY WILSON of Leo. MARY TWIM DALL of Milton Mills. CAROLINE RAIT of Dover. MRS. ANNA HOT 1 1 WELL, of Dover. LIZZIE ELLIS of Great Falls. CATHERINE HALEY of Dover. ELIZABETH PICKERING of (ionic. MARY COG LEY of Dover. SARAH SWEET of Rochester. SARAH HUTCHINSON of Dover. KATE DUFFEE of Dover. SARAH McCLINTOCK of Great Falls. FANNIE SLATTERY of Great Falls. ANN McDEMOTT ot Dover. , ADDIE OTIS of Great Falls. f AlidnlXOtlteis whose names could tiot be remembered liytlie keeper, as bis books Were burned in t he building. Only a Witodtin liiilldlug. The btiilditiff was of wood, 185 by 86 feet, two stories liitfh, with a big yard on each side. It was built twenty years ago and had iii'ty cells. One woman scaped to the vard, but was burned to death there, the building cost $15,000. The main building, in which wsre over 100 of county poor, caught fire, but wu laved by the heroic elt'orts of the in mates who carried jmils of water and xtinguiHhed the Humes, although many were burned in so doing. The Dover fire department was summoned, but owing to the distance, the blinding now storm and the icy roads, it took ninety-five minutes for the department to get there and were too late to lie of service. The smoking ruins show the charred bodies still lying on their beds. How the building caitrht lire is a mys tery. HOIK I. HI UN I II. Two I.Ives l.nat In a Mimilng- Hotal at ('ntnrvllln, la. Center vi u.k, la.. Feb. 10. -A terrl Ue accident occured here by the bum Inir of the Continental Hotel. Two were killed. They an-; MRS. M'KEE of Owilcrvllle, died of Injuries received In Jumping from the third story. SAMUEL LEWIS of(Ureely, la., burned to death. Those injured arc William IIai.k of Ottumwa, la., travel ing man, three rtlm broken, thumb torn off; considered critical. M. A. Roman's of Ottumwa, la., attor ney, feet burned. Nlarlod In tlm Hmmnnnl, At R o'clock flames were issuing from the basement of the Continental hotel and in a few moments the tire, whlcu originated from the furnace, had envel oped the entire three-story brick build ing. The alarm was given and the guest were awakened, The hotel has long been the subject of much comment and prediction of disastrous results, bould a tire ever break out, have often been made. These predictions have proved correct, for thirty guesU, and a umber of regular boarders were penned In by the flames and encape seemed al most impossible. Those wlio were in the building made an effort to get out the front way, and those who were on the first and second lioors succeeded, but guests iu the third story were not o fortunate and a number of them sus tained injuries in attempting to escape. .lumped From a Window, William Hale, who represents J. Fecht Se liro.,of Ottumwa, was late in waking and wlieu lie arose his room was filled With smoke and the hotel in Hames. He rnshod to the window and leaped. Whether he struck the wiris which were onUtretched along by the side of the building or not, is uuKiiown, but he was thrown forcibly to the frozen ground and picked up unconscious. He is in a very precarious condition and his injuries may prove fatal. Three of his ribs were fractured, a thumb torn off and he sustained probably internal in juries. Mrs. McKee, the landlady of the hotel, leaped from the third-story window. .She was a very large woman, weighing :'0 pounds, and the fall practically Knit-lured Kvery Hone In Hr llnd. She had been on the first floor, but had rushed up to the third story to alarm the guests and the flamos cut off her way ot escape. She was picked up ! t ln lln lV l i i i n' . ..i . l4 .r. . ( t i t i ..! , t i i Vh. i , tA ... t . - t nA I ' " I'll W i U (.- t la 4 Mil Oat t a wtim Kt m imm -4t li.l ( i-isl t T'tf Oi Initio-I A i t tl t mil tl W dt 1.1 (r-. 