The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8
ft T H B AM IC AN. 1 "i A A 4 i.,' V. 1 1,.' n ' " j I I ft" DIM" j I ' . . . . ... t i , a l.j. It I '"I lt' trH-w 1 1 It'MUl It Unman !'. hnn i.r I I -. ,i. In lh V , n,, hi apt". fet tr eeot 'l hiMi..i i.imt)lht.i Ier 1 Uiimn ruHuiili' n In Ut iH''i' I fMl 1)" 1' fl..iUln-i Ik" l.n.rtniH llli'l I Hfl hi Htf ho'.l .if llllti'ino) . Il j;r.w in nhiMfl ihn cniHrli'iicii f Ilif wurthlpHT it) l ltotinl by llo lt 4 ;! if il UmiiHii I'KiiiUT. live urturijiin f Ihl mrojjunl t -rnrvhy i li'mly iirp'il In t ! I 'I- llltf imluil HltirniH'i! "1 tii'Kiivliiliii . civil iii'i'i I At ii iho nl'i'i'i .( im prliiw, Hint I phlni tiiortt llmu llii. I t'lnliu to l iir'inn jml(j iiI tllri'i'tor ! Ih OMI-OU'tH'I'H Of ItHlllJ ir IIIH lll'HPIIUII ilmt till Urn lttltU, kikI tif iIim irlni't' lluil nil upon Hip thriHifj of lh hutH'i' luilil lint! "It In Hie hil(H (if frlVHy, rttlil til" li'Kljtlnlor th'U luako iw for lliti klnii'ii'iii; I mil tliii mil, In"! en im-ino jnflKH "I what l right hihI wron. Mon'ovir, w tlecl.-irp, iiflirm, S!lnf ami pronounen i In l iic(M'ary ti nlvHtioii nr ovury hutnnn rrt' ittirfl nul'ji'Ct tn Him Hniniin poiitilT. Mm li nir nilfcht lm (itintod along; oin saimi linn, bnt, onii nicirp, the mool decradii't' nml drvKUh, Hie nm of till vllliiinf fimiNt hi llloe. Crillnl Hi l lnnvlnc siys: "If the popn houlil err luM-njjiiin)? ic or forbldilin virtue t iJi ch wouul bo obliifiHl to Ix lit'Vn to bo good, nml vlrtn bad, un it, would din ngiiinnt coni(ienfifi." 'lie man whn rtmd thoso fuml until! prlueiiilt'd of thin "tun-horned east" and cnnniitHfe thnt tlir I nn IrrepiB!4ib' Oonflict going on tictwten thin would bfl , ntntor nnd nil frefl pencil, free pro-id, tn noliooll nnd free govurnmont is too blind to p prilate the plulncst nrgnmcnt. I-t thin unprinolpltHi power get ft firm hold In America and our freo Indtitutiotijiure flnomod. 1a' grent red Vi wielo the t'CCIoKiaftlcm crptor over our "prond repn'io to the pxtflnt that men will be thrown Into the basitllp, "brue foretooth they ton not high the ready enp in the airf nor lift np their voice In nervilfl xhouts et night of thnt great rufllian" (the pope), end the wheels of progreM will turn buck "ward, the lights of literature and science will burn dimly, the fires of persecution will be rekindled, the . tit . . - .!, I . t. i ( Jood will fl iw to the bridle bits. With his end in view the Ura in churcn in Lbti United fttittes is stor'ng np power, Ihat may, ere Jong, burst opon lis with its terrible and iitireletitlng fory. From 18f!D to IHHO the authorities of Sew York City gave the Roman eliuroli real estate valued at .1,A00,f00, and money to the amount f fo,827,l7l ii exchanged Itomish votos. Cathor'f wnalth Increased In the J UnKfld State from ll,000,(toO In 1850 to O.fiOO.OOO in 18C0, and t. lOft.fXKl,. 