The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 02, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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tsntMilnt Orupla by I Prtoat Chlnlqmf,
Who tlurntil la t Nlloil Osellsl
Father Chlhliiiy, tho aontate Cath
olic prlentwho Im Wn lecturing In
Hiiltlmore, In conversation with a
Morning JAruM reporter, made a num
ber of etntotnont regarding Jtho annas
slmitlim of President Lincoln which
are not to be f nmd In tin! historic of
tho jarlcd and account of that lamoht
bin tragedy:
"1 am a French-Canadian by birth,"
wilil ho to tho reporter, "and wa born
In Kamnvaska, Canada, In loi, Doth
uf my parent were Catholics, ami 1
win, of course, brought tip In Unit
faith, From u very early ago t
destined for tho priesthood, mid my
education nu conducted with that end
alway In vlow. Having been or
dained, I arose very rapidly In tho
estimation of my rt'llgUum superior a
well im In popular favor, anil wa toon
looked upon as ono of tho most promis
ing member of tho Canadian priest
hoiHl, My work in tho cmpm of tem
perance brought mo into special prom
inence, and I became widely known
all over Caniiila, anil, indeed, in tins
Catholic church everywhere.
"In lHM, Catholic bishop and clergy
from all over North America mot in
oorot conclave at iluffalo, N. Y., and
there' the question wa discussed, ami
it wan decided to ol.o the clllo of
North America for tho Catholic church.
Tho plan adopted wan to bring Catho
11c immigrant from Kuropo In mittl
cltuit number to gain control of tho
city government by popular vote.
The attempt wan carried out to noma
extent, and wan successful at leant In
Now York. It wan particularly the
desire of tho church to get possession
of tho actioul fund In the various oltlo
In order to umo it for tho benellt of
Catholicism. The well remembered
truggle for tho expulsion of tho lllblc
from tho public school In Cincinnati
In 1H7U wa tho outgrowth of tho ac
tion of tho ooneluve In I Kill,
"At thl Hiinio conclave, I wan a
signed to goto Illlnoli with a band of
French-Canadian Catholic and to
found a colony or colonic. Colonial
alNO tamo from France, and early in
lSf)2 1 founded my colony at St. Anne,
Kankakee county, III. A chaM or
church wa built, and wo had a con
gregatlon of about flvu hundred ou),
"In 1858, after several your of t,udy
and many trial, I de term lined to leavo
the church of Itome, whoso doctrine I
no longer believed. Itwa on Hatur
day evening that I reached tny final
determination, and tho next morning I
went into tho pulpit and told my con
gregation of the (top I wa about to
take, and my reason. After talking
lo tliem for two hour, I put tho matter
to a voto and all but ilftocn of toy W
parishioner expressed tlielr Intention
of following mo. Thl action, when It
became known, created no llttlo ex
citement all over tho country. About
a year later wo joined th Chicago
Presbytery, and afterward tho Canadian
Presbytery, to which we Htlll belong.
"Previous to this, Abraham Lincoln
hail defended me when I wa prose
cuted by the church, and when, nottio
tlma after our withdrawal from the
church, our colony wa threatened with
destruction from famine, ho came for
ward and for our benellt delivered a
lecture In which ho denounced the
order of tho Jcmiit with tho greatest
boldness, Thl mado our former
friendship all the stronger.
"In 1802 a Canadian Jesuit priest
wa converted through my teaching,
and from him I first learned of a plot
of that order to assassinate Mr. Lin
coln. Ha told mo that tho plot wa
first laid in 1861, I went at otico to
Washington, and in a conferenco with
Mr, Lincoln warned hlrn of what I had
learned. Ho told mo that ho wa al
ready informed of tho matter by Mr.
fcamuol F. II. Morse, tho telegraph In
ventor, who had beard of it by cbanoo
whllo In Home. Mr, Morso wanota
"About a year afterward I converted
another Jesuit priest, who had f
aolutoly no knowledge of my other j
Convert, arid by him I wa told tho
arno nUtry, I again went to Wanh-i
ington at.d warned tho preb1ent. Aft-er
tho otMannlnatlon, while I wa In Kan
Franelneo, another Jeult jirietgavo
me, for a third time, Identically tho
amo account of a plot In tho order
ugabiNt tho pnldent, Whllo I wa
aeekfrig information In rard to the
crlmo'I met the lUiV, F, A, Conwell, of
0if!iig"i wbortilaU-d tho following:
"Ninety ifitlc fiorthwet of Ht, 'aid,
Minn,, I tho llttlo village of Ht, .oneph,
mettled by Jloinao Catholh,, and with a
eollego fr tho fcdiieatlon f rhntt,
On tho Hth of April, J !',, t,oeloek
in thii nfUmitifiii, two twn drovo up Ui
tho village hiiM; ono mm ihh iUii, V.
