T H II Jl ERIC AN. 3 intUMtHoni to United Bdttri MmhU ami Altonte jr, tiwiut, ai iiioniti t mum. fv ,( l te4F Itk4 U tVfIOt In Oi(m Mid Ml ttt lv(n t III W. 1. . VMiiii(ini(( Nor. y AttMn 0 wl Miller tiM loi.t ritvulr letter l.i nil l itiUvt htto itmrhU Mi1 i)m lii.t nttortwya Uihrnuhotit li t'tilte.1 MaIp. In.lionMnn lit Irn of jioll.y wlitrli tho tloiwittmoitt f Jiulio will Mit-ni tn III iHiiiiiit Wtloh for con (jnwmoH, in tvlati.ni to Uio klntmiiit of t'hiip't him. ttijcrvlwri of rliiin nt ieviiU tlity nutnlmU to watch llm jHilk Th attorney KPtiPtitl ijuolwi nil ortlor itmxml by rrtilint IVveUiul to Attorney Uertoial Umlaut, tn lSvtt, tn whU'h that oflWr was "niHtM.t(l to takf iioiiornl ilwrmi aiol OirwiMi of the twutioii of the statute nf tlm Vuitini Nat, touihiiitt tlio Hp'tiilini'iit of niierviaora of vliHtloii ami -i-Ully deputy marshal ami thu jwi-foi tnutiw f thoir duties nni tlioir coiiintisatlon, ho far a thiw subject am constitution ally undor tho ticrvtaton Mini control of the executive bninub of the govern ttiont." Attorney Uotipral Miller says thn au thority thus given hit npvnr Urn re voked and hu totlow it up by quoiin with Apprnvut thu Instructions' Issuo.! on th 18th of last month by C. M. IVn uison, chief nnorviaor of election of the northern district of New York, in reply to an inquiry whether "hihwIuI deputy marshal have a right to lie in niile the pluuu of regiHtrutlun during the rroijresB of registration and whether thoy can lie instilo the polling place on -nlnction day outside, tlie guard rail." Mr. Dnunison cites two cus where con viction wore had for obstructing a jieciul deputy marshal in the exeution of thin duty and nays thu decision of the Bupretne court of the United Htatun clearly ostablishml the constitutionality of the law of congress and the further facta that authority of the national gov ernment in paramount in the election of rcpremmtativeii, and that "the national government ha the right to two phys ical force in any part of the United btates to compel ou.xlietioo to Its lawn and to carry into execution the power conferred upon it by the constitution." Further, that the providing of the fed eral election law aro in force whenever a representative in congretw is voted for, mid whenever any of the tirovisions of the federal law are in conflict with the Hi ate M ut,u to the federal statutos muMt be followed, Kunloil tn Hniitli Dakota, AtiRitiJi'EK, H, D., Nov, 2. The Dam ccratlo leader of Bouth Dakota have 11 ii ally ihown their linnd in a request to all the member of that party to cant t heir votes for Weaver electors. Dem ocrat! hero have been given the t ip in the pnt twenty-four hours and dis patches from Huron, I'lorre and Mil bank say that such an arrangement him been entered into in those cities. There is . nlno mi agreement on state ofllcers and congressmen tho Democrats to sup port the Independent candidates for con gressmen and governor, and the Demo crats have the other slalo olllces. The vote of the state t wo years ago was: Itepublieaus, il 1,000; Alliance, 25,000; Democrats, 1H.000, If the agree inent is faithfully kept, the independ ent electors may win, but the Jtepubli cans claim at least 10,000, Democrats will insist on voting for Cleveland, It looks as though the parly which wins will not have a majority of more than 1,000 to 2,000. iMiiuir rxllii ('lull, New Yohk, Nov, 2, Lawrnnce (Jard net of Washington, D, (J,, secretary of the National League of Democratic clulis, arrived in New York. Ho will make a report of the work of the club to the Dei,, icratio national committee, We now have over (J,000 club "he Raid, and I don't know