The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 14, 1892, Image 1

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" 4 Altf M 4 V Mil 'i fftiif rt.'i' Witt jttiri.imi h Jnnil 4 i'.'n fit (At Pmfr.f ,Vf.ifi tii'lAitti? il wi nUl l t M nfliW M !. fAi,
omaha, m;iu!aska, i unA v, m 'loitn: n, i s.i
Vi'l I v u j,
N l' Mil Kit II
, M !. . i '
)!lliWF'f l-i
O. t.
Whom Him AnutrUmn IVotootlvo Association Is Called Upon
to Mourn, U Hurlod In Uurol Hill Comotory, and Is
Ksoorldd by Ono Thousand Mombors.
Tim fnmnumlty HhIIhvoi Mayor
Harntl, ami thn Vnnlkt
Not A I tor thn
Thay Claim to llavo Known Ha Was to Have Boon Klllod at Loast Throo
Day Doforo tho Crlmo Was Pcrpotratod A Neighbor of Our's
Says Miller Klllod lllmsolf, or Was Klllod, and That
Anothor Man (Thompson) Will go
Doforo Elootlon,
Tho Funrl.
HIiii'ii llm ilUi'ovoiy of tin body of C.
I', Mill"!', ofSiiiith Oinalia, at. tin1 In
Itsim t'tloii of Kltfbth and Dodo HlroctH,
tp,ii!ulnl,on Iium run ilf' n to when mid
1 oj iioui ilnt iiiui'iitit wa tMiiniiilt ti'd,
A I II rt llio oominuiilty wax lead to
hi llevn Hlllt It Wll 1k I'llito of nuli'lde,
hut thai Hioury wum noon ylvmi up, and
I ho more probably nun of murder took
' ' nliii'ii,
Tin' i'hnni,'e In ei)iliiu'iit wn mainly
linn to the I'Vlil.iiri' adilut'eil by tin'
i.orone''it jury, ThU nvldenee eoui
pl. t, ly wiped away every ntaln whleh
di'tilif'nln or reekleBNolllelaUand new
pHper reiorterit had atleinpted to at-
liiili lo lil" titlr naiiiii, It Ii iih Xiloileii
Hie Hiili'lde theory, and brought to
llyhl nun nf Hie nioitt foul inurilei'M ever w ithin Hid lMrdern of the
ntllln nf Nebriika,
lli'forn llm jury had yet inmpleted
It hihorH Mm dead mayor wan burled in
Laurel MM eemntery In Albright. The
funeral neeurrod Huinlay ufternoon
from the Firhl I'reitliyterlan ehureh
and wiih w by fully nix IhnUMund
Altout mni of that niiinlier fornie.l In
Hint and iiiarehed to the ciMiietury. The
funeral I'lirteuo vvaf headed by the
pollen and lire departnientH, followed
by (he Seventh Ward MlllUry hand.
Immediately In-hind thn band name the
ikhi friend on foot, all nf whom, with
but very few eM'eplloiiH, were l'ro!e
tautfi. 'I'heite militiamen worn followed
by the hear) with Hit KnljjhlM of
I'ylliliiH pulbbearerft, llm family tif the
,., and friends In rarrlaeH,
The funeral nermon wa preaehed by
i ii in oi Vhltmuili, Hie KplMoopnllan
uilulwter, and wa a very eloquent
Irlbule to Hie worth and ability of
South mnha' murdered chief eecu
I 'anon Whltmnrth i'ouoii"iieed by an
iiIIiimIi.II o lh' hlllol'lteM mid tdiock the filroke
of il. alii on nil.' with limn we, Individ
lUllly, Wein I'liuiieeteil, tel III the elm'
nf it y.MHiu i hll.l, or an nii'd mnu ti hoe
life work vni fully doiiii and w Ii'imii lei in
of yi ni" Inn) fully piioaed, hut Ihnl hit
I.. I lie" lliiil o In ti k Welii il' nothing to
Hint We fell when midden death fell uu
olin In Hie i linn nf fu hill nlnll llllll
Wll a 110 In ' It I Mil III ii hllii ino Mini
limk Hlllt nhhh ih'Htli iia iii'ihhii
Hlulel ttlil II, III adillllllll III Hi let, HlM
.M.iiliilillH i a lllli llilM) Hindi Hill pel'ii
em. ii id Mnniiind In lihi'd thn inpulal Inn
ol I Mini liM I iW- niioliilunil ilHi
H Hl(lllH ill I llM lllnmiiiiiiii llm full
,.,, iiiliii;l;n llllll lorn ll( Hill IHimmilll'
i, 1 1 1 1 tt . i ni i nf Him ti'iili.(,ii ilnu hi:i: m
uli (irnli ill. i. mi. i In iimhiieti,
!-hm uni'it Him idrriliiinlniini h tiinlur
lii l limy m ru ilh:i humilmr lmn,y.