A, Coowelf, cbuplalo of tho Flrat M'np
fitot regiment, tho other w Hoinffi
I', Hennett, of Mt, Cbnd, aluiit n
wile 't.ward, Whllo Mr, IUtirmtl
wa atU ndlng Ut t ho horm In tb lfrn,
Ufl landlord, , If, tAinmmn, who ha
chargo of thtt friary, and wa (tirveyor
for tho prUmlM, UM Chaplain On we 1 1
Jh IVchlent t.liicttln and cWtvUa'y
S'waiM ttM ammontiialtHl And when
Mr. I tenth-It r'ui-ned f'om the Itarn to
tint tnwi-n ht litiiilli'i'il t-llt-l'at-d the
ittatenifiit ti Itt'th bi 1111,'
"Thl waMhtt l"it-r thaw l ;iOp, m
aittl the "nliiitllnn of l,hu-o!i did
iioi iHH-ur till atttttit 10 p, in. Allowing
for tin dirtVivitiM In tliiiti hot wn St.
.Iitw-ph and Yfthlngttm Uu new of
the aNKHwImtltnit had appHii nlly
ivHt'hed St. JtMcpIt at leant two hour
In-foiv It mvui tt-d!
"Tho two men nmko anidnvltof the
fat-l, awt.rn to Kopt.oinW tl, hihI ttcto
Iter l, Ijiiullord t.luneiimu,
purveyor for tho pi-tcul, r'fim- to
nwear, but make a written declaration
Octotter 2tt, lN!;t, duly algned, aaylng
that h told Mr. Conwell and Mr,
Hennott that 'ho heard thl rumor In
hi atoms from noplc who camo in ami
out; but ho cannot remoitilier from
whom.' That lapao of niemory probably
aved tho lanillord'i life, Tho prlent
of St. Jowph were cognlnwnt of tho plot
to hhkhnhIiihU) Lincoln and Seward,
"Without a alnglo exception the con-
Rplrattn- wero Human Catholic. U l
true that At xcrtith, 1 'ay no and Harold
anked for i'rott'ntant mlnlnter when
they were to Im hung, but they had
been connldercd Catholic till then.
John Wllke Hooth wa a proselyte to
Cathollclnm, and no were Atxeroth,
I'ltytic and Harold, Hut had their
father oonfennor apjicared with them
on the icaffold, that would havo otatnud
tho eye of tho Ameilcan Mtoplo to
clearly eo that tho annannlnatlon of
Lincoln and Seward were planned and
cxoctited by Jenult pi-lent. Tho mur-
dc iv ro wero Instructed to conceal their
religion, Such I tho doctrine of tho
Catholic church, St, Llguorl ny;
"'It I often inniu to tho glory of
(itnl and tho if nod of our nelghlnir to
conceal our religion faith, a when we
live among heretic wo can more canity
do them good In that way; or If by do
daring our religion, wo cauno omo
dlnturbance or death, or even tho
wrath of tho tyrant,' (Llguorl Theo
login 11. n.)
"l)r Mudd, at whom) plaoo Ilooth
atopped In hi night, wu a Catholic,
and o wa (larrctt, In wluwo barn
HiKith wa killed,
"After tho murder Father Cbliilipiy
went to Wanhlngton in dlngulNo, Ho
found that tho Influence of Homo at tho
capital wa almont miprcme. Tho only
taleman who dared to faco tho
ncfarlou tnllucrico of Homo wa
General linker, Hut everal other
KtntoHiiicn confenNod that without doubt
tho Jesuit were al tho bottom of tho
plot; and mollmo thl would appear
ao clearly In evidence before tho mili
tary tribunal that It wa feared it could
not bo icept from tho public Mr,
Hurratt wa a Catholic, and her houno
wa tho common renih-Jivou of tho
"Hooth, tho anannln hlmwdf, wa
conllrmed In thl very city of Haiti-
more. Ho wa but tho tool of tho
,Toult, Ho wa taught by thorn that
tho pope had called Jeff Havl 'hi dear
ton,' and had taken tho nouthcrn con
federacy under hi protection Ho
wa taught that Lincoln wa a.i apos
tate, that ho hat boon bapt ized in tho
Cathollo religion, bad rebelled against
It and broken hi oath of alleglunco to
tho pope, Ho wa taught that It wa
hi rellglou duty to slay thl Infamou
enemy of hi church.
