THE: AMERICAN. (3 A IH) I II 0 N A l KU I TO 1U A L Ht M4 n ''.r llil ' it) ut 1u ivttn " " ''"'it p'l," III n x M (' VllT-rv il tin"' V in th I. st!H- liaU at t.tntidn 11 wt, k Hucvty the Hitmtti -1m U tint Jtlw Into "Ul inn. At t"a l.u ) mti n il In the II itt titan ltift m Ht I f the nallotmi KiiatiU t Illinois Hint wifctf TdiHim 1 1 art I jf nn mloticl, 1 lei W one rom mny oliUnlll al?l- full. urn lady friend wh eoninrUi the llll'UlIx rtll lit HlMIVSS tVtltH'il No. .1, of the W. A. I. A., had an Informal r" ivptlon at thffr liwll in Khctly block last Monday iveiiiiiu. IMn shnii'til pw nervitl ami a p neral kihsI time WaH llHli. NlHHVNII IHHIIH'll No. , I one which pave tho enjoyable enttT lainmont In WashlnKtoii hall last month, and turned tin' profUs Into the "Miller Fund." Ill turn of the most iruMrnm councils In tho west. Thk A. P. A's carried Cheyenne last Tuesday. They elected their candidal for mavor by a majority of 170, a will la ikwn by tho following dispatch from the secretary of No. 1: f 'HK-vvwv. Wvn.. Jan. 10. John C. Thompsoni-Clty election today. For muvnp v.. V. stjihln. onu hundred and i seventy majority over L. H. Bresnaher, democrat and 1 toman. Full particulars by mill. The particulars did not arrive in time to be published this week. LAST Wednesday evening Goodrich hall resounded with merry laughter and loud applause. Council No. 8 of the American Protective Association had thrown open its doors to tho wives, children and friends of its members, and from eight o'clock until nearly mid night listened and applauded speakers, singers and musijlans for tho many bright and witty things they said and sang. Near the close of the entertain ment the ladies of South Omaha Coun cil No. 2, W. A. V. A., brought forth their baskets and treated those assem bled to an elegant lunch. Tho enter tainment was a success from start to finish. Doth the councils are In a nour ishing condition. UNTIL a few weeks ago the Richard son Drug company hud a gentleman working for them who attended tho Tenth street mission. One day he had a few minutes spare time and began writing invitations to send ont to his friends asking them to attend services there. VMIo engaged In that work hrBtoreTnllrcaitro up, noticed what ho was doing and remarked: "Mr. I have been pushing you forward under the impression that you would go into tho Catholic church." That was all that was said. A few days afterward he was changed Irom the position he was then tilling, lo another more la boriouswith a decrease in the salary officii) a month. The Komuri did not ' discharge him because he was a Prot estant, but he fixed turn so he hud to quit, A 01AM T DLIORMLD myself that their husbands, brothers and other muiu relatives are in the United blates, aiiU found everywhere only old men, women and children at homo. They told me that they are re ceiving money regularly from their relatives, and expect them to return heme again as soon us they have made enough money." This immigration wus started by tho agents of Pennsylvania mine owners, and retribution bus vlnlled the employ ers by the development of the charac ter of the supposedly docile Hun in Uj the most unmanugeublu turbulent anu stubborn element ever introduced into the country. It was in Italy, however, that tho reckless stimulus of Immigration wus found to he in fullest Mower. Facts Hew up and struck the commission in the face. It was found, for instance, that 4,000 agents, sub-ugerits and run ners were scouring the southern provinces for business, it wus admitted by the Naples ugent of the Anchor lino that three-quarters of the pussiigM tickets to America were prepaid in America. It was learned that where relatives did not prepay the pussugo passenger mortgaged their serviced through tho homo agents of Italian bunkers In New York, Wanted. Woman for house-work. No Jtomiwi need apply. Call at this ollleo. Middle aged woman preferred. -.. For Lady Friends Only. Send six cents In slumps for Six Pa pers Sharps best sewing machine need les. Mlts. ilKLLK Eaunkst, 2iM Cuming St., Omaha, Neb. Agents Wanted. A DVKKT18KMENTS inserted in Tub AMKK1CAN are sure to bring a profitable return to the advertiser. Amerieuris, watch the columns of this paper I . , Scratch puds put up from waste paper stock. Just tho thing for mem orandums, 412 Sheely block. P. O. S. of A. pins. American I.ook Department. The LriitkUWvt Stituiion at TcprkA, Mil. llinilltMt mt MUt tloax wl hfn-n-iiut fcpMrat Afflr lot tftitaw - lli twMtxn hmIi tnft tli n TVrttn. . JUw. I I'M thil iiiwwm Dirt M Hll Hi l in Ink i(cr.U? nidi iiiiiti mi. I n-itt t ii-rivii.MH In w vt In on thi tntifii'u- tuiiimllU', ht h til tto elmnof 1 aetntipll-h anythmtf, OMiUral Wi'M th denminU nflHitll vr(ii. Ihtiinitth rH mil by I lie Hrpuhll rm at 8 o'clock In the efti'rnmm Chum Wrn, the