The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 13, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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C. tMOMPtON, ottos.
XV, hunt. llit-ilnw Mn(r
OMAHA. WIHAV. JAN. :t. lj;t.
TNa Atttstt in n CNXMrio or am
I'SHf IOTH- I'M'tM" 1 lit 'iti l' No
All our I'HlKNiwt know, tf tin y will
top to think, how tin y stand wlthTilK
Amkhii'AN, ami w shall exptsM t4i hear
from nil in arrears thin month, Im im
nqx'at flttKNiw: Ono dollar owing by
om Individual only Im a trifle; three
thousand Individuals owing ono dollar
each In .'1,000. 00 a difference, you see.
Think of yourself, not In the unit, hut
In the aggregate., ami mult Just as stxm
as powdblc. Poo thin apply to you?
Tho Jaeksonlan club hold Its second
annual meeting last Saturday night.
, The principle foaturo of the evening's
entertainment wati tho speech of Dr.
George L. Miller. Ho responded to tho
loaxt "Tho Usual Sign of tho Order In
PolltleH," in a way to surprise a great
many and to disgust a larger numlxT
of his former friendti. Among other
things Doctor Miller is credited, by the
World Herald', with uslngthe following
"I have had occasion, Mr. Chairman,
within tho laxt twenty-four months to
bo ashamed that I win a cltl.en of
Omaha, I discovered at about that time
that a band of oullawt, calling thorn-
' boIvob Amerlean citizens, had gathered
together in dark chasms in this com
munity and organised a band of conspir
acy, tied to each other on the proposi
tion that every citizen of this town who
propound to worship God according to
tho communion of certain churches In
our land should be ostracised from re
HM'ctabli) standing, hunted down, an
men not worthy of public trust, and
driven out of society. I understand
that that concern U hero yet. I Laugh
tar. Hut it will not bo hero much
lomror. I do not wish to bo txirsonal or
J''" dlgrcHPoctful to any of my fellow town
Jl men. 1 know mon aro mlnled by cret
myiitarlea, oath and grips. I have been
in the buNlnewi mynelr.
I HX'iik In Mdlx'fiifHH to my fellow
townxmen who have tx'cn mlxled into
thin conxplrwy called What U it? A.
P. O. or A. 1'. A., la it? 1 do not kmw
what it nwfiiin; Imt it i u infumnu
blinded cimxpirucy amtinrt tlifi decent jietf
pie of fii town of nil purlin. Thcao
gentlemen have gone into thlx combina
tion here under oath, and they violate
the conxtltutlon every time they take
them. The cotiHlltution Itxclf expreHHly
provided that the frocdnn of religion
xhall not be abridged. Thcxo men un
dertake to interixixo txtween the houIm
of men and the I)ity. I xay they aro
not tit to tx) citizen of any community
where mon love liberty and know what
Amerlean control 1. Applauxe.
"1 dexlro to miy In all candor that the
time ha come when tlilx community,
without reX)et to party, xhould rlxe up
a one man and cruxh out the wronjr
and InjuHtlce and outrago that attended
tinonoureloetloiiN, through thiagoncy.
What did 1 not mm in the laxt tiloctlon?
My dlHtlngulhed friend on my left
(Judge Done), worthy of all honor, In
any community, not here a a Catholic
at all, a man who ha borno hlmxolf for
thirty-nine year under my peronal ob
servation, without main, or wlthoutdlH
honor, coming up a a candidate for
congrex. What do wo ee, a banded
conxplracy of the gentlemen who talk
about Catholic and about tho dont mo
tion of Catholic, and Catholic not
being worthy of cltl.omtliip among uh
the men who have been born among uh,
grown up among ux.mmlofortunc xamong
u, helped to build monumental Inxtltu
tlona of religion and monument of bux
ine, and tho lient educational mjulun
upon Hit earth. Thexe men of character
aro to bo xtrlcken down. What I the
rexult? It 1 that lioorgo W. Doano,
who wax a condldato for congrex In
thl great community, having tho
moral xopport of at leaxt the entire re
xpectabtltty of Omaha, having the
political sumxirt of a great numlior of
men, including republican of the flrxt
standing, hoping that he mltfht repre
sent u in congrexx ax the colleague of
my dlxtingulxhod friend Mr. liryan
these men get together and strike at
him. For what reaxon? Simply bo
cauxc he would not lend himnelf xtr
hap, In some way or anottier, to the
infamous performance of thene oath
bound, dark-lanterned vagabonds. A
plauxe. The italic in the above ix our.
