THE AMERICAN. t 4 .,' !.. '' t.- I I1-. " l K4 .4t, I it. Im.. t u -, ii, , .. i, ,4 : l V I .l 1- I .S t 1 1 .f - 1 fc-Sll 4,- 1". , - 4-1 rW ! It i , l.: :" --1 ill.itia"1l'1 j..4Si lnti t ll 4 4.. ilUfnl it - 1- -' t. i-.r U5l 1 i 1- ' k Nrt H ( HM'- I tt l - .1 .. i l.t l.l l .. . I I' 4ii4.,.;hr . 4 .,.. ..-. . ,! li, hi ll ?n i4i,fi urtii'i f.i. 4 tX"i.V li. n(tl llw l.'il t ! L t. (!.. ., ill l ,, I. I.-I. IV . llivl lw"l !' 1 t.r IVitt'4 l 'IMI l.4 !. I Jf It., .. ..! I , IliM 11,4- IVl I "t 4iH -M.t 1. 1 ll" t4 run t v"Hm- "! llt ri, I ii. lv li ! -I Id 1 .1 I l f r Hli lf Kit ltMi U ! lnlfjin I I II. Thai alt U ,.-i-llt li ll, i-n-i, nt tln-tv- tit tlx- l'itiH fivlmn f i-f n !, 1 ! 1 hxl ll of ll"' Mi!tlf.' tt lhl '' rw IUHiit ' t N nl Jiil. II We i-iuM tu i i M In ! t to niti Whom I he n hui .iiiiiimtttli Hl'tl. ll I'lhuU slv IhiIii i- mill lui-ii t, i-viw Of ltilM1. IV Thf rli ll U ll-rhfil from nmn, Inn 'ln wvIkUh nl or i n in 'ii lint ' ill mill illriiily fn-m tlinl. I lili it tin' otilllf run. Ill I'oiimvi Ion lilt III i'lU', iilii roii klltiilloii for 111 In il i lnKtlnn wotlil. hi liiallrm iliilinl. iinii'i-fiilim Hip iillloil nf miuli, mill llo iliilil liiin riiiiiciil of lln .'hun-li! mill If iMivwmry JihIhk mul tlliooi' if ll i In- ii'iiipornl inMli.f nil i'Iii l-llini. 1ft. A hi'M'lli'. Iioliliti or li'ivliln flMi liU'IMim iiinoi'inliiit llii' mcmiiiii'IiI. U r tmiiuuiili'HlKil mul ili mili il. nml limuI'M v-r to tin1 wi'ulnr I'miiu IT, mi'tilnr irliiri- ihihIIIIiiiI In nwi-nr to li fi iul lhi rliurt'li nnll lion-Urn m r ruiiuniinlruli'it, mul llii-y m-w lulii iiihIit bii ..MlTilll'l. Is, Tim RiNxtn of IxTi-lli-ii urn to !' t'on-Itw-moil mul niilliil to I In- clniri-li. J. AilTtM'i or iiiilHi'li-H, fitvorlnu Ih-i-k-lli-. or ihi-lr tli-fi-iiili-M. or iliulliii! fur tlioin In luw muIIm, or mrllliiK IikuiimiiU for tlii-iu. ttni lufiimoim mul miNponilotl f mm ollli-o. 91. Tim w-ouUr jnwirt wlu-lln-r H'riim iipiiI or ti-inxirnry, ri IkiiiiuI to nwi'iir tlmt. tlii-y will pxturmliuito. Hivnnllnii to tlu-lr jHiwor, all iH-n-lli-m-oiult-nini-il liy iIii-i-IhiivIh mul K-niimi'iil lorJ not )iiiiulim lilt lanil nf lii-ri-lli'M, U fxi-oiuliiiinli'iitoil. SI. TIhhmi hIkik-iI Willi tlio rroNM for tlm rxii-nnlniillim of liori-lli-, rojoli-u In llin prlvlh-iro Krnnii'il to ilia oruHiiilont for tlio lii'lpnf llin holy Intnl. ti. Thi-y mi- Hlwilvod from nil olt!mitlon who uro In mi) win- IhiiiikI to lu-n-l !. ti, Wliocvi-r diK 1" Imlllo iikiiImmI (lie uti-Im'IIi-vIiiu. mirlt tin) kliiKiliiiu of lu-uvi'ii. S4. Wo do not i-Kti'i'in I Iioimi liomli-lilui, to whom It iimy liuvu liaiiuonotl In tliulrnoiil for their inotlior clmrcli iiuulnnt tun tx-roin iiiiinlciitod. to kill notnii of Ilium, i TIihI Cat hollo rrlnci'K nro IniiiiiiI, IhiiIi y cIvH m il I'liiiuii luw, not to n Ivu or nilomui hi'rotli'H, mul nnirli more itru not to ji-riull lliolr rllon. orolliiT i-xiti-Ihii of their rollKlon, or rutlirr. llmlr fulmi ni'i't, lint urn minit wiloiiiiily Ixiiiiid cvi'i j wlinic, In repot ind I'Xpel thi'iii 91. Tlio fnlliiwlmt leinporitl iiiiiIn!iiiiiiiIn urn lo bo ciifni'i'ed on herelleii! InI - Infiiiny, ni,'l tin-coiiwfiielit dlmiuuillli'iillotm for nil I'luil fii't. Slid- Inletiliililllly, an well nellvti t. (ittwlvo ilhut In, (hey ciin int I lir iMiiko Will nor Inherit, wlmt In left lo tl liy fithr0. Ilrd - to of piilernul iiower over ('.hitmen. 