The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 04, 1892, Image 4

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vhc ywe?cwv..;;,;
It i .inn V M M
auricm mmm tmm
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.. , full .M. I ' -''
U, ,...( tlln't .lew- I' " oeit.t
. All I'l l IMtltl IOfl
Kit m linl
1 fcl IH'tt IS.
tiHVtM and ! .
w n H...t.
lo an
I-.I.I Hi
40MNC, IMOMflON, "'
V Mil at hiln Mtii'f
trTn otii imitln,i'i"
I'AMIOIH I'l'M I"1 . NoMl
Votk fur t'ui lor In Hi" r'lral ward,
SCK that A. I. White I ehi'loil
councilman from Hi" Third ward.
TiifOKK nhiiiilil li no oitiatton n to
who will Ihi elected to the council from
the Klghth ward. I'hnillo Hi-oner I
tho right man.
As A republican wo wont liiwi' t'haa
1 Thomaa In the next city council. He
U clean, capable itinl oonworvatlvi
Thorn will w no job worked through
tho council If ho la n member.
Kvkuv A. 1. A. In tho city l reaped
fully nolle! tod to cunt, a voto for Mr.
Hlckcta for the loglalature. The
colored people nro nt Htinuh anpportora
of tho onlor. Hoinouilior your frloiida.
AMKKI0AN8 In tho Hocoiul wiirtl will
niuko a nilHtako If thoy allow A. V.
llnrto tt 1h dcfoiiU'd for tho city coun
cil. Ho In tho man for tho Jilm-o. (lot
out ami work for Harto, ho I your
friend. '
Thk county coiniiilMHlonorM, who arc
elected next Tnewlay, nhould go In
with tho umloiHtauiIln that the cm-
ployeHof tho county treiiMuror'i olllee
whom" aularlcH were cut down wiino
montliH iiko arc cntftled to hotter pay
V. A. HAt'NDKitK Ih tho bent man
nominated for tho council lu tho Fifth
wurd. Henry OhUioIT, hi opponent, Ih
tho man who hiHt year ran for mayor
and wan defeated hy ttiouandii of vote
Ho boantn of being an antl-A. 1', A.
l'l-ATTls county will tflvo the utate
another mirirlc tho eighth liml. Hhc
will not elect a Homan catholic to the
IcjflHlaturo. Kho will not elect a Ho
man county attorney. I'rotoKtant In
that neck of tho wood are awake;
their cyen arc open. They arc aware
of tho danger of Uonianlm.
Til K elector of Council HlnlTi made
no mlntakolaMt prlntf when they at
down on young Tlnley. Any man who
will Immlttho flag of tho country ho
protend to Iki a cltlen of deerve five
year at hard labor In tho penitent iary.
What' the mailer with you Iowa peo
ple? Are you going to allow tho Hu
mana to capture you without atrlklng a
alnglo blowy If that man Tlnley wa a
reMdont of thl city he would repoct
jmr national emblem or move out on
abort notice. "Damn the American
flag" would not bo a popular wntlmetit
In thl community.
, h. i.t ..,. j
.h r.t 4 Mit li'
i, II... h i l.'i-. , i .1
!, ' i I H-. I'll 111 j
Hi lim .i!tn j
si. .! Iil nin;ii .i.'ii
i (.'li it Mta'i) f 'ie
Kim ae.l .-1 . ft loKiiMi ihu
rum l In' hi ninw"""' t "o
... ii.. i....
ltliH m oi'i1 1'MinMin n"y ii"'
, Ul, n.,. to It U nmti riM n
will ..Hkw thui p ih otlii r mhmoh,
In the m ac Mu'v, i!'U the Mine line.
The :nh 'Mli! mmith U . .1. M.
WUimih, 'f l'ar ' I'r. ! tot Ian
elmtvli Will it. lH. r a ai l Hem to the
Jr. O, V. ,V M in bl church.
Thl niiv In liihtelli il Wedllea-
day by vUH hum H K. W. Ura.a
and T. I'. IVimielly. Hov. Donnelly
In the eimtiir of the M. Iv church M
I'liaiimau. Neb 11.- U a convert from
HomanUm. ami told of many nniua
lug and thrllHnu' eSn rliMiec bo ha
hud Hineo tvimuiielng "the chuii'h,"
Wo had heard favorable ivport ef
Hev. Dniinelly Hiinie tlino lieforo meet
lug him. and waa therefore prepared
to meet juM mu ll a man a In' I - earn
eat, honimt and !od fearing.
