The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 04, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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fr? $ferh IVnird t an ;r.l
rrV)trim N.nltff .
n. J O, Wh.lf .!. 1 With Mtlii
d Mooted Do tel Attempting
tUirt on Romanian trt OM
ttyer Mou.
A tUOCt to 1MI COVMuNit.
t Cll, Marshal, Wh t
ilr hi. Inability la Clrl th
Wllttewt llmHltn In Sa .
One of tho most disgraceful events
that ever transpired In Muscatine oc
curred yesterday nfternism In Old's
OjH'i-a hi:um, when Rev, J. G. White,
of Stanford, 111.. attempted to deliver
lecture on "Romanism As It I."
Alxmt tbo apHilnted hour Mr. White
wont from the Kcmblo house to tho
hall, carrying a satchel containing
documents relating to hi subject. Ite
was hooted at and jeered 1y men hihI
lsiys along tlio walk, who followed lilm
with such demonstrations as ho as
cended tho stops of tho opera house.
Tlu' house wan comparatively well
filled. n taking his place on tho
aland, Mr. White requested tho mins
ters, If any wore present, ti take seats
on tho platform, but none responded.
Ho then coniineneed tho exercises by
Hinging "Coronation," In which a por
tion of tho aiutleneo joined, Ho tlien
ottered prayer. Another song, "Nearer
My God to Thoo," was sung, Mr
Whlto then oiH'ned a Bible and mild ho
would road a few vermis from tho Douay
(or Catholic) IUblo, which was a trans
lation of ft translation. No sooner had
ho said this that tho mob commenced
hooting and yelling and throwing
missiles at him. First came a whisky
bottle, then tho third of a brick (this
missile might havo killed Mr. Whlto
If It had struck him on tho head,) next
a IUblo was thrown at him, (which
proved to belong to Mr, Hlchlo, who
had laid It on a chair from which It
was takon by one of tho mob, Mr,
Hlchlo having gono upon tho stage In
an attempt to protect the spoak'er from
tho mob. A dozen small Iron washers
was also thrown at tho sjieakor and at
Mr. Richie. Soma of these missiles
hit tho parties for whom they were
Intended but did no serious Injury.
Meantime, Marshal (iremmel mounted
tho platform. The friends of peaco and
good order hoped ho could now make
effort to sulsluo the mob, but Instead of
that he said: "1 ask all the ladles to
leave tho hall, as I am unablo to give
them protection." Tho ladles com
menced to leave and t ho mob became if
anything more boisterous and defiant
than ever, after being assured by the
city marshal that they were masters of
the situation. The police present, In
stead of endeavoring to preserve order
by making arrests of tho disturbers, or
calling on tho peaceably disposed por
aoni present to assist them In keeping
order, confined themselves entirely to
the work of clearing the hall of every
body except the shaker, who was loft
there alone. The mob as it surged into
the treet yelled in an infuriated and
triumphant way, disturbing the Sunday
quiet of tho city In a manner never bo
foru witnessed in Muscatine. Borne of
them came to tho Jmrnal office side
walk, whore tho editor happened to bo
at the time talking with persons who
had boon in the hall (he not having
been there himself,) and made threat
ening demonstrations against him be
cause he had published an advertise
ment of tho Intended lecture. Two
policemen carao and dispersed the
crowd however.
After nearly an hour a squad of
policemen escorted Mr. White from
the opera house to hi hotel to protect
him from tho fury of the mob. In the
evening the Journal editor Interviewed
Mr, White in his room, it being the
first time he had met him or had any
conversation with htm. Ho stated that
he has been for fifty-two years a Cum
berland Presbyterian preacher. lie
had charge of a church twelve years in
St. Louis, from 1848 to 1800; was five
yearsat Evansvlllo, Ind., fourteen years
in Jacksonville, III., and a shorter term
at other places, being now a resident of
Stanford, near Bloomlngton, 111. Ho
has been delivering antl-Catholtc lec
tures for many years. He has been
delivered in Talmage's church tho
same set of lectures he proposed to
deliver here, and piite recently lec
tured four nights in Omaha, where the
citizens presented him the cane he
now carries and where ex-Governor
Saunders canto upon tho stage and con
gratulated him. Ho has only on several
occasions met with the opposition
shown in Muscatine, but the latest was
four years ago, In Axtell, Kansus,
where his first meeting was broken up
but he subsequently spoke there. Mr.
