The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Aemt v .
AllC h limws
A4 I'e4 m t i. tot
At If e lell t Kr
r4" a4 r1 wt4 w he
Ant 4 a rtit A. (Hk
AM fiA a4 -ii wiitM
' Att'Ml tfc ir ' ,
Hwl la Wl4ta. rla
n,M ft r a4
mm$ tr dnlm. -utt ltp
A aung -At liw fttttif
Ar4 n tw r iwti,i r .
Aa4 tail th far Una wea lr.
Tt la lha fca.l dialnno Am .
An4 el lumitfli f lh "r
. I,aa Marrda
1 wih lo ea Ml l .irr " aatd
Vaoce Whitney U Ilia acrvant who
answered hit Impatient ring l Ihe
door of Ihe l,etr mansion and he
sired a toward the (mrler. Ho had
not to wall long. lhe door swung
noiselessly, and Olive lesier came
hrlnklngiy toward hint
Ha advanced eagerly to meet hen
llul he thrank from him covering
liar face with hr bund
Olive, ray little Olive," ha anUL
trying to taka her hands from hor
"No, no!" wronehing herself away
from him. "I'm not your Olive any
mora, Vance: 1-1 don't "
-What OllveP"
"I don't love you. 1 thought I did,
till he came. 1 have pro ml nod to be
his wife. Don t blame mo, Vance
don' t look ao at mo."
"Whose wlfo have you promised
to boP" he demundod almost fiercely.
She murmured something very low,
but he caught the name.
You were almost my wife, Olive,"
be said, la a passionate whisper,
and he was ray friend. 1 may for
give you, but I will never forgive
The next Instant Olive was alone
and Vance Whitney was hurrying
down the streot
lie remembored that morning, as
he otood la Ernest Kvremont's spacious
library, just 10 years from that day,
his hand closing, with an Iron grip
upon a paper It held.
"Have mercy! God knows. I was
only tempted to do it in the hope to
ave from beggary and ruin my wife
and child, lie merciful for her sake.
For her sake you stole from me,
with deliberate beguiling," Vance
said, with bitter sarcasm as thrust
ing the paper la his pocket, he left
the room.
As ho was descending the steps of
the veranda outside, a shower of
roses came pelting in a fragrant aval
anche upon him, and a laugh tweet
as the trill of a mocking-bird, gur
gled out from somewhere among the
. blossoms.
He flung a dark look overhead, and
he saw peeping at him through the
leaves two eyes, black with mis-
-fci$voti "7uu and sparkle, two round
dimpled arms, overflowing still with
The child started a lltllo at sight
of his face, and dropped hor rosea
saying in a voice as sweot as the
laugh had been:
"I am sorry I thought It was
v ance Whitney gazed at the pretty
croature like a man in a tranco. Sud
denly he turned, and swiftly ro raced
his slops to the library, In which
Krnest Kvremont still sat, his head
bowed to the table in the extremity
of his despair. Vance pained in the
doorway and looked at him.
"Krnest" he said, "there is one
condition on which 1 will forgive this
wrong, and that othor deeper one you
4 Id mo long ago."
Name 11"
"Glvo mo your child."
He almost recoiled from the look of
despairing anger with which Kvre
mont rogarded him.
My child, my little Olive! Mun,
wroteh, dastard, what Is it you iwkP
What has my pretty darling done
that you should wish to harm hor!"
Ho held out his arms as ho spoke,
and the child, who. hud descended
from the veranda roof, sprang Into
i would not harm a hair of hor
head, Ernest," he said la a low
What, thonP"
' "You have other children I have
neither wife nor child, (jive me this
chltd to dwell in my desolate homo,
to rear teoderly, carefully, as you
could rear her; give her to me, to be
my wife in time. You will nolP Then
take the consoquonooa"
He turned away, and Kvremont
groaning, let the child slip from her
powerful arms to the floor. Hut she
clung to him, saying, In hor soft,
weet voice:
Oh, PAlpa, papa, what shall I do
or you?"