Mil V...,.r- M.- i t i! I
i,,. (i ,. . i! tt ! ae.l ( -i tt.l
I... i, t( I .. l ! "!. I H.t
) .i t.,t !... 1 1. .t.iil t
H.e l..ii. w in1- II ! a p
S,.,.,nil u I Mn , l-4t
S,.,.i a.til tn ifimt mam to
I, I f,.ii, ., ,) t! l.flj HI.Hi,
!... It, .. .) i .t i..i l IV l"it !
hi p Bin! a V ri f 'iit t'f p' ( .
nn.t en H'Mt? HN a eia-ii m toe in""1
.,f lii tn Man, !,Mtl on lie'
!lBi' In the cardinal lia 1, h t''
M i via t J I he tiU of the lleuiaiU
lute t 'i'Iioi pli'Mi, ."laii(t "that hi
wn liiiltiai ulalo at the irt tn.taiit of
h r eo(ie pilim hi tte womti of l r
.....ilu.i hi n liiLMilar Mivlhk'e and
U Mm 1, M.MIit t ,
le'Mi'l I ih ? . v I MiHv;
i.vH,' .... i. .t ft. .t i-nj
n,l n,.i ct ' ! M 1'nt 'n' t !'
iiU'.l U . , ti Mi. .i !.! ' I t
i hil-l, an I Ih.- h ll i
H -M tl I not in U.I VI i h - i 11
H . i i .v l.l" It n. thi li 't... . i.l it
t,,t ih-iH. n That 3itt.(iv l
Hut "e uiHlit.r Mtwil "! hl
enn, h- iiil 'liitt ,t. ii." I thai
line or tslw ' lute ni . iUiii Imi U.
lln in l tvit ceo alh, v at v tinHi that
iw.iH hut III.' lit hi. t an. I leu tt ill.
the iik and fin to h iit.'iHIe lulu.
W an the rapid lo r Mnttln al t h i
I hut a narrow aih, toi ti alih i lilu r
wV and mln I lh ii nult, U I o tfn. nf the miiiinit nt tenl, In virtue
atit the niiillatiir. IS t. r aava, ih, c l It of .toi t In lt "
"Ni lihi r t thi iv mhaiinn In any u n eiicvrlieal dati d IVh. '1, I'm-",
oilier." Home aj there l. Taae a I'ln I X. dudnreil that "Mary Ueialte.i
pnmf. The chuH'ti clne hy the Vail- ,i the thiniiiMif t IihI. t lur nhaiinn I
can ba oam lt marble .dlini'tit, foundul on tln Imly Virgin, toil the
graven In large lett.m, "m t n coma M, , ,n detuwlti-d In lu r the follooaa
tmldly unto the throne of grace," not ( tt good, ao that If tln'ii' I lioa and
I'roteatant 'mlulHlor In thl city dlf
for materially from thomi In othercltle.
One would naturally think that they
would all be of one mind In regard to
HomanlMin, but they are not.
I'robuhly Hume In other cltlc have
not bad their attention called to her
dlloyal teaching, If ao there I nn ex
cuxo for not taking hold and dU(iiiftig
tho auhject with their congregation
Here It 1 different, hvcry man,
woman and child know whatconatl
ttitca a true HomanlMt.
Their mlnlatora, their iielghhora and
friend all talk upon the aubject, and
there I no cxciiao for any in-won re
mill ii lug long In the dark.
Laat week we bad lecture and dl
courao upon Hoinarilain by aevcral
noted dlvlnea la aeveralof our leading
IUsv. Juatln D. Fulton delivered
numlHir of lecture In tho First llaptlat
church, and ono Sunday aftiTiiiMm In
Kx(M)aItlon hall. In each Inatnnoo lie
had a largo, Intelligent and apprcln-
tive audience, which wa loud In hi
raie. Ho ha been lecturlngjill thl
week In tho Flrat Haptlat church. Ho
lecturea Sunday afternoon In Expo!
tlon hall iiK)n tho auhject "Shall tho
Northweat bo HomanlzndV" (Jo and
hoar him.
At tho flrat M. K. church, Twentieth
and Duveririort atreet, Hov. Frank
C'rano delivered an able and aeholarly
addrcM, laat Sunday evening, to at
leant ono thouaand people. Ho took aa
hla aubject "Columhiia tho aaint; the
ratrlotlam of Homan Cathnllca." We
have heard nothing but worda of pralae
for the new M. K. minlMUT, Ho I
acquainted with ltomanlum, and ban
dlea hi aubject In a munUrly manner.
