The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 13, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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AfMMttiC CiXiM'HV'V KIM 11
tMt Mtt0HJ
kt . ka. tt(kt k4 .4wkn4
f. m Mni4i ki(kt t ki-.
m Ikat Wkt I ( 4
k)4-41t4 tlnn t.4fc-t , !,
It rtiHl le ktttM f VSal-f ,
ll s, rrfl I. on i.Utti that
watitvst hi Kt.H.-a ttfc t4 lrtiti -n
truMi.l i Kxla i twai!? m r I
host!) rl Hi.! mfti4?m Lu Imal,
Hi lf dot tili In th r ,f
tt, l.4wvrl r ttvHii ; IsH aink'.l
I" t wl nf u fl h.s, r .II I
o ntitil thai; ! rattier liVM 11 tn
ff Urn frLtn It jar him. H tit. M
kit tlrm lwti ..Vnif krotitnl M tl
f"wcr atvl -irr lng hi Wo tvcr n
(rnttiMtht, t IntrTTiti doing ih at
rttlOO M ttkfttlv M Ml.
What m m h on wnh for 11ibli
tr couM And no nw or in th j.-"!
Hi mother'- ry it pt iWr tolajr
Mi4 hi Astatine,) nicely into tlu r.i
Ut. It tHxl lhm vitfiMljr for it
moment. Then lit M I hi mother':
noi a if he wotiM ativtch it lilt)".
ll M kill at hi mother nl she smUoil
lightly. At thin ho iittere. a ncrcnin
and run hifingir Into hi month. It
tn an unusual thing for graiNlmothor
to atnile. Sho cannot rcmemlier ever
having sinileil before, it m long ago
line Him hal.
The mother looked thin thin because
he did not have enough to pat and a
if sho hated nil of tho world save her
baby. She did not mind the child
pounding. It was liko striking herself
in play. Tho little fellow was of her
flesh, and had absorbed all of her strength.
She cared not for her future if her baby
could le provided for. Sho looked upon
him aa all her own. Ho was nothing of
his father's. His father? They were go
ing to see him.
"He's a smasher, ain't he?" the con
ductor said, stopping tho cur, and the
least bit of pride showed itself in the
mother's face as she descended the steps,
the swing of the baby's weight throwing
her almost prone upon the pavement.
They climbed the stairs, tho three gen
erations child, mother, grandmother
into the courtroom. The judge was
looking neither grave nor stern; he was
looking commonplacej the case bofore
him was one of everyday occurrence.
The first witness was called the plain
tiff, John Whiteside. Whiteside had
been relieved of some few dollars in
money. He was a countryman when he
came to town to soli his produce four
handed, law obeying, shrewd. A thief
should le jailed forever; hanging was
none too good for him, he thought. He
had a straightforward tale. The mother
of the accused sat looking fixodly at the
man on the stand; the young mother
and wifo wept; the bahy threw its arms
around its mamma s neck and screamed.
The lawyer for the accused mado an
objection without confidence, which was
" denied, and he sat down dejectedly. He
A was vounar. and naid for takinir un the
case In the experience it was supposed to
give him. Witnosses were called cor
roborating the plainti fit's testimony, The
defense? There was none of any weight;
the young lawyer hud conjured what
there was out of byplaces; the prisoner
could ask only for leniency. Tho money
had been nsod to buy drink with. Would
the rourt be lenient? the lawyer asked.
The gray haired plaintiff evidently saw
something familiar in the old woman
with the yonng mother and child sitting
in tho row of spectators. He looked
closely at the face hardened with suffer
ing; little to connect it with its youth
was to bo seen. Tho old countryman
rose and walked outside the railing to
where she was sitting, his fac whiter
than his hair and his hands trembling.
"Aren't you Sue Whiteside?" he asked.
"I was once."
"You ran away from home to be mar
ried to a yonng New York follcr?"
"Yes." Sho shuddered. She foltthe
clear eyes of tho old man upon her.
What was coining next? He knew about
her history I She tried to cover her rags.
Pride did not last long, while the man
continued to look at her narrowly and
mystified. What was the uho of cover
ing? She was low down forever now.
Her life would have soon run its stretch.
"Don't you know me? I am your
"John. John!" She drew away from
"Why didn't you writo to us?"
"I was ashamed. I had nothing to
tell only misery 1"
"You killed your mother. She never
smiled after that night."
"Let mo go. No, no; save my boy.
He is tho only support wo have."
"Since it is your first offense, and, I
hope, your last one, I will be lenient,"
the judge was saying,
"Your honor, sir." The old man stood
again within tho rail. "There was a lit
tle misunderstanding. This boy is my
nephew, I'll tako him away from the
city. I withdraw my charge, and I wish
you would let him go free, your honor."
"I will!"
The accused put on his derby hat and
slouched over where the little knot of
relatives was gathered. He looked at
his child, its mother and grandmother.
"The kid's gettin fat. Ain't he, Mary?"
"Now you are all goin buck home
with mo"
"Homo? Never, never" The fallen
sister started to go, drawing tho thin
shawl about her shoulders.
"I do not livo in ruinsville now, Su
san. I am in tho west. No one will
know you out there."
A sigh of relief, content, happiness
issued from tho grandmother's lips. Tho
weary woman felt tho baby to bo lighter
on her knee. Tho child crowod as if ho
thought tho west tho best kind of a
place for u growing baby.
"I don't like to leave old Now York
for the country," said tho young mau.
"Thore's notliin going on out there.
Mebbe 'twill be easier sloddin. Sity,
old man, you got five cents about you?
I ain't had a drink for throe days see?"
New York Herald.