Onuuiu he eoiinly Is nes ml, when hie tiame m rwirhiil. rente fur werd end slnletl that the Iti'itux rete of thehtmx hH'l kept out of the contro verey Iwtween the Hrptibl Irene etui Populista end hnd vIsiI.mI Uovernor Levelling to piiIInI hie ihl in arriving at a Mttlement of the flgU, Jjut now the controversy Ix'lng; ae fa -from eettle ment ae ever, the ,Hm'ocriits felt it to be their duty to recognise the legally or ganized house. They had not for a moment doubted the legality of the Re publican OTganizatfon. The action was unexpected and was received with wild demonstratione of applause on the Re publican side. The Othnra Follow, Mr. Dougherty, a Populista from Geary county, said he had been a Dem ocrat all his life, but he was not the kind of a Democrat to help the Republi cans. This action was a semi-recognition of the Republican speaker, and his friends pulled him away amid great ex citement. Order having been restored, the call proceeded. When the name of Meagher, Democrat of Leavenworth, was reached, he, too, announced his al legiance to tne Republican side and fol lowing him Rosenthal made a like de claration. He spoke at length and said that his sympathy was with the Popu lists as against the Republican party, but he felt that the house should get to work and he believed it to be his duty to take sides in this controversy with the Republican house. The action of Demo crats had a very depressing effect upon the Populists. Liitmisd to with InUmt, .The sjieeciies of Chambers and Rosen thal were listened to with great interest by both sides. On the Populist side were gathered the leaders Including Jer ry Simpson. Jerry Simpson said the Populists were not surprised at the ac tion of the Democrats ae they had been looking for it for some time, the Demo crats having been playing for position ever since the election. Simpson thinks the Democrats by their action have en dangered the election of either a Popu list or a Democratic senator. Thry have widened the breach between themselves and the Populists and he fears their re lations will become so sirulned that they cannot Ret together on a senator, The Republicans at U o'clock heard from their committee and said all hope of ar ranging a settlement is at an end. Tlie Republicans hare resolved to give tip the house to the Populists without resistance if the governor has recognized that organization but It has since been determined to make a fight for it. The program is for Cubbison to take the npeukor's stand and direct the operations of the Republican bouse until he is forcibly ejected by the adjutant general. Tim Oovornor'i Action, Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday after noon Governor Llewolling sent his mes lage the Populist lower house by his servant, the secretary, J, C. Close, When tho Populist sergeant-at-arms was called to the door to receive the governor's message the excitement in the house had in a large measure sub sided. Rut as the door opened and Sec retary Close was recognized the Popu lisU arose and Is-gun cheering. Popu list Speaker Dunsmore rapped for order and restored piiet, the Republicans making no demonstration. Secretary Close called out. "Mr, Sjieakor Duns more," and this official recognition gave the Populist side another opportunity to cheer. Women waved their handker chiefs and men climbed into their seats and waved their huts. There were cat calls from the Rmmhlican side, stid as the Populist chief clerk read the follow ing: To J. M. Dunsmore, Bneaker of the House of Representatives: In answer to your communication, Jan. 8, IBM, notifying me that the house was duly orKmilzi'd, with J. M. Dunsmore as speaker, Men C, Itich its chief clerk, L. K. Dick as serant st sj-nis, and wo ready for business, I desire to say that I will communicate with yon further In writing. (Signed), M, I), Ll.KWKIxtim. The Popnlists again cheered but Re publican Speaker Jonglas rapped for order and said: "The legally organized house of representatives will come to or der," Some minor resolutions were then offered and the roll call ordered sixty seven members answering the Republic can roll, A MHiidmnin to rin Aikfld, Mandamus papers wore yesterday evening filed in the supreme court by the Republicans to compel Secretary of State Oslsirn to turn over to Speaker Douglas of the Republican house all the papers in his possession relating to the Louse of representatives, including the certified copy of the roll made up by the state board of canvassers and those re lating to all the various contest cases. The decision of tho supreme court will at once settle the standing of the rival bodies. It is clearly understood that the programme of the Populists is to at cmce use the power of tho governor and the state to force the Republicans to leave the hall. Republicans will resist this bnt will Iki comsdled to retire. An incendiary proclamation has lieon issued by Clements and other Populist leaders calling on the Populist house to main tain its rights by arms If necessary. r.ipllll'nt Itt'ollcitlotlK. ToflkA, Kan., Jan. 14. While all parties were striving to bring about a peaceful solution of tho legislature prob lem yesterday a few hot-headed Popu lists were distributing in the two houses copies of " resolutions adopted at the Populist mass meeting. The resolutions after stating the Populists' claims in ,(! 