The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 10, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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fJ'Mtr. AH I t IMIKll t .M
M.i t mi ntitt
W r Hut MmUtte Msniifts)
OMAHA, IIU1UY. I Kit, 10.
rHIHC I'M l 1H lli lt NnS
"TliK llli tlulayof Abraham Lincoln."
wllltie the subject of the dlcoure at
the Klrt M. K. t liitti'h, T-ttt lt Ii and
Davenport streets, Sunday evening,
l-Vhruary VI WX H-v. Crane eon
Rented to devote iltHt evening to the
altove mihjeel, l tln ivtpieat of a num
Kr of prominent tuotnlier of tho Ma
sonic fraternity. All who heard Mr.
Crane lecture uhui Humanism during
tho early part of the winter will no
doubt only tint glad t" ." ' hear
htiu nnk of that great and good iiiiiii
whose life whs t4tken by b lloiniin Path
olio In furtherance of it Jesuit scheme;
Binl nil those who dll not Ili'HI' It I tit thi'll
will avuil tlH'iiiMi'lvoii of thin opportun
ity to lu-iir tli In Klftotl, cloiiiint ill vino
on thU iK't'ikHlon, Let every loyal
Aim-rli'iin k hour IU-v. Cruno next
Htimliiy nljfht. Fill hl Krout, Wg
I'hurch to ovi'rllowltig. It l Mum for
Amcrli'iinn to bo on guurd.
We kiv Inforniocl by tho lop-Mlilcd
dally pri'wi thii) Judifo AllcnV loi-tlon
hn UuIUmI Htalfii wniilor will not tv
milt In liTolrU'Vttblo diiiiiinto to ttus
tat. How Htninito! )n would Infer
from their tono that tho third () party
wan roiupoKed entlri-ly of Ineouipetonti;
that It was Hindu up of dlxrcputublo,
jaded polltlidaiiH, who fattened mid
grw tron(f on tho dlhatern of their
nelghlMii K. Burn In not tlm ew. Anldu
from tli Itoman element In tho I'ltlen,
tho liideM ndftit party In !oiiioed of
hoiiext, coimcletiMotm cltlzeiiH, who
have by hard work eked out un exist
ence or maHed a nompeUmey on thu
mor or lew prfKluetlvo noli of No
branka. They wro ne a portion of
ttJf repulillean party-rejoldntf In U
vletorlen and norrowlnj? In Itn defeat
until they becamo convlnwd right-
, fully or wrongfully that It wan no
longer tho friend of tho oppreum'd,
when they Joined till new party, which
ban neither dlngraeed Itwdf or thn
utato by electing Judge Allen to tho
Ofllee ofi United Htllten wliaUir,
Wk am fertalnly an Indifferent ieo
plo. Homo weckn ago wo heard tho
fiitlon dliM'UHwd a to whether or not
I ' tlm A. 1". A, should undertako U get
up ceietnatioii to nommniiioraui
Wahlngt4in' blr'lulav. At tho on
fererieo tlm preMinderane of argument
wan agalnut celebrating, and thn
matter, w far a tho A, I. A, wa con
cerned, wan dropjHid. Hut It mwm
there U likely U celebration any
way, Tho Jr. 0. U. A. M tho Orange
men, the V, O. 8, of A-, and a largo
number of Mawmn are agitating tlm
mibject and may aueeiM'd In working up
mifllclent nentlment t cnabbt them to
get up a very credltablo entertainment
on tb 22nd. Wtf undemtafHl coin
mltteen from this w-veral counclln of the
Junlorn ar circulating milwcrltlon
blankn to ralwt th? fieecumiry fund. If
they meet with tin? nuecewi they antici
pate tho programmii will piear in
thews column next week. What loyal
American will not lend hi preneneo to
commemorate tho birth of the father of
our country? You couldn't keep the
lrlh from celebrating Ht. I'atrlck'
day, Why nhould we tie lex grateful
toward our heroe?
