The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 02, 1892, Page 8, Image 9

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Political Rallies Are Now the
Order of the Day.
Ihjl rmrl la Rhm OjhmumI
By Kiln Mwllnf la Karh Ctnie.
lanal Iltrtt ItviMtwrstte RiprsnU.
"Htm Me at thlaft
VlsctXNr. Inl., f jt. 2. The IVmo
rata of bulimia had their first oirtit
nity of nuvtinjr Cathlhlato A. E, Mev un
ion yetorilay, the occasion being a re
ception at the Ornnil hotel, Several
Aundrttl jK'rsons filed through tlw tiiir
lors ami shook hands with the distin
guished niinoisan until dinner time.
The afternoon meeting on Court House
square was attended by 5,(K)0 pwple. All
the available (jjxwe within the court
hotwe enclosure was occupied, and al
though the entire afternoon was taken
up by the speakers there was no per
ceptible diminution in the size of the
crowd at any time. All the speakers
uuite in sayinir that it wan the most con
stant and attentive outdoor audience
they had wer witnessed.
The plal form stoud above the main
entrance of the court house and was
gaily decorated with flags and stream
ers. Hon. Mason J. L. Black, similiter
of the Indiana house of representatives,
called the assemblage to order and intro
duced as oluurman of the meeting lion.
Isaac P. Gray. Ex-Governor Gray was
enthusiastically greeted. He made a
brief speech, which took well with the
audience. At the conclusion of his
speech, ex-Governor Gray introduced as
the first speakei General Steveuson and
in presenting the candidate for the vice
presidency to the audience, he remarked;
I have the honor of introducing one of
the best men for whom you have been of
fered the privilege of casting your votes.
The reason why I say that is tlmt he bent me
for the nomination to that olllce, and I do
not think you will charge me with euot lsm
when I say that it takes an exceedingly
good man to beat me. Applause.
Genend Btevenson went to the front
of the platform and was greeted with
cheers. He remarked:
Pardon me for saying that I did not
beat my friend, Governor Gray, but the
Democracy of the United States desired
only to save him for the first plane in the
next presidential contest. Applause.
General Stevenson's speech was not of
great length, occupying in the delivery
but little more than half an hour.
Hon. Claude Matthews, candidate for
governor, followed, confining himself to
a discussion of the tariff issue as it affects
the fanners.
Senator Voorhees was next introduced.
He met with an encouraging reception,
and it was several moments before the
applause subsided so that he could be
heard. It was Senator Voorhees' first
speech of the campaign. He spoke with
his usual brilliancy, and was frequently
applauded. When he had finished
sneaking the crowd dispersed with
cheers for Cleveland and Stevenson,
Matthews and Voorhees. In the evening
there was a torchlight procession, fol
lowed by another mass meeting at the
court house square. ,
General Stevenson left for Henderson,
Ky., which was the place of his birth
and the home of Ids boyhood. There
will be a big barbecue in his honor there.
Democratic "Cum palgn of Education."
Chicaoo, Sept. 2. The Democratic
"campaign of education" in the west
was fairly opened when Don M. Dickin
son, chairman of the campaign coin
mitee of the national committee, met
the representatives of the western and
northwestern states and a plan of the
campaign was Laid out. The seven
states in which the Democracy intends
to push the fight are: Illinois, Michi
gan, Wisconsin, two Dakotas, Minnesota
and Iowa.
Contrary to the general expectation
Mr. Dickinson will not be in the western
forces. He has more important work to
perform in New York and will leave the
western campaign in the hands of
Messrs. Cable of Illinois and Wall of
Wisconsin. Mr. Dickinson's proxy as a
member of the sub-committee will prob
ably be given to Daniel Campau, chair
man of the Michigan state central com
mittee and member of the national com
mittee from that state, or James H.
Ewing, A. E. Stevenson's law partner,
who took part in the conference. Mr.
Ewing brought with him the personal
wishes of Mr. Stevenson that Mr. Ewing
be given a place in the management of
the campaign.
