Ah'. 4 MfMir vr4Wt l ( Mir It. 'iVIKUt 100 tVttilCtSX Hr 114 Hot nl r w 4mrifll . ill, .y-nt M tnl.f Jlf,tlr u if ,i,f HMf , nf.,. f n OMAHA, NT.ItKASK A, I'KIIUV, MCTUIWW s-,ij. Nl WI'Mt 41 THE XICAN. HKV.YATHKU STOHANS m aiOMl tut ritimniit nn vom CltnMr BtHnnlt Muni It MnlttOlnnil ! II lh Momnn V Mull lit l!t nliillt AgslnM li M.fv.lill, P il III tlio CJmrvJ, A')"', published Hi Washington, H-ptember Imii, PiC, I'aI lift Htephnit denies having m rllti it tltl let Iff, mill ay: ''I tint Iced III llll tlcWptlpC- ft Stllto tllelll Hllll I hllll Si'llt H t'lllllldcllt lt pamphlet to nil the priest In the Prilled suites, 'I'd In I a silly it It I false." However, the iliHMimi'iit l lii our possession, Tim I III"' page In Hit follows: "Deport of H.-v. J. A. Stophnii, Di rector, to lllifht It v, lllshnp M, Marty, President of the Huronu of Cnthollo I ml inn Missions, for the year IxiU-irJ. Washington, I). C. Pre of Gedriey ,v Hobort Company, From It wo cull the following: HKPOHT, THK MUUKAU OK CATHDfJC MIHHIONM. INDIAN Wahiiinuton, I). C July 27, Wl. KiuiiT Hkviskkno Dhau kiii : 1 havo the honor to unbuilt herewith my Annuiit Heport, arid In view of tho Important event that havo transpired during tlio pant your, I fool obliged to reviow at somo length tho relations of thin Bureau with tlm hand of tlio In dian Officii and oMior Onvnrnmont of ficial, moro particularly slneo. Inly 1st, tlio day Mr. Morgan became Com tnlmilorior of Indian Affair, And In connection with thl matter 1 am con strained to roquot that yon will keep tbl report from tho eye of the public; not for tho reaon that tlm public should not know of tho foot herein stated, for those foci h(;iild be known of all men, and Iwing known, I am sure they would cauwi every good citizen of whatever parly or religion Ut marvel at tho bigotry and inteloranon which have crippled tho hand of the church In it work of educating and redeeming from itiKnn'i?XMWh',n ol our Jndluri ward, V,ii thl I tho year of a I'reI dontlal cloctlon, arid If thl arraign- , merit of tho Indian oflloo woro glvon to the public at thl tlmo party prejudice, perverting tl" judgment of even tho ImHt of men, would denounco it a an attempt to furnlnb jutft f nitn ammuni tion to one of tho pnrtlc uu the con- t!t, Thl reult, anticipate, that it may be obviated, I am, and for many year have been, a member of tho par ty to which tho bigoted ('ommlwdonor, and tho not much le bigoted l'rel- (lent belong; and while J dlHparago their official conduct and action In the matter of thl report, I deprecato the idea that r.nythlng that f may feel It to bo my duty to ny to you in behalf of our moMt rlghteou caimo, and In pro t't agalrmt tho effort of canting pub lic oUtoer to drlvo u from ono of our rnot loved fluid of labor In behalf of tho MriNter, nhould he ued in a cam paign of party politic. Therefore, to ., you, and through you to tho other Jhop to whom tho fact herein con tained Hboiihl bo imulo known, f re pnctfully trarmmlt thl report, with tho caution f have Included In thl It introductory paragraph. Prior to July It, 1SH!, tho mot friendly relation oxlwted between thl llurenu arid all tho olllclal with whom It trariHiicled It bulno, and tho ame harmonlou relation would havo con-tlriii-d to thl day if Mr, Morgan ha1 not liegun a cruwlu Hgalnntour work, tho particular of which will bo do tailed further on. When tho pre of the country an nounced In June, that Mr, Mor gan va to ueceed Mr, John If, OIorly a (!ommlHloner of Indian Affair; wa Informed In moro than one way of omo of tho antecedent of Mr, Morgan, I learned that ho wa a preacher ud inomlwir of what I called tho "League for tho Protection of American Iiwlltu tlori," I ascertained alo that ho had been a public lecturer, and that tho ubJoi:!tof ormof hi lecture wa "Jlomo Oppood to American Institution," Karly In July, Jhhii, tho Into Father Willard, a Vlco Director of thl ' lureaii, called at tho Indian Olllee, (.rid wa plainly told by Mr, Morgan tlvlit tho Contract