The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 04, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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StftlMPtW 1 1 MM, WOJ
1 4,1 l kit tl ll t Mil li ti I til 'l' nt l
IM Ail H nJ "
r sil-is t thi i nil, tlsliilt iMimil t
at tt tn M ! .t'
tt-d I Hl nttM.4 i wt Mil r. II
It . !ll . Itt t,t llli-IW l' sh.t
l . i hi ! dill In H.ti tl" It t' ml n
to lit M ttt,ll. elite t It UH.i tin lln
Jn4 4 iim t.hli Isin if Id t..itn1
till ti I l M tihti. ftl ll
ti xtm It It III dl tul illit iIm ,
II h. All i'r lll In w I M In niti.f WillilM
4 tit- li-ttit, ntiltt tt lul HthH lsnt lit
IM- utih Iv.l
Mil All i'ixi M '' "I lnl in ltt
mli In li jr !' ' ' it.-ii ,
unit- il Mte ini iin itm li n
lhr ie I culled, tt for t'wiiiil lvmllir
tsiitil Mmll nnhr ollii !, iHNull itist
mill 1. Ml lot I Ik' tuiittilli' limit,
wit. 1 hr hiisliuntiu'h ilitjr 111 nueini if'
m m . tit.
rih. 1ltpnttimiitihtMr ill niin ' .
tii. in lo u a. in,
Tht tumiiing hunt will li iU'iiiiiltiili I
hint hum, dciinirtvt. mill defniilt fuse m l for
tluittlny. i.iid I Tiiiiiiithiii.diitimtvv.iitiil
delimit rnM which Im in vlnuljr pimncd
on It rc-milnr tiny mid tritnnfertvd tin the ciil
miller In thin dny,
Mh After ii etwe. a wul Inn or ft diimirrir
hit punned lht tltnr- fnr which 11 In w t, II enn
nut he culled up until imil Inn l Bled mid
docketed hy Iruve nf the court, mill Mich nn
lice to the tiitlti' putty h the court limy
order nl the time letivo In given In Hie the
unit Itili.
Ulli, IImhiiicmi net fur h cerluln time, can
not he transferred to nnnther liny nrhntir,
unless Hie Iriinsfcr onler In mntlenl the hour
the mutter hi net for hcuiinil. cxi'tpl under
Utile 1(1,
Idtli. r.nch (lay i .111(10 a, hmtliehilsllirsntif
the hour will lie culled.
lllli. The tnullcrn will he lieurd In llieor
tler In which they nrc entered on theciilmuler
unless nil purlieu present iintl Interested fun
tcnl In n different iirrunKi'hii'ht., or In ease oi
urgent iieceHHlly,
121 h. The trial of iiinik w ill coininiiice at
l(l:iill o'clock, a. m and continue mil II fliiU
o'clock p, m., Willi a recess from I'J :(" n. in.,
tint II 1 iSW p. in. Kach ease In enlllletl to lie
called nl, Lliii lime net or wllliln ten minute
thereaflt'l'l either to lie proceeded Willi, or ll
further order to he made, l or Hiln purpimc
no party will he reiiulied lo wait longer llnni
ten mlniilen for Hieoppimlle party or other
iniHlni'Mn, encepl for urgent rcamum. The t rial
of a cane will lie nUNpendeil at, any time for
thin purpura', In cune the court Hnil that any
rule herein will work an iinroreneen hardxhlp,
the court renerven I he right to nuNpend the
rule for the npeclal cane.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Statu ok Nwihakka, I g
DougliinCounly. In Hiit t'ouiity court of liouglan comity,
NehriiMkli, Heptemlier !W, A, l, IWti,
In Ilin matter of Hut entaMt of Mary I,
II I lie k It i it n , (Inceiined:
'J'lin following named pernoiin, to-wltl
1OiilM A, lllackninn and nil oilier pernonn
Interenl4.d In nald matter will take notice
that on day of Heptemlier, m, the
county court of lloiiglnn county, Neliranka,
miidn Hut xillowlug onler:
In the Comity (iourt of Douglan County,
Neliranka, Heiiteiulier, Still h, A. 1 1, IWiSJ,
ttpon reitilliig Hie petlllon of l,ouln
A, llliukmau, nliowlug that on the Hlh
day of June, IHUI, he wan duly aiipoluleil
adiiilnlNf ralor of mild etnle, that lie hut
thin day Hied hln Dual account n niidi, and
that hit In Hut only heir of nald (leceiined,
and praying t hat mild final account may he
allowed and lilmmdf dlncharged from nalij
IriiHt, and prnvlug Hint nuch other ami
further order and proceedlngn may he had In
th.i premlnen, an may ln re(iilred hy the
nlatuten In Kiich canen made and provided.
(irdered, Hint Novemher !W, A, l, IWi", lit (I
o'clock a. ni he unnlgned for hearliul nald pe
tlthili, when all perwnin Interented In nald
in nt 1 1-r in it y iippeur lit I lie County court, lohe
tield In and for wild county, anifnliow citiini!
why the prayer of nald iielllloliernliollld not
hit granted; and that notice of Hie pendency
of mild petlllon and Hie hearing thereof, he
given to Ilin pernonn ahnve named and all
other pernonn Interented In mild matter, hy
puhllnhliig notice of thin proceeding In Til K
Amkiikian, a newnpiiier printed In nald
county, four weekn nuccennlvely prevloun to
the time appointed,
Ami you will further take notice that iiu
lenn you appear to content Hut mild petition
of l.oiiln A. Mini kiniiii at the lime and place
appointed for Hint iiiu iione. the court may,
In your iihnencit, allow nald Until iircouiit,
and may grant Mm further prayer of mid
Wit n enn my hand and olllchil neal thin atllli
day of heptemlier, inti:!,
III S!l-I JMlftty .llliltfrf,
fly vlrluitof tuiorder of mile Innued out of
the iMntrlct court nf llouglim county, Ne
hrunkii, and to me directed, I will, oi. Hut l.lh
day of Novemher, A. ll. Intti. nt Klo'clock it, in,
ofuld day, at lint KAHT front door of Hut
county court houne, In the city of Dmaha,
Itoiigian county, Nehranka, nell at puhllc
aiicHon the properly dencrlheit In mild order
of milit Itn foflown, lowll i
l,ol one (ll, two i iiml three (III, III hlock
numhered ten HO), In H. I" lloger'n addition
lo the cit y ofllmaha, an nurveyed, platted
and recordiMl. all In I louglan county, to nut
Infy Omaha loim and Trunt (lompaiiy Hie
on mi of five Ihouniiud and ten dollarniri,!i0,n(i)
ludgmeut, with lutnrcnf. fliereoniitnl (l per
cent per anniiiii from the iilnt day of Heptem
lier, A. 1 1, IWd, until paid, and unit,
nlnet V-hlne Hhil ISI-I'NI dolllirn If I MUrll cox In,
with futerent Hiereon from III" Int day of
Heptemlier, A, I). IMH, until paid, together
with accruing cnntN according lo a judgment
rendered hy the dlntrlctcourtiif mild Moiiglun
county, at Itn Heptemlier term, A, l, IWd, In
n cerinln action then and there pending,
wherein Omaha, Ioiin and 1'runl, Comuany
wnn plnlntlir and .lured II. Ayer and nlliern
(Imiilia, Nehrimku, (Ictnher ISIIh. tN'f!,
HherltTof liouglan County, Neh,
Uke. Ilamlltoii Maxwell. Attyn, ln-l-ft
Sheriff! Salo.
Under iiud hy virtue of an eneciitloii Innued
hy Kriink I'S. Mooren, clerk of Urn Mlnlrlcl,
court of Douglan county, Nehranka, upon a
.ludgment of mild court lit Itn Cchruary term,
A. 1 1. IMtil, In favor of tSIIahclh Idiihlmaii
ami Mm, Hoe, real name unknown, and
agaliint William H, l.ewln, I have levied on
the following dencrllied real entnte an the
properly of (lie nald William H, l.cwln, to-wlf I
l,oln thirteen (ID and fourteen (Mi, In hlock
nine itn, In lleuuliiglon, Houglim county,
Nelirankiij and I will on the I '.Hi day of
Novemher, A. M. Hti: at 10 o'clock a. m, of
mild day, at the KAHT front door of Hie
count y court limine, In Hie city of Omaha,
Moiud'iiH county, Nehrimku, m il mild real
entale at puhllc auction to the hlghenl hldder
for canh, or an iniich of It an may he necen.
miry to mil Infy nald enecuHon, the amoiinl
due I hereon lielng nliiely-l hree and 70-lmi
(iolliirn iii,l.7,1 loom it, and llfty-one ami
SlH-imi dollarn (f.'d.ifNi ciiHln, with Inlcrent on
mild amoiiiiln from Hiclllli day of rehruiirv,
A. I. IWil, and the itccriilng contn on mild
ludgment, lenn the mini nf two and fiO-imi
ilolliirn (:!.WH advance contn paid,
Omaha, Nehrimku. Octoher lllli, l"ie
(ihoKliK A. II KN N KT T.