"Compare other murder known to
havo boon plotted and executed by
Jesuit with thl ono and you will find
that they resemble each other a ono
d rop of water resemble another. Com
pare tho last hour of tho Jesuit,
Havalllao, tho asansln of llnnry VI,,
who absolutely refused to repent,
though suffering tho most horrible
torture on tho raek, with Booth, who,
with an unset broken leg, tho bono al
most puncturing tho flesh, write In hi
dally memorandum: 'I can novor ro
lnt, though W4 hated to kill, Our
country owed all It trouble to him
(Lincoln), and God almply mado 1110 tho
Inatrumerit of hi punlshmrfit,
"I found that tho Irifhionou of Homo
wa almost miprorno In Wanhlngton,
Several of tho govornnient men with
whom I conversed told mo that they
bad not tho least doubt that tho ,feulta
woro at tho bottom of tho crlmo, Thoy
woro afraid to let tho crlmo como out
leit tho priests should bo implicated,
and in tho event of their ux'cutlon they
know that riots, blood, firo and dova
tatboi must follow, , and theo tho
country ,i Its then divided tat could
not sustain,' "
Homeleer' fxeurilon.
Two grrind (txcurnlon via tho I'nlon
ViifMSc. on August 80th and rfoptombor
271b, ml,i, pffnic In Ksrma, No
braskft, Cdorndo, 'I'fxnt, Wyoming,
ft4h, Idaho, Nw Mexico and Mon
tana, Thl I a gri opportunity to
sow thl fniigiilllelcfit tr(l of land
olWed fi.f shIh by (In t'fdon I'a'sfllo at
iovr price and on ten yeur tlmn, For
tl( oeenslon On t'nton J'aolllo wMI
soli tlek(t at tho rs'aofono turn lit
lh round (r)p, p yoor noavost
tlekt agent, n 1
Ahkuwak, Call aiidwt wor writ
for patimilar,
Twko four fpirlng Ut Tb Mrunu
Hi. Opp, (baOontJalb
DtTHOir'srwii fiss,
A Citlf n Writ a tellrr Uhm Public
QtiMtioti ta tho Fr Pro.
Tin foUttttinif cttmmunlcatlttnn
plain tht'lliwlven!
to I In- Killlni ut I In- PntilnlH , ti.i-1 it ;
1 sent the eli.'hwM'd tit the hWr J'it,;
It wan i-i'tiii'iieil tiiintwihtnil comment,
That's the kind of a "fW" ' you
t-t It In, Your nliieei-t'ly,
St'til'HMN I'lH.MNH,
Jaiienvllle, Wis,, August 22,
1-Mltor h)f fV .- A an adoptetl
cltUen of lii-trolt, ait Aiiii-i'lean lucvery
st-iimt, and an an old ii-iiili'i- of tint h'li'i
'rr, I rt'nitenl the pi tvilrgoofall "our
tieoiile" of fivo nech and a frtic pit-ns,
1 wa ntonthed to rend of tint tu-tlun
of our Fxptwltlon maiiagem In rfunlng
spat'ti In their building toacltlKcn to
exhibit api-lutliig tiltU-e In otHU-atlon
slinplv U'causo ho I Hut publisher of
the I'lilrinlic .'InicriViiH, wbleh I lv
eogntmeil an an American jmpt-r. Him
It como to thin, In thl American city,
I hut (N'cnuno a ('It ltin cxeivlse Ills
right to a "five prenn" ho must 1st
ironct'llnil by a eommltUHi npresnt
lug thu people of tho city? Do wo
guarautou a iron press to all of our
cltUen or only to those of a certain
t'ci or erectly
The manager of the F.xposltlon, who
t evidently an Intelligent American,
acknowledged that ho wan Iiihii1 to
m-tuii-e an exhibit of a printing prens In
operation a printing press that
which has been tho greatest power in
educating our people to our boasted
freedom of speech anil pro but when
it wa discovered by other that tho
printing tiros was to lm operated by
tho piibTlnlier of tho I'utrwtk Amtrimn,
a dist inctively American paper, a com
munication wan sent to tho hoard of
managers threatening to "blow up with
dynamite tho Kxponltlon building" If
the I'ulrtntic Anirrlt'ttn wa allowed to
exhibit. Tho director then held a
meeting and declined to allow Mr.
