AMERICAN An 4 Mf Mir tsrtri Voll' MI Ul. "t If I K!Kt tON iVIKlCtSf ." Art ff to Jwnfritft n 4f.tB'rtr fit I'mrr (.( mlsnnf awiMf .-,-i, aim 01 f rVi OMAHA, NT.HKAHK A, lltlhAV, .I.VMAUY i, I MM. Nt MtHH I THE rv 'it t ROMANISM VS. A, l A. 4 De Moini'd Writer Addres a fp Word to tho PrUits, Ths Roman ChurtH Drst ribsd by Ons of the Faithful Who Thought ha was AAilinj the A. P. A. 1)k Mot N km, lit., January 3, 111:1.--Knmm A 'AN: An a mcmlr of the A. 1'. A , 1 ask th privilege of answering through your columns, a windy attack um the above as'la tlon by Priest Jesuit F. Nugent. A recent Issue of the Catholic Mrnmi' yrr expiates um tlo.'H:uutlful God like Influence of tho Catholic homo." I wonder if tho rowdy makers, Urry Hunts, Swifts, Callahan and other "French" thugs, who havo for your figured In police and penitentiary circles In thin slate wore roared undor tho above mentioned "holy Influences?" Undor what influence were tho Irltdi lloman bootleggers roared who Infest the city, since they wore prohibited from atto ullng tho "Godless public chools?" Since the wisdom, intelligence and virtue of the age, past and present, is and ha boon cmbod iod in the 1 toman Catholic church how can you censure tho "clay plpu-hoadcd A. P. A.'a?" Will not their brittle heads be an ad vantage to you and your intelli gent following when you resort to your favorite national pastime of wielding the ithlllalah and cracking skulls? You doubt that there is any "oxcuho" for the existence of the A. 1'. A's. I should think that tho recent eloo- tlon in Iowa would furnish you with something of an excuse for their existence, even while you are crowing over tho 1 toman Cath olic victory on tho national issue, Mr. Nugent, tho "excuse" for the existence of tho A. P, A's 1 the fact that such a fomtering t CV'iolIc ahwvU exists under tho mtMgi merit of "his wicked ness" iWhoso present, seat of gov ernment is about the Ojilrlnal the tnagot thn ha made seri ous and lasting trouble for every government where it lias taken root. They will exist whether satisfactory to you or not, ar.d will be a thorn In your side until you, ws a church, shall have called out the ''beneficiary" lnstl ution the A, O. H, to quiet them. To quote from Mr, Mormbari, the ob ject of the A, (), Jf,, Is to "care for the sick and bury the dead," but why they should drill with guns when their Intention are so pacific, Is a question that Mr, Monahan or yourself, Mr. Nugent, are perhaps best able to deter" mine, Think you they would bury any dead A, I', A's, that might "acci dentally come within the range of those small callble rifle I.V70 government standard, Of course they are heretics and the "Holy Terror," LeoXIfL has dearly defined your duties toward thorn, You say that the ftoman church would not permitan organl.atfon within Its folds whose object was tho "over throw of Protestantism," As the policy of the lloman church by its own dec laration is that of extermination of heretles, it would seem that there were no neeesslty for "organization for that purpose" within its fold. The Infamous Jootrlnothat the "end justifies the means" and which you ascribe to us as one of our principles originated in your -church and you know It, You have never let go that principle long enough for us to caleh It if we would, Of course It would be Impertinent to ask or even guess as to the object of the ('lan tut Gaol or II, M C H. A. and M.f.iy other of your secret societies, but wi a copy of the constitution and by-laws iH'ie A. O. II, before me, whose laws also .intern in a measure tho Hibernian KnSri'ts and Hibernian III mYs, and probably the Knight of Ht. John, one need not cur jecture as to the alms of tho latter so cieties. Would you, Mr, Nugent, us spiritual advisor of those loyal A, O. H's, 1st willing to leave at home yourdual char aetcr of God Almighty and Koman Catholic priest, descend to the lowly dignity of an ordinary citizen and take your oath that the Intention of tho A. (, If. Is pacific; that they do not drill with arms and that their principle is not church first and country a matter of secondary consideration, and that one of their cardinal principles Is "to present a bold unbroken front to the