NhorlfTof liouglan Couuly, Nelniinka,
V, O. Hlrlcklcr, attorney. 10-ll-ft
Notice of Uhatlle Morlgnge Snle,
Notice In herehy (ilven that hy virtue of a
chal l le morl.giitfe (txecuted hy .lumen lluuhen
an moi tgiulor to (leorue (Ihicomliil an morl.
Cime, ami hearing dale I he !!! day of .1 line,
iMicj.dl will, on Hiiluidiiy, the I'.'lh day of
Novemher. IMi.i, at In o'clock In the foreiiiion,
at No, 007 Hoiilll Thirteenth ntreel, Omiiha,
Kehritnku, nell at aucllon lo the hlghenl
hldder, ali of (he goods, wiiren ami mercliuii
illne. coiiMlHtlng of move re palm for hoth
heating and cooking nloven coiilalneil In the
three nhelven. or mn of nlielvlng on the
miuili Hide of the nlore room of the hulldliig
known an No. IK7 Hunt h Thirteenth nti-eet,
Omaha, Nelirnnka, Inmillnfy Hie mini oT four
hiindicd, nllv-oue nHiil.nm dollarn, the
amount due lit the lime of the II ml, puhllcu-
llon of thin notice.
IO-2I-4 Mortgagee.
Ciivaniigh, Thoinlin ft McUllton, iiltorneyn
for mortgagee.
l( I I ! W ' I 11 '-t l. t-l I , ! :
ti,, ihtHt. t ,( ,t(t i ' i..i.' s
li4i ,-,( l, , l t . 4 f 't - He I t
h . . n,' t it i t , t n w
, I , (. ! ! I l It . I ,t . I . I II..
.MlHI ,.( .,..( n It... (HI ,. . -tl.t
t (t ..H .!( V. .t
. ,1 dt l-lt' (
II, 1 1,. ti l I I l " ll' -1 " I
. i.lll I
(, ll I- tii I I III
. I I U I I . . ' t I-..- II t
I t ... m tn,i n ,i,t't I ( 1 1( i Hi t f
IV,. flit IW 111,, I ,.( 1 1 1 t I V
I ..l ttl, .i, ( (if l.i ! ...I t v.. l.- I I..
11 V I t .,( t . f.. II.. .-I l IV' ( .l.
ll, tli'l .t tl S( I Of Ittl'l tj .W t 1 Mt'l
I .. i, ,...( . I 111 n .' ! I-.
IS lit. ...ilh i It :t Kill. I I.. '! It
1 h ti(i. nti i-l it V S ti.,.. iii'M i .1- .
l. tn.,! ll.tiii.- I nil l,..ln .( hec
; ., ' . t il,i! ).!((,.. .. .(! t.ii.i
f. p lift tt I. I. !"' Imi n t.l ( I tMl.lttn
tl,.l I.I ll I ! l'l until pll.l III
i, mil i,li. i A l.iii,'H ll" ii.,i ft '(
lute t ill M i ,!'i iliOUit
lieti'H.i nl nt. H i. ii ! n ft
t.i. ui I K It l ! until l,i -.all
,1, M' H I It, I'll I" I III. I!!M (if l.t.l' l.lllltlll .l
I 'l hM rll lil f( il ln (Lillm lll.U en el
Willi (till H-l III. Iltitl III ntt (tet net
n nntnitii flil.( N Ot li't" I 'I - I' I"!
Kilt ll pnlll 1.1 tnl l. Vtll A I " - n I l.e Mint
i f m ii ti hitiiilti .I K it i Liiiouit
1.1,1,1,.. nl Itlt lull ii l He li oti nl i iru
In 'I i I'll I n I niieinit flut.i pci,il i 1 A
i, ltd. itiilH imitl! In tntitfv Mwln A
en i (li nl lh the titni i t four IhiitKnlul,
Ihm. liio..ll-.'l. 1l.lttl ill.OH iIi.IHi
jilill'tlil lit. Oil lull !( Ihi-li .il. Ill l lgtil 11
In r I'l lil (n r Hiiinnii fmiii m tileintiei ;i. A
i lci, lliilll pnld : In HlKfv I lie nititt of ulic
hiimtti il. neli li M lm .I'l. '.'e tlnllntn ( il
with Inteii'tt Hii'ivnu fiiini the "lit tluV of
n. l.lrl.iln r. A. ll mi, lint ll pnld. Inue'lhet
Willi nccliiliiH emit N.'cordlng In It I n il il .ni-li I
tendered hy Hie lUnlllel cmtil of nulil Itiiug
Im cntilily. ill lln i'iiteiiilM'r let in, A. M. HM,
In n eerl ilin Hit Inn Hull mid tlnie h'IhIIik.
w herein .lenne It. I nduce n pluli.tlll ami
Henry A. Tityior, Idwitnl II l.ilun it ml
nlliei" tlefeuditnln.
Omiilul. Nehriinkn, Ih'tolier I'M It. I"!
i, t iliii K A 111 NM-TT,
HherllT of iMiuulan Counl y, Nehnmkii.
U M Hlchtniinil, itiinriiev. lo-ll il
Sherllf't Snle.
Hy virtue of an order nf mtle Innued out of
the' Hlnlrlcl Court of Itoiiglitn County, Ne
hriifkii, mid lo me dlrecled, I will on Ihcl.lli
(lav of Novemher. A.M. n!r;. nt iloVh'k A, M.
nf'nald ilny. at the KAl T front door of the
County Cnni't limine, In the Clly of omiiha,
llouglim Cniinly, Nehneikit, nell at puhllc
unci Inn the property detcrlhcd In mild order
of mile an fiillowH. tii-wll :
The nniilli neveli til feel of Hint parcel of
land dencrllied nn follows, lo-wlt: Com
mencing at a point neven hundred and flfiy
nine tn'iin feet ennt of the line hot ween nec
Honn nine itn mill leu lllli, mill eight hundieil,
Hcvctitv-lhl 11-10 in'i.'l It-lhi feel millh of n
Hue hi I w necllolin ten 'IHi ami II fl cell 111:.
all In townnhlp iiiimher lirteeu il'n. inn ill of
riuige liumher thirteen il-U. eioil of the nlvlli
I", M thence iiinnlu mirth folly-three ami
foiir-leiilhn (CI 4-Hli feel, I hence eiinl one
hiindred and forty HIOi feel lo Hie went line
of Twcnty-I'lmt ntreet iKlouiled, thence
nouth forty-three and four tenths ill 4-Mii
feet. Ilienci' west one hundred and fort y (HO)
feel to the place of Iteglliulug, all In Douglan
count v. ml it tit of Nehrimku, mild iirooerty lo
h Id to millnfy Tlioman A. Crelgh and
I'eter 1. I'crlne. admlnlnl riiloin of theenliite
of Onciir I'', Mavis, ilnceiised, the sum of two
hundred, thlrly-llve and Ill-loo dollarn
(::,i.Vllii with Inlerenl thereon lit rate of eight,
im per cent, per aiiuiiiii from Heptemlier i!ll,
I Mill; in Kilt Infy Cluirlen W, Coiikllnu (he Mini
of two hundred, Hilrty-oue and hl-loo dollarn
iiail.lili wlili liitorcHt ihernoii at rate of ten
( 1 1 n per cent, per milium from Heptemlier :!ll
ni,iiud live ami SI0-I00 IW.IIO) contn t hereon i
to natlnfy William Cohurii, anslgnee of the
Hunk of Ouialiu, the mini of four thouniind,
f wo hundred, tweulv-elght ami nil-Inn doll urn
(iM.S2H.Wi), with Interent on ;i,4!li,NH (hereof lit
rule of ten (10) per cent, tier Minimi, and on
r.HMDI thereof at ruin of neven (7) Iter cent,
per annum, all from Heptemlier !i!nd, n!Kl,
ln(,'eilier with twenty-four and IIH-(KI dollurn
i.!4.lWi contni and to natlnfy Hm nmu of mtxly
nl lilld KI-IOO iWMi dollurn contn, Willi
Inlerenl thereon from the Silnl day of Heplem
her, A. M, IWd, together With accruing contn
according lo u Judgment rendered hy the
Mlntrlct court of mild llouglim county, at lln
Heptemlier term, A. I). Nil, In a (ten iiln uc
Hon then mid there pending, wherein Tlioman
A, Crelgh mid I'eter I, I'erlue, udmliiln.