how many mem bers. They include all the Democrat who would join and numtwr many thousand, The clubs have done great work In advancing interest in the Demo cratic campaign and I believe good re suits will be seen on election day, I have not yet received returns as to the amount no collected, tmt I am convinc ed they are very large," Vliilwlfiit Him Civil Srvli! I,nw. Wahkinuto!, D, C. Nov, 2. Thu civil norvice commission ho reported to the attorney general for criminal prosecu tion under the law against xoltciting political contributions the case of Hu.ru uel Thomas, treasurer of the Republican itnte committee of New York, Three nepnrntn offenses are charged, consisting of sending letters to the goverment clerk in this city, The document in each case aro forwarded with the report. The letters call for no specitlo sum, but jeuest tho contribution of such an amount as the recipient mar chose to give toward the necessary and logitniato expense of the campaign, In iiliiriulci, Pknvkii, Nov. 2, Judge Miller of the district court has Issued a perempt ory restraining order to prevent County Clerk MeOaffey from printing and pub lishing the ollicki ballots with the n.tmes of the l'eople' Party elector on ;.ie stralurlit Democratic ticket. Clerk MeOaffey will simply file an answer questioning the jurisdiction of the court and proceed to print the ballots accord ing to law, ClnTnlmifl l':llir Withdrawn, Porm.AND, Ore,, Nor, 2. Instruc tion have been received by telegraph from the national Democratic headquar ter to withdraw the Clevoland elector In favor of the Weaver men, This ac tion meet the approval of the Demo crat here and thro claim that it assure the defeat of tho Harrison elector, ( IoimI Until- Hi'Hilon. CoutuibUK, Neb., Nov. 2, The annu el conference of the Church of the Unit ed Brethren in Christ, which lias been in Kessiou here during tho lust week, closed. The s ion was one of interest through out, 1 shop Floyd presided. 1MI . - ! I ) X -llM. I .), t t m i , V A " twn tbl Hlto - -Mil v h.'llt, ..) tho tnil t tn t,P V. t T. i. ri M It, t ', ) rt-i.. ht t )h Ivh.j U fro. ui tn t Tmh4 t Oo. Im l .tt itr. i. , t(n!tt'n f 4 tse4 lpiitii Tiie K'uitein b'sti.m if tU iiito Ihtt Um Trtii)r CohM I pnl I W'Mr i ttisnt.it ttniii-4 Intit iwi tilting U fir t't!titl Hr, ri'inll) th H pubhmn lilv. mid tlif-y ma l umie ry rutting liinsiki, 1 her wrm Urn wouina In Hie viiruli.-n. however, Whi nerr llepublli Aii and ther refuted the im pnUHoii cai-l nn the rtv. IS llnallv mniied aint the repoti Was iit-tHwdod Willi. It nhown bv tlirN.kof the leinple eiiimny Uist ttie fenU for i llionlhs aii;MgslMl ft.trt.wsi ami would pMbeblr extHtHithat inoiiiit h- n stier. Tle-re wm no doubt. Mm. ('arse Mid, that thecotupAtiy would m stile to ikviiit end hold the biithluiK. They expected ts fnie long to rme into iMWMDMion of the tis k hild by Marsliall 'leld, aniolltiting to f .'.MI.IHNI. Mrs. J. It. Mobli of Chicago, mijterin lendent nt the National Teiuperniue hospital, made a rejsirt on that institu tion. 1 here were 121 imtteiite during the year, of which eighteen were men and the bahinee Women. Thu death rato was i'J per cent., the lowest of any hospital in tlio United States, 1 no balance of tho session wa taken up with report of elate Incomes which were of little interest. The session at night was devoted to reHirt from state i 'residents and the presentation of preal ii'iits' pri.e banners. I lorlleii I'.rrura In Oklnhomit. (Hthkik, Nov. 2. Through neglect and ignorance on the part of tho ofUcial a serious complication has arisen in thii territory, and it i questionable whether more than half of tho counties in