THE AMERIOAN lvoiiY ani its rsix VMV CM U isVI St IN t0V Mil m n I i v- I t frw !"''" "' In ltH I 1h I .U' tottttt .tll tto)l l It I fMll I . V ii 44 tt Ml l U .l nt IM It t f Wmlttuan l (.M'ilf pit III" M l OjbtH'tttt lh it- (t m ) U-aiiKiiI tt H.jn. 1'rottwlit nr Imm 1'itivj ) rVMtil that tlr " iii Im Ani' tli 1n t .ill l it l wik, mul bo U t, k, IUt Mi IM-I It t'li In h tit h hftr i'Mrtin Ik wmtM Imtr fintinl tin m rIim.wI m u !t, Tli'if n tnl Ktp tint or four hty r-nri-t nf p'vtsl fVill lit Nr Yolk, nml liiti.lly t& mnity in nil I do rl of tin' ci.tuilrr. Tln tnnlni tlo iii h hi k nr jmiil hlli ittr Hi" ,,ir tvtitnl, wlntlitr btmy ir Mli". Tltcy- n I'm iii Intu it, tli r maim BU'I llnUnun. Of the Hint Hi ItrtbiiiiK nm H'tliiii Hit lii"(i hklllfnl, iiu-ti Ivory mrvimt lnt Ni ii itn ml In hltfh tli'Kn1 of ju t fit lion miuum i ho ItHlittll fur ITtlflllllK. TIlO IMOXt flllllOtH Ivory carver U inir. Inwivcr, I i From It nwtn, Moroitu Vnuiliicr. Fow of hi niiitcrlm'A linvo Itt'ii wh h in Ainerit'u, UioiikIi I wo worn Milil nt Urn fiitnniiit MorKitii m l mtli (if n few ycur UK", nml two morn, liohl nt 11 ;riiit juice, urn now It) tilt! toMHi'iliUI of It tloloil AllHTli'MII jeweler. Tint ivory curvet of tlii t ntry do little or nothing in tint FmM liuliitn or Jnimnewi inanner, nor do tliey ooeujiy thoniHclvc willi flgtiro work. Their chief employment in in iroi1ncin uVeorutivo toilet nml wtutionory Article. Tho hiro for dtnineil ittnl ciu veil ivory in of recent growth in the United Mitten, nml tho tlo mnml for unch article in not liirno, an thpy nro mora contly tliiiu tint sumo articles in ailver wonid lw. They vrre produced to tickle tho jitded nwlhetio palate of tho rich nml luxurious nml only thorn) who may triflo nwny what they will IihIiiIko tliemolvo to nny coimidernblo dereo in cnrved ivory. In nit inch article tho cent of tho raw mnterlul in Miinll in roiiipiirlnon with that of the labor. Milliard bull are ooBtly Imh huho they contain larxo qiinn titiei of tho flnent Ivory cut from the txiHt Jifirt of tho tnnk. The labor nwt of billiard balln l tHHitiK, ill they are tnrnwl by mnchlnery and rapidly. Thim It often haiUM'tm that a hIiirIo mnall arti cle, richly ntninnd nnd cnrvod, will cost five times n much n a billiard ball con taining ton titnea tho weiKhtof Ivory. The carver of Ivory use much the hiiiiio tool a the wood carvern, but of lighter and more delicate make, The work 1 itremoly todiou and laborious. The carving i nually done in low re lief, and tho subject are audi a aro nltablo to this trontmont I'erHinn do Ifrn In delicate curve, the cactus, with tome varieties of palm, and hint caught Tfom those marvclously aiinple but ar tlstlo cnrvin of the Alasknn Indian. The Ivory I tnlnod alltfhtly, ao a to bring out the design, and U permitted to absorb molsturo, which it readily does, order to givo it that fresh look com t h In nowly mannfnetured article of f ory. The nrt of Htaining ivory I a Mrit guarded well by tho carvers. ' Homo notion of tho cont of Ivory earr ing may lie hud from tho fact that, while a hand mirror framed In plain ivory may be had for ten or twelve dollars, a mir ror in cnrvod ivory may cont flOO or moro. The small article in curved Ivory cost from five to twenty-fivo dol lar, nml a toilet net in that material may fetch as high a $VK). The Ameri can climate, with it extreme of heat and cold, I vory trying niton Ivory, and Ivory backed mirror of European manu facture almost Invariably crack ncros the back after a fow month of use oixm thli ildo of the Atlantic. The American manufacturer have hit nion the expe dient of leaving a space between glas and frame in order to allow for contrac tion and expansion. ' Nearly all the Ivory brought to the United Htate I bought In the great Lon don market, where the price i knocked about by bull and bears, who corner Ivory a they corner wheat