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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1892)
( X H IE A M E I RIC AN. t, t1 fi.t KMU ifur.n t nt: hi: tiu::s. ANIM L ( tiffin mi r4 . . tftft .t,. .. t h I . V' -t ' S s,-4 Mil ' !! "I'.- ' S ifi; w ii,M4 It r.s k t ).,- ) lt.. ' (rtinf li' fc till fc a i -.. ' f 1 l.f , 1, , A l.t J ' ,..s.l..M- 1 If i !,.,, ' I.- V t II 4 4. ,) t ft Ni-w 1 rk . r .. iiii "! in' . r ini . 1 A f-t T -m m i V Mf "t H. . li I t lv ' ' (ft l'M I. f if i'it tii' 5 '! it i 'i ' 11 ,t.. Jkl, tl.t- tV(tl H ' f ( '"", Vt i-1 I , vl iir II 1. fcu 1,. I , "V,v in ii I ' M '' - "' .hii kntiV w'ft ' '"' An I li -ii m !' ". A MtWKUX SAM A III TAN. IUnlU ' rwft irlU I In hil hi fftlily imiWiir llh ln tlft,n n 'I,MI '"p "Vve of Ui '4. bur." huh ml knrtn htm ff Jr,'" ftlmo'l . il ft ) to ftis'onni tor Ul ftttiMnn n In linn' tnnnlftt tmirntwr fttul pisibft fely hoi'J It. Imliwul. Ihoro wPft prut of tlirt Iwyt who hlntiul Ihnt ftn nplnnftUoit from him wouUI ! tfrftt fvtlly rmwWeJ by hi curiosity. liot co tnlmii "tit Hti witultl moruly grin ft broml broml uritx, nl y nothtnri J11"1 btifora Thnnkiillvlntf h lt tl ftonnH out ThBt nltflit howor In thu IxW room, bfttold the otory t) n wloft u-dloiH-iv coumllnu ofttio boi utnl ihtt torlbo. ! 1 b'onklmlor holiHn' o(T. yo ne piuho ft folloi hivin't nn way ouri'ti 'bout nl 'U milk t'll ho jfiu tho pB.ll out t ra un.lor tho oowj but now. boln't l'fi ) K.. I miiy't woll toll ye, on'y I . (lout want th' boy t' kniiow. Yo foariwnt thin a-wnyi Mlout flvo your Wo baok In Mai no, I o'noludod t' l-oiiio out hyar un trrow up wl' th' kiitry a hull lot 'Twnn't 'cfttiio 1 wftuYnl i' ilar it, but, yo hoo, I (.orl o' hod (tub Ah yrft' obvorvui tho bun dry- 1 "1 bollav tho Kto Mr. SUto bo. trim hU brill limt ornr In unmi'Wuat the iamo way. Wo vow dltUottlty about ft bore. tooP'1 lleit'i liiujjh over, h proooodod, omowlittt blunhlnirlys No. "fwftn't that hnrdlj Hut wan't no oliiiiico thar lor a poor us. un' to I pulluil outf Yo oo. nu'n Moll llopkln h'-il bout maiUup nou mini t' git uplicod, un' oy'rythln' wb goin' on mouth mooth. w en In op ol' (ieoriro Ifopkin an' titko a lAn' hlmoir. Ol' Hop wat Illicit tornil of duck, an' put on htupi o' a i. cauMO ho w th' bt llxoa muu Intnown an hod bo tt lootimin an' noinbor of th' logUlator, w'ilo 1 wa cii y a carpontor un hndn t ary rod 1'h ol' eglot mltfht'voaaw haow thing wa goln' on 1 reckon he did but ho never lot on t'll ono night ho oorno homo f'm tnown an' lumrd ma n Molly till kin In Hi settln -room 'Then ho jo' wadod in linmh (oh! how ho did go for mo! Wont on t' give mo th' dovll for tny 'daclty in pei-Hoiim n t th ban' o' hia (ioorge llopkln'. darter. Th' Idoo! I want jo t' undonnian'. young man,' ay ho. t'n't L hov butler plan for hor th'n luliln' 'or iiuirry a jtonnllo cm-pen-ler!' 'N ho wont on an' tore aeon' for awhile thet stylo; but 1 atood my groun'. t'il lln'lly he ayi -Young inun. whon you o'n show a hanx 'count o' ton thouan' dollar ho your n. an' not h'foro ' Then ho grins a nun tot, vninaiu naow i vo huti a oonald'blo spoil 'fore I got it "Wa al mu'n Molly talked It over a lot, 'n finally conutudod th t I'd liav t' go u in morn elfto, of 1 over gut furo luiiiilnd. no. one day waay good-b. duown in tuo mo J lor lot an' 1 pulled out fer t'alifocny. "Senou tlion I'vo lion kniu'lcln' lound nil over th' koniry Irnn' ono thing 'n nuHior I'uriv lined luck. most o' th' tiin-i titw:6iit;' 'fora ( eoino hyar. J loomed a cbilm, men 