the territory can hold a legal election next Tuesday. The Australian system a adopted here provides that in evorv county the entire ticket (territorial, congressional and, local) must tie offi cially printed in two newspaper for two weeks preceding the election. In fully half of the counties this has rot been complied with, and it i fearod their vote can not be counted. This printing of tho ticket is expensive, and added to tho other costly and moloss machinery of the system will make the expense of holding an election run up into the thousands. In a number of counties holding this single election will cost more than the entire expend iture of the conn tie for all other offi cial business during tho year past. tiitvnluml. New Yohk, Nov. 2. In the Lenox lyceum last-night 0,000 Democratic busi ness men imve a most enthusiastic re ceipt Ion to (Irover Cleveland and also to w. i: u. JirecuiiirKigo or Kentucky, Mr, Cleveland was present, sit ting in the center box completely concealed, ex cept after the sneaking began, by tho flags and draperies. On the platform sat 200 vice president of the meeting, among whom were all tho best known Democratic business men and politicians of New York, J. Kdward Hlitious acted as chairman and after a set of resolu tions were passed Mr, Cleveland was introduced as "the trreat standard bear er of the day," He was received with an outburst which only the motion of lit lips in speaking ills first word quieted, Illll at HelumudUily, Bchknkctady, N. Y Nov, 2, Sen ator David H, Hill poko here laifore a large and enthusiastic gathering of Dem ocrats, Ho reached Bchmioctady on the train that arrlvea at 0:4"), ami wan met lit the station by prominent Democratic leader in tho county. Ho dined at the Edison house and at 8 o'clock wa e corted to tho convention hall by the marching Democratic clubs. There was a large number of Republican and women in the audience and the reception given Hen at or Hill wa one of tho most enthusiastic ever accorded a campaign speaker in thi city, ' To Vote mi bii Kducsllnnat CImiiso, 8an Fkani.mto, Nov, 2, In addition to voting for president, congressmen and legislature, California will vol next week on the following proposition! To refund the state debt; to build depot at Han Francisco; an educational qualification requiring every voter to 1 able to write Ids own inline and to lie ablo to read the federal constitution; election of United Htate senator by direct vote of tho j joplo. flrewniul In Devil's l.uUn, DicvuB Lakk, N, D,, Nov, 2. Nod Oleson Bnd Joseph Whitton, young men, wero drowned in Devll'i lake by tho CBisl,lng of a iHiat, Two young ladies who accompanied them escaped by clinging to the boat. A (lift l' I'll rl fin. Fiiankkokt, Ind,, Nov. 2,-Amos Iloavllon, a wealthy bachelor and re tired farmer of this city, donated flM.OOO to l'urdiio university, the stipulation being that the money was to be used foi periiMuout improvement at the institu tion, IVurU Wlilrtky Treat, Pkohia, Ills,, Nov, 2, Total revenue collection for tho month of October, $2,2iiH,2;W.0O, and 2W package were taken out of bond for export. Tho col lections l ist week were between $1100,000 and $700,000. The WoHthar. Wahiunmton, Nov. X. For Nebraska: Light rain or snow, followed by fair weather m western iKirtion; slightly cooler in eastern Kansas; north winds, For Iowa: Hiowers; variable wind. Mlnlnlxr llnti'lirllr IIikIkik. Washington, Nov. 2. -Uonrge 8- Balehcllcr called at tho department of BtuW and tendered to Boeretary Foster his resignation as United Htate minister to Portugal, which was accepted. , H.