Hchool Hyteui would 'w iip!reded; that ho (Morgan) wa oppood l-o tlm principle of upii tlng school uch it our at (iovernment cx penwo, and that while ho could not at thai; time abolish tho system, ho would a rapidly a possible replocu tho church school by Government school. Karly In hi administration ho re moved nearly all the Catholic ho found in tho Government school nor 'vlco and In many instance filled their jdaoc by tho appointment of preachers ItiMt rll Inn M ll'' ' trlt'Nily liml if Hit imoii mvt iililll. i o fit nil iiiii Imlli ii'i .1 ln wmil.l, ihl(! hi fmii )i Hi' l.iliinf eltiii', lin all our wliimU, ftttil lliii I'liH.lii'li II I m S h, Mil Ml lim. Ii UUi hllll Iuh'II H.' M.Mllil l flHTii) 1 1 In hi" lllif' 'hMlilly pliwl yl lllg m-hmiU. To ge I hi unfair mid unfriendly man it i Die IihIIiui iltiiN, ami If hi"Iii liittn knine fitli'-ililltiU'd gentle man lake In place, I pul fni'lh every effort, beginning ir wllh my nildre to Ills Kmlueiiee ami ('atilltml and (I'lige .1) to some thirty Archbishop Hud IlUhops at the meeting In lliiltl nioie at the lime of the Centennial or Catholic Congress. That meeting unanimously agreed that something should Ihi done, ami u committee con sisting of Archbishop Ireland nud Itlnrdan was selected to call on the President and lay Is'fure hiinour views on tho apKilntment of Mr. Morgana Commissioner (,f Indian Affair and, Mr, Porchesbu" ns Superintendent of Public Schools. JMsbop Chatard, of Indiana, and myself accompanied that couimlttno, Wccalhid upon President Harrison by appointment, and had a conference with him in tho presence of Hecretarle Ululno ami Wlndorn. At thl interview tho President slated that ho wanted tho Indian children educated In Government Mehoid, thus endorwing Morgan' policy in that re spect, and ho denied our reijuest to withdraw tho nomination of Messrs. Morgan and Dorchester, thus showing hi preference for them two men to the hierarchy and Catholic of tho country, In view of the failure at the White House, the only con rso loft mo was to fight tho confirmation of these men in tho Senate. The history of that light I too reoent and well-known to need comment, but I mustritnark that there never had been tt battle in the Senate that appeared mora promising, and never wa one lost more signally, Everything scorned to favor the dc feat of hi confirmation when certain clement I wa told the President entered into the oontet which changed tho wholo situation, Morgan adroitly rnisirrg'tbwrellgfoiaJ losue," MM thcro wa a Homlsh conplracy to defeat him, and that tho Jesuit wanted him pun ished for hi public chool system views; ami through the aid of the (Pago 4) American League and kindred socletle ho succeeded In uniting in hi uport a mifJleiont number to con firm hfm. Ho had the whole power of tho administration, from tho President down, at hi bock, and tho vast patron ago of hi ownolllce, During tho debate in both Houses, much wa said In favor of our system of school; and no opportunity wa ever allowed to pas to present their merit In tho ires of the country, Tho pur pose wa to lose no ground, If we could not extend our work, we hoped to maintain It Hlntun liin, While contending for the appropria tion above mentioned, we met with much opposition, for the Senator and memlsir were flooded with remon strance against granting ah to our school, and the American League, the, Committee of One Hundred ol Hoston and Lynn, Mas,, ent on memorial protesting against such appropriations, I publicly, in tho pre, charged Mor gan with stirring up thl opooltlon, and to this day he ha not denied it, Thl Commissioner never tire In hi work of crippling u, and I clearly foresaw that he would succeed in hi purpose to destroy our ytem of chool If allowed, and therefore I used all the Influence I could commund to got the President and the Secretary of tho (Page f) Interior to Interpose In our behalf, but failed. It will I.