The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 10, 1893, Image 2

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tuN,' ,'lSS-t ' MOV t j.
MV.i , MM fcfciwd I t
t MnMi4
In l.d!.' -. I " ( i1
tiiq ''i t I will. I !." Jr
Ali H i -V MtMl.f Hit
tikt ' ts ! i Ml
rtrl. it.l iit I ti it, I
lit II ! tit Willi titiattloutt.
AM It l tin ttwe M Tlt ltthl
low ft-1 f. T r fi"n tlmtji", a MifcM
rr- in Di ttif. f.Mii lH, Imt i-n tlx
vttiil i'iit ate! I'll tin' lutti'l Wmiiim!
Hm it;il li id tut r loath tiili fkil
ivhM iimjurt' , mi. I ! iiiiic, "IUhmI
Jennie," rvirUh' linn. I tti ttwli
ttmt. ! t i't nidi tinliitte,
A iHi l IimWM'J I J 'iitiiv'n, a tir,
that I tniulit fill full of l ni. I hm.
tut mm li Mum tiUht v, Hut w Imt .
tltlMti.f ti'l illtt If .Icllltti' Hiili-nl' !
It not Md r t-t nj"ii' that tlio Iittl
heruine lm funtn) t much ko1 ti ir
the wniM wiii h linn M littl" Bil t
oJT. r tirr?
Sim w ii at rut k by liahtntiin nny yfr
lit It'iiM, tlmt I tin' ciiii!' hrr ninth.
rrK'vini'f I11T Milliliifwi. Thin llmllirr,
with win m hIii' livi. i n liith' llinlity l
llnifH. mill tlmt In oTii'nf .li'tiiili''! !!"!.,
Imt It In Iht iiiiIIiikkIkk iinliiH'ry.
nlmnt tlm ntni'U iI,11iiik wmp, mult hci
mul jiiniTiM k. wlilfh I'H.v tlm n'lit hihJ
brings liroml In tlm MKr tctiptiutit which
tho two call hnimi. Tho lunl ly often
cIiivko tlm old wiiiiinti, tJikiiiK HilvnnljiK
of her fci'lilo iiilnil, ntnl Iiiithhh ht
greatly. Thcro Ih no cnii'lcr iMMint in
tho jmiKh'H of AnIh t)mn tlm luul boy,
Mid ho Iiim not tho lit'iinfa cxciimh foi
After Jtmnio lunl liii'n Mind wnneHin
the diMfltfiiriiiK diw'Hmi iittackinl her fiice.
It ate away her mouth nnd none und
compelled her to wear a thick veil when
ever he went ont to tho church or Hun
day ichool. Doctors mtid It wiuo a can
cer, and attinj)ts were made by kind
friends to Ret Jennie admit tod to the
Cancer hoMpital, but tho ihyHicina there
aid that it wua no cancer. And no, with
that cruelty which sometime marks the
conduct of our hoHiiital attendants,
worn to mercy and kindness, poor Jen
nie was driven from one institution to
nother, and none would have her. None
would have hert Hhame lie it on tin
name of every one!
And so sho retreated to the poor little
tononient behind another tenement and
prepared to live out her life an best h
And- then began her Sunday school.
She did not seek for scholars. They
came to her as the sparrows did to look
for crumbs upon tho window sill. They
were the children of tho very poor.
Borne of them were of Hebrew birth,
like Jennie, ot hers were Homan Cat ho
lics. Others did not know if they had
been born to any creed, nrilcas it were
the creed of poverty and Aiiguinh.
How they crowded into that little
room I What comfort they found there
under the spell of the blind girl, who
seemed to them to talk with the tongue
of angels! How they awakened the
chocs of a region which usually re
sonndod to the songs and curses of the
drunken and tho vile!
Two Sundays in Jennie's weekSat
urday for the Jews and Sunday for the
Ono day a littlo girl came up to the
"1 want to come to Sunday school,"
he said.
"But there is no Sunduy school till
iter dinner."
"Well, I ain't going to have no dinner
today, so 1 guess I'll stay and wait."