000 .' In' 1870, mid being claimed as church properly; this ermiStons sum is exempttyrom taxation. The following Catholic predictions may never be ful- 'o-J. but they ure wonderfully holloa- f'wxl ought to came us to double e picket line. In 1870 Ftithfr flecker saidt "There s ere long to be ft state religion in this country, and that, state religion Is to be - Homao Catholic." , The ll wton Tilot spaaks: "The man today is living who will see ft majority of. the people of the American conti nent Homan Cat holla' A b'mbop 6f Charleston declares that . "within thirty years the Protectant hereby will come to an end." That we may know something near , the truth of these predictions let us consult the llirures. In 1800 the Ciuholica numbered 100,000. lit JKM they were 6,628,176 strong. n 1800 there Was one Cathelic to ery 63; lo 18.'0 one to every 14.8; 1870 one to 8 8; and In 1880 one to every 7.7 of the whole population. Make your calculation and see how long It will take this ratio of increase to put the Catholics In the majority, and fulfill the Boston Pilot's propheey, I aqi told thatin every Catholic con vent and nunnery in this country there is on or nio'e rooms into which none but iv Catholic official of high rank is PUT Permitted to enter. Who knows t jfhese rooms are stored with Win f ler rifles? Do you liugh at this l'raentf Let Cardinal McCloskey ik: "The Catholics of the United tea are as strongly devoted to the f in .u.t.UMn sed ttM.lfhHni il ti,. i. int l p t I " ,sh. tn (' I '! (i b I' n h tin An lii: . , , i w l'Hl mill nj.i.mij Mm (if. ml t .i i ii ki'i''' ! In I , ri. ti him ' on hit it I ... ,l .!.. a Jul , I llot.sft wM.ll ll.f tll. l sthl.i'd He I t nu h . t blot. Iih i l lh"' fbt"l e HI Hi) il Ms MM!t"t lnhttll "'"i ,.! ,. nmiu t 'I his I. lilt fili'tol i,tt.ii..t, II... pll' inl'l'illy eutnl. aiol d.litrli.l Hie aillrle Ill III hi t ll.e i. ti er tilled f -r llo 't I look .ml sd )or pupi'ts Li l mem im r ami l.iify Ho-hi I M' tin m . . . 4 a u U...I.I....U oil I lie itei h ii"i" ,...,...., II,. in t ame a gml I !'" '' were all blown . '""', ,,,, "' member what llo emilthitil, and I could not do V'tir erisioU." "Il'il," they ol.J.cled. "oit lroii(M whalHo anii H'l 'ke.l jou to K't," Mh, ),' .ti. iheptieMl ")imee, tlm ptmh Willi hi tut lliof'itidiim, thli h kept It from l-l. le swsj." F- eh angn, . - A Urihl Spot. Thn one bright 'pot In rre.ldel.t ItarrlW administration is hi n-pweivli-g loyalty " ' Morgan and his Imllan senooi pom y. The president has stood Sik n hero against threat, ft tffery and m.nsirig. from Cnrdliiftl (riblH.fis down to the Inast liifliieiitlal prints. They all bale Morgan and delre his delf nelioo. Cilizen, .-...'- Homes. ker' Excursion, Two (fraud eetirions l thel'nlon I'acifio on Aligns SWh and Nepteow"f 27th. lfi2,lo noints in Ksn, $' braka, Colorado, Tet, Wyoming, l?th, Idaho, New Mexfc" "t"! M.w tima. This is great opf.ortnnily to sen the magnifieieM tratl of Utttt otTeretl ft.r sl by the UMoo I Vifl at low prices and on ten years tin,, Y't this oeensloo the I'aiort M ell tickets althfl rt of one fire for ii, f.t.i,d irfo. U of ter4 ticket agent. 