f THE AMERICAN Wasn't built in a clay," nor was a great and successful business ever built up in a like period. It takes TIME, MONEY and BRAINS to put o big Mercantile enterprise like "THE BELL" on a paying basis. The immense sumr.ss which is crowning our efforts is proof positive that "PI AI 12 has ilnnc its work, and that the people have learned that a dollar will buy mote genuine satisfaction at our Kmporhun than anywhere else in the West. SATURDAY WILL BE A REAL RED LETTER DAY. A day to make us talked about a day to be remembered, and the stranger who happens to wander our way will have cause to shake hands with himself for all futurity. I v Men's Furnishing Goods. Two raw Mi-iiV N'M-ktii'H In foiir-ln-hnml mill tck, nil silk itml laUt !)!, )d int'iywhi'fn ill fild', till tlt'Xt w'tM-k wi will wll Iliioii lit t9C. Twiiil,v-llvt ilojinii Min' Tlftivv Nat ural Wool l?iHlnrnhirt and lnwrr. Ini'lfw i.e only! 'til uttuiilly at, tl.llfi. W.- will clio thl lot nt 49C. Don't nil our 20C. l''lannid Klilrt. H In Hold I'vitrywlifio for tiikn iil Jtll IW Bilvdl'tlwiil, Great Pants Sale. Whllo wo'm not In ttir doUilng uul tt, wii'vu Jnl rlomiil out tt iiiiinu fnt,ttii'(!i',H iTiili'ti Htm of 1'ant lit iilxiut oiii'-quHi'UT of Ihidr viiluo, ami nr jfolnjf to run them out Katurday oven Jnij lit a iitii'i' (lint will mtikii u talkud Hlmut. Tim Him liiiditdi'N I'ant wlilrli worn nimlti to HI nt M, M.fiO mid 1, nnd would 1m jfiiod vulim ftt Hh.'ho fllfiiroM, Tlu-y timw In all color nnd In all patti-m - In Cluck, KitlM', MIxturcM mid Hoi Ida In fart you chii find any kind of a I'unt you want In Hi In lot,. They're all good, wdld, ln-iivy ftond, and h hnt do yon think we're troinir to Mdi tliiun ut' Saturday Evening $1.29. Hosiery and Underwear. I.adlim' All Wool How, Mmlno hold and to,, t"'. quulltyi !l mlr fOc. Ladh'' Doiihln VUwtwiU n-irular """"Wall Orden Promptly Filled, Our four immense floors are crowded with all kinds of trustworthy Merchandise, and all next week our establishment will exhibit a veritable carnival of Brilliant, Bristling, Scintilatinp; Bargains, Hot Coffee and Lunch, free for the Ladies, Saturday. Elegant 'music in the evening. "THE BELL DEPARTMT STORE CO.! Dodge and Piffceenth Sts - - - OMAHA. WHITNEY MORTGAGE SHOES. HALE OF 101 Koulh 15th Htreet, Good nchool lioc wcr never old w flhnap they r now clllng at Ilia inortgNjjtt "!, K'il 'iuth 15th tri;t, Clilbl' lf Votml ilioc, ?rc, for incr price Mlc' Holld ulioc. II, former price MIm.V Cloth Top Hhop, l.r,o, for incr price i (HI, MKN'N KIIOJWJHKN'8 HIIOKS. I'lne ratciit leather, ! lo , re Auemi from $7,00. I'ino Calf, C mgrei of I.icc, ;(, re ibiced from f 1. 00, Cordovan, reduced from 7, If 0; Month 1'itli Htrcel, Another Spokt In their Whl, fitmru I'i.attk, Neb., Out, 2fl, mi Jnhne. Thompon, Dear Friend;- The Catholic fraternity had a dance and oeal fiere on the evening of the 20th, and procured for the rimHl! "Moglmabari' )rchelra." The 1 0th ihey found that member of the band wim nnt of uk, and the manager of the affair waited on Mr Moghnaliaii and aald "if John Mormnon play, we don't want you to furriUh our ninlc," The iulcom 1 Mr, Horrermon wa replaciul by a man that I not an A. Y, A., which fact put another poke lu our wheel that I rolling on to victory. Your for