White Is seventy-two years of age.
If the actions of the mob at the opera
house and on the street in the after
- ion were disgraceful how should the
. lid Tt.. t i"U!? J!!""
(.., '. t it tt I ' i ! H'' 'i''
the , . in'fc. jui.t ! ' v" f
,Hv Hiil ! ''' prvtrht
and ,,, n h -'"
At t-aily '' '- of tn n
Wititiip It lit i ,
U Mk l ' ) i'. i th
ill J MM, if t. liit-j; hin he liMtl.l l'il
do M l,lf(f ',,,
!. .n l b' i -nt "I" t"hi i-'m,
but i xv h-t lititi. .l, ft b. w ltr il l
htm i(Miii'i i-sil -ti or ai j;itm. ia wh
thim tiioi HIM; l i tntiittii, In
the wii-iitim oili. m j.st1ii iihI in frnit
of tin Kiml4n ),.itiw, bl.xklng the
ti 1 and smtlnri an. f, tuxitmlng
m,iv dtmiiilerly i"ry hioinetit ttuy
.( allowml to r. -main thetv. Mar
hal t;ivmiul ami a number of tin
pille fom1 arrival, but lntad of
promptly illxei-liig the rnwil held
them In cheek by keeping them from
entering the hotel and attempting
violence, landlord Keuible was win
by wveral of the einwd who urged him
to tell Mr. White he must leave the
hotel and get out of town. This ho re
fused to do, saying that Mr. White had
:igaged hi room there and as long as
he did not transgress tho rules of the
house and conducted himself proHrly
he(Kemble) had no right to turn him
out. Mr. Kcitible also told Marshal
Grommol that he would hold tho city,
through Its paid oltlcers, responsible
for any damage that was done to his
property, family or guests slopping at
the house.
The crowd outside kept Increasing all
tho time, tho sides of the streets, Wal
nut and Second, opposite the hotel,
being lined by cltl.ens, many of whom
were asking why tho crowd was not
dispersed and where was tho marshal
and police force? There were several
men in the center of the mob, closo to
tho front entrance of the hotel, who
did considerable loud and riotous talk
ing. That they were more or loss In
toxicated was plainly to lie seen. One
In particular gave voice to utterances
which roused tho mob to such cries as:
"He must leave town tonight;" "Bring
him out here;" "Hanging is too good
for him;" "Good for you Jack, you are
right;" "llo ought to bo killed," and
other utterances, many profano and
utterly unfit to appear In print.
Marshal Greminel went up to soo Mr.
White and endeavored to pornuado
him to leave tno hotel by a rear en
trance and leave tho city, but this Mr.
White positively refused to do and said
that ho would stay and must bo pro
tected and If tho mnrshall and police
could not protect him, call on tho
sherllT, and if he could not protect him
ho would ask tho governor of Iowa to
do so. During ono of tho Intervals of
quiet the crowd was assured from tho
hotel door that Mr, White would not
endeavor to speak last night and would
leave the city today. This did not
satisfy thorn, however, and they re
newed their threats and demands that
ho should leave the city at once, on tho
llrst train
Several citizens, entirely out of pa
tience with tho police authorities' in
action and fearful lest somolsidy should
bo hurt If tho mob were allowed to re
main there, went for Mayor Wallace.
