MEBICAN 4 utittr rKMftt, -tVlttCt ID itltfCiSt. a ft a Amtri la A'fofssn to M VoW t a rrt rtm. m Nr rir nut Nt'MUKR M VoLVMR 11. OMAHA, NKIUIAMKA, PltlOAY, lUH KMUKU 2.1, im. TE A f, what is ro:::;ism7! Tha ArUn Hrry Conflieiiilon m PunUhmanl for Hamy, Th Nlctn Fsction- Mow Horn Put Mr foot on Her Biitar Branchat of the Church. Prof, Geo, I. Rudolph, I'll. I.,an ex priest contributed Hie following article to tho 'nfnWiV .liMrn'i'iiH lat week: ' We live In tho lnt decade of the ItMh century of the christian era, It U called christian btenuo llu religions doctrine which litttl ("'on propagated by tho upoMle. disciple and follower of ChrlNt eventually superceded .1 i.Ih liin nnd paganism. Tho christian form of religion or llio ohr InMnn church be came tho general, or universal religion and church, mid was, therefore, called tho Cuthollo church. Tho word Cuth olio la Greek, nnd "universal." "When speaking of tho "(Cuthollo fchurch," wo slin ily mean tho universal church oT tho now era, or tho chrlHtlun church. In this mm ho every church or relig ious denotnlnntlon which teaches tho doctrines tliat had boon propagated by the aVostles, disciples or followers of ChrlHt, In a branch of tho univorMal, or "Cuthollo" church of tho now era. It 1b lmmatorlal how largo or smull those branches wore, or how long they ex isted. Homo donomlnutlons of tho now or unlvorsul church attained nioro power than others, and they at once utilized tholr temporal power for the strengthening of tholr branch or sect, while tho lesser branches or 'denominations wore extinguished by tho stronger ones. Tho first heavy split and largo separation am..,g tho branches or sects of tho universal church of the new cr tn4e by tho first ccum j h t go&6rl coun cil, which ,(,i' gen'oonvonod by .Emporor Cohstantlno In 325, and is known In history as tho coun cil of Nloe. The fourth century of the dogmatizing church. The Catholic, or universal church ex isted In about twenty dlfforont branches or sects at tho beginn ing of tho fourth century, among whlcH tho followers of Arlus woro probably tho strongest In number. Alexandria, which had given birth to tho now doctrines that superceded Judalmn and pa ganism, also produced tho great champions of tho largo factions which fought for supremacy at tho council of Nleo, Arlus and Athanaslus, Doth wc 'voll ed ucated and well versed In apolo getics. Arlus had been a scholar of tho school of Antl(Hih,and when a priest In Alexandria, ho met his antngonlHt,lllHhop Alexander, with whom ho disagreed In sev eral points of theology, The blsh ' op engaged bis deacon, Athana. mIus, to defend his doctrine and tooontradlot Arlus at tho council of Nice. Dlshop Alexander's fac tion controlled tho council and tho emperor, and thoconseijuerieo was that Arlus and bis followers wero condemned, anathematized, persecuted and exiled. Ostra cism was tho iwxlun upcraiir di In tho hands of tho fac tion that controlled tho temporal IKiwer, and tho sister branches or sects of tho universal or Catholic faith woro condemned as heretics and ostracized, On tho one hand, Christianity was fight ing against paganism, and on tho other hand, tho stronger branches of tho universal or christian church fought and condemned tho lesser sects and em ployed persecution arid tho "iMiycott" In tho extinction of tho same. Ily con fiscating tho goods and property of tho exiled members of antagonistic sects, tho ruling branch of tho universal faith soon attained groat riches, and by aiding Kmpcror Constantino In his conquests, was soon recognized as tho state church. This recognition by tho state d'd not only establish Christianity against paganism as tho now faith of tho state, but It also favored tho Nlcene faction of tho new faith as tho ruling .church or branch of Catholicism. This now branch or ruling sect of tho uni versal or Catholic church, favored by tho statu and enriched by tho confisca tion of all tho property of condemned heretics or dissenters, subsequently transferred Its court from tho east to tho west, and located at Homo, and has since been known us tho Iloman Catho lic branch of tho