America, X X X Thei'axton Hotel Uarlr Khopand Hatha, with filtered Watr, the Jlct. The flrt concert and bah by the 54w'edih llnii Cornel Hand will be plvan in (ierrnanln hall, the rvenlng of Saturday, Oct. 20, 1 802. The price if adtniiodon linn been placed at f0c fortieth lady and gentleman. If you want to pml an enjoyable evening) uttetidthl Biitertainmenl, i't 0 A. I'. A. liutton and Jr. O, U. A. M. 1'inR In Moild obi at John Hall' J001 jBcaon Htreet. ff Money to loan on furniture, piano, borne, wagon or collateral tecurlty llulne conlldential. Fred Terry, ltoom 433 Hamge Jllock. 0-23-tf Kuenne'a bakery, f22 8. 10th St. H. II. I'attcn, duntit, room line building, telephone 56. PtnlllliHtH hltli'k, ;l.ic Iiomo for ..'-. Chl'(ivn' ItlhU-d WimiI Horn mIi'H 11 In US, nt Hie it pulr, worth 2fN-, lloyn' Kxtrn ll-my lllcyclo wool How, hliii'k or tlx ford jf ivy, larifn I.i; all nt 2.V. Ijidlcn' .lurwy HII'ImmI Vnt and I'iiiiIm, i-xlra li.'ii'vy, llociu'd KiOptlati cotton, at fiiic. t .adieu' Natural (trey VchIh, Tide jfomlM for .'17 U'. Ladle' Natural ift't-y Combination Hull, worth 1.7",, at l.'iV Hoy' ( 'attnl llalr Hndorwcar, (vit, only), worth fide, goat '.I'm, Glove Department. Ladle' Hianil, Kid (Move, In brown und hIh)h, all !(, with pat ent wrlnt cIuhji. Het'iilar tl.00 good, at 7"ic. Shoo Department. Wti will wdl the following good next week Bt price 1 hat can't bu heat: 20 Child' Uublh-r, lc Ml,'' Uiihher, lie. :iiicMIxe' Fleece l.luud Itublier, 2lu. I Ladle' Uer (ialter. Km. 2.'t Haven (ilo Klnm I'ollfh, IL'Jc, h Moaton llhicklng, 2lic, "fin Men' Itulilwtr, fillis, ll.'rti Ladle' ItuhhorH, The l't good In the market, One (mil of Dr. Wlngriie' Kleclric Inrde given fn ; Hlt.h every pair of 2,fi0 Hhoe, or over. Send for Samples. EDLING OROH,, 308 North 10th Htrtct, Hatter and (lent Kurnlher. Men' Kh(i, gliM'c, etc, (iive u a trial, t Married, On Sunday, the 2;ird fnl. Frlaird John II ill wn united In weillock lo Mi I -j din K, Thompon, Tho cero mony w performed at tlio rcldn(m (if Mm bride' mother, otitli 22nd (,, by tli Hev, (till. W, .HavltlgH, After tho eerwnony a ptlrt llftla Muppar wa fnrvi'd to tha few friend prccut, and llm happy coupbt were oorlcd to their new dome 602 noiith loth t. The guel ttmn diprd with tunny wUbe f ,r Hie happlnc ami properily of thn nw American hoiMchold In which Tiik Amuhcaw heartily Join. Tba Wbita $twnt Mnchina Mat no Equal, It Uflic crytali,atloti of practical Idea, of practical cwlng machlna men, whu hv brought tha Whlta to ueh a tatn of perfection that It I recognized the world over the "Klnt of ew log machine, Offlea and Jf aleroom lilChlcgo afreet, n 'ar UHh. do to llyhall f it ime enndie, Dojgbi Mt. . Mnney to loan at l;!m Saving Itarik, l')0f rarnam Hi. 1)1 1 ( I A M I ' A K 1 S I A N N K I W, 1 'OKTKAfTt, TjtANMt'A IIKNCtKX AN Af.btnilKIl Hl'JNH, ('all on or addrex KATON, T I IK A I) V Kt (Tl H V. 1 1, JI7 North 15th Ht. Omaha Neb, . . - Money to loan Ht Ulmo Having Hank, 1MH Farnarn Ht. DOCTOR CARRIKER, Phytician and Mtdical EleCtritian, Th wonderful renulU obtained by tha proper ue of electriclly together with the Klectro-Thermal Jialb and aoeeillo medicine, warrant tha aer- 'tionthat more rtervon, chronic and i Kiubborn ,umm c8ri he cured by theo combined agencie than either