'I'lilil dliy Hi i t iiuy nun tvoiilil ntvn humi
!iimIii:iI In min hit ivmild luivu ilnred
1)1 O.IV lllll Hll il' fli:i I MH 1 IliilUI MI'UII
ill mii. Ill' Hi'liilitf liiiilriim nf III fiiiim,
!j'iri;u ijitym iiHj-r, wlnm lm wu di-
m t t
'lr, V , (,.1
V'-if .
it t
Mlllnr, of South Omahn, Wnu M ur-
of tlm Coronor's Jury Will
Caso In llio Lonst,
t'nvnred Innellhlblo from tlm Wound
whleh canned Ida death, Hit) papei'H
bramlud him at onn who hud iommllti'i!
mileldu afU'f a drunkun debauch, am
in,. ,..........1 , i i.,..t i, ii.. .ii.i
. . . .. .
llt'l itl.liv JT.' M R lllt) tlli: I tt- inn nomtn iucim ami i,nu huho
ineiitH of othert. What, then, mount
that atKeniblagn In hltt proKonen, prleist
at hn wat of Chrltt't holy church, and
bound to truth?
What meant thn pretence of tin
pantort of all tho religion organla
t lont of tlm city in ft body tho pre in uu o.uciai capamiy oi inn my
. ...u.. ii, t.i hu h hut ii. mi until lt" llio
honored head':
Whatnicftiit tlm pwa-
enco of tlm thoutands of hi
fellow I
i- , , ... , , ,
..iii.eMt, no anew mm .ovcu mm: wi
tlm repre(.entativctofton.nuys(K;letleH
oi wnicu no wat a tnemoer in goni
....... .i i j , .f t.t.. .ii .... t . i i . .... i I
-,,.- ,m nit .enow .vmniio. win.
I. I .. 1 t ( i i . t . i ii t . . I
ii.eir nanner cmonuui-nHi incir
l inden ii.oi mi, lienor uuu i iirny I
i... i ... n ... i . . . . . .
" " i
to white-wash a had man, and carry to
urn grave wmi nonor a nypifiiie, in
order to drown tho voice of truth
wh ifh had unmntked him? No! Clint
forbid? Dearer to them than hit rcpn
tat ion wort; truth and their integrity.
If he had Iteett guilty they might have
honored him, but It would have boon
In tllencn and with Imartt breaking for
IiIh degradation and tllthonor. No!
they wore them to vind lento hit honor
and truth - to nay that they knew him
'on well not to know what ho had been
charged with wat Intpotfdblo for him
to have done. To nay that Hm tenll
inony of hit life outweighed the our
mine and tlm charge of Hue who
had not teen him In Unite ptnee, in
who, Mating that tin y luul, nunlalni d
t imiiiMcivoit no repuiaiion for honor or
truth. To nay more than I hi lo nay
that id all tlm clini'ti.' ntriilnl hint
Were proved by cvldounii hi
.onld not ,v.t:t. veil llmll they would
nave Known nun at tlm Hum n.. wan
no nu,"!,.,. f hluntnlf, but thai hi
llilnd, ..V. rMolnhc.l tll can n mid
nut no ie, in woieii limy ion mil loo
.... . i... i ..i .. i i i. .I. ... i.i i t
many proof", hud ylveii way, and thai
bo Wll not It it il I i 1 1 1 1 1 for hi IM'ln,
Nuch a life n lm hud Ihnd In llmlr
nllil fill' year 1 1 . IM 1 1 1 1 1 1 It luiuionii.
for him lo lintn Html ii iluuluo life and
llio llfu of a hyiiii'Hlii: I.HIuu they
lnnw mid hi mm ii t.i) him! id mi) Ihey
Ii imli d Mud In I lnvnil In him, and horn
nu ll him mm h ii Hum nvi r,
What Hiutt llm piiii'llcal li-nnoii for
' at . - ..
