The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 02, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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The mil III r made coniter-mit. at a m
Id. All rh not n.wetvl lohy aiiurto )
or jiatlleaal I be rail, lll MwdiMillnur4 1y
agreement of pari lea.
Still. In nil !- Mi h mr n I tut (tint. II
It dolt able In h e Hip llltil iii l ve a abort
nt ataimni In in ili r In inform the court a .i
aluiit l he liiiiiili n! I mi' II lll lake to try ihe
Krtl. Cim In which luea are mil Joined
mil nut I act fir trial, unit fur special
M-anona II Is null red tithel wise.
41 It. All rsi III Is' art fur hratltil within
the lari, unh ferapeclal rvuaunalt laid her
wl o.dered,
ftlli. All raw will tie M'l fur trial In lho
order In which ilii'y apprarnnthoenll diK-ket,
tftilcs the parties nstr-i tiputi a lime when
the i'iiw la called, or tor special reason the
Court shall order otherwise. Default f
will Ih net fur I h morning bmir.
mh. The iMintiifM each dny will commence
atsien a. m.
Till. Tim morning hour will b from :00 a.
Hi. in 10:00 a. in.
The morning hour will be devoted to (Int.)
mot Ion, demurrer. And default cm set for
thntduy. (2nd.) To motion, demurrer, and
default cane whlrh have previously passed
on lid regular dny and transferred on thecal
andor u thl day,
Nth. Aftor a caw), it motion or a demurrer
ha passed the lime for which It I sot, It can
not h called up until a motion li Mod and
docketed by leave of the court, and uch no
tice to the opposite party a the court may
order at the time leave In given to Wiethe
Mill. Business et for a certain time, can
not be transferred to another day or hour,
unlr the transfer order In made at the hour
the matter l net for hearing, except under
Rule lu,
10th. Each day ut 11:00 a. m.,thebulnesof
the hour will u called,
nil,. The mutters will he heard In the or
Her lu which they are entered on the ealundor
iiiili'HN all panic present, ami inturesM-'ucui.-ent
to a different arraiiKement, or In case oi
urgent necessity.
12th. The trial of caw will commence at
10:00 o'clock, a. m., and continue until 5:00
o'clock p. m wllh it recossfrom 12:00 a. m.,
until 1:30 p. m, Each case In entitled to be
culled ut the time set or within ten minute
thereafter! either to be proceeded with, or a
further order to be made. For thl purpose
no part y will le required to wait longer than
ten minute for thooppoHite party or other
biiMlneiw, except for urgent rnamiiiN. The trial
of a cane will lie Kuspondod at any time for
thl purpose. In cage the court And that any
rule herein will work an unforeseen hardship,
the court reserve the right to tUHpond the
rule for the Hpeuiai case.
Article of Incorporation,
To Whom it Mat Oonokbn:
We, the undersigned, desiring to form a
corporation under and by virtue of tho law
of the state of Nebraeka, do hereby state the
following matter concerning the sanies
1. The name of thl corporation shall be
the "Red Men' Improvement Association."
2. Tlie principle place of trammeling It
buNintiNN hhall be Omaha, Dougla county,
Nebraska. ... . .
3. The general nature of the business to be
transacted Hhall lie to build or otherwise
provide furnlNhed hall for rental to civic
HocletleH or associations, to ecure Invest
ment for the money of It member for
pecuniary profit, and to have and execute
ail the right, power and duties of uch
corporation. . .
4. The capital tock of thl association
shall lie 5,(KI0, divided Into 2,000 Hharc of
2,50each. Thl association Is authorised to
commence and proceed wit h the main design
of Its busbies when 1200 of the capital stock
has been subscribed. "
' 5. 'J'hlscorporatlon shall commence busi
ness on the !Mth day of June, A. D. IBM!, and
Hhall eixlure until 12 o'clock m. on the 1st
day of June, A. 1). 1017, unless sooner uls
solvefl according to law.
. Tho highest amount of Indebtedness
which this corporation shall at any time
subject Itself shall not exceed itfUO, except
for the purpose of furnishing halls, when It
shall not exceed two-thirds of lis capital
7. The affair of this corporation shall be
conducted by a board of six directors, and
by a president, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer, to bo elected a provided for In
the by-laws of the association.
In witness whereof wo have hereunto sub
scribed our names,
Dated ut Omaha, Neb., June 24, 1892.
WlliMAM YouNd,
A. M ItUTl.KIt,
O, O. Dknnih,
8-12-4 J. 11. FbANAUAW.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sulo Issued out of
the district court of Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will on tin) liil.ll
day of Hcptcmber A. J), iwri. at 10 o'clock A. M.,
of said day, at the EAST front door of the
county court house, in the city of Omaha,
Dougla county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property descrllHid In said order
of ale as follows, lo-wlti
Lot number eight (8) In block number two
2. In Wberwood Park addition to the city of
Omaha, as the same was laid out, platted
and recorded, being a suli-dlvlslon of block
ten (10) and eleven (III In Lowe's second addi
tion to Omaha, all In I louglatt county, state of
Nebraska, said property to be sold to satisfy
CimixT E. Yost tlie sum of thirteen hundred
and thirty-three and 3S-JO0 dollars m;,m.X,
with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10 per
cent, per annum from May vth, isrej tosat.isry
t'asper K. Vost the f urtner sum of one hun
dreil. fourteen and XI-100 dollars (fll4.M),
with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per
centner annum from May Mth, IsoS; to sat-
Isiy Mnerson i. mone, yviiinim i. iierwiiu
and Huriih.l, Dewey, executors and executrix,
tho sum of two tboiisand, seven hundred
twenty-seven and 4N-I00 dollars t8,727.4H) with
iriij.N.ut ihi,.f.,tn i. rn.ti of sin (fit ner cent.
i,r minimi from Mv Hill. 102: Until tiald,
and seventy-one and Oil-lOO (HIM) dollars
costs, with Interest iheroori from the 01 h day
of May, A. D. 102, toplher with accruing
owls according ifl a jijiiKmeim n'im"n "
the District court of said Douglas county,
at It May term, A. D. ls2, In a certain action
then ami there Minding, wherein Casper K.
Yost was plaintiff, and Mwlii II. Hherwood
and ot hers wum deferidaiit.
Omaha, Nfjbraska. August. IW.
Hherlff of Douxlas loiiniy, Nebraska.