Marshall Gremmel admitted his in
ability to do anything with tho mob to
parties in tho hotel and was advised to
go for tho sheriff. This ho did, and
Mayor Wallaoo, Sheriff McCurdy and
Deputy Sheriff Gray arrived aliout tho
same time. Mayor Wallace called on
tho people to diapers and the sheriff
announced that Mr. White would not
speak last night and would leave the
city today, and that he would son that
Mr, Whlto did not seak in Muscatine,
He then said that tho mob must dis
perse. Tho police then ordered the
people to movo on, and moving around
among tho crowd finally scattered
them. Tho ring-leader of the mob was
led away by some friends.
In moving around among the citizens
who were standing around, watching
tho mob and wondering why tho police
did not arrest the leaders and dlsjiorse
the crowd, one heard many remarks
moro or less strong In character. All
deplored the disgrace of such a scene
and all condemned the Marshal and
polleo for not dlsjHirslng the crowd
when they first gathered. "Where Is
tho marshall and what Is he doing?"
was the question heard a hundred
times. Said a citizen: "Do you su
kso that mob would be allowed to stand
there and those men make night
hideous with their oaths and cries If
Hartman was marshal?" "No," said
another, "nor if any other MAN tilled
the position," Disgust and surprise
was felt and plainly expressed by nearly
every ono in the crowd of spectators.
It certainly would seem to every citizen
prelent that the police force was per
foctly able to disperse the crowd in
short order had they been ordered to
do so by tho marshal. There were
several loaders in the mob who could
have lieen arrested and takon away and
all others would have pone if forcibly
commanded to do so, There were very
few of them who would have resorted
to violence and tad the leaders been
removed they would have disiMirsod,
But no: tho marshal went for tho
sheriff, and citizens who saw that some
thing must bo done soon went for Mayor
Wallace. A man in any way fitted or
competent to fill the position of
marshal with the backing of the five
t . ! n O at Mrli)i
I , li !,,. i tu t il tl i M. t.Ht t j
,! n.h n ,,i i. an1 I" th' li$-t ' tll "tin" !intt !tHt I
Tl, rnd a M1 iv Itint Mr :
I ') i-.-l ) k inl wiwlit
!. , Uil'i l.!m . T'til) Huhut.
ftJUfSBii rUiiil M iH(J t,'lfl
tin h,i IMt'i? atnl thst ( j tvit U
lt i', n!.. nit n !. t i fn'in U
p '!; Iltej did They tvnjuvtf .1
the KutlxHlty feti )nii the t
on nl emtte tin" wmd lluii and Mm
pn w iiii' tifllie mayor, 1'ln y did e
ttujHt the liisrultsl iif jmllee until
then, Why lhU? V It i-esHe
tlu'V wore lint (-ilfii-,l to tlUperm'tir
imH'iw they had no tvH"l for
Marshal tin niiurl's aulhoi ty?
If they Wen not ordennl tt dl"s nw
by Mm, a man should li nmde insi,hl
who would ACT at such a time. If they
were ordcei-d tt dlis r' by him a man
who would rnforeo his orders should
fill the position of marshal,
Father Givlwr, of St., Mary's ehuivh,
came Into the Jmiriml oflhv this fore
ncstn and ordered his copy of the
Jiturimt step'icd In'osuse It published a
notleoof tho hn'ture. The editor In
terviewed htm as follows:
Quest ion. I lave you anything to say
as to what transpired In Old's Ojsira
house yesterday?
Answer. My Idea was to leave him
alouo and not patronize him at all. He
would quit, himself his dirty talk and
Q. Do you think It right to abrldgo
tho lilierty of free speech by mob vW
A, In general it, Is not.
Q.l-Yom what you have heard of
tills alTalr, do you think that It was
right to prevent tho speaking yester
day? A. My opinion is that the author
It ies of the city should not have
allowed such a fellow to come into
the city at all with tho purpose that
he did.
