The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 30, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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tlflMllfl t !) I I
ll l'l " .11. in, l titi4J H
II - If.- It '! f V ..! 'h till
Itlrt, t,lt-V ' I '' 11
A . . .. A i I- t.L.i m t, Mt
tv,ii n i t- -,-t ,
t !..,, ll . t .. . S. 1 f,'M' tf. 1
i li! -! H t !- 0 -ir 14 . It I
In M, ! '( j .. ( I
I ,i. Its Lh"l i - W lit t l l
lt Ot rttti4 tt wt.rti din- fc-n
Iht r Hi f-r ' i t . Hint n,i
to ll. ihi lh"r Initl r i ! ,
I Miml In t Uif thai tilitl
I hi htf-htt tt ! Ill I , I'f
! I itiitllt..til All til fttii t l 1,
ulilib t)lnltal tli Maleim nt, Tlit
) ttii!r.'r I'l'ilmliiK""''! ! lit lrtttw
't M 1 1 it ,h It tn Ii t1l nr MllxL
lUtHbl illwnw, it Mti irnti tltfAil
to Itimiv hotiAt lutl.t, it tli intislltu
tionl ill tu lid h I nf r, In not
frW ram-A til lllUltiln! l.f It A ItlA'lt
I'V lit rtitiltiMin of tli tt tin. itk
t)l lllltTllf.
Th frt will tank ti tuistAk U
th rjf kivi n Lli'iic nf it, for tu aIjou
t NMiiiv In iiiltitit. lililltitt from tin
tU"l HM'ti)inr fawn cltml
tpotAtm th relin, Theurji,oiiilrAil
to fltul them, Ism'au tin? am rvtiti'iuH
f an mlrnnrnl Iak of tli malml
wlili'h jir'mitnly ilfstroya. ao innn)
lti. Iliitflit'A iUm'AM U in fai t ft itti
Reiteration of niAtiy of tlia tissue of tin
txsly, tlm waIU of thn aHoHph Is'tiif
lining tliin. In mi 'rt of th Wlj
can thin tlnKmieriition l ao rpHilily d
twtH am in the rctitiA of the ry. Cot
fur rrotln llpulh.
UndiT clilorofurtii, a iti.l r all antra
thptio kiihi' ninl vaMirn, there 1 a iikxW
of (li-iith which limy be culled the finiC
or natural. It noil never be product!
and never could be except under tU
moht tumkillful tnanHeuient., and it !m t
loni? time in iU progress. When death
does occur in this manner it in by th
slow extinction of the natural animal
tyiuoHin, and is illtiNtrated, an to method
perfectly by the dimple experiment oi
gTnduiilly extinguishing a candle in
confined Apace by introducing vapor oi
chloroform into the air that fills tin
It can bo ilhmtrated also by the ex
periment of Atopping ordinary ferments
tion by the presence of chloroform, ano
even by the simpler process of using
chloroform vapor as a preservative oi
animal tissues from deconiDOsition. All
amesthetics are open to kill in this man
ner, but that is the safest ana-sthetk
which puts ont life in no other manner,
which does not, that is to say, cauw
either of the reflexes of spasmodic char
acter during administration. Asclepiad.
When Jar Could Wm Boy.
"At one time," said Mr. Woolhiser
who as a boy worked in the same store
with Jay Gould, "while Gould was ii
the employ of Burnham be fell sick.
My father, who was a general nurse and
something of a doctor, attended him
and hrontrht him around all right.
Not long after he recovered he met my
fatlier and said, 'You saved my life, and
If at any time you are iu need and I can
help you I shall do so with pleasure.
Fortune has not smiled on my poor ok
father of late, and being in absolute
need he wrote to Mr. Gould, telling him
of his condition and asking for help
No reply was ever received. I think
that our letters never reached Mr. Gould,
or he would surely have helrmd us. I
wrote to him only a few days before hi
death for the fourth or fifth time. Gould
was always a good boy, and for awhilf
we slept together In the same bed in tne
old store in Iloxbnry. Jay never missed
saying his nightly prayers before retir-ing."-New
York World.
Tim Study of I'hllH(fjr.
Philately is a study. It is a pursuit
that adds more to the life of the young
collector than any other of his pleas
ures. Philately in the present genera
tion is assuming vast proportions as an
instructive science and is even now a
formidable rival of numismatics. Nc
longer is it called a mania or a craze,
bnt a science teaching the geography,
history, language and the morals of
country. Our philatelists are not mew
schoollmys and girls, althongh they col
lect stumps, but men of mature minds
men well established in business and
profeslis, men of sound Judgment,
intellectual and thoughtful men. And
it is this fact that gives the young col
lector encouragement, the knowledg
that such men do exist in the ranks of
philatelists, Ohio Htate Journal.
Ul us CaiiArr Illrdi.
In Germ- ny the poorer classes are
nearly all engaged in raising canaries,
Beveral hnndred thousand arftshipjxid
every year to all parts of the world.
There is no industry like it in existence.
The birds are strong and hardy and re
quire very little attention; consequently
among the peasantry every family ha
is aviary, which is a constant source of
income, independent of the proceeds ol
their daily toil. The buyers for the
New York houses make periodical trip
through the country i the birds are bought
and are soon on their way to America,
where they quickly become accustomed
to their gilded cages. Pittsburg Ilecord.
Khuii for Folding Nnpkltn.
About 1050 Pierre David published the
"Maistre d'Hostel," "which teaches how
to wait on a table properly, and how to
fold all kinds of table napkins in all
kinds of shapes."
The shapes were: "Square, twinted,
folded in bands and in the forms of a
double and twisted shell, f ingle shell,
double melon, single melon; cock, hen
and chickens; two chickens, pigeon in a
basket, partridge, pheasant, two capons
in a pie, hare, two rabbits, sucking pig,
dog with a collar, pike, carp, turbot, mi
ter, turkey, tortoise, the holy cross and
the Lorraine cross."-Youth's Compan
ion. Causa for IUgrct.
Lady I don't like this picture so well
as I did the last one you took of me.
Photographer Ah, madam, I have
not the artistic taste that I had when I
w young, and besides my camera is
getting old. New York Weekly.
Vti t .MPt M HUM, imi
In ll , , 4 .....,! 1 1
illllliiiitlli tail Hi M
.1 i tl . ... . t I. 1 i M 4 t4 t
I Hr !' ti . ., .( 1
tl !. 1 M i v ! 4h II -!!
l.1,l tlir htifc I'l 'If II lHll l't ll
Mil I tA l.hi A "! V!i-l
l I Ml ti lfil i ! !.. ii :l
II 'ti II tt Ol It 4 Ml I.I I Im-
Hh All ! nl W' t Mun i
tli l tin. hi ! 1st i ! ii ll i
(w d, h4.
