THE AMERICAN. (3 r UUH i:i)HHi'ONl)i;NlS ti i.iiui I r '. , I . i I , Ha ),,,). 1 1 I . It ' f . t t .,',al .I'll.. ,..t '...l . ',tt.t I.. I - I it. (X It-JKl l kl tl I i'IiiIk. a 11, ,t, vtitM II i, a'- . M..I .., t- at -I ten 1 1 al I " i.- .a I . a, a I'-il t l. )t-IIM ''ll.,,) I t a t I Ml filai .. , lit I ti li t i 1 1 a . a. a .aa , ,.i.ti a-1.. t "a. it I .,iiil 0- .l n tl l tl alt el mm ii. V II I a't ',l I I -.1 al. . a I .,.la: l I ttr- l1 ai ttiatf.m la tint mi 11, il itti tin 11.1 tvt In iiljulhllii tt.11.1 it II I tt,l ll.' t lait-li t.HIH 'f t tfvit . ,, ill" I'm M i f il.f t.i l,la i ll,.a l II !. l-a l. a' till .ttl ttttlii, K11M It n.ati Itt li..l.i fJltnla Mi l.i II.. 'I'll) i.l Mil' li.iti.nli I lt. 1 I. in. I. Ilial , .,l, li l.l..ili til l I. ii m 11I9H11 lljr, llH Itl'tlttlil till. .tlla ..( U.I' aajlil i Imri li In la lufallll I. , tilt li la an lliaiilt tn Hii ilia atll..i n( 1 1,1 llil'li li ,a Im tt till lif llll ltlel .tilt . I Mlmll.'t HI-HI I nllll lAllll' ISlt III lllta). Willi ll la n Iti. ml tn tin- I H iiml l. li.i Wlil la tln n lull. .11 la I m i 11 tin. (in lit ill inim 1 wiiil li. 1 lnfallll'li 1 Kin nil. I till' ..l"l.l ImM.Jiaa HM' lttl miiiiiin 1'ijimla ' 'I he .nin. y. a II turn 1'tMa, ll It it IMIiIIkIM III ft ...III. I' .I.I H till Itlaltflllll.'Stil ili f a . I In (Hillil tn I'ltl'l . mill all J I lull hi' tona I hi' Ilia k, lli.ll III' 11a irlti 11 Hie tii jrn i.f lnnvi 11 mill In II. Iiml In' an Hit' Mat 1 if 1 1 i i.f II111111' iiml Hint tin y HI!' Ilia ailieeaant, Itllll llll'tlfnM" I'ltlllll Ilia lin iiiimilvi'. Hiii. Mi, I'ii 1 1. (In ri' mi' hii pi' wlm lli lii rlitliii 11 ill mill miri'Mry. lull tvlieii tlii Irulli la in 1 on llirlr iiiii'iliy wiiiilil tint ili'iiniiiil llii' nimlli".! imlli'i'. mill the eliiliii nf . . 1 1 r ihiiri'li mi- iif 11 aln.lliii rliiitiirli'i. They liiiuat i.f I'eler mill I heir I'l'i'lealliatle llilirl lliil.-i' olii ll I In' ruuai- nf Hip 1T111I lull nf tilt' I'lutir III tvlili'li yuil Nil 11 a iiim win I In' vol nt Ion from tlili liilimli' mull nili' "Iiml 1111M111K i'iiml." When I In tll'l'llll Ill llllll Ml lived Hi I In' IHlllll. W III' 11 tin' nun. i' of miK' wiib miKKi ali'il for IrliillliK lllahnp, II lla MHallhil'll for I III' lllnlllip l)f I nil MlHlllllliiljl'. Willi I Illil till' Itiilnmia ai'i'V Tin y mtw Unit II W1111I1I ffi'iili) Hu ll' llii' ci nl ri' nf o"rulloiiN for tin. w In ill-1 11I In l li-eh ii r. li . At lliln lliiio iIhti' with lliii'ii lilalinpii nfi'iiial ImnliiiK. Tin! I'huri-li of Honn- miw Unit It wniilil not Imi ii Dry fur I Ik im In li'l Ihlai'liilm Ml. t'oiiiitiiiilliiopli! cniil liiiii-, mnl iln-y rlill Cllll'll till! Illlllll! Mllll Mill) It. Wlia urn 1-l'lirlnl . Till! Illlllllltla WITI- alll-CI-Kaflll III lll-r lllll'lllpt t tintkn iIiiiiii iIIm-oiiIIiiui: tin! mmii! of pnpi to tlmlr lilnhnp. An Mum 11 a Iln-y nlnppi'd UnlliK llii! Ilium-, I lir Kiinmlli. ttpplli'd II. In tlii-lr lilalmp ami Hmi laihr ri-naiiii you am miiliid popi! liMlay, Al (I111I. II, viw llm pliwilnu of win! 111 11 11 aliovi! llii ri-i.1 tn mirli a miiull di! Krifi! Hint II. wna ai'iiii-i ly pi-ri!i'plllili!. 11 ml iiiiw tiny i' 1 1 him hkikI, No, you aliould not. m prnuil of llii! orlitln of your oflli-i-, and wln-11 you think of wlnit In rlalmt d for ll and what It In. you ahoiild ti ll your cliuirh, "I alum Id h v, my fiu-i! for allium' wln-ti I M'i; that I In- i liiliim of tin' papiu'y am crioiii'oui., that I aliould i:oiinldi!r tiiym lf Hlmply 11 a 'flint amoriK i-iinila,' and t hat l lii! Judxrni'iil of I In- li'imima HKiilnat llinMniiitlaiiii of Coiiataiitlnopli', 01 ai''ounl. of tin- iiami; popi-, Ih'Iiik Ihn follotfi'rof atill (,'lirlitl, i'hii hi! with c(ual forei; hroiiifht M;ilril