"I have had occasion within the laxt
twenty-four months to be ashamed that
I was a citizen of Omaha," is the first
sentence quoted from tho Dx;tor's ad
dress. It probubly never occurred to
him that theutterance of such language,
as tho World Herald x.iys ho used,
would cause a majority of the citizens
of Omaha to share his feeling of shame
that be was a citizen of Omaha. Yet
such has been the result. No commun
ity feels anything but ashamed when it
harbors or affords an axylum to a per-
jl son who gratuitously maligns or
; i slanders a large majority of its reputa-
ble citizens, and Omaha is no exception
! j, to the rule.
ft The Doctor next says, "I discovered
at about that time that a band of out-
. . I , (V. tw lv id Uth
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i iit t(i iimv Hi v inx.b' Hi UI. y Isi
tile h juitli ix) iietw Till ' t alui
i4 iiniii't," tt iti tor eotitlniH-,
"ttil t.i othi-r im tli' pitn(-
rry f -tUi'ii n tbl ti n bo
) (it ttri.till t.tial lHlitlUlig to
tint i.iiiiiiimioii tf iH'ttaiii I'buifhix In
our land umlil l onti aelwil "
We I'Sll ay the ili t"i' l either Woe
fully Itflioistit a to the obji-etx of the
A. I'. A. r nlfully mlnretutiwiitii them
in otiler lo furry favor with the t
man eiiilliigent In the ili'innertille
party. If he Ix Igiierant-ami he ad
mits In the next pxrseraph that lie Is
he certainly expow himself not only
to tvnxurc hut to ridicule by attempting
.i deniaim-it that with which he Ix not
In the it-ant familiar. There Is nothing
farthr from the object of .lie A. P. A.
than the ostracism of any man lxcaum
he "Worxh lp (iiil according to the dic
tates of his conscience. That is one of
tho principles it upholds; and which
lloman Catholicism Is endeavoring to
over-throw. His the Unman system,
if the dix'tor will allow us to Instruct
him on this ilnt, which the A. P. A.
Is striving against, not tho Koman re
ligion. Tho lloman system Is a syn
onym for treachery, trickery, Intrigue,
corruption, licentiousness, superstition
and Ignorance It fosters and upholds
all that is vile, injurious and debasing.
For a stated sum the most cruel mur
derer, tiie most debased courtesan can
bo made as pure as tho most noble
hearted man or woman who believes
Christ gave the popes power to save or
damn at will. It regards with equal
favor tho saloon keeper, whoso place Is
noted for its toughness, and the gray
haired, tottering grandfather who has
lived a life of probity and sobriety, and
were they to dlo at tlio'samo moment It
is not Improbable that the vlrtures of
tho former would be extolled far more
than tho latter. And why should this
lxj so? It Is done simply to gain power.
Home lias been shrewd enough to see
that politicians would fall down and
worship her if sho could demonstrate
that she could deliver tho votes, Sho
saw that In order to deliver votes she
would have to corrupt them, and that
could not be done quicker than by de
bauching tho boy through the mudlum
of tho sabxin. Her millions, picked out
tho lx'st locations and went Into tho
business of manufactorlng criminals
and paupers. That this is so can bo
reacilly seen by hxiklng over tho list of
applicants for licenses to sell liquor,
which aro published each year. They
began their work. Little by llttlo they
Increase their power. One position
after another was filled, with subjects
of tho pope, or with their sympathizers
until it became necessary for political
parties to give the Ixist positions on
their tloKcts to the Irish and their
tool, or go down In defeat. For years
tho Protestants of thl j community wore
tho yoke and complained not. All of a
sudden It dawned upon them that tho
so-called Homan church was a political
machine. From that moment It was
Impossible for a lloman Catholic to bo
tlected to an office. It verefled the
saying that those who sow tho wind
will reap tho whirlwind.
Tho dix-tor says ho "understands that
that concern is hero yet. but that It
will not bo hero much longer." It has
boon said that a prophet Is without
honor In his own country, and It may
be barely possible ho will not prove any
more efllclont as a prophet than he has
as a defender of Humanism by an assault
upon the A. P. A.