1 .,i M HH1 tst Smi4 l HiwIp. I . i li l )( ram la twi an m 11 n a aMHloH ttilnt4 . al l,a til ! . M A H.U-1, an miiimwa ait"tn. I ! lo U H V a. aafMri'tx" i..l l f rt tfliriifl. t Iti')f14 HriM lt tn hl fcht ti k iH l miitiiiiv f.r Hfclti lb I a .il, with I4 .-M iRMitawti W tnliMi Itumil. Vwr, IVK t. Tit illriivil tl Utn ai t.y warvhiMi". S mn Atlsnlii' axptni. vii4il ly I.. It. )nili k A ti., lot the if ottm nt wimleia rat, aivl lln lUtllvlxinay ltrrwinu i'innaiiy. Iw. ,H,iii. tight IIhiIIih 'unnmi4. 0.rkmii i K, Te.. PtK to. - On tha ast aide of thi atjuace ciclit tmildiiiii wrr tiimil by tir. Iav tvtiiiistl ftOO.lVHi and iiifursm-f lit Hint imhii a a,tw M l ik. Vnar Mm ami Irani Mt Ktmlh la lha Avalanrhr. IXnvk. n, Feb. 10. A Republican IKH'tai from Ouray, Colo., aays: Word has just ivnched here that four men have met death in a terrific snow slide on the Virginus road and Hanging Rook be tween here and Potters One toam got off the road and three other teams were aasisting in pulling it up when a slide came and carried all ol them over a steep canon to instant death. The names of those lost were: HANK Ml'.TCALF. foreman of Asheu folter's freighting outfit. JOHN SWAIN. MARTIN WHITE. And another whose name has not been learned, teamsters under Metcalf. A rescue party has gone out, but can not reach the buried men, as three large avalanches of snow have come down 1h tween Ouray and Hanging Rock within the last hour and the road is blocked. PLACING THE 111 I IT. Naw's FrlamU Rntpnniilbla for Sanator RumeH's Abduction. Cheyennk, Wyo., Feb. )0. There ap pears to be no hope of breaking the deadlock. The joint ballot shows that New has a few followers who will stand by him to the last. The ballot stood: Frank M. Foote (Rep.), 2?; Judge Corn (Dem.), li; A, L. New, 7; Governor Baxter (Dem.), 28; Brown, (Pop.), 5. The committee are investi gating the abduction of Senator Russell and have examined half a dozen wit nesses, and their evidence is very clear that the abduction wus brought about by the New men. Senator Russell says he will make a statement when all the testimony is in. New is growing dos perate aiid has established a paper of his own which is going for Ids enemies right and left. This is printed in the Stock Journal oflice. Will Declare I'opulliit flnaU Vanant. ToricKA, Kan., Feb. 10. In the Re publican house a resolution was intro duced declaring vacant all seats to which Populists were elected, alleidnir that the Populista have failed to qualify as momlMtrs of the legal house. The resolution gives the Populists notice that this will lie done Feb. -1, unless on or before that date they recognize the Republican house organization. The action of the Populists led the Republi cans to believe that force ia to be used to remove them from representees hall, and the speaker was authorized to em ploy as many assistant sergeant-at-arms as tie deemed necessary. KlnKinnii Out of lha War, Bismauck, N. D., Feb. 10. The thirty-ninth senatorial ballot resulted: Kingman. 27; Roach, ill; Palmer, 21; Muri, 15; Miller, . As soon as the vote was announced Representative Hurley, the spokesman for Kingman's contingent in the house, arose an announced the cotniilete and unconditional withdrawal of Mr, Kingman from the race. The Kingman supporters are tow willing to vote for any good Republican that might be named by the caucus, The joint session then dissolved. The Republi cans are talking strongly of going solid ly to either ex-liovernor Miller or ex- uovernor uurice. Dxattrtlfig Helena, Mont., Feb. 0. Having brought him within two votes of election the Republicans began to desert Sanders. The vote as announced tood: Heecher 1 ; Conch 1; Mantle 2; Dixon II; Clark 21; Sanders 