Next Sunday evening ho will dlaoourao
iipon "Columbimtho Dllot; thel'roblem
'Ih Whom il .1i'V ('eiin i'ii:
Sunday, Noveiulier 20, U2, la hen
hy dealgiutled to bo ohacrved by thu
Junior Order I nlted Anierlean Me
cbanlea aaa apeclal day for thankHglv
lug to the Creiitor for tho hleaalnga ho
ahiindantlv beHtowed upon iim, aa an
Order and aa Individual, am! to poll
Hon the continuance of HI care and
Where convenient, Council are re
quoatod to attend divine aervlce a a
body, tialng apeelal cITorta to have a full
If arniiigeiiieiil are made with a
mliilHtor for a apeelal aermon, care
ahould ho cxereiaed In aeiiualntlng him
with the iiattiro of the organization
that ho may comprehend It jmrpoaoa,
and apeak Intelligently of It work.
1 would auggeat that the inlulHler'a
iiiteiillnii be called to the apeecli made
hy Judge Dunne, at tint Catholic Col
umbian cebdiralliin at I'liilitdelphla, In
refei'iiiico to the public, aehoola, anil
that It bo made the aubject of the day
That portion of the apeecli capeclally
at variance with the principle of the
Order, la appended:
"The great boaatof thla country I
lta Independence and Impart ial Juatlee
hut the godilea of Jtmllno ahould hide
her face In ahaiiio when alio conaltlera
the manner In which the Catholic are
treated here. The public aohool are
to be aure the main aprlng of the conn
try' wclfiffii, but why ahould they bo
phold In audi a partial manner'' What
Ight baa the (iovernuieiit to aet up it
u'rnleliiiia ayatem of education and
nroo 1:1,11110,0(111 of lta people Into It
when their conaclence rebel agilnat
It? It la a abamo that audi ahould lai
the caae.
Tho (Jovernuient ahould help aupport
the parochial aehoola, a wo help aup.
port tho public aehoola, The Iiiiiiioiimo
amount of money paid In aebool taxea
laat year wa paid partly by the Catho'
Ilea, hut In Juatlee iiilliO,0lHI of It ahould
have gone to the parochial achool. In
Ilallluiore tho publlo aohool are cor-
iipllng the childhood of the city and
have In'oii cxHiaed by a recent wrlkr,
who will do the aaine for other clllea
A rotlenneaa of niliulnlatratloii cxlal
which inuat lai changed or tho aehoola
will not laat. The writer declare that
danger threaten tho Itepubllo througl
theae public aehoola, but they will bo
met and overcome t hope and liellovo,"
National ( 'oiindlor
l,lVV. s, Dkkmkh,
National Secretary.
In order to fully comply with the
aplrlt of the proclamation of the Na
tional Councilor of our noble order,!
hereby call upon all member of the Jr,
O.U.A.M.,ln Nebiaaka to meet In their
aevcral placea of worahlp, on the HHtb
day of November, Jmkj, or In aome place
dealgnated by tho councilor of their
council, and return thniika to (iod for
tho many hleaalnga which have lieon
ahowered ao unapiirlngly upon our
grand order and upon u a Individual.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. :t, hii2.
JoliM C, TllnMl'HdN,
Sin to Councilor,
at all: but "li-l ii come Inibllv unto
the throne of the Vlrgtne Mrry, that
we may Itinl grace to help In ovary
t lino of need.1' Ileb. IV lit. The Ho-
man aii-a the paaaago they pivh'iid to
iuote, hut cannot verify It if ho would,
aeetng that the llible la foihlilih'ii him,
and be know a not that In the context
la a preaeiiiailiin of ChrUt, a follow:
"Seeing then that wo have a great
high prteal that Ih paaaed Into the
heavenly Jeaiia, the Son of tlod let lla
anii ltiial healing for u we receive It
.i.,itf nml uloue from In r, ' In the
"tilorlea of Mary" It I atated that
Mhowi who cannot la aavod by Clll lat
can lai rfaved by Mary." (an Idolatry
fart her? b't n'a reiuemlar that
v'hrlat Ignored Mary a H h-la'r. lie
ahowed hlrnaelf ten llinea after 111
reauirectlon, but at no time to III
mother It iIim' not npaar that alio
wa preaent at III aaeonalon. The
. ll....... U.l.u It,.