'nothor follt r ovor In Coloralo an' worked It aoino. ft didn't pun out nmin, o wo hod f try somothiu' oUo, an' hyur 1 come, loavln1 J'oter t' koow up work on m claim' him bavin' a Job clu by. Wn-nl. th' ulhor day. J'olor ho aold aout tora4Soton com. p'ny (or twnly-llve lhaouan' an my bulfs what 1 went t' liruowuiVlllo for, TfiHl a at" Ud tllluil his plpa' said "(Jood ofgljl" and wont out whUtllnif 5-. liere wan t a man oi tho ranch ho didn't hate to sea lion iu ami who wasn't honestly triad at hi cood fortun lti the ml inthropio l'oey evinood not a little regret a ho i said good-by to him when th morn- I log after Thunknglvlng, (on mi on b bronco H ready to atari for ' Jorey, thorallroftt town to the ua.t o r u. It wa a hoauiiful morning aliuoHt i like spring, and Hon could n t have! wUhod for a boiler day to atari on. Tho lant good by aaid do straight. enoa up. sniiiou mo cool breea, lookod V see that wverything wa ftu right, and with an '-Adloa boya" was oil wavin(r hu hunt in acknowl. edgmont of tho, rouging chocr wa vhima h r.,..i...7 r." u i . .11 'I . ' " luo lP f ' the hill aero th crouk. iwnng homo. Homo! How .wool th word.oundod! Hvo yoaronly flye. but they aw mod tw,.e a aianv He wondered how he had ever :ffeV!S,1lV.0.t,hr,,,"7h lh0ln- The first" boon full of hone and 7 i?., k, it,t hlm.nt r ii . - ," nu nau no te. di.tnf Vk . Orao1 10 b0 i vtZ .. . K " oomo to con. t ori k. -j .1." . , . K' had , crtd,oh.rtib.rd.,i.,',;;r.., ft naa wia him to be brave and parent and all wouM h- .... v ,3 Illt-U fi and "pitch" ,n ala yte it had soured him a bit He -,.. i if I I tiit h.t I ! k tinm ! tin tt h ft f rtm H l III l Ni.l ft itii ...i.n f ! (Ml fti t.0l ' U k I ),. m in. ii i ' ,! ''' I Jpr.. i fx"" Hw i tnii'J dm! Ut l Vi' ? eiKiiml li .inii iu' tit jr ' ill ll.n tint i H ft- Hhifli !li. pU know an I !if I .- lh ol tlx iiimlntf l4Uir.t thn oi. b.nrt It. if V i tiiriinnl hi l. toftftril hi tilr, i liumr'tf ofiiy. , if. wmln' ftll rU'M ' 'noiiiih " "ni l H-n. b rtw rnw jthosnxinU 'V Kll 4 ! k,..iu hull lot Mttr Tokpy. t.l : 'cr lbliv ol' ctift' I n-kon o' IiihVo It " i tlnly iwolvo milo or o, and yot I Hon know llotl llioblUarl nilk'lit i ovnrtako lilm Imforo ho bad lrao. (our ll uirivI bit (Wd fHlor. knowlntr lhat tbo falllifut animal l ould n.lly mtnnd tho work How i-old It wat' llon' liatHHand too wor tlko lump of loo--wuro. tboy had hardly any foollntf lft In tlmm III par and cihook, on tho ldo expomd to tho toria woro Rottmil nlppod. WIL ho wouia oon uia tho tn?o roml and Hum If ha bad not miaoal.nilatod llioro would bo only II vo or iU mllon Iroat Soott!" For I'ofcoy had clvnn a uddon hlifh loap and stood HlilL pantitif. Al miMt undor hi foot lay anow covorod with a stranizo look aliout it lion loaned down from tho naddlo and turned it ovor. It watt a doad man. holding llifht in tho mill rlht hand, a whip nidi a ntHro drlvor uho Slaffo-drivor. dnader'n Tom JolTor on. Drunk, llkoly. an' foil olf; poor on!" 1UH thoro wa no tuna to atop and lnvontltfnte. In another ooond l'okoy wa turned to the loft and poundlnjr along up the stage road. A dark olijei't loomml up suddenly a thoy hot pant, and a uddon thrill ont the lugglah blood oourlng through lion' voln Ho haltod and turned l'okoy unwilling boad on the baok ooiirno. Suro enough. It wa tho ataga, but thoro were no horio aitacliod. Hen loll around and ranched the door-han- dlo. A cry a ontiu ory ora from wllhln, lion tied l'okoy firmly to a whuoL found the door again and colored. Thank