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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1892)
THE AMERICAN i m roiiM Civil Servirr Commiiiof i. to PokttiuklriK, IMIM U IMIHIIUNMIM M II, fts MtrMgati J aae I MiSrf liuSui hi Ills fill. I lie Vi.iint I Hid t Ilia I ittmlH Iw glaum Inn In Vi ntk, V tiii-l III MlaatiMtl I KHlioltn WwitiiiihiN, i I, t Tit" folliml Wn flllilllod lo I lm Ui'M iy (tin m i'lrt tnty "f llm fulled Nate ihll aiivicn Ct'liiiiilii.liii: VAXIlllTrl, I) (, li I, til, l, A IiImhV lik iiiiuillim In Imv. brim out by V, H ll.idn, w'rri'iiiijr at iMielt, Mil ll , oil I'l lntlf nf I lin ti iiiliinl Hi nl r CiMliliilllm', In II ll. Panlcta, (lie .nllmi ( , j ter nt Wlllii Mh h., hit la-en hud I foil' till rntlllllUiliiU, H riIH'l Ml ill ml Itwixti'i' In fniiilli ii ranva nf Ihn iiiiinii of hi nlHce wtl h Information a In tlii'lr fiil'liii'l' iiihI pri'u'lil iiillllri ntnl nit to Hi Wici Mn.V t (t k , liiHi'llicr Willi iwom liietithitlmi a in vilnil, papera alondd lie pent to thiun, i'li', Tin nluiiiler Ik fur ther Informed that lm I impel led tu nm nil. tvlih a M'imiltinut Ucinbllian of hi liN'iillijr n to thl work, hut a far a pea IMn to keep hi Inlmra from brciiinlim Hlhlli, Hervlenof Ilia klml riviuealed In Him book ai jtiillled lo IIiii coin in InnIou nr clearly' fmlltleal aervlcea innl to render them la contrary lo tlm poalal reuuhttlnu, With thla, Iiowuvit, Ihn ('oiiimiIknIoii ha liothliiK to do, hot, It fi'i'U duty hound to Inform thin pn!niittcr, and nil pol tnaatcra mid potalaud other pnlillu em ploye In Michigan ami elaewheni, Unit thu civil aervlc law nxpinaaly provide thnt no peraon In tlm pnhllu acrvlcn la for that reaaon tmili-r any ohliKntlon to ren der any political aitrvlee, and that ho will not Ihi removed or othcrwlay prejudiced (or rcfuNltitf to render It. L'UAIII.Kft IYMAN, 'J'HRODOIIK llOONI'.ViaT, Jl!OI(K J, JoilNON, ('oiiiiiilliiinr, Indiana A)Mtrl,loiiinnt Null, Inkunapouh, Out. 12,-Kuily In Urn moriilnji Clink Hwniiiiiiy, of tlm auprmim court, took Into tlm Judaea' room tlm briofa ntnl nfllditvlt Mind In Ibo appor tionment ault, nnd during tint entire liny Hm atibjoct waa ninlor ennaldorn tloii liy tlm judgca, 'J'lmy dlil not ml lotini until nflor 1) n'vhn U. Hucli a uro- lonjfoil miMNlnti I in not Imon licld ly tlm court for ynm'N, iiml It Im li!lnvil tlmt thorn im it iiulii'iil (llNaiiiinnKiit iuuhiik tlm nimiilii'i'N im to tlm cninxn to Im pur mmil nwirillnjf tlm uttnrimy Kmmriirn Diol Inn to iIImuiImm tlm cum, It hi ho llovdl tlmt JihIko Ml I loll, tnvim tlm ill'i IiiImhiiI of tlm mii 1 1, UitiN.NiiHlululutf tlm at tornoy KHfmml, Tlm (ImoIhIou In iixpnntinl noon ftml tlm niOHt lutiiUMit exoltoumut U umill'iil,n'l, 1 (in )iiimimIkm In A Illinium. Montoomkkv, Alii,, Oot. 13, Time- J olUiiiimit oiioiwloiiiiit liy tlm hwhI of tlm ' Dulock county ofllcliiU U Mill IuIouno. Judizo'Fnwwr Mini Olnrk J'lcliitfc urn In tlm city yttt, ulxo it larii crowil of Third 1'M.rty pnoiilo from Unlock, nt whowi Irwtiuicn tun uwmt worn initdo, Tlm lull nr