theenemlesof their church?" Of course you could dwlgo this point by defining, to suit the occasion, who Hie "enemies ,of your church are?" WVhethcr your tl tlnllioi weult) l' Miveptttt ht Iti'ivtle er tint oun'.il t. li.l tlif auteilllt ef truth yni would U-wIIIIm to (ml Into )onr tloni lil It kiiuhiU hsiijilv one who tins ii'Hl I'lmtvli lilntoiy w hi-ii a Itonian I'ailiolle pi li l U ylm to ti!k of "moral rot and uVeav," and "Me'etliijf o i tin- ulri'i'l nml slinking hand with the iiibii whom It wn Intetelod o utiih tho next day." You are well verwd In the trick of your ehuii h, Mr, Nugent, That sound very plausible, your eh u re h history tMinshloivd. It makes one think of the historical night of Nt. Ihtrtholo mew, murder of Ir, t'ronlu and the later "removal" of Mayer Miller, of Houth t)inftha. Your priest and other titled church olllelal asall any and all American institutions, denouncing them In the must unmeasured terms hot to say Inectid lary, and If tho press of the country does not applaud your sentiments It suys nothing, actuate of course by love In tho first instance and fear of your displeasure In the second. On the oilier hand any attempt to "cuss" or discuss the methods of tho lloman Catholic church Is nine times out of ten tho signal for tho raising of a mob, as in tho very recent case of Hlattery at Keokuk, Iowa, White at Muscatine, Iowa, and Lyons at Choy- T' ''' l'yv,"f'3!Mf Jr L1"t enne, Wyoming, to say nothing of hun dreds of similar Incidents too numerous to mention, which havo rsscurred In this country. During Mr, White's lectures In this city recently, your article In tho U'QlKl'r, Mr, Nugent, deploring mob violence rather seemed to eouritenamio It in certain cases. Hud a mob been raised upon the occasion of his last lec ture, yourself and Messrs, Flavin and Hchmldt might pimslbly been obliged to ignore pastoral visit to attend to the more profitable business of purgaterial praying. The "moral rot" element was out and watching in the interest of free speech, Hpeaklng of "moral rot," is it possible that previous to writing that article you had been rellectlng upon tho holy vows of celibacy you have taken and probably broken, or have you been meditating upon your present convent system filled with unwilling or other wise depraved victims? Of course not, A man like yourself, in full health, the li t of his congregation, with everything to stimulate the animal passions in the way of diet, assurance of secrecy, etc,, could not do otherwise than live the strictest life of celibacy If he tried to. Would It puzzle you in the least to ac count for tho existence of certain U-liK' I sometimes wonder If it would n t be eiisler for you to do so than to aewintfor the existence of tho A, P, A, General Hherrnan, in an article copied in tho IUyiU'r, declared that ho was not and never could bo a Catholic, that he did n:t choose at that time to give his reasoti but had them. While in an unconscious corn) I tlon, just before his death, hlslesuit son admlulMters the rite of "extreme unction" and your church history luthe future will record him as one of tho greatest generals of the ikbclllon and a staunch Catholic, Great Is the v rtue of wax and holy oil when applied py the lloman Catholic priest. Acco-ding te your church diss trines upon he subject of marriages contracted oUslde of the church, how . i fc. " 'VZ it II I I II I I ls"a I l I , It! m t . "w r 2 M . " fr W III the nflpi iti if of n li h Mil Ion iHiMo pniv rillghiily w Mh tin' olUpi liitf f sn unman (oil il-t to Woulil )oi hold up tlu hj ks-1 lie yni Hli'lit toned, joiirwlf, or Would) oil let Itowdv Mrtgher hold Mill Hp tll'ot for the tielletit of the rhilivll Slid thlim III mi Into qiilik-llnie aftewrl l It to bo eoiixtriHTl ft all e Mete' of the pact lie Intention of jour ehuii-h that the A. O, II. paraded the slrm'i of Cin cinnati on folumhu day with riucsV Was It a like evhleiiei- Hint iiu'tnliers of your rhun'h desecrated the tomb of l.lmidn, the man martyred by 1 1 If Have the dosccrator Ish-ii releiid from the Illinois ponltetitlaryy Why not Incur sirate that history into your paris'hlal school text Issiks? Could you not make a home tppllcntlon of the term "whltcd sepulchres" Is 