$k 1.41k M4 tfc
. H j4
.MM 0' ;! t '' ! IS
tiM'l !n'"k .4tf tW
tH In tit I '4 " ! (
trtWfv . i .i?
tj . i -.. tn. Idrtl i1,iM .
if .,xtit If l Mm V jif ,4
IV, li.mrKr, It. 4 l
Ha .4T ft W lm- ftt I Uti l
Nwti 11 ) M
',! lit IIm In lmit t. -til!. HI I II
Uki H tb n l ivum-ltm H
Mt lt limn lint- !!. hfi it
M t b hft.U r4 it. tt,Mrl -f,
m iim1t 'f lniht j4i-r Tt b-S l
lm mtfl Uk th m, thi htl
itill 1ilv IW lt(l: hr ill(l Ihvtt
rfi4tfr l lit. Hut r"t ! ii
Ittor nw.l lt4 fc-dii-, kitl h ln,1iv
-r Ml t iIm if htitiirt-r. i dy lt
Mm4i I , r!thr lihltttil tf
th ttn, jwtMuiij the Ihm hr
t)i ludisti Wt-t Slid !.virl, hi kl
at tho vilit of ft tn)Mrltl(, ent ttvt
"What t )otl ditiner h kl.
"I am mtuta my .lux, a yon we,
w lh ivply. "I am Marvin tnbtn.
Tor twlv dy hvt Im.l ahiKwi n
foot. Mit tf my companion r Wl
and the day of th rt art ttmnlwrl."
IVn Mani looktvl at Ihe miaerabl
survivor and aid, "You ami they ha!l
live," and he neiit them fml pvery day
and finally procured their freedom.
Whatever were therijjlita tf the ques
tion lx'tvin Imliausand white in this
case, human pity oke first in hi heart.
Some timo later 1'eto wna captured by
tho Indian, and tli inhabitHUts went
massitcml. Hm Mam, with his wife
and children, awnited death on their
knees in prayer. They heard a party of
savages upproiu'hiug tho house, and felt
that the end had come.
The head of t ho band, however, sta
tioned sentinels around tho house and
gave this order, "Not a hair of tho head
of this manor his family is to be touched,
on pain of death."
The family of Dnarto was the only one
that was spared. The Indian who had
inspired the pity of Don Marcos was
paying his debt,
Twenty years afterward in a success
ful uprising the Indians sacked a num
ber of villages and country houses. They
retreated loaded with spoil and drag
ging with them many household serv
ants, of whom they intended to make
slaves. The chief of the expedition asked
one of them what was the name of his
"Don Marcos Duarte," he replied.
The chief immediately called a halt.
"How many men belong to Don Mar
cos?" he asked.
"Twenty-four," replied the man to
whom he had spoken.
"Name them," said the chief.
Having collected the twenty-four men,
he returned to them the spoil which had
come front the Duarte house and said,
"Go home, friends; you are free." It
was the Indian once more paying his
dobt. Youth s Companion.
Why She Read the I.ant Cliaptar Flrit.
"Of course I always read the last chap
ter of a novel" first," admitted a young
woman, "and I think it a very sensible
plan. Hut I read such books in two
different ways. I confess I read some
trash. When I get a novel that I con
sider in this class I read the last chapter
first. Then I read the next to the last
chapter, and so on until I finish the first
chapter. I find that the only way in
which to enjoy such books. If I read it
straight through from the beginning 1
would never be in doubt as to the end
ing. I have read so much of this light
literature that I can always toll pretty
wejl on reading the first chapter or two
what the outcome of it will be.
"On the other hand, if I begin at the
end my curiosity is aroused to a lively
pitch. Here I have tho unraveling of
misunderstandings and the restoration
to happiness of all the worthy people in
the book. But I cannot tell how the
doubts and differences came about. One
can anticipate tho close of such a novel
near its beginning, but not its beginning
near its close. So I read the chapters in
reversed order with continuod pleasure!"
New York Tribune.
011)7 m Score of Whlta Rlilnocaroaca.
From a letter addressed to that re
nowned sportsman, Mr. Kelous, it ap
pears that that curious and rare animal,
the white rhinoceros, has not yet gone
the way of the dodo and tho great bus
tard, though some have ventured to give
Mr. Scions' authority for saying that he
1b extinct. It is to tho occupation of
northern Mushotmlimd, which has kept
the native hunters to tho west of tho
Umniatl river, that this gentleman at
tributes tho fact that in this part a few
specimens still survive tho constant per
secution which in less than twenty years
has utterly exterminated thorn in every
other portion of south central Africa.
"There may yet," Mr. Selous adds, "bo
ten or even twenty of these animals left,
but certainly not more, I think, than the
latter number." London News,
Whora Crocodile Are Found.
Crocodiles are found in Africa, Asia,
tho tropical parts of Australia, Central
America and tho West Indies, whilo tho
alligators, witli the exception of one spe
cies discovered soiuj few years since in
China, are found only in America. They
are all of them terribly destructive crea
tures. Tho young feed principally on
fish, but as they grow larger they attack
every animul that they can overcome,
dragging their prey into tho water and
so drowning it. It has been suid that
more people are killed by crocodiles than
by any other of tho wild beasts of Africa.
London Saturday Review.
Worm Hint Are (iooil to F.t.
Tho earthworms of Capo Colony,
South Africa, specimens of which may
be seen in any well regulated American
college museum, have a maximum
length of 6 feet 5 inches and are thick
accordingly. When Mr. Meer and tho
other Dutch explorers first visited tho
Good Hope regions these slimy creatures
were a regular articlo of diet. St. Louis
1'hW,.! M 1m..V a I Wl twvrs
l-.l 4 !M - out 4
U lit l.i t!r
ll i.kv 1m-4 t"j,,1H t v-tnl !
t- f-4 i ' i i - a
K"f -i.i!, . I
ai.vllwt 'Hit m'i4iV"iililtt
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ItOH H )! i4 ii W tn .i t -tiibtt
i4 lm . t'i iti k'
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A )! IIuhwsV ial1 kM4tt.4v hh
m ki i4r. o M JM a-M hi n
M.4 U1t" il C.-Mtn !n i.i, I
lat )nltkki Out Ivr Ull4
i4 it than li ! !?.
Tba 4j ' MkM kfit m itHvk
k11V4 I4t Jit H )f hi ltil'.li4iT
of mininlilt.41 Antit Hairinh !
44tly lVrtt iwt ill ith i h.'l.t 111.4
lut., flt li.ft ii himw-lf thkl
brf ran k rxaUy klatnttntf. mi
Jwot t ktmri lt Mrh the
Hat jnt ikVtii hi y In a do-4-Mid
fmma f mm. I lhr'iih I lie pat.