itiinoiiui'iil thnlr Intoutlon of up iilyluif to tlm Wultnd Hlalon court font writ of innudiuuuH to compot JudK" jjrmcrto nppoint mini riirty jmopio thiiiiiiki'IK for tlm November oloctlomi, Friiwr imd i'lcknt Imvu r"lainnd nt torimyn mid urn nwly for trlnl Friday, Tlm iucldnut in tlm mufil fon of tlm cuii JiulK'i, I'd ltll(iiiin ( nan. VfAHtntiinas, Oct, 13, Tlm miprcum court of tlm Unllod Mf aloN linard tlm ir- KuiunlN of ciiinixnl In (Im iiiiillr In volvluK tlmoonnlllullotnillty of flmliw mwn ny urn ii'ihitiim or jvilclilmi tirovldlm for tlm duel Ion of cli!tni- l,v illNl rliiln, Tlm motion to mlviiiicn wax inndo by II, Ai, linllluld, coudnkI for llm ppmiiintM, nna tit oimn urmlKd by tlm (iourt, tlm iiruninciilH to Im beard in noon im motloim, nl.c,, worn dUpimnd of, 'J im tirompt iictlon of tlm court wmdoiibllcin aim to ii mmim to Imvn llm ciwn Imari bv H full bench mid iIInhmi of it befom diectioii my, A r iMiiit wiw benn, iHKMl Wnavar III Mlaaniiil, Kankak ('iTV.Oct, J3,-OeneriilJami U, Wmtver oieimd liU ciunpiilKU in Mln ourl Willi HpimcliMN at llldependencii In tlm afternoon and Kunniw City In tlm eveiiln, At ludepeudencn, which in o cnled In one of thiMtroutfiixt I'opullNt nee ItoiiN In MUmoiicI, Ontieral Weaver win greeted by larvu and enl liunlrntlc audi ence, and in tlmiivnnlnu there went lJ.OOO jmoiiln to hear liltn In IliU city, In Hioum tmnrly two liourn, dwelllnif nt ImiKtli on hl eMirlenrii on bin Noutlmrn trlji, imd wan well received, lUtflaliKlliiaTii Nil Vnrbi Npw York, Oct, J3,Veileri1ay wim tlm flt'Nt day of retfMratlon in IhU city ind when tlm day wiw over tlm wtuion tit (Hl,oif) voter bad been rclNtered, TIiIm how a di'iTemm from tlm relt ra tion of tlm Imt day In Jmhh, wlmn tt').Ni imnieH were enroiieii, i he rcti ration ol tlm fir.t duv of IHHil wn 3l,m, of IHlMl IW,7H;i and of INIH 7U.I I7. In Urooklyn 0i,57l availed ihenmclve of tlm iirlvlli'KH, 'J'here were u,iii; In 1MIH,f!,0!i;in iHlto, 110,173 in Jhho, nd 611,7111 In Hun, I lotllHiiniiKil I u im,,' i ill, OlIATTANilil'U, Oct, 13, (IllilllMlloiiKl 1et!ed "Vifl lleinocraU out of dull! tlderuuinli! ciiudl'hileii, Mcciii'lnpr conltol of llm idly K'fVoninicnl, for (lie Ilml lime in llm idly" hlnlory, ',m fuel I (hIico UM mlKOll' "lit of tlm reinill o lliiipienl (liitiliel election, All eimt 'J'eiiUeHee ni ti 1 1 lit i J I r been H'publlran, Ull.n llalill'a llllllif, i UiitMt.NuiiAM, Aln,, Oil, I Chair- man Hliellcy, of llm Ienocinll(i conr inlllee, Iiim arniiiKed for Mr, Mlevennn to upeak lit Opellkn imut Monday, Oct, 17, at UlruiluKhaui the Tuedny follow inn mid nt iiccatur Wedueitdiiy, Hi iin piinilloii aro beltiK made to leculvit liliu, I' erl niiKi-dM, OMAIU, Oct, 13,-ltev, Hobert h, Wheeler wat tiouiluulnd by tlm 1'opU' llnU for tlm oHlcv of comki"iiiiin from tin Hetwud NshriiNk dlHtrlct to fill the vacancy ckiim'1 by tlm declination of Chrlitftln Orff, Hum 1 1 (it IM-Ii i hi si tiorlMllt A ilml ik i. I itn li if M i I n I HI I IKkiiliiKii hmH H.I, IM .! Ibe i.Mii-1 JIM l 'InlltiHt IIiik l.tlU N lb1 li i.t i n lH 