The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 27, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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C. iMOVnON, ti1P
KlilM Ittitint MudHiri t
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l'Twt Awtmt m t tut mtui'io ur i I
I'tMllotll I'M i m i l n tt Ne
All ourHmNO know, If tin y will
Mop tu tlittik, ho thoy Hlitmi wlihTliK
Amuih'an, mill shall ex)ieot lo hear
front nil In arrears thin mouth. liH tut
rtHHt KKIKMim: )ih tlollwr imlnuliy
ono Imlivlilmil unly Ih trllli'i Ihn'ii
thiHiNnuil IiuIIvIiIukIn nwlii(f ono dollar
oboH Ih ."MnnMHI-rt dllTi'iimiv, you mi'.
Think of yonrwlf, not In Uio unit. Imt
In tlio Htrjrr'KHt nl ivmlt juxt m mnm
h Hvniiilili'. loi'K t hl appl.V t youy
W'K will liiivo soiiifMliIni; l my alum''
the Milli'i1 Fnml next Wi'ck, tluit
omm(1 our notioi' imtil tlHhonrof piintJ
to pri'KM today.
Ol'U Hem of two wi-i'kn iiro that told
of tho fittfrtaliiinciit at No. II, kIiohIiI
have road a littlo dilTci-cnt. It wa tho
ladlos of Omaha Council No. '2, W. A.
1'. A., who fui'iilchi'd the cdihli'i.
Fkikniw, you hhould not, fail to wo
tho M(f cartoon In t It Ih week' Ihhiio of
I'urk, It In linnioiiMO, Wo proNiinio,
liowovor, that tho fi li'iulH of hU lioll
IH'HS in oiuo will hanlly iippiri'lnto
tho koon Biitlro of It,
Tint iiiomhorH of tho lin;lnlaturo from
thltt oounty proltably uro awaro that
thi cltl.cnH of Omaha do not want tho
chartor ami'iided nn propowd by thu
oonnoll and in'nc oltlwnh. If thoy will
mk, bo von out of pyory Ion will Miiy,
"wo want lo oh'ot our ollloorw." TIiIm
Ih not n nioiiarcliy.
Mm. A. Jli'imctt, inothor of KhorllT
lk'iinott and Thro. Donnott, tho Jailor,
wholuiH Ihicii vlblt liiK hortMoiiH for noiiio
thno roturni'd to hor lunno In Huxton,
'anada, Monday. Whl o In tho city
she gavo um a plonHBiit call. No wonder
our dhorllt Ih huuIi a good follow ho
hH a model c-hi lnt lun mothor,
OUlt rcadom, th ptiugh our oiiioIohh
iichh, uro doprlvod of an extended or of
even a partial report of tho uttompt of
Honian CuthollcH to nioh Uov, J. (i.
Whlt. at Waukegan, III., hint week.
Wo lout tho paper from which wo ex
jM'eted to cjuolo tho order of tho mayor,
ri'Molutliiiin adoptod, etc.
mailo by UoiiiuiiIhIh that their church
does not Interfere In polltlcH, wo aaln
are confronted with u flitifi'tint ciiho of
prloMtly InterfereiKio In tho piiiiio. Tho
democratic IcgUlatorH In Mad inon, Win.,
not Hiicoeedln In Holeetln a United
Ktaten Honator, lltv. FatherH (jiilnkl
and (Jru.u, of Milwaukee! In reMponno
to a doen tclcgrtittiH, hastened to tho
ce no of the cation and gained admin
hIoii, notwltliHtandtnu: tho fact that tho
jiartlclpatlon of tlio (irlcHtH In tho can
t'lin wan Htrongly dlna)proved of by the
follower of onn of the pattleH Inter-
Dl lttNU tho pitMt two week wo have
taken occiudon to thoroughly look up
tliu question of tho reduction of pay of
n einployo of tho Uchardon l)ni(f
company, and have mil lulled ournelf
that tho MTKinn who hroiiKht u tho
Inforuiatfon puhllhed two week agu,
niadeB mlHtake, and worn wilfully or
Intentionally Impowd upon by Homo
jiernon who delred to injuro the com
puny. Wo havo talked with Mr. Wcl
lerand one other member of tho com
pany und they uhnui o iih that Ivi'iiuko a
man I a ProtrHtunt would Imi tho hint
reiiHon In tho world why ho would Imi
dlchari;cd from their employ. We
trunt our friend willgivo thUcorrei!-
tlon tho niiiih! attention and coiildora'
tlon they did tho former Item. Tho
eompuny Ih a 1'rotoHtunt concorn.