1 !, rtii"i -i ., Imt, 1 1 i mm l i . . i Uii.l ' ' '1 ! -t I I ''' I' V, "', t if 1 1 m :t i "i h t i .. , . .1.1 ti,i.t M M !. MI., It .",.). t I l I." t 1 ! I 1 t ! .! (' i ' U- ! 1 -..(, tttut r I t I II. r .f li.r ,m r l.t i kh!l tlmjfw tnitl l thr ;m wt lln ttl eii Ui'll,l 1 Hl h i -r ,N.itli l ft Hm mni mliK tomtit mt lwit1 ll-.l tot l In- Hlil , tHt,f f,M t,.t Utelit Mil ..iMti.itii,.i i,nn m tti antt niriM iv( Hi h tin n Hwl ii i..k rt yititniH Hint in h p.ihnt 1hl W Miiff Hir in itii1 Him 4 llf Kivst imit.nn mi! lo unit Brm null, n, ii1ifvliitfii'm titf1l'iiiii( riiix,ri in il.i ir tmni mi nu wmn( Hi rritvwiiiAliVf it wil ami eviriif The rr4uHim wi enn.liMiitl hv the Popuhut spi'skir, ititiiunm, u4ilher tuore coiioeivstive pniuliu 1A? to innin. The trnral Itiillrr lukrit to II H ttlil llnmo for liurUI. Wasiiimitiim. Jan. 14, The train bearing the Issly of Oeuetal It, F, Hut ler left Washington at 8:1.1 p. in, yinter dsy for Iowell. The funeral service will take place at St Ann's Kpisctipal church next Monday afternoon. The interment will lie in tho family cemetery in Lowell. A delegation fromdeneral B. F. Puller post, No. 12, Grand Army of the Republic, of Lowell, will accom pany the remains of their old comman der to their last resting place. Resides Mr. Paul Putter, the general's only son, and Miss Charlotte 11. Stevens of Not tingham, N. II., his niece, the funeral party consists of General O. D. Barrett, the general's law partner In Washing ton and a numlsir of his nearest friends, who came on from different tKiints in New England to pay their last respeots to the dead. President Harrison riuid a visit to the Butler house and viewed the body of his old comrade in arms. The department officers of the Grand Army of the Repnbllo assembled at the house about 2 p. m. and accompanied the remains to the doot. Tho Depart ment of the Potomac, acting as escort of honor. The Kit Carson Post No. 2, Graild Army of the Republic, met and passed resolutions. The following message was telegraphed from the White House of all momlicrs of the cabinet: Kxecutivk Mansion, Jan. 13, The request having been made that the presi dent direct that where it can be done with out detriment to tho publlo service, mem bers of the (irand Army of the Republic of the Department of the Potomac be ex cused from duty at 1:80 p. m, today to at tend the remains of the late General U, F. Butler to the railway station. K, W, HAI.P0KD, Private Secretary. Secretory Charles Foster had antici pated this action by the issuance of an order to the same effect early in the morning. Working for Cnuetin. IIblkna, Mont., Jan. 14. There was another fruitless ballot ' in joint assem bly for United States senator. The Re publicans all went for Sanders, while the Democrats divided their votes lte t ween Chirk, Dixon and Hansen The Populists all voted together. The Pop ulist Beecher will vote with the Dem ocrats when they settle on a man pro vided they do so this week. Ilausor and Clark have been working hard all day to secure a caucus but the Daly men refused to join the call. If twenty four signers can lie obtained the caucus will be held whether the eight Duly men will come in or not. The talk of dark horses has been revived, and among those prominently mentioned is ex -Governor Toole, who will got the full Populist's vote, PruvKiiti'il Hut fight, Cincinnati, Jan, 14 - Notwithstand ing the fact that the Newport Athletic club owns a franchise and has a license empowering and authorizii thorn to ?ive and conduct glove contests within heir club rooms, the Commercial club of Newport sees fit to challenge their right to give such entertainments. The Uvans-Siillivan and Lloyd -Gillespie con tests booked for last night were prevented by the action of the Commercial club in having men arrested lute in the after noon. They were all placed under a bond of f -J, oOO, which was considered so excessive that it was deemed advisable to postpone the fights. The content will occur within the next five days at a time and place to lie decided today, ImllHiia's l.rglilittur, Indianatomh, Jan, 14. Senator Boyd offered a resolution that Alonzo O, Smith, attorney general of Indiana, be instructed to furnish within ten days an itemized statement of the different funds