2. It is stated that the Republicans will drop Sanders and try to elect Man! le. No ( liniigo In Washington. Olyhpia, Wash., Feb. 10. The fifty sixth ballot showed no change in the senatorial situation, l''.llity-nn (onvlntati. Knoxvillk, Tenn., Feb. 10,-During the term of circuit court at Clinton, which was ajourned eighty-one men were convicted on the charge of aiding and alwtting in the riots of Coal Creek and Olivers last August. They were sent up for terms ranging from 10 days to two years, Oeorge B, Monroe, two years; John Hat maker and Degruchy his lieutenant, failed to show up in court and their bonds have been for feited. A llluw at Organism! Labor. Knoxvillk, Tenn., Feb. 10. A sen sation was created iu the ranks of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers of the East Tennessee iystein, by an order from the general manager's olHce, that all members of that organization must resign membership or lose tneir posi tions. Vnuiillals In Michigan. Ionia, Mich., Feb. 10 The Populist state convention held here nominated ten candidates tor offices which will be filled at the spring election Airhllrct Hell Itntigiii. Chicago, Feb. 10. Superintending Architect Bell has forwarded his resig nation to Secretary Foster. Hawaii I otmallv TUft Undrr III Hal If I 4l,'ef ! ai atvtaaa (o t Hi MfMltl1ll, MntM tta Ml itaa ' t lu Ik .-..! at, law m a4 ! Milla. ilant4im h.w li a vnt i ail W.liH'N. IVU I! T Ufa 4 i tl.a a ta. tmt It iui,mhIW lok. l,..4..d. l t., KtriMt IninmlilMn il'! la ll.l lv ! r'.a ttVj."! f irentaliiiutiit la lha honaa fch k the artiiant f the MltfT iU had tail. Il tith the ar of the lit piiMh an H'W of thf tiotiaa, in.l with a iwixl twopu.m ' the lanii.a'tallaide,ttiaiililigarntl IntMit imi that aide, hotavt-rr, la-ing one tf atitagmim to a edit initial if thtt government to annnatton, oi lo a pr t'l.rat, or lo the Ciiiiimittal of inh grra. or the eaertttiva liramh of the government. There wetv aome nieinWri who sharply riii ". Miniver Stevens and thought his coiiduct unwarranted, from Mlnltlrr Mt.. Late at nilit Si ndary of State Foa tar nveiveil the following daiatcn from Minister Stevens: llovol l i r, Fell, 1; via Sun Fraticleo Feb. 11, I Nil - StMTelrv State: Provisional government ol llnwaii niiiiiiK power and rrnpct, Kverytliilig l quiet . Aiinexa tion wMitimeiit is liieivaHiiiK. Dead mon archy and opposition lt anueXMtion is supported chiefly by lottery and oniiini rintf. Tmlsy. at H n. m., In aceoroHiics with lha request of the provisional gov ernment of Hawaii, I have plaeeU the government of Hawaii under t'nited btates protection during negotiations, not interfering with the execution of public affairs. Dispatches by mail will give full details. StKVKNS. Acting Without Authority. Speaking of the dispatch and the developments of the day in the Hawaiian situation Secretary Foster said that the action of Minister Stevens in declaring the Hawaiian islands under the protec torate of the United State was taken without instructions from the depart ment of state. In fact the movement for the change of government waa un expected and had not been anticipated by instructions from Washington. Mr. Stevens had, therefore, been compelled to act independently and upon his best judgment as the emergency had arisen. Instructed to I'rotoct American. The only instructions given by the department was the telegram of the HHh ult., already published, approving Mr. Stevens' recognition of the provis ional government, an act on his part which has been followed by all other foreign representatives in Honolulu. He had been further instructed to protect American citizens and property. Sec retary Foster stated that American citi zens were the owners of at least three fourths of the entire real and personal property of the islands ami they were more interested than all other res idents in the preservation of peace and good government. 