Hh mi In Inui'ii' I Hi ' mm In carry on eiijuylng
i . i . . ...... i . .I. i . . i . i ... ' . .... . '.
inn wui ii i hi niiin ii. inn ciiy in ui lie 1 1
llm I'aumi niii "llniillomau of llm
ei',r ei. ii. i, your in uioii ii t il u'l
ilualh l nvmi liullri idly caiiHcd by llm
wnriiirn im nan uoinumiinnil agiiim-l. thn
tnimhllng ki lln lhal. dnllh. nur fair idly,
wu iiii.M inymi tnuarrymi iinii, warraro
In lliuliirl Ihsuii mid imvor cdiHii till
ymi havu nwopi away thn at of Hmno
nnoi m iiiniuiiy, wnmii nirn inmr
. i. i i I., i. ..iii i .
hi m I a In pnrdlllou."
tintllll U for MX Hit Willi! 1(111
ill. I H ,1 t, ill 11 tl" MnHltlt It pi 111 (II 1 1
1 1. it i hi l. i' w In ii In Hit' Mlciicc n( deal li
we iv niinlilc lt ili'lViul inn t I ! It
llwtv lnt'i II I'l , mi, In III'' jUt w It
lulu hapi i 'il Iniiur friend' Tim only
ivnit ily we hate I In IruM In (ni.l Mint
U lii live muting mir li'llmv nii'il I lull II
II lotptcn tiny nluill In iiIiIi' lit ol
u iix Wt l"ihy n,v tf unr (i li inl"lt l
litit ll'Ht', II t'lililiiit lh triii', liU ttlinlr
I If.' Ix iui.l t II n it II. ."
A'ti'i' 1 li Hi'iniiiii n I'liiit'liuli'il
IvnlnliUuf I'ytlilii" limit I'liiunn nf Hit'
It'tlinlliw Hllil rnit.i'il llli'lll In liWllt
lln Inli'i'M i'l luiMif 'I'ttriitv llfll' Mini . I
!., tt lii l'i' fully ll'tii" m. iim liMiln'il fur
tin' IiihI tlnn iihiii Hiii i'i'IiiiiIiim of llii'lr
furiiii'f fi'li'iiil.
Tlii ii thiillil was m'li'Wi'il ilnwn, llin
I'IIm(i'I WIIM (.IlllTll III till' lll'lll'XO Hllil
tin1 irni'iithiiii 1imi( up In wili'iiiu
niuif'li tn llin (ii'ini'lnry, w lu'i'it tin1 iv
iiuilim wi'iv IiihI iiwuy with Knllilly
llllllUI'N llllll t'l'I'I'IIIOIlll'M,
An only tmifllilnl nf llin A. I', A'n,
who nlti'iiili'd Miiyiii' MIIIit'h fumu'iil
jiilncil lint I'I'iu'i'mhhui, I ho ut Im'I' two
IIiIi'iIm niiiiln iMti nf tin' iiiMM'tutllty llin I
uiinuli'il with tln liiiiiiiinn ulm lliii'il
timnii i in aitiimimu of tim fun-
I'Ciil I'lirti'tfo h It iiihhi"i iiliiiitf TwiTity-
fmii'lli nli'iu'l,. Tlu'v I'i'iinrt. Iii'iirlnif nil
klmU nf iviiiui'l,
On.' niiiii miiIiI llin Iihki ninti nf fniit
wi'i'it all nli'itnyni'it In IiIiii,
Aimtlu'i' thai, not niui-O'iitli nf tlu'iii
WlTK A. r. A..