W. W. Morsman. attorney. -w-o
SherifT Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court for Douglas county. Neb
raska, and to m directed, 1 will on the lath
day of Heiitemls-r, A.D, !", Ht 10 o'rUx'k a.m.
of said liny, at the KAMT front door of the
rViiintjr court house, In the city of Omiibtt,
llxiivliis county. Nebraska, sell St nubile
auction the urois'rty descrils;d lu said order
Of sale as follows, lo-wit,:
"lot numlx'r nine, ifn, In block number
two(2Mn Hherwisid I'ark Addlltlon to the
city of (iiiaha. a the same I laid out, platt
ed and recorded, being n so b-dl vision of
blocks ten, 110; sii'l eleven oi, iiwe secono
Addition to (Oiiiilia, an in itoiiuias conni v,
si,ii of Ni.lirsKliu." Kulil nronerly In be
sold Ut siillsfy (,aser K, Y"t, Kim sum of
thirteen huiKlred, lblrt,-lbre and M-Vt
dollars. itSMUMu with Interest thereon at
lire rate of ten (101 s-r cent persniiiim irom
Uuvuili. ttKt ii sfiiufv I'MHiM'r V Yost. Hie
further sum of one hundred, IwoHiid 40-100
flotlara, (I02.4Oi, wllh lnleresl Ihernon at the
tHM ul seven III pi'r cent per aiuium irom
u. uil. (Mr.!! in ai.llufv IIoiiik Investment.
romtmiy the sum (rf two thousand, eight
fiundreif. lt,y-slx wild .00dollar M.m.Ml
wllh InM'reat I hereon at the rate of six, HI
percent perarinum from May Oih, ls!. end
fclxty-eltfbt and im'MMi dollar cowls,
kui. l..i, ,,.ai it. icw, ri from Ih Olh dny of
My, A, D, IHOf!. together wllh accruing cost
ciV,r(lli,g to a ludgrnent fen'h red by the
District court of said Douglas county, at II
May term, A. D. "U, In a certain action then
and there is-ndlng. wherein J a-ts r V.. Yiit
whs plaint Iff and I'-dwIn M. Hherwood, Nheri
- wood I'm k Building Association and other
Were Oereiullllil , ,
Omaha, Nebrasks. August Nth. IW.
aherlffof Douilast'onnly, Nebraska,
W, W, Morsman, Attorney. 't-.
WIKTWi-U "r morning and
" evening for noaro, ny youngiiiaii.
dress "W thl oftl'.
Sheriff' 8i
tly iniif uf n wli t t le lm-H mil l
l,i. iMumi ,H tf Itamslst Hum!.
l,i.k i.. lu h-' .Kim (!. I mill i ll.r I Mh
iisi . t uii'iiiU r A l , l'! l I"" ' '
ut l.l tisi'. al llif ! t ln ! i(lh-in-iiel
I mill llmiw, In (he I HI uf IH,.I.
Im.wln. li.tu.ii VrtM-at.i. -ll l uul'lte
ailt'llun llu- iwM Jt Illit In ll iwib r
( .),. fn,i. i...n '
Iji muHia-i iuii. i M mimls r Ihlr
Iih'B tie III Milne mlillthm l le fit l
lmsli. In IuhkI twitiiv, te uf Si
lltliK, sld t H lu Is- ulil llll l l
certain Wiutiusse df I lie iiiu uf Ihi' tusile
In fsvuruf (be Sr ntlntul l-iwn ml 1it
( iiiuuatiy ami iilw.nie iilly (mnil lu
Sti-u,itMh ssli. IL.iil., and to nufy
ll I . Kstirtitian nniH(. W. Mariinanli. (
Ih, (lie Mini ul lu Ihimaanil, ( luinilii'il
nine a-l' if J .3 HV ilullnr JiuUiiieni, wllh
llilere.l Ihenim al Irn ilUi 1st rt'til. l-r an
Hum fiimi IN iileiuls rSI, A l isni.tinui nam!
Iuailf rulS'lir liiiluilllie ainii uf one
hundred', ll-l(e KA Inl iflhVMi il.illnl-s
jiiilunii'iit, will liuenwi ilieriim frum ,.i.
lemls'rai, A. 11. iwtl. until paid! lu sall-fy
jew U. I tiibni' Hie sum uf une hundred
elilV-e(i!ln .w-i'il"e ;ti dullnrs Jiulitment,
with Interval llien'un t aevrn iii sr li nt,
s'r a.iiiiim fruin i iiieiii1'r SI, A, D. imi.
uiilll pslit: will A. ISirsun Ihe sum
of seven hunUri''veii Jii.lm (nir.'Mlullrs
Juilgmetit, wllh lnleresl Ihereun at w-ven (Ti
tier cent per aiimini frum Hcplcmls'r 21. A,
i. lmi, until imlilt lu sallafy K.dwln A.
I,avciiwuitli (lie sum uf four lliuiisniul.
Ihtve hiindivd, tblrty-slx iN.iWli dulliiis
Jiiilgtuent, with lnleresl thereon at eight IN
tier cent, per Niinnni frum Heiileniher 21, A.
I. Isul, tint II paid; In satisfy (lie sum uf one
hutidred. seven IB-MI iflnl.iEII dullnrs costs,
with Interest, tliereun frum Ihe 2lsl day uf
ncplcmher. A. D. Ii, until paid, together
wllh accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at Its tM'piemls'r term, A. D.
101, In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Jesse It. Kmbree was plaintllf
anil Henry A. Taylor, Kdwnrd II. hOson and
Omaha, Nebraska. August 10. Hi?.
(iKl)lt(iK A. BKNNETT.
Cherl IT of I loiiglns Count y, Nebraska.
R. M. Hlclimond, attorney. H-12-&
Sheriff' Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
tho District Court of lhiuglas County, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the lath
day of September. A. D.. 1n02, at lOoVlock A.M.
of said day, at the EAST front disir of the
County Court Mouse, In the City of Omnliu,
Dougla County. Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In saldorder
of sale a follows, to-wlt:
Lot number twenty-three (2:i, In block
eleven till In Clifton Ifill addition to Omaha,
Douglas county, slate of Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, said property
to be sold to satisfy the Fidelity Building
and Loan association the sum of eighteen
hundred, eight and 84-100 dollars (i.sns.H4)
with Interest thereon at rat of six () per
cent, per annum from May II, 1WW; to satisfy
Thomas B. Norrls and John V. Wilcox the
Hum of three hundred, forty-one 04-100 dol
lar ($141.04), with Interest thereon at rate of
eight (SI per cent, per annum from May Mh.
1S02, until paid, and forty-eight and IW-100
(WK.IIK) dollars costs, with Interest thereon
from the Wit day of May, A. D. lWfil, together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its May term. A. D. MB, In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein the Fidelity Building and Loan As
sociation wa plaintiff, and Oluonorra A.
Whitman, Gilbert M. L, Whitman and other
were defendants,
Omaha. Nebraska. AlllfllHt 8. 1802.
Sheriff of Dougla County, Nebraska.
Ollmoro & Johnson, attorney. 8-12-5
Sheriff's Sale.
Rv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 wlH, on the 27th
day of Hepteiuber, A.D. IH02, atldo 'clock a. m.
of said day, at the EAHT front door of the
county court house in the city oi umnna.