'n C onference. There was no conference between the secretary of state and the Hawaiian commissioners, as Thursday is diplo matic day at the department, and the secretary was fully occupied with the calls of foreign ministers. This evening, Mr. Lorriu A. Thurs ton, with the consent and approval of his associate commissioners, made a statement iu reply to the letter from J. F. Colburn, ex-minister of the interior of the Hawaiian cabinet. KNVOVH OK THK IJUKKN. Rapriilntlv tt l.lliioualanl aa Their Way to Wnnhlugton, Sav FttAvriHWi. ChI., Feb 10 Paul Neumann and Prince Kewananako will go to Washington to lay (jueen Liluo kalani's side of the questieu before the president They may be accompanied by J. E. Hush, but the chances are that he will remain in San Francisco and ad dress public meetings on the Hawaiian question. K. M. Cook, an interview with whom was sent in the dispatches, is a member of the provisional govern ment and bears dispatches for the com missioners who are now in Washington. In a subsequent interview Mr. Iiiish said the queen is not angry over the sudden turn affairs have taken. She has retired to her estate and is awaiting with patience ami dignity the decision of the United States. She well knows the fairness and uprightness of Uncle Sam and felt assured, when I saw her last, that the authorities at Washington would do nothing until both sides of the storv had Uten fairly presented. What 1 la waiiaus want is restoration of the old government under an Amer ican protectorate. The men now in Dower do not want that; they want an nexation or nothing. When informed that the United States steamer Mohican had lieeu dispatched to Honolulu and that the Adams would likely follow, Mr. Hush declared that it whs useless to send a fleet of vessels to Honolulu, , .11 el hod Int. lining. CiiifAOo, Feb. 10. Resolutions were passed by the Methodist church book committee on the death of Amos Shin- kle of Covington, Ky., one of its mem bers. A committee was appointed to visit the various cities that have invited the next session of the general confer ence with instructions to report at the next meeting. A telegram was received from Dr. W. B. Kelley of New Haven, Conn., in which the doctor accepts the i.i ... m ...i.. .1... it .il . . ; i position or eoitor oi me .ueiuouisr. ive- view. Bishop Merrill spoke briefly on the proposed Methodist exhibit at the World's Fair, but no action was taken In the matter. Various reports on the condition ot the various numerous pub lications or the iiieiiiomst church were received, after which the meeting at 1 o'clock adjourned for dinner. Fatally llnrned by a (lanullne K.tploalon. Pitthm ko, Feb. 10. By the explo sion of a gasoline stove in the dyeing and scouring establishment of Edward Whitehotise, No. 415 Forty-fifth street, the building and contents were totally destroyed ami Air. Whitehotise and ins daughter Emma were fatally burned. Two Moi-e Cata of r tlin. Nkw Yory, Feb, 10. Two more cases of typhus fever were reported to the health board. They were removed to the Riverside hospital. (L (. f lha t Ii a tt.o.i l". .h, .,afiitxt It . ) 1 f. iM.iW 4 .at !' aH ll t Ml I I'a. (h. a. M.e anl K ; a. o.) w h.alt ai with g ral 4ifW- ' full, a ! it. I t I m IIh It a. a a a lo Mtuka tal nndint mi ingn an ui . and tVttrt. n year t-f af. a la ll inj'ire.! In img tttn. a l- a Otitl-v ll"W from a hmld lug on tinnier tmet. It Mtlt-tMt. liii. , Feb l. Jndir Urrham av'iuplilnM a tieiii. iid.'ii amount 4 work in ln pin at oftim at Ilia govern ment building. Trout 10 ftl VIa k In Ilia morning until nitihtt all he tat at hitdeak In the le-p of manv knotty legal tr.tli.iii. Ills caller were nol nuiiteroitu, and alttumtflithev ware ivnr teoii.Iv received rafeit-n.