The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 19, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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'')'-" .,..,..l . l '....... . i.. ,.... ,,l .,,,.., . ,,..,,,,.,,.,.". v ''-. n. ....,,,, I,, (t.., ,.,,,.,, :'!.. '' I lw
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- r ..- .'. -..- " t, ; ' i... . ' .....I,., ,i. ,4,,.,.,. 'j ...; i ......v.., ! .
fc,l.l ... .... .. I . :.... . ......... ..... ''.' - "I A I
llll . .l.l
I. .'l.
-ti. All il (i mi fit it. I n tl.t
. t in wl.'. Ml" ' " "11 '
at,t. M.e itn !'
the ... I- i ttD.-it, m I ! ml t.- .-.- lit
t..t,lt .1.1.(1 ! .11.. Ist.iiil "
lit 1 I t" ' '"' ".HOtif heilr
Mli. H.c Inl lllnl -
I ' It hi,
nti 1 l.v h.mili( litil Ml ll fr.i. "' .
Hi. It) t U' In
Tl.r tintftilti limit tllt" i' xntnH'' '!' til InUtH tw, Htul ill faull ! ft
timidity, I 'nd i l,.ni..lmi.lntTi t ami
default Mi li fcav rvvlont.l- pawr-il
m l rvsttlar dsy mid iraitrft-ni-xl on Urn cl
miili r in ilii dy.
Mh Afi.-r raw. motion r tli nuii-rer
I.hii passed t he I line for with h t "n
not bet-alli d up until tmillun Hied "
docketed by It avt of lli- court, mid audi ho
tier toihe tipp-nrH party aa l Up court limy
order Hi tin- I Imi' liv I" rlv l',''
IllOt lull
ih. Hiimm-M m i ft a n-rmln ttint-. CRn
mit ! lrnnhft-wd to mimliir dtiy orliour.
unlrw tin- ttaiihfiTiinN'r In nunlral the limit
thf I1IBIH T I Wt flT lll-BtlllK.I'Xtl ll Ulllll-t
tul 10,
lmh. Km-li dny HI :(10b. iih llii" l)uln-iot
tin-hour m ill ln I'lilli'il. ...
IMIi. Tin- oiHt k-i-k 1IH ln-Htd In tlieor-tlt-r
In )iii-li lliry HM-i-iiH-n-d uti llincHliindnt
mili'KH nil iinrtl-n pri-M'iit Hiid lnu-witti-dooi.
si-lit to ti dltli'tvnt urnuigi'iiii-iit. or In chsm oi
urgt-nt 111-ft-snlly.
12tli. The trial of raws will conmii-iifP at
10:UU oVliH-k, a. in., and ronllmm mil II
o'rlnok ). in., with a iwhw from 12:.WR. in.,
until p. in. Kai-h case In i'titllli-d lo be
called at lliot line aet or within ten minutes
thereafter; either lo be. proceeded with, or a
further order tone made. Kor UiIh piirpone
no party v "l he required to wait lontter than
ten minutes for the oppiislto parly or other
buNlm-NH. except for urgent reanoim. The t rial
of a case will tie aUHpended at any time for
this pui-pone. In ciise the court tliiilx thai any
rule herein will work an unforeseen hardship,
the court reserves the rltfht to suspend the
rule for the special case.
,..,:.l ..l).ll Hbl
Articles of Incorporation.
To Whom it May Conckhn:
We, the undersigned, deslrlriK to form a
corporation under and by virtue of the laws
of the state of Neliriieka, do hereby state the
following matters concernlm? the same:
1. The name of this corporation shall be
the "Ked Men's Improvement Association.
9. rim nriiiclnlti nlitce of triinsaclliiK Its
business shall be Omaha, DoukIus county,
a. The Keneral nature of the business to be
transacted shall be to build or otherwise
provide furnished hulls for rental to civic
societies or associations, to secure Invest
ment for the money of Its members for
pecuniary profit, ami to have and esccuto
all the llulits, powers and duties of such
corporation. . . . , , ,
4. The capital stock of this association
shall be 5,(KI0, divided Into 2.000 shares of
fci.MI each. This association Is authorized to
commenco and proceed Wil li the main doslirn
of Its business when WW or inn capmiii sun n
. I.. ,, . ol " I"
i, I I l
I ,. ,. I, m ' ' ' '
'...i, ...4 l A ' I I. I.. , l nl
n , , . , I - tIII I " ' ' ' ' J
i . i.,.ll it itl: I." nnt ,lli
I . ... I ..nt, It.," li l4Mi-i-t.
.1. r... I,....l..l ll.-MI .11 .
liiittux nl, 'lh li.ln t lh ' "i l'l
),! 1, 1 M .1111114. ft.'!. Nl'l4l l,
I W l.lllll Klil .lllkt ll.l .l'. ,'i I ' tl"i ,.nl' iil
ll h lull li. l.i ..ii tii.i.i Ibe ll iV -l
h .u I. A. II mill .l.l. I.Hrilln'i
tin ivmlii oii mmliiu l liniti.ii Hi
t-, ,. li il . tin' itultl. I omit i.f l. mmt-
emmiv. II" ( I'li-iiils t li-iin. A. H
In ciilsiii n.-llxli I hi aiiit I here -iul-lug
ulirtrln Jiwn- It liiibei-e pUinlitl
nn. I limn v A I ilnl II. I iUn sml
iilbi-i- ili'f.'iuliirilM.
Uiuaha. Ni bia-Ka. AhwiiM l . J
I.I UKi.l A MI-AM- TT.
(herlltof limiiiln Vmnty. N' -biaska.
It. M Klcliniiitul. BHoniev. -1 i-
l'.le.4i.i--.wS, M'MM ,,, .,..,., ,,.1 ..i, I ". . I U..II.;, i1,'" l'-..i i. I ki... . ti.""
I HiMMi.ivIkm - -" i ml .,,,..,,, ., I." ,H ' ? ",' ...... I t "- ,-"' , t -
..... ...J ll. .. ii. i, m Slid i ...4.,. i.i. .... . .... ' . . ' ...i. , f. ...1..... ,. t, ..... ... , ... I ! I mi. it., , ,,,,. i'i... V i ! ' m
4 - 44 1.1. ..',,4.. .... . . - ' - " ... ...4. 4-4 1 4 414.4 .f, , , 4 .... 14(41 fa .4 ...... . . . -44 4 . -"44 4 444' .1 ... 4 '-,---11-..
,. ' . 4 4-4." ... til., II... I - . 4,. 4 ,1,
nH M . ...i, ti 1 ' 1 n F i I .. .-,,.(
4 Jii.Iki... .l ,,. , j M I"" I-.. B. I '
I. ...
' !,
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy virtue of an onh-r of unle IwiumI mil of
the lil.lrl.'t rouiiof lHniilws l iiunl y. Ne
l.rka. sml tome tllnM-leil I wilt, on Ihe Vlth
day of hi-plemlsT. A. IL. ".'!. at Ino'clnck A M.
of mild diiv. al Ihe KAT from ihsir of Hie
I'oiiniy I'liurl . Ilmiw. Inlheriiy of (imahn,
iHnillliis I'ounty. Nebniska, sell al liubllc
auction the properly dem-rlls-d In saldorder
of sale as follows, lo-wll :
IaiI iiiiiiiImt iwenlv-lhree lib. In bloi-k
eleven (111 111 Clifton Mill addition to llmiilui.