lloa" A Hwim ft wolwxi)loe, a-H a .in.,. -i rut ii i ml tn uhv i its owner .i,....Vi tin In aueh a loi iTa nrodlca- Vft I U U I u w tnont Oh, sir have you come to take ut away? Tho driver foil orr, l tnina. and the lioro broke loone, ioraohow. "d wo'ro almost frozen." noil i'uiiki nuu uar uuw. -- young, good looking woman, and ha hold, tltrht olasnod to hop.bruaife a child about throe year old. Nmlhtte wa clad rorjiueh awful watinor. ft( rorJUielt awnjl wn-imur. i's hoiyt ton! still for a If nil wo nan '.ml child d hoi It wa almost Of It fl gbt ba day tymftt) reach f thorn. and'Hvon If linn hoiii t t.o id still fot' tt mo ment tnalnud doat ). oould could come ti; ilioiu tomorrow, they woutu navo iruwwi inimtiwtiae. on the Ollior natiu Can you rldn ni.iP" "Ye. Indeed. " S ' "IV'aL eoino, then, (jiilck!" In aitolher mlnuto Hide straddle so. Nm t.nt.t iki kld 'ij lot th' ho take 'I owo road i in. nnow. ' Hut what are you o-iliir tn n Hon was fastening the drlvor'i robe I w " W.. angonan' ""'i l,'"lu l" "in. 1,0 on. fukavl He was alone on the pralrlo In a doftortod Htaio coach w,th th8 ltorm howling about him and hi. thought! wow of other thing for a long tlmJ ""'ul romemiierod thai ttn money wa In bit addlo-bag. his ir ui. cnanco I purty ngaln my ever uoodtn' It" ha I,. MA I I - I. I . nigh m u t- "oi. in ni (Uiiint way. like I hod a tovo an' a hull Taln't lot o' l.koly, grim mio II save It fur anyhaow." mo. It wm two day. lator that tho tairo. coming down from e,,.y ,ov;r1 jwai two wook and more before ho , ....... ..,,,.. i ma ,1, whora , .w .,.. ovvvy pcunma attontlon ! . 7;"-, V bUmU marked. k"i I no anvo, an' ho-ln t lo ' no ban's nV f,o fin' Hut th,i uj. ..,. i .i ,. , . -thoy loft .J8r.0V lh0 vo d Hon's half-dead r-m .' i.....' t. , l i ii... . ' in ,. ir . ' I'iriy-tma with them "l ' I T mun"y ,oe ,n H'ldlo- -k UiW ooou taken to tho woman's room by the h.ilUP, and no one eU. had had pooion of them beside uiuuii u) mo landlord sur- ;:, r: . " '"m nor Ul with pne me had a f".enm.,ic whon she loft Hon- ; mnnn. I. ...I 1 .... , ...w..v,., ,,,i uol, mostly in bills of tuiiv uiHiiim niaiion. . tin ", tt ,,lfT uWr NP" and II k li no got bncKtotho "men ne atu in a shor, time, much to our urprise. 7 ..u . 08 . count " them """""'i sauuie-oags," sa d ha. .. vi my clo I'd ben all right "-lit. r - lha ravmnt. The small "j " "a' Uta,, lure, on the London pavement, have suddenly taken to cultivating a higher oi art. Jhev hav i..;.i opti i k.i " . ""nu'TO gOintr Intrt nnliil.,.1 , . . su vuoir pro esslon. anu are thing they never used to do at aiL ;k(--.V "' taricaiura. totni. I I I. 1 t.or i ' l.nma.U ,t trt ' n 1ft 4 l,.., U I I II (jx-alili't; .lS- th" 1. 1 if 11. llO.Irt " !.! tt in ' l " 'r ,( .if,, w a tt lik!' . ,,i t. n ) l b ti t li iwil ti' -rir ft fcnt-1 ! t--' l ll.a ,! .f !. H ft' II ,mil In I nd i'"" " -taint lb ilili.lw H Na t'l.tnne lr llifont, and la itiftf tn hr , di.r " ai.t Iho old mn-v gft u. to tin m WiB run. It tiooa lik ithl h I ' A or tn 1 brnA ft I d.m I know ft I N lira fthl.'il li HI br IU m.ldonlr. t ain't aiwa Im1 ttlMllt. " In anr to tho ntmo Mi'httattlo Piniirt lorwar.l ft big. Mrlpod. gray mid bla k t 1 horo'n n ort of g'oomoi In' In lha ( ir " iiiil tho old man Miioliby If !i nad ft fhaptor now It'd help ti ouU" Xiind llto flflooiilh ehapl- r of St. ,loSil"ald bla l(.v IVnr like hon ono'i In Irouhlo that botp out maHWrfully." So tho i'ld man road aloud In tho luil(v voire of a.'O that b'o i;d oantl do of tho chunh: Lot not your hnnrt botroublod " and whon ho bad flnlnhod reading ho pruy.'d a bit. tak ing In tho wholo unlvorto, and utill thoro wa what ho callod tho footing of gloomorin' " about. Suddenly hi wife gave a tart and a woak littlo ory. Mortal uli' alive! I know what it I now, Klkamih. Tho clock hog j utmiliod " ' i.iuid of tioahon' "J'alnt truo. Look for youraolf. 