universal church of tho new era. Tho council of Nice had expressed Its doctrinal points In tho Sinilxtluvi Athniumi, or symbol of St, Athanaslus, and In tho Nlceno creed, which Is now sung as tho "creiffl" In tho "holy" mass, jn which those words aroused: (Von- ratlmild ml npuMolUi phurvh. V.wr In. Ih wmpHI of Nlo that "holy t'nthoUo n.l a"! ehwwh b Um kn m th lloman Catholic pnmvh, V iH U lni!jf "Uoinnn Urn." Tin Uonmn branch of the Cat hollo church has tuadn tl Unman Mhop with H or head of tho whole church with se lo condemn all other nfts of tho christian faith as heretics and dlswntcr. Uomanlsiit lsgn to con demn every ulster branch of Christian ity by defining new lnts In theology Ht every ccuineiilral council. llomUh tl oology gives a table of heresies, or ",S'i",iiis llcrtticorum," naming tho heretics and heresies of each century, from tho first to tho iilnotoic(h, In nit over eighty dllTeretit branenvs which havo Isjen condemned, anathematized, '"Miyeottod," iM-rsooutod, and, tn most ",hs I, extinguished by thu grout "holy" church of Itomo, which asiumed tho right and authority to define Its thoo logical tenets, und to condemn allslsUr branches that would not accept Its "In fallible" definitions. Besides the tubu lated branches of tho Catholic or unl versul chnrch condemned by the I toman branch of Christianity, wo must add tho uncounted numbers of modern Protes tant branohos or sects, which havo all been condemned and anathematized by tho great "holy" council of Trent (1,145 " i and by tho various papal bulls or i dicta down to the present duy. Romanism which sprung from tho early form of Christianity, hus Incessantly and most successfully striven to banish all Christianity from tho face of tho earth and to establish It popish sys tem of theocracy arid hierarchy as tho ruling power, nnd Its popish supersti tion and idolatry as tho revealed re ligious cult of tho new era. Tho history of the papacy would re quire volumes, It has boon written by most competent historians In a non sectarian spirit, and it has lioon eulo gized by tho "authentic" editions of Romish sources, Tho author of this article docs not Intend to give his readers a history of tho papacy, nor tho evolution of Romanism from prlmovlul Christianity to Its present state of bombastic, sacerdotal Idolatry, but "Romanism unveiled," or the papacy us it is, In its Inner workings. The uninitiated outsider or heretic will bo Introduced Into tho secrets and mys teries of the idolatrous, superstitious, hypocritical, despotic and greedy "holy" church of Itomo, which claims to be the only true church of God, Ro manism claims to hold tho "keys of tho kingdom of heaven," and to be tno only brunch of,t ho christian or Catho lic church of tho new era possessing the power to open or to shut tho "gates of heaven," to forgive sins on earth or the punishment of sin In purgatory, to save tho souls of mankind, and to send them to an eternal beatitude In tho heavens above, or to damn them to tho tortures of an everlasting hell below. All this power Is clulmed by Roman Ism, as well as tho theocratic power to rule and govern all curthly affairs of the world. il rrvm th dajs 4 tln inhhicI! t NUv, . In .1S ltmanlm ha tep Itsrlalm to tnioial as w id! a tlrUal er ocr all Cliil'tvn.loiu u flrwl sU-p m to tv iveogtiUoit as tlin entjr b-gltl-; lat and tnw branch of f hrlstlanlty and to l' establUhiHl as the slat chtiivh. This aiHHtmpllnhtil, Uomanlsin went on gaining ground In lvmoil affairs until It bad eslablUhml Its tlHHH'racy, by which It claimed the Cod given authority and swi.r U act. up or deHii aoveiflgn lords, kings mid emperors, and to make them stilmer V lent to Its dominion over all list Ions, Having attained this Umporal hiwiT, it N'i'sme an easy task Ui miinulgaWi nnd to enforce Its theological doclstont, by which It bound all christians to ive ognlze the temporal and spiritual Miwer and snpivmitcy of tho HoinUti church, und the authority of tho pope in all things. Thus tho successor' of tho mock nnd lowly Jesus of Nnaareth established tho most magnificent papal court In Homo, called tha "holy