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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1892)
THE AMERICAN COUNTY COURT HULLS, I I 1 lit 11 1 . tlntft HI (i'mi t n 4 l I ! t SI t St d t'ill'tMi 4 ' 1 I ft Itl -I tll I l t e t' I , -I 4 It ;i .. . .t I t. It is I it it, m '' t I t t, !,- n" t M im'ti"t 4 tit im,i i te I. Ill IH t ft 11 ft It t It lV II I t . CtlP til f r Ml M It'ftl lot t, i4t tin t.t. Mt,i ) i (l.i in U rti i I, lll KI1) M' 111 II1 Villi! tlir m !r(i Hiil nt lit ml ti ,. t thr rn,t flidll titilir nthttnlw iHtmill ill it ft the huwulKi knur. t 1 hp lwlr rn h il jr til (imitM-Ki- at t. m. V1 Ihf iimMiltiii Imitr IIUn' fnmt ' Hi !" ti Ti hmttlltig limit l i1i ntnl ImlM hiu lull. tltniurtvi-, ml tli fmill (' l ft tll liny, ("lull Tl'llMlllllll. ill ll.'IMt'-.lllll UMltl t'HMH Ullll'll llUVe lN'lllljf oulU ti'iitiUf Uj mid Uniitfrtn'ilun lln i iil tli r ii HiU ilny, fih AfiT ohm'. iimilnH nr (Mtimrvr hi iitdMHl Hip I Into tor hli'h II l 'l It Cull ntl litM-iillnl mi until n mot Inn U hli-il nml (H'ki'ti it iy li Bir of llif i'oiiiI. itntl ton It mv fi e to tin' niiiihli( mity m tbi' court nuty vlt r Hi tlti Hint' It Kvp In glvt'ii lit lllo t ho rotlotl, Oth. Hiiitliions M't for H t't'HHlii llmo. can .lot. Ih trHinift'rrt'il to Himlht-r dny orltotir, :inlrM tht trnnhft'roi'di r In mioli'Ht tin' hour tlto mntlcr In net fur lit'iirlng. except under KuIp 10, loth. Knrh dny lit 0:00 r. in., the IniHlncMtiif tliiiliour will Iw CKlled. IKh. The mat lent will lie lieiird In the or tier In which they lire entered on lhiciiliinder uiiIi'hh nil tiiirtleit ptPHent imd IntcrcMctlcnu cent to a dirferenl urriuiKcniciil. or In chhc in urgetil iiucesmty. Till A I, or CAHK.H TO-tMV. 1'Jth. Thotrliiltif ciiki'h w ill ruin iiit'iico Ml 10:00 o'cltH'k, ii. in,, Hint com lime mil II ft:O0 o clock n, in,, with ii receHH from 12:00 a. in until Itlloii. m, Kacli ciote In led to lie called ill the I line net or within ten inliititeN thereafter! either to he proceeded with, or a runner oroer to lie nuuii', l or iiiin purptiHC no party will he required lo wait lotiKer tlinn ten minute for the. oppoNlte party or other buHlni'BN, except for iii ifrtit rt'imoiiH, The trial nracaNewiu no minhi'Iiiico at any lime for thlNpurpoNO. In cunp the court HiiiIn that any rule liereln will work an unforcNff n IikiiIhIiId, the court reNervt'N tint right to miNpeud the ruie tor me Hpecnu ciinu. Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of mile IsHiied nut of the. DlNtrlct court of DoiikIiin count y, Ne hraska, and to me illrei'ti'tl, I will, on the IM (In v of Novetn her. A. It. NO!:, lit lOo c iii'k a, in of Niild day. at I he I'. AH' front door of the coiitny conn iiounc hi tin' city or t'liiiuui, I lonu Iiim ciiiintv. NehtUHka. ncII at nubile auction Hie properly ili'w'i lliccl In nuIiI order or Nine UN toiiown, to-wn: "J.ot nnmlier nine (HI nml a Nlrlp twenty t wo (ZD feet In wltlth off theetil li'ti norlh nIiIi of lot nuniher ten lloi In hlock iniiiihi'r one (1 In Miiyntt I'liiceaildll loii to I he ell y of Oniithit ii n Niirveyeii, iiiaiieu ami reconieii, an in IiouuhiN county, Mliite of NehniNka," H ill tl properly to he wild Niihject, to the morltfiiite i.ten or I'artiiei'N i.oiiii anil rriiNt. iiompiiiiy TriiNlee, lu the Hiitn'of K.W)0.(K) and Ititci'CNt; to Niit.lMfy New ImiuIiuhI I.oiiii imd TriiNt ('oiiipany the Minn of two liiindretl, Ni'veniy. four HiulW-100 dollnrN fiU. Ill) wltli IntercNl thereon titrate often (loi per cent per n n niini from Hepteniher aiNt. Iwil: tONalUfy K, H, Newcomh l.umher t'ompany the niiiii of four hundri'd, iiluely-elithl. nml 71-lno dollarN (IMON.Tll wit h liili'ii'hf lliri'i'oii at rate of Nt'ven (71 per cent per annum from Heiitemher Ulxt. iHlili lo HiitlNfy Kilwln H, Itooil the niiiii of Niur hundred, fort y-n Inn (IiiIIuiniIMII.ikii with IntcrcNt thereon iit rale of ten (HO per cent per milium from Hoploinlicr 2InI, IHH1 j to niiI Iffy the nii in of nlith ty four and hi-loo dollnrN if4.i;il i'ohIn, with InlereNt I hereon from the 2lNt (lay of Hepl her, A, l. IM'-, totft'lher wltli lu'criiliiK conIn accordliitf lo a Jiidiimeiit rendered by the dlMrlrt court, of niiIiI IIoiikIiin county, at Hn Heplemher term, A, D, IniiI, In a certain act Ion then and there pending, wherein Kdwln H Kood wiin pluln tllf, am) John A, 1'iitteiMin. (Icotue M. I'liop er, Mil rii ii ret ,1, Cooper, Cliiirli'N W. 'oliklliitf, I ran U I1,. Kile hie mid olheiN weredefendaiil. Omaha, NehriiNlta, Seiitcmher sot h, H;t)H(lfO A. HKNNKTT. Hherlffof IIoiiuIiin coiiiity, NehniNka. Hull let, Ik I'oIiiIh, attorneyw. Il-lto.ft Notice of Final Settlument. Ctatk or Nkiiiianka, I ad DoiiidaN County, I III tlin County court of IIoiikIiin cuiiiily, NehniNka, Heptcinhcr ail. A. I), iwrj. In the mat ter of tint CNtaln of Mary I.. Ilhickmiin, dcrciotcil: The folfowluK nameil perNium, to-wll! I.ihiIn A. 1 1 1 lie k lit ii ti and all other peiNtuiN IntereNleil In mm It I nuttier will lake milieu that on UieiMMh day of Heplemher, Wi, Hut county court of IIoiikIiin counly, NehriiNka, made the .il low Inn order: lu the County Court of IIoiikIiin Counly, NehriiNka, heplemher, 2IMh, A. D, iNlig, Upon reailliiK tint pelllloil of I.iiiiIn A. Illui'kman, nliowlnn that on the iltli day of iluiie, K0, he wiin duly appointed 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 II I ( 1' Of Nlllll I'NlllIn, I lllll. lilt llllN HiIn day tiled IiIn IIiiiiI aci'iiuut iin niii'Ii. and I lin t hit In I hit only heir of wild deceiiNed, nml prayliiH lhal.Nalil Mnal account may ln allowed and hluiNi'lf sdlNi'hurieil from mild triiNl, and praylmt 'Hint niicIi other anil furl her order and proceedlnifN may he had lu tin i premlr.tN, iin may he reiillretl hy Hie miitulcN In Nik Ii ciiNiw made and priivlili'd. (irdered. that NovemherW. A. II, IW, at o'clock 11. III., he llNNluued fill' lit ' it it 1 1 It Milt t pe tltlon, when all perMitiN ItilnreNtctl In niiIiI matter may appear at the County court, to ho held lu mid for niiIiI county, nml nImiw caiiNit why the prayer of Nttld iit'llllonerNliould