THE AMERICAN. (3 HilWl it L v if III French Vott Cairt Vutotifi Orrrthr tUhomc jp... ltlii I i.l n ix ll Mt .1 NOtiK, A4 1 tM.n.4 t At klU W Mtw III I ! I It I if.tHU m - i ltMrl MtrM( Ik pltt, rw, Nov I rt1irr uVunf Hi tm M. SO n ?l l'vi Wi n l. ;rliM tViHnl li1il. It in)-r from tli" dl4itih tlwl Uir ItoliKiiii1) t wnr tvn rftt((t in fort at Ak aim! llmt tli flghlliiu furtlif two tln tiwnUiHl In tin ijml of tli imtivwi with Irrrilile ln. Tlumtfli wll nnnrvj, lhh inr.hiV fnllnwiT r not fmnihnr with tlii-tr wwqMiim ntnl linve no Men of tnklutf aim. Tlti ' connU fur tlm tMitH.ll FrMtrh l.wn during tliow two iluvV right inn uf 1 killinl nml M wonndiHl, while the h of th nntiv foriHv run up in th tliinmniid. Thin ti'trilile MauKlitor hi nttrib nted to tlio uVmlly oflfwt uf the Lfdx'l ritlo. After tlio battlo overttiniiof jwhco wore timdo to (.'oloind PoddN. ItpiiiHiwtod iwapri'liiniiiiiry upon the pvncniition of n ntronrly wcnjiii-d position on thn bankH of the river Koto. Thin wiw rffiiHod and on Oct, 0, whim the exported roinfori'omonU arrived, tho Frenrh column at tucked and carried the linen of eiitrenchinent between AkiW and Kotopa. The following day they followed up their nucress by rapturing the utroiiRly fortified position epoken of on the rivor Koto. This latter conquest is regarded h very important. At thin point Colonel DoddH gave his men three days' rout in preparation for hiH march to the capital, AlMiiiiey. A dispatch from I'ort Novo states that a Dahotneyun chief, who has been cap tured by the French, says that the Da homeyans are led by 200 white men. I In gves the names of many Utdgians and oriiinris. The dispatch adds that after the French capture Alxiinoy another king will succeed Uohanzin, who will be executed. The campaign is expected bo over at the end of the month. Color 1 Doddn will return to tho coast by way of Whydali. which place has been forti fied. One thousand men will remain for observation purposes at Kanagome. in the heart of the country, for two months. Watr Hale Irrrgnlnrltlc. Cihcauo, Nov. 4. Charges against the manngmcnt of the city water rate department were made verbally to Mayor Washburno, pending an investi gation, Edward J, Dwyer, superintend ant of the bureau, and Francis A. JJrosk oski, chief meter clerk, have boon sus pended. The charges were preferred by George W, Rosea, an employe of tho office who vrm discharged last May. In general the complaint alleges that JJroskoski baa been wilfully irregular in his meth ods and that Mr. Dwyer wan aware of the proceedings. In particular the ofTense charged against liroskoskl is that ho has cut down the rates assessed on certain users, altering tho luniks to balance accounts. A hasty examination of the Ijooks by Mayor Waxhlmroe, Com missioner Aldrich and Corporation Counsel Miller resulted In tho announce merit that the evidence then in hand against tho bureau management showed first, that it had Isien slovenly; second, that liroskoskl had followed a long es tablished practice in cutting down rates, but he had erased tho figures instead of making a separate report. The short age is aixnit fi.Oim. Nrlirmltii rliiiliutU (,'Kptnrnil. AChcii.v, Neb., Nov, 4. The three Sumner boys, who broke Jail here about a month ago, have been captured in Itichardson county. They were heavily armed, each carrying