- een by what follow that they not only did not favor u, but on tho contrary took the same view of tho relation and the fu ture of our chooI a were put fortli by Mr, Morgan, Note what the President, in hi An nual McHsago, at the opening of tho filst Congress, stated In regard to the contract school; "The National school for Indian have been very successful, and should bo so organized Bnd conducted a to facilitate the transfer of the school to the State or Territory In which thy are iwateu. " " " Jlil condition of thing will li attained slowly, but It will bo hastened by keeping it In mind, And in the malntlme, that co- 0ieratlon between the Government and the Mission schools, which ha wrought much good, should ho cordial ly and impartially maintained," He gave u not one word of hope that the schools built by u upon the Invitation of the (iovernment would Notk, Father Stephan continue with thu publication of letter and complaint, in which Morgan I severe ly cenuroJ.j lil. ihii f'm nil'iil Im'ui tlte nMoliitl ( Ti. ity longer than ep t tin nn ihi ht ii l!i. NnUminl html cunl.l k mull lpli d lo ii iiliin' iter, sinl III the nii'iiiitlliie e UunlilU' I telt 111 ly l-Im n ulmt we litelU'. ii gi'ttlnif hum the I'lW imi ftilililtiitlitlili. Ill Ul (! lvpei I n( Heeri In! J Noblil we tin, I s. vei nl page of pralsii fur Mi NmIIhiiiiI sehimls, e'elnlly ef I ni lUli Hllil then this fulliiM ; "Tin w hunt sylein, with It attend ant pi net lees, I wwi ltiy of niloptluil and eJipniisloii, mil II It limy ! inadit to eit,hiee all the I lid Inn youth. I lie iS hi IoiihI system inny grow veil1 riipldly ami yet other Ihi nun. I wel come a co-worker In thl benevolent eiuie; but the National system should hnvtt precedence, and In the ene of conflict It should lie preserved ami ad vniiced." Thus at the outset the President, thu Secretary of tin) Interior and the Com mlsslonerof Indian Affairs were In en tiro accord. The President would glvo us eon true ts In the meantime, whlh) the National schools were lining mult I piled; tho Secretary would do the same; hut In case of conflict would glvo pru eeilorioo to th (iovernment school, and Morgan would do tin; rest. Ho would build these schools alongside of our, start tho con it let, and the le truotion of our work wa to follow, The schools especially appropriated for, and which the Secretary had In mind were Kensaloer, Harming and Hluck Feet, 'J'Iiim' tiiiimiritilionH wrre Mimrrd iiijntnut yrrut oyjiimilion, nitlwul Ihpiirliiu nl rrrotnnu win! ton, awl (iialiitt lite iii!iUv prolm ' rif Ctintiitiminniir Mor gan ami IiIm riant and these school now annually receiving over Ml,000 would not bo in receipt of ony cent of Government aid to-day if It had not been for the action of Congress So wo had to return tocongresonee more to perfect the work begun at If lirstsesslon, f and when the fight opened at the second session of tho filst Congress wo were ready for tho Mor gans, McCords, Alliances, League, etc,, which we knew we hod to confront, t The dimgriHitlonal ilminl of that e- itl.rl utll ul..ur utfl uf,uf I. II uu wcr Bswuiefi, our. nrr faitring, w pressed on and secured the adoption of an lU-m In tho appropriation bill that threw over every one of our school and all other contract school the same protection and recognition that wa awarded Curllhs or any of tho other (iovernment school. When tho Indian Appropriation Hill for that year be came a law I felt that, our work, o far a (iovernment aid wa concerned, wa more ecuro than ft ever hod been bo fore, and all that would bo necessary In tho future would bo to watch the en croachment Into our territory, call tlm Attention of Cong mm to tho same, and to see to it that money enough wa voted from time to time to carrv on tho work, I shall riot attempt to enumerate all of tlm many dlfllciiltle wc experienced during the first two year of Mr, Mor gan' adminltratlon, Our letter-book are full of correspondence showing that w had to contest every Inch of ground: that no favor wa ever shown u, Mr, Morgan should have boon prompt ly turn wc red that wfldid not care