not he (inuili'il: and that nollce of the pendency of niiIiI petition II rd Hut heurliitf thereof, hit kIviui lo the perNona above iiiiincil and all other iierNotiN InlereNlcil In Niild mntl4r, hy PuIiIInIiIiik nut Ice of thin proreedlnu: In TUN Amkiiidan. a newNpaper printed In itld county, four weekN NiicceNNlvely prevloiiN Ut the Hunt appointed. And you will further take notice that un less you apiiear to conli'Ki ( hit niiIiI petition of IiOUIn A, lllui k niiiii iiltlic tl inn and place appointed for that. iiurpoNo, the court may, In your almence, iillow Niild llual account, anil may irrant thu further prayer of Nttld petition, VVItni'NN my hand anil olllclal nchI thin 201 Ii (Jay of Heplemher, HKAI..I J. W. KI.I.KK. 10 Ul-i County .Indue. Sherlffe Sale, I'nilcr nml hy virtue of an ex it Ion on triuiNcrlpt lHiied hy t runk K, MooreN, clerk of Hie I'lHlrlrt court of IioiikIiin county, NeliriiHka, iiiioii a ludKmi'iit of Hie County court, In anil for Niild county, on Hie IM h day of March, IHtB, In favor of Henry I'', Cady, dohiK IiunIiichn iin II, V, Cady Lumber Com pany, and axnlnNl. . I. K. Iliirdlck and CIhIn Hiiii Hpecht, a IraiiNcrlpI of which ,udmi'iit wiin. on Hie SMlli day of March, I Mi.', duly tiled and docketed In the IHhIi'IcI ciiiirl within anil for Niild county. I Iin ve levied upon the followliiK tleHcrlhed real CNtiite the property of the Niild (lefendiint, CIiiImHiiii Npecht. lo-wlt : lot. ten (0 In hlock eleven (il), HiIkun I'lace, an addition to Hie city of Oiniihii, I lonitliiN county, hi it If of NehriiNka, and I will on Hut I.MIi day of November, A, 1 1, iwia, at 10 o'clock a, in. of niiIiI day, at Hut KAHT front (hnir of t he county court limine In the city of (imiilia, Hoiiulnn county, Neb., nell wild rent entail- at public miction to Hie hlKhi'Nt. hldder for ciinIi, to Niillxfy Niild exe cution, the amount due thereon helmi four hundred, ninety and Ml. urn dollnrN if!0o.,M) ludmiieiit. Ii'nn tlin niiiii of two Ii u ml roil and llfty ilolhirNitiriO.iiO) paid hy defendant Hep tomhoriMHi, INitt, and fonriiiul 7.VHNI dollarN if4,7.ri) conIk, with lut i 'i cut on niiIiI amouiilx at 10 per cent, per annum from the Ifitli day of March, A. 0. mi. until paid, and ul-o the further niiiii of twenly and 16-lim ilulliiri (H'li. ."i), Hie ciiNlNof IncreiiNe on Mibi Jnilumenl nd the accruing on thlNexi-ciitlou, Oiniihii, NehriiNka, Octoher II. INlr. HKOKHK A. HKNNETT. J0-14-S HherllT of HouitliiN County, NehriiNkii. Montgomery, Charlton and Hall, utlorneys. , ' ftt . i .,, , ,1 1st 1- ,t it.. ti,i ih I-:., I ,..-, . I' 1 mi t, i ; 1 r I " I - l4 I 1 , 11 ' ,,,,M ; !' t" ' 1 ,l t .1 l n-i ,! .a It i . it.,. tti.M tin., ii.l 1 . "t ,'M' t"l 1 ll' 1 ( till ifl itM ri ii ! .i .ii.t , .., i. .. . i Ittt ll,i tini l mi ti im - ,i t Alitltltil fUMil t1l ti-lw 1 t ll kill.. Hit r until Imlil t.i.dtltft W ill A I ti, i'T ioi luiiiilti il in f i' til . , ti i ttt II ti ti l tin li , n nl n Ill'llit pit Ntl till III fl.'lil flllii'i " I l01 ttllltl (Mtlll. til IUft lit II 1 1 mi enK il,. tun, if t ,i ti, ,,,,, Ilitetf tiiitulnit. Iliitlt l t' il 'liatt lieU'ii.i ut , It h Inli ti .l llirtv,,,, m t itii itt.iHI iei nnmon ftiMit ititt inlwi t A l IWH. unlit pNtit: IntniKfy iin- .'ii.i i.t ,,m- tllltllltl ll. fit ! t iHoJ ill KillUli. 1'lltH mlh leli ti 'I Un finm t lit- KI itiv of S pli lulu t. A. I. I"'l. Itniil pui.l Inci thi t Willi Kii'ltillui til nii-iiiitltiit 1. 1 it In. Ik-i,,, I,) l-l tnlell tl l'V Ihe lUUHcl eoiltl of inl l,,iu In iinitttV, t H N'lHeiiiU t Ii im A I' ItMl, til cert (t I II Hi Hi ill lltt'lt nml Htere lnl im. Wlii ti lll .li'n' ii I liiliMf Wilt inlmin all, I Unity A 1'nyior, I tlwiitil II. I iltun nml oilit i iti'ft iiitinfit. Utiutha. Ni lirio-kn. Itcliitii r I 'Hi i'i' t.luUi.l A 111 AM I T. Mieiin of iHmiilnii I 'utility. Ni-lu h.r it, I! M. Iilcliiniinil, iilinii'i'v 1 1 1-1 1 Sherift Salt. liy virtue of an ortler of le l-nie,! out of the lUaliii't I 'im ri if Doiiuliiii Cminiy, Nt hiH"I.H. nml lo me tllrecli'il. I will on thu 1'iHi tiny of iSovcinlier, A. I. iwn. ut liin'cliN-k A. H. of Niild tiny. III Hie KACT front doornftlii Counly Court llitiiii', In I he City of I iinnhn, I ion f I mm Counly. ehraikn. nell at public atii'tioii i ne properly tiesicriiH'ti in wiin order or ante iin roitowN, to-wll : The south Ht'ien (I) feel of 1 1t it 1 parcel of land ilem'rllH'd iin follow, to-wll: t out tneiiclnil at It point n ven hiimlii'd ami 11ft y- nuie (i.i'.n reel eittit or llie line iieli'en tec. Ilonw nine 00 and ten lloi. end eluht hitiiilreii oeventv-three ll-IO (N.;t II-tin feet nin th of n line het ween hi'cHoiin len (10) and II ft ecu d,i, all In township number llflcen il'u, north of riiuue nuiiilier llilrleen i:o, eiiNt of Hie nIMIi I', M., thence ruiinluu norih forty-three and four-teiiHiN m 4-10) feel, thence east inn It 1 1 ltd it'll it it (I forty (140) fuel to the west lint of Tweuty-KlrNt mi reel, extcnih'd, t hence south forty-three and four tenths i4:i 4-l0i feet, thence West one hundred and forty I4U) feet to Hut place of hctflnulnit, all In Doiiulns county, Nlali' of rvcbriiska, said property to be so lit to Mil I sfv Iboiiitis A. Creit h nml I'eter I., I'erlne, ailmlnlNlrnloiN of Hie estate of Oscar I1'. I hi vIn, deceased, the sum of two hundri'd, thirty-five and lo-ino dollars (lilR.lli) with Intert'Nt thereon at rale of eluht (Ni percent, tier annum from Heplemher 2in, IHUl; to NiitlNfy ChurlfN W, Conkllim the sum of two hundred, thirty-one and l l-loo ilulliiri iti'M. hi) with Interest, t hereon at rate of ten (Hi) per cent, per milium from Heptemher -1st iNOI.and live and ;m-mo A.;nn costs thereon) to Niit lsfy William Cohtirn, asslKiiee of I In: Hank of Onuiha, the niiiii of four thousand, t wo hundred, 1 wenly-elnlil and NO-loo ilollnrs iiH.'H.Mi), with InlereNt. on :I.4:!1I.kk Ihereof at rate of ti'ii i ill ner cent, tier milium, and on fiON,)i thereof at rale of Neven (7) per cent, per annum, all from Heplemher S.'nd, Ihiki, loKeiher with twenty-four and UN-loo diilliii's i J4 ,iUs coNts: and lo sntlsfy the sum of sll v slx and M-loo (tftui.Mi ilolbirs costs, with InlereNt thereon from the lilsl day of Heplem her. A. I). ImIU. touelher with accrulmi cohIh accoi'dliiK lo a jinlLtment rendered by the I list rlct, court of Niild DoukIiim county, at Its Heplemher term, A, l. Ihoi, In a certain ac tion then and there pelidlUK, wherein ThomiiN A. Crcluh urn 'e er I,, Per lie, in in In s- I riitoiN of the esliite of O, I', Dii vIn, dt used, were pliilnlllls, and John H. Willis, Cecilia i. WIIIIn and olhefN were defendiinlN, Oinahit, Nehliiska, October nth. M'.'