IKiuirlas county, slate of Nebraska, as sur
veved, platted and recorded, said properly
tolie sold lo satisfy the l ldellty Hiilldlnn
and I.01111 assiH'liillon the sum of eighteen
hundred, elht and M-KKl dollars (ll.siw.Mi
with Inlen-M thereon at .-ale of six (Hi ier
cent. wr annum from M .y , isirj: to sulls'y
Tlioiiins H. Norrls and .loon K. Wilcox the
sum of lluve himilred. forty-one 04-100 dol
lars (.'Ml.mi. with liilcrcst thereon at rule of
eluht isi per cent, per iiiinutii from May "Hi,
1M. until paid, and forty-eluhl mid rts-loo
iif4S.ilsi dollars costs. Willi Interest I hereon
from llieHth day of May. A. 1). toucther
Willi iiccrulmt costs ucconllnu to a jiidKuient
rendered by the district court of said I lunulas
count v. at Its May term, A. I. IsW. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein the I'ldellly Itiilldlim and Loan As
.,!, ,ii,, ii wnu nlnliitlll'. and iiliienerra A.
Whitman, lillbert M. L. Whitman and others
were defendants.
Umaha, Nebraska. Aimust 8. ,,
HherllT of Hooplas I'ounty, Nebraska
Ollmoro & Johnson, attorneys.. 8-12-5
llitllS"l'l-ta '
'. I lllsl'lll pi
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
tne instrici, court or houkius i-uumij, i.. -i.,imLh
mill in .in. dlrei'teil. I will, oil the 1Mb
day of Auuusl, A. I. IHH2, allOo'chs-k a. in. of
said day, at the K A NT front, iloor of I lie
f.niMii v ...iiirt Imiise. In the city of iOmulia,
DoukIus county, Nebraska, sell in. public
auction the property described In salj order
of sale as follows, town:
Lots nnom and two (2), and tho soutlr one-
ii.i... i iu nt otM i.wi.ntv-oiie rill and went V-
two (22) of block nine (ti), .Summit add B Ion to
Omaha, UmiKlan couniy, stain oi ruaoriisKa,
said iiroiH-rU ' f vsold to satisfy l'.(V.-ar(
llowlaml in ' i-jiraurora, pursue.:
1 lowland u
.,, I,. I-. 4. . r r
i . i i n.. Aii.f
Mil i IW i. tnwi, i . ii
I !,. ll,...MI.wi A Ua Ii.
Sr..ri(1 Sl.
lvli-iiie of
Oil. lll.tll. 1 CHIM f, IhilKln
,ilm. kii.I I., tut. i1ii.-4-imI I )1
I V f Auuti.l. A. 1 li'. al IlinVI
.aid ilnv. al He' d
.smiiiv Ii..ti4.. in ilti eilv
kitivla. n.iiinv. Nebia.lis. "II
mi. linn ihe i.n.i. n v .ti In
ot i' Ms Mil.... I.i nil :
I.. I l .n-.if Hi.-k 11... iMol I li
dillon l.iihi- i-hv of On, aha, Ikmut
lale of Ni-ht a..,, .alii iii.s-rli
In .i.llfv ll.-iii'illi'l. II. ill A I '.'l""
ol one I111111tr. il le
ilntlai-s l,llti hi. lun, ! hi, w
(hereon from May II. IWI: lo
(iiiiiliu I, mills r iiiiiiiiiui v the
liiiMiln-il.fiiiirl.i-ii and Ni-tnndo
lililitlueiit. Willi liititi-. Uteris
lit I. iMilt to mitlsfy John r. t'li
.inn of three liunilM'il. fuiii-1."
dollars (HI4.42I ,iidin.-iH, wfillilint
llien-011 from May 111 t. Sil. iinlll I. inl
forty-thnw and .Ss-lim hm:i..iHi dnlh rVwti
with lulerest Ihen-on from thi'illl if of
May. A. II. Isl'l. tom-lher with accrecosls
ai-i-'onllinr lo a Jiidirini-nt rcmlen-'f Ihe
IM.trlcl eourt of said Unuiilas
May term, A. ll. 1MU. In acerlaln w then
mid I here pi nilliin. vhereln Ihe Olii Lum
her t'ompaiiy was iilalnt Iff, and I)Hrson
and others were d'feniliint. l.
(inialiu, Neliraskii. July bi.isi. x .
SherltT of DoiikIiih County, Nku
It. M. Richmond, attorney. &, ,
i TT
itk ii
f- 18
l mil of
Al S 2iir.
.lit ... !
I rtU t
A"". 4
1 lilv
I I.S..I.I
J ii(.lT
!si t I he
11 Hll-lIM
A I . I.l 1.4,. II,, , .,,.,..
.-Mill, fit... .-,,.,(,,. t H l,,t, ,.
il. l.t.j l ,K.,, -, ,M '(, lM
.-i-.iini . m 11. s ,, ,u 1 ,, rm (, ,
i,..v. ,.u M..,.,. ...
.) Il.-t.iy M,t ,tl,t-y a, ,.
Hi. ..lis. . I t ..1,1,'iiM llih Iwi"
. ''M'l l A III M 'TT,
r n-nn n 1 41. . k.....4 .. ... , .
... ., ' " - 4.4,,, 4. , ,.,',,(1....
44. .,..,.,,, HM.IIII, 1 14.1
I !" ....i .14
11, .,1 in, 1,1 . .(.,1 i,t, .....
4 .,4. ... ,,, ,4
.t ,-4.4.1 .
liil, ,,. I, B. I,, kiH.l( I.I-
,liii., A III NM 1 f
kin. ,it .. 1.... ,i. .
ttm..... t I... ... . . . - . ...nn t
...,.n,M 11. tlimiii 1
1 Salt?.
I mier ami by liin.. ,.f
.1 1 11 v 1 iii'H t. Misiri. 1 It
..-.. 11 .I'liint 1,1 ihiituin. eouii
...n-.n, ii..n a lu.itFi.i.-iil llf id,. ,-,,itH (I t
in ttint mr sniu i-mini y. on I In- ai.t ,.
"v., . nil in me iii.ii'i.-t cniiri
within and fur .alii emihtyi In fiivor of I,
hmiiieii-h,. a, ,., I'. I'okmny,
which Haul bn'.em.-m .Inly II. Isir.'. ,y,l..l I., l .. I.....I I 1. . 4, ,4 , J
" . r . :. " ."iiiii'i. 1 nave lekleiliin
Sheriff. 1 Sal.
h i.. "'' " IihhI mil itf
.... ...,,, ,.,,,,,,. t.itl, n,,n,,v
, . ,4. "'"""""'i"i 1 lll mi ihe nth
. ' . . r. " i' I-.'--at 111,1,1.. k 11
. .si.t nay. . ii. 1 . f ,,.,r of ,,,
... .1 .-44-.I, M il .1 lllll.h,.
am il.m th,. imi.ti il.-s. iIIh.,1 1,1 l. ,,r,,.r
I ah H 1A1 bli..i Mii.ii I........ 1 1.....
Nil.lliu.ii I., lit,. , , ,,f m, a,., ,,,,!,,,,, ,,,
..,,..,-, ,,,,, , MIT,.,,,, , ,,, ,.,,,tV ,,f
Irtltitt II I'itTl il,.-sum 'of -It hiindiUr.if,',!
livi- an.l in- 11 Hi, Hun, iHuvmih, I... 1... .. .:.
lutcrc.i llii-Mnii at rale of l. ii , n iM-r'tvni
I" t . , , 1 '.i 11111 nay oi siny. A. II.
'' .1..
t-.kl.N .
IO l.l.l,
II '..'.r
l mm
I ..I, .,!, 11,.,.,.