id la fliMrcli. li-t m witali my lunula from thin ain and li-l 111" I'liamplon I In- rmiai' 'thft I'x piililim of fraud,' " If report am irorrci't, (.ln-rn ha ln'ii nomn HKllnil'Ki hi Km vhi U-iin on incoiiiil of tin' in 1 it)) mil on thn part f mmm tit tfm Itornan JvHttot' cli-riry In tl CnlK-d iMtU havn II.TIfii'lf,SiWiiCch(ir''h hf.rtt In thhtraiw Ui ri-v,nttU'm ut your authority and dlctii lloiw, and with imn'li amullcr amount ot rldli'iilmm doi frlm a than your chumh hint and wlil. li I'liilniiti-a from lltinif, I am not Mirprlw-d It h rmifd you Ui m-nd a man fii'rn to adjiint mnl ti'i-a, and unli'im mmii; ra'll t:nl chanifi-n am mali! your r:Uirn to Um orlnln of your t:nUtiir.r., "Ilr( amoiiKi'iiuahi" will Id! Kri'ally luiatmiid, l-t Urn pi'Opln liav th llllili! for llii'inai'lvi'ii mid li t llii'M Invi-allKaWf, If tli! puhlli! whooN ak for thi! nliii phi ri'aIIiif of (h Illhln, l"f thi-m havn It, Comin l your ji'opl tontudy fh lllth and li-t them taku It h! nil; of faith and prmrtlM!. All' at Irylo n-laln. If polli!, "Ilrat Hmoiiit ciual" and not Im compi'lli'd to a;ipl. (hi. tllli! "I In' ct annHK (he lowi-nt," If I ti'r! poK' for oni' ahorl day, I'd to tlih fullhf ill mi'mln-rn nay, "I hold llii! Ifllili! from your Kranp," That to your hi-arln you'll t-wr rfp Thi! tnany fraiidn thai nn-n Invent To maki! you pay In -vcry I'cnt, And nnik! my palaci', hi-rn In Hotui, A vnry I'omforlalli' liomn, A i HAHOV,. i'd hiii (hi' error ttoiiir hud mali-. And IhroiiKh the doi-lrlnen I would wade Willi a new, alnirp, luili.liai'lia hne, I'd tflm the lllhle in litem all, I would not let one pi rnon fall l(efor a prleat on Ood they'd call, And when I made my trumpet nound, There would not he a convent found j They'd ill he levelled with Ihe ground, At.f.l'U, Horn v, Rrn, There are, loo many middlemen ciimiiedon 1 he M ane Of life, In Ha join in-y from childhood ti aiie, VVhocliilm their lni ruction hy S'fU-r were Klten To M'nd wiula Immortal to hell or to heaven, The hlhomand prleat with a hlot-d (freed. Are here to lntriict 11 what way to proi'eed, ItlrectluK to which of Out a)nt we mnl pray, And forawmall trlhule, (i ll what we miil ay. The poie and "monaliiioi" who foimulala rule, l;eny n the rlhl to maintain our free nchooltf, IleclarliiK (he children no wariied and de praved, They will not Mihmlt lo he led nor emlaved, In ail linmim pronre, whnlrov! In Ihe van Have heen hy (hi comhlne condemned foa R m an, Have heen perwctifed. linpilonedor hnrii' d, for honotliiK Irulli that free choolhve dlwerned. "The Utile red ncliool honae" llml deal Willi theyontl Ha done more for llln rly, prozrea and trulh, . 'Mi mi all ecumenical council that, wiiilil f To iitlu the control of man' Irlhuli' and I llniiinni. Tlielljiht of Mil world ) Ihe freedotu of mind I'oi.ii.lii'il hv no creed, to no ol der confined - N'lid mini III Hie way that Ihe .Niiiircm trol To walk, 1111 liili lllent Imnife of iiml, I io llo. . What i Trulh? y Him K Imi.akh, III., Jami try 'is, IM'.f.'J J Kurniit 1 iik Amkkii'am; VVitlimit it liviiio revulfttinti wi; woulil bit Ignorant 4 ,l I toil IMt tit, I H -' 'I ) I II HI lit. I, I', I I.I . (ll ll I ( lif ,, .. ,1 If 1. t ... I ' ' . I'l ' I I I' I !' ? I -I'll I'll' . I If- lit I ' '.- , ....I ! n 1 1 !' l hi iti. it 1. I t in 1 1 1 1 tl ii '(.ma h ii.fiii i.i ' it !! Hi- J'.'t. Hi li. 1 1 It an lit I In- teal j 't.f I ll lii I'hh jiii !lln .I itiln ti'.i li t iKm t,t ,ni"!li. ii!tit l(l tti(;iit,r I In- ' t ii i.lf thiiti(ltl n tt ii!'it nil. I Ifti lilli(i i It m Itt It Ii It-tn In Ilir MittUh tut llii Milit til In 1 1 i' HI. I I aUll llll lt lllf Nf I I l'ltlll I.I I hn mlti'Ml mnl ll t uH I Hif l''if. t tiii'iilli'ti Hii-i' m nit lull ml i t'iM In lli'il Willi It l tn I'.lli.W i'hw 'llfi'lt tit'itHl ht t'lHM r-ntti-ini! iihiii IM n mnl it in' pint o tn tut Oik 'iitniMi . liititiinjt tint lifili'lt u a t'ltiiri'h wttuMt Niltifii'ttU li!i!l Ih t'iiliii lliliiiiitlitl Im'Iiij-It'llitfil by l.iiltn "llm littln fJtM'k." 