two revolvers. Unite a battle took place between the tieriffs posse of Kiehanison county and tiie Hnniners. The sheriff and his dep uties were armed with shotguns loaded with buckshot. The hherift of Itich ardson had the prisoners in custody only a few hours, yet in that brief time they had succeeded in making a perfect draft of the Jail key on tho Imttoni of a tin cup in which they were given a drink. They are horsot hioves, Itfynliif Inn In IIhjII. NE'V Yokk, Nov, 4. The Atlas line iteamer Atlas arrived here from Kings ton and ottier Ilaytleri ports. Captain Loow confirms the reports of impending revolution in that country, Ho says ho heard that there hud been A skirmish in the northern part of tho island near Cape Ilaytien, but lie did not get any details of the afl'air. Jn the south of the island the people are loyal to President Jlip polyto, but in the north, tho Captain said, the people are anxious to overthrow the present government. Counterfeit Half Dollar! Found, CfUCAOO, Nov, 4. -Captain Porter, of the United Ktates secret service, has in his oflico a pile of counterfeit half dol lars of tho issue of 17. During the heavy storm a few days a go a largo tree in front of a house in Hotith Chica go was uprooted, exposing a lot of blackened coin and counterfeiters' tools. They had been placed in tho earth at the foot of the tree, probably by a coun terfeiter who did a flourishing business In the neighborhood about twelve years ago. Fir at Atnlilimn. Atchison, Kan., Nov, 4. At 1 o'clock fire was discovered issuing from Mo Lood's photograph gallery. At 'I o'clock the fire was burning fiercely, the firemen being unable to get it under control. The loss will be heavy. The cause of tho flro is supposed to be spontaneous com bnstion. Wife Murderer Sentenced. Phovo, Utah, Nov. 4. Enoch Davis, who murdered his wife laet June by crushing her skull with a revolver, was sentenced to be shot to death in tho Jail yard at Provo, Dec. ilO. Silver llulllim. New Yokk, Nov. 4. Silver bullion on deposit against warrants, 1,8S7,H83 ounces; certificates outstanding, 1,880, I t illlli lUtt HtHM, 1 j 1 vt Mia ! ( 1 1 !.' i j unit I k'hiihi ma t r1 r I 'l t M N 4 t hlM M t j I m 1 'I -A 11 -llkllf III tntl'l j in Vumi liil ii.Mm. miki Ktr"- fj j Hist Out Sit viU w lit i-hlitl h i I ; r In hti1 M. I l' t i Mlfd With Ktvat 1 1. !'-. He n.. 1 t-l lllH Mo- 1 ,H 1 'I 1 lot 1 11 v n, I lo t .l i iiiimlH a an 'Mbn 4 t b li.H,.., r't tH pr, inn t'tn. He aid ln jl 1 tmr i-t llm Mit Willi L- i-l Mi pr.)' lit (,( tlie t'nil.v.1 !i ."., and in l ll'Sl tnr he f 'uii.i ni cue li,i ) ii I liij lie litel hv iti iriieiil itn if ier had h fitn.l 'H ii itn'ir llrrtam t'Mir rae ai b wa (tniij to dii tt attain, Mr. l. 'W ,k luttha mihj.vt nf Iim hI.v if Mr, CheVet, ht- Ii he m I Wa limde tln ptiiii i aliiHiln dx i tin-lit of tl IK'inm'tatte art'. It a at a pitmie iliniii r. No tvntTii Were ir"iit. Mr. t'levilund aa therf. hi vi aa Uelu rsl hheliniin. Tliolna Nai, Mstk Twain and othei. When Hi iblMiir wn 11V1I the hiwl alotl linn lo deliver N Spoil h, H IiiIim-iiIinI, and i he always had an tiuhiuttd sinniui! 