. Tho doctor axks "what Is It? A. P. O.
or A. P. A., Is it? I do not know what
It means; but It is an infamous banded
conspiracy against the decent people of
thl town." If hodooanot know what
it means, how In the name of Owl does
ho kno'w It I an infamous conspiracy?
In tho first breath the doctor branded
the A- P. A' as outlaws, but in this
paragraph ho refers to them as gentle
men. They cannot be both, so In which
instance did the doctor use the right
Uut why should we continue this far
ther than to notice this one sentiment:
"What do wo see, a banded conspiracy
of these gentlemen, who talk about llo
man Catholics the men who
have helx:d to build the bent ed
umtioual ystem vpnn the eurlh," The
doctor knows as dix-s every intelligent
person in this community, that the sys
tem of education of the lloman church
Is a fraud, a delusion and a snare; that
tho youth who graduate from them are
not nearly so well equipped for tho
battlct of life as aro tho children who
attend and graduate from the American
public schools the hert rdnmivnxnl (
tern upon the earth, barring none.
This fight upon tho public schools
Is one of the issues we are organized to
meet and defeat. Religious lilxrty we
proixiso to uphold. Free sjxiech and a
free press wo shall always defend, and
a complete separation of church and
state will be maintained. Less than
this no loyal patriotic citizen can do.
..t I ltr H Ih
liniM f , t.l i"'l,,if ( h
T. tl ! t'l ) H. n , li li..
I ! i I i tl , ant t I ! -
I i. . cji H.i hih m
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.., U-.l t,,f it,.
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,Mii. ) i OiU ttvt in Tin)
, ti i i lit ttti'lt I.I. hi H i S.t i,n
llti- Im it.ii !, sni-i.l.,i itm h l.t
llie Sjmitsn, ir to I he Hinxt if lit
UimlkMliil ), Ml itjj.i.
ThrtHUh 'In ir fnll.-, Mi .! bwt
tin Ir iiaiimml Iiiih Umv, a other lis
Hull Uti hwt thee; but (tie .lews ti)
xUt a a tpie, tliniith ttlilimii a na
tdm or miinlry.
Alter their settlement In Slliutll,
the .lews !-esme a Very thrifty ople.
Their heiiU multiplied: tin-It grain
liehU, owIisihU and vllieyaiils, jlelileil
large returns, so that they ivalUeilall
that lull! Ist-n promised them; they
were in a "I -and Hutting with milk and
hooey." Their Wealth plied up; their
sitieal imsii'tneii was rccognlxcd;
and their growth was more rapid than
almost any other nation that has ever
existed, except jxrhas our own.
The Jews were a sicullar jxople, us
the rest of the world lixdced upon them.
They did not enjoy this distinction,
they wanted ti bo "like other people,"
so they adopted tho manners and cus
toms, and tho sins of their neighbors.
They Ix'eamo an idolatrous nation, and
this led them on in Iniquities, till God
delivered them over to their enemies,
and they were led away intoalavery
Degredatlon and poverty followed
Isaiah lived and wrote more than a
hundred years before these evils bofol
the Jewish jwoplo.. The Holy Spirit
revealed to hltn tho overthrow of tho
Jews; but their return was also re
vealcd to the prophet, and that part of
his prophecy referring to the return
and restoration of tho Jews to Jerusa
lem, formi our tax t for this day.
First. A way for their return to bo
Second. All obstacles were bo re
moved from their way.
Third. A national standard should
Im raised for all the people.
The land of Canaan was tho land of
promise to tho Jews. It was a beauti
ful and a rich land. Palestine was to
the Jews very much what America has
been to us, a land of plenty and of lib
erty, They loved their land, aye, they
love It still, and still dream of return
ing to it. They love it for it is their
country, as wo love America, as wc love
this our country
Your motto, as an order, is, "Our
Country," and- while we do not criticise
it, we, who aro also loyal citizens and
honest men, love to sneak- of this as
"Our Country" too. This country of
ours, covering In round numixrs 3,000,
000 square miles, Is equal to sixty
states as largo as England and Wales,
Take all the cactern part of F.uropo,
and tho best part of It, and you could
lay ltdown three times on tho territory
of the United States, and not then
reach the Pacific cean. Tho natural
resources of our country far exceeds
those of any other land. Our Inex
haustible coal mines and our hills and
mountains aro filled with almost every
useful and precious metal. There are
no necessary products of tho soil that
we cannot produce In abundance.