. (iKOUHK A. IIKNNKTT, HherllT of HoiiulaN Count v. Nebniskii. I'.iluiir II, Hcott, nltoriiey, lo-ll-.'i Shoriffi Sale. II v virtue of mi order of snle Issued out of Hie Dlslrlcl Court of I n I u Ium county, Ne braska, and lo iiiodlrcf led. I will, on the .'nd day of November, A, H. hsi:, at, In o'clock a, in, of niiIiI day, at Hie hah I rrnnl door of Hut County Court House, In the city of Omnliit, I'iiiikIiin county, Nebraska, sell al public auction Hie property descrllied lu snld order of it le iin follows, to-wlt! The north half of lot, six III) In block seven- ly-slx (tin In the city ofHoiilli Omiilui, and the bulldliiHs I hereon, Includluu all of t he biillilluirs known iin Ilium n hull, all lu lluiiu Iiin counly, stale of Nebraska, snld properly to he sold lo Niitlsfy Holmes and Hmllhthe niiiii of two hundred, I'luhly-nlne dollars if.'Mi.OO) with InlereNt thereon at rule of neven (7) pel nl, per milium from l'V hrtiitry 1st,, isirc; in Niuisry r in n k pwock inesiiui or I wo hundred. lxiv-seven and Wl-loii dollnrs if .', wit h Interest t hereon lit rate of eluht ini per cent, per annum from I'eliruury 1st, WZ: liiNlillsfy Allien .luiiiuil the niiiii of llfleeti huudred, Ihlrl v-elnbl ami 'Mini lil.ftln.O!!) with Inleresi, iliercon at rale of cluhl ini eel' ccnl. per milium from Feb, 1st. IS114; ami it 1 niii ist y 1 tin nii m 01 tuiriy-Mix 111111 Ml-UNI tlollai'N i.ift:il cosIn, with Interest thereon from the 1st day of I'ehrtiiiry, A. It, IHli':, loKeiher Willi iicci iiinu costs m riliii lo a till Uliiellt renilereil hy the IMnlilcl ct 111 r 1 1 if said lioutfbts counly, III lis I'ebruarv term, A, 1 1. iNtr,', In a certain action then and (here pendliiK wherein Hwluhl I., lloi nml MaiKiirei, v, riuitii were piaiin nrs, ami Al bert . 1 111 11 1 11 1.. Ilernard Ilium and others were llefendaulN, Ouuilia, NehriiNka. October goth, IHfi'. HKOUHK A, ItKNNICTT, HherllT of H01111I11N I tiiuiity, Nebraska, l.lild', llamllliin Mn vMell, at lorneyN, u-::i-5 Kherlft1! Kale. Ilv virtue of an order of Nitle Issued out of the dlNl rlcit court of HoiiuIiin coiiiity, Ne- I.....I... .....I 1. ...... ,0..,..,l.wl I ulll ,. II... ,1,1.1 lillinitli., 1.11,1 i" 11,1. nil,', i,-, 1 nui 1111 111,' WV, ilay of November, A, l. ImuJ, at to o'clock a. in. of Niild day, at the KANT front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, IioiikIiin 1 oiiniy, ni'iiriiNiui, sen 111. piiiuic and 1111 the proiierty iIcni rllied In Niild order of Nitle, iin follows, to-wll t , liot number four (4), lu hlock number one III, Mnyne'N secontl addlllon lo the city of (hniiliii, us surveyed, plniieil and recorded, nil In Doiiubis counly, sliilc of Nebraska; said properly to be sold to Niitlsfy HeoriteH, Wallace tint niiiii or one iiumireii, eleven anil M-Iiki (lollurs flll.H4, with Inleresi Hiereon at, rale of ten (III) per cent, per milium from .luiic 1Mb, I sit;, until paid, and t wenty-omt and 7:i-llio if:!l.7;il dollnrN conIn, with Inleresi Hiereon from Hie IHlh day of .liiiie, A. I), Isti'i, touelher wllb accriilnu cosIn ik rdliit to 11 luiluiiietit rendered hvthn dlslrlcl court of niiIiI IIoiikIiin coiiul v at ItN May term, A, I), INiij, in 11 fc ri 11 1 11 action men nun Hiere peud I Mir, w liereln (leoriii H, Will lure wiin plaintiff am The Omaha Merchandise Coiiitmiiv and others were llefendaulN Omaha, Nebraska, October '.'O, M!W, (Jl'.olIHK A, IIKNNKTT, Hherlffof llomtbis Countv, Nelirnska. (leorKii I', (lllmore, attorney, fl-J I -ft Sheriff' Kale. Ilv virtue of an order of niiIo Issued out of the Dlslrlcl. I 'oiirl for IIoiikIiin Counly, No briiskn. and lo me directed, I will on the 1st day of November, A. !. Ni'J, at 10 o'clock, a, m,' of niiIiI day. at Hut ImihI front, door of the Counly Court. House, In the City of Oinnlia, Doiiuliis Countv. Nebraska, Nell nt nubile unction the property described In snld order of sale as follows, to-wlt : I he east I went y-elKbt C.Sl feel of the west llfly-slx and elulily-l wo oiie-hiiiiilredl Iin ns-IIND feel. or the east one 11 11 1 111 11 1 1 and t welve III;1) feel of the north elKhty-llvo is."u feet of tit one h 11 ml red and three 1 KU). (leUe's aildllloii to the city of Omiiha, lioiiuliis fin t v . slate of Nebraska, said properly lo be Mold to sntlsfy K, T. McCarthy Hie sum of three hundred, Ihlrtv-one and 2.1-1110 dollnrN (fctll.Sft) Willi Inlt'it'st thereon at rule of ten llni per ceiil. per anniiin from May II. Isli:;, until paid, and iweiilv-foiir and ! Inn it'4..'isi dollnrN costs, with Intett'sl Hiereon from Hie toll day of Muy, A, I). IHli:!, Inuelber with accriiliiK cosIn 11 n't hi 1 1 1 1 it to a .ludKmcnt rendereil hy the district court of snld Doiikiiis county, at Hn Mliy term, A. II. Is1,'., In acertnlii action then Mml there pemllntf, wherein K. T. McCarthy Vina plaint 111', nml I In 111 lii'ti II. Hoholker, Millie II. Hobotker and CliarlcN McCoy were di fendnnls. omami, wenriiNkii, wpieiuiier ;m. is'.t-'. HKOliliKA. IIKNNKTT. HherllT of I lunulas Counly, Neb, K. 0. Mctillton, attorney. u-im-ri I ft It, . . it,, t.,.it i .- t.. t .1 1 . I , , , i t E-4 rf 1 V.- i , U ,: 1 n V 4 1.,,. 1 ft 1 h til. 1 1. ,i i.i m !- ' ut il, ii 1 , I V ... It 1ht it 11' It... til ' - .!, ( ' t ! mil II r, i tn 1 ut. nil ; is l.ti t- -t l-i 1," Il I f I S.i, 8 il tl lilt I II . .ni.ii it m 11.1 i ..t.i .-I i - t-l 1 1 , f 1.4 ..nit il in M 1 ..H,H' It II, ,,i in i f ,m i n tl, .' , I l-ttl .M' tl l t II, It,. II 11 ! 