-1 1 if lor Mllnnukixi, Miiavaiki.k, Nov, .Contribution to tho relief fund for the Hie sufferers have reached $100,000 and are still iouring into the hand of tho committee. H., ti Out IMt!H OWIM. S.l. , ul flt, M t. S. I -vj , HU' I omit il .T ) .lr O V. A t In V. t k - l MS M Hu. hit.- t. t..v t I, u, 4 I I'e , I'leml nij ! MI, lO tt lird I w HI, t. h NUi,nt H, iaioH nk, I b . m.t I'tit t ffc Uk, itlli r j"bi bet r !! li. pr - In bemt. ttiiioee! ll I tn. h ,ol,l bIHn ft let,". l"t h fold bullion t'K and iil. ImiUll.'ii of ii;nut or bi) le, ilh tot itU, and bi hollow oufc'lo, jt, nt b ftth.-r H, end oil olotti iovt-r, all ooinplt io, This t U noml of the fli.' sold In many etth at Irom T. o Itmi. ami l a i rlWt U enty: of Ihe oldeKt ami fineol Coisin lU In the last, ever arrhst a flni-r one I have oiti. 'hided to lust... tho follow ing uw of this flag, t offer It as fi'Ue U tho Nebraska iVmncll which will make the gtreatosl iwnviilagn of gain In nieinls rshlp during the six months ending w ith March .11. la!. Iawl on tho quarterly report nisdved by the State C. HiH'y, quartor ending with Sei.teinls.r, l!!'i,and Maivh, hu.I. The liieints'is to Is admitted by March .11, m. The Hag will Is' ordered In April, l!i.'l, and placed on exhibition In De troit, prior to Ihe session of National Council, and It will Im presented to the Council winning It on the tlrst day of tho session. I would Is. pleased to havo you otllclally notify all your Coun cils as sisin as possible. Yours In V. L. and P., STKl'llKN Cot.l.INH, A'utionnl (htjtiiiixrr. Kuenno' bakery, 5'-'2 8. KUh St. Here Is One. Tho following Is a part of an address delivered before tho Journalists of Now York City by Whltelaw Held: There Is no such thing in America as an independent press, unless it Is out in tho country towns, You aro all slaves! You know it and I know it, There Is not one of you that daro ex press an honest opinion. If you express it, you know before hand It will never appear In print. I am paid $150 per week for keeping honest opinions out of tho puper I am connected with. Other of you aro paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed In one Issue of my paper, llko Othollo, bo- foro twenty-four hour my occupation would be (jono. The man who would hu so foolish as to wrlto honest opin ions, would bo out on tho street hunt ing for another job. Tho business of u New York journalist Is to distort tho truth, to lio outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at tho feet of mammon, and to soli his country and his race for his dally bread, or for about the same thing, his salary. You know this and 1 know It; anil what foolery to bo boast ing of an Independent press, Wo are tho tools and vassals of rich men be hind the scenes, We am Jumping- Jocks. They pull thu strings, and wo danco. Our time, our talents, ourllves, our possibilities aro all tho property of other men, Wo aro Intellectual prosti tutes, Imlde the Fence. Tho following conversation was car ried on between two Homlsh ladles, on Friday last, at a certain dry goods establishment In this city; First Lady "Ho Marlah Is going to leave Father Morlarty', a house-keep er, 1 she?" Hecond Lady ''Ye, sho I to movo her thing to a friend of mine next week, a Father M ' old house keeper I coming buck, ami you know ho Is dead In lovo with her. First Lady-"Yos, H I said ho al ways was In lovo with his German house-keeper, Hecond Lady Ain't It funny that a holy father who Is married to the hurch should daro lovo hi I house keeperbut I suppose Its right and according to tho Catechism, for priests can do no wrong," First Lady" 'Kposo so," M. DALEY, jyjERCHA NT fAILOfli Suits Made to Order. llimiiiiilee ii ie no, die .11 sll eases, Clollc I11K rleitneil, ilyeil.finil remodeled, 2017 OumlnR t. O MAHA. THE BOSTON STORF, Cor. 16th and Douglfl. