e THE AMERICAN. t t'et j Aa rtl"tlie.i.t nnti.n In ' lulh ClriUil In ( lilt tn-1 j tl oMHI1 ll tb" .!; Hp. wl.h ttltit't'ip iti tufi'l esntUt, ill wMih'itt mIi'!mI tie nlMi In "' lltp rt.'tjj) Ptl till ttH !'r IU !, CihSit IS. MM" W alilteWit t ,Jltf M ItlHStllie, mliiilt HMWtttrW dm.ihjf it CoMtll'MlnM IH'I "' t.ouU I'iih licit', lleitjmiln Mnl, M N iitlMin I, (" ml 10, rmiiphlle lrmM, linn, t l.-tngfllrr, Hon. J II. H(iitliiu, Hun. i. I". Manh'ind, Hoimr llouij;! rtil. Tit Hrsl nrllrU als if, tf tcr giving to the t-li'rjty rl'l', fiiii-ililt'irtiiiin, npeel ami 1 hi highest iiiilon, li l too liiiii'h to iteinniiil Hint they should leave to (ttw jiiiiln their lvs. The smon writer Invite the hllmi Id eat liU eagle eye aunmd liiiu, without go ing very f ir from hi palnee, however. Mini ho will in 1I011I1I (Uncover Very edifying thing. Another nrlli'lo says: "Tho dlnoi'so nf Montreal 1 In the hand of a vener. able prelate, lull that I10 him not got lliti necessary energy to hold a tight ruin tn tho clergy under his orders, event have just proved," A an In. stpnea of thin, tho article mentions that sntiio mouths ago, while a priest was under tho scrlmis charge of clandes tinely making whisky, n magistrate entered Into a correspondence with tho archbishop with n vl.iw to have the guilty in ii 11 punished nml nvohl as much an possible tho scandal Hint would result from a pulilie arrest, but while the correspondence was going on the priest wnN ullowiiil to preach a retreat In Hto. Cuncgoiidn. After re ferring to Maokinongc, Chanibly iul Jjegantlo scandal thn article point out the equivocal position of "the His tort of rrovlilmicn, who hve nhtAh. Hulled n tjuniiint citlcrlng tyntcin, And who ttuidi'r, like mgiilur nook ln ci pern, for liiiniiii!l glvun outnldo of Montrcnl, nnd Unit without pnyl'ig Any pstiint, Hchimi or tux," Tim nrtli'lo thmi tunm to tho con fimnlouitl Ami ducliirfi thut In vluw of thn rcctiiil Mtmiuhu wa riiunt know In whom) IiaixU we plnro thn niol iil (llriuv tloti of our wiv( And t'hlldron. "'J'ho tltun Iia piiiMiid whim you could ctiimIi down tho iiimii who wiuitcd to know what iconiA were tinudml linhlnil thono biirmd wikU; In tho fucn of tho IguotniiilnA t tint lift vii Ilium rnvimlml Iho father of a dinilly iiiiik; nlno CHttib IUIi hi right to uoiifi'DHlon, aimI Apply ll to know whnt hiu tikin pitted Imi. twcen hU own f iniily And thn prlont, who f to liny Ackuowliiilgiid, for tlin ilnfufUMi of the (iimi, to ho kiihJiMit to Ii 11 in tin fulling," Anotbnr nrtfidi1, Afti-r tnting that tho ch'rgy control everything, dn'liirii tlml fii Atiito of tiling Ini lntnl too long In thin provlniio. Tho nicniit ACAr.dttl riivcul tho fuel tlml Hi 11 cor. ruptlon Into which cnrtiiiu ninuilicrA of tlin idnrgy Imvii plunged U dirtier than tli 'it Into which Zih'ii heroc roll, "ft Ii tlniii th ut WD Khould pr ttuit ourelvi'." If e(icli'mtlciil hiiiIi orlty will not, or on 11 not net and r ir, lhn we nmt utrlkis oiirelve. The wrher hlunui tlm coiifefmlorinl for tho Iniinnf 'iliiy ha Allege to exl.t. and nk: "Why fiirnlh prlcit