l'rof, (ieo. 1', Hudolph wiim UMHanlted
and knocked down by a 1 toman Catho
lic mob on tho utago of tho 0cru Iiouhd
In Lafayette, Itul., jot a ho wa ulxmt
toliegin hU lecture "Why I left tho
Roniinh church," tmforci an audlenco of
1,0(10 pcoplu. About fifty idiot were
exchanged Ixtween the mob and mem
Nir of tho American Protective Ahmo
ciatlon, uocording to tho diH)atche
which wo have read. We think thin In
tolerance of Homo has gone far enough,
we think IVotcstnnt should iircjmre
for the conflict that Ih huto to follow
and that they should organize. Organ
ize and defend your libort(oi).
You nhould nil remember that C. F.
Shaw & Co., 618 S. 16th St., ha al
ways on hand, Vegetable, in gcafen;
also a full line of Staple Grocer I ss.
Do not forget us when down town.
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ISHli.l tin' HI I1MIH. II " e ;i. I
by H i ii!i (, ti' lm. i iv Hit, it
l1 i l ll Hill I'l llll II I Hill Vkni ll l , M-IHH
Hll(. t,l' of ,i l!1 11',
Wllh tin- li'll" l of ib liinl enine M
rliiilig hunt I be H.a'mh lli(m,
It let) tvniln n l.illon
"'riii'. Ami mi n. m (nut iHr pull
lUbi'tt In ( Itunhn, anil llicot Htt of the
Amerleitii I'ruli ri ive A'-iM iiitloii, in a
lull' Ikoiic piliHhril the following:
'Tim Hint' I tint tut nwn? In n Hie K.iiiinii
rlholl,'. hi llii' i.iili i if Hie m. . mil tv
tii' In m tlu it w liiml luxe mill will M ini
liiilli'ln In llir liii'l uf the ilmi'i toiiilil
Ntii'iilit rniliet than iiy It I he nnli-r nuty
ennii' Miiy iliiv fiiuii Kimii' ll Kill I'lime ii
illl. h It h the I'lh'k of n Hliiiier. mill ll will
In- il yi l. of i'iiuri'. us t'oinliiK ftnin Al-
mllthlh lillll llllllHI'lt' Mnli-lKliot t'llM'l
III reply to an Inquiry adilroHwd by
the Hr.ft'ni Witnttm, tho MotiHlguor
vay: i have never thought or nulil
anything ho abhiii'd or ubomlnablo.
Immediately after my arrival In Amer
ica u reporter wiih plt-awd ttl pllt tlll'NO
or Hlmllar wordH into my inoutli. The
prcH received at: once from me, am
geiiiiroufly published, ni,s former
Neverlheli'HH, hoiiio three yearn Intel
tlioHtorv wan repented. I Htfongly nun
peetetl, by the namo reporter, In n
londing WitHlilngtoti Journal. Later It
miitle its appearance in a ruhld pamph
let. on itomaiilNiii: anil now turnn up
ay 1 1 u in the tiewnpaper you Mi'iiU
To a Carliolic itn fulnehood and wick
cdnt'HH are too iimnlfeNt. Men of com
limn neiiHO outnhlo the pulo of Holy
Church can wo the Htatcincnl hearn Itn
own re)iiiaiion. hi.iu ror tlio pro-
jiull I and lilgotn, it may Imi well to
nay: (1) that tho pope ban no power to
ihhuo too oriier mentioned; (l!) that the
popo cannot abrogate tho divine law
and order murder; (:)) tluit Cathollen
are not. hiicIi Itllotn iih to bellovo that If
"per hnpoKwIblo" an order dhl ho coino
It would lie the voice of Almighty (iod
" J hou Hhalt not bear fulno wHuchh
ugaliiMt thy neighbor" wcniM to bo left,
out of tho tlecaloguo by pro hid Iced
conti'overHiallHtn wlien treating of tho
cnurcn ami mo pope, r'alwiiotxi in u
norry arm for defending truth.
i may anil inai in common with mv
Catholic compatriot In Knirland tho
tux of public elementary education wuh
clieertiiliy paid hy inc. Still more
until tho rate woro abollHhed wo paid
our quota for tho iiupport of tho I'rot'
entant Kplncopal ntato entabllnhment.