what hi policy was, nor what hi -clflc order from the Piesldent were, a high er power than either, namely the Con- gres of the United Stab-, having put It seal of approval on the contract sys tem by granting appropriations for the, school at Harming and Mack Feet, and having Incorporated an Item In the Appropriation Hill appropriating a suflloicfit amount of money to renew all the contract, (NWK, Tho following quotation I from Mr. Morgan' letter to Father Stephan; "I have in A Mcparato communication uggosted ( ym ),,, desirability of some ofllclal exprombm on your part of your disapproval, a a liun iiu, of any opposit ion on the part of school under your charge to Government schools," Nom-In reply to thl, Father Stepbari wi M, on the same Jingo;) Mr, Morgan should have boon, fold In anwer to tbl to clean before hi own door, to stop hi Captain Pratt and other from vllllfylng our schools; to rnaku hi Oovcrniront school sued Institution a father could with safe ty send their daughter to; that then no one would oppose his Government schools, cvcri if wo did oppoe a citizens their flxtcnslon. . J have noyor visited the Indian Of fice since that unworthy man became It hem), nor did lever find It neces sary, Vv will gain nothing by crying over the past, and we slum hi at once pre pare for tho future, Profiting by ex iwirionoo, wo should re-organle our llureau, and so conduct It that sreb disaster as has ls-en Its recent lot ca-i never befall It again, Faithfully yours, (hionkd.I J. A. Htkimiam, Director, Ht. Hkv, M. Mahtv, Pres. Hd Catholic Indian Mission. Tin; rUHUO SCHOOLS, M! WHItl 1 1M AMI MJU'aN HAS 111 t IUMIIIN(I t Ml M A MM Mill Ailltlt ili.l4 Id l Mlnn nl lit Cmtnli, Vhlh t)llir fal.l.iU khnulil ttrf (nrf Hrt Deliult 1 shalti'ii friiin ei iiler to eh1' i'uiiifiiTtit' wit the action taken by the city m'IiimiI liiK'i'tiir, In refusing to termtl twelve Hiiiiinti cut hole' pmii- chlnl whiNil grailuntes, In etiuis'te fur lenehers' eertllicHtcs ut n lute e,niiilti- iitloii, held ill thu city of Detroit. On the face i'f II. the mutter assumes the aS'ct of bigoted illsei'lmlmitloii on the putt of the llisNetor, hut. on little more innturii coiisiileratliiii iiilte a different light Is thrown iihhi the action. In the llrst place, these young women were educated at the parochial schools, under the direct supervision of Kouilsh priests -mule mill female. One of the chief dogma taught In these I (urn bih schools Is -from llrst to Inst that the publlu schools of Auierlen, anil especlnlly of Detroit, are hot-laid of atlielsm, Immorality and vice of every character. They aro taught, that chil dren attending public schools would grow up godless criminal, ami any Catholic parents sending thoirchlldrcri to such chiMi would go ilimi Id hell. Now, these HomaniMt young women knowing the fearful character of these "hot-bed of Infamy," what wa the reason such Innocent buds of prom Iso should eek to obtain certificate to b ach in the same? Tlio reason I oh vlou. It I on exactly tho same prim elplo that Archbishop Ireland I, and ha been working in Minnesota, and the Human Catholic propose to invade tho public schools, by forcing their nun either veiled or enihryotlc-In as teachers, and a tho mountain will not come to Muhommad, soMahommad must go Ut the mountain. Dr. MeOlyrw ha left It on record, that "hurl tin re. Iieen no pnhUf. m ltool, Hare imnhl he, no jiarmlibd wIumIh." Pricstlsm want education for the manse i, outwIJo of a very homeopath lo solution of the threo "KV adminis tered tothelrchlldron, The catechism of the church i all that I necessary, Hut Protestantism ha forced the lighting, and now all left the Homlsh priesthood, I to force (Jul hoi 1c teach er Into tho public school. Think of It! Forced to allow their (Mire Immaculate women, Ut sit down In "a hot-bed of vice and Isild fruied vllcnes," and teach In the public school ! And the crowning thorn In this 'Witch of slight," I that they would nal bo permitted to compete for certifi cate ! Why wa