collected by hlrn or his deputlns during his expired term of office, The matter was made a ststcial order for Monday afternoon. A resolution by Representative Montcour asking con gress to create the cabinet office of secre tary of lalsir, was adopted, A resolu tion bv Mr. Hendricks urging the pass age of the Hatch anti-option bill in congrosss was read and referred to the committee on agriculture. The I.ytti'liMrt Did Not Com. Ciikktertown, N. D., Jan. 14 All Wednesday night, while heavy flakes of snow fell thick and fast, special police men patrolled the town, dreading the visit of a lynching party. But the in dignant citizens did not storm tho jail, anil tho four negroes condemned to die for the murder of Dr, J. II, Hill passed a restless night in their cells, The four men are considered as hard a lot of cases as ever breathed. Not ono particle of sympathy exists for them in tho hearts of any Chcstortownian. Criihep Went Tslk. New Yokk, Jun, W.-Richard Crokor was asked yesterday if the report from Albany that ho had criticized Senator Hill's alleged interference with the work of the New York electoral college was true. Ilo answered: "I wont miv any thing about it. No, I wont say whether it Is truo or not." Hum-it liy I ill'i'lraoirx. Denver, Colo., Jan. 14. It 1ms been established by investigation that the mine disaster at Oumo was caused by the carelessnoss of Stephen Conti, who lost his life among the others. 1111 1 mill M M IHiMt t !. . tlTVt I iv4 I ! It Ml4i( twi tti Niw Yon. Jn II It Ms tnt m . the fcstUt ttvt tin tif IMiidv hut tmen fci tlewneiihlv W H w m at p-hl tv .!- and etntpi l the ittimutain t trw 1'V lh li te tht tM tt dstl ,i f.ire a (xt.u hi yesir-Uv, and tn the iinl iw wftil tofvm linwr wmtld hti(t Hiile bf,tttitng ii fti hor way Ihrouiilt lb Imi tier, Feitv lU run enlv nn the a vm plt Un, lot ik UIku.I and New .lerwv ptrni of Ostium Iimiip list tt n iIi-UmhI n, hMrnwi m Immnt4l'le ways, but (iaien IUnd U evw in wrw heie, Kverv Usl on tlisl line Was froreil in In the lunMiitm and though entiietif llm were later trylnit t' make lri, I bur reus were emwditigly IrregtiUr, A Minding sitiiw ut in ilnvi-n bv a hiiih Wllld NggiaVSttsI h illmttllifntl Slid danger by itmking It litiismntlile fur pilule lo mm fsr enuugh ahead to mc k out the let t'liNiinels. The unprecedented ht flites have In side of a few days disabled ?') ont of the 500 tug IsisU in the New York Hit t. This condition of things in unknown in the history of tuglsmling and additional Interest ran bo attached lo this state. ment when It Is understiMMl that It has beituno impiissible to repair them, owing to the severe weather which has tied up the dry dis ks. Almost all the dry dock in this city, Brooklyn and Htaten Island have lieen forced to suspend work, Floating ice has made the channel buoys in the bay irreparable. Between the upper harlsir and the hook there was no less than twenty Isiats fast in the lee. They could neither come In nor go out. The schoon er Cricket was crushed in the ice in the North River. The captain and crew had only time enough to save a few personal effects liefore she went down. Pilot boat No, 6, the James Gordon Bennett, was caught in floating ice and went BHhore at Heabright, N. J. Her crew were taken off by the Heabright life saving (Tew. The sea was running very heavy last night in tho lower bay, All the western trains were from three to Six hours late. Postmaster Vancott Issued an order to close all outgoing mails thirty minutes in advance of the usual time on account of the present condition of the streets and the oiwtnio tion of the ferry boat service by ice. ChiiiiI tho Vote, Limit Rock, Ark., Jan, 14. The general rwstuuhly In joint session can rnesed the returns of the late election yesterday, The returns show that the entire Democratic state ticket was elected. The speaker also declared amendment No, 3 to the constitution adopted. This amendment requires an elector to exhibit a poll tax receipt be fore he ran vote at an election. The Populists in the house protested the speaker's decision, but were declared out of order by the presiding olllcer, Hon. William M. Fishhnck will lie in augurated governor Saturday afternoon at o'clock. fnilll Sssrnh for Ills Wlf. San Francisco, Jan. 14. L, A. Ben adorn, a rich Nebraska cattle man is here half crazed by his fruitless search for his wife, Ho met and married her five years ago in Beatrice, Neb, Last fall they moved to Fresno where Mrs, Ben adorn liecame acquainted with Homer Banta. shortly afterward Bonadom was called away on business and returned to find his wlfo and S0(i In money gone, A detective traced the couple to San Fran cisco but hero they eluded him. Bona dom is thoroughly broken down by his domestic troubles but proposes to con tinue the chase. Nearly Matin tint Trip. Red