THE AMERICAN LEOHEROUS WHELPS. P1-U1I Qulgly Clmrgtd by a BUIiop Willi Attempted Adultery. Mlut a Hinhmiil tii Hay About a II Mild of Wnmvn Known lti'Md Cnnftiri". lllshnH J. V. McNamara, last Holiday afternoon lit Memorial Hull, at Toledo, Ohio, doll vot ed th'i following! "I hav to I'oritrlkiui.fn thi way (in ferring to tho devotional ixro.l' ut tho befc-lritilrijf of lli'i K'tIii(() to tin) rulljflou wntlmofit of tlio different clnsso of fntin who attond rV loturos, bocauso I know tho spirit actuating tbcm In wmlnif hir, Tho lecture aro religion In character and aro In tended U b educational, 1 desire to open tho oyos of Protostant pooplo to the corrupt practlco of tho Itoman Catholic rb:thood. Tboy are an adultorou clas of pwplo, There in a woman In thi assembly Uxlay with whom a prb;t tried to commit adultery In tbsjcorifosslouaJ box, and the priest who wait g-uiltjr of thin criminal act wan tumn other than Father Qulley, of tho uhurcb at the corner of Superior and Cherry tret, I have made tho charge publicly, nw let Qulgly take out a warrant for roe if bo dare," I am here to open tho eye of those poor, deluded people, and to in due them to leave that damnable institution tho Catho llcchurob, I am too mlm and too care ful to rcklwJy place myself lo jeo pardy of the law; but let it bo distinctly understood that I make thin statement that Quiglcy attempted to commit adultwy in tho confessional box with a young woman who wa on tho eve of matrimony, and that woman 1 here today with ber husband, thank Grid, converted from Catholicism, because of the epproacbc of Priest Qulg)jr upon ber virtue, I do not charge that thi lucberou 'priest committed the act of adultery with tbl woman, but I do charge that be made the proposal to her in the eonfessbwal, to be carried out later In another room, and the woman I here to testify that what I have said f true, ThU young woman wa on the eve of marriage and went to the confessional, The Catholic primula make a apodal effort to rob of their virtue young wo men about to become wives. They do not, an a rule,oiake any attempt against the virtue of young girl, because the fact that they had had unholy and un lawful intercourse might become ap parent In a very natural way, and in volve them In trouble; but the church g I v them the right to jrproh mmt rltd wmen or women on the eve of marriage, "To return to Ihe charge I have just made, father Qulgley made an indecent proposal to the woman I have referred to, who admonished him that it wan a ain to make uch a proposal to her. The priest replied that it wa not, as "my church allows me todoso," After the marriage she informed her husband of what the priest bad said to ber, and subm-quootly came to me and related the story. Qulgly met the wrong wyman this time, and I would not be surprised if the husbands of the women whom this priest attempts to w.d'tm will get after blm some of these days, I am not Inventing this thing, and 'bear in mind that I do not charge that tyufgley committed adultery with this woman, Itemembcr tbl,. Hut I do ay be made an indecent proposition In the WinUmUtmX box, and urged ber with all thee k'pv?nee be could employ to submit to him. To ber credit, be it said, he resisted bis ad vanse and left b la church, I rewgniz that Qulgley could put me In a bad position if I were unable to wove the charge but I am b Honed thi rstahllt hment of mm of tho Hunt npimllliig lit.lliutli'in of Immoinl Ity and wli-kmlm vir oountonaiii'i'd tmdiir tlm form or garb of HlghiM virtually addlngaiiothnr plHgim spot In that tll Ixxly, l ho mother of harlot, pagnnUm, and thus giving tohlsi'h'rgy the right (whli'h Ibcy had al.i'tuly taknn In varlmn ways) to usn Ihla !) silttilion for