Iriitorn of Hie entale of O, I", I Hi v In, deceased,
were plalnllirn, and John il, Wlllln, Cecilia, J.
Willi li nd othern were defenduntn.
Omiihu, Nehrimku, Ocloher l !th. Nr.',
HherllT of llouglim Counly, Nehrimku.
K'dgur II. Hcoll. atlorney, I'l-ll-ft
Sheriff! Stle
Hy virtue of un order of sale Issued out of
the' lilnlrlct (Sourl of Mouglan comity, Ne
hranka, iiml to mcdlrcctcd, f will, on the '.Mini
duv of Novemher, A, H, l!, at o o'clock a,
m, of mild (lay, nl Hie I1AHT front door of Hie
County ('mill Houne, In (he city of Omaha,
liouglan county, Nehrimku, nell al puhllc
n uclloii t he propert y dencrllied III nil Id order
of mile lln follows, In-wll :
The north half of lot nU oil In hlock seven-ty-sli
I'lih In Ihecliy of Houlh Omaha, ami
the hiillillngn thereon, Including all of Hie
hulldlugn knnwii us lllum'n hull, all In Houg
lim ulc of Nehrimku, said properly
to lie will In millnfy llolmenlilid Hmllhlhe
ii m of two hundred, elghly-iilnii dollarn
itSMi.Hn Willi Intl. rent thereon at rule of
neven it) per cent, per minimi from I'ehruury
Int, InWi lo satisfy Krunk Hwock I he sum of
f wo hundred, nlnly-neven mid ICI-Ino dollarn
iS07,liili, wllh Interent thereon ut rate of eight
ihi iicr cent, per annum from I'ehruury Nt,
iHtrj j fomttlnfy Allien, liumitl, Hm sum of
llflccti hundred, Ihlrty-elghl. and si-Inn
il,ftilH,iBi with Interent thereon at rule of
eight (ni per cent, per Milium from l''eh, Int.
Mi;: iiml fomillnfy Hie num of thli ly-nU and
nsi-l'KI dollurn IfSllI.M) costs, with Influent
Hiereon from the Int day of I'ehriiury, A, l.
nw, together with accruing ciinln according
to li Judgment rendered hy the Mlntrlct
cotirf of mild Moughm county, at If n I 'eliruurv
lerm, A, M, lni!, In a certain iielhui Mien urn
there pending wheridu Mwlght l llolmen uud
MuigaietV. Hmlth were pliilnlltrn, and Al
lien Immuf , llernurd Ilium and othem were
Omaha, Nehrunku, Oclolmr amli, iwr.
HherltTof llouglim County, Nehtasku,
Lake, Ilamlltoii A Mint well, al lorncyn, lo-stl-A
Hherlft'i Hitle,
Hy virtue of un order of mile Innued out of
the dlntrlea court of Mouglan counly. Ne
hrimku, ami lo me directed, I will on the S!:'d
day of Novemher, A. M, HV'J, tit 10 o'clock a,
m, of nald day, ut the KAH'f front door of the
county court houne, In the clly nf Omiihu,
I long liis minify, Nehranka, nell at puhllc
miction the property denrrlheil In nald order
of mile, an follows, In-wll :
lot liumher four (4i, In hlock niiiuher one
(ll, Muyne'n second addition to Hie clly of
Omaha, an surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In Mouglan counly. nlule of Nehriiskii)
mild property to he sold to nutlnfy Meorgu (I,
Wiillnee I tin hii in of one hundred, eleven ami
H4-im iliillnrs llll.nti, Wllh Inlerenl, Miereoll
ut rule of ten (101 per cent, per Milium from
.fiiiielnth, Inosi, iiulll paid, and twcuty-one
and 7SI-I'K":!I,7SII dollarn contn, with Inlerenl
thereon from Hie Inth day of , lime, A, M. IW,
together with uccriilng contn according to u
Judgment rendered hyllm dlnirlcl court nf
no Hi Mouglan counly at lln Mny ferm, A, M,
Inn:!, Iii acertuln acfloii then and there pend
ing, wherein Hcurgit II, Wallace wan plitlulllT
nmi The Ouialiu Merchandise Compaiiy ami
othem were defemlaiiln
Omiihu, Nehranka, Octoher s!0. IWisf,
HherllT of Mniiglun Counly, Nchrnnkit,
(leorge I', (illmnre, allorney, Id-SM-ft
" """Sheriff S.ila,
rndcriinil hy vlrlue of an enecullon on
liniinerllit Issued hy I'rank K. Moores, clerk
of Hie Mlstrlct court of Mmiglas counly,
Nehrunku, upon a Judgment of I he Counfy
court, In anil for mild counly. on the Mill day
of March, Nsi. In fuvor of Henry I', ( inly,
doing hiislnesH un II, I', Cndy Kumher Com
puny, and agaltisl ,1. K, Hurdlek uud Chrls-
i In it H lit, il Iniiincrlpl of which Judgment
wan, on l he '.'till day of March, s!i!, duly filed
ami docketed In the Mlslrlct court within
ami for mild couuly, I have levied upon the
following descrlhed real cxlllln us Hie
properly of the snld l f ii I n 1 1 1 . Chrlsiinii
npechl, lo wit ; l,ot fell i0 In hlock eleven
(Hi, llrlggn I'lace, an udilillon lo Hie clly of
Omiihu, I loiiglns couuly, nlule of Nehrunku.
and I will on the l.'.lh day of Novemher, A, M,
Nri, at Ml o'clock it. m, of said day. at the
KAiT front door of Hie county court house
III I he clly of I imiihll, Moughm county, Neh
sell mi Id real entnte ut puhllc miction to Hie
hlghenl hldder for cash, to nulUry said exe
cution, flic illinium due Hiereon lielng four
hundred, ninety uud MMne dollurn iyifHii
ludgmeut, Jets tlie num of two hundred and
fifty iolliimi'!'i0.iH puld hv ilefcnduut Hi p
leii'iher '.'ll h, " and four and 7 i-im dollars
ihi,',:.! cohin, wllh Inleresf on said amounts at
In per cent, per niiniim from the day of
Miirch. A. M. I 'r;. until : t til. Mini uNo the
fun Hit mini of Iwciity uud I'.-IKi dolliirs
ilfUii. 111. the ciistsnf lucreuse nn sulo Jiidgnieuf
uud the uccriilng costs nn this chcciiI Ion.
Omiihu, Nehriihlia. Octoher II, Is'1!,
0-I4-.1 HherllT of Mouglan County, Nehrimk it,
Molgomery, Charlton uud Hall, ultoi neys,
Mirntl il
111 -i I i.i i I si. . i I i I si '. il t'l'l i t
(fc. Il-.l,'. ( tucX I, I Ik ltiln' "".' V M In . iC. I. .1 I .11 I i I
rtt . V i i. t t I' it I' i. Ill t
,.f i lll l IH. I l In- I ll (III I'
,,iii,l I , ..i llni.n- n. 11.1 I IM ( I I'l. shs
1 1. I , M t S. ( i ... t II nl I""' "
t .1. I l,,i t t.l ft M ,1. i Ills ,1 t t.'l I
, I l! 11 il. t-' I
I ,.t m ti ii .: i ii II I 1 1 ' I ' l.i- !
ltd I i- il l( it.ot.iii .It ( l On
unlit. . A',1 i t !.. I It ll II' Oi
t h. it (lit. ( til ., no In t ,,ii(li .till.
t.l.l'K.,!. I.' it-, I .1 1 I f IL "In 11 t
til,.i (. I ll HI .lll 1I "I'd t.ld tl.-tl I, t'l I III I
Kill, nil I... ( illd l. i. I III II t.l (s Int.,
!(. Ilil I' ti 'nf klllMlnl III III. I , ' Ti.t;iii nl Ni-Kinvikiti M ni'i' il
II, M.i, ll -Ill ll .l.t,.!! . (ill tlllll
n( (ii.lil liin nl n. Ckil,l,.,i, Itliis In
III, 1(1 I 11:1(1 I plill I t I I l I'tlllllH, . . ttttli ii the niipttlti tisln i t lln i In
tlnuiicf I he nn.i Is lev lliistiil til Oil
iiiittiit i t.'t!flln nmi m .ti' N.l.min:
in. I tat (nl i li 1 1 ti It Hi tt'in t ( el t n ii ll
,","., iOtllii tlllll ll ill ll'l llilllli M I "
In ln It it nmi mil hsif .hi ,' m IV. nf Intnl.