'i"it Do 1 1 ii'i-"ii i I nt ult, i nn I nl -In llii iiihIi, ti ii'i'itiv v mid nt. 1 1 ( alil Iti'l ! '(" ai t!nl Hie I 'hi in gie nf lli Ul mid I'lulii llm .1- lii hin, I hi. f )ttliH I'mwiti, i.f Hie iiijiH'tne ("null, rii iijiii-d ib I in Ii, Willi ttieih-o K"ii lii-dl.WhiH He' uiiilil jul In, 'I In. it' Wit it I ii, " ihiiiiU r of ft-t luiui I'liweiil, 'I he Indli lini'lit i for liri.. iitiihn llnuh i U'lnii II. .I..lm Mc ,iii lite, mid liti'titv nlii" nihi l. The i Imi lii 1. 1 iimidcr im.on.l II, t', 1'ilik mid hi he i I'niiieul.M'tlii lul iii e fur t-i dllllim of UiN.lue V, Kllltrl. J. d o I. Moid", ibwipli Kdnk imd Milu Wnjiic, w fne di'iilli i nlli.i limn Ihn tin I,' 'lliellllil bill III n HKiilnl M.I', I'lli k, I', T. I'tujov, UoU H IMiik linn, ,1, A. Poller, W. K C-iiev. ,1, U, A. V, W. Ileddi 'l, W, II. Ilml, .b'bil C,HiHr, F. W, lllinli, Nitlll Mc Ci'litudl Hlid Inilie Iti'Vi v, In the I'liiinpliiicy cii. II, (', Flick, lleoriie I, miller, II. M. t'liiiv. Irf'llmin, HI la. Child, l,oVi'o, C, Flilpii, u. A. (Wey. .1, A. roller, .1. F, lWi'v, McCollliell, Ciaiper, Iteddell, Frederick 1'ilnier, Hurt and Hindu mo (Im defend tit. In the rlftt, chu., tine bill m returned auuiimt Frlck, Curry, Ilahiimn, l,oveloy,' I,, (!, l'lilmw, Jlovey, Mi'Connell, (!oopnr, llediiell, Frlmiir, Hurt mid lllnde, Tlm indict ineut nuiiluat II. 0, Frick mid oilier In tlm murder cum. mo inunler, making four in nil, Tlm pnwoeutor in tlm linn der cane la lluu ltoaa, Tlia ToUilu llooillcr, , T(M'.(io, Oct. 18.-ln tlm tiint of Councllnuin John ' Daly, climbed with ImioiIHuKi tlm prluclpul wltm-aa wora David Hoblnaoti, Jr., preaidimt of Urn Toledo Electric Htreet Hallway com pany, mid Oeorg A. Uaaaiilt, ntno grnplmr In tlm city aollcltor'a olllce, Jtobtnaon tiwtltfcd that Ialy came n Ida olllce mid In behalf of tlm "Iwmillc rliiK" naked for im tlm price for ir ventinK tlm of an mitl-ltobinaori at reel railway ordinance, Koblnaou'a aona corrolMiratnd their fatlmr'a ivi deuce, Jtaaaett wn it atenoKriiplmr hidden in tlm baaenmnt of Oeoiya I,o rmixo'a olllce when, ft la ullcKod, (jouucllnmn Daly, Tanner and Uill in lu vlewed I,oren,o, who la tmmideiit of tlm I'luto Oil !'iuitiany, on tlm proapeel of Kelt Intf 1,000 fiir tlm paaaiii of tlm pipe linn ordinance, Daly, Tanner mid (Jill claimed to Iihvh control of eleven volea In tlm council, ilaaaett took aleiioKniiililc tiotea of tlm con vernal Ion lioren.oliad with tlm Hired counctlnieti, Tanner la reported to Imvu wild tlmt Coleman bad received boodle from the atrcct rHllwaycouipaulea mid it waa time tlm yoiinjr tneiubera of tlm bonnl ot Bourn, Adjourned, I on I Mnritnrat Nl, l.imU, Br, Loins, Oct, 13, JoMoplilim Him mon, a jiretty kIiI of wiw found by Imr inotlier in tlm kitchen nf Iter parenta' bonm wllli Imr throat cut from ear to war, Imr bead nearly anvered from Imr body, Him wiw cold mid atllf in death mid bad evidently breathed tier laat itt Jeaat four lioura before, The liou bad evidently been entered by bni'Klar, who, finding tlm Irl alone, At tempted to