or corn. The African rather than the Aiatlo ivory I brought to thl country, though ona of the largeat tnika ever oen in thia mar ketthat of a aacred Eat Indian ele phant ha Just been mounted in orien tal stylo a a trophy of the chaae. The toik meaanree more than six reel is length and retain the mark it bore when worn by the sacred benat to which it be longed. Thank to the predatory and mnrderou Industry of Tlppu Tib and Ma black Zanzibar! the tupply of ivory ha kept pace with the increaaed demand resulting from ita extended use in thia country, and the price for the raw ma terial baa not permanently advanced. Few tusk of more than live feet in length come to thia country, and many are lea than four foot long. Many of the tusks roach here after having been burled in Africa for year to save thein from, thievish enemies of the aavage owners. Every tusk must go through a process of seasoning, long or short, ac cording aa the process la natmai or am ficial, lx'fore it i mado up into article of ornament or nse. It Is difficult to ob tain a tterfoct slab of ivory more than six inches in diameter, aa the ripper end of the tusk, which is the thickest, i hoi low and the material is coarser than that in the solid part of the tusk. From the latter are made billiard balls and the most beautifully carved articles for the toilet and the writing desk. From the coarser pnrta are made poker chip, buttons and a hundred small ar ticles. Every part of the tusk is put to tue. Even the chips and sawdust are converted into ivory black by burning, New York Bun. When m Olrl II m More Fan. When a girl viuita in a town she nearly always has a good time, but a young man seldom doe. The men pay him ibut little attention and the young ladies hold him at a distance because it is not roper to become acquainted too rapidly. ttt! lilt !. "It alwftt (teititmt Ho-ilj , .( l. M. f I i "ion il ,,,,, t ,, ,(, it, I ltl '! Ilil tt r-nil !(! II .lt,) til i t(ln,l t I t,, .1 I !' I l'-(ll1 ll, I l-llt.lot 1 ll I t I Int. . I.iil tl. l I t!H .itii It, ill lm t. t . U ! le I I- stutttnii, but lii r "i ll ' "oi l lii i. .t a l.'tirf lni't I ' t w IikI U sui t I III i tmtH ftti l tub "ll I'M UlMM IV l'l'l I I I't't HM.H-Illl III HO t ls t I pnltili-l lmt I f. tl'l' I'! Itn tltinf UntlHf ill W"l'l'lll, III" HT1, I'l ct'iiiw. I v He' t:itnlid '! my tiwit In 1 1iimtl"0 me I tle i.i. Hell I Ml tnoiiiii,' liiv Wink eii'l dtitiiiHil of Mm ditv tnii tintt lor I b itl. At'ul tueiiurt ao I trnvritxl in HwHn iliiml, kIo Itiimi! Dip fcli'llult Al'tti" W i lHi). Ill" llHlOt'i Slid Hie ri llv .'iin ii "One a ft "iik 'ii I i"Uiinini, or rntini iilKilmnK,il, to a in h old burgher' lotmlrv Stat. Hlmt mtenli-ell ItHKiMt from Lucerne, ! hi't Ii and In visit (lir grave (if some of Switzerland' fallen heroes. While thorn I met tlieowm r, a tcrn old Human t'lillinlii', who could fluently s'iik fiemli. lie introduced ine In his ilmmhler, Hie fair Emily, in whom I found a majority of the t hai acteiitttics of my idi nl I b id iilmml Niinted Iter correct I v. While Here I Studied her fare i lnwlv, wt IIH In be able to catch the lliieting rprei"tionH and the sentiment that I knew my picture lacked. Then I returned hoim nml touched again the fin e with my brush. After making H very little chnngo 1 found that the picture was a splendid likeness, and I iii conlinnly preHcnteil It to tho family." SI. Louis (i lobe-Demo crat. Ili iinlv nml Hie lli'iml. Three liroadway earn, four trucks, a mail wagon and a light cart became en tangled in n blockade near Prince tml. It was bitter cold, and the drivers felt grieved that they bad to stand still. Then .a handsome carriage with a spunking team and old driver in livery tried to worm its way through tho block ade. There was a nil lie and a bang, and the enrriago wheels were caught by the wheel of nt ruck. "Hah, ye swatth faced, lnnk headed