4iIi-1,iib of dowry, mid oilier prlrlloKfN (jriintetl to women, nih -Conllncii. lUm of till Kodi, I'lli -Tim!, vuhmiU nml ht,vn mul other tir freu from all, even (iwitii olillxutlunN dim to their lord or un otliep Till 1'iipllnl eorporut punUhuient, fiHtlully limit h, mul perpetuul linprhion lneiil. ST. Thi i'liiiuii luw fuilililM nil l, ilenitlon St. That nielnipiilltiiini mid I..Iiiim uro to ex-i'iitiniMiiil.'iUi' li 1 mi who i;niMiK lllierty of (foiiNelenet", Sit, No mil h U lo tm kept lowiirdM heretlii prliieen, lord or otliern, HO. Heretic ure In lie deprived of nil elvll mid piiterniil rluhin. II. Th Mipo cull ulmolvi) from nil niillm. a.'. Kvery lillnii U onllnury Juilue In it I'miMi of hereny. 1'he reiwon In Ihu'hiimi hu lilhiin ciin e.onii'lo, nml onlit tncxllipiini heretlcii, mul Inflict upon them the dun piin lliineiil, mid to till urn hound on puln of deptMllloli, ilealdei, lire the lniUUItor ! IM-cliilly di'iiuii'd liy the npnutolln 'ii, Kvery hUhop In hU illnce In thought to ho, mid In ru Ity l. ti nutiiriil liiiiillior, (liter nlly horn lniUlltori, mi im ti) Imvo llui inmu mwer with tliime iilreiuly iiiintloiiid In 7uiik of hereby, Ha. In every prnmliMory outh, iilllinmili nhwilulely tnken, them uro cerlulii cotidl tliina liiclily utiilorat ikmI. muoiiKl which ure) lit If 1 cutij 2nd -To miva the rluht mid Hillliiirlly nf ii miprrliiri llnl - When the oiiili Uipine the honor of 1 1t upmtollr to he Illicit. in. Tlmt tin) cniiiii'll of Trent, (ihc lin.1 mid (rent ftiithnrlty of Itomul, decreeN mid eiiiii iiiiiiiiU tlmt the Kiicri'd rmioim mul all Ki'ii rrul coillirlln, ulo the oilier NmnIoIIi eiiiicl tni'litii IimommI In f.ivnr of eccleliiNtlcut iitkihi of ecci'iiilli'itl lllHTly, mid iiuiilimt, ll Hiilulnr, nil of which hy tlilH piewnt decrep It ri'newn, nml inint Imi i-xucily oli M'rvwd hy All. I. CAROINAt'S OATH ,i'inlltiiil of the Holy Iloinun Y'hitfi'lii do promise mid nwenr lluit, from thl lllui' lo tin.' end of my life, I will Imi full hf ill and olH'dlent unto Hi. 1'eter, llui holy iixm tnllc Hi in ii ii church, tttul our inimt holy lord, till) Kiitof llniiie, n n (I III micceowiix, emion h'ftlly mid luw fully electi-d: Unit I will k'vo lin uilvlce, ciiii.enl or uUtiiiirii iitlnliit the IHintillciil iniiji'iy nml jK rwiiii Unit I will never knowingly mid udvlnodly, lo their In Jury or dlirrncc, miikn punllc I he council LiiiruMed to me hy theuwelvoH, or hy meii wn'tem or leiu-rm iilno Unit 1 will glvo them any ulUiii'e In retiiluluKi defendliix mid rei on rlim the Itommi pupiu'y mid the iimillii ut 1'eter, with