1 1 tatTy mi hand, he prm-eeiled to apply ' uuitiutiiigly to the ilistingut-hiil .n tlennn present, and when he felt thai ho hud caused ns intu it hnptneMi a-i they could stuuil he sat down. "Hut I'll tell , vmi whut I'm guiiiK In do," he said. "Six week from tioW there will ln a dinner nt Helm omen's. I will lo theiti, and so will Mr. Cleveland. The IViPHNTuhc CHiididate will probalily by that time Imve recovenxl from t lie full he will get on election day sullloieiit ly to Iki out. On that isi-asinn 1 will pour so much tally over Mr. Cleveland that the most entliUHiu-tie Democrat will say, 'when Mr. Cleveland dies thu last speech of Dopow will bo his epi taph.' " WHiiuiiniker'ii View. IxniaNAi'oi.ix, Nov. 4. Mr. Wana- Uiukor spoke bi a crowd of about 8,00' people last night, the speech Mng pre aided by a iu strei-t demonstration. In the course of his speech he gave these ideas of his own in regard to the out come of the loading issues: "I admit that there mav lie things in our party that wo don't like, but we should nut go outside of it and sit noon tlio fence and throw stones at it. Let us stay inside and attack tho things we do not like anl improve the tilings that are not per fect." Mr. Wanamakor said the McKinloy bill was not perfect, but ho favored a permanent commission to regulate this question. Other tilings he favored were a bourn or urmirauou to settle Minxes, a permanent diplomatic service, a proper monetary basis of silver, and immigra tion restriction. He concluded: "We are going on well enough and do not want now to be upset by solid south parties." Nteveiiumi, Ciiicaoo, Nov, 4. Tho Democrats of Chicago turned out in force at tlio Audi torium and gave a right royal reception to Mr. Cleveland's associate on the na tional ticket of that party. Half an hour after tho doors had deen opened tlio vast interior, scats and standing room alike, were filled to overflowing and a throng large enough to till it over again marched itself around tho two sides of the building and clambred vainly for ad mission, while the private holders of seats upon the stage had. literally to light their way to the private entrance. The de monstration was under the auspices of tho Iroquois club. When at H:!W Mr. Stevenson appeared upon the stage un der escort of A. T. Ewing, the president of the organization, 0,000 men and wo men rose to their feet and gave him a loud reception, An Auatrullan llullot Houston, Tex., Nov. 4. The Judges of tho coming election, with an array of distinguished counsel, have put in th whole day without result in trying to decide usm tlio form of ticket which is to be used under tho Australian system in accordance with tho law passed by the legislature, Tho law, like half tho others on tlio statute Ijooks, is being warped and twisted by lawyers and pol iticians, it is now said that no matter which form is selected, the other side will contest the election, llnlford's lnt. Jn-iuanaI'oi.w, Nov, 4. E. J. Halford, President Harrison's private secretary, made his first speech in Indiana at Ma rion, where ho spoke in company with Mr. Wanamakor and a half dozen others. There was a big street parade and the hall was packed, Mr. Hal ford's speei h was necessarily brief and was contltiea to a discussion or 1110 aumims traf ivo work of President Harrison, 11(11 at Syra!iii, SruArfBK, N. Y., Nov, 4. The larg est audience of tho campaign was ad dressed by Senator David 15. Hill at tho Alluimbra link last evening. Nearly five thousand people crowded into tho big hall. The