thi thiiHly? When Inter viewed upon thoubjoc, Philip Coffin, chairman of tho committee on teacher, Hinted tho reason for tho cxcliwlon wa that the board did not conlder them eligible, the candidate not having graduated from a atato high school nor were they up to tho laridard of the state university, tho educational In stitution rerognltfed by the Jioard of education. Of course, J ime howl! DUbop Foley and Father Van Dyke chanwsUtr l,e the action of Chairman Collin a "narrow-minded prejudice" and advo cate the substitution of moro Homlsh minded mcmis-r upon the hoard of ed ucation, Further, wherisH aklugiisin the subjectof the would-lsi candidate Hlshop Foley ald; "Ho far a ur school are concerned, you can stafi, on iy authority that I consider them not only equal but superior to the pub lic schools," Tbi latter la invniiilnim negative concession, on the part of Hlshop Foley, in fnvor of tho free chool system and In the face of theharootorCatholi;lm gives to American public schools, I one of the phase In the question and In the word of Demosthenes to the Athenian we should "tlovbl lite llre.ik hearing iif I." Hlshop Foley I entire ly tfsieasy and tolerant, when he places hi parochloal system on a level or but little superior (?) to the public school, Hut here' what Catholicism ha to say alsiut America' public school In a pamphlet issued by the Jesuit of Detroit, and licaring the endorsement of Hlshop Foley, It In the form of an appeal to the I Ionian Catholic par ent of Detroit; "Where shall I send my child? Shall It Is) to the Catholic school, whence It shall return dally with the blessing of God upon It brow? Or shall It Is- Ui tho public selusd, where I am strictly forbidden not to send it, and whence, after contact with Jew and Gentile, it will dally return to show but a greater loss of the blessing conferred by bait Usui? Have 1 enough of the old Cath olic spirit to Hcnd my child where iu character will Is) formed Catholic and strong; or will I kneel down and sacri fice il l.l lllllllllllMll Hl'd pi hit H,i nnti sup inn hem 'iinilniig ihi fttnt Is fin n Imii llllg IHI)c)HiU U due I lie Inn nf Ii fcll hoi ' Am I H flu It inn, imi lit ny H I si Iml le. Hint Will I ih I'llie ii mini HMil llie sunt el lii V el Ihi rt it ol Ibe liw nl Hie nei lin lil In cm i y mil my illtt'ii' iim hiiiI iinwiii t It y Intent Inns I lu-e nii Inilii'il llliwi (M l Imi line Don, whleh I'nlhulle Hie new railed II pi Ml III sill I n Ik'fillll HllllSlI llM'l We piny inil lienrllly Hint Gnl's iihii Milt V "hill" III the belli I of Mil Cntlinllc imrehiH, Unit theii inny ihi tm enwnril ntiimiL'Ht lle ni. but tliHlthey inny ktmiv their duly, niul ktuiw lng ilnre fulllll li. We desire nil Cat ho le lif the piu Uli to tnk nil Interest III the children, and when it h known thnlniiy wenk Cut ho llo I nlsiut to full In hi duty, h t the ensii lie ii'ferred at olieo to nun of the ousters, ' AgHln, III Hie snnie Issue nf the hiiiiio imiiihlet, we llml tho tollim lug ; "Next Week tlm luiriichiiil schisils will Isi opened fur tho mw session. I'uronU are thinking ahout it. Just here, tH'fore any ai'i'iiiigeiueui are made, we urge iiihiil them the coiihhler' iithm of their spiritual duties to their rli llili-oii. I licy must give tiieir clill ilren a christian education. They will not regret It If they attend to II now They will havo reason to regret 1 1 In their old ul'c, and perhaps through eternity, If they neglect It now. These spiritual initios ran not lie complied with by sending them to the public scImmiIh. Religion 1 debarred from the public schools. Moreover, these duties will not be attended to nt home, Kx perleneo In tho majority of families, proves thl. The lamentable Ignorance of the children of the public schools In points of faith, when they present themselves to prepare for their llrst communion I witness to this fact. The only way to glvo your children a chrls tlan education 1 to send them to a school In which religion on tor Into the training, It may be