The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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I, Th rnittlMtliws if rtiw n
I Tn lass f M inimr r-snmM lit-
ii the iwlralasttral it mlinmi Isnt,
ft. It nut Uful fur ft vtnuvmr ii
li) thin i-d t lh ih)IU rules.
4. Il la Hot Usful fir kino to uutp the
llilnit Hist belong to pi lest.
ft. Nu custom nf nyi rati thwart the
IHII f the
a. Ul Hi) vLttic l ltfi-l tit the
lil.iiio (rammi timi-pls, but let Hit in t
naliiiir. rou.l.T fulfltled,
t. The Yose IiiimhI by the holy Is In
twWiuMlioiiKli It ppr ttitii'rll snd
S, The Pontiff run iH'iiliiT be IkwhiI nor
bound ly the wvulur (power.
. Tluit the IViltlltf wssi'alli-d liisl by lln
pious Prince IXiimtsnf lm, snd tbst god Iiu
Cannot Ih'JiiiIihJ SS Illllll,
u. TtiHt h iIihI liv U (nr hImivo tint reach
of b!1 human law unit judgment.
11. That all laws contrary Id tlio cations
mitl decrees of tlio Kouisu prelates nni of no
12. That nil ut tli ordinances of thv pope
are unhesitatingly to bo olx yvil.
IX Wo ou-li L not even to speak U one
Whom Hit' kiK' ha cx-coinmiinlrateil.
14. l'rtcsu am luthers mid masters, even
of princes.
1J. Tlii? rlvll luw la derived from limn, but
'ho ecclesiastical (,r ration luw In derived
directly from God, by which the pont.l (T can,
In connection w lib hl prolan-, inske con
stitutions for tliu whole christian world, In
matters spl ritual, concerning the salvation
of souls, and the right government of thv
church: und If necessary judgo and dispose
of all the lomporul goods of all christians.
10. A heretic, holding or teaching false
doctrine concerning the sueranicnt. Is ex
communicated and degraded, and handed
over to the secular court.
IT. Secular princes unwilling to swear to
defend the church agaliwt heretics are ex
communicated, and they uru lalu under an
lit. The goods of heretics, are to be con
fiscated and applied to the church.
19. Advocates or notaries, favoring here
tics, or their defenders, or pleading for them
In law suits, or writing documents for them,
are Infamous and suspended from olllce.
20. The secular powers, whether perma
nent or temporary, are bound to swear that
they will exterminate, according to their
power, ull liereticscondeuinedby thecliureh;
and a temporal lord not purging bis land of
heretics, 1 ex-communicated.
21. Those signed with the cross for the
extermination of heretics, rejoice In the
privilege grunted to the crusaders for the
help of the holy land.
22. They are absolved from all obligations
who are In anywise bound to heretics.
22. Whoever dies 1" battle against the un
believing, merits the kingdom of heaven.
24. We do not esteem those homicides, to
Whom It may Uavu happened la their zeal for
their mother church against trie ex-communicated,
to kill some of them.
23. That Catholic Trinces are bound, lHitb
by ctvH and canon law, not to receive or
tolerate heretics, and much more are not to
permit their rites, or other exercise of their
religion, or rather, their false sect, but ore
most solemnly bound everywhere, to repel
and expel them.
. 26. The following temporal punishments
are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy,
and tho consequent disqualifications for nil
civil act. 2nd Intestability, as well active
as passive (that is. they can neither make
will nor Inherit what Is left to them by
others). Urd Loss of paternal power over
children. 4th Loss of dowry, and other
privileges granted to women. 6th-Confiscation
of all goods. Otb That vassuls und
laves and others are free from all, even
sworn obJlgalloMi due to their lord or an
other. 7ih Capital corporal punishment,
especially death, and perpetual luiprlson
.luent. .27. The canon law forbids all t Jeration
'.2H. That metropolitans una i...ja;)s are to
ex-cornmunlcnie him who grunts liberty of
29. No oath Is to be kept towards heretic
princes, lords or others.