The FrcisliUnt's Plan.
Washinotom, Sept. 3. In rlaw of the
very thorough arrangements which, have
been made by federal officers for protect
ing the United States from the Asiatic
cholera, President Harrison does not
deem it necessary that he should remain
in Washington longer, and unless some
unforseen emergency occurs he may see
fit to return direct to Loon Lake and
spend next week with Mrs. Harrison. Jf
this plan is adopted the president will
?robably leave the mountains on the
2th inst., and on bis way south deliver
the campaign speeches for which he was
Ixwiked on his expected return from
White Plains to Loon Lake.
For ConifrHM.
Philadelphia. Sept. 2. The Demo
cratic congressional and senate conven
tion in this city resulted in nominations
as follows: First congressional district,
E. (Jr. Flanagan: Secnd, John J. Aia
) yiy; Fourth, KIbridgo E. Nocke,
nWXVKB, Sept, 2. The People's Party
congressional convention for the First
mtrint nominated Myron W, lined, the
preachw-politician, for congress. An
effort will bo made to have the Demo
crate endorse the nomination.
letters ut Amyina,
WakhjxotoX, Sejit. Jf. It Is under
stood that President Harrison's letter (4
acceptances will Im made public on Mon
day next. Mr, Whitelaw Bel'l'S will
follow about Hpt, Hi, Mr, Clwtvekfid
has not yet Indicated when his M,Ur of
.,v..r,tiLiie will tie lAvm out. but It is
said It will be Jiiado public iwt later
than rvpt. w.
fpl'f f'VMVf uUnn 1'iisf pd.
CirttYJWKB, Wyo.j H-tpt, Tls state
Mmventloti of the People's Party has
been postponed from Hpt, 7 to Hpt, 21.
Twelve Big Drs.ini for This Comlin
HKAU ! HKAH ! ! IlKAH I ! !
1 nimi-o piano for tt.Vllo,
1 aquniv New Yoik piano for i,i.
8 upright plana, v H , TiTYliO.
1 Iftfjjt! upright piano, ft MUX).
1 good vipfi;ht piano, ISKUio.
1 bettor upright piano, iiYiHi.
1 sttuulanl upright piano, liVUM
1 fancy eiwu standard plntto, :i"ft,(Hi,
1 It-slop walnut organ, HVW.
1 11-siop walnut organ, f,0,00,
1 12-slo;i walnut organ, fcVt.tnt,
1 14-stip walnut oi gau, HI. i
Kasy payments. Ka.y paiueiih,
Seo our Imniense stuck of hew seale
Ktm hall pianos, Kmerson and 1 lulled
Davis pianos, new ICItnlmll organs,
A. llOSl'K, Jit.,
1.113 Douglas street.
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver
ware and Clock.
I make a upeclalty In overhauling
and cleaning Chronograph Repeaters
and all grndes of Watches and Clocks.
Jewelry remilrlng and manufactur
ing, etc. " JOHN HUM),
305 N. 10th Street. Omaha, Nob.
Do you wsnt a home of your own?
You can buy any lot we own at $10
per month, without intkkkst. Apply
to Mutual Investment Company, 1504
Farnani street. 0-2
Thea White Sewing Machine Has no
It Is the cryMall.atlon of practical
fdoas, of practical sewing machine men,
who have brought the White to such a
state of perfection that It Is recognised
the world over as the "Kins;" of sow
ing machines. Olllce and salesroom
leiGCliicsgo street, near cor 10th.
' - i
Friends n to W. H. Hoaton to have
your heating stoves blacked and fltml up
by first-class workmen, at lowest prices.
2717 Leavenworth.
ltoadurs, if you want this paper to
succeed patroni.o our advertisers.
Try Hartry's "SPECIAL," tho DEST
throo for a quarter In tho city. J07
South 1.1th Street.
When you wish, to discontinue this
paper, please do so by letter or In
Money to loan nt Dime Savings
Bank, 1S04 Farnam St.