taken for granted that no child of school ago will bo permitted to make hi or her first communion and receive confirmation In HH. Peter and Paul' Church, unless it has been In continual attendance for two vein's In a( 'nt hoi Ic iinrochlnl school. "The law of tho church in thl dioceso debar from the sacraments parent, who, through their own fault, send their children to public school, when there uro parochial school in tho par Ish in which they reside, The law forbid them from receiving tho sacra merit a long a tho children attend the public schools, Children, who of their own choice attend the public schools, are also tone refused nlisolu tlon, nor can they bo absolved whilst they continue of their own free will to atfond pufiilo school. Although this law and It tenor are well known, there are people who pretend that they need not mention in confession the fact tiiey send thelrcblldrcn to the public schools, Sometimes, too, tbro are boy arid girl, who of their own choice attend public school, and who seem to think they commit no sin In concealing thl fact from the priest In confession. Oc eawlomilly, such persons, on account of their sllenc.i aimut a matter which they are bound In conscience to mention in confession, receive almoin lion and aro een to aiiprooeb the holy table. Wo must In charity suppose that Ignorance excuse them from tho guilt of saorl lege," 'J hu wrote our lamented rather Cornel In Sullivan, S, J., In the Au gust number of last year' Calendar, Much controversy ha since taken place on tho matter of Catholic educa tion. Hut no Catholic pries, to our knowledge, has published a line con tradiotlug a single sentence of thl ar tide, On the absolute necessity of giving our children a good education In schools In which religion I taught, and well taught, all the Calholloolergy arid most of the Catholic laity are unan- imou," The sophistical character of tlio ar gument In tho above extract, aro ap parent and however much, for expedi ency sake the eitrmih tuny be cloaked, it Is there and the present intrusion of nun teachers in Stillwater, Minn,, by the aid of Archbishop Ireland, i sought Ut 1st duplicated here In Detroit by Hlshop Foley el al, It lu fully time that tho citizen of thl country, and notably of Detroit, were fully aroused Ut the graee, and m'xtim condition of th'wiltuatlon. The attack upon the public school system of America, I a move all along the line. Having realized that Catholic par ent will jirlt In Mending their chil dren to the non-sectarian public school, the next rnovo on the part of the Horn Ish hierarchy I Ut nullify the effect of what they stigmatize a "A sysfcm of godles education" by Introducing Homunist educator into the list of public school teachers, It i not at all a question of Individual right or of ed ucational proficiency. These young women might possibly pas a credita ble examination In ;dugoguery and the science of imparting knowledge, but It I a question of principle, of right, of conscience, of lilsu-ty, all con fined u tho rivalry Isitweon tho priest governed school and those established by tho State, Thl rivalry wa Ixirn through Homlsh inlluenco, In antagon ism to a free education for all. The pupil of tlio parochial school aro sent to a public examination of teacher who have complied with tho law gov erning our public school system not that the priest lovo education less, but Imiciiumo they love Jtontinh pomr and in- fltirmr moro, Tho question 1 there fore ono, purt? and simple, of papist supremacy. In the Vatican, no ono Issuo lia dumnndod or received moro n t.iimi, IhHii lis lliUnftH" Anierl i'mi public si leil ) li III Tlx dough tmti mi (he It. mid of ns-'tot' and lie if iipn lei limy bslsy lo thl ln ft in nee, and ii y mil fur "i -IgdU ferall;" llie ulM.ldUeil Hlld llllin Hi nlng pre of Ivtrnli, nmy iiietnlnclnusly (rlvo !i clunk mid gins over Un tvnl ihtt al Issue, by a spneiiiii demand fur tin "lit hi" of HumniiUt cHiullilnb' fur public M'hitol cel l llleales, to pus nil