IjuI pvcnlng tho Ike contained a
lengthy article berating the police
ot1lc;r who were meint'm of the
American 1'rotectlve Aoclatlon, and
lauding Chief Heavey and hlIrlh pet
to the kle. The article wa aim ply a
men of mltaU'tiienU and mUrcpre
dentation that nhould not have -en
ailmltted to th column of a reliable
pajier, 1'eoplo who have read that
paper for year mut have been aome
whaturprled atthl flop In favor of
Chief Seavey. In not thi the aan.e
Heavey whom tho Ike charged with
varlou qiit!tlonable trnaction year
ago, and ha tlm time m;n m long ago
when that name paper held our own
chief up to the public ga,9 In anything
but an unenviable light, that Ittia for
gotten what It formerly ald? What
ha caused thi change? Why were
reporter cloetd with the chief until
after midnight before tho article ap
peared? I it a Bchome to prejudice
the public agalnt I'rotentant police
officer, or to cover up the abort-coming
of the IrUh?
Let the object bo what Jt may, the
fact remain that were the member of
the American l'rot-ctlve Aaaoclation
I" '
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tlittie tie t?.,iil bit tit''' Mo'lr tl l
ball ' N Hie I U IVnl I Hllwr
If llu atH.U It f tv.vtabn WtHiitu
lilT llm Mb i-1eOg br N e r-
lln .im el f.r the plhlli tfe i'f
,t.iiiln(j tinlanful n Utln wllb In r
joilMg dauilit. r, i I" l ll ed. Y I
. nu n are prime taolt" ili the
elite! aim llie f". '" ny- ''"
aiiKer It for ynmw If
To fdlielmle, the luenibein finm
lliiugta county who eii ileeled by
the A. IV A. vote liotild -i that Iioum
roll No. 117 W eenie a law. Home ha
filched nioii(ih from tl mnty
On a Nf nt Job.
The rhuirh of I tome I anolheroi
gauUittlon which h ave mighty little
core lying around loom- when It under-
tke todlHMie of any purlleularapple,
We lu-e nioveil to thi rellecllon by
noting the delightful thoroughiie of
theelean-iip which the holy church ha
made In the ratio of tlm I lev. Dr. Me
ttlynn. When that large-moiithed
gelilleuuin left the fold, there were not
wanting Momc who mi in him an
American Martin Luther of IrUh ex
traction, and who thought that he wua
golnt to miikc the m'arlet woman of
Jliibylon totter on her went, He went
out of the communion, -.ind hlrfd a hull
and called the good old pope more
name than he can remember now. The
pope winked and blinked ami mit In tho
Vatican writing l.atln verc and popu
larizing hi reign by decreiiHlng the
number of fiwt-dny In ITit, and allow
ing extra ration ol meat to tho chil
dren of the church- and a very rood
thing It wa, indeed, and perhap it
did more than anything elwi to head off
the return of the grip epidemic. And
after u while It bucttme evident tu vwn
tho mot hyMtcrlciil intellect that Home
wa going to H upon her evcn hill
for a while longer, even If the worthy
Dr. Met it nn did make an Indecent ex
ponent of the IunIiIu of hi lung, Now,
when thl fact wa once etabllhed,
any Influence for mUchlef which the
voclfcrou,Mc(ilvnn might poc van
lulled like dew before the un. Hut
hi unparalled power of wind wa Ntill
auweful Instrument, If It could lie turned
to the wrvice of the church, and In hi
year of exile he had gathered together
a nice little flock of hi own, that wa
acciiMtomed to giving of It fleece In tho
tuimt generou tyle. Ko one day the
peaceful old pojie cnt out an cxierl-
enced cmlary with an HpoNtolle Ntlck.
lie approached the ex-reverend doctor
with a Hweet mlle of reconciliation on
hi face, and before any of them
knew what had happened, the great
Mcfilynn and all the little Mctilynnlet
wer gently but firmly picked up and
dropped hack Into the fold of mother
church; and the McClynn Incident wa
cliHM'd, with a net gain to the church of
one recalcitrant prlent proved harinlew
and made ubervlent, plui a falr-l,ed
congregation of amiable and open-
handed crank, oine of whom may
doubtle Ik) turiM'd Into right good
f'fitholloN, There wan't much core to
Hint apple,i'iai,
; Did at His Pot,
Monday afU'rnioii Mr, I, D, lOdmin-
Um, ft carpenti'r employed In repairing
the Marker block elevator, wa acci
dentally killed, Mr, IvImlimtoM wa
one of the bet artlan In hi line in
the city, and wa highly reupccU'd by
all who knew him. He wa alxut lxty
year old, but a spry a most young
men of thirty, Mr, Kdinlnton wa a
typical American In fact ho wa an
active member of tho A. I', A. council
which meet In the hall In tin. building
where ho wa killed. Hi funeral oc
curred WeiJneday afternoon from lii
home on South Fifteenth street, and
wa attended by m number ff hi moat
Intimate friend. Mr. Kdmlnton will
have tho nympathy of all In her sad
..i ..ii. ....