Traynor to exhibit, Is-cauno ho pub
lished ft ''Protestant" paper.
I am anything but burnt leal or bigoted
on thl subject ! bollovo every public
Institution In this country should 1st
alwolulcly unsootarlaii and mm-parllsan.
If tho printer who wished lo exhibit
lit printing pre and print hi pastr
wa tho publisher of a Iloman Cathollo
paper would ho havo boon refused!1 If
ho had Imen 1 would consider It equally
an outi-ago. Ha tho tlmo como In thl
country which guarantee civil and re
ligion lllso-ty to all when a l'rotestant
must ho proscrllntil)' If tho dlreutorsof
tho Detroit Kxponltlon tako thl narrow
view of tho auhjeot, will our American
clll.en ondomo their actlony Will
they submit to thl In an American
city In tho year of our lird, IWft
Hy American citizen I mean every
man wno in an American lit heart,
whether born here or clsewhero. Have
tho director considered tho result of
their actlony If an exhibitor wished
to still Cleveland badge or Harrison
badge on the ground would ho havo
boon refused' 1 thl a partisan, demo
cratic or republican exposltlony 11a
It nut been published that tho Human
Cathollo Church Intend to make an
exhibit at the World' Fairy Will our
"dynamite" friend threaten Ut blow up
ttio worm fair tr tno uatiioiic or
M'tthiKllst or Jlaptlnt make an ex y
Who 1 responsible for thl radical
un-Amcrlcan actlony jjot tho fair-
minded clll.en of this country demand
that every citizen shall havo his right
ami not 11 sunjectoil to tho rorelgn tsiy
colt add anai'chlstlo dynamlto (lend be-
caiiHo no exercise in constitutional
right of expressing hi conviction In
bin paper, Stki'HKN Coi.mnh
Hotel Normandlii, Detroit,
A Jaiult No Amerlcnn,
It is a liiioMlbli) for an clepitant to
Inclose hloimdf within tlo narrow
limit of a lady' watch cam a for a
JcNiilt to remain a Jesuit and wrap tho
American constitution about him and
beoomo an American citizen, It la Im
posslblo for a Jesuit to ubscrllw to tho
oath required of him and remain an
American citizen, and it 1 equally Im
posslblo for an American to accept the
principle of tho American cori' tltutlon
and honestly tako tho oath required of
tho Jesuit priesthood
Wo havo boforu u a coy of tho oath
to which Jomilt arc comjKilled tosuh-
sei'lUi, and wo tako tho following ex
tract from it to prove tho position wo
havo taken up:
"I, A, H,, do declaro from my heart.
without mental reservation, that tho
popo I Christ' vicar general and I tho
trim and only head of tho universal
church throughout tho earth, and that
hy virtue or tho key of blnulnir and
loosing given to hi holines by Jcsu
unrist, no nam power Miaeiioso tierou
col klnus, princes, tates, common
wealth and governments, all being
nii'iiu wn.nout in aacroo. comirmatlon.
and that they may safely 1st destroyed.
I If f fi,ri, Vf Ulin u iiiiimt, 1.1 injf HfWtir,
I will defend thl doctrine and his
holiness' rluht and custom aialnst all
usurper of tho heretical or l'rotestant
authority what.sisjver, csiM-clally
against tho now pretended authority
and church in Kngland and all adher
ents, In regard tliat they bo usurped
and heretleal, opposing tho aacrod
mother church of Jtomo, 1 do renounci
and disown any alleglunco a duo to any
heretical king, iirineo or tato, named
'rotti,tnt, or obedience Ut any of their
inferior magistrate or officer, I do
further di'i-laro tho doetrlno of tho
church of Kngland, oftloi ,'alvlnlnts,
Huguenot and other IVotestant, t Int
damnable, arid tbosti to im damned who
will not forsako the am, I do further
declare that I will help, annlnt and
alvlsti all or any of hi holloc agent
li any place wherever 1 shall bo, and