WIiIIk a thin mtlil Mi will In'
"pli'iity iiini'i' follow Mllloi' tint hiiiiii'
Kiirly In thn iluy a frllnw itti'ppi'il Into
Dr. Mi 1 1 ) ii i ii 'h nllli'i' In SouHi Oinulia,
ami niitlrhnf Huh lin luul nil iiMiiall
IIh, watil.i'il to know If ho lii'lonml to
thiit, il il ci'nwil. Tin' tloi'tni' Infonniul
him that ho ill.l, wlioroupon thn follow
tulil llllll It WIIN ilimgofoilN! thill, .llliltfn
('InrkNon luul illNiippi'iit'i'il, Kloiuan
wiih found ili'iul, Di'ihiIh wan Itlllitcl anil
now Chiirlln Mlllnr luul Konn tho xaiun
way, "So you think It ilainfoi'iiiiM in Ink
Ioiik; probably If you cnulil who unilor
my ioitt lulU you would nut think ho,"
remarked tin; doctor iih In. throw npnn
hUcoat, and dUplnyi'd two lino rovul-1
vnrM hanulnu' from a belt, lllled with
. , . ., t. ,
A Her llin Komail llllll
iiHted liin cyen on that night lor it fuvv
mlnutcH, tint doid.or continued: "You
may think It It dangerout, but It It not
onn nit, morn ho than II wat when I
tcrved In thn war,"
Coining In upon tlm car a friend over
heard two Unman talk In. One of
them mild: "We fixed tlm . of a
thin Hum; and wo will II x morn of them
Mttm w ,,,,,, t li ro.iif h."
A ,, ,).,, ..f ,,,. , .,, ,,., ..,,,
hbIiI Hiivllilnir about tlm A. '. A.'n bu
....r... , ...... ,, ......
!,,,,,,, i,,,,, 1,,,, tni....llll...l l.l..,
" !' ' "M""
W11H kl.,.(1: ..,,,1 nnothcrman ,'Thoii,.
Lon)ni)t v,,,,v fap ,,, ,,,. w 0 ,,
f,.(, ,,,,, ,((,,
Thn Hiimn remark wat made at Val
,(,yi W(, lltl,, ,.HtHn,( ti kl-
t4ikfti tiutc
jiown in a taiiHiu tin icnin mi I. a
fH1()W mMt ,H,ukK of Mller, "w.
,xcdhlni Hint tlm
What thfl Evldunce Contained,
Mayor Miller for fifteen yearn wan
connected with llm I'acllli. Kxpro
nlbee, Hm hint four yearn of which wa
In tlm Important capaclly ol general
agent at South Omaha, reiji.lrlng a
good p. tiiiuiu and a man at h'iii of
nrdlnary education, lie wat forly-
Ight yearn nf age, and hit frleiidn all
tentlfy that under all clrcuinttanet n he
wan a moral man, never yielding to Hm
temptation and iilluri'inmil of harlot",
and had nn neveral neonxlonn, when
away from homo with hi friend", v -
fundi to vllt nuch placet of revelry,
and remained at bin hotel until ncnln
jollied by bin aeiualuliiueen,
The day beforn hit deci Hn he wa
ciuniucil In nreiiarlmj' lo nil. ml llm
I iriinil I.iiiIlm. nf I lm Uhlulil. of IMIilio.
Lf N(nt.(ll , , ,, , ! ,' t ) . . v M .
w llhouleitpi'en.lny a thouuhl, f ,,.ai,
,i w,i" thn iiunnr of Mi.ull. o ha
'I'l,,, ,,rnnl,l,.,l of llm ellv eoiowll
il... ..... I. ..I I.I...