ml my inlKht mid endeuvor, no fur n the rltfht mid privilege of my order will iillow It, und will defend them niruliit nil their honor mid mute, and 1 will direct mid defend, with dm) form mid honor, th IcKuto and nuncio of the Hinmtollo we, In th u-rrltorle, churche, moiuiNterle mid other lM'iii'flcen corniuli ud to my kecpliiKI nd I will rordlully co-operate with tliem und treat them with honor In their romlng, iihldlnif and retiirnliiK, mid that 1 will n-xUi unto hlood all jxtwink wlinuoover who oh nil lilleiiipt uiiythlnif iiKUlimt tJiem, That 1 will. hy every wuy and hy f very mean mxlvo to prciu'rve. Biiiiiiient mul advance tlm rlirht 'liinot, prlvlli'KiM. the mnhority of the Holy 'jtnan liUImp, our lord the mm mid til l- f .o mentioned nuroeiimiiKs and tlmt., at , .-.(ilever time unyllilnu hIiiiII Iki de'lded to ilielr prejudice, which Uoulof my power to hinder, u aoou u 1 ohiill know Unit liny ' or moujiure liuvo Ihhii tnken In tlio mutter, 1 wlli linike It known to the mnne, our lord or hut Hiim'eBoi', or mime other jji r non by wluiM) tiioHim it tuny m lnoulit lo their knowledge. That 1 will ki?op and rurry i.nt and caiwc other to keep and curry out e ulc of the holy father, the decree. I ,..,. 4, , . ,,! ,: I" ,. H- 1 . .1 ., . ,1 K - .-'l .. .-I ll-i ll.-l I '- - -l t'll . 4 I , I . - 'I- , vl .. , f l - ut , i ! - - I "i -I IMI H' tti t - , i li ll o 1 ii I !. . , I ll. , I- l-.l t I "t , K , I, , ,i ll '-i a ! .MI,. !., H '-l- .-l 1 ., . 4 . I. . . ' I 1 l-rt It,. l. .'I l.i ., - I I '" - I f . .l,-. ,-- f.- .1 I I I ' ' 1 t I.il4, t .,i i, i ' t l Irt I (' tfc mtMOr i O A t h. I 1.-1 l ltlll ti,.i Imii.,1 ii. in ii (itiifi: il ..-, lil l.i'l l',l, I II" M I,, tlx II ) I.-,' . t-"i .( t, uf l.,t tie ,,,J ' t'l I. " l t'l i,l4 ,.,,nt. lt i Hi i f I i nililiil ll -m' til i,.ti i(., i M i l tlmt Itn y ,,jf ,m ift till m 'l Umt it." il f , )s,n$ m W IN !.,, hull't- !n 1 I tilt'l M' 1 1" I" m aiiy Itijimi el, m 'I ! (hi in, imili r ki ii I, iim' ,iiii,r 1 1n- tiHtnw I villi hli h tin y klmll liiiiu-l ie I't U" mi Iiol tin Ir i,,. . ii,;, t i,t I, it. it I III in. I tiiim liitiiy ri'teiil in ant. lo it" tr -ii imlii e. I ill lii'ic 1 1 in I, ili t u t mul kii pllie Itiiiiinii ,.i. i, mul the lot nil li n of M IV l r miuliil nil iiii-n, 1 In- ik'nle of the MNklnllit ti-, wniin nml ciiiiiliiji . I ill liiMioinl'l) In ut mul In Ip In hu iui'i'ii Ii The rlfclit, liniinin, prlt Ihvi mul niiili.-i li v of tlio Holy liniunii t'hiifi h of mil lunl. lie- 'ii', mid lit Rfnn nhl iiiii'i'i-itMirH, I vt ,11 1'hili itior In pi-t-mTt llrfi lnl, lll,'lini' illi.l I, ll iilii-e. I Will llui Ih Iii any i'oiiiim I. ti' il'in or In my. In which kIinII U- plnlted iinlii-l our mi lit lurd Mini Uiiiiilitl rhiiivh, utit llilliK In Ihc hull or ir Juillci1 of their H itimi. iluliti, hniior. Man or mwer, mul. If I -hull kinnt any mi, Ii llilUK lo Ih- Ireiiled or uultiited hy any Whut uoover, I will lilnil. r It to my iitninM. mid H wmii iii I cit ii . will Klunlfy It In our mihl lunl. The oullliliiii'i' mul I ii ll ml it t H nf the Kipe, I will olinene with nil my inlKht iim i-miix- to lie oliw-rved hy oihem," 'IIiti-iIcb, NchUmntlc mid n ln'l In mir mild lord or hi Kiicci-NHol'N, I w ill In my ul uiiwl lM-i'Hecute mid npHM." Ileretleo. nf hUmiltlcos et, relielle eldem iHiinluu mmtro vel HtiiTCHMirlhiiN predlcUn pro Mmn- ccitiur et oppuiiiinlio." "I will ciiine to a ciiiunil when I nm culled, I will the threHhnld of the upoMle every threii year mid ulve an account of our lord of all my ptiMorul otllcn and of the IhliiK iM-lmiKlnu to my (IIikvho to ilm iIm. i-1 (ill in- of my dcrny mid people. 1 w ill In like mumier hiimhly receive and diligently execiitti the itpiMtnllc. commmulH. If 1 am detained hy a lawful Impediment, I will x-r-form tlm aforciinld hy a member of my chiipler or a itrli-Ml of my dlocewi, fully In Nli iii'li'il In all I hi rtKH iiliove meiilloned The hinni-iwIoii lielouulmi to my lalile, 1 will m-lllier Nell nor other wIno nlleiiuto without, ciiiinilllnH the llimiiiti pom I If. hn help mo liod nml Uii-mi holy Koi-pel of tiod." iSlKliliture), Hi-nt lotho HoiiiIhIi MuuuKer. "I.- PBII8T'8 OATH. . now In the proHonce, of Aliiilithly tlod, the IiIohmmI VItkIii Mury, the hli'Hsi'il Mlchui-I tlio Arclinimi'l, the hlcNHi-d ft, John tlm llniitlNt, the Holy A)hih11cn Hi. I'etermul HI. I'unl unit the Hit I it ( m and the Hm-rnd lliiHtof Hen vi-u, and to you, my lord, 1 do declare, f rum my hem I, without meiitul reni'i viil Inn Unit Ilm pnKi ( Iii UCh vlcur Keiieiiil mid I the true mid ony head of Hie mil vi'iMiil church tlnouuhoiil the enrili, and Unit, hy virtue of tin) key of IiIiiiIIuk mid loosing K I vi-n to hi hollueH hy Jcniim t'lnlsl lin luw power lo depone lieretlciit kliiK, pi'lnce. Mule, commouweallh and liovern ment.i, nil helUK II Ii'wut wlllioiil hi hihtciI i-iiiillriiiiiilnii, and Unit tlu-y may xufely be deilrnyi-d. Then-foil-, to the ntmol of my power, 1 will defend IIiIn ilm'lilnii mul lilh hnllli.c' rluhu and cii-Iihuh nwulm-l, all iiNUipeiMof the I'riilcHlnnl iiiilliuilly whiil wii vei', enpeclully ii.4iliiMt llui now pretended uiilliiirlty nml church In I'.nuliiml mid all iidhereiitN, In ivimril Unit they be iiNiiipul mul lii-ri'l li-ul, opponliiK the Micri'il molht-r, Hie church of Home. "I do denounce unit (IImowii uiiy ulli glanct' a (hie to any J'rntehtunt kliiK, prlnco or Ntalnor olH'dlence to any of their Inferior iiMYcr. I do further declurii the docirlnn of t!i church of KiikIuiiiI, of tlm CalvlnlMt, lluuucnot mid oilier 1'rnieMiuui, to lie (lammihle and (him) to Ihi damned who will not forukn the mimn. "1 do further declare that I will help, uslt and uiIvImi all or any of hi holllue' iikcui In any plucii wherever I nhull be, and to do my lilmimt to t-xtlrpiite Hie I'rntCMtunt dm- trine, and to demroy all their prelcniled (Miwer, renal orothei'wUe. I do further prom ln and declare that, notwlt)iitandln 1 may be permitted by OlMpeiimitlon lo UKNiimo