The duty of the oillcers In such cases
is plainly laid down in the law. Sec
tions 40(17, 40(18 and 40(11) of the code of
Iowa provide a penalty or fine of $1(K)
or imprisonment for thirty days fgr
disturbing a public meeting. Section
41 ID makes It the duty of the judges,
sheriff and his deputies, mayor, alder
men, marshal, constables and Justices
of the peaco to command rioters to dis
perse Section 1150 authorizes any of
these oillcers to call on bystanders tV
help and section 4151 declares that any
pel son refusing to do so Is guilty of
misdemeanor. ,
The city ordinances of Muscatine- arj
equally explicit as to tho duties of tho
oillcers. Section 2 of chapter 32 makes
it a misdemeanor to disturb a public
meeting, and section 0 forbids in like
manner throwing missiles in a public
place. Sestlon 4 of chapter 38 makes
It tho duty of tho marshal "to cause
tho public peace to bo preserved" and
section (I authorizes him and his as
sistants to call on "any male Inhabitant
of tho city" to aid in quelling riotous
or disorderly conduct and Imposes fl
suialty not exceeding tlOon any such
Itorson who shall neglect or refuse to
give the required aid.
Knots of people have been collected
on tho streetsdurlng the day discussing
tho events of yesterday and last night.
A variety of opinions aro expressed,
hut the general sentiment is that of
severe condemnation of the mob spirit.
Tho only excuse offered for it by any
ono is tho character of tho handbills
circulated announcing tho lectures,
Tho language used In those bills seems
uncalled for and exasperating, It
would have boon better if this language
hod Isten more moderate. Still, noth
ing of that kind is a sufllcient Justifica
tion for the violent striking down of
free sjH'ech. That should 1m maintained
at all hazards.
Slnco tho foregolfig was written,
Marshal Grommol has Informed a rep
resentative of the Journal that ho
deems It his duty to prosecute tho
leaders of the mob. Arrests may there
fore, be expectedIf not today probably
tomorrow. This Is right. Tho good
name of our city should bo vindicated,
and tho stsmer tho better. Evening
And this haptened In Iowa!
A state populated with Americans.
Where free speech Is guaranteed.
Yet where few jiooplo had tho cour
age to censure tho mob,
Gentlemen, this will have to stop!
If you do not stop It, American citi
zens will stop it for you.
They have been patient, but patience
has ceased to lie a virtue.
Twice have they seen a constitution
al guarantee set aside, by tho unlawful
acts of a Human mob, in that state, in
less than a year; twice have they seen
a follow man's life placed In jeopardy,
and s-en 1 toman olllclals or Homan
Catholic sympathizers pretending to
be unablo to copo with tho furious,
fanatical and unreasonable rabble which
Homan priests have turned loose upon
I'rotestant ministers, who had rented
halls In which to speak.
To be sure twice is not often under
ordinary circumstances but In tl Is
case twice is too often.
Once more and tho scenes enacted In
Philadelphia in 1844 maybe repeated
Churches may be destroyed and priests
hanged who knows where It may
Win- bi tt wi.l rn.l M
tt Vt tUH.
It it, ! t m bt jif tt ii.t s'i f f.ii
Htnl' , I (t ,, hl !,ltlr wl'l
tii thi iii hi to h'ame !
Vtiey iv t oh the ,'
V1 r tat ft.A ih.M
It.-. White in H m,
Ite. t liiiiitj ij in I aim, Mi' h ,
Palth k Wrlrll, In !,
Mr. and !. h!lti iy, In hi.H.kuk.
.Mr, IiMhi t 'aniemh and ni ,!,,
Mo., ami t'lu-yriHie, Wjiv, ittiln Ilie
niiMl.i tioii nf be writer of thU aitt'
el, Y it liiMV KnUim l m in nr m i'
Anjthtttd within the jxiwi rof pilel
rati in Invciit,
Arihlng rontrary to law and leann.