Philip Lang would bo pleased to see
all his old and as many now friends as
possible at his now place of business,
718 South Sixteenth, near Leavenworth
Bargains in summer footwear at
Hayward Bros. 15M Douglas street.
Special bargains In Ladies low shoes
next week at Hayward Bros.
i .
Go to Dyball's for fine candies, 1518
Douglas St.
Money to loan at Dime Savings
Bank, 1504 Farnam St.
Drink Dybsll's delicious Soda Water.
1518 Douglas street.
We have taken tho agency for Itov.
J. G. White's books. Tho whole sot
only costs $1.00. "Homo," or "Auricu
lar Confession Exposed," Is worth more
than that amount. "Deeds of Dark
ness" will soon bo out of tho hands of
the binder.
Yon should all remember that C. F.
Shaw & Co., 618 8. Kith St., hss al
ways on hand, Vegetable, In sern;
also a full line of Staple Croceili.
Do not forget us when down town.
We should all buy our Gents' Fur
nishing Goods, Hats, and fine Men's
Shoos of Edlings Bros., HDH North
Sixteenth street, the strictly ono price
house. tf
Go to IJowen's cash tnsrket, 622
8. 16th. Chespesl meats in the city.
8. R. Patten, dentist, room 8-18 Hoe
building, telephone M,
, .1
Scratch pads put up from waste
paper stock. Just the thing for mem
orandums. 412 Sheely block.
Kuen tie's bakery, 522 H. lOlh St.
Great bargslns at the Whitney niort
gngo sale of shoes, 103 South Fifteenth
street, Saturday. tf
Try Hartr7SlrXJl AL," th UKHT
three Uit a quarter In th4 city, 107
South ISlh Street.
ThflPaxton I loud Barter Hhot'nd
Baths, with Altered Water, tbfl Best.
Go to Bowen's cash market, 622
8. 16th, Cheapest meals In the city.
Go to Bowen's cash market, 622
, 16ib. OhHspest meats .n thcliy,
P, O, S, of A, wwflt In th Amprirm
Hall rmxtTbuwIay evening,
Amknwak, Call stidse ns or writs
for patleulars,
Tk xr rpirlrt(f to The Drum
motid Cmlsjfit Cf. I8fh snd lrMj
His, Upp. tb (Umnty Jll,
Osllsdallsr In Mil Pulpit.
MT.Jtwii'H. Mo., Aug, id, In
l ifth uliwi MethfHll! elmii'li nf Ibis
city, thu Hev, Mr, lliiim'mugli was
preaching on U"manlm and inomMty,
when a ta'l, blnek Is-iiitled, well dii ed
man walkeil up " ,m' I'ulpll and, slink
ing a heavy cant' under the preacher's
lewe, enelalue il; "I sin a Catholic and
you are a liar. 1 dace yuu to prove one
of your artton,"
Heveral deacons In lite I'lmreh luadu
n rush for the ali-anger, who grasped
his eane, and when (In minister
counseled 'iieo ilm man left iiunio
The renders of Thk AMiMtli'AN who
desire to see us prosper should atrohl,i!
our advertisers, Kp clally thon out
of the city of Omaha who make pur
chases In this city. Before coming Into
the city, look over the paper and settle
upon where to do your buying, and go
there and do It.
Room 17 frunzer Blk. Opp. P. O.
Chattel Mortgngs Hals,
Notice I lnreliy ttlveii Unit ly virtue of S
I'luillel imii'lKiiiie itali'd Hie ?!nil (lay of
Selilelnber. A, (. Slid duly tlleil for
recoH III Inn olllei, of Ihn coiiniy clerk of
linuifln coiiiily, Nelinilia, Which ssld wort
(time wmn t-xiu'iileil hy W in. Jan. Ive iinil his
Wife to W, l( iMinell Ce, lo secure Hie niy
ini'lil of of one cerliilli noUi for III" sum of
one hundred and forly-four nM4.Mii ilollnrn,
divided into fiiuiil iiaymeiit and puyalde
mom hly. hfidiinlns Heiiiemher I", Wd, and
liHin which Ihein Im now (Inn and nyuhl Hie
sum of one hundred and iweiily-wiven lil-imi
ihillitrN, that defiiull hlivlutf liecn iniidn In
the puyuieiil of Mild unit, and no other suit
nt iw haHns lieiui Itmllluled to recover ssld
deld, or any pitrt thereof, we will sell the
properly lis descrlhed In slinvti challle morl.