MA All " lll W t l'l t (lili
itl f In lib ti f iHillirinll Hi In I,
,i, Ihr iiii i i t ii-l hi
ll.r - lilliil in t4 -i lil I Ihr
nuiil ttmll mill! i.ilnllrf Is (mill rw
III W Ml tot ll li.nir
llli. 1 lt- l'lm h i oi ii.i h.t
l fA hi.
Tlh 1 Ii tunintiif lxit III I tn no a
m in u
1hi li.innlnit limit III I 0 inlnl Imlal I
Wiiil tun. ili'iiHiltrtn. tid i (mill rwM m-t f"t
tlmliUX, I. .'lul l To rii.Hnii. ill imiin i nl
ill tmill i iim hlrli lint inlnulj )HM-d
i. ii lu nnulnr ilnjr slid trsifi rml nn Hh'CaU
inli t In Kiln tiny,
Mh After i't, mot Inn nr A ill nuifirr
Iim mM il tlii'tlini' fur hli h II l wl. II i''
mil iN'i'Mlli-d ti) until a mot Inn Is Hied and
iIih li ti d liy Ii hit of IliiM-iMiM, snil nin li tin
UnMotlie uinmlli mrly as tlii' I'oiirt timy
tinier Al tlie time lenvn I (tlven lit llletlie
tllli. MtiHineMA set fur a cerliiln tlniOi run
mil l iriinoferrecl lo Another Ubjt or hour,
unlrwi the Iruimfer older Is iiiAde At tlie hour
the matter Is net fur lu iiilnn. i eepl under
Kulu III,
loth. Kitch day lit t:l a. m.. the buslnessof
lliv hour will Ihj called.
Illh. The mutters III lie heard In theor
iter In'li they aiv entered on Iheciiliinder
unless all liurtles ptesetit Biiil Interested eoi.
sent. to a different arratiKemetil. or In ckso oi
urgent necessity.
12th. The trial of cuses will coiiimeiii:e at
I0:mt o'i'lis'k, ii. in., and continue until 6;uu
o'clis'k p. in., with a recewi from 12 :W a. w.,
unt il l:;) p. in. fcuch cime Is entitled to ho
culled at the time set or wit hin ten minutes
thereafter; either to lie proceeded with, or a
further order to Imi mude. I'or this purpose
no party will he mm I red to wait longer than
ten mlnutvB for the opposite parly or other
business, except for uraent reasons. The trial
of a rune will he siiNpended at any time for
this purpose. In case t he court llnils that any
rule herein will work un unforeseen hardship,
the court reserves the rlglit to suspeuu tne
rule for the special case.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
tho District Court, of ltouulas County, Ne
braska, and to mo directed. I will, on the ilrd
day of January, A. 1)., WU. at ltto'c.lis'k A.
M. of said day, at the KAHT front door of the
County Court House, In the City of Omaha,
Douicliot County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
of sain as follows, to-wlt:
Lot twenty 8M and twenty-one (21) In
block two (2i In I'ruyn I'ark addition totlm
city of Omaha, all In DoiikIiis county, slam
of Nebraska;" said property to be sold to
satisfy Joachim II. Hpctmami the sum of
sixty-three and 4m-W0 dollars (i;i.Wb JiuIk
meiit with InMirest thereon at raU of ten (10)
percent, per annum from September ltltli,
!hi; u satisfy Columbus Hunity Company
the sum of three hundred elulity-three and
Wt-IIM) dollars lifclsil.Wn JudKinent with ln(4:rest
thereon at rate of lht (S) sir cent, per
atiiiiim from Hetilember IWth. IHI. and thirty
seven and IIMIIU dollars CI7.; i-osts.wllli
Interest thereon from the IM.h day of Hep
tember, A. ). IsW, until paid, together with
accruliiK costJiaccordliiK toa JuilKiiient ren
dered by the district court of said loujla
county, at Its KeutoniW term, A. I, I sua,
In a certain action then and them pending,
wherein Columbus HtiKuy Oimpany and
Jimchlm II, HH.tmatiu were plaLnlllfs, and
Mary K. Chamller. I' rank F. Chandler and
others were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska, December 1st, IS!i2,
12-2-ft OKOIUiK A. HI'NNK IT,
Hberlffof DoiikIus County, Nebraska.
Charles W, llaller and J. K, Nevlit, attorneys.
Hheriffi Hale.
Hy virtue of an order of sain issued out of
the district court of Itouulas count. Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the Zlih
day of December, A. D. Mr,!, at ill o'clis'k a.
tn. of said day, at the KAMT front door of the
county court house, In the clly of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the properly dcscrllsid In said order
of sale as follows, to-wll:
The east one-half (K 4 of lot thlrty-elht
(IIS), In llorbach's llrst addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded
In DoiikIiis county, slate of Nebraska, said
properly to be solil subject Ma certain mort-Kiip-c
In the sum of ts,.m and Interest al six
fh per cent, and to satisfy the Omaha Loan
and Trust Company's Havlnifs Hank the sum
of three thousand, elitht hundred, forty
elKht and 47-KAi dollars il,H4s.47l, with Inter
est thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent S'r
annum from February 1Mb, lsul, and the
further sum of one thousand and eltihty-six
and 40 Ml dollars ofUiWMin with Interest
thereon at rale of nine (M) percent, per annum
from February 1Mb, Jswl, until liald, and
forty-one ami 4;i-tK dollars (HI.4JII costs,
with Interest therou from the Uth day of
February, A, D. ISIH, tonether with accnilnx
costs accordlnu to ajudttment rendered by
the District Court of Douuhis County, at Its
February term, A, D, IslU, In a certain action
then and there peiidlnK, wherein Omaha
lioan and Trust Company's Hank was plaln
tltf, and Fdwii rd C. F.rflliia, Frames Met a
Frlllntl and others vere defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska, November 2.ilb. (CIS.
HherllTof DoiiKlas County, Nebraska.
Tumilclllf & I'Hite, Attorney, II-2ft-B
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the' District Court of DoiiKlas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on tiie.iru
day of January, A, D., istiil, al 10 o'clock a,
m. of said (lay. at the KAHT front door of the
County Courthouse, In the city of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auct ion the nropcrty described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt, ;
"Ijotsslxtceti (III), seventeen (17), elKhleen
(IS), nineteen il'.b and twenty (20), In block
live Ifn, lu HowlliiK (ireen add If Ion to the city
of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
toKether with all and sliiKitlar the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
lieloiiKlnKi or in any wise iinperiainiiiK, an
In DoiikIiis county, stale of Nebraskai" said
property to he sold to satisfy Arthur I'. I'.