A 0 j thing; for we can y, trutafully,
hanlly has the tvsirt fnun T. F,
I.yon' pistol iliinl away in the w-t
than I wafttil to us from the east the
low, sullen how In of a Homan mob,
H Is lead by the same elass;
Has the same object In view;
Was counseled by tnenilsirs of the
same sis'lety;
And aeiHimpllshed the same end
And yet you fuss at us ls-eause we
opsso tho election of such cattle to
iosit tons of trust and honor!
Because we would not Invest such
traitors with citizenship you term us
bigots, Knowuothings, nnd brand us as
being Intolerant!
For this wo thank you.
To us It is more honorable to be a
bigot than to Is.) a coward.
To us It Is more glorious to h3 Intol
erant toward traitors who endeavor to
hide their disloyalty by a profuse dis
play of the Hag they do, have nnd will
dishonor, than to 1m tolerant while wo
see them attempting to strangle this
infant republic by Jesuitical devices.
While this transpires you may re
main silent If you wish but wo shall
most assuredly send forth a warning
We shall insist thero Is danger In
Were every tongue stilled by the
terror Inspired by Homo, this pen
should paint, as best it could, tho
hideous viper which lurks bosldo this
nat ion to sting it to its death,
And then, were you to bo lulled to
sleep by Its low, soft, protestations of
loyalty, we should fool it our duty to
say to you, these assurances are as
the mermaid's song Intended to lull
you to sleep while your frail ship of
state drifts Idly, but surely, upon the
breakers, laid down beneath the sur
face of tho waves of life, by Jesuit
We would show to you tills decree,
laid down in tho encyclical of Hope
Un XIII, Jan. 10, 18!)2: "Whenever
tho laws of tho state conflict with the
laws of the church, tho laws of tho
church must bo obeyed,"
Wo would quote to you tho disloyal
sentiment which ex-alderman Brudder
gave vent to in iNewarK, xs. j., iwo
weeks ago, that Homanlsts are "Homnn
Cutholics first and citizens afterward."
We would show to you that tho Ho
manlsts have calculated upon this be
ing tho temporal kingdom of tho pope
in KMX), and that he is aiding and abett
ing tho scheme by hoarding, annually,
millions of dollars for "exceptional
purposes, BUCH A8 WAtl!"
We would show to you that every
Irish Homanlst who Is capable of going
through the manual of arms has boon
forced Into tho military division of tho
A. O, H,; which association, in every
reference to tho stato In Its declaration
of principles, Its constitution and Its
by laws, preceds such reference with a
tribute to or a mention of tho church.
Wo would show to you tho oath of
tho Jesuit, of tho cardinal, tho bishop
and the priest, in each of which is
declared unswerving allegiance with
out reservation or evasion to the pope
and to his successors!
We would show to you their assaults
upon tho public schools!
Their refusal to jmrmlt tho national
flag in tho sinks they honor with the
name of church!
Their substitution of Homanlsts In
places held by Hrotostants!
And to their record In the wars with
Mexico and tho South.
And then, If that will not arouse you,
wo shall battle until tho storm bursts
In all its fury, and you aro by sheer
force obliged to protect yourself.
At this time wo shall only plead for
unity of action! That you take a
solemn vow never to vote for nor coun
sel others to vote for any man who is a
"Roman Catholic first and an Ameri
can citizen afterward." Cease being
republicans, democrats and independ
ents until your liberties aro better so
cured, and until Homanlsts swear al
legiance to tho United States without
a mental reservation In favor of the
pope. Bo Americans! Bo loyal Amer
icans! Be just just to yourself and to
tho Homanlsts, and above all bo just to
your country. Be firm, not insollent!
Be cautious, but not cowardly! and
when Mr. l'eccl sees ymi mean business
ho will withdraw his Jesuits, who teach
disloyalty to everything but tho pope,
and Homanlsts will honor our Institu
tions as loyal Americans and not Ignore
them as loyal Romanists.