"Olive," he said suddonly, "would
you go and live with that man away ,
from all of us. to save mamma and
tne, and Ueorglo and Fred, from a
groat, great trouble:"'
She darted from the room and over
took Vance Whitney at the avenue
gate, She was breathless with run
ning, so that sho could not speak, but
olzed his hand, and drew him unre
eistlngly back to her father.
"You accept my conditions?"
Vance domanded, as ho entered the
library again.
"I muBt, if she will go with you
willingly, " Kvremont said, brokenly.
The June afternoon was bright the
Juno rosos hanging In as vivid clus
ters as thoy had that morning a week
before, whon Olive Kvremont had
peltod Vance Whitney with them,
lint Olive hersolf, as she came out
under tholr drooping fragranco. and
entering the waiting carriage, was
driven away to her future home, the
grand, gloomy house in which Vance
Whitney lived had changed very
much in that short week. She
looked pale and ill poor child, and
thore were groat, dark rlna about
the poft, bright eyes. Vance Whit
ney led her into tho house with state
ly 4 riMiii.. wtittfi as
tfc.nm M 4 air ! the wite
i a I the saia,
IhnU't tttt ftf fcr fl Him l Kit,
H'aa jM rtf 1r aa4 -l a
atr4 it ft "
M u a4 Mar
nnii im f4 foa him ta a flooJk
t rti a -wilia ill
OlitA 1 am a lonrlj, . mm. hu I
r t wiak fcai'M '
And Uat tt ljmn t
ratf li-t'l on ol i.i lrmoat
IU nit ht I pry lmtl.
IfKni iiviy cruiili, nilon thnt moay
or lh tiiA ai ti(ut kin'lnf itniid
jnNnir for hr. IMivahal Mta mi
iirr iian tmtiil) t tiftn a oh
rlu thrtujih rMr In tlta rviim
ol hor trani gmti.lnn anil he grvw
In ttm ipnt.) nt hum In the grand
hoiir wlili li Hir i'o ml ii a ixmnd to
(ill wltli unMiitm
Aa OIIe grw tidier and (Wi ognlypd
alitaly whnt Ihnl fnie wtm to which
aim whs di'ttlmni ili grow ltnnt and
hy and uiicummunlcntUa. even with
her inothnr.
At clghtwn she wni n much love
lier than Olive llor. her mother,
had boon a a mon roue Iron U lovo
I lor than Iti plainer sisters whose
stem are unsheathed In velvety em
erald. it was another Juno afternoon
when Vanco Whitney sought her
presence In the protiy boudoir. She
exported him.
She lifted the aliky black oyelashos.
and dropped them again quickly at
eight ol him. not noting that he looked
like a mun who had paaed the night
in watching.
"Olive," he said, taking her hand
Hut she drew it away troni him.
He shut his eyos a moment and his
face whitoncd a little. Then ho wont
"I have learned to lovo you In these
years as 1 boliove man never loved
woman before. Till lately I thought
nothing could make me yield you.
ltut 1 will not have a loveless wife.
My child, you are as free as though
you had never seen me."
He put a sealod envelope la her
hand directed to Krnest Kvremont
and said, 'the carriage wails your
commands." and he left her.
Free from tho hateful bond
free" she murmuied, dashing the
tears from her eyos, and wondering
what made her heart sink so. "Now
for home dear, dear home."
Hut she crlod all the way, try as
she would not to.
They were surprised somewhat at
home to see her, but glad, and heard
her story with varied emotions. Kr
nest Kvremont,. as he dropped upon
the flames the little paper to which
he had wrongfully, and to such last,
ing punishment put another's name,
Sra hla phllri t.A Vi I m unri irlaaarl tiAi.
Suddenly she lifted her beautiful
eyea dim with tears, her little hands
extended In entreaty:
"1'npa, mamma. I'm going back,
Come with me and toll him what
never, never can."
Vance Whitney sat In his lone li
brary, just as he hud Hat ever since
he saw the last gllmpso of Olive en
tering the carriage his attitude
hopolcMs, his oyos seolng only va
cancy. Mrs. Kvromont could hardly see
him for tears; his desolato life had
been a living reproach to her.
