THE AMERICAN, OUR C0KRI51X)Nnr.NT&i t Mr, IVni, 11 1 t I ! II IK IU !. (n I I r . .. I tl. ' i . In l ( tt " ) M t M I M tnl I oil I IK t ) t . .1 I. l . I I . .., . . t" II MM I K t) t !.... . a i ,1 m-4 iMfeamflMit 1 . aw.l An I if tM.ttw! tot . U 4 twi louM t .. . it. p -.- In hie t n tl I ;. itt hf tl.un.l ft )rl a Ilntitit l, Ml 1I t.ftl Vi t halt 1111 Khl ibttii HMI a rinrn ti l.liltt.( man tui h I.Iih- i f V.l.lvon. I.til tM nd )tiK Ik ." MiMlink milil hair Hiai!!- t-i.,. Imi f,i tr- 4 t4 1t mllii' IiimiI iif A mi l I. nit r.t h t n i( lb Ai hl-l-lnii t inii(ii Whi'll Ar titillim In lati.l mi,i fn-Hi Ilium nil Hi'iil InNrwtnrk ami hail a t'lliati lntMt mill lt MiU)n unit ttut.l4 (Writ an, I aiw n.tiii thin nf Iii.(hiH l"v (HUM t) !!! ItitcrtrltW, ln-latill mil tWttaanttti it anrrt.n Mt-ltiNiinttittti, ml that Uiinn nf tlir caum fur Mrl.lynii lid Irt'lnjul In uiiilv fiiifi Now. mimim wi limk Hi llilinim fniiii another !nmtHiliil. On thiitM foil at afraid nf. your i'kiiimi limy turn hm r an. I ymi would I liiinH'il Into tin- m'H. Whrit 1 hp two rrhlillMiM ! li Hull 1 1 UK (ivir tin' avliiail iiirtlnii, Jfmit It'llrrn lint' wi-r written In mu ll a niHiini r thnt rach nf tln tat-lloua iH'lli'vril ymi i't fa vm Inn ihclr ultlii, kiiit now jroiir ri'pn'itKiiiKiiM', Mnr. Hnlolll, Iiiiii Hi'li'il your kikvIiiI hiii iiI In lr. Mi'tilynn'N chms nntl I wuiilil mil lie mir lirlni'il If rnrh of lliu fHi'tliiim will llilnk ynu urti their lnkt (rli inl, Mlilcli will fiuiMi Hip (lin'ilnii In rlM, "I Ir. Mi'Clyini In llu Komitn ('Hlliollc cliuri'li or oul of M" Tin HniimnlMt will miri'ly y. nllny wIhIi to my, "ltiuny wmili'il to return," Motllymi would thi n l ."nti Anitrlcnu wlmt In It," Hut, If lio vfr doi- Kit nny )owir In tho rliurchof Hiinm hiiiiIii, Mr. I'orrlKnn. t lie win of the Newark gcMiHi'iimn, will MilTrr. "Thfre I mor tlmn mm WHy to kill a cut," Hiitl thiim In more than one wy for prli't tontop the wlit'i'ln to nucreiiH of nu Hrchlilnliop, and theaon of the Newark Kentlt'iiiiin knowalt. I Uilnk It la a mlatuko you do not aend lilm down to I hill. liK'ta too hot In a clliimti like New York. If the J em It a were to have entire control they would aecond that motion. When Ir. MtUI vnn iihtlihtMiK)i tided they law It waa a vi i y Injudliloiia move to uiuke, and It haa been ko. Ihu altuatlon In tint I'ulted Htutea dcmanda you to take apoaltlon whleh hla attitude auKKealed. Ihe rliunb of Hume, through men like (oirlKan, hnaahown her lion teeth, and the DfOpleof tho I'nltid Htateahuve not heeuao tllnd that they have not Men Hu m. And they will nmtiiilier what they have aim. The ymtialhellc, co-operative, reclpUMllj aetloin of the lii tnun ( atliolle cliuii hto waiila Hie liec and pmple of the I'nltid htntiH will do little to Rain theea tttmof thepteple. If jcu have the Inter- efcta if the An.irUau tuple at limit, let tin m have an Aim Minn iliimli, and throw away ti me if the tldlt ultiiatt ueta jouhave tcokid out of nmeof Hie purloua trltlnn In the Vatican library, and then theymlKht ope for ii(ciki but If you hate America, rule her Ik in your Human prlaon, and ever ""iTTI'&'yb'jr iHM4, -hiititlr to the llona," aaovn aa yuu are ationg t iiouh to throw them there. Alkph. Tht Prett the Eductlor. EiMioit Tim AMkHiCA; It haa ben mild that the free prem la the beat educator of the people, the moulder of public, opinion, and I aaarrt that It lathe medium thruuRh which the piim'I hould he kept pouted upon the vital Inane of the day. and warned of the dangera that threaten thedeatruc.llon of our free Inatltutlona. I'erhapa aumeono could tell