any herottcal rellmon H'rotiwUint denouiluatloiiNl for the prnpiiuiiiloii of Hit) mother church' lnlcri-i.t,, to kei )ecri't and private all her UKunU' couiihcI a they onlriit me, and not to dlvulue, dlm-tly or Indirectly, by word, wrlllnKorclrcuiiihtmice whaloever, but to enei-utii all which IikII be proponed, give u In cliarKK or dlHcovered unto mo hy you, my mimt riiverenil lurd mid bUlinp. "All of which I. , dimwuir by llio hlcMu-d Trinity and blewd hucrament which 1 am about to receive, in perfniiu on my putt to keep Inviolably, and do rail on all the Heavenly mid lilnrtou Hint of Heaven to Willie my rent Intention to keep thl my oath, "liitchtlmony wliereof.I take thl moMholy and heed Hueriiinfiii nf Hie F.ucliarUt. and wlluei. Hoi aumii fiirther with my i-oiihc-eruted hiniil, In the prewnco of my holy bliihiip mid nil Hie prlci whouwlt him In my ordinal Inn to t ho prleUiiNid." OATH OF TIIK HCH'IETY OF J KHUN. I now In the pri-Hence of AlmlKhly (lod, Hid hh-NM'il Vlridn Mary, the bli-Mwd Mleliu'-I the nrchanirel, the bli-Niu-d 8t. John tlm HupllNt, the holy npoNlle Ht. I'clcr and Ht, Puul and the milnu and ncred hunt of heaven, und lo you my Khrmtly father, the Miiperior Keneral of UiewM-lety of Jeu, founded hy Halnt iKliatu. l.ojolil In the potiMflcatlon of Caul the Third, and con tinued lo the preent. do, by the womb of the virgin, Hit) matrix of (iod. and the rod of Jemi ChrUt, (lecliire and swear that M IioIIiii'hh. the po-, I ChrlNt'n vIce-Kerenl, and I Hid true and only head of tlm Catho lic, or unlverHiil rhiirch UiroiiiHiout the t-arthi and that hy vlrtuo of the key of binding and lmwlng given to hi hollne by my Havlor, Jeu ClirlHt. hfl hath power to dcKme heretical king, prince, tat-K, com monwealth, and government, all being Illegal without hl sue red coullrmutlon, and tlu-y may tie afely destroyed. Therefore, to thPUtmoHtof my power, I will defend thin doc! Hue and hi hollne' right and custom agaiiint all uurK-r of the heretical or I'roti-Ktant authority whiito'ver, pipeclally the Lutheran church of (iermiiny, Holland, lleiimiirk, Hweden and Norway, and Hie now pretended authorities and churche of Eng land and Scotland, and limnetic of the Kiime now FMtabllNlied In Ireland, and on the continent of America and elww here, and all adherent In regard that they be UHiirped and hertlciil, oppoHlng the sacred mother church of Home. I do now renounce and disown any alleg lance a due lo any heretical king, prince or t .., t,v ,l l,,,,4 -,,l,, ,. tl. 1 l ii.l. Imi , f. , ,4 . Il.ii., I . I n. ...! I ... I , l. .. tw rt.. hi! 4 H t tt I t,( I 4I1m I',' Will l.l t .i. I I., ,- I , . I..-.I,. , ,l,,. ti ,i i (,, !,, 4iiKt 4it,ie9 Ail , t, 1,1. I...I .. a 4. ,ft IK H ' !... i. t I -I l U !, I. lllt"t tl.t It, .It,..!. IStuoalt tV m . I t.i WM I,-. Ui.4 in I; 4 414 In h ,4 h, t t llti? 'I nil rt t I9itit f . I t,i .1.4, t.l. ill,, ll.i ,t WlUKl! 1,1 4-).it tr' tlm l.t n ti. id l i.rt.-l ,t mt I Ha 1,1 ,l liti a hi, 4 I,. ,!-.