Douglas county, neorasKa, sen m piiouc
and Ion tho property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wMW
Lot seven (7) In bliwWour (4), In Hawthorne
addition to the city W Omaha, In Doug
las county, state of Nebraska! tho north
one-half (N. W of uld lot seven (7)
In block four (4), in Hawthorne addi
tion above described, to be old to satisfy
Omaha Coal, Coke and Lime Company, de
fendant herein, the um of eighteen 20-100
dollars lh.20) Judgment, with Interest there
on from September Slst. lMlli to satisfy
Charles Green and I. I. Bralnord, trustees,
plaintiff herein, theum of eleven hundred,
seventy-six sO-100 dollars (I,17H.S0) Judgment,
with Interest thoreoB at rate of eight (8) per
cent, per annum from Hepteiuber 2Iwt, isois
tosauary rrou. w. way; uuicnuan neruiu,
the sum of three, hundred, sixty-three U5-100
dollars (jylKUft) Judgment, with Interest there
on ftt, thu rata of eight (Hi jpiircent, per annum
from ipl ember aUjt', lHlil! the south half
(H. ift of sad tot seven (7) in block four (4) In
Hawthorne addition above described, to lie
sold to satisfy, the O. V. Davis Company, de-
leuuant Herein, tne sum or one niiuuieu,
fourteen 02-100 dollar f 114.112) Judgment,
wllh Interest tlieron at rate of eight (HI per
cent, per annum from Hepteiuber 21st, IKIllj
to satisfy Omaha, Coal, Coke and Lime Com
pany, defendant herein, the sum of eighteen
20-100 dollar (1H-2(I) Judgement, with Interest
thereon from pepiemtier zisi, inn; ui sansty
Charles Green and I. D. Bralnerd, trustees,
plaintiffs herein, the sum of eleven hundred,
sevunty-lx 80-100 dollar ($1,1711.80 Judgment,
with interest thercotuit rate of eight (8) per
cent, per annum from. Hepteiuber 21st. lsuli
to satisfy theO. V, Davis Company, defend
ant herein, the um of twenty-four dollar
24.(K) judgment, with interest thereon at
date of ten (10) percent, per annum from
Hepteiuber 21st, lrt2: to satfsy, from the pro
ceeds of the sale of lot seven (7) In block four
(41 In Hawthorne addition above described,
after the satisfaction of the liens above
enumerated, upon the resiiectlve halves
thereof. First Wlllard W. Hlabaugh, de
fendant herein, the sum of one hundred fifty
dollar (iSlfiO.OOi judgment, Willi Interest there
on at rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum
from June 20th, 181)0. Second Joel W. West,
defendant herein, the sum of seventy-eight
20-100 dollars (178,20) Judgment, with Interest
thereon at rate or ten (Hi) per ccni. per
annum from June 4th. IH1K), Third Home
Investment Company, defendant herein, t he
sum of five hundred, twenty-six 28-100 dol
lar M(i.2S) Judgment, with interest thereon
at rale of ten (l()i per cent, per annum from
June ilrd, 18IKI. Fourth Alonno J. Hart, de
fendant herein, the sum of twenty dollars
(J20.00) Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum from
January 21st, 1800. Fifth Thomas Murray,
defendant herein, the sum of one hundred
dollars. Hlxth J. J, Johnson Company,
defendants herein, the sum of eleven 27-100
dollars (011.27) Judgment, with Interest there
on at rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum
from February 21st, 1811. To satisfy tlie sum
of one bunureu tnirty-nve t-ni oouars
(fliMJCi) costs herein, one-half thereof from
tlie proceed of the north half (N. W and
one-lialf thereof from the proceeds of south
half (H, tt of said lot seven (7) In blis'k four
(4) above described, with Interest thereon
from the 21st day of Hepteiuber, A. D. 18(11,
together with accruing costs according loll
Judgment rendered by the district court of
sal(l Douglas county, at lis Hepteiuber term,
A. D, ISO), In a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Charle Green anil 1. D.
Ilralnerd, trustees, were plaintiffs and
Johanna Johnson and others were defend-
Omahtt, Nebraska. August 24th, 1W9.
Hherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Kennedy & Learned, attorneys. 8-2H-S
Sheriff Bale.
"t'nilor nnd bv virtue of an execution Issued
by Frank E. Moore, clerk of the district
court OT IMlllgias eonni.y, ni'iimnmi, uimu !
iiiiiiniiuii.of said court t Its May term, A,
b, I8W, In favor of Jisd W. West, appellant,
and against. Van Celt Brothers, a co-part
nership eomposen or joiin ami jim-ou van
I'ell. aiiis'llees. I have levied upon (be fol-
lowUig di'scrllied real estate a the pros-rty
or the a Ml .lonn van rem ami uiuim run
I'ell, resiS'Ctlvely, to-wlll
Lot lirteen il'n 'a block sixteenth!) In Central
I'ark. an addition lo tho clly of Omaha. In
the county of Douglas mid slaleof Nebraska,
uiul I,. i iwiuiiv i)i In I'clhaui i'liu". an addi
tion to the city of Omaha, in the county of
liuiiiliis. sod slam of Nebraska, and 1 will
on the 27tb day of Heplembcr, lsd2, at ID
o'ebsk a, m. of said day, at Ihe EAST front
door of Ihe county court nouse in ine coy or
l I, liiiiiuliui i'oiiiiI v. Nebraska, sell said
real estate at public and Ion to the highest
binder tor ciisn, oi so mueu iimreoi ns majr
I si necessary to auilsfy said execution, the
s,, mil. iliiu theri'iiu Is'lug three hundred
and tlfiy dollars ifMi.0J Judgment, and llfly
live ami I-I00 dollars costs, wllh Interest on
both of said amooiils from the Old day of
May, A. t), I CI, logelher with accruing costs,
Hherlff of Dougla County, Neb,
Joel W, West, attorney, -M
i cure wmzM'-onilViW?
Mi-'Ik iiijir"l toll psrla. Ho rpMr.
Wnlnt'M o"g rMinv 'o ..finish Nb.
NhtHfT Sale
ly !fin uf an twilet f fcsle tel txtl v4
H, i, ill. u,. I iimiH vf s-lI ""UHijr. -bal.a
.llM-tiei ii-l I " '
da m i i.ii-r. k l I"" l '(
I. , i.f aal.1 list al tin- t l f"i l"rt
cutinlvntnM Imuw te Ilia ilu l IHead,
ls i,vi sititt, Ni'b-la ""H ! pul'lh'
aui iiin Ihe r-i'W Mlwxl M aald ueih r
i,t ii as f.illuas. lu w II !
The tuwth hsll i.f titt U In blia-k el
lll iM.i In tin-ell if Soillli niali. and
(he butliltttira tliinnn. lui'lielieg all ut !
bulbtinrs i,a Ilium' had. l l lanif
a i-iuuiiy. slate uf N- lita.k. an( peutHV
lu ls .,1.1 lu aall lluliuea aniiulih Uh
inn uf lan hiiHitnit. eli'lilv-nlm' tlullae.
,Mi, with Intin -I tliereun at rnic ui "in
, i t evnl per a n ii ii in tri'iii tt-'-Minry ''
IvO. I ,yiii li-k ihe suiii uf l
hiiiuleiKl. slivvrn ami w-e" uiur
ifMr.lMi. with Intereal Ihereun al rate uf
eight is, percent a-r aniiuin frum iVbruary
ui isirt! lu aaiUfv Alls-H f.ltiunal Ihe sum
uf lllii'i'n hundred llilrty-s'lghl and t-V
dullara (IA(i!i. wllh lntetv-t tnetvun si
rale uf right ii pr eni. per annum from
l ebriisry 1st. H; and lu tlfv iheaumnf
lhlrly-al and .VI- It h
Inleri'M tlu-reun frum the M day uf I ebru
ary. A, U , IsvrJ, lugi'tlivr wllh accruing wla
aivunllng lu a Judgment rendered by the
dlsirli'l cuiitt uf wild Isuiglas cnuuty.n1 lis
February term. A.D. IwJ, In aii'rtaln c
lion then anil there pending, wherein Dwlehl
l Hulmiaud Msntarel V. Hmllh were plain
tltts and Alls'rt Klmmal, Bernard Blum and
others were defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska ugul 10th, 1802.
Hherlff uf DuuglaatVninty, Nehrni ka.
Lake, lliimilton tt Maxwell, attorneys. N-ll-S
Sheriff Sale,
lender and by virtue of an execullon on
transcript Issued by Frank E. Misires, clerk
of Ihe district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, upon a Jiulgiuenl. of the county court
in and for said county, on tlie Ulst day of
August, 1801, la transcript of which Judg
ment was on Ihe aist day of August, Mil,
duly died and docketed In the district court
within and for said county! In favnr of L.