All these natural resource being at
hand, and tho necessities of a new and
rupldly filling country, have stimulated
the natural inventive genius of the
xoplo, so that wo have ixicomo tho
first among tho Inventive and manu
facturing S!Oples of the earth. A few
years ago there was held In Paris,
France, an International F.lectrlcal
exhibition, and there were offered five
gold medals. How many of them think
you came to tho United States? Only
five. Ten years ago the manufactured
articles of the United Slates were twice
the agricultural products, In value.
For year wo have exceeded tho manu
facturing output of England, by nearly
l,(XH),000,000 annually. His believed
that we have the capability of feeding
1,000,000,000 jieoplo, and that when our
agricultural and manufacturing indus
tries are fully developed, we will sus
tain and enrich such a po ulatlon.
Trul,', as Matthew Arnold has said,
"America holds tho future."
Hut, men and brothers, God has given
us not alone, this our country, for ma
terial development and profit, but that
here there might bo develojxid the
finest type, the noblest specimens of
human character. This Is tho land of
promise for all mankind. With all
these resources at our hands, God Im
poses upon us as lie has a right to
certain conditions and responsibilities.
By the mixing of all the best bloods of
all the nations of the earth, and by
purifying Influence! of Christianity,
God exixicts here to solve the problems
of civil government, and hero establish
a race that will illustrate "tho brother
htxxl of man." If wo co-ojxirato with
God, this will lxj realized. If we rebel
against God's designs, the fata of other
nations that have passed away will bo
our fate also.
-The principles of your order faith
fully carried out, will eo-o)X!rate with
God and His church in saving this na
tion. I hail and greet with pleasure,
an organization such as yours, which
has for its object the promotion of
American Interests, tho assistance of
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:st'tt.ti)i- ,i i., ftirtiit
; ... i
!, il ;i iiig ji.-u ,. k,,t, - n l.t
I Mli. III lllillt Mitt !. in Hf,y WISH
; .. i and jour I U f In the !i iij ,4 in
ilUid'isi eiHiw'h (n-e In tnst I. r ( I Im!h
In if In tin1 i't,ii 4 our
m.' it. i. HMitM jnii .i p i!,,i,.,(
IM) llitili-In i ti i) putille . hiiii-M-,
Kliil lit fly the flag ill tmr timliy over
(In. riif of t iy m bitnl In the land
Hunt etmitiu in jour m-ili r l.i the heai ty
endorwiiient of te-t Ann Hewn vtrlnl
Him b prlnelple for tuHe.Ulinii ston.-s,
ml 'M-h olij,i't lni rttuvi n In tin
struetuivof yimr order, niske you
one of Ihenutt-t lmHtrtnt mafeguanls til
isir country's nmsi loti-tl Institiitlous
l me tht-n, my fellow eltlcetis and
brothers, applv the first lhoui;ht of our
text this morning to our order; lej
through the gat , prenirs a way for
tho ts'ople. (in Into every stale and
territory of this country, go Into every
city and town and nohixil district. Go
in the name of the father of his coun
try, Washington, and in the name of
the saviour of our country, Lincoln
Go In the name of the millions of your
fidlow citizens. Go In tho name of the
millions of Amerlean homes. Go In
tho name of the 20,000,000 schoolchil
dren. Go In tho namo of Christ, and
place on every schixil teacher's desk tho
Open Hlble, with orders to teach at
least ono lesson a day from its pages,
preparing the way for happiness and
prosperity of all the people. Insist
that no creed of any denomination
shall ever be taught In any public
school. Insist that not a cent of the
people's money shall go to pay any
clergyman of any church, and that none
of the public monies shall ever be paid
out for the support of any denomina
tional school or college. Protect tho
individual conscience in all matters of
worship. Do this, and you will ever
have the most hearty support of the
more than 3,000,000 Haptlsts of tho
Unltad States
Hoger Williams, the champion of
these vety principles, was banished
from Boston more than two hundred
years ago, and ho was ono of the first
Baptists who ever lived on these shores,
Daptlstx have always opposed the union
of church and state, and it Is a matter
of common history that Haptlsts have
been foremost In Insisting that tho
state must not Interfere In matters of
religion and conscience in the worship
of God, We have always opposed the
using of any of the public funds for
church or denominational school pur-
ptWts. Not ono cent of the hundreds of
thousands of dollars appropriated an
nually, for the purpose of educating
tho Indians, has ever been accosted by
Haptlsts. We have good schools
among tho Indians, and wo support
thorn without drawing upon tho public
funds, and will continue to do so, or we
will close thorn. Men, and brethren,
yon must see how heartily we endorse
your principles.