senator's passage through the streets on the way to the hall was like a triumphal march, and as he stepped upon (lie stage ho received a magnificent greeting, Inrreaned Seventy Thoumind, Han FhS( K(!o, Nov, 4. The total registration in California for tho elec tion of 18!:i is 834,000. Tho total vote in tho presidential election of 1888 was iU 1,000, No I'mliin In (IrCKon. Portland, Nov, 4. Tlio Democratic state central committee decided to keep the Democratic electoral ticket in the held. Kunnlclou Fire. IIraveii Falls, Pa., Nov. 4. The cit izens of this place have been aroused by a ntiuilxn- at (Iron of Hiistiicious origin ocenrring close together. The council has taken action ami a vigilance com mittee has boon appointed to run down the firebugs if possible. Kloped Willi Her I'ni'le. Mindkn, Mich., Nov. 4. Pretty 1ft-year-old Carrie Pearson eloped with her 60-year-old uncle, Herbert Hot.kin, and the couple are now on their way to Can ada, If caught, Hoskin will be prose cuted for abduction. Wenlern In Inn Stork Inrreaned. New Yokk, Nov, 4. The Western Union Telegraph company filed a cer tificate of tlio increase of its capital stock to 100,000,000 in the county clerk's oflice. Its capital was formerly fJtl.SOO.OOO. Qn klifie sir V.miill ih tti ; Anrifl I )l l'i Wll(ti H At tin' U'tj .',.iii til 1 ij at il .i(ii "Vi 1 . a j V i ak, U'i t in t U tt k t a th t.itL.I. (fcvaow- ' lluien.l ,1, in,. .) xU, It,. P. V ti.k. t titj m-Jor .i i-. II. . tin illy lem U.ntan lllli tele. uMiULt j i '. I - 11 a i limn in ! HiUrnlc ami lilli im The t sji-i tal-t.i 1 ii fmi'tit id t!i" ,'ty ill lint U' ul a latfpai lur He, WU nihd Hie (ally at that time, and ml'- It ttltt) . 1 Kmmlni!, that in nil pivkilulnj lliimaii I 'at Initio of Ho lr l iinj iimldU elii Ud, U.niian lii- polln tiy tuomi Irol tho parly thiimth tin ir IhmiiHiih 1hsU at Hie name nf the illfletvtit itiuiiiilit'i'Hieti an. I y mi 1 an dra jour nan iiniidilina: Kmlld Martin, Idnnnn s) nipethifer; ,ln, II. hhnhnn, (on t tilling her, I', II, Ibutim, All tho inuiinlitii's, state, ooiiljres'loiml, iHiunty and I'ity, aiv inado up by over to-thiiil majority uf that Midi-known i'lliue. Nanus like si nno nf tho following, Inbox prlumi'ies Hint imiuiittttloiis do not inspire much ooiilldeiuv: T. I-owry, Jhiiics Murphy, Put Ford, S. II. Hindi, .1. .1. tit'onnor, .1. .1. t'onliin, .1. P. Cnnnolly, T. J, Mahonoy, etc. Deiins'i'iits who do not sympathise with that ring, will think It over twice to vote for some nf tho cuiiillilutos.nnless they prove that they are not under fu ture obligations to these "commit tons." Hy tho way, is it, a fact that the democratic candidate for county at torney had to pledge himself to apHilnt a certain Unman as usslstunt In case he was tdnctod? Is It also a fact that a certain nomi nee for school Isianl, who Is at the head of a largo business house, resigned from tho ticket becauso tho Hoiniin managers wanted him to pledge him self to certain things, and even went as far as to threaten him with boycott r" Those are matters which a few hun dred democrats want to havo answered. I 'KOTKHTANT DKMIJCTAT. Clover and the admirers of Arch bishop jt'echan are determined that the Morris Protestant schools shall bo closed. They rend the circular Issued by Archbishop Feehan and the bishops of Peoria, liellevillo and