balKMin," a car driver yelled to the liver ied driver, "whar' y' gaw'n?" "(Inbbnck out o' that!" cried another driver. The air was blue with profanity, each driver vying to outswear tho other. Tho driver of tho carriage said never a word, but hia face was a study. Huge, hostility Mid cuss word were struggling there with restraint and duty. Just then the carriage door was opened from within, nnd n rosy face appeared, budding from a hazy mas of light furs. It was a sweet, blue eyed, young and very pretty face, only tho month Wu contracted as if in pain, "What tho mutter, Johnr alio asked plaintively. "Can't you drive on' I'm just freezing in here." Tho swearing ceased at once, nnd no one looked John in the face, but tho driver of tho car backed hi horses, the truck pulled upn little, tho cart swung slightly around, and tho carriage passed through and rolled on ita way. New York Bun. In the lny of Fiirlr-iilne, After tho city and county of Sacra mento were organized in 1N.VI I ho law ful nuthoritles attempted to remove the sqnatters. Over I'OO had organized, and when tho sheriff attempted to remove n squatter he was met by an armed mob. Mayor Iliglow then called upon tho citizens to aid the sherilf, and with a small lmdy of citizen lie halted the mob nnd ordered them to disjierse. His commands were met by defiance, and the leader ordered hi men to (ire, Tho mayor and his horse were wounded, and liis'liltlo band (led. 1 wa behind a tree, 1 heard a voice rising alKve the yell of tho mob order ing them to surrender. 1 Milking that re-enforcement had arrived nnd look ing from my shelter, I was surprised and fascinated to see only a solitary horse man facing the maddened mob and or dering them to surrender. Hi orders were met, a were tho mayor's, by a vol ley of musketry, Instead of falling or retreating, the rider held his rearing horse in check, and a the horse came down on bl foot Mr, McDonald coolly fired both hi pistols, each wounding a man. This unequal contest continued until McDonald had emptied hi weap on. Ill last shot brought down the leader. Aa the leader fell McDonald was aided by the sheriff and posse, when the rabble fled. A Forty-niner In New York Pre. A KofoOior Toe Much fppr. A man was appointed superintendent of a Hunday school much against his own desire. lie had been a very pro fane, worldly man in hi early life, but had exitetienced rellirion and bad at tempted to reform In every way. When the appointment of sujicrintendent of the Sunday school was suggested he de murred. Ho was afraid bo might lapse into profanity or into some of his old ways. Rut ho was finally urged and persuaded to take the position, lit hold it very well until one night ho wa asked to pray for the poor of tho pariah. He said: "O Lord, help the poor. They neod it. Help Jones. Jones and hi family are hungry and they need help, Bend them a barrel of flour. Send thorn a barrel of tx-pis-r. Diazes! that's too much pepix-r!" New York World. Sim rlii l(ttrrlrtlii(c. The modern shark isdotisriorating. In ages gone by there wore ferocious sharks, such as would make a mouthful of yon Without blinking, seventy feet in b'ngth. Plenty of their teeth have been found which are five inches long, whereas the biggest of tho teeth belonging to sharks that exist at the present day are 1 ) inches long. Exchange. Had All Hha Nrrdxl, lie (after a long explanation as to why he loves her) In view of all this, Miss Marlow Estelle I offer yon my hand. She Thank you, Mr. Borcsly, but really the two I have are all I need. tlarptr's Bazar. an iih.i;m:ss. A i vvi i, 1V IN i.roirtS VSni'l't lV filtuiHU HO'Ktfc ttHHltu t 4 'is la Ml. I. " 'l ! lug Iiihh il miIi em'l llnhn .im Vnn tiit It a Mtii As lit tt.i.'tiiiio r i, t s li'luttttiHi l f.ll. 