Ik. '!. ..I I on... . U-Jkli.iM
I. .i t MiMu i t m ,,m
II am
A 11 in.
nn a I. a
I 1 k.t V
. -i4ir.,m ,. ,,( ,,!,,,
"i 1 H r tpn.
lli I 11 SiHmU.i
,. ima r i-
1 I mi, a, Mi, y Hi
I'I" .! I t IH...
I lit.-a sit l.t pn4M , , .,,
M,"l 1 11V A CM -;i
lk-ts.1 I'MIl A l4.- Ml.
" X ''""I'm r ...i 1n pm
. . SI I Kill t tlllT., . . till HI ....
MiMViiivA I'.Mini-.'htri;;
U-lHii l .lli ,.,,.1 IV ... ... V
- . - -......(iihiiii
' ' I'm 1 si I'mi I l.,,li..,l i
I 1 Mil-. I
I'limlis I
t Maim
. pinl
I .cave.
I llllllllil
II H Hilt
I 11 a am
I i jn im
'Zl . ':r"-'l f ill e-tiileas H e until paid; losnlKfy u tarai'i y It,";,!.
pros rly of Ihe said Anion F, I'uknniv. I... cnt Homnaiiy llie mom ,f in,,.., ."i. i .,
" I lOIMl IHti l.t.l. . ... . ""'i'""
The w...i .......i,.i, ... 1 . i.'.ii V." ' " ' '." r'yli'e and .11,.,
i.i.s k Hve.t.i a .7:.v... .. . v.7: .ui, i -r.....;.:..:r'": ""i' ","-si ..n iiii ..f
to ti... en . i-1 ,4,,,. 1,,. . .. ...i i .... . r:...7.v.. ry v. i'f cent
ii uie eiiy in umaliii; and lot elulit ,hi P'-r aiiuiim from tlm litli dny of Mnv A ii
hhvksixiy,,,,,!,,,!,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, Im,,.,,,,, .hi. ,.,,.., ;,.? A,ON
S yl'IIW' :"V: "f ""r and y;''-;r.!l.,M- to a ludwim-m reti.le," f,y' ,"
oVl..-k " fl 'lli dayofdeplemlH.r. lsn:, at In ' 'Mrlc ,, of ., Kw inly. lu
So.'. i::.!.l ;!,.l'.f,lll.)';"1 "'!' Mm,! ? '' lenn. A. ll. Im,. .....-..'.i.' actl m
Sheriff's Siile.
I'V vliiue of nn ,,i-,l... .,r i ... i.
... iiisirn-t ,,,,, f- i'n7h.; ,;, tv ' nS:
bra.ka. and lo ili.... i,.,i i m '.. .V..:
llayof Henu.inh..r. A ll . i, ." . "'"
of said day. al Ihe KAST front ,,Nir of i l.o
coimlycouit hou.e. In II,., ,.y f Omaha.
inuiKiaa coiiiny. ,i.iraskii. II ,,i ., 1,11,1
ie i.,oH-rty desi-rllMMl In nalil onlt
iwiliir)"!, Ml ;
nuci ton Hi,-
of sale as
Sheriffs Sale
Hy virtue of an order of sale lsui.t f
the District court of Hou'liis con Ne
braska, and to me directed, i wilt, oiaotn
day of Auitust. A. P. WHS. at lOoVlix-a. of
said day, at the KAST front doo the
county court house In the city ofahn,
lloiiirlas county, Nebraska, sell ulillo
auction the liro'perty described In i-rdar
of sale as follows, to-wit : . . t
Lots number three (11) vt,.four (4)Jlock
inimber three CI) In Arm.'lir I'liu-e, nldl
tlon to the city of Houth Omaha.iKlas
county, state of Nebraska; also an i ldnd
one-third (!n) Interest In and to lumber
Ihlrly-seven (37), tlilrly-elulit (tfo i:orty
(401, In Luke and Tnmpleton'i addllJ the
city of Omaha. DoiiicIim cotiity. stf Ne-
lirasKtt! hhki properly ui niiisoni jibit
iilleo the sum oiree ireii,
,.,,., 1.,,, .Ii.kll r.,.. i.tu'l. !,..,
Wesson the 241 h day of June, A. 1), 1HH2, and
shall endure until 12 o'clock m. on tbo 1st
day of .lime, A. 1). 11117, unless sooner dis
solved accordliiK to law.
(I. The highest amount of Indebtedness
Which this corporation shall at any time
subject Itself shall not exceed ifkMHJ, except,
for tho purpose of furnishing hulls, when It
shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital
7. Tim iiffalm of this corporat ion shall be
conducted by a board of six directors, and
by a president, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer, to be elected as provided for lu
the by-laws of the association.
In witness whereof wu liavo hereunto sub
scribed our names.
Dated at Omaha, Neb., .Iitne 24, Isli2,
William Yiipnii,
A. M HiiTl.mi,
(1. (J, Dknnis,
N-12-4 J. II. l'l.ANAIIAN.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the dlHtrlct court of PoiikIiin county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will on the lilt It
day of Heiit,ember A. D. IW2. at 10 o'clock A. M
of said day, at the KAHT front door of Ihe
couniy court house, In the city of Omaha,
HcmuliiH county, Nebraska, sell at liubllc
auction the property described In Bald order
of sale its follows, to-wlt:
Lot number eluht (Hi in block number two
(2), In Hherwood I'lirk addition to the city of
Omaha, as the same was laid out, platted
and recordnd, hnlnu n snli-illvlslon of blocks
ten (10) and eleven (11) lu Lowe's second addi
tion to Omaha.all In Doitulas county, stale of
Nebraska, said property to be sold to satisfy
Casper K. Yost the sum of thirteen hundred
and thirty-three and iin-itm dollars Kl,;i:iii,;ini,
with Interest thereon lit tale of ten (10) per
cent, per annum from Mayllth, Is02; tosatlsfy
Casper K. Yost the further sum of one hun
dred, fourteen and .m-loo dollars (ifll4.;iil),
with Interest thereon at rale of seven (7) per
cent, tier milium from May nth, sl; to sat
isfy Kmeisoti L, Htono, William I. hlersleiid
and Himih.l, Dewey, executors and executrix,
the sum of Iwo thousand, seven hundred
t wenty-seven and 48-lno dollars (2,727.4s) with
Interest thereon at rate of six (11) per cent,
per annum from May Dili, INIC': until paid,
and seveuly-oiio and lill-lim i71.l dollars
costs, with Interest thereon from the Di li day
of May, A. D. 102, topi her wit h accrulnn
costs a rillntf to a Juduinent rendered by
the District court of said Douitlas county,
at Its May lerm, A, D. IsiC, In a certain action
then ami there pondlnii, wherein Casper K.
Yost was plaint Hi, and Kdwln 11, Hherwood
and others were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska, Auuiix) 8, I8'.f.
Kberllf of Doitulas County, Nebraska.
W, W. Morsman, attorney, 8.-I2-A
Sl.criff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court for Doiiiflns county. Neb
raska, ami to mc directed. I will on the Mill
day of Heiilember. A.D. I)2, lit lOo'clock a.m.
of said dny, at the KAHT front door of thn
county court house, In the city of Omaha,
Douiflas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the pi-oprrty described In said order
of sale us follows, to-wlt :
"Lot number iilnn, (III, In block number
two (21 In Hherwood I'ai-k Addltllon to the
city of Omaha, us the miiuii Is lit 1.1 out. platt
ed and recorded, belmi a sub-dlvlslon of
blocks ten, (10) and eleven (III. Lowe's second
Addition lo (ininliii. all In Douitlas c. unit v.
