T H EAMERIC A N . a t mm Panic Stricken Hamburgers Arc Fleeing the City, CiTinu itirotns i(ni( nr.it. rim Want Malum Its A rr-srnr-A I'M la Kw Yrk-or tlurmnl Or an Tnty )a. Onarantina Ua All VmmIs from In(trtl I'tirl. IlAWM-nO, 8opt, 8. The thermometer bs fallen to 70 ilojt. ami there have lmn fToriU liht showers, Tha air U cooler than it turn been In the lasts ton days, Nevertheless tho alsttomont of the Itliigwi has not boon so considerable as to bring much comfort to tho stricken plaoa, The most trustworthy rpjxirU give the number of fresh oases m OS I ami deaths m 847. The docreaso in the namlwr of fresh cum U 42; in the num ber of donths, U. Those flgnree do not tirroe, however, with the reports of the Hamburg officials, who hnve reduced the number of deaths to 45. The city government has thus again declared for the fatnotu policy of suppressing the facta and it reports are received with ridicule. The number of burials has fallen from IHtt to 818. Keports of an abatement of the panic In consequence of the lower death rate are untruHtwortny. They emanate from official raurces and are part of the gen eral plan of concealing the situation. The people are too thoroughly frightened to be reawmred by a slight change, which is likely to be succeeded with a return of the high temperature by an increase of the plague. The flight of persons who constitute the city's business and social world con tinues. About 10,000 persons loft on the railways during tho day, All these were citizens with their families, as non-residents practically deserted the city early in the week. Most of them left in haste and their baggage will be sent after them. Porters have left their posts and transportation companies aro too short-handed to handle half the baggage of the fugitives, so that most families going away are obliged to leave behind what they themselves cannot carry. Many postmen are among the victims and the delivery of the mails has beon retarded. A postal official said the busi ness of the postolllce had fallon oil 60 per cent, in the last live days and that apparently business correspondence was dead. All tho factories in operation are working short-handed and many factor ies have boon closed for an indefinite period. Families of workmen thrown out of employment have begun calling for aid. Want is already apparent If not speedily stilled it will facilitate the progross of the plague among the ill nourished poor. The numW of physicians attending cholera patients is quite inadequate. The state of affairs was apparent several days ago, but the municipal authorities neglected to call for aid from other towns, The physicians who have been among the stricken from the first are worn out by overwork and there wore few at hand to take their places. Al most a third of the deaths are said to have taken place before medical aid could be secured. In the harbor district only about four patients among sevon are able to secure physicians to treat them. There Is also great diiliculty in getting enough nurses to replRbe those retiring from the hos pitals becauso worn out by the killing work imiosud upon them in the last ten days. Most urgent appeals for help have come from the suburbs Horn and Ham morbrock, whore tho people have died by the dozen since daybreak. Nurses, doctors and health oincors are said to leave those suburbs almost unnoticed and whole families have been wiped out without having had a word of advice or a prescription. The harm done to the rest of north Germany by oiHcial incompetency here is enormous. Persons fleeing from the city, in the last five days, have carried the infection to twenty-three other northern Gorman towns. In Luebock, Liognitz, Kudu, Iiergedorf, Neukirch, Maxdotmrg and more than a dozen vil lages the breaking out of the plague has been due directly to arrivals from this port. A Casa In New York. New Yokk, Sept. 2. A suspected case of cholera has boon discovered in the heart of the teuomont house district on the East Bide. Shortly