VTi-rr with wild orirnc ami jan
in iii that lead fiMiu hi cabin to III
boat landiittt. Si rye r imu Ih
ground. SndJenly htUi'auiiawartthat
koiiHt objx t - iiliflinitiiig hiuioll lh
tath and he l.x kisl up tth a Mart.
There Mnndmg facing him wa a big
black ct. it ghiwy ba k an hiM. it tail
erect and swollen t what aceimil an ft
traonlinary sue, and it golden pytw
glittering in the light tf tho rising sun.
It waa merely amno wandering tabby of
large sixn returning from a nih'ht'a foray
and start I1 by .lob's (iii. k approach in
to making Ixdil show of nwistaiice, but
to tho negm's dar.ixl eye it was an aston
ishing and terrible object.
Job threw uplxith handsand Hcreamd:
" 'Tain't me, Marso Satan! 'Tain't me
dat's sick. I tells ye. It's my olo 'oniaii
Hamah dat yo conio fer. 'Tain't mo.
Marse Satan!"
Jack Tolliner, on his way to tho ricfl
plantation, camo up just at this moment
and took in the whole situation, and
whilo tho cat turned and ran off through
the jungle, Jack laughed long and loud
at Job's fright. Youth's Companion.
riiat' III a Name
He was a small boy traveling with his
father and mother on a train, and the
way in which ho warwhooped up and
down the car aisle mado him a terror to
tho other passengers.
"Sit still," said his father in a foghorn
voice; "how can I hear myself think
when you're making such a racket?"
"There, there, Johnny, dear, you dis
turb pa," said his fond mother.
But the infant terror kicked and cried
and refused to keep one position a sec
ond at a time.
"I'd like to have the raisin of that
boy I just would," said a sharp fea
tured woman who had her knitting
"I wouldn't miud having a hand in it
myself," said a man who was regarding
the youngster with murder in his eye.
"Sit still, Johnnie, dear," said his moth
er placidly for the 900th time,
"Why don't you call him John? H
might pay more attention to you then,"
said his father crossly.
"What's in a name?" asked the mother.
"By any other name he would be our
Johnny still."
"Then for heavon's sake give him an
other name," retorted his pa, "for ha
hasn't been still a moment with the on
he has."
Then he plugged his ears with cotton
while the other passengers encored his
hut remark. Detroit Free Press.
Aitronomjr and Photography.
Modern astronomy is more deeply in
debted to tho science of photography
than the averago reader may imagine.
Without the aid of the camera and the
perfect views it has given us of the
bodies "far out in space" our knowledge
of celestial geography in tho latter part
of this the grandest of all the centuries,
would be meager indeed. When, whore
or by whom tho camera was first point
ed skyward with tho intention of photo
graphing a planet, or even a whole sec
tion of the star spangled canopy which
envelops our little world, I will not
attempt to say, but the grandest of
all such undertakings is that which
has been inaugurated and partially
carried out by the astronomers and
scientific photographers of the world
during the past two years. Some mas
ter mind conceived tho idea of mapping
the entire sky of making a bypath
chart of the heavens, as it were. Thin
idea when fully matured was commu
nicated to others interested in that par
ticular branch of science, and tho result
was an agreement that a celestial atlas
should be mado. St. Louis Republic.
Animal In the Italn.
Horses and cattlo never look so miser
able as when standing exposed to cold
and driving rain. Every field in which
cattlo are turned loose should have some
loose shelter provided, however rough
and hardy the stock. If left to them
selves in a state of nature they would
travel niles to some well known bank
or thicket, which would at least give
cover against tho wind. Shut up be
tween four hedges, they are denied alike
the aid of human forethought and of
their own instinct.
Bewick's vignettes of old horses or un
happy donkeys, huddled together in
driving showers on some bleak common,
express a vast amount of animal misery
in an inch of woodcut. London Spec
tutor. Know the Spii lei.
Spendall I gavo you that five dollars
as a friendly tip. Why do you hand four
dollars back?
Waiter I likes to keep everything on
a business basis, will. Gents wnl'a ho
very friendly w'en dey has money is apt
10 come ronnn trym to norrer w en aey
gets broko. New York Weekly.
The ltl(lit Kind.
"When does the ghost walk?" inquired
a new actor of the treasurer of a pros
perous company.
"It doesn't walk at all," responded the
treasurer; "it rides. How much do you
want?" Exchange
j im MPt HUM. 99i
, tl i
s t U . . r. . t-. l
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t-'i l t ij 'l ,-itfct.l t )
tinoo-l tl Mtlt
tl oil 1 t.i kn ml t ttl tl
U '. tkt , ttt" "
.- It. 11 . . tt unit .
ttwxat (I h t Ik .4 Mt I 1 I tVl t. tl t !
k4 t in lhfc lm t.vth.4
HI t,4 W w t t Uml .! fi4 ll
. tt t t44 '
tik All , kill ! Ml ln!t. kittitk
iht I. tt,, tta t,4 l fitili It lMli
txr .nil. t-4
Md All , kill I Ml t4 Mini la tlir
!- Ik kith Mt J H ' tktllirckH kV
wt.h-t the fveHtt win ii k lm kkt-k
the 1 mllisl ,x f, . 11 tke
fmt lnll oiil. tntH-t IXtll I'M
kilt W o t ti4 tlf Hrttiim kinit
Wh llw lrtlt . k day kill iiiim tT
at "k t.
ttk The kiiittiln hotit kill l tnitii ' a
ki li t a.
1 li k.nrtilkt Imtit kill lr dt-tetrd Iii.Im I
n. ..!!. ri ti.tirtvt. knd 1I1 fnll c l t"t
tlnllln), i?tttt 1 T11 Hiollotm. tH'Bilitrtr.ttit
li (mill mm khli h lie iirt'tliiiinljr iw'd
nti It ivmilur ilny and itnfi m il on thi'i-at-kmli'r
In Ihl lUt.
mli Afii rrM', k iiintlun in- a di'iimtrpr
Iihh im.Mil 1 In' llmr for ktil. lt II I . II r an
nul U mlliil iii tinllt a iimllnn In mid and
dm 'dried Irate ot llif colli-', anil mii'h nu
I Ice I ii I he (iHi iy an Ike com I mny
ouli 1 hi the lime li-at e In slvi-n to tile Hit
unit Ion.