iiiiirr'ago. "Ho grt'ttl had 1!i!it the immorality of hi clergy In all part of the world, that he deemed bhnwlf justified In eslali Hshlng IIii'sm soclelh's, o a lo prevent heretics from discovering, If Mmslblo the rottenness prevailing among tlicui from the lowest in office to the highest old gray-headed wolf In tho fold. "Accordingly, the best, safest and most expedient plans were thought out and adooted for tho enslavement of women by making them 'Messed Crea turea,' or consecrated prostitutes, to bo used a vessels of election by tho 'Itev eend Father In God.' "Thus, In many cities In tho United Htate and Canada, there are these nourishing societies, having tho func tion of tho popa. "Tho facts and proofs In connection with this monstrous institution of in famy are abundant, the first evidence coming through the confessional from some of the women who had beftn mem bers, and who bad left their" former homes to get rid of tho burden of uch a life, In all case examined thi badges, pictures, instruments and printed mat ter, were variably the same; also tho statement made were identical (in subtttance) throughout. There are now in safe keeping three copies of tho book which la used as the guide or manual of tho confraternities. "Tho female' members must, if not sick, go at every call to servo the father or any of tho father who bold office, Hbe must mtlmtt to any father who may visit at ber house, unless the act would bo In danger of becoming known to any not members, ; "If she bo a married woman when she Is admitted to this order, she promises to bo faithful to ber pastor, and to con sider him, if a member, and to servo him in all things as her only and lawful husband, blessed before God and Ills church, and she also agrees to alwtaln from serving ber ohstonsiblo husband, a tho Jaws of tho church aro more binding than tho Uiwa of man. She agree to get what money oho can from ber apparent husband for tho support of tho priest and church, and to per suade him that she, though living in the same bouse With, birn and receiv ing support aa in former day, can no longer be & wffe to him, -but ba to con secrate ber whole being to tho aorvie of God and Hi holy church, by trying "Some husbands have' actually be lieved all tbla, and out of respect for the apparcnt,rcllgiou wisbe and scru ple of their, wives, have lived, and are now living Id the same hous, support ing and caring for them, supposing that God, conscience, purity and religion are the only motive actuating their once loved and faithful companions, whom tbey wedded in all confidence and love," Many argument from tho scriptures are introduced to persuade these women as to the propriety and godliness of this institution, and it will be seen by the following example how they pervert certain passage to their destruction, and the defilement of many, but if tho blind follow the blind, then surely they will all into tho pit of papal corruption. "Now these father and their church teach these deluded women that Jesus used, in this peculiar manner, Mary Magdalene and other women, and that he pardoned the sin of many women, because they had toved and served him io this manner during hi tartbljr so journ, "They quote the word from the eighth chapter (A Matthew as found in tamont: 'And when Jeau bad hi wife's !f. and eordlntf t" tho delrn of Ihe 'flesh,' purl fled by the blessing til tho 'spirit. accepted by Hip ftk'(U, made known to many who hail isen s mug deprived in th favor, nmhtawtl and pim-tleed by llin elect mi earth, and was crowned with honor and 'glory' In lo aven. "In eotillnnnllon (if all this they set forth the fourth and ftflli verses of the fourth nrspicr, of the same r.jiistin: 'Kvery twaturtt at God Is gixd, and