7-2 JOHN IlUIMfcWM:i, Watche, Iiamomf', Jewelry, Nfv- Kire and Clock tu w 'ril Itt'.t'AlklXfJ, ImaW a soeftl'iliy oyer hawing ami cleaning CbrWfapb laftbjov and all grades of WW1 n,t(i '" Jewelry feoairing aV fng.eic MHVKu SOo N, f 5th Street, Uht,nh,S't Ydn should all re mem a J9 1 C f, Hhaw &, 0,.thn , 1fftVt al ways f.n hand,ffgefbf', V S'tt alio a full line of Staple (inmiU, Ur not forget n. when down town. (hml hargifris at the Whitney twor1 gage sale of sh es, 103 Hmtb Fifteenth street, 8Mtnrdy, ' If Ktieniie's bakery 2if H, Wh W, Attention Jf. O. U, A, M, Winona council N, 4 will twee I herv aftr in VjthSm hall, l th VnnUm block every Saturday nfght ftt o'cls b. Visiting brtfthera cordially IwtlM'd, .t - - t) yon want to twrrow moey?' Af ply to the Mutual Investment it,, 1)04 Farnam Hi. 'try llartry'a "Hi'Mi At t ho fj'f three for tioartor Ift the- city, Itrj Hmith l.'.th Hirwt, Tfke your repairing fo The Mrmti' mond Carrlsge Co,, lfh and llsrnry Sis. Opp, the County Jsil, ,,. ....,. (in to Howen's cash market, S22 S. 16ih, Cheapet meats ti the city, Oo to l)y ball's for flee candie, I iJonglaa.Ht, Fort Hint"- dim ft room rd mn ft room hfmso, god order and cimvnh'tit, fjeasonable rent, Address UtH 6, Hid smith 22nd at, tf Money to loan nt Jtlme Mayings Hank, loOl Farnsrn Ki, ."--- fi t to Ifciwen's cab market, 622 , 16th, Cheapest meat In the city, .,- ..- Cratch pwla ftit op frotn wst paper sbK'k. Just the thing for nwrn orandums, 412 Mheofy blra k, Kvery foreign nationality hav organization In this e innlry, Amer icana mnt organize. Join the Jr. 0 V. A. M. 7 2 M ney to loan at I fm Savings ISanlr, 1604 farnam Ht, ., -. Irlnk fyy ball's -f eilolwiis Soda Water. 151 Douglas street Try llartirTsrrrM the HKMT three for ft quarW In tho dty.tJiJ South l.lh treot, ' Thef'axtn Hotel Ilarliet Hhopund Baths, with filU'red VfuU-r, tho lleat. M.ouM u I ' M 4 , t hi i V V'ti I ri.i-j "Will i. o.p . l-ti.itt .. (i.. t . I . H"'1? M tHt )! M.e r ' ! ' ' 1' i ,in h Is it fl ' ' ' ,,., wlitr ( t . . lite . .itm" L ),,), ufin Ml!.- ', .j,, ,,,,, i,tt,,f t .it mi i i mi, iti.toti! i. t 'l inn on M ' lt ll!l lit I'Mliii l I'f ll-.M'IH I t"t h i .r .le stol J,t Ixild, htfiM i rHti from 'l "f Nin, ti l U fiMit . ( I'f.te.tstil rletSMr, thiinyb siljithonif i il'iintt Imibheg r.. 1 pill f H flitireH f- I'!?. ... i.l n.rit lit mini i ll ttiteiit I o ) tl.Ht H'H I I'! I l""f it.OtOltfc'l I) l" L,,t,, i , )I(M I. ,nrpo Ihso h .:!.,, sii.i.ltl! 1 "' l" H'H IrilHt, fr ft lint Willi bap I n., we'ldmgs and ; eliiiti h iiietihigs, g net ally . Ile I'rol ,..111,1 mf-oliajfe Iw lottg e iillally to (hi i huii h eil tien. h is fuil lime lb .iliell lng shi.libl b dotm hi mailer of M-b grliy as I hi. The pMMonagw t ft hirh M"lhod im lMlo-piy hi Un Htf of New Vorh woM4 m iintsin lw,Mr threa idiiirrdiK. triif pluf from it would b a m tteritl f,.'l( t wine of one airuififlmg r-nn--mloos. Then! sr titros when (" limn ert-e fo bt roiii" )r'., anil it is nothir g ! Ihut n burning tbsme that In th inetrofolU of this atb rroieariiim !. to iay o li a l, M1e IJnoanhwi i fsempl from it. A plgrimK to lly month llodt will on b a national iieeriy," Hlevaoaoo Talkito 0 Mdxrnian. f!MrfHOT', III,, Aug- H erl A, K, rrttvn was gu"t of the Atnl(rd.