Huiinensclieln and against Anion F. l'okorny.
which said Judement was on July 11. 1W. duly
assigned to Malt Henlnnd. I have levied up
on the following described real estate a the
pnHrty of the said Anton F. Pckorny, to
wlt: "The west one-half 0.4) of lot tivo (R). of
bloi'k five (5) In Armstrong's second addition
to Hie city of Omaha; and lot. eight H) In
blis'k sixty (lid) In the city of Houth Omaha, all
in Douglas county, state of Nebraska;" and
1 will ou the llh day of Hepteiuber. lstt'J.nt 10
o'chs'k a.m. of said day, at the EAHT front
disirof t he county court, bouse In the city of
Omaha, Douglas count y, Nebraska, sell said
ren I estate at public auction-to ihe highest
bidder for cash, or so much of it as may be
necessary to satisfy said execution, the
amount due thereon nelng four hundred, six
and 22-l(K)dollars IM0(I.22) damages, and three
and ;-!) dollars l.a'i) costs, wllh Interest on
both of said amounts at ten (10) pur cent, per
annum from the Mist day of August, A. D,
181)1. toget her "lib live and 4()-l()0Unllars(&ri.40)
Increased costs, and accruing cost.
Omaha, Nebraska. August 10. Isul.
Hherlff of Dougla County, Nebraska.
Hordmnn and llerdman. attorney. 8-12-5
SherifT Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued outof
the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 20th
day of Heptember. A. D. 1810, at 10 o'clock a.m.
of said day, at the EAHT front door of the
county court house, In the city of Omaha,
Dougla county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described in said order
of sale us follows, to-wlt:
Lots number one (1), ten (10) and eleven (111,
In Ludwlck I'lace addition to the city of
Omaha, In Douglas county, State of Ne
braska, said property will be sold to satisfy
Georgo W. Benils, trustee, for the sum of
nine hundred sixty-five and 37-100 dollars
(0llft.37), with Interest thereon at rate of ten
(10) per cent, per annum from May 4th, 188H,
until paid, and twenty-two and 63-100 dollar
122,03) costs, with Interest thereon from the
11th day of February, A. D. 1889, together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by tho district court of said Doug
las county, at H February term A. D. 18811, In
a certain action then and there pending
wherein George W. Hernia, trustee, was plain
tiff and Martin Clark, Hugo Luebben and
other were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, August 18, 1892.
Hherlff of Dougla County, Nebraska,
J. L. Kaley, attorney. 8-10-5
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on tho 13th
day of Heptember, A. I)., 18112. at Klo'clock a.
m. of said day, at. the EAST frontdoor of the
county court bouse, In the city of Omaha,
Dougla county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the proiHirty described in saltf order
of sale as follow, to-wlt:
"Lots numbered thirteen (13) and fourteen
(14), in blisik four (4) of Lake View as sur
veyed, platted and recorded in Douglas
county, stale of Nebraska." Hald property
to be sold to sal Isfy C. F. Greenwood the sum
of seven hundred, forty-four and 33-100 dol
lar ($744.33) wh n interest inereon rrom mar
0th, 18H2, until paid, and thirty-three and
78-100 (133.78) dollars costs, with Interest, t here
on from tho Oth day of May, A. I)., 18H2, to
gether with accruing costs according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at, It May term, A. 1).,
mri, in a certain action tnen aim mere penn
ing, wherein C. F. Greenwood was plaintiff,
and Eliza M. Graham. Edwin B. Graham and
Emll Ilelber were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. August 8th. 18112.
Hherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Bernard Dolun, attorney. 8-12-ft
Notice to Creditors.
State ok Nkbrarka, I
Dougla County, I
In the County court of Douglas county,
In the matter or the estate or rotor wukius,
The following namea persons, to-wit:
Elizabeth Wllklns Baker, and all other
person interested in said matter will take
notice that on the 22nd day of August, 18fl2,tho
county court of Douglas county, Nebraska,
made the following order:
Douglas County, I ""'
In the County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska, August 22, A. D. 18112.
In the matter of the estate of Peter Wllklns,
Upon reading and filing the petition of
John Baker, showing that Peter Wllklns died
In Leavenworth county, Kansas, June Id,
1887. Leaving a last Will and Testament, a
copy of which will, together with the probate
thereof In the county of Leavenworth and
stale of Kansas: that said deceased had, at
the time of his death, real estate In the stale
of Nebraska to be administered, and praying
that said Instrument may be duly admitted
to probate In and for tho state of Nebraska,
and allowed and proved a the last Will and
Testament of said deceased, and praying
that such other and furl her order and pro
ceedings may tie. had In the premises, as may
be required by the statute In such cases
made and provided.
Ordered, that Heptember 22, A. D. 1802, all)
o'clock A. M , bo assigned for hearing said
petition, when all person Interested In said
mailer may appear at the County Court, to
be held lu ami for said County, and show
cause why the prayer of said petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing
(hereof, be given to the person above
named and all oilier person interested In
said mailer, by publishing notice of this pro
ceeding In Tub Amkkioan, a newspaisT
printed In said County, three weeks suc
cessively previous to the time appointed.
(SKAb.) J. W. ELLEIl,
County J udge.
And you will further take notice that un
li'as you appear to contest the Probate of
I, lit Will at the time and nlace annolnted for
thai .purpose, the Court may grant Ihe Pro
bate I tiereor in your niiseuco nun majr muni,
the further prayer of said petition,
Witness my baud and olliclal cul thl 22d
Ar1'1' J.W.ELLEK.
8 l4 County Judge.
Clara Willis, defendant, will takn notice
that on tlui Mlh day of May, I8!, John N.
Willis, plaintllf herein, filed his petition In
tllH OlSlrlCt court III imusms wuimy. r"-
I,,.,.!,.- utiiliiui. said defendant the oblect
,.,.ii i,iii v. r f wbb'li Is lu iiiiK'iirn u divorce
from the suld defendant on the grounds of
adultery, and on tlui groiimis oi oesernou
for mure than Ihe last past two years.
You are n iulr'd to answer said petition
on or wrore niu r.mi uy oi ni'jiuiintmr, iw,
Dated Aiignsl.tllh, IHiK. . . ,, lm
k.v.i.i At III N N. WILLI". Pa n Iff.