I.ii.n- ,H It Inillliih il Imtlll l I !( list
tin I i'n-1 hf llilllli Hill tli"i I, sniilli It)
Itiiiiti in it ntnl m l In liftMntlt nmi
IK tin-1 lit nl Oiiinltn, (..! I Int mill nil the
npptitli lisle 1 1 lln ti I" In Intiglim. the tnint'
Is Inil tttnnti i In Hie t -until I nl tHiinilnn, unit
Halt, nf Ni t. id-kit, In iill lltl mil nf Hie
plit i'i i nf tin Ii snle nf nidi Inlt ti'teli it?
nmi i liihl int. Ill hhs k .i n ti ill, lit hi. un! 'I '
ll, mill ml . I I lull In the illt nl Omiihu, lit
nlsne den,'! lln d. Miiuili e Wtiltltitn lite sum
nf t lilt I V IHe 1. un. ltd mi'ltlt fiitti .Vint
dnllitt-t iil V?l In liulgtiii'lil, wllh liili'li sl
Hicli'iUI ill lute of t lghl t'i n r ci nl r nit
tiuin fnmi Milt Milt, Ndi In nutlnfy n nnni I
I lliigcl s Hie ninn nt I weld y -I hli'i' I Inni-ninl
turn liuiiilo il iiml sltty-niie iliillitis it.':l ,1i in,
jililguieui, with liileri l lln o nii at rule nf
(en ilui pefcetil. per n it it it in fnmi Mnv Mlh,
st( i In tullsf sis'iitiilly mil of the pun'eeiln
of such snle nf nil hi In tlol eleven ill). Ill nec
lloti iwenlvseifll C'i I, Ii A lishlp llflcell lIM,
Hinge Hill Icl'lt ll li, Itn ilhiiVe tlex'l (tied, II ml
after Hie satlsfiicilnn of the chiliit of Hinntiel
v llugels. plaliilllT herein its Ileury
l.lii'sey, Hie Hifnt nf I hree hundred, fnrt,t -nU
dulllirn l,lllllli lllilglni III, wllh Inlerenl
Ihercnn fnmi l it.v lllli. Ndi It) satisfy
I Mi i n tin Nullnuiil Hunk Hie mini of nit hiiu
illcil. nllieleeu IIS -Inn tlollitrn ifUIIIIlM ludg
liienl, With ll leresl theieiiu al rule nf It'll
ilin pel cent per iniiiiiiii f ii ii i May Mlh, IH'I;
In mi I Infy I Idea go l.umher Compiinv the sum
nf nineteen hundred dnllars ifl.linn.uni, wllh
llilet'i'sl I hereon HI lute of neven ("il percent,
per minion from June '.'Vth, Inidi to millnfy
Henry W. huliiin Hie num of one hundred,
nineteen dollars ifllti.nui Judgment, with
inlerenl thereon at rule of ten ilui per cenl,
per iinuiim from May Mlh, Isnl; fn millsfy
Nl ilin a ugh and I loin It I he num nf II ve hun
dred, fi.iiy-nne IIA-Inu dnllars i.,ll n.'n Judg
uieiil. With luleresl Ihereuu fi'oiu May lllli,
I Mi 1 1 ; lo mil Infy the Nehriiskii Natlomil Hunk
li'.e sum of scvenieen hiimlrcd, two Hs-Hm
dollars 'l. Sir; si Judgment, with Inlerenl
Hiereon from May llth, IKi; lo nullHfy (Ins
til vc Amlreeii Hie num of live hundred, seven
Sli'-liKi dollars if.li7.Sli i ludg men I, with Interest
thereon al rule of leu dm per cent, per
annum from May lllli, MM; lonallsfy fuller
noli, Murphy iiml I ompiuiv the sum of four
hundred, nevent y-nlx II 100 dollurn iflW4l)
liiilgment, with Inlerenl I hereon from May
illh, Mil; uud one hundred, eighty in-Inn
dollarn I'lnd ls) cosln, wllh Inli'l'ent thereon
from the Mlh day of Muy, A. M, Mil,
urn II paid, together with uccriilng contn uc
corilliig In u judgment rendered hy the Mln
trlct mini, or snld Mniiglun couuly, at Itn
Miy lerm, A. M. Mi. In u cenaln action
then and there pending, wherein Humiiel
K, lingers was pliilntlir. and Inline H, llunciill
and nt hern llefemluutn,
Omaha, Nehrunku. Octoher IS!. Mis!.
Hhei lTof Mniiglun Coliiiiy, Nehrunku,
(leorge K, flitchelt, iitloliiey, 10-14-ft
Itogern vn, Hawaii el, al,
Notice of Final Settlement,
Mouglan Couuly, f
In the county court of Mouglait county,
Nehrimku, Mcplemher 21, A, l, InSri.
In the of tint estufii of I'red II.
Tli" following named pernonn, fo-wlt: Mary
V ,1'iV. Nell C, lllooi, f. in inn II, Hpcur, Kdlfh
A, Matti'non, Kvu M. Hlood, and all other
ncrsoon uteres led In nail mailer will luki
notice I hiil on the S!N. ilny of Heplemiier,
in'.fi, Hie county court of Mouglun counly,
Nehrimku, luude the following order;
In the county court of Mouglun counfy,
wenriisiiu, rmnicmucr .i, n. it, tsirj;
I'jion rending the wetltlou of Cluirlen II,
Mcf.ekroii, showing tluit, on May l;th, s;m.
lie wun uiiuolnleil admlnlnf ra (or of mild
entale, Hint he han filed In Hiln court hln
II mi I accminl un nuch, uud flint Hm uhove
mimed lire Hie only heirs of mild cliile, uud
liru vlinf I h til nn Id lln n I a count fi.uv In, fiii-
iiniVeii and himself discharged from ill"
trusl unnuch admlnlnf ralor mid praying llnil
nuch other iiml further order and proceed
lngn mny he hud In the lircmlHcn, a mav he
feipilred hy Hie nlaluteA In nuch ruses made
ami provided,
ordered, iiml NovemherSil, A, M, Nr;, nt
o clock AM, he imslgued for hearing mild
liellllon, when all nersoiin Interented In nald
mutter imiy iiiiiciir af the County Court, to
lie held lu ami for mild Counfy, and nhow
cause why the prayer of nald ielltlolicr
nnoiou inn oti gtanoMi; nmi nun notice oi run
pendency of nald iniltlon and the hearing
thereof, he given lo the pernonn uhovn
named ami all other iiemonn Interested In
mild mutter, hy puhllnhliig notice of this pro
ceeding lu Tiik Amkiiican, ii newnpiiK'r
plilifed III mild Counly, four weekn nuc
cennlvely pre vliius In Hm lime appointed,
Ami you will further Mike in. ILk-. thai lln
lenn yon Iippeur to contest I he mild petition
of ( hurlcn ICMcKckorn at the lime and place
appointed for Hint, purpote Hie Court muy lu
your uhnence approve nald Dual account and
(Uncharge the nald udmlhlslrufnr, mid muy
grunt lint further prayer of mild petit ion.
Witness my hand uud oltlclul seal fhln 2n(
fluy of Heptemlier, Mi'i, J, W. KI.I.KH,
County .fudge.
Sheriff'! Snle.
Ily virtue of un order of mile Insiied out of
the Mlntrlct court for Moughm counfy,
Nehrunku, null to me directed, I will nil Hie
1,'iHi day of Novemher, A, M, lf!, at 10
o'clock u. m, of nald duy, ut fhe KAHT from
door of he county court house, In the cltv of
Omiihu, Mouglan couuly, Nehrimku, mil nf
puhllc auction the properly dencrlhcd In mild
order of mile nn follown, to-wlf !
The nonlh one-hitlf (H,') of Hie eunl one
huiidred und fortydiui feet of lot llfly-fonr
(Mi, lu llorhinii'n I Irsl add 1 1 Ion loOmuhit, un
nurveyed, ilullei uml recorded, hclng
ground siotlgi feet, ami more purtlculurly
diincrlhed an the nonlh onc-lntlf ift'il of lol
four (4i, In hhn'k "C" of Itorhiich' limt uddl
Hon to Omaha, pliilleil August, Ins.-,, nil in
Mouglun counly, nlulit of Nehrunku, mi li
property Mi he sold Ui nutlnfy A mill K.