'Win al.iim It'iii btn-V 'I br Hftnl tin ttil "Mult l'i" f 'I ft tbl'llii'l li'll'ttti"! I!t"', WlOill IMi to (In II iitil IMi'b I I'lttill. I'"k nl tmwt like Flinb-tl itlk; ttn) t 1 1 t.'i it'll gladef. vt Itt le t i f t i Mitel ael rolur I siiIhIuiiI, tliiuMwIt Ik kv lsiim dnw it Mi It Hie w l''r littriii n lilt f ie( ful plaint nif'ttn-t tin" in H path, till at bfl it litel snoiiltlln liintintittn bike, TotbiV it isetidenl that all I he Wissl life Is pn pared to l bty even Hit trout that are won! bt rush mi iageih at worm or llv. Now the llHlicrman le gins lo feel the ililluettcnuf till all per vading inertia, nnd finally he lays down his iole mid stri lches lilinw If out on the brook's bank. Cloxo In hi sidn it N sound of rippling water, cool and sooth tug, while the spreading top of n maple keeps off the sun. The bank hero is covered with thick n i nss - a pleiiiant couch wailing for sonic oiiti In come and iihh it. In tlieecouoiii of Hie wooiIm iiolliiu in permitted to rxlttt for ilndf only; the sapling have their own life, but must nlso furnish leaves mid twigs to tho deer, nml bark to the nibbling bares. No plant or ani mal in entirely kcIIIhIi, nml so thia hum Mo inoss, sinco it can ln little else, i ready to servo na resting jihico for the weary. There is an old saying that goes, "I test pane is ireo ease or I no ease nought with too much labor of preparation is hardly worth having. And thiathought, though it may not bo very profound, suggest ono great delight of tint woods, everything is free is natural. No one but tireless nature has labored. Nocyes have ached, no back has becotno bent, in tho making of thia conch f moss; no hands havo toiled to rear ui grateful shade of tho maple. Tl. ; refreshing Splash and ripplo of tho brook is freely, unconsciously given. Tho voluptuaries of tho east wore close student of tho art of idleness. Loung ing on their cushions, they listened to soft music nnd watched tho movements of dancing slave. Other slaves waved cooling fans, mid, if their musters were exposed to tint sun, held silken canopies nbovo f hem, Tho eastern prince thought that tho pleasures of idlenes could lw no further perfected, lint the dancers must often luivogrown weary; tho slave holding tho canopies fainted in the sun; the fan lienrers nml tho musician doubtless wondered at tho nnjnst fata which condemned them to labor li order that other might enjoy. No Indian rajah or Persian lord' ever reclined tipon nil ro?.'h than this one on which tho fisherman stretches himself. Tho brook makes tho most de lightful of music. Hutiboain dancing on leu r nun moss uwi rippms are ns pleasant to watch a tho movement of weary slavos. Nor do the sight nnd sounds of the wood lack variety. Tho music of tho water is mingled with the twitter of forest birds--thrushes nnd wood spar rows; tho songful cnthnsiaMui of their annual youth in pant, but tho midsum mer nolo uro full of happiness, and tell of nests well slocked with little ones, Squirrels chirp and chatter, Tho dead leaves strewing tho ground are of every shade of brown and red and yellow, and tho slender shafts of sunlight, which dart down through tho breeze stirred foliage overhead, never fall twice ujion color that aro exactly similar, The trout fisherman, half dreamy, half observant, and w holly happy, has lain there till fho long, warm summer afternoon is drawing to a ( lose, Tho shy little wood creature that love the dusk come out of their hiding place and run near him, quite fearless of hi motionless figure, Delicate, mouselike creature are here, the flying squirrels, in soft gray draperies. A mink trots over the wet bowlder in the brook's lied, and, consolon of if own irnjwrtance, eye the man suspiciously, Darkness in coming on, and it is time for the trout fisherman to go home. He leave the mossy bank regretfully, half periuaded that idleness, and not work, I man's chief blnsslng.Franchi B. Palmer in Christian Union. A Hrldn of Two Tosr. England can furnish instances