'J ho hand hov Btoppod plumb level at 12." It novor stopped afore, Nancy. H' truck fof llfo an' It's struck for death, but 'not to It rtko ut all no wondor wo felt Ioiiomuiuo." ''..; H' a Holetnn warulnV aald, his wife, Bhaklng her, , head . In a joys terlou way; "that clock novo stopped for nothln." ; ' Then tho two BimplO'tnlnded old soul looked at each other with an air of vague commlm-raton,' und shook thoir troublod head adly. ' J;;, Tho no t morning tho old covle tin.i hrnakfiut at the uual hwri-. horoloiry had nothing to d' wtb thcJ sunllko regularity of th'"'" ivo-and whon that wan over Klintt1 wo"t out to (Ind a man to d.' 0'k What alls It?" . clock . ill' ... 1 1 iiftr... .. . .1 .i .ui i..u .1.. monuer as no opun- mm p(3W An at the Boant ''hlnory; "SomilnT'il Wf l "lilt its In. nard'7uVU"'1 , 1 ''t hei1 ...,ll' ftiflrW. In i a ...11.. a golemn ttrtiiM-.., 1,1 wl' 'ho t . r nit CO' xeul atd the the diillcul y of the V i o' iou niiTTOUi man examining it H Kltld tho nlw.t,. forgot V) wind It " nm' Korgot to wind tl The two old p"op:0 looked other a If they wore dii-rd. who I i at each It really -uamud ungiutofiil of l'1'co to eo and .m, i... . m.'" " . I IJ .. liba ti... n ituia milli? Such a tlilnir nnn i afnrn ' .,,1 I V unpponod ...::'!".!',"f,...".'r .'..""" itm- M , ... V11,3 i:(;k: UggOHtod thll nt.l tt with a twinkle In his eye. 'm,.,r,.. , t lfjom It Is not generally known that Kd. f 0.000 for h nuin Ion ... ., .. , Clcru no wg employed by (he ompunj organLod to bore the S Z ZJrZ" - th i ' ii uiu.'limi.. "" , j conuii on ana pi,in and give aq opinion a to tho foist bll.ty and practicability of the work. Ho received tho fee named, otlj ex. wort IT VHrlU ''art of the world wore also co.multod. and thoro w, ooncentr.itod upon tl, pl iai amount of ovum i,,.i...i .? u . Bn hu i 7 ' , " "-'"uo such a "' uoou invoned for undertaking. any ono . I'ru.l-nl linn,, . J'atlent-1 don't suppose you par Icnlar whether I p ,y you now are or ...j in inn wnon you with mo? tfot through 1 'octor me now. -Jorhups you'd bettor pay I would bo nuito iniin ' J-ou .ay. to wait until I got through 'th you. but tho I. u :n.L0lLg. n,l,h k . . J"U1 "HI " w; "T8U- 'ou and I ....... v nuiuing at iranscrlpt aiL Boston I'or llxr Foil. Miss Omerod. an English yihg a hlffh anlnnllfl tation, bit tho tall of the tall of a i... otne year, ago to study 7h "A".8 the acrid socrotion th,,' ",1" w' ocrotton tho out wnon angry. She was selH ..k Uiveg -,...o.a. nuu LUJ VUlHlOnH Ihnt 1..-1 uuur ftiiu n inrA t L..k . i .unujr UII,V. !V..lir t.l. !,. r-ve MtO HaVO VOU vnn .. Labor Lou? " ove Ho Xo. but I'vn llo.t .k L .. foi.nn- ll "' """'gn H She (signllicantly, -Have you ever thought of trying it lh. Ix(hpX troit rroo lrea. " A U'linl lo iiiu in,,, It I. consldored unlucky by mHDV orweddin, guest teldrLJ" g een or black-a black crape bonne. or a black band on a gentleman, bat Ihese accidents enta l lUolong- mbery V) the newly marred couple. lt M N IN t Mf M IM hm an4lln M4 ! ri ll ftknlK lw ) Hi Imrtal lltl 4 t t, 1. tt ,1 nur ;'it r m n trJ Ll lHf i i f in.Ui ii ..ft .i r th t ti thr fif r' . tigitti4r With tb lr-fft tr, la