with theo 1 chnnce' Mk women confe to nun wnd yon will tho numlier of prlel eimllily 1II111I11UI1," The writer coiithiiie fn a niuiiliir utriiin, AttrlhuU ing to the clergy the wont dUgrAceful motive fur entering tlio church, and ileclare that If forced to upenk Agiiln ho will pine before the publlj being which will niHke their hair utiiiul on ml. An Inimeilinte and vfgoroun re. form I demanded. "In one word, let the clergy keep awy from the women and religion And the Catholic will be only the better on. TliU tnuit be, and At once." In the ilny tliut Jloiiie Hbolilie the 4otifitnHlonal her hold upon tho aouI and bodic of her dupe will be broken aril Home, with It penance. Indulg. ence, relic end immorality will drift .low 11 to it foreeen, natural Ntough anwept, unhonored and unung. FOR RENT, Boulh 18th t rent, 3 . room bonne, city, 6. 31 1 Maple treet, "1 room cottage, 013 north .'tlind ttrrel, U room houne And born, $IH, W8 rurk ave.,7room cottage and burn, f;!0. 1121 I'ark ave., ! room modern bonne, $;!0. K. C. OA It VI N k CO., 'it 20H hheely Block Drink iJyball's dellcioui Soda Water. 1518 Douglas atrcet. Att W i,,., t. l .!..,. ..M I a U .it. '; (..HfK .!.., ei . M'h I Mh !nl ( Thief t'lf l'Hl ", h nn.f pi ici f 2 M '' .U.I II. I.i mi r pne : ihi Mit,, .' .,ih 1- p s '. f I ', t m,r pi ice on Ml s MIOI-s. Ml N MHI s, ItiiM FaiiiH l.iitir. fl tnfi,t- tlne d It-Oil V Finn Calf, C .li;ii "I l.e dnitd fioiil l 00 CtiidoViin, leilin rd from . tf Smlh I At h Mreil. . iw in iiiy tin-re me llt Imve their uliup men. led rtinl then l'n lint wear them. Vmi cn ine Jtiiit'oelf thU mum) niMii ami ln by Imving them repnlled At till H.lilh I Alb Atreet, where lirl i'Ium wot k men eiin tin foiiiid. RomnniAiti. After remlliii; tlie report In tho Aiiierliiui of thn hryc'iiin mob nnd tho nut nie iihiii the old aolillcr 111 St. I'iiiiI, wo urn foreeil to tln coiii'IiihIoii tbitt Uiiiii, HhiiiiiiiIkiii nml 1 il-l I Ion o lltlllll In llllllll, eill'll OlIK llggl'lVHtlllg tho other. UoiiiiiiiIhiii lllolin Iihmi'III'hi'iI Mlllliy peopIi'M mill when tilled with Hum, Itehc lllon 1m an mil 11 nil a product hh ciin be pniiliieeil by any Act of run- ditloiiH. Kiiicizn t hem all out lit unco from any logul or pulitlciil exempt loim, LHkiinj (iliiM. WM. H. BAUER, 1501 Howard Street. Den'er In Flour nnd Feed, Hay, Oat, llt'un and everything In our line. Fin km is who cull nnd give me a trial will come ngniti. Kiiineni'mr the place, 8. W. corner I Alii and Howard Mrectix. ... - . NOTICE III Wo wlh to call attention to our market, where wo give you mote moat and better ipmlliy for your money than other market. In thl part of the city. Fverythlng old for cah. The C, O. 1). iimi kct, Cull In and try u. (!. F. llKKBHKKT, 1 0-1 I,envenworth Hi reel. Mora Intolerance. A rejinrt wa brought to thin ofllee that a hi inn ah It became nolaed arouuil that t'lidaliy, the pork packer of Hotith Omaha, had (Uncharged tho l'i'otiMtant who bad attended Mayor Miller' funeral, one lien, Flood, who baa charge of the Omaha 1'rlntlrig C'nin pnuy' lire I'lHiin, discharged miveral of