River, Utah, Jan. 14. The twin screw launch, Major Powell, started from the mouth of the San Rafael riv er Tuesday evening on her trip through the Cataract canon of the Colorado riv er. The craft made the twelve miles in an hour, being thrown from side to side of the stream In a helpless condi tion, She managed to escape the rocks but at the mouth of the canon she struck a snag and sank. Everyone es caped, This is the first trip ever made bv a craft of her size. Sheriff's Hale. Ily virtue of an order of mile (hhiiciI out of the' IMhIMcI, Court of Modulus Coioily, Ne liritskit, and to me directed, l will on I let 14th diiy of I'l-liruiiry, A, l, MM, at. 10 o'clock, s, tn, of siild day. lit the Kant front door of Mm County Court limine, In the City of (IiiihIiii, IioiikIiin County, Neliruxkii, sell lit piihllc iiiicllon the iirtiperty dewrllied In mild order of mile iih followN, tn-wll ! l.otxelKlil. IS), nine (III, ten (Id), tlfleen (Vi), mill Nlxteen (ll III Mock one (li: Imx five i.'n, si H (111, seven (7l, eleven (III. twelve Il2i. Ilfteen (I'll, mill sUU-en (HI In block two i2l III I'alter son's llrsl, Hildlllon lo Hoiilh (liinilni. till In IiiiiikIhs coiinly, stale of NehniMkii, mild iroM'riy, or mi iiiiicli of it us may lie hccch miry lo lie mild lo mil My I 'lt nl Niitloiial Hunk, of Oiniiloi, I ho niiiii of foiirO'en Inoi ilreil. (Ifl v-eviii snil lll-liKI ilolliirN I I,4.'i7.l), with Inte'rct lliiireon ill. rule ofelht (Si per cent, per annum from Pepleuiher in, I'-'i, and llfiy mid li.l-(KI dollars cohih, Willi lnteriwi. I hereon from the lift It titty of Hi'ii- letlllllT, IMiC, tJIUI'llllT Willi ncrriilnif coln neeordlng li a Judiriiieiit tendered liy Hie illnlrlct. conti. of mild IioiikIiin county, at Its ScplemlMT term, A, !. Mi'.!, In a certain uc lliin then and there pcndlnK, wherein I'lmt Niilloinii Hunk, of Omaha, was plalnl lfT. mid liudiilpli M, I'lillernon hikI oilier were tie felldlllllH, (tmaliii, Nebraska, .laniiary l:!ih, n(i:i. (KOIiliK A. HKNNKTT. Hherlff of lloiiiflu t'ounly, Nebriika. InaiK' K. Condon, iillotney. l-lil-5 Sheriff's Sale. Ily vlrl ue of an order of sale IkhiiciI out of the iIIhI rlct court of Hoiitflu coiinly. Ne lininkii, mid to me directed. I will, on the I M h day of I'ebi uary, A. It., I!l, al Ido'clm k a. m. of Nald day, at the KAsT frontdoor of the coiinly coiit t house, In I lie city of (IiiihIiii, liuiiifliis i-i hi n I v , Mi'braNkii, w ll at public iiiiclloii Hie proiierly di-wHIied In nald order of mile H k follottn. td-wlt : 'I'lie nortli oni'-liulf (N ',1 of lot three CD. In hliH-k Hie i."ii. In KoiiiiI'k third Clrdi addll Inn to I lie cit y of IiiihIiii. iih miii'Vi-VimI, plalled mill liccoiili'd In I lou i; I in couiiiy, Nlnie of Ni'lirietkii. mild prnpi rly lo be Hold lo MilNfy liiiiiiha Hiiv lints Hunk the sum of one tiioiei n 1 1 I one biiiiilrcil. elirbt and 4 t-1 s t ilnlliiis (1. ( 4m. Willi Interest thereon lit tale of el si lit isi per cen I . per a ii ii i iii from Sep! ember I'Mli. Is'.iJ. mid twi iily-tbree and i',:i-I'm ilollii th i:;i.iKII eofcls Wil li Inii reHl (hereon from the Unlidayof Hepieinber, A. II. Isle!, touelher Willi accriiltiK ciisis according In a luilir menl remlereil by the district court of hiiIiI liiiinrliis county, lit lis rn'ptember lerni. A. II. 1K1K, III a certain m-l tuti then and I here Htid Inu uliiieln (IiiihIiii Havlnui, Hunk was iiliilntllV mill .lull it lliiiliuiiii and liarbiira llnlliiiiiii were ilefcndmil. (IiiihIiii, Nebiaskii. .lauuary l.'ib, I :. (iKlMftiK A. HKNNKTT. Hherlff of Uoilu'liis Coil in y. Nebraska. I'ranclH W. Wexsells, alKirney. 1-1:1-3 . I m , -i IS ', , , - ,l I- I-- , . i w t-i, , t t I,. i . rxiENon Give I eftl Nil e W,li,, I lusllin M. .till It M-.. t.lls txm- 1 t,.,,,,,."5', til l(t 'a, i , l ttllHi, I limit H, t Hunt lit- i, I I l 1 1 K iii ii. ,it tvi. I !.... ,, I,,,.!.,,,! t,,, .l., Wi!.... H W.sst lk .t ,,,I1I., ,,it, loan. It t ( ( tl "l , m.ii.- ttiot on ntt .! ,1 " lie llni' iiitm Mini" t ( i..,i tun,t.S I,, r in ttli.t H i iiit.wt in ! Ii tit, t niit i, lm! ,,,,lt Nt tftwsi, , i,,vi si'l tt, I, ttstit the nbh-,1 mil pi.,, , ,.t l,l,l, mv tiitmii t" iiiUIn ! I, mill i titn lot" llii't" li il " I. nni.inill in Mix k tilne i In lte ! of II, nei,.k..t, utt i'l, ltril tti H ,..i,l., I. lit Ixunlxx ciiiniv Ne l-txsks mill iUte, the imh ,l nl Atiyust "t tot M,t. Slllil Ml f.i'i i'l Wtlll tlllen-st II,, te,,ll ft, ,11, tUle lliettHif mill (lixl tlll lie t.n.lxiil Mmy M lloiiklnx,. Iisx Hl.l 1.,? , r,. ix tin ivln. tin- nblii I snil iti r of l,, h aiv to fnl'i low s it'ltnlti tool t tl n ite I'Mt iileil by the id fetnlxtitx, I txtikllit .1. II..I. bkisx nml fmxli II llnt. likl-. Iilxwlfiv, to I I, i !.- !' si i xl loii. In xeeiiti- (be imttm-nl ut ,11 1 Hill iiiiiiiUwity lbi'iiio li tniilii y of xxiii iiii'inisi'x, iinitHi in.