"The city has been flooded with bills
advertising a series oi lectures Dy -iiov,
J. G. White." who is said to be a "re
formed" Catholic priest. What a "re-
f.(t . )f klV K.'t i.-i.l ! I j
It U Uiiih l,r l .ti Mill-jf like II'
r i)k wu ml l,i !.- ll
ivU f lilt ! r f.. M j.i,tiwm
What ...iji-.. Ihi IM J.U WtiHe
I, me n , piiij ih l. II
lit llo H' l ii lb , i. tli.l ! I,.l
nn.t 1 1, r, tell lt, lili) my at l!
t,tt.tM. 1Aite;!fcHtt l;H?V 33 fits"
TIh hills lw !ttn In Mm'lteif loud
tln- in h ' Aiirleular t 'nfton
..l." "To M. n nil!." -I.i i
t t Win ltaii ,," "Bon mi I'rlf !."
' IVm!-;" "Hofiiet ' Mtsn lMi,"
ml a lot nioiv aiiiii(sl!e ret ttnl
tt'lltiTeltt pml llll ftlopkit HOIMH
ll.eir (anils I'H-r alu.lllv after the
I'uiiUn. ini, W I'h mouth H' k l! i
White and bin MteUltes will prolmMy
find that Miiwalltte t too Ima.V tor
religion wnr, thersuk ami file il
lilirna in all biif)1 lislltle ivilU
sMn in nsi'l Hie i'ligiois l!lef ,f
every other ell In n ami tml to Inter
fere or attempt- lo Interfere with his
worshiping aiinrdlng to the dictate of
his nwneinecne When Itev. While
attempts to lt down uui and erunh
out of exlsti -m ' an institution so suli-
atMtitiallv founded as the Catholic
church he Is getting down more bay
than ho w ill have time to cock up."
Mumtitint .Sniirt.'oi .Wiiif.
The aUive shows to what extent man
w ill stisip In order to curry favor with
a certain class of eople. The writer
of this scurrilous attack was present In
this city when Rev. White delivered
tho same lectures that he purHised to
deliver In Muscatine, and In company
with his brother-in-law, J. W. MeF.l
ravy, listened to Rev. White on Sub
bath afternoon. Being Interviewed on
the subject and invited to give hisopin
lon of the lecture ho stated "that Is the
kind of language I like to hear." ' I
am In hearty sympathy with any move
ment that will give America to Ameri
cans." Now what does ho mean by
making this unfounded attack upon
Mr. Whlto on tho cvo of his intended
lectures In Muscatine? Can it bo pos
sible ho was not giving expression to
his honest convictions in the first in
stance, or bus tho influence of tho
church been brought to bear on him
just enough to bury what little princi
ple he has? Take whichever "horn of
tho dilemma" he will he has perjured
himself. From the language of his
article ono acquainted with Mr. White
and his mission would say that he did
not write understanding, Mr. White
never claimed himself a "reformed
priest." A priest may "reform" but
when ho does ho drops tho character
of priest. If the editor of tho Mall la
an American, or even a wait, he would
never have written such an article as
tho above. Ho brands himself as ono
of those contemptible serfs who bow
tho knee to a power that will crush
him out of existence when his day of
usefulness is passed. Wed hibrrlij En
trrpriM. l'rof. Geo. I'. Rudolph, an ox-prlest
from Ohio, was del I vcrod a course of four
lectures on Romanism to large and appreciative-
audiences in tho West Lili
erty Opera House. At tho conclusion
of his fourth lecture, Tuesday night,
Oct. 25, the following resolutions were
read by tho chairman and unanimously
adopted amid a storm of applause;
We, tho citizens of West Liberty,
Muscatlno county, Iowa, In mass meet
ing assembled In view of tho fact that
a lawless mob of howling, Ignorant and
superstitious foreigners and cowardly,
un-American and un-Chrlstian cltlzons,
did, on last Sunday, openly defy, shame
fully violate and outrugeously trample
ujHn tho laws of our country, and
thereby denied tho legitimate privi
lege of free sixieeb to our worthy friend
and venerable patriot. Rev. J. U.