-e to .llttc! attain met with no riioonragemetil. The judge has left his test in the court of apiioam lnch to work on decisions in bis ciiamlier, and this looks aa if he wanted to clear matters up. It U un usual, to say the least, for a judge to be an anxious to gel rid of the oaaes at this aeaMou, Springer Kay IU No. Da i.t. ah, Tex., Feb. 10. Congressman Springer of Illinois, telegraphed afrieud here as follows: ".Judge Walter O,. Ureehnm of Uliiuis, has been tendered the office of Secretary of state by President-elect Cleveland and he has accept ed." rrlsa Fighter Kenml Oullty. Newport, Ky., Feb. 10. Iu the trial of Abe Lloyd for engnging in a prize fight before the Newport Athletic club, he was found guilty. Judge Helm fined Lloyd $:0, and sentenced him to jail for three months. The sentence was a surprise to Lloyd and his attorney, Theodore liallam. as both expected an acquital. it is understood that Lloyd will jump his bond rather than serve out the sentence. His bond was signed by Ueorge Tippeuhauer of the Newport Athletic club, Mike Norton the other defendant has not vet been tried, and probably will not be, as he will forfeit his bond. The result of Lloyd's conviction will be the death blow of glove contest in Newport. Hergman's Aocenitorles Pound Oullty. Pittsbuhh, Feb. 10. The trial of Henry Bauer and Carl Fold , as accesso ries to Bergman, the anarchist, in the attempted assassination of Henry C. Frick, iu July last, was begun before Judge Single. Judge Slagle in his Charge instructed the jury to render a verdict of guilty. The jury was out ten minutes and returned with a verdict in accordance with the judge's charge. Judge Slagle called Bauer tin, fined hnn 150 und sentenced him to siity days ia jail for contempt of court iu refusing to answer questions while on the witness Stand. The same defendant will be tried again on another charge. Tnrrlhla Double Tragedy, Detroit, Mich., Feb. i0. A special to the News from Jackson, Mich,, says: A terrible tragedy was enacted In the Brooks block on Eist Main street, and two persons are lying in a dying oon dition in the citv hospital in conse quence. Charles Brown shot his wife twice in the Deny ami men nrea a mil let into the head of Dick Sly, an ex-convict. Neither of the wounded can re cover. Urown was arrested arter a des perate attempt to shoot Alderman alohn Oaebelein, who hail answered the calls for help. Brown said Sly was hanging around Mrs. Brown, and he had got sick of it. He expressed no regret. Have Taken the Httiidi, New York, Feb. JO. Speyer & Co. SonHrin the report that, in conjunction with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., they have ta ken almost the entire issue of H,(M)n,000 Of Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and It. Louis iMjnds. These 1 Hinds are al ready listed on the stock exchange und will be iilaced partly in this country tad partly abroad. Ntnriu Interrupts the Trial. Poiit Royal, 8. V., Feb. 10. A re- tnrn of last week's heavy weather rendered it impracticable for the tests with the pneumatic guns of the Vesu vius to lie continued, The officers of the Philadelphia and Vesuvious are at tending a bail given in honor of them by the citizens of Beaufort. I'ninmuted the Henlenoe, City of MK.xioo(via Oslveston), Feb, 10. President Diaz has signed a com mutation of the dea h sentence passed on Colonel Nieves Hernandez to fifteen years' imprisonment. The charge against Hernandez was that of treason, in hav ing failed to capture Garza. Wyoming Hllxtardn. Rawlins, Feb. 10. Wind unroofed several small buildings