Yon may lie sure that she was made
welcome, and that sho did have dinner
that day with Jennie and her mother.
And that is tho kind of child who bo
longs to Jennie's Sunday school. There
are fully 50 who belong to it, and who
attend either one day or the other.
Jennie's knowlodgo of the Scriptures
and of tho hymns sung in the mixtion
and at her home is marvelous. If the
words of a hymn whose munie attracts
her are read to her several times, she re
members them forever afW. Tho sing
ing is one of the great attractions to the
little one,
Tho members of Jennie's class do not
meet at stated hours, but run In when
ever they destro.
Ah, what a glorious thing it was that
the hospitals turned Jennie from their
Inhospitable doors! Sho wonld have
been so useless in those warm and cheer
ful rooms a recipient of their alms and
nothing else, whereas sho has turned her
tenement into a temple and filled one
cf tho darkest corners of the city with
the light and tho grace of Ood.
IIojio Mission chajtcl keej its eye on
Jennie and her mother and keejis the
wolf from entering ut the door, as it
would do sometimes if they were left
absolutely unaided. Tho good people,
who are not overrlch themselves, help
them out with the rent and the coal man.
A few days ago the minsiotiary went
hopping for Jennio, and this was what
he bought after paying out $-5 for the
rent: Quilt, $1.50; cot, $1.25; under
clothing, $1.75; pillow, 74 cents; sheets,
68 cents; two enps and saucers and two
knives and forks. 84 cents, and wash
board, 18 cents.
"The fund from which we drew these
littlo purchases," said Pastor John IJ.
Devins to me, "was only $87, but we
found that Jennie absolutely needed
them? and that settled tho matter with
There was a great time when Jennie's
Sunday school celebrated Christmas.
Such songs, such games, such recita
tions! And then there was collection
taken np to build a Presbyterian chnrch
in Pratt, Minn., and when Jennie count
ed out the largess of her little ones there
was one whole dollar to go to that
worthy fund!
I wonder if any millionaire in New
Tork gave so largely of his store m did
"Blind JenniV children! New York
iut,ui.i. !.(l. i . tu
U- i Jl U .! It 4 '. "
I'ltt -.-t-.ill.ij
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If Milt !! M !' ' h l
hi t titiiil H i'l 1" lixi'li st.
ut f r N S Ul I m l t-l the iUI
Jili r.iiiliV si bniiJ milftilut
Wi 5! J If. Mil nil ttiiilHlii lilM.ill
dntim i f tin- il ii tir mil " with 1 1 i
itttMi "lid ibfwt' h. And soltKfcj
ell tlittnll t iy ih iMttii''lil if lie
htiiiM-lifl I,
"Yit suet a p"ll I'stl," Mil tlm s i
Vt itlti tin l,t i sliiltrf iilti iitlmi l-i the coin
flliV, "nlld ' Will dt lite l-t." 'Ilil'j
MMUillhr S fill III' r fl" -llled. bit llldei
InmiM It iiiiint, p.tiiititiii, iimn'ii ninl I." k
siiiilhlhii w.iik, i l. tii hI wlk slid tiii"
ci lliiiiiim wnik.aiii! other llniHii bj
nuiinMim to iiMiili' ii, I'ul all "f lht !
ffn ntit iniitil!ili' e In the ii iHiiiiny of j
living In a well n'"inli''l hoiiM'.- New 1
York Herald.
Mli ln I rrin-ti 1'oith. j
The makiinr f a Hum -iH.k In Fruiiee
is a lengthy and tedious prociwt. When
a young man decides to pursue a culi
nary career he selects bin nominal in
structor, to whom he pays a fee of $'XHi.
The aspirant 1 first assigned to Hie Veg
etable rook, who teaches him how to
prepare the raw materials. When ho
has mastered this, he is iuitiateil into the
mystery of cooking them. This thor
oughly learned he studies tho way of
cutting up raw meat, of preparing fish
and how to stuff, dress, truss and lard
game ami poultry. When he has thor
oughly learned this, he is placed liefore
the range, where he receives instruct ion
in tho various processes of broiling, fry
ing, roasting and baking.