White, who attempted to deliver his
patriotic, historical ana theological
lectures at tho city of Muscatlno, here
by adopt the following resolutions us
an expression of our sympathy for Rev.
White, and or our detestation for the
aforesaid act of lawlessness on tho part
of cowardly and funutlcal subjects of
foreign potentates,
WllKitEAS, Romish mob gathered
from Muscatine, neighboring towns,
and surrounding country did, on Sun
day, Oct, 2.'ld, openly defy the laws of
our stato, and by riot and violence,
threats and anuses, suppress the adver
tised lectures of Itev. J. G. White, and
WllEHEAS, Tho official authorities
of Muscatlno have failed to do their
sworn duty and, Instead of furnishing
protection for free speech, did avowed
ly aid and alsit the mob, anil by so do
ing became accomplices In this viola
tion of the law, therefore, lie it
Hmoli'id, That we; as citizens of tho
United States and of tho State of Iowa,
deeply deplore and strongly condemn
this open act of violence and lawless
ness and tho inefficiency of certain
polleo oillcers of the city and county of
Muscatlno; Ixi It
Itfxohrd, That wo sustain Rev. J. O,
Whlto In his noble efforts to enlighten
tho American people on tho threaten
ing dangers of foreign doctrines and
powers now invading our free country;
Iw it
Ifrrnlrrtl, That wo condemn the un
American expressions of tho "Musca
tlno News-Tribune" and tho "Saturday
Mall," which encouraged tho mob and
sustained the hoodlum element; bo It
Hrmlrtd, That wo congratulate tho
editor of tho Muscatlno Jtnmittl for his
manly and patriotic condemnation of
the treasonable and disgraceful viola
tion of law and order In Muscatine;
Hmnlvrd, Further, that these resolu
tions bo published In tho West Liberty
and Muscatlno papers, and that a copy
isj transmitted to Rev. J. G. White.
From the Journal,
At a largely attended ministers' meet
ing yesterday the following was unani
mously adopted:
Whereas, Certain disgraceful and
riotous attempts to prevent freedom of
speech at a regularly appointed public
mooting yesterday (Sunday) afternoon,
have come to our knowledge, and that
tho same disorderly mob spirit prevail
ed last evening about tho hotel where
the lecturer, Rev. J, G. White, was
stopping, personal violence having
been threatened in both instances; and
Iti-rea, T' iv t iiotn tt. n. Mb. i
l!,iil !. t,t It'tirvr t rw .1 lite
U ,,( t itn Us In hjr ). I tabat
"ui, ir llml fi'.rK nt !! '. !!
Mi, In .jin II Mm fcmli lrt or l pi
!i t tt ! i r;
Thrivfoiv, (Mthrtot pr'i ti e upon
lt,. i.oiH i if ,tile !! k upon ny
rHiiite-. f ji AfiUal t.ifi, M,i iitiiMi
any i t. r u ml. tr' li ijiicMion of
n-iieioos MM,
ltlMMt, That We ll nn-iluv nijiil'
Ifiiitiy i v )iit ion to liii. i ton
with Ihe tc ,1,'iu ui ii )i all Ik tin1
t nun of the iim pi , i.iim In i llk-i
of Atiiei ltwii fre'twti: and that eib
pluiv Ihe iMai-giit which lht action
iimal In lug upon lh' fair ime of itr
H Hanitlrs tht Irith Sociviirt
Patriots Without Gloves,
More than a thouitml persons wit
tirsneil an unexpected scene at a mass
meeting held Isst night In Puritan
hall, Long I tin ml City, by the Olcaaon
faction of tho democracy. The inert
Ing was extensively ndvntipd, ami
among tho orators wore 1'. J. Glenson,
Corporation Counsel Noble, W. II.