Andrew the num of nineteen hundred, llflir
slt uud IS-loo dollurn il,li,VI Jiidgmenl,
with InH.renf, thereon ut rule of li'ii HO) tn-r
cent, M'runiium from Hcpiemhcr iilnf, ld,
until puld. and forty-two and li;i-li iWilisii
dollurn contn, with Inlerenl, Hiereon from the
'ilnfduvof Heiiteiulier, iA. I',, Mi, together
wllh .accruing contn according lo a Judgment
rendered hy Hm dlntrlctcoini of mild Mouglun
county, ut itn Hepiemhe r fi rm, A, M. Nd, In u
cerluln ucllon llieii nmi lucre penning,
wherein Aiiiiu K, Andrewn wun pluliillfT, ami
Mary K, Hall, (leorge f, Hull, feorlana K, H.
Hill. Kliiillld li, mown Mill othem were lie
feiidmiln, Omaha, Nehiuskii. Octoher I'.'lh, MW,
HherllT of Moughm County, Nehrimku,
lllulr uml (loss, Attorney, in-M-ft
Sheriff! Snle.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the Mist rlel Court for Mouglan Couuly, Ne
hritnka, and to me directed, I will on Ihe.'nil
duy of Novemher, A, M. M'.' at lOo'iiocii . m,
of mild day. at the I.AsI' front door of Hie
( ounly ( ourt lloiiso. In Ihellly oflimnhu.
Mouglun County, Nehrunku, si ll nt puhllc
linn Inn f he properly ilenciilied In mild order
of mile us follows, lo- w If :
The en tl oi half ('oof lot IhlrtV-elghl ISIS'
In lloiiiuch s lli-l ail'litloii lo the c'ly of
( J in ii 1 1 ii . us surveyed, plaited and i-cnordcd In
Moiiglus county, stale of Nehiuska. Huld
propel I y to he sold snhlect lo a certain mi ui -gnge
In I he sum of Xi, a ml llilere-l 1. 1 sit
uli per cenl. and lo satisfy Hie Onmhii I, .inn
Mid I in .1 I oiiipuuy's Huvlngs Hnnk the sum
of I hree Hiousiiii'I eight Inindrc'l foiiy-iighf
and 4'i-iki dollnrs if.isisf;,, with IiiIcm-i
thereon at rate of en ' Im per cenl , per annum
from 1 eht inn y t'l h, I "HI, and I lie f in Iher sum
of uiie lhoii"iiiid and iighty-.U mid ii im
dollars 'M,0S(.4U Willi lllleel Hiereon III rule
of nine itn per cent per milium from I ehruii I V
luh. Md, until puld. mid f.uiy-iuic uml l i lm
dolliirs ill 4-ll costt, Willi luleresl thereon
from the '.'Hi duy of I chiiiMy. A. M, Mi, lo
gelher Willi lici'llllllg costs lli'.'i if il 1 ll In II
JlCilg Ill relldeli t hy the I H-.I I ! I C.illli of
Moiiglus county. Ill Its I ehrinn v leim, A I).
Md, In a cei I nln ai Ion then and t here pend
ing, whi'iiiu Omaha l.oiiu uud Tiuf I om
miuv's Hunk was pluliil lit. mid I'llwmd C.
Killing. I-i umit Metii l ining uml oi hem were
Omiihu, Nehruska. Octnher Jmh. Nr.'.
HherllT of Mouglun I otoily, Nehriiskii.
Tunnlcllir K Huge, utioiueys, u-;'l-A
Mirtil t KaIw
l-t i . I ,.i i i . 4 i-ii. i in .4 i nl t I
it . t -i. . i , .nt ..i ikmct i. . ,... i ti. ..
l i l. I lit r i,n i, i n't i,n ill -it. I
i t .t v 1 1. t it t nl-,i,i,ii i ..
it.. I ,1 .1 -I It.. I t , . .1 I ,-t ll.c
-."ll .i-titt I..,. hi il-. .( il Iii. tt.n
It-, , .( H Si I I t I 1 1 t ill It
li ,i. 1 1. , lt, t-li n ( 1 1 .t, i 's il In -ft t'l.til
I t - . ii ft I, in, I,. 11
I',. I, III,!. I, I.I hit .lllli ,
! t l.t k tnill - t'i II s it... i ... mlililiiti, (.1
( , i ,,HI,1 !-, i , .nut it.le I'l
St1 I .. It t ,1 K5 I 1 . I I 1 '. , t, t 1 I'll III.' tl'li
I',, lit , i iht, (..tut I I. ,.. (! Mint
tie Mum .i ii. Mit l S.. I.t.t(.iinl
I I, (,, .t I , ll., ,1 . .(, (,,!., . Il f M,
f t i.i ttiolt Int neil I M
lit in mil Hit!, i . hi ti 111 tin n niii
i I t I. 1 i ti Intti.tti il it ii sit t t I'll it.ilst t
1 1 I , 1 tnl i.ti III w Ith ttiO il - I tin II nil n
ltd ii i1!.!'' t nut 'tiilititii Iintl,
n, i.i, ,. ( ', n I., t,i t( ( ti il 1 hut
ti I, in! it,! tu Oi the itilii id thin luunllt i
fill Ihli-i it tttihihilt ,li.i.i tti.t,' i. ii-l.l
Hi inli ii l ill the lull tf i li hi
,t ii i f,f m i tlilnuii f l iitit i pi litis t 'tt
li ti. ttl-ly W llliniti W l il'imli lit Ii ml
set hi It lit the tliln ti( uiie htnntlt .l 11(11
i,,, .11.,, I,, ii,,lvi,,i i, with lnlii t
Ihitintint l,(t nl iiiu i,t n I i ttil pit
nntinttt fl.nn lutie ,ih In t illl ,1m l
t Ite.l, iti ft itil iltl lit li lit. the -mil nl
- li tilt -I III lit L Iiti ihittnit tu ml J nil li I
with itilin l tin null nl litle nl lilt (I'M i
C( itl ih i utitiioii Inn. i , linn III, twin In nut
Iffy lltieit. tiiii'sitttcttl I ntiiitiifiv, ih fctiilntil
Ik liin, Mm tutu nl 111 e hiin.lie.l Inelilt lt
.' Im il.. 1 1 n . ,, pel mm til. wllh Inli leit
I In tt i. n nl luie uf nn ilui fir cent pi r
iitttuiiit finm ,ltiiii lid, s.ii lit tmlsftr Mtiuiu
,1 ll nt i, .led n.lniil In nl ii. the sum nf twenty
liilliil n it-Siitn linlgmi til, with ititeti'sl Hu ll.
nil at tute nf ti ien iji pet et nl per mi
lium fmm .lituiiiiiy 9lnl. I mini In nillsfy
'lleuillls MllllHt. llefemllltll III Mill. Hie
sum uf i (tin Ii 1 1 in I nil ihilluls; lu
satisfy ,1. ,1 jiihtisutt , I nmpitny.
tlefelidiilils hii'tin. Hie sum of eleten I'i lltl
diillurs ,f l '.Oi ludgmelil, wllh luleresl Ihere
uu ill liilenf net en iii pel cent, per milium
ftittii l i liliiniy 'Jlsi. snii; io siiilsfv Hie stini
of s y -seven' and Wh Pi ilnllitls ituj mil, ((lie
half i ' i ) thecnsls lu Hits Hiilnll wllh luleresl
Ihereuu frntii the l!l"l tiny nf Heptemlier, A,
M.. Ni, ingcihcr wllh uccriilng enntn itccunl
lug in n Imlgiiieul rendered hv Hie Mlslrlct
il 1 of snld Mniighis i ' 1 1 1 1 1 V . at Its Hepletil-
I ti I lei m, A II. Mi, In ii cert nln iniliiu I hen
uml llieie iH'Uillng. wherein Charles Hreeti
ami I M. Hrultinid, Irusleen, were plaint Ilin,
mii .1 1 ill ii i in ti .luhiisiiu uml nlhern wereilefeu
iliiuls. ilin. Nehrunku. Oclula r 'iiilli, iwr:
HherllT uf Mniiglun ( (Mini y, Nehriiskii,
It i lineily A 1,1'iirneil, atfnlneyn, lo-ll-ft
Slierifl'i Snle.
Hy virtue of tin order of mile Issued out of
the' MM rlcl Court of Mouglun Couuly. Ne
hrunku. uud lo me directed. I will, on the ."ill
duy of Novemher, A. M., I "If!, lit III o'clock A.