uiiiie In coiiniy e.'erk's olllce, consisting of
household fiirullure, carpels, orxnti, si'Slng
liiHchlne, pictures, stoves, ele losiitlsty said
Minis reiiiiilnlui tnipiild, suld sale In take
place on Hal unlay H'pouiher 17, l,l 10
o'clock a. in,, on Ihn Ihlrd Ihmr of W, l(,
Mv.KHKir l'o, 's store, al- iiuiiiIn'IS I.Vis-l.'ln-Ifili!
I'apltol s venue, In (luuthit, Nehrsska,
-Sa MormaKes,
Sheriff's Sals.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the Idstrlct I'ourl for lioushts County, Nn
hraska, mid li me directed, I will, on the 4lti
day of (icIoImt, A. H,. Itri. at in o'chs'k . M, of
said day, t the KAST front, disir of the
County Court, House, In thn Clly of Omaha,
IkitiKla County, Nehraska, sidl at puhllc
aui'lliiii the descrlls-d In said order
of sale as follows. Hi wil l
The west, 'rorty-se vnn 147) feet of lots liillu
heM wen! v-lhrceiSH and twenty-four (S4i, In
hloek reimls r s,,ven (7), In lliuiscom Place, as
surveyed, plaited and recorded, toyeiher
with all theappurM'tiaiicesttieielliilo Im'IoiiK
IiiK. all In lioutflas county, and staleof N
hraska. lo satisfy Nehrasks Sa vlnifs and K
chanite Hunk the sum of seven hundred sUty
and 7-l'i dollars (tViKMri Judgment, with In
terest, thereon at ten (H) percent, per Minium
from May, A. It, IMH, imill fetid) and
thirty-two and ta-fMi dollars Ml'lm costs,
wllli'lnterest thereon from the lllh day of
May, A, ll, 11, until paid, Uwether with
crulni! costs HccorrilnK Uitk JudKuieiit reieJ
ered by Ilm district court, of said S'USlss
county, t Ms May term, A, l, laid. In a cut
talnacllon then and there pendliis, wherein
Nehraska Savlnirs and Rschaiisn Hank Is
glalntlir. and Aihdl Itlce, S. W. Master anil
, I', (I roii I aredoViidaiil.
Omaha, Nebraska, Heiilemlier 1st, IS!.
Sheriff of I'onKlas County, Nebraska,
iM'Kler 1 Thimias, attorney,
Nebraska Savin and Kxchanire Hank v.
Klcc, el. al, M-K-ft
Sheriff's Sals, '
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the filslrlet Court of iNiuslas County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on the 4th
day of October, A, l. Wi, at Hio'cbwk A, M of
said day, at the KAHT front door i.f Ihs
County Court Mouse. In Ihn City of Omaha,
(anurias County. Nebraska, sell at nubile
suction the properly diwrrllsid In said order
of sale as follows, to-wit;
The oiKkhalf fit of lot, thlrtv-elflil IW)
In llorliaf'h'a first addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded In
llouirla coiiniy. state of Nebraska. Ha Id
properly to lie sold sub)ect to senrtiiln mort
iraiie In the sum of is.;Wi,nn, and Inlerest at
sl lib per cent, snd to satisfy the Omaha
Loan anil Trust Company's HmVIiiH Hank Ihn
sum of three thousand elifht hundred forly
elubt Slid 47-Wl dollars sts 47i with Inlerest,
thereon at rain of ten (Hu percent, per annum
from February lllh, I aid, and tlm further sum
of one thousand and elKht-sl and 4i-irt
dollars lSI,nsa.4U with Interest thereon at rai
of nine (leper cent, ixir annum from Kehruary
Wh. isiil, until paid, and fol ly-one and 4-HOK
dollars tM.4M nmlti, with Interest thereon
from theHlhday of February, A, ll, IsUI, to
irether with aeeriilns eosls aecordlns lo a
ludifiuenl rendered by the district, court of
hoiiiflas ciMinly, at Its February term, A. I,
laid, In a certain s'llonlhen and there pend
Inif. wherein the Omaha lxin and Trust
Company's Hank was plalnillT. and Kdward
(,', Krlllni, Crancls Met Krtllnv and other
Were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska. September 1st. im,
fherltf of liouxlas Counly, Nebraska,
Tuiuilclllf h I'aile, sll;rneys, k-W
Notice to Crsditors.