crliuluiilly aault her, mid who, fearing that ahe lulKhtdlMclonotlmlr Identity, bad killed her, Tlm poor jflrl bad iniii In a fnai fiil ntnixle, j er clot n Iiik waa torn from Imr and Iter band were inarknd Willi deep onta where aim Imd Krnaoiai tlm knife, The llht life mid honor bad lild'ii place in the kitchen, for tlmt room wi covered wilh Mood mid tlm few olecea of furniture which it contained uad been reiuovtd from their uaual phuwt, Tlmni la no dim to tlm perpelrnlora of tlm diwtardly crlnm, f'roleafiiiil l',ilnoial ('iiiivi.illen ItAf.TlMoiiK.Oct, 13,-Tlm adoption hy tlm Jfouae of I Input lea of it report from A joint comuiiaaiou on conference, up pointed by the Jloiiao of Ilhdiooa of the fceueral convention of tlm Froleatant FpImcoiiiI churcli, practically put an end tit the bturlcal Inundation 'in which tlm church baa been witfaKod for the put fifteen yeara, Aluuwt tlm imllrn Hum iif thl convention he been devoted to con aldenitloii of propoaed dimnea In (he book of common ontyer, mid tlm laat chahtje aiibuiltted by tlm New York convention of hmo wern piwaed upon by tlm depntlea, One or two minor mat tara remain to be udjuafed, ut the whole luutler of liturgical revihiori I jirttcllcally ended, mid It la predicts that there will li no morn aucii Ielb. Hon for tlm iient hundred year, An iMllier aiiet Imwiii Htk,,wati',ii, Minn,, Oct, 13,-V, 0, Heward, editor of Tlm Meaen;er, waa probnbly falally ahot by (Jeor I'elra, youuK man who waa aonie time nun nuiployei'l a n reporter, but waa dia charged for lniomoetem-y, J'etera mi flounced hla intention of K'dlirix even. Arid meeting Heward on tlm at rent opened lira on him, 1'etera fa In jail, Meat I'n . r In I Twlene,ii, CltK AOO, Oct, I3, Tlm Chlcaifo nnl vnrally la Ui luivn Mm Jarifeat mid moat powerful feleaeopo In the world, Thfl object kI". which will hit imidn by Alvau O, !lark of 'iimlii ('Ik'I'"' Ma,, will be forty-live Incho In ilium eler, Tlm telecope I it nift lo the mil verllv from Clmrlea T, Verkea mid will CO,it f ')OU,000, lull lo.i.l In Ilia l'iilill, Wamiino'ioN, Oct, 13, 'Tlm Hev, Tlionni Allen, colored, chiipbiiu of tlm JVovldetic I'reabylcrlnii church of thlc 1 1 1 V , fell 'b'lel In hi pulpit While preach tutf a ai'i'iuou, j f.i w mh yeara of ax1 lila nf .ii I.i ii I, In in, in, Oi l, 13, Tlieautuuiu iniek. iircl (tihcrie of Die Mlilliboinen dlfilrict lie inont plolllable thl aeiiKoii, F.nor inoiia niiiiiiiiiic of mackerel are U'liy ablpped to the (Jnlled Htatea, I eliimloi n lli l.iii,.i, (Joi,iiMMi;a, O,, Oct, 13, One bundrcd iwllehiiieii In tlm HIk Four yard in Him oily (pill, woik becauan of dlnitli.fa! Uoti wild it new ynrduiaaler, Not n wlieul waa turned, llrank HleiaHlf In IipmIIi, im,Tl.ionn, Oct, 13, - Nallumiel Drown, colored, ditd nt tlm Matylaud Imapllal lifter winning n bet tlmt bf Ouald drink tliimi plnta of whlnky ,i miTiiii iiiiiii:, timtlAiiil SUHlfil by lr. 1 tlrnrt' !ito1n l herd. 1 Till 110111 U IMMi IMI Ms i ltd HilU Ail..l lh. Miik,tlir llra.n nil Ail..l laiititl nniilalt am liuliiln Mm ter Mmi.Ui 1 ha la IrilH llnmllia llil.n ( ilixlnal Sena. UnaunW , Oil. 13, Tlm liel lu trl Me inniib r In Ibe niinlnul litli.ivi.i (III I It) Wil C'llllliilli'd III Vil I,."