M ii sulil uny. ut ine r ,-ir i mini uoor oi tue
( (unity ( om i .Mouse, In Ihellly of Oitiuhii,
Mnuulim t ounly. Nehriiskii, sell at ilillc
aiiciloii theprupeiiy descrlhed lu nalilorder
of sup. an follows, fo-wlt :
"hot liumher eight id lu hlock liumher
forty HUl In A llirlghl'n I holcu liildlllon lo the
city of Honl It Oiuuhii, un nurveyed ami
pliilleil lu the county of Mouglan uud "lute
of Nehiankni" mild jiropeiiy to he nold In
nutlsfy HiH'henter l.oun ami Hanking Com
I in tt v the num of one thousand nit hundred
light y-neven and 2,'i-IHh dollurn nfl.iis' ,!ifu wllh
Interest (hereon ut rule of len (101 per cenl,
per nullum from Heptemlier sfM, Nd, until
puld. uud thirty and Sli-liO dollurn i4m Sil
corns, wun inii'ii'si, i Hereon iruin inn isi
lluy of Heptemlier. A. M, Nd, together wllh
accruing contn according lo it judgment rep
dered hy Hie dlsl lid, com t of mild Moughm
county, at lln Hcpiemhcr lerm, A. M. Nd,
In a cert n In iictlon then uud there pending,
Wherein Kochenfer lOlin null llunklug Com
pany wun plaint Iff and Michael McMtilre and
othern were defendant,
Omahn. Nehrunku. Ocioher r.ih, NH
Hherlff of Mniiglun Counly, Nehrunku,
J tmen II, Mucomher, iiftoriiey, (t-a -l
Sheriff! Hflle.
Ily vlrlue of nn order of mile Innued out of
the district court of Mouglan county, Ne
hrunku.nnd Iiiiiik directed, I will, on HieSiSS'.nd
day of Novemher, A, M. Nr;, tit 10 o'clock a,
m, of said day, nl fhe KAKC front door of the
county court house, lu Mm city of omnhii,
In, inhit couulv. Nehrimku. nell ut. Iiuhllc
uueHon the Jiro'iierly dencrlhcd ll mild order
or mile ns follows, to-wu :
lit three (if), In hlock nl (Bi, In Muwfhorne
addition to Hie City of Omiihu, an nurveyed
platted uud recorded, lu Mouglan Couuly
("lure of Nehrunku: sn d uroiierfy to tie soli
fo mil Infy Omiihu Huvlugn Hunk the num of
nln hundred nlnet y-f hree and oo iuo dollurn
ifWi'iOi, wllh interent thereon III liileor eight
(Si oer cent, lu r annum from Heptemlier Sihit,
Mo. until paid, and twenty-nine and (n-ion
if:,",lsi dollar conln, with Interent thereon
from fhe Ist In V of Heolemhcr, A, M, Md, lo
gcHier wlfh accruing costn according to m
Judgment rendered hy the Mimrlci Court of
said Moughm County, lit Hn Heptemlier term,
A. M. Md, III a ceil nln fiction then and there
IM udliig, wiierelli Omuliu Havlngn Hunk wan
plaliilllT. and Augnnt I'crU and id her were
Omiihu, Nehrunku, Octoher SJOIh, NT
Sheriff of Mouglun Count y. Nehlimka,
I'liimin W, Wensi In, Allorney, o.l
Sheriff! Snfe,
Hy vlrlue of mii order of mile Issued out of
the Idntrlct court of Mouglan county, N'e.
hrunku, and In nut directed, I will, on thi'ZSmd
duy of Novemher, A M, Nrj, uf 10 o'clock i, m,
of mild day, ut Mm KAH'f front door of the
counfy court house, In the lily of Omuliu,
Mouglun counly, Nehrasku, mil at puhllc
nuctioii the iiroierty dencrlhcd In mild order
of mile Itn follown, towlt! nine In red nmi Hi find two rti. In hlock
niiuiliered twenty-one (Sli jot numhered two
fli, In hlock fwenfy mn lot num
hered nil ifii ft ml neven (7), III hlock fiumhered
titfccri'lfl'i nil In Went AHuiflif ft'ldlilon, lu
Moughm County, Hlnle of Nchrunkiis wild
properly to he nold lo millnfy June I'lckurd
the tun, of one fhousutid, seven hundred,
ftfiyfwo and m l'f dollui n (11 .tit Un, wllh In
terent thereon nf rate of eight ii r cent,
per fniiium from Hepl, Silnt, Mid, until paid,
mm iniriyoiii' nun s,i-r c-. ..ti.s,,, ii,iiini- , ,i.-,
with Inleresf Hiereon from Hie iilnf .duy of
Heptemlier. A, H. Nd, together Willi accru
ing conln uccordlfig lo n Judgment rendered
hy Hm dlnirlcl court of snld Moughm counly,
ui ll Heiilemhi r term. A, M, IntiS!, In u cerluln
ncflori then and there jietullug. wherein June
lickurd wun pluliillfT, find William II, Al
I, right uud Alhrlght Kami mid l,ol ( ouipuiiy
were defefidltritn,
Omuhil, Nehrunku, Oclnher 2"lh, NS
HherltTof MouglunCounl y Nehrunku,
tieofgeO, Colder, Iitloliiey, Pl-'l-ft
Hy virtue of an order of mile Innued out of
Hie Mlntrlcl couti of Moughm comity, Neh..
uud In me directed, I will on fhe.ith duy of
Novemlier, A M. Mi!, ut 1'io'clock u, in, of mild
duy, at the KAHT frontdoor of the counfy
court houne, lu the clly of Omahn, Mouglun
county, Ni hrunku, mil uf iiuhllc inniloii f he
proin rty dew rllied In mild order of mile nt
fnlluwn, fo-wlt i f
l,otn numhered one Hi and four (4i lu hlock
finmher one III In Houlh Kncliunge fluce, un
uddltlon to the city of Hoof h Omiihu, im nur
veyed, pluifeil uml recorded, uml lofniiuun
hi red nne 'I' uud t wo i'.'.i In hlock numher ni
IP nf Mulliew'n nuli-dlvlsloti of hlocks film
ti.i.i, I'll, t wciil V t'iln. I wen! v-oue lli t welil V-
two ':!.!, Iwefity-lhree c;ii. I wefily-iight ii
and I went y-ii l ne li'ii of a long hi 1 1 hoice, nn
addition to rhuiih Omahn, ut surveyed,
plaited and recorded, all In Mouglan county,
.inn nt .M'hinsHu; ine mini ioi uumiier oni
Hlofhloek one Hi III Houlh KtcfningK fluce,
lolietolil losiiHsfylhe Hunk of ( ommetel
t Im -nn, of Hiree hundred forty nmi .Vi Pm
dollurn '4 tlO.Vu wllh Inlerenl thereon nl rule
of leu .im percent, ier annum from May Sun,
Is'. '; he mild lol liumher four ill In hlock on"
111 In "mull I tchtlhgc fluce to he told lo
nllsfv Hie Hunk of Commerce Hie sum of
Hi ni h mnlred forty and Ii dollars is Hu '
Willi Inlerenl Hiereon nl rule of len ' lOi i r
ci lit per annum from May lull, M'!; Hie mild
lot nn m hi r one i M lu , link hum iter si im of
Matin W tuh-dll I .loll lis uhove ill m'l Ihed, tu
lie sold lo uHsfy the Hunk of Coinmefce ttin
turn nf four hundred sevenl y-ei i n and
doll.iis it,"i,.U',i with Inlerci Hiereon u( rule
of ten ,ni r cenl pi r li iiniiii, fnmi Muy lull.
I"'.'.': Ihe iild lol nun, two iS.ln 1.1. icg
flllfiiief Mlt'f'.l of MillheW's sih dlll-fou Ut
nl.oie de.cril.eil, tu he sold In suMsfy Hie
Hurik of I oinmci'i-e the turn of four hundred
sen nf y-seven and SO I'O dollnrs 'l',i im wllh
Int. re-l Ihefeon al rule of ten ipu per cenl.
pet utniioii from Muy '.'Hi, M'!. and lo suie fy
from the plis'eeds of tu le of u II I he profit 1 1 y
uhole ii srrlht'd I he simi of fifty selefiiinit
,i (i doll ii is 'f n,.'." i I'osls, wllh luleresl from
the luh duy of Muy. A, M !'.'. IngeHier
w il li net rniii' cosf t n.'cot ding to a licit: meet
fefnli nil hy I he '1 1st rlel com I of "Hid Mniiglun
county, lit Its Muy fi rm, A. M. Mr!, lu a
ceitiiln o . I Inn then and there pending,
W hen In 'I In Itn Ilk of I (.fnlueice w Im pi ill hi Iff,
uud liiiillesl, r .. .f vi . n ,. I and nl In i s wi re
defend .nl.
i final ll, Nii.f uskii. I ictiiln r '!",, I"''!,
Oil lilt. K A HKNNKTT,
Mien IT of Itollglus I nutit
( nrulsh A Uolrt i Iniiu. al Loriu y
t yi Nliiuskll.
y) u-!-
in r"
i 2L
No !l
tit in mienf l Blllttl iiuni (. ( i iitm-i.,..,..
ttng.iti Atle Ihsly Ihsly lit. it tltv'""
3 ik. t i., in mil tit
.4 t fl lit. 41 t"i I'"
IS M ('In, 40 l PA
ft fl A In 4li In 41 Mil tin
Ahnte pllcen Hie lui
n i....... i..i .. .u ..... -k-..i...i .(.,. I.... iit iti ..
ll lit'r' iiiiitcistiiit in,,,' ' ','r ...... ,,,,
Nn. t iiml & uud I, on No. uud fl
Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery,
Guttering. Spouting ami Roofing a Specialty.