Th Grim Reaper,
Death enu-rcd anotner home last
Maturday and robbed it of It rlcheat
treaurea wife and mother. The
home made denotata by tho grim niim
ter wa that of Elmer K, Hlgley, at
Forty-Heventh and l'aelfic ntreet.
After an lllne of little le than a
week hi young wife quietly and peace
fully breathed her lust, and wa burled
Monday afternoon In Kvcrgreen eeme
tery, She leave a baby txiy alniut a
ww;K ulu, W no raiaea without a
mother' care. A large circle of friend
will sympathize with Mr. Hlgley in
hi great bereavement.
Jj V, fi reen will add res the member
of tho Junior Order of United Ameri
can Mechanic next Sunday morning
at lOo'cha k, in the First I'rebyterlan
church. Ail true American are
,1 IM I 1
ii -ii n
( , , 1 .. .. I,. 'rtkt I '
.., it t t M I ,i li-nl 4 t m
(.' ilt, In (ol
tot. t i t ' n n nf In. I
i,..flH ttitilnH f i tt Uh-
tll I I l)t f'- ', Sl"1 IM Hl HI,
t,,Mt lvlb'. I J l?'V
,1, tt i-M- tl nt "t I, l lltuMt,"
Htldi ttttl 'url Htf .pithnit
in l"M ul Mir Itftl - wKo
ttUtd tt.p ppnl mi -tt ttt. 1 1 1
pnn4 nd jovi mmi utt of rtla, and
itlUhed trtiRii i i lepit r, rUiitilnc
to It alum till rmtltli jwnr, No
hu b rUlm Her tiln Iwfitrrby
mi) el tlif pope. Hp tl ho titl
i'Hiitet the cni and do et tint of
eelilmir eleigi, and detm miiied that
evety priest Iiuii.iI iMdoiig lo llie
ehureh holly. Up to thi Um ptlrM
wi re at lllteity to tunrry ami illl o,
but thi pope di'stroji'd that litH-rty,
ami u aile law rontrary to the lw nl
Mini ami nature. Trior to the time ol
lllbb'brainl or (ire gory VII. the ecii
lar prince had appointed pope Mid
hihtip the eniulldnte paying the
hlghiM uni fur.the preferment and
the head of the ehureh or vicegerent of
t'lirWt, wa often ileeltled by the abrit
rameut of arm, or the weightiest pile
ol gold! Hut Mregory changed the
rule and the ring nnd crosier came
only thenceforth from tho handi of tlm
pope. Later, however, in 1 122, Calix
tu 11, wa forced to urreiilcr to
Henry V.. the right of Investiture.
Upon Hie death ol Mregory VII, Cle
ment III ascended the papal throne,
and Hie N'ormnn nobles, In conjunction
with those of France, net up Urban II,
and these rival vicegerent of Mod
carried on a warfare which would din-
grace, today, Houth African tuivagoa.
All of western Christendom wn wept!
over n by a cyclone of dcntructioii,
and the struggle continued until the
outbreak of the crusade. From Mac-
aulay' esmiy on l'anke' History,
40, -107,408 and 414, we make the
following extract:
Two pope (at the name time) each
with a doubtful title, made all F.uropo
ring with (heir mutual Invective and
'Kline, the headquarter of one
pope 'cried out against the corrup
tion of Avignon' the headquarter of
tho other pope) anil Avignon with
equal justice on Hume,
The plain peoplo were unablo to ill
cover to which of theo two worthies
men the leadership belonged."