WHi. IIiikiiiim m i for a certain llmi', can
not ln 1 1 h imterrt'il to anollii r Uuy or hour,
uiilrMi I In' ItHUhftT urili't Ih iiiiiiIi'hI the hniir
tin' iiuiMcr In act for IiphHuk, exct-pl muter
Kiile HI,
llllli. Kuril liny al 0 1' H. 111., Ihr iHIHllii'HNiif
tho hour kill Im chIIi'iI.
Illii. The 111 11 H 11 m kill he heard In I In' or
tier In kl.Vh they ait't'iileii'ilmi Iheciiliiniler
tiiilevi nil imrlleM prewnl, mill liilerestt'd coii
m'lil In a tllllerenl hi riinni'iiii'iit, nr In case 111
iiriicm iu'i'i'lly.
1-1 II. Till' Irllll llf CHW'N kill COIIIIIII'MIM' III
l():iiii oVIiH-k, a. in., anil coiitlnim mil II A:IK)
0'1'liN'k i. 111. 1 Willi a recea from li:(i a. in.,
mil II I :;m 11. in. Kuril cnxe In enlllli'il to hit
called at. the lime set. or within ten minutes
thi'i-i'iifter; cither to lie iiroceedt'd Willi, ora
furl .her older to lie Hindi'. Kor this iiirpomi
no piirty will lie riiilretl lo wait, lunger Mum
leu minutes for t lie opposite party or other
IiiihIiii'kh. except for urxeiil reumuiN. The t rial
nfaciuiuwlll (hi HiiHpi'iHlfd at. any tliiin for
IhlBiiurpoHi'. In case the cimrl IIiiiIn Dial. any
ruleliereln will work an unforeseen hitrilnhlp,
llin court reserves the right to RUNpend thu
rule for the Mpecial rime.
SherifTs Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
thn illNtrlct court of DoukIiin count y. Ne
iitaHka, anil lo me directed. I will on the !Mlh
day nf January, A. 1. Isita. at Klo'clis'k A. M.,
of said day. at the KANT front diair of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
IIoukIiim county, Neliraskii, sell at pulillc
iiurtlon the properly (lesorlhi'd In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt!
"Kut. thirty (mil of hlock I wenty-one (21) of
Walnut Hill. un addition lo llieelty of Onialia.
DuiiKlas county, stale of Nehrnska." Hahl
property to lie sold UiHiitlNfy .lolin W. Ituillfer
the sum of two hundred thirty-seven and
ilil-IIN) dollars Ifl7.!l;il with Intercut thereon
lit rule of right (SI per cent, per annum from
May llth, isilj; to satisfy U. VV. kohlhiinicr
the sum of six hundred twenty-nine and
Hll-IIKI diillurs (m.Wl) with interest thereon
titrate often (Ml) percent, pertinuum from
Muyllth, 1SU& until paid, and thn sum of
fori y-live and KI-UK) ifir.,11.1) dollars costs,
with Interest thereon from thn llth day
of May, A. 1). IWtt, toielhor with ac
crultiK costs accord I UK to a Judgment ren
dered hy tho District court of said Douk
Ihh county, Ht Ha May U-rm, A, I). IHW,
In a certain action then and there pending,
wherein John W, Uodlfer was idiilnl lit', anil
( I111 riot to K. I'armer, Mark M. runner, Wil
liam J. Paul, Hylvesler J. Karls, John Weher.
llriicellii C Turls and others were defen
dants. Omaha. Nebraska, Decemher Klrd. late.
Hlierlff of liiiugliiH County. Nehrnsku.
Iliirllrl t, Crime At llaldrlge, ultoriieys. Vi-'i'.i-H
Sheriff 's Sale.
Hy virtue of un order of sale lasiied out of
the District court of Douglas county, Ne
tirasku, and to me dlrnctcd.1 will. 01. thn 21th
day of January. A. D. I hsi.i. at 10 o'rlork 11. m,
of.sald day, at thn HAHT front door of thn
county court house, In the city of Omaha.,
Douglas county, Nehrnska, sell at puiillc
Hurt Ion t he property described In said order
of sale as follows, to'wlt :
bots one (It, I wo (2) and three (ID, In block
numbered ton (Id), In tf. K. Uogci't addition
tolheclly of Omaha, as surveyed, platted
and recorded, all In Douglas county, tosul
Isfy Oinahii Komi uud Trust Company t he
nii in of live IhiiuMuud and ton (lollarsitTi.llKl.liii)
Judgment, with Intercut thereon lit mIx HI) per
cent per annum from the libit day of Heptem
her, A. !., IMd.'iinlll paid, mid one hundred,
nlnrt v-iilne and 1 it-It s 1 dollars (IMKi.llli ciihIh,
with Intercut thereon from thn 21st day of
September A. D., ISHI, until paid, toget her
with iiccriilng rimts according to a Judg
ment, rendered hy the district, court of
said Douglas I'outily, at ItsHeplemher term,
A. D. I Hid. In u certain aid Ion then and there
ponding, wherein Ouuihit boan and Trust
Company was plaint I It . and Jareil II. Ayer
anil others were ilefeuiluuts,
Omaha, Nebraska. DccouiInt S:i. Ihi.
Hhorlll'of Douglas County, Nob,
bake, Hamilton ft Maxwell, altoriicv.l2-l-A
Charles R. Warner. Mary K. Warner and
the unknown heirs, of dovlsocH, of Aurella ',
C. i.iiidlor, doeeiiKod. dofeniliintK, will tako
notice thai on the L'Nt dn.v of Decomhor, A.