tlu"e lj bil rrit' lliio ftn.l tKo 5. ' n ft mil o laadmntk i .. m Motio r and t hitdron " i si ,,t 1 fvr moii-r luokiit ro"i;H. t w otk S.m and no ilnil1 ' ! ' i mm ftftjr in nur lotnu , in ! tlnit tlii'ty tri ll ortftO and n'kwwut ono a month bad to bi one in tlio lntnU of pub. Limit lor all that ho wet or. wo h ii from the mint of ut liti h - and t'h lilri-ii w aiting our ri'l .Tii aiid tho rtmghtio iiid not roii i a lo the lu a U Many a tiuto I li iv a ftilnar who'd hoot you off-on tUe nLghort rot oration sit i o , an evriilug with tour ou his rliivVf n thought of home and bU llu ones 1 lip ligiieiit niau In the lot wa a e !M V exiled llully Urn. He l j go about oiiking uarrol. a lit , 1 i o four of any living man. 'lt fturuod him to leave White i ok or pay the inutility with , ut ho did not go. Dtliro the k: ,uminiUro slartod out to pin up and bang him. They ii He bud hi buck to a rtid a cun in each hand, and oil nem- Wo hated to admit o re. afraid of Uully lieu, but . a .,"!j that w wero and ho it Vo could hnvo downed nd tt)4 whole crowd made a . bt. when every one of us fittA t ,t it would cost four or the iori) was a luck of onthusiaHin ifl c btionft. o it : ititnea to wonder what ,44 U been If ho had aheart iir t in if there wus a better ! di Inilm tl.l.l.,H tna fT 1IU Sometimo I caught i!) 1 f klt;8toadlly Into tho camp ' 'A(Mt llame'i were weaving a k.Li.' ff'i' I'm. 'then the hard line ', iuld i-o. ten tho evU look of 1u eyes and llully Hen yipuaj to bo a stranger to our ,AnoJay he got caught in a .'ou8 claim and was terribly 'iredvf. ,W,n tai. wai PAnnptnil noi tP an rejoiced over tt. It as At fitlM ,ull throikvi iected that he would or a bit, but It was soon dlscoy that he was hurt Id- ternaliy ani was only a question of nurs whan end would unwritten fhtflTOJf uu1, j iu.,. 3r i. ..n rtj n l'v. rr. was uoxrttrtKa f i v v I I lMVI coma. UiUi. old to nurselflmns !,8t I C.r,J y., - the first he hud m? coin plaint to niako and no aueatlnu. t n unit ii ... i i9Zd0..P and ...... .. . uunni nii, ,. ,l, said o n,;: " wnenne iuly Last night I dreamed of Mary and the children. I glvw lhm i.".. " KUnH llm I. II . , . Nil I If coming e" 7 l" ntx kl-wd me b0: uitni. roor AInip M..u..ft loor Maryp0or child- re n! looked down ih.. .r: "lo ' and : ' ., u B "ungo that I could grown soft nu (fonna unci tho yo might have WiiflJLf I'll LO II. Uvtvm 'I-L something to touch the hoar in M voice a, ho turned hi ryi9 to the open do, r and conttnuo.l Yes, Mary and tho children. She was leading them and thoy had como to soo me d o. Do vou tt,it, Vi. wllb0,orolntiJ,.poyOU th,Dk thy I soothed him as best I know how and protiy ioon ha IISIOOM. lllll'lf nu. I, ...I i. .. l.f,., " : . ' "ur,"y come : r u" m,.,on her OU tr it u,l,.. li.. I... .. " Kori' J)U11y j,en from hi lethargy and faldi arnii,l mary and tho childr en are comlni? over me trail.' I must watch fn thorn a they Dm m.l .t. : v"". i"u "''I' ,u I, " lloori and the first to soo them!" let me be , 11 is coi into the doorway and propped hlra up that he mlhl facet in hill -lki.i,., "8 might I .,,,., 1 ll. A I - . ..... , uuuuneas or death hint n ... i i ' u"ain , i eyei but aft. era mini, o or two hi vision Memed o grow clearer and he potnted to The 111 tPti.a on. II.. .1 ... w 4 umiuu aui; a.iow moy would como! It ! lYTiimr aiwl .tin " ...... j -uU v,.o u.u.uron, and thoy will kiss mo boforo 1 die!" I looked up at the throe trees- time I believed Ihem to im k,... . .'iviinui- iviiu i iiii(ir.,n".i ing nauftlno. ih,fl . De" downinmn n. " V.V. ,w ,oolt v4, viiiuiJ, nnI I Mary- I h,i , ,:;:,lw"1 " h.. . iTL " . my ,no,'.