In tho latter lnntanco it wa with bad
grace und mnlgronouH,' "
There I very littlo lu MonHlgnor
Capel' denial that I worthy of notice,
UHlde from bin Humming up, which ho
doe a follow;
"(!) 1 hat tho pope ban no power to
Ihhuo tlio order mentioned:
"(2) That tho pope cannot abrogutn
ino el i vino law and order murder;
"(.'I) That CutholloH uro not unci
Idiot a to believe that II "per llllpo
Hi bio" an order did ho come. It would
Imi tho voice of Almighty (iod lllinnelf."
To tho llrnt wo have but littlo to nay.
Ihe declaration In ho much ut vurlunoi
with the law and teaching of the
Itomaii Catholic cliurch, and tho belief
of the lulty, that It wenm nlmoHt a
wuh to of time to even contradict our
.ItiHtiltlcul contributor. The inoiiHlg
nor know better than wo tho extent
of the power of tho pope, but he doo
not know more than tho theologian of
tho Koman church, and thoy, without
u Mingle exception IVtor Den, Ken
rick, St. Thonui Acipirilu und other
declare) that to tho pope 1 given tho
power to damn or Have, to let Into the
bright, Hiinllght of heaven, or to con
sign to the dark precinct of hell all
thoHo who do not bow down and wor-
nhlp at the Hiirlno of thin falne god, thl
antl-chrlHt, IIiIh hlaHphcnicr and vllo
pretender, Kvery bUhop, every prlent,
every urch-blhop and cardinal-and
you, even yon, moiiHlgnor - lielleve
and teach thin porniolou doctrine. If
thl Ih ho- if you teach tho truth why
could not thl name individual in whono
hand ho much power ban been placed,
why could not he give a little order
like that with which you havo boon
credited with Baying ho could give?
W here would he Ihi mtmt criminal, In
depriving u of our live In thl world,
or of robbing our houIh of everlantlng
life In tho next' No, no, moimlgnor,
you cannot fool u American to any
great extent! Wo havo got acquainted
with you and with your damnable
nyHtom which teachen that rfcct,
blind (ilmlicnct I the nemo of religion
ierfectlon; which touches that the end
jiiHtille the incur); that an employe
can Meal from hi employer if he
thinks bin wage ato not remunerative
enough. Wo are acquainted with your
nyHtcm, lr; and know It to 1h a plague
npot and not a calholioori for the III of
a pcoplu of an diversified opinion u
aro tho tropic who muko up thin
glorlou young republic tho grande!,
inont perfect and beat polwd govern
ment ever founded by man. We know
that CathollclHiii retarded all rcHourch
kftor truth that It ha tried to wreck
Hclenco, to dontroy tho art, prevent
learning, raio virtue; that It ban tried
to foit itHelf upon the world a tho
only true way to nalvatlon by tho
8 word, tho bayonet, the utake, and the
rack; by terrorizing nation with
. ' I l.lli
,-'... I
tal . ) (k l.i i j. '.,!,! I.n.l It. ut
;ll,i li.-IHH t t !.',! I-. .It- ',.
x I . , II l.l lt i ,1
i ti iU tot H time I
itiiiii In il5 tij,l. ft tl,i i -in in, in
I He- tttil 'f l.i'lmi , n itn tii i t
ii to ! 1 ii'H i. hint ut Hit pnWt l
' n( Hie pie '
No,l'i tin wnt.lul titli, tlll
lite H'X i nniiiil Htifit),'!!' ilit ll' l tiv
i"tiing m ti mi oiiti f. Name "
jmpe tin b tint Hlimifc'iiti il t imi' U .
llll I'HI ili V HI) t Cl'IHiiltt VOIII' li'
lutte l'i lt t'llhii' lion di'li IK. imIiIh ik of
pt't'jiit'i: bat e been llinom al. iiin liiile
or lne-biln'i' w ho cared itoiliing for
(iixl. U'n for Ibi ir fi llnw imtu and
liolliitiv' at nil aUnit true nliioit
whii ll In emtHNlled ill thin niiiflu wit
telice: I hi unto ut tiers even n a
you would I but thoy nhfiuld do unto
you." They have eared only for the
cxtcnilun of iMilitieal pmver and the
nccumulaliug of wealth. So thin. dm.
monnlgnor, Ina ieelou denial.