Alton, which appeared in several Chicago papers lately, and In their extreme ex nberanco they secured the services of Haley & O'Doiirioll, ofjollet, anil to day they filed a petition In tho circuit court of this county for a writ of cer tiorari to have the school records aired before his honor, Judge lil.tiiclinnl. They claim illegality in the hoard's action in making the tax levy and in hiring teachers. Tho petition issigned hy James Keardon, Frank Mcquillan, Simeon lliggs, John Taylor and I, h Furr. not 0110 of whom has chick or kin to go to school, and would gladly see the doors of the public, the free schools locked in order to gain a re talialorv point. James McCann, whoso naino was signed to tho docu incut in typo writer, took a sober second thought anil refused to have his name used In this conteiiiptable piece of work. Poor Con Keardon, wanteo tho noni ination for circuit court on the demo cratic ticket. Ho Is a (Jathollij In reli gion, certainly no disgrace, but an American in spirit, a linn believer in the iiuhlic schools. For this he is called worse than a member of an American order. The Tammany ring beat him on the tr rou nd he was a "backslider," and yet the Tammaiiy ring says Americans are dragging re liirlon info politics. Mr. Keardon is n 1 respected for Ids religious views, and every citizen respects him for refusing to approve tho assaults of the political order of that church 011 the publb schools. He Is a far better and far stronger man than the one Tammany put up (0 beat him with, and would have gotten more American votes. Morris Herald. . - The lato Protestant Kplscopal con vention put Itself on record against the appropriation of national funds to sec tarlan Indian schools, thus falling Inti lino with Huptlsts, Methodists, and some other I 'rotestant denominations. Wantkd. -A first-class Watch ma or. Noononeed apply unless ho has tho best of references. Address, Hox filifi, Omaha, Neb. . A Challenge. Wn Iiuvh in millions of circulars and books and for years defiantly ehul longed more than 8,000 Roman clergy in the United Stntei including all their Priests, llishops, Archbishops and Cardinals, to disprove the secret abominations of auricular confession as disclosed In our private lecture to men, and the latin extracts by Homo Tiiky pa it k NOT PKNV books and facts And wo again hurl the challenge deli antly. Now let the Ignorant dupe of Popish Priestcraft at Plattsmouth for shame hide his diminutive head. -SHoe T Now llicso 11 ro tlio kiml of Shoes (ilHSON wnula you to I nolo your money for: A nice, iH'iit looking, gooil Mock, fnir Milch, iiuui'h Shot1, ll.To. A douhlo t'xtrtiwiou hoIh, mil mini Slmo, solid nil Ihrotigli, for $2.00. Other folkH wouhl not think of Belling thin kIioo for My $.1,00 Shoo in PKUKKCT, elegant, soft linixhoil calf, too, will wear ciinl to 11 $5.00 shoo ntnl looks an nico, Don't fail My Mock of extra KINK SHOKH in eoiiiilo!e. llainl sewed French ('all', Cordovaim and I'atont Kealher. I havo a splendid lino of CORK SOKK Shoes. Nothing on KA IlTII helH-r for winter time. Shoos marked in plain liguics. All guaranteed. Nothing SHODDY. Will he glad to show you. A. M. GIBSON. Snst Bide Sixteenth, holween Dodge and Douglas, CHEAP. Wc have opened our Wholesale Room on second floor to the Retail Trade. We will sell you Goods cheaper than