at this place and Carbon. In the Lander and Sweet water valleys the wind destroyed the Eroperty of farmers on a large scale, in the mountains northwest of Lander a blizzard hits been raging for four days. I.ynrhed the liny. Magnolia, Miss., Feb. 10. Frank Barrel and Willie Felton, two negro boys, arresWJ for robbing and burning Lee Hobinso.i's store at Pickery, were lynched by a mob near the scene of their crime. t hnlera Increasing. Marbkillkk, Feb. 10. Three fresh cases and six deaths of choleraic epi demic are reported. The Board of Health has postioned the publication of Its report upon the nature and causes ol the disease. llepealfd I he Kdtiratlun Law. SriuNuKiK.i.n, Ills., Feb. 10, -The sen ate, following the example of the house, passed without a dissenting vote the bill repealing the compulsory educational law. Fi t hlrtJu.ll. e Weir lead. Boisk, Ida., Feb. 10. H. W. Weir, chief justice (if Idaho during President Cleveland's administration, died of apo plexy, aged 70. a l 1 1" i. MiO.t it t i't ). 11 I aiK Mttt-t " i n 1 MO WAS Allot r-t tVmmfiinl Nilmml H. SttilM ioMlooM k nl. t. . ...! I nlw lit I .4 t" l--f f0-. 11 mtV l.,t,-ri ,m.1 rf IM- teirtf . t mtt t,it !., i.niH V. t.t- i.4 t. tn- tr4 latll ,m o..- lot. rt ..t Mo l I . Iik V f nl .) till .h.i fr.-t.l .l .rf ,.( il,. . i.i,i v,,ni )( " le llw IH ..I , ttlik ! I 1-l.tiH . l.t. l at It 1 ..t,U.- ait, It.-fi Hie l,UHfl l.t.1. t. I t, i .i. Iir "t" rfffc-tllatl ia aaitl oole H ii tt,iO,. to a.t il., n i ,' ti 1 ot ! ! II. antl ii ! ,! m .. I. i a Mi.- .l I'Mlk. att addition to In" H ot H,.I. v-ttils it.ntin Nvl-m-Wa a ni . lln111H Mtl.t tM-lOll-4l tiiil ,ti.i ii l.i !' aold t aallf I rt,. Ii". m-illi lltr ktitti tit Ian Hiitlt Bt and 5 IU' eVdlar ,'tM; atilt IttU'iinl iv la tlmietid il.tllar iS' itm Ml a'lrs t.i le-f inl l-r en mint stnl mli t-l ,itilt. lulu, Ifiil anil llitiu -it etui n; ho il,.IUln iSMMitt el lea il l r iN-m Ju l Btitniiii. trout lltf wihil ot N-. It i.ilii t. If i'. 1n Mill-fl I mil A lira lite ntit of l hnn- itn il mill lidr -iuhl slid M' dullsin lanmiili anil liil'-el llteieiin l won i.l r ifiil ti minion fnnii lite Imlidsyof N plfiiiiwr. Tnll-tV llalfo A tit'S.I lite emu of eight v- l ilnllariMii alth .nlerfl al wirn i.' ht ti iil. from the HMh dav of epteiiilier. IsMi hi ustl-fy l ltailei. K. Unfit, inertee. mini of foul lliiiiiKitnil roiir niiuiitt-ii nun eik'liiy-olie eltiliVt lui dollnrn il l-l .'! Willi liitervxt tlifi.tiii at eliilit o st ceni. Mran liilin fnnii the huh ily f teitenilMir. Imrj. toKelher with ntvrtiliis ttwln aecorillng In a lui anient rt'iidi'rt'tl liv the I 'ltd net I nun of inld INiiiglim t'tnuily. l H epti-inlier term, A. II. iwa lu a cerium action men hiiii inert priulliiK, wherein Kleanor I'liehm rodley WH plnltitlll. Butt I )t IiiIiIiiii hluilen, He Ver SIioIck und oilier-, were tlefeiubiiits. Oiimliii, Ni'lniisku. l ehruury sin, mil. K. I'Aiift, Kim'i'IiiI MiiMter CoiiiiiilsMltiner. II. I-'. TIioiiiiih. iiltoi ney riedley vs. Mioles. Ihsv :c. .o. i:h. s-i"-a B. F. THOMAS. Attorney, Commercinl National Bank. SIM'.CIAL CI IM M IHSlONKIt'H Hale,-- t'nder und by virtue of an order of Rule on decree of foreclosure of inortnnite Issued mil. of the District Court fur Douglas futility. NeliriiHka, mid to te directed, I will, on Hie Ulh duy of March, A. D. WW, at I o'clock I'. M. of said day, nl t he tioi tli front diHirnrthe County court ::oilse, mine toy of Omiilia, Douglas County. Nebraska, sell at public iiiici.hiiil.ii ti.w highest bidder for rush, the liidl-ei l y inscribed In said order of sale ua follows, to-wit : I lit. hi ,ni li fortv (411) feet oTJots eleven (Ml and twelve (121 In block two (2) In Miei wood I'nrk. an addition to the city or uniiiiia, Doinilas