1 li,,t Hi tin nut Mill i. V t t ftit 11 111 t I'.ll I l to t M il it . v ti. Hlili fftn H I I, lll'sl ttllltl, M ,e l t.t I. it,,) 4'I lislt it" . S. It .f Itl'il I -ill. t II t twin..!, to I I Ii -t t-ti list 1 1 1 1 1 s-t l-y 1 1. 1 1 11 1 1. 1 li nui 1 t,.ittlt . miiiti tittst .,.) m .1 I 1 I li.,i,ili ti it 1 I i Hir 1 Hi of Ot'istm. 1iiiIii i with all Hie s .nml I nail, 1 t t 111 It In In l,,luii,.' ll.ii t.ti' ! Is in titusti tl 111 Hn i iiii'ii t ,,f Isiiti'tiit, tuiil ; titti of i t iNh t.i ii'-ii hii ..f iin ! iii.t-.s-.l- i.f kin It tslf ut tniit tuts set i n 1.- SHll 1 (till Cl 111 111,-. Il U 11 II Il) Kl'tllllS t. ,11111, mtililliin In llie iltt "I OnmltH, H tmii- tli i Hts-.l Vtmiii. i- s,,i,n ti, ., of tlilili Hie liiiiiilinl wi nit 1,1111 i put lollm itl .VI I" untie, 1 nl, wltli lull ti 1 tllt-UNitl Rt llll- of .,'til I Si M I 11. Ill, f tor Hit Hutu ftiitii Mny lllli. Is1'!, 1,1 hiIUCv Pstion I I., Iluiiit llie sum ,i( I ni nt y lb iff 1 In, 11-11 ml two liiiinln it a ml tl vl v-0111 ib'lbilt .111 ti, ttnlltiitt'iil, Willi lull ti -l Hn n un nl rale of ti n iiiti N-rii iil n-r 11111111111 finiii May llitt, ifd ; In siii ttfv sisiiiidly mil of llie piini't'ils of such se of -hIiI In eleven till. III wi- Hiin ieiitvsi'Mii t-:;i, ii intiiii tuiieii ii.M, I nntfe Itililit'ii 1 to, 11s iitmte tlesct ll'tl. ami II flil Ihe nt I f ml Ion 1 if lie , hi 1 1,1 t)f SiiihihI I . liiilltlt, phtliillll lien In us hIhivi', I It-it V l.lvi'si y. llie sum nf 1 lin e hutnlivil, forty -si itolliiit Aui.iiii,, m, n 1 1 1 lno rest Itieii'iin ftiiin Mny lllli. Hi ; in s.ilKfv Omiihn Nnlloiial lintik Hie sum of six him tired, nineteen 11; -Inn dollars 11111 it; 1 Jiidu- lul'lll, Willi II teres! 1 1 H'li 1 ill lit liile or It'll 1I111 hi cent, iHr annum fioiti Mnv lit Im. is'.ii lo snilsfy t lilcaiio l.iimbt r Coinpiiiiv the sum 01 nineteen 1111111111 n (iniiurs isi.'.mi imi, wltli Inlt'it'st thert-oii al rule of seven tn'rcetit per annum from ,1 11 tit .'Ith, s',i; to sntlsfy 1 1 111 ry iv, iMihns tiu sum or one liiindivii nineteen dollars iini,in luilumeiit, with Interest thereon nt rate of ten (tin per cent per milium from Malltb, su; to siitlsfy Miiinaiiiih nml I'ltcbett. the sum of live hun dred, forly-oiie Hft-liM dollars i,VH.(l.n liidit Infill. Willi Interest Hiereon from May 1 1 It, INUI; to sntlsfy Hie Nebraska National Hank Hie sum of seventeen hundred, two NN-lim dollars iJI.7trj.MNi .ludnmoiit. with Interest Hiereon from Mny lllli, h:i; to Niitlsfy tins lave Alidreeli Hie sum of live hundred, seven ,17-100 dollars i.i0i..Iyi JuilKinent, with InteroNl Hiereon nt rale of tea (III) per cent, per nullum rrom may 111 11. tsiu; tiisatlsry I'nller noii, Murphy aiiilt'oinpanv Hut niiiii' of four huiidretl, Ni'vi'iily-slx 41-100 dollars ($470 41) .ludKiitenl, with Interest thereon from May Iltli, 1111; and one hundred, elubty 4N-I00 ooiiars ivinmn) cosm, Willi InlereNt t Hereon from llie Dili day of May, A. 1). IMll, until paid, loKetlier with accriiliiK costs nc cordltiK to a Judgment rendered by the His I rlct, court of snld IIoiikIiin county, at Its May term, A, I). IWH. In a' certain action then and there pendliiK, wherein Haiiiiiel K. Koki'In was plnlntlll', and lsanc H, Ilnscall and ol hers defendants. Omiilui, Nebraska, October I i. IKIU. (iKOUtili A. HKNNKTT. Hherlffof HoiiuIiin County, Nebraska. iicoruc r i riicnen,, iinorney, 111-14-f) Houers vs. Ilnscall ct. nl, 1 Notice of Final Settlement. Htatk or Nkiiiianka. i I lunulas County, ( In the county court of DoukIiim county NehriiNka, Heptemher 21, A. I. Isirj. 1 11 the matter of the estate of I'red II M attesoii: The following named perHoiis, t(i-wlt,i Mary K. ,loy. Nell C, lllood, Kuiiuii II, Hiienr, Kdltli A, MalleNiiti, I'.vn M. lllood, and all other persoiiN Inleri'sled In snld matter will lake nonce mat, on tne 'jtst day or Hepiemuer, ls',i', the count y court of IIoiikIiin county, ixt'iinisKii, unit in tun roiiowuiK order: Irt the (ouiity court of )ourlinjpftunty, ix'iiriisKll, neiiieinoer -I, A, H. INii:; I poll readlliK the lietllloii of ('buries II, itici'.cKron, Niiowinu 1111,01 nav .11. in hi, he was appointed administrator of snlil I'NlalK, Hint, he has Hied lu this court, his llnnl account iin niicIi, and Hint thu above named are the only heirs of snld estate, and prayliiK that Niild tlmil account may he un proved ami himself (I IncIui rui'd from his trust iin niic 1 ik 111 n m rnlor nml nrnvln. tlml Much other and furl her order nml proceed- Iiikh mny be had lu the premises, iin may he reiillred by Hie Nliiliiles lu sucli ciincn liiade and provided. iM iiereu, i iim ixovemuer i.i, j , 11, puis, ill, 11 riclocK a.m. be iinsIkiii'iI for heiirlnu nii d pelllloil, when all pel sons Interested In wild mutter mavamiear at, the Count v I'otii l,. to he held lu ami for snld County, and show cause why the prayer of Niild petitioner should mil be kiiiiiIhiI ; and that, mill if the lemiency or snld petition and Hie henrliut hereof, he ulveu to the ncrsoiiN above mimed and all other nersiins Inleresled In said matter, by pulillshliiK not lite of this pro ceeillnu III Til- A Mlnui'AN. it newspaper irillleil 111 Nil 1 1,'ountv. four weeks sue. ci'Nslvely prevloustii the time appointed, nun you win runner nine nonce, noil 1111- llNS Villi lltllieiiF III f'lililjml 11,11 -ulfl it.illtl.tri of cfiarli'N ll.McKckoru at the time and place appointed for Hint purpose Hut Court, may In your absence approve said llual account and illNchurKO the niiIiI administrator, and may Win n t the further prayer of said petition. Witness my hand and ulllclal seal this 21st (lay of Heplemher, INK. ,1. W, Kl, I.Kit. Inkai1 0-'JI-4 County .IiiiIkc Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of snle Issued out of the district .court, of I lunulas county, Ne braska, and In mo directed.) will, on the 1st day of November, A, ) Islrj, nt llio'cloek 11, m, of niiIiI day, at the KAHT front door of the county court, house, In the city of Omaha, IiouuhiN county, Nebraska, sell at public auction the property described In said order of sale as follows, lo-wlt : "Lot thirty iIKii of block t wenty-one (21) of Walnut, Hill, 1111 addition to Hie city of Ouuilia, DoiikIiin county, slate of Nebraska." Hald iironerty to he wild to sntlsfy John W, Kodlier Ihe niiiii of t wo hundred thirty-seven and .'li'Moodolliirs, it-;;r,.:i:ii with Interest there on ill. rale of eluht (Hi percent per annum from May nth, IstiJ; to Niitlsfy It, W. Kohl limner I he sum of six hundred, tweuty-tilue mid Mi-Inn dollnrN, (ifU'JO.sln with Interest there- 011 at rate of ten (10) pet lit per annum from May Oth, INOJ, iinlll paid, and Ihe niiiii of forty-live and lU-loo (Wli Ml dollarN costs, with Interest, thereon from Hie Oth (lay of May. A, II, IstiJ, toKether with iicci iiIiik costs accordliiK to a .ludument rendered by the I list rlct court, of snld Houulns county, at lis May term, A. I). Wi, In 11 certain iicllou then and there pemlluK, wherein John W, llodlfer wiin plaintiff, nml Charlollo K. I'armer, Mark M, I'tirmer, William ,1. I'aiil, Hylvesler ,). 