When he graduates from this depart
ment, he passes under the control of the
second cook, who reveals to him the
mysteries of sauces and soups. The in
terest of this functionary in his pupil it
is necessary to accelerate with lificral
and frequent tips. The young man is
now turned back to the pastry cook, to
whom he serves a long apprenticeship in
all that pertains to the concoction of
sweets, pastries and ices. This completes
his culinary education, and ho is pre
pared to assume the role of a competent
cook. New York Sun.
Joli II Nlhln's llrsvs Herd.
An old comrade of mine, Sergeant John
Nihle, attached to the United States cav
alry, was out with a scouting party, and
they were surprised by a purty of In
dians four times their number. They
exchanged shots with them, wheeled
about and made for camp, some miles
The Indians cont inued firing, and final
ly one of the white men was hit and fell
from his horse. Quick as a flash Nihle
dismounted, dropped on his knee and
fired at the foremost Indian, bringing
him to tho ground. Jumping up he
placed his wounded comrade across his
horse, jnmjK'd up behind him, ami by
keeping np a continual fire at his pur
suers curried him into camp. Congress
awarded Nihlo a medal nnd also a cer
tificate setting forth the facts of his hero
ism. He was tho champion shot of-the
army for several years, his left breast
being decorated with medals to tho value
of $700, but tho ono ho prizes most is the
simple one of bronze awarded by con
gress, John is very modest and as brave as a
lion, and as such ho is regarded by Iris
comrades at Willets Point. Cor, New
York Press,
i'rw St'lioiilliooli In tlm llomn.
There is one effect of the law requir
ing towns to provide free textliooks for
schools that will ojieruto a littlo against
the public good, though probably not
seriously, This is that scholars go out
from the schools at graduation without
the littlo stock of schoolbook nsprivato
projKTty common to former years. In
many households these schoolbook
comprised in the main the family li
braries, and they have doubtless in
thousands of instances len sources of
information and means of study to "chil
dren of a larger growth" in the home
circle. Now tho books have almost en
tirely disaptiearcd from tho country
tores, and the citizen who wanU one
has to send abroad for it, A Maine man
who tried to pnrehaso a textliook the
other day In a village containing 40
tores couldn't find one for sale. Lew
iston Journal.
MnvltfHtlon mi tlm Nils.
From tho beginning of winter to tho
end of spring that is, while the Nilo is
navigable tho north wind blow steadi
ly np stream with sufficient force to
drive sailing lioats against the current at
a fair pace, while, on the other hand, the
current is strong enough to carry a boat
without sails down against the wind, ex
cept when it blow a gale. That is why
ancient Kgypt did not need steum power
nor eloctrio motors for the immense
commerce that covered the Nib;, nor for
the barges carrying building material
for hundreds of miles. Harper's Young
I'mllng an Oranxn.
If one wants to peel an orange, all that
i necessary to be done is to cut with a
knife a very small circle around tho stem
end, and then mark dividing lines from
the stern to the summit at points on
the surface of the orange. Tho skin can
then lie drawn off just as easily as on
may draw a finger from a glove,
The giiem' nig Hook.
The largest book ever known is owned
by Queen Victoria. It is 18 inches thick
and weighs C3 pounds, and contains the
addresses of congratulation on the occa
sion of her jubilee. Chicago Inter Ocean.
(imi;ss nr mimin.
IiIMMT t I I I AiH V IN tMt t.U
1 Si, ( I V
ki,h nil vi4 . lu
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Hit I' It.. It tft' tl M
1 te , t of v n a Jiitititt if leant). !
filill.lV. II:. tl,i.Vtt. lll,'W I '
w late it H t'e ir t.iil i tti.l ii if fintt
ltd fl" i, b tiinti, 'iifl sit. I firf tHu,
till, . cmI W till tli' Iti'tre tr-'i'l' ill lllll I
id tl iie, nit rnMt'. til lli Kn j
iniiiiiim. At linn wi mw ! ijiiin
liltllke h i if the ItfllirtliS. nflen i
fn I in h iii.Hi An m i stlniisl tmillti iri
irt lm, 1 1 .l.initl the pre lit e ot an
ti'tpiiMiiit silk tnfiiiuliit tttty tear by.