D. I NIC John J. Mouell. Jr. executor of tho
OHliitonf J 1 1 1 n-rt t '. Monoll, decoaNoil, plalntllf
herein, Hied bin petition In tho (ilntrlrl court
of Douglus county, NehriiNka, ngaliiNt hiiIiI
(lefendants. the object lind prayer of which
tiro to force lime u certain mortgage executed
hy Charles K. Warner and Mary K. Warner
to the plaintiff, upon lot eleven III) In hlock
sevonteon (17) of Central Park, un addition lo
the city of Omaha. In Douglas county, Ne
braska, nsNiirvoyod, platted and recorded, to
hoc lire the payment of their promlsKOi y nolo
dated Mity2mh, Issti, fur I hit sum of I
and due and payable in live years from tho
dale thereof Hint there Is now due upon mild
note and mortgage the mini of flllKi.ue with
Interest at ten (10) tier cent, per annum from
November 2tMh, Isal), for which sum and In
terest plalntllf prays for it decree, and that
tboMume be ostabllHhed as a llrst lion ilsin
mild prcmlscft, and that defenduula he re
qui red to piiy the name, or that, said pre ml hi'
may ho sold to nullify the amount found due.
Voil gre required to answer Haid H'tillon un
or bofore tho :mth day of January, Isna,
Dated December 21st, IWI2.
JAM. W. OA Kit.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Doc. No. IB. 12-2:1-4
Notice for Administration of Estate.
Statr nr NrniiASKA, '
Douglas County. (
In the County court of Douglas county,
In the mutter of the estate of (loorge
Wellington Hull, dereimedt
Helen M. Hall. Mortis A. Hall. I. W. Hall,
Helen Hull KIcharilHou and nil other permins
Interi'Mled In buIiI matter are hereby not Hied
thill on tho 2;id day of Novemlier. IMM, Helen
M. Hall Hied a pet II Ion In Mild County court
alleging among other things that Oeorge
Wellington Hall died on the 141 h day of No
vember, IKi'2. leaving no him will and
testament, and possessed of real and personal
estate valued at f iKiim, and t hat t he aisivo
named constitute the persons Interested In
the estate of said deceased! and praying for
administration thereof.
Vou are hereby mil Hied that If you full to
appear at sit'.d I ourt on the .Mil Ii day of Jan
uary. IWtl, at 10 o clock A. M.. and contest said
petition, the court will appoint Andrew M.
Van Kuran or aotne other suitable person
administrator, and proceed to it settlement
of sulil estate.
Witness my hand and official neal this Jrd
day of Deremlier. lstr.'.
(skai,.1 12-2a-4 J. W. K.M.EK.
Comity Judge.
M, ,it ' St
I 1 s. A l '? !..
IH l t I I V 4
I -4 .1.1 I ,4 I X
"-t11 -- t i .4 Im f i
w,.t 4, . -A . , .. .1 I.. I Ifc
VtiMC.1,1 4 14. t. t-l l tl-
tt) ,. 4 (' I .- k4
a ' I t I- t- ., ' V! 4 - 4 ' l 4. ' f
.tl4.... , rt,( Hrf 4,.,1, 4l IN
t.,., 4 vi-.t ' 14, 4-S t'-l 4l , ..i.l
t 1 4 fa . It 4. "44 S4 t-': 5 ' w 4 A
44 ,-4 4. , 4,, f .1 44'4 J,-,
t . I 4.- ' I A I 4- I .-f l.-l '4, l . . 4 . t
IHl4l 4 tk..,, I. . ..14,1 4 .l.4.. .1 1 . A
9 '.. 1. . 4 II N 4.
.Ill ,4 ih .4k 4-4 4144141 II
.rt4t.'t .. i. s 1 4. ,4 .e.4i t,m4 ' 41
t l.'. mil 4 t' Wllllt 4t I. 14 4-4'. II I4S
l. S M1 14,14,141 444-41, 4 mi 4 4-1' 4 t
-111 .4 44- m 44 44 44 14-4 kst 1 .'
tlt,4 .i 44 N.Ulk 4 f,l4M , 44,. 1 4 ,
, 44 4 , t-f .1.4.41 tl.-U, V 4H .)
if. i4 4i41tl4 tS.l, 4.S41 "t. A tl 4
N,,44 44,l4a 4f lfr ,1.. t i t 144 4 Ml
Iki 4i, N.lti 14,144 1,4444 4- 44i, V1 4 I44A
H 4, it 4411 k. 44 I . . Il4, 4.4 I 44- I 44-4 1
.111. hill Itlf'lMi'TKl 44lft4lll ,114,14114.11
4 ft.4t 1 t' ft' 4 411444 Hit 111
,441 Itn il l .1.4 J t lis. I 4H l fen i tt.
411 14, llt t ,e I 4 til! 4.4l4t ,
lt-4 IS4Hl 4-.44111 41.144 S4' ll I tl 4 l lit t 4l ,
t4i,iiks 4Si4ilf V M4., II Hllt 4H)1
1(11 l I ,41 10 1.- tli 11,14 t44 ttie '4 l'4 "t
I't.tll fii 44. t.l SIK '. 4s'4lUi44
thr 41 1, , .mil iIim llii 444 tit In liv. t.mi.ln !
SltK' Bll4t t t'lt.ltlHl- lH4l 1ll1(t1 l 4.
Il.l K1 .l ,t,,lm. , US' e41 4'f 41111. 1ltl 141
i'44'st i44 ts.ik it iit a tiiimatii tisi4n Nii4-i44.
la- ITih, tiit l4i Ike fun hi t mm it
la.i ami t li .' en itutlsr ttir isut i In
, nit sslit Iui1n.i-m, ami tki aiN'4ilm
(S4-.14141TI tmltl l'44S'HlllM4
I "Hist.. l llt4l l4S-4 I4lt4 t ?T
klii'tlHiif Ik.inUs I niilil . Ni l'in-tn
Smo.ili rs A Mi (silsinl. all-in 4. Ii--i
Slterift'i Sale.
II V 4 Utile nf H n4let llf ale Issued Hilt nf
1 he ill-m. I eiuiit nf mmglns iiiuiiH. i.
tuaslia. Klid In me it I I a III 1111 llie ll-l
iln nf JnmiKi v. A l. I s'U. at lilii rlisk .
iii.'nf satd ilay.'at the r AST fmnl disif nf the
1'iiiiiitv couil Iiiiiim'. In the city nf Onisha.