of child marriages, not perhaps to any great ex tent, but a young a any to be fonnd in eastern countries, where such mar riages are almost of daily occurrence. The youngest English bride on record Is, beyond all doubt, a daughter of Sir William Dreroton, who in tho sixteenth century was united in bonds of holy matrimony, when only two years of age, to a bridegroom who was only lier senior by ono year. In this cose the children ' were carried into tho church, and their elder sjxjke for them. Subsequently, when the pair reach years of maturity, they ratified the strange tie. In this in stance the object was to carry out a desire to unite property. All the Year Round, For Towing P" llunilrai Mile. In April. 1888, the engines of the steamship California, from Hamburg for New York, broke down when the vessel was alsmt fifty-six miles southeast of Nantucket shoals and IKK) mile east of this city. She was towed to this port by the freighter Chateau Margaux, bound from New York to Bordeaux. Tho lat ter was awarded $15,000 salvage. New York Evening Sun. Indian anil Japan, The Indians of tho interior have noth ing in common with those of the west ern coast. They lack the small feet, al mond eyes, coarse, heavy black hnir, short stature and timidity that mark the coast Indian as coming from Japan. St. Paul Pioneer I'ress. im t-Kti! itr'- - 1 1 i s nioi i.l I iti tt d a n ,,t .", 1 1 ," s i i.ii ! w Mity- (hi.. I t I t -ti I lint, tl Itt (! M I, t I n , I ! ' Amihi,' I.iaI k 1 5 i. so Itl 't ltl.-l tMHMMlt ill li.-HM' st'if a I --M ol" i" m.t ti"..i' t iiptt 'iH em - (.... ' It.' I el til.'" I Hi" ,t . 1 1,1 j . m i i l l, ( i .-.Ik' f , m I In b b I iblllf i I" i i'l'" ill Ii no I I tillill in wibit'f pn i' l ie S ttii'Mi !! I" i. , inn i-. liM'f slid pmo l' n.tik In Hit' Hible I lli"ll' I. ii I jit"-! of tiU'liltH I'l 'I k read ft"it lite Knplol Snl ifunl siel t butt hi reading to Ho' l ! of bi sl.ihiv. ' i if wilt'Of llie K'l old loan qiiile ti Ijiii lillv Inn up Aiilll"l mune pt tiio. ibtlli tilt .!lnt tir l Hi iit' llt" ! (if i mti aling hitu If, h I litte r't'li to know , unique, v. blentng In hi i M"-iti"U of S.i"in"ii mid all hi isloty I be oiler Sunday and vtotidered how be wit going lo tin Jjutice to tie1 great king in the tnatti r of hi thousand odd Wives, All of II sil'l li :! became lip Ml the taagt which he read through slowly, Then ho paused, nmppt I hi brow and said; " 'Itivtlnvn, we have como ncr" a iliftleull uiuagt. 1 t ih, however, ii"t shirk our duty. We unot look the ililH cully lirmly In tint face and pans on lo tho next verse,' And ho promptly put Cecil el to do so, to the eileut satihl'ac tioii cf hia flock." New York Herald. A 1 ) iii ill !tllUiiliil NfmulHiMl. The City of Providence was one of long lino of MNsissippi boats editing the broad, clean, sloping levee that fronts busy St. Louis. Shu was by far the largest and handsomest of tho packets, but all nro of one tyst, and that is worth describing. They are, so far as I remember, all painted white, and aro very broad and low. Each carries two tall black funnels, capped with n bulging ornamental top, and carrying on rods swung between tho funnels tho trado mark of tho company cut out of sheet iron, an anchor or an initial letter, a fox or a swim, or whatever. There nro throe or four stories to these boats first tho open main deck for freight and for tho lwiilers and engines, then tho walled in saloon deck, with a row of windows and doors cut alternately close ls'side ono another and with pro viso ornamentation by means of jig saw work wherever it can be put, and last of all tho "Texas," or officers' quarty-f and tho "bureau," or negro passenger cabin, forming the third story. Most of tho largo boats have the big squure pilot house on top of tho "Texas," but others carry it as part of tho third totory in front of tho "Texas." Tho pilot houso is