after 7 o'clock last night Dr. Heck was summoned to the tenement, 03 Orchard street. In a room on the fourth floor of the building he found a man lying on a sofa, suffer ing great agony. The man said he felt Ei tins in his body, his stomach ached im and that he vomited freely. Dr. Beck immediately became suspicious when he saw tho case, and asked the man, who was a foreigner, his name and how long he had been in the country. The man replied that his name was Joseph Etuatniz, that ho was 85 years old and had arrived in this country on Bunday last by the steamship Kussia, by way of Hamburg. Ho said he was bora in Hussion Poland. The doctor after affording the patient some temporary relief reported the case to the police, saying the symptoms and the fact that the man only came to this country recently lry way of Hamburg led him to believe tlio man was suffering from cholera. The police promptly no tified the board of health and an inspec tor was sent to the house. The house is occupied by about twenty families. There are over 100 people living in the place, They became greatly alarmed when they beard that Ktunniz, wlio was living with his sisfcfr, was believed to lie frittering from cholera and many of them preferred to walk the streeU rath er than go to bed, TrMtmaiit. HamiiMUI, fiopt, 2, Professor North nagle has given cliolora patient enemas of warm salt water. It is claimed by those who havs followed this course of of treatment that fully tW por cent, have recovered, Only Miin I'HMn(fr. Nr Yokk, Kept. 2, Th Ionian line management has dVcided to- tarry only first and second culin passenger from Liverpool during the month of Beptem ii i moim mi u imi ir. f Mtl !' QnamntlM f All Vxwl I mm lnfWItl Sr. M'amhnmtum, rVpt, 8.lWd.'iil liar rtm hrt( il(rii ,ii, Wv action on tha tlgu hii h now threatens to rsvs lh wind country. Twenty days' quar antine f vrwM-ls from all Inflated conn- trie lias !wn ortiert! and ir tist-txwary v-n more "drnxiio mrvwitma will to taken. Mr. Ilartiwrn reached Vahtnsj mn snortiv iwrnr nciock ami pro- oasled to tha W liil Iloitwt, While ha was at hroakfaat Private Wntarv Hal ford sont a telephone lnoawijro to the monitor of the cabinet, who are in the city to appear without delay at the W Mt IimiMt for a rxmanltatinn. Tha rimferenm togan at 11 o'clock and laated until 12. Those who partiel rated in it worn Hoeretarv Cliarles Ftta wr, Attorney Guneral Miller, Asalstant Bwntary Bjiaulding and Burgeon (Jen- erai wyman. '1 lis prmliJnnt listen! Ui an that nts advisors had to say concern ing tha cholera, and then the question OI oloHtnir tho tmrta was discussed. There was a difference of opinion re garding it, and at last it was suggested mat a twenty days' quarantine could lie ordered against all vessels from infected countries! It was agreed that that or der would have the same effect as clos ing the ports. Mr. Bpanlding, who has paid more attention to the subject than any of the rest, was sanRuine that such an order was snflloimit and the confer ence adjourned after agreoing that such an order Bhould be issued. The president immediately after the the conference instructed Assistant 8ic retary Bpanlding to prepare the order imposing a twenty days' quarantine in all ports where such an order would not conflict with the local laws. He also instructed the attorney general to pre- Sare a legal opinion on the subject, and )ld Secretary Foster to give ont a pre pared interviow sotting forth the gov ernment's position and intentions in full. He also ordered the postofflce depart ment to fumigate mails. The president's proclamation ordors the detention at quarantine for twenty daya of all ves sels conveying immigrants. The president is of the opinion since the conference that there will be no ne cessity of calling congress in extra ses sion. He still believes that he can close the ports entirely, but has faith that the twenty-days' quarantine will answer as well. At Liverpool, London, Sept. 2. At a mooting of the health