What about the third;' "Catbollin
would not Indieve the order came from
tJod Almighty lllmnolf.'' MoiiHlgnor
your denial in no weak that we can al
moHt nee HilmlHHion In it place. An
"Intelligent Koinun Catholic" in u ruru
on'.i. Thin you are well nwure of.
Spain, that wan once renowned for It
learning, In totlay the mont Ignorant of
nation it Ih uIho the most thoroughly
Catholic, What in true of Spain 1
true, to a great extent, of Ireland
Portugal, Italy, Mexico In fact I true
of any country that ban boon dominated
by ignorant Roman ccclcHitiMlIc and
in ho patent that even you will not ut
teuipt. to deny it. If Komun Cutholica
believe in tho cxlatcnco of tho holy
coat, the foro-arm of tho grandmother
of Chrint, or In that of any one of tlio
thoiiMiind und one bogu relic con
tuined In your papal jtinkHhop, how
can you expect u to believe HomanlHtn
would not look upon that order from
the popo iih coming from (iod Almighty
lllniHcir for did not tho "great and
gootl Coimtantlne call him dod?" Tut,
tut, moiiHlgnor, thy pen hath hut It
cunning. Thou art no more the pet of
the Vatican, oIho Satolll would not bo
here to take thy place and complete
the tank for which thy uhilllie have
proven qui to Inadequate,
So much for tho inoiiHlgnor' denial
Tho rnoiiHlgnour mut have tuken a
day off anil devoted It to letter writing,
for what, do wo find? After writing u
what doc ho do? llo write Craig A
Murlow, of Chicago, publlHher of a
book entitled "KomaniHin tho Danger
ahead," und "requeHt that Immediate
htep bo taken to provont the further
circulation of thene oIToiihIvo faint
hood," und link for tho udtlro of tho
author, A. .1. (irover. Mr, Craig, who
In Hoiuewhut of u letter-writer hlmnelf,
replied. At the top of tlio copy of tho
letter he forwarded bo nuyn In a note
lo iih tliut a letter nlmilar lnul)htance
wuh atldroHHed to him (Cupel) a follow;
CllK'AOO. January 10, IHi;i. Mon
ulgnor T. ,1. t'apol, Kev, Sir; Your
letter mcelvetl und content noted, In
reply would nay that tho book "Human
Inm tho Danger About, " by A. ,f.
(rover, ha been out of print for over
a year. It wa originally puhllHlietl by
iih. Mr. A, .1. (irover win u gentleman
of honor, trullifuluoHH and uiirhhtticH.
who would not willingly make a ilato
liii'iit without proof of it. 1 1 in Hlnto
tnent woro taken from the newHpiiiir
wh Icli gave publicity to the niat'er ho
quoted. Vour lecture In Central Mimic
Hull, Chicago, from which the ntato
incut quoted from TllK Amkihcan
refer, wa ho printed In the paper of
Chleui'o next tiny, ami unto the lire
ent we have never yet neon u detllul of
the HtaMuiiont over you own lgnaturo.
We would not willingly do you or
any one elmi un Intentional Injury, but
we iM'iievo tho Htatouient mado were
thiini) of reliable paper, whono veracity
cannot m que Hllonctl,
With reference to Mr. (irover' ad
(Iron, it I "I leaven." Do went there
two year ago. Or, If bo Hhould be in
I'nrifulnrii, you might addroH him
there, a you nave a pull in that direc
tion, Any Information you wlnh coiv
corning him can ho had by odtlrcHnlng
bin Hon, who I one of the teacher of
tho Art Inntltule, of Chicago. I am
your reHectfully,
PubllHliorof r'utlierChiniquy' Work.