County. Nebraska, as surveyed, ill nl led and recorded. .. .... l.i A...I pmni iroperi v l.oiienoni hisihisi.y m n ltrviint I be sum nf three thousand three hun dred and llfty-three and l-limdolliirstR:iUlil) wllh interest, on iin-ee lnousituu unions tliMXKIint, seven (71 ))er cent, tier milium and I ii teres! i in three hundred and llfty-t bree und lii-limttimieiat. ten (ioi per cent, per milium from the day of ticptember, IN'.l'i, Tosiitlsfy Cndy&Cruv Hi" sum of seven hundred and thirty-eight, und I Ho dollars (TUMID with Interest at seven (7) per cent. nir annum riomtbn ll'lli nay ot repiemoer, Mil-;. To satisfy Hulfe Kead (he sum ofelghty- slx dollars (fsil) wllh Interest al seven o) per cent, per iinnum from thu ItMli (lay of Hep- temlM'r, isi. To satisfy Charles K. Hates. Trustee, the sum of four thousand four hundred mid eluhlv-one and avilH dollars (4.4Kl.liril wllh Interest thereon at eight (S) per rent, per II tl 111! Ill friiiii the nil Ii il it v of Ht'htcmhf r, IM'i, together with accruing costs according to u judgment rendered by the District, Court, of saliriliiiigliis County, lit Its September term, A. D. INItt, In a certain action then and t here pending, wherein Arthur llryaiit was plain tiff, and Delphlna Hindus, Do ver Mimes ami others were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February Hlh. 1M. 10. C. lAtir., Hpeclsl Master Commissioner. II. I'. Thomas, attorney. Hrymit, vs. Hholes, et al. Doc, 32. No. l:ift. 2 IK-6 B. F. THOMAS. Attorney, Commercial National Bank. SIMCCIAL MAHTT.H COMMIHSIONEIfH Hale. fiuler and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the District l! tirt. for Douglas county, Nebraska, mid to directed. I will tm tlm 141 Ii tin v of Mart ii. A. D, IslM. at I o'clock v. M. of said (lav, at the north front doorofthe County Court House, lu the City oftimalia, Douglas l oiiniy. .-venrusKii, sen hi t hi I I It- niii'i Inn tti the highest bidder for cash, the properly described In said order of sale as follows, lo-wlt: The south I hlrty-seven (:i7) feet of the north seveniy-lliree (i.H reel in itns eleven no nun twelve (12i III b hick two (2) of Hlierwood I'm k, mi addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas County. Neliraska. us surveyed, piutieu auu reeni-ifed. Hald property to be sold to satisfy Adeline Hiit'kett the sum of t wo thousand seven hun dred and ninety-three and s;i-l(Ki dollars i2.7IW.KI), with Interest on I wo thousand dol lars ifimni) at seven (7) per cent, per iiunum mill Interest on seven hundred ninety-three und Kl-liKl d'illarsi7li;!s:i) at ten dm percent, per it M it u in from the day of Heplember, IHU2. To satisfy Cadv & (Iriiv the sum of sin hundred and ninety-eight and Men dollars ifillis.lili with Interest thereon at seven (7 (,er cent, from the llilh (lay or Heptemner. Wi. To satisfy Malfe Ac lielld the sum of eighty six dollars with Interest at. seven (7) per cent, from the 101 Ii (lay of HepKunber, 1MU2. To satisfy Charles K. Hates, Trustee, the sum of four thousand four hundred and elL'litv-iine and (V'i-ii dollars ie4.4sl.lJli wllh Interest (hereon at eight (Si per cent, per annum rrom the nun (lay or Hcpieinuer. isirj, iniellier wllh iicciulng costs according to n Judgment rendered by the District Court of said Douglas county, at lis repi,emier lerm, A. D. IM',12. In a certain acllon then and there iiem'lmr. where Adeline Hackett was nlalutlff. ami Doliiblna Hholes, De Ver Hholes mid others were defendants. Omalia, Nebraska, I'ebruary sth, K. C. I'AdK, Hpeclal Master Commissioner. It. K. Thomas, attorney. -Hackett-vs. Hholes, et, al. Dis1, K. No. Cl'l. 2-1(1-5 SherifFs Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the (list net. court or midguts t-oiiin v, .n liraska, and