Htale of Nebraska." Hald property lo be
sold lo satisfy Ca.iper K, Yost (he' sum of
thirteen hundred, tlilrl v-iln-ci. and :ill-iio
dollars. it.:UI.:i;i. with Interest thereon al
the rale of ten (10) percent per milium from
May llth, lHH2i lo satisfy Casper K, Yost, the
furl her sum of one hundred, two and ln-imi
dollars, lH.iii. with Inti'icst thereon at the
rale of seven ("I per cent per aniiuiii from
May llth, ISH2; to satisfy llome
Company the sum of Iwo t IioumiuiiI. eluht
hundred, sixty-six and lil-lildolliirs!.iii
with liileiest thereon at the rate of six, (111
per cent per annum from May 1Mb, IHH2, ami
Hlxty-fluhl and ;H-lno ittw.ltl) dollars cimts,
will, Interest thereon from the mh day of
May, A. D. Is',i2, totellier with accruing costs
accordliiK to a liidtimenl. rendered liy the
District court of said Douuliis county, at. Its
May term, A. D. Istrj, In a tiiln action then
mill (here iii-mlln'. wherein Casper K. Yost
was ill 1 1 1 ii 1 1 IT ami Kdwln II. Sherwood. Hher
wood 1'ark IIiiMiIIiik Association and others
were defendants
Omaha, Nebraska. August Htli. lsi-2.
HherllTof Douulas County, Nebraska.
W, W. Morsman, Attorney. S-12-.i
A ' A N T K D l'l ace lo work mornlnir
" evenlna for board, by yoiintf mini,
dress "fiO" this olllee.
.III ....'! llllll llll'l II I.U II Oil t.Ollli
dayof May, A. 1). IH02, until paid, ar,
three and till-100 (Hkvl.tU) dollars costsj.nVFO
terest thereon from the Dili day of tiliiffkn,.
lHti2.toirel.hnr with iiccriilnn costs accordlnu
to a .ludirment rendered by t lie (1 1st i let. court
of said DoiiKlas county, at Its May term, A,
il. I HI 12, In a certain action then and there
pendlutt, wherein Kdward II. llowlaml and
Louis llratlford were pliiliitllls ami Charles
I). Heldeu ami others were (li'tViidantH,
Omaha, Nebraska, July 7, Is'.i2.
Hherllfof Douglas County, Net),
Lane and Hlaliauuh, attorneys. 7-8-5
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sain Issued out of
the Dist rict Court for Doiijflas Couniy. Ne
braska, and to mn directed, I will, on the ;nilh
day of AuKtisI, A.D., sti2, at lOo'clock A. M. of
said day. at the KAHT front, door of the
County Court House, In the City of Omaha,
Dotmlas County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the properly described lu said wider
of sain as follows, to wit:
The mist forty-four (44) feet of lot three (!l)
In block seventy-live (75) lu the city of
Omaha, as surveyed and llthouraplicd, all In
DoiiKlas county, state of Nebraska, to sal Isfy
Omaha Havlnus Hank t he sum of live thous
and forty-four Wl-KK) dollars (t.li44.IHl) Judg
ment, Willi Interest thereon at elhl, (8) per
cent, per annum from May II. A, D. Islll, until
paid, and thirty-two and s-um dollars (t:i2.0H)
costs, with Interest I hereon at eluht (HI per
cent, per annum from the llth day of May,
A. D, bid. until paid, toiiether Willi mrruliiK
costs accordlnu lo a liidument rendered by
the district court of said DoukIus cou lis
May term, A. D, tstil, In acerlaln action then
and there lietnlliiK, wherein Omaha Havlnus
Hank whs plalntlir and Warren C, Van Iter
Voort, Myrl le A. Van Der Voort, Alon.o H.
Dort. 1,11 1 1 11. I lorl , defemlauts,
Omaha, Nebraska, July 211, IsW,
HherllTof I louitlas County, Nebraska,
Kriincts W. Wcssclls, altortiey. 7 20-5
Omaha Havlnits Hank vs, Vim Der Voort.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of nn order of sale Issued out of
thn'Dlstrlct Court for Douglas County, Ne
braska, ami to me directed, I Will on the 2ilrd
day of Auuusl. A, I), sli2, til 10 o'clock, A. M.,
of said day, lit the Kast front door of Ihe
Couniy Court House, lu the Cliy of Omaha,
Doutrliis County, Nebraska, sell at. public
auction the properly described In said order
of sale as follows, lo-wlti
Lot number ten (III) lu block number two
(2), C, K. Mayne's Hist addition lo the town
of Valley, as surveyed, platted and recorded
III Ihe county of DoiikIiis, and state of Ne
braska, to satisfy .1 ui'.ili Morlensou and Har
rison Heulmier Ihe sum of two hundred
Iwenly-oiie ami In-Ion dollars, with
lulerest. I hereon finn the llrsl day of I'ebrii
ary, A. D. lsH2, until jinld: and t lilrty-nliie
an'd t.l-Inn dollars i, costs, with Interest
thereon from the llrst day of lebruary, A. D.
sH2, together with accralnu costs accordliiK
lo a Juilumenl. tniidered by the dlslrlct court
of sa'lil DoiikIiis county, al Its l-chruary term,
A. D. Isn2, In a certain action then and there
pemllnit, wherein Jiicoli Morleiisoti and Har
rison lli-iiliini-r were ii I ii I ii i Ill's and Clifton K,
Mayiii' and others del hints.
Omaha, Nebraska, July 21, Isirj.
HherllTof DoiikIiis County, Nebraska,
(irciroi.y, Day and Day, attorneys. 7-22-1.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sain Issued out of
the district court of Doiiulas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on thn blth
(lay of Heiilember, A. D., 102. at lOo'clock a.
in. 'of sulci (lay. al the KAHT front door of the
county couri house, In the city of Omaha.
I ulas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described lu said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt :
"Lois numbered thirteen (Clliind fourteen
(I4. In block fouri4i of Luke View as sur
veyed, platted mid recorded In Doimlas
county, stale of Nebraska." Hnld property
lo be sold lo .ntliCy C. K. lireenvkood the "inn
of seven hundred, forty-four and itl-lim dol
larsiiW4.;cii wild Inleresl thereon from May
1Mb. IWi-J. until paid, and thlrty-lhrcc and
s-ii iSU.'.si dollars costs, with Inlere.l l here
on from (he 1Mb (lay of May. A. D.. Is!'2. to
ilet her with ncci-ulnu a irdliuf to a
ludirment rcmlcied by the dlslrlct court of
mh It DoiikIiis couniy. at Its May term. A. D-.
Is!i2, In a ccrtaUi action then and there iii-nd-Inir.
wherein I. I-', (in-enwood was plaint In.
and IJira M. I.ialuim. Kdwiu 11. lirnliam ami
Kmll lielber wetv defi ndnnts.
Omaha, Nebraska. Auuu-I sih. IsiiJ.
HherllTof Domrlns County, NehraskB.
Hcrnard Dolnn, attorney. S-li-ft
Krank A. 1'hllleo the sum o
eleven and 80-100 dollars I
est thereon at rate of elRl 1 P'
annum from the Dili flay of Jiiiy
until paid, and fortv-eluht and
dollars costs, with Interest thcr;i
.... .1 t 1 lulMI .....-'U
mil nay oi in ay i . i"i'j;'
eriniiK cos!., iii-i-iuuina ,vjr cnio
dered by Ihe illstrlttt j'Tf A. Ii '
county, at Its May fj lJ:-im (M
iction i uen aiic v-won from
l-jiiu I,,!. W,i.
said Dnmlii.
1 81 12. In . ......
idlnu. win. fill..
"". J'l'lWJl. M
'''-, '... ' OMIIWS'.jVk JS
1 .j.rJObf DouKbmV.uniy.
Andrew liuviim. at torney.