By Hnujnili'ia A Mocfiiriaud, his attorneys,
T AIIOIfl-'ltN-Protestant.labori'rscan secure
JJ work applying at thl oDlcu,
Shrntr Sale.
tly t,t 'iv uf wt-il. t vt ! KmuM mil wl
!te rtiMri, 1 vittir! i.f Ismi;! iiMx.
t44 ami lu v ilvi'H-l I a Ul iia ie I.Kti
if r,tvia-r. A 1 tJ al t" ii i l. t
,. i.f l.l .tai . at tn' i V I fnwl dot Hw
,-utinlt n-vitti huM la I lie cMv ul iiisl.a
Kiurlan ,-iii,ii. . I ran. It al twtlvlw
au.'t 1.141 tlie ptvt'H! tli--illa tw aaUl iHttff
!.f aall tulli.a l-lt :
II. slwiiui at a iKiint in the llfi uf (he vt
Me uf fcili nth itftihi stiv't in Iliri-HV uf
Omaha, une huiiimil and v'stuj ami mie
Itsll i'4i fvvl wih and Hurty-tliei il
fii'l ftwt uf the irti-r aiViluM nif tier utt
tli wuith stile uf vuiin muni r ten , lev la
tnaiiohip mi m I n't wfiuun ,1' ami tsnjv mine
r Ihlfln n il l' r-l uf flh P. M ; Ihrnvr
riiiitileg ! fuut hiiiwlivil and lt-n ill
fii-lt ihencti nurth "tie hntiiUvil ! t"'i:
I lii'iicv val four hiiiulml ami aiMwn i1i
fis i ; llu-ii -i--nub ure hundred fi'l lu
the pls.-r uf la gliinlr g, cunialtilng nlnty-ltv
uiiu himdivdilis inv u uf une acre In ihe
Minim a! quarter uf Ihe suiith-vt iiirter
otrnvitun iiiiniiivr ten ilui, tunlilp tlfui'n rangii niimls'r ihlrtwn il:o et uf P. N
ssld laml al Is'lng knuwn as tax lul taen
I v-uiii-ami utie-lialf iil'i In Ihe county uf
iSmglas and atateuf Ni brka: said prup
eriy to lie 'hi to satisfy Weslel W. Xlursman
the sum ut wventiin tlinusatid, iwviuy-two
Slid Ali-ii ifi;.iCt.Mi ilulliitu, wllh llitenul
Ihemm al Ihe rale uf ten ilia per ii'iil. per
Riiniiiii frum October tilth. Isvl, until psld.
and elghlv-wven and .V Hat iWi dullars
cwla, with Interest thereon from the 2nth
day uf OelieVr. A, D. 1.i, together wllh ac
cruing rusts accunllng to a Judgment ren
dered by the district cuurt of sid Douglas
county, al. Its Heptemls-r term, A. D. Inhi. In
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein We-lel W. Morsman was plaintiff,
anil Henry McCloskey and others were de
fi ndants.
Omaha, Nebraska. August Iltb. Ptr.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. .
V, W. Morsman, attorney. 8-12-S
Sheriff1 Sale.
Under and by virtue of an execution on
transcript. Issued by Frank E, Moores. clerk
of Ihe dlstrletcotirtof Douulas county, Ne
braska, upon a Judgment of the county court
In and fur said county, on the Dili day of
April, 1803, ta transcript of which Judgment,
was on the 13tlidayof April, Isie, duly tiled
and docketed In the district court within and
fur said county) In favnr of Andrew HI ley,
Edward Klley and Bernard T. Klley dulng
business a Klley Brothers, and against
Thomas Casey, I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real est ate as t he propert y
ot the said Thomas Casey, to-wlt:
"Irfit Ave (5) of liiiscall'ssnb-dlvlsion of lots
sixty-three (03) and sixty-four (04) In S. E.
linger' Plat of Oknboma, and the south
seven! v-four (74) feet of the east eighty-eight
and eighty-seven one hundredths (88 87-1(0)
feet of lot sixty-five () of H. E. lingers Plat
of Okahoma, In the county of Dougla and
state of Nebraska," and I will on the l.'lih
day of HeplomlHir, 1802, atlOo'elock a. m. of
said day, at the EAHT front door of tlie
county court house In the city of Omaha.
Dougla county, Nebraska, sell said real
est ate at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said execution, the
amount due thereon being two hundred,
thirty-three and Hl-100 dollars (J233.H1) dam
age and four and 4.V100 dollar ($4.45) cosla
with Interest. on both of said amounts from
the llth day of April, 18112, together wit h one
and WM00 ($1.(10) the cost of increase and ac
cruing costs.
Omaha, Nebraska, August llth, 1802.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Cornish and Itobortson, attorneys. 8-12-5
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued Out of
the District court, of Douglas county. Nob,,
and to me directed, I will on the 13th day of
Heptember, A. D. 1802. at lOo'cloek a. m. of said
rliiu ul. the FAST front door of the county
court house, In the city of Omuha, Douglas
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction the
property aoscri oea in sum oraer ot sate as
follows, to-wlt:
"Lot fifteen, (1.1), In block one (1) In Millard
Place In the city of Omaha as surveyed,
nlatted and recorded, all In Douglas county.
state of Nebraska." Bald property to be sold
to satisfy Omaha Savings Hank, the sum or
two thousand, six hundred, sixt y-seven and
20-100 dollars, (182.(1(17.20) wllh interest thereon
at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum
from May tb. 1802. uu III uald. and twenty-
six and 33-100 (f2H.33) dollars costs, with Inter
est thereon rrom tne win any oi may, a. u.
18112, together, with accruing costs according
to a Judgment rendered by the District court
of said Dougla county, at Its May
term, A. D. 1802, In a certain action then ana
there pending, wherein Omuha Havings
Bank was plaintiff, and David Buchanan
and others were Jcfendunt.
Omaha, Nobruskn, August 8, 1802.
HherliT of Douglas County, Nebraska.
F. W. W'esHollay attorney. 8-12-5
, ; Sheriff Sale.
Hy vlrt uo ot u order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 20th
day ot Heptember, A. D. 1802, at lOo'cloek a. m
of said day.. at tlie EAHT front door of the
county court house, lu tlie city of Omaha,
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt !
The north twenty-eight (28) feet of lot two
(2), In block six (0), Patrick's first addition to
the city of Omaha, in Douglas county, state
of Nebraska, said properly to be sold to sat
isfy tho Rochester Loan and Banking Com
nunv I In, sum of nineteen hundred, sixty-
three dollars (jl.Wtl.OO) with Interest, thereon
at the rate of eight (8) percent per annum
from May llth, 1802 until paid, and thirty-two
ttndf8-l(IO(l2.Mj dollars costs, with Interest
thereon from the 0th day of May, A. P., 1802.
together with accruing cost according to a
Judgment rendered by the district, court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term. A. D.,
1802, In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein tlie Rochester Loan and Bank
ing Company was plaintiff, and Henry E.
Ralnev, James 11. Parrotte. The Douglas
County Bunk and other were defendant.
Uinaua, jxcurasKii. iukusiimii,
Hherlff of Douglas county, Nebraska.
James II. Macomber, attorney. 8-111-5
Sheriffs Sale.
Under and by virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by Frank E. Moores, Clerk
of t he district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, upon a Judgment of the county court
In and for atd county, on tlie llth day of
Juno, 1802, (a transcript of which Judgment
was on the mm any ouuiy, ms, uuiy nieu
and diKtkotod in the district court, within
mill for said coiintv.) In favor of R. II. Henry,
executor, and against Harah Burnstelii, (Im
pleaded wlt.n , Al. iierriMicui, iirsT. real name
unknown,) I have levied upon the following
described real estate us the property of tlie
uulil Humh Iturnsteln. to wit.:'
"The north twenty-two (22) feet of the
south forty-four (44) feet of t he east thirty
live (llfi) feet of lot one (1), block one hundred,
and twenty-one (121), In the city of Omaha.