Mr. Crulg then wrote Father Chlnl-
quy' regarding the Htuteineut, und
that venerutiie miniBior replied u
Month K At., Camilla, January 12,
lHl)i-Mr. A. Crulg.-My Dear Mr.
tiralg: In forwarding you the letter
of J tcv. Capel, 1 iiniHt nay that 1 havo
found nothing to mid to wliut you have
written him. I have not the bant
doubt that lie ha aid the innolent ant
threatening word which, Jm dcnle
lie to tlio t nicago vfcmm jmirniif.
they wero burned the day after they
reproduced them, and J buve not the
leant doubt that they wero burnod for
having reproduced them. They will
U.11 you where they got thorn.
Xhat liiHOlent, amnaHnador or tlio popo
would not have delayed ho long deny
ing them If they hud not come from
him. Do mire of that. Truly your,
V. i;illNUJUY.
There Ih only one thing in the above
oorreHpondoneo which ntrike u u
jMicullur. Mr. (Jrovcr, the gentleman
who gave prominence to the quotation
to which Monnlgnor Cupel object, i
dead. Is it iionHible Home nun been
waiting all these years for his demine,
before making thl denial? It would I
I i , It m?: t n 1
I ,(
1', r..
.. , t,l ?v , f, .', . I , it1, n . 1. Ij
).,,,;, , -,l f, ll,, f',-..,,,,) J,
b.elU.1. N.ttli.!t H. M Tl.n
in. i tsiii livm 1 ll. ('i. uf
H.Hl f 4 I'HI t-i.:l, IliweH,,'. ,
Mi K. iii t , mud
ti l li I HI! i i'j t
til 1 1 v U
Hn- fiiilott li.j
AM In- i'. , h ,
l M
nt. i- ti.- t.
rit it,"
"In a Client in , oi t , t wl
It , I t... .,n,.. M-.i.thw HiM U InmK
lllttf IIIH till" ttlilt .'l lllH(.! , I tin
w'b.Hil niti iii.ii, I have et inki n
iiju'it tlilii ill linll. ly, tint I luiil jjo to
N'.i itm 1tt M In n emit'ii iii m'
lon ami make a toi nial declaration, mi
a In roMi'h nut only the n nile, tint I he
govrrnnieni . I am im preinri d to
make a declaration which uliall carry
mine authority w ith it; for I am prow
cutiuga careful Pludy of your whole
ohmi pyplem. I have vilt.d tile pub
lic whim) of many citie; have met
with acoiirteou n eeption etery where,
and have examined the working of all
your machinery.
'Tlie repult 1 fwj thrrr in (him; In hr tt
fujUt, There are a good many ( 'nthol let
in till countrv N.OOO.lHMi pomelHnly
hiivh. Your public nebool nyntem I In
udetuate for them, mtif liny urr lnnj
toluiirit. Sup)ione the cliurcli wild
out an authoritative comnuind to the
Catholic to atari Hchool in every
parish, and nupport them, and wml all
Catholic children to them, ll run. Itr
tfonr lit the vUt rum'i of a tmnl, sharp u,t
ftr rliik of n triijim: That command
will bo obeyed. New school will iring
up everywhere. What will be the re
Hiilt of that? A Jhjlit! DoyouHuppone
hoiiio million of people are going to
pay taxes twice over once for their
own hcIiooIh, and again for Protentant
Hchools. from which they got no bwnelit?
If it inn't a downright light, it will bo
at leant tho war-like condition a
million or two of voting, tax-paying
citlzeiiH host ilo to the government.
(telow wo publish a complete lint of
men employed under Jumcs Flannory
during Augiwt, IHiil, and under Jus. 11.
Wiiinpour during August of ISirj. Tho
name tell u wonderful nlory:
UN unit
Jan, II. SariHom
J. J. .lame
Win. Wilnon
John lIolTiuan
Win, ( li'iimby
Win. Iliiiicy
Hoht. Fitgernld
Mike Kully.