i ivi'H were iiieri', win, nn iv " "
hold faat our profeaaloii. For we have ir. tt 1 1 on of Mary. He exaiundod to
o tliiijMcliiimM iliMOtiil itiHuy liinollt il of Jtt
in'". H tttnrtiio.i f.r lli1 'ii' tit (Ttiiury 1 'I'' lup Ui Mil
trUil inriiui.ltlo Iii.iim like 'THE BELL." l''Ji'lie
come In iiJicnutc tlio mlVonlNgo of lniMltg vr IIhhu IIh V
tt'iiuito, tuoli r one iiiuf VittM ntt n I iuo-1 ituylliinc you want
l titir itutntliM' rliil.ialiiii til, niiiltliP loal jMirl f it K you fan
ilcciul on Imlli Jirico nii'l iiunlilv In ilii; liglil.
Toniiittow niol tiexl wi t k wo'li jUfMMil ntmllicr unity of
hiiIiorii! of In rgaiii, wliich you jioaitixrly I'liiitiol nlVont to ml.
not an high prleat which cannot ho
touched with it felling of our Inlirml
Ilea, but wa In all point tempted like
aa we are, and yet without aln. Let iim
therefore come boldly to the throne of
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
tl in I grace to help In time of n I
Can It ho poHlhlo that a ao-called
church, whoae head, I'opo Mo-Noun,
the dlaclplea on the way to F.niuiati all
the Scripture concerning hlrnaelf, hui
did not mention Mary. In the
model prayer neither Mary nor Maun
are referred to. When Joan and Mary
were on the eirlli, JeatiH allowed an
Infinite love for alnncra, In dyli.g for
them. Mary did not. Throe tiunm
tho Inllnllo Cod proclaimed Christ a
Shoo Department.
mtIiiI iiile of I'lilUiri'li' ln aiiliodiiv.
Ve will linve a iMi'l'il la iii'lll "iile tr
yniuiK full. anlimliiv. ami will pM-wiil emii
i'lillil liuvlim a mO of aliiwm In I lie ilrinit
ini'iil mi lino iliiV. Willi i'iir fare ImiIIi nv,
mi iiuiller wlirllirr iieenmiiRiileil ly iini'iil
nfllnl. II imiki'a In) ililli'ti'lu'e hiiwr hiiiiiII
Hie ' Ii I l.l or liow tiii'iii the Iiih, ynii inl Hie
rnr fm ul I In' aioiii'. All kimhI iiiiiiUi'.I In
pliiln lluiiii-f
Cut this out and bring it with you.
Men's Furnishing Goods.
Tu it iitiuim Miiih Net kile. Ill (iiiir-ln-liioiili
linil leek, nil alllia mill luleat. alylea. wil'l
every win-re ill !: III! ni'Kl week we w ill aell
llieui ill HJC.
Tweiilv-llve down Men u Heavy TSiitiuiil
W.uil ItiiileiHhli-la Mini IH'Iiwith. luiixe al.ea
only: milil imimlly III l.'ti. We will i'loe llila
inl III 490.
Omi't oiIhm niir 29o. I'liinnel Hldrt. It In
huIi! everywhere UrM; HimmI Jllal II" ail-
veil Imi'ii.
Millinery Department.
Till iletioliiielil I Hie wniiiler ef every
duly who iInIIk II. Tin' rvnmi Unl.l y lilith
iiiwllly of Hie mal .Imwn. Hie liixelly nml
al Vie ilUelnyei) III the H liiiinluf, Inki'll Willi
the eveeeilliitflv Inw ii li'e til which every
llilnu la iilleri'il. i iiiImh IIMlM I"lil r v . l r llil
riiiniiient. Thiihiitiiw We wlllnlTer aonie HH'elnl IihI
UhIii which II will iny you lo InveHlliiale.
Donifsiic IkpaitiiR-nr.
I'nr nil (if nevl week we w ill iimke II Inler-
cMllix fur nil nf yell nn l.llii'li. I'owi'N.