Wood, 'Trustee, the sum of five hundred
ninety-three and Is-KKl dollars (SftKl.lH) with
Interest, tliereun at rate of elKhl S) pur cent,
per iinniim from Heptember lUth. Istrij to
satisry irom ine uuoiviiieii tiiie-iouriii
Inlerestof Thomas II, Taylor In the above
described premises, the ('tilled Hlalcs
National Hank the sum of two hundred
seven and 7iV IK dollars ifj7.7.1) with Interest
tliereun at rate of elKht IS) per etuit. per
annum from June 7th, ISW), toKether with
ulliii and 4f-MN) dollars ll.4.'i) costs therein;
to satisfy from the the undivided one-fourth
(i) interest of Thomas II. Taylor In the
above described premises, the ( lilted Slates
National Hank the further sum of four
hundred sixty-one and bt-HKi dollars tSlill.llli
with Interest, thereon at rate of ten i Id) per
cent, per annum from June 17th, I Wit l, to
irnilii.r with seven dollars III? ,IK) costs therein !
tu satisfy from undivided one-fourth ('
Interest or I nomas It. l iiytor in tne auove
described tiremlses, t he Commercial Niillomil
Hunk of Omaha the sum of two thousand
elKhty-foiir and 4ft-" dollars (f;.ns,4."i with
Int'resl thereon titrate of lentils percent,
in. r annum from Hetilember 22ml, A, D. Istm;
iosatlsfy the sum of fifty seven imd IS-IKI
dollars Ifi7.isi costs, Willi inieresi, iiiiti'iui
from the lllth day of Heptember, A.D. IW,
wlih sciTiilnif costs accurdltiK to a
judKiiient rendered by thn district court of
said lioiiK'as couniy. hi. ii ri in'iiii" r n-i,,i,
A. D. IS(i2, In a certain action then and
there pendlnK. wherein Arthur I'. Wood,
Trustee, wns plaintiff, and Milton II. Coble,
Trustee, Thomas II. Taylor. Albert M.
Kitchen, Henry O. Devrles, Merrl weal her J,
WauKh and others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. December 1st. 1 IsitJ.
HherllTof DoukIiis county, Nebraska,
Morris A Heekman. attorneys. 12-2-S
i t -I t i I ,
v,. , I. ..,
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. M II I'll. I. I.' I I, III W I- 1.11.1 I'-l II l
it.l iiimi .. mtliili iiH , !.. .t. .m .i Ar . ib.Ihi 4 t l.. h
,,-. i. I,.i n li li r t.i . i l n
.,. n n lli iiil,iii t nin m .I,
limit.!. Im.i ,. .'i !
w l-l. k l lit- .' nil 1. 1 I, i aiiil
t )., hi I tl.f M,Hl, I,, Vl ll, 4 If -liS H
kil.llllntl l.i l.- lll nt .!., Km tl
,"Hit' fclnli lit Ni t'limt S
1 ,i Ml inli i into sinl I ii tissirr
tek ilsiiitiS bm m, mini el l Uh'H
i.,t m. hm.ilM.I unit f.xit II l' deSlsl
i ii. t. i. u I,, el nli ii i nt tin t-roti m
tlr il 4 l(,li4 i. I ll III l mil. II in m
M im ! Sll, li; lu tt!f 4ei
I ii slit ii if lis lit Aiut ililm i 1 lii.n ln.'H.
ImtiiMi 1 1itnliii!ii A 1linn.tHi ilf
i ihIbiu In H ., Ituiii th iiu ii t Hi (
ai. 1. 1 lulu Until , tut Ii ii ilm ml
I li'ii-n .Hi. In ' Sin tti i In!" ill i1 " im
ii. -tlil . titue 1M1. tin it'ii ti I in lii B il'i..
mult tin, Im nl t "in- i.'li. In till Ii4 i !h
Mini luriitt-llitii' I'1'. I" hh U iAm h"
llitTt' i:ii, li'iir ii, Ate (M, m itn. M ien i,.
eU'lili-i inlm, iilm lii ti Int. I em t iSt'.li'iil
line r.'i snil lilylmi iT!i, lit tii iwtiti
i',: sml lul I i nly i "in. in Llm h elulil .',
hIhii e lie'! Iln il Hie sum uf M'l i n IiiiiiIhI
eltfhl litiliiln'il fiuly-nevea t n ilullsrn
ilf.Mt tM linlmiii til tlh Intin'Kt llu linn At
rste of ehilil iSi Iter rent m r biuiiiih (mis
N pteiiilsr '.'ll. l""ll M BtUf !lveliir
rtilitiilililisiii iiihI WllllNtii 1 hutiiiuti, tmil
tici itn I iiniiliiuliiiin A 'I hiiiiip"uii. defi'tul
Hiil herein, f nun Hie un-eel uf I he nsle of
IiiIk lite I'll, sit Hti. seven ill, eluhl isi. nine tin.
RltleetHlin. M'Vetiteeii ilti. elithteen ilsi And
tillielei'll i IKi. In litis k elulit: lots Iwu I-''
lhre'ili. four Hi, live i.M and sin int. In Muck
nlneitiii lot" neven ili.elithl isi. nine (In. leu
till). I'le Veil (III. I'ltflltwil (IS). tllneM'ell (llll,
twenty i'.iii, iweiily-iuie I'JIi mid I went y-t wu
ti'Jt, lu'hliN'k t welve iIJi. Blnive ili'lH'rIlH'il. the
mini of Ki'ven thiiiisiinil two liunilred Iwenty-
slt m-liKi dolliirs .r'l.'.'.'iUMi J iiil u ti I with
Interest thereuti al rule of el(thl M-r cent.
Iter milium from Aepleinls-r 21-1, IWI: Ui
satisfy Wiuren r.Thumfts. defendiinl herein,
ttiesum of three hundred I wu lift-it dolliirN
ii.rMi Jnilmiient with Inlerost tliereun At
rate uf seven i"i per cent, per aihiuiii from
NuvimiiImt imth, Issil; tu satisfy John T.
fathers, defenilitut herein, the sum of live
hundred twenty-elttht dollars (.V,(ini Judit
nieiit with Inli'lesl at rale uf seven d) per
cent. ter annum from May Ifith, Ishs; to
satisfy the sum of liliiety-lluee 4S-IKI dollars
(n;t.4si costs, with Interest thereon from the
l!lst. (lay of Keitlemher. A. l. ISSU, tunetlier
with accruliiK costs accordlnK to a .ud?ment.
rendered hy the district court of said Iniiik
lascounly, at Itsfieplemlier term A. I. IWU, In
a certain iictloii then and there pemllutt
wherein Nehruskii Huvlnus and Kchiinco
Hank was lilalntllT, mid Wendell lietison,
Murttaret K. Hetisun. (ieorne M.(!ooperand
others were defeiidants,
limaha, Nebraska, December 1st, IWi!.