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. IUioikiikIm, Wnlelies mul Mllverware, Optical IliHiiU it leii'lltiK Nici'litlty, Kor Hrst-claM Wnli li ivialrln ami IjikiuvIiik Kill K.N IM OIVK t:H A ('Abb GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, TEI.W'IIONR IXrt. 207 North 17th St., OMAHA, NEB Work ciillei) tor unit delivered. UAX mkvkh A HIUI CO PlnnosiOriinns W r th li.f..l U k.. I. ,li.h ' I ' "! II V ..'. , .,kn t., i , nn i-n la. Mt Co. Slrrliti. Eitr m. Wrtsifr. n .. .... I,, ti:), h y.n Hi ,,., ""For $2B0. ll il H'Osl'l.- . It ms.ti t'lM.t in eUi .l ,n ,i. - ...... I.n .'...! I'i'M Sm .(, mul ...,i.iii n i Okiki Hinliir i,f !., ,,.) fur- mrint l.i tnwiif lo. I tv ,,, , ,ith pn,-- t nllii-1 ib'slt in lllafiillf lTni,.l !. . lusnufsclurfttl nt I- eei", l f..r om .i .! lnt HKltt IK I. Illll t dll.ltll'lt Im.,,-,v STORY and CLARK and STERLING ORGANS. l t-l ruck irl.'i mul on !. tertim Second Hand Organs, $10 up. " Pianos, $25 up. Instrument) reeled suit riil hIIhwi'.I It mr iimi'i Clicnti leiii'llli'd Irimli, wi ntleli tin M4. iihiii liuters . dn mil liiin.lle er . iixii.i.il A v 1 1. 1. 1 t i, ml it ill mnki. S.'i'uml 1 1 unit 1 11 t rn l, m-n I In lirlli l limn iiiiii Ii nf t he cli.'HU truth M.l.l. V.nir ml rniumi' millrlli'd Hint lilnlily npi t'lnleil. lull and m im, or write fur ciilulntfiii'ii prlee. Max Meyer Bro. Co., 16th & Farnam St, Omihn, Nat JESSE WHITE, Mgr. Piano Dept. A. L. Daana, J. W. Donnall. A. L. DEANE & CO., Cenaral Agents For HALL'S SAFES, And Locks. ! Bank and Vault Work. IHO Farnam St. Omaha. V7EOT.I EAOT, ffrrriti.'i3fc t DOXTTII l'urchaso Tickets arid Consign Vour Frelifht via the F, E.& M, V, and S- O.&P w RAILROADS. If, (I. IlUirr, Ceiieral Mamuer. K. C MoltMIIOUHK, J, It. Jii;!ilAffA, (Inn, Freight Ant. (Ion, 1'ass, Ajf t. Omaha, Nebraska. Shenffi Sule, I'imIi'I' unit liy virtue ot nil exeenl Ion Inmied liy j 'niiik )',. 'Misirew, elerk of I lie IMitiicL l iiiirt of MiiiikIiih I'm (it v Nelniixloi, iiiinii n InilKliielit of said t'oiirl. ill lis Me,!einlier M ini, A. ii. ismi, in rumr er i nieiiKo i.iimiii'i' Ciiiiiliiiny. a iin ini'inlili fiiiined fur the mii hiiMii nf ilelllK I.iihI ricM In I lie Ht iite of Nn IiiiihIim, and iikuIiimI IniiiiiiH, llimrnll. I have levied iiioii lint following dencrllied rent iwl iil K as Ilin il'iiinrl y nf I he Mi ld I nil or H, IIum'iiII, In-wll : liil .seven TO, Ihe miiiIIi eiin-lnilf of (H'i) of let sin HI) and the noiih nne-hitlf (M 'iiuf lot, I'IKlit mi, nil III liloek twelve (I'ii, In Kiiiiiil.,e's Third addition to Iheelly of Omaha, IiihikIiih I'liillity, Nelnnskai and I will on Ihn tind day of Noveinher, A, l. Wi, lit. ID o'clock a, in, of said day, lit. tlie KAH'I' from, door of lint count y eourl. house In Ihn city of Omaha. limnIns douiily, NehniNkk, sell said real eslitle at. puliHc iiiicl lnn lo I lie hlu-hcsl, lildder fur cash, or so much of II. as muy he neces sary to satisfy said encciillmi, Ihe amount dun I hereon heliiK four t housand three hun dred, twenty-one mid 44 WO dollars tHMH.H), with liil'ieHt on (tl,7.W.?il I hereof at the rale of ten iliii per cent, pur ionium, mid on .Vl,').74 thereof lit the rale of seven per cent, per milium, and twenty-two and iis-UKi dollars (fii.HHi eosls from the SJnd day of Sepl.'mher, Ihki, (li s. I lie sum of fi,7Wi,li piild June Xlllh. I h:i, and also less Ihn sum of tuir.fi paid j ehruary IVlh, Ih(i:1,i and also the furl her sum of fourteen and in-lKi dollars itu.lui the iiimlsof Increase and the aiTruluK cosis, Omaha, Nuhraska, Oeioher amh, Isii!. OKOUOK V IIKNM KTT. Sheriff of ioiiKlii(,duiily, Nehraska. tliirtlelt, ( time A lliihli lun, allorneys, 10 Jl -ft Sheriff! Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of Ihn District ( null, of Doimlus county, Ne braska, find lo me directed, I will, on I he 'JIM h day of Novemlier, A, D Is'.i'!, al III o'clock a. m. of hu 1 1 1 day, Ml I he KAH'I' front door of Ihn I'utlfiiy Court IIoiimc, In the city of Omaha, iiouullts coiiiily. Neliraska, sell nl putillc liiii'llou Hie property desi tllied lit said nnler of sale lis follows, lo-wlt I "l.ol uumlier nine i:n In Mock numlier I i rlv-oue Illll of Allil'lwlil s rimice, mi ml- ilii Ion to Ihe city of South Omaha, its sur veyed, plat led nn'l recoi in n. nil In iioimius cniiiiiy, slnleof Neliriiskin" said properly lo he sold to sat Isfy I he Hunk of I ommerce I hu sum of live hundred U and 4i-lm dolliiis if.iiiil.47) with Interest I In r ion al rule of elutil. isi per I'ciil. per i i n 1 1 1 i from Mnytuh, l- i;. until paid, and foriy-eltihi and 7u-im dollars if l,?(ticosls, wllh tnterest thereon from the lull day of May, A. D, Is'.i:!, loirether with itc criilmr costs iiccomIIiik to a liiduiucul n n- ilei'i d hy Ihe dlslilct eouit of said Dunlins coioilVi "I Hs May leiui, A. D. I "'.'I, III a certain action then mid there piiulliiK wliereii. the Hank of rommerce was iihilnliir mid Charles ( '. Spotswood, M, II. 1-h and ol hers were lefendiinls. Oniiihii, Nehianka, ociolMr!iT, iHir!, OI-.OIKIK A. III'.N N KTT, Hherlff of DnuKlas county, Nebraska, CiiiiiIi.Ii ttolit I'Ihoii, nltiiriieys. In -.1 Sl)':ritt' Sale. Ily virtue of a order of sale Issued out of (lie llll nn roiirn ror iniuioas rininiv, ri--lit nskii, and to me directed. I will on lfn i!!Mh davof Novemlier, A l, I''!, at luo'clock A. M of said day, at Ihe' KAH'I' front (hsir of thn county court, house, In the city of Omahii, liouulas county, Ne'iriiskit. sell at imlillc n 1 1 1 -1 1 in the iiroperl y ileM'rllied lit said order of ho I., us rollows, to wit : "HIiK'k three Cliinid four i4l lu Illll. ke'i addition to I he city of Omaha, as surveyed nhilli.,1 iintl rt'i'i it'll,. il. nil In lloinrhiM count V state of Nnlirnskn;'' said properly to he sold to satisfy the I tilled Mutes Nallolial Hunk the sum of t wo I In ne,iiii(l two h ii nil i nl I we i and Ti-VH dollars V!;lViV with interest I hereon al rale of eluht (si per cent per it 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 froui Hetitemlier V-t, until pa and I w. iily-llve and 4h-i.i dollins i;.'i Ihi costs, W illi Interest Ibi'ieoit from I In Jl-t day of HeplemlH-r. A. ! I"!'l. tom tlu r wllh m criilnif costs accord i ex to a lielnmcnt rendered oy Ihe ill-nl.'l court of sithi lnui ins i-oiiui y, at Its Hepleniher o rui A. I . I.'l. lu a ccitalii action then mid there pi inlliiu win- .-In The fulled Hates NniloiKil Hank lis plaint Iff. ami l,oul'e Hllleke .efeiil:.e I , I'm ilia, Nehriiskii, octolier fi. Is''!, in ,i I i I 1 1(( i : A . III'.N I TT. HIierllT nf I iiiiitrlus i niiiii y. Nelu uskii l,nk( llttiiillu.il X iliiHwell, allorneys. 