(1 away. I I- 7." " ana w,10n 'ooked " " '"U HIS rft,o nirmn k- dead. I loft him lying ?n0r0 7 h" ..... m I I... . ., KMW ...uuu.ik.h ,or tno mon to look- ..nnn a they filed past Thv u,n,i " . the .mil0 ,'n hu fac' told them of Muru En,i ,i.. L . u "...micu at mom ot fllarv and tlm children and hi vision thev said "Then ho bad a heart after all, and v" we wm oury him grave under the fir trees." UU in i loei lh Ihior on Quapfe. The unspeakable Turk" hrn't as Jf hoathon as he has been palntod. I here aro strong gleam. ni common sense about him He ha orbidden the Importation of quack An A 4 t'ifn IhIa ft. I """" iuw um country. A Trick Worrh Knowing;. There is a fruit grower in Kentucky who noticed that in three out of five SS 'XTS' 'H. It lit . .. Ii 4 i"- '! Ih iifs g n,t th itMi.ini if It ..'!. I" Bi..4 intti A ( l ftlie ft I t frl at t.HrriiN(i nw wtuwnttiN I i (..,. kk. MOi4la M.Ii H W-r. im .Ut la M' H lM. ftni ft tenth' I ompftiiioa iinlrii"ttor I illl"g 11 f"ftl tui t i 1"P of U gi'nl ilata lit H lb 1.rnd nr at I'mifti I imtart.i !. I ft mi inn lift op bf Hi wl ! wir ( the t nl 'f t dam r -rftl farmert' il.'p bo iil wagon th oft nor of ..! ft . .' 4 t:..' ! !n 1h rtlliif and iitilittli tort of loading lkin wlthgM'at. floiin.ini imt Hurgoon, In iiilnute I wa down ftmong the nioit. watilitng lih lntoret thi novel mo lo of Imhlng. The raro or wrlr a lltrrally flllrd which In ftttompting to run up tho utroam to tpnwa found thenmrlx r tlopiwd by the dam. Krrry ..,.,...,.! f..i. .-i,.!. .,r .Himlnj in I from tho river. rrolng ii,.. ...i uuiMiii already .aninii'd Into the shal low piisiak'o until otiiii of thorn, wore actunlly forced clean out of tho walor. Kach of tho farmer wa arinod with a common ten foot rafting pole. In tho lower ond of which wore a spike and book. With these rude ira plcmoni they wore simply grappling lltu sturgeon, and hauling them to shore as ulckly as thoir strong arms could work. Tho Huh averagod from forty to oighty pound in weight, but now and then a monster of perhaps 100 or 110 pound wa hooked. Three times I saw one of theso big ellow drag hi would-be captor off tho bank, and pitch him headlong upon tho squirm ing shoal, to tho in nlto delight of his companion. Notwithstanding many laughable accident, the wagon, eight in all were fully loaded in the course of two hour, and a each coutalned at least a ton tho total catch for that bout must havo been some 16,000 pounds. Yet after tho men had driven away the waste woir Beemed as full a before! At that time the sturgeon was not the Important article of commerce which It ha since become. These farmer would salt down the best por tlon of the fish, or so much of It as they could uso, and feod the rest to their hog. Now. such a catoh as above described would net tho fisherman quite a respectable sum of money perhaps three conts a pound, or if 180 In all. . ..,f '. .'AND in f V.... .u.,i , . t.ft.i ' IIU..1, ...I " "'" o it j-ou boaded fort i.jj usnea our mother the Little O rl li v.. . . ""' '"nin, aiiag gone outforaride. Wo have a nan to do u ul'IVHiy, ' I "WllHt. rl.-. , ... . ' '" "lean oy fuying you want to Hpnalc to mo on buJi,.Ps wile want to borrow some money?" 'Lxctme me. but borrowing money is my business!" ' have been calling on fllms I'lankmirton nnlto fi.. haven yo? uBhe aIw b home?" Jle-"Thnf t,,. ,.. . i . 