soa(" from which the "Infalllblo" head I the church sends out Its blessings and dispensations, curses and anathemas, over tho whole human race. Romanism claims that St. Peter, tho apostle of Jesus, who had received tho "keys of tho kingdom of heaven," and tho ordi r to "food my luinbs, feed my sheep," und tho ordi tuition as head of tho whole church In tho words of Its founder: "Thou art Peter, tho rock, and upon this rock I shall build my church, and tho gates of hull shall not prevail agulnst It," was tho first popo of tho chrlHtlun church, and hud moved his soo from Jerusalem to Romo. Roman- Ism claims an urlbrokon succession ofj popes or Roman pontiffs from Ht, Peter, tho apostle, down to tho present day, and that tho power to rulo and govern) tho church and all nations of the earth hod boon transmitted from ono popo to i another without Interruption, In spite of tho fact that tho popes of tho 1 itli century hud boon driven from Rome and kept out of It for about seventy years, during which period they resided at Avignon, In Franco, At times two and three popes contested for the holy ec. Prof, Von Ranko ays: "The sent of tho pupal court wus carried beyond th Alps, and the bishops of Romo became deismdents of France. Two points. eaon wiui a uourmui -mo, maoo nu all f.uropo ring witti ineir mutual inve. tlve und Unutbemus. Tho plain chris tian people, brought up In tho belief that It wu a sue red duty to bo In com munion with the head of the church, were unable in discover amid conflict ing testimonies und conflicting argu ment, to which of tho ' two worthless priests, who wero cursing and reviling each other, tho leadership of tho chinch rightfully Isdonged." And again: "The papal court has is sen a scandi.1 to the christian name. Its annals are black with treason, murder and incest." (Macauluy's iMlscclluncous Writings, vol. II, page 474.) The pupal court, or the "holy see" of the "vicar of Christ," Is the most expensive show on earth. At the head of the whole church is tho popo or su- ptvme iiitllt, aim U Ihw "Infallible" authority In thing iM-rtalnlng to the complicated theology f th gtval church. Tho sis uniform consist of hltv cacMn k, or goa n, a hlte cltv Imw and ahit rs'k'l or mantle. Hi bead Is adoi iumI by a triple crown called, tiara. On the fourth finger of hi t'tiihl band be wear a heavy golden Hun with costly diamond. tu his feet bo weMi-apalrof ablie llpsr, adorned w ith gold and diamond. The sS' Is generally called the "holy father," and tho majority of Houian Catholic subject do not know the o by nny other name. The holy father reside In the Vatican, w hich Is a collec tion of (wince ami court on the vail ran hilt, In Home, adjoining tho church of St. Peter. When tho holy father receives visitors in any of his reception balls or chattel.), bo nits on nu clovnted throne, his feet projecting on a richly carpeted platform. Tho visitors, upon being ushered Into the august presence of his "hollnoss," prostrate themselves according" to given Instructions, and then proceed to kins tho "holy" cross on tho popu's slippers. From this cus tom has been derived tho humiliating expression of "kissing tho popu's toe." Everybody appearing In tho presence of his holiness must go through tho act of kissing tho pope's too priest or luyraan, Catholics, Protestants or In fidels, civilized or uncivilized. No one could even attempt to bo admitted be fore tho popo unless ho would kiss the pojKi's too, any more than a white man could attempt to sit down and transact any business with the savage Indian trllsss unless ho would first accept and smoke tho plpo of peace. The holy father Is assisted In the official affairs of tho great "holy" church 0f Itomo by seventy cardinals, , , . , , - In foreign countries, but always subject to tho pope's call, Tho cardinals are tho ecclesiastical princes who constitute tho pope's council, or tho "sacred col lege," They aro the electoral college who elect from their midst tho ono who Is to bo mado pojsi, Tho uniform of tho cardinal Is a rod cassock and clo ture, and rod rocket, or short mantle, His head is covered by a brood