I'liiiiha. DoiiKliiscmiiily. Nebraska, sell said
.i i.f ... iiii'MM- iiiii'ii.iii o uie highest
bidder for cash, or so much of ,t as may be
in 1 1 ..ii ry in Himsry said execution, the
. ' " "''inn lour hundred, six
J , ' "rH 'f""'-1' """'f-"'H. and three
in ,t.-(i(l.lollarsl.;i.', costs, with Interest on
both of said iimounlsat ten (iniper cent, tier
Him, mi f,.,.,., ,i... .ii... .i . . i.'
i.Vn . .. I . . 1 o11.' "1 nilKIIS!,, A. II.
isill.toite t her lth live n ml 4iM(miu,llara(!tV..4iii
.... i.-nm-., , ami ll '-i ll l ii tr costs.
Omaha. Nebraska. August in, s:i
. , '"'';o",JK A. HKNNETT,
HherllTof DoukIhh County. NebniMka
i.i iMiiiiiii unti iieruman. attorneys. 8 12-5
All the pnriofUm soiiih-wi-a iiuartfrV )
of Ihe .out Ii.i.umi 4... .44 .i . 1 . . . '
Tllll was plalnlllV and MIHou I-' iyM, Mry "'Irly-slx cull, iwn-hlp II f I .m-i, , in noMl,'V.f
M Hoy's and others def hu.ts. riiniie twelve ,l:.'i ea.t, that lh,iua!,., iwV4t'
Omaha, Nebraska. Aiurum , sn2. of I he center of (he Little I'aiilllliin Creak In
sit. u, J'KlifiliK A. HKNNETT. '"ukIiis couniy. Nebraska, wi.-.i ,,d eice.?
n..ii . ,, '''''jnof Douglas Couniy, N,.), that porlloii between thn ceiiier llm.o?sa
Sheriffs Sale.
Hull, McCulloch KmtllHli. II f IllfhllUu
Sheriffs Sa.TeTT"
Hy virtue of nn nril..i4 ,,r 4.1,1., i. ..... . .
the District Court of DoiikIiis county. No-
'i(iir., i nil 1 1 1 il ii' ii i rt.i Mini i tin i ..... ii... mn.
ly "f Heplen ', A. D.. WHal. lilo'chK-k a!
in. ri rofiiii iiiiv, II I. I.lllt H. I n I' rmml .1. ..... .1...
Couniy Court House, In Ihe clly of Omaha,
I tin illllllt'V. 111 ll-ILNK H. ail 1 1 I I itnl. I..
HIII'IION UlC IHDIM'I'IV (l.-Mikiilh.,,! l tolil
i - 1 1 ' m mini ui uur
t'i rum- Ilrl lllinrVVN, U"Wlll I
Wk iiml tliwcHt IliM'ofHi,. rltflitnf wuf licit Aii0 Kunwiiy. uiiii -niiS
L'l u.'t-ns atfrtLut i a .. J.l
nml osiropi, nori h two (2) h.-t.-
IlKIM 1l WHY. I'fHII.IIIll I flu- Mil
or Ichn; h)hi h tnict of 1ikI ,.,
jMtliii- In Um miUr of tho Ut
IIIIIMH KlWIlSh 111 roiiftiutri fin r-..
ui. liKMicii went, Hloiiir tins nnvt i I
I.. ....... I. 1.4 i ". .. . .. ' "
1 1 m itiiii 1 1; 1 1 iti ri.i'ori imi tn I im .
i in nri lM l III flOnil-HltMI, lillHI'fii-t(l. I
ono (l, lowiishln f(MirrHn(U). tXtvtU
iinsirl it, Issued by I rtnik K. Moores, c erk ,2' 1,1 Moe s sub-dlvlslon In I he ell v of Omaha 1 hencti easl lo tin nir of I Int., I'm
.d ,'',.,I.',,,,J!" "'"".? .f 'I"!?1"." HUH-of NT'liraska as Creek, thein'e 'norHmrly dl, M
us! hk i.i a
. .....111
4 .,,,,,,,
1 norlh
fif anld
of the
... n ii-,, i, ,,, i ,1, I'liiii i v ci in,. i r,,,, 44 .,,,,, (in, i i'u nil o recorneii h i.i ..4...
AikUi'i isifflrr". r"""!y: "? '' "Ih day of I ''rt.V to be sold to sat Isfy O, K. Oreenwood the
A It'll, INII2, in trim. cr nl i,t 1. 1.. I. 1,4.1..... sum of fl rt I,,,, I ii.i.. , . , .... . ",
r.?HrJil?Sl!l,!!lJ,,!f ArHI' lm' hu,y "'' 1,,'H,I'5:",'M,W"'" "iteVesltflereo , at e ghl,
HIKI (llH'ketllvXil I lie rllul .1,-1 ...... 4., ...1. t.i IS lull' eel ,,.,4. n ,,..... .1 ..... ....... 'S"-
for .iii.t ...... .. 7-v vV,,.,,. ,,,, anil ".y--e, .......... .......,. mn, tin
v.i... .j i.i "' ' " "or 01 Andrew Kiiev, V" "'"i i weniy-onn,
,,..44,11,1 iiiinj mm iicruanl T 11. Ill lev Ill-ill 11. r.
llllev dolmr
Thomas Cs,.,, , ';iv' ,
low nMescr lK.,1 PHl(4w ,',, ,.' ,'; '
of thn KalilTliiiMiaii Haativ. tn.wlt.. 1 '
k. e ii ...'' . " " .
iisciui ssub-dlvlslon of Iota
ilixiy-iiiur (H4I III Pi. K.
'ikiitioma, anu inn soutli
nil llieeasl I'lulity-elKlit
(SK 117-1(1(1)
f Vr:
If.. 'U
rilll'l Itnrl V ,ll......liii
the center of said Creek to tli luilnt nl
KlnnlliK. excent a triu-i of hni.l (In v (.Mil i
wide on eiich side nriin, i.i..i,i,.i n'nn ,,r i
Omaha Hell Hallway ComiiBnV'llinitiKh sal
premises, In DoiikIiis iwiunl v. Nebraska. To
satisfy, llrsl outof Hie proceeds of the sale of
i nn saui "i iiici. oi land commcnciiiK at a
1 !,.
1 1
VI! (61 Kf
sixty-three (tl;,
HoKer'a I'lat of
seventy-four (74)!,,
bl Kltrltl u.un.,,...
feet ofloUlxty-lli')
i Jk
a. m. of oka-, ay '
sfti WliSunt dii"ilioreon
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued outof
(he DlHtrlct Court-of Douglas County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will mi the ,'Kith
day of AuKiist, A. D. IW12, at Ido'chs-k a. M.of
said day, at, I he KAHT front door of tho
County Court House. In Ilia City of Omaha,
DoukIus County, Nebraska, sell at public
nun Ion the properl y described In said order
of sale as follows, lo-wll :
The west forty-seven (47) feet of Iota num
ber twenty-three (211) and twenty-four (24), In
block number seven (?), In llaiisconi I'lace, as
surveyed, platted and recorded, toKother
with all Ihe appurtenances thereunto beloiiK
biK, all in DoiikIiis county, and stale of Ne
braska, lo sin Isfy Nebraska HiivIiiks and
KxchaiiKc Hank tlie sum of seven hundred
sixty and 7-100 dollars ifiim.n") JiiilKiiienl.
with Interest thereon at ten (10) per cent,
per annum from May lllh, A. D, Isnl, until
paldt and thirty-t wo and 'iS-uxiiiollaiN (Vij.Ts)
costs, with Interest thereiin from the
Dili day of May, A. D. IHtu. until paid,
toKcther with accruliuf costs ac
cordliiK to a , 1 1 r 1 tr 1 1 1 1 n l. rendered hy the
dlslrlct court of said DoiikIiis county, at Its
May term, A. D. lsi, In a certain action
then and there pemllnti, Wherein Nebraska
Kn vum and KxcliatiKi! Hank Is plalntllf, and
A lc 1 1 It ce, H, W. Masters and H, 1', (Iroat. are
Omaha, Nebraska. July 1h, IMC.