Gathering the stones out of tho roads
was an Important purtof road building
among tho hills of New England and
tho eastern states. Tho stones in tho
roads were an obstacle to free travel,
and so the text may !) seen to have an
application to those prlnelple of your
order which are intended to oppose and
expel from the body politic of tho coun
try, the evils growing out of unrestricted
Immigration. There are dangers already
threatening tho very life of this nation
Joxlah Strong says, In his book, "Our
Country:" "Political optimism Is one
of tho vices of the American people.
There Is a popular faith that God takes
care of children, fixdsand the United
States. We deem ourselves a chosen
xioplo and incline to the belief that tho
Almighty stands pledged to our pros
perity. Probably not ono in a hundred
of the population ha ever questioned
tho security of our future," Thought
ful men everywhere see the perils In
our horizon. A few men will keen on
the watch, and these few must give tho
alarm betimes, so that tho rest of tho
people may bo aroused. Josfah Strong
sees seven perils that threatan Amer
ica, as follows: First. Immigration;
Second. Humanism: Third. Mormon
Ism; Fourth. Intemperance; Fifth.
Sixjlallsm; Sixth.- Wealth; Seventh.
The city. The first of these, Immigra
tion is largely accountable lor four of
tho other perils, namely: Ilomanlsrn,
Morrnonlsm, Intemperance, Sixjlallsm.
It is immigration that has given the
Homan Catholic church in this country
its great power. Ills Ilomanlsrn that
Is the greatest foe our public scluxils
has to contend with. Homanism is the
greatest opponent to tho English lan
guage in America, and the strongest
antagonist against assimilating tho
X!oplo into ono indivisible people as
rapidly ax possible, Tho power of Homo
in politics Is well known, if not so
readily admitted. The priest controls,
to the lust ballot, the vote of the Ho
man Catholics. Tho nod of Olympian
Jove, in tho palmiest days of mythology,
was nothing, as compared with the
power In this country of the beck and
nod of tho mitred head that sits In tho
Vatican. Talk about free sxcch and
the free press, the latter Is under the
lloman Catholic powur in America.
Thcro is no longer any free press. Tho
press may be lalrly honest in all it does
publish, but it is not honest, as the
tl... ,i-l. , m what II i-iftM
It. Hi . f. -t .,v I ! ,U.V
j III J"- .ill
(.s.'uii t.t ii.i ti, -,,),, !;,,,i
I ll.i urn,, i.!in, i.. Hi'if I
l tl bus i ii l In il In l4 li,
in j f si in t t it ui (,, lit it In
tin til .J PliiU.I. t ,!, IV, at tin.
lime ( i,i- u tlx-i-i t tn n tb lb'ms.5
t 'alii.tfii l in In ii t,i fcf -t h
Me one of tin- ttvtat stlliM sttnia
til b) the major of the, i lly fur the pur-
tM i if prot.-tiiig f, mh, trtiei ty
awl be rf-rli mml, i II a wit
-.! the splrll of Home at that time
t ut of thai riot, ti a Urge rxt. nt, your
enter grew, M) father a one of the
Hil to Infinite , l.iil 111.. I with the
American iiuivi'ment at that time,
MormonUm has ite luted most large
ly iism immigration for Its growth
Ills Immigration that has fed fat the
liquor power. The great and damning
evils which come from itrink, lo the In
dividual and to the families of the drunk
ards artt by no means the only evils,
and I almost ssld that lluwo evils were
not the greatest. Tint xilltlcal xiwer
which the liquor Interests are always
striving ta exert, should cause decxst
concern In the mind and heart of every
Hue patriot. They aro Ixild and do
limit. Before the legislative Investiga
tion committee, appointed by the New
York legislature a few years ago, the
liquor mon acknowledged that they had
sx-nt 1100,000 one winter at Albany, In
controlling, or shaping legislation. The
New York 2Hm says: "The great
underlying evil which jmralisics every
effort to get good laws and to secure
the enforcement of those we already
have, is the system of local politics
which gives to tho saloon-keepers more
power than is possessed by all the
religious and educational institutions
of tho city."