"Vance," she said gently, hor
voice broken, "my littlo girl cannot
be happy away from you. Sho wants
to come bii'k and live with you
always. May sho;1"
Ho turned with a HuhIi, volcolosftly
extending his arms. A Mender littlo
figure glided from tho shadows by
the door and nostlod in thorn, sob
bing. "You don't love moP" he questioned
Incredulously, holding hor cIomo.
"Yea I do; I do; 1 do: but if you
hadn't sent mo away from you, I'm
afraid I should nover have found it
So the old pain and wrong were
swallowed up in overwhelming joy.
New York News.
All 1 1 ! A' iIi.HkiI,
A funny story is told of two French
noblomon and a favorite actress.
The Frenchmen woro suitors of the
lady and both soomod to bo equally
esteemed by hor. It appears that In
Franco, as well as In many other
co un trie a lock of hair Is consid
ered a signal pledge of tender pasxlon.
Mllo. Kortha glories In tho possession
of auburn ringlets, and would not
part with one of thorn for loss than a
duchy. Hor admirer however, hap
pened to have hair of tho same
golden hue as that of tholr common
Each boggod a tre s of hor hair in
oxofuingu for a lock of hU own, to
hich the charming croature readily
aHenlod; and. without touching a
single hair of her head, cunningly
mamtgod to elToct an exchange of
parcels by which eaoh gentleman re
ceived a curl of his rival s capillar
los. The count now wears the bar
on's hair next his heart and the bar
on sloops with the count's lock under
his pillow. Million.
Softsodder. on tho cars Soe that
young ludy across tho aitdeP Just
note the Intel loctuallty of hor fuco.
Sourby, groutily Yarp!
SofUoddor As fair as tho daughter
of the gods, as intellectual as Mlnorvat
Oh, to hoar her voice, to
Miss Lyddy (i recoup, the subject
under dlsousBion l'lease excuse me,
mintor, but kin you tell me where we
are at?
I'.imll.T Hlrttoml.
Mta Klderly I doa't care anything
for sooloty. Heaven be pralxod. I am
satisfied with being In my own com
pany. Mr. Hlunt You are altogether too
modest, Miss Klderly Texas Slft-Ings.
SI ! ! a !
K Mr- I I roltima rl the
Metff t ! ltt trjr t
h wtt)-tM )( 'A lA
Ike Nh tli aant,t)t) tlir. tcaa
this cHr for li tui iar4 lai
wany !. i atHitiittKa wtii, k
(Mm Ua Aji of ha ,m,s1 ftwf a
tat Hi ill vA of Xhm i-ivM an
wrt tmli4 fr lh r tt a4 for
IHHjp a well at III KmIUIU t
llmr vaaota Nn-itly the lt
anoan f thrwa uHt ar itite rlly
the Toitor I'Unintion on mtice
npily Untilii a thr ware
tlirt-a lav. Ihcy aac ilalpl
lima etitindlng fivnt tha lltlanla ep
Mlia Ilia mainland on the aonlhrra
lank nf the rlvvr mllaa l- k Into the
ln lands
l"oHr's ginia. a a part of ihe
liliift. iHivennd with maive, niis fa
tootiod oaks was Known, at farnotiA
a ltotiavcntuio. In "White'a Matt.
IW' pulllhml nearly tifty yor ago.
I a full Illustration of the spot
'I hone place, an grand a ever In
natural iNiauiy and productiveness,
nro still there but lu old plantation
life and ciihIohh nri no mora. The
dccndant of thoou who ware once
lord of the manor now live at the
North ami foul no Intercut in the
homos of Iholr ancestors. The .'ot
ter p)ac nearest tho city, known as
"The Orange, " which was sold sev
eral yours ago. has bocomo a
fnrmlng settlement. Tho river front
Is a high bluff covorod with majestic
trees. A good road extends from
that point through the contor of the
plantation to tho AugtHta road and
the Charleston and Savannah railway,
a distance of two miles Tho land
on each aido is laid olT In small farms,
l'robably there is no spot in the
country so well adapted for truck
gardening. Tho land is fertile and
the moans of getting tho produce to
market are unrivaled. Nothing
would be more in keeping with the
progress of the Hge than that this
old plantation should become the cen
ter of a colony of prosperous furmers.