other houses can buy them. Hundreds of beautifully trimmed Hats. Any Mat in the wholesale room your choice range in price from LOW PRICKS CANNOT Im DU PLICATED IN TMK WKST. Y.)ti will find the great Bargain Sale on 2d floor. Only 1,000 will be Sold at these prices. J. J. BLISS, Wholesale) and Retail Millinery, 1510 Douglas Street, OVAHA. MORTGAGE SALE or. S - H - O - EE - 103 South Fifteenth Street. This is no FAKE SALE, and Everyone Knows W. H. WHITMGY None but the Best Makes. GIBSON tug 1 las tin? Shoes, YOU have the money, (live (iIBSON the money, And (ilHSON will nive you the shoes. I lien (IIBSON will Have your money, And you will have GIBSON'S shoes. HAT" IS FAIR. MO UK than i.00. 115 South for 3.00, Mats will 25 cts. to 3. OUR Lneo or (!ongiesH, hitofit Hhuel to hoo it. Sixteenth St. Hhnrifl't Hale. Ily vlrliiK of iiiinrili'P nf wiln IkniiwI out, nf IIiii IllHlrlrl Court nf IiiiiikIiim hi nt y , Ni IpiiinIoi, niuI In mi' illri'i'li-il, I will nn (Im lllli diiy nf lii'iTinlii'C, A, l. N. lit. I" o'clnck, H. in. nf niiIiI liny, ill, IIiii I'jiHl, fnnt ijimr nf Out I iiiinly I'uiirl. IImiinI', In lh" Oily nf Oiniilin. IiiiiiiIiin Coinily, Ni' IiIIInI.ii. hi ' 1 1 III, iiiIpIIi' ii m l Inii tln iiriiii'i l y ili'HrrllH'tl In mtlil m ilur nf nii Ii- im folium, lo-wll : l,nlN iiiiiiilii'li'il hI (Hi mill ovi-n (7) In Work lllllllllIT IIVIl lilt lillllilil'r fl(llMll'll II) In lilnrk lillllilil'r nil) I'lii Inln lillliilior I lirn l.'li. foul Hi, fniirNH'ii (Hi mill llfMtm ll.'i) In lilni k iiiimlii'r Hitil inii loin iiiiinlii r nnn ill, I wo cm, mill Lwi'lm (I !; In hlm-lt niimlinr I wi'lviMlan InlH iniiiilii'r II vi' i'm ii ml Iwi'iily Ill liloiU liuiiilii'r llilrli-i'ii 0;iii lot iiiiinlii'r I'IkM. t iiml iilni' ii In liliN'k iiiiinlii'r lifii-i'M ii:..: lot miiiilu r Ml nli'i'ii ll'li In lilni'k iiiiinlii'r hIhU'I'H llHil Inlit iiiiinlii'i' iilni. Mil mill I wi'iil y-l wn f::!i In lilnrk iiiiinlii r li'ii iloij InlH iiitmlii'i llilrli'i'it il li iiml fniiiH'i'ti ii In lilorti iiiiinlii'i i'ii (II. : InU iiiiinlii r four id mill hIxiHiIii l.lork liuiiilii'r lliliii'i'ii H li, nil In Noiili (ihhiIhi, mi inlillllim In IhKi'llynf limiilui, hh tnirvi'yi'il, liliilli'i) mill ri'i'nrili'il, nil In OiiiixIiik rnitnl y, kIiiIii nf Ni'liriixltii, 1'in'li lot In ln wifil wiiiinilfly, In nitliNfy llrl, mil, nf (liti tim I'l i ilit nf lln mill' of n lil InU liuiiilii'r f nil mill M'vt'ii I7i In IiI'h'I. nnmliiT II hi ('.',, Inl iiiiiulirr I'IkIiU'I'ii Hi In lil'R-k iiiiinlii r Kit (Hi, InU linn. I r lliri'i" CI) it rid fuui it, fnui li'i'ti (Hi itiul llfii'i'ii n.'ii In lilni'k n n in I- r i-lil.t (. InU iiiiinlii'r mil' (Ii, I wo ci) mill I wi'lvi' 1 1 : In lilm'k iiiiinlii'r twi'lvi' il !i, InU niifiilii'r five Cil iiml I wi'iily i'ii In lilm'k iiiiinlii'r llili ii'i'ii I I II, InU iniiiilii'r i lilil ) linn lllli" ll'l In lilm lt iiiiinlii'r llfli'i n iI.'h, mill Inl. iiiiinlii r nlnli i n iIDi In lilni'k nun. In r I 1 1 (lil.ulioni iiihih'iI iiml tli'M't Hull, On' Ni di iinkii HiivIiiin iiml l,i'limilii HmiM IIiii kiiiii nf llfti'fri liuiiilifil fnrty-lliri'K mul ln-IKi (lolliiri f I .Mlloi. wit It liili ri'i.1, I licri'iiti nl, mil' nf I'ltilil im; w r ri'iil. iir iiiiiiuin finiii Hriliinliir SImI, I'.i; Ut mhiImIv 'I'Iih llnitii' IiivI'miiiii-iiI. l.'miiiiniy Hit. miiih nr rnur iiimiimi'i u iniiiuri'ii Mixty-xM iiml mi Uti ilnlliim fl,iiiv.iiii wltii hii.