Stats or Nsbimssa, M
liotixlas Oiunly, 1 '
In tlm Oimty Cmirt of lioula vmitny,
Nebraska. Aniut av A. h M
In the matter if tbuestal of Isim Hchlpp,
The followlns named persons, U-wlt: lllse
lleusan, Winnie Hendricks, Ferdinand
Sehroedcr, Henry Schrocdcr, Sohl Sell-'
rder, Matilda Schroeder, OerKe S'liriedef
and William Scblpp, and all (icrsons Irder
esO'd In said manor will take iuMcm iliat
on the th day n1 AuKiist, the county
court of liontflu county, Neb,, madn the
followlnif order i
Stats or Nsaass4, 1
H,itirla tuuty, f ' .
In lh (vninty tVriirf of liouIs (Vninly,
Nebraska, AuKustr., A, , s(, 'resent, J, W,
Kller. Coiiniy Jude,
In Hie matter ut the estat if lt-im Mitpp,
Cpou readlnx snd Hllns th ptllhrfi tit
f)erK Schroeder ahoWlftS that I he said U-im
Sc,lpp died In ssld eonnly on thend day of
August, A. It, law, lesvliiK mi last will and
testament, and Indus wwes'd lit real sad
pisooal esiaoi, snd that I he siov niimed
persons are ih only h'drs at law of said de.
ceasi.d, and prsylnK that admlnMralion of
said esiai may " VtM') t'l Mil
iPs-hme, and prHfinU that such other and
further order Snd pro ftedln(s may Ji had )s
the premises, as may required by lbs
latois In su'h ease made and provided.
Ordered, f hat. Seiflem'"-' A, I', law, at
O'clo'k S, rn I ssslcie-d fjrbeartimrsald SV'
lltPm. when all perm UiO.resled III said
maitT may appear si lb County court, lo I
held In and tor said eeoiy, and show cause
why Ibe prayer of ld pellllonershould mil
U jrranK d) and that node of h frii'Hjiiy
ofald iielllloti snd Ida hmtSnn Ihv-tnA, b
lvn lo ll person sbov naiil and all
oile-r person liri"d Is ld iimiu-r. hf
poMUbln wrtl'fs rt "'I jrr'IJ l THS
SHraii.s. a newspaper prthl'i in said
coomy, four k mn'i'mvt frr-fiiiim Ui
m tiiis appointed, , VftfH
(sssfel I 4'1ln
1J ..... tlt fiirlhi'f IkUlt milU'M that un
less you appear lcit the ssld pennon of
OeorVS'4,ro'dert fM Mms .d pl'' p
wiiiiU'l for that, imrti'r", Hi" "n may, In
your alMKia, appoint said MOls Hoenr,,. o
S.C,,S Olpef SUMSIO" r ..r.rrrr-.r,r,
and msvrt el"r of imUiiii1i iif
said eslal ui mSH K'S-hm or wn
,ll,er snllatd pero, and niMf tllMt, l,)m
f.trlher payr'f said e(l'l'W
rViine ,,y ha-d snd omalseal MmU
day of A Html., I, W, H''KKM
y sw-5T i iii k
Has a full line of Hlu' at, laittom
pl'lnns, Hen our MIS I Hhlai,
ICaatslilo (if I'lth Mt, between llnllfla
hilil BiMlifn Mt reels,
Waled llepairln a S.ecbiliy
All kinds of Jewelry llepatred
HK4i,sa IS
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
JCvery Wal'h Warranted,
a06N.10th Street, OMAHA, NEB
Merchant Tailoring.