committee of Liverpool an officer reported that the emigrants who em barked yesterday were in excellent health; that the city of Liverpool is in the healthiest condition it has been for a long time past, and there is no reason to fear an epidemic. The passengers of the Bteamer Gemma from Hamburg have been released from quarantine at Graves end. Untie lionlen Hold. Fall Eiveu, Mass., Sept. 1. The hearing of the case of Lizzie Borden, charged with the murder of her fathor and stop-mother, was closed.' After the lawyers on each side had made their arguments, Judge Blaiwloll said that sympathy should be laid aside, and duty, stern duty, requires upon this evi dence but one thing to be done. Sup posing that a man was seen in the chamber of Mrs. Borden, the chamber of death, and that he was in the room of the father when death came; supposing that a man should toll as many different stories as Lizzie has done. The way would be plain. "I find that she is probably guilty." , She was ordered re manded to the county jail at Taunton for trial at the November term. Wanted la live States. La Junta, Colo., Sept. 2. Sheriff Wordon of Potter county, Tex., arrived, as did also Attorney McGarry of Dodge City, Kan. Thoy both want B. R. Win- ?ate, the man who claims to be a world's air agent, on the charge of forgery. Word was received that the; First National bank of Cheyenne and the Denver National bank had each been fleeced to the amount of $200 by thesamo man. He is now wanted in five states. A Bioux City bank claims that under the name of F. E. ltogors he swindled it to a considerable amount, A Blanked Man's Mlntake. Kansas City, Sept. 2. Last evening at 9:20 a masked man flagged an east bound froight train on the Missouri Pa cific rood at Dead Man's curve, just west of Leo's Summit. When he saw it was a freight train he ran into the bushes. As the freight was running on the east bound pasHongor train's time it is sup posed that the man made a mistake. The country is now being searched by officers. Sugar Jlonnty Clalmi. Washington, Sept. 2, A statement prepared at. tho treasury department shows that there have been filed during the fiscal year 1803 claims under the law paying a bounty for sugar nroduc- tion as follows! wane sugar, 04u; neet, ti: sorghum, 2; maple, 0,100. Last year the applications aggregated 4.0HO. The increase in the number of applications is in those producing maple sugar. I)lnguted with tha Work. Kansas City, Sept, 2. The sixteen switchmen employed by the suburban belt road quit work and asked for the money due them. The men say that it is not a strike; that thoy simply threw np their Jobs and any men who want them are welcome to them. The men were getting $55 a month while the pay of switchmen is $2.50 for a day of ten hours. Cabinet Council. Wasihnoton , Sept. l.Thore was an informal cabinet council at the White House all last evening. , The secretary of war, postmaster general and the at torney general were in consultation with the president about the affairs of their respective debts. Secretary Foster had his consultation in the morning. Hall Hoit Hung. Richmond, Va., Sopt, 2. Governor McKinney refused to interfere, and it is now certain that Talton Hall will to banged May, The Jail is heavily guarded and nothing short of a go, jral uprising can step tho execution, Hope tot florernor Ktfl. LlTTI.E WwK, Ark., Sept. A tela gram from Illchinond, Ky,, states that tha doctors think that Governor Kagle l doing as weD as could to expected. -, m UKE The Western Rcsertre Goes Down Off Au Sable Banks. Twr.NTf six mm aiie iost. Tw tlri and r mirier Sudor Mllnw Iitt la th TueMley MiM'i htttrm, TMHy-thre Mm MrrlBveil In s r Belgian Mine. MARorrm, Mich., Sept, 1. The atenmer Western litwcrva broke in two off An Sable tonks Tuesday niitht and all but one of the twenty-aeven on board were drowned, miry Stewart of Al gonao, SI leu., was tho only on saved. Two of tha bodies were washed aahore. The Western Reserve, which was bound for Cleveland, was a steel boat of 8.000 tons, owned at Cleveland and valued at 220,000. The following persons wore on board when the fated vessel went down: CAPTAIN PETER MINCH, the owner with his wife and two children, Chartei and Florence. MAItY and BERTHA EXGLEDERUV of Vermillion. ALBERT MEYERS, captain, of Vermil lion. W. H. LEAMAX of Cleveland, chief en gineer. 