'I'liU wn, iitiilniililiilly, iKtt ui On' ill vino in 11 Itiiingiirntiil lnfin llie ml vt'iit nf nur Hint 1'iiii'iiU In tint iirilt'it, Tim inrt nf llii ilmiuii in lili'li ( liril'K pnrt I t'lmrtt'il, In wlmt vtn me t ti t itikI t it lii nt llii initlt'iilir limn, t'hrlnl, ( iiiM'i'ii'iiiry ttlcp In Inyliig llm fontiitiillon for till iiillllci, i'li'i't iich it'rmiint n tiiui"t or iilbir ni lu'tl ittiiti'd llm tl i ll'u re lit piirU nf tlm fniunla tion, Thn foiiniliitloii of thin liulliling wiiliiid lit .li'tiihiili'in, tint in Unnii', 111 our JCoiuShIi ftli'iiil woiilit hnvc u be- lil'VC. Al tills tlllltl Mllll pIllCi', A.I). itbndl ill), nur Sftvloor appi'iirml Ukiii tlm sci'tio of netinii in 1'alcintiiic In mnl nboul JtiruKiilfin not Hiii. Iliglit lu re let ui !iiiuiru if il hint tiei'ii (iod'ti imi iioHt! I hut Homo ulioulil linve been tin; Mint of Hi government, would hi) not hfivo neliicti'il that jiluco, IiihIuihI of JeruwiltiHi, an th birtli-pluci;, ami nubMcipient itvfiit of HinSon'n work, intit(l of Jeruimloiii? If Hoiik! wan to be the Hititt of the lirt pnp or binhop, tunl IVtitr that binhop or pope, why m it that no rni-ntion ha mun niaiJ of it in th divinii record by omo onuV Why i It that Jatni!, who I a near relative to our Saviour, in wilectnl a the Iiml biithopof Jerufaleni imtleail of IVterV Corirt Heleeteil III apostle from I'alentliie, not Italy. Now the ollici! of an apomle j imply a ni't henger or envoyan envoy nf (ioil' Hon, A(ioirKjfi win an envoy of the Father' to ave the world. Ileb, ; I, Again, if It wa the Master' In letilion to Invent J'eter alone with the emlnefiee of abnolutu power, would He not have called I'etur lirt and fully invested film with authority a HI uc oeor' liut inntead, Clirit ealled him and Andrew hi brother at tins arn time, and going a little farther by or along ble of the river or ea, He met Jame and John, and straight way He called them also, Hy thi aetlon we see that no one apostle had any pre cedence over the other, but of thi we will have more to ay in the future, Kach of them apostle were Relucted in reference to their peculiar litnes for the work they had to do, Now while it I true that I'cter opened the door of the church to the (icntile world when be wa sent to the centurion, yet thi man lived not in Home, but in I'alesline, ',tul was the aposlli? who wa regu larly installed a the apostle U the (ienliles, ami h It I who wa at Home and first preached there, and finally died there. No mention anywhere Is made in Holy Writ of 1'eler ever hav ing been in or near Home, Now, will our papist friends take cognizance of these genera) statement and apply the knowledge herein con tained themselves, and do a little thinking for themselves, and not let a priest be their thinker, mouthpiece and master, a they are at thi present time' The oflice of a priest should be to direct hi adherent to the road that lead to a better condition here and hereafter, liut, Instead, ll la an oflice to stultify every avenue of the mind, that ignorance, superstition and bigotry inrty be the ieu!t of their teaching, so that they may hold in abeyance their poor deluded follower, that they may u them to further their own sel fish desire and purpose. llo H Isl.AMH MkTIIOIUNT, . . , AUK YOIJ HINCKRE-' Are you sincere in your desir to see Tiik turned Into a ilallyV That i a question which we have often naked ourself, and a often answered with a no. Hut as rcjuesl keep pour ing in we have concluded to lest your loyalty to Americanism, V'ur sincerity n demanding a iMn.r Amkuican and your ability to deliver the pledged support. The way we intend lo tei-t you i as follows: How many share of stock will you take in the American Publishing com pany at It f tee value, f I IMt per share? One half down', I every ;i mouth Un"-e-after. How many subscript ion will you .' - ' ' V I 1 I" ) I It,,, ti 1 f , i m titti.i , 'I ii' - - t I ti t'! ti I , 'il tit. 1. 