Hherln" of DoiiKlas County, Neb.
Dexter L. Thomas, attorney.
Nebraska Havings and KxchunKU Hank vs'
Klcii, et al. 7-2D-B
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
tin Mslrlct court of DoiikIiis county, Neb
riia. and to me directed, I will on the .tot It
day of AitKust. A. D. Isti2, at lOo'chs-k a.m. of
said day, at the KAHT front door of the
couniy court house, In the city of Omaha,
DoiiKlas county, Nebraska, M il lit public
auction tho property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt;
Lot twelve (12), III block ten )0), In I'lnln
vlew, an addition lo Ihe city of Omaha, us
surveyed, platted and recorded, all In DoiiK
las county, slate of Nebraska; said property
to be sold tosatlsfy Omaha Nat lonal flunk,
the sum of seventeen hundred, thirty and
20-100 dollars (l.7:m.2i)) with Interest, thereon
from MV tub, Isl2, until paid, mid Ihliiy-one
and s;-iin irKll.KI) dollars costs, with Interest
I l,i-i- i fi- the 1Mb day of May, A. I). I:i;,
toKcthor with uecruliiK costs itccorilluK to a
jiidKuient rendered by the Dlst rlct court, of
said DoukIus couniy, at lis May term, A. D.
MI2, In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein the Omiihii National Hank was
philutltr. and H. N. Hell and A. Mary Hell
were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, July Jsth, wrj,
Sheriff of DoiikIiis County, Nebraska.
(IrcKory, Day and Day, attorneys. 7-20-.1
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District Court for DoiikIiis County, Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will on tfielHUli
(In y of AuKiist A.D. Ihh2, at lOo'clock A.M.
of said day. at the KAHT frontdoor of the
County Court House, In the City of Omaha,
DoiiKlas County, Nebraska, sell at public
auction the property described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt i
The east one-half C,i of lot thlrty-clKlit (IIS)
In llorbacb's (list addition ti the city of
Oniiilia, as surveyed, plall"d and recorded In
DoukIus county, state of Nebraska. Hnld
property lo be sold to sal Isfy the Omaha
Loan mill Trust Company s Havlnit Hank the
sum of three thousand eluht hundred forty
elKht and 4i-lnoiolliirs (; with Interest
t hereon at rule of ten lllh per cent, per an nil in
from I c hruary tub. Is'.il.and the furl her sum
of one thousand and clKhly-sIx anil 40-tno
dollars (l,(NI.4(ii with Interest I hereon m rate
of nine Oil per cent, per annum from l-'ebruatv
Htli. Istl, until piild. and foity-one and 4;i-li'i
dollars i.4l 4JII costs, wllli Inters!- thereon
from the llth dny of l-'ebriinry, A. D. IN'.il, tn
Kdlicr with accriiliiK costs accordliiK lo a
liulKinent rendered by the District court of
DoiikIiis county, at lis I'elii nary term, A D.
Isnl. In a cert n In act Ion t hen anil I here tieml
Iiik. wherein ihe Omaha Loan ami Trust
Ll'mnpiiny's H ink was pliilnl I ll. and Edward
('. KrllliiK. 1 riincls Mela Kt llliln and others
were iliTi'inhilils.
Omaha. Nebraska. Jnlv 2s. Isir'.
HherllTof DoiikIiis Couniy. Nebraska.
Tunnlcllir A 1'iiKe, attorneys. ''!-!
) of H. K, KoKers 1'bi.t
oiliily of DoiikIiis and
,'.1 t win on inn uiiii
iiiociis'K a, m. of
int. door of Iho
IV of Dmiihn.
raska, sell said real
the hlKhest. bidder
eeullon, the
wo hundred.
;o I
lllV.,1,,,,- III,.! !! II.I ,,l ll'l,
dollars costs, with lm...-...i: n,,.. ,.,..Z,
lit u (lay of May, A. D. Isltt, ,okc her with ac. Point, In (he center of the Little I'aullllon
!i I",?.('"H,.H H'ordliiK to- JudKtiient, ren- Creek whrrn said Creek crosses the north i
... .... .... 1.1,1, (Fini-U'l. I Hill . (l Mill,. I ,1 III,, I ,,u I II, I, I fir lil.llUII II Ti ,11 u 4. I., I 4... ...,. ......I...
... i." . . . !? " "yi 104 n. it. isirj, m a cer- (is), tiienitn west. nloiiK the north Hue of an d
...I... it , . ' ----"'.. ,1, n. ,:,,- I I I -41, I',.' II,,,' 44 4 41. (.I, FIIK I. ,1,1 lllll 1,11 ill, II, Hl.lll
til III lli-l loll t lien iiiiil 1 1,,, I i ,..,.,...,1.1.. r ,n, ... .1 ., .
(1 Ii' I ' .. 4., ...i 1 1 .V.4. 1' """"'ill .""iiniiii; i.'iii ""-ii 11.1. hi i nn iiori.ii-wesb
ii..... 1 "'""" "'" 110100.111, ami Alton u.
Hevnolds and .,.,n Reynolds were defeml
inahii, Nebraska, August, 8th, s'i-
' lo ,, . ,iKul"'K A, HKNNKTT.
n Hhiirin f DuuhIum county, Nehrnka.
Itwiiarii iNtlah, attorney. n-itl
Sheriff! Sale.
i.!.n"l.,';,li'1 'y, flf'.un of an execution on
J'.tV i.T. .0" ' 1rH"'"1 h" K"" E. Moores, clerk
l.. ... 1 11 c ni 11, or iMiiir im county, Nn-
- Vlilrty-lbreeiiiiil IU-KI dollars
iikcs iindroyr ami 40-100 (loini,
with IntereHl on both of said 11
the llth (lay of April, 1MI2, toKel hk
iindim HKI il.lin He costs
cruliiK costs.
Omaha, Nebraska. AuKiist
(iKO ill
HherllTof DoiiKlas Count v. Nebraska,
Cornish and Itobert.siiii, attorneys, 8-12-fi
1,4,., . i. .. ...... .,,4.. I'uuui. i:iniiii.y, lie-
raska upon a JndKineur,, or",u. count J ' court
M.. fI'.,,:,N,lll'.r,,0""J'V. on the 21st, day of
SiW ?11!1'' w,'l,' JudKinenl
ami docketed In-'-fi,',
and for said ,
K A. ItKNNKTT. Frank JlV'V. I
wason (III) s.lrd (lit fo a mli. (Miw.'lnltf Hied
lll'flin ill.trli'l. ciiii'l. within
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district, court, of DoukIus couniy, Ne
braska, and to me directed, J will, on the llllh
day of Heptember, A, D, IHH2, at lOo'clock a. m.
of said day, at, the KAHT front door of thn
county court house, lu the city of Omaha,
DoiikIiis couniy, Nebraska, sell at public,
auction the properly described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
The north I wenly-elKht (2HI feet of lot. two
(21, lu block six III), fat rick's llrst addition to
the clly of Omaha, In DoiikIiis county, stale
of Nebraska, said property lobe sold to sat
isfy the Kochesler Loan and lliinkliiK Com
pany the sum of nineteen hundred, sixty
three dollars (fl.WH.iid) with Interest thereon
lit the rate of cIkIiI (SI percent per annum
from May Htli, Isii2 until paid, ami thirty-two
and ft. Inn (:.!) dollar costs, with Interest
thereon from thn III h (lay of May, A. 1) IW12.
toKct her with accriiliiK costs accordliiK to a
.ludKinent rendered by I he district court of
said DouKlaseouiity, at Its May term. A. D
Isii2, In acerlaln action then and lliern poiid
I11K, wherein the Kochttslcr Loan and Hank
I11K Company was plaint Iff, and Henry K,
Kalney, James II, I'arrotle, The DoiiKlas
County Hank and others were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska, AuKiist 8th. IWi-J.