always made to look graceful by mean of an upsT fringo of jig saw ornament, nnd usually carries a doer's head or pair of antlers in front of it. Julian Italpu in Harpers. m , A MiinU for Ixorttlloin. There are Frenchmen, according to M. Simon, who collect decorations just as others collect postago stamps. In cer tain official positions it appears tho one thing is hardly more diflicult thun tho Other. "I knew," ho says, "two public officials who nud this inoil'ensivo mania. Ono wa fat, Tho chain on which ho hnng his mulals spread across his ample chest and struck downward and was lost to view in his waistcoat pocket, in tho interior of which tho imagination pic tured further honorary insignia. The other was thin, to hi great disgust, and ho could only exhibit some thirty deco rations in a row. Someone advised him to wear a doiffde line, just as unruly convicts wear a double chain. Jio did so, and he was quite right. His breast was a collection of all tho animals of creation in gold, silver nnd enamel. It amused jsioplo to look at all this while be wa speaking, and they were very glad of this little distraction, for he was an as." London New. Tim NIiuimi nt tli Slum, Our Puritan father wore shoes mod erately peaked. About 10H0 square toes made their appearance. In tho reign of Mary, who died in 1658, there wu a Eirochimation issued that no person hould wear shoes over two inches wide at the toes. Square toes began to lose favor in 1757, In our newspujier from 1710 to 17JJ5 round too becume more common, and peaked ones less, accord ing to descriptions given of shoes on runaway slaves and servants. From 17!i7 shoe toes continued in a small pro portion and became mostly pointed. This shaio lasted nearly a hundred years. Square toe began again in 1825, and in 181(6 were ncceeded by round toes. Boton Herald. A Description of tlio Heart. Here is a question and answer' of a high school pupil; Dricfly describe the heart and its func tions or work. The heart is a comical shaped bag. The heart is divided into l.ui.rn1 rmi ts liv A fleshv IM'tit.ion loose i parU are c-a.lla right artillery, left ar- tillory, and so forth. The function of the heart is between the lung. The work of the heart i to repair the differ ent organs in about half a minute. Miss A. C. Graham in University Correspond ent. A Knocking Organization. The Liars' club is ull that its name im plies. It i composed largely of wicked fishermen whoso improbable stories have given a bad name to honest, truth tell ing worshipers at tho shrine of old Izaak Walton who would not tell a lie aliout the number of fish they caught for tho world. The biggest liar is chosen president, and several gentlemen of prominence in our community have held tho office. New York Times. Common Ilyporrlnjr. Miss Willard says that few forms of hypocrisy are moro common on the lips of women than this, "I would on no ac count have my name in the newspaper." If a woman has accomplished something helpfnl to humanity it is jtmt as desira ble to have it known as if a man had ac complished the same. 1406 W. K. BSHNSTT & CO.. They Oprn Another New Dopfirimont-ConsUntly Incrcuing Facilities-Throe Car Loads of Flour Just In. Price, on Hour Ay Don--VYonderfully Low Prices In All Deprt menUDonH Forget Our Fresh Butter and Epps. Ni k i. Im ami )ii.)iy ile .ilnii lit, aluT Vim can lo-t futir wslelie. rl'N'kn nr li ai'try nt any klml tvpalrvil Ii)- 1 1, mi, lit lily i'iiinMi,iil mill ii ili-ii.'iil am I. in h n. at a n it l" price, lluw uficti iln i-1 hi r jr our ulrli In II la m mIIt of i"i line to tl on im i mini nf !! itttltilnit or In-Inn or li'iilnK. linilv Ui'iiiimi te sr." iin If ' timk It to nut! -i lim wi aniilil In- tulil Unit II aiiuhl '.