IllHVfiH' ltl little brt'k Itillilili.l
loiiti, Hie nlnndtiti i'M'httl nftliUlui j
Ullilllie, I
It i net stnuure thnt thl pntailisn n? j
fluHi-l and fruit Is milt li Irtijin uteil b
the inhiililtiitit of the crnii"l, dirty
town. No inn' can ride through these
fair gardi'lis and f.iil to perceive why the
Worship of the old Nidniiiati was so
l liiselv Collliei tinl with the (trove, ami
bow from nature's rich profii'-inn alsnit
them they learned lo worship the idea of
fertility, which was the essence of their
religion. The am it it Si, Ion, lis, was
tint crowded down close by the sen. but
was situated farther back in the plain,
nml thus was enriched by n ring of em
On the outskirts of tho garden we
came to tho catacombs of old Hidon,
which have lsen excavated by the
FrA'h. In tho soft liiiiestoue rin k ex
tend long series of connected chamliers
which have contributed a few rude
statues, several sarcophagi ami mum
mies to the very few mementos which
we have of that enterprising people
who secured their alphabet in Kgypt
and enrried it to Greece, and thus trans
mitted, with certain changes, the letters
with which we communicate our 19th
century ideas. More of the testhotic art
of Phienicia is to lie seen today in
Athens than in all Palestine. There in
the Myceme room ono can see the richly
inlaid daggers, the beautiful ornaments
and the facsimiles of tho beaten gold
cups which were also manufactured by
these artisans of oriental antiquity to
grace tho temple of Solomon at Jerusa
lem. Even' ruin of that ancient world.
whether in Phu'iiieiii or not, when laid
bare bears ample testimony to tho skill
and enterprise of this Semitic nation of
Leaving these old tombs and the
thoughts that they inspired, we were
Boon studying I'liieiiicia as sho appears
today. On our left extended tho Leba
non range, while in tho distance roso
Mount Hermon, clad in snow, glistening
like pentelicns marble in 'the midday
(rtm. On tho right was tho bine sea, in
to which wo ere long took a plunge, 13o
fore us the narrow bridle path extended,
now through fertile although only half
cult ivated fields, now over a rocky prom
ontory, which often jutted into the sea,
Habitations were rare and generally
huddled together for protection against
the Arab incursion.
On the highways we often met these
modern representatives and probable de
scendants of the ancient
Tall, muscular fellows, with tho dark
Semitic countenance and black beard,
clad with tl;j strqicd abba, a square
piece of goat hair cloth folded and sewed
above the shoulders, tho chief garment
of the patriarchs and the mantle of Eli
jah the Tishbite, Underneath they wore
tho kimltcz, the long flowing tunic,
which apiicnred when they threw- back
their abbas. About their heads was tight
ly wrapjied tho silken kefiyeh, crowned
with the two heavy goat hair coils, which
encircled tho tot of their head like a
large, black serpent. Alsnit tho waist
was tightly bound tho girdle, adorned
with huge, odd shaped knives, or, if b
bo a civilized Arab, with pistol.
An ugly looking speer 15 or 20 foot
long completed the outfit, nn outfit well
calculated to engender green envy in the
heart of an American cowboy, A little
detour enabled ns to visit tho black tents
of Kedar, tho abode of these pcrtwiial
carniiers out. It is a rectangular edifice
15 or 20 feet long, supiorted on polos
which 40 or 60 centuries of inherited ex
perience has taught them to skillfully
place at exactly the right angle. This
palace of thickly wover,. goat hair
cloth is held in position by strong guy
rojie. Tho sides are raised or lowered
at will, according to the position of the
un or the direction of tho wind.
