AMERICAN i I ft' tWItHtM a4 tl !? . 4t t jt far t'Brirtf I' Vot.t'Mk lit. OMAHA, SriUJASK A, I i;l!A V, 4 AM'AUY l, I MM. THE V A 01 AN T DErOKMEl). figure Shorn tmgf th Unnatural CroMhef lhU $ Matting a Strong in favor t Clo"tOur Ports Against turopa't Pupr, Criminal and Co trail Labor tmmmr. tion. Population of Hie I'nHod Stat.-, in lfct I2.V2 Population of the States in iHim 2.n22,2.W Aggregate Immigration li.H;nt 141,430 Aggregate immigration Increase imputation 8;i0 .Vfoid Increase in Immigration 1830-00 30-fold For the bom-lit of tho people of the earth in general, tho wiseacres of tho tifty-third congress, theio in the black faced typo is the hackneyed, muddled, misquoted immigration quotation pre sented in epitome. Apply the same principles of growth to the stature of a youth and you have deformity. You have one member, Bay tho trunk, the head, tho limbs, the feet any part by which you may chose to typify the foreignportion of the body politicIncreasing in soven ty years seven times as fast-as the rest of the organism. We are fond of calling our re public a young giant. In this light it looks rather like a young ogre, a deformed giant at best "Who can wonder at the outbreak of its diseases? Who can doubt that with tho growth of its dis proportion the increase of Its ailings will bo such that the out breaks of the Chicago Hay market and the New Orleans parish prison will be deemed mere pre monitory symptoms of a disease which in the course of years, and not so many years, will leave thd young republic, not a deformed living giant, but a dead, distorted giant4 cumborlng Ahe earth and --4rtrifag-WStt 'fcW the continent, which was its priceless heritage, and drawing all tho foul birds of the nations to a carrion feast. But may tho sentimentalists, headed by that president of an eastern institution of learning, whose methods of historical and ethnological study may be gauged by his comparison of the Mormon elders to the Puritan fathers. 'It Is the will of God. It Is tho law of nature. We are all of im migrant stock ourselves. We are estopped by the bare fact of our descent from seeking to con trol this startling, but really only natural phenomenon, which In course of time will regulate itself." It Is not the will of God. It Is the will of 4,084 British, 1,300 Dutch, 4,000 Italian and probably 10,000 steamship sub-agonts who have received in the last ten-years commissions of from $2 to 3 per head on nearly every ono of tho over 5,000,000 passage tickets to this country sold by the European trans portation comoanles. It Is not the law of nature. It Is the law of the British government, which has in tho same length of time by the operation of its sixty-nine subsidized prisoners' aid so cieties decreased Its criminal population from 2.1,000 to 12,000 by deporting It to our shores, which has decreased poor rates In some parishes 500 per cent, by the same process which has stripped the waste bogs of Ireland of the population they were too poor to support in tho same fashion, which has in short mani fested in tho forcing upon us of its sub jects every sign of arrogant selfishness and Insolent contempt, which, in the forcing from us of our citizens, It mani fested in and prior to the year 1812, and which to the courteous demand of a commissioner from the soeretary of the treasury for information returns through one of the salaried officers of Its subsidized societies this answer: "You are from the United States; we do not print any reports; we do not give , any information; we do not lot any prisoners go from our doors without as sistance, and if one of them becomes president of tho United States you will never be the wiser." No, neither God nor nature is res- ponsiblo for tho increase of the normal tion statistics, are called "souls." The annual Influx of a quarter of a million teeming slums of Chicago teem with aliens in the GO's, tho (iO's and the 70's, j 34,520 more opportunities for anarchist to tho half a million (or in exact num-1 propaganda than they did in tho pro bers, 524,001) annual average of tho 80's. vlous fiscal year, and to tho great, It is the corporate creed of reckless J magnificent, unpeopled, resourceful alien transportation companies in "empire," as it has been fitly called, of tho first place, and next tho dovillsh enmity or reckless contempt of the British government toward American institutions which has given to "our ki" "-w . im M t mattia!