me why all the newnpapera, or ahotldf ay newnpaper proprletora, of (hla great and (lorloua country with Ita boaatcd freedom of apeech, freedom of thought, free prewt, and freed c m of roiinclence, liould fear todla cuaa any of the uueatlona that agitate the nilnda of the American people. I ahould like lo know why thla aame free pn-sa ahould revile and abuae a American cltlwn, calling him a peaalmlat and a bigot, becaune, for aooth, he aeeathe dangera that threaten to undermine our free Inatltutlona and, aee ln(, baa the manllncaa, courage and pa irlol Imii to point them out to hla fellow cltl tene. I don't know why an amerlcancltlxen, free born, and nurtured tinder that grand old flag, the atarapangled banner, and Ood glven tjmhli m of freedom ahould bend the auppllent knee to a foreign potentate, even though he be the pope of Home, tho alleged vlce-gerent of tlod. IMd I aay pope? Well here we are at the dead-line, beyond which the free preaa of the country feata to tread. And why' The only reaaon that I can give la that the edltora of thla country are not made of honeat, manly atuff, Let a rumor derogatory to the character and reputation of a Protestant, be he a politician, member of a chuirh or IU pant or. and the preaa of the country ahowa no timidity In handling the queetlon without glove, and, bare handed, proceeda at once to acore the mounter who could ao betray a truat. or prove recreant to hla dutlea either aaactllren or achrlatlan, but let an orator from the rout ruin, or a mlnlater from hla pulpit, aound the nolo of alarm and warn hla hearora agalnnt thatln aldlouafoe to our free Inatltutlona, to our freedom of apeech and freedom of comtolence, that great octopua which threatenato under mine and overthrow our very, government and plantupon Ita rulnaa liomum hierarchy. Yet that aame freeprena atartaback aghaat and holda up Ita handa, aa It were. In holy horror at aurh unwarrantable bigotry and aueh daatardly attacka upon the holy Roman Catholic church, audi vile and malignant arraignment of tho motlvea of the holy father, the pope of Home, Uod on earth, The preaa of the country not only fnllato warn the people of thene dangera. but atudloualy avolda, or at uhbomly refuaea to Hie, warnlnga enunciated byothera, both from tin) roatrum and the pulpit, Hut have we really anything to fear from the en croat'bmenta of Human CnthollclMii, In thla great nation, with Ita teeming million of free men In all the different walkaandavo cation of life? Hut a little while before the lamented Lincoln wna aaauaalnated by Ho man Cathollca, of which there la abundant proof, be aald: "1 am no prophet, yet not a prophet I ace a dark cloud upon our horlron; that dark cloud cornea from Home and la filled with blood." What aprophecy to be uttered juHt aa the greateat fratricidal war, one of tins most cruel and bloody known to - the annala of hMory, waa drawing to a cloae. Yet In the light of recent event. I believe the time la rapidly coming and la much nearer than moat of ua think or realize, when theclaabof ateeland tho roar of musketry will be beard, and the patriotic Americana !! afc4 tu.. - tit t lit; !-! .1 Ifct I . t-l t'' r" II . . t t . I.t. . )' ',, lit!., :r -..! 4 . jl, t .,.iiBi a i I f.i'.l.m ihtitli Hi l ll 111' 1" ilil.l,.n,-l ,i t-t l . t i ).t .! it,. i j . n . I . t o ti n I..I l't k.r .1 . ' ! tl i rn4 ' " "t .li , ii,,! !. .. . ii"i "t !irt.f ., arMi4 til " 1 t" I a t, iit nl"t' 1 !! tu.,, il. I). l' ' '' a 1.4 i.4i. fr I t lf 4 at ln t ht Him. I ath .M .t i. Utlm a rt t. i f. It. ! i liad tmt- tl lit. , . I ' If ii a i. I the t M-t" " "'at I U i. !,.