nothing to lie rojited that U rvcelfnd with thanksgiving, for It I sanctified by tho word of Gl ana prayer" ANirillf lt HfHIIANII. NAT0I,I.1N AIINOLITK I'OWKU. HrruKiilxed by Hie Converted ( nlliollr as a Hanger lo Hie Itcpiibllr. Tho compulsory ubmlslon of Arch bishop Corrlgnn to tho authority f Monslgnor Batolll, the papul dme gate, Is the most striking manifestation of the jMiwer of the Itoman church In this cwintry that has yet appeared. The poio of ilotne la lord and master of all who believe In him as tho vicar of Christ, and Hatolli Is tho pipe! utter ego in the United States lord and master of every Itoman Catholic In our great republic. Until he forced Archbishop Corrlgan to cry for pardon and mercy people were at lib erty to question that extent of Satolll'a power. Now all must admit that his authority In tho United States is si prcme. ' ' Nothing liko this manifestation of tho Roman power ba ever before been witnessed In thi country; -..To find a parallel we must go to Europe and to tho middle age when emperor as well as bishops bowed beneath the yoke of the popes. History i full of Instance where the supremo rule of tho pope was manifested from the tenth to the fifteenth centuries. The Emperor Henry IV. at Canossa, kneeling before Hlldebrand, Pope Gregory VII., and in penitential garbcravingabHolution and mercy, 1 only one of many striking picture Illustrating this formidable power, Tho right to depose king anfl other ruler and release their subject from all allegiance has not only been claimed by the popes and embodied in the canon law of the Roman church, but it ba been exercised many time, and the civil power had to yield to the authority of tho pontiff. Tho canon law of tho church 1 a binding today as it ever ha been, and tho execution of it decree I suspended only in case where through adverse circumstances it cannot bo carried out. If the pope of Rome should issue a decree releasing hlsubject-all the Roman Catholic In thi country from their allegiance to tho republic, he could enforce it by ex communication and Interdict, and com pel them at tho peril of eternal damna tion to execute hi order. That I the canon la wand "theology of the ffiSafi Catholic church. Such an order, how ever, will not be Issued until thq Ro man are so entrenched in power thut they will seem to bo tho defender of the liberties of the country. Tho work will be done in secret when Americans aro unprepared. Archbishop Corrlgan 1 the son of a saloon keeper who made much money in the business of dispensing "Jersey lightning" for many years in Newark, and who thus was enabled to send his son to Rome to be educated for the priesthood. He is, therefore the high priest of the saloon keeper. Archbishop Corrlgan is not a great man, but ho i bright, smart and cunn ing. Tho wealth he inherited from hi father wa used to good purpose among the cardinal at Rome who have itching palm, and while yet a young priest bo wa appointed bishop of Newark, and after a few year co adjutor to Cardinal McCloskey, arch bishop of New York; and on the death of the latter be became tho archblnhod the lord spiritual and temporal of the chief city of the great republic, He ba more Roman Catholic subjects, be call them--under hi juruidlction than any other bishop In tho worbj ej except possibly the archbishop of Pa To Th World i Pair, Hv time and avoid the crowd In Urn city hjP buying ticket over tlm "Great Hock Island ItoMto" nnd slop off at Unglewtsul iienr the World' Vnr gale, Kloelrle line from the "Itoek Island" desit direct U the gnt, 2Vme, fra iim'miio, Fmt, fit mil. Vim can check your Imggngn to Knglnwood and avoid trouble anil save exiiensc, m K.nglcwood Is In tha great snlmrlmn hotel dist rict near the fair, and you can have your baggngo sent to your quar ter at once. Itcmctnhr, IbeCliIenim, Ruck Island k Pacific Is the World' fair Lino for reason given above. Jon Skiiahtiam, General Ticket and Passenger Agent COUNTY COURT RULES, OCTOBER TERM, 1803. Thecal! will he iiiBdneonimencliiRaiS a. in harp. 1st. All cases out answered to by attorneys or pnrtioi at the call, will stunu cuutlnuud hjr sitruemcnt ut parties. 