( '. l ml tho stittp U.n nl their m tntatho 1 in tif tveigMmr, ami .to it with that MiagWifliiiitly ofgattUe! h)tettnv of John Hull In the natm-of cht Uttanily. Ihtt Oils tn4 of Christian chaiitj must atop, i fur Oils country U con ivrned, or In Unto our treo Institution mill toiler unit full W'tr the Imiorant Maatitta of thoae ho thi to'l Hlnl Cannot reallo their value, ami ". in ciiially Ignnrant of I Ho Moaning I Hoy tiro alt mint Uimnio truly American. In order to realize Iho immigration qtiistion it In iiHViirv to approach it from the hither end. The mint which most Inwiedtatoly concern u and the comprehension of whleh la ncoenwnry for tho comprehension of all points I where the immigrant stay when they do come, ami who and what they arc. Tho statistical bureau of tho troamiry deiartment gives us ample information on tho first of these vital questions in tho follow ing table showing tho num ber of immigrants destined to each state, territory and tho district of Columbia during tho year ending June "0, 1800: Sluti-s itnrl Tnrrltnrlns. ?4.T -- - - -v. ----- -- 'i St.ttle and No. Tcrrltorlos. :i Monlana :K! MiiHiti'liuwittH 111) N. lliiniiMliIre B'jn N. Carolina... (I.H70 NebntHkii il.M7!V Nnvada ll.flM New Jersey... ,;hs New Mexico.. IK7 NewVork.... a, WW Ohio 2,N2(i On-Koii Ml I'miiiNylvarilu 2.KM Khoilii Inland. 17 H. Carollria,.,, iM.MII Tetlliessefl ... 7,WiS Texas am t;tah 7MI Vernioiit 2.;H VIkIiiIh 2,lVKl WcHt, Vlrnlnla SM4 Wlsennsln a.lHH Wimlilt.Ktnn.. l;i,l:;n WymcliiK fl.4iK TourlKls H..''.N Not IteporUid. am No. Alaska Alulminii Arizona,... . ArkiniHiiH Onnnnctlcut.. (tnloriulo California .... fleliiWHre Iilstof tiol'lila liakola I'lorlda Wcorida I ii'l In mi I nd. Territory Illinois Iowa :. . . , liluli (,...' Kentucky Kiiiimoh l.onUliina Maine Murylanil MlrlilKitn Mlmmirl MlnniiHota... MIshIhhI))I ... , S47 IMS Ml (U:m 15.s;i:i im t:n.7H 15.SM 1 . 1 . .M n. mn , ,M7 171 4!"l ,.1WI ,!H 4Wl ;n 'M I0.4'.l ;m Ml 1.M71 111 Those figures simply ring with an eloquent arraignment of the present utter tack of intelligent distribution of immigration. Save by tho United Hebrew charities In their scientific efforts for the betterment of their exiled brethren of Russia no adequate attempt has been made by any com petent agency to ascertain what part of tho country really needs immigration and what part of tho country immigra tion really needs. Under this system, our utter lack of system, the swarming tenements of tho East Side have been ovorswarmed by the majority of tho 13.r,7(l!l aliens who have made this state their refuge. Tho hovels about tho col lories and coal ovens of Pennsylvania have been jtoo plod by 71,007 additional individuali ties which by tho courtesy of lmmlgra- Montana, where every form of Industry, from sheep raising to gold mining, offers an incentive to human activity, has gone the pitiful squad of 847 people. ll l a )'! ttiiniHi tnii't M.n ll i , ..t. IIm' iviU-.ii r hini Otv !.1 tH i.l ho l in4- hi i4 ln .1 gi.l an. l.i I Hum up at n fl li.iini lrli, I ho iin.l i(. X rs ! Mi Uo nmv fam.w ()ji i atii in,"l liwl , lf ,ti .! ! It U ti mit.s-r !.. MHkt to unati H tho flrt plUaiiiv if t a.t) tn.'ii. t tint titaj- oino Hi ay, to ii.nll. r NHowm' l.e luav miat. lilt, Il. l.m io min.l to IniiKI up a Himto, to (.iiin.l a family II" la imply aftor it larger day' ) than ho ha rHS'lvis Ixfuiv. Thi l tho aivrol of the eotiietlin of Inonlitration In coal llehl and largo eltie. The ro-it.