- - rrsicsts low,- -
First class Cleanlnil, Hyelns and Itepalrliijf
Safisfaclloii Ouaianteed,
(hi, lflih k (Mlfernlt it, OMAHA.
Shsriff's Sals.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out, of
flm IMsttlct, court for lioiiKlas nmiiiy,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the
41 b day of October, A, l, IWi. at Pi
o'clock a. tn, ut said day, at Hie F AST front
(hair of Ilm coiiniy court house, In the ell of
irmaiin, iioiiaias C011107, ,-seornsa, s.n b,
,nl.ll so., II,... tin, i.c.iM'Clv .leu'rlls'll in aSbl
order of sale as follows, lo-wlti
"lits Ibree lie and fonr4i In Ifcrisort and
.lobiisou' suli-dlvlslou of lots elybt 'si and
nine iwi in mi nam ami laiuweus aoouion 10
the ell y of Omaha assurveyed, plaited and
recorded, all In IioukIiis county, Staiof e.
Iiraska," Said pioja-riy ti be sold to satisfy
omaliaSavliiits lunik the sum of sltleen hun
dred elubty-seven Slid Is-IMidollar I.WtJ,lst
with Interest thereon st rate of elshl ii la r
cent per annum from September zit, Iwlt
To satisfy 4ohn V, luivls the sum of ally
three and Sl-I"l dollar in;i,Ki with InM-rest
thereon at rate uf seven i7i r cent per an
num from septcmla-r stst, Isfil, unill paid,
u,.,l ll.l.iv.,, 11.1,1, snd Kl-IIO 2:1, dolliils
cost, with Inlerest. thereon from the if 1st day
OF f.epMTlllin'r, n, i,,, i,,i, Hii.,,rr wiiii n-'
eruliiif cost accordlns ti aju'.'yment rend
ered by the district court of said fMiirlss
eonnly, at Its Heptemla-r trm, A, ll, lW, In s
cerlaln action then and there fS'iidlns,
wherein Omaha Havlnds liank was jilslnllff,
and orln O, Vlckroy and others were defend
ant. Omaha, Nebraska, September M, Vn,
fherllf of IioukIiis County, Nebraska,
Franls W, Wessidls, attorney,
Kpscisl Msstsr Commlsslonsr's Halt,
By virtue of an order of iil Issued out of
the district iourl for fiouxlas County, N
tirnska, and ti ms directed, I will 011 tlm 4th
day of October, A, It, WM hi, III o'clock s, m,
ut said day, at the F.AsT front diair of th
i wiliiy Minn, nouns. 111 iniiir 01 imana,
lioiitfla County. Nebraska, m-ll at public;
suction the nroja-riy deaerllsal In saldordnr
of sain as follows, to-wlt)
lrt numla'red mie'li, two'!?), tweiily-thres
(an and twenty-four '.n, 111 iiuaa numiairen
one Hi, F,ast Side addit ion to Omaha, a sur
vevud. nlatMd and recorded, all In Houifls
e.iunty, siau of Nebraska, said pro,ari.y to
b sold 10 satisfy jiiiin t arron tn sum i
two thousand, nine hundred llfty-four and
Z4-IH0 dollars WiMA 4i wllh Inlerest Viereim
at rat of slsht 1S1 per cent, per aiiitum from
SepM-mlierlst, IStd, lititll paid, and i wi ety.