-r tt lhbrnin al heir arnl b brlio of the Kottiau ('thol feat of Aopio, Tb pU tiUt wa held ', thf gr-'Miids of the flbminglon faira'oi. iim't Wtenv-M U 'w ett"4 Ufniit K pek, said a follow' M'w tbst a ft ter dny U t enting for tht couniry from wnff.'fi ym or jowr a.--ior mnw. Th Ihos; Is l th ut Ur when, under f he bdlMw of i',yAAim and MlW t t Ms prty, iUmU of lie m will j"y til titn fredi thai w Utffther ittl AmiUU- Wkm ihat &f WXrfim 'e lm rejohfhiig, wot oidy fjh mttt hiftt, I 7 Stutf U-.n.i4 " ift '' h ,.' I id "-, Krdiial (fiil- vooth pbalani in the rtk, d Arebbiahop f re- Is thn trmMUm U'wauioU, will tMtti reward fr their Mr- yhfe wle th ?tpai J oyer, f depewdervt yl A.tS;, Mr, If, JV, lM.Ut4 IJayCK.Mkh fgao, art old frbwl of tl, ltio0' ag"r, HftvIo m pb ot eU Unlay, 'fliK Awr;('A offi-s was honored thl wk fy at vlH ffotrt Mr, M. K, KfrkfyfttrVk, t, fywiw, Mr, It. II, timing, of attlm, Mr, J, If, ftoyw, nf C'hawl ron, Mr, K, 1', ii'nwr, of (irawl f )wl,od Mi fAor V(UlUi, t4 Waiu-rbw, M, J, W, IUVI d daughtfr of firaod fslawl, wets j lordly duriug tho HhriwrV Wt, Mr, uyi I a hrloer hlmwdf, uiul h hroogbt his 1 h''-r with bh h "jm j'it bow hyjdf abb ( himUm 4wid lx, lf U om of (rmi od' troisUd ifftUwwn, mod refrhtirtlilngwt that way to tm j'et nhmt Vi lilt l)kh., trfhti4y in Town fVrws f apprf'ltis the fot that they em ly sfo t at th Whitney siortgage tile at foS frmtb ifuntii cheaper fbitfl r-r Mors l Omaha srd g t th m (4 good. The stock n)Jing yery fst, fort fhes Is still a fine as sorhoi4, Come ooo sod shoe up fwf fimiy, tf I) yo want Ut lxrrow rooney? Ap- t, itt Mutual Inyestmeut Oi., fM Vrtim Ht,' Tb Whits Sowing Macbins Has no fqoal, ft Is the iryttslixa'fori of firsftleal fdf, of prstir;al M-wjog roachine men, who have brought the White to uch a state of perfection but It Is recognized the world over as the "King" of new fng machines. Office and salesroom HI Chicago tr-et, nar cor I6th, H. ft, 1'niU-n, d;rit(t, room 348 Jit Iwlldlng, telephone .Vi, HilKN'DS J,fvlng lo north side when hi need of dry goods, notions, furnishings, tin ware, gissnware, etc, will save time tiA money by trailing at Ilaldwin's, l,107'l0'.t X 2ftb street. y kit mm, bav your tin roof or spouting repaired by W. B. Ifeaton, 2X0K Iavenwortb Ht, Tel, JS15, in Ui Ilowen's cab market, 622 14- Ifitb. Chespi!t meats in the city. J , r r m -urn W'T BSONj G CHOP MAN, Q, pIMTEENTH BT. i '4 ?i. i i. t i.. in I ,-ift.;r ( I Hl.., TJ.GIDSON. ) !' f l'!i HI TO: LOAN! NEtfiSU LOimiOUPIMY. I,M 1 ,. f.Ml. (ile. (MM !. Ii. ,!. ' ' ,',.nilf tnt. of r .llt I..".! :., i. n ir ,i,.(Kily m ! i l i.f . .,ll.tll Hi'l.' l f. tn n tti ,iOh inul ! I"t' - ifii.n all it"- ! lit'f J ; Itf ,'.ll ,lrfM- . .u 1...... ... .1. Itt ' .... ..