( i. i all ( ,ii I. ii.l t ll l ,11." I I i,i tiiio-t ,i-,N,.i i tht iii? mt w,ti Ufc.tmnliMtf I i iti- wt ut, t, . nf t lll,- tu n H 'l f. lin- ,tM.n.iH if tin t,Hithi i line, 'It intrriwi lit In p Mi di ami tl4te l l.i Hiri iiIh l-oun. II. finilii llhip In tin, p. lin y en! mi t kits ami h"t l-i tilt utile.. illreeUy in" ImllMo-tly, .j nnt. Ullii nt i-ltvtMittni-- wliKieiir, but lo i-iivim- ll i li hll In- ininiM. tltl'tl IB t lllltlfiS lit llklilinil Hutu tun, ht jrim toy etiiKit f nHier. m i.y nf tin ncntl ii ,ii ii nl I iln futUii-r pruiiilM- ami ile. Ure tint I I wilt hHie n.i niliilon or ll nf ijr nn nr any tin nl nl ri-T i Imi lit..iir, rten a a ciitwi or emlnvvr i-rliulii ac cadatetl, bill will uiiln".llBlliiBly nln y encb and every i-niiiiiiniid Unit I tuny ni elie fniin my iiH-r- ol III Ihc liillllla uf Un- mMi Mild of JeU tlirUt Tluil I will goto any pari of the world l.liltherwM-ver I limy tm m-ul, to the frn-ii n-gloim of Hie north, the bui-iilug niuUof the di-M-rl of Africa, or Hie plngle of India, lo llin ci'iiler of clx II Ir it I Inn ()f K.iiroN, or In I In' irlld hiiiinlHiif Hie harbiimu mtvage nf America, without murmuring or repining, and will Ih-miliniUilve In nil thing whulwi-evt-r, commiiiili-uti-tl lo me. I do furthermore promlMi and declare Unit I will, when opiHirtiinlty pn-m-nl, make and wage reli-uUi-H war, icretly nr openly, ngnliiHt all heri-tlcN. I'roti-Kiant mid l.llit-ral a I am directed lo do. to extirpate thi in from the faceof I In- whole earth, and Hint I will pure neither age, ex or condition, and Unit I will hung, burn, wuto, boll, flay, Ntrungle mid bury alive Uu-mc Infumou hereUc; rip up Hie Ntomach and womb of their women and cruh their Infant' head agajiiNt the wall In order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the nuiiio cannot lie done openly, I will Hecrotly ue the pol onoiiNCiip, Hie Ntrangiilutlng cord, the lcel of the polnard, or the leaden bullet, regard-U-hh of Hie honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or pcron, wlialiwer may ho their condition In life, either public or priv ate, a I at any Minn may be directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father, of the docility of Ji'kiim. . In confirmat ion of which 1 hereby dedicate my life, my hoiiI and all roporeal powers, and with thl dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my nnmn, written In my bhxid, In testimony thereof! and should I prove false or weaken In my tlotorinliiiitlon, may my brethren and fellow soldier of the mllltlii of the pope cut oh" my hands mid my feet, and my throat from enr to ear. my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punish ment thntc mi he Inlllcted upon me on earth mid my soul he tortured by demon In an eloriial hell forever. All of which I do swear by (lie blessed trinity, and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably; and do call all Hie heavenly mid glorious host of heaven to wllnes these my real Intentions to keep this, my oalh, In testimony hereof, I take tills most holy t I- - vl 4V --. 