!, II' a Mlln mi Hm All'il toad, on Hn mil aklH of Ohi-now, A m. Iiiiiii. Mll lin Ideut tiled, waa inullhiti'd nfler tin lllelloid nf ".lurk Hill Klppi'l ," di'.lil.l Ih-iiiI, and (be piece of ln-r 1hIv win bulled In Ilia villa iinidi n, Mi I'wmi llm naidelier, who dniibtlea I Kllllly ol llm rrtine, Ima illNiippi iiied, Wi'kI I,oi1k', mm of the IIuonI anbui bi of (lbiov, I aiirrotiuded by H K'Odrt aoiim 131 feet deep on every aide, Mc I'.waii, with the itNitnut Kindlier, Mc Doiiwnll, lived In a aeparatil liotiae. AI On, in, Mi Doiiuall knocked nt Mi F.wim'i door lo wake It tin. Mcl'.wati reNpoinled "All rlbt, Tom, I won't et up yet; I mil llri'd," McDiiiiKnll went nwny ami worked ill llm Krleti until U o'clock when Im returned. Ilia knock wen not iinawered and lm forced open Hn door, He found tlm wall, celling, fur nit lire and Hour apatlered will) Itkxnl Tlm clothe from the two beda wer, aciittered over tlm Door mid aprinklei! with Hood, lied liiiK' r inarka atreaked the ild.i of tlm lied mid there wan not a jileeii of furniture or an articlnof clothluu which waa Dot blood atained, McDon lodl run coiitlo, Iniii. and cryliiK Ii Ida terror tu the pollen alntion Mini told liw atory. After forlifyintr him wit Ii brailwy tlm jadicn Uik blm to Weal LoiIkii wl'h tliem. Fi'oin'Hm room they followed A - l'loody track to four frenli tnadn inounda hi garden. In a llowei bed from which the oii,'ita bad laa.n re moved, they I'onnd itlaiut two feet lindei Kroiind the mutilated bend mid unjolul ed arm of n woman. In another aiuiiliti Imd they uncovered tlm trunk, Kwim nbaolulely devoid of nil interna) oi'Kiiu. Jleaidu the trunk waa tlm woiuiiu'a left m iu, alo nnjolnted. In another flo,vcr bed they found tlm miaaiuK oiKana mid lie b'K, nnjolnted, The trail led from t lib lat bed to it tool hoimc, There under h olleof rubbish mid tool waa iihim'iiii liox contitininx n fniKnieiit of it Ihi'k aaw, thu teeth at ill (dolled with IIuhIi and blood mid aeveral aiuallera pice of tin woniau'a laaly, A aenivh of McKwan',, room revealed aeveral ra.ora, appiirenl ly iiuiiNed for aoiim time, mid mi ax, re conlly waabed, bill, alill allowing wIIkIiI bllHHl HllllllH, Aa far na can be judged from tlm tun Hinted remain of the body McKwnn'a victim waa robuat, of tuedliim height, mid almiit HO or Hftyciir old. Her rl. l h iliK wa well hiimIu mid of Rood material, Kanaa Hunk I alliirn, Hl'KtNoril'l.n, Kan,, Oct, 13. Thl Hlatn bunk at Arkalon, tbla county, aiiHpended payment Haturday and tin. imaeta nre reported to be only nominal, County TreiiNiirer ), it, KiiKhiml bio ovcriflO.oiiO IicIoiikIiik lo the county le poailed in I hi bank mid made a domain! for the money Haturday but wa rn fuaed, III term of olllce expired Mon day mid an allacluuent ault waa bcnn on hi ladmlf to protect aa far aa pol bin the intcreula of tlm county, It b morn thiiu proliablo Unit, criminal anil