(ill. 1 ' f,, 11 ... U III) I il,"; l,.ili .-onD.I, itlial p. C. WOOD, Alionl. Off les 1I4IO Doimlo St.. Upetnlra. Wutcb tHlr'" S.iH ; JOHN RUDD. i lll IM IK Dsamcfi, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry n KlLVKItW'AHK. -:- y Wry W0'l WiiiTBiiU'iJ. 306 N. i iSOeet. O M AHA, NEB 4, lit for io'ih'iiI li.mwwork, at nl .Om'I, 1 llfoni Hill. Will buy. m'II or xcli ii iiiri Kii.i rcvfiiui, ln in pi In Ihiki HtUir. olIl'I'tlOlIM Willlt.MI. II A KM V KltOWN. Iltf .Voi lli IHlli Ht.. up Htnlra. k rol'Nt'lb. NO. 3. iii.'. tK every fn.ilnn In Iteiiiiien H linn tofk. coiner I'lfieentli ami It. Ylfcllliilf lirotliera weli'.iuie. M A.;iANT. H, t. TViH Tlioioiiiililireil Kentucky nikI l.entli1; Hiiyone ciiii handle, H. ii, Wiew, Wllhliel) hlock. ,4 a. 7iHi!iiL I ilt! iun Council I meets Way night, Twenty-Fourth ltrAlI, (j. Con UouiicU No. 4 Counttman, K. S. moots every Xenlng. W, Mfiuff, U. 8. I , flllO i... O1.fl00 iuotfiaUli) " nt wa6. .1 . JnSut ofl questloa At D- Vrt-iirity f ,-io ln4!Mf &uccfcs. The annual fair and exhibition of the Douglas County Agricultural so ciety which takes place on August 20th and continues Hvq days gives promise of beirg a great success, 1'he new board of managers are making strenuous efforts in its behalf and it behooves very merchant and f irmer lo amUt them In their under taking. There has always been here tofore too much apathy and lack of in terest shown on the part of our farm ers and burdens men hi regard to taking as actire part as they should in the f dr. If everyone will only put his shoulder to the wheel and sen that a good representation Is made there will be no cause for its riot being what it should be, a credit to the city, receiving the liberal support of all our people. The outlook foreac.'i department being well represented Is fine. The premiums offered are on a much grsr der scale, $2-5,000 In premiums is what the association offers, (0,400 of which I tor speed purpose. In addi tion to the premiums offered by the fair association the merchants of Omaha donate 1000 in special prem iums, which will be In charge of W, N. Nsson, secretary of the board of trade. Now is the time for our mer chants and farmers to wtike up a,nd see to )t that this year's fair eclipses all previous ones. For booth privilege, etc, during the Douglas County Fair, apply to Uicbard Engelmann at Nebraska Seed company's store, Fifteenth and How ard streets, Omaha, Neb, All railroad companies will make reduced rales It and from the fair. For premium Iit, or other Informa tion regarding the fair, call on or ad dress John Bai'mku, 1314 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. cAdvebtisemknts ina:rU-d In Tub American are sure to bring a profitable return to the adverthw?r, Americans, watch the columns of this paper ! AGKNTS WANTED! At Tub Amkuicav. Call and see lis or write for paticulars. Notice. ('lar Willi. defeniJant. will lake notice tlmt on the 14th (lay ot May. IHM, John N. Wlills. ,l iO nil if herein, tiled hla petition In the district court or Douiflaa county Se l,rka. MKaliml alJ defendant Ihe ohJiM-t and prayer of which I to pna-ure a divorce from the wild defendant on thi around of aduliery. aiut on the vrounda of deertlo for mora Hum the laat pimt two yeara. Von ure reiiulred to answer wild petition on or Ix-fore the lt h day of ScpU'iiila-r, W. j oil. d Auini.