'fealty to Croat Itrltaln" a more hideous rrlme than fealty to the "scarlet lsast" of the Vati can? How is it you understand so well alsiut packed juries and religious re strictions? Do you consider yourself an adept af'damning with faint praise?" I judge so from your feeble defence of Protestantism. What you do not know about tho benefits of "liberty of con science" Is not worth knowing. Please explain, also, best monns of destro lng it. Are not those pen pictures which you so graphically portray with an artist's eye and hand, showing th nefarious end and alms ot tho A. P. A, full life sized portraits of the church you represent? Could they have been drawn by any other artist save one educated In the church of Home? Could you not substitute "Homlsh church" for "A, P, A," In many places In your article and pay a deserved tribute to Home? One sentence would then read, "that the end and aim of the Iteman church Is to wre.ik" not Itself but the United States government. Yes, you can easily take home your own senti ment "the end justifies the means," Mr, Capcl could afford to do so when ho stated at tho "order of the pojsj school tax collectors would receive bullets instead of money," Doe be Isdong to the A, O, II., and is hi division armed with -IMOs? Do you think that your "wooden warehouse" Illustration would li more dilllcult for an Intelligent com munity tos'vallow than your historical "holy coat of Treves," the "relic of Ht. Anthony," tho several "heads of John the Haptlst" that you havo stowed away for the veneration of the lalthful, the fifty or more "leg of the ass" on which our Ird rode Into Jerusalem, the "vial ol the breath of Ht. Joseph, caught by an angel," or the wonderful removal of that wonderful structure from the Holy Land te Italy a second removal In Italy without the loss of a timber, j crack In the plaster or Injury te the chlnaware? . When It comes to "misfit theology," the term disis not apply to your re ligion as you make It conform te all conditions, countries, climate and crime bull fighting on Kunday In Mexico and Hpaln, srseoution of other creeds wherever you are, Siibbath dese cration In Switzerland, iereeution and banishment of tho Salvation Amiy from that country, toleration of Metho dism in America liecauso It cannot j ilo ltln-i x l at u- el, tmtiUliMo ill of ! It trout ,Vi"ttii tcAue It ti no rented, the lvr garden ami the low trlhel, the o li saloon and the ''nioti reoiHVlatde" iIUk, roootttUe lull ijjie sgsiuxt yoM i hue iil slid nlo snv tlientiA of fttermhiHtilig hel-elleo, All thee conditions your theology will fit If Hie pt eo of alsxtittlloii insight, (let i fceurmi It would ls W oug for the A, P. A', to propHk'nte ProtcMfliit dis'trlue, jour I o titiich siis'rlor, Could you eo any dllTereiic' Hlde from a rtdigleim one lietwi'eu the re cent McIImmIUI awemhlitge st Omaha, W ith on diMU'H Hild queciiV Kliglinh, and the Kiiiuiiti CHtlioile gathering at New York w Itli cloned disirwaiid liHtln? A. P. A. sigolilcM the upholding of the Pulled Stale government: CalhollelHin Its Miibvcrslon. That Is no 'excuse" of course for the existence of the former. Will It "shake your faith" to be In formed that there are Orangemen fuiough In Groat Itrltaln to defest 'Homo rule" for Ireland and enough in this country for the "holy Human Cath olic church" to mob now and then? Did It make your head ache when tho Second Keg I meet band of Chicago played "The lloyne Water" at the first inauguration of Gov, Hole? Which In your judgment Is more preferable in a clt I .en, the "clay-pipe head and chicken heart" of an A, P, A,, or the massive Intellect and dark complex loned char actor of the avenge priest of Home? What are your foldings when you read the reports of wardens of penitentiaries, If you ever read them, to see the largo jK'rcent, of your faith that are "perse cuted for righteousness sake?" If any of your statements were to bo believed, I should 1st more than pleased to learn of your opposition to any society that would "take the bread from the mouth of an lnmsicrit babe because its father was a Protestant." Possibly you would turn the father ovei to tho A. O. If., the fellows who never drill with guns, that Is "hardly ever," and if the "in nocent bubo" had any profs-rty, secure it for the church. Then to avoid any chance of having It grow up to 1st edu cated In the "pojs-.less" public schools, baptize It to Insure salvation and wring its neck for safety. Did you ever hear of a teacher In a parochial school who "prayed as her I 'rotestant mother taught her?" Had you not Isdter find an Instance of this kind before you begin "dragging hypo crites from the shadow of the Vatican," or prate alsiut "whlted sepulchres?" A a lover of even handed justice why riot use your Influence te make public the confession of Ice Man O'Sulllvan, In connection with the Cronln murder? The s;ople of Cook county and Illinois, having had the bills to flout, are In terested In It. v ny not orn your convents and give te those who desire It their liberty? The Mexican war veterans "met with no papal bulls," other historians do not agree with you. Some think tho 'bull'' were there but their horn were not as well dcvcIoisd as at present. The "devil quoting Scripture te Christ on the mountain" could have no possible connection with ttio A. P. A. The I toman Catholic church is the only institution which t tsllli Kiteh nin si Mtnti!i l'o.ili' the pilttiH- i.( ii o of tll i;e, Ht Mil, l s ii, -.-.mUi.l lnsilir.i l lit,e S it the lultiirttee of an a,t,iHe t iiol let loit, or the rviilt ol a llt to It-mi n V'ttllii'lie IkHttlewllii; oltttilUti Hu nt tliHt iti.i.livd an A. t. tl. In thU city to !ule Ihul in the lutactticnt of St, Auibrow church then' U one thousand ltid of hiiiis wlih earlrldgea to match When riot Influenced by either of the wlvtve condition at wluil range could the aversge A.O. H, hit a "clsy pipe head'" .Mr. Nugent, If you will foint UNin II the term 'misfit" plonc accept a token in return. There I some chance of alteration In a inUM- article of any kind but there seems to 1st little or no hope for a rotten theo logy of which you are an able exsinenl, A you have mors Influence w ith the l)fs Moines pi-ens than any Protestant clergyman could have, will you not have this published as an answer to your letter? He charitable and remem Is'r that the elTorts made by a "clay plM-hcudod" A. I'. A., who can only boast of two years attendance at a "GinIIoms" public school, could hardly Is) expected to compare with an "In tellectual" giant, oiirtlcularly in res ponno to Hindi a polished shaft as your art icle on the A. 1'. A. Mr, Nugent, the people are wider awake now than at any time for the past fifty years arid, If I mistake not, tho "mnie tmme tffkd aphurnin" of your destiny Is written upon the wall of this republic. That blighting curse and greatest enemy of human liberty tho church of Home Is making its final struggle, May God grant that the A. P, A's. shall bo successful in tho "propagation of Protestant disitrlnes" that the gloom of papal night may not descend lower ujstn our beloved country; that from the boisterous billows of tho Atlantic to the placid waters of the Pacific; from tho csil dark waters of Superior te the sunny climes of tho Gulf stream, our people may Is) united around our glorious standard the flag of our country, and In tho future as in tho past, this land shall bo tho .Kg I of universal liberty te tho oppressed of all the lands who can appreciate the priceless boon, and to you, Mr Nugent, If you are content to remain here and not abuse your privilege. A, P. Anokkho.v. Catholics. Tho Irish Catholic are te bo whlpjs-d In by the German Catholic. Father Corrlgan, an Irish priest, Is quoted from Friemun't Journal a saying: "I oppose two things. First, tho attempt to Germanize America by means of tho church. Second, tho denunciation of the public schools as alsunlnationul." This was a criticism of the German congress and for this he has been called to stand trial by Hishop Wigger. To tho outside world there is a fight for control by the German Catholics and a revolt' by tho Irish. That the German Jesuits will apparently Is; overcome at the first onset, may be safely predicted, and the Irish will ap pear as the champions of tho school and free Americanism, but In the long run the Germans will make the Irish do I.hI-- l.'l. t p. n to II,, tt !. '), Who it, ttot