Will be iiiMlil uted, I IIIOU'I I III 1 1 llll .llllll'll, (VirWiw.K, Kan,, Oct, U, Funnel iJalbm wn taken to ludependencn u jail by Hlicrlir !allaban wit bout any oh jectloll by the cltl-'.eiia, Wiillain went, nl. m. Now that he la Koiietle cltlneria feel relieved, aa Ida in'cuenee here kept tlm town full of uuoeairable viallora, who were apt to caue trouble, He waa bet ter and It la now IIioukIiI Hint Im will recover, Tlm aiieclal otllcera in vealiKiitiiiK the raid claim to have found A relay of borwea left by tlm Daltom with friend nt Doubln Crock to aid In their nanipH, A li.a.).l.' .1. JiKMi.MiiiAM, Aln,, Oct, 13, -In Mnr eigo county, I'uul Horn, a notorloin deaperado, bad u row with Mr, William Jlowinbertf about tlm price of n ault ol clothe, Horn nannulfcd Koouhortf Wiftt Willi it biiKKy whip, beatini bei unmercifully, while aim had a baby In Imr Anna, when lloenburjf Interfered Horn ahot mid killed him, Tlm woman waa in it delicate condition mid will die, Horn lied, puraued by doa, Jin wa captured mid put, in jail lit I'uiiHdnle, but afterward taken to Mich-n to pin vent lynching, Aler itf aliiickfnii llrnlallly, rjri'HHl'ini, Oct, 13, John I), Hpenea And John Weaver wer mreated on !hariea by JIummm Aent O'Jlrinn. Hpence, lie nllc(nd, rented a bouan from Weaver in Flliot borouh, mid not be iii able to pay the rent Im avii Weaver lit three daughter, rmiKliiK In iik fiom 10 to ID year, Weaver took the lrb boom wilh bim mid Hm four of them bave been livimf together for almoat u week, Tlm kIi I tell a atory ofahock itiK brutality, 'J'hn Mceuaed Kuve ball for it bearing, A Mlaaleif ( iiilnlli, Ciiii'A'im, Oct, (;,- Captain Hlmpaoii, of llm achooic r Hi uce, ha been mliwinx aim e the Kli )nt, and bi Ivea al tubule hi diaappciiniuce to imirhiua Hull of the umiih'Ii' union, The lii lice came Into Chlcaifo Hit, i wiln anon union crew mid alter I ii inw op nt, b i docka Captain riiiup'on b it the boat t Ko down town and lm not been aei u mil' o, liy an OvKid'i, Oaiickih Ciiy, Kan,, Oct, 13, -Mr, AblaiMircKory, mother of llm ediloi of Tlm Heiillmdof I hi city, and of Frank Orcjoiy, of The Jiemoi nil of HjhIiik Held, JWo,, dh'd from Hie elfncta of an ovcritiaff of cornitilvii aubliuiale ((Iven Imr by a prin t iclnif female phyaiclan ol thl pla , Tim inufnrya am aniout( tie beat known imwHpiipcr men in Dm weal, ailr Miillliin, Nkw Viiiik, Oct, 13,-Hllver bnlllon 011 iliipoait iiKJtlnat warniuU, 1,70 1 !H! ouiicm) t'ertilicnlw uutatumliuK, I,7i0, STUDY THIS TICKKT. From Thin List Yon in NovimuIht. it I h I n t i i I..A, 0 I, I. Ii I Ii I ' I n.. I ....i . II II I I ,,li l, I.I in, V l t ... I .. r i t-iniiii i ii I i. iii ' II : Ii. '.I " ,ll, l , I' ! aii i ii hi A I I'nili.. ii M I ; l..,.i I....I.I ! xi lm e i I ! i I ,.i i, . pi i.ii hi I III I illn-,1 Ci i ilil, I I' Id ml. v, I I llll lliilillinl 11 Ii I I I .illiwi- .. lnl I. .11 .1 f iiii W, k I M iim.. T .1 " t, r l aii'i'lifii, ,1m Ui.liMi. h. a Ale ii .( r Mmilliilil, t i ini. r n tllili'lllHM. .1, M I II III 1. 