Ilelow tl ml a few
aaiicllonod the blotting out of Chrlat the divine object of worahlp, hut there I
from tho mind and aiibatltutlng Mary H mention of Mary. Tho dying
Inatead, can Imi the religion of Chrlat? t, t 1 T aaw Mary In health and atrength
Make up your mind about It. It I bealdo him, hut when ho wanted help
Hoiiianlain to pray to Mary and then ), npn.iled to Chrlat, though then
aock to obtain aalvatlon byaeeklng to trelehed on the croa. There I not In
Imitate Chrlat In aiilTerlng, It la all n,,, Hei'lnturo a alnglc Inatanco where
wrong. Jean lathe Saviour, not our uy ,m naked her to Intercede for him.
aull'orliig or our good work. Our N,.i. una there anv need. Truly ha
Ightooiianea I aa llltby rag. It I ( Ibrlat aald, "I am .lehovah: that 1 my
ylirlatwlioiuadollieattoneiiient. Chrlat ,mm ltMI my glory 1 will not give to
doea that for iih which no one elae can .n,,i,he." etc. IhiiIiiIi xlll, H, ''No one
do, and which noomi elan I aakinl to
do, Doaplto thl, the Hoiiiail ( lalbdllo
Cfiurcli, any a dlallngulalied Itoinlali
prleat, "Ima iilwaya honored the bleaaeil
Virgin, and ha naked her children to
Invoke her Interceaalon,"
i-iui come to the Father but, hy mo."
Jobii XI V, (I. 'Mfyo aball aak anything
In my name" not In Mary'a name 'M
will do It," 2. Chrlat I Mediator, and
not Mary, Let iim any ao, Jo place
Mary In theatond of Chrlat I to throw
The attempt that I being uiado by ttWltv thu offer of aalvatlon, and accept
ao many ayiiipatlilzera with Hoinanlallo the aid of one powerlea toaavo, 11. Any
Idea to prove tho perpetual Vlrtflmiy I iMiriilcirliiir to Marlolatry I a rejection
of Hie virgin Mary, la very miamim
lug, Thorn la entire agreement In re
gard toher being a Virgin when the
Holy Spirit vlaltod ber, Hecaiiao of
thla the angel of tho Lord appeared
unto Joaepli In a dream, aayliig;
"Joaeph, fear not to take unto thee
Mary, thy wife; for that winch I con
eolved In her la of the Holy Spirit
And alio ahull bring forth a Sou and
l linn aha tea lila name .loan, roc lie
aball aavo III people from their aln
of Chrlat. Aaa Virgin, Mary became
the gateway through which the over
engendered Chrlat pnaaod Into tho
world, and o alio waa hleaaed among
women, not worablped by tho men who
knew her In the Iteah, and without any
(liiliu to worainii ai una iium w
time. Jean Chrlat la tho one aet at
naught by Homanlata, but l'etor de
clared htm to be the head of the corner;
"neither I there aalvatlon In any other,
for there la 'nine other name given
Great Pants Sale.
VVI.II., ue'rii nut In I he elollilntf hllalnnaa,
I. .-I ..!,.,., I nut II trill 1 1 1 1 f I II ' 1 1 1 II ' I' ' H I'll-
llrellueof I'linla ill lihiiill. iilin-iplioler of
Ihelr vnliie, mid nn' K"lim I'l i'" them mil
u... I..u i.umilni III It lll'lce Hint, will niiikn
... ...II.. .'.I ..1. 'I'l.,, Mill. I . , ' 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 'll II t M
which were liiuile lo aell HI .'l, l."i0 and M,
iind wniild lie HUOII Vlllllll III iiicbi. imunn.
'I-I...U , Ill I. I Cilltll'M II III I III III I I III HTM
lii I heeka. Hlllliea, Mlxlurea linn riiinia in
fuel, ynilciiii lliel any aliid ef a I'lim y;;'J
wiinl' In thla lot, They're nil wood, aoll'l
heiivv uiioiIh, mid wlnil. do ym Ihlnk were
tfnluK to it'll tiii'in ni.r otuuriio; huh
InK, SI.29.
Hosiery and Underwear.
I.iidlea' All Wool Hone, Merino lieela lltlll
..... ,...,,iii u :i mi I iu foe.
i ..'.iiT.Mi i Tin t'li.i.ceil. reiruliir madii
ctit'lon Mnae, aliillileaaa lillM'U, ll llfa! Iioae,
fur 2."M'
Chlldri'li'a Itllihed Weill lloan, al (I to a'i
hi. l ii' ii iiulr. worlh
liny' Kutlil Heavy lllcycie vvimii 1'iae,
i lick or I run Itiey. Ill Keai"'. ""'".."-" '
.ii-i i,....,.v 10 i licit Vi'm a ii ml I'linla,
mini heavy, lleeeed KKynl lull eel I'm. HI
l.iidlea' liiiluriil Kiey Veala. tn: Kooda, fin
'h'ie. , ,.,
I. hi ea' nn urn nrn i'ifimhiiki..
wurlli ll.7.'i, atl ). ,, ,
llnya' Ciimel If olr t inter !'. K'i a I. ,t',
wear, (vimta oniyi
Aiiierli'iina, hew InliK will you atllln
I'hn vttnui'iince llnil iliialli'ii lnailrea
Willi treitwili how ImiK will ye IrlMn
And aliiniiii Hie priiud iiionea of your aire'
(Mil, mil, wllh the awnrd and Ihn I'l Me,
In di feiicr of your Ilium' and ymtr fire!