4.1 l4 t 4 . I, t ,. 4tlm-tll'l ..- f ,41 It W-l Vl; te4,-4 4 4 I , i)t tt,v 4 , It, 1 4 ire tl f4- 4 h i t i ' ,! l ttt !, i.l I., 4 f4,44lt JHn r4.ti ii lln r fii- ti I!. i' j I S,t d i Hi I U intuit llli It,' l ,il f l.i it, , . , i! i jml In M i- ti Ii in!, Ittki ti fnl (lift Itie In t I vhi Witt It Dtt VVI.itl will M ...i' s tii.'i it, u ll i mm i y Jiwi llmnKa l.i lin-tv!, M lnii. Nt .lit i!l, Ktl I'Hy. I.Htiiilri, IV-liti-r. IV .lwiiiii tnl llui Mjniiij: n li- 1 1 mi mul mHU l,M . nnnfiM't than miy tittu-r Itite. "II" I ltt Huilim.-lon Hiiuti'. "HV ti. ki l inu-ti I i II-'I I'miimti SI., mtj - - - - Try Ilm Iry'a "SlMX'l K" Hit. IIKsT Ilit-.-.! (ih- ii ium ii r In lli city. ! 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Istheonly Hyringe ever Invented hy which vagi nal Inject Ions can be ad ministered without leak ing and soiling the clothing or necesslt'itlng Hie use of a vessel, and which can ulso be used for rectal Injections, moi't nriiBKii nni.n, HARD KU Kit Kit W.LL PRICE S3. Mail Ordera Solicited, Tlie Aloc& Penfold Co. 15TH ST, Next to PostoflFice For FINE LIVERY Light Huggle, Huddle Horses, Carriage, I'oilpCH, V.U:, see ED. BAUMLEY, Boarding a Specialty, 27th and St, Mnry'i Ave. Telephone 440. Book Department. W olTur fur wild tlio following biiokn, which aro Hti-lctly unti-Hoinan Catholic, and ctttinot fall to tntcriwt ovcry tt-uo Amorlcun: Works ot Father Chiniquys . ' "FIFTY YKAIW IN TIIK CIIUUCH OF UOMH," Contalnlnj? a brlof t-fiviiiw f tint llfo of tho author; a hlntot-y of tho plot to assusHlniito 1'ruHldont Lincoln, and dincloHinjr many of tho mtci-ct workings of tho Roman Machine. I'rlco, 2.tX). Sunt on i-ocolpt of prlco. "I'HIKST. WOMAN AND TIIFCONFKSSIONAL." 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Show tho ,uontlon propounded to marrlod and unmarried fetnalen in tho confessional. A complete expose of tho horrible depth to which Rome drags her penitents. Tho book gives tho original text from Den's theology In Latin; has It translated Into Kngllsh and (li-miui, and the translator offer $1,01)1) to any priest, bishop, arch-bishop or cardinal who will disprove anything contained In said book. No Roman Catholic father or brother should tie without one. I'rlco, 50 cents. We will furnish tho full si-t of R v. White's books, flvo In all, for $2.25. Wo aro state agents for all of Rev. White's and Father Chnhpiy's wor kg, all of which wo will send to any address on receipt of prlco. AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, BOOK DEPARTMENT. 412 Shecly Block, OMAHA, NEB. he Most, Stirring Book of the Times! THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN, -A IIISTOUY OF- THE GREAT CONSPIRACY Ami trial nf tlm ('nnsplriitors hy n Military Commission, wllhia Ittivlow of tho Ti l 11 1 of John II. Hurratt. 