-rt'Kl llii'ii'iiii Hi lull' nf I'IkIiI n in r ri'iil,. pur iiiiiiuin fimii Hrii iiil'r !!l'-l. N'l; In MiiliMfy I ii 'iii ti' I , IIIiinI iiml ( oiniiiiiv tin' nil" of l.'ii liuiiilii'ili'ltilily-i.11, iiml tl-i)ilnlliii i i mi H Willi liili n i.1. llii'ii'iiii nl. nth' of i-Ik'Iimhi iit i'i iiI. n r iiiiiiuin fruiii Mi iii'iiil r'.!l'.l. mii; U nullify .liiliu 'I', ( iilln n IIiii miiih nf llft linn ili"'l foiiv-oiii niuI tvi-imi ilollurM Willi IiiIi ii'mI llii'ii'iiii nl, riilii nf i'Vim V jut ltlii, r iiiiiiuin from April i'lli. Itwi; In nullify llii- Minn nf Mtiniily-fiiiir llli'l (m-IKi ilnllitiM If'.'" I i'iiiU Willi Inli'ii'Mt llii'ii'iiii from tin' :!lil tiny nf ""I'lilt'iulii'r, A. I. Iw, l.iii'llii r Willi m rnill.K t'tmU h.'i'iiiiIIiik In it luilirini'iil, ri'iiili'ii'il hy llin illitrlrl roiirt, of mill ioiiiliii rnuiily. nl. lu Hi'iiti'inlii r li'rni, A, I'. I "''I, In a I'l'iliiln in 'I Ion 1 1 1 on mid Hiitm Jirinlliitf wni'i'i'iii I ni !i'iiriiiiiii riiniii himi x i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l.' Hit nil win iihilnlllf, mill lli'inn" M, ( .i.iii i, U llilmn It. I (' it 1 1 it it mul ol lii'rt wi'n lli'fl IlilltllU. Oiiuilnt, Ni'liriiMkN. Novi'tnlit r .'Inl. I'fj (ilium, i; A. Itl-.NM-.TT. Hlii'l'lffnf lioitKliiM rnuiily, ,t'lirnkii. Mi'lkli'A I'rrlry. iiiiorin y. ll-4-ft Sheriff's Sale. Hy v II I in1 of nn onliT of Mitln Ikiii i on, of I Iii' lllil rli-l rum I of llniiilim I'oilnly, N" liiinkii. itml In mi' illri'i'lt'il. I will, nn llii'tllli tiny of lii'i'i inlM'r, A, Ii., I'i"!, nl I'm'rliM'k h. iii. of mill ilny, lit lln .Ai T friml nf tin rnuiily coiiit lion-'', In tliti i lly nf Ouihlin, llnutiliiM cniitily, .Ni'lini-Uli, m'II Ml iulili' Hin I inn I In' .ioh ny il.n'i ll.cil In ,iiil urili'r uf mill' lit foltoWM, to-wlt: "l,ol llilrty i;ii of lilm'k twt'iilf oriti (21) nf Will nut IIIII. nn lul'l 1 1 Inn In I lit' I'lly i.f Olunlot IiuiihIiim minify, nIiiIk nf Ni'liriinkn." Hit III iiri.ii'l I y In In' mill in ml if y ,li .Im W, UikII frr t In" nun nf I wo liuiiilri'i! tlilrl y-Mfvi'ii mul ,tl-ii ilnlliim. if ;.ii.;ni Willi Inti ri Mt llu ri'iin nl ntti' of Hulil i"i ni'r ri'iil iter milium from .M.iy Mill, li'i1:: tn iiilufy It. . knlilluiniiT tlii miiih of h 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 I . iwi'iily-iilini mul iVi-lun ilnllui-i, i.:ti.i'.ii Willi Intrri'Mt llii'ri'iiu Mil mfi' uf ti n (Im n r I'i'iit, r iiiiiiuin frum ilny inn. I :'.', until pitiii, hiiii i iii. miiih nr fuiiy-tlvi' mul ikl-IKi itl.YiMi ilnllitrtt I'imU, Willi Int.'rt'xt t In-ri i in frum ilm tnli tiny nf M ii v. A. Ii. I ",'.!. loKiilii'r wlili iti'i'riiltiK i:tmtM iii'i'orilliiK lo it luiliiiiii'iil rt'iiili'ri'il l.y tlio IMilrlrl rniii l of mill I iniiirlni rouniy, ul Itw M ii y li rm, A. 1 1. Ii'r. In Hi'i'itnln Hi'tion tlii'ti mul 1 1. iii' iii'IiiIIiik, win rr I n Jolm W. Itnillfi'r win pi. ilm 111. mul ( luti loll" K, I'liriiH'r. Murk M. I'lti ini r, Wllllniii .1. I'uiil, Hvlvi'Mt.'r J. I-itrlM, ,lc Im Hi'li'T, liriii'i ll.i ('. I'urlH unit utlii'i wt'ro il. fi'iiilttiiu. Umiiliii, .Ni'liinik.'i. Siivi tnlii'r llril. IHi-J. t.KtildiK A. IIKN KTT. Mii'i lfT of liouuhtn i ni n I v. Nt brmkH. Ilitrtli'lt. Critui' lliilili ittiv iiiinrni'y ll-l-S