1. i lin. I aecii liil y nf Hlale M. Id vimHiIi. I. Mmilr, I', ii Hiiiiiuiii, I', I Thulium, ,1 I ' Aielllni lliillli'V. ill"' Ili'i li iiiiiii, A Mi Ii, Inn, ,1 Wi.lll, .1. V Tli'inilier lllKelntV, Mm. Ill Iii. inly. I;, h Illiitl. llll. llm elii'iiti'l', ,1, A aiipt. I'mIiIIi' I i i . i Illener, M. ,1 , , , . Oi'i'iinu. lilnl I I II Ml IllUN, ill'O. II Hlrlekler. V,U ,, A Mi .1 mc V lleiiei-iil, ,1, M II 1 1 , I i -y . A, Ii Hiniiii. r. V. WIuhIiih, ,1 I'lilillc l,ii nil A IIIiIkn. ,li.1i.N, T. I! l.lvi'M.y, llrioy Tnltle, T. I'iiiCoiii, ami IMnI ,,. .IllllllMIII, I'll , Iiii!i.ii, Win, WIIIIiiiii, II, It l urt'iMii, ;inl IMnI, ,, Mcyi-ra, W. I'' I'lid.l.ii k, .1, W Hlimley. I', 1' K nil. V. ,1 I, . Miiaiiey. II. A ainietiiiiker, W, lnlli..i.l. W. N in e. ,l..i I li.i!. ' It I ollll, ,. Ill, ,nhi..(, f. .... Km, Ii, tV Mi y.i, Miu iVifi.n. I, ,. llyiii'iilMiie, a, Ker IVnii.'ltli IMhI,. , l or t'diiniy , "iiiney . I nl Hlnle Hi.lililoi'n Alee, (I, W , ,l. A ieli.'en, II. I,, . Aielerwiii, .1 Mluill'l'lrll, a, ,1, ill, D Cllll'li, Win , ('in in., T. 1 1 i r Mm, r, t; .,, t'l'llo'C W, H I limn, 0, A , lilelo'iid, ,1, II . , Kyiii'i', ,1, II blli'lllll'l', A , ,,,,,, Mi-liovern. I', (II, I',) Mellow, IP. my Niiwii, V, N , NomIwiiII, .Ii.Iiii ickiiril. .'. .1 1 I'oInU, .1,4 Ili'i.H'a, ,, ll , lllekcK M, II Ilnl.l.lhu, H ,,, Mm If, .1, II , Hi'ylini'ii, I'i. .1 , (leveiM, I'. W,, ,. Hlllldll, A, I, , Wlllllll'll, lll.ll'll , , .... w iiii n, w. a I'er', lf miy pcraon know any nouilncn tbuiiamid reader a favor by awnlln audi THE B. H. OSTERHOUDT SPRING i tejfm-mm -""wiaiamniffli Mo, No.ofHIw-of Mliof Wdltief Ciini,. ,,.,., Wiiifnii, A He, tlmly, lliHly, Ini'li, i-liy, ,r" 3 I' 7 ft. (I In, 40 wo II l' Tfi.Hln. in I'oo lm 4 ly, afiiiin, tu ivm i!i A 1' aft, din, 4" to 44 'if i ll" Alovn pi Ice are net, Wliere licilii" la (nil wunl.'d, ileibli'l I'i 'III Oil No, i itml ;i innl mi Noa, 4 inel ti. (0 The McCqoug Savings Bank, N. W. Corner ish and Dodge Sts, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Ford'ii PniflH nii'l Mmicy Order, lonn on Honl Mala to, Hunk ojioii from U it, in, in .'!,.'!' p, m, Sulitnliiya upon until H p, in, lleponll ,foim )(,, h'.HI , , ,fJ.Vl,iVill, ,V I I) .po-llia ,f .lf" 11, l'l! , , , 1 1 '(, 1 1 ,0(1 I).. poult ,lllll.. 11, l!l . , , , ;il,,'!l,!i, I K. F". GOERNE, ii i i n Wagons and Buggies. IIOKSK-SIIOKING AND HKI'AIHINO A SI'IClAIJY, S. K. Cor. 24th and Cuming OMAHA, MEB. O. AHLOUIST. OKA ,vm in Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, NAIL-S- ETC. ETC. Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. 1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street Will Huvo to Chouso i weieui (Ml I l' ( ! I V .t,l. i A 1 1.