HherllTof Iloimlas County, Nebraska,
riexter 1.. Thomas, attorney. l'i-2-ft
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sain Issued nut of
the district court of DoiiKlas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on thn 24th
day of January, A. D. lst. at 10 o'clock a. m
of said day, at the KAHT front disir of the
county court house, In the city of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the tiroperty described In said order
of sale as follows, lo-wlf.
'Lot thirty ;)) of block twenty-one (21) of
Walnut addition lotheclly of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, stale of Nebraska." Hald
properly to be sold Iosatlsfy John W. I tod If it
the sum of two hundred thirty-seven and
SM-IOd dollars (:.':i7.l);i) with Interest thereon
at rate of elKht (S) per cent. Iter annum from
May Hilt, IHU2; to satisfy ll, W, Kohlhamer
the sum of six hundred twenty-nine and
Sll-Kitt dollars oftCTSln with Interest thereon
at rate often (Id) percent, per annum from
May Wh, IMC, until paid, and the sum of
forty-live and ret-KM I15.TO dollars costs,
with Interest thereon from the lllh day
of May, A. D, MB, toKether with ac
cruing costs accordlnK to a JuilKment ren
dered by the District court of said Doiik
Iiis county, at Ita May term, A. D. Isttj,
In a certain action then ami there pendlnK,
wherein John W, Kodlfer was plaintiff, and
Charlotte K, Partner, Mark M. Parmer. Wil
liam J. Paul, HylvesU'r J. Furls, John Weber,
Drucella C, Farls and others were defen
dants, Omaha, Nebraska. December 2!lrd, !,
HluTlir of DoiikIiis Count v. Nebraska.
HaMlctl, Crane A HaldrlKC attorneys. 12-2:1-5
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order ol sale issued out of
the District court of DoiikIiis couniy. Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will. ot. t lie 21 Hi
day of January, A, D. Isiw. at 10 o'clock a.m.
of.sald day, at the KAHT front door of the
county court house, In the clly of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, Nebraska, sell at public
and Ion the proMirty described In said order
of sale as follows, towlts
l,o(,sone (I), two (2) and three (ll), In block
numbered ten (I'D, In H, K. Kokci's addition
lotheclly of Omaha, us surveyed, platted
and recorded, all In DoiiKlas county, to sat
isfy Omaha Loan and Trust Comtiativ the
sum of live thousand ami ten dollarsi(.'i.lilli.nii)
judKi'ient, with Interest thereon at six (III per
cent per annum from the 21st day of Heptem
ber, A. !,, I Mi I, until paid, and one hundred,
lilnely-nltie and lit-inn dollars ttlltu. I ll costs,
with interest thereon from the 21st day of
Heptember A, D.i IS'.il, until paid, tiatet her
with accruliiK cost according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court of
said DoiiKlas couniy, at Its Heptemls'r term,
A. D. Nil. In a certain action then and there
pendlnK, wherein Omaha Loan and Trust.
Company was plalntllf, and Jared 11. Ayer
anil others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. December Kl, IWB.
Hherlffof DoiikIiis Count y, Neb.
Kake, Hamilton Ax Maxwell, attorncv.l2-2U-A
Charles K. Warner. Mary K. Warner and
the unknown heirs, of devisees, of Aurelia F,
Chandler, deceased, defendants, will take
notice that on the 21st day of December, A,
D, ISU2, John J. Miiticll, Jr. executor of the
cstaleof (illbertC, Mnncll, deceased, plaintiff
herein, tiled his petition In t he dist rict court
of DoiikIiis county. Nebraska, against, said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are lo foreclose a certain mortgage executed
hy Charles K. Warner ami Mary K. Warner
to the plaintiff, upon lot eleven (II) In bhs'k
seventeen (17) of Central Park, an addition tu
the clly of Omaha. In Douglas couniy, Nit
liraskii, as surveyed, plat ted and recorded, to
secure the payment of their promissory note
dated May '.I'M h, Issii, fur the sum ortlimum
and due and payable In live years from the
da Mi thereof ; that there Is now due upon said
note and mortgage the sum of flliHi.Dii with
Interest at. t n iioi per cent,, per annum from
November 201 h. Issil, fur which sum and In
terest plalntllf prays for a decree, and that
the same be established as a llrst lien upon
said premises, and that defendant be re
quired lo nay the same, or t hat said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due,
you tire required to answc rsald petition on
or before the Jith day of January, ls',i:,
Dated December 21st, IH'.rj.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
DisMlfi, No. 112, l2-2;i-4
Notice for Administration of Estate.
Htatk or Nkiihaska, i
DoiiKlasCiiuiity, (""'
In the Couniy court of Douglas county,
In the matter of the estate of Oeorge
Wellington Hull, deceased:
Helen M. Hall, Morris A. Hall, f. W. Hall,
Heidi Hall Kk'hnrdsun and all other persons
Interested III said matter are hereby notllied
that on the 2 lii day uf November, Is'.rj, Helen
M. Hall tiled a prill Ion in said County court
alleging among other things that (frorue
Wellington Hall died on the 14th day of .No
vember, Ih'.C leaving no last will and
testament, and possessed of real and personal
estate valued lit, t.'sm.isi. ami that tlie above
named const It the persons lute rested iu
the estate uf said deceased I and praying fur
al minis! rat Ion t hereof.
Vint are hereby mil Hied that If you fail t )
appear at said Court on the imth day of Jan
uary, Is'.r.l, at 10 o'clock A. M and contest said
pel ii Ion, tbe court will appoint, Andrew Hi
Van Kitrait or some other suitable iHTsott
administrator, and proceed to a settlement
of "ii hi estate.
Witness my hand anil official seal this 3rd
day of December, Istrj.
SKAI..1 12-23-4 J. W. EI.I.KK.
CoiAity Judge.
Ailtiltt tit tn, in tt-f St ii
.' ! l.-ll: 1 - H 1 ll, "" I"' '
,4, . - . ... VWi.l ,., V. I , 1 ll , .I-.