1 444111 1 1144 llllllllV. l 111 ask 14. M'll at tlllllll'
ain't Inn tho iirniH'i ty den liU'd In sulil older
nf sale, as fnlinas, to-wlt:
l.nt laenlv i 'Hi In hh k Inelio il.'l hmliiln
Hint Hut h' aihllt Ion lolliocltynf I iiiuiha. Ill
1 sin tf Ins cnuiity, 1alo nf Nelirask. Said
iiin'ity to l' sold snlili'i t o n liioiigiige fur
l,.'nn In fm or of Irfiiiiharil Investment
1'iimpiiiiy. and to satisfy Anghi-Aiiicili'iin
l.nml Mnltgiijio and Agency company. Iliull
eil, the sum nf one hiinilreil ulliety-i'lght Hinl
si-mi Hollar 'tHii. nii tuiigmeiii ti iiii uneri'si
I hereon ul rate often ilia ihtci'IiI per Milium
from I eiiriiaty i nn, is;i; aim niriy-wvoii
mid ils-lun dollar ifK.tlsi cost with Interi'st
llirrcon froiii the lath day of Kebtuary, A. D.
Istri, together with accruing com aceurd-
Ingtoii Juilgiiienl renilereii ny 1110 inmrici
court, of suid Douglus rount y. at. its Koliru
a t. V term, A. D. ImmJ, In a certain action thru
and thorn pending, wherein Anghi-Ainor-
wa iiltilnillt' and Max Hies, Mary Hie and
ii ti I, ami Morliiiiue and Auencv comiiauv
ol tiers wore iicrcuuant.
Oinahii, Nebraska. Decomhor 27th, tsttt.
Hlierlff of Douglas Coiinly, Nebraska
D. II. Kltlen. ultornoy. 12-,'m-ft
SherltTs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District Court nf Douglas County, Ne-
liniskii, and lo mo illrpcted, I will on I lie -'il n
dav of Januarv. A. D. istill. aUOo'cltN'k A. M.
of said day, at the KAKT front door nf the
Count V Court House. In thu CUV of omitlia,
Douglas County. Nohraskit, sell at public
auction tho properly described In said order
or hiiio as tot iowh, to-wtt:
"Lot oncillln hlock nine (D) Pratt's sub
division lo tho city of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and r irdrd In Douglas county.
Mliile. of Nebraska;" ald nroierly to ho sold
lo satisfy John J, Monoll. Jr. Kxecutor of the
est at o of (iilhert 1). Monoll. deceusod. the
sum of eleven hundred llfty-one mid 411-lim
dollars I llfil.4) Judgmrnl,, with Inlefest
I hereon at rule of eight (S) per cent, per an
num from November 22nd, ISII2. until paid,
anil ihlrly-onn and M-lmi dollars All) dol
lars eoNts, with Interest thereon from the
22nd day of Novemlier, A. D, ISII2, together
wit h accruing cosi according to a Judgment
rendered by (lie Dlstrlct.court of said Douglas
county, atll Heplomher term, A. D. ISII2, In
u ccriulii action then and theie pending,
wherein John J. Monoll, Jr., lCxocutor of thu
estate of (Iilhert (!. Monoll. deceased, was
plulntlir, and Harry II Miller and others
wore ilefeniliints.
Omaha, Nehrnska, December Klril. Ihi.
Hlierlff of Douglus County, Nebraska.
James W. Carr, Attorney, 12-2,'l-fi
Notice to Creditor!.
Static or Nkiiiiaska, I u
Douglus Coiinly, j""'
In thn County court of Douglus coiinly,
Nebraska, November 2illh. A. D. istt2,
In the miitlerof the ostulo of I'rterJ. I'u
gun, The ('rod 1 1 or of suid estate and all oilier
persons Interested In suid muttiir will take
notice Unit the Creditors of said estate will
appear before this court on tho 27l h day of
January. Istill. on the 27th day of Murch, istill,
and un the 27th day of May, Islill, at id o'chs'k
A. M., ouch day, for t he purpose of presenting
their claims fur examination, adjustment,
and allowance, Mix months are nlhc'ed for
thn creditors to prootit their claims nnd onii
year for the oxocul rlx lo settle said estate,
from 1he 2Slh day of November, IsirJ. This
notion will ho published In Tun Amkiiidan
for four week mirrrasl vcly, grlor to tho 27th
dav of Janiiiirv. Isiiil. All elulm not Hied on
or before tho 27th day of May, Isiki, will he
forever burred from eniisideruthiii In thedlnal
setllomotit of suid ostulo.
Willies my hand and utile la I soul lis 2Hlh
dav ol Novomber.lsiri.
skai,. ,f W. KI.I.KU,
l'1-pj County Jtidnn
Notice to Creditors.
Ptatk or Nkiiiiaska, I
Douglas County, f
In the County Court of Douglas County,
Nehrnska, November, 2H, A. D. 1112.
In the Matter of tint estate of Dellef
lllx, d used.
Tho Creditor of ald estate and all other
person Interested In suid mutter wlil lake
notice that the creditor ol suid estate will
appear before this court on thn 27th day of
Junuary, Isiki. on the 271 h day of March, isti;i,
and on t he 271 h day of May, Isii.l, at In o'clock
A. M., each day, for tho piirHisn of present
ing their claim for exam I mil Ion, adjust men!,
and allowance. Hlx month are allowed for
the creditor to present, their clal in, and one
four for tho administratrix to settle said i s
ate, from I ho 27th day of November. IW2.
Th I not leo will br published In Tim A M win an
for four week uceelvely, prior lo tho 27lh
day of January. I him. All claim not Hied on
or Wore Hie itflhdaynf May, Istci, will ho
forever burred from considerat ion In the II mil
M'ltloment of said rstuie.
Wlluos my hand and olllclal oul this 2')th
duy of November, Istrj,
J, W. KI.I.KH,
SKAI,.' I2-2II-4 County Jiulgo.
Sherift'i Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sule Issued nut of
the district, court of Douglus county. Ne
braska, ami to mo directed, I will, on Hie 171 Ii
duy of January, A. D. sti;i, ut III o'clock a.
m. of said day, at the KANT front diir of thn
County court house, In tho city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell ut. public
auction tho proHrty described In said ordor
of sale a follows, to-wlt :
l,ot seven i7i. In hh'k two (2), In l.akovlew
addition to the oily of Omaha, as surveyed,
pint I i mid recorded In Douglas county,
stale uf Nebraska! said property to h sold
subject to a certain mortgage In the sum of
one thousand dollars i1.(Mi,iiiii In favor of K.