-atvlipn of tho latoot aonatorlal imetl ga'lon ootnmlttiv prove th! lo amply and Iihi oxlettflvely to ln nior" than mentioned hero. But the fin t I that after tho atatU tieluna have olMwilled to the ln-st of their aliility and have put 2.tl7tl,IH.'i in ''miseellaneous" ehiwH whleh Include lalmrera and lll,l."" as "not stat'd," and 27,000 as "profoaaional," theiv re main an appalling total of 2,4s:i,M)l m ho cannot lie Ineluded even in the unskilled labor class. It is true that 1,7(S7,2H4 art? women and A.'H.OO' children and there fore presumably dependent upon other in the skilled, miscellaneous or profes- sional classes. But when we have cut all this away wo come down to the fact, only commensuratcly lessapalilng, that in that decade 25.'l,O02 men landed in thU country who had not even the skill and knowledge necessary for tho mer est hewing of wood and drawing of ws - tor, who could not even break stone on a t.fil , I I ir on ft ft.. in u Yet optimistic Colonel Weber ciiiim back from his tour of Europe as com missioner convinced of tho fact that this country was "no longer tho dump ing ground of Eurojm," and that to the alien steamship corporations, guided by their fear of the elllclent Inspection at Ellis Island, the future of this country may Im left. That the same bureau of Immigration statistics which tells us where these people go; tells us who and what they are. It tolls a story of a portentous In crease unansimilating Immigration In tho last two decades in a table of arriv. als, by nationalities and by decades; of alien passengers from October 1, 1H20, to December Hi, 1807, and of immigrants from January 1, 1808, to Juno 30, 1800, This increase is unassimilating of its own volition. It is in the countries of Italy and Hungaria that the percentage of increase Is, savo for tho tyranny stimulated increase of tho Itussian Hebrew, by far tho largest. That this Increase Is unasslmllatlng there are many evidences. Most unquestioned, If not most conclusive, is this evidence in tho report of this same bureau. "From Hungary 1)4,243, or 73.8 per cent, were males, and 33,438, or 20.2 per cent, were females." "In arrivals from Italy during the last ten years there is tho largest dls- parity of sexes, 24.'J,4.'!8, or 79.4 per cent, being males, and 0.1,!180, or 20.0 per cent, females. From Ireland and Germany, the once principal and still staple sources of im migration, tho percentage of females is resective'y 4!) and 42.4 per cent. Those huge percentages of male ia a. I II ttttfoi ia t II U ! nl Mp MtilinUaH5i Lata 1 f ' ttiij,! at i.Hi Mhl tin fali g i.l ; Thr tnmijfaHiii hii h !-" f It oinaitattnl U .1mI I. au H j I tt t).iii.l lo ! Wi I llim llitthl an, l a. ti't. ,l It li-.- Im the tite lliiUtto ol mripplhg the lan.l i4 a mm It of It wea'th a i an In- ean li .l aaat , aliit-h l'lisl the photilet Ing Siaitilt .tn l.tmi-ri l.o it'.M-oXi'lvil the hi n.i phero Another et hlotiiv n( the in-!iiiilal lug eliaiai l. r if Hit mot rapidly In ctvaxiug liuutlgiatioit I tho faet that It furulxhe tho Inrgi-xt proioi lion of all.-im pn-t Hie prime of life. Thua I..V n r eeiit. of the ItaliNii linniigratloit I of this iIh, and of the Auili Ull, whleh ineliiden iho Hungarian. Tho average xr ei-nt, of IhU I in migration of all iHiuutrle I il.5. It would lie a iMMitleiw taxk, although the figure are at hand, to go Into an analyst of the capacity for sclf-supimi-t ovldeiieed by the ,p,24tt,til.'l alien arrivals of the Inst decade. The many believers In the nmlnlcnitiicc of an art ificial lalmr market would doubtless consider It an argument In favor of this Immigration that only 510,41 1, or u Utile more than 10 K'r cent, of It was skilled lalmr. Followlng is a table of alien senger and immigrant arrivals: pas- urn : - p 1 ' a o . X m m C $ Pi Pi t. nr. 223 its -95 i mil !3? 13! Pi -5 -2' -A mm j- l:j H m 1 i V c it ... : a . . 3 : : . : f 4. 