alone, Special attention given to women and children, a well a private dieae of male and female, OH on or addrc, 310 Sheely block, Omaha Jfeb. Tel. 1203. Call promptly at tended. , iiuuIk cotton IIhnc Notion Department, Mieclal ale of Yarn all next week nt a dUctmiit from regular price of about I'.'i Mr cent. l''iuiclimtor In emtio variety at all price, Hlg line of artltlc dre trlminlug at nil price from cent up, Cloak Department, Kverythbig new: Hlyle this latot! I'rlCDM tllll loWOMt! Hpeelal: Ladli' Heefer Hult, cotudl,lng of I toe for, Jacket and Skirt, all wool, old at l.'l,.'i(i ami l."i, only t,IW to ehmo the tH'k; only a few left, Ladle' Heefer Jacket, In 3 hade of tun, velvet collar, checked wool lin ing, it! Inehe long, worth 115(1, Hale price only S,7.1. Ladle' lllaek Atradiau Trimmed Cloak, ll,fii, ), ll.'l.fii); giiarantefU be"t wnlue In t he city. Full line of Mle' and f 'hlldren' garment. 1 Millinery Department. Havoyou ever vlwlted our Millinery departmrnt' If not we'd llkoto havo you tit i the elevator to 2nd Door, Wo want to urpr!u you, Wu can aure you, we have one of the larget, bet elccbd and mot artltlc and attrac tive dlpbty of Millinery of every kind, ever gathered in one elabllliment In the entire wet Kverylhltig I new and of the very laterfl tyle, and at the Send In Your Mall Qrders, HALD WNOI,K4l,K AKIl Anthrftlt. Rock Spring COAL union, wnip, 'ulnut Block. wi tetL tm er vahiet its op Ol t'K K; , W, for, Ifilh Hurt llownrd, Teleiilioiie im VAIilM Mli Htreet li( I'lii'l'leton Ave, 'Ieliliiiii KVl. if THE POPULAR CLOTHING JULIUS FURTH, Propr. 109 South 16th Street,, BE WICN DOUCLAS Mall Order solicited ami SatUfactlon Teeth Extracted for 25 Cents, Full LING GOLD CROWNS AND BRIDGE No charge for Kxtrwting Dr. I WITHERS, Dentist. 16th and Douglas tV W r W itT CUT Till OUT The McCaoue Savings Bank N. W. Corner 15th and Dodge Sts, 4 per Cent. Interest on Booh Accounts, 6 per Cent, on 6 months Booh Accounts. Foreign Drafts and Money Orders Ileal Estate. Uiviik open from 9 a. from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. prhv wo hall offer to-morrow and nest weok, everyone can alTord a new fall hat. Dress Goods, The !'(, elei'tod and inonl attractive line of Drew (iood of every deerlv tloti to Imi found In Omaha or the went. Come In and feiiHt your eye on oum of the new thing Haturday or next week. I'lckouta Dre Pattern during thU Sale. It won't taku much money to buy It, Drug1 Department. Thl department 1 now In charge of Mr. Frank K. Green, well-known to Omaha peoplo a a thoroughly exper ienced and comjieUuit phttrmiudt Kverythlng old In the department 1 Htamlurd, and price on proHcrlption, uh well a everything tde, are guaranteed lower than any otto. Wycth' Heef Iron and Wino, (X) ct. Syrup of Fig, atrial I, .'t.'l ct. k'ennedy'n Medical Dincovory, tl.OO. So'.odont, W) ct. II Ind' Honey and Almond CreumlMii, Lane Family Medlelno, 17 ct, Velvet Hkln J'owder, Met. J'ear' L'nwjentjd Soap, 10 ct. Thee price arc for Haturday only, but equal bargain uru to bo bail In the department all the time, House Furnishings. Sugar Ducket, hiiiiiII, .'ill cl. Sugar Docket, medium, II cl. Wo'FiH Mair"0rdlr8TaUaI7 OEO. . H.ISE. Sc RICE. MKTA If. Hr.M,VH IN Wood, Coke, Kindling. sort ooac ton cookino punposes. OI-AiJLXXJL. 