A Natural Curloally In Vlrglnln, mid How
It ItlimpMi.rMl.
Up until about the middle of April,
181)0. the "Black Hole of Middle
Mountain" was ono of the best known
of Virginia's natural curiosities, the
Natural Hridge, of course, always ex
cepted. Tho Black Hole was a natur
al well about twenty foot in diameter,
situated at the foot of Middle Moun
tain on the farm of A. IL Slitllngton
In 1'ocahontaH county. It was of un
known depth and locally believed to
be poisonous from the fact that cattle,
horses and other animals in common
refused to drink of tho water, although
almost famishing from thirst Black
Hole has boon known since at least
100 years before the opening of the
Revolutionary war, and was given the
name It bore because Its waters looked
as black as Ink, even though the eyes
of the beholder were not more than
two foet distant from its surface.
Whon dlppod out by the cup, pall
or barrolful it appoared as cloar as
crystal the original coal black ap
pearance being a phenomena never
satisfactorily accounted for. At
about tho time montlonod In the
opening. Black Hole, whioh had
stood with its waters at a uniform
level for two centuries of white man's
history (during which time the water
line had novor In the loast been af
fected by Hood or drouth,) auddonly
disappeared. One Varner, who lives
on the Slitllngton farm, was tho first
to dlscovor and announce what wai
considered a neighborhood calamity.
Ho had gone to salt the cattle which
UHunlly congregated in tho shade
around tho brink of the pool, and was
amazingly iiHtonlHhed to find that the
old "bottomless well" hud suddonly
bocomo a thing of the past Its
waters had boon mystonously drain
ed 1 Its sldos had fallen In and the
black hole had truly - perished off
tho faco and out of tho depths of the
"""'what Ha U,
The tramp had appealed for a dime
and had it safe in his pocket
Why don't you go to work?" asked
tho donor of the dime.
"I don't have to." ho ropllod.
Why notP Have you enough
money to live onP"
No, sir, but I have a position, sir."
"Hut I thought you said you didn'f
I don't"
"And you haro no prlrate for
tuneP" The tramp smiled negatively.
Then what kind of a position do
you holdP"
"I'm the connecting link between
labor and capital SeeP" Detroit
Free I'rosa.
Truly a Tomporary linraajrvment.
Jeweler Those mourning oar-rlngs
are very durable and will last a long
Widow Thon I don't think I really
want them, unions you are willing to
exchange them foraomo other jewelry
later on. Texas Sittings.
A (Irmiri Nrlirai.,
"I save money under this new tar
iff on tobacco " said lilnks.
Tell us how you do it" put in
Lathers, "I'd llko to do it myself."
I smoke ono thlrty-cont cigar now,
whero I used to smoke two twenty
flvera" Harper's Bazar.
All Ahlft lifrn.
He Ah, my flrt wife! She loved
me, but you don't
She That's because whon I mar
ried you I promlnod not to love an
other woman's husband. Smith,
Gray & Co.'s Monthly.
Nil IxtuM il It.
Ralph There In one thing 1 notice,
that every girl likes to have hor fin
ger In.
Kobort What Is thatP
Kalph An engagement ring.
Tt rM'tl JOt I V.MOAf
Ho the
m4MMltlM tMifltl oa
ttaai ! wt
4 IK. tfe4lH.
Ajf aailcr (amltlar elih Teil litre
amr wlUMljo.i th atrj l tfc
j.i!j .Ui ,.t II,.- Maitha kaae and
lha craw f it, tml Ur ahe caira
1h Wtnd a a lii II. aaily
Init of 0 nnt i-cntiiiy, and tuns
tlikt Ida Maitha mh alialilp
In command ol alapiain Maw k )
thn rttlUdnlpltla 1 lmi Among
tho of hi allintf noun tit thotii
Hod for ciii-iin and Knl)ni
ha wa tamoiia for nnparalU:d cru
elly and cold l.loodod l.ncliy.