2nd. In all cases which are set for trUl, It is desirable to have the attorneys give a short talvmi)nt In order to In form tho court as to about the Iciiki Ii of time it will take to try the case. 3rd, Cases In which Issues are out Joined will not be set for trial, unless for special reasons It Is ordered otherwise, 4th, All cases will be set tor hearing within the term, unless tor special reasonslt Is other- it lo ordered. Dili. All casus will be set for trial lii the urdur In which they appear on thocall docket, unless the parties mrve upon a time when the case Is called, or for special riasouslhe court shall order otherwise. Default cases will be set for the morning hour Dili. The business each day will commence at 11:00 a.m. 7th. The morning hour will be from v:00 a, ui. lo 10:00 a, in, The morning hour will be devoted to (lot.) motions, demurrers, and default cases set for that day, (2nd.) To n otions, demurrers, and default casus which have previously passed an Its regular day and transferred on the cal ender to this day. Btli. After a case, a motion or a demurrer aim passed the time fur which It Is sot, It can not be called up until a motion Is Hied and docketed by leave of the court, and such no tice to the opposite party as the court may .'dor at the time leave Is given to Ulo the motion. ' tflh. Business set for a certain time, can not be transferred to another day or hour, unless the transfer order Is madeat the hour the matter Is set for hearing) except under ttule 10, 10th. Each day at 0:00 a. m., the business of tl.s hour will lie called. Ill h, The matters will be heard lu tho or- tier in which tbey are entered on the calander unless all parties present and Interested con sent to a different arrangemeut, or In case ol urgent necessity. TIIIAI, Or CASK TO-DAT. 12th. The trial of cases will commence at 10:00 o'clock, a. m., and continue until 6:00 o'clock p. m,, with a recess from 12:00 a. m, until l::Wp. m, finch case Is entitled to be called at the time set, or within ten minutes thereafter; either to be proceeded with, or a further order to he made. For this purpose no party will be required to wait longer than ten minutes fur the opposite party or other business, except for urgentreasons. The trial of a case will be suspended at any time fur this purpose. In case the court finds that any rule herein will work an unforeseen hardship, the court reserves the right to suspend the rule for the special case. Sherlff' Sale. In mirsiiancs and hv vlrtne nf a liidtfiiutrit anil ili'iTei! nf t!i district court for Do lilt I a county, sliile of Nebraska, riiiidiirnd on the min oay or untnoer, n. ii. im, in a ceriain anion wherein Henry V, Cady and Kred W. Gray, partners by firm name of Cady and Oray, were plaintiff, and Henry Arnold, George W. (luck, William Htadulman and others worn defendants, and of an order of sale Issued thereon out of said District Court, bearing (late tlm iru cay or neptcmiier, A. l, i i .....i r in .... .i..u II-1I.1, nun ii nil) uiim.Mm. i mil, 1,11 i,n innpunj of October, A. D. MB, at 10 o'cIik-W a. M, of said day. at the KAHT front door of the County uoiirt House, invii;iiy or umana, Iiougias County. NubraNka, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following acserincu lanns aim tenements, ai