80. Heretics ore to be deprived of ull civil
and paternal rights.
31. The pope can uhsolve from all oaths.
211 Every bishop is ordinary judge in a
cause of heresy. The reason is because the
bishops can ex-offldo, and ought toextlrpate
heretics, and inflict upon them the due pun
ishments, ond to this are bound on pain of
deposition. Besides, are the Inquisitors es
pecially deputed by the apostolic sea.
Every bishop In his diocese Is thought to be,
and In ru lty Is, a natural Inquisitor, (liter
ally born Inquisitor), so as to have the same
power with those already mentioned In a
cause of heresy.
Kit. In every promissory oath, although
absolutely taken, there are certain condi
tions tacitly understood, amongst which are:
1st If 1 can; 2nd To save the right and
authority of a superior; 3rd When the oath
supposes the honor of the apostolic seo to be
31. That the council of Trent, (the last and
great authority of Home), decrees and com
mands that the sacred canons and all gen
eral councils, also the other apostolic enact
ments Issued In favor of ecclesiastical
persons of ecclesiastical liberty, and against
Its violators, ull of which by this present
decree it renews, and must m exactly ob
served by all.
"I, .cardinal of the Holy Itoman
church, do promise and swear that, from this
time to the end of my life, I will be faithful
and oliedlenl onto Kt. Peter, the holy apos
tolic Koriian church, and our most holy lord,
the pope of Home, and his successors, canon
Icaliy and lawfully elected: that I will give
no advice, consent or assistance against the
pontifical majesty and person: that 1 will
never knowingly and advisodly, to their In
jury or disgrace, make public the councils
entrusted to me by thenus'lve. or by mes
neners or letters: also that 1 will give them
any uwdstanee In retaining, defending und
recovering the Itoman puptw:y and the regalia
ut l'eiT. with all my might and endeavor, so
far a the rights und privileges of my order
will allow It, and will defend them against
all their honor and state, and 1 will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, the
legate and mi tic los of the apoxlolfi! , In
th terrlUrles, churches, monasteries and
" flier ben ommlttd to my keeping;
and 1 will cordially co-opcrat with them
and treat them with honor Jo th!r coming,
abiding and returning n4 that 1 wlil resist
tinf.0 blood all person whatsoever who shall
("niptnnytblng against tie in. That J will,
Jy every wfim4 hf every means (rlv to
preserve, augment and udvan? thfl right
honors, privilege, the mHiurity of tb Holy
lumnn olshop, our lwd th pops,atid ' be
Uttm tiientlotiwl wcuwiw; and tia(, at
Whatever time anything Shall be dwJled ttt
th lr prejudice, which Is out id u,f vnnt to
hinder, a soon u 1 shall know that any
iep or ixnMor' hve rt-n taken in thi
tiutir, I will mail it known to tli mine,
imt l"d or hi wrmmm, or some of her per
son ljr who rueoos it may ls brought Ui
th.dr kwrwledg. That I wtfl kp and turtf
tuf, and cans others ui t p and curry out
lit rule lit th holy ftttlidf, th (baCfe.
lNtlHSIHi, lli IISKlliHi SIOSII. wtf
tbiliHi, anllt tnisitdllles ail nwiMI'M
Hums of the ll.Jy lather tu. t'f lniy
ntitiiiM y, a h ull Inn t'ii Hirli.,lil if the
khnili4 at ettnln iir- ilt d tinier ,-tsid-llt(
to Iho tenor of (list Which I lis IP Jilt
rend lltrotttth. Tlmt I will seek out ami
nsi, sf-s uu ami flitht iiiiunl innsitu
isc'iminihi rt tmitu'nnturuiii) tn'l,l
III tetll'S IS ttUtKftllll who iiihm tiur lutil.
tin" pope of Hume, anil III tiefms metit loni d
H,, kkiI this I will do With ivel)
s,ll le effm t."