Within a curtain separates tho wom
en' apartment from tho common re
ception room. The cooking outfit, like
the dwelling, is characterized by it se
vere simplicity, since fortunately the
Arab does not demand a many course
dinner, and long years of practice havo
taught him to disicnso with a super
fluity of dishes, which is generally more
than ono for a family, Chicago Inter
Ocean, i
ri I lnlly paid I ho Fit.
A man lately went to a Lewis ton clor
gyman with his laitrothed to lie niarriod.
lie drew tho minister aside and whis
pered, "I have no money." "Well, yon
can pay mo when pay day come
around." The marriage was performed.
Then tho man whispered, "We want the
certificate." "Well, you can have that
when you pay tho fee, I'll reduce tho feo
to $2." "Well," said tho man, putting
his hand into his pocket, "I may a well
pay you now," and he did. Bangor
A Mfup Walking Ftst.
In tho swampy districts of France the
men are if imtomed to walk over the
marshy gr. ind on stilts. A sleep walker
on ono oci ion buckled on his stilt and
crossed a i wollen torrent in the dark.
On awakin. be had not the courage to
perform the same feat in daylight.
Boston Glole.
MmiIi t M 1 li t-HM.
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lii 1 1 , li!i tt ti l; i It a I tn-y aii 1
riti in, rt i. i ..niiintiu, ii inn.
t 1 1 -tot I title It Ituhll Hie -. titttr
ilitll. nit i ! trmiiiiei .i..i by tt It .t..t,
Tlii Wftd 'x i lu r' is i tti,l a itm of
tln. Pftijsr intuit t injnelitly mint
III tie lnlit if III! iitle iw te tfei I'y
.. 5lble Mel tlili lllji tit tutl efHt '
Whit ll Hie ir i rtlilli-t Jstwiblv cstt It.
Tht'-i limit 1 upt'llisl out, itivtiltiiiK tl4
biv. r.j rt li'lepltttim itrslir in Hnpre
siTvit i' liiwis!! Pali and Innnliili littve
SUi en-ded III IraiiMillMtrnt tnessaue 111
the rti'liell lilliuuau'e at tlm trtt of t',J
words a minute, This is nl a mm h
swifter rale Hum ordinary sivh.
Youih's ( 'oiiipniiioii,
Tlti- I'ri.tll til I Hum,
Home potii deplore the nsnof f nam
ing preparation in soda water, claiiuiiig
that such addition are totally uncalled
fnr and unwarraiited, but it must never
theless lie cihii-ciIimI that si ln fitalil can
bring forward several valid arguments
in its own favor, In tho first place, It
aids greatly in keeping the gas from es
caping too rapidly from the tumbler, In
the second place, it undoubtedly adds
greatly to the dispenser's profit, for it is
claimed that by adding two ounces of
foaming preparation to a gallon of sirup
tho confectioner am draw 50 more glasses
than without the foam.
Thirdly, we must rememlior that the
appearance of any article of food or
drink plays fully as important a part a
its taste in increasing the apjmtite and
stimulating the gastric secretions, and
when we liear all these facts in mind we
shall be inclined to look upon the snowy
foam with more leniency. And, indeed,
however we may look at it, there is no
denying the fact that it has come to stay,
and to stay probably for a considerable
period of timo, o we must make the best
we can of tho matter. Thomas War
wick in Confectioners Journal.
Hltiry of I.ustrou IMamontl.
One of the finest diamonds in the world
was found not long since in the Hrazilian
sands. It came in a novel form. A small
quartz rock was found, about the size
and shajifi of an egg, lying in the sand
along the bank of the Amazon in Brazil.
This was carried home by a Brazilian
peasant, who was attracted by its odd
haio and light weight. For some time
it lay in bis homo with a numlicr of
other geological stieoimen, a mere en
riosity. Hapisming one day in handling
it to drop it on a stone block, it burst
otK-n and lay in halve on the block.
Tho hollow interior that gave tho light
weight to the stone was filled with blood
red sand. In this sand lay tho diamond,
a sparkling stone of tho rarest qualify.