'I'hn Hint nf Ihn iitilnn
Now all thl waa done, that, It might be Xim,n men whereby wo muat bo aavod,"
fullllled which wa apokeii of tho Lord
by tho iiropliet, anylng, Heboid a
Virgin ahull bo with child, and bring
forth a aou, ami they ahull call hi
name Fiiiinanuel." Thu tint evangel
lat proclaim her Virginity, llerwlfe.
hood I aa and emlibatlcall V aet Hweitr firmly Inaervc and uphold.
I I. Wl.. l.ll. H.l- ....... thla Thnf ,lio lreili.lioil hri'l. I hnf li.lllllliill
" lll( If III II"" llHII IU MH wwtwr.
wladom and theae inluht.v work? I
not thla llm carpentcr'a Son' la not,
hi mother called Mary? And are not
hi brethren .lamea and Joaea and
Simon and ,!inla and hi Slater here
wllh u','" Mutt, xlll, iVefiH.
The wife of Joaeph waa a woman to
he a much pitied a pral"d, She bad
the care of a largo family, who did not
for a long time believe In their elder
brother. The Inllnllo foreknowledge
of Chrlat aaw the Marlolatry now
nhiied Tattle
nml OulIlK
Wlille " iliiiniiHk
('einfiirlera. v
Sic .
. :Uh. .
41 le.
Drug Department.
We act Ihn pare" we're Ihn IN riloiil'CKlia
or i.ow I'ltti Ka, nml i ne mimic ennria oi
our auperiiiiiiiiled woiou-i.e enmiieiinii
In keep up Willi mil' lend, would he ii.iiuhIiih
If I Hoy were tun in inn. n
I.KT TUB l.l,l,r..i nniir. nmi R.
Tomorrow we ahull oiler!
Klck-ii-l'oo Indliin Hiikwu, (KIo.
Mnller'a Cod MverHII. Mc.
I'Iho'm 'ofiHiioiliI Inn Cure. Pk',
llond'a 'fool It Powder, lilc.
Pii7,uiila )nvei:oi.inlexlon Powder, 1k
(liuniliiii'a Wi.mlcr Koiip, ''.
P, A W, Quinine, per o ;Kk:
till wn euii'l, aiivn you half lia iniieh oic
Hdaidaaaof tfiinda lta we run on preacrlp
(lona, llrfiiu (.nil I" mid lei u prove It.
Musical Department.
Thiinaitndanf Hollar am lielmj anpetnle'l
In overthrow and prejudice llm peopla
nioiliial, Ihn WeniHM I'lmi'i t.iO lUa n.'aal'f
rmild alrldea mid "Nioicy HmikH-IIku la
heiilinic It own record, Von iniKltt to aee
Ihe iiiimlier hi'ltiuaol'l, from our I'lioio in
imrlinenl. Welnivn nUo other Plane aa low
li l7.t. I irifiin '.' iip.dte muv mid aen theae
hariiiillia, Tiike eleviilor lo I'lioio H.a.nia,
Clove Department.
Udln' lllurrll, Kid (Hove. In hrown ihki
.1....... ii ale., Willi eaietll wr.i . ovi'.
reKiilarl,'itiiHl, at .
Shall th Northweat be Romanlied?
Thla la the aubject that Dr. Fulton
will dlacuaa at the KxNialllon hall,
Sunday, at .'I P. M, Friend, come and
bring the ladle with you. Thla will
lie a great meeting, Invito your Cath
olic nolghlaira. Dr. Fulton will alao
apnik at the Flrat Hitptlat church, 1Mb
and Davenport atreeta, Sunday, at 10:.'i0
A, M, and 7:.'l) l'. M, Fill the hoiiae, It
la likely hi laat day In Omaha.
In hi lecture during the paat week,
Dr. Fulton baa dealt tremendoiia blow
agalnat Homanlam. Ho I a vlgoroua
and fnaclnntlrigatN'ukor, which uccouuta
for tho lurgo nutulxir of Catholic
which httvoboen attending hlalecturea,
They appear to appreciate the force of
tho truth be apeak, at leant they give
reapectful attention to alt ho aaya.