7 (H v "iiiu ire -pu wuiiiiering. s you don't believe In fh candidate buainras, eh?" "Me? Nn i am in for the geological candidate." And what aort of canill,l,,t i u., J ho one with rock, of course." "vuru isvva lowfic (..!-. f, . .... v' l Soottl i 111 won t do! There are thirteen of ..n own to dlnnerl" Living Melrton-Thlrteen nothing! There nro only twelve. You've miscounted the two-headed girl." 'Do you like living in the country?" I do; there la onlr m, ,i i. ... It ..i.i ,, . "'""ck io w .H, .iiut:i-ui ivnnr. I. .1.-, ii .. . . wiuif -JOU . '. uny good milk, butter, egg ;r:,:l,:with"-ni'nto ,,,, tiK'in, Purchaser "What" U n. i coal now?" Dcalcr-oKive dollar and a quarter a ton, "Weigh me out a ton. pleas,,." "Ahem, where the coal I, weighed In tho nresn,. ,.t i, chaser we charirn n ,l,.lt,., ... v "Kufii," said tho iriiMt.. "o wni..ll,.l I , " .. ' J"'u . . w..,ri-u waiter fell dead lnaAcw ork rit.i,, i... he had received a Uivi" .m....- . . right, uh," answered ltnf,i ..r M . . " .iiKiuu no moan n fo days a?o " iiti i... ........ 8 ' ' jvh khow mat alnci A I h. 1 - . flnminnfl .1 . k. J ... , , "V memory -:,'"'"r' "omcnsolv. For Instance. . ur H,ly I shan't remm Ilt Urhnt 1 i . . ior a week?" The father hl gone his only 8n In oh " i""" " ' "Are you the h,.a,l f . . ". 7". 'Te: . ... - wanau " ... ..o uriuf ftBKea Z P'8 entering CBLBU IMnmnn. I.T.T- m..i.., - air, - re- . 7 . man with great heir of flis uroatiltv: "I'm 2 nfcBt only the I'hyslclan "Here. take thiaj lf( good for your liver, Fogg "And U'lul. wnai ao I care f it l Uan't m liver given mo more trouble than .11 my other tormentors put together? ro, sir: give mo somt.hin tk.... j tor mo, no matter how hmA u t. liver!" lur mJ What has become of the big man who used to beat the ba,e drum?" asked thepriyate of the drum-major. He quit us about three month, ago Good drummer, too. wasn't h.? re, very good: hnt.h k k , ' , infti uo uiareneu ho drum In the middle." . mi.1 i ait j.llfti ut i' r t. .""vt ft tuna '4 4-1 i ,! w.ti.l 4 '' t-i tt it.: i ftft.l .! i ft I un in IH'M U f II t- f It I Hrl nil' ! -d br It t , ih wft Ll k ith mi U fno tK. t lt .: d ftr JOtl.Kftff r.i, df tint tb tjHtr lftii4 le te ft hi. dl tak g trim in! I pond ftUol an fl 4 er a Dial t m ha !( -I ft! vr th ai 1 I.k ft mal onr U Kl know (hta.f lo attribute the our ! wr.tfk'liag ' b hoi to a J growth ol lirfil.lily or lo lit Lhlch K printiniftbiy. tiit ftllint t huce t ft dog In Veakr, Udog tnfi to friioid of the writer, that U or yar old. U Um i.vr tark d nrver mov from a iitlng r liinx and for the Ul eighteen )vr It hw nton nothing. I' I a t' Iron dog. and ha jut had a new coat of paint I br I a rurious looking animal In South Africa that look for alt the world like a oioce of toast, with four leg a hrad and a tail. It reinol a nil. IV cal auoni me nuau anu car. but hi noo t dinlinetly that of a t at, while It tall h not ery dUalmllar to that of a fox. The st ange animal I called tho aardwolf. and doubllos dwells In South Africa bocaue. judg ed by his look, ho would not bo ad milted In good animal society any where else. It 1 said that a (iorman family liv ing out Went have In thoir possession a tamo fox with a beautiful bushy tail, with which the animal has been trained to dust the parlor furniture every morning. It would certainly be a groat saving of tlmo and strength of many overworked people if dogs with long tail and cat with soft, furry sides could be trained to do similar work. A treat many years ago, when our grandfathers wero very young, and