the l'rotcNtaul working In bla do partmcnt, Next! Next? Hern It U, Mr. L, Ncim biium baa been cm ployed by Welah llriw,, biitclicr on Farnani Htrect, Onu week ago liiwt Friday lio nunarkod that bo wa no Human Catholic. Tho next day he waa discharged. N'eiiNlmiiin told blaiitory to (loo, WlUon, wboao adverlUcinciit apM ar In niiolboi1 col umn, and wan Immediately given cm ployitieiit. Sight la Prlcelet. Do not allow yourelf to be titled with glii'ne by (inople who know nithlng of rcfriictloii, I un a com plete tent cae, and my work U done clentilleally. JOHN UUJ)D, tf 0 N. Jiith 8t. The 1'oki of Home ha appointed ArchbUhop HhIiiIII 11 IcgaU to vialt tho UnlU'd Ktati'. Though ho doim riot come a credited iulnlb'r to tlm government ut WiiNhlngton, it thought that hi vlnlt will Involve Im portant diplomatic iiietloim. When I'ojiii I'luo IX mint ArchbUbop lledlntia aa legate to thl country, In 1 Hr,.T, he met with oppoHltloti and ImnuIu on nearly every ijimrter and waa forced U return. It I expected that tho leader of the great political piirtle will how great reniiect to thl l'apal-Amurlcan legato. They will do thl for votea. Wo have ruatdied A jMirhal when wo are In much need of American Ntatcmiicn who are liideNndont of the control of foreign denpot who am trying to sub vert American Inatltutlona, American lliiplini. Startling Dicloure. Ibildwln the dry-gooda man lia moved Into new quarter and I thow Ing better value than ever In hi varied line. Call and ee hi 111. Splendid value in underwear and hosiery for ladle, men, and children aUo warm lined glove and mitten. IIALDVV'IN, tf 1316 N. 21th street, . . FiiKNia.--When you wish a coupe call up Telephone No. 177 and ak for number 26. Take your repairing to The Drum nioiul Carriage Co., lath and Harney bt. Opp. the County Jail. . When you wish to dlacontinuo thin paper, pleaao do so by letter or In person. MOtllu ul D,o.i . (.I,.., v ,., !, r, ) ...Ufcr. liina- , ( , ,,., t , , ,, , s,.,. , M1I11 r,h.bi t 1t 1v llf'tt isumiitin f't, ! pp tn ttfi Klog'a I oijJMt t , a rhmusbie IIMIIM.II, f !! . . . . . ., ... rtniiit 1 mn i t hi urn tr 'in ut etihiciit tn the iintlty t thjriftl and nioihei i.(hii..i o' '.. .i.-iiuiii.n, and i it. 'liiiii amt wit hi'iii fiMnd. She hi l n a n inl r i f tM order fur four )ni, d f-i' a year pl h Ihh'H ton til t.i welk. The colnelit iilthm Hie ouht In compel hrr hi aNt In the lalmi a!oiit the tttllUh. Iliel.l, .lie .(l, nml when she de clined lucked lor In her run in nnd fed her bie.ul and water. Mil ApH'iir half start ed, ami 1 reluct mil sbmit telling her stories. The convent people say slie I demented, nml deny her elirti'e of cruelty. Shu left the eiliililUlimeiit stealthily nil rltlirxd.iy morning during the hi ur for prayers, and ha found a temporary homo with n neighbor. .... .. . Don't fail to et some of those framed etching for I. AA, A. Ilospe, IAI I Douglas street. - ...... The 1'iutoii Hotel lturlH,r Shop and Hat ha, with II I len d VaUr, the Heat. -- - A. I'. A. ltiitlons and Jr. (). U. A. M. FliiH in solid gold at John Hall's Idol JacKsou