ptlj- oot old I ttn -f Hjsn, Sf.l hit .vU unj- ifo,) out io eormpt a liH, l Tamtiiany the .le,ii! Ii-al t atliMlle i hnn H In tlitleat Aim tea . - V.iowl, 4i, - A Virar's rtrtKnstton n. tVoll The H, Canon Htlrling, writing fcim New Maiden, of which he km the vicar ent the following on the 2,'mt illt. tl the liUhop of H.ahenter, who liaa aeeeptod the reverend gentleman' resignation: "It Is my painful duty to state that I have today, with finding of profound grief, exi-euted the deed of resignation of this tsuiclbv. In placing my realgnntlon In your lordshli's hands, I miiy be allowed to say that the recent judgment In the Lincoln case has rendered It intNwlhle for pie to retain my connection with the KsUl llshed church as she now Is, with sisry caught by her clergy on every hand, her communion tables turned Into 'altars,' her ministers Into 'sacrificing priests,' her churches into 'mass houses,' and with 'auricular confession Inculcated, practised, and where possi ble, enforced. All this Is done under the eyes, with tho knowledge, and under the protection of the bishops who llrht lntrmluce the 'wolves in sheep's clothing' Into the fold and ' then shield them when tho flock remonstrates. My lord, I have been for forty-one years a plain Kngllsh clergyman. I must da dine now to bo longer aswKilated with Homlsh priests. That tho Church of England will bo pun ished for her apostany from those Protestant principles and truths of which she was In better days the bulwark, is as certain as that tomorrow's sun will rise. Dises tablishment and dlsendowment would appear to be rapidly ap proaching, I can only pray that It may please Almighty God to 'cleanse and defend Ills church," for unless cleansed from popish doctrines and popish practices she will not and cannot be success fully defended.' " The letter con cluded with thanks to the blubop for his kindness and courtesy to the writer - ,! i wm Rise and Guard. Tho Hrooklyn Chronifk In Its Issue of December I), 1892, takes the Iowa State rjtifTtotask for its servile attitude toward tho llo man church. It truthfully states that It was the first newspaper In the state to wage a warfare against that great and powerful rcllglopolltical organization - -the lloman church. Tho Enlir prine has tho honor of being sec ond in the field, and it is gratified to know that such papers as the Keokuk (ink CV',Muscatlno Jour nal and Cedar Kaplds llrpubiimn, are taking up the fight and doing all they can te enlight en tho people as to the ob jects, alms and progress of our enemies. The EulrrprUc, has been charged with attacking the Catholic religion, but never in it columns were seen even a word that furnishes' foun dation for such a charge. It hs direct ed all Its attack toward the church us a factor In oolitic and sought to de fend so far as able the free Institutions of America from the continued attacks of Homanlsm. The public rchool sys tem is one of the most highly prized of all our institutions, and anyone who reads will know that it Is tho avowed object of the lloman church te break it down. It protests against Homun Catholics paying taxes for its supimrt and openly ail voeates a division of the public money, a share of which shall go to tho support of its parochial schools. If they accomplish either one of tho above aims thej will continue to en croach on the liberties of the American fsjoplo until they havo no 1 Us-r ties left, but will bo at tho beck aud call of tho lloman priestcraft. After enjoying four centuries of freedom It will bo hard te go back to papal despotism. American coplo must rise up and guard against such a catastrophe. Wtt Liberty (fazttte. New York Herald on Immigration. The Philadelphia lkcord fears thaj the anti-immtgration movement founded on ratio prejudice. It mli: i... t .. .... Tl...... t .. ii:, in i aui-ic liu uuui'i n - deal of race prejudice In tho mlndj some of tho Philadolphians who i l chickens for the New York market no one blames them for locking doors of their coops at night. Pa Americans who read tho dally of pauperism and crime in the papers can scarcely cseapo race dice, but they aro certainly ev for wanting te loci nation against fre-i kind. Try thi Annv u K V. . I L