boforo the Hood, there usod to be a Htrangu-looking animal called the tilyp todon. He was called a glyptodon because he had fluted teeth, and per haps because the people who named him hadn't heard of tarts. We should doubtless have called him a tartodon. because his back in the pictures we have of him, really resembles a tart more than any thing else, though It weighed more than most of tarts do before they are eaten. The glypto don also had four feet; and could al ways tell his hind legs from his front ones by the singular fact that his bind feet had five toes each, while the front feet had to get along on four. This animal does not exist at the presont time, and it is just as well that he doesn't, because ha could be very disagreeable If he want ed to, as you can vory well Imagine ir'-thingfmtffrthn f"ul uuue as larcra an ,.,n ,. Phant In hi. stocking 7oetf, 7 ' has SLAVERY EXISTS InVeRU. U.M. by Anll,r N,.ls, ' '((IJ. aif I'lirn anil HlmpU,, Slavery has no recognition ia Teru Wan law. but there are way of main- In h ?"d "'"a""'"'-' it not un worthy of some admiration for thoir cleverness. Take, for instance an es tablished chacra or hacienda-any hacienda According to law tho Indian is a roe man. Corialnlyl Also, ao. tio or Indian-may leave the phica whore ho has e,ihtrJ,.tnit a ' . pm.c.T hokas paid it, If his credit.,,,.. i. In..l.l. i .. v. vujuiu voinimrgo) him. ow It aipen mat the Indians nlui. k..n.. . " " " anu y n ma . 1 1 nvauijr in U0DI to thO owner ill rnn.M., ... wmjro mey Uva and a d owner, do choose to enjoin thZ TOooiu.108 Ilarpor1. Maga Ine, the Indian remains perpetually embargoed. When the young Indian has grown larco enomh f ,i . . . . WhnnnrnM - i ... - .... may be regarded a, a man', work a enter, service. He receive, the ha bltua recompense of nlno sole per month. Un this sum h ; l er Th i V. "ve. uiiuwr KHOW n tho Indian Knows It: Out what t I n U .1... . k .....u i .i. . . . -w uone . ln U10 ostnoiishod stipend tl,ro..ghout the length and breadth of the valley? The result i roceivlrig none of the commonost necessaries ot fo gratuitously he overdraw, f,.0,n thellrst. A strict account i. kept of all he obtain, from his master of food, clothing. Implement and knlck knack.i papers of injunction are duly served, and ho Is compelled to work tTod'obtdttyt dHylD ml8ftt0"n of Consider another phase of tho mat- :r. a ,an uoslros to oslublish a new hacienda ho can obtain ail the land he may need by simply ..da! nouncing" it in due legal form, occn pying and building a house on it' but ho cannot secure laborers by spread, ing the rumor of 1,1 wishes and.una monlng a crowd of nnti., . . m whloh to choose. Fop't'hl, hiTa; repair to some well-aUickod ha fia whoro there um Tn,ii,. . ,onaa the debt of suchashe sTecrt erZ transfering the ln,ii .,.u ... . the debt of . . k.'." ""l,:e- Pay tratisfering the Indian with hi, ,, , --V....U nuu i t, ODII- ga ion and it, attendant bond of se, v . tude from ono master to anothor. ,'ln I hurry !,.,. .u. It I. said that mlk- mnl,. ik wooa ,UBi aurauio fence post. Near Strode'. Mill. i Chester county lennsylvanla. there 1. a farm which was enclosed with mulberry P08t. ninety-flve years aga They are gUU in good condition and are now .up. porting thesixteonth sot of rails. How Moriim Trvil. The rate of progression of a storm L.fthen fi,,!y mkile8 Rn hour i 2 He. ha, often been traced in a direct line from north to .outh a distance . 400 Dtlea The average altitude . thunderatorma ho. i . . i 7. i i-' A