Tho stono was later sold to a diamond
merchant and left the finder exceedingly
wealthy, St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Whins Kf jli- In lint Itsri-ljr C'limigs.
Dr. Doran tells us that the Natal
"fashionables" wear hat a foot high in
height, made of tho fat of oxen. They
first gradually anoint tho head with a
pure grease, which, mixing with the
hair, fastens the hat on during the life
time of the wearer, Tho Myantse make
a hat of a board 12 inches by 0. They
placo it on their heads, draw tho hair
over it and seal it with wax. They can
not lie down without keeping their necks
straight, and when they comb their hair,
which they do once or twice a year, they
havo to sis-nd considerable time in melt
ing tho wax before they can get their
hat off. I1iibidclphi Lodger.
IIimiikI lo (tut V.Vfn.
A man went up on the elevated who
chuckled delightedly to himself and
finally confided to hi companion the
cause of Ins mirth.
"You see," said he, "my wife is al
ways giving me things she wants-hotise
furnishings and tho like fora gift. I'm
going to get even with her,
"I'm going to give her a year' ub.
scription to three scientific magazine I
have to fake.
And the gentlemen chuckled in unison,
while the women going np town with
drawing room bric-a-brao to present to
their husbands glared frigidly at the
plotter. New York World.
No Rival Yet.
Wot Id famous Kll Perkins says:
"After people have gone over all the
routes to California once, they settle
down to tho old II. P, This road will
always be the great transcontinental
line, It ha the best (rack, the best
equipment, the best eating houses, and
it leaches the traveler more history
and geography than any other lino. It
shows you historic Halt Lake and the
Mormons, takes you through the great
Lnrnmic plains, the Humboldt Basin
and the Grand Canyon, over the very
stage route that Horace Greeley and
Arlemus Ward rode.
Once on tho Ifnion Pacific it goes
eviry where. It rum to Portland and
Pueblo, Helena .and tho Ynaamite,
Taconia and Seattle, Los Angeles and
San Diego, nnd Is the only route Into
San Francisco. It has no real rivals
Send for our California Sights and
E, L. Lomax, O. P. & T. A., or H.
P. Deuel, City Ticket Agent Union Pa
cific System, 1302 Farnam St., Omaha
Kvrry Thinl Aitii v ami Kwry Thin! Vanl
Shy ( inos (iivi-H Away
An Innovation in tho Way of
Soocial Satos!
With the i iet .Mtiii nl ur tirmi'i'y,
all other trni-intnt In our Mnmmoth
r.MiililUhinriit will t ti'piveetited 111
this new and novel sale.
lly piiivhnsiug two ) arils of ytswlt on
are u 1 fit the thiiil five ot charge.
You gel a si yard Jlre Pattern by
only pii) Inif for four.
In our I 'loiik ninl Shtst Departments
we will ele one half oft. (itssU al
ways marked In plain figure.
Kvery third yard of Ilivss titsuls
given away.
Kvery third yard of Silk or Velvet
given away.
Kvery third yard of Table Linen
given away.
Kvery third yard of Flannel given
away. r J
Kvery third yard of Trimmings given
Kvery third yard of Hibtsin given
I'.very tliirtl sk or 1 arn given away.
Kvery third Towel given away
The Bell Department Store Co.,
Dodge and Fifteenth
109 South 16th Street, OMAHA. NEB.
Mail Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed,
Superior Work.
N. W. Corner Fifteenth nridDodgn Htroets,
Four 4i Per Cent Interest on Book Account.
Five 5) Per Cent on Six Month Certificates.
Foreign Drafts and Monoy Orders at Lowest Rates.
LOJLITO OlT lillfljj E3TATE.
flank ept fi from il a, in, to it:,'IO p, m. Mondays from 11 a, in, Ut i, in,
W, W, 1,0 WK.
PltKSOIiirTlONW a Si'j'X'iAffv, S. E, cor. 16th & Farnam
They Open Another Now Dopartmont-Constantly Increasing
Facilities-Three Car Loads of Flour Just In.