33 HOUSE. OMAHA. NEB, AND DOOCE ST EETS. Guaranteed. Set TEETH $ HQ riCUI KCT FIT (iUAUANTKKI). 50C UP. WORK AT REDUCED PRICES, whun Vhiton art; Male. Streets, 4th Floor. A A OtJIJtK, jit ji jt ji JkA at IowckI rates. Loans on in, to 3:30 p. in. Mondays Sugar Dueketn. large, "iltet, ( 'tot lie I tar, I0 ct. Ironing Hoard, (ill ct. Hrax Dlrd Cage, f l.'i"., tl.oii, 1.7.j. Lunch DanketH, 2.m', nK, ,Tc. Doll CarrlaguB, .Tic, (l.'ic, I.(H), Lot). I.aee WaH Hoard. luc. Wo have theo giaid In t'k; "Wo are not jtit out of them," Comforts and Blankets. Comfort at 2."o worth 40c. Comfort at f0c worth 7,"c. Comfort at 7."io worth fl.OO. Hlanket nt 7."c worth 1 00. Dlankot at I.(M) worth I.8.Y HIanket at $1.H' worth 2.'.0. And on up to the very hlgbcwt qual ity made. Harness Department. Our winter tock of Horao Clothing 1 now full and complete, and we are making prices on all kind of Kobes and HIanket which have never been equaled in thl part of the country be fore. Blanket from $1 to 4.50, Fur ltobeu from :t,2," to 2'i. Fine lino of l'hmlt and Wool Kobea at all price. Haildlea from 1. 75 up, and Harms in endle variety and at every price. Special prices on winter good for Saturday, (Jroccry Department. "The Grocery Department of the Hell Department Store I Teeming With Hargaln."- Patron. Send for Samples. o, o, i,omx K, LOBECK (HU0CKHHOK8 WIIOI.KKALIC Builders1 Hardware, Cutlery AND TOOLS. .r -cTRy US ONCE FOR LUCK. - 1404 Douglas St, Telephone W, A. demur, H. J. Wlntarflald. Making; Hats Our Prices are 209 N. 16th Street, Gold Signs, , Office Signs, ( Hoard Signs, Advert ising Signs, 107 S, Fourteenth St,, in Basement, Superior Work. 1AM D Y E WORKS G. A.1 SCIIOEDSACK, Proprietor. Dyeing, Cleaning nnd Ilepalrlng of Garment and fjoods of all deacrip Hon. Send for Circular and Price Jt. Omaha Office: 1521 Farnarn Street, Tel 1521. Council Bluffs: Cor. Ave A and 26th Street, iel 612' 1 Kalloti "Old Jug Maple" ami 1 Htll man Huckwheat. II. .'II 1 ' 4 gallon keg "Golden AnilH-r Syrui" goi'H at tl,4"i, Our l Moyune (iun Dowder g(H' It 75 ct. Our 7.HS Moyun Gun l'owder gH8 it 45 ct. Our 75e May crop Japan gi at HHcl ( 'holce grown Java giHs at .'10c. i Hrenkfat Combination Juva gii a 27 ct. ! "The StalT of Life," St. Jiwepli Flour, goe, If you get hero whllo the cari lnN, atll and $1,17; worth 1. 25 and! L5. Country Hutb-r and Fgg at July price. 12 bar "Homo Soap," your quarter take it. White Twin, Union and Dow Moine Dementia go. J All Canned Good a (atandard) go at 10c per can up, ' Musical Department. I f you are ciiMllng about for a l'iano you certainly should ee the Wogmnn. it cannot bt Ixuitcn for tone, touch and durability, and the aatlf action of deal ing with men who reproMont thing a they arc. Thl department I man aged by competent alemen, who have a reputation for honcty, ami If aalea are an Index of their buMinc, you can ret uured of being treated fairly and Hquarely. Give them ft call. Take elevator to l'iano Itoom. Prompt Attention to Mall Orders. (!. ir. MNN & LINN, TO K, T. HUKK.) AND IlKTAIL 279, OMAHA, NEB. 0. W, ohultf MANi.'rcTciiKa or FINE HATS FJLUL OIIArEO,' -ITLIj C0H,013. to Order on Short Notice Oar Spcctalt Rock Bottom. OMAHA, NEB. Card Signs, Cloth Signs, hVall Signs, f Ha nners, lite. OMAHA. NEB. Reasonable Prices. I (I