I , 1 ,. ' ( .1 F. M I , , .."', ..1
lllghl nl till
mllll let II" View llm gl'ellt renpolinl
blllly I'lnllug upon him, Aimiyornf
Moulh Omaliii ho had Itmied hi prie
i iaimuiou cloning mi mil i n m n in t hut
idly mi Hiiudiiy, That of lof nut
raugn, Tlm mayor of l Mmihn did II
ami llm mayor of mlmr clilen have
ilium IIIiowIhu, lln went further ami
hi nallvn laud proclaimed him-' If
III! Amel'lcnil, n wat lllll CilUlellt w Iih
llm pr tent broad ami em
principle hul. lm favored
leaching nvcry child In America
nil uiu nroaU principle III nelfgUVcril
umnl and proteclloii to llm nanclllynf
bourn. (, a deilorahlii fact, thai nuch
declarallou Hindu Mm cuemlu. With
alioiit, a ili..mi olher nmn In I iiuiihn al a
tlnm. linrdlv mnrn than Iwn and a half
year huh, when no mum would nit
advocaiu tlionn prlnclplcn, Hmv oruaii
. " . '
I .ml In llm Unman Catlmlln ruled city
1. 1 lliiiitlnt Hie A mil ii'tlil I'l'tili-elhi
.Wot liti imt. To advot'iii.' hin li i
it lii , iiihiiiir lite, iiiiil if J mi ilar
lo mi , i. ri Hie t'liihl of li en upeet'l
ttl ail on iii h ult't'U, II myil lm only
to in. u win. in you knew to lie frli nl ii
Hitme Mill InienlH, Willi HiIn
1 1 Win lleeettaiy to baton place W her
Hlt'Nii Hu n hIioiiIiI met t, a Hum of meet
IUji,li;nH of reco'iiltlou and foe
i.traii.. rH knock Inu at Hie door. Tl
wiih Hie ronton for in i;inil Iiil' Hu
ciM'lety, throuyh ileretlou call
Hie while Clip", ItecauKti of thn
lieee"Ny for HiIn hoci'i'I Nit'lnty IhiiiIii
loethi.y by an oath no Hrtniirnr lliaii
thn oalhof alleijlaiicu In llm Cnll
Mlnlo. nf Auiei It a, but adinlnlittereil by
men and to on ui w ho iiinl. i'hIo. n Hm
meaiilnif Hint iieccNttlly thereol And
liei'iune he wim hriite nuoiii;h lo lake
til It bold tlaml lm wan denplHcil by I Co
man ('al.hollcN,
limit t linn two weeliM mfo lui wat
found with a bullet In hit brain, Thn
follow Inu day hnillnd, 'i'lint thot wat
llrcd not by hit own hand, but by the
hand of pi'i'tnuN who wUhud to altoi
t lrcuniMlaui'nN and who wanted to hid
round hit death with evidence calcu
tilled to canto thn be lief of dltgl'lini
Hllil telf ilnHtl',..'toli.
Under tlm Inn I go of tlm American
llag.iren thomtaud A. I', A,'t at tuch
publicly altended hit funeral, and thou
tandt mourned forhliu at home, Thorn
worn til hum though not A, I', A.'n w
cainn to hit funeral, They canm with
pencil and paper writing down thn
nainet of pemont proton!.. Tlm next
day, Mr, ( liidnhy, t lm great pork pnckei
of South Oiimhn, dltchargeil l.'IH
of hit workmen, openly giving at hit
roatoiit that they attended tlm funeral
of Mayor Miller and niarchod with thn
procettlon lo hit grave at A, I', A't
Ml Cudaliy It a Uoiuau Catholli! and
wo Mioreforn ten why ho would not
wank lilt tunployooH to alt.nnd thn fnn
oral of an Imreili!, However, lm might
liiivn gotten rid nf tlmm only iH'cauto
I hey thownil theliitolvct to lm iiieinborn
of the American I'rotectlvo AttiM-la-
lloll. If lit) detplted hit ninployottit
becauto t he.y belongod to that order, ho
di'tplted the mayor of hit city, bnenuto
lm wnt a member, Why doo
idoMpU. A . I A.'n and put bin
ami ml. tilt cm
r. i ..i tt j it... i...
Lmoyeeif uut in urn wit r iiniinimi nu
Jtoinau Catholic! ,
Tho old prenldent of tlm city council
wata Itoinau Cat.hollt!, ami nlnrn M.iyor
Miller wan killed South Omaha bat
had a Uoiuan Catholic acting mayor.
Now let lit refer to a part of Hut ovl
donee produced iteforn tlm coroimrn
jury, It wat nhown that tlm hint
pernont neon with Mayor Miller
wei'o two limn, one with a light
null of clothen, the other with It
dark null, and a round top derby hat,
while Mayor Miller wore a Hal.