1302 Saunders
Wagons and Buggies.
S. E. Cor. 24th and Cuming. OMAHA, MEB.
Slieriff'i Sals.
Hy Virtue of nil older of sale Issued out of
rile ilisliict eniiii of I'l.iiMiiis counly, Ne
hrunku, uml lo me directed, I Hill, oil theS'lli
duy of Nnvcmhcr A, Ir. Ht,iit pio'clock a.m.
nf nald duy, af the KAHT fruul door of the
enmity ciiurl, limine, III Ihe clly of Omaha,
llnuvlim county, Nehrunku, sell uf puhllc
miction Hm nroperly descrlhed In nuld order
of sale as fiillims.
aiI elil, up, nine (Iff, en (llilitml eleven
(III, Iff hliH'k five ii'.i, lofs nil ifp, neven i7t,eli(lit,
(Nf, nltie ill), lri (llli, iilneleen 'IHI, Itverifv (SjUf,
(wenly-oiie tali, lteiify-l,oil!!i arid litetity
IhrcciSIli, lu hluck U till) Kotn llnee fill, four
(4i. five (fn, nlm (If), neven (7i, elfhleen (fni, nltie
leeii lllli, twenty (Stiff, fwcuiy-orift (SSli uml
Iwefity-ltvoCKi, In hhu'k neven (7f) foiM live
(.', nln (ill, neven (7l, elfhl (K, filrtefWr, rditcerr
(l, neveiiUien (l', elihleeri (Int, nlrieteeii (l!l)
utfd I went v Ms, In hhn'k elht ; loin I woii,
f hree (Sp, four 4i, live (fi) find nl ftp. In hluck
lilfie (lhi loin seven I'll, eljhf, (Hi, nine (, leu
(IK), eleven (III, elKhteeri lis;, rilriefeifi ll'.lt,
Iwenfy (i,f werity-otie iy.liiind Itvenly XmiiXlS
in hlock I tvelve lf !ii nllof nulil lolnuttd Mucks
heliiK nltiiuled In Norih Omiihu, 1111 Addition
to the Clly of Omnhii, I lunulas courtly, ft at''
of Nehriiskii,
To Mil Infy Nehrimku Hitvltiirn and KfchuriKn
Hunk, pluliillff herein, the sum of fl Thous
and, live Hundred, Twenty four 4t-(m dol
lurn (4J,fi!! 4i.ludifmenf, with Interent, there
on fit rate of elfhl 1K1 (fircefil perlnifium
from rc pl-cm her SJM., n',l), Tonullsfy fylven
ler, I'uiinlfiihum und Wllllum 'homynori,
purl nef nils Ciomliiihim A Thompnori, de
fetidatlln herein, from the proceedn of Ihe
nule of lofn elyhf 11, nine (Hi, ten (lift and
eleven lilt, Iff hlock flvei,',,; hilsslt ill, seven
(7i, elidit mi, nine (Sn, feti il'u, iilnefeen dsn,
twenty 011, fwenfy-onu Wit, iwettly I wo tZ'.i
flfid Iwcnfy-thiee (Kill, In hlock nit W) lofn
three i;i, four (4, five (U), sin (tli, seven i7l,
elthte.ri in, nineteen (ISn, f went y I'ltn, I wen-fy-ofie
(U), und Iwerify-lwu ivdi, In hlock
neven i7n uud lol f went y Wi in hlock elihi m,
uliive ilenciilied the mini of seven fhouwiml,
elyh) hiitidred, forfy-wveri Zfi-I'i dollurn
(f7,M7.rjildifricfil. with Inleretit. tliereon ut
rum of elhl in per cenl per Brirmm frotn
rteplemher Silnl, IKil! To natlnfy fylvesti'r
1'ftfirflriKhum und William Thoitipnou, iiarf
nern un tiitifilnidiam A, Thompnnn, defend
Uffln herein, from Ihe priweeds of Ihe nule of
lofn live (fn, nit Wi, seven I'll, elKhl, ((, nine (Of.
nltfi-en (hii, wvenleeri (I7i, elirhli-en ilni und
nlueM'crf (I'.if In hlock el?hl mil lofn l.wn'Zt,
three lip, four Hi. live Cif Hiid nltWt. In hlock
ti Ine in 1 loin seven ill, idyhl is., nine ltd, ten
Illtl, eleven (fl, elKhteeri (u, rilneleeri dth,
f wenfy cjlii, Iwenf y-oue (S!l find twenfy-two
iWii In hlock I welve lYlu nUnvu den'fitu d lh
sum of neven fhounHitd, two hundred, Iweri-ty-nltm
Mi dollars it';mMi .tudirment. with
Inlerenl f hereon ul riil of elfhl (nf per cenl
Iter unnum from fepN'mher tflni, (nsil. To
nullsfy Wurreri K, Thomun, defendanl fn-ndn
Outturn of Mid hundred, two frf.-IKf dollurn
HMtf (t.'ii Judirmcrit with Inlerenl, thereon ut
rul of seven f7i per cenl, u r unuum from
NuvemlM-r Sf'th. junfl, To nuilnfy John T.
(.nlliern, di feiidiiril herein lh turn of five
hundred, I wcnly-elyhl (hilars i4v;n nn ludK
merit with Inferent ui ruin of nt ven '7 er
cent, per Minium from Muy l.'iih, Inst, To
nutlnfy the num of fiUiely-lhree n pi dollurn
ifP,,4S conln, wlfh Inteiesf I hereon from the
Stint, day of fiepfefnher, A. It, n(i, loefher
With fu'cruihtr cosln uccordluK liin Judijmeiil
remiered hy Ihe HlsOicl I 'mot of nald Imuf
iuncoifiily. uf. Itn imptemher U'tin, A, 0. l"Sd,
in ft certain luihttl then und there pi nUliitf,
wherelft Nehrusku lHVlnKn und KchunK
Hank wun ffhtiiif llf, und Wendell llennon,
Murirurei ,, llennon, Oeorir" M, I ooper und
of hern were defendant,
Omuhfl, Nehrunku, Ocl fnu, IsfK!.
Cherlffof Ifoffxlun county, Nehrunku,
(letter Ii, 'I homun, Muitui y, U- ft
Shnriff't 8l,
Hy Virtue of un order of mile Issued out of
lllli Ulnlf'lf! court nr iroiipilin ciiiiiiiv, rtc-
iiranku, arid lo me directed, I will, on the SKitri
day of Nnvemher, A. 0, n(, hi Pf o'clock u.
in, of nuld day, HI. Ihe KANT front door of Ihe
Counly court hulls.', In the clly of Omiihu,
Imuihtn county, Nehrunku. sell nl, puhllc
a ui i ion ihe prnierl y descr lhed In nuld order
l,t shht lit IlillliMS. lO-Wll. '.
"l,ol liumher cihtcen( of hlock fiumher
two i:!i In Coiner s und Archer s uiuniinn lo
fhe clly of Honl h Omuliu, un surveyed, pluiled
uml recoiii 'I, fill III Itoliirlim couuly, nlule of
Nehrunku;" nuld properly to he nold lo
nullsfy the Hunk of ( nuimerce ihe sum of
three hutidred fori y uml Vl dollars iftiu an
Willi Inleri si Ihereori III rule nf feu lllli per
ceiii, per iinnum from Muy Wlh. until
puld, uml scvciiiy-fnur itnd '.st-Pi dollurn
i",4 (mi cosfn, wllh Inlerenl thercmi from the
Kin duy of Muy, A. Ir, Iscs.'. tnfeiher with
rtccriilriK costs uccordlnif lo it Jmltrmi nt ren
dered hy the district court of said Itotiirlat
counly, l lis M.iy term, A. I'. Hr!. lu u
cerluln uclhiu tlun uml there pemlmif,
wherein Ihe Hunk nf ( omun fee wits phi Int iff.
uud Charlcn ' Npntnwuiul, K C. lUmiick find
ol Iters were defemlilllls.