red hat with long tassel on each side. On his right hand the cardinal wear a costly ring, and on his feet a pair of red steckings. Tho cardinals are tho ex- :,cutivo body of Romanism, Next to the cardinals jn authority come tho bishops In all the countries of tho glolw where are Roman Catholics, A bishop Is appointed by tho jnipo to bo ut tho heor of u diocese, und ha full control .over the priests and people of his Juris diction, Hi uniform consists of a purplo cassock and clnturo, and rocket, or short muntlo. Ills head is adorned by a in lire, which Is a high cup with a split top, resembling a huge split pumpkin seed, having two large strips bunging down over the bishop' hack On the fourth finger of the right band the bishop wear a golden rln,' with a costly topaz. On approaching bishop the visitor is required to kneel down and kiss the topaz on the r'njf, for which he then gains un lndul fence, of forty day. Tho bishop also purple stocking, Tha third order In the church U that of tb prl.-t lln ulordlnt to bis tlhop, and I statloni-d at a church under thelitis diction of the hUhop, to look alter lit temporal aftalra of HooistiUm and the spiritual wantof hUths-k. The pi lost uitlfot iii U a black raww k, or gown, and black cloture, and a black blrvtU a beal ct vcr, The hltvll of the priest bn thrtH eornor, but Is made for four corner, leaving off one of them, which give It a very peculiar ami odd shaH. Tho priests are re Mnlhlo to their hlho, tho bishop to the college of tho carditis!, nnd the cardinals to tho holy father. All decisions, dlsHnsatlons, regula tions, orders, Indulgences, biesslng, curses or auathemna come from the supreme Homnti office, which regulates, forbids, or commands all affairs of tho whole body of Romanism. The min has the privilege to convene his cardin als nml bishop from all tho churches of tho earth to a siwclul ecumenical or general council, whenever ho desires to speuk "ex cathedra," or from tho holy chair of Ht. Peter; but he can at any time give his decision on nny point of theology, and such decision becomes binding forall RomunCuthollcs. Prom tho council of Nice to the present dny there have boon nlnotoon ecumenical councils hold, in which tho teaching of all ot her churches outside of Homuu Ism have boon condemned und cursed. Out of tho olden times, when tho church wus supreme und tho theocratic power of the popo of Rome was in full force all over Europe, was retained tho adage: "ltoma locutaren JlnUa Romo ha spoken, the question Is settled, if any ono had any difficulty with the church authorities, In cite es iastlcal or in political affairs, and then appealed to tho highest ecclesiastical authority, the pope, ho was always sure to receive an adverse decision, for Rome would always decide a case In her favor, . When Romo hud once pro nounced judgment In a case there was no further appeal possible, for Rome wo tho supremo and only Judicial authority on earth, according to the theocracy of Pope Gregory VII. The pom claim to be tho vicar of Jesus Christ and God's representative on earth, and tho successor of Ht. Peter, tho ajxistlo. The spiritual or ecclesi astical authority had boon handed down by God, the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, tho founder of tho Roman Catholic church, to Ht. Peter, HI apostle and first opo of Romo, and to his successors, tho popes of tiie holy mother, the church of Rune. Thu Romo had at onco sprung Into significance us tho mother of all tho churches and as tho pupal court of tho holy mother, the church of God. Civil power had b en derived from the "evil spirit," and those who exercised it were subject to tho highest author ity, the vicar of Christ und representa tive of God, the point, and ho claimed and exercised tho right to deiHiso , sovereign lords, kings or emperors at i will, and to release their subjects or vassals from their allegiance to tnem. Tho faithful who hud been brought up hi the lu'll-l that th h.'l father n( l ,!) d In all tblliil, aibl reftt'K at leg lam, to their f,Mii,iu'(nlil. ,1 kick' or emm-ror. and mwtaln th pt'po, No matter what tho litigation