do my utmost tMxtii'paiisthe hretbai
'rotjistant d'ctrlne, and d'slroy all
their pretended power, regal (,r other
wise," Thu a Jesuit prodafma himself an
alien In wbatwrnver country, wherever
temoral government hold wy, ho
may cbanw Ut plaft hi fool, H is,
thenforo, a impossible for hlmfi Im
afmllated, Ui hi affillaM with tho
Amnrli'm foplo a for tho derided
f;h(ne, Ht in never bo n better
nM'Mri ill tho United HtUm tlao those
Urn, and, for our part, wo beilevo bo
can never ts as gtsst, Tlieiv I no
diHibt III our in I ml an to wbleh i
should ptvtt-rtif I ho twtt,
Hy their own showing the Jeulis ar
In violent antagnnlsm with every vital
principle underlying the American
constitution, and an that Unly In the
mot Hii ittd In their chinch, It fob
Ions that the IIIimI ()Nn, pronounced,
relentless, ilaugeimi, tivnt-hcrou hihI
Vicious t ut-iuy of the I'lilteil Slate In
the Honuin Cathollo chui-ch, And that
church HnMime that attltudu Is-caune,
an Mr, tiliub tuno stlnts out., (vat lean Imn
p. ',) there 1r an Intention on It part
to promote tho rcstoral It'll of the tern
petal sovereignity tif the pos, on the
first favornhlc opHirtniilty, by foreign
arms, and without reference to the
wlnhcs of hi M'iiilii, or rather of thow
who onco wcih hi Miopb, From Cardi
nal Manning downward not o much as
ono of those taking up tho standing
ground of vattcanlnm ha disavowed
this project; many of them havo even
openly professed that they adopt It,
and glory In It,
All tho protestation of loyalty to
America on the part of tho Jesuit, in
tho face of their oath, must Int tho vapid
vaporlngs of a lying Imagination, A
body of men that swear that all Htatoa,
cominonwealthsaiid governments, other
than Catholic, which, of course, I tho
meaning of tho word "heretical," a
they 110 It, may wifely bo destroyed,
must bo obnoxious, must Im criminally
dangerous in any country ruled by a
proMirly constituted authority which
they do not recognize, Mo sworn, thoy
must break their oath if they do not do
all in their power to break down that
authority, with a vlow to substituting
tho mipromaoy of tho popo. Thl oath
is taken without any mental reservation,
whllo whatever they may sulmorlbo to
in other direction I in no way bind
ing, boenuso they annul It In their own
mind by exception which render it of
no account. They cannot break their
oath to tho church without tho risk of
excommunication, and no such penalty,
nothing of which they need havo any
fear, 1 at tached to breaking any other
oath they may tako to orvo tholr own
purpnnc; they can tako any other oath
with a mental reservation, and break it
with Impunity, knowing they can com
mit any unrcasonablo act, any act of
perjury, and frco themselves a far a
tholr mock conscience tiro concerned,
with fifty cent worth of absolution ad
ministered by another rogue a guilty
a thcmelve.
They distinctly rcnounco all allegi
atioo and oIhuIIciico to any heretical
magistrate ami officer. .This 1 an
open defiance of all properly constituted
civil or legal authority. Under uch
obligation a that 1 It posslblo that
Jesuit can benomo dimlrahlo cltlzcny
Undoubtedly not. Thcro I nothing
more treasonable, thero I nothing
tnoro dangerously menacing to the gen
eral peaco and quiet of tho wholo com
munity, and nothing tnoro subvcrnlvo
of law and order oven among tho vilest
threat and performance of blood
thirsty anarchist, ocin)lt or nihil
ist, than tho damnable teaching of
theso bo-frookod follower In tho In
glorious footstep of tho detestable
The Jesuit swear to do their utmost
to extirpate tho heretical Protestant
doctrine and destroy all their , pro
tended power, regal or otherwise.