one and Oimi WA.i'M dollar eol, with In
lerest thereon from the 21st day of Septum
her, A, ll. Wd, MSfelhef with accrolnK eosb
aceordlus to a judgment rendered by lbs
Irtstrlct c,urt of said liouidas county, St lis
eptemlr O'rm, A, ll, ISUI. In scerlnln aelton
then and there pendlny wherein John Carpoll
was plaintiff, and Jacob and Mar
Sart,l, Fawcelt were defendant,
Omaha, Nebraska, September I. a(,
Cpeelal Master Commlsspef,
Itrome, Andrews and Mheesn, slttrt-ney,
Sheriffs Sals,
M virtue of an order of sals Issued out of
1h lUsUlcl court of lioutflas c.mnly, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on lh 4ib
day of IH-Mirr. A, 0. r.. M Vtn'rMirM,ti,
of said day. at the F,AT front diir of Iba
coiiniy niim nouse. in in coy in lonana,
liouiflii eonnly, Nebraska, s ll at publle
a 11, lion the nroia'rly deserlW'd In said order
of sale as follows, lo wit!
Hloek thirteen 1j.11 itowiin reen, an aoui
tlun lo lb "Ily i Omaha, as survejievl,
iifiilUid and recorded, all In llouidn emintv.
slat til Nebraska, said properly fci 1 soid
to satisfy Arthur I'. Wood, trustee, tbe sum
of nineteen hundred, thlriy-nlne and 4a-pi
dollars (4l',4si, with Inlerest I hereon al rule
of len (10 per cent, pi r aniiuin from Scp-temla-ral,
Isdl, unill paid, and twenty-four
and 7. inn (4 ,7kicis, with Interest thereon
frirtn Ihn 21st day of sejiwunber, A, V, vn,
1,.1,1 1, ,r with kn'Hitnit cost S''ordtns
to a judKfnent rendefl by the district luniri
it said fnsnrlsa county, al )l s-pimta-r
term, A. If, iswi, 10 a c. riain aeuou itien ami
Umra pefidlft, wherein Arthur I', WikJ,
rnislee. was iilaliillff. sttd Jame li, Mlnur
and l,avlna T. Williams, were defendant.
Omaha, untrssss. sejrtemia-r 1,
littiWiV. A. M.SSVTT,
Sheriff lit IioukIiis County, Nbrak,
)M(nrls A lb i-kman, atOrneys,
Shsrirs Sals,
Ily virtue fan order i4 sale Issued out lit
the lltrlct cmrt of liouin -.uity, Ne
braska, and to in llre'i'd, ( will, 011 ta 4ih
day of fctola-r A. I. I"1, at leo'eiiek a. m,i4
aid ,li,v. at the t,AST front door 'f I be
couniy I'mn bouse, in t b eiiy lit Omaha,
e,fa eiuiily, Nebraska, sell at puoll:
suction tb irieriy lU'VliSH-n ill imWtitiU'f
lit sale as fi(lms, town.;
Uii ntir fount, tn Mock umiiii-nmn
'li, Mayne vi'imH utiiiHim In flexeliy ui
Oiib. a surveyed, plan' snd rec'rded,
all In IkMViM Mainly, alat lit Nelnanka,
Said jrojerty lob sold to satisfy In'ntym ,
Wwlliwe, tb sum of tmn hundred eleven and
M lofidollrs'll.4i wllh Interest Ihere'rfi at
t at of fen IV h fit cent per annurn tunn Aim
sib. WH. unill paid, sod twenty-one and '
Pii'telddlariis, with lufi nnt thereof
from the lib day 1 it him h, li, im, vaitilfr
w III m-i'tuSitlt cls 'ti'i'iitniut Iti s Jiidment
rendered by the diiVt'owf i4in lunwiH
1 ,m,i at ll Hay U'trn, A, 11, fin, In a cer
tain m ttiHi then and f lier peiidlnaf, wiien ln
IhJiiiH li, Wallae waa plalitlS, and 'f ie
tmahs Merchandlsn Compxny snd mlifi
Wer dcfefilatllS- , , .