Socialism, in its worst form: Social
Ism that is allied to anarchism and that
seeks to bring all things and all men to
the same level by tearing down our
cities and tearing down our American
Institutions, is another of the evils that
you must aid all other good men In op
posing and expelling from our land.
Wealth ought not bo an evil to be
dreaded, especially In this country
where so many of us start together in
tho same town and in the same school
Here, of all places on earth, mon ought
to have the kindliest feelings for each
other, notwithstanding the fortunes of
some and tho misfortunes of others.
Hut when the greatest portion of the
wealth is held by so few, as only about
5 per cent, of the population, the danger
is that those few will soon come to foci
their importance, to the oppression of
tho many who are poor. The power of
money Is doubtless the greatest evil to
bo dreaded. Tho aristocracy which
wealth brings is of a heartless sort.
What is not allowed in America if
there lxj only money In it? Every sort
of Sunday desecration Is planned for,
"because there is money In it." Licen
tious literature that blights more
homes than anything, aside from drink,
Is allowed, because there is money in
it. Gambling flourishes lx'.causo there
Is money in it. That great abomination
of desolation, that triumph of Satan,
that more than ten Egyptian plagues
In one tho liquor traffic grows and
thrives at tho expense of overy human
interest, because there is money In It,
Ever since greed of gold sold Christ
and raflled for Ills garments, it has
crucified every form of virtue between
thieves. "Uut they that will bo rich,
fall Into temptation and a snare, and
Into many foolish and hateful lusts,
which drown men in destruction and
perdition." Tim. 8: 0.
The classes from which wo have
most to fear are tho two classes, the
dangerously rich and the dangerously
pixir, and of tho two, we have most to
foarfiom tho dangerously rich, The
great middle classes, to which wo bo-
long, holds the power to control both
these classes If we are not bushed Into
silence and Indifference by the rich,
Chancolor Crosby ha said: "Tho dan
ger which threatens tho uprooting of
society, the demolition of civil Institu
tions, tho destruction of liberty and the
desolation of all, is that which comes
from the rich and powerful classes In
tho community."
While speaking on this part of our
subject, I desire to call your attention
to the present state of affairs as they
exist In this city, and call upon you to
lay aside all party prejudice and rise
up with all good men of this city, and
Insist that there shall bo some radical
chitnges In our municipal government.
Wo have hero some 280 saloons, paying
a license of MOOO each .sir year. We
have from seventeen to thirty gambling
houses that aro running with open
doors, by virtue of a city ordinance,
contrary to the state laws, and these
gambling houses pay a fine on the first
day of each month of tl.'iO euch. Some
thing like 1MH) poor unfortunates
fallen women pay a monthly tax or
fine of $8.00. Tho mistresses of the
low dives and the palaces of sin, pay a
monthly (1 no of fMO.OO. Probably WO,
000 are received directly Into the
treasury of this city from these evils
which I have mentioned. There Is no
fair-minded jxirson who can believe
but that three-fourths of this evil could
bo easily suppressed, and that it would
net ix! tolerated for one month If it was
not for tho money there Is In it. Hut
It won't pay you In tho long run to allow
these things to exist. Here, then, are
the evils that are all around us, and the
!. lU 1 1, mI i-i-iIii l tic i . , ,;t
! it I t, Uh- I. til l,i t. (.,., Hit .t (
sell lii? .;iii'j in. ant. In tl.U in.isitu,
li-sl n;t lute Ann i!i tiii ti t .t j.iiH
I Sl-U l H tttot lug l! i 't. .l-i,',..
ll.tvxlt, nml ran not Unigvr
nil tit Itill' 1)1 .t 1,M H. ft lM1,iHt
t.f iln- . i..;.i Now I hi. j.t
list )oti ibiiklit in lining, If r,
Jinir pi tin lii sihI M!,) ,.( ),n
old. r si Ijjht. YiHialin t. pisiv (url
etiry . In ml him.- n ih Und, an
Aineitenn rUif, and in-ll thai It nhall
' kepi there, sifl that the ihlultvi.
shall Im taught lo honor and bite that
flag a the vmlsl of ibelr liberty.