OillitlMi I V i ttli-l I 1 let,
li"i,ll t
ll, I . -I II, , 1 , ' I- i I
V. . ,.i , . .. I i.i, '-ii,. f .. i t 'i .
I ' , I ,v . , I ,,, .. . - 4- i , '. 1 4 4 H
V. . -, . t
! 1 4
1 I , 1 .,- ... - , f 11 , , I fk ! - I ' -I- l Is
-4-. !,.,, I. . luer, , t 11 I 1 1 4
I l-4 It , il l" -4 4 - I .
tl1 1 Ii 4 14 414
1 1. I -t t , .t.slt - ' 111 lll fil
ti . lli,i, Sit 1 til tl,it 4,iii4nt
i4 !' 4 1,1,4. t I 1 ll,lri ,
tit m 4 4 ,iis,i-,.i, i.t. m if 4i..
I.. I t,
imuit It
i, i. ll.t n,itstS. t.4,ll
Is e..t.iti td titiil lulu I'' -hiei il It.1 '
r, I, tlir l m Hi1 lmiil i'l lil-li I.H "
s ',1 It. Is Iiil lit vl, 4,i l, I lit 1,1 l-llillli'
tMltl 4 I
Ilii ciH.ts4i.iit ti.t s-.itltie Imlil ti-i,il
gSKI- I s- ti n! mul null t 1144 1 tl si 4-MH44
k- 4-t ! Hlsi"Mlt t fm Itie tstlllnl IW4 id
141 llf
ISlti I A VI (
Hir .. .f llu ,lt 1ml lit t,ti illsll ('
Mt,ilti tril I t A tit.l uf 4lil ililii lul line
i.l lion, lilts' i Iiim n lit tin- Islslil tif llitiv
liil Si I A ll4'"lili lll Slid 111 S44ll I Sllil lil4
i if limn Ii t' i' liui ' 44 l, I he Is. mil 4t dl4ii'
tuts slutl m l us ui li un SmIiI dliisluis
-l.sll Is i tin-II Sliliitsllt 14 llu' St.S'li liutll
Its Hi till' milllisl 41114'lllllf Willi ll hull is'
liihl ui Hif ultli esiif llu- iiilmmltii4i mi I lie
liil M.niiliit 144 June lit i s, h i sr ItlUIHlll
st lv AfU'f t lie Sit (nilt till" III uf sli lis k
lii. I, let. im-rllim. the ttltisluM shsll ilii'l I lie
1 lie dltis'lurs snil eftli'i r mi ehi li'il shsll
liutll tin ll ri'siM-i llie iitllces until the licit
M'ltulnr miiuiul tint-Unit uf slis k holder slut
diivciur ur 4intll their siii'i'essuis are
4 Im'li d.
A sh'Iii1 liieelllimif the stuck-huhler sml
dlrifiurs of the eutMirlliiii sluill In- held l
tlie iiltli'es uf the cut put at tun on Jiinuiii V '-'iiil
Hit, fur t he elect Ion uf tillli i'rs and silopl tun
of by Inns.
The coipoiulliin shsll at no lime Incur In
di'litedtiess in excess of two thirds of the
pulil up capital stis'k.
AIMIl IK t ill.
Thedlnvtors may silupt a by law creating
a Hen un the share uf stis'k fur moneys due
the corporal Inn ami such other by laws hs
they may see tit, not Inconsistent Willi these
article of Itu'oi point Ion and the laws of the
slate uf Nebraska.
These nrtlcles miiv be amended by a twu
thlrdsvule uf nil the stis'k nl liny regular
meeting of the stockholder or tit nny
meeting called fur that pui Mise, a cony uf
the proposed amendment must be mulled tu
each sliH'klmlder by I he secret ary, together
with the nut Ice of the time ami Place of said
meeting, and such notices shall be signed by
the president mid secretary. I, Ike notices of
the annual meet lug shall he given.
In tesdnionv whereof we hereunto S4l our
hands Hie llnl day of December, Hr.
In presence of II. I,. Day,
Htatk or Nkiiimhka, i
Douglas Couniy. I
He It remembered that on this 3rd day of
December, ISH2, before a Notary Public In
and fur said county iinil statu, personally
came N. I.. Hchetick, F. F. Davis and I.. A,
Davis, to me personally known to bit the
identical persons whose names are atllxcd to
the foregoing Instrument, ami they severally
acknowledged the same to their voluntary
act and deed.
Witness my hand and ofilclal seal this day
and year above written.
II . it, DA V,
12-H-4 Notary Public.
Sheriff Sale,
Hy virtue of unorder of sale Issued out of
the District Court for Douglas County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will on tbellllh
dayi.f January, A. D.. ISIKI. at 10 o'clis'k A. M.
of said day, at the KAHT front door of the
County Court House, in the Clly of Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
uf sale as follows, to-wlt:
"Kot number nine ill), In block number four
(4), In Hnyd and Hharpe's addition to the clly
ofHotith Omaha, Douglas couniy, slate of
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted mid re
corded;" said property to be sold to satisry
Abble Hillings and Kill her T. Fox. TrusKie.
(he sum of eleven hundred twenty-three and
(13-100 dollars if 1 123.03) with InM'resrt theroiiti
at, rate .of eight (S) per cent per annum from
Heptember Hull, IH02, until paid, and twenty
six and 2H-I0II dollars costs, with Interest
thereon from Ilm IMIh day of Hcptembor, A,
D, istr,!, together with accruing costs ac
cording to a Judgment rendered by the Dis
trict court of said Douglas county, at Its
Heptember term, A, D. Is(i2, In a certain action
then ami there pending, wherein Alible
Hillings and Luther T. Fox. Trustee, was
plaintiff, and Anna lllley, Thomas III ley,
Patrick Rowley and others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. December. Hi h, sir,i.
HheillT of Douglas county, Nebraska,
Andrew llevlns, attorney, 12-H-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, ami to me directed, I will, on the Hull
day of January, A.D,, ls!, at Ido'clis'k a,
tu, of said day, at the KAHT frontdoor of tlie
county court house, In thn city of Omaha,
Douglas couniy, Nebraska, sell at public
auction lie property (icsenncu in sunt
of sale as follows, to-wlt
l.ots number nine fill and ten (IU) In block
numhersix (Hi In Paddock Place, as surveyed
plaited and recorded In the eh y of Omaha, In
Douglas county, Htate of Nebraska, Iosatlsfy
llrst, out of the pris-eeils uf said lot nine (III lu
block six (Hi Joseph II. Millard, Trustee, the
sum of sixteen hundred elghly-llvn lll-IHO
dollars ifl.iK'i Hi) Judgment, with I merest
thereon from May lllh, A, D. Isld until paid;
to satisfy Adam Murray the sum of three
thousand one hundred sixty nine and 1ft-Hall
rf3.l')M.iri Judgment, with Interest, thereon
from May llth, A, D. Istd, until paid; lo
satisfy the sum of thirty-eight UJ-loo dollars
(f,s,u;p costs, with Interest thereon from the
llth day of May, A. D, Isld, until paid, to
gether with accruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D,
lsi, In a certain action then and there . tili
ng, wherein Joseph II, Millard, Trustee, Is
plaintiff, and John U. Hamilton, Jeremiah A.