Among Um captive aim c rricd on
Uil, her Ut o)ngc, m a netfro
prince, a follow ol more than ordi
nary lntlllgcnci who was moved
by his own autlcrings and llio.o of It in
H)oplo that ha arranged a plan for
their dolh pi-nnciv 1 lie plot wan thai
whon the hold um opened to let down
food to litem certain of llioiu woro to
lend their back to others to leap to
the deck, where a mull wa to be
niiulo upon the crew and olllcort who
were lo be knocked down and snoiircd.
1 ho Hint part of this plnn worked
very well. Ihe cnptivca lea pod to
the deck and piling toward tholr
tormentor but the latter being
armed una the miserable slaves being
weakened by privation and tho want
of air, they woro knocked down and
killed with ;uts ot tho eulliiMHOK and
t'to olllcora' pUtols until tho blood
llowod off the deck In rlvulot.i, when
tho bodies were thrown to I lie sharks
Hint hung about tho vessel an If In
anticipation of the feast that was fur
nished thorn. Some of tho slaves
woro not yet doad whon thoy woro
thrown overboard, thore to find a
speedy ondiug In the jaws of thoso
horrid soa wolves .
Tho hatchos wore thon hammorod
down upon tho remaining human
cargo, who, as a punishmont, were
thus doprived of free air for the day
or two that woro loft before tho ship
was to make port Hundreds died,
their rooking bodies polluting the
foul air of tho hold still more. Many
went mad and bit and lore tholr com
panions who were too weak to defend
thomselves. That Captain Hawke
would thus jeopardize his freight
seems incredlblo, but tho man's
cruelty got tho bettor of his greed;
besides. It was a matter of courso
that a good percentage would die on
the voyngo.
Hut for the prlnco who had planned
tho revolt was rosorvod the weightiest
punishment of all. Ho was stripped
nuked and lowered into the water,
where the sharks woro allowed to
snap at his limbs before he was drawn
up again, tearing them away almost
Inch by inch. Ho was crazed by hun
ger and thirst, as well as his suffer
ings, and going quite mad, cursed the
ship. Its captain, olllcors and crew,
foretelling that tho vessel would burn
by fire sent from heaven, and that
such of the crow as did not perish In
her would bo doomed to haunt these
waters evor more. Hut ho dlod arald
the jeering of the wretches about
That night howovor, the rigging
was found to bo on fire, the llamos
descending Instoad of flaring upward,
and licking tho men from the decks
as if thoy had been so many knots of
wood. Tho captain nnd two of his
olllcers and throo or four of his mon
(led lo tho jolly-boat, and succeeded
in launching her upon tho stormy
water that surrounded tho whip, al
though beyond her tho sea lay tran
quil. Whon tho men woro gone and
the jolly-boat had pulled away, the
llames ceased us suddonly as thoy
came, and the slave carno trooping
up from tho hold unharmed. 'J hoy
lloatod about for a day or two until
they woro discovered by an outward
bound ship, whon thoy told their
wonderful story, but forgot to add
how, whon tho flames had dlod away,
tho crew of tho jolly-boat had triod
onco more to board the vewioJ, thoy
were boalon buck by tho dosporate
Since thon the jolly-boat has been
often soen, so sailors doelaro in those
waters, with her crow pulling away
for dear life, but when overtaken they
are soen to be only nakod skeletons
looking back over their shoulders with
hldoouH grins nnd tholr eyos ablaze
with a horrid Ore not of earth. This
boat invariably runs before the fear
ful gales that are exporlonced on this
coast ' and every captain who sees
this spectral craft dancing before him
keeps his weathor eye open. An old
sailor, who now pulls a fish and
oyster boat in this port tells the fol
lowing atofy of the Martha Kane's
ghostly crew.