HherllTof DoukIus county, Nebraska,
James II. Macoiuber, attorney, 8-12-R
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of 11 11 order of sale Issued out. of
the District court of DoiikIiis county, Neb,,
and lo me directed, I will on the lilth day of
Heplember, A. D. sH2. at. Ibo'clock a. 111. of said
day, at the KAHT frontdoor of Ihe county
court house, In the clly of Omaha, DoiikIiis
county, Nebraska, selfat public auction the
properly described lu said order of sale as
follows, lo-wll: fifteen, (1.5), In block one (I) In Millard
I'lace In the city of Omaha (is surveyed,
plaited and recorded, all In DoukIus couniy.
stale of Nebraska." Hald proM ity lo be sold
to sal Isfy Omaha HiivIiiks Hank, the sum of
two thousand, six hundred, sixty-seven and
20-I0(ldollars, I2,ilil7,2(i) with Interest (hereon
at Ihe rate ofelKht (HI per cent is-r annum
from May lull, M12, until paid, ami twenty
six and ;u-lmii'Iii.,liidiilliiiscosis, with Inter
est thereon from the III lid 11 y of May. A.D.
IhW, loKclher with accriiliiK rosin according
lo 11 .luilKiiicnt rendered by the District court
of said DoukIhs couniy, at Its May
term, A. D. Isi2, In a certain action then and
there pi-iidliiK. wherein Omaha HiivIiiks
Hunk was plaint lit', and David Huchanan
and others were Jefemlnnls.
Omaha. Nebraska. August s. IS'.iJ.
Hherlff of DoiikIiis County, Nebraska.
1'. W. Wcssclls. attorney. s-12-5
Sheriff's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an execution Issued
by Krank K. Moores, clerk of Ihe dlslrlcl
court of DoiikIiis county, Nebraska, upon a
ludKinent of said court at Its May lerm, A.
D. Ism, In favor of Joel W. West, appellant,
and iiKalnst Van I 'eel Hrothers. a co-purl-neishlp
composed of John and Jacob Van
1'eei. appellees. I have levied upon the fol
IowIiik described real est ate as Ihe properly
of the said John Van I'eet and Jacob Van
1'eel, respectively, to-wlt :
Lot II ft een il'ii In bliH-k six teem 111) In Cent nil
I'aik. an adilltlon to the clly of Omiiha. In
the county of DoiikIiis and stale of Nclimska,
and lot tin lily (Jill In I'dhiim I'lace. an addi
tion to t he clt y of Omaha. In the county of
DoiikIiis, and state uf Nebraska, and 1 will
on the Ii (lay of HeptemlN-r. IstrJ. at III
o'clock 11. m. of said day. at (he KAHT front
door of the county court house lu the clly of
(iiiiiiliii. DoiikIiis county. Nebraska, sell said
real estate nl public auction to the hlKhest
bidder for cash, or so much thereof as mliy
tie necessary to satisfy said execution, the
amount due thereon' ladiiK three hundred
ami llfty dollars it i'ii'.Odi .ludKinent. ami tlfty
flve anil i:i-lm dollars costs, with Interest Tin
both of Niild amounts from the Hi It dny of
May. A. D. Isn2. loud her with accriiliiK costs.
Omaha. Nebraska. AukiisI II. s'i-..
Hlicrlir of DoukIus Count v. Neb.
Joel V. West, attorney. H-'lJ-l
erty of
Of DolIK
linly) In favor of Andrew
icy. ana iiernnru r. imcy,
islmwa under) the II rm name
ISrotlierii, and atcalnst
1... .... I.J l,.,l ,4,4..,, I 1,14
''"l lS-d real est l iiat he prop-
1'iWm V1 rank O Hufirke, to-wlt:
li-eil (Ml of J Islx (II) of Capitol
Mlhii city of OfSJsf ia, In the Couniy
is, and stalo of Nebraska, and 1
will on the lllth day of Heptember, lsl, at, 10
o'clock a. 111. of said day at the KAHT front
door of the county court house, In tho city
of Omaha. DoiikIiis county, Nebraska, sell
said real estate at public auction to the
hlKhest bidder for cash, lit satisfy said ex
ecution, the 11 m 111 11 1 (1 1 11. tiiereon heliiK two
hundred, seventy and MI-KKl dollars (4270 .(ill)
diiiiiiiKcs and four ami Vi-IU) dollar (iM.70)
costs, with Interest nn both of said amount
from thej-lst dayof March, lsir2, toKcthor with
one and (Ki-KK) dollars il.0) the costs of In
crease and accriiliiK costs,
Omaha, Nebraska, AukiisI 11, IH02.
HherllT of DoiikIiis county, Nebraska,
Cornish and Hohertson. alb-irnc ys, 8-12-5
Sheriffs Sale.
tinder and by virtue of an execution on
transcript Issued by Krank K. Moores, clerk
of Ihedlslrlct courtof DoiikIiis county, Ne
braska, upon a JuilKinentof OeorKn K.OIbson
a Justice of the I'eiice In and for said county,
on Ihe lllh (lay of July, ls!i2,u transcript of
which judKmenl. was on the Ullh day of July,
IMI2, duly filed and dis-keu-d In the dlslrlct,
court within and for said countyi In favor of
John II. I'uray and Krank J. McArdle, ami
iiKiilnst Kdward HlrliiKer. I have levied up
on t he fol IowIiik described real estate as the
projierty of the said Kdward HtrltiKnr, Ui-wlt:
"Lot, elKht (8 In block ten dm In K. V.
Hmlth'a addition totheclty of Omaha, In the
coiimyof DoukIus and suite of N'ebraslia,"
and I will on the lllth day of Heplember, Isir!,
at. lOo'clock a. 111, of said day, at the KAsT
front door of the county court house In the
city of Omaha, DoiikIiis county. Nebraska,
sell said real eslateat public auction to ihe
hlKhest bidder for cash, lo satisfy said execu
tion, the amount due thereon heliiK thirty
five and 117-lun dollars if lA,H7) damiiKcs, and
two and (KI-HKldollars costs with Interest 011
both of said amounts from the 1 41 Ii dayof
July, ls',2, toKcther wit h one and K-lKidol-lars
fgl.a'ij the co.tsof Increase and accruing
Omaha, Nebraska, July 11, 1Mi?.
Hherlff of DoukIus County, Nebraska.
Cornish and Hohertson, attorneys, s-12-5
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an execution Issued by Frank
K. Moores. clerk of the District court of
DoiikIiis couniy, Nebraska, ujsin a JudKmenl,
rendered on tin' I1III1 day of July, ls'.il, by
John H. Morrison, a Just Ice of the iieace, lu
and for said county, In favor of the Larlz
Wall I'aper Co., anif iiKiilns! Joseph C. Christ -ensen
and John (,'. Chrlstensen, a transcript
of which JiiiIkiiii-iiI whs on the 12th day of
AukiisI, ls'.il. duly tiled and docketed in the
district court within and for said county, 1
have levied upon the followliiK described
real estate as the properly of John C.