- ii-,, i miv oftVlolH'i xu, lot the until if f Ks line ami piivnble In two yisr twin tne tune llii'i. iif, xihI wlileh wnx duly sxxlsiteil lit the xxlil Mniy M ll,iikllis; dial (lielvlstiow dun iiiHin the xnhl hum liiillli 'x Hen (lie xiim of anil iiixm (lie xnhl time Mini mot tunny Hinxiini of Ilnmim, Willi interest nit encn in the salil xiiiiix from (he ilal lliereof, Slid which xiiiiix Willi Inlcrexl from xald ilatex (he xii Id pliilnlllT Slid (lie xalil Mary M. lloii klnx pray furs decree Unit the. diifemlaiilx may U reiiulreil (n pay (he same, or thai xii Id (iienilsex may be wdil In xxllsty (tin aiuoiintx toiiiin tine. Von H re tiiiilreil In snxwer snlil liellllmt anil cinsx net It Ion on or before (he Jniliilay of Kebriuiiy. A. I. IstSI. luleil .litnmiry nun. ewi. !l A M I'll N I.I'M II Kit COM PAN V, Ily It, I,. .Iiihuxoii, attorney for ","""lAUYM..I..nINH. Ily ,1ns. W. Curr, her attorney. Inn. Ill, Nit. .16. ' I-'" Sherifrs Sale. 1,.. ..I... I.... ,..,l,i lit HIllll ImxiiihI nut. of liy li ni i," V, the lllxlrlct Court of Hoilijlns coiinly. Ne l...,.L.. u,l l.,, (llrerli'll. 1 will, nil tint Mi ll day of l ebruary. A. Isnil. at In o chx'k u. in, of xii Id day. at the KAHT f runt, door of I lie Coiinly lioiirt lloiiHe. In the cllynf (ttuahii, Doiuiljtri county, Neliruxkii. sell lit public auction the properly dexcrlbed In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt I "Lots sixteen (Kb, seventeen (17), eighteen (IS), tilneteeii (III) and twenty (211), In block live ifn, In HowIIiik (Ireen addition lo theelly of (IiiihIiii. axxurveyed. plal U'd and recnrdeil, loel her with all and sliiKUlar the leiien t, nereiiii iiiiieiiix aou iijipio i.,-iihm, heloinilim. or III any wise upperla iiln. al ,. ' . ........ ..f U..I.UuLl. " M.ll.l in iiinmiax ciuon.v, xi nn, r,n,., proiierly to ho sold to satisfy Arthur y. V. Wood, TrusMie, the mini of live hundred . . .. ,, .1 ,u l,M ,l..ll..H IAT.II1I IMI will, lllliei y-l.llieo nun in en, ,i,,,,,r, ....... Interest thereon at rile of eight (S) iM-rcent. per antiiiiii from Heiitember IKI h. IslCi to xallxfy fiimi the iindlvldeil one fourth (') lulerexl. of Thomas II. Taylor In tlm aliovo dexcrlbed premises, the Cnlld Hliiles National Hunk tlm sum or iwti iiuonreu seven anil M-lim dollnrs (!(fl,75) with Interest thereon at. rale of eight IS) per cent, per I...... ?,i. Iwm l.ktf.illuii. vu I li milium iroin .nun' imh ,., ...... iiIiiii and 4(1-111(1 dollars (W,4fi) costs therein: tn sallxfy from the liud.vliled oiie-foiirlh C) Interest of Thomas II. 1 ayior in inn above described premises, ine u mien minus ,1 III HIIIH I llllllll Hie Mil,,,,. hiniilred sixty-one and IU-W0 dollars il(ll. I.I) wllh Inlerest thereon at rale of ton (10) ier cent, per milium from June 171 It, Mm, to gether with seven dollars if i.iiuicosi.iiiereiii; to satisfy from undivided uiie-foiirlh (') Interest of Thomas II. Taylor In llin above described promises, the Commercial National Hank of (Imaliii the sum of two thousand eighty-four and 4.VIW dollars (,!,iiS4.4.'i with Interest thereon lit rule of ten MM per cent, per annum from rtcptember ilgwl. A, to satisfy the sum of llfly-sevnn and Is-KHl dollars .7,IN costs, with Interest, there"'' from the Kith day of Hepltmiber. A. Il, !, ., - ...hi. ...... .I.... ,,,., ,p,l 1 1, 4i. it Mlgei lier WO II ai-emmx , .,n..r, n. . .... -j ludgment rendered by the district court of ' . r .. ... i.u u..... .. . I ... s i.,,,..,. HO III HOIigiaS eolllll.Y, im OS n. M .-..,,, . A. II. ISW, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Arthur Wood, Trustee, was plaintiff, imd Mill) II. (loble, 'I'ruslee, Thomas II. Taylor. Albert M K lichen. Henry O, llevrles. Merrlwealher ,1. Wiiugh and others were Jefonilmils. """"KlJT irkNNkTT. Hherlff of lloiiglas county, Nebraxka. Morris ft lleekman, alloriieys. J- l.l-n Appointment of Administratrix. HTTKorNr.iniSKs, m DoiiglasCounly. f ' In ihe Couiiiy court of Koiiglas county, Nebraska. . , . In ihe mutter of the extal" of .lames Krewen, deceased : , , Kllen Krewen. Murgaret I rewen, Kllabeth I'reweii, Mary Merrill, and all other persons Interested In said mill ler are hereby untitled that on the 'lib day of September, Ih!, Mar Kit re 1. 