I saon her twicet Onco when I
Was bos'n on tho Bo tor Snelling.
bound for Kngland. when late one af
ternoon tho man at tho wheel sung
out Boat out yondor, sir. ' nnd sho'
'nough on looking 1 soo a littlo Itoat
bobbin' up and down in tho water
with six or seven person in her,
Thoy looked like thoy was pullln'
tow'ds us, and the captain give orders
to lay to, but them follcrs didn't seem
to mok no progress, an' lat it struck
mo what she wa so I tolls the mate,
but he juHt larfed an' said, Don t boa
fool Hill,' ao up I shot Hut by and
by we bore down on hor and wo see
thar was only dead men in hor, with
rotten oars still gripped in their bony
"That night the l'otor Snolllng was
struck by a hurrienno and wont down
with all on board 'copt me and a man
Thlmblorigg. Tho next time I saw
her I was. out horo in the bay fishing,
whon a fog swept down suddon liko,
an' I lost all bice of land, when .est
ahond of mo niovin' in a blob of rod
light that lookod like blood I soe a
little boat come dancin' over tho '
av i4 I M Moil tf V
twaai rrt -i4 Alla'l up ! k
Id Irt r.ite t'm l-il I kurt1
Iwll.-r ttaa that i I h4 e4
rs In via, I f the ei'po t 4irc
lion a4 1 1 I'J loitnt (Kill'
lit IMK MU MV All AA.
fttt4li r t t4 Ml e MMW
K . blow ine rl4 la Of
and at.l Until mafhia ia-
fxiMvl l,i htm Into th t Imtila.
Im! tie tn) r4 tt ami h an4 hta
rmiiil altnoat put him iin4r lha
Attn, a pal iinhandaowta eoifa
Now Is wit laf lit alar a
lha sui la- of lha aacth lul ha
a new in. ihml of Iraveltng aceenlliif
li Ilia Srtii ranclatsi Cainlwai
Ha Iiv In Nix lb Oakland and li a
aVil'ful me. Imniiv haxlng worked for
many jeoia In Iron foundries In Hits
a',lv I In has a lltllo shop In which
lie ha built his marliinn Hint, I lo be
III llH'OllllltlVC,
In uppem inn tht locomotivo ta a
dlcil Willi a aleatii engine on lint deck
A Inrce tank la provided lo hold pe
troleum for fuel Al euch aide of the
aUvl n aerie of clamp, not tuilika
I ho section chain of a cliuln pump,
'I lieco aro miiilo with sharp heels
rained and towered by a sort of walk
ing Ileum and al the aamo lime pres
sed backward by a second shaft oper
ated hi similar fashion. Th's atenm
sled moves forward readily on the
floor of N-hlesor'a workshop though
tho jolting is uncoiiilorlHblo lo pas.
songers even on this short trip. The
Inventor ways It will go much faster
and smoother over Ice and hard snow,
and to travel over I no and hard snow
I the uho for which the sled Is do
vlnoil. Sch loser doclaros that on his sled
bo will try to roach the most northern
latitude ever reached by man. Ho
laughs scornfully when any ono says
to ill in that to reach the North l'olo
Is ImpoHHlble. He says that no one
has ever made the iillompt with
proper equipment. Ho has no faith
In the uho of dogs for (Iriiwlmr stodges.
"Si earn. " says ha "must provldo tho
power for man to roach tho North
l'olo." Tho application of ktoam to
his slod he dooms to supply the prac
ticable moans of making the perilous
trip over the ice and snow fields.
A man lo whom ho was explaining
his machine ventured to suggest that
fuel may not roadlly be procured in
the lco of tho Arctic circle.
Sch loner was ready with his reply.
A considerable quantity of petroleum
can be carried In the tank, he ex
plained. Then blubber can be used to
make tire under his boiler. "Hy es
tablishing stations I can keep up nty
supply of fuel," ho said, with that
delightful vagueness and surety that
belongs to the enthusiast
- While criticising other explorers
for their laok of equipment, Schloser
also criticises them for selection of
the wrong time for making the trip.
Tho depth of winter, when the - snow
is frozen hard and tho Ice Is thick.