( ViMt n'a rtii H..M . the t r.'ii it iii mid ni1 1 Mimt-ihmi i( an Ae-rttrati hl " If nitl'r loail lnuil.l l tt.aite v niat'lf ! of mtititlM and Ihe ( ai liiil l' ami reer iff thai ii old " e wti-i f.ilillill fly the lM l nt ami ItniH lilh " I hate ta-en ert-tttiaiilv tnfiiiii.itl that tn iie of imr tiimlt nf it,l..Ha nif dittirvnt klmlnl ,lilnUlii l In -lug litMM, lhal the iw' l three tald ti Iw lilalu In authmtly In IhU inunliy than the president of Hie I lilted alalia. In aaraiii. New ntk, l'rlel Cm mi ll of Watnt Mniy'a ehiiieh. iirdeml mime of the traehentln the ptilille aehiMtla lo dl t'lilitliiiie reading the nerlptMrea therein and a nlnyed. The lua ltilU Herald call lhl A.I'. A. itrganlrathin "un-Amerl-ean," and a -lhl country l noplace fur It and that the H-oile would he julltled In iuloilliig any roiiie In wlH' out the monitor ft oiu off the earth." mmiethliig of a coin cidence. I Iihi believe thin Country for It (the Hoinaii fathollc church) alth ltecret and aedltlona leaching. It colifeiwloliiil, monalery and convent, where Iniinuent vir tue iKoiitruged and ilehauched. Ita mulla and order of JeKiilt. In which Itaoiith IhiiiikI and deluded devotee are taught, and compelled hy t lire ii l of c x-cnniiiiuulcatlnn and eternal diminution, to deed of plunder, rapine ihhI hlood-xhed. I loo believe that, tho patriotic AineiicuiiN would be limlllled lit ndoptlng anymeanato wipe out the mounter from off the earth. A Mkhi Wn. 1 HitMoar, Neb,, January 7, Hill. Sytlem of Fraud. Hock Ihi.jind, Jnnuiiry 4. Ixki.- KticriiH Tub Amkiucam: In dlacuaalng thla principle or ayntem of fraud, It la not our iurMwo or In tention to deal In the myalli-lum aurrouudlng It, to prove our anaertlotia, We might, It In true, follow out In detnlla, aa many writer have done, and produce a learned treatlne on the nnll-C lirlnt of the old and new Tenlanienta. Hut In thla Innliwice, the hlntory of Antlocbua and Judna hit punned Into oblivion. Their page of tho ledger lui been biilnnced, and Ita product hiu Ita credit In the great beyond. Aa to the horna nn npecllled by Daniel, we cun afford to puna them by, aa wo Intend only todeul In very plain fiicta. Ifaomeof our reader are nufllclently Interented In thla aubject. or If nine of Ihu learned dlnclplea of thla nyntein denlre to Indulge In a pannage of arm, and ventilate their learning, then, we would feel J null Hi d In opening up thla tohject In Ita entirety. If any rcafer dealrva more fully to Investigate thlamihjcct, lethlin goto Uevelu tlona, 17th chapter. There la aubject In that one chapter, hot to any anything about the other In the aame book, to give him all the food for literary dlgeatlnn that he may want for week a, Aa a dlgreaalon, we will have to-no as to connect our aubject-apeak of the fulfillment of the klryt'a dream, aa recorded In tho book of DanleC 2nd chapter.' The Interpretation aa given to (he king by Daniel, hnabeen fully fulfilled In the rlne and fall of the three different kingdom, andtherlaeof progreaa nf the fourth, and the near completion of tliln hint, the fourth, theltoman power. The Ilabylon lymhollcally referred to by Ht, John, haa reference to thla lant plague. When the Iron rule of Juntlce, In tbeperon of Illbi who died the"Juat for the unjunt," come to reign, then the alone cut out of the mountain will overnhadow thla fraud and conalgn It to the apot where the a pontic mud It nliotild go with all Ita friend, If they don't let go lit time, that la to the bottomleaa pit, where it bead, the devil, la alieady booked for. Tho true Chrlatlan church (t'hrlnt'a