sii.uiii.ed in inn uouritv ui jouvias. at. state of lit number Hvelfti In block numbe teen (l!i), In llaiiscom Place, an ail an ad i iglaA f the city of Omsba, all In Douglas tnesiuKMii neorassa, siun sold to satisfy the Oule Cliy the sum of two thousand, nineteen and 22-100 dollar r terest thereon at rat of vf annum from Hcptemlior, t in uatn iJ t v l.ana i. sum of two hundred.. dol a r (8517,112;. wit!, of Urn (10) tier cent ber lllh. tn Kreil W. Oray, oany ana n in ree il Sheriff! Blt. In liiilimi1 suit tiji IHne of s Jiolsim'iil unit im iiv of ii ilUHii t ihimm t.f Ih.iulna monlv. stale et Ni'lirsnks, tvtiili'tiil en Hio ilny i! Msreh, A, O. m iiiih m'llnii li nin lontii V, Ames wa iUiii. jiff siul Me lilts S, Sittlil nil It, J Ihiti'lilHwin tci ili'fiiirtniilih SH'I of sn li'f t l Imok'iI ilieivim mil f mill ill.lih l ruiiil. Imllnl tint the m1l nf Hi-i r: lll lil1HT, l II, IW RIUI 111 tllll IMIIVII'll, III. nil Mill mm liny nf m-ln iet, A. In.i. si In nVI.'li a. in, nf hhKI iIhv. s i ne .mi impi testr in iiif rniiiinjr iimri linil-i'. In llin iMly of IIiiimIis. I n lu CiMinly, S'-lirnxh , si'll si iiilillii mn linn lo I In' hlKlie lilildi r fur csuli, Mm fnllnwlii( iln wtiliiiii iRminsnit tetienii'iiio, all niiiiiinl in flip mumy nf iKiuglns. sml niiim nf Ni brnnlis. to 111 lil miiiilsT fmir i4i, III hlis'k tliliner tm) ih, llimw'iitii ('mi) nililiilnn in tlm riiy nf HiiihIia, hII In lliinlii I'onniy. fluln nf Nn lirnnksi nalil iMiHTiy in In- unlil Id rnillufy HiniKi. W. Anie Hie mini nf tliivp htiiiilivil Slid l Hnlliirs i,l.nii, with lnterel theniw nl rale nf elitlil i"l per eint pur stimuli frnin I'Vlirimry Dili. Iiwi, until piilil. iiml Iwenly ami WS-IUMliilliirs (AUl eimls. Willi lnlelet theriHin from Hie iHhilnrnf l ehiiiaff, A, II, IWi:i. tnilflher Willi seerillng Cixils Mi'i'oiillng to a Jinlgiiieiil trhili'ii-il liy I hi' ilini rlrl I'uin t of mill lliiiiitlns nnillity si lis I'elirillii y lel in, A, II. I Mill. In a peiinlli act Inn then unit tliei-it ni'iidlng, wlii'h'ln lii'iiruii W, Amen iiilulti (lir iiml Mrs, Delia S. Hlulihs and ll. J, lliilrliliixin were ilefmiituiils, Omaha, Nebraska, Sentmiilier 9lh, lt, IIKOItOh A. hKNNK'4'T, Hlier It of liniigliis Ooiinly, Ni'lTimka, Curtis A Mhli'liU, atluriieys. V-W-li HherifP Mala. In piirsiiaiice anil hy virtue nf a judgment and decree nf the district court for Douglas county, ll.e nf Nebraska, rendered tin tlm S'lih day nf A prll A; II, J MM, In a certain action wherein lliwioi W, Ames wits iilaliilllf, ami (Juy V, Henry was defendant, and of sn rmier nr saie issiiuii irinri'iin tiui, in mini District Court, bnarliur dam ths SKiril day of Heptember. A, 1. IHWil. anil In inn directed, 1 will on tho lllnl day of Oe,tlmr A. D, iHltl, at 10 ri'i'liM'k, a, in, of said (lay. at the Kast front door of the enmity court house, In the Oily of Mmaha, Douglas county, Ncorasua, sell at ptiniiu auciinn, to me blithest li dilnr for cash, the fnlluwliitf do- scribed lamls and U'lu'ini'iits, all Hll.tiaied In the (bounty of Douglas, and state of Ne braska, to-Wit! Lot, nnnilier twclvn (12) In block iiiimbnr sin (ill, In llaiiscom I'ark addition to tlm oily of Omaha, all In Douglas county, statu of Ne braska: said property tu be sold to satisfy Oeorgn W. Ames the sum of sevnn hundred and m-llKI dollars l$mHA), with Interest thereon at ruin uf eight (n per cent per mi nimi from IhiI:i, until niilil, anil twenty- 'ght and Mil juo dollars (2H s;i) costs, with Inlenst thereon from the nth day of li'nliriiiii'v. A. 1). I Hid. tnuntlinr with accriiltiit costs according to a Judgment miiiinred by the nistrlct court of sum iiougias couniy, at ll li'iibruary term, A, D, IniiiI, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Oeorgn