I (!lgiiHtllM I then wnt to the si
' - lifl of the h troll
dl iw, fi-mii heiiiffoiward will lie faithful
still ills-client to t. I'i ter the Apostle and to
the Holy liiiiiiHit chiin h, and to our lotd, the
Imly l'' of lintiie, and to hi sinntiuors.
rnnonleiiliy entering, I wlil mil her mlvls .
consent nor do anything that they limy he
life or member, or that their s tsoiis may be
selwil, or hunils In any wIm laid tism them,
or any Injui les olfeiTtl lit them, under liny
pretense whntsiH'Ver. The coihimI with
which they shall Intrust tnu by themselves,
their messengers or letters, I all! not know
ingly reveal to any, to their prejudice, I
Will help them lo defend and keep the, Uoinan
papacy and the royalties of 1'eier against
all men. The legate of the H!ollc see,
going and coming, I will hnnorahly treat and
help In his necessities. The rights, honors,
privilege und authority of the Holy Koiiian
church of our lord, the pope, und his afore
said successors. 1 will endeavor to preserv..,
defend, Increase und advance. 1 will not be
In any counsel, action or treaty, In which
shall lie plotted ugulnst our said lord and
Roman church, anything to the hurt or pre
judice of their persons, rights, honor, statu
or power, and, if I shall know any such
thing to be treated or agitated by any what
soever, I will hinder It to my utmost, and us
soon us I can, I will signify It to our said
lord. The ordinance and mandates of the
pope, I will observe with ail my might und
cause to be observed by others,"
"Heretics, schismatic and rebels to our.
said lord or his successors, I will to my ut
most persecute and oppose."
"Ileretlcos, schlsmallco et re belles eldem
Domino nostro vel suceessorlbus predict Is pro
posse persequnr et oppugnabo."
"I will come to a council when I utn called,
I will visit the threshold of the apostles
every three year und give an account of our
lord of all my pastoral oHIce and of the
things belonging to my diocese to the dis
cipline of my clergy and people. 1 will In
like manner humbly receive and diligently
execute the apostolic commands. If I am
detained by a lawful Impediment, I will per
form the aforesaid by a member of my
chapter or u priest of my dhs-ese, fully In
structed In ml things above mentioned The
possessions belonging to n.y table, I wUI
neither sell nor other wise alienate without
consulting the liomiin pout I IT. ho help me
0"d and these holy gospels of Ood."
fent to the Itomlsh Manager.
, now In the presence of
Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the
blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed
fH. John the lluptlst, the Holy Apostles Ht.
Peter and St. l'aul und the saint und the
Sacred Host of Heaven, and to you, my lord,
1 do declare from my heart, without mental
reservation that the pope Is Christ' vicar
general and Is the true and onty head of the
universal church throughout the earth, and
that, by virtue of the key of binding and
loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ
he has power to depose heretical kings,
princes, state, commonwealths and govern
ment!, all being Illegal without hi sacred
confirmation, und that they may safely be
destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my
power, 1 will defend this doctrine and his
holllr.css' rights and custom against all
usurpers of the Protestant authority what
soever, especially against the now pretended
authority and church In England and all
adherents. In regard that they be usnrpal
and heretical, opposing the sacred mother,
thecliureh of Uome.
"1 do denounce and disown any allegiance
us (hie to uny Protestant king, prince or
slate or olsxllence to any of their Inferior
officers. 1 do further declare the doctrine of
the church of Englund, of the Calvin lsts.
Huguenot and other Protestants, to be
damnable and those to be damned who wlU
not forsake the same.