Douglas county, Nebraska," and 1 will on the
Dili day ot Heptember. 1802, lit 1(1 o'clock A. M.
of said day at the EAHT front door of the
County court nouse in me coy oi lonaiia,
lioiurliL count v. Nebraska, sell said rea
estate at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisiy sum execution, tne
umniint, dun Iheruoti being six hundred
thirty-seven and 33-100 dollars 037.33)
damage, five and 80-100 dollars (Sfl.fKi) costs
with In Nicest at ten (10) percent, on both of
said amounts from June llth, 1802. together
wllh one and 8.1-Km dollars 11.8,1) the cost of
Increase and accruing costs,
Omuha, Nebraska, August 4, II2.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Cornish k Robertson, attorneys. 8-5-5
Sheriff Snle.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District l otirt ror pougias i.oiiiu.v, ne
l.inubii. null tu me directed. I will on the 27l,ll
day of Heptember, A. I). W2, at, III o'clock, a,
m, of said day, at Hie East front door of the
County Court House, In the City of Omaha,
1 1,, in, ln t'niitil v. Nebraska, sell at llllbllc
auction the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot number thirteen (III) III block number
four (4), Brooklllie, a surveyed, pmtwit ami
recorded In Douglas county, stale of Ne
l,,i, .Li. -ii 1,1 i, i, ,i,i, ii m in hi, sold to satisfy
Nebraska Havings and Exchange Bank II
sum of eleven hundred and eighty dollars
I.HO,00), with lnleresl. thereon al rate of
eight (8) percent, per annum from Heptember
21st. 1801. and thlrly-two and 7-ofi (32,78)
dollars cost, with Interest thereon from the
21st day rt Heptember, A. D, Mil, together
with accruing costs according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court or said
liougia county, at, it ncpM-misT ui, ,
D, IslH, In a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Nebraska Havings aim r,x
change Bank was plaintiff, and David W,
Mollalt, Humuel MacLeod, Robert K. Muc
I'od were defendant, ......
Omaha, Nebraska, August 2:!n' I.J! ,,
Hherllfof Douglas County. Nnl),
Dexter L. Thoma. attorney. n-M-n
TJOHITION its delivery clerk or book-keeper
A, wuntoii. rtooress, nr. n. i"" ",
Mary avenue, care toum launniy,
JshtsrifT ( NM.
t,t-r ami I V r- u an hvomMw mI
I V trass t V.- tvia ini.
if lawless cuuai t . l
iutan, uh lli ii1, t vf anl iNisit al M
a. ,l n,U i t. Il l fi "i Julia I
i..i,, l, ael aa w lNot.1 H K'b'-r. 1 1
IS rtiirii ami I . M a-.ui., t I liaiv ti i U-d
Ml tlie fulli-a lutt ili-,-riiw-il r-al ilatir a
tlie iteuneri) ut lti aalit C II fcHi't. H
11ii wv w nlt-i le lit ili fi-s l vf Ihe r-t
un hundviil and 1a--tti aiuli'ltfhtv-tauuev
hunilrvillli US !' fuel of Ihe itoilti t
n ,v t,i-l ; ami li.,-1 ! Iainl -i ltflil anil
r4cl,lv taitutie huuileiilth iJafJi fi uf the
il kfivt ami p(ghljr-loii Iiiiii1-ihh
iv;sji fi't, of Ihe vai une limuln-il and
lavtvv and vlglitji -Iwuune-huiulviiltliiH! V
fis'l uf the it,wih Vlgatr-Mve iMi tv ut lul
iie hitmlrvd and three mm ! .1' adill-
tmn itiitiecuy of Omaha, lamiia county,
Nvhranka. and I will on Ihe l.nh its) ut
Hontemla-r, 1s"3. al P oVIm'k a. tu, of said
ilnv. al Urn I, AST feiilll disir of Ihe IMUIUV
coiirl Iiuiiw. In IliCtliy ut Omaha, tsiugla
,-,,ii,ii v. Ni'liraaka. ai'll anhl real r-lsti' at
nub ic Kiii'tlun In the liiglioM lUiltler Tor
cah. or o much uf ll as may lw nisi"ry lu
aaliaf Julin 1. Redlck the aunt uf ave tlllll
iIitmI. elBhtv-om and :n-li dullara
Ihe summit fuuml by said dlstrlcl court
still remaining unatlsl(id n me ruriviunure
uf a niurtgnge In Ihe cae uf John I. lieiitck,
plalntllT, aglnt oavut k. An neret ni ue
fvmlani. with Interest thereon frum Ihe '.'M
day of Hvnioiiilwr, A. II. IMH! and alo the
further sum uf twenty and .VVItM dullur, the
custa uf lucreas on ou said Judgment aim Inn
accruing costs.
Omaha, Nebraska, August it. istc.
Hherlff uf Duugla Counly. Neb.
Willi m A, Red Ic kj I tornejr. s-l'J-o
Sheriff. Sale,
llv virtue of an order of sale issued out of
the District Court for Douglas Counly, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the tlth
day of Hvptemlier. A. D. IS02 at lOo'chs-k a. m
uf suld day. at the EAHT front disir uf the
Counly Cuurt Hons. In the City of Omaha,
I mug la I mini y. ineurassa, si-u at piiuuc
auction the nrom'rty deacrllwd tu said order
of sale as follows. uwlt:
Lot Hve (51 block seven (71, central far
addition to the city of Omaha, according to
the recorded plat thereof. In the county of
isiugiiis anil stneu ui iii'inHM. n buiij
Irvliur II. Tlfft tlie sum of six hundred, fifty-
Ave and 08-100 dollars dHM.118) Judgment, wllh
Interest thereon at rate of ten tioi per cent,
r annum from the litn any ot may, a. u,
sill, until mild! to satisfy Guaranty Invest-
iiuuit t'niiinunv the sum uf nine! v-slx dollar
tflKUK)) judgment, and thirty-nine and 8-1(10
dollars (m.o;i) cost, with Interest on both of
said amount at rate of seven (7) per cent
per annum from the llth day or May, A. t.
I -ai I ii, ml ni, lil. roirothor with accruing costs
according to a Judgment rendered by the
District court ot sum uougius county, at us
Muv term. A. i. 1801, In a certain action
then and there pending wherein Irving 11.
Tlfft was plalntllT and Milton F Hoys, Mary
M. Koy's and others defendants.
.umana, wonrasKa, August i. isi.
R-5-5 Hherlff of Douglas County. Neb.
Hull. MeCulloeh & English, attorneys;
Sheriffs Sale.
llv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the' District Court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and tome directed. I will, on the 13th
day of September, A. !.. 1802. at lOo'cloek a.
m. of sain day. at the EAHT front disir of the
County Court House, in the city of Omaha,
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction the nroiwrty described In said order
of sale as follow, to-wit. :
Lot number nine (01. In block number two
(2) in Moe's ub-dl vision In the city of Omaha,
county of Douglas and Htato of Nebraska, a
surveyed, platted and recorded. Halt! prop
erty to be sold to satisfy 0. F. Greenwood tlie
sum of fifteen hundred, thirty and 51-100 dol
lars (Cl.ft3Q.Al) with Interest, thereon at eight
(8) percent per annum from May 0th, 1802, un
til nntfl. and twenty-one and 23-100 (121.23)
dollars costs, with Interest thereon from the
Dlh day of May, A, 1), 18112, together with ac
cruing cost according to a Judgment ren
dered by the District Court of suld Douglas
county, at Its May term, A. IK 18112, In a cer
tain action then and there pending, wherein
0, F. Greenwood was plaintiff, and Afton G.
Reynolds and Ellen Reynolds were aorena-
ants. .
Omaha, Nebraska, August 8tn. lstcs.
Hherlff of Douglas county. Nebraska.
Bornurd Dolun, attorney, B-12-5
... Sheriff Sale.