top ntraw hat. Their nainet urn
known. They are gambler and Unman
'atliollcn, Tlm revolver found by Miller
wat not told to him, at tlm pawn-broker
and hit wife have tnntlllml, lifter neelng
Mlller'n corptu, that, lm wan not llm
The proMtltu i', l,ou Scott, ti'Htllled
that Miller, thn heavy-net man with a
round top derby hat and the gentleman
with a light null of clothen and nmall
w hi to handn, came to her houtn Monday
and mil only a few minute, that Miller
neeilii il to be In a ntupoi' or foollth; nhn
niippoted lie watdrunHand tiutt wium
the told him ho wan drunk he wild to
hi companion In a peculiar way "come
on nhn nay I am drunk,1' and thereupon
ft, That wat nnlllcleiil, llnhadbeen
recognized at being drunk In a houm
of prontiintlon and no couvertallon or
action nhow that he mild or did any
thing betraying that lm knew he
wat In nuch it place, Hut on tlm
contrary It doen appear (hat. he wa
under tlm lullueu u nonii'llilng, and
wa lielnu walked about to 1 H it t hi
t cpulat Ion,
lln Wll" lint tl'lltled all. II" wllh olio nf
I lin llllualen nf eo plllcen, but. there
wa an attempt mado In nhnw that he
had u 1 1 1 1 aliiiiii In ,eiinlo lllack'n room,
a uiio eyed ileiileii and, afler having
layed wiih Imr In nln, told Icr that
llm mi! day lm would hot lm alive,
I 'poll cro . mi in I mil Ion 1 1 wa In w n
thai I ho preleudi'd nuloldu w In. npnnl
hi I it I hour wllh a houmly, blind
prti'illlule, wa a perfect nlrangnr, lhal
lieivurn a ruiind lopM'd derby hat, not
W IiuhIiiiiiiI Willi Jiniili' Itliiii lln iliiii
In fun- lln niiiinr' iln'iiim mill tmi, I u hnl
iniHHiiiil In In? ii'J'HMi Til A V MOM I". t'oN
To I'lioM.; that iih icnv HHrnMv
llavliiH ahnolulnly gotten llm mayor
Into mm nf Hmtu placnn, and having
him I'Boiuj ii I .id by a primlllulti who had
i" 'ii hint In hi olllee, hut few peopln
would doubl, wllhiiul. Ihl nxplamil Inn,
lliai lm wa llm pernu who vlnllml
.l.'iiiile lllack,
r roui hi pocket wa taken a
inlil i'ii'i
him from llm
tlm back of wii
di wa
w i iiliti " I'.t n fnuni it mat. concern I
Inn., limit. I,. In my bead ntiilt'ioi in. I
siiiml it Any Imti-ef!" Wnnld the
mayor, under an, flii'iiuixiaut'e", nfi.i'
hlllim; iH'Ciipled (lit. piiHl.. with the
t preq ottlce and w bleb h" imvii.. .1 hI
the thin' of hi murder, have npelled
whom I. 'in. iii llllll followed It Willi three
nlliei' llii;iioil criiirn by u dug a capilul
I ' In hpell ( 'an, a capital S In npell Ma ml
Hud a capital A tn Any In Hm middle
of a nelllelicey
Two men, hearing the mmm tlencrlp
Hoii a Ihotn abovo tb'M'rllieil, met a
Uf ui Intuitu at Im wan imlng to llm
lio.-plliil Hm evening M illcr wan found,
lining aciiialnlcd with IiIiii they bewail
to talk almul Hm Irugetly, They linked
lilt opinion of tlm cum' ninl were In
formed til iTel'i'tlt to what, they ex
pected that ho Indleved the mayor
had been murdered, Onn or tlmm,
however, exproHtod tho view that. It
wattiilcldo, although at. thallium no
one had Uuowit oi Inn having linen
charged with being at. I, mi Seoll.t, or
that tlm letter had been found upon
llllll, Yet gentlemen advaucni
Urn thoory of Milcldn. Tlu'V had a
tachnl, anil on liotitg iikkoiI whore
limy worn going nun antwnri'il Kantat
City ami at tlm tmim time the oilier
corrected him by allying SI,. I'aul.
Thai In not all. Ono of tlmm upon
leaving on tlm night train of llm eve
ning the mayor an found, telegraphed
tit it. 1 C i on ii 1 1 Catholli), iiHklng to have
llm dally papern tout to him al Kautat
'Photo fun la are not all wn have, but
arn thny not nulllclent to nhow that llm
A, I. A.'n have not donn all llm good II
will bo necctHiiry for them to do beforn
going out of polltli'H,
Yon are your own Judge at to
whether tlm fact that Hmno men arc
Uoiuan Cat hoi let lint miy nlgnlllcanen,
but we do nay that any church, which
toiiclmn lhal, for tlm nmall mini of $U,fiii
i a confettlon and prayer, nhn will
navn tho houIh of tho Uoiuan Catholic
devllt who murdered Mayor Miller,
thai church ought tn bo regarded by
the public at acccHHorloM In tlm crime.