chil dren) larepreaented by a pure woman, whllat the poplnh church la reprenenled by a fnllen woman, or harlot. Thla poplnh nynlein lathe "mother of harloi,an abomination." Hnv. 17th chapter. Any pure woman who goen to cnnfcnalonal and confeaaea aa alio ahould, mile ahe haa a fulneaa of virtue, which every woman ahould ponnenn, will, In time, fall a prey to the practice of thene foul, lecberoua aona of perdition. The devil font hlacelCNtlal poltlon by violence, and ever Inre ha been trying to educe tho woman (the church) by the gaudy apparel of t.'io world. The woman not having the strength of character of her Lord, ahe gave way to temptation, hence, nlin la obnerved occupying a teat on the "ncurlet colored beant," no longer the wife, but tho harlot, No longer the city of the great king, but nplrltunliy Hodoin, Mr. Kdltor, my heart I mid. lean hardly keep back the tear when I contemplate the ruin of virtue, tho degredatlon and the con algnmtmt to a llfeof nhame, of tho Innocent, pure, unKophlntlcated young girl when they are firrced to come within the fold of theae lying, lechi rou aona of perdition. Why I It thatparenta will not lay prejudice ankle and look Into thla nvntein of rottennena, before their daughter are ruined both for time and eternity? If Father Macble, of Hock Inland, dure not take up thla challenge, let aome other dlaclploof till Honilnh ayatem atep 111! They dare not meet thla aubject nliorn of Ita ophlatryl Whether they do, or do not, we have entered tho arena of con II let, and we are prepared for the buttle. Wenhull aound no uncertain aound. Wo have aucked thla tit of Cathollclmn long enough, and now pro poae to lay the aubject bare to the core, even If we have to trace atep by, atep ita hlntory from ita very foundation. It ha a very dirty hlntory-In It Englinh, let alone Ita Italian. Lord Hacon wna not very far wrong when he mild, "The thlcknena of a piece of brown paper only waa between the two." Hock Ii.ani Mktiioimkt. Looking for an Increase. IlK Mm. sen, I.,.Ianuiiry 4th, iwi.'l.- Kiiitoii Thr Amkiiican! Thecaune of Aiiie'rIcanlNin la booming In Dea Molne. At the regular meeting of No. 21, on Thurnday of lant week, wo bad with un l'rof. Geo. P. Hudolph, who gave ua an Interentlng talk. The deputy organizer for the eiintern part of the ataie was alno pre nent and npoke of the progrcn of the work. On Friday evening, at No. Al, the above mentioned gentlemen were present, and aln our state prenldent. Tho state prealdent made the principal apeech of the evening, and everybody declared that It waa a "corker." lie npoke of what the A, P. A, had done and what It Intended to do, All went home feeling that It waa good for them to have been present. On fundny night Itev. J. H. Weaver cloned hla aeries of sermons on !.- I li tt I I .4 t, . I lit I . ! (.r h 4 m . ! V,l'i( . M li.wr at.1 ai,it. ikm t nNi nf i ir, tt tn tt M t ih" Hit. In ! lit ti n -,( t. i " A l"l fci. .!- tiial tr a Vtvi.f Vt it. I ' IliiloV ! I )it hn4..1-i at.lltt-tv-4 rt Ufr ilrt ti, In It III ' rtH.lH.n I tl l..lH tl.... .kUu 1K I ,W .J k tt-t ttlllHll ekhtl l.'t ,H I" tli-.l t t l mU, .i ai1 II li.t. . li i,t iki . .!.,( ' ti. t. .i, t A I' i t . lot In I I t lhl hp lit ! (. tf tw ami ltl ltf -i ti t laliltt lttl he Wlnt-d I lie trtult It tl.,tti M !, ! Uifi ! of i., t at IIip MtMll tiflhe ttt'itl il Hi I, m n fiwel Cant fi all lnggementa. tMirwt. Niii, JMtiy I, Im M'lma lei A man li i ant IVrnill Die l v llitoiiirh Jnnt n.'t le. ialilnllt' and lule .l I, irml I am cii, lit d tucaii.t l all my rttgagi nn nl In lii tnif, and am K"l al IllwtiV I" make