"1 do fun her declare that 1 will hel p, assist
and advise all or any of his hotlines' agent
In any place wherever I shall 1c, and to do
niy utmost to extirpate the Protestant doc
trine and to destroy all their pretended
powej, regal or otherwise 1 do further prom
ise and declare that, notwithstanding 1 may
be permitted by dispensation to assume any
heretical religion (ProtesUint denominations)
for the propagation of the mother church'
Interest, t-o keep secret and private all her
agent' counsels as they entrust me, and not
to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word,
writing or circumstance whatsoever, but to
execute all which ahull be proposed, given
In charge or discovered onto me by you, my
most reverend lord and bishop.
"All of which 1, , do swear by the
blessed Trinity and blessed fcucrament
which I am about to receive, to perform on
my part to keep Inviolably, and do call on
all the Heavenly and Glorious Host of
Heaven to witness my real intentions to keep
this my oath.
"In testimony whereof.I take this most holy
and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and
witness the same further with my conse
crated hand, in the presence of my holy
bishop and ail the priests who assist him In
my ordination to tliu priesthood."
1, , now In the presence of
Almighty Ood, the blessed Virgin Mary, the
blessed Ml'rhael the archangel, the blessed
Ht. John the Baptist, the holy apostle Ht,
Peter and Ht. Paul and the saint and sacred
host of heaven, and to you my ghostly father,
the superior general of the society of Jesus,
founded by Kalnt Ignatus. Ioyola in the
pontirtcatlon of Paul the Third, and con
tinued to the present, do, by the womb of the
virgin, the matrix of God, and th rod of
Jesu Christ, declare and swear that Ms
holiness, the pope, I Christ' rlce-gerent,
and Is the true and only head of the Catho
lic lit universal church throughout th
earth ; and that by vlrtu of the keys of
binding and loosing given to hi holiness
by my Havfor. Jeans Christ, he hath power to
de piste heretical kings, princes, , com
monwealth, and governments, all being
Illegal without his ssred confirmation, and
they may be safely destroyed. Therefor, to
tb utmost lit my power, 1 will defend tbl
doctrine and hi holhi' right and custom
against all usurper of the hitlcl or
Protestant authority whatsoever, especially
th lyiitlwran church of Germany, Holland,
Ienmark. Hweden and Korway, and tht now
pretended aothorftle and eburchc of (Eng
land and rVtoflsnd, snd brswbes lit th
sarri now established In Ireland, and im the
continent of America and elwbr, and all
adherents In regard that tbr b
and brtlcl, opposing th asvred mother
church lit tUnirn,
I do wn renoonc and disown any alleg
lw do to any hrtlcl king, prlnc or
!, tiame.l I'mleslsiit m I.IU'raU, ut
(dtrilli-tii to any of their lss, Mianlsttatos
o nifhier,
I do further iWtars thai the il.s lllne of
the i-htiri-lw- of IniiUinl anil Ocotlsitil, tit
the I sl inUI. Illllfll, ll,-l Slid others of lh
name of I'nttestsHt or I.Hm iI, to Im nam
nshle, ami they Ihemwhe to m damned
Kiel will tin) fnrsnke the same.
I il.ifnlllierihvbire that I Will help, assist
and advise all or any of M holiness' agent.
In any le. whereier I shsll l In H-
r-iinntf, Germany, Holland, leiiiiir(t,
SwihIiii, Norway, I'hiihiiid. Ireland, or A mer
le or In ny older kingdom or territory, I
shall come to, and do tny utmost In extir
pate the heretical Protestant r Llls-ral
dis-trlnes, and to destroy all their pretended
power, refill or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare that, not
withstanding I am dispensed with to assume
any religion hcretteul for the propagation
of the mother ehun-h'a Interest, to keep
secret and private all her agents' councils
from time to time, as they entrust me, and
not lo divulge, directly or Indirectly, by
won), writing or circumstance whatever,
but to execute nil that shall Im proponed,
given In charge, or discovered unto me, by
you my glumtly father, or any of Dili sacred
I do further promise and declare that 1 will
have no opinion or will of my own or any
mental reservation whatsoever, even as a
corpse or cadaver (perlnde ac cadaver), but
will unhesitatingly oix'y each and every
command that I may receive from my super
iors in the militia of the pope and of Jesus
That I will go to any part of the world
whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen
regions of the north, the burning sands of the
desert of Africa, or the plngles of India, to
the canters of civilization of Europe, or to
the wild haunts of the barbarous savage of
America, without murmuring or repining.
and will be submissive In all things whatso
ever, communicated to me.