Hlilill I li in Ml nn.' allir on II fol'l
1 1, i) w ft r.l llroa,, for miaaeii and cliil-
dreii achool aline. I'iI 'i Doiigla M.
Althouuh It ha been over throe
week allien Mr, C, M, Dully preaerited
ber hiiaband with a lino little baby girl,
C. M. baa not yet ancei odeil In rcproa-
alng the glad am lie that flrat over-
i.i ii. - i .i... ii. ii..
euralnu- the world, and headed agalnat apreao ma (lice, j oey ..iiiti.'.i i..o i..,.,o
It In a wonderful way, To thla I called winuan tiiauuya,
our Servant Katy'a attention and do- Mr, ami Mra.Ceo, lllgglna havelately
llveretl her aoul, To apeak of her a returned from a vlalt In Harlan, Iowa.
ver Virgin la to falalfy Serlpliiro. To Tlu-y any tho town wa boiling ovr
think of her. a Hiilam iialiiletl her. la with politic, and that the democrat
to lie deceived, Hi picture of tho girl claimed they would awecp everything
Ightoon year of age, with around, ji,,,,, ,r, M.Vaughn, who ha lamn
full fiMie, la the iM'aiif lful face of the Veral week In tho caat, more partlc
mlatreaa ho loved, It lathi picture uM.y J'ennaylvanlan, baa Juat got
worahlpped by Homanlata than tan- home. Ho aaya there la no doubt hut
Ing tho place which belong to ( hrlat, w)M,i the rcpiibllt'iuia will carry tho
Tho Monk' picture, painted for tho Keyatono atato, although ho thlnka
nuna, In accordance with tho teaching t,.y uie tt little too conlldent, and that
of tho New 'Jeatament, contain tne they ahould get out and do a little more
truth. It ahowa that Mary who tl work
by the crcaa and who aat with the dla- jj,(y Hnywaid Hioa., ahoe, and limy
clple In tho upper ehainhor wa the w), fcltrry yol, ov,,r ,he tide of tlm Hlh
mother or live noy, am? at icaat oi two
girl, bent with care a ahrlveld old
woman, who had no prominence In the
Scrlpturea, i
- M I I I 1 . 1 . t
lilJcauawaa luif.iieo ino propin-ey
Dross Goods.
tt.,..u i,.,iu i.,i I, iim hmkiid Ihrouuh Ihl
department hit, If .he did not hoy lit Ihn
lime, minh' up her mind Heit ''I1' (l"'"
ahould coin" from THK BELL. Ihn
reiiwin'aeiially found', We fnivn tho KOOO)
lindth orlCO novellle froni both a .;
Hie oc.ioii ll." n.'W wen v. from llm world
mi.Ht fiimoita loom! orlxlmil tlealifii from
the Kieiile-I. modern Iniirk.'t. while the
alm.iliird fiilnlc me lo he aeen In emlle
piofilaloli. lloiiKl.tny l.H'tl loi'i "i i 17
who have made t hl hrioieh of I Iiii hitalneaa it
.inilv for vein, ion know how to liny rint,,
Ihuaemihllnu Ihem low ll rlKhl wn do l.olh,
C irsct Ik'jKirtmcnt.
u u u.111 t... u iliiv which Hholll.l not
nn him ,.t ,, , : " . , , ,1 . a u
he ticKlei'M"! hy liny UMty wno i 111 i.'-' o
I lll'W.'l , .
,,. , u , iiv tti, w h , iinr I'.'ii'i'i ii..-..
Il.u l.ii Hull He. which received III" hlnheat
iiwiod iitlli" 1'nrl l',iimlllin. for
Thl cor-nl I worth a great deal morn
'"a 'line Idack Hallne Coret for iWe, reiotlar
A 1 k 1 1 1 it r f ' "iiii" i' "i11"'' !' Ti'"-"
Mall Orden Promptly Filled.
Harness Department.
Hnr wilder alock of Iforan Clolhlnla now
full and comlileliMiii'l we are mil k lint prlee
on 1 I k . I of lloheaimd llliit.kela wh ' I,
I........ 1.,., n l i i iiiotof the
on 1 try heforn, llhinkel from 1 to UM).
.Hohea from KM lo. .!.'.. I'l it" I '','
Plnah Wool lt.. ..'utli I prii ' S e-o.
from l.7a up, mi' arneaa In endlea vn lely
mi.i at every price, Hpeclal pi lce on winter
Kooil for auliiidiiy,
House Furnishings.