2 s ! B a k 0 23 i - U T, . Spain, France and tho Netherlands are to be left out of our calculations. The immigration from these countries is small and is not increasing. Tho 1,300 agents of the Dutch lines do their drumming for trade outside of the low countries. There are not enough data about Scandinavian immigration to warrant an inquiry of any value. It is a patent fact that this race is now the ruling class In the great northwest, and that ono of its sons is governor of the imperial state of Minnesota. It is tcopling that country and there is no reason to believe that in Its new home iUalil ... ia. tip In tliiro lU f i a.. M MU n.ll. in- ! l ai hf XIU, I ll Al.f.' au.l Hwrtn."' 1.9 (tl .. in.n) laigo ami Jt-e. i n1' j . j UmHMe Immlgiati.m the i-,tinit,i.u.n ' ! at li. it little ae hf xiiiuli ami j ak-itrv ei oil Theri'fnin tuot l t i have ti n i iliM-e.1 inuiiim nlng I iig)inl. t!j ami I Linear), ThU U wi-ll The liHHtt Ihli al tilng I'tlUof l.nmlgi alli.n flu Irolw lliei n i vi , In l"! theio Ni-ro almnl 2'.,im con. tleta (l.lon) In tho pi I on anil on tlekeliiiit I. m- in t.n t 1 tit 1 1nn. In.i.l'.i In pi -1011 and the luilmu-o mi h-avo, lit lVi theiv were lo thntl half that itiuitttt-r: that I h.,"h In piiwii ami .-l,M7 alto wetv mil of pi lnn tinder ur. Velllanei' Knilii to 1 there a docreaw of 2,.Vio actually in pi lsini (average) saving iN'.Ooo -r yeitr (at l.Ti ior man). '1 1, who Imvo -r-fei-U-d this syMteui, and who are Im pin'timl goverumeiil olhcor, chthued Ui have reduced the prison population of Great Britain from nlmnt 2-'i,tHHI In hso to les than 12,000 now; tlnil is, those hi prison and those oil leave who remain in Great Britain. This Is tho luelhisl by whleh the enormous reduction of the British criminal class Is brought a'siul, accord- Ing to Captain Cross, Ho puts the number of discharged prisoners' aid societies at from 80 to 100, though Mr. Scbultols gives tho names of only slxty nlne, and describes their workings thus: "When discharged tho government pays to the society practically from L'l to i, which Is the money the prisoner is supposed to have earned during his confinement, which sums are added to by the society, with whleh the prisoner on leave, If a felon, Is generally as sisted to go to tho United States, If he can be iiersuaded to go; and he Is gen erally only too glad to go and leave be hind him his troublesome reoyrd, whleh faces him In every court on the com mission of a new crime, from whleh he Is freo In tho United Status, And he Is at once rid of his obligations to re mrt to an officer every month and rid of Mil never sleeping eye of the officer, "Ho Is sent by the society to some officer at a sailing port to be sent to the United States by the society. The officer goes to the tlcketagent and buys tho ticket, or he sends for It; and neither tho agent nor tho officer nor the owner of the Imat know tho ticket Is for a convict under surveillance, who really should Im in ono of the prisons of Great Britain serving out his term. "When he arrives In the United States he usually changes his name and reports to tho officer of the society only, which officer or society sends him money, if he needs it, in small amounts generally through postal orders. "Many long termers have been so re leased and are now In the United States. Twenty years is practically tho length of any murderer's term In Great Bri tain who has been sentenced to a life Imprisonment. The balance of his life sentence ho serves out, living as he chooses in the United States, assisted there by a fund made up partly by the British government and partly by these benevolent societies under the itiac of Hie i hti. nt The mint J t tM 1 1 , ai ti aavMl to tin B'f ' hi M,cat HtHaintit UiUt- t. m, lil, ..( n , ij the taxgi lit en at mam m. n to the t'nit.-.l Mlale at l.e -i . . tit in pi e ol alii-rage, l 1 .si, ao. a III give 1 ai li 4 ttienta ! tie Urn In eiiiiiiiM m-e life again on thla lil- iif tho Atlantic. t If limine tho I'i'ti l iim.