Streut. tf S. It. Fatten, dcntlMt, room HIS lino building, U'li'iihono 5(1. FiiiKNua having shoes to repair will II ml it to their ndvantngo to leave them at 10:t South lAlh Ntreet. - EDLINQ BROS., 308 North 16th Stret. Hattora and Gents Furnlwhora. Men's Shoos, gloves, etc. Give us a trial. The White Sewing Machine Hat no Equal. It I the cryttalizatlon of practical Mens, of practical sewing machine men, who have brought tho White to such a state of perfection that It is recognized the world over as the "King" of sew. Ing machines. Olllce and salesroom llllft Chicago street, near cor 10th. Co to Dyball'A for line candies, 1618 Douglas Ht. Money to loan at Dime Savings Hunk, 160i Farnani St. FOI t CAMPAIGN IIANN KI tS, l'OKTKAITH, Tit A NHI'A HKNOI KH AND ALU OTHKIt HIUNH, Call on or luldreMS KATON, THK ADVEM'ISEIi, 117 North 16th Ht. Omaha Neb. Money to loan lit Dime Havings Hank. 1601 Farnnm Ht. "Fat get up! Faith 'n Its Fourth av July." "Arrah now! 'N why should Ol bestir mcsolf'f Oini fornhst that? "Fat, get up! There' high mass thl nmrnlng." "Ocli, bed iid! Where's thlm gallu. c' Hhuro'n Oi'll be late." Ameri can Journal. . , . , . Hcrutcli pads (Hit up from wasto piiier stock. Just tho thing for mem- oranduins. 412 Hboely bhs-k. . , 9 Arthur Kaske, formerly with K 11 patrick, Koch Dry Goods Company, is now connected with the SWEDISH DIUJO KTOIIK, : North Kith Ht. lie would be pleaed to have all his old ntiKNH and acipialntances give li 1 111 n call. tf m . You should all remember that C. F. Shaw & Co., 618 8. 10th Ht., has at way on hand, Vegetable, In scutcn; also a full line of Staple Groceili. Do not forget us when down town. WE have taken tho agency for Her. J, O. White's biKiks, The whole sot only costs $1.00, "Homo," or "Auricu lar Confession Kxnsed," la worth more than that amount. "Deeds of Dark noss" will soon be out of tho bands of the blndoe. Hewing Machine. We have a bran new Singer Sewing Machine for sale at thl otlice. If you are contemplating purchasing one, please remember this fact, and call at TllK Amkkicah ofllee, 412 Slieely Jllk. Advektihkmknts Inaerti-d In Thk Amkiucan are sure to bring a profitable return to tho wlvertlsor. Americans, wateh tho col i mi ns of this pajier 1 Do you k now that W, F. Stxiet.el "It South loth St., Is solo agent for Omaha of tho genuine Idrnnd 0ik and the Pari Jiuiuje. Do you want a home of your own? You can b"'- any lot we own at 10 per month ithout istkiikst. Apply tu Mutual investment Company, ir(4 Famaiu street. It '1 I - Kuenne's bakery, 622 S. 16th St. pic. CAttrtmcrc, Uv.i:i i:i r.l:;r;r.:ii. i 1 1 Ml t ft 1 iMt- . !) 