1RKD KNOAIjLS, first mate. CHARLES LEBEATJ. seoond mate. CHARLES WELLS, assistant engineer. BURT SMITH, steward. RAY APPLKBEE, steward. SCHUYLER STEWART, watchman. DANIEL FORBES, lookout CARL MEYERS, wheelsman, son of the captain. JOHN SATCITEN, fireman. S. D. HOLT) EN, fireman. HORACE BURROUGHS, fireman, MARTIN KLAUSKR, greaser. ROBERT SIMPSON, greaser. DANIEL STICKNEY, deck hand. R. LONGFIELD, deck hand. M. COFFEE, deck hand. JOHN WILSON, deck hand. This was the make-up of the crew who served on the last trip of the steamer and it is probable that it was not changed since. Captain Peter Hinch. the owner of the Western Reserve, retired five years aero and sottled down in Cleveland to manage his vessel interests. The present trip was intended as a pleasure trip for him self and family and several friends. The boilers of the steamer were ln-or- spected recently and repairs were dered but had not yet been made. THIRTY-TIIREK LIVES LOST. Twenty-five Killed and Eight Mortally Wounded In a Mine Explonlon. Brtosfxs, Sopt. 2. A mine explosion resulting in great loss of life occurred at Bororage, in the province of Hainault. The Aggrat coal mine was the scene of the disaster, which was caused by ac cumulated gas. Tlio noise of the explos ion was beard for a great distance and a column of coal dust shot up from the main shaft. Men were at once put to work to rescue the living and ascertain the number of dead. Twenty-five per sons were killed and eight mortally in jured. The mine is the property of the Rothschilds and accidents there' have been frequent. One hundred and twenty-one miners were killed in this mine in May last and another calamity in 1802 destroyed 183 lives. Fourteen Sailor Mlniilng. Ashland, Wis., Sept. 2. The steamer Toledo, Captain McKenchy arrived in port minus its consorts, Guiding Star and Oneota. On Tuesday, while off Manitou island, the boat encountered the worst storm for years, and the steamer and tow were tossed about with out mercy. The tow line broke and the two barge's wore left to the mercy of a ter rible sea. On board each schooner was a crew of seven mon. The captain cruised around all Tuesday afternoon and night and Wednesday morning, but could find no trace of his missing barges. One of the boats belonged to Ward's Lake Superior line. ' Double Tragedy at Denver. DiNVEit, Colo., Sept. !!. Shortly after midnight Henry D. Orm, a faro dealor, shot and instantly killed his mistress, who was known here as Dolly Rees, but whose real name was Lavissa Hilde- kirke, who came here from Hazleton, O. Orm then shot himself and will proba bly die. Orm is about 28 years of age while his mistress was 85. They hod quarreled and she threatened to leave him, whereupon he took her life and mode what will possibly result as a suc cessful attempt to end his own. Curtis' Funeral. West Brighton, S. I., Sopt. 2. The funeral of George William Curtis will be strictly private and will take place to day from the family home here. The Rev. Dr. Chadwick, pastor of the Uni tarian church in Urooklyn, who was an intimate friend of Mr. Curtis, will con duct the services. The body will to placed in the family vault in Old Mora vain cemetery at New Dorp. Numerous teleirrams of condolence from prominent ?orsons have toon received. One came rom Grover Cleveland. Mew Pontniatter. Washington, Sept. 2. The president appointed tho following named post masters; Frank W.' Atkinson, St. Joseph, Mo.; Leonard U, Mohr, Troy, Mo.; Oscar Cramer, Cape Girardeau, Mo.j G. A. Kchiiltz, Two Harbors, Minn.; Mrs. Nettle J. Van Inwogon, Or tonvillo, Minn.) Ronton R. Hickox, El- reno, O, T. Tha Weather. Washington, Sept. 2. For