Tinder and bv virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by Frank E. Moores. clerk
of the district court of Dougla county, Ne
braska, upon a Judgment or tne county court
In and for said county, on tho 21st day of
March, 1802, (a transcript of which Judgment
was on the 23rd day ot March, 1802, duly tiled
and docketed In the district court, within
and for snld counly) in favor of Andrew
Ullixr P.muwl lillnv. and tinman! V. , It I leu.
partners doing business under the flniV nftnje.
ana style oi uuey nrutners, nuu ntiniinv
Frank O'Rourko, I have levied upon the
followliur descrllaid real estate us the nrou-
erty of the said Frank O'Rourke, to-wlt:
U..1. 1... -.....,.... .1.1, ulv 111 ,,f l'..nll.,l
CIIII-111 I, UIIU 1,1,1,11 1 11 1,1 ,,, ,m ... ...i,,,,.
Arlilltlmi tu ihu idt.v uf Omaha, in thu cnunt v
of Dougla. and state of Nebraska, and I
will on tlie 13th day of Heptember. 1802, at 10
o'chsrk a. m. of said day at the EAHT front
doorofthe county courthouse. In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
said real estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said ex
ecution, the amount due thereon lieing two
hundred, seventy and 511-100 dollars ($270.50)
damages and four and 70-100 dollars (S4.70)
costs, with Interest on both of said amount
fmm thBlilst, duvof Marclt.l8H2. together with
one and HO-100 (foliar (11.00) the cost of In
crease and accruing cost.
Omaha, Nebraska, August Ii, isii.
Hherlff of Douglas county, Nebraska.
Cornish and Robertson, attorney. 8-12-5
Sheriffs Sale.
ITnrlur and hv virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by Frank E. Moores, clerk
of the district courtof Douglas county, Ne
braska, upon a judgment, ot ucorge r. unison
a Justice of the Peace In and for said county.
on the 14111 day or J my, isvb, (a transcript in
which Judgment was on tne iiitu uay or juiy,
18112, duly Hied and docketed In the district
court within and for said county) In favor of
John 11. Furuy and Frank J, McArdle, and
against Edward Hlrlnger. I have levied up
on the following described real estate a the
property of tlie saia toward Miringer, to-wit:
'ff. .ihrl.t. isi in block ten 110) in E. V.
Smit h' addition to the city of Omaha, In the
county of Douglas and tute of Nebraska,"
' in . iijl.l- ... L.1.. i ..... I.. . 1Ufli)
and 1 Will Oil tlie I.ltll uay OI Bupwjiuuur, mu,
al lOo'cloek a. m.of sulci day, at the EAHT
ffnf fl,,.ir of ihu count v court house In the
city of Omiihu, Dougla county. Nebraska,
unit uitio ri'ii i ist.nt.e at mini c unci on to tuu
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy suld execu
tion, the amount due thereon being thlrty-
Itvo and 117-iuu uoiiur w.i.iki uuiiuikus, uiiu
tin ni.ri mi-Km ilol lurs cost interest on
both of said amounts from the 141 h day of
July, 1802, together with one and 85-IOOdol-larN(II.HA)
the costs of Increase and accruing
e"om'alitt, Nebraska, July 11. 1112, , "
Hherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
Cornish and Robertson, attorneys. 8-12-5
Sheriffs Sale.
llv vlrtiin of an execution Issued liv Frank
E. Iloores, clerk of the District court of
Douglas counly, Nebraska, upon a Judgment
rendered on the USUI (lay or juiy, ism, uy
l,.l, H Mni iUnn. a bisllce of the neace, In
and for said county, In favor of the Lnrtx
Wa ll Paper Co., and against Joseph O.Chrlst
etiseu and John C. Chrlslenseii, a Iranscrlpt
of which Judgment, was on the 12th day of
Allgllsl, 1S1M, (llliy llll'U aim lllll'seieu III um
district court within and for said comity, I
have levied upon the following described
real estate us thu properly of John (J.
Clirlslensen, to-wlt:
The east one-half H) of lot thirteen (13),
block II vii (A), Lincoln Place, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas counly, slate of Nebraska,
and I will on Ihe 13th (lay of Heptember, A,
I). 1802. al Klo'clock a. m., at the EAH T front
door of the county court house. In the city
of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell
said real estate at, public iiuclluli 1o Ihe
highest bidder for cash, to sallsfy said exe
cution, Ihe amount due I hereon being one
hutidred. (ifiy-elght and fll-Hiodolliirs KI5M.II7)
damages, three and 20-100 dollars 13.20) eosls,
with Interest on both of said amounts at 10
percent, per annum from July in, I so I, to
gether with six and 40-lod dollar (W.4U) In
creased costs and accruing costs.
8-12-5 Hherlff of Douglas County, Nelh
jMy aai Mla4t W ! JJ '""lf
(M m . , sTakUi siiSliOel
(UK, OmnJtm, Jfat
!!. "C. m V' . l ik""'" ' imi
Omsk tVpoll wh and Wrhwr t Oi. aha
OOiin .n ( in V,NMnu...l .;... ;
I ' pu H I i urea livu ,u' . I : m
i e iw . M. t'sul i.i(iiil , . a ii aa
t ,, llam n-ft pa . , auiu ts am
. i, i , k ui , Atc:
ip,k V tOi and W . Otnalia
4 41mu MiVatfo I iiuil.xl am
Van I lih-atfo r ii- ,.,,,,!
II au ... . I lihasu t,vii- ,,,.4 I )mi
tfcfcipm . , I'lllcatii A luaaUval ..! i jw
(atea ll A V U. jArrlvr
OiKBti ' ta (ml uh a let Mantn Hla. ! I'maha
ic (mh .Tlfcioer I.ImuuhI daily j 4'Bpm
HVIAaiu la adw,l t ni-i j 4rt1M
lii l.iani; la nii-r t- tuw. ...... .i1ii
. .. H IH-Ir CNtVaa 11 pm
a 1.1 amj. l.liHiiln l.l lex.vpt Hum. ,11 a am
H.Vtplu) tlttg laa-al I ti,eput
j'aM : K.C, M. J. A i". II, Arrl-e
Omnha IV)si loth and Ms-m Hts. ilhtubl
.Wain '.". Kan. City lnv Epn.T."i,i' pnt
4lpm h.C niglilev, via IPiTr?":Lt'Jt!,i
Ijvii rSloS IHt'lFlC, Arrive
omiihs U'nlon IS'iiol blh and Mnrey Omaha
T ,15 mii
Beatrliii Express ,
10. put
4 i pnt
.IS'nwr r,pris,
1 1 ii..-.
1.1.1 pmj..,,.,.oorlml Hver ., 7
laipm IVnvrr Fast Mall I 4
4.15 pm , B, H. A F. K-. icxeept Hun) .K
s ii pm
je pnt
.m tun
HHipiiii.,..,., I'acltlc Kxpress ..... .110.40 am
IsHO-ea P K K A MO. V AT.f.E " 'i Arrive
Omaha ! Di'iait blth and WeltsierWa. i Omaha
P un am
in am
6.10 pm
6.4.1 put
R.00 ami
'. DeailwiNMl Exnress I 5, im
(Ex. Hat I Wyu. Ex.iEx. Mini) 6.20 pm
....Nurfulk (Except Hun.).., .,11. 10 ant
Ht. Paul Express, H.'il am
..Lincoln Ex. (ex. Hiindsyi.. III. 10am
C. M. A ST. V. 'Arrive
la vea
Depot loth and MareyJt Onialia,
Till mm ('hiciimi Exiinws .