1 ?i -ttll.ii. t I 11 .-I."! I I. 1 r . 1 i ., t . !. .1 .t in 1-1 1- the J'.il.i i a "t! 1 I t t '110 l' i' ait I lllivatt', I'l lilt I'll till Imatlli (I I ill I' a UI JI I.I U .' 1,11.1 It lll!.t 11, I M I, H lliilm , ltl..l I )la ,t( lit lt fi-H lilt P.rH lll tl tlf'Mi'lt I.I ) f"l Jtiltlajlt', ll'tl 'l'l, I titt lni', "'"I t letlt lull' will I It' fittnll . lit lll'ai I lUl I Mi it lt.i Itttf li.nii flint in (Uti.noti t'lntntl titnt laftlt-r pUii- In iitittl I It Ir ttfiiti) lhit In 11 111 a A wt ttt- lal, ll Will I't' (III it S. tll'l't" IIS llm Wft kly lt Ihh'H - mnl lht wrt kly In prti.l Ittii tli'llii win ii sty nl In t ptllillt'nlliiit tin pftid mie. If you want In p I In mi I In- ki.hiiiiI tlitnr llll nut Mini Mtlltli I lii libllk nf t'iiinpiiit'il with llm cili. 1 A 'V c "i & t 9 t f a ' c o o (0 P. o a. S k 5 a f B ; i 3 w n Si a " i- o y, t i r y. . v s I -2 j n 3 t 4 B - 0 t 2 '; V .5 6 M - v a 2 t 11 'A 0 5 -3 c p. X,, If ,mi cannot spore enough to pur chase one or more shares of stock, subscribe for the paper on above condition at the following rale: !l month 2.o0 ti n'onlh $4. 5(1 1 year 8.00 The weekly ha given entire satis faction and our pledge to make the daily, If it should be started, a good In proportion I sufficient guarantee to those who invest to assure them that their funds will be properly and judi ciously handled. This I in your hand now. If you want a daily you know how to get it. If you do not, bold onto your money. We do not care which way It goes, Ilcniember, wo do not start on promise thi: funk taunt he in ulyld. No Rival Yet, Woild famous Kli Perkins says: "After people have gone over all the route to California once, they settle down to the old I'- I', Thi road will alway be the great transcontinental line. It lias the best track, the best equipment, the best eating houses, anil it teache the traveler more hialorv and geography than a other line. It show you historic K lit Lake and the Mormons, take you through the great Laramie plains, the Humboldt I'.iiHiti and the Grand Canyon, over the very stage route that Horace Greeley and Artemti Ward rode. Once on tlm Union I'acilic it goes evirywhere. It run lo Portland and I'ueblo, Helena and the Yowitnile, Tacuma and Seattle, Iis Angeles and San Hiego, and I the only route into San Francisco, It ha no real rivals yet." Send for our California high' and Scenes, K. I., L ima, (l.V. & T, A., or Jl. I', Deuel, City Ticket Agent Union J'a cllic System, l.'iOU Farnani St,, Omaha Linen Stationery, Fvery attorney should call on TlIK, Amkhkan I'riiuHHiNu Company 4I2-I'MI Khi'.i'ly block, and order a supply of fine Hond Glazm Linen Sta tionery. It is the finest thing In tbo market, and does not cost morn than ordinary linen paper. Telephone (Ml, and we will eall and show you itnatnplc - - - A, I', A. button In solid Gold. I..Vl A, I', A. button plated -10 cents: ,Jr O.I'. A. M. pins, solid (fold Vocts tn 2.2.'i: I.. O. I. pins, nolid gold fl.2." to l,.V):i', O, S, of A, pins, solid gold tl.lK tnH.7o. AMKKIf.'AN HiXlK DkI'AHTMKNT. . Do you want a home of your own? You can buy any lot we own at 10 per mouth, wiriioi r intkkkst. Apply lo Mutual Inventment Company, loll! Farimni street, (-2 AUVKItTIKKMKNTH lll'l'ti'il in Tlllv Amkkii'AN urn sure to bring a pi'ufi table rX'turn to