Schlesor say A is tho tlmo for travel
ing ovor tho white flolds. He duos
not fear the extreme cold, and says
that In (lormany. whore he was born
and lived during his youth, ne was
noted for his ability to endure intense
Kocontly ho has boon eovoral times
to the Ion works on Townsond street
in Sun F'rancisco to test his resistance
to cold and emerges from the ice
house In his heavy coat and fur cap,
plcnHod at tho result of hisexper
Schloser has In this country no kin
to restrain hltn from making an at
tempt to reach the North l'olo on a
steam sled. Ho has some property,
and this ho proposes to use to fulfill
his intention of steaming ovor the
Iceland to the ultimate North.
xIuvhImi- ri' I . I'Mdienri.
It has long been known that d la
monds especially the class known
as "rose diamond" are likoly toex
plodo If sub.ectod only to what would
Moem a very ordinary degree of hent
such a strong rays from the sun, eta
It is now believed that the explosions
are the result of tho rapid expansion
of certain volatile liquid Inclosed In
cavities noar the centor of tho prec
ious stones. A great many diamonds
even though cut mounted and worn
as gems of perfection, ore still in an
unfinished condition that la the
liquid drop from which the stone Is
being formed has not as yet deposited
all of Iti "fiure crystals of carbon."
Those movable drops may occasion
ally bo soon with the naked eye.
When this is the cane a strong micro
scopo will give the drop the appear
ance of a bubble in the fluid of a car
penter's level. It is also highly
probable that besides the liquid men
tioned thoso cavities may contain
gasos of great tension. This being
ihe case, one may readily compre
hend bow a very small amount of heat
would cnuso tne liquid and gaa to ex
pand to such a degroe tint the dia
mond would give way with all the
characteristics of a miniature explo
sion. Wh.T M ,,, ,,i .,.,.r rn llila to ll.
Stammering depends on a want of
harmony between the action of the
muscloN (chiefly abdominal) which
expel air through the larynx and that
of the muscles which guard the ori
fice by which it escape with that of
those which modulate tho sound of to
the form of speech. Ovor eithor of
the group of muscles by Itself a
stammerer may have as much power
as other people, but he cannot har
moniously arrange their con olnt ac
tion. Nervousness is a frequent
cause of stammering. Ills possible
that the defect in some instancos may
result from malformation of the parts
about tho back of the mouth. Tho
fact that stammering people aro able
to sing their words bettor than spoak
them has been UMiall.v explained on
the supposition that in singing the
glottis is kept open so that there is
loss liability to spasmodic action.
Brooklyn Kagle.
A 1'al at.oaj , i ttlda
IO .
lt.a.a realty It wilting Itvtaf that
!, al thiiw insm n4
itf lei play Ma im M smmi
Ik Hll ot urM Wf'j
twait'ittil & lata, u daae ea
fcmii ami i(f la tha ! it .t
f fafl pa-liwuf I aaaM fr
(-t A Kama whUh I saw tr A
lltH'N tt gaa It wa fully a
pieta a eat I atrwr aa platr4 ft
bund of school lioj a driving
abin j Vr una of lha lateral canal la
Nut Votk ataUt whm I aa la the
water a ltmk of about noon while
f ! all with llialr necks craned out
and lieiilln In a tal of great as
lha cam of their peculiar noise
Wa ation Appatetil. Una gnttaa about
ttu-e.i rod it Im. of lha other jutt
then Miioini from a dive the
moment hl he ml showed above water
liie real hull swntu, hall (lew tor him,
with Ilia wildest, aorl of ejaculations
In goima Inngiingn. He wailed until
lliev were close lo him and lhn
dived again, liver the spot Ihey all
groiiped, anil chnllered nnd gobbled
precisely Ilka buy under liko circum
stances. stopped my horse and
A minute later the goal goose came
up again; once morn several rods
away, Thon tho chase wa repealed
willi renewed shouts nt If every one
sniil There lie Is! Them ho Is! After
bi n! 'lha Intense Interest and glee
0 hiblted by t icsn goose wbs what
you would call human, t am more In
clined to cull our boys' sports vory
goosey. For not only is here the
origin of hide nnd seek, but there Is
no one of the slmplor games of child
hood that you can not lind imi
tated by some of tho creatures that
lontr preceded us on the mirth.