Now, it 1 tho aim and dcslro of every
truly patriotic American to maintain
Ktrougthcn tho noblo constitution of
liberty and freedom bequeathed him by
hi father. Ho any ono who, by any
means, trie Ut break down tho power
conferred by that great constitution,
become at onco, not only un-American,
but worse, a deadly enemy to tho state
and to tho people. Ho long a thcro
aro Jesuits, so long will thcro bo such
a clan of poisonous foe wriggling In
our midst. Therefore, whilo Jonult
continue to tako tho oath required of
thorn they cannot become American
Further, thoso sneaking, allmy nake
in tho gran do not propose to tear
down American right and privilege,
and wreck her constitution merely for
tho fun of tho thing, or out of sheer
dovlllsbncss; they havo an ulterior
object, ami that I to erect upon tho
ruin of a frco stalo tho tyranny and
desKitlsm of Homo, They would piece
together tho remnant, of a fallen tein
fioral monarchy upon frco republican
soil, And that Intention i enough in
Itself to provo that Jesuit aro not, and
cannot become American citizen,
Finally, it I tho province of tho
Jeull to im teacher abovn all thing
else. What can bo tho only leaohlntr
they can bo oxpeeld Ui impart' It
must necessarily Im antagonistic to all
those prmolple which American aro
wont to have Instilled into tbem.almost
with their mother' milk, It must be
at variance with everything ft true
American hold sacred j the effect oust
be Ut rnako their pupil Jesuits, at least
in thought and principle, If not In
actual namo anI adoption of distin
guishing garb, Therefore, not only
aro JhhuHm undesirable countrymen,
because they cannot beeono American
citizen, but further because they are
educating in our midst a race of people
who aro growing np alien in sympathy,
and who will become, like themselves,
opped Ui all that A merican now re
gard a assvmtial im tho wmlfaro of tho
ivimmunUy and the prog of tho
tu, Tb'y aro ttrwturinilnu tho
sptVfctl if ft ln t( s-oplc who W 111 be-
Kino Imbued with m h priml)e thu'
they ttfci, cannot take lbt oaths nts -
sary lo hocttitilng Ameilcan clttnelin.
Without the cursed l)lelital tvnet-vat it'll
of their di'2i-Nietl church, We want
Milter .le.ults nor Ihelr disciple.
'illfYlfo .(ill, ll'lMM,
.1 -... .
Archbishop IVroho nay of tho pub.
till sclumUi "Kotphntlcally a nm-lnl
"Tint O'lninuin nehunl ytem of the
t'nltcd .State I Hid worst in the
world." -Cardinal Manning.
"Thu catechism ahum ntnenlliil
f ir tho (ttlucitttoii of (ho people,".
('iirdinal Aiilonulll.
"To rcneuo Ihcnu llttlo one out of
tint grasp of that mounter, t lie public
school, of that popular Idol, I our
work." Illnhop John Htnncny,
"A rlpu knowliidga of tho onto
olilnm, niiiHi MHsnachiinctt oduca
tli'ti, I preferable to her oduoailon,
tnlnii tho cttoohlsin.'' Cardinal An
tonnlll. Siild John Ireland in a recent ser
mon: "Leo comprehend tho func
tion of religion In an eminent manner,
and if example can be ioarnod from
him it I this, that tho spirit of religion
may bo everywhere, eto. Moaning
thereby, of ooiirn, tlio Uomlsh religion
(?) fur Uomimlnm recognize no other."
Daniel O'Kiicll'ii U tho ansintaut rec
tor of Ht. Anne' Himnn Catholic
church, New York. On Thursday of
Ust week ho took an outing and Im
bibed fresh air and other liquid of a
more intoxicating nature until ho be
came holpliinnly and disgustingly
drunk on Coney Inland. When din
covered by tho police ho wa harangu
ing a crowd upon tho subject of papal
Infallibility, Ho wa tttfo'.y bostuwud
under pollco protection for the night,
and arraigned in the pollco court next
morning, where ho itood norvou,
xpoeohlo and trembling, lie was
siintoncod to 10 days' imprUonnient In
Raymond street Jail. Before ho could
ho taken away by tho black Maria,
Priest Clancy, pastor of St. Anno',
dropped In and took Daniel away with
A clerical looking man, whoiay thot
he I Edward Murphy, and that he 1 a
cousin of Edward Murphy, of Troy,
chairman of the state domooratlo com
mittee, wa arraigned before Justice
Talnior In tha Yorkvlllo police court
last week, charged with paaslng worth
ies check to the amount of f'liO upon
Konrnoy ttOiIkornon, of Coney Island,
Murphy Is ono of the three brothers,
who were Itoinau Cathollo priest",
Ho wa commoted at one time with
St, Jamo' K'jumn Cuthollo church.
He attended the raocs on Wednesday
and won fOO. He got Into a poker
grime at Ivimnifiy & Gllkornon' and
lost the money. The proprietor
agreed to accept hi chock o long aa
remained In tho game. Three of them,
drawn on tho Mechanic and Trader'
bank for 040, wero honored. They
proved to be worthies.
Religion Into Politic.