Dan'l Franco
Tom O'Connor
lu. llyan
Dennin Connors
Lewi McCoy
John Donahue
Wm. W. Alboo
Chun. Fricko
K. S. F.mnion
Henry Gluck
(Irani ( 'owan
A. J. Smith
John JohriHon
V,. J. Northguurd
N. Noi dgren
A. Spethinann
Juliun Lcllir
Halph Herg
J. W. I'cnny
Andy Andernon
John Wilt
P. P. Smith
J. J, HoundH
Net J. PotorHon
Jim Collin,
Con Conkloy
Put Menokley
J, J Donovun
Felix Slaven
Put Kooho
Tim Hi ley
Chii. Norlhgard
Michael Manning
Jim Hull
Mike McDonald
Mike Oulnliii
John Lynch
,la. Cullgun
Tom McDonald
John Connelly
Hlchard O'Connor
Jim (iallagher
Putrlek ('onnelly
.lun, i-.gun
Mike Harry
Mm, Put. IIughcH
VVm. Wiltkownky
Mr. Orinnby
Owen Sluveii
Tom Donohuo
l jim i 'ct.uron
Henry Soecht
Wm. DriHcoll
Tom Cuxoy
J. K. VaiiNen
J. If. Storey
Mart Nieholu
C, A. I'lngntrom
( '. C. J laiiHon
Peter Chri
L. Wilnon
Chrl N. Scow
I'eter Troitlo
.lame Dliiek
John ( 'uno
Albert Saunder
Chii. Dloomer
Lewi Jlotl
Mr, Put, Dovltt
A, 1 lowland
(I. W. Dowry
1 ho, iluuno
.1 iih. Dully
nitricK curroii
(ieo, Morrinney
Mike Condon
Tlio. HurriH
Jan. Corrigun
John Swift
Andrew Andomnn
Andrew Ilitchcotik
John Doherty
Ciiun. McCarthy
Tim O'Keeftl
Krlck Oyck
J, W. Sptrbeck
Alex. Johnnon
Chrl Andomon
N, P. JnhriHon
Jii. StriiHHo
Daniel Kern
Anton Woletz
O, S, Ptd tl
J. It. Moore
Jame Hone
W, W. Daniel
D, II. Davi
Icwl ThorniiH
M, Cronemeyi r
Frank Nunli'no
A. Lund
S. Y, Hurinom
II. Chirk
John Swart,
John Thouia
Fred WeiHinond
J. M, Jehtcr
W. N. Hted
Tho. Collopy
Have hnunnon
1 1. 8, Morrow
Total ainountof pay
roll for AugUHt,
1NH1 W.llHI.M
Kut. nml Ciilhihun
Frank (iuntavnon
Total amount of
payroll for Augunt,
18!)2 2,5(iT.7
For Lady Friends Only.
Stmd hIx cent In stumps for Six Pu-
pt:r Shurp bent Hewing needle.
Mhh. Hk.ixk Kaknest,
2;I0I Cuming Ht., Oinubu, Neb.
Agent Wunted.
308 North 16th Street.
Hatter and GentFurniHherB. Men'
Shoe, gloves, etc. A "dollar's worth
for a dollar."
Kuenne'B Bakery 522 south 16th St. '
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'it-e. a puhiie riiiin of tlo Ir t. in -u
would clatilih thiono of two tutichi
pIoiip, either their Ignorance ir dip
Now a a Mi'thoiliHt, let me wtj Dint
il one of thew I Ionian Catholic prlent
phould aMti! the tenet of my church.
a their have U-en fc.allid, I could
pick out, even from the little Ninth
Mivet M. K. church, with only a mem-
U'rnhiit of nay llfty jH-rnon. half to a
dozen member who could defend their
1 will risk thin annertion, that in a
inemlierHhip nrhapa if thivo to four
bundivd of Hov. Father MuckIii'
church, ho cannot Hud one do.en who
can intelligently tlefend their poitlon
There may Ih; hoiiio (perhap) who go
thero for tlm "Iouvch und IIsIich," who
Now, if the reverend gentleman who
every Sunday tell his Hock what lit!
knows on tlio line of theology will step
to the front und unnwer a few question
which we propose to him, he would re
lieve our niiiid of this ideu. Wo think
he is u clerical cowurd and afraid to
discuss his tenets.
Now, if ho has truth on hi aide, lit
should not bo ashamed of tho Hiimo,
He Hhould know what the Divine Word
says In reference to those wno are
ashamed to acknowledge tho Mantel'
He may think bo i very dignilled in
refusing to como to the front. I think
It Is sheer cowardice, for ono of the two
reasons heretofore stilted
If he und tho hulunce of mich pagan
IgnorumiiHCH were not so cowardly, I
would like to discuns through tho col
unins of some paper, their position on
tho auricular confession und purgatory
from the Hiblo standpoint. Come,
gentlemen, huyo you bruin and spunk
enough to como to tho front und dtv
fend yourwlvcH? 1 udmit there i
Scriptural ground for those two dog
mus, but noton tho fraud lino of your
pagan church, for pagan (not papal)
It Ih.