to me directed, I will on the llth ditv nf March. A. 1). ISta Ht, Id o'elK-k n. m of said day, at the K.AHT front disir of the co, -nly court house, in Tile cuy oi -tmiana Hi, i 'Ins rtnintv. Ni'lillotka. sell kt lllllllh auc! m the properly described In said order of sal, as follows, io-wii : Lot tciitvi20 In block twelve 112) honnl.i1 and Hutb's addition to the city of Omaha, In lliniifhik cminlv. slate of Nebraska. Hald properly to he sold subject to a mortgage for fl..H".lll ill lavor (II Lomilliril tint-miut-iu company, and to satisfy Anglo-American Land Mortgage and Agency company, limit ed, the sum of one hundred ninety-eight and SI-IIKI dollars 'SIlis.M i Judgment with Interest thereon at rale often ilm iMrcent M'r milium from I'ebruary tilth, istrjj and forty-seven and fts-ii dollars (iMT.lW) costs with Interest ilierenn from the tilth dav of February. A. D. lsi. ttiifi.ilier wllh accruing costs accord ing to a Judgment rendered by the District court of said Douglas county, at Its Kehrii- arv term, A. D. 1W2. In it certain action then mill there iM-ndlng. wherein Anglo-Amer li'itn Lund MortiiHge and Agency couiuauv was plnlntllT and Slav Kit's, Mary Kit's and others were nereniinnie. Omahii. Nebraska. Kebruary Sth, Islfl. OKOlOiK A. HKNNKTT. Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska D. II. Ktlleii. attorney. 2-l-A '! I ..1 k I d . . v M , t I k a " . . ... . v..t ...., I . H V i t. ii. . I .. .. , Tr t :h Uu:ut Cm! tm. F D. WILSON, nJEHTIST. STOP THAT COUOHINQ! t ! A MoTl l I ! Sandstedt's Ceiebnd Couh Syrup e-rn aa IS ana SO Canta. at na SWEDISH DRUG STORE, m. aaMDStlDT, from soi n. isian. X. !. TAKKIKIiK. M.I). rinin.i!i S; Medial 1 luiiiiian CMOMIC and Minvou DIStASIS A aPICIALTV. lilieiiii.Hiiiii nf ten yrur, tniiiltinr hn heen isnllitfly t iiri'd. NtMirnU'ln M 'l(u lnc". rilnl I rll ttl tun in nii il with like nuiilts, WOMEN HI CHILDHEN. Privato Diseases of Male & Female. I'MOHIT AfTICKTION TO t'AI.I.S Offlcat 110 heel Blk, isth and Howard, Teleidmue Htl. OMAHA, NKII. foe fine livery Unlit Huuitli'N. Hiuhlln MorNt'N. CiirrliiLli'H, ED. BAUMLEY, Boarding a Specialty. 7th und 8t, Mary'i Ave. Telephone 4 40 JOHN RUDD JEWELER. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Hllverweat and ( locks. 1 make asneclallv In overhauling and cleaning Chronograph Kepeaters and all prudes or watches and ( locks. .leweiry repairing ami inanutaci uriiig, etc. JOHN RUDD, 303 N. Sixteenth St., OMAHA, NEB. K. T. AI.LK.N, M. D. KVE AND EAR HI! HURON iUKI HaingH lll'k, cor Harney ft, 1,1, Oniiiliu. TTUJUiJLlT 331200.,. GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. TELEPHONE IW4. 207 North 17th St., - OMAHA, NEB Work called for and delivered. HENRY BORGHERT, KINE Merchant Tailoring PRICES L.OW. First class Cleaning, Dyeing mid Repairing Hatisfactlon Guaranteed. 937 North 24th St. or 24th it Izard W, T. WHITE, toes NORTH ISTH T. Stationery. Boohs and News, Periodicals. Magazines, Notions, Kins Pocket Cutlery, Cigars. Tobaccos, and Hinoker's Hun drles. Everything llrst class, , Friends Patronage Solicited. (JEO.W. LANCASTER & CO. (IKHKIMI. AOKNTS WHEELER - & WILSON BEWINQ MAC.IINE8. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. SOLL 1)N MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Needles. OH, Hupplles for all kinds of Hew ing Machines, Our own Mechanic Is first class. Will repair any Hewing Machine. TfLIFMOIH ti. 614 Bouth Sixteenth St-, Omaha. SEALS write For Prices. Ed. F. PICKERING, Tel. IS38. - 109 S. I61h atreet, OMAHA. UUTuJilJl souni Piirchaso Tickets and Consijjn Your Freight via the F.E.& M, V.and S- C.&P RAILROADS. II. G. RUKT, General ManaKor. K. C. Mokkhouse, J. H. HUCHAXAN, Gen. Ktvght Ajrt. Gen. Ptvss. Agt. Omaha, Nebraska.