-i tli. l"'-S-13-4 JOHN N. W IM.IH. Plaintiff. By raundeni4 Macfarland, lila attorneya. I Ml j TH 11 (' 1 mji ! r ?e, LOBECK , , ... 1 -. Builders' Hardware, CullGry AND TOOLS TRY US OSCIf rOK LUCK. HOI i)vm?:U$ St, Tr Irow SVO. OMAHA, ATO. 1 tli'-IIM I M ... I'W Si'tsn . ta'ff.'d t, ili f sr SHikcus tH Aft.,.!.'. i,4 ni ti ttr It I) )! CUSHING-YOUNG SHINGLE C llllliOM-l M 'l l IS Red Cedar Shingles. All r III Ml i M. I am v HtTT In Onl.-r, kodt or i FIRST WARD. National Life HARTFORD, COVV. Huy Your Insurance on Business IVinciplcs. THE SINGLE PREMIUM SYSTEM JOHN A. VANDEN Room 610 McC.igue Building. PHILIP LANG 206 N. 16TH ST. Will sell all kinds of Shoes at a Cut Price. Men's Shoos, soM at $0 ml $7, f.25. Men's iSIiooh, sfel.l nt $5, 4.00 Men's Shoes, sold at $4, 3.00 oun $3 shot: is tiiio nhst in this city. Our $2.50 Shoes ut Ladies' $5 Freneli Kid, Ladies' Dongola Kid, Lukes' $3.50, AND ALL OXFORDS AT UKDUCKD THICKS. RHILJF3 LANG, 203 NORTH SIXTEENTH 3TREET of y . . m LiUh'A'a JlS"W Full 3l, ' mlMSlSSlP " I"" I - ,BW Vk ILLING a . m GOLD CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK AT REDUCED PRICES. No clutrgo for Kxitwting when Platen are Made. Dr. WITHERS, Dentist. 16th and bouglas Streets, 4th Fluor, tr r tr r iff- ctrr tiiih otrr ah a otuiiK, .i jx jt Father Chiniquy's Books FOE SALE AT Is AMERICAN OFFICE, 414 STEELY BLOCK, OMAHA, NEB. MOVING EXPRESS, When you dnHlm to ctltanjo your phuiu of MHldnii ftinl want your liit'iiltura moved without being tirokcn ir aorutohod, look for my wagons NUMBERS 77, AND 207. and you won't think two moves eunl to a (ire, I. 0ARD Fourteenth and Donelas Street. .A.. IIOSPE, Jxz., ART 1013 Douglt St. AUSIC Omaha, Neb. ltuders, if you want this paper to succeed patroni.o our advertisers, FIIEI). IIASMUSSEN, 80S South 7th 8treet ' -JTH STREET MILK DEFOT.z GIMM'EKIEH AMI I'UOVIHIONS All klrnlMof Huinuier lirlnka, Clifiirn anil To biu.'coa. Olve mo a call, It IIS M ' Mtt t. AMI I'l l ti V: iNi: am oak srnr.r.TH. : ; TACOMA.WASH, & LINN, TFLSPHONrft TM1 ANtl . Association J BURG, Manager. OMAHA, NEr $2.00 3.75 3.25 2.75 i vii ii u uu tbi i k inni i rwtrr i tr sw . 1U1 UI7 KtVJ l i I Llr Set TEETH $5 HQ, , FEItKIOCT FIT (KMItANTEED. BOO UF. C. H. FOPBY, MANUFACTIJUKIl TRUNKS AND TRAVELING) DAGO, REPAIRING DONE. 1400 Doughs St. OMAHA NEB ITOTITTI Purchaao Thikets and Conaljrn Your Freight via the F, E, & M. V, and S- 0. & P, RAILROADS. If. 0. IltJKT, Cnrieral Manager, K. ii. MOKKtfOUHK, J. II, H(H!IIAftttt Ojh, Frnght Aift, (i in, l'tws, Al, Omaha, Nebraska, crrtm rrrat