Kliiahaii, Margaret Murray and others de
feiidants, Omaha, Nebraska, December sth, mi.
Hherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Charles II. Keller, allot liev,
Millard, Trustee, vs, Hamilton el at. 12-0-ft
Sheriff Sale.
Under and by virtue. of an execution on
transcript, Issued by Frank K, Misires, Clerk
of tlie district court, of Douglas county, Ne
braska, upon a Judgment rendered by Ilm
county court, of said county, on the 3rd day
of Julie, Istm, lu favor of Walnut Hill Havings
and Investment Company and against
Ktnma K Katun, a transcript of which Judg
ment was on imi nn ti nay or .nine, is,ii, tuny
tiled anil docketed In thedlstrlct lit wllhlii
and for said county i and also by virtue of an
execution on transcrltit Issued by Frank K.
Moores, Clerk of thedlstrlct court of Douglas
county, Nebraska, upon ajtidgmeul rendered
by the count y court of said county, on the
"ill day of June, Isstt, In favor of Walnut Hill
Havings ami Investment Company, and
against Kmma K. Kill on, a transcript uf
nlil.ii Judgment was on the 22ud day of
Ocluber, Isstl, duly Hied and docketed In the
district court within and for said county i I
have levied upon the following described
binds ami tenmeuts us the properly of the
said Kuimii l Katoti, to-wlt: "Dot nine Ml),
In bliNk live I'd, In Koiinte and Itulh's ml -(III
ion, In the city of Omaha, county of
Douglas, state of Nebraska:" and I will on
the lutli day of January. Is',13, al lou'clock A,
M. of said day. at the KAHT front door uf the
county court house In the clly uf Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell said real
estate at public a union tu the highest bidder
fur cash, to satisfy said executions, Hie
amounts due tliereun being two hundred mid
live collars (f!u'i.ii; Judgment, three and
imi. Its) dollars it'l.tmi costs, with Interest on
said amounts al eight isi per cent, per annum
from tlie ilrd day of June, Istm, until paid,
nml also the further sum of one and no-lm
dollars it l.tmi the costs of Increase and the
accruing costs on I he llrst of said execut ions;
mid four hundred one and lii-lno dollars
i4nl 40) Judgment, three and Hn-lim dollars
iM.'.mi costs, with Interest on said amounts
from Hie 7th day of June, hs, until paid,
and also the further sum of four and 4.'i-Hl0
dollars (ll l.'iithe cost of Increase and the
Accruing costs on the second of said execu
tions. Omaha, Nebraska, December sth, 1W2.
12-8-A Sheriff of DoiiglosCounty Nebraska.
-.4 t I 1 ' 11.
I 4
1- !
I '. 1
I ll I
, ,11 It 1 ti . I
i . i S, i - . i
I, I I'l. tllt it . I
i ll-
, I
l-K , ,,t. ,
I 1
. tl.ii. tlit I I f
1 t n.4
' .. .- tt-l i-t ll 41,- -I I - I
I 1 1,1 tl I lilt I Mtr j.l. ,
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l.i V 1. i, it.. ... ...
i 1, III II..I I .I.4ISII
-'' .141 ll t -4 ll - 4.- I I ii ,i t
l4 I"' 4.. . It l, I, ' 4 It.i in,.
i.l ... ,(.,,. .!,. t Mil I, .lit B. f tl
w si t
1. ,-ltl
t mill in. ti t It. ii 'i li,.i. I
l l i.i-i-l siil. 4 loin
tm it I'm t .-t 'iti tiiiiti.i tl.
I I-I- l-t list I I I 4M1I I X l tt,. I null i,,,,li., nsli i'lt, t.i It
).,.l I . l 11 I. ,t I t l l.i it 11, I I,, t
Sll 4,,(ls , .. It II I'" 's 1 ll III
A I' 4M n Ilsi" ll4t 4IH S At.ll It.. II
e.lit tr I. ii t.ii t4si,.ii
llstnlA m Atiti4i r,.t.,ne sn-l nihil
i tr lit Ii tiitmit
4I, k.inl4lli i
t.nli4,iv A Ml N M IT
All lilt uf IS.IIiIss I l'lllll Nl ts-t
t ilisitt III. Ii SI I., tit I ll K
SliArifl'A HaIa. j
Ii v t Iti in- uf sit utili t el lii l-it i1 mil uf
tin-MiHttti 1 iiuiit iif liiirl emiiity Ni Ii
s let In ii. n ill, i. l..t tit un Ihr nl list of
-Uiiiisii A l tssi Al lllllliik 411 uf til
ilnt t Hie I- fiiinl disit uf the n.uul
euiitl Iiiiiim, 44 llii'4'IIV id tiiiishs. ImitKln
eultlilV, Ni'lltk, "Ilsi litll'lti' Aielliill Itte
,.-t lit id i Ills d III sslil older of hIi as
ulliitls l,lll
' lul fuiiyiA" In A t Hugel's I'tsluin, sti
Addition In tlie city uf limnlm. ss sum titl,
plslii it mul ti'i-iinli il, all In IAiusIa I'liiinty,
stnteiif Sebrasks ' ld iiti4eily lo ! wild
lu AiilKfy .lulls Thutiis the sunt uf 1 mi ml uiie Ituiidii'd And Hie dullin
i) luMtu with litit'ti'sl tin nun nl Inletif ten
i Im Hr i-i'ttl 'l n till ti in fruin Hi'liliinbet ?s,
lii. sml llfly-i'lghl and Is ii ilolliiis iA 1st
fust with Inletcst llieri'iitt ftiiiii the 21st
day uf Heptetnlier A. D. HU, lutietlier
lib Refining cost Hi'i'urilliiti lo it lielumeiil
niiileieil by the district con 1 1 of ssld I sum bis
cuiiiity, nl lit HiplemlM'r lerin. A.D sn. In
Acettiilii in' I Ii ui then And there peiullim.
heielli .tuhti i, Tlioliilis was plnllitllT, slid
.lolill P. Thomas hiiiI ulhers well' ilefeliilanls,
Onuilia, Nelusska. December l.t, sn:
I.KOIiliK A. Itl' NNFTT,
Hherltf uf iKuigla County, Nebraska.
Htailley A Del.itmittre, attiirneys. li-g-A
S(ienfl, SaIo.