tin-advi'i-tiwr. Aniericaiia, wittuli tlie cnlunilis nf tills paper! ik- jll.iS JIM IIEI'll A SprttAl 1n4,;t SrnJ lo CtMiifMi YrMritUf KIMiiVtl in ;mj, l. Iti It. Hat rt V tl la- t tlm 1taH rf W aatilnjlwai t li a til ilr Inilnut AI, 11 tint It I'll wl - iitigta-ttlMtial I tnaall NV tllilTii I'rS S I'li'wl'letil IUr rU'M it twill i.uv'tiiit iii n i'h i.tibt riiitiiiti ttf U.'t..i-iitiiUvs I'tll Mnl Itilt tn I Itt r'unlill.'li K.i i'I nltttt t'i llna Int urn nf ltnKiiv ni"i 'litii ln fmin I'lii. k. i.f Ihit ritltml HtAlitt lii lii'llint liter I sint lisil . 'llll. HV. Tlnn w..l .tt: ' Tlltl ttt lull Wtn llirai WW klntll laiiilitmn ,t nll.tttr itieii limtillait lO p finni nnw in tbo I nitial Wntns tlinniath Cnnadltiii terrilniy lo mi'ilber (Hiinl In tbt I'lilliil Staltit, Mini if mi In what riat'lbtii tit I'laiiiinn liuli it shall Im DtibjiH ltil on xv elitt'l llix nur territory r wlmlly within lb jMiwor nf iMiiatntiw, w ltlmut refnrniH'o M the ipiitHtinn wlii'lher arlirln '.",l nf tlm treaty nf Washington u or is nut tn force. " The )irtxldt'tit reviews at ImiKth the loKihliill'Hi nf tniiKrt"H pliti'lliK a cnll strnctinii tipntt article I'll nf tint treaty, and adds: "I have aked the opinion nf the attiirney wnt'ral iimiii this iiiinliuii, and he is of the opinion Hint article I'll has been abruKateit. It wtmld 1st no in fract ion, either of the letter nr the spirit of Ihe treaty, If we should slop, uulninl and carefully itisN'ct every vehicle ar riving at our border with such merchan dise, nor on Hie other band, would Can ada violate her oliliKiitioim under the treaty by a like treat niniit nf merchan dise iinpurted through the iiort nf New York on its arrival in Camilla. "A practice has grown up of allowing merchandise tnnii Cuiim and ilapan, purcliiiHi'il and iiuportnd from those countries by our own citizens and landed at jKirts in the Dominion of Canada, to be there loaded into cars which, Isiing ealed by an nlllcer nf the United Status or someone snppoMcil to represent him, are forwarded through the territory of Canada across the entire continent and allowed to cross our frontier without Other inspection than an I'xatninut urn of Reala. Ihe practiconf sealing such mer chandises, uutwithstaiiilitig it has linen allowed by the treasury lor some years, 1 think is tiiiaulhurl.ed. "The practice not only equalize the advantage of Canadian sea port with our own in the impurtalinii of goods for our domestic consumption, hut makes the Canadian port favorable port nf entry. The detention under this system at the Canadian port are Ins than when the merchandise is landed at a tiort of the United States to forward iu bond to another port therein. "1 come now to discuss another ele ment of tills international tralllc, namely, the tnuisportrtiou of merchan dise from one port in the United State to another port therein over the terri tory of Canada. In practice, the car, if the Heal is found to bo intact, i passed to place not port and is opened and unloaded by the consignee, no nlllcer Imj ing present. The question is, are the regulation such as to provide proper nafeguard axaiimt fraud or are they such a to make fraud easy to those who have the disposition to commit It' The following are the conclusion at which 1 have arrived; First That article 9 of the treaty of Washington ha been abrogated. Second That even if this article were in force there i no law in force to exe cute it, Third That when in force the treaty imposed no obligation upon tint United Slate to use the enncossioiw a to trans It made by Canada, and no limitation upon the powers of the United Slate in dealing with merchandise imported for the use of our citizen through Cana dian tsirts, or passing from one place in the