-tit iiftireat Britain dm tint tin any of thi ilirectly, but due It all 1 1, mug It thono tuinvolitit wioletle. whleh are really aeutl nlllclal. tinier HiIh nyolein the Hill lull ln-IK It ha Inauguratiil tho ciinIoui of dividing teruiKof service with tiirin of imprison ment and tei'itia nl nurvclllancc, tho tacit iiinlerstundlng being 'that thu term of surveillance Is to lie nnt In the United states, Thus la tho Judicial branch of the British sovernmenl made a conspirator In this plot to silon the ais'ial system of this conntrv. It ladilllcult to Imagine the invention of n more ilnmmthlc and atrocious sillcy by one government for use toward another. The principle underlying It is precisely the same as that whleh nunl.i thu impressment of American sailors a cusiis f7i in I MI 2. As for its results, conjoined with reckless imimrtatiou of crime from ot her countries, let Carroll I). Wright, commissioner of lalmr, sfsmk: "Out of our total population of 02,022,2.'i0, the foreign born num- Imr n,2lil,r.47, or 11.8 per cent. Taking this as a basis we find that 11.8 1 e i-cent,, of the population In 18(10 furnished 43.80 per cent, of the homicides In the entire United States as reported In tho recent general census bulletin No. 182. published May , 1802." ll is illustrative of tho super ficial methods which limitations of time laid upon tho commission hat the whole north of Hungary, from whence tho invasion came which did morn to arouse tills country to the evils of tho present immigration system than anyone cause, was done by ono man, Major Semsey, tho secretary of tho commission, In twelve days. Even with this scrutching of tho soli there was a rich harvest of fact. He rejmrtod to the com mission as follows: "Most of tho Stovacs here who . . 1 . . . !.. ft ...... j. X are going 10 mo unitou niawii ,co bmwd fo",th mining dis- M'low 01 ronnayivania, 1 ney re main there for several years, visit their native plaeo from time to time, bringing considerable amounts of money with them to their families; remain at homo for a few months, then return again to America without their families, I met Mr. Felix Don schachnor, cashier of a bank In Knifmrios, an Intelligent and edu. catcd man who Is well Informed about the general affairs of that country, and who, on Inquiry about the amount of money sent from America to this place by Slovaes to their families, replied that most of the money sent home by them passes through his hands a i l am writs, approx I rnatoly, to several hundred thousadn dollars annually. According to his opinion there are but few Slovae fami lies who desire to settle permanently In the United States, the majority re turning to their country after four or five years, with sums ranging from 1000 to 3l)0 florins each. Some buy land, other pay their debts contracted by, them boforo leaving America, and then remain at home. "Mr. Samuel H.alm, a gentleman and owner of a large estate, as well as many others with whom" I came in contact, assured me that it was Impossible for them to find laborers, especially during tho harvest season, even at 'Ik to 3 florins per day, because the male popu lation is all going to America " The Slovaes aro tho jsKiple whom we are neuustomod to call "Huns," They earn from 40 to 05 cents a day In the Carpathian mountain mines. The Huns of Homestead got (1.40 per day as la borer In the Carnegie mill. In the coke region they earned In some In stances as much as (2 per day. Small wonder then that they, as old Manos Husnyak of Glrold told Major Semsey, mortgage their mssesslon for tho 200 florins, whoso mssesslon tho govern ment requires of tho Immigrant, bribe the police In lieu of passjmrt and so start across tho border. Major Semsey further roKrtod: "Mr. Louis Horvath, .a resected business man and an old .resident of Bartva, told me to visit the villages of Tulelk and Kaplvar, where I might find some Interesting facts. IJfound In tho village of Tulelk a Slavonic imputa tion of 1,200. I met there Tonako Gersak and Andreas Kozarlk, two resi dents of that plaoe.from whom I learned that nearly half of the tnalo imputation of tho two villages are in America. I visited many houses, accompanied by Gersak andorarik, and convinced (Continued on Fifth Page.) i