Aside from It recognition of na
tionalltlc In thl country a agalnt
the one great American nationality, a
vlclou principle which ail patriotic
men condemn, and will o.ndomn, the
tenth resolution of tho Davenport plat
form inject religion into politics, and
put tho ban upon a benevolent fra
ternity, claiming It origin In the day
of Holotnon. Nothing can bo more
reprehensible than thl pernicious
resolution In tho Iowa democratic plat
form. It unbar the gale of Ameri
can citizenship, and awing them wide
open for Iho growth of petty national
ity whoso people, forgetful of their
duty a our adopted citizens, will claim
tho right to exercise a double allegi
ance to foreign state and prince
while exercising the right and privi
lege of American citizenship. It I
time to call a halt on thl thing and
demand that all men who swear al
li'gfanco to thl government shiill owe
none to any other, Thl must bo one
nation with ono flag. To thl our
forclgn-born citizen aro doubly wel
come, provided thejr accept the plrll
of our institution and obey tho law.
Tasting here tho sweet of liberty, in
many cane for tho first time, they are
more fervent In their loyally than those
who are native to the oll. At this
good men rejoice, and tho hand of
American fruuimiiy f extended to
them In welcome, Whnt then must be
thought of great political party who
ckto rip open our great American
nationality, to create a community of
foreign nNtionailtie within our bound
aries? Our citizen who were born In
Kuropo are lboo who turned their
back upon thl thing when tbey left
Iho countries of their birth to come t
thl land of liberty, and prticipato In
tho blessing it bestow upon all, in the
equal rljfhl to peh man In work out
hi own destiny, and in the pursuit of
his own hnppiiiK.n. W h it must they
think t.f the teeth ie,ilut.iu of the
Liwa item umo y As to the benevolent
fraternity al whom III aimed, they
are capable of speaking for Ihenistdve,
and doubtless will do su at the proper
time. A f-stKriiliy thai Imd Washing.
Ion a one uf It bicthieii enn scarcely
be called un-Amcrlcan by r-veit an
luwa democratic convention.-Council
1 1 lull's Niinipitrell.
The M. F,. hospital, hinted at 411)
south Smh street, which last year
eared for .UM patients, and which today
is filled with ick people, 1 In
need of financial help. Thi 1 an In
stitution which every l'rotestant should
feel a prldo In keeping up. It I ono
toward tho mipport of which every
Methodist, every A. I'. A. and every
memW of tho Jr. O. V. A. M. and
P. O.8. of A. of thl city, county and
state should contribute let the amount
bo what It may. We will recelvo sub
scription and glvo credit In these
column to all who will aid In thl
work. What will you give?
Aini-I'li-Hii PuIiIInIiIiik Co , $5,00
i ... ... i.
A Challenge.
We have In million of olrculnn and
book and for yenr defiantly chal
lenged more than 8,000 Human clergy
In tho United State Including all their
Priests, lllnhops, Archbishop anil
Cardinal, to disprove tho secret
abomination of auricular confession
a disclosed In our private lecture to
men, and tho latin extract by Homo.
Tiiky daub not dknv book and fact.
And we again hurl tho challenge defi
antly. Now let the Ignorant dupo of
Popish Priestcraft at Pliittamoulu for
hume hide hi diminutive head.
J. G. WlllTB.
Council Buim, I., Awg. 24, 1802.
Attention Or. O. U. A. M.
Winona council No. 4 will meet here
after In Pythian hall, in tho Paxton
block every Saturday night at 8 o'clock.
Visiting brother cordially invited.
Article of Incorporation,
'or the purpose of linrmnliiit n hnily cor
pnrittti under llin lnws of Neliritskii, we,
whilst! ruimi-s are tn-ri'iliilo nuliw-rlliiMl. do
adopt the followliiK hi I Ii-Icm of Incorporation t
Alt'NI'l.K I,
Tim nitinn nf (tin eorpiiritt Inn sluill be the
"Aiiii-rlt-ati ruhllHliliiK (liiiiipmiy."
The prlni-lpiil plie-e of Imxlntisi of the cor
poration shall litiUiiuthu, Nubrusku,
Tlii'liiiNlni'Msiif Hiitcl corporation shall ho
hi publish iiiwnpnpers,lKi'iiiral Job printing;
In all Its hmni-hi-s, hook-lilnillii, nbirntyp
liiK, elt-i-lrolypliiK and fimnivliim It sliull
have power In leiisn, buy, own or rent such
Machinery or material, or such other real
mid pi-rxomi! prnH-rly n It inuy need In thu
conduct of lt bunliiHsn.
A unci, k iv.
The capital stack of t hit corpnrnllon shall
he f.-,.(Mi(, divided Imo fifty sliiircsof fimieach,
which shall bu fully puldup when Issued,
Aimi l.B v.