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Illlteliiw. Mrs. Ilelli- I' .. liiinily. K. I lllnli. II. II llornlsTKi-r. J. A Hrowt-r. M ,1 lieerliiK, Mat 1 1 tint loirs, lien, II. Strleklcr. V.O.... lliinnett. .1. M ... Iliimphrey. A. It . Smith, t. K WIkkIiis, J .ti-ITerls. T. 0 I.lvesey. jlenry.. Tnttlo, T. !' .lohnson. KII... Olmstcnd, Win. Williams, U. li. Meyers. W. F... I'addis-k, J. W. Stanley, C. C... Kaley, J. I, Maifiit-y. tl. A Shoemaker, W. S... Hahcock. W. Hurr, J.J Clark, (J. 11... N I.oheck. CO Klmr, U. W Mover, Mux Noyes. 1 Hyneiirson, S. I). Ami's, G. W., Jr Anderson, II, L Anderson, J Ilrodorli-k, 8. J, (It. 0). (Mark. Win (Iraiie, T. D Curtis. ('. K Felker. W. S (loss, 0. A Klnkoiid. ,1. II Kyner, J. II.. I.ockner. A Mi-tlovern. P. (U. 0.)..., Morrow. Henry ...... Nason, W. N Nonlwall, Jiilin I'lckard. -tl, J Points. J. J lieeves, J. 11 nickels. M. O Iliiliblns. S si-huir. J. ii Heykorn, K. J Stevens. C. W Siilton. A. i Wlilinell, Kolicrt WHIen, W, S Iiiinlii-r. Iliinki-r. I'mfiissiir. Atlorney, Altorne.v. Atlorney. Attorney. M aniifiietiirer. Insurance, Airi-nt. Farmer. Fnrnit-r. Farmer! ClKiirmaker, Speculator. Uual Kstati) Atfi-nt. Attorney. Attorney. Attorney. Supt. Stock Yards. Merchant. Merchant. Merchant. Farmer. Heal Estate and Loans. TukkIiik Ctork, Swifts. Clean Inn, HyeliiK. Klc. Attorney. ' Attorney. Attorney. ('out racl or. Kcllrcd Merchant, Atlorney. Sec'y Hoard of Trade Farmer, Lawyer. Heal F.Ntal!) Aitonl, , I ' 1 1 y m 1 1 I it 1 1 . Attoiney. Hi'iiKKlst. I'ariner. Attorney. 'out rnclor, With Sloitk Yards. If any person knows any nominee to bo a Romanist, lie will do so vera thousand readers a favor by sendin"; such Information to this olllco. FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE OF PHILADELPHIA. PA. Largest ratio of assets to liabilities ol any company In the United States Nearly ono million and a half dollars paid In losses tlio first thirteen years, New business monthly, nearly two million dollars. TIIK FIDELITY Issues policies at term rates, life rates and through tho instrumentality of an Investment company, on tho limited payment plan, and saving, as compared with old-tlnio rates, of from twenty to llfty-slx per cent according to tho kind of policy. Any ono Interested In Insurance would at well to call on, or send ago and address and receive estimate, to G. A. RATHBUN, General Mgr. B36'7 PAXTON BLOCK. Liberal Contracts to Agents. COUNCIL BLUFFS ADVERTISEMENTS S. A. PIERCE & CO., GREAT BARGAIN SHOS STORS. 100 Main Street,-C or 1st Ave, - COUNCIL BLUFF, IA, Stock Larger than Ever, if Goods Better than Ever, Prices Lower than Ever Ukfouk Ofi-'kuki) in tiik City. Oi h Motto, NOT HOW OHEAP. BUT HOW GOOD We sclljgood goods nt reasonable prices and are the Money Savers. You are Cordially Invited to Call and See Us. GOING FAST I A IV 1 1" Trade In Lamps and pre-L-" IVIr-O Wmotobuy. Makes no dlf- ijlimj, j'uu IV lull, mtu ; ; Ilut wo expected a big pared for it. Now Is the ference what kind of a I I IPvir""" FC3i'CnS before von buy. Find us at -XJLz! f. ! r! iJta'--L?Main St. Council