any further engatfeltienl thlayear. If you will kindly Bud upaor f,n i hi" In tiwi tievi liin, mi that II may end h the eye nf the brave, I nhall le grtnlly oldlgeil W lih myklndeot regard and hunt wlli, your faithfully, I lium Pkikh IHihniii.i t. Mc'Glynn Quieted. When lr. Mc(iljnu, a an ox-i'oiii-B.tinionleil jirleal, lolil of Ihu covert ami Inlijiilloti iittta of tho Himiah church u oii our public Inatitutiotia, noil expound Ihu ah a ni paroclilnl Innll tution, lin held Ibo liljjli rogitrd and rcHioot of tivory public apirited citi.cti (or lmvitiK do no In duty n nn Ameri can cili.en. Under Satolli'a inatruc! Hon (tho Amerioiin popo) ho lias sacrl lico liia manhood, mid htt been madu to follow In tho foolHtcp of tho piiost Corrignn, and framed an Insipid excuau for hii rubollloiM conduct, whilo Aroh biahop Corrlgun wag coerced by Sit tolli into a sbani rcconcilalion with the man whom he hnd denounced in the moat scathing terms of scorn end contempt even holding him up to the public guze as a liar and a deceiver in the matter of holding back an impor tant document which should have for warded to his master, the pope, by Cor rlgan, in the interest of McGlynn. And now the "ban" or curse of excommun ication has been removed from Mc Glynn, and he has by that act of hocus potus been transformed from a "free man" to use his own words into a subject of a foreign that he cannot hereafter, with the least degree of consistency, claim to be an Ameri can citizen at liberty to express in public his conscientious approval of Henry George's nihillsllo doctrines or single tax, the annulment ot all per sonal titles to land and other wild socialistic theories which stand in direct antagonism to the spirit, laws and prevailing social system of Ameri can Republic. He has sold his birth right for a mess of something which be baa repeatedly derided as evil and corrupt. With what grace can this self-stultified man now oppose the pa rochial schools, endorsed as they are by an overwhelming majority of the highest clerics of his church and by bodies of such high authorities as the plenary council of Baltimore, which is here quoted: The experience of every day shows more and more plainly what serious evils and great dangers are entailed upon Catholic youth by their frequen tation of public schools in this coun try." Cone. Tien. Bait. II. "Cherish your public schools; listen not to their enemies, no matter whence they come. Make them as cotnpleto and perfect as you can. Show no fa vor to any other rival system. If you will not exorcise the right to forbid rival systems altogether, atlenst do not be guilty of the incredible folly of nursing and fostering and actually, by appropriations and tax exemptions, encouraging rival systoms. Tho rival systems, as a rule, are promotod by those who are not friendly I j your In stitutionary those who, educated In for eign lands, are but half republican or but half democratic Never be guilty of the folly of dividing your school fund among the various churches and sects. You, In such a case, would be guilty of destroying ono of the grout, est and most potent instruments for building up and maintaining one great, free common nationality. 