ChrlsU'iisen. lo-wll :
The east one-hiilf CJi of lol thirteen (IIP,
block live (,n, Lincoln l'l In the city of
(Ininliii. lloiiKliiscouiitv, slate of Nebraska,
and I will on the tllli (lay of Heplemher. A.
D. ls!C at III o'clock a. m.. at the KAHT front
door of the county court house. In the city
of 1 111111I111. DoukIus couniy. Nebraska, sell
said real estate at public auction lo the
hlKhest bidder for cash, to satisfy snld exe
cution, the amount, due thereon belnK one
hundred, lift v-elnht and liMimdolhirs ii,v..i17i
damiiKi. three and 20-I'm dollars iSI.'.Hi costs,
will. Interest on both of said amounts at 10
percent per annum from July HI. 101, to
Kcther with six and 411-MO dollars In
creased costs and accruing costs.
Omiilm. Nebraska. AukiisI s, s(r.
(ll-Xi((.K A HKNNKTT.
N-I2-.1 Hhcrlll of DoukIus Couniy. Neb.
MlfMO AIIDC Pi LO"TiirPllLllk
RIAUlu UUnC n AKiiooDi ...
n4 MMIKII ItRHII.I I V, Hiiliai
toil oil Ml4. KITmu of fcrron tr tiMtit
CM Tob Rokut. Haklo ni"illOfl
fully IU.wr4 W. umili ry mm
moamj rftia4ad Pnta ky Mil Sft "7
t..i4. nota . i.r- .Lram vwm auii.i
OU., Omtmhm,
corner af tlm north-east (luarler (-4) of sec
tion one (I), township fourteen (14), north of
ruiiKii twelve (12) east, thence south sixteen
11ml nlKhlv-one oiin-hiniilrcdiliu HA si. 11. 11
chains, thence east to the center of Little
raplllioin reeK, thence in a northerly direc
tion, up tint center of said Creek to the poln
, except act-land llfty !
1... ,, l. tide of tlm lor..i..,i 11.1.. ,,f
the Omaha Iir-ii idillm ay Comnnnv 1 11 ri 11, uh
said premises In DoiikIiis couniy. Nebraska,"
Dexter L, I human the sum of seventeen
hundred and sixty dollars ( l7(Ki.(xn with in.
terest thereon from May llth, 181)2, at, ralfl of
filKhl 18) per cent, per annum; to satisfy
I'rederlck hruK the sum orelKlileen hundred
Ihlrty-elKht mid 78-lni) dollars (Is:i8.7hi with
Interest thereon at tho rain of ten (Id) per
cent, per annum from May llth, 1KD2: tosatlsfy
the l hlciiKo Lumber Coiiipnriy tlm sum of
iilKhty-lhree and M-Hfl dollars ffK.'l.;ri), with
liitereHt thereon from the 7lh day of March,
A.D. IMH. until paid, and thlrty-thrcn and
IM-lliO dollars iftl.till) cosDt, wllh InU-rest
frrim thn llth- day of May, A. D. ISW2,
bTKether with accriiliiK coaut accnrdlntf
to a JiulKinent rendered by thn District rotirt 1
of said DoiiKlas county, at Its May term, ,
n, if. imi;, tn it ci-riitiii im:i.ioii i nun ami mere 1
lieridiriK. wiieruin i-reuericif KniK was
pliilutllT. ami Jacob 11. rfcltTnr and othcr-J
were ilefemlanta.
(iiiiiiliii, Nebraska. AukiisI. 3, 1803.
HherllT tif DoukIus Couniy, Nebraska,
IH-xter L, 'J'lioniiis, atUirney, 8-5-ft
Notice of Final Settlement.
B,r,it liv Niriiiii.ul i
DoukIus County, f
In the Couniy Court of DoukIus County,
Nebraska. July 2A, A. D. I hie
In tlm matter of the estate of Patrick
All persons InMrosted In said matter will
take mil Icel hat on Mm 2(11 h (lay of July, IW12,
the county court of DoiiKlas County. Neb-,
inado iho following order:
DoiiKlas County, f .
In the Couniy Court of DoukTm Corfnty,
Nebraska, July 2fi, A. 1), mn. I'rwmri, J. VV.
Kller. Couniy JiidKe.
In the mailer of the estate of Patrick
1 1 tiffin-, deceased:
I ism readbin and filliiK the M-tltlon of
Julia IIiii(Ii, showinic that she was duly
apiHiinieil and (ualltled as administratrix of
said estate, and that more than twelve
months have elapsed since her said appoint
ment, and pruylntt the court, for a final set
tlement of her account herein Hied and for a
dlscharKf, and pmyliiK that such otl,iind
runner order and proceed iiiks may,,
the nremises. asniHV be reoulred
stalules In such cases made and provhfi
Ordered, that Heptember 27, A. D. IS'.)2, at li
o'clock a. in., lie assigned for hearlnir snld m-
tltlon. when all persons Interested In said .
mailer may Appear at Ihe County court, to lx
held In and for said couniy, mm snow cause
why thn player of said petit loner should not
be Krnntedi and that notice nf the pftndeney
of said petition and the hearing thereof, Im
Klveii to the perwin above named and all
other is-rsons Interested In Mid mutter, by
publishing notlctt of this proceeding In Tnit
Amkhkmn, a m-wspapcr printed tn aald
county, four wei kjt nucressively previous to
the time apiioliitcd. '...
(HKAI..1 ' ' ' ('-oiliily Judge.
And you will further ta.e notice- that un
less you appear toronte.t the snld petition of
Julia Hughes at tho time, and place ap
pointed for that piirpon-. ihe court may, In
your absence, iipiirov.-raid report, and may
Kriiut the further pnivr of said petition.
Witness my hand anil ntlicial si nl tlils 'ililh
day of July. W. J. W. KI.LKll.
IHKAI..1 H-.V4 County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an ordei of sale Issued out, of
the District court fir Douglas comity,
Nebraska, and to me illi-eetcd. 1 will on tin
Hlh day of Hcptemb.-i, A. D. IW-', it W
i, cli.i'a. in. of said (l.iv, at the KAST front
disir of the county (jt'Ui t house. In the clly of,
Omaha. DoiikIiis county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction the property described in said
order of sale as follows, lo-wll:
Lot numbered re veil !l In block K. In
Lowe's llrst addition toOmiiha. as surveyed,
platted and recorded In DoukIus county. Ne
braska, to satisfy Central Loan and Trust
Company the sum of one hundred sixty-nine
and :t2-um dollars itfliW.Ifli judgment, with n
t cret (hereon at rale of ten ilm I r Cent, per
annum from theWli day of Ma v. V. D. lH'.tt.
until paid; to satisfy I'. M. Mullen the sum
of one hundred and forty and i'. l"l dollars
(fU'Uiiil lodgment, and twenty-six iil'l 2.'t-lUl
dollars (if 'II. ill costs, with interest on:.oth of
said amounts III rate of seven mt lint, per
annum from the 1Mb day of May. A II 1. isstj,
until paid, together with iiccruini costs,
according lo a Judgment rendered ly,1he
dlslrlcl court of said Douglas couniy. nfcitd
Mav term. A. D. Is-.c.-. lu a certain aclioi A n
11ml there pending. herein Central on:
ami 1 rusi t oiupnnv was im n. mm , -
.1. Hyers. Mary livers and others dcfeml1""
Oiiiaha. Nebraska. August 1st. Is'iJ. W
lliei'lll fIT I Hill Lr HIS 1 OUlll . . ... "l - 4.
1 Oeorge V. (iilmore. attorney. s-f -vge.
5 N
Y .1