What other advantage and Induce-
mii ii 1 1- have tho Uoiuan CiiUioIIch for
couHplraclcny 'Plm Ihwm urnl conMlllu
tfon of tho United Stiilcn, mul ttvery
nlatt) liHik tht bi'ottn f thti ilmjiiul'
Hpliitual advlter, Tlm eiiminal can
titer Into thn iiiomI dainnabln tton
nplrany with prloMt or bltlio. under tlm
gulto of oonfetMlon, receive Hpliitual
leaching mid advice, and nn law can
allow the "father" to be even uuen
tmncii upon inn nuhjoci. I low many
I'rotetlaut.H confent their crime to
their pattorn? They often admit their
faulU and nlnt agalntt (iod'n law,
which are not alto nlnt agalnnt inan'n
What I'rnteMnnt preacher of the
gotN'l would lltten to a lain of murder,
arton, rape or robbery and remain
Who, then, gelt the benellU nf that
law,' Who milter by I ty And who
Indlevet that It could not be iinetl at a
fi bill for connplratnrn agalntt Pro-
tentantt mid ugalnnt a I'r'otettant
goverillliellty OlIHKHVKII.
Moro Hemp Wmitod.
Such wan llm caption nf an article In
one of our iliill ii'M on thn day of Neal'n
execution, and referred to a colored
brute who iintntilted a lit tle girl. That
article, periiap more than anv one
thing, Incited a mob that nanm night
lynch the victim of llmlr wrath,
'Pint wretch had cniiitnllled a crime
iitfitlnM, which thn law provide punlth-
ineiit, but thn mob had not llm pnl li'iino
to wall Urn Mow priweH of law, A
more cowardly, diiMardly, brullnh
line hit recently been cuuimllteil In
our cit y, a ciime a dark and lufaimiu
a linil committed by tlm bloody a
naMn who nbol Mayor Miller down, a
crime which nnemn to lm only a f nu t of
tlm Infernal plotaualnM, llm uiaii'nllfe,
If tlm aalu nf Mayor Miller dlt
covcred nn ibiuht tlm law will lake It
COUI'ae, Iblt what about llione otlmr
Ititnanitlu know to the public Hut iih
niinnlu of Mayor Miller' repuiaiion,
Tlionn w ho followed up with dcvlllnll
malice the work of the murderer, ami
with iiiiroleiiling, detlllnli haired pub
llthed their vile calumny, Are Hmy
going wot I, free? When lhee datlard.
ly vllllan ilUeovered that Mayor Mil
ler cnulil no longnr defend hlmtelf
ligalnM, tlmlr vlln pen, hi iiialli'hiii
tinnallaut plh'd upon hi memory l
caluuiuy and vHupnratlon thai nhiH'keil
the whole community, No regard
whalnvnr wa paid to thn memory of
Hi l good man, no pity for Hm Imnrt
already blending with the mot acute
norrow ever known tu human heart,
Seeing tlmlr lovml and honored one
torn from them by tlm baud of bloody
IIHniinnliiM, they am Compelled to nee
tlm reputation of I heir loved one
il ragged In llltlj hy execrable flom',,
I till high I'liuie agalntt thn nllent
dead going to u utircvciiged? Shall
Wo hy i. iir nlli-nce clve lltteliei' to the
human flnud In blin keii and trndiieo
the mtiiie of miy nf Hm Kim nnd daugh
ter of lllli city, whoiu dentil may
lleimey ,. ,,f oiiuihn and Soulli
oinalot If lii wnt your brother what
would you tin altiut Uf Wat not the
late Mayor Miller your brother Indci'ill'
Shitll we cull for mom hempy
l''urtlmr, arn then foul fleinht Vleur
nf Mayor Miller' blood? 'I'hiil a d. p
laid plot wat prepttretl to tend the coin
munlty to believe that Mayor Miller
coininllleil niilcldn I evident. That
the report of Hie (if mul H'nWif if'
nlil nxhlhlleil paint to entiibllth the
theory of nulclde, mid cover up tint
track (if the murdcrcm In alno very
plain, Thai. Hmy had llm pint off hy
heart ready to npiing on Hid public U
alto clear. That tho Invent Igat Ion him
already neat toroil to thn four wlmln of
heaven their theory In no longur it
tpioMlloii. That the hnlllHli linn they
publlnhed to blacken llm reputation of
Mayor Miller never had a partlclo of
foundation it alto at plain at nunllght.