11 iaI 1 1 Ha! i.., tii .. f I'hii.iiv i 1 rilsti Itirn tf i , Cdl!t rVi'Wif f ffrmft i fit. oi 1 no nn mm h. 1 1.1. fh iit,t. IV.it Fill ri It .t CHRIST. HAM AN. Watctimaicr U Jeweler, FlN WA1X II Ill l'AIIUMI A Sl'IX 1AI.T1 612 South HI Street. WHEN YOU WANT I 'In- In-in mhc ln'ti vmi i mil Life 1nr. ne, or lit iiiBtiee of suf I. mil. or In it nl s li,ie, or iOil liuiiw M UIimI, or iml Hii'iiiu-liin tit'iti'i, run i, ii FRANK BURMAN, 838 PAXTON BLOCK. t iiir II! I KM IX wmilil l ln-nitlleil hr I'lilllns uin tlx. JOHN RUDD JEWELER. ' Wiiti-he. HliliiiiiniK .If welly Sllverweiir nml I'liN'kn, t miike n Niei'lnllv In overliiiiillnit imil I'leimliia li l iim kl lit ill liepeillert mill nil priuleN of Wnlelie nml Clock. .lewelry I riiilrliin miiiI nistiiifitetiirliiK, ell". JOHN RUDD, joj N. Sixteenth St.. OMAHA, NIB. WANTKO -A relliihle yimnit uiiiii wiinls a position an wiiiiiiiiian or porter. Kxeel lenl. refereni'i'M. AililreMS, "l.. U. M" HiIh ullli-e. E.T. AI.I.KN, M. II. EYK AMI EAR Hl'KUEdN :tli HuiuKii lU'k, cor Harney tt l'i. I Simlia. AIIRitteriisferv'cd 211 SOUTH 11TH STREET TkIjKI'iionk 2(14. t" i i ' H. HARBLIT & CO., Staple and Fancy Groceries, 1611 LaAVKNWOtTH Sr. : Wo invito our hmknuh to full mid sec us. LANDEN BROS., IlKAI.KII IN Fine Hats. Gaps, Gloves, and Osnts' Furnishing Coocls. Hulls niliili! In (inter. I'llll linn Kllie Hlioim, I'l lees aw low as Hie Iiiwi'mI, 309 N 16th St. NOTICE For Appointment of Administrator. HTATMIir ftKIIIMsa. I lloilulieiCiiiiiily. f III I ln County eoiiit nf Ismuliis eoiinly, NeliriiMkn, (letolier illnl.. A, I). iHirj, In I lie inal ler'of tlin eliile of (ieiuue U, lien rl, deeeiwd: 'I'hii follow I Hit nattied liermins, to-wll ! Ciilli" erliiii lleai'il. lieorne ill. Ileind, William I.. Ilearil, 'I'liomiiN ,1, lleiiril. Mamli 11, lleiuil, lloliert. U. Ileiinl, Kleiinor S. iiiIn, Hiiniiii K. Smllli ami all oilier permimt liileri'led In niiIiI mailer will lake nollee llml on Hie illl, day of llrloher, Iwr!, I he Coilnly eoinl, of liiiiiiihit I'oillily, .Nelii iiMkli, niiule the fnlloSf Ins order: in the 'nil ill y I'oiirt of HimikIiis I'oinity Neliraxkii, (lelolier :HmI mi I'lHiti reiiillns ami HlliiK llm pel II Ion of CiitlierlliK I li it il hhowliiK Hull. Hie mild (diorse , Heard died In Omaha, NeliniHka, on Oi-lolM'r iliil, I Hi'.', leiivltiK no lnl will nml lexliiiiienl, anil heliiK iii him of perwimil properly 'o lie ailinliilnteied ami Ihal. Hie above named are the only helrit of Nil Id de ei'iiM'd. nml liriiylnn Hial AiIiiiIiiIhI riiltim of mild extule he Ulillili'd to mild 'I'Iioiiiiih .1. Heard mid prayliiK Hint, sueh other mid furl Iht order suit Jproeeedliis may tin lind III Hiii premlM-H, nn may lie reoiilrell liy Ihfl Nlnliilen In hiii Ii eiiM'S niiule nml priivlili'd, . Ordered, Ihal. Niivemher III, A. II, lull'.!, at. 9 o'clock a. in., tie hnmIkih'iI for heiirinu mild IN'III bin, when alt iiermiiiH IhlereMli'd In miln iiialter may apiH'iir at the ('ounly court, In Im held In mill for mild county, mid mIiiiw I'liiirii why 1.1m prayer of Biild iiellHoiir mIiouIiI not lie Krniileii: and I lint nullcc of I iMUidencv of mild tiellllon and the hear At hereof, lie III veil lo Hie ihtmoiin ill t " named nnd all other ihthoiih liilerew In mild inaller. liy iiiiIiIIhIiIiis notlcn of thlh ilio- i-eedlntf In TllK Amkuk as, it neWHpnH'r iiilnleil In a Id I'oiuil v. three week" mn'ces- Nlvely prevloiiN to the Hum appointed. Aim you win ruriuer iiisn nonce i.iuii, un lewi you iipiH'ar to conlenl HieMlilil pellHon of CHlherliie lleurd