'During the generation that pre
cunei! the reformation, the Ilortinu
court (the Human Catholic church and
court) hail been a candiil to the clirl
tlan name, It annals are black with
treason, murder anil Incest, Kvim It
more respectable member were utterly
unlit to be minister of religion,
Their yean glided by in soft drciiui of
sensual and Intellectual votitpluonness,
choice cookery, dellclou wine., lovely
women, homes, sonnet, burleque,
romance, a Hcentlou a ft fine eno
of the grateful would permit,"
llaronlui, a Homaii Catholic writer,
ay: "What i then the face of the
Koman church? How exceedingly
foul It U! When moat poteti,-, orlnl
and abandoned women metetrlce'
ruled over Home; at whoo will the
sec were changed; bishop were pre-
ented; and what I horrid to hear and
unutterable. False pontiff, (he para
mour of these women, were int roduced
Into the chair of 8t. l'eter. For who
can affirm that men illegally Intruded
by bd women Hcortl' were ll'itiinn
pontiff?" -Hoa Itatomou A final, A.
I). 112.
Claude J)'Kii!tice, an eminent Cath
olic divine, ha written that the pope
and their bishop "gave permission to
priest to keep concubine, upon pay
Ing an annual tax." He further nay
that "There I a printed book which
ha been sold for a considerable time,
entitled Taxe of tho ApoUolio Chan
eery," from which we may learn more
enormltle and crime than from all the
book of the MummlM. And of these
crime there are ome which person
may have liberty to commit for money,
while absolution from all of them after
they have been committed may be
bought." Hee U'Kspenco, ad cap ad
til urn, deg. II.
"it wa publicly and nbluhlngly
enacted by tho cuincil of Toledo,
1178 and ratified by I'ope Leo of
that day, that a priest might keep hi
concubine publicly, and the lordly
blshoo also might have hi concubine
publicly and privately hi aeragllo."
Nee Kinli council tarn I, p. 737-0
Crabb council I, page 440 and WA
One of the pope of Rome, at least,
wa found guilty of perjury, incest and
rape, by a council of bishop,
"l'ope Paul III, who convened the
council of Trent, made no cruple of
availing himself of the revenue that
could be raived from licensed house
of Infamy! And hi revenue from thi
ource wa very great, a 4-,000 of
I,, . t 11 J', . I, ) , t '
t(, i i he I I- U . m '
!,... 1 1 i t i
h. If t't 1 1 it I I U IH t . I
i l l! tti!lt t.l,.it !
! , .i., i, tt. t n. h .1 Ii I t..i '
:. " 1
lMi... tm.l.r r..i... .Millie . ItHl
i ht ittiw, pnpt hit d ip ) d tin
pup) rhmtfi.J 4n. I t IK I tfet a
tt,st t In M n WtoeMi l'4i,tm. (M
Ike VllnM, thM jwti'HiHl t.i
mtilt the left il M Hein I'lihtdie
rhitfi h I tM.iMHi In Mill 1 J Jfi thetf
ti.lii .1 b) thn Jet,t ihmi.imni, Th
I ii Ik i.l AH desirojnl l thf inni'
mull hangman alone ,1fi(oiMi p, t,,a
The immtM'r unttderetl lv lum i l b)
(irttttal Iimi.ihhi. llietli perlshwl )
the lire and torture of Ihe tnqulltl n
In pin, Italy and I ranee, I.SO.Ooo.
In the Irish tuere ther) pi rihel
lAti.tiiHt Uroti-Mant. To iiim up the
entire murder of Mm ehtiirh of Home,
committed beeut of religious bigotry
ami religious war, the number ol
alaln l estimated at more Mian itH.iiiiii,
000 of human beings, and all i f them
were slain to destroy liberty, Instead
u( defending it. The Roman ehureh
stand without a parallel In the annuls
of lime, In it murder, wars, torture,
immorality and injustice to mankind,
and how Rev. Ilromlel could stand up
anil uiiblushlugly publish such false
statements, in the light of history, ami
ask Intelligent men and women to be
lieve them, t a marvel to us. All of
human liberty ha been secured to man
In spite of llie church of Home!