I hen what connect ion had llmnn re
porter with the murder of Mayor
Miller, It a ipietllon for the jury not to
loote night, of, And If they cannot
cttalillnli any, lot Hm public annwer an
to llmlr guilt In trying to bury In their
II I thy lien tlm nauiu of our honored
dead friend.
TImto papnrt could devote whole,
coluinnton llmlr llrnt pagn, lmadnd In
bold type when they were iiMnalllng
the dcfenNeletn dead, but now how hi
It? In an obtcure corner, with apace
and word toeuilngly begrudged, they
nlato that "It tonkt like murder." Tho
evidence given clearing M lllor'n rininu
nf llmlr llllh It ncarcoly noticed. No
apology InolTeroil for their dovlllnh at
tack. Tho black vllllan rnfnrrnd to In
tho II I'M. linen of thl article wan a gen
tleman, wllh a heart an white a nnow
compared lo the devlllth black next of
thete execrable flendt who tried to
attall the Hpotlenn muni) of our dead
anil defennolcnt friend and brother.
Verily there In
Momo HtiMf Wantkd,
Veerocl Around.
I'ubllc opinion ban changed during
Hm latt week, I'W neveral daV afb't'
Mayor M lifer wuftjuiiml wR,n a hull.
1n hfHtiralii tlntdll tjitji .;.tY t'iy t-,vn
leading dally paper prin.lolmod thai,
be luul committed nulclde, and It wum
not until Tin.; Amkuiiian and the I'uli
Iir took a Urni ntand and declared thn
killing wat murder and not nulclde,
that public Hontlnmiit veered around
mul naw the crime In I la true light.
I 'robably no pertou hat taken a greater
Intorent In trying to forml nut tlm
murderer, than have the reporter on
the evening I'ulilir and the n.en em
ployed by Tiik Amkiucan. Tlmyhave
worked night and tiny and tlm evidence
Hmy have nncured will materially aid
deteeilven when the cane I entruntod
lo their care.
Today there I Hot the leant doubt In
the mind of any Intelligent man a to
whether Mayor Miller wa or wat not
That It wat planned and executed by
ineinbi.irH nf the Human church, admit
uf a little doubt.
And that, the murderer will nut
encapn the gallown, If they are appro'
bended, you may rent anmired.
The myntorioun dltappearaiicn of ex
Judge CInrknon, tlm unexplained death
of I)r, Sloman mid the attrocloii mur
der of Mayor Mlllor-eoneolvnil and
xoeutnd In perfect .lenlllt ntyle call
mul ly for prompt, vigorous mid tin-
cerium aci.ion, if the nruner aut uui"
Hen will lint, nee that everything pnnnl-
I ilmfl. in apprelmml tlm guilty
partlen In Ihl lunlauce tonecure their
conviction lil.lciit nhoiild hand to-
gel her mul drive from the city every
dlnloynl and dlnrepulahbt pernu who
I coutlilered a menace to morality,
who netn Hm law at ibdlanco, and who
murder olllclal hncauinthey rcfun to
olatn their oath of oHice,
l''or thl hint nlTon!', coupled with
Hm fact lhal Im wa a memlntr of the
A, I', A,, waC I', Miller marked for
Marked for Death?
Ye; marked hy I tome, executed hy
Itoum, mid nlandered by Imr when hi
tongue wa Milled by death,
)f thl who ha a doulil?
Not you?
No; no! You know the hai red which
acliiatcH thcNii deed,
Vou know the !utnrot of tlm tinman
Ii ii nil demand Hid law lie wet an Id",
That It In Imr IntcrcM to fnnterciium
ud that the more virion Hmy are
the more glory they arn to the church
bocuumt inoi'e money I rcuulrod to pur-
'bane abnolutlon, and money I what
tlm church In after,
No doubt mime ptient nome Jenult-
probably Urn one who planned iNi
murder of Hie i
ia litleu').!
i ouiiniirf.i i,
nl i
'IVil,gl II III