United State to another through Canada upon the arrival of such mer chandise at our border. Fourth That, therefore, treaty or no treaty, tho question of sealing car con-, taimng Much merchandise ami the treat ment of Mich Healed car when they cross our bordet is and always has been one to be Nettled by our laws according to our convenience and our interests, a we may see them, 1' if Hi That the law aul.horizliitf the sealing of car tn Canada containing iorelKti merchandise irnimrteil from any contiguous country doe apply to mer chandise imporlcil oy our own people from count rieH not contiguous ami carried throuih Canada for delivery to such owners, Sixth That the law did not contem plate the passing of sealed cars to any place not a "port," nor the delivery of such car to the owner or consignee to lie opened by him without the super vis- I Ion of a revenue officer. Seventh That such a practice I in consistent with the Hafnty of the rev enue." (OMlUKSSIOMAly rUO( ISKDINliS, Ki-nat. ) Wariiimjton, Feb, 8, With the ex ception of one hour in the early part of I tbe evening, yesterday's session of the senate was held behind closed doors, ' and wa 'tit in the consideration of ; tho French and Swedish extradition ' treaties, and incidentally of the Hawaiian question, in Hie nM'ii session the ( 'hand ler Hawaiian resolution, offered some days ago, was referred to the committee on foreign relations, Mesnrs, Hale of Maine and lilackbiiru of Kentucky were appointed tellers to assiMt in counting the presidential votes, and Mr, Carlisle' resignation as senator from Kentucky wa presented, Tlm district appropria tion bill wa then taken up, considered and passed, It until, Wahiiimito.v, Feb, It. The smtsion of tho hniifo was an uiiiinntlly interesting one. in Hie morning the autl-optiuu bill was the center of interest, ami be fore Hie opi'iuiiic "f the seiHioii 1 it I lo knots of iiietnliers coiigregnied and dis cusi'd the probable rutirsn which would l pursued in of the meiwnre, Tbe opponents of thn eginlatinii were on Hie alert, and the instant that Mr. Hatch made hi sir. tion for a conference Mr. L, nun) of Indiana, was addressing the H; caker with a point of order that Hie si nate sinendinenis must first be con sidered in eoiniiiittetjof Hie whole, The , Mi- t'. ' i'. . t w I 'it I f -.. 1 . H I -i. ' ttlat . I I." t- . t -l e nt I Lit I t,i u t t Lin !' i.t al 1. . ! t .it lit li. a hi i.-4 III ll, Hi . f t1 I it a 1 tl' I ! t -it. tl f.t I i t an... "! t t.,. I, , ,t, I, at . I h- I'.l, .1 I t'i lall I... I., i i I 'l tt I) -a' i. I. it, a, it . Ml Mni'll. ! ,.-.ii, a-i ! I.i' i I'll i - t l. . d it (a a , t , H.t IlK la lalHI. I I l . I l " t t !! tl Ml, f til it fl'll.l i II ttl't.'tlt!.' I till, pill lull"'! III! Il tVtil .ttl I HI It Illlllll t,t taa, t. it lit I'll! laaaft .. , la l t ll tdetll I ti l.1 Ua, rH'Mtlll ttli(lillV -t-.llA)l JMII' It Hl. i, I a HIH.-Ii lm. nl M fill!!) a;iwa i.t, Natiak ttilatatMl .ttnt t, 1 1 It ,1 In llm wttsle )f li.Ut N'ttst.'i Mnllin. finni Ihe t-ntu Itillli. i. Kill, a, i..t(.-. bill It Sftt Mitt file ."ill Willi Hint liaiillililili'luti.n tltSl tl If lll'b lltlllely mliittiti. I ht lull in. t f,.r Ibw ci.iiMttta li.'ii snl nf Joint tlet end lKiili-r stsili-hp Ci'liqa liln; limn nf tnilnnd. I lif l lll Istlliiil tl Hi l pniM-loli In st'lntlf tile Nit. II, e.ivpl Hint tlm Istlur inalm Int lufetvitcti In joinl tlimt, Thtt tuiu lllillen is'i.iiliii'ii.iil Hint I lie billi-r Is id i it I nit Hu iftMii'ial 11 b, The wiiiiU' ilitliiiml ,t diKcrimliiNle Is'twifit tlm lull, and Isilh weie wnt In the general file. Nnrlh, from the ttiininillntt on iiiiinl clpitl sltiiir, rt'sntitl littck wnale file Ni. til. with Ihe reciiinini'iiilHilitii that It to to Ihe Kfiiernl