I do furthermore promise And declare that
T will, when opportunity, presents, make and
wage relentless war, secretly or openly,
against all heretics, Protestants and Liberal
as I am directed to do, to extirpate them
from the faceof the whole earth, and that 1
will spare neither age, sex or condition, and
that I will hang, burn, waste, boll, flay,
strangle and bury alive these Infamous
heretics; rip up the stomachs and womb of
their women and crush their Infants' heads
against the walls In order to annihilate their
execrable race, That when the same cannot
be done openly, I will secretly use the pois
onous cup, the strangulating cord, the steel
of the polnard, or the leaden bullet, regard
less of the honor, rank, dignity or authority
of the person or person, whatever muy be
their condition In life, either public or priv
ate, as I at any time may be directed so to
do by any agent of the popo or superior
of the brotherhood of tho holy futher, of the
society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate
my life, my soul and all coporcal powers, and
with this dagger which I now receive, I will
subscribe my name, written In my IiIimkI. In
testimony thereof ; and should I prove false
or weaken In my determination, may my
brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of
the pope cut off my hand and my feet.and my
throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and
sulphur burned therein, with all the punish
ment that can be Inflicted upon me on earth
and my soul tie tortured by demon In an
eternal hell forever.
All of which I do swear by
the blessed trinity, and blessed sacrament
which I am now to receive, to perform, and
on my part to keep Inviolably; and do'call
all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven
to witness these my real Intention to keep
this, my oath.
In testimony hereof, I take this most holy
and blessed sacrament of the eucharlst,
and witness the same further, with my name
written with the point of this dagger, dipped
In my own blood, and seal In the face of
this holy convent
He receives the wafer Irora the
superior and writes his name with the
point of his dagger, dipped in his own
blood, taken from over the heart.
P.O. 8. of A.
Its History, Principles and Objects, as
Set Forth by the National Secretary.
This Patriotic Order was first organ
ized in Philadelphia, in 1W, and had
extended through several eastern and
southern states, when the civil war
in 13ol compelled the suspension of its
After the restoration of peace it was
reorganized, and it is now firmly es
tablished in nearly every state and ter
ritory of the United States, and the
membership is increasing at a rapid
rate, so that today its camp-fires are
burning brightly and its standards
waving triumphantly In all parts of our
broad land.
The Order has for its objects the in
culcation of pure American principles,
and reverence for American institu
tions; the cultivation of fraternal affec
tion among American freemen; the op
position to foreign interference with
state interest in the United States of
America, and to any form of organ i:d
disregard of American laws and cus
toms; the preservation of the constitu
tion of the United States, and the ad
vancement of t'Ur free public school
system. Its immediate benefit are
home benevolence, the care of I U sick,
the burial of its dead, the protection of
and assistance to all connected with it
who may be in need,
Next to the love for the Cre.nUr, we
believe that Patriotism is the highest
and noblest affection of the human
We believe that the institutions of no
country are safe without patriotic citi
zens, and that none will so jealously
guard and protect thern as those who
turn born and reared under their In
fluence, We bellev that we have the
best form of government it ft the masses
on the fac of the earth. For the wei
fare, prosperity and liberty of all
American citizens and their deseend
ants, we desire to protect out iurm (A
government und preserve (t intact
from the influence and control of any
foreign power, By disseminating serf
tfments of loyalty und patriotism; by
establishing a fraternal fueling of devo
tion Ui country amongst all Americans,
wo iiin- lo tnake it imswHihl fur any
onu l llvn utnler tin' pntttfUun tf lhi
Miamaml hit l" nhnuWu ttol hohur
ami rvvin II. ahd !n would not W
willing- to (lw tip ins Utn In ill (elice til
the it ltelplis of frevdmii ami justice,
which It rvprvannta. V dolr to sus
tain the purity of the ballot, and to
lavt il InMlltfi'Mly ami legitimately
ued. We Is'llevD that our system tf
fire imhllu school I tho bulwark of
our lllsTty, and wo Insist that they 1
kept absolutely frwi from all ihv1i'IkU
ceil and uH'tnrlnii Infliii'tns-a, and ht
under tho siM-t vlslnii of hs-al aavular
offloe-r t'liftod by the people. We are
In favor of compulsory and Industrial
education. WK ttmulAtXY WKUVMK
ERNMENTS, and who honor and revere
our national (kg. We are opposed to
tho occupancy of any part of our land
by foreign speculator or adventurers,
who do not wish to become citizens,
and wo believe that all of tho resources
and privileges of tho country should bo
reserved for tho exclusive use of citi
zens, either native-born or naturalized.