In the foregoing we have only bii
wered tho liflh ittatemeut and tho fif
teenth. Rev. Hrondel hu no more
answered the other question truly,
than he ha thoan to which we refer, article I now too lengthy, and
wu must close by asking friend Real to
read the evidence, and by tho time we
are through publishing the answer to
the "silly trash" Which ho hin ent un,
he will know more of hi own church,
her history and abomination?, than he
ever dreamed of. The Catholic, a a
people, intend to be good citizens, but
they are deceived and mNled by their
irlest. To our reader wo desire to
dtate that Liberty will be made an In
teresting paper on thi question a
well a on political question. Roth
are closely milted politic and re
ligion. Read the paper and hand it tu
jour neighbor. Liberty, of Lincoln.
mm i iii in
From One of Our Friend. Who Attend
Dartmouth College.
)aktmo(;tii Coi.i.kuk, Hanovkh, N.
If., Feb. r, IHOII. John C, Thomi'-
regular reader of your valuable paper,
which, If 1 mistake not, I doing valu
able ervlce In the college reading
room here. It I here, If anywhere,
that uch a paper and Mich agitation
ought to do the greatest amount of
good, for Dartmouth College I an In
atltutiou which end out each year
large number of men who fill por
tion In the public school and other
Institution of learning everywhere In
the land. This I especially true in
New F.ngland In Massachusetts
which ha numerous college of her
own, but draw very largely upon her
northern neighbor for her Instructors,
and for her good, rolld men. Number
of those having migrated west are lili-
Ing cndltably responsible position
Wo have only to look around u t' eo
thi-our own Omaha High school
furnlshe several good example, and
men who will no doubt lie found on
the right side and have done much to
Increase the ellielenoy of tho school.
Now I claim that if men from this
college or from any other college can
be brought to see the force of tho Ro
man evil, they can be on the look out
for It, and especially those wbo become
connected with the public eohool can
do much to thwart the attempt of the
papist. Therefore I fchall do what I
can to have Tlltt AmkhioAN more
widely read here, In tho belief that tho
agitation will do much to preserve our
country from tho blight of that para
lite which hn sapped the strength out
of every government with which It ha
come In contact.
At a meeting of the truitoc of Dart
mouth College, at Concord, N. II.,
February Hrd, at which all but one
were present, Rev. Dr. Tucker, of An
dover Theological seminary, wa unan
imously elected president of that in
stltutlon. He uoceed I'rof. J. K.
King, who ha been acting president
since the resignation of the former
president of the college, Rev. 8. C.
Rartlett. Dr, Tucker wa elected In
JK7d, on the death of President Smith,
to the ame position, but wa unablo
to accept it. He again refused the
an;e position on the resignation of
President Rartlett, but has, after care
ful deliberation, accepted, and will re
turn Mav 1st to "Old Dartmouth." his
alma mater, who sent him forth In
1 t.t It .l. t !. t ., ' . t!
t .1 t... ,- m .., t, ;
... V.t I. ,, I, , ( ,1 t t I...
tfSft h t , n !l I If .1 .t tt I
lb itt'l mm'f 1lli tlMxtl !. tir .
I. t ....,... I. 1 1 c 1 1. ti t.i i , 1.
I,,HH n,h ' ","" ' lrt"
. k . i . .. a . it . k . . t . . a
i ti,it i.reii ..(M . in tw
tint ttirst. ti1niitith ..(! U
Inttlt'tt tuth in HMmi nd !t
l-l'H lllitn a,li Mitt , It is a w il
! n let 1iai Drintttta tij pin
mir i html and enlli-ges m lib ttund,
rpltl Imirael.tM , Ur A met ie
)nntit th hop t.f ,,r futui. And
should toil t-it'Uoti rnJoW Miat such
a ettllege, la addition to teiiiftt
atiiotieting to almost a million oo,.
lion kmc Jmi, lt, lvi, h secured
the prtitul0 of och a bright future by
the election of a man second 1 1 none
In the laud a a leader In the advance
ment of true knowledge. Among
some of the cerulnlle which lead an
Impartial observer to look forward to a
bright future for the eollege, istherew
athletic Held which will be finished as
soon a spring open, thn building of
lMittcrtleld hall from the Ituttertield
legacy of tlKO.noo, In January, and
the establishment of a chair ti be ex
clusively devoted to elocution. Among
the Immediate probabilities i the build
ing of a new recitation building equal
to the best to be had, and tho roliUiug
of the old dormitories. For the re
fitting of the Missel Hall gymnasium
and securing adequate water supply
for the town and college already $12,-
000 have been subscribed. Of the
f".r),000 to be raised tJl.OOO goes to.
ward the water supply, in which of
course the town sharoc, and the rest
toward the titling up of the gymnasium
witli swimming tank, baths, and all
necessary appliances for a lirst class
gymnasium. Yours for the A. P. A.,
.1. 1. R.-
Will Rev. Bex Answer?