tile, and lliat tile Nn, 1st illdelltlltelv HHttHlli'il. HaUtH'k in- Iroiliiieil a resolution 1 lint Hie ballot and si Umks in thn Ihuigbt county mutest 1st sent In t Im etiinmitttti on privileges a il t'litctliiiis. The resolution went over under tlie ruin. After the joint convention the senate adjourned. The entire, session nf the limine was devoted (n work tn cumtuittee of Hie whole with Hurry in the chair. The coiiiiiiiHi'e recuiiiiuniidiiil Hie passage of I liggins' bill iiiiien.liiig the law guveriiing nppruiirialioiis fur agri cultural Nociiities ley leaving it opttntial instead nf compulsory with boards of supervisor to ap propriate funds for the support of county fairs, and of a bill allowing pupil in one district to attend in an other when more than a mile and a half from the school in their own district. No liusin.iss was transacted by the house after the joint convention owing to much committee work being done. Aaamilli.ll Sin Vim iik (ilrlt, Jai.'Kkiin, Mich., Feb. U. Frank Ilurch wa arrested nn a warrant charging him witli assaulting young girls, For two weeks .lurch's actions have Isieu closely watched by the police, hut it wa not until last Sat unlay night that the first definite fad were learned, liurcli bad utcsh to a hall on Main Street and last Saturday evening Cap tain Jtowin saw two young girls stand ing at it entrance. Divining that they were there to meet Ilurch he took them to the station, where after close questioning, tlie whole details were drawn out. When arrested and taken to the station Ilurch made a full con fession of lii guilt before the pros ecuting attorney and two police officer, admit l ing Hint, he had assaulted nix young girls. He waived examination before Justice Palmer. 1 hit Tri-Hty Kutllli'il, Wahhinoton, Feb, 8, Tho sonate yes terday afternoon iu executive session laeting three iiours and a half completed the consideration of the French extra dition treaty and at the close of the di cusslo.i ratified It. The treaty wa ne gotiated by Whitelaw Kohl during his service as United Slate minister to France, ami was constructed upon lines laid down Iu accordance with instriio tion issued by the state department. Tho new treaty, it 1 understood, doe not contain any largely increased num ber of offence which will be extradita ble crimes, but it wa found desirable to make new dnliiiitioiis of old crime to lit the modern condition of tilings, Tlm 1 mat iiiiiiIi.h, MlhWAtJKi'K, Feb, 8. -The last steps in the formation nf the glass manufac turer' and joblsir' trust were taken at a meeting at the Plunkiutnii house. There were present forty-eight represen tatives, manufacturer and joblsir from all section west of Pittsburg. The session was behind chsted door here a in Chicago, The capital stock of the National 'Has company, by which the trust will be known, 1 A clause in the charter provide for the forfeit of a certain per cent, by any memlsir who breaks the rule ot the as sociation. tin tiering St Hilt, Atiiicnh, Fob, U. Reports from .ante state that the inhabitant of most of the town on the island are sufTering se verely. Hundred of families are caiii(S)d In the field near tlie city of Zante. They fled with such haste that they took with them neither food nor clothes. The weather is excessively in clement and null's shelt,r and food tie provided speedily, the mortality will laj appalling, A Dritish man-of-war, which ha been loading at Pieraou with food and clothing, has sailed for Zante, t icr! wllli ii 1 linn-Viinr Hmitnin-, Santa Fk, N. M , Feb. 8. Candelario Martinez,, the lawver who assaulted 10-year-old Louise Wilhelm ten days ago, wa Indicted, tried, convicted and turn ed over to the territorial penitentiary officer to servo a three years' sentence by the United State court. He will be tried for the same crime by tho terri torial court in July next, Nil t lutnii" III N hi III IIhUiiIh. PiHMAtti K, N, D., Feb, !l. -There was no change iu the Republican voto for senator yesterday. The Democrat and populist switched over to Governor Shortridge and gave iiiui ,'J'J vote. Casey received ill votes; Smith, 8; King man, ft; Walsh, H; Anderson, 1; Ordway, liAxvig, 1. 