1 111 Is, ,lohn Welier, Driirelbi C, I'll rls and olheiN were defendaittN, Omaha, Nebraska, Hciiietnhc r 201 h. IW2. OKoKfiK A. IIKNNKTT. HherllT of I IoiikIiin County, Nebraska. II11 rt lut 1, Crane ,V HnldrlU". ultornevs. ll-mi-A Sheriffs Sale. Ily virtue of an order of Nitle Issued out of Hie IMstrlct court for Houulns counly, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on Hie IM It day of November, A. i. iwrj, nt 10 o'cliN'k a. in. of said day, at the KAHT front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Houulns count y. Nebraska, Nell at pit Itl Ii- miction the property described Insult! order of sule us follows, to-wlt : The south oiie-bnlf (H')l of the enst one hundred and forty (inn feet, of lot llfiy-four (Mi, 1 11 llorbnch's I Irsl nihil Mini to ( luuilut, as Niirveyed, plnlled nml recorded, bclnu Kroiind iHlxHii feel, mid more pnrllciilnrly described lis Hie Noutli one-half (H',l of lol four (4), In block " " of llorbnch'N I'lrst nddl lloii to Ouuilia, plnttcit Auuust. IMS.!, nil In 1 1 1 1 1 U' 1 1 1 h county, stnle of Nebrnskn, subl properly to be sold to sntlsfy Anna K. Andrews the sum of nineteen hundred, llfly slx nml 12-Hio ilollnrs (l,n,'iti,l2i .luilumenl, with Inleresi thereon ut rate of ten itoi per cent, pet Minium from Heplember :.'lsl. Is'il, until pit 1(4. and foiiy-two mid li;i-lno ir: Hli 1I0II111 s cosls, with Interest, Hiereon from the 'list day of Heplember, 1A. I) INtd, touether wit b ,111'cruliiu costs accordlnu to a lucume nl renilereil by the dlstrlcl coin I of snld Oouubis county, at Its HeplcmlM'r term, A. H. INUI, In n fi' 1-1 11 III act Ion then and I here pendlnu. wherein Anna K. Andrews was plaintiff, and Mnry K. Hall, (ieorue I', Hall. I'eorliuiii K. It. Hill, Ulclinril K. Htowe and others were de fendants. Oiiiiihn. Nebraska, Of toiler l.'th, Istr.'. OKOIitiK A. IIKNNKTT. HherllT of lloiiulas County. Nelirnska. Ilia 1 1' and Hoss. Attorneys. I0-I4-A WANTKD " youiiK ofllce. I'osltlontn olltce by competent lady. AddresH "Maud, this Mf1 t hlr , t .. , i , , i 1, Ike, (I. 1 f 't I w ;l . i 1 Hi l 1 ill i it. V 1 f. , i ii in 1 1 i , 1 1 il 1 V . -i- Is . it 1 1, I. I., II. - 1 ,1 I,, (i.. it,. v i 'I l. ! I t It . I it. ' t. f ,.,,t s, M 1 'Il ,.l.i !.:! . 1 t .,1 4 1,. It,. ' 1 .1 1 '.. tl, t !.., v l. .si,. 1 1 1 1, t I t Is 1 . I l.t ' S.I., 1 j itit, S ,,'1,1,1 . I I IS 1 ,N, l5a, ,, j, i,,tt!-1 I, lit, I, M l,. ,l,,llttt 1 Il l -t I I.I I. ,1, tl, ,. t., tlllll) I till, I, "".I ilii..t t. f's'i't I t.l 111,1 I 1,1.-1 1.1 ! - 'ti. ' I ft. Is 1 '! tl It,.'.. Mil, l I t ll. . ,..I I It t II II, I II ,11111 , M I, 1,11 ''11, I--I III w nt, I 1, I 'V S ' ) ' ,,il Stt t l II.I III .1,1 I- I ,1 , I . lll'lll'l I'ti ,!t 1 I I I ! I. Ii.l ,11 t II II I 111 .lll'tl I It it It 1,11 llll' SHU. Ill It, IIS t.!ttlttS-lt 1 1 1 1 1 1, its Itll .1, tt- t is 1,1 ,t ti I ilitllsit tin 11, ni, 1, . ..i,i I I l,i in. 1, nl II,. Itl, , ( 1 ttl,t 1 ,ll W Ntilnitit I111111 ss ,ti tuts 1 ; ltl l"l 1,1 till. iHiniii Vt NUImii, Ii ,1, i it nut In 11 in il sum of urn. titntitiiil llfit llllllSIt .S Lit'. In,!,,,., 1 llll lull 11 llll 11 ,,, H tn,. ,. M II l in r n iii in 1 1111, ... 1 fii, 1,, l,n,,. Shi, i. tslitfv .1 11 '! ill t, 1, ,1,1,1 I,, 11 III 11,1 -iini nf - t 1 ni ( 1,1 xt iit itniinit ,t. in ituliJiiii nl tin itiiiM i iiii'tism st mil' nt I111 ,' 1 inn (sit mi 11 10 n itniil .linn, in,, s'i to tut Isfy II, in, 1' tiiii-tiiiii'iit t tiinpNlit. tli fetiilstil I" 11 III Hie .11111 ,.f Hie bun. In i li ily sU !' u.iiisf liniiiii'i in, wiin inn it -. 1111 Usui nl title or ti lt ,lei ier i i nl w I timiiiiii friiin .Itiite Mil, s-i; intnlislr nnm J Hint. ,li fi ml h til lieli-l ii. Hie sum id I Kilil ) unions .rutin llliltltiii'in, Willi mli'lvsf llMfl' tin ill ime nf n u n T 1 ct lit M' nit lllllll fllllil .1 It II II l I Jttt, I KHIl; III Sjillsly lltiiiiiMs Miiriov. ib fi ti. linn Iiiu'Iii, Ho' stun nf ime Itiiinlii'il tlnltiiit; to sinitrv ,1, .1 .liiltnsnii ,V I 11111 11:1 11 1 in 0 Illinois hcrt lti. the sum of elen n im lull 11 it , ?;i luiluiiielit. with Interest Ihen niiiii I nie of seven lit nr cent, per 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 niiiii 1 l oiiiniy .isi, iss't; in siuitiy (lie sum ot sixty-seieii nml na-tun ilnibtrs i:; im. one bulf ,',1 1 be cutis In this neilim, w 11I1 tnicti'st lliel-eoll flum Ihe 21-1 liny nf HcplelnlM-r. A. I' . Islt, tnuelber with infl ulna entts iici'iirtl l'i I" it luiluiiielit reiiilelfil by Hie IMsirlcl conn of snld Hoiiulns countv. lit lis tieiiteiu- Iti'l term. A. I). iMd, In a certain net Ion then imd there ih'IiiIIiiu. wherein Charles tireeu and I H. Ilraliinril, Iriislet'N. were pliiliiillls, and .1 1 ih 11 11 mt Johnson ami ol hers were defon- dniils, Oinnlin. Ni liriitka. Oclolier 'jmli. lstrj. HKoliliK A. HKNNKTT. HIii'rlfTof lioiiuhisCoiinty. Nebraska. Keiineily , l.eariied, attorneys, lo-21-ii Sheriff's Sale. I ' in li-l- nml by virtue of ntl execution Issued hy I'm 11k K. Moore, clerk of the I list let Court of Houulns Cm M y, Nebrnskn, upon a .luduincnt of said Court al Iin Heptember term, A. I), I Mm. lu favor of ChlciiKo Lumber Coiiipnny, a partnership formed for Hie