Now, ttiiswer mo the few question
Why wuh It that after Auriu wu ex
communicated for Hprcudlng hi dot!'
trine his donlul of conubHtantiation
thuthtf wuh ucknowlodged a being a
very nice, good, decent gentleman
a chrlHtiun man. You munt udmit thin
priest' doctrine mnuek mora of Unl
turiunlHm than It doon of G'utholldHin.
Now you say there never I any
chlsm In your runk. In thl one in
ntunco wo see u terrlblu break, ho much
so that It became ono of the principal
topic of tho Nlcono council, hobl lu
June, A. D. JiT..
Aguln, will nny of thene learned
prlcHtH tell u how the uiunuHcrlptH
wero prenei'ved provlou to tho holding
of thl council?
Wo wunt hlntorlcul truth, not asser
tion, We know what you claim. Wo
say that you deliberately falisfy when
you nay that tho cliurch had thorn at
Homo, It is a lie, riiutlo out of wliolo
cloth, part und purool of tho same
deHcrlptlon of fraud anil lien peculiar to
thl most damnii'ile syntern, which I
built entirely on fraud and fostered In
Ignorance, Hiiporntilltm arid bigotry.
Following tiii are a few gem we
denlre to call your attention to us u fix
ture of the Homun Catholic creed:
Flmt. WuIch und Ireland uro both
under the same government. In Wale
the reading of tho Hiblo und touching
of it principle under 1 'rotentunt rul
ing, Indulged In by all cIiihhch, high,
low, rich and poor, bun ulmont ob
literated crime from their vlllagcH. For
that Hcctlon, connidering wage, etc.,
tho people uro well-to-do, Hoemingly
happy and contented. Now drop over
Into Ireland, anil what do we see?
Minery, Ignorance, poverty, bigotry and
crime tif every hue.
Thene hint are ubjectn of tho teach
ing of that nyntem of religion, tho ren
dering of which Into dwarf tho mind,
cloud the Intellect, Impoverish and de
grade Immunity, bringing It down to
the level with the brute. Till portion
in under popish teaching, whilst that
portion of Ireland under Protestant
rule is prosperous, huppy, contented,
with no denlro to leave the Isle.
What a sad commentary on popish
rule and Influence! Wherever this
blight is foisted upon any people, her
InntltutionH und nynteni begin to rot,
und Ignorance tuke tho place of In
telligence. In lower Ireland, about one half of its
population are unublo to read, let alone
write, whilst In Wide you cun hurdly
find ono who cunnot read his Bible.
In Spain, which is subject to Hornlnh
rule, with a populution of Hoventoon
millions, ten millions ure unublo to read.
It was in this country, in the city of
Madrid, that General Lemononsky, one
i n m I )'ii ii'f '" i 1
I i Jli ti.h.H.n,: 1 f , xi I i
Hl x, I Jill ,t , tiHlt , i, l..r , . t , t
M ! :! II i , . . I'll ! I )li
'" tr.l!. lt Im-kit t' in Sn if. 1 hi
hi 't il iivlii l)it -n ' ! ll
. , ,,-,n(H,t ,.i B, j,t,,n,.. ,a,s
i u . I n . r.i .
j i., . ,i w,( u Die .-ttieili a..l
;: woubt U- , -ll soi'tl ilul ph. and
, i' in Hi l h. I l ti.- n i in ( Hn1 ri'
iw'il otil the tit till! of lliipitit'il
eoeriib tiee Hint Ho y Were 1 ti f l!t cut
to iiio- by lillie harp hbliii con.
in al.-il alt bin thl cii.
(iriieial I j-niittiniipky long a ii-pI-ih
nt of thip burgh, inutM ijiieiitlj , thl
Ptatellieut COUiep direct, and I true.
And this i- the kind of doing we
would bate bell' if ery phould I ter
I ill tho bmh inb-iicy.
The clerical government, ut Home
bio-every vice under tho ann. H'. K.