1111111). to Siinri il I Hrlltlf, FiiAMaKoKT, Ky., Feb. !l. -The caucus of the DemiK'ratic member of the legis lature last night Humiliated Judge Wil liam LimDay fur United States senator vice John G. Carlisle. Lindsay bad no opisislttoti. Aimm 111 I tiur, Hr.i.r.N a, Mont., Feb, ;i.- Hut three candidates for United States senator were voted fcr at the joint sobbm of the legislature. Of these Sanders received iH. Cl.iik a'Haml Divun I.'. ll I' . I I I l, I ; HI1' II." t ' I ' - Ittta (llUCttd lila Gitlt fin, DM l 1). WILSON. xOENTIST. j j i ' ". ' aa-t I "1 t .... S ' "I M. ttl-t. lta,.tl .. ll, ! tni.tiM. - Mil, t mi' ii m . ii aaa a a . 1 c If 0iht, USIC STOP THAT COUGHING ! t USt A no tile or Sandstedl's Celebrted Couh Syrup ft n BO Cunts, si tea SWEDISH DRUG STORE, , (AMDSTIDT, flour. 101 ItIS II. N. . CAKKIKliK, M. D. Physician and Medical Electrician.' CRONIC AND NtftVOUa DISIASIS A PICIALTV. I I ii-ii in ii 1 Ikim nf tin vi'Hf sliuiilllitf lui lieen iiiialiively i tin'il. Ni'iiritlitlii. M Villi lniii'i, riiliuil lillitlliiii 1 1 in Oil ullli like result, WOMf N t CHILDREN. Private Diseases of Male & Female. I'llOMI'T ATTKM'liiN Til CAI.I.S Oiliest SIO Bhiunt BU, I3th and Howard, Ti'li'iilioiii- I.H.I. (IMAIIA. NEII. foe fine livery l.hlllt llllllull', Hllllllll' llillae. t'lllTllltfl'll, t'llllpeN, Ktl.'., Ht-tt ED. BAUMLEY, Boarding a Specialty, 7th and St, Mury'l Ave. Tolupliono 440 JOHN RUDD JEWELER. Wiili'lieH, IHiiiiioihK .lewelry, Hllverweui iiml Cliii'kN, I inn Ue n m ii -i I ii 1 1 y In ovei'liinilliiK unit eleiiiilim ' 1 1 im m i nt in ili Id'iM'iiii'iN mid all initile nf Wiili'lieH ami Clock. Jewelry reiulrlii mnl iiiiiliufin'liil lllK, etc. JOHN RUDD. 30) N. (Sixteenth Bt OMAHA, NIB, V.. T. AI.I.KN.M. 1, KYK AND KAKHIIIUIKON mil HiiuiKii 111' k. cor llni'iiey h IU. Omaha. TJZTJlllT BEOO., GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. TKI.KI'IIONE lfi. 207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB Work railed for and delivered, HENRY BORCHERT, VISK Merchant Tailoring PHICEB LOW. Klrsl. i'Iiikh ('leiuiliiii. Dyelnu itnil It.'iiilrlin( Hllllaflll'llilll lilllll llllll'I'll. 937 North 24th St. or 24th & Izard W. T. WHITE, IOS NORTH I6TH 1ST. Stationery. Doolis and News, I'l'l'lodli'liln, Minnilne, Not ion, I'lne I'oeket Ciitleiy. ( Ikiii. ToImh'i'ii. mid Hiiiolti'i'n Hun ilrle. l.veiylliliiK Illil. ehtn. Friends Patronage Solicited. (JICO.W. JiANCASTKJlifcCO. (INKII4I, AliKNTS WHEELER 8c WILSON MEWINQ MAC IINEB. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. KOI.L ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Needle, oil, Hn)ille fur till kind ot Hew Iiik Miii'liliie. ' ii r own Mim IiiiiiI.' In tlrst i liia. Will repair any Sewlim Miiehlnit, rtusNOAii i, 14 Smith 8iiUinth St. , Omaha. SEALS write For Prices. Ed. F. PICKERINC, Tol, 1538. 109 S. I6lh Stroot, OMAHA. 2TOTZTII i7TTTairTi;Ui SOXJTIX 1'iii'chase Tiekets and (lnii!iie;n Your Fri lcht via the F, .& M, V, and S- C.&P RAILROADS. il. (i. IICKT. (ieiiei-iil Manajfor. K. C, MoKKiinrsK, J, K. Hitiianam , (ii'ii. I''i'i'ht A,'t. (Jen. I'ass. Ajjt. Omaha, Nebraska. For Lady Friends Only. Semi six omits In stamps for Six Pa pers Sharps Is'nt newinj; not'dles. MKS. llKI.I.K HAliN'KST, t'uiiiiti),' st., Omaha, Nob. Agents Wanted. 'wV EOT edtfliffilZ AOT "I ll Hi