V. Hays, and lo satisfy KgUirt K. French the
sum of nine hundred, ninety-six and 44-IHI
dollars tt'.W.U) Judgment, with Interest
thereon ut rate of tcnil'D tier cent, ih r an
num from Niivemls'r ltltli. Is'.).'; to satisfy the
sum of forty-seven and Jls-inti dollar costs,
with Interest thereon from the Pith day of
November, A. D. Is'i. together with accruing
costs according to a Judgment, rendered by
thedlstrlcl court of said Douglas county, at
Its HcptemlMir term, A. D. lsii'2. In Ii certain
action then and there pending, wherein
Kgberl. K. Krench wa platntltT unit I'led I,.
Johnson and others were defendants,
Oinahii, Nebraska, December I V "'M.
lil'.oltliK A. HKNNKTT.
Mhorllf of Douglas County. Neb,
Jaine W, Carr, attotiiey. lS-'lti-lV
For Rent.
A Novell riKim house, 24J2 Pierce, Kt'usnn-
abiii rent to right party. Apply lo Clius.
Johnson, 242U Pletce Htri'i t.
A. 1. A. boUon in solltl Gold. l.,j();
A. V. A. buttons plated 40 cents; ,Ir
O. U. A. M. pins, solid gold T.Vts to
$'2.2."); L. O. I. pins, solid gold 1.2."i to
$1..10; 1. O. S. of A. pins, solid gold
Amkkican UlXIK Okpaktmknt.
lit, f 4s(t
l 144 4 4l 144' Jl I t4- 4
.4 IHMll- 1 . .wi'4 1 14, s,l ,V
4 I, i , 1. . V it A. ,1
t 4 ' v, , , It K-.1 ft f-- ' w 4 .t '4
,'.4 l (Ii ,.,,, ( 4, .4 I k.
-ill 4. .- 4 14.1 . 1 .4 11. Itt fl, t 4
. - . I 1 V . t ta .. -l' I- Utitl 1 f
.... 1 A- - i '
I .'I -I
S 41 11 I'll , - .
t. .i, i, in! 1 k44 14M '. I
l . 1 i. I it, 4. i t t 4 .vt II. .t . 1
t4.i,l ,l,f.l ttl .I,-14 A4
!' s 1 1 1 . w,-4 -1-1 '. 1 I .HI. 4 .04
1 - . I 4 It.. 4.. ,. ia. 4 .t 4 4
I'M 4 s.- I rw.itt 14 ts 441 ..1 it., 4 ,.4
11,,,., 14 4 - 1- .4 444 4 V4- k I '
I- . 4- 41.1, I I tll-llll 4 . . .
Il.l ,1, i f I .1 t,H US! 4 44 44 a,4 4t l
S"iS It 1l.'l.t 144 14 1-.
I 11 ft I 4 4 ,t . I' 4 1 41 1 4. fr,ilt
fi,.i.. Mat; k ! ,i .si,! k i..nti
41 . till 4 I 4,1- ll'..llt ll m4ttl A I 4,1 f
. . !' .1 " k I 1" lk 14-4. I ti
111 ft 14 111 4 n 11 jr , t t4 4414
'If Mall 4 I"1 41 sail? lite .i i
I.. IH . .. I.) 4. k ! 4t.lll.4, f , ,.)
Hk 1111 I-1 lklt4 fs44 ttlf 4k ,4
Wl 4 lS l. ! Mk k'-H 444r IS"-4
.tf4t:41 tit lltlt, Ml 41 4 t,-4S h til4 !'
114, t 1 .-mi t,f .1 1. I. 14 ISHIIll III Mil
t 14. A 14 T'n, 144 114 k' 11144 ttll W ft4
144' 4, l it 1 41? Will 4"! I 1 t'4 4l l4 . 41 t V441 '
pan i.U niift nit, tn H lif and
mtn i in ti tiMlutii
lli.l, ViNi'll .14411114 4; Vi 14-4 1
i.lnlti.l- A iNHT
hit nf ls.tnrlMt iii.nif, Nittiia
l II I 111! I. HlliiltM I 44
No! uk lo CrkiMor I.
1 n n Nsa..
ISMIilt 1 4141 y . j
In the iiiimti iniitt tif liinmln Coiinly,
Ni lunska. V.iii ii.ts t "M. A D iml
In Hie nisiiii nf the tialo nf t'liaih
I' Mlllt'l. tlS-4 4-l.
1 he 'eisliini nf td est sir and lt oilier
S I si til lli -lisl S uisllir will tilko
ll'iH.T llisl Hie rtt'ilitnls nf sli est me mil
iipls ii l fine ilil ri'inl nn tho 27 It it of
.l.inusM. ism, on Hie 5;ih ilsy of Mri'h
l"HI, and mi the KiU it nf Mny I s'U l
in hu h n in, 4rh dy, fur tho iuihis4i of
pi si in Inn their claim for exsiiilioilluii,
ml lust mint imd allnwrnieo, klx luoiiih am
nllnaed tnrlho cri'illliii In present their
rutin, ami lino year fur iho ailinliilsiralrix
In settle suet ittili'. fttiiu tlio J.l Ii day nf
Noll-nils'l ts-lj '' Is II, il Ire will, lie Mt III I-IiimI
III i'UR A until 4 fnl four oekuis esilvi I
pilor In the 'Mli day of Jmiiiar.v. Isti.l. All
cliilnis not tllnl mi nr hefum the 271 h day of
Mnv, Iwi.t, will Ik- fori'Vi-r biirn-d from con
slilerathiii In the lituil settleiiient, nf mid
Wit no in; bund nud oflli'lal seal this 2m h
day of Novomher, lM2.
'1KAI.. I2-2.V4 J. W. KI-t.Klt.
County Judge
Notice to Creditors.
Htatk or Nkiiiiaska. I
Douglas County, ( m'
In the Cnuiity Court of Douglus Coiinly,
Nehrnska, Doccuihor ilrd. A. D. 1112.
In the matter of llui estate of Jaine It.