Omabs, Nersski, S'T"'mher 1st, l4,
OFIIOK A I'-r.NFrf-Slcnifzf
iitmviiutijMMy, Nt,
Oerjf V, IIMiiinnx. stirney, 4
Notifc Ui Wr-Wslfrit Dsfsnrfsot,
Ciuioil', Him.t.y. 1
In liirliii't fUmri
IHrtHlt (SHHilf,
IHlhlAhUi,, I
It'll' llkt,l, I
t 1
fit WilUmii J, hiitiir rfi re.!det defendant;
Yifi hi iiitmiif umSVwtl ti,i irti A-iif 'ill
IW4 t, niisr( .1 Sled h"r fOM' l Mi
i,mt'M nt itm ,'iet
r ui lit 1 nso 1 1 t ifin 111
(() I'tmiilv, Nel.rasks, vmyiiit for S
itiminm tnn Hi bonds of inulliiififif, lsi
yiM lift fie ynniu'min ymif nnniry. your
iHjittw Ui sollably ,it tier Snd that
yinim H IimIHimI fliesfdi als. ski.
M, ,,,! ,,i Ht, y'linif in nil 11111,1, nuirii'
t f, hi 4,ii Mill. Oidley, Duii fur itltf rif.
foil nm reiuirsd 111 ni)h m,4 nf !)
yuiuum mi Jrlondy invert Villi, im,
i, twin n hiiiwr, rinii,uft,
WH'tM 4M tin Ms miirv, AmJr
st VM 'Mb H'nm
PMi i
C. o. MillM'K,
(sl i t Mwii
Builders' Hardware, Culleru
1404 Douglas St, Telephone
W, A, Nsmasr.
Hi 4,
Our Prices are
2og N. i6th Street,
a. st als.
-'- HALD
WllOl.rssIS ASfl
Anthrficltft. ifock Spring,
tiff, tioc
V ?rlp,
wi tLt the icir vAitietic or
ilVYM V,; , W, Cur, r,ih null Howard, Telephona im
VAKOf 9Hh Street and I'oppleton A, Teephn IXSt,
National Life Association,
Buy Your Insurnnce on Business Principles.
Room 610 McCK" Building, OMAHA, NEB
718 S. 16TH ST.
Will sell all kinds of Shoes at a Cut Price.
Men'u Hhocn, oM at C Aivl 7, MM.
Men' BiWri, ohl ht$ft, ....... 4M
Men' Hhofin, M at i. . . . - . 2,00
Our tl.U) HhfM U $2.(i0 ,
LfttJics' $f, French KM 3.75
.ailicn' )mgiK K'vl, . . . . . ?,.'L?,
had'm' W.M, 2,75
Teeth Extracted for 25 Cents,
ISo ehftrfttf for Extradlirig whm U'M urn IHwU,
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist.
16th and Douglas 8treets, 4th Floor,
" " ir r txt tim w,f ah a w,m., j jh jti j
'fV,t,VfWrf, VA,
Omaha Express ar,l Ceftyery 1,
Moving and Light Expnm Work
Jrnn 'ittMvp4 u ulf vn ft lh Mf
W.i'iir, fori hiesry , . fti'
fer.AAKj,. , i,l,$tmi,v.
HOfi Houth Wi btrt,
wr," n r w - r jr r -f r-
WMt; rW tu n,
C II, 1,1 NW
to r,. T, lil'KF. )
270, OMAHA, NEB.
Ci W. . hull,
- ssi ri-fi'riis or
Mn Hats lo OfsCf on Siiort Kotlce Oar Specially,
Rook Bottom.
'atjso. , v.iinc.
& T Wood, Coke,
VwVfrVJL Kfndn:.
torr coal row cookino ftfifoE,
MAnurACTvnm or
1409 Dougla$ Bt, OMAHA, MB,
Omtftfi, Hub,
ll ,
iffltfiil i tit
F,L&MrVr3jld SC,tPr
tf, (i, mti'f, (mn.ri Wm,
K, V, M',. 4, n, W.ima,
(hu, Vrvtfil ki, (rm, I'm, At
Omaha, Nahrakha,