11..11 am
4.20 pin
ll,.H)nml Chicago Express
leaves I "tlltlllj. 11TV"TACrFT0 lArrlve
Omaha I Detail loth & Marey Ht. Omaha
"7.20 anil. ..iHluux City Passenger.... I'd Nl pm"
5.JI.1 pml Htj Paul Express...... JllUIOBm
CrvrWfotrX PiTV PACiFUrTArrHes
Om 11 It allh-pot 1,1th and Webster His.lOmaha
HrTiiul Limited.
' , - '" Sheriff Sale.
By vlrtuicttf an order of sale Issued out of
the District cXmrt of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will, on tlie dlh
rlii v of Sentomhcr. A. 1). 1K2. at lOo'cloek a.m.
of said day, at the EAHT front door of the
county court nouse, in me city ot vuiiuna,
laniglus county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to wit:
All the part of the south-west quarter C4)
of the south-east quarter () of section
thirty-six (3(1), township fifteen (15), north of
range twelve (12) east, that is situated west
of tlie center of the Little Papllllon Creek. In
Douglas county, Nebraska, save and except
that portion between the center line of said
Creek and the west line of the right of way
of the Omaha Belt Lino Railway, and save
and except north two (2) acres west of ald
,-il,t of wuv. contalnimr five (5) acres, more
or less: also a tract of land commencing at a
point in the center of the Little Papllllon
Creek where said creek crosse the north
lino of township fourteen (14), range twelve
(12), thence west aloug the north line of said
township fourteen (14) to the north-west
eornerof the north-east quarter () of section
one (1), township fourteen (14), north of range
twelve (12), east, thence south ulxtoon and
eighty-one one hundredths (It) 81-100) chains,
thence east to the center of Little Papllllon
Creek, thence In a northerly direction, 1 p
the center of ald Creek to the point of be
ginning, except, a tract of land fifty (50) foot
wide on each side of the Uwated line of the
Omaha Bolt Railway Company through aald
premises, In Douglas county, Nebraska. To
satisfy, first outof the proceeds of the sale of
the said "tract of land commencing at a
point In the center of the Little Papllllon
Creek where snld Creek crosse the north
line of township fourteen (14), range twelve
(12), thence west, along the north line of said
township fourteen (141. to the north-west
corner of the aort h-oast quarter (H) of sec
tion one (1), township fourteen (14), north of
range twelve (12) east, thence south Blxteen
and eighty-one one-hundredth (18 81-100)
chains, thence east to the center of Little
Papllllon Creek, t hence in a nortnerty uirec
tlon, up the center of snld Creek to the point
of beginning, except a tract of land Hffy (5()
feet wide on each side of the located line of
ii.nOiiiulut Unit Rnllwnv Comnnnv through
said premises In Douglas county, Nebraska,
Dexter L. Thoma the sum of seventeen
hundred and sixty dollar (11700.00) with In
terest thereon from May Dili. 1802. at rate of
eight (81 per cent, per annum; to satisfy
r reoeriCK rvrug tuu mini in vikih.,'.-,,
ii.i,,.ll,f. anil TS-lm dollars (SI8.38.78) with '
i,,ij,iitdt. iliAninti at. the rate of ten (10) ner
oent,. per annum from May 9th, 1802: to satisfy
'the Chicago Lumber Company the sum of
eighty-throe and 35-100 dollars with
Interest inereon rarai uw ihi unj ui
a 11 ikiii until mild, and ihirtv-thrce ana
118-100 dollars (S33.3 casts, with interest
from tlie mil nay 01 may. a. i;.
together with accruing cost according
to a Judgment rendered by the district court.
Ot SU1U LlOUglUS county, at ra niiij iy...
A. D. 1892, in a certain action thon and there
.,..l.,,- whiimlii lrrurlitrlek Krug was.
plaintiff', and Jacob 11. Pfelffer and others.
were oeieiuiaiit. .
Omaha, Nobraska, August a. ljic.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nobraska.
Dexter L. Thomas, attorney. 8-5-5
Notico of Final Settlement.
Statu of NEniURKA, 1 gg
Douglas County, (
In the County Court of Dougla County,
Nebraska. July 2, A. D. 1892.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick
A'pe'rson Interested In said matter will
take notlcethat on the 2ilth day of July, 1802,
tho county court of Dougla county, Neb.,
made the following order:
Statu oit Nkhkaska, I a
Douglas County, f ss'
In the County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska. July 20, A. 1), 1892. Present, J. W.
Eller. County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick
Hughes, deceased!
Upon reading and filing the petition pf
Julia Hughe, showing that she was duly
appointed and qualified a administratrix of
said estate, and that more than twelve
month have elapsed since her Bald appoint
ment, and praying the court for a llniil set
tlement of tier account herein Hied and for a
discharge, and praying that such other and
further order and proceedings may be had In
the premise, as may bo required by the
statute In such cases made and nrovldod.
Ordered, that September 27, A. D. 1802, at 10
o'clock a. 111,. bo assigned for hearing said pe
tition, when all persons Interested In Mia
matter may appear at t he County court, to be
held In and for said county, nnd show cuuse
why the prayer of suld petit loner should not ,
bo granted 1 and that notice of tho pendency
of suld petition and Hie hearing thereof, be
given to the persons above named and uil
oilier ts'rsons Interested In said mutter, by
publishing notico of thl proceed ng In Tub
Amkiiiuan, a newspuper printed In said
county, four week successively provloimto
the time appointed. ' J W ELLEIl,
SKA!, , ' County Judge.
And you will further take notice that un
less you apiH'ur toconteRl. the said petition of
Julia llugbc at the time and place ap
pointed fur that purpose, the cuurt may, In
your absence, approve said report, anil may
grant the further prayer of said petition, ,
YI1MCSS Illy IIIIUU UIIU uiiu iim r-'-io
day of July.
lSKAI,.J 8-5-4
County Judge.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District court fur Douglas county.
v..l,,..ul,,, niwl in ,1111 illrected. I will oil till!
illh day of Heptember, A, I), Is'i. at 10
o clock a. m. or sum uay, 111. tne r.nri. 1
door of the county court, house, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction the property described In said
order of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot, numbered seven (7) In block U. In
Lowe's llrsl addition to Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded In Douglas county, Ne
braska, to aatlsfy Central Loan ami I rust
Company the sum of one hundred slxl v-nlnoi
and 112-Pio dollar if Kill. 32) Judgment, with In
terest, thereon al, rate of ten (HO percent, per
annum from I he til h day of May. A.D. IW.
until paid: to satisfy P. M. Mullen the sum
uf one hundred and forty ami Ott-IHO dollar
(flMi.od) lodgment, and twenty-six mid 23-100
dollar '2f,2'f) costs, Willi lnleresl 011 bulb of
said amouni strain of seven per cent, per
annum from the othday of May, A, D. mil,
mull paid, together with accruing cost,
according to a Judgi I rendered by thu
dlsfrli'teourl of said Dougla county, at it
May term, A. D. Wef, In a certain action then
and there ponding, wherein Central Loan
ami Trust Company was plaintiff, and Peter
J, llyers, Mary llyer and other defendant,
Omaha, Nebraska, A ugust 1st. Iki'l
Hherlff of Dougla County, Nebraska,,
Georgo F. Gllmorii, attorney, s-ft-6