This It right This Is well. The flsa
should wave In every breee that
weet aerowi Hi country. Every
where, Hot mmt Iteautlful flag that was
ever deslgniil should ls flung out.
Ttim inn lln Iirihii i- ttn-n. tlit men snit
Throw mil ids luiniliiit. ihn hmI wlilln unit
An i-Milili'iii iifl,iti.mii u i-rliuwiii liar.
An t'ln! li'iii of litisi. n lia fluvierlng
I.lfl up lint tin o'er lliee rlillilren of
Ul It flim! from em li w-hiHil linun
and rolli'Kt-.
A higher application. Fellow men,
a preacher, like tho prophets of old,
must stand and sx ak from God to men,
and to God for men. I once was a
mechanic, and right proud I am too of
tho fact. God called mo from tho shop
to tho school and college, that He
might send me forth to preach, to tell
the messago of salvation to the world,
through Ills Son, our fellow workman,
Jesus Christ. Today, I would feel self
condemned, and you could not believe
tnat I was deeply concerned about the
souls, and the immortal welfare of
your souls, if I did not speak to you of
this Saviour. It was told of an engineer
that was caught and held fast in hia
wreck, on the New York Central rail
way a few months ago, that when they
found him, the first thing ho said, was:
"Boys, flag tho other train, flag the
other train." The poor fellow was dy
ing. He was fast, and all the lower
part of his body was crushed; but he
thought not of himself, but only of the
oncoming train, and he cried out, with
his last breath, for thera to "Flag that
train." 1 have been around with men.
I know your temptations. I know that
you are apt to think there will bo but
few that are glad to see the mechanics
in church. Sometimes there is cause
enough for that feeling. I have been
through it all, and I want to give you a
laxt warning before I bid you God speed
on this Now Years morninir. I come
to you kindly and In love, but with can
dor, and I ask you, if you, who are so
careful to have the Hlble In .the public
schools, are equally careful to have it
open on your own tables at home? Are
you careful to read its wonderful pre
cepts, and do you make its teachings
the guide of your every day conduct?
This Hlble, which is the sheet anchor
of the republic, must bo tho lamp to
your footsteps, ft Is even more import
ant that this Hook should be in your
hearts, tha i that it should be in the
school house, There is not a man of
you, but will be a better son, or hus
band or father this year than ever be
fore, if tho Bible is dally read in your
homes. You young men, you will bring
the sweetest joy into your old mother's
face that you ever saw, if you begin this
year to follow all the precepts of the
Bible. You young men with sweet
hearts awaiilng your coming this even
ing, you will spend the happiest year
of your life this year of J8D3, If you will
give your choicest and first lovo to God
Himself, if you will let this blessed
Book guide you this year. Try It this
year, and tnen come hack at the end of
the year, and toll mo If I deceived you.
And you husbands and fathers, with
wives sweeter and dearer to you than
tho sweetheart ever was, there is some
thing noble and inspiring to see the
sather tho standard bearer for the Lord
In Ills own house, Fathers, I appeal to
you, who am a father, get from the Bible
your inspiration and hojio for this new
year. Make this day the beginning of
a Christian home for your family, You
owo It to Miem.
Men and brethren, open the gates to
your hearts and let tho Lord Himself
go through and clean out all the rub
bish. Throw up for him a highway to
your souls and Ho will raise a standard
there that will pass you Into Heaven
when this fair land of ours, with all
other lands, shall have passed away.
Today, beneath the bright sun of the
new year, stand up like men, and vow
that you will turn your backs upon all
that has been bad or unmanly in the
past, and that you will llvo henceforth
for God, and country, and home, Ixjt
tho wild bells ring with joy today. Let
them ring out the old, and in your
hearts let them ring In tho new, the
new life, the new living, tho new joy,
and this will bo tho happiest New Year
that you have ever spent.
God bless you men, In all these blessed
ways. I wish you, and all yours, a '
happy New Year.
We have published that encyclical
with the dispatch and the Tyler' com
ments In circular form. This circular
will bo tho greatest eyo-operier you can'
place In the hands of your friends. Wo
have fixed the price as follows: 100
or 00c; 200 for $1.00; ,'100 for 1.40: 400
for $1.7.'); COO for $2.00; looo for 1.00;
and each additional looo for i'1.00.
Send In your order at once.
Try the American Bakery.