4,0, American people, protect the poorest, the weakest of the children of the nation, the children of the poor, the children of the immigrant, from the cruel injustice their parents, under the coercion of tho Hotnan church, would Inflict upon them by depriving them of tho magnificent advantages of a common school education. They are compelled to accept tho utterly in ferior so-called education that Is given in these sham parochial schools. A large part of the zeal f or maintaining these church schools conies from the clannlshness of foreign nationalities that wish to perpetuate themselves here in hostility to our American nationality." "These Catholic schools," said Mc Glynn, " are very often a mere sham, a mere pretext and pretense, presided vvrr Mrrirtifie l h tl n 'hrvt e.v' hit l.'tef wiel it, h Ml t f lt l It.ttttanmt, n thfif etc tt-di) g rlU' nine I, wM lt wnate ttian W:it, havinf fvlett Iti 4 a. a jiiti of il heavri nr a.i ntt'iMifc ft t,t .tit, imittvUit mat U gt a Hile i hiKilirif a Int. a nil thirst he mjjM e hi i' fill lb fHVniUea f ItomUh teailit-i. And thla hiv, w h i otMl,t not Iteln tn gt hi If ei. anihii-d aa a teachet In Ihe ptthlie m t 1, lindt hiltttelf Oit'llte iv Ihe giHteS fvlhrt rtf the paritehlal arhiml. jlwame he U tailllng In si'irpl f.'O nmnth; and il would lie a pood cirrus If j mi chmM, from hehind the dour, enjoy a piclnian if lirautifat Hottiiah education that l given In annie nf theae school the queer aandwttch Int of had Kug!ih, bad graiittnar and bad pninciirclatlon, with liltle akelches of thw caiechlntii flogged into the children with birch rod." Much mure, and much th:tt waa more severe- did the now tongue-llcd prieat layabout the parochial school, the pet schools of tho pope ami thotv of hit subject In America who are conimis sloued to uphold thonu "sham" schools and lo destroy, If poiaiblc, thi public schools so highly extolled by their late champion, McGlynn and Father Cor rignn. But now, in order to be a good Roman Catholics, faithful and obed lent to their sovcrign head at Home, and in humble compliance with the orders of the popes vice-gerent here, theae same champions must do as the Romans do, and either aid them in their attempt to destroy our public schools, or forever hereafter hold their peaco. (ireat is tho tyrannical power of Leo, and Satolli Is his prohct! Truly there is a great deal of the whipped- cur, the shrinking spaniel, the timid haro, the un-American spirit, evident In all this strange business growing out of the Jesuit Satolli's presence, and there Is, moreover a great deal of dust being thrown into tho eyes of the people which will, for a brief period of time, blind them, or some of them, to the real meaning of it all; but by watching tho movements of Satolli and his associates closely, we shall soon see the outcome of that which now has the appearance of a popish conspiracy or a satanlc plot concocted by the schemers In the Vatican, whence issue many mischievous, political intrigues that harrass the nations of the earth. Morris Herald. The Jesuits and the Late Crown Prince . of Austria. The Empress of Austria is now more cheerful than she has been since the death of her son, the late Crown Prince Rudolf. The latest rumor about the Crown l'rince's death Is that he did not commit suicide, but was assassi nated by the order of the Jesuits. It Is well known that the Crown 1'rlnce Rudolf had broad views as regards re ligion and politics, and this made the Jesuits afraid that he might show but little sympathy for the Roman Catholic religion. Such, at any rate, Is the lat est Austrian report. A SPECIAL SALE!!! To Begin Saturday, November 26th, and Continue Until the Evening of Deoember 31, On overcoats 7 per cent, and on trouserings 10 per cent, discount will bo allowed. All goods marked In plain figures. All who are In need of an overcoat or a pair of pants should avail themselves of this great oppor tunity. Merchant Tailoring I'arlors of 1 l-25-t FRANK VODICKA. 