Thecredllor of said estate ami all other
prisons Inlori'stod In said matter will take
notice I luil Hie i-rodllor of sulil estate will
npiiour beforn till court on tho Bnth day of
Juiiuai, lMii.1, on the 27th day of March, SKI,
unit on t he ilrd day of Juno, IstCI. ut III o'clock
a, M ouch day. fur t he purpose of present ing
their claim for examination, adjustment
ami allowance. Hlx mont hs are allowed for
t hn creditors to present t heir claim mid one
year for tho executrix to aottlo said estate,
from tho Ilrd day of December, IHMS; this
notion will ho published In Tiim Amkiucan
for four week Niiceesslvoly. prior to the 2Mb
day nf Jiintiiirv. INtlll, All cliilm not llled un
or before t lit ilrd day of Juno, Istill, will Imi
forever barred from conslilrrutlou In tin)
llnal sell lenient, of said estate.
Witness my hand unit olllclal meal this ilrd
day of December, ll2.
Iskai. ) J. W. EM.EK.
12-21-4 Counly .liiilge,
Sheriff'. Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out nf
tho'dlslrlct court of Douglas county. Neh
rnska, and to mo dlrecled, I will on thn 7 til
day of February, A. D. lsti:i, ut III o'chs'k n. in,
of said duy, ut the KAHT front door of the
counly court house, In the city of Oinahii.
Douglus county, Nebraska, sell ut public
auction the properly described In aid order
nf sale us follows, to-wlt:
IaiIIIvu (ft) In block "D" In Prospect Place,
an addition to the city of Otiiabu, Douglas
county, state of Nebraska! suid property to
ho sold lo satisfy NpenonrOtl the sum of four
hundred thirty and AO-HiU dollar tttMMltl)
41111 ill tAti'i'ii. iiiiiritirH rniaiii piuiii. ni 4
oonl. per annum from Kobruury 1st, IH02, and
thlrly-Nlx and 4s-tit) dollars itm.tH) costs,
wllh Interest thereon from thn 1st duy of
Kohruury, A, D, ISH2, togothor with accruing
cost according to a Judgment, rendered hy
thu district court of said Dotiglu county ut
It Kohruury tern', A. D, ISU2, In a certain
action tlion and thorn pending, wiioroln
Charles W. Whlto was plulntlir, ami Hpencer
Oil defendant.
Omahu, Nebraska. Janimry 51 h, IH!i:i,
Hlierlff of Douglus Counly, Nebrnska.
Ii, D. Holmes, attorney. i-ll-ft
"H. Ill am
I. on pin
(I.l.'i pm
A. 1(1 pm
' ()., Ml, P., M. A l), T
Depot lMh mid Webster His.
Hloiix City Accoiumodntloii
, H. t), KxnroN loxcopt Hun) .
Ht. Paul Limited
Hancroft I 'ass, loxcopt Hun)
(1 (A inn
12.40 pm
v.i ain
N.4.1 km
I) .Hiatn
ill) am
4 2ft pin pm
').( pin
4. bfi pm
tt.itt am
12.;) am
II im am
11.117 pm
f ,iitt ve
c., II. A 0.
Depot llllli anil Mason HI.
... .. Chicago I, hulled
4.4A pm
H. fni am
I2.4H am pm
I. t'iive
4.1 VI pm
in. IA urn
Itt. 15 urn
H IS 'urn
IL.Vi pm
t tiicagii r.x press
Clilrago K,x press
Chicago k Iowa Local, ..
II. A M " U. "
Depot lot Ii and Mason HI.
, ., Ilenvor Limltiid dully ..
DeadwiMitl Kxpress....
Denver Kxpro
Denver Kxpro
, . Lincoln 1,1m. (except Hum,
, Hasting liis'iil
K.C., HI. .I.AC. H. 'I Arrive"
Depot liiih and Mason His. I Omaha
. , . Kun. City Day Kxpro, ,".f .00 pin
K.C. night ex. via 11. P. Trans. H 41) am
Ouiuliu I
D..VI am
(1.1,1 pm
loave I
Union DoniI loth and Marry
Drill lire Kxpro ......
...... .Denver Kxiires
Overland Fly"
Denver Fast Mail
, II. H. A F. Kx. (except Hun) .
,, . Piiclllc Kxpres
V., K. A Mo. V A LI,K V.
DohiI l.tlli and WohsMuHt.
7 , VI am
M ail am
2 l"i pm
(I :m im
4 lfi pm
Mil pm
fl.40 pm
4.0T. put
7.IHI pit,
4 20 urn
12. .Id urn
10.40 urn
5.20 pm
A.20 pm
11.10 urn
ll.2-i mil
1 1 . 10 am
I Omahu
" U IA Hill
4.20 pin
..V) pm
10.00 am
i SriHiii
H tm am
turn am
!VI pm
fi Vi jim
Dim am
DoatlwiHid Kxiress
(F.x.Hali Wyu. Kx.iKx, Mon)
... .Norfolk (Kxcept Hun.)..,.
Ht, Paul Kxpro
..Lincoln Kx. (ox. Huiiduyh.
C, M. A HT. P.
Depot llllli and Murcy HI.
Chicago Kxpress
Chicago Kx press
Depot tilth A Murcy HI.
Hloux Clly Passenger... .
Ht, Paul fxpro
Depot l.ith and Webster Hts.
.'..'lit" I'a'urT.TniTleil ....7
l.ltt pm
II :)um
"7.211 am
liM pm
Leaves j
Omslia I
H I't pm
The only Perfect ViirI
nal iinii ltectal Hvrlnge
In tho World,
tstheonly Syringe ever
Invented hy which vagi
nal liiJcctloiiHi'un bo ad
min Istered without leak
ing uud soiling thu
clot hlng or necessltiitlng
tho use of ti vessel, and
which can also ho used
for rectal Inject Ion.
SOFT lit' KHKtt I.1I.H,
Mail Orders Solicited.
Tbe A1QC& Fcnfold Co.
15TH ST.,
Next to Postoffice.
Masnucrailo t'ostumt'H to rent at L
Knowlton v- Co.'. 409 Sheely block
t'osttitnos mrMle to order. 1?-0t'