I 'o XIII bun un annual income of
l'l2i,(HH) from Investment In Knglinh
public funds, Pitcr'n pence equals
tS,t,(MKl, From benediction, ills'nsu
lioiiH, etc. etc., Clli-l.tMNI. To continue
tins boss fraud on humanity l'.'H2.(KMi i
urely wuHlcient. I'ull Mull Umitti',
(h'lohrr, 7,s'A7.
The church tolerate heretics where
she is obliged to tlo so, but she bate
them mortally and employ all her
force to secure their annihilation.
Slii phenl of the Willnj, St. Lonix.
Popery calls the public schools god
less. Tlie vast majority of criminals
are innocent, of till contnet with the
schoolroom. They como from the
Cut hollo churches of Kurope where no
priestly care has trained them true re
ligion or pure moral. Priest Hyrne,
of BoHton, said that Irish Catholics aro
the keepers and pat rons of the worst
saloons in the city, l'rof. . Lincoln.
In Home t here are 237 times more
chanceii of being murdered than In
Knglund, and l.'lilj tliiin in Prussia. In
Kngliiiid one murder occurs for 1 7 S, 000
Inhabitants; In Holland one In 10.1,000;
In Prunsla one for 100,000; In Austria
one in 1)7,(100; In Spuin one in 1,11.1; in
Naple ono in 2,7.r0; In Home one in
7.ri0, In London for every 100 legiti
mate birth there aro four bastards, in
Lclpslo twenty; In Paris forty-eight;
In Munich ninety-one; In Vienna 118;
In Home for every 100 legitimate birth
thero ure 21,1 biiHturtl. J)rt'iuojT on the
Jesuit h.
All men uro not cquul. (iod has ap
pointed king, bishops and priest to
rule, therefore they aro above tho
ruled. Tho cry of equality I the cry
of tho Idle and weuk, but cunnot and
will not be admitted by tho Industrious
and the strong. That ull power In from
tho people, I not Catholic doctrine.
Catholic, Convent inn ut. Cincinnati,
March, JSU.J,
True chastity connlnt In opponing
one' neighbor, In injuring him In hi
material IntoroHtH, In Insulting him and
In taking 111 life, ulwuyw mtpponlng it
I done for love of (iod. In the Lord's
Mcrvlco. and for love of Him, wo rniiHt,
If need be, offend men; we must, If
need Ihi, wound them und kill them.
Such actlotiH uro vlrtuoiiH and can bo
performed In tlie numo of Catholic
charity, Deft una, Calholica, a Hmuhh,
In the yeiii' .102, Murcellinus, bishop
of Home, offered Ineenneto the heathen
godn. A Homlsli paper in New York,
nays: "John Culvln abandoned his
faith, married and Invented a religion
of hi own which I tho mont purely
diabolical of all the myriad brunchea
of Protestantism," What a blessing to
tho world if the prlent of Italy, Spain
and Homo would go and do likewine!
Archbishop Pureoll, of Cincinnati,
bamboozled hi dupes out of $1,000,000.
Bishop Cbaturd said the repayment of
this wa "altogether an Impossibility,"
and proponed to secure tho church
property and let the rest of tho debt
slide. Chataril, in the Indiayapolin
"If you Imprison u rriun for damaging
property, if you hang u man for taking
the life of another, I will imprison untl
I will hung the man who hikes from me
my faith. "- What is Ills Hominh fuith.
MoiiH, Capel,
The Now York Catholic protectory
received from taxes In live years ending
January, 177, !i"2,!M)i! 27. In four
year the Foundling asylum received
(!7H,(ifi2, When will the American
people cease coddling their enemy?
In (1.M, u council ut Toledo, Spain,
decreed that tint offspring of clerical
adultery should bj slave of thu cliurch.
In Mil, Pope Slxtu IV licensed
bouses of ill fame at Home. Tlie holy
father in Infallible and cannot err. O,
no! of course not!
But this i enough for thl time.
And now before I done let me ntato that
some of my ancestors wero archbishop
in thin eumed church, and if the priests
will only moot mo I will wage the wur
on new lines. I will drop In and see
you some day. H. I. M.
John Hutld, .105 North JOth St., ha
a full line of Ladies' and Gent's Gold