( l i nr I',1 in ,i imi 11 in ir,,, nl k!ihii. a Inn In teiillt y unit lit nut lo piiv mini' t ti it ii ' nr ;. in hint' M lunl nii'l lOiitriintt'i'il. We inniiKw (o tin nil ami i n 1 1 ulfil In tinr I'sre In a Taultli' iiiiiiim r, mill ifiiiit iilit"i' Hie antU In evi ry Iiiih nl ItCNNtTTS I'til'I I.AH IMI K tS. Ililnit In iinvlliliiit Vim liuvi in ri'imlr In IliU lliii' mill li t il-i-llmiilr mi It fur Vim: II miiii'I i'iixI ymi iinytlihiK In 'I'1 III"". ml i' are Mire at- eini mve yuii lilit niiint y. Our miiirmitt'i' ifiii'n all Ii every ,nli. In lliin di--liiiiliiii'iit yen will ii l-ii liml an t'li'Kiinl mmhiiii ini'iit nf jewelry, wali'lies. I'loiikt it ml sllvt'iweiir, nml our prlees are rliihl every time. Now Is your lime lo liny erorln'iyi' irii'i' mi' 1 1 1 w 1 1 nml iiinlily up. Tell (Mips. I'M' Mi l. tMU'li, or 40c a dozen. ( liiimlier set. II pieces. SUM. Tuinlilers only .It- each. TIIKKK CAUUIVHH OP I Lol K Just received. Prices are away down. W. R. BENNETT CO. 1502 THE McCAGUE SAVINGS BANK, N. W. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Streets. Four (4) Per Cent Interest on Book Accounts. Five 5 Per Cent on Six Month Certificates. Foreign Drafts and Money Orders at. Lowest Rates. LO-lTG OU TOJLIL, ESTATE. Hank open from 0 a. tit. lo '.:'M) p. in. Mondays from 0 a. in. to 8 p. in. W. W. 1.0 WE. ABSOLUTELY PUKE DRUGS, PRESCRIPTIONS a Si-kcjalty, S. E. cor. 16th & Farnam TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, CHOICE CIGARS. : OMAHA. N. The Best Grades of Soft COAL. All Kinds of Hard Coal. OFFICE: 109 SOUTH 15TH ST. YARD: COR. 1BTH AND IZARD ST. TELEPHONE I49Q Books For Rev. Slaitery aud Wife's "Convent Life Exposed" (Mrs. Slattery) 75c. "Secrets of Ilomish Priests Exposed" 40c. "Why Priests Don't Wed; or, Substitution for Mar riage" 76c "Woman and Rome," (for ladies only, by Mrs. Slat tery) 25c. "Devil's Prayer Book," men only, Rev. Slattery 25c. DR. J. D. FULTON'S: "Why Priksts Should Wkd" Paper 50c. SrunoEON Our Ally." Rev. J. Or. WHITE'S: "Deeds of Darkness" Price, $1.25. "Homo" men only Price, 50c. T. M. HARRIS: "Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" Price, $2.50. Many other valuable works comprise our list. In our Book Department we will make a specialty in all works of this kind. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. BOOK DEPARTMENT. Jen ? . .... . . to Wh IK) nnd CAiN Klve you iriro mat. ih wiiri.n juur ,vi.. . - ,n ,, ,. pay which enable um to K've you Hrst.-claNH work at excwdlnnly low prices. FRIENDS GIVE ME A CALL. C. H. FOBBY, MIM'I M il III it ir TRUNKS. i nn oiiii.i tun m". WuM REPAIRING DONIL Pougtat Sf. 0H, MB. 7V fot Vt Hi. mteli, nml sit itrsitf ttnsr- Hllttttt Our I'tllter l!epsttlii'Sl l Into, i. Ill ; ltii'C. tue vety ln ,t ttleti hsmllt'tl I'V 11 t tiir t lite r s'l enrefullv emnlle l ami ar lite Ih-M in In- It ml In Hip eily. ol II MKAT ANH I ISH i:T. U doing womlinii" Lo tiili't and fulr i Irt'iiinieiil lwlmt iIim'oM. No kei'iintlo tt.ilil liv us: all our meal mi' tlie Im'sI. i In stilt lonely e iilttt ii nt nvi'lnpi' I fur only le. j i.imiiI nole iiitiier:' pernuliv. ' Toilet puH r :te per prn k. I Tnllel pllMT .'' iw f Mill. Si'hool pads. Iiililels. peiu'lls of all klmls. ' IMi'lnre ItHiks eti'., tie. All ill. Ilenni'tt's 1 iMipulnr prii'e. I tiei nil your Koodsnf us from our irroiTry i deparlinent. leu. eollif nml siilee. Iiardwitro i elifiirs mid toliai'i'o. dry poods, nollon. nud j our di'ii" ilepurlments, '. I.isik for Imi'iialiis In all of the above de- plll'lllli'llls. In ill-nits we ean save you the most money . on anytliliiir we curry In this line. ! We are sill serving free, clnm bullion. ! beef hiillion. cherry cordial, beef extracts lilt lis free as t he air you breat he. 1 Cull In and try anyone, or all. for n week j or so free, and see if they don't benelit you. ! It. won't cost you anything to try mid 11 may j give you a new lease of life. TO 1512 CAPITOL AVENUE. t THKODORE P. LEWIS, Mnaobb Americans! Works: JONES PHOTOGRAPHER, No. 24th t.. fc-i.ii .. A