The corporal Inn hhull huKln AiikukI 1, 12
antl emit in uit fur fifty ynitrn, uiiIi-nh (IIhsoIvcu
by mutual ciiiiNi-ut or pris-cns of luw,
Alll'ICI.M VI.
The lilirhi'st. aiiiiiiint of liidelili'ilnCHS or
liability to which I lie coriHirittlon shall nt,
any time stiblt-ct llst-lf slmll not escnt'tl
KOItTV I'KII CK.NT. of tilt) pltlll UpCllpltlll Stock,
HtK-tlon 1. The otlleern of tho corporation
shall I m three dli'eclijis. who shall iiiimially
t-li'ct a prcslilciit, net: rotary and trtiasurur
frniii iiiniiiiK thu HtiK'k-hnlili'rn.
Hi'C. 2. Tim annual ineetlntf of slm-kholil-trs
for Hie t'li'ct.liiii of (llrccturs shall be nt
Hit) oltlce of tint corporal Inn on tint flrnt
Tiit'silay In January of each year at ten
o'cliH'k a. in.
Hin-clal iiit'i'tlngs of tho sltH'kholiliirs may
he culled at any time hy the president, ami
shall he called at the rciiii-st of any two
shareholders) such notice of all meelliiKS of
slis-khiilili-rn shall bu Klven an may bu pro
vided by lh) by-lit w.
Mec. 8. The annual inentliiRof the director
for I he election of officers sha! I be at the olllco
of tint corporation on the first Tuesday In
January of eni-li year at t wo o'clis-k p. in.
Hee. 4. t'lilll tfiti first, aiiiiinil elm-Hun of
directors, and until their successorn art)
elected and iiiinlllled, John V. Thompson,
Waller C Kttlley and Marlon I Zuok shall
consl.lliile tint board of directors,
Hec. ft. The director slmll havo power to
adopt, by-laws fur the Kovernmi'iit of the
corporation and shall hold regular and
sin'clal meet Inns as inuy he provided hy the
by-laws, They shall mi-tit for the purpose of
electing ofllcers to serve until tho llrsf regu
lar annual meeting, and until tlielr suc
cessors are elected and iiiinlllled, to adopt
by-laws, and the transaction of other busi
ness, on August 1, 1k',i2, at ten o'clock a, ut,
aiitici, vm.
ThesA articles may bit n mended at any
meeting of I he stockholder hy a voto of a
liiiilorlly of the sKs'k,
witness our hands this 2,'ilh tiny of July,
W, (I, Kkm.hv,
John 'I'tioMcnoa,
M. I ,OOK.
In presence of II. Klella Hughes.
Htat or NKiutAnKA, I M
Itiiiiglas County. I
He It reiiiembered that on tint 2fith (In of
July, lW. before me, a notary pulillc In and
for saltl county and stale, personally camu
John C, Thompson, Walter (', Kelley, Marlon
,, ,ik and Knoiia V, Thompson, lo tnu per
sonally known to tin the Identical person
whose name are suliwrlbed lo the foregoing
article of Incorporation, and acknowledged
same to be their voluntary act and deed for
the purpose therein w t. forth,
In testimony whereof I bavn hertointo set,
my hand and seal the tiny and year last
ahova written, II, M-ir.M, Ucooa.
iN'olary I'uhllc.
Notlco of Incorporation.
Airru i.K i,
Wn, the iiiiderslgned, do hereby, In pursii
stiee of law, form a corporation to bu known
as Klopp At Km licit, Co,
Aii'rici.n il.
The principle ptacK of transacting lb hils
Iness of this corporation shall lie at. Omaha,
I louglas county, Nebraska,
aiitkx nr-
Tli general nsliire of the bilsltiesn Is
printing, binding, lithographing find mailers
pertaining llc n lo,
The capital snsik sluill be thirty Ihoiisitnil
dollars, divided Into sh arcs of one hundred
dollars each, which shall he fully intld Nt
commencement of business, and slmll he
sliru i v,
Ths tlm of commencement of this corpor
mi loo Is August llih, lt. and slmll trmlmtt
August llih, tWt, unless ssn r dissolved by
its own acts or by oin'ratlon of law,
Alt'fO'I, vf,
Tb highest amount of Indeblediies shall
iKitemceed two-lhlrdsof (lie paid-up capINd
Air:i vi,
Th hunlnes slmll U coiiduch-d hy lbre
directors, iectd atitioally on the second
ThoraKlajr of A ugust, "f.'f''
t1, W. Itsttn.Vrr,
A,T, Kiirr,