Thl depurlmi'iit la hebnr IhoroitKhly re
I ir'.l will hereafter prei-nt a rj; it y
enhiwd i....'1.n.t";. N'W i "
ZZM m-parlment of
thla kind In Omiihii.
Croccry Department.
l',lllli'" , . ,,.
flt.l II Mill'
I Uolnit'".
Hour worlh ,, ,
RuUlna, l,ot.don Layer Y': "' '
ulalii. ,iie MunciiO'l 4 row I '.'' a. .
nidJoK M li .l" ayruii Moo anpi . ii.
Ql, o Hock whi'iol' lour, per aie .
nmined Veitetn ili''" I". '. U" Mirl..,i
Con'. I'eaa, Toi.oil.a'. Lima " Hlrl"
llelltl tin.
t "ry eeni worth of maala wn aell Iim
tnii niiiilllle iind urn ituiiraiiM'eO.
5c...mnl.i r i'r I 'riei'" K-kl.afC I'ow. ,-rS. 4.
Ki'iid our price, on T (wa 'i''""'"' ' ,,,
5",i hi he ii con of nur i'l cent llre.ikfiiat om-
hlniillon .Uvit.or our itV Java and M.a'ha
E(llnnd lliillerinir Hieclalty.
mnoraO'd and r l trull'" . a. , U,p.nx.,
So ,, I ', I he" are offered n our l.n"
nlent dally ami Kood all delivered
prompl ly.
We Fill Mall Orders Satisfactorily.
I.'il 'i IIouglaaNt.
Notice lo Creditors,
of tho 1'aalmlat, "I am become aatrang-
r unto my niotho,''a children," for It la
dlatlnctlv alaled that hi brethren did
Hi Araor Nkioiah, I
llllllulllM I Olll.tV, I
lii tiin ( oiiniy 'Court of Ii.hikIii t'oinity
NehniHkit,, A. It. la'.r!,
In tin. matter of the eala Hi of Levi r
M,.U.tiiitfi. lleci.MMl.ll.
The cii dllora of aitld t'Hlatii mid all other
.... -,... In kiilil mill ler will tukn
not ladlevo in blm, Jeaiia walked apart r,ticn ".hat the . redio.r of mild eian. will
i i wi i t . ....... .1 l ...,il. III.IH'lir ll loin nil ri.i ri on i .. ii in.,r "
andttlono. 'llt'a la a wonderful troth (''.!",,,11)(,r, i, onthe n, day of tehrimry
. ll,.....,l.,i- uitui lwi:l unit on Hie lh llav of Al.rll, Pitl.l, III II
lor Hon.,, v.,r, t.,., ;,v,M:i, , ,,;, each day, for llm puriame of
aiiffer iHiraecu lon at home, It waa at, i)r,,w.niliit lln'lrelulm forenamlmoloii, ad-
thocroaaMarycamotolNdlevelnJeaua; u')liW1,(1 flir ,,, ,.rMUr u, i.ieaent, their
hence Aug.ld.lne, Hlah -f Hippo, ela.m. me, OHmdny of
wrote! "Jvlai'V waa oieaaeo wnen ami UrUi-r, iwr, t ma not tee win ii; i.o.'
CJomo in fni'I look over our four big doors full of morclian-
... . , 1 1,,..,,, ,,.ii ui,n nn uliotl.Cr Vflll llllV
dine, wo wnni to at e yon "ii" i v w"t
or not.
. . .... . . U UK H I IIH NKIIH HI HO IHIir wee aie
received the faith of i hrlat more than ,,t,v, ,,ri..r to iim naia day ..f Hecemher
Wbtm alio cdlli-elved tho Ileal, Of Chrlat." K t WeV h r "d
inn nnai aeiiiei...'....
All cliilm not Hied on or hefoin the
liimie ai'oka to deatroy faith In (Jirlnt from conaidcriitioii in
,w . .... ..... ... l.l ...ll.l.i
hv lifting mp .Mary, J no oiijiic w ,,, ,y ,1(tllrt meial aeal thl imi h
. , . . i , iu. in) bcl aa an ordinary woman. uy --
. . . I ...i.l.. l. I. I,...,(l,..,t l,...n. ,..'
Iiouianiain.) winni n "i"""'" . - u--
,t. W. KIXKIt.
Coiinlv .ImlKi'i
'xi Hot Coffee Free to the Ladies Saturday,
Department Store Company,
Dodge and Fifteenth Streets,