at. I lie time and place ap- poliilcd for llml purpiwe, I lie court, may In your slmeuce iippoliil. mild Thulium .1, Heard or Home other miltiilili' M'iwin uiIiiiIiiImI rator, nnd limy Kiiiiit lelteritof iidmliilHlrulloii of Hit Id enil to mild Tlioniim J, Heard or hoiiiii other miiIIhIiIii perion, nnd may Kraut tlm further prayer of mild iielllloii wit iienu my iiiitui nun liiiml mid iillleliil seal this Hint day of I'etolu r, lt. I1-4-!) J, W. I'.l.t.Klt. Cminly JiiiIku. ISKAI..I K. II. Talinaifo, nianaerfor Hay ward llros. and who lives at Z'Wl Harney Ht. Is tho hnipli!Ht man in Omaha. His wife presented him with a girl on Octola-rUlat, I!l2. . . Hy calling at llayward Jtros., you can get good foot-wear in the latest styles. Ifllo Donghi st. MONEY TO LOAN. KEYSTONE CO., SHEELY BLOCK. IjOihis on personal property, Insur ance policies and real Cftate. Warrants bought. See us first. 20H Sheely lllk A. 1'. A., Jr. O. U. A. M. and Orange Institute buttons for sale at Amkiucan Hook department. C. L. Thomas, Manager. 1 t LOBECK & LINN, Hi! t M tit Tll, Builders1 Hnrdwnrn, Cutlcru AND TOOLS tny us ocr ro? luck. im Douglas Su Telephone 270, OMAHA, NEB. W, A, .. M. J, Mn Onr Prices nro 209 N. i6th Street, HALD WMOt.KSAI.K AMI Anthracite. Rock Springs, r enton, Ohio, Walnut Block. f c Jo COAL WE SELL THE BEST VARIETIES OF 80FT COAL FOR GOOKINO. PURPOSES. (H'l'll'K: H, W. Cos. Idlh unit Howard. Telephone lit. . VA KH: and flreet anil I'opplelon Ave. Telephone 1222. OL-ZXH-Z.- rr THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE. JULIUS FURTH, Propr. 109 South 16th Street,, OMAHA. NEB. BEWEEN DOUCLAS AND DODCE ' I. Mall Orders solielteil and Satlsfaetlnn Oiniranteeil. Teeth Extracted for 25 Cents, Full V FILLING 50C UP. GOLD CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK AT REDUCED PRICES. No cliiii'fjH for K.xtriu'ting wltmi VhUh ttrn Aftido. Dr. WITHERS, Dentist. 16th and Douglas Streets, 4th Floor. tr ir ir tr ttr cur rut out ah a (ujihk. .t (Ikiss Si!;ns (lolil Sins Ot'ficc Sins, l5o;inKSiyns, AdviTtisin I07 S. Fourteenth St.. In Basement, Superior Work. STEAM DYE G. A. SCIIOEDSACK, Proprietor. . Dyeing, Cleaning and Hopalrlng of (iarniout mid Cromls of all doscrlp turns. Send for Circulars and Prleo Lists. Omaha Office: 1521 Farnam Street, Tel. 1521. Council Bluffs: Cor. Ave A and 26th Street, iel 612 Tlie McCaauB N. W. Corner Four per Cent. InlcrcKt 011 0 lnontliH Certificate. Foreign Drafts and Money Orders at lowest rates. Loans on Ileal Estate. Hank open from ) a. m. to Mondays from 1) a. in. to H p. in. r lis S.nl.'a. C. . Ai s.ti'l W'W., ihi i ti ki n or- FINE HATS Hals lo Oiler oa Short Nolicc Oar Spcciait Rock Bottom. OMAHA, NEB. OEO. 23. RICE. & RICE. HKTAII. IIKAI.KHS IK Wood, Coke, Kindling. 33 Set TEETH $5 f)Q riOHKKOT FIT GUAHANTKKD. Card Sins, Cloth Signs, r Wall Signs, Banners, l:tc. . OMAHA. NEB. C.H. FOP BY, MANUI-'ACTUUKIt OK TRUNKS. AND TRAVELING) BAG, REPAIRING DONE. 1406 Douglas St. OMAHA, NEB Reasonable Prices. WORKS Savings Bank,- 15th and Dodge Sts, mi Hook Accounts. Five per Cent. 3:30 p. in.