Hv virtue of an order of stile Is I out of
llie'dlstilcl court of Douglas county. Neb
raska, ami lo me directed. I will on the ilrd
day of January, A. D. IHH.'I, si llln'clis k a. m,
of said day, lit the KAH T front disir of Hie
nullity cuiirt house, In the clly of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell Ht public
suction the property described III said order
of sale its follows, to-wlt!
"Kills one ), ten (Hll and eleven llll in
l.uilwlck Place addition lo the city of
Omaha, lu Douglas county, slate of Ne
braska; said property to lie sunt to sin isty
(leoi'Ke W. Hemls, Trustee, the sum or nine
hundred sixty-live and 117-Mm dollars (if.Hifi.ilil
wit h Interest thereon at rate often llll) per
cei! per annum from May 41 h. Issti, and
twenty-two and 113-100 dollars i'.!2.lMl costs
Willi Interest on said amounts from tne lllh
day of February, A. D. IHnti, together
Willi accruing costs according to a judg
ment rendered by the district court of said
Douglas couniy tit Its February term, A, D.
issil, In a certain net Ion then and there pend
ing, wherein (loorgo W. Hemls, Trustee, was
plaint ill, and Martin Clark, Hugo I.tiebben
and others were defendants
Omaha, Nebraska. December 1st. Islfi.
HherllTof Douglas County, Nebraska,
.1, K. Kaley, attorney, 12-2-ft
Sheriff' Sale.
Hy virt ue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District Court uf DoiikIiis County, Ne
braska, and to tne directed, I will on the 24th
day of January, A, D. ISIHI. at lllo'cliH'k A. M.
of said day, at the KAH'I front door of the
Couniy Courl, House, In the Clly of Omaha.
Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
of sale us follows, to-wlt:
"Dot one ill In block nine (10 Pratt's sub
division lo the city of Omaha, as surveyed,
plaited and recorded In Douglas county,
statu of Nebraskai" said properly to be sold
Iosatlsfy John J, Monell, Jr, Kxecutor of the
estate of Ollbert 0. Monell, deceased, the
sum of eleven hundred lift y-one and III-HO
dollars (lird,4 Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate of eight (S) per cent, per an
num from November 22nd. Isli2. until paid,
and Ihlrly-one and Kl-loo dollars (f:il.r3dol
lars costs, with Interest thereon from the
22nd day of November. A.D, IsW, together
with accruing costs according lu a Judgment
rendered by the Dlsl iietcoiirt of said Douglas
county, atlls Heptember term. A.D. Imp:!, Im
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein John J. Monell, Jr., Kxecutor of the
estate of Ollbert (.'. Monell, deceased, was
plalntllf, and Harry II Miller and others
were defeiidants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 23rd, wr!,
Hheriffof Douglas County, Nebraska,
James W, Carr, Attorney. 12-23-0
Notice to Creditor,
Htatb or Nkiikaska, I
DoiikIiis County. f '
In the County court of Douglas county,
Nebraska, November 20th. A. D. iswj,
In the mill tor of thn estate of Peter J. Fa
Kan. The Creditors of said estate itml all other
persons Interested In said matter will take
notice that the Creditors of said estate will
appear before this court on the 27t h day of
January, Isti3. on the 271 It (lay of March, Isti.'f,
and on the 27th day of May, Is(i;i, Ht lo o'clock
A. M each day, for the purpose of present ing
their claims for examination, adjustment
mid allowance, Hlx months urn allowed for
the creditors to present their claims and one
year fur Ihn executrix to settle said est ale,
from the tlh (lay of November, IstB, This
notice will he published In TllA Amkiiican
for four weeks successively, grlor to the 27th
day of January, Istm, All claims not tiled on
or before the 27lh day of May, IS03, will be
forever barred from consideration In thcllhitl
settlement of said estate,
Witness my band and olllclal seal this 2(11 Ii
day ol November.lsw,
kai,. J W. KM, Kit,
12-23 4 County Judge
Notice to Creditor.
Douglas County, f
lit the County Court of Douglas Couniy,
Nebraska, November, 20, A. D, sU2.
In thn Matter of the nutate of Detlef
llll, deceased,
The Creditors of said estate ami all oilier
persons Interested In said mailer will take
notice thai the creditors ol said estate will
appear before this court- on the 27th day of
January, Is'U, on the 271 h dsy of March, s',3,
and on tlie 271 h day of May, Istm, at Ibo'clis k
A, M, each (lay, for the purpose of present
ing their claims for ex am I mil lou, adjust nieiit
and Allowance, Hlx months are allowed for
the creditor lo present ihclr claims, anil one
rear for t he Administratrix to settle said es
lite, from Hie 27th dtiy of November, ls2.
This not ice will be published III Tub A mkhican
for four weeks successively, prior to the 27tli
day of January, Net, All claims not tiled on
or bfforc the 11 h (lay of May, Isiilt, will be
forever barred from consideration In the llnal
sell lenient of said estate
Wllui's my hand ami olllclal seal thls2tllh
day of November, tsw,
J. W, F.M.KH,
(kkai1 I2-2.T4 County Judge
Notice to Creditor.
Htatk or Nk.iikassa, i
Douglas County, ( '
lu the County court of Douglas county,
Nebraska, Novemlier 20, A. D. IsMJ,
lu the matter of the estate of Charles
P. Miller, deceased.
The creditors of said estate and till other
persons Interested in said matter will take
notice that the creditors of said estate will
appear Is fore this court on the 27lh day uf
January, l"'.U. on the 27tli day of March
s!i;t, ami on the 27th day of May H!i;i. hi (I
o'chs k a. m. each day. for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance, Hit months are
allowed for the creditors 1o present their
claims, and one year fur the administratrix
to sell le said estate, from the Alth day uf
NuvemlM'r.lstrJ. This nut Ice wllljbe published
In Tim Amkmii'AA for four weekssuccesslvely
prior to the 27th day of January, lMi;i. All
claims not tiled on or before Ihe 7th day of
May, ls!i;i, will be forever barred from con
sideration In.lhe llnal settlement of suld
Witness my hand and olllclal seal this 20th
day of November. sH2.
lSKAl,. 12-2.1-4 J. W. F.M.F.K.
County Judge
Meilit'inerxiimtrii lo all pttrtt. Norxpnsmt
Write t (Kts KsMsnv Co.. Omsbs. Nrh.
', . . ?