Prices on Flour Away Down-Wonderfully Low Prioos In All Dopart-monts-Don't
Forgot Our Fresh Butter and Es.
New wiil'tifti iinil Jewelry rcpalrlnK de
partment., where ymi run your wulclie,
clock or Jewelry of li ny kind repaired liy a
thorotiuhly competent, and exp'Tlenred
workmim, hi. a very w print, How of leii do
we cinry our wiilffi when It, In really of no
in" Ut in on net onnt of It uulnlnit or lotting
or loppln, dimply lieeniiMi we lire mint If
W(t look It, t'l moM. Jeweler we would he to d
Hint It. would rol, ll.Mi or tJ Put, II, In
((ood pttinpe, when III reality we outfit not, In
puv more lhan !'. or V: Ut have II, tlxed and
Itiiiiranleed, We promote lo tin all work en
trusted to our ran In a fatiltle manner,
and Kuaraiitee. the work In every nhiipe, lit,
Ilrlnifln anythlnu you have to repair In
till line iimlltt, u "t liimle on It. for you i It,
won't. rot you nnyl tiloic to do lhl, and we
are mire we ran nave you hlif money, "ur
(Oiiiriinlee(oe Willi every toll, In Oil de
partment, you will altto ft ml an elemmt
attMortmenl, of Jewelry, waM'he, eloak and
Hllverwear, ami our price are. rltfht every
limn, . , ,
Now Ih your time to liny rrockeryr price
are down mid iiialliy up.
Ten cup, ,Yx' net,
I'lale Ac each, or Vw ft doen.
Chamlier et. piece. II.W.
Tumhler only M: iiu'h.
Jtint, received, 1'rleen are away down,
An hraole. Rock 8prinK, r
Tronon.phlp, 1
Walnu Block
Oft'tfE: C. W. for. Mill nnd (Inward. Telephone I3:ih.
yAUI): ah Htnet and 1'opiiletoii Ave, Telephone Via.
l.very third Mlsnket or I'oitifur
I? hen w.
I'.very third pair of tilovi or MHU
given sy
I'.very third pair of Uiw given away.
Kvery third I 'titlerl iarmeiit given
Kvery third gents' Neck Searf given
a ay,
I'.very third gents' Over-shirt given
Kvery third gents' t'ndershli't given
Kvery lit It'll pair of HuiendiT given
Kvery third pair of Half Hose given
Kvery third Linen Collar given away.
Kvery third article in our Crockery
Department given away.
One-third ulf on Ladle' and Misses'
Ono-third olT on ladles' and dents'
Streets, - OMAHA.
Reasonable Prices.
TlllvO)o;tK I', I.KWJH, Manaokb
7,V'foraVi-lh. iwk, and all grade ua.r
anleed, ...
uur hul ter deiartment I iioonmiKi prieen
lire very low. No oleo handleil Ity iim,
Our euit are all cureruliy cantllea ami urn
Dm hel, i he had In the city, MKAT AMI I IHII flKI'T,
I IoImk wondroiiH. l,o juice and fair
treatment, I what, doe It. No mccoiiiI wold
liy a: all our meat are I he het.
In tatlouery wn offer 2.1 nice enveloped
for only
Ootid note paper', perliilr,
Toilet paier M; )er pai:fc,
Toilet paper fic per roll.
Hchool laid, talilet, pencil of all kln'l.
I'lclui'ti took elJ',, etc,, All at lleiiuett'
popular price.
(let all your Kood of u from our grocery
department, lea, coffee and Nplce, hardware
clifur and tobacco, dry koikIm, ikiIIiiii, and
our drill department,
Look for Imrualn In all of the above de
partment. In druf we can ave you the uiOMt money
on anythliiK we cniry In ihl line.
We are mill Nerving free, clam bullion,
beef bullion, cherry cordial, beef extract, all
a free a I lie air you breathe.
Call In anil try anyone, or all, for a week
or wi frt'it, and e If I hey don't henellt you,
It won't. runt you anything to try and It may
give you a new eae of I i If.
OtEO, D. XII023.
jr T
Wood, Coke,