pur pose 1 if 1I0I11K business In the Hlnte of Ne hraskii, and iiunlnst Ihiiiic H. Ilnscnll, I have levied upon the following descrllM-il real eNtute im the property of the wild Isaac H. Ilnscall. to-wlt : hot seven 7). the H0111I1 one-half of (H'4) of lol six ill) mid the north one-half iN 'il of lot eluht (Mi. nil In block twelve (121, In Koiinl.e'H Third addition to theclly of Omalui, HouuhiN county, Nebiaska; and I will on the 2'Inil (lay of Novenilier. A. 1). IHtrj, nt to o'clock a. m. of snld day, at the KAHT front door of the counly court house In the city of Omnliit, IiouuhiN douiity, Nebraska, sell said reni est nlc ut public unci Ion to t he hluhcsl bidder for cash, or so much of It as may he neces siity to satisfy said execution, the amount due thereon bclnu four thousand three hun dred, tweiity-oue and 44- loo ilollnrs iiM,:I2I.44i, with InlereNt. on fil.7AA.7ll thereof at the rule of leu HO) per cent, per milium, ami on $Ml,"i,74 thereof nl, the rate of Neven per cent, per 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 . 11 ikI tweuly-twii null lis-inn dollms (fj'i.tlsi costs from the 22nd day of Heptemher, Is'.KI. (less the spin of f3.7IW.WO paid .hum 201 II, IMil, and also less the niiiii of 015.00 paid I'l'liriinry I", 1". IMI'J.) ami also the further sum of fourteen and in-Ion dollars iifl4.IO) t he costs of tiiiTcasc null the Iter fiiliiK costs. Omaha. Nebraska. October ail h. IHtrj, HKOItHK, A IIKNNKTT, Hherlffof HoukIhn County. NehriiNka, Hurtled, Crane A llaldrlue, iillortieyH. Ks'JI-fi Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of unorder of wile Issued out of thu District Court for IIoiikIiin Count v. Nn- braskii. and to me directed, 1 will on IheifJiid day of November, A. I, Iwti, ntlOo'clock a. m. or niiiii (lay. Ill tne r.AHi iroui, uoor 01 tint County Ciiiirt, Hons, In the City of Omaha, lloiiKlilN Counly, NehriiNka, sell at public aui'llon the property decrlhed lu said order of snle as follows, to-wlt,: The east one-linlf (",) of lol. Hdrly-elKlit () In I lot luLi-li'u llrst addition lo the city of Omiiha, as surveyed, pint, ted and recorded In HoiiKlas county, suite or neiiriisKii. ruin property to be sold subject, to a certain morl inue tn'l tin son, of N..'i(ilL itnd lllt.tirest lit. stx llll per cent, and to sat Isfy the Omiihn Loan and Trust Compnny'N HiivIiikn Itnnk Hie niiiii of three thousiind eluht hundred fot ly-cluhl. nml 47-KN) dollars (fil.N4H.47). with Interest thereon nt rateof teiKldi per cent, peranniliii rrom I'l'liriinry ntli, iniii, mid 1 lie run ner niiiii of one thousiind and eluhty-slx and 40-100 (I11II0 1 si itl,()K(i,tiii with lutercHl, Hiereon at rate of nine (to percent, per annum from rchriinry Oth. Iniii, until pnld, and forty-one and 4;i-luo ilollnrs if 1 1, till costs, with Inleresi Hiereon from the Ut Ii (lu V nf lebrunrv. A. I). IMll, lo Keiher with iiivrulnu cosls accuiilliitf to a , udKinent rendered hy Hie IMsirlcl, court, or IioiikIiin county, at Hn Kebruiiry term. A I). sol, In itcertitlu action then and there pend liiK. wherein Omaha i.oiiii and Trust Com linny's Hunk was plaintiff, and Kilward C. KrllliiK. KrauclN Mela Krlllnu ami 01 bos were defendniits. Oinahit, Nebraska, October S0(h. Imos. (il'.OKOK A. IIKNNKTT, Hherlffof HoiikIon County, Nebraska, 'I'd II la -1 1 1f iV I'liK'', adoriicys. I0-2I-A Sheriff's Kale. Hy virtue of an order of Niile Issued out of Hut district court of HoiikIiis count y. Ne lirnska. 11 ml to me (llrec led. I will, on I be 22nd day of November. A, It IH(i:i, 11 1 Id n'cbM'k it, m. or niiiii day. 111 tne i.,xs 1 rrom uoor or nut county court house, lu Hiu city of Omiiha, HiiiikIiis coiiiity. Nebraska, sell lit nubile auction the property dt'Ncrlbed in wild order of snle as follows, lo-wlt: hot three (ill. In block six ID). In Hawthorne 111I1 1 1 1 Inn to the (Ily of Oiniiha, iin surveyed, platted and recorded. In IioiikIiin County, Hlnte of Nebraska; snld properly lo he sold to sat Isfy Omaha HavliiUH Hank the niiiii of Nix hiimlred tiliiely-threii mid flu-Kill dollars ifO'.iil.OO), with Interest thereon at, rate or eluht ini iter cent, per annum from Heptemher 21st, iniii, unlit iiiiiii, ami iweniy-nine ami m-iui f'.'O'jNi dollars cosls. with Interest thereon from HieJIst day of Heptember, A, H. In'.iI, to uetber with accriilnu cosls iiccordliiK to a judument rendered by the IMsirlcl Court, of snld Houulns ( utility, at iin repiemoer lerm, A. I), INUI, In h certain action then and there IM'tidliiK, wherein Omiiha Havlnus Hank was plaintiff, and AukiinI Ted, and olbers were llefnndllllls. timiiha, Nebraska, Octotier'Jhtb, Is02, (iKOHHK A. HKNNKTT. Hherlff of liouulas County. Nebt aska. 1'riliicls W. VVessels, Attorney. ID-2I-S Sheriff's Sale. Ilv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of Ihe I Mat rlct court of HoiiuIiin counly, Ne braska, and to rue directed. I will, on the 22nd dnyof November, A ll. IWJ, at lOo'clnck a. m. nf snld day. at Hut KAHT front door of Hie unlit y court house, lu the city of Omaha, liouulas count v. Nelirnska, sell al nubile auction the proiiertv described In snld order of Niile iin follows, towlt ; Lots numbered one it) mil two (2. In Mock numbered tweiity-ouc i2li; lot numbered two 1. 111 hliH'k numbered twenty I'.lli: lots num bered six uli and seven (7). In lilock numbered sixteen (I'll; all In West, Alhrluht iiddllbin, In Houulns County, Hlnle of Nebraska: said properly In hit mud lo sallsfv .lane I'lckard the niiiii of one Huuisiiml. seven hiimlred, fifty-two and mu-Iiki dollarN if I.7.'i2..'iOi, with In terest Hii'ii'on at rale of eluht (Ml per cent, per 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 from Hept. 2lsl, Is'd, until paid, and tbli ty-titie and sl-ii i$i.s:ii dollms i-h-n, with Interest thereon from Hie 21st dnv of Heplember, A. H. Isdl, touelher w II Ii accrii lnu cosls accordltiu to a judumcu! reudensl by 1 lie (list rlct court or snld Houulns counly, nl Its September term, A. H. Ink:, In a certain net ioH then and there M'iidlnu. wherein Jane I'lcknril was piniiitiii. and vviiitiim u. ai brlubl and Alluluht I, mid mid Lot Compniiy were defendniits. Omiiha, Nebrnskn. October '.'oih. ts!r'. HKOHiiK A. IIKN N KTT. HherllT of I lunulas Count V Nebraska. tieorue O. Colder, attorney. P1-2I-A Omaha Express and Delivery Co. I ki.kphonk74i. Moving and Light Express Work Trunks delivered to all purls of the city Ofllce, iC.'4 North lillli Hi. , lit HruK Hlore on H. W.cor. Kith it Chicnuo Ms. I'MCKH KKAHONA Hl.K. J. L. Tt HNKV, M nniiKcr. IHE 8. Hi OSURHOUOt SPRING V'-7 - n nf HI.,., if lil, ,,f W , lib ,.f Cnii, "Nttiiii Axle, Hisly II, sly. tin h i Mr i l' 7 ft In, tt n l f ft In. nt imi IS fi 0 In. n nn I't tt lit 1nl Mil I'll.'C I pti I, 'A II" A1MIYI1 ll ti l's Nil' III t H heist III nlil' Is lint mileit lit'tll. I fllllil im Nits, J Hint it nml , m ,, , 4 Hl a Hardware, Tinware, Cullery, NAIL.3. ETO. EE TO. Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. K. R. GOERNE. MANt'rAITt'HKII OK Wagons and Buggies. HORSE-SHOEING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. E. Cor. 24th and Cuming. OMAHA, MEB. Notice to Creditor.. Htatk ok Nkiiiianka, I . I louulns ( ouni v. I In the Countv court, of Dotiulns countv. Nelirnska, Hepteinher iKlth. A. II. IWU, In the matter of the estate of I, etui Hchlpp, deceased: I he following liameil nersoiiN. 1.o-wtl,: Kllsn iiensan. m inn e iie iur i'MN. ieru iiiinii Hchweder, Henry Hchweder. Hoplila . Hchweiler, Mal l h In Hchweder. (Ieorue Hchweiler. William Hchlpp ami all other persons Inleresled In said mailer will take notice thai on I be ;m!h day of Hepleinlier. IHKJ, the County court, of miliums county, neoriiHIili, liinoe Die roilow Inu order: 1 11 the Countv court, of Douubis coimlv Nebrnskn, Hentember iMI, IW, I ' 1 i 1 1 1 ri'iidlmt Hut netll.lon of (Ieorue Hchweder showing that, the said Lena Hchlpp died In said county 011 (he 'Jml (lay of Auu ust., A, I), isit'i, leitvliiit 110 last, will and tesltt- menl, and be Inu nossessed of run and ner son 11 1 estate, and thai, the above named tiersons urn I Iin otitv Indrs lit, Inw itt siihl deceased, ami iirnvlnu Hint ailiulnlnlratlon of said est 11 1 11 may he uranlcil to l.uuls lloeliuie, and pray Inu that niicIi other and further order and iirocccdlhus mnv be hail In the premises, iin may he required hy Hie si 111 uies in niii'Ii cnsi-M innile and proviiptil. Ordered, thai, November !!, A, H, IWrj, at, 0 oclock a, in., tin nssluned for henrliiK snld pel It loll, wben all persons Inleresled In snld matter may appear at the County court, to he held In arid for snld county, and show cliiisii whv lint nt'iiviir of snlil iii'lllliitiiif. niioiiiii mil, ne ui nn it-ti : ami 1,11111 noiice or tun pendency of said petition nnd Hie henrliiK Ihereof, he irlveu to the nersons above naiiied ami nil other im isoiin Inleresled In said matter, by pulillshliiK notice of this pro- ceeuuiK in i it k rt mkkk ah, it newspaper pruned in niiiii county, three weeks succes. slvely previous to Hut time appointed. Aim you win runner Hike notice that un less you a linear lo contest the said net II Ion of iioui'Ue fciiweiier in i ne lime ami place ap pointed for that mininNu. Hie court mnv In jour absence appoint, said (ieorue Hchweder, or some ol her suit able person administ rator, and mny umiit, letters of administration of said esliite to snld OeorKo Hchwednr or Nome other Niillahlii person, nml may urnnl Ilia riiriner prayer or niiiii tiet itiou. Witness niv bund ami olllclal seal Ibis : ilfllh (lay of Heiilcmher, N'J. INKAI..J y-14-iJ J, W. KI.I.KK, County .lull (n Sheriff. Sale. Ily virtue of an order of mile Issued nut. of the IMstrlct court, of liouulas county, Ne braska, am to me directed. 1 will. oi. the l.'itli day of Novein tier, A, It. Iwr". at. Hi o'clock a. m. ofuild day, at, the KAHT front door of the onto y court House, in tne citv or omaiia. HoiiuIiin coiinlv. Nebraska, si ll nt, untitle auction Ihe properly described In snld order of snle as follows, towlt : l.ols one ill, two J) nnd three (ill. In block numbered ten lllli, lu H, K, Ifoucr's addlllon lo theclly ofOmahit, its surveyed, plnlled nnd recorded, nil In HoiiuIiin counly, to snt lsfy Omaha t.oau and Trust, Cninuiniv H sum of live Ihiiiisaml and ten dolbirsijkVlHi .th) udUiiieut, Wil li Interest, Hiereon at si X (Hi per cut per annum from the 'Jlsl dnv of Hi iilem- her, A. I), Isiil, unlll paid, and one hundred, nluety-nlmi and 1,1-loo ilollnrs ifltni.l ii costs, with fnlfi'i'st thereon from the iilsl dnv of Heplemher, A. H, std, unill paid, touelher Willi accriiiiiir costs Hi'cordliiu to a Pidumeiit rendered hy Hie (list rlct court of snld HoiiuIiin ouiity, at Its Heiitemher ter-ui, A. Il, Islil, In a ceil niii action then ami there pendlnu, U'l, ...... Ill It I.u 1., I 'l'....l A ., wiin plalnlltr ami ,lared II, Aver ami others defendants, Oinahit, Nehliiska, October lilt I. . Is'r! (;K(U(iK A IIKNNKTT. HherllT of I louulns ( 'onnl v. Neb. .n kn, Hamilton fi Maxwell, Atlys, Hi-14-5 Sheriff's Snle. I'mler and bv I'll ! lie of iin e n I Ion Issued by I'rank K. Moores. clerk of Ihe IMstrlct ourl, of HoiiuIiin count v. Nebniskii. iiiioii a ludumeiil of nii hi court at It s l-'ehriiary hTm, A, f). Nfi, lu fitvor of Kllals'th Kuhlmau and Mrs. line, real iiitme unknown, nnd aualnst, William H, Lewis, I have levied on the roilow inu descrllied renl estate as Hie iropcrltr or llie said William H, l'wls, m-wll : ois thirteen (t.ii nun ruurici'ii H4i, In blis'k iitue (IM, In lleiinlnuton, liouulas countv. Nebraska: and I will on the .I.Mh dnv of November, A, I). lstrj, nt III n'chs k It, In, of said day. at the KAHT front door of the county court house, tn tl ily of Ouuilia, liouulas county, Nebrnskn, sell snld real estate at public miction lollu hljlic-t bidder for cash, or as much of It, as may be t s- sary lo sat Isfy said esecnlloii, Ihe amount due thereon helnu tilnety-tbree and ?.VHl dollars (iiil.T.M luilumenl, and lifty-one and ilN-IIKI dollarN nf d.ilNi costs, with Interest, on said amounts from Ihe nth day of l i-biunrv, A. H. 1 so I . and the lo'i'iuoi costs on snld JiidKmeiit, less Hie sum of two and ."nl-1 1 