-. ... i O l .,. I'd ) I. I. it. .I.iiin. ili I Aiti.i hi i I i i I . Mini ii i II i I, I nill ili-i I in in, i l i,HH .I I ill in. I I illln. I Mi l. Ii.ihI Mi'M Iiiiiii ill r i ao'iiouiiiple'l I illli.i Hit n lm r, Miinlni . lie t' . . Pl'llfl'Hmil.. All. ii in y, Aide le y. A I lot my Alliiney . , . Miieufie'l urer. lllMIII lllll'll Alll'lll, I'lii'iiei. I HI lul l I'lilinei; ClaiiMeiiliel', aiii'i'iilnior, Ileal i,mIiiIi. A Ki'li I . AlOiceey, Altonii'y, Attorney. Hnpt, hloi'li V lint. Mi'ii'liioil, Mi'H'Iniet, Me re lei nt, I' ii l iner, lli'ii I I i.l iiln unit boioiH, '( nDim I'lerfc, HwlfU, I Iniuiliiii, llyelliK, I'.le, A i lo, if y. Allnric f , Alloi ln i I'onlrii. O'l', Mel'i leml, Alloriiiy, Mce'y Hoard of Train, I'll l iner, on wynr, tin ui 1,'ilnle Au' iil, I'liyMlcliui, Alloiiny, IiiiikkImI,, I in eier, AMoreey, riinirneior. Willi Nock Varil, , H .,. I!,). . . i. , to bo it Houianlt, ho will doaeycrnl Inforuiallou to tbla olllcn, WAGON MANUFACTURING COMANY Wnuon - For Htyle, Qnitllty and I 'rice, wo will not la oiitdotm, AM, WORK WAUIIANTKIJ, 1001-1003 Can 81,, OMAHA, NtD, Telephone (J,,7, ii urn m Ill H 11 II I'I III WILSON HhMltl'l MAI MINI'. fii tffh CilfMl i? (l ft turn and Onions, sn 11 n iS IIII, I'W Ml S 14 i, ,iit .. u i ,ii,i,ln f,u ii vie l el Ii,,''i-. i i i.ti M. . I ti!.' i tint- ! , W I'I 1 .'1 nt. in M 'I- Mm' I Ptl ! Ml ft.,,11, M ...Mll. 11 , YM1UIUI, JOHN HAIiL J E W ELR Y 1NSTAI.I.MICNTS Wiimn If r'rnninr Wlk, Omi. P,, fin. 211 BOUTH 11TH QTREET TM.I I'lli INK am. M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Mado to Order, lliliiriilileea ll ie (i'i'I III III llll iMlea, I'lulll leu ideinieil, ily'l iiml I'l'iniiili'li'il, 9017 CumlnK BU, OMAHA. 1TOTITTT I'lirchaae Tlcketa mid (!onaln Your Krelibtvlii tlm F. E, & M, V.antl S-OJP RAILROADS. II. (I. IIIIKT, Ociicial Manager. If, (!, MoiiinioiiMl'',, ,1, ll, I limn A NAN, Omi, Kreubt At, Hen, I'naa, A:t. Omaha, Nebraska, A, L, Daaea. J. W, Doeeall, A, L. DEANE 8c CO., O.enral Ag.nla fur HALL'S SAFES. And Locks Hank and Vault Work. 1110 Fiirnam St, Omiha. HENRY DORQHERT, it e.,,,, Merchant alio ring. fMIO If m LOW,- I'IInI idiom I'leiieleK, I'yelev nnil Ili'mlilliK Hlilltifiicllon (Olliriilileeil, O'.r, 1'ltli k Oillfornla Ku, OMAHA, THE BOSTON STORF, Cor, lOtli and Doonlai, JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. I'llllneiel, VViilrhea lind ailvelwiire, OiiMi'mI liKaU a leieliiiK biiii'IiiIi y, l or NikI-cIium WiiO'Ii I' lmli liiK iiim I I.i,ii ii v I r. U FHICNIiH HIV', t a A HAM,- Omaha Express and Delivery Co. TM.M'llONK 747, Mouing and Light Express Worh Trnnli ilellvered to nil inula of llie cliy oill.'e, ,' Noiih Mill at, at, (iiim aiuri. oq a w cm', nwii a i iiinno m. cnn l-, ll.,AaoNAIII,(' ,1, ( IIM.y, Muniiior, M. E. NtELQEN, Paciflo Barbor Shop. Nawly rillail mi, Tlia Ml Arll.H, Una Miiiiinil ffoni Nevioilli Iiml l,eitvnii win I Ii In N, I'i. I 'nr. aen nlli lied I'ln llli', Hliovld I'', Itnll'-Cill, '', Pea-Ionia iie, liiiini.i ?;, diva nil (jail, Hull.lif llntj (iiuranUiif. II. L. UUKKKT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMCR, St SOI OUMINQ "tTMKIfT, Tclcjihone (177. OMAHA, NtO, -f"T- --T ,-fl "fa, ART IM I l).,u((lfl 61, Omnhii, Noh, FOR MEN ONLY UiQIO cure sr. "' is sf t.raTMfttliT 7BMitirv, it m4t aa Mia4i tla .1 $ttvnn .- 0i4 m lUkMV ll.kl HtKIIII l.llf lUtMrM f IIUUIH M.rf mm a DOXJTTX avaiufinm. I I .a.