W. Ames was plaltitlii, and (Juy V, I Inn cy (iiiriiiniaiit, omaniii rminiassa, rieuiemnnr ."in, in, (ilOOltoKA, HICNNKTT, ' HlierllT of JioiikIiis Coiinly, Nebraska, (Jurtls A Hhlelds, attorneys, -2-tt Cfl'KOMIi MAhTKIl COMMIHHIONKH'H Under and hv virtue of an order tj mai.i;,- of sale on dcenmof forecroHiirn nf mniigiigii Iskiied out of tlm district court ror oougia county, Nebraska, and tome directed, I will, on the Ifllh day of October, A. D, Isim, at one o'clock p, tn, of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omul, u, DoiikIiln cniinly, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the properly rtescrllMid III s'lld order Of Male a follow, to-wlt: The weal twenty-two (82) feet of lot seven (7), In block elghly-nliiii ism, In the city of Omaha, Dougla county, Nebraska, as sur veyed, platted and reenrdnd, subject to a certain mortgage of four thousand. II vn hun dred dollars m.mmi) In favor of tho Omaha Limn and Trust Company. Hald property to be sold to satisfy the Omaha Doitu and Trust Company In tho sum of seven hundred and sixty and 10-HKI dollars 17110.4(1) Judgment, with Interest on live hun dred and thirty-live and 40-100 dnllars (.'.;ift,4(l) thnrnof at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from Mcptemher III, Iwl, ami on two hundred and tweiity-llvo dnllars HffiUKl) thnrnof at the rata of ten (10), per cent per annum from January 1st, iNllil, To satisfy Hie sum of twenty-thru and ftH-lno dollar flfffiliS) cost herein with Interest thereon from the Hub day of Hnplembet', I WW, together with accruing cost itflciirdlng In a Judgment rendered by the dlt rlct conn of said its Heptember term, A, I). lsi. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Omaha J,oan and Trust Cnmpii ny, a corporal Inn, wa plaliillir, and Wllllitm Wilde and Josephine Wlldu dtt fendanlN, Omaha, Nebraska, September 14. twill. II, K, THOMAS, 9-Hi-H Hpnclal Masler Commissioner, Sheriff' Sale. In niirsuancn and by virtue of a judgment and decree nf the District Court for Dnllgla county. Ht ate nf Nebraska, rendered on the 2nth day of November, A, D. IMS. In acnrlaln .....I - u.l., .-..I.. 11 II Ulll..,l '1H,iul,. itni'loll w ii.irnin IT, l 1,1 , 1,1,, 4, I ' iwwn was plaintiff, and llarrlsmi v. Ilrum Kll.alielh A, ilrnmn and II, II, Coryell vt. li feiuluiil.s, and of an order or Hale isi tbiireon out of said District court, lug dine the 2llrd day of Hepiemunr lHii.1, anil ui me uu'ccum, i win, dav nf October. A. D. 1NWI. llLJ'J m. of said day, at the K county wuiri no Iiougias cm aiictinit' Notira of Final Httlmnt, snisnr Nsaa, J M iHillSlas t nlllH V, 1 In ilii' it'iiitty 1'iiiiH tf iHumltM Cimhiy Nl'lH-aaliS, In i In- n.Mirr nf Hi elli nf tlnlirrt tMllf. lll1fMl I tit liiur, ,tn piiir, t!l Purr, Miy linn, Until Dnir, tlim Inur. Jtitell I Hilt, sml all ntliet rini Ii,I,iv-iiI lit nnt innlli-r St lii'ii-ly nnlllli d llttjt n Hie Hill il,V nf pli'livli r, Imn, Um, H Hullo! tiled anHIIin In unlit ismiitT rniiil, ilnlnil llisl Ills II li ill ait Inlliisirsllnn sciiiiml nli il lii'telu be 'ttlrit suit allnwi'ilt Hint pnsifa tit lirlilil In taken suit ilix'i-i'i-s ri'liilelt'd tlii'H'iil); tlit sllimniii'i's bi nmile fiii i lillilreii himIki i-V'ii Slid fiiiil-li-en yi'Hianf ae renpni'tli v Hist a rierree illit i Hnilliitf slid asulglilng Hi residue nf anld eslnln Tm inieii'ili ami that urn nl lief slid fuillier Millie Slid prm'ti'd Ings in ii V Im tm il In Hip premise a mny n reiMli-e,l by i In. ui ii i ii iii in sim'Ii ee limiln Slid iimvlileit, in Hie end that siild elteiul all tilings iM itHlnlii llieli'ln tuny be lliilly eltleil nun ili'ti'inilneil, aim ineaiil in, If. Ittitler illsi'liariii'iK Villi 4 hereby notllleil Ihst Ifynufallto