1'' re wen Hied a petlllon In said Coiinly court alleging among other things that ,1 limes Krewen died on Ihe 01 h day of March, Mil, leaving no last will and testament, and poxxexxed of real and personal estate to bo admlnlxlered, and that the above named (institute, the persons Interested In (he est ale of said deceased : iinil praying for ad ministration thereof. , ., , Von are hereby untitled that If you fall to appear lit said Court on the Kind day of March, MM, at 10 o cluck A, M and contest said tiel II Ion, the court will appoint Mar garel I rewen or some other suitable imtkiii admliilxlrutrlx, and pns-oed to a sell lenient of xuld extuMi. , Witness my hand and official seal this day of I milter, M. smi,1 l-hl-4 .1. W, Kf.t.KU. Coiinly Judge, Notice to Creditore. Htats or Nkbmaska, l lloiiglas Comity. I ' In the County court of lloiiglas county, Nebraxka, lleceinber :!Hlh, A. I. IsW. In the mailer of (he cxluto of Unrnthn Kllllnger, deceased: The ( redllorx nf said exliileiitnl all other persons Inlerexled III xuld mailer will take notice thai the Credllnrx of said estate will npiicur before I hlx court on the day of ivlurch. Mill, on Ihe Suh day of April, Mil, and nit the -.".lib day of June, MM, at Ido'cbx-k A. M., each day, for Ihe purpose of preserilltiK their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance, Hlx uionllis lire allowed for the creditors Hi present (heir clalnts and one year for Ihe administratrix In settle said estate, from Ihe .Mh day of liceembcr, Mr.'. This mil Ice will be publlxbed In Tits Amriii cam for four weeks successively, prior to the .".nil day of March, MM. All claims not men on or before the '.".Mil day of June, MM, will be forever barred from conxlderalloii In Ihe lllilil xettlemenl of said extale. Wlluexx my bund mid olllclal seal this l Ii day ol llecei'iiber. s',, skai. J J W. KM.KK. .:i4 County Judge Notice to Creditors. Htatk. ok Nkhhaska. I ' lloiiglas County. I ' In the County court of Houglax coiinly, Nebraska, lioceinbcr :l. A. I'. Mtt. In Ihe matter of the estale of John H, Thomas, deceased. The creditors of xuld estate and all oilier persons Interesied In xuld mutter will lake tiollce thai the creditors of said exliile will appear before Ibis court on I be 2,'iih day of l ebruary. MM, on Ihe iilh (lay of April MM, and on ltie:mtb day of June MM. al in o'clock a. in. each day, for the pitrKixe of prt'xetillug (heir clafnix for examination. ndliiHimenl and allowance. Hlx months are allowed for Ihe credllnrx to present (heir claims, and one veur for Ihe udmlnlslrulrlx to settle mm i estate, from the :ilh day of liecember. MIX This tiollce will Is- published III 'I'll K AMKHtt'AN for four Weekssliccexxlvely prior In the tMli day of I'elu iiiii )'. IWM. All claims not (lied on or before the :mih day of June, MM, will be forever burred from enn xlilcritilon III (be liiuil xelllemenl of mild extale. Witness my bund and olliclul ni'al this :mth day of llecehilM r. M.M. Ixkai. I l-Ci-4 J. W. KI.I.KIl. Cnu my Judge, JCUHE SYPHILIS -A,"fM,"",-RIJ1A'2S? Mcilit mc cupu-isi-il to all parts. No i-xpnsme. -ivln I rt . kiiMwevCo (Inuili.'i Vrb, PIIOTOCKAIMIKK. t , M .N -Mil i i, - iifc - . v ! , t ' 1 , t' I . 'I -. ' i me a call. N.Mit' tti Ctilii n,l nl . i K,, l,. I ..,,lt ( It, tl., i e,i,ii i ,,,it ,.f l,iitx eimeiy , i.i six Ix.n lsl I Ixii.e e-xiiit el tbt .t.te iif Nxfti f I H iil HI 1 1,1 . ,, IH..I, ,.( . , 1,( , ,, ,,. x,.. a( Lit,,! t ini, -sii., in xx I t.ixiit f talt.i tt,.l 1,1 tl.xl till I illlol M , 1 tle ll Xt'lX xi Is lit- IhU ,11, nt tt Hie XS ilxf el I i nxi t"i on i In- ;i b ilxy ut A 1 iwi sml i tin :il, list n( jntie (s xl (a e , (, X im i s- ti itxjt f.,i tbe iui ti. ,il tnki ,t tint (In it i IxOms f,,i eiixixdixtlnti, M,t!ttttet'it xli .x xii.h. xi ,,,ii,, ate xll.ixi .t f,if (lie ei-ill1,il tn ili'xi'lit tin It elxlmx fttnl huh li XI t,,l Hie 1 . nl.,1 1,1 s. Ill,, xxl'l txalnto. Imtil Hie l(t ltx of leietitlx r. M,4 llllx tintl. e III Ih pub IKI, . . I 0, ln ntnli x lot fmil His ks ii,viU, lv pilot (il (lix ?x itH nl It liuixty (xi All clxlnix eied mi nt Is fore (Im v'lh ilxv nf Jinn'. Mil will Is' for,et htitieil f entti eiiiixlileiRt Ion In (lie fttlfll xi lib lie HI nf xatit lnl Wlluexx ley liiiinl xil olll, ,i n nl (111 Jlld lis 111 IkxfttilH I, IX'lJ. if Ait ) w ki i.m. I II I cniiiily Jiiili!" Notice to Credilori, HI TK or NCHIMXKA. I INilltflllxI'iillllly. ( III Ihe cm oily i iiiiii nf IhiiiiiIh coiinly. Nehrsxks, Ik'ceiiiber 2, Mi!, In the mslli r of (he exlxle of (limign II. Heard. dixtiixiiil : The credllnrx nf xuld exinte mid nil other icini Inlerealcil III xuld mailer Will (like niitlcii Iinil Hie cieillliiix or said exlaln will Hpixiir before ibix coin I in tlm Ilaih day of I I briniry, Isim, on thu 'istli day of April. swi, and nn Ihe ib day of June, lsv:i, , lit In o'clock a, In, eiich diiy. fur the iursixt) nf presenting (heir claims fur exatiiliistliin, iiiljiixtmeiil, and allowance. Hlx iiiimlhx urn , allnwed fur Ihe creditors to present (heir claims sud one year for the inliiilnlxlriilur In ' settle siild estate, fiimi the Will day of Iteceniber, I Mil,', This not Ice will be pub lished In Tus AMsmi'AN for four weeks suc cessively prior hi the 2sih day of February, I "IM, All claims not tiled on or before the '-sill day of June, MM, will Isi forever barred from consideration In the llniil settlement of said estate, Witness my hand and olllclal