Omuliu, Nehriiskii, O, Inhel ,",tll. -''..
hherlff of flnuKllm I oulit V. Nehnisnil,
Corulsh idihelfson. AOnlficVs, lu-.'n fl
Omaha Express and Delivery Co.
Tm.M'honk 747.
Mooing and Light Express Worh
Trunks delliereil lo all pulls of the city
Olllee, !SI Nultll I'itfl SI , ll I In UK st,,r ,111
N W cor. huh u I lilcumi ls. I'KK l.f
IIKAsnAHI,K, .1. I, i i'HM- V,
rr 1,4) II T 99 rn-ii
A M II AO 141 i!
ItHMII-l I W, w.lM
Mtt4i Effistt ! IUr.ii ef
0(4 m T
a Tl o
E.L n nan !
(ally lUtMrt Wt
lnruiM ry mm M
tttl tf4A.
! hnx krt
CO., O Am, Jft
)4t4 fMi lMfT
till j Hli-V " l ' nti
W ngiiti.
I'm-Hllf, gunllly nmi I'tlfc, will
linl Im imtilnlii'.
A I.I, WilUK VAIUiNTi:i,
IH0l-IH0:i Cam SI , OMAHA, NtU.
Ti li ilioiiit Hlot.
Street or North 24th Street
HilKIt or
Sheriff i S.tln,
Hy tin ue of unorder of nule Innued ouf nf
Ihe Iflstrlcl Court of IIoiikIiih County, Ne
hranka, ami lo me directed. I will ott the l.'.ili
day of Nnvemher A. If, Hrj, at, in o'clock A- m
of nuld day, ul fhe KAHT frontdoor oflh
Comity Courl .House, In I Im lily uf Omiihu,
iiiiilns Counly, Kclirusku, nell ut tinlilc
auctluii the properly dencrllu'd in nuld order
nf null, un fnlluwn. lu-wll:
Ihe nouth one-fhlril iH'ul of lol, four (4l In
hlock liliiely-one (Id), In the clly of Omuhit,
..............r .....i ii, i.... 1....1 .rn ... i ..i..u
tin stirTi'J'.. nil" I 1 1 1 llilH I ilflll.'il, nil III I'l'ilKllin
enmity, nlufi' of Nehrunku) nuld proiierly In
ne nold ii nunsry irmuiui raviiifs iturin ine
num of four fhousuml, two hundred, neven
ami iff-inu dollarn MM.mi Juilirmciil. with
Inlerenl ut ruMf of elifhl. (ki per cenl,, per
lifffiUfu from Heplemher '-'1st, I It'll , until puld.
uml Iwenfy-nlti und Nn-fm iVA.i-Mi dollurn
conln, wllh Interest thereon frout the S.'lsl day
of MeplemlM-r, A. ll, Hit, tiKelher with
cruiiiif costs iiccordlfiK I" u ludirment, ren
dered hy the district court of nuld ouirlnri
comiiy, lit nn nepo-muer term, is, i. iwu,
In cerluln uclluri thert und there eridlriK
wherein Omuliu MavltiKn Hunk wun plaintiff,
and Surah llerrtnfelu, Ahruhum Ifersliiu and
other were deferidafif n,
(riiuihfi, Nehrunku, O'ioher It n.
HherllT of lloutrlun County, Nehrnnkn.
Kruucln W, Wesnelln. Iitloliiey, U-l4-,"
Steam Laundry.
DAVIS DR08., Proprietor.
Our work In l-rrhily llisf-clann, Tel, 14ft
Pacific Barber ' Shop.
N.wly rill.d up. Th Unit Arll.ti,
lln removed from th-vrmli und fwuven-
worlli lo N. K. Cor. ttevenfh uml I'lu-liic,
lhuvlfig Pic, Hulr-Cfit Pca-Kottrti 0c,
Olv at Call, X.tiifnctl'in Ooiir(iUtd.
...... KINK
Merchant Tailoring.
Klml elfin Clcurilriv, liyeliiK and llepulrlru
(int. !')th A Ofilifiirnl fit),
Physician and Surgeon. '
Twi'lvn years cjiillnuiil primilce In Omuliu,
lule usslsf uiitsioyeim Infl Joseph' honpllul,
Ofttcu H, W, cor, Hltteerilh und hlcuiro t.
(Ulic hours (i ;nt tol I 4 m, SI ui li und 7 Ut It P.
U. l(eldericii,Sj7ll Chfirle Nt reel,
Tain iihonti 747
f.five ('., ff, V.. M A II. j Arrive
Oftiuhu lie (ml IMh und Wehsfer Hi J Ofnuliu
S I'l nmi Khun (ily Acconimodnllou ) O'rfi piu
I UK pm. ft. C, Kturenn letcept Kuri) ,,12 4" pm
rV4' pm Hi- I'uul ilmlfVd fu
A ii pm Hiirierofl Cuss let'cpt film n ni
Uiiveni C H, A 0.
Omuliu : llepol Kith uud Musori Nf.,
4 V. pmj.,.,,, ChlcuKo limited ,
(i :ti uml. , ,. . , ChlcuKo K press ,,,,,,
II Vl pfuj,. .. ,. ChlCHjf'i Ktpres
fi Vi pm Chli'uioi A Iowa Kis'ltl. .,
h live. It A M It.
Omiihu: tepi,f ptlh und Mason ft,
4 4'ipm .,, Iieuver l.lmlfed dally ,,'
Pi i i am: , ,. , , lleiidwisnl Ktpresn
Pi.i.'i hm I lenver Kt prenn, ,, ,, ,,
deliver K press
n I', uml. I, Im nln 1,1m ictcepl Nun,
ft. Vr pud. Hiisllmrs ls al
feaves K.I'., Nf, ,( A C. II,
Omiihu I'epol l"lh uml Musori ftn,
H-Vihui Kun. ( Hy Ihty Ktpren ,
K 4"i pm K.f :. uiilit e, via I P, Trillin
k Hifift,
mil urn
4 V. pm
(Sii pm
A rrlve
4 ii', lint
4 if. pm
d -V. urn
f I 40 pm
II lh inn
I 1 .17 pm
j Arrive
i Omuliu
I n ii pm
! A 40 inn
luven I I NItrV I'M IKH',
A rrlvt t
Oiiuiliii I'lilon ltcsil pith uud Murcy Oouihit
7 Vl Hln
ti Vl am
I t'i pm
it Vi pm
I 1 1 pm
fi m pm
K lives
f llnuli'l
ll. ul l Ire Ktpres ,,, ,,i rt p. pll
In Kver Ktprcst I if. . in
r ii erliiii'l I I y"
1.11 pit
llellvi r I usl .Mull
I 4 Ju (mi
i: ,i inn
III 40 ll m
f IftlUfut
ft '9i pin
,'t 'Ji pm
II In um
n. A I'. Kt iincepi Hunt .
Pacific Ktprcst
I . K A Mo. VAM.KV,
III p. if l .lh ami Wi hslcfHfs,
(I i. Hln I lead srissl K t ptett
H'.iiimliKt NittiWyu Kt 'I t. Moin
S In pm1 Nni Inls ' Ktcepf Nun. i
M'tpn,, Nl I'llifl Ktpli's ,,,,
SiKiiim: f.liicnln Kt 1. uii.luyf
l . iiv. s , I'., M. A n l' p
Omuhu I ItcfHil l uh und M irey Nis.
.'.'I', Hi. ...... I It It'll Vl I K t llll i
, I n. i'i um
II in inn
I Uliuhll
U..s"t illtl
I 4 ..'n pm
A i rives
I I fmuliit
! ti .'i pm
PlUI Hill
I imiihii
I II Ullil.i1 . . . I hirll HII 1. 1 plcst , . . . ,
i,t iii. -t , mm i I I V a P tl II c
, (ineihu i liepnl I'lih Murcy
I 'Ji lilt. , Nlilllt I li t l'iis-l lier,
i I,, I, II, .... SI . I'uul I', t ill -s. ,
I.. .11" s Mill
I It.iillei lleot.f
r, ..ji..;'" ' .
.Stilt A I'M II It .
I .I h uml Weli-ler Ntt
.( Pi,., I I In he. I "'
Mi i!i inr r.'(--i lo all ftarU, No r4n)urc.
tiii.(o I rmk KMI-fiVi'o trtnthii fSn h.