Nebras ka! Showers in western portion ; cooler; south to west winds, For lowaj ' Fair in east and occasional showers in west portions; cooler by Saturdayj south winds, becoming westerly. Silver lliilllon. New York, Kept. 2.Bllver bullion on flopoalt against warrants, i,vdi,imd cnncesi certificates outstanding, 1,030, Everybody in Town Swrnt i pjr-cit 1,,-t (hat ll ey run buy Wt at th Wkltnrj mnjrjr m!h at M Smth Fiftot-BtB, rWapr-r than rvrr M..r in Omaha, aril grt Mi tol tf piciis. The tw-k is selling very fat, but thnr I Mill a hue - sitrttntni, nm and gnus up Jrini f unity, tf WAN poll sAt.K ok thaws-Two xxi . niarnimn. inimiimv. !!-! t fThl TKAUK- ti Bn smmkI farm land 10 A irmle fur Raxi nttnr anil Joh niMitv band UkI1iiiiI.iI m-xr irmxl l.-wn mul I imln- f titiitNnd. AililrvM, "h, V. ., ' Uita oIHihv mltl of any kind. AUdrena xa" nils S-3 1 1 umin. WANTEIV-Mliialliui "Mm" IM onV", an clerk, Adilrt'KS WANTRU A rxMttlon by a itoiid rWiahle man aa nVllvery rli-rk or cnlliTlor. UihhI Hcforvnex slvi-n. An uhl nulilont, Aildn-x-t .1. I AMKHK'AsOnii-e. S-27-tf WTANTKIl Every himliH'KK man who want JT ajdMKljoti orprlmlnir li ral AMEKU'AN JOll IlKI'AliTMKN'f In rail at TUB and ai-t 5-27- WANTED (llrl fur ifeni-ral housework, at IM Urant at rout, Clifton II 111. XANTKI-WI11 'y. wit or exclianire nuMt line and rovi-niie Nlainns In lurire or small quaiiUtloa, CoIU-cIIoiih wanted. It AltlflY nlulWN, It lift Nor til ItHli Ht up stairs. FOR 8AI.E ThorniiKhnrpd Kentucky ead dln horHO, lit-nlle: anyone can handle, Aililreaa. Dr. 11, U. W im Wllliuull block. Uiuaha. NeliriiHka, 7-22-tf NEWS STANDS outalda of Omaha, where Thb Amhricam can Be rounn: I,, (l. Ilrackett. Council BlufTs, Iowa, 1), W. BuahnelU .1. J. Stott, (Sooth Omaha, Neb. O. W. Webb, Cheyenne News Depot, Cheyenne, Wyo. J. K. Jeffrey, ' J. I). Hrown. MlHHOtirl vallev. Iowa. M. V. l-'errls. 2I( Larimer St. Denver. Colo. Kd. YotitiK, 1S07 N St. Lincoln, Nob. W, H. UoKera, Fremont, Nub. E. T. ALLEN, M.D. EYE AND EAR SURGEON 800 UaniKe Bl'k, cor Harney & IS, Omaha. Notice. Jamea-Borrv. defendant, will take notice that on the 24th day of May, 1HI, Avla V. Hi-n-y, plalntllf herein, tiled her pi-tKlon In the dlHtrlct court of Doinrlaa countv. Ne- 1) rusk a, liKalimt nald defiiiidant; the object and prayer of which Id to procure a divorce from I ho KaUt defendant on tlio uroumls of habitual (ii-iinkoniicKH. extreme cruelty, fall tire to aupport and adultery. I'liilntlll' auks for tha custody of their four minor children and for alimony. You arc required to answer Said petition on or before t he ltd It day of September, 1HW. Dated AUBUsttitn, imi. 8-13-4 A VI H a HENRY, I'lalntllT. Ky SuundorH&Macfarland, her attorneys, Articles of Incorporation of The Milen Cure Company. To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby iflven that a coi-Doratlon has been formed under the name of The Milen Cure Company. The principal place of tranguctlntf the business of the cornoratlon xhall -be In the city of Omaha, DoUKlaa county, Nebraska. . RTIULB III. The seneral nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be the treatment of the Honor, oulum, tobacco and other narcotic habits and diseases; the manufacture and aa e of reined es used in such treatment, the disposal of the rlubt to use such remedies in various localities, and such other business as may be necessary, In cidental or proper to tue carrying out or tne aforesaid purposes. AIITHJI.K IV. The amount of the capital stock Is twentv- flve thousand dollars, divided Into live hun dred shares of Sfty dollars each; said stock hall no assessaiue to tne amount OI tifteen dollars per share and no more, and after assessments to the amount of fifteen dollars have been made on any share, such share shall thereafter Jie non-assessable. The cor poration may commence business when eluhty shares of stock have been subscribed for and fully paid up. aktiut.b v. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at anytime subject Itself shall not exceed an amount ooual to one-fourth Dart of the capital stock actually Issued. The stockholders shall not be liable for the corporate dubts beyoi d the amount of their uupaiu sUDKcripuon. AKT1UI.H VII, Tho time of the commencement of the cor noratlon shall be the Hrstdayof August, A. 1). 1S1I2. and tlio termination thereof the Unit day of August, A. I). 1U1I3, unless sooner dis solved by a two-thirds vote of the stock holders, artiolr viri, Tho affairs of the corporation shall bo con ducted and managed by the following officers: A board of live Directors, to be elected at the annual meeting of the stock holders, to be held In Omaha, on the first day of August of each year; and a President, vlce-I'res (lent. Secretary. Treasurer and Oeneral Manager, to bo elected by said Hoard of Directors. All of said officers, with the xcent Win of th Oeneral Manager, must be stockholders of tho corporation. MKUKUK HIUUINB, GUHTAV1IA1IN. 8-20-4 Incorporators. Notice of Discharge of Administrator. Hl-iTI. iW MPIIIMHVl. 1 Itouglas County, ) ' In tho County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, August 'M, A, 1). iW. In the matter of the estate of Moses Doyle, deceased! All persona Interested in said matter will take notice that on the 24f hdy of August, W.ii, the county Judge of Douglas county, Nebraska, made the following order! Statu or Nkiihaska, I Douglas County, f In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, August 24, A, D. 1MB, Present, j. vy, iMior,i;ouni.y judge. In the matter of 1110 oslate of Moses Doyle, deceased! Coon reading and if and flllnir the petition of ratrica v. itearey, snowing teat on tne urn day of January, INIll, he was duly appointed and commissioned as admlnlstraror of said estate; that twelve months have elapsed since his said appointment, and that he lii filed a final account of his acli and doings as such administrator and praying that his said final account may bo duly allowed and ap proved, and that he may be discharged from tils trust as such administrator, and praying that such ot her and f urt her order and pro ceedings may ho had In the premises, as may be required by the statutes in such cases made and provided. Ordered, Hint September HO. A, D, JH02, at fl o'clock a, tn., be assigned for hearing said piitll km, when all pursons Interested In aula matter mil y appear at the County court, to fie held In Him for said county, and show cause why the prsyer of said iH-tltlouer should not he granted s and that notice of t lie pendency of said petition and tha hearing thereof, he given to the persons ahove named and all other persons Interested In said mat ter, liy piilill-lilng notice of this nro- ceedlng In Tim Amkhican. a newspaper printed In said county, four weeks silcces- slvely previous to tlio iimti appointed KMKK, SSAI, Count V Judun. And you will further take notice that mi le. you appear to contest the said pi flon of i n i nrs i;, leafey at the time and placa sp r,,,,.h,, .... lilt, u .....j ... your almencu allow said final account, and ..,.i...,.h ,i.... ... in inn v wiiii I the rut-ther nrsverof said petit, on, Witness my IihihI and official seal ihl '44th day of August, IHM, t !. I J, W, KllVM, County Judge, DON'T M Tli prrst al- ol Men's and Ladies Kuriilnhiitj? t;wl Sslurdsy and alt next nrk. Hsd our iiiH, and Mni n4 toltnwtng bargains tofore Ihtcy r rtnei 4 2 CASKS Men's heavy I'nitowrar, double bark and (rent; shirt worth one dollar, our priw, 50 1; 75 DOZKN Men's Fine Laundried White Shirts, linen bosom, tine muslin and worth aeventy-flve cents, our price, 39c. MEN'S all linen Collars, onlv 5c. Men's all linen Cuffs only 12jn. Men's silk embroidered Suspenders, only H)o. Men's best Overalls, Omaha made,..,.. site. Men's large all-silk Scarfs, only 23c. Ladies' Department. rj f DOZEN 4-button Kid Gloves, black and colors, exoellent quality, every pair guaranteed; really worth one dollar; our price, 58c. The balance of our 85o Silk Mits only - 12Jo. 50 doz. Ladies' fast