If you will study carefully those
flies around your gas chandelier, gen
orally In the center of the room, you
w 11 seo that I ey are pi ylng a ver-
1 nblo game of tag. Leap frog is not
ory dltVorent from what 1 have seen
played by lambs, who start a race
and leap over each other. Two kit
tens that we owned l uvea tod a game
of "Dixie's Land." This, in some
form, is not uncommon among ani
mals. It sooms to Involve the Idea
of private proporty. One kitten took
possession of a newspaper spread on
the floor and the other, by all sorts of
subterfuges, would undertake to tres
pass on that sheet while the occu
pant guarded It at nil points. At
last by a bold dash, number two
leaped Into the disputed territory and
In a cyclone the paper was torn to
tatters. It was our part of the game
to supply papers.
A Cleveland gentleman relates how
a Skye terrlor and a Persian cat car
ried this game a stage further, till It
becamo deud earnost Kaeh really
wanted the rug in front of the fire,
and the strife often Involved strategy,
Ono day 1'orsia had been dosing
happily on the rug, and Skye trleflT
wheedling In vain to get her off.
Suddenly ho ran to a window, jumped '
on a stool and, looking out barked
furiously. J'ersla's curiosity was ex
cited and sho rushed to tho window
to see who was the foe or Intruder
when Skye quickly jumped down,
rushed for tho rug and curled up in
tho ralddlo of It leaving puss to find
out his gamo. The next time that
1'ersla found him on tho coveted spot
it was ber turn. She murched Into
the corner and began an apparently
much-relished foast on tho pin, to of
bones. Jealous dog rushed for his
share, and puss quickly seized the
ha Navoa Two Officer a nil AvrrU Tfln
nrtMKi Trsiffdy.
The nows of an oxcltlng Incident In
tho mining regions of Oliver Springs,
I'enn., was brought to the Cincinnati
Commercial (ia.otte by Captain
(ioorge Plumadore. who lives near
that point A bold plot to murder Lieu
tenant Patterson and Colonel Sovior
had been arranged, and it wa frus
trated by tho pretty little duu?h'er of
Captain Jahn Trlpleit of Owensboro.
The particulars of how the child out
wilted tho miners and prevented a
tragedy are highly Interesting.
The girl live with hor molhor in
the heart of the mining region, and on
that Saturday night she had been out
to visit a frlond In the nelgbborhood.
It was after dark when she started
back alone, and whon half the dis
tance had been gone she was seized
by a numbor of minors who were con
oealod In a thicket One of the men
topped bor erles by placing his hand
over her mouth, and Anally gagging
hor. i
She was bound, and the leader said
that If she did not do as dlrectod she
would meet a horrible fate. A torch
was lighted and a pon and paper pro
duced.. She wae ordered to .write a
letter to Lieutenant Patterson and
Colonel Sovier. who wore attending
court at Clinton, to come to Fort Bot
tom, whore they could capture Lead
ford, one of the escaped leaders in
the recent coal riots. Thoir purpose.
Captain I'lumadore atatos, was to
murder the two olllcors.
She wrote the message and was re
leased. After reaching home she
told tbo story to her mother and. sad
dling a horse, rode two inllos to a
telegraph station, where she sent a
message to the o.tlcera telling them
to pay no attention to tho letter ai it
was a plot to murder them. It was
recolved just kn tlmo, a tho miners
had undertaken lo deliver tho letter
by speoial carrier. Tho p ioplo in the
mining section regard the girl as a
littlo heroine. Sho U fifteen years
of age.
I imlloyeil porl.
Little Dick Papa, I wish you'd
buy mo n II sh-pole.
i'npa Thore are no fish In thai
Little Dick Well than you won't
have to go 'long to take 'em oS th'
book Good News.