Snowden, Amos J. Cummlng, (ieorge
Francis Train, Judg M. V. Gannon,
of Omaha, Neb,, the ex-president of
tho National Loaguo of America, and
Georgo II. Brown of Vermont. Mr.
J tuition, in the introductory reninrks
of his address, eulogized the members
of tho Irish National league and was
landing Patrick Kg:in to the skies
when (ieorge Francis Train, who oc
cupied a prominent seat on tho plat
form loudly explained: "What deni
agoglsiu this Is!" Much noise was
going on In the hall at the lime and
only those siUm? within a short dis
tance of Mr. Train overheard his ex
clamation. Mr. Train followed
Sponker Gannon and pitched into tho
Chin na Gael and prominent Irishmen
in a vlgorons manner. He declared
that "Patrick Kgan gave 1 00,000 to
Alexander Sullivan and the rest of the
'triangular gang,' " who, he said, wero
side partners of Gannon's, to squander
on the Chicago board of trade. He
said that they had murdered or en
gineered the murder of Dr. Cronln, to
cover up their defalcations. These
assertions were too much for Judge
Gannon who j urn pod to his feet in a
rage and branded them as falsehoods.
The confusion that followed was great,
Trala glared at Gannon ferociously
and shouted: "IIuw dare you brand
anything I say as a falsehood? Mr.'
Train was about continuing his re
marks, and Mr. Gannon was preparing
to refute Mr. Train's statements when
Mayor (Jleason seized Mr. Gannon and
induced him to quietly leave the hall,
while ex-Senator Pagan engaged Mr.
train. At an early hour this morning
Mr. Gannon left Long Iiland City In a
coach. Brooklyn Kagle.
Charges Against the Inmates of the
Yankton Convent Denied.
Yankton, S. 1)., Oct. lis. Special
Telegram to the Bee. Mother Xavicr,
superior of the Catholic content lo
cated hero denies emphatically the
charges of cruelty and persecution
made by Hitter Margaret, or Agne
Grosser, who left tho convent stealthily
on Mondav last and took refuge vlth
a family In the city. Mother Xavicr
any Margaret is crazy and that sho
has been an object of charity and most
tenderly cared for by her associates for
two years. Miss Grosser has placed
tho matter In the hands of an attorney,
who has communicated with Bishop
Marty of this diocese. Miss Grosser
Is a native of Germany and entered the
Ilonodlctino Sisterhood in 1881 In St.
Louis. She accusei Mothor Xavier of
having deliberately attempted to starve
her to death because, being 111, sho
could not do manual labor.
"California Time"
is at hand.
Cool nights and frostly mornings
proclaim tho drawing nigh of that
season of tho year which Is most en
joyable when spent on the Pacific
Coast, for thero, In place of snow, sleet
and slush, are soft skies, sunshine and
vine-clad slopes.
Now-a-dnys there's no difficulty In
visiting California. The days of t.fe
Overland Stage are long past, and the
Journey to tho Pacific Coast, If niado
by tho Burlington Route and Its con
nections westward through the heart
of the Rockies, Is ono of tho very
pleawantest features of the winter's
The cost''
From Omaha, Nebraska City, I Mutts
mouth, Lincoln, Beatrice, Grand
Island and, in fact, almost all points In
Nebraska, a rate of 'Ml for a flrst-clas
or .'!" for a second-class ticket to San
Francisco or Los Angeles is in force;
and a first-class round trip ticket, good
for nine months, may be had for H0.
See tho nearest agent of the Burling
ton Route, or write to J. FltANfls,
Gen. Pass. Tkt. Agt., Omaha, Neb.
Money to loan on furniture, pianos,
horses, wagons or collateral security.
Business confidential. Fred Terry,
Room 33 Kamgo Block. -23-tf