a, the moment that tho hlhow or pt hut would (oil tin people: ''mnit lor, if. i, rr flo,imi" - Horn baa Hikn, and the question I settled, the him s cause bad to l defend,! under 'iialty of ckitoiiiiuiinlentlon. In olden time a public communica tion from tho (tnlti of the "holy" church wo considered to mi a ttmt dlsgrociv ful thing, The excommunicated uli jeel wn at once publicly denounced from the altar, and the strictest "boy cott" wn declared HHnlnst him. Tha faithful were compelled to shun him under penalty of excommunication. This kind of excommunication wa pronounced against any member of tho church who failed to submit to the authority of the popo, Th same ex communication isactuully practised In our own day, nnd has boon In vogue since tho very days of tho edict of Milan, In 81.1, or tho council of Nloo, In 1125, and bus been practised by the papal court through all the Intervening centuries. What an arrogant und haughty as sumption of power! Tho history of Romanism show up a list of 274 popo; good, bad, and Indifferent. Illiterate, fanatical saint and haughty, arrogant despots, scholarly gontlemon and lloen tlous scound rels, pu nolll Ions tVologlans and scheming politicians were by fraud, bribery, corruption, or by scheming plots elected to fill tho pupal chair, and to dispense tho unbounded treasury 0 christian salvation to tbo whole human ruco, Tho popo of Romo exorclaestho, same power and authority today over his subjects w' tho pope of tho middle ages did, except that he hits not tho temporal power to Inflict tho same jmnlsh ments as his predecessor dealt out to disobedient or refractory subjects. ; Romanism or Romish eeoleslus ticlstn I tho personification of IKiwer In tho pope of Rome, or the concentration of political power In the ohurch against the state. Romanism moan tho estab lishment of a theocracy of Intel cranceand absolute despotism of ecclesiastical cannibalism and sacerdotal terrorism. The ult mate aim of Romanism Is llio "dod Ideation" of the holy father of all Christendom, and the con sequent subjugation of all tho faithful and tho extermination of all "renegade." Having given a general Idea and a short historical sketch of Romanism in this article, the au thor will present In subsequent article a correct description of the peculiarities of the tenet of Romish theology and popish prac tice for the Instruction of the public at large, I shall endeavor to present everything that may bo calculated to give an "uniniti ated outsider" a clear view of Ro manism as it Is. As these articles are not calculated to bo sensa tional, but instructive, the mor bid upiictlto of reader of r,hy literature may not H gratified. In order to Instruct my :ad rs in the "lnst'n' of,it In not newwtnry to ramduet tUara through th: sewers A Romish corrup tion. Tlu'e nt'tteli. ara calculated to Isi a guide In fto band of men, women and children of all creed or denomina tions of christian churches, a well as for tho unbeliever or skeptic. I shall simply present facts and relate my own experience and observations while in the priesthood, and leave It to the reader to draw his own conclusions. Romanian I tho greatest and most dangerous enemy of the human race, and tho wonder that It ha succeeded so well and ha gained such a strong foot hold, Is tho fact that tho non-Catholics aro always too willing to excuse so many wrongs In the Romish church because they are committed under the guise of religion. Wrong is wrong, and no theology or church can justly say that wrong Is right. We Made No Mistake. The youngest member of the next legislature will bo Chas. II. Clark, ol Omaha, son of H. T. Clark. Mr. ClarV was elected to tho senate by a hand some majority. Ho is only twenty three year old and the youngest mem . bcr ever elected to the Nebraska la making body. Mr. Clark Is a brlgh young man who comes from ono of N bruska's oldest, wealthiest and mos highly rcsHcted fumllle. Like h father und brothers ho Is an active ar red-hot republican. Tho boy senate will "know bis right and, know'" dure muintuin. -Fremont Tribune, Patronize the men who patrt this pucr. I