812 S. 12th Ht., U. H. Bank lildg. Linen Stationery, Every attorney should call on The AMEHICAN PUULIBHINCI COMPANY", 412-13-l t Shooly block, and order a supply of fine Bond Glazed Linen Sta tionery. It is tho finest thing in tho market, and docs not cost tnoro than ordinary linon paper. Telephone fill, and wo will call and show you a sample Tako your repairing to The Drum mond Carriage Co., iHth and Harney Sts. Upp. the County Jail. Attention Jr. O. U. A. M. Columbia No. 3. will moot Tuosday night January ild, and thoroaftor, at Patterson Hall, 17th and Farnatn. John Rudd, 305 North 16th Kl., has a full lino of Ladies1 and Gent's Gold Watches. Teeth Extracted with Great Pains. DR. P. D. WILSON, DENTIST. Hoonm 4KI and 404, MuC'hruo Hl(l. Oorner Flftaenth and Dodga. OMAHA, - .XJJi. RELIABILITY N a !.!. lit iMit v.f MT" n y T t'xmO.hitf a..l m (Tit JDvI-JL Wo nu.itmii rmuhiisi; l. U-nf ttiUhl .jimlih nmt r. a. tly nn r, jn mittt m liming i rvfuttilcil. Wlmt tin we w 11 f Why. t'm,tliiii,-)ivMpKiU UiliiV iM,tv u. tiitvtcrwriir, inn fiiitiiliiii Uvut ntn fc.lnm, iuMh-1 ilnips, jvatrnt tnii, in,, jM ifutnrN, jowt lrv, tvhM-t. iiotiotiMiuufoils Mank- ts linriis ilmiirdlio, vUAs tuilliiim, to, Wiinnii ianis Uiiilp-jmrt Orpin, trwKrrv, lianlwiuv, I..mim furiiUtiitt liar Mr, io!i lvlfinVftaa, fur hiU ninl grmviii', V tin- Imt, lin.M MHk f KKMA1U.K Mn. rliHinlis, in Onmhd, Our pritvi MtMvant XZNt looonijian' tliom with t)nm of oihrr ilcnlom, J niul if you liml that v. nn tho CUKAPKST, vo want "Vyl T t i?ivo um your t ratio. I that nuking too I VaaLJlllUfM Como unci SrSoo The Bell Department Store Co., (Moody, Ackerman & Williams) " UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS," Dodge and Fifteenth Streets, - OMAHA. W. W. U)VK. ABSOLUTELY PUKE DRUGS, PRESCRIPTIONS a Specialty, S. E. cor. 16th & Farnam, TOILET ARTICLES, VERFUMES, CHOICE CIOARS. : OMAHA. The Place to Buy The Best Quality of x rices is at GEO. WILSON'S MEAT MARKET, 2815 Leavenworth Street. Hurloln Stunk I'ortorliouwi Ht.i'nk...... Itmiiiil Htttak Hliottldnr Kill Ul.KHt, Iliillltiit limit Corn lliiiif Vciil uliiuk ,. VomI Chop 10fl 100 to I'iKjO, yi'.'.'.'.'i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.iu- fic to UUi , ita to Sc . , , Ik! to Aa 1U V to liic KM: to Vic. Oysters, Fish and Game AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. These Prices are for CASH only. Buv for CASH AND SAVE 'THE POPULAR" CLOTHING HOUSE JULIUS FURTH, Propr. 109 South 16th Street,, OMAHA. NEB. BETWEEN DOUCLA3 AND DOOCE STS. Mail Order aollcitml ami Hittlafactlon (hmrnntood. Superior Work. Books For Rev. Slattery and Wife's Works: "Convent Lifo Exposed" (Mrs. Slattery) 7Cc. "Hecrets of Romish Priests Exposed" 40c. "Why Priests Don't Wed; or, Substitution for Mar. riago" 75c. "Woman and Rome," (for ladies only, by Mrs. Slat tery) 2Gc. "Devil's Prayer Rook," men only, Rev. Slattery 25c. DR. J. D. FULTON'S: "Why Piuksts Should Wkd" Paper 50c. SrunoEON Our At.t.v." Rev. J. Or. WHITE'S: "Dkkdh ok Darknkhh" Price, $1.25. "Homo" men only Price, 50c. T. M. HARRIS: "Assassination ov Aiikaiiam Lincoln" Price, $2.50. Many other valuable works comprise our list. In our Rook Department we will mnko a specialty in all works of this kind. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO,, BOOK DEPARTMENT. LOGAN" C. THOMAS, Manager. THEODORE K. LEWIS, Manaokb Meat at the Lowest Vmil Itoaat Vnal Htew Mutton ( licip ,,, Multim KoiiMt) Mutton HU'W... I'ork t'hopa I'ork Htuk I'urk ItouNt ...ectoiawc ...fie to Ho m:H.;;.,.; wwc lie tote 10c So He to lc MONEY. Reasonable Prices. Americans!