We are in favor of crushing out that
which is already here, and of taking
measures which will prohibit from en
trance into our ports, in the future, of
that foreign element which comes hero
to advocate communism, and nihilism,
and which does not identify itself with
our country, and does not respect our
flag. We invite all native-born citi
zens who believe in their country and
ita institutions, and who desire to per
petuate free government, and who wish
to encourage a brotherly feeling among
Americans to the end that we may ex
alt our country, to join with us in this
our work of fellowship and love.
Any white male person shall be
eligible to membership in this Order
who is of good moral character, sixteen
years of age, born on tho soil or within
the jurisdiction of the United States; a
believer in the existence of a Supreme
Being as the Creator and Preserver of
the universe; opposed to the union of
church and state, and to the interfer
ence of any power.directly or indirectly,
in tho affairs of this government. We
have no quarrel with any man on ac
count of nationality or religion, but we
wish to accord equal justice to all
honest American citizens. Wo ask
that Americans be allowed fair play on
their own native soil, and we seek, by
educating public sentiment, to advance
the idea of "Americans for America,"
rather than to insist upon "America
for Americans."
In addition to the regular beneficial
system of the subordinate camps, there
is, under the management of the
national camp, a separate additional
Life Insurance feature, known as tho
"Mortuary Benefit Fund," of the P. O.
S. of A. Membership in it ia optional
with any member of the Order under
fifty years of age, after medical exam
Only such members of the Order as
are enrolled in this Special Benefit
Fund will be entitled to any of its
privileges. The membership certifi
cates are for 11000.00.
The cost of admission, exclusive of
medical examination fee, is $4.00 and
must accompany the application. There
are no extra dues, but the members
must continue in an active camp of the
Order. The only cost after admission
is for death assessments. The highest
number in any one year has been six.
The assessments are as follows, for
certificates of tlOOO.00:
Between the age of Iff and T, , f I 00
&i i9i. ...... i in
' huh y, i. a-, i an
u ,, as in i
.. ., .. u ii 15 ,,, 1 Sfl
" " 45 " 2 10
This is the only insurance feature
provided by the laws of the Order, and
is an established success. Every camp
should select a medical examiner, and
also appoint one of its members as
solicitor or agent.
Full particulars will be given by the
National Secretary, on request.
Fkeukhick K. Stekh,
National Secretary,
Sons of America Building, 524 North
Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Jr. O. U. A. M.
Their Objects, Aims and Intentions
Fully Set Forth.
We affirm our devotion to the public
school system of this country. We be
lieve in comjiulsory education, and that
all teaching In our schools should be in
the Kngliih language to the end that
future generations may be able to take
their place in the ranksof our country's
workers, educated in the history, the
customs and manners of Americans,
Wa guaranty to every roan the lib
erty ot worshiping God, according to
the dictates of his own conscience, and
would give every assistance to protect
all in the exercise of his liberty, but
we object most strentisisly to the in
terference of any church, no matter
under what name it may exist, in the
temporal affair of this country.