cviiinlmitliin, In thus magnify nu.l glor ify the lrtne hiiiI siis'i'lorliy of system - Isirii by papistry fur the ex pins purpose of destroying the very fiiiiiiihttloii sbuiii if American liberty In free schools and compulsory education- hut tho s'ople, whoso HulTerage inaugurated thlssystem, bco "onyuoril" and such Intrusion will not Ihi tolerated! Again, we say, thl I not a quest Ion of Individual right, but one of general principles. Tho Individual may fuel aggrieved In the attitude of ltiHootor Collin, but tlio safety of tho whole I Involved in Ihi move of tho Homlsh priesthood. When Cut hollo, bishop or priest. Is found consenting to allow tho ewe lamb of their Dock, to put in an appearance in a public examination for (cue hers, then there I something genu wrong in tho papist policy of tho pant, and a new move all along the lino I In contemplation, On Sunday, llth Inst., from tlio al tar of every Human church In IIK nols, a protest, wa read against Com pulsory edueat ion (tho free school y loin) and tlio Catholic, warned to an tagonize It by every mean, Tho death blow to Catholicism I found in linowl eihh. Keep the masse In ignorance und Snpemlilitm, decked out In tho rohoM of so-called Christianity will prosper, Let the light of truth and Intelllgonco shine, and popMi mummery at onco I at discount. It I fully time to resist tlioo In- Million Incrnnchmonl upon tho pul la dum of our American liberty. Jvrp Ut; prltol out of Urn hcIiooIh. Ami now one word in conclusion. The point raised by Chairman Coflln I well taken, in refusing tlio privilege of an ox am I nation to Uicho Catholic girl graduate;, Ict u reverse tho situation: Would Hlshop Foley or Father Van Dyko cormmjt; for' a m merit, to permit twelve gH l graduates from the public school of Detroit, Ut attend a parochial examination, with a view of Isdng teacher In Catholic schools? Thorn I only ono anwer that would bo given to this, and given with all tlio emphasis of bell, book and candle No! Well, "with what mean- ore ye moot it shall bo meted to you again," A nierkan Tyler. ... 1 Baptist Convention, The religious editor of our paor be ing absent, wo failed to get a full rejiort of tho Httptist Convention In session in our city thl week. Wo did not fall however to notice our country' ling tastefully draped behind tho platform. Haptlst havo always proven thorn o!vc patriotic and loyal to our coun try' Hag, It wa thl great denomina tion whose plea movejl tho framor of our National Constitution to insert tho article therein, forever evcrlng church arid stab-, and according to every man tho right Ut worship God according to the dictate of hi conscience. Thorn still stand in Hoston tho whipping post to which Haptlst minister wore frequently lashed while Isdng acourged for worshiping Cod contrary to other people' conscience, Thl country owe much to Haptlst for religion toleration in thl land of our. X X It Hal Fiutoh Amkhican: Ha tho Unit ed Stale congress over appropriated money for tho support of Itornan catho lic schools? Please answer thl and decide a bet. Your, South Omaha. There aro everal hundred thousand dollar appropriated annually from tho national treasury for that puroto. V.o. STK.VK HOrtTON PCIII.IO HCIUML, L'NMKIt D. Di iivka'h Auminihtha TIon; Scholar with ol)lng-book. School boy ''In-qul-sl-tlon. What doc that word mean, teacher?" Teacher with every sign of alarm "Don't ask mo, i am not snowed to give any juflriltlon to that word for fear of being overheard by Dr. Duryea or ome other Human Catholic, I am sur prised that It should have boon over- ooked in tho rigid nerutiny of our ohool-lKiok by our ucrvior. I will complain of tho book at onco to the school committee, and have it removed from tlio schisilhouso. Perhapi auch prompt and vigorous measure may nave mo my jsisition. Sewing Machine. We have a bran now Singer Sewing Macbfno for tale at this oflice. If you are contemplating purchasing one, plonse remember thi fact, and call at Tiik Amekican ofllco, 412 Sheely lilk.