-i ...ii -1
..i .,
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int. i-t V.i.ift.ts ,4 ii,.t-t lit Is- St (I
tlt,l,- I I . II.IS I ..,-, H 4..- ftl-. ,,f
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Aiiti t,...H N,.t. s it l l'.iti I- " I. sl.. i li e
l ! ttil 4 1 Slit Mtt I' a.'lbllli nil
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.ititilst A i l? I.,ti llu t I A .-t ,im
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lliB tin 4 AH -I tllill- tt,llt llltllt
Ill-ill I I tl tt, tt Ass tltttllt Add Mill I,
i,t,,,t.n At.ll mill t Al t ill f 4ilsti4, Nil.t.-ls Ik.smlst Ii l-
1. 14. 1,1, 1 A lit M tt
AIii hA uf I iittly l 4 iuil t Net
! .ii,.i VI I sit siti'iiu I U In ,1
Notice ta CrMor
t 4141 (It V tS 4 I
f It Hll. t 4 ttH4 t . I
III III' liilttitt I milt uf 4utlKt llllttlt Jr.
Ni litssAa, lAi i nilti-t tul A It, snj
In llu, in lli l uf Hit- 4'slte uf Jiiii' II
'I lie i tnlltiir uf ASld i-slnte lul All uthet
iM-tsiilis lull tvMl-ll III snl.t Ii, slli r ill I n A
tlttl li t tlie I'tvilllor uf snnl I'slnte III
s,s sl Is (,,! this l imit mt the eilhilstuf
Jhiiiisiv, n,l. mi lite l,th dnV uf M sti ll, Iw-i.l,
ami mt I In ;nil dsy uf June, l"''t At I" ii'chs k
i M.t'sch il.ty, fur I he pin si- uf pn'senlliig
Hu ll elnltiis fur I'tsiiiliinttuti, .IIiiiiiii lit
mul nllim mice Hit mom lis see sib Weil fur
the i-n illtur lit pli s nl lliell I'littuia nml one
yenr fur Hie eti'i'Ulttt In settle nid estate,
from Hie .lid iliiy uf IS'i'i'tnlM-r, s',i:!j this Ice Hill ls pulill-lieil III IMS A MfHtr A
fur four Wis ks successively, prior lu the 2'itlt
liny uf .littiiiiil v, Isii.t, All claims nut tiled oil
ur Is fure the 3rd day uf lutie, Isttl, will lie
fitreter Inirreil from cuiislileiittluit In Ilm
II ll a I set I lenient uf said estate,
W itness my hand and olllclal sesl litis lid
ll tt V nf December, Isti'.1.
stei, J. W. KM, Kit.
I i il ! Couniy Judge.
H In am
I mi pin
Ml pin
R. in jnn
C HI. P,. M. A O. "Arrive
Depnl pith nml Websli'r His. Omaha
Hlnii X City A immoilalloii UIM pm
. H, II. Ktiiress (exci'lil Hutu . 12.40 put
HI. Paul Limited U -Vi mil
llaiicruft Pass, A'xcept Hum Milam
"C, ll. A-O. " Arrive
Depot (ill It ami Mason His. Omaha
Chicago Limited B.:ai itm
...... Chicago Kxpri'BS s.nti ant
Chicago Kx press 4 2ft put
Chicago .v, Iowa LiH'al.... 11,00 jiui
tt ii ii ti it
tt,'i pm
tl , 'in am
12 40 am
It.fAl pm
M pin
to. in am
10.15 am
-H jfi am
n.Ml pm
II. A M It. Arrives
Depot lot It and Mason His. J Omaha
Denver Limited dally Loft pin
I lead wood Kx press 4.0ft pm
Denver Kx press H.ltft am
Denver Kxpress 12.30 am
..Lit In l.lm. (except Hun).. 11.30am
Hast lugs Local it 37 pm
U NI am
H,4a pm
Leave i
7.(1(4 am
U.mi am
2,15 pm
11.30 pm
4. Ili pm
H.40 pm
11.00 am
ll.oo am
R IO pm
n.lfi pm
1 , i u i t, II II
I Arrive
Depot lot'ii a nil Ma son His. Omaha
,", . Kan,' ("ilty Day Kxpress,?; ,00 pm
K.C. lilghtex. via I). P. Tritiis, B.40 am
Union llepot loth ami Marcyj Omaha
., ,.r. Ileiitrlce Kxpress ...... 8.40 pm
Denver Kxpress.,,,,.. 4.0ft put
Overlitml Fly'- 7.00 pit.
Denver Fast Mall 4.20 put
, II, H. A F, Kx, icxccpl Hun) . 12.30 put
Pad He Kxpress ,., ,j . , 10.40 am
F K. A Mo. VALLKV, Arrive.
Depot Ifith and Well. i-crHls. Oiiiahn
..... Deailwood Kxpress 0.2(1 pin
(Kx.Hat) Wyo. Kx.(Kx, Moil) 120 put
....Norfolk (Kxcept Hun.).,,, II. lo nm
Ht. Paul Kxpies It i am
..Lincoln Kx. (ex, Htindayl II loatit
O.M.A'Uf.P." ""lArrl'vtt.
lAijiiit lOtb nml Mun y f ts. U'liialia
,",".7.. fhtcagu Piipmm .,.i 3 Al
Chicago Kxpress .....! 4.W pin
Depot loth Marcy Hls,Mlmaha
'....Hloiix City l,assetigerr,.Jft(lpm
Ht, Paul Kxpress 110.00 am
HiOllX ( ITVrA I'AtllFK!,' lArrlvei
Depot 1Mb and Webster Hts.l Omaha
"loft pm
ii , hi am
7 20 am
5.3Ti pm
H 4Ti Iim
.Ht Paul Ltmlled H.'iftnrri
Fire Insurance, when you want 1,1 fn Insur
ance, or Insurance of any kind, or to rent a
house, or want a house rented, or want
steamship tickets, call on
tW-Our FIMKNDH would be benelHed by
calling upon us,
VEOT. rnj-jjflj-s APT.
l'urchawi Tlckota and CtmHlgn Your
Fruitful vIh tlto
F, E.& M. V.ond S- O.iP
II, 0. HURT, Ooricral Manatfor,
K. C. MOHKIIOUHK, J. IC, JltrciUNAitt,
Gun, Frotflit Atf t. Oun. I'iwh. Agu
Omaha, Nebraska.
A L. Daaaa.
tl. W, Donnall.
A. L. DEANE & CO.,
Ct nrl Aganl. For
And Locks,
Bank and Vault Work.
1116 Farnam St.
The only Perfect Pagi
nal and Rectal Hyl nge
In the Worfd
Is llu only Hyrlnge ever
invented by which viigl
niil Inject tons can be ad
ministered without leak
ing and soiling thn
clothing or necessl t atlng
the use of a vessel, anil
which can also be used
ror rectal Injections
U(ll.'t tll'llliE-II fii-l i
II A IMI Id' 11 11 L t ll L-1
-'i it, iinrii til i.l
Mail Orders Solicited
Next to Pottoffice.
it, I