1 ,1; Tho Hell I )cp.utmcnt Store, N, K. Gr. U)ljo and l'iftLTUth Sheets. It is the host place in the city to buy almost anything yon are in need of. All we ask is a trial to convince yon of tins fact. Kverythinjj in the store sold cheaper than the same jioods can he bought elsewhere. WELL DKl'ARTMKNT STORE, Dodge and Fifteenth Streets, W. R. BENNETT CO. We've niiulo sonio hltf imndiusos for cash. You want to road ahout thorn. Our Immense ensh purchases Include Teas. Cloves, Mittens, Crockery and Hardware, Fresh goods from tlrst hands, ami at awfully low iirlces, Owing to tho depressed condition of trodo all over tho country wo havo heen very lucky to procure with ready cash great hargalns In thu above lines of all new, fresh goods direct from tlrst hands, and wo aro now prepared to make you very low prices. In teas wo havo put In an luinienso line and elegant assortment at prleoa lower than we have ever lmught at before, therefore wo can glvo you extra value In this department, commencing at loo per pound. Our teas are all "tlrst picking" goods and Ixnight from tlrst hands, not job-lot or bankrupt sales, made worthloss from ago and exposure, hut new, fresh, clean, and will go further than other teas and aro conso(iiontl v cheaper In tlio end. Every pound guaran teed to suit In every particular or money refunded. GLOVES AND MITTENS. Here's where we can do you good. They are ull new, just received from factory, and ull very cheap. Look over this purchase, It will pay you. CIGAR AND TOBACCO DEPARTMENT, Wo have just consolidated this department, bringing in everything we handle In this line Into ono grand department In tho center of ull our stores, Largo additions niiulo In this stock, together with our Immense sales, enables us to sell at lower prices and glvo better satisfaction than has over been at tempted by any other dealer, Wo begin with old time prices und give you extra values at le, 2e, .'lo, 4c and Tic ouch. We havo tho best fas cigar In tho west, also the best Kic cigar. Wo aro ut the top of tho heap and can do you tho most good. Largo additions miulo to our crockery stock. New goods just arrived. Prices away down, Hardware! Our coal scuttles and tiro shovels are In. Nnw. goods, Prices away down. Stationery department Is complete. Largest lino of toys and picture books In Omaha. W. ?. BENNETT CO.. Vm TO l.r)H CAITI'or, Avk. Thd Place to Buy The Best Quality of Meat at the Lowest Prices is at GEO. WILSON'S MEAT MARKET, 2815 Leavenworth Street. Hiirloln Hleak he . IOC to i',i: Si! Oe. ..,. to 0o ,,,.!!! to No ;ie to IU' . Vl'ie to Iflfl , Hie to l:i!ic I'orlerlioiixe Mleak , t. , , Hound Hteak........... Shoulder kill ICoiod Iliillliilf lleef I 'urn lleef . , , Veal steak Veal chop Oysters, Fish and Game AT TUB LOWEST MARKET I'JMCES. These Prices are for 0A8H onlv. Buv for CASH AND SAVE PHILIP LANG, 718 S. 16TH ST. Will sell all kinds of Mcn'H HIiocb, hoM tit $0 tnid 7 $5.25. Mch'h SIioch, Hold at 5, 4.00 Mcii'h HIioch, wold at $4, 3.00 Otin 'A 8IIOE IS THE UK.ST IN THE CITY. Our 2.50 Shot'M at $2.00 Eadics' $5 Frcticli Kid, 3.75 Eadics' if J Dotio;ola Kid, 3.25 Endk'H $:;,r.o, 2.75 AND ALL OXFORDS AT REDUCED WICKS. FHILIF3 LANG," 7 IB OUTH SIXTEENTH STREET JL. IIOG3?3H, Til., J' 1 '' 16,3 Dou'" 8,1 Omaha, Nob. VUSIC J. E. NELSON & CO. 1918 S. Twentieth St. Fancy and Staple Groceries Ooodi delivered to any pnrt of the City, M. O. MAUL. HiiccciMir lo lirem l St Maul. Undertaker and flmbalmer J 117 I'liriinin Street. Tki kioiom'. ;r.. OM A HA , NEB ...flc to OSHn fk; lo h: ..l"C lo VMi; Si! to (H! ik! to Ik! HUT so ,...(! tO till! MONEY. Shoes at a Cut Price. (J ICO. W. LANCASTER tt CO. (IKNMMI, AIIKNTH WHEELER -& WILSON BEWINQ MACHINES, Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. SOfX ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Necillim. (Ml, Hiliplll' for all kln.li of Hcw I11K MaclilncH. (mr own Meeliatili! In HiHt el ins. Will repair any hewlnn .Miiclilne, TMLtrHOK tl. 5H Booth 8ltoiHh St., Omaha. JOHN HALL ftai.n J E W E L. R Y -ON- INSTALLMENTS. 602 South Nlnotoonth St. Veal Itoast Veal Stew Mutton ( ioi . , Mutton itnaxt. Minion Hlew., I'ork Chops..., I'ork Hleak..,. fork KiiiimI.... f " 1 rr