m ilollnrs if :., Vn advnnce cot-ts pnld, Omaha, Nebraska. October IHh. Is'rJ (.KoliOK A. IIKNNKTT. Hherlff of I lunulas County, Nebraska, V, O. Hlllckler. iiltoiiiey, lll-14-ft Notice of Chat tie Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby irlveu that by virtue of a ('battle iiioituaue tnit'ciited by. fumes 1 1 iodic as mortunuor to (ieorue (.Iticomlul as iiioi l Unue, and bearlnu ditto Hie Jlsl tiny of .liuie, IstiJ, I will, mi Milurilny. the l.'tb dnv of Nnveinber. s',r. ni pio'cps k in the fnreiiisin. lit No. On Hoilth TblrteeiiHi sireet, Omaha. Netiraska. sell at miction to the hluhel bidder, all of the uoods, wareti mid merchnn dlse. ciiiislsliuu of stove repalis for Isuh beatiiiu ami ciMikluu stoves cniitiiliicd In the three shelves, or rows nf sbevnu on llie south side of the store rtsitu of Hie biillillnu known us No. iKi" Houth Thlrleenih slreei, l On it hn. Nebinska, lo siitl-fy the sum of fuur hundred, slxlv-one ifli.l i'oi dollnis, (lie amoiiiit ilue at'tlie tllne of the first publlcii 1 lull of this nollce. dKonnr. (iA( oMiNi. ID-21-4 Moiluituee. Cavaiinuh, Thomas A Mdilllon. altorneys for mortuauee. LAHOHKKH- Protestant laborerscaii secuie work by applyluu al Ihisothct. WACOH MANUFACTURING COMPANY II W sKiui I'nr hl, In, ijuallly Mini IVhv, n w 111 tlttt I' ittitilittin, Al.!, Win IK VAim.NTK.I, HIOI. 1(103 Cant SI, OMAHA, NCI). Telt'tiiio Illii. AHLOUIST. DKALKIi IN 1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street Sheriff ! Sale. Ily virtue of an order of snle Issued mil of the District, Court, of liouulas Counly, Ne bniskii, nnd lo nui directed. I will on Hie Ifitli day of November A, II. PHr!, at, III o'clock A. M. of Niild day, at, the KAHT front door of Hut County ( ourl, House, lu Hie ( Ily of Omaha, lioiiuliis Counly, Nebraska, Nell nl, public auction the properly denorHied In nalil order of Niiln iin follows, lo-wlt : The Noutli oiie-lhlrd (H'li) of lol, four l4l In block ninety-one (IMi, lu the city of Omaha, us surveyed and lll houriiphed. nil In Houulns county, NlNtn of Nebraska: snld properly to be sold In sni lsfy Oinahit Havlnus llnnk t he niiiii of four I boiisnntl, t wo hiimlred, seven nnd IMl-imi dollarN ifl.i.'or.Diil luduuieul. with Interest at, rale of eluht Ik) tier cent, per annum from Heplemher 'Jlsl, IHOI, unt il pnld, ami twi'iily-NU and Hs-HKi dollars ciwIn, with IntereNi, Ihereoii from Hut 'list day of Heplember, A, 11, IN'.H, loKetlier with ae crillmt costs itccordliiu In a luilunionl, ren dered by the district court, of snld Houulns county, at Its Heplemher term, A. H, Wd, In it certain action then and there pendlitu wherein (Jiiiitlui Hit vluus llnnk wiin plaliitlrr, and Hn nib lleriisltdii, A hi ahum llersb'ln ami tit lieiN were ilefendalitN, Omaha, NebriiHk a, October II, Mtr. (iKOUHK A, IIKNNKTT. Hlierlff of Houulns Counly, Neliinskii. Francis W, Wt'Nsel Is, attorney, in-lt-ft NEW YORK Steam Laundry. DAVIS DROS., Proprietor. Our work In Hlrlet.fy llrNt-clitNN, Tel, 141'J. 11 1TOI.TII 1CTII CT., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. M. E. NIELSEN, Pacific Barber Shop. Nawly Fltt.d up. Till Bt Artlitt, 1 1 iin removed from Hevenlli and Leaven worth to N. K. Cor, Hevenlli and I'liclHe, HhlivluK I'lc, llalr-Cul, T Heit-I'oaiii Hie, Mm m poo ZV, Olvt oi I Cull. BullifWritluo Oimrinlctii!, HENRY BORCHERT, KINK Merchant Tailoring. prioih low, I'lrsl, class I'lemiliiU, flyelutf and l(epalrlm( Hiilisfaclion (lUiiriinleed, Cor, Ifltb k fJlirornl 8t, OMAHA. W. H. LANYON, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Twelve years oiillniial practice lu Omalui, Into assist nut suru'-on tuSI ,loseih'N hoNpll al, Ofllce H, W. cor, HUleeiitli and Chlcaun sis, Ollice hours (iiim toll A. m, il to II itnd 1 1oH r. M. Itesliieni'e, -Til Cbnrl.-sHlr.'i't, Ttilufihnno 74 7 RAILWAY TIME CARD f,eavcN C Hi, ' M. O, .Arrive Ouuilia 'I lentil 1'iHi and Webster HlN.i Oiiialot H. In ami Hli hi ( 'I i y AccommodtiHop I Iiha pm I, 1) pm . H, C, Kiirt'ss linci'iil Hum ,,IJ 4" pm A 4ripml HI. I'aul Limited t : am pm Ibiin rofl I'uss, leticept Hun) Ni'iitm I'ltVI N I C II, (J. Omalui ! llepol I'll h ami Mason His, 4 4.) pm I'lili iiuu I, Imlli d ,,,,,, II .'iii am ., Chlcauo Kpres II. .Mi pm I lilcauo Knprt'sN iLV) pm Chlcauo 4 Iowa Kocnl . , I .eaves i II. M It. ' Arrive Om ah it imau, mn nui 4 Vi pm (i pm Arrives Omnliit 4 U" pm 4 In'' pin It .1'. am 114" pm II Hi am H 17 pm Arrive Omalui .nfi pm Mo am Oiiiaha I llepol I' Mb nnd Mason His. 4 4'i pin ,,. Iieiii-er f.lmlted dally ... 10.1.1 am ,.,,, lleiidWisKl Knpress Id. in am! Hen ver Kt press,., ,, ,, , , . , Hen ver Mpross .1 Ill-Ill II l,llii,lt"o-eil Hllll). . . , . . HaslliiUs Loon I n. 15 am Ii ,"N i pm Irf'IIVI'N ! K.C., H1..f. A C, II, llepol pith ami Mason HlN, Kan. I'll v I in V Kinross , , Omaha I U ,V am Si pm K nlulil ex, via I .I'. Trans, 1,1-iivis N loN rAcll'K A rrlvi'n Oinahit I'liloii la hi1 loth ami Mnrcy Omaha 7.,Vi ami Heal rice r)iiresN H .'idainl Heiuer Klpress.,, ,,,, l2 l."i pm! Ovi'i'lniid I lv- ft o pm . , , Hem er I ii -l .Nlnil ..... 4. Hi pm', II, H. ,V I- Kit. letcept Hllll) , Mil pm I'nellle Klpress Keaves i l I A MO. VAI.I.KV. II 40 pm 4 oft pot 7 im pn 4 J0 pm pm in Id am Arrives : Omaha, I ,'i 'fn pm ' ft, 'id pm II I" am M.'.'.". am II lllam Arrives 1 Omaha IM'' Mill I 4. .11 pm I A I rives I I iinahii I IL ''i pm Hi hi nm lArrlves I I iiiiiihn l II (t.n Omaha Depot 1Kb nml WebsieiHts. SHU am HeiiilwiBMl Kliress ti im am ( Kx Hal W y o, Y,, i Y.. Muni ft III pi Norfolk iKvccpl Hiiii.i..,, ft 4't jilii HI. Paul Kxpress WKiiiin l.liicoln Kx iex. Huiidnyi. Ten vest C M.AHT. I Oitiiilia I llepol pub ami Man y His, ti'i iiim , , ,. ., CI ih-n uo Kxiiro-N II. id) nm! Chicnuo Kxjircss enves I HUH CITV A PACll lC (iiioihal llepol loih A MiitcyHls. 'it n nil . . Hlnll X City I' il" pnC HI. I'niil Kxpress Koines I Hldl'X ( I I V A I'ACIKIC. t i it 1 1 it lii-ihit I '.l 1 1 and Webster His. ft C' pm 1 , " , ,-l I'iiuI l.linlli-'l ' JCURESYPHILIS--'-JVSg? NU'iIh me r vprrHM'! tn ntl part. No rnnHuie W'ritr n omk Ki'Mwnv Co , Ormihn. Nrh.