seal this day of iNicember, I SIM. skai.i j. w. icu.Ku. I CI-4 County .luilge. Notice to Creditors, Htatk ok Nkiiiiaska. I liuiiglas County. " In (lie coiinly court of Dougl is county, Nebraska, December 22, A. I), M, I u the mai ler of tlm estate of Hux I,a.urax deceased: The creditors of said est alo and all other persons Interested In said mill ler will Inks notice that the creditors of said estate wilt appear before this court on tint 27th day of I'ebriiury, I him, on the 27th diiy of April, I s;i, and im the 27th, day of June, I MM. at Kl o'clnck a. m each day, fur the purposti of presenting their claims for examinat ion, ad justment and allowance, Hlx months am allowed fur the creditors In present their claims and one year for the administrator to settle said cMliiln, from the 27th (lay of liecember, MM, This notice will hn published In TllH AmuiiiOAN for four weekssuccesslvely prior to the 27th duy of February. MM, All cluliiiN not tiled mi or before the 27th duy of June, I him, will ho forever burred from con- , slderiitlnii In Ihe Hint) sel l lenient of said estate, Witness my hiiiid una olllclal seal this 22nd (lay of lleeeiiilier. Mi!i, sk,ai, J. W, V.U.KH. I-l.M County Judge, Notice to Creditors. Htats or Nkiiiiaska, I noughts County. f In the county etnirt of Itourlaii county, -Nebraska, December 24, A. Il, IsW, In Km noil ler of the estale of Hugh 0. Clark: The redllors of xuld estate and all other persons Interested In said matter will lake notice that the creditors of said estate will ii lipeur before this court on tlm Vil li day of I'ebiuary. MM; on (be 27 th day of April, I HIM, mid on the 27th day of June, I HIM. at Id o'clock a. m. each (lay, for the purpose of presuming their claims for examinat ion, ad justment and allowance. Hlx months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the Imlnlstruior In settle said islaMt from the 27lh day of December, MI2, 'Ibis tiollce will tin pub lished In Tns Amkhioan for four weekssuc cesslvely, prior lo the 2ftlh day of 1'Vbruary, MM. All claims not (lied on or before (he duy of June, MM, will be forever barred from ciinslderulloii In the llniil sell lenient of said ex! me. Wlluexx my hand anil olllclal seal I hlx 211 Ii day of December, IWM. SK,Al, .i.w.r.u.m, I-1,1-4 County Judge. Notice to Creditors. Htatk or Nkiiiiaska, I Doug I ax Coiinly. I In Ihe Coiinly Court of Douglas County, Neliruxkii, December. 22, A, D, Mi2. In Ihe Mutter of the estate of John lluhf sohll, deceased. The Creditors of said estate and all other persons Interested In said mutter will take notice that Ihe cred lints ol said estate will appear before thlx court, on Hi" 2stli (lay of l ebruary, MM, on the 2sth day of April, MM, and on the 2sth day of June, MM, at Id o'clock A. M., each day, for the pui'imso of present ing (heir claims fur examination, ad bisl uient and allowance, HI x moiii lis are allowed for Hie creditors to present thelrclalms, and one year for the administrator Ui settle said es tate, from the 2s(h day of December, ISM. This tiollce will Is- published In Tns A MKlticAN for four weeks successively, prior Ut the 2Slh (lay of February, MM, All claims not tiled on ornsfore thc2Hlh day of June, MM, will lie forever burred from consideration In lbs tin ill xelllemenl. of xuld cxlatti Wlluexx my hand mid nfllclul seal this 22hd day of liecember, M.I2. ' J. W, K M.Kit. (skai.,1 l-l.l 4 County Judge, Notice to Creditors, Htatk or Nkiiiiaska, I Douglas Couiiiy, In the Couiiiy Court of Douglas Ciiimty, Nebraska, Decemls-r :ilxt. A. D. isW2. In Ihe mailer of the cxliite of John A. Wlith: The rredllnrs of said cxfntn and all other perxoiis Interested III xuld matter will take not Ice thai the creditors of said extale will appear before this court on the 2Mb day of February. MM, on theiiKli day of April, Js(M, and on the 1st day of July, MM. at in o'ebx-k . a. tt each day. for Hie purpnxe of iiresentliig Ihelr clalmx for exumluailoii. adjuxtmeiit and allowmice, Hlx moiithx are allowed for Ihe credllnrx to present their clalmx and one year for the executrix to xetlle xuld exlale, from the illxl duv of I lecemlsir, Isir!: (bis in nice will be published in Thk Amkhjcan for four weeks successively, prior lo (he 2,'ilh day of February. MM. Alli'lalmsnot tiled on or'lHfore the Ixl. day of July, MM, will Isi forever burred from conxlderalloii In (he Ileal xettlemenl of said eslnie. Witness my hand and olllclal seal this .'list (In y of December, MiJ. -. . , i ii, t.L i r t-ii SKAI. .i. r.i.i.r.iv. III l-t Couiiiy Judge. ITOTtTXI . gsSrTV MJ-C -A.CJT1. IITf'raifii ii-k SOUTH I'urcliaxo Tickets and (,'onslgii Your Freight via the F,'E,& M, V, and S- O.&P RAILROADS. II. C. UUHT. Co in -nil Manager. K. C. MOKK.HOI'HK. .). It. llt't'HANA.N, (3. mi. rV.irfht A,'t. J -n. I 'ass. Agt. Omaha. Nebraska. J n