black Hose, - - 18 2-8 o. 2 CASES Ladies Camel's Iair Underwear, fine quality, worth seventy-five cents, our prioe, 48c. 100 doss, pair Ladles' fine Woolen Hose will be sold at 25 o. The srenuine FOSTEll KID GLOVES, black and colors, cheaper than any store in town. Our stock of Fall Dress1 Goods is arriving every day from New York markets. See our prints before buying. --' The Bell Departm't Store Co., N. E. Corner 15th and Dodge Sts. CHRIST. HAM AN. WatCuMer and Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty 612 South 16 Street Ta,Tr:M:j.XT beos.,i GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, TELEPHONE 1534. 207 North 17 h S., OMAHA, NEB Work called for and delivered. W. H. LANYON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Twelve vears continual Dractlce In Omaha. late assistant surgeon to Ht. Joseph's hospital. OfHce 8. W. cor. Sixteenth and Chicago sts. Office hours 6:30 toll A. M. 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M. Uesldence, 2711 Charles Street. Telephone 747 DR. JALL1NGS, GRADUATE DENTIST, Room 407 Paxton Block, OMAHA. AH work guaranteed first class and prices reasonaoie. leiepnoue oea. IMissBarliaraYiralf,!- DRESSM AKER : U43 South Sixteenth St., OMAHA. -:- -:- NEB. Silk Dressmaking a Specialty. J. E. NELSON & CO., 1918 S. Twentieth St. Fancy and Staple Groceries Goods delivered to any part of tha City. GEO. W. LANCASTER & CO. GKNEIUL AOENTS WHEELER & WILSON BEWtNQ MACHINES. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and urgans. SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Needles. Oil, Bupplles for all kinds of Sew ing Machines. Our own Mechanic is first class. Will repair any Hewing Machine. rtLWPHOHM ft. 614 Booth Sixteenth Bt-, Omaha. We will giue a Beautiful - Uristo Panel. With every Do.cn "CABINET PHO TOS" taken at Gray's Photograph Gallery, 218 North 16th Street CALEB WINTER, BRICK MASON, Builder and Ounntal Repairing. Estimates furnished, 12S4 N. 19th t. - - OMAHA, NEB M. E. NIEL6EN. Pacific Barber Shop. Nawly Flttad up, Th Bast ArtHU. Has removed from Seventh and leaven- worth U N, B.Cor, Seventh and I'acltlc, ffhavlrig Je, llafr-(!nt Hea-Koam 10c, Shatiiissiiic, 0i ni i Cull, Batlifsotira 0usrwit4 si T1IK I'Kl.l, of the 48c. IMJXKN Men's Socks, regular made sosm, French top, black and colors, worth a.'ie, our price, perfect fitting, actually MAX MEYER & BA3 CO Reliable dealers In First Class Pianos s Organs We carry the largest and best selected Stock to be found in the west and sell at Manufact urers prices for cash or c -isy payments. Steinway & Sons s Vose&Sons, Wm Knabe Co, g Sterling, Bear Bro, Webster, 1 In addition to which we represent several inner muxes always to oe rouua in our targe Stock. For $250. we sell a good, reliable, well made Piano In a plain neat case. This Piano has a good ao tion, fine touch, and smooth, sweet singing quality of tone and far superior to many which are sold athlgh prices by other dealers. It Is fully warranted by the manufacturers and by ourselves for live years. So food a bargain cannot be duplicated elsewhere. STORY and CLARK and STERLING . ORGANS. at bed rock prices and on easy terms Second Hand Organs, $10 up. " " Pianos, $25 up. Instruments rented and rent allowed if pur chased. Cheap stencilled trash, so often Im posed upon buyers we do not handle or re comend. A good standard makeSecond Hand Instrument Is better than much ot the cheap trash sold. Your patronage solicited and highly app e elated, - Call and see us, or write for catalogues prices. Max Meyer Bro. Co., 16th & Farnam St, - Omaha, Neb JESSE WHITE, Mgr. Piano Dept. 99 CENT-:- STORE If Si-. .i.t.ii J34jivv Hammocks, 35c to $2.95. Cro quet, 74c to $2.95. Boys' "Wag ons, Velocipedes, Tricicles, etc., etc. The most complete stock of summer goods in the city. Prices Always Lowest. THE 99 CENT STORE. 1319 Farnam St. A. L. Daan. 1. W, Oonnsll. A. L. DEANE & CO., Central Agent for HALL'S SAFES. And Locko, Bank and Vault Work. 1116 Farnam St., Omaha. Mil