Siiear iM'i.iin said cniirt on the sili ily nf Niivumlief, Iswi.Ht lllo'elnt'k a, iii.,mihI citiilest, said tH'tlilntt, llmi'iiint may grntil lln prayer nf said pellllnii slid make Kin li niher ami further iinleis, allnwaiu'es and ilncree. Ms to this court inn seem nnier, tn the end that all matters pertaining tu said estate may Iw llnally seiiled nnd determined, and tlm said Win. Il, Holler discharged, Witness my bund mill rHIi lnl seal this 31st day of "epieinher, iswi, J, W, KI.LUK, Issai,.) U-2W4 I'onniy Judge. Sheriff' Sal. In piirsuancn and by virtue nf a Judg- iii'iil, and ilni'rnn nf the tllslrlct cmirt nf i il u 1 ii i-i i ii 1 1 1 v . slnleof Nebraska, renilenii on tlm H h day nf April, A. II, Ih'.M.In a certain action wherein tlenrgo W. Ames Is plaintiff, and Hut unknown heir of Joseph 1,. Wool is are defendant, mid of an order iifsalii Issued thorium mil nf said district, court, bearing date the 2;lrrt day of Wepteni ber, A, 1). HI;I, and to tnedlreeted, I will, on the of October, A. D. ho:i, at 111 o'clock a. tu. of said day at the Kast front dour of Ilia county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at piililk; aiii'lliin lo tlm highest bidder for cash, tho following diwrlbed lands and tenement, all situated In the county of Douglas, In tho stale of Nebraska, lo-wlti l.ols numbered thirteen (III) and fourteen (Hi Ih block six (HI In 1 1 unworn 1'nrk addition In I Im cllynf Omaha, all In Doiiuia county, statu of Nebraskai said properly to bo miiIiI tn satisfy Oetirgu W. Ames the sum nf Ihlrtoitm hundred, nliinty-nlne and IHI-HK! dollars (SIIWO.IW) with Interest thereon at rain uf eight (Hnicr cent, per aniiiini frmii Feb ruary lllh, INti.'l, until paid, and twenty-eight nnd $1-1110 dollar IH.IMl costs, Willi Interest tlinreuii fruiu the illh day of February, A. D. IWlil, tngelher Willi iicciiilng costs according to a Jiiilgment rendered by the district court of sulil Douglas cniinly at It t'liliruuiy term, A. Il, iHHil, In a certain action then and Iherit pending, whernlit Oeorgn W. Ames was Walntlir and the unknown heirs of Joseph L. nod wiimdefeiidaiil, Omaha, Nebraska, Heptember Will, iii.(ii(iiie a, iir.nnitjT, Hhnrlirur Douglas Counlv, Neb l,lu t ( l,.f,11.UU 11.11(1.(1 Curtis k Hhlnlds, atUirneys, Sheriff1 Sale. Ilnder and hy virtue of two writ of vendl Issued hy rriink K, Mourns, clerk of the dis trict court within and for Dougla county. Nebraska, upon Judgment rendered In tho 'county court of snlil county on tlm Till day of April, iNtill, In favor of John II, Walklns and Uihiikii A, lloaglaiid, co-partners doing litisliies under tlm II nn name and style of J, II. Walking and Co,, and against, Albert .Iminitl and Kred Kad.iiwclt, transcript of which Judgment were on the lllh day of April, lhlU. duly died and docketed in the district court wit lilu and for suld county, I will on tlm 24th day of October, A, II, fhlill, at II) o'clock a, m. of said day, at the Kast front door of the county court house, In tlm city of Omaha, Dougla cniinly, Nebraska, sell the real estaUi speclllnd In said writ and heretofore levied upon by me by vlrtuo of execution Issued In these same actions, a follows, lo-wlti otfour(4) In block six: (ll), In Hliuil's second addition to the city of Omaha, in the county of Douglas and state uf Nebraska, said real el ate lobe sold to the highest bidder for cash tn satisfy salil judgment, the amount dun therenii being In the aggregate II f teen hundred, seven anit , i-imWlarl.Mmi)), and twelve and 40-100 dollar (U.4(l) costs, with Interest on said amuiiiil s at eight (H) per cent per annum rrnm i.i.u 14 1, ' " 1 " - ' ' ' tlm furllf dnllars it! Jiidgmeiil Omaha I,nkn, Iv the 'aid of Tammanv Ha 1 b i;tilrid tho throne