We believe that the Bible should be
read in our public schools, not Ut Utwi
sectarianism, but to inculcate Its teach
ings. It is th recognized standard oi
all moral and civil law, w therefore
believ that our children should be
educated In if teaching, but; that no
Book Department.
V offer fur s.1ii the following Issika, which at" atrlelly anU-lt-misn
t'atholle, ami eattnot fall lo lnurt every true Anmrlean:
Vcrki ot Fithtr Chlniqjyt
Piwt' Vl'tita IM TUM rMiimrtf nv,i . - i..t .t
.. m . , , . - . w . ii- . - .,! , v.llinin lug m III ll'l
review of Kin life of the author; a history of the plot to aalnato IVi'sldmil
Mtteiiln, and disclosing tunny of the i-oii-t workings tif the Human Much I no,
Prion, ;!.!. Kent on receipt of prliw.
"I MM IvHT. WOM A N AN I) TH K ('O.VFK.NSION A t,.' Thlsllttlo work gives
a ctmclso description of the uses of thu eonftisslonsl, esisiclnlly with regard to
women In the Catholic Church. Price, 1 oo. Hunt on receipt ef prion.
Rev. J. Q. White's Works.
"DKKDH OF BA HOICKS DlSCLOKKD." This Is Hjv. White's latest
work. It contains si mm startling facts relative to auricular confession, and Its
relations to aaerldotal celibacy, convents, monasteries, civil and religious
liberty. Pi-lee, .Z. Sent on receipt.
"FACTK FOB THF. PEOPLF.." A Unman Catholic conspiracy to do
stroy tho public schools. It Is a 10-puge pamphlet, Price, f cents.
DKTECTEI) AND KXPOSKU." 30-pag.w. Price, 15 cents.
This is a brief reply to Prof. Swing and Priest Ciwhrnan and Dc Wlthrow. It
contains 80 pages, and is full of interest from start to finish, Prlco, .10 cents.
"HOMO" -For men only. Shows tho questions propounded to married
and unmarried females in the confessional. A complete expnso of th horrible
depth to which Rome drags her penitents. Tho book gives tho original text
from Don's thoology in Ltitln; has It tran-tlated into Kngllsh and Ojrman, and
the translator offers $1,01)0 to any priest, bishop, arch-blshrm or cardinal who
will disprove anything contalnod In said book. No Homan Catholic father or
brother should bo without one. Price, 50 cents.
We will furnish the full set of Rw. White's books, five in all, for $2.25.
Wo are state agents for all of Uiv. White's and Father Chlntquy's works,
all of which we will sum to any address on reoolpt of prlco.
412 Sheely Block, OMAHA, NEB.
Gas or Gasoline
Makes no smell or dirt.
l or Simplicity it Beat the World.
No Batteries or Electric Spark to
care for.
Just light the Burner, turn the
Wheel, and it runs all day.
No double or false Explosions, fre
quent with the unreliable spark.
It runs with n cheaper grade of
Gasoline than a..y other Engine.
When you desire to change your place
moved wiinoui Doing DroKen or scratcnea, iook ior my wagons
NUMBERS 77. AND 207,
and you won't think two moves equal to a fire.
I. OARD Fourteenth and Douglas Street.
dogma or creed should be taught at the
same time.
We believe that patriotism and love
of country should be instilled into the
hearts of children, and that with the
sacred words of "Mother, Homo and
Heaven," our children should be taught
that our flag is the symbol of all that
makes a "home" for us. We should
place a flag upon every public school in
herlland. and a Bible within, and to
object lesson therein set forth should
be a beacon light in every storm which
hreatens to engulf us.
In this noble and patriotic work we
ask the cordial and hearty co-operation
of all good citizens. In this grand
work we need the helping hand of all
organizations holding the same views
and principles. We have no time for
jealousies and bickerings, but with a
united front we should march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, remembering
that "United we stand, divided we fall."