After having road the article in the
JliitUr (Jou)il;i J'renn, written by Rev.
Hex, of tho Catholic church, wherein
ho makes an attack on tho members of
tho American Protective Association,
wo havo thought It not out of place to
say a few words, not In reply, as there
la nothing worthy of reply arising in
his entire article. He wanders over a
great rango of pretty words and fine
sentences, answers nothing, denies
nothing, accomplishes nothing, but an
unwarranted attack on the A. P. A. In
what wo have to say, we do not want to
bo understood as making any war on
tho Cathollo church, because we have
no more right to do ho than Mr. Box
hud to at tuck or make war on tho A. P.
A. All wo shall do Is to propound a
few questions, which we, as Americans.
hold to bo of tho greatest value to the
perpetuity of our American Institu
tions, and wo hopu that Ilev. Bex will
find it convenient to answer In a spirit
of fairness, not only to his church, but
In the Interest of the public. Thoquos
tlons are as follows:
First. Is tho Koman Catholic church
subject to the mandates mid edicts of
tho pope of Homo?
Kecond. Is the I toman Cathollo
church as a church favorable to, and In
sympathy with our American system
of free acluxils? and If not, why not?
Third. Does tho Koman Catholic
church regard tho appeals and man
dates of tho pope of Komo of moro con
sequence to thorn as a peoplo, than the
provisions of tho constitutions of states
and tho United Htates of America?
Fourth, Do tho Koman Catholics
"fivo thy (Protestant) neighbor as
thyself?" These questions are asked
In tho Interest of tho American princi
ple of "religious liberty and equal jus
tice to all?" They are asked In the
spirit of fairness and wo trust will ho
answered in the same spirit of fairness.
ilev. Hex has made one charge that
we feel called upon to denounce us being
basely false and without any foundation
whatever, vl,: "That an A. P. A. man
could not bo either a coimlatont chris
tian nor a comdstcnt citizen of tho
United Htates," Answer our questions,
Mr. Bex, and wo are willing to leave
tho question of United States citizen
ship to the judgment of an Intelligent
public David (Hty Trihuut1,
In a certain western town, says Texan
Sifting, tho members of tho various re
ligious sect were very tolerant toward
each other, Tho clergymen, In par
ticular, were very friendly. On the
occasion of tho Jewish rabbi's sliver
wedding ho Invited the Protestant
clergyman and also the Catholic priost.
While tho reverend clergymen were
enjoying the good cheer set before
thorn, the Cathollo priest auld to tho
"I know that you are a very liberal
minded gentleman, but could you bring
yourself to eat pork?"
"Certainly, I could relish some ham at
least on one occaalon."
"And that would be?"
"At the marriage dinner of your
It. II. Oslnrhoudt will do you good
Carriage Painting and Repairing.
Take your work to him.
18th and Cass Streets.
: r t tl ! ! Ml t.t .l.'t I., r
till Vkilttk riiw.1 tirl ll'lf
1 l i .t.rt,..l ,.. t t( t t' N
.1 fill I, tied t.i h I .1
n It ft tttl ) .ttl ep nt,it.
leg t t.t Itt.lftl in trt nr
IttytUt t,i An., tten.t, n,tr 'i rt tt'
, id .tu a lUti Ahii i and
Jfu abilHy to di l'tr tttt pU ttgt
1b tt mtred In trt J., it 1
f iil,t
lliw ij shr' i.f ( V w 1,1 jtnt
Uke in the Arttrttesn l'iiblihlng onttt
psnj at It f,e vslite, flmi per share?
One hif down, rerj .1 nutnth thef
after many subscription will tuii
take at H per year for an evening pa
jter, ( hie half d iwn bUniH monthly.
All money subseriVd shall be re
tkined until a sufllelent amount ha
tteen subscritted to insure the publica
tion of a daily. In ease the amount
necessary to carry on the business of
publishing a Amkkii ax is not
raised by August 1st. Iy:l, all money
subscribed, less 10 pent un each sub
scription to pay for postage, receipt,
envelope, anil clerk hire will be re
funded to subscribers.
Men who have from $100 to f 10,000
cannot find a better place to invest
their money than in a Daily Ameri
can. Il will be as great a success as
the weekly has been and the weekly
has paid two dollars where any other
publication has paid one.
If you want to get in on tho ground
lloor fill out and return this blank ac
companied with tho cash.
bt $
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ta g
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Y, .
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a m. Ji -si
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a t
a 3
v ' 9
If you cannot spare enough to pur
chase one or more shares of stock,
subscribe for the paper on above
conditions at the following rates:
8 months 2.50
6 months $4.50
1 year $8.00
The weekly has givon entire satis
faction and our pledge to make tho
dally, if it should be started, as good In
proportior. Is sufliciont guarantee to
those who invest to assure them that
their funds will be properly and judi
ciously handled.
Phis Is In your hands now. If you
want a daily you know how to get it.
If you do not, hold onto your money.
We do not care which way it goes.
Remember, we do not start on promises
the euli, mud be In Kiyht.
Notice for Probate of Will.
Ktatk or Nkiiiuska, I
DoiiitlitH (Jiiunly. ( , , . , t,
In tlie county court of Douglas county,
In tint nuttier of tlm estate of Lucy M.
I'owler. tleceiised :
Mrs, IliilUlh Itenves, Nellie Kicker, biiey II.
ThllllpH. Helmut Phillip. Abhv F. I'hllllps.
.lionet, VV, Phillips, and the helrsof Almniill
Itlcker and A mm HpuulilliiK I'hllllps,
(lect'itsed, mid all oilier persons Interested tn
nhIiI tnull er lire hereby not I lied that on Hie
7th day of Keliriiary. Isftj. Jefferson HpauldliiK
utid IColiert II. OlniHlefl, as administrators or
the estate of I.ncy M. I'owler. dnceahed, tiled
a petition alleKliiK anions other thlniis that
said littey M. Fowler filed on t lift Mil day of
May, IHIfJ, leavltiK a last will and testament,
and possessed of personal fstati! valued at,
Vi.M)M or thereabouts, and that theahovft
mimed constitute the persons Interested tn
the estate of said decoKHHtij mill pruylnit for
the probate of said will, and for administra
tion tif said estate.
Vou are hereliy notified that If you fall to
appear at said court on thii4th day of March,
lMi'i, at 1) o'clock A. M. to contest the probate
of said will, the court may allow nnd prnbute
said will and Kraut administration tif said
estate to Robert II. Olmsted as executor with
the will annexed or some other suitable per
son, and prfK'eed to a settlement thereof.
Witness my hand anil oltlclal seal (his 7th
day of February, IWili,
Iskai.1 ,1. W, KM.KIt,
2-10-4 County .Inline.
Notice to Creditors.
Htatr ok Nkiihaska, I
I lout! las l 'on n ty, f
In the County Court of Ioiir1a County,
Nebraska, January 24th, A. 1). IWIH.
In the matter of tho estate of Frederlk
II ii risen:
The creditors of said estate and all ot her
persons Interested In said matter will take
notice that the creditors of said estate will
appear before this court on the Wlhduy of
March. IWH. on the ffltih day of May, IHtm,
and tut the Kith day of July, Ihiiii. at III o'clock
a. M fiu-lt day, for the purpose of preMentltiK
their claims for examination. adJiiHtmeiit
and allowance, Hlx months are allowed for
the creditors to present their claims and one
year for the ailmlnlm tutor to settle wild es
tate, from t he h flay of January 1SH3; thi
notice will be publlNhed In Tit Amkiocan
for four weeks sin-cfsMlvely. prior to llie adth
day of March, iwi:i. All claims not tiled on
fir before the OTthdiiy of July, lsiiil, will tie
forever burred from consideration In the
final set! lenient of Hald est ate.
Witness my hand and ottlchil seal this 24th
day tif January, lslill.
(skai..1 J. W. F.U.EH.
2-I-4 County Judge.