In the strictest sense, we are a na
tional political organization, but we
oppose with unanimity trie slightest
taint of partisanship. "Our Country"
is our motto, and we keep this motto
steadily before us. We are cognizant
that there are great and powerful
enemies within our midst, requiring
the strictest sur vel lance of all who are
at heart, word and in deed Arrwrimn.
We, as members of this order, affirm
our allegiance to the object of the
order as paramount to any partisan
affiliation, and urge upon the member
ship harmonious, united and intelligent
action in carrying out the principles.
The fj'illidk WwUl, the leading Ito
man catholic paper in the umt-4
HinU:t says: "We do not hesitate Ut
affirm that in erformJng our duties as
citizens, U:Ur and public officials,
we should always and under ail circum
stances act simply as Catholics, and we
are ojpoed to the common school be
cause our church vmihmm Oim,"
Kwm'TlMMVMTn inmrUA In Tlf
A unite; AM are sure Ut bring profitable
return Ut the advertiser, Americans,
watch the columns of this paper I
Proprietors of tb
Alantic-Pacific Type Foundry,
No. 1013 HOW AHD ST.
of residence and want your furniture
Jr, Order United American Mechanics
Instituted May 17, I83 Eligibility
For Membership.
Any white male person born In the United
Slatiisof North America, Its territories, or
under the irotwtlnri of its flux, who shall
have attained the ngn of sixteen yesrs, who
Is of Rood "iortt-1 character, a believer In the
existence of a Hiiureine Helng as tho Creator
and Preserver of the universe. In favor of
free education, opposed to any union of
church and state, shall lie ellKihle to mem
bership under the provisions of the law In
the state and subordinate council to which
the application Is made; provided, that no
person shall be received to beneficial mem
bership who is over fifty years of axe.
A person shall not be permitted to this
order who does not possess a sok1 moral
character, or who Is In any way incapacitated
from earning a Ilvllhood, nor shall ho be
under sixteen years of age.
Subjects of a sectarian or partisan char
acter shall not be Introduced Into any meet
ing of this council, nor shall any member
make use of the name of this order at a
political meeting,
ths ark:
First To maintain and promote the Inter
ests of Americans, and shild them from Uio
depressing effects of foreign competition.
Second To awtlst Americans In obtaining;
'lilrd-Tii encourage Americans In busi
ness. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral
Fifth To maintain tha public school sys
tem of the tulK-d Hlat.-sof America, and to
prevent sectarian Interference therewith,
and uphold the reading of ths Holy Hlblo
stat cocKCff. or aXSHASK;
. fi.-JOH.VC. THOMPSON, Omaha.
H. V, C.-W. A. HOWAKO, Lincoln,
Jr. V. H. A. HILVKK. South Omaha.
M. C. Hecrelary-H, 1 iAV, N. V. Life
lintldlng, Omaha.
Next session at Omaha, October IS, IW2.
WAHHI.VOTO.V COtWr.'Il, No, 1. meet
" erery Thursday evening In the hall at
Ztlh snd Franklin, il, O. CocssMsS, Sec'y,
(iAUrrr.MKXVW,1ii No, , meets every
" Wednesday night In South Omaha,
V, J. I, Sec,
fXM'tllllA fJOVNCII. No. . meets every
Tie-alay evening In Ited Men's Hall.Oxi
tlneriiHl block, M. A, Out i, Soc'y,
VIWlXA fOI.'VCIf No. .ne tvry Sat
' tirdav